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File metadata and controls

921 lines (712 loc) · 38.2 KB
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Dave Eddy <>, Josh Wilsdon <>

RFD 39 VM Attribute Cache (vminfod)


The "VM" abstraction

SmartOS is a hypervisor that can manage many different types of VMs. A VM, in the SmartOS world, is an abstraction that contains at least:

  • An Illumos zone (xml file + index entry + kernel state)
  • One (or more) ZFS datasets
  • A set of resource controls

But in SDC also always contains:

  • Networking (etherstub, vnic, etc.)
  • Tags and Metadata

There are different flavors of these zones including:

  • SmartOS (joyent and joyent-minimal brand)
  • LX (lx brand)
  • KVM (kvm brand which utilizes Qemu and HVM)
  • BHYVE (bhyve brand which uses HVM via bhyve)
  • docker (can be either LX or SmartOS but contain some additional properties)

All of these are for the purposes of this discussion "VMs".

In SmartOS a VM is usually represented by a "VM Object" which is a JSON formatted object that represent the given VM. Modifications to VMs are done through partial VM Objects (representing just the properties to be changed).

A bit of background

In SDC 6.5 and earlier we had an API named MAPI which was the primary API interface to the SDC DC. It had endpoints for /vms which allowed you to load information about VMs and perform actions (shutdown, startup, etc.) on these VMs.

When you loaded the list of VMs from MAPI or when you went to perform an action and MAPI needed to first check whether a VM existed or not, MAPI would check its own SQL database. It would not actually check the CNs. The agents (specifically heartbeater) were responsible for keeping the information in MAPI up-to-date. Unfortunately this often failed and MAPI's view of the world would regularly diverge from the actual system.

Sometimes VMs would exist in MAPI that had been destroyed manually by an operator on the CN. Sometimes VMs would exist on a CN that MAPI had somehow either lost track of or never known about. Since MAPI thought it was the one with the correct view of the system, this split-brain caused a large number of problems which lead to some of the design decisions that were made with SDC7. One of these in particular was the change to having the ultimate source of truth be the reality that exists on a CN.

With SDC7 the VM functionality was moved to VMAPI which treats the data on the CNs as the ultimate source of truth and its own data about VMs as merely a cache. When state is changed on a CN through the APIs, the final state of the VM is reported back to VMAPI through the agents to the job and written to VMAPI's Moray bucket. The vm-agent that runs on each CN is responsible for keeping VMAPI up-to-date in the face of manual actions on the CN which would otherwise be outside the view of the APIs.

Along with the changes to the APIs to manage VMs through VMAPI and have the ultimate source of truth be the CN, new tools were developed to manage those VMs on the CNs directly. The primary one that's relevant here is vmadm.

The problem

When SDC APIs are used, all changes made to VMs will go through vmadm. If changes were only allowed through vmadm, vmadm itself could store a consistent view of a VM and update that view whenever it made changes. This is not possible however, because SDC does not prevent operators from logging into CNs and making arbitrary changes with tools other than vmadm.

Since a VM object is made up of many components and each of these components can be modified by an operator without any notification and possibly even putting the VM in an invalid state, vmadm must load all of the data about a VM every time it wants to use it.

When an operator runs vmadm list for instance, the code in /usr/vm (mostly in this case /usr/vm/node_modules/vmload) will reach out to various parts of the system to create a list of all VMs on the system, typically through forking userland tools such as zfs(1M), zoneadm(1M), reading files from /etc/zones and /zones/$uuid/config, and reading from kstats.

This process can be slow.

Every time a VM's attributes are queried, through vmadm list, vmadm lookup or vmadm get, all the required data to is queried directly from its source (e.g. dataset data comes from ZFS and zone config comes from the /etc/zones files). Loading this data can take in the range of hundreds of milliseconds, to multiple minutes on systems with high load or many VMs or many zfs snapshots. Because the rest of SDC relies on vmadm as the ultimate source of truth (which in turn relies on the OS itself) any slowdown here is seen all over the system, manifesting in long provision times, long VM modification or deletion times, and generally poor user experience.

