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File metadata and controls

436 lines (338 loc) · 18.2 KB
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Mike Gerdts <>

RFD 180 Linux Compute Node Containers

This RFD describes containers on Linux compute nodes. This is part of a larger effort described in RFD 177..

Problem statement

The Linux Compute Node project intends to introduce Linux containers on Linux Compute Nodes. The intent is for native Linux containers to fill the role traditionally filled by lx on SmartOS. Since the SmartOS lx brand was created to emulate a Linux kernel, lx images just work on Linux, except in those places where the image was customized to take advantage of SmartOS features. For example, most lx images will try to use the SmartOS zfs command as /native/usr/sbin/zfs, a path that does not exist on Linux.

Linux containers and zones share many concepts, but the implementation is quite different. While zones have a bespoke set of utilities for configuration and administration, no such thing exists for Linux containers. To the contrary, Linux containers lack a firm definition in practice or code and the various container management tools vary in which containment features they use.

A Linux container can be nebulously defined as a collection of name spaces and control groups that provide isolation and resource controls. Unlike zones, containers have no unique in-kernel ID. Taken together, this makes it rather easy to create a container that does a poor job of containing the things that run inside it. For example, some container managers do not virtualize the UID namespace. Without a distinguishing in-kernel container ID, this means that the root user in the container is the same as the root user outside of the container, which has been repeatedly leveraged in container escapes.

Since Linux containers are intended to be managed using Triton APIs, the focus of this effort is to provide the glue between the container features found in popular Linux distributions and the Triton APIs. Particular care must be taken to ensure that security best practices are used.


machinectl uses terminology that is generally consistent with that used in Triton. Terms that are important to this document are:

  • A virtual machine (VM) virtualizes hardware to run full operating system (OS) instances (including their kernels) in a virtualized environment on top of the host OS.
  • A container shares the hardware and OS kernel with the host OS, in order to run OS userspace instances on top the host OS.
  • Machine is a generic term to refer to a virtual machine or a container. Instance has sometimes been used in place of machine.
  • Image has multiple meanings, depending on the context. In Triton, an image is a machine image that may be cloned to create a machine. It is typically obtained through IMGAPI. machinectl expands on this definition by considering the on-disk bits used by a specific machine to be that machine's image. In contrast, Triton would normally consider a specific machine's image to be the storage that was cloned to build the virtual machine.

Linux CNs are intended to only support containers, but many of the management concepts apply equally well to containers and virtual machines. When no distinction is needed, machine will be used instead of container.


The implementation aims to be as distribution agnostic as possible to allow flexibility in choosing to run on a different distributions, as the market dictates. Partially for this reason, the implementation will be leverage systemd-nspawn for most aspects of container management. Notable exceptions include:

As much as possible, native tools will be usable to observe and control machines.

To allow for evolution of the platform, configuration will be maintained in a Triton-centric form and transformed into the form appropriate for the platform image at CN boot time and as machines are added/removed/changed through the course of normal operation.

Storage layout

The following files and directories are required for a machine.

  • /<pool>/<uuid>: the mountpoint of the machine's dataset, <pool>/<uuid>.
    • /root: a subdirectory containing the container's root file system.
    • /config: a subdirectory containing instance metadata, typically as json files.
  • /run/systemd/nspawn/<uuid>.nspawn: The machine's systemd.nspawn(5) configuration file.
  • /var/lib/machines/<uuid>: a symbolic link to /<pool>/<uuid>/root that exists for compatibility with machinectl and systemd-nspawn@.service.

