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Orlando Vazquez <>

RFD 61 CNAPI High Availability


The Triton Compute Node API (or CNAPI) is an important piece of the Triton Datacenter management stack. CNAPI is responsible for:

  • Maintaining an up to date picture of compute nodes running in a datacenter
  • Detailing compute node properties such as running status, hardware dimensions, boot parameters, etc.
  • Serializing and controling access to compute node resources.
  • Preparing and handling actions to be performed on compute nodes or their containers.

If the CNAPI service is interrupted, because of scheduled maintenance or headnode failure, there is a signficant negative impact on the datacenter. Should the situation arise where a CNAPI instance becomes unavailable, it is desireable to have service requests flow to sibling instances to pick up the slack. The main objective is to minimize disruption to services which depend on CNAPI.

For the purposes of this document we will define "CNAPI high availability" as meaning at any given time, there is always at least one CNAPI instance up and able to fulfill requests. While distribution of the workload amongst redundant instances for performance reasons is a potential side-benefit, running multiple instances of CNAPI is a primarily a step to mitigating the risk should one of those instances experience problems as a result of software, hardware or network faults.

This RFD

The ultimate goal of this document is to:

  • Describe an architure which does not regress existing functionality but does reduce impact on the datacenter when one or more instances are unavailable.
  • Outline changes required to allow CNAPI to co-exist with multiple instances of itself.


CNAPI is comprised of a number of sub-systems, so it is worthwhile to look at each in turn. We shall examine how each one works and what changes, if any, are required to in order to allow them to correctly operate multiple CNAPI instances. As currently designed, some CNAPI subsystems are more able to deal other CNAPI instances running alongside without unwanted or undefined behavior, such as unintentional overwriting of data) of itself running in parallel than others.

In general, the guiding principle should be to allow any CNAPI instance to provide correct and up to date information and successfully fulfill any request, regardless of which other CNAPI instance may have initiated or performed the work.

Much of CNAPI can be broken down into rough subsystems responsible for certain functionality. These are described below.

Restify HTTP Server

The primary method of interacting with CNAPI and its various subsystems is CNAPI's use of restify which presents an HTTP server interface.


When a compute node (or headnode) boots up it starts the Ur agent service. Ur exists primarily to bootstrap the compute node setup process and facilitate debugging and troubleshooting. Ur is a part of the "platform" and so is always present on a compute node, even if the compute node is unsetup. On start-up it connects to the datacenter rabbitmq AMQP server (on which CNAPI listens) and broadcasts a message to the routing key 'ur.startup.#'. Unsetup compute nodes periodically emit messages to 'ur.sysinfo' to notify any listening CNAPI instances that the compute node exists. Both of these types of messages contain the compute node's current 'sysinfo' payload at the time the message was sent.

When CNAPI starts it also broadcasts to all listening Ur agents a request for their sysinfo payloads. It connects to the 'ur.cnapi' queue. It then binds to this queue the routing keys, 'ur.startup.#' and 'ur.sysinfo.#'.

When multiple CNAPI consumers are connected to a single queue, the expected behaviour is round-robin distribution of messages amongst connected consumer CNAPI instancess. That is, given the case of two compute nodes emitting sysinfo, and two CNAPIs present, the expected idea is that each CNAPI would receive a message from one compute node.

If one CNAPI instance receives a startup or sysinfo message it is its responsibility take any necessary action on it.

These actions include:

  • updating sysinfo value in moray for that compute node
  • starting a server-sysinfo workflow for that server
  • update running status, in the case of unsetup servers

HA Status

This aspect of CNAPI should be HA-ready.


One of the facilities CNAPI provides is the ability of creating waitlist tickets. These objects enable clients to wait on a queue for sequential access to a resource. Typically this is used as a means to safe-guard against two actions which when performed simultaneously could have adverse or undefined behaviour. Classic examples include a quick succession of a mix of create, start, stop, reboot, and destroy requests for containers. CNAPI allows one to create waitlist tickets around a particular (resource type, resource id, server uuid) combination. These are usually created by workflow jobs.

HA Status

This aspect of CNAPI should be HA-ready.


One type of global-zone agent is the compute node agent, or cn-agent. It allows CNAPI to execute actions on the compute node as well as receive periodic data from it. It's role as it relates to CNAPI, as well as strategies to allow multiple CNAPI to service its requests, will be described in greater detail in the following sections.

cn-agent on start-up does a DNS request for the CNAPI IP address. Every 5 seconds, cn-agent POSTs a message to the CNAPI at that IP address to let it know the server is still present. CNAPI uses this information to determine wether a compute node's status is 'running' or 'unknown'.

cn-agent tasks

One method CNAPI use to execute code on a compute node is via cn-agent tasks. cn-agent task requests are simply HTTP POSTs sent to the cn-agent HTTP server. These requests contain the name of a task to be run (i.e. machine_destroy) along with a JSON payload.

When CNAPI makes one of these requests, the POST will block until successful execution of the task. Upstream clients can then call a "TaskWait" endpoint which will return when this task has completed, either successfully or with an error. Internally what CNAPI is doing here is polling the moray bucket where the task results are stored and checking for evidence of a sucessful completion.