If we didn't load this data each time however, an operator could change the quota for a VM using /usr/sbin/zfs and vmadm would be operating with an incorrect quota until it did load this data from zfs. And since there's no current mechanism to notify vmadm that something has changed, there's not much it can do other than assume its environment is entirely hostile and load all the data it needs from the ultimate source each time. This is true for all components of a VM object, not just zfs datasets.

vminfod will speed this process up immensely by creating a separate process that will run responsible for querying this data whenever it changes, and caching it for callers to be able to get the information almost immediately when they request it.

vminfod - What it is

vminfod is two things. First, it is a daemon that provides read-only access to this VM abstraction on a given system. Second, it is a cache for this information, only reaching out to the system when modifications are made - so it is very fast. vminfod makes this information available over an HTTP interface to the global zone on port 9090 of

In the new world, any read-only actions with vmadm such as vmadm list, vmadm lookup, vmadm get will be thin wrappers around HTTP requests to the vminfod daemon. Read-write actions such as vmadm create, vmadm reboot, vmadm update, etc. by contrast, will still behave in their normal way by reaching out to the system directly to make the changes requested (e.g. vmadm update <vm_uuid> quota=10 does some checks and calls zfs set quota=10g on the zoneroot dataset). In addition to making the change however, these read-write actions will now "block" on vminfod, and wait for the changes to be reflected before returning to the caller. See the Guarantees/ "Read-after-write consistency" section below for more details.

On top of this static interface for looking up VM information in vminfod, there is a second streaming interface that can be used, that will emit an event anytime an update is done on the system (whether the source of the change was vmadm or not). To be specific, there is an /events endpoint that will remain open when connected to, and send newline-separated JSON whenever a change to the system is made - for example when a VM is created or deleted, or a property of an existing VM is modified.


Originally conceived soon after vmadm was created, work was finally started on this project in 2014 by Josh Wilsdon. Unfortunately due to unrelated issues the project stalled but was picked up again from outside Joyent by Tyler Flint who moved the project far enough ahead that it worked for his requirements and made a significant improvement to his systems' performance. There was still work required to make it a general-purpose SmartOS feature that would work for all SmartOS users and for all the use-cases of SDC. Most recently, Dave Eddy has been the primary engineer at Joyent working to try complete the remaining work required to get this into SmartOS master.

The main project ticket is here

Project design goals

Event driven

Wherever possible vminfod should update VM state based on the receipt of events. The goal being to try to update the VM object cache as soon after events occur as possible. The primary types of events that will be watched are:

  • sysevents - sysevent(1M) is used to see relevant ZFS and Zone events
  • file changes - fswatcher.c (in this project) is used to watch files associated with any given VM for modifications

The fswatcher tool uses event ports to watch all files associated with VMs and directories where additional files could be created so that any files that might change in relation to a VM will result in an event. Files at this point include:


  1. /tmp/.sysinfo.json

Per VM

  1. /etc/zones/<uuid>.xml
  2. /zones/<uuid>/lastexited
  3. /zones/<uuid>/config/tags.json
  4. /zones/<uuid>/config/routes.json
  5. /zones/<uuid>/config/metadata.json

If a file changes (including creation or deletion), the in-memory VM object will be updated for the appropriate VM(s).

The sysevent tool receives sysevent messages from the kernel. When a zone changes state an event is emitted with the old and new state. When a zfs filesystem is created or modified (anything that will result in a zpool history change) a zfs event should be emitted. Unfortunately however, sysevents are not reliable from a consumer's perspective. This is because there's a fixed-size queue for events in the kernel and once that's full messages will be dropped at the source. This means as a consumer, even if you're reading events as fast as you receive them, you cannot know whether you have received all events.

In order to work around the fact that events may be lost without notification, vminfod must periodically scan for changes in these watched components. When unexpected modifications are detected, the VM objects can be updated accordingly. We can also log this situation in order to alert the operator that events are being lost which generally means some other tool is having a problem.