To support persistence of image and machine configuration across reboots, /var/triton, will contain the following:

  • /var/triton/ mounted from <systempool>/system/var/triton
    • imgadm/ - the same as /var/imgadm on SmartOS. A compatibility symbolic link will exist in the PI.
      • imgadm.conf
      • images/
        • <uuid>.json - Image manifest for a particular image
        • ...
    • vmadm/ - similar structure to imgadm/, analogous to /etc/zones on SmartOS.
      • vmadm.conf - any required configuration. Perhaps only includes a configuration version initially.
      • machines/
        • <uuid>.json - Payload for a particular machine. The content that is authoritatively stored in /<pool>/<uuid>/config/*.json is not included in this file.
        • ...

nspawn configuration

The systemd-nspawn configuration is stored as/run/systemd/nspawn/<uuid>.nspawn. There are alternative locations for this configuration file and alternative means for configuring per-instance nspawn parameters. This location was chosen for the following reasons:

  • If the configuration is at /var/lib/machines/<uuid>.nspawn, the systemd-nspawn@service start command would need to be customized to trust configuration. If Linux CNs were to eventually support virtual machines, this file would need to be in a different location (next to the disk image).
  • /run/systemd/nspawn/<uuid>.nspawn is unsuitable because it would not persist across reboots.
  • A per-machine systemd unit file, stored at /run/systemd/system/systemd-nspawn@<uuid>.service could be created with all the required command line options. To get systemd to recognize this file, systemdctl daemon-reload would need to be invoked. This seems like a heavy-weight operation.

The typical /run/systemd/nspawn/<uuid>.nspawn file will look like:



Resource controls can be managed via dbus, allowing for live updates. For example:

newval=$(( 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ))

# Set to false to update
# /etc/systemd/system.control/systemd-nspawn@$uuid.service.d/50-$prop.conf

busctl call org.freedesktop.systemd1 \
    /org/freedesktop/systemd1/unit/systemd_2dnspawn_$uuid_mangled \
    org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit \
    SetProperties 'ba(sv)' $runtime_only 1 $prop t $newval

There are a couple of node module that provide an easy way to interact with dbus programmatically:

  • dbus-next is a pure JavaScript implementation that is actively maintained. It is the successor to dbus-native, which is deprecated.
  • node-dbus is a mixture of C++ and JavaScript. It seems to be less active both in maintenance and popularity on npm.

Prototyping will start with dbus-next.

Implementation Strategy


The linux implementation of node-vmadm will have at least the following machine states:

  • configured: The machine payload, /var/triton/vmadm/machines/<uuid>.json, exists and the machine's dataset exists.
  • installed: The machine payload has been transformed into native configuration.
  • running: The init process in the container is running.

The state transitions happen via configure, unconfigure, install, uninstall, start, and stop primitive functions, some of which are not exported.

                       |  no state  |
                            |  ^
                configure() |  | unconfigure()
                            V  |
                       | configured |
                            |  ^
                  install() |  | uninstall()
                            V  |
                       | installed  |
                            |  ^
                    start() |  | stop()
                            V  |
                       |  running   |

Higher level functions are composed of primitive functions. For example:

  • create() invokes configure() and install().
  • delete() may invoke stop(), uninstall(), and unconfigure().
  • reboot() invokes stop() and start().

Unlike with SmartOS, vmadm.install() will be called on each boot by a systemd generator. Its job is to ensure that the Triton configuration has been transformed into Linux native configuration.

node-vmadm will gain a vmadm command that mimics the command of the same name found on SmartOS.

VMAPI mapping

With a few exceptions, the VMAPI properties will be stored in /var/triton/vmadm/machines/<uuid>.json. The exceptions are:

  • customer_metadata is stored in /<pool>/<uuid>/config/metadata.json in the customer_metadata key.
  • internal_metadata is stored in /<pool>/<uuid>/config/metadata.json in the internal_metadata key.
  • last_modified is derived from the timestamp of the last modification. If there is no in-memory state that tracks this, then it will be the modification time of the newest of /var/triton/vmadm/machines/<uuid>.json and /<pool>/<uuid>/config/*.json.
  • platform_buildstamp comes from TRITON_RELEASE in /etc/os-release.
  • routes is stored in /<pool>/<uuid>/config/routes.json.
  • server_uuid comes from DMI (e.g. /usr/sbin/dmidecode -s system-uuid).
  • snapshots comes from listing snapshots on the appropriate dataset(s).
  • state is derived from the state of systemd-nspawn@<uuid>.service or on-disk state if there is no such service.
  • tags is stored in /<pool>/<uuid>/config/tags.json.
  • zfs_filesystem is dynamically generated as <zpool>/<uuid>.
  • zone_state does not exist.
  • zonepath is /<zfs_filesystem>.

