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125 lines (76 loc) · 5.28 KB

File metadata and controls

125 lines (76 loc) · 5.28 KB

DargStack Skeleton

DargStack template's directory and file tree documentation.

Project Structure

  1. Main Project
  2. Stack Project
    1. development/
      1. [resource-folders]
      2. secrets/
      3. stack.yml
    2. production/
      1. [resource-folders]
      2. production.sed
      3. production.yml
      4. stack.env.template
      5. stack.yml¹

¹ Generated automatically and ignored by the VCS.

Main Project

The main project folder must contain a Dockerfile in addition to the main service's source.

This Dockerfile should be structured so that the FROM instruction is tagged with AS development so that the DargStack script's build command builds the main project's development version (unless the -p, --production flag is passed).

Stack Project

The stack project is separated into the fundamental development configuration and the production derivation configuration. The full production configuration is created from the development and the production derivation configuration by the DargStack script.

Resource Folders

If a stack requires resources that match one of the following folder's descriptions, the should be placed in the corresponding folder. There is no need for all folders to exist.

Every service should have its resource placed in a subfolder of each resource folder. The subfolder's name should be name of the corresponding service as used in the stack.yml.

  1. backups/

    If the stack contains a service that backs up Docker volumes to the filesystem, the target directory should be this folder. Another backup step should be set up to move all backups to a secondary location.

  2. certificates/

    A DargStack will most likely serve web apps and thus should make use of encryption certificates for HTTPS/SSL. Those can easily be generated using FiloSottile/mkcert.

    Real certificates must be used for production. For example, Traefik can fetch those from Let's Encrypt automatically.

  3. configurations/

    This directory stores configuration files for your services. Configuration files, which include secrets, must be treated as secrets!

  4. data/

    This directory stores data for your services. An example are SQL files, containing database schemes, which are imported by your database on its first start.


The development directory contains the fundamental stack configuration. Similar to "mobile first", the DargStack template works "development first". The modifications needed for production are incremental to the configuration defined for development.


Confidential data, like usernames and passwords, needs to be accessible as Docker secrets to keep it out of the source code or environment configuration. Configuration files, which include secrets, must be treated as secrets too! The development configuration can use the contents of files as source for the secrets' values.

Secret files must not be used for production though. Use the docker secret create command instead. PowerShell on Windows may add a carriage return at the end of strings piped to the command. A workaround can be that you create secrets from temporary files that do not contain a trailing newline. hey can be written using:

"secret data" | Out-File secret_name -NoNewline

When done, shred those files!


This file defines the full stack, containing all services you deem necessary for development. Simply deploy the development stack using dargstack deploy! You can use the variable ${STACK_DOMAIN} within this file, which sets the TLD to localhost automatically.


This directory contains resources that are needed for production as well as files, which define incremental changes to the development configuration that shall result in the full production configuration.


Replacement patterns for sed can be used to tweak the production stack derivation's output. When specified in production.sed as one sed pattern per line, the helper script will apply them one by one.


This file is merged with the development stack configuration file by spruce. Setting the same field with a different value here will override the development value, which is in particular useful for specifying a version tag for services that previously had the :dev tag. For more advanced modifications, like list manipulation, refer to spruce's documentation.


The stack.env.template file defines environment variables that are used in the the production stack.yml. The DargStack script clones the stack.env.template to a sibling stack.env file into which the environment variables' values must be filled.