If there is an read-write action (e.g. a VM stop) waiting on the cache being updated and an event is lost, this will mean the action will take longer than usual (because of the polling interval) but it still can complete and correctness is maintained.


When vminfod is working, you shouldn't even know it is there. Any tools or code that uses VM.js or vmadm should benefit from the use of vminfod without having to consider it.

It is a bug with vminfod if any existing tools break because of vminfod, or if any new code is written with considerations specifically for vminfod except where this new code is taking advantage of vminfod-specific features such as the event notifications or using vminfod to load VM objects without calling vmadm get.



When the vminfod daemon is disabled, the system should be able to continue to perform all actions with information looked up directly from the system. I.e. vmadm must be able to fall back to loading the data directly. This way if there are critical bugs found in vminfod, it can be disabled until such time as these bugs are fixed. Once confidence in vminfod has been achieved we can consider phasing this requirement out in order to simplify the implementation.

Update: This constraint was dropped due to how deeply into the implementation of the system vminfod has become as its been developed - once vminfod is enabled a node it can not be disabled without rebooting a new platform, or LOFS mounting a lot of files and restarting a lot of services.

However, there is no "upgrade" required for vminfod to work. Meaning, if a vminfod platform is rolled out to a node, and then sometime later rolled back, the node will work the same before vminfod was introduced and after it was removed.

Read-after-write consistency

Any change made successfully through vmadm should be visible immediately after success by any client using vmadm to lookup that VM.

As an example, if an operator deletes a VM using vmadm delete $uuid, the vmadm process will delete the VM, but will wait for the delete event for that VM to be fired in vminfod before returning success. This ensures read after write consistency. Which means we avoid problems such as 404 on GET immediately after PUT, or in this case, "VM Not Found" on vmadm get immediately after vmadm create.

Actions which are performed without vmadm will not have this guarantee. If a change is made with zonecfg(1M) or by editing one of the files that makes up a zone manually, a vmadm get immediately following may not include this information. In these cases the guarantee becomes one of eventual consistency. Once vmadm has received an event or otherwise noticed that this action has happened it will reflect this change, even if there are other changes in the interim. The exception is when there are conflicting changes in which case the most recent state will be returned. A specific example:

  • an action is performed with /usr/sbin/zfs that sets the zoneroot quota to 10g
  • an action is performed with vmadm that sets the zoneroot quota to 20g
  • a vmadm get is performed on this VM

When the vmadm get here occurs the value will be 20g and there will be no indication to the consumer that the value was ever 10g.


Public and private interface changes

In the vminfod world, the switch to use it should be completely transparent. This means that, all of the existing vmadm commands, and all of the existing VM.js functions will use vminfod under-the-hood, but will not change their usage or signatures. All of the existing tools, either shipped with the platform, or from other places, will work without modification, and will be able to reap the performance benefits of vminfod.


Where this lives

The vminfod project most recently lives in one repo.

  1. smartos-live - majority of the code here


There used to be vminfod specific code in the vminfod branch of illumos-joyent, but this has since been merged to master:

  1. openzfs/openzfs#101

What makes vminfod

At the core of vminfod, is a daemon in /usr/vm/sbin that is started at boot in the global zone that extracts all of the necessary information from the system to create a comprehensive list of VM objects. The majority of this code lives in /usr/vm/node_modules/vminfod in the following files:

  • client.js: vminfod client library, this is used by VM.js and vmadm
  • vminfo.js: majority of the code for the vminfod daemon
  • zonewatcher.js: thin wrapper around sysevent-stream.js to watch for Zone sysevents
  • zpoolwatcher.js: thin wrapper around sysevent-stream.js to watch for ZFS sysevents
  • diff.js: a generic JavaScript object diff'ing library, this is used by vminfod to figure out what events to fire when an object is updated
  • fswatcher.js: a JavaScript wrapper for fswatcher.c to watch files for modifications
  • queue.js a JavaScript queueing and serializing module for running tasks asynchronously

VM properties

VM properties loaded by vminfod are the same as those gathered from vmload with the current system. vminfod instead uses a series of filesystem and sysevent watchers to call the vmload functions when appropriate to update the VM objects.