HA Status


Problem #1

Presently, CNAPI is unlikely to change IP addresses, even due to upgrades, etc. In a deployment where there may be two CNAPI instances, and if one CNAPI instance is created and another destroyed, the CNAPI instance at the IP-address we may have on-hand could be unvavailable.

Proposed solution

If cn-agent is ever unable to contact CNAPI it should force a new look-up of CNAPI's IP address and re-attempt the operation.

Problem #2

CNAPI provides a "wait" endpoint that allows a client to wait on a pending task to complete. It accomplishes this by keeping track of pending cn-agent tasks in memory, and allowing clients to block on the task termination, via CNAPI.

While this method works when there is a single CNAPI instance which is responsible for handling all cn-agent requests, it doesn't scale beyond one instance of CNAPI.

Proposed Solution #1

When CNAPI gets a task wait request, it simply polls moray periodically for the task and returns when the task's status is either 'finished' or 'failure'.

This solution is not great since it necessarily involves not only limited granularity in wait times, but also imposes additional work on the system every time a check is performed.

Proposed Solution #2

CNAPI keeps track of other CNAPI instances and POSTs HTTP messages whenever events of interest need to be propagated.

Proposed Solution #3

CNAPI maintains its own helper service which will allow propagation of data and events in a reliable way. Consul, Zookeeper, Redis are all things which we could look at here.

Alternative/Future Solutions

Waitlist logic was added to CNAPI since initially it was thought that it would be more closely tied to servers. And despite that a number of the operations the waitlist is used for are for server tasks, it has since be found to be generally useful for coordinating and serializing certain operations within a datacenter. One such instance is serializing access to DAPI, to prevent situations such as DAPI returning allocations for multiple VMs onto the same server.

One possible solution would be to extract the waitlist and task tracking functionality from CNAPI and make it its own API (coordiantion API or coapi). Were it the case that the waitlist and cn-agent task logic was removed from CNAPI and placed in another API, it would greatly simplify CNAPI.

CNAPI would become a simple reader/writer to moray, instead of it playing host to complex locking code.

cn-agent Heartbeats/VM Status Updates

A compute node's status property indicates whether we have heard from the compute node within a certain amount of time. When cn-agent starts, it looks up CNAPI's IP address and begins to periodically post to a URL there.

This CNAPI endpoint is the first step in computing compute node 'status'.

HA Status


Proposed Solution

See section below, titled 'Server Status'.

Server Status

CNAPI's existing server status management mechanism relies on writing to moray each time a heartbeat is received. For large numbers of compute nodes, each heartbeating every 5 seconds, the impact this has on the moray service becomes prohibitive.

It would be ideal to only have to write to moray any time there is a signficant change in server's status (ie it comes up or goes down).

In addition to the performance cost of this architecture, because of the periodic nature of updates, an update of the "status" property of a server could happen as much as 5 seconds after the fact, which is less than ideal. Ideally the moment a server went offline, its status would reflect that fact.

Any new logic should not signficantly regress existing CNAPI behaviour.

Tentative Plan

Have cn-agent maintain persistent connections to CNAPI and have CNAPI use these to determine server status. Using these persistent connections each CNAPI instance will maintain a roster of servers connected to it via their cn-agent. CNAPI will only write to moray if/when there is a status change (the mechanics of which will be described below). Each CNAPI will be considered a roster authority for a number of servers, maintain a list of cn-agent server uuids connected it.

POV of cn-agent

At startup, or any time a connection CNAPI is lost and must be reconnected, cn-agent should resolve cnapi.<datacenter_name>.<dns_domain> where the values within angled brackets correspond to the datacenter configuration values. Following this, a websocket connection is negotiated between CNAPI and cn-agent and held open for as long as cn-agent is up and running.

While this connection is open, it is cn-agent's responsibility to emit periodic heartbeat messages through this channel (with an period of 1 second). This will allow CNAPI to detect if the connection to cn-agent is silently severed.

Questions: How frequently should cn-agent send these messages? 1 second?


On start-up:

CNAPI should ensure it has a moray bucket (cnapi_roster_authority) with the following schema/indexes:

String cnapi_uuid
string server_uuid (unique)

On receiving a new connection:

  • write a record with CNAPI uuid and the uuid of cn-agent server
  • CNAPI's restify endpoint accepts a connection from a cn-agent residing on compute node with identified by server_uuid

On connection opened:

  • update server status => 'running'

On connection loss:

  • check if cnapi_instance_agent bucket still lists us as the CNAPI acting on behalf of this compute node. If so:
    • update server status => 'unknown' else:
    • do nothing


  • check all tracked connections have sent a byte in the last 2 seconds. This is to guard against a server silently disconnecting without us noticing.

If no message in last 2 seconds:

  • update server status => 'unknown'

Backwards Compatability

For a period of time it may be the case that we have a CNAPI running the code described in this RFD, but receiving heartbeats from older versions of cn-agent (using the previous heartbeat scheme where it periodically POSTs requests to a CNAPI endpoint). Likewise it may also be the case that we have newer cn-agents running which are trying to talk to older versions of CNAPI not yet running the scheme described here. In both these cases it is important that the system continue to work, regardless of whether the software is at the most recent version (or not.)