Various VMAPI properties map to run time state, as described below:

Property Maps To
cpu_cap dbus org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit CPUQuota
cpu_shares dbus org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit CPUWeight
hostname nspawn: Exec.Hostname
init_name nsapwn: Exec.Parameters
max_locked_memory Not supported
max_lwps dbus org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit TasksMax
max_physical_memory dbus org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit MemoryHigh
max_swap dbus org.freedesktop.systemd1.Unit MemomorySwapMax, but keep in mind that this is swap space usage, not memory reservation
nics nspawn: Network.MACVLAN, plus scripting?
pid TBD
quota zfs property, same as SmartOS
ram TBD: how is this different from max_physical_memory?
snapshots Not implemented initially
state dbus org/freedesktop/machine1/machine/<uuid> org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties State
zfs_data_compression zfs property, same as SmartOS

XXX Networking configuration is rather uncertain at this point. There are some options:

  • Require cloud-init in each image
  • Add another container that configures networking using tools that are under host control. After that container comes up, start the desired container with JoinsNamespaceOf so that it has the network namespace configured via the controlled environment.
  • Use ExecStartPost to run ip netns exec commands to configure the network. This seems likely to race with things that are starting in the container, so it may require a customized init that waits for network configuration to be complete.

CN Agent

CN Agent has backends for SmartOS and dummy (mockcloud). The backends make use of imgadm, node-vmadm, and other modules. This document is primarily concerned with node-vmadm.

node-vmadm also has per-platform backends. A backend will be added that implements the API by interacting with dbus as much as possible. There are parts of create, delete, and update that will require manipulation of datasets and files.

create(opts, callback)

The create function will:

  • Create /var/triton/vmadm/machines/<uuid> link.
  • Clone the image
  • Populate /<pool>/<uuid>/config/*.json
  • Set resource controls using dbus.
  • Create /run/systemd/nspawn/<uuid>.nspawn, as described above.

The order should be arranged such that if a create operation is interrupted it is possible to determine that the creation was not complete and to identify all of the components that are related to the instance. The existence of the /usr/lib/machines/<uuid> link indicates the machine creation has begun. The existence of /run/systemd/nspawn/<uuid>.nspawn indicates that the creation has completed.

delete(opts, callback)

The delete function will undo the operations performed by create(), in the reverse order from create.

kill(opts, callback)

The kill function will send the specified signal to the init process.

reboot(opts, callback)

The reboot function will reboot the instance, similar to machinectl reboot.

reprovision(opts, callback)

Not implemented initially.

start(opts, callback)

The start function will start systemd-nspawn@<uuid>.service.

XXX It remains to be determined if that is sufficient: there may be additional networking setup or other actions required.

XXX How does this related to machinectl enable?

stop(opts, callback)

The stop function will perform the equivalent of machinectl stop (without force) or machinectl terminate (with force).

XXX How does this related to machinectl disable?

sysrq(opts, callback)

The sysrq function will be a no-op.

update(opts, callback)

The update function will be make the modifications to the machine in a manner using the same mechanisms used during create and perhaps delete.

load(opts, callback)

The load function will load the machine's properties from the authoritative sources described above in VMAPI mapping.

lookup(search, opts, callback)

The lookup function will perform a load on every VM, removing those that do not match the filter specified by search. If opts.fields is specified, fields not listed are elided.

create_snapshot(opts, callback)

Not implemented initially.

delete_snapshot(opts, callback)

Not implemented initially.

rollback_snapshot(opts, callback)

Not implemented initially.

rollback_snapshot(opts, callback)

Not implemented initially.

event(opts, handler, callback)

Not implemented initially.

It is anticipated that this will be built on watching for relevant dbus events.

VM Agent

The responsibilities and theory of operation of VM agent are described in vm-agent.js. On the Linux port will follow the same general operation, but the implementation will leverage dbus and inotify to get updates about machine and file system state changes. It is likely that node-vmadm will be useful.