VM Updates and Modifications

In each of the examples below there are 5 distinct steps seen.

  1. A change is made on the system
  2. An event is fired almost immediately after the change is made
  3. vminfod catches this event and pauses the work queue
  4. vminfod gathers the latest information off of the system
  5. vminfod resumes the queue and proceeds as normal

There is a delay between step 1 and step 3. During this time, it is possible for vminfod to give out stale data.

For example, if an operator changes the ZFS quota for a VM, there is a delay (in the realm of milliseconds) before 1. ZFS fires a sysevent of the change and 2. vminfod catching this sysevent and pausing its work queue. During this window, doing a vmadm get $uuid will have the old value for the ZFS quota.


With the following VM created

  "brand": "joyent-minimal",
  "image_uuid": "01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822",
  "alias": "foo"
# vmadm create < vm.json
Successfully created VM 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f

Updating an alias

# vmadm update 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f alias=bar
Successfully updated VM 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f

Relevant log lines from vminfod

[2018-04-11T17:04:44.146Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: handleFsEvent: pathname: /etc/zones/698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f.xml (FILE_EXCEPTION,FILE_RENAME_TO)
[2018-04-11T17:04:44.147Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: /etc/zones/698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f.xml modified
[2018-04-11T17:04:44.147Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: refreshing zoneData for 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f
[2018-04-11T17:04:44.157Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: requesting new vmobj for 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f
[2018-04-11T17:04:44.158Z]  INFO: vminfod/4670 on headnode: emitting "modify" event, 30 VMs total

This change is detected from the zone's XML file (in /etc/zones) being modified, which triggers a refresh of the VM's data.

Output from vminfod events - these are the events emitted from vminfod.

[17:04:44.158Z] 698fed0c bar modify: alias changed :: "foo" -> "bar"
[17:04:44.158Z] 698fed0c bar modify: last_modified changed :: "2018-04-11T17:03:53.000Z" -> "2018-04-11T17:04:44.000Z"

Updating memory

# vmadm update 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f max_physical_memory=128
Successfully updated VM 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f

Relevant log lines from vminfod

[2018-04-11T17:07:37.733Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: handleFsEvent: pathname: /etc/zones/698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f.xml (FILE_EXCEPTION,FILE_RENAME_TO)
[2018-04-11T17:07:37.733Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: /etc/zones/698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f.xml modified
[2018-04-11T17:07:37.734Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: refreshing zoneData for 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f
[2018-04-11T17:07:37.745Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: requesting new vmobj for 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f
[2018-04-11T17:07:37.746Z]  INFO: vminfod/4670 on headnode: emitting "modify" event, 30 VMs total

Like the alias change, this change was triggered from the zone's XML file being updated.

Output from vminfod events

[17:07:37.746Z] 698fed0c bar modify: max_physical_memory changed :: 256 -> 128
[17:07:37.746Z] 698fed0c bar modify: max_locked_memory changed :: 256 -> 128
[17:07:37.746Z] 698fed0c bar modify: tmpfs changed :: 256 -> 128
[17:07:37.746Z] 698fed0c bar modify: last_modified changed :: "2018-04-11T17:04:44.000Z" -> "2018-04-11T17:07:37.000Z"

Updating a ZFS property

# vmadm update 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f quota=20
Successfully updated VM 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f

Relevant log lines from vminfod

[2018-04-11T17:09:42.201Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: handleZpoolEvent: dsname: zones/698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f action: set quota=21474836480
[2018-04-11T17:09:42.203Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: executing zfs
    cmdline: /usr/sbin/zfs list -H -p -t filesystem,snapshot,volume -o compression,creation,filesystem_limit,mountpoint,name,quota,recsize,refquota,refreservation,snapshot_limit,type,userrefs,volblocksize,volsize,zoned -r zones/698f
[2018-04-11T17:09:42.246Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: zfs[45295] running
[2018-04-11T17:09:42.254Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: zfs[45295] exited with code: 0 (1 lines to stdout)
[2018-04-11T17:09:42.255Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: refreshing vmobj 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f after zfs event
[2018-04-11T17:09:42.258Z]  INFO: vminfod/4670 on headnode: emitting "modify" event, 30 VMs total

This change is detected using sysevents fired from ZFS core, which triggers a refresh of the ZFS data for the VM.

Output from vminfod events - events emitted from vminfod after the VM abstraction/translation has been applied

[17:09:42.258Z] 698fed0c bar modify: quota changed :: 10 -> 20
[17:09:42.927Z] 698fed0c bar modify: last_modified changed :: "2018-04-11T17:07:37.000Z" -> "2018-04-11T17:09:42.000Z"

NOTE: because of the nature of the sysevents, the same effect could be seen with vminfod by running the following command instead

# zfs set quota=20G zones/698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f

Adding a nic

    "add_nics": [
            "physical": "net1",
            "index": 1,
            "nic_tag": "external",
            "mac": "b2:1e:ba:a5:6e:71",
            "ip": "",
            "netmask": "",
            "gateway": ""
# vmadm update 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f < nics.json
Successfully updated VM 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f

Relevant log lines from vminfod

[2018-04-11T17:12:24.047Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: handleFsEvent: pathname: /etc/zones/698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f.xml (FILE_EXCEPTION,FILE_RENAME_TO)
[2018-04-11T17:12:24.048Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: /etc/zones/698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f.xml modified
[2018-04-11T17:12:24.049Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: refreshing zoneData for 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f
[2018-04-11T17:12:24.061Z] DEBUG: vminfod/4670 on headnode: requesting new vmobj for 698fed0c-b754-4073-e230-9f37c6b4d79f
[2018-04-11T17:12:24.063Z]  INFO: vminfod/4670 on headnode: emitting "modify" event, 30 VMs total

Same as the alias and memory changes, this refresh was caused by the zone's XML file being modified.

Output from vminfod events

[17:12:24.063Z] 698fed0c bar modify: nics.* added :: undefined -> {"interface":"net0","mac":"b2:1e:ba:a5:6e:71","nic_tag":"external","gateway":"","gateways":[""],"netmask":"","ip":"","ips":[""]}
[17:12:24.063Z] 698fed0c bar modify: last_modified changed :: "2018-04-11T17:09:42.000Z" -> "2018-04-11T17:12:24.000Z"


GET /ping

Returns a JSON object:

    "ping": "pong"

GET /status

Returns a JSON object. See the Management/Health section for details on the format of this object.

GET /vms

Returns a JSON representation of all VMs on the system known to vminfod.

GET /vms/:uuid

Returns a VM Object for the VM with :uuid, or 404 if not found.

GET /events

This endpoint returns JSON objects as single '\n'-terminated lines. These objects have at least:

  • date: (timestamp: new Date())
  • type: (string in the set: ['ready', 'create', 'delete', 'modify'])

But will also have:

  • changes: (JSON object) -- for 'modify'
  • vm: (JSON VM object) -- for 'create' and 'modify'
  • zonename: (string: uuid) -- for 'create' and 'delete'

When you first GET /events you should immediately get a 'ready' event which allows you to know events will be streamed. After that, you'll get an additional JSON line for each new event with the above properties.

The ready event contains a vms property that contains a snapshot of every VM on the system when the events listener was created, so any modify events seen thereafter can be applied to the original snapshot for an up-to-date view of all VMs on the system.

Note: For performance reasons, vminfod maintains the full list of VMs in a pre-serialized way so it can handle requests to /vms very quickly. Because of this, the vms key in the ready event must be JSON parsed, as it contains a JSON stringified array of objects.

    "type": "ready",
    "date": "2018-04-11T17:28:12.046Z",
    "uuid": "f93c9a88-6c3d-66a9-f5ea-c08068d803a3",
    "vms": "[{...},{...},...]"

A modify event will look like this:

  "type": "modify",
  "date": "2018-04-11T17:32:30.147Z",
  "zonename": "c4103a37-356c-4898-fe9e-bc61fd3f7ac8",
  "uuid": "c4103a37-356c-4898-fe9e-bc61fd3f7ac8",
  "vm": { ... },
  "changes": [
      "prettyPath": "quota",
      "path": [
      "action": "changed",
      "oldValue": 10,
      "newValue": 20

where vm is the full new VM object and changes.*.action is one of: 'changed', 'removed', 'added'



vminfod, like most other services in SmartOS, uses bunyan for logging, and goes to the default SMF location for logs, ie.

# svcs -L vminfod


GET /ping to ensure the daemon is running

# curl localhost:9090/ping
  "ping": "pong"

GET /status to get various stats about the process and current running tasks

# curl localhost:9090/status
  "pid": 4670,
  "uptime": "54632.555733604s (15.18h)",
  "memory": {
    "rss": 59695104,
    "heapTotal": 31955456,
    "heapUsed": 14105164
  "state": "running",
  "status": "working",
  "numVms": 30,
  "curDate": "2018-04-11T17:16:47.353Z",
  "curTime": "54859.766171547",
  "queue": {
    "now": "54859.766305453",
    "paused": false,
    "idle": true,
    "vasync_queue": {
      "concurrency": 1,
      "npending": 0,
      "nqueued": 0,
      "pending": {},
      "queued": []
  "lastRefresh": "113.349678424s (1.88m)",
  "refreshErrors": [],
  "eventsListeners": {
    "7ab5cb99-18d6-42d1-aa98-f8312bbd68c6": {
      "userAgent": "VM.js events - zoneevent CLI (amon-agent) - headnode/5651 (/usr/vm/sbin/zoneevent)",
      "createdTime": "239.302449140",
      "createdDate": "2018-04-11T02:06:25.203Z",
      "createdAgo": "54620.463900351s (15.17h)"
    "f9f02fc5-92bb-434e-84ed-bebe91c6d7fa": {
      "userAgent": "VM.js events - zoneevent CLI (amon-zoneevents) - headnode/6071 (/usr/vm/sbin/zoneevent)",
      "createdTime": "239.454193578",
      "createdDate": "2018-04-11T02:06:25.355Z",
      "createdAgo": "54620.312155913s (15.17h)"
    "7df1ddfa-6b12-c4bd-ac55-825c8eb31393": {
      "userAgent": "Metadata Agent - VminfodWatcher - headnode/6100 (/usr/vm/sbin/metadata)",
      "createdTime": "239.814803846",
      "createdDate": "2018-04-11T02:06:25.716Z",
      "createdAgo": "54619.951545645s (15.17h)"
    "845fb199-27ae-6918-a086-9a3f4c93aadb": {
      "userAgent": "VM.js events - vmadm CLI - VM Agent - headnode/22159 (/usr/sbin/vmadm)",
      "createdTime": "363.563448727",
      "createdDate": "2018-04-11T02:08:29.262Z",
      "createdAgo": "54496.202900764s (15.14h)"
    "e6553333-d807-cb56-d1a0-af10e1a31427": {
      "userAgent": "VM.js events - zoneevent CLI (net-agent) - headnode/22358 (/usr/vm/sbin/zoneevent)",
      "createdTime": "384.786879657",
      "createdDate": "2018-04-11T02:08:50.486Z",
      "createdAgo": "54474.979469834s (15.13h)"
    "b6548475-8be6-6c4b-e29c-81f64186dc24": {
      "userAgent": "VM.js events - zoneevent CLI (cn-agent) - headnode/22383 (/usr/vm/sbin/zoneevent)",
      "createdTime": "387.299505713",
      "createdDate": "2018-04-11T02:08:52.999Z",
      "createdAgo": "54472.466843778s (15.13h)"
    "3b9c6fb9-8650-47fa-e0ac-a361781d217c": {
      "userAgent": "VM.js events - vmadmd ZoneEvent - headnode/15125 (/usr/vm/sbin/vmadmd)",
      "createdTime": "4836.906985918",
      "createdDate": "2018-04-11T03:23:02.761Z",
      "createdAgo": "50022.859363573s (13.9h)"
    "5bee83ee-c6f6-44ff-ee45-cfd65820b702": {
      "userAgent": "VM.js events - zoneevent CLI (amon-relay) - headnode/24704 (/usr/vm/sbin/zoneevent)",
      "createdTime": "13431.857157978",
      "createdDate": "2018-04-11T05:46:18.010Z",
      "createdAgo": "41427.909191513s (11.51h)"
    "3c74ab1e-e35b-e8a5-dfc0-8c5aaa48d860": {
      "userAgent": "VM.js events - vmadm CLI - headnode/44500 (/usr/sbin/vmadm)",
      "createdTime": "54071.550631206",
      "createdDate": "2018-04-11T17:03:39.110Z",
      "createdAgo": "788.215718285s (13.13m)"

CLI tool

NOTE: usage subject to change - this command will need to change to act more like sdcadm or manta-adm - ie. give something more user friendly than raw JSON that can be seen by curling the endpoints directly.

There is vminfo CLI tool that can be used to query the daemon. This was mostly written for debugging purposes but has proven itself sufficiently useful to warrant being shipped with the platform.

# vminfo ping

vminfo ping is a thin wrapper around GET /ping

# vminfo status [-f]

Get status (-f for "full" output).

List of vms on the system (GET /vms). This is what vmadm list now uses under-the-hood.

# vminfo vms | json -ag uuid state alias | head -5
25df11d6-70c2-485b-92a6-4ab651e8fd88 running assets0
874d1b68-88ae-4d69-abf0-39168835d1dc running sapi0
96f0d23a-6123-477d-8c97-2bd7d4122de9 running binder0
652b1818-3278-4404-8612-85a94afacba7 running manatee0
0d8697ae-9877-4aa6-8af9-a9b30f54dc23 running moray0

Get a specific vm (GET /vms/:uuid). This is what vmadm get and vmadm lookup now use under-the-hood.

# vminfo vm 25df11d6-70c2-485b-92a6-4ab651e8fd88 | json alias quota max_physical_memory

And finally, watch for events in realtime on the system (GET /events). These commands were run in two separate terminals on the same machine.

# vmadm create < vm.json
Successfully created VM c4103a37-356c-4898-fe9e-bc61fd3f7ac8


# vminfo events
[17:19:03.015Z] c4103a37 foo create
[17:19:03.230Z] c4103a37 foo modify: zone_state changed :: "configured" -> "incomplete"
[17:19:03.528Z] c4103a37 foo modify: quota added :: undefined -> 0
[17:19:03.528Z] c4103a37 foo modify: zfs_root_recsize added :: undefined -> 131072
[17:19:03.528Z] c4103a37 foo modify: zfs_filesystem added :: undefined -> "zones/c4103a37-356c-4898-fe9e-bc61fd3f7ac8"
[17:19:03.528Z] c4103a37 foo modify: zpool added :: undefined -> "zones"
[17:19:04.144Z] c4103a37 foo modify: quota changed :: 0 -> 10
[17:19:06.810Z] c4103a37 foo modify: zone_state changed :: "incomplete" -> "installed"
[17:19:08.154Z] c4103a37 foo modify: zone_state changed :: "installed" -> "ready"
[17:19:08.154Z] c4103a37 foo modify: zoneid changed :: null -> 611
[17:19:08.154Z] c4103a37 foo modify: last_modified changed :: "2018-04-11T17:19:02.000Z" -> "2018-04-11T17:19:06.000Z"
[17:19:08.154Z] c4103a37 foo modify: boot_timestamp added :: undefined -> "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
[17:19:08.154Z] c4103a37 foo modify: pid added :: undefined -> 0
[17:19:08.473Z] c4103a37 foo modify: zone_state changed :: "ready" -> "running"
[17:19:08.473Z] c4103a37 foo modify: boot_timestamp changed :: "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" -> "2018-04-11T17:19:08.000Z"
[17:19:08.473Z] c4103a37 foo modify: pid changed :: 0 -> 45822
[17:19:11.953Z] c4103a37 foo modify: state changed :: "provisioning" -> "running"
[17:19:11.953Z] c4103a37 foo modify: transition_to removed :: "running" -> undefined
[17:19:11.953Z] c4103a37 foo modify: transition_expire removed :: 1523467442755 -> undefined
[17:19:11.953Z] c4103a37 foo modify: last_modified changed :: "2018-04-11T17:19:06.000Z" -> "2018-04-11T17:19:12.000Z"

Now, updating the zone

# vmadm update c4103a37-356c-4898-fe9e-bc61fd3f7ac8 quota=20
Successfully updated VM c4103a37-356c-4898-fe9e-bc61fd3f7ac8

results in

[17:20:09.634Z] c4103a37 foo modify: quota changed :: 10 -> 20
[17:20:09.928Z] c4103a37 foo modify: last_modified changed :: "2018-04-11T17:19:12.000Z" -> "2018-04-11T17:20:09.000Z"

And, because sysevents are used, vminfod will catch any update to the underlying system

# zfs set quota=10G zones/c4103a37-356c-4898-fe9e-bc61fd3f7ac8


[17:20:56.635Z] c4103a37 foo modify: quota changed :: 20 -> 10


Prerequisites for merging

Before vminfod can be merged to master:

  • (Done) The ZFS sysevent kernel change must be in place (either via the OpenZFS pull request, or a flag day set for the SmartOS release)
  • (Done) All tests in /usr/vm/test must pass
  • (Done) All vm-agent tests must pass
  • (Done) All vmapi tests must pass
  • (Done) All sdc-docker tests must pass
  • (Done) All cloudapi tests must pass
  • (N/A) All the above tests must pass on a vminfod-enabled platform with vminfod disabled.
  • (Done) make check must pass
  • (In Progress) All code must have passed review
  • (In Progress) The authors must be confident that all reasonable tests have been completed.

Initial deployment

Actual deployment of vminfod will be done via the normal platform update mechanism. Booting a CN onto a vminfod-enabled platform will cause it to start using vminfod immediately.

The expected order of deployment would be:

  • the nightly smoke test setup (will happen automatically after merge to master)
  • installation in various dev setups for further stress testing after integration.
  • installation in beta DCs
  • installation in engineering staging environments (also testing Manta)
  • installation in operations staging environments
  • installation in production once operations testing is complete

Post deployment

After vminfod has been deployed for some time and confidence has been established in its correct operation, it should be possible:

  • to consider raising the ALLOC\_FILTER\_VM\_COUNT value in production


It won't be possible without significant work (including alternative implementations of things that were added to illumos) to install vminfod on older platforms. So the use of these features will be limited to CNs that are rebooted onto platforms containing vminfod.

Future changes

Because vminfod will be shipped with the platform, upgrading it will be as simple as rebooting with a new platform image.

Questions that have been asked and (hopefully) answered here

Question(s) about consistency

There were a few questions that were similar to:

Q: "... [I]f I we add an interface to a VM, at what point in the process of querying a VM using vminfod does the interface shows up? Can clients ever get the wrong state? And does that matter?"

A: See the Guarantees/"Read-after-write consistency" section for some related discussion, but basically:

  • If a vmadm get happens while an operation is ongoing it should not see the result of that operation. That is: a vmadm get before vmadm update has returned success should return the VM as it was before the update operation.
  • If a vmadm get happens after an operation has returned success, it should never see the state before the update has occurred.

Question about events and racing

Q: "Do these events describe the change (e.g., property X was changed to Y), or only that the change happened (e.g., some properties changed)? One problem I've run into with a lot of event notification systems is that it's easy for consumers to react to events that have been superseded by subsequent events. If there's any concurrency, it gets worse because the results are non-deterministic if events are handled out of order. Problems can also arise when programs respond to each change in a sequence that were logically made at once. The solution for all of these has generally been that the events don't contain change details, but rather just trigger the consumer to re-fetch the real state.

How does a program that wants to use the /events interface avoid racing? Is the expectation that they will connect to /events and only then read the state of the world that they're interested in (in order to make sure they don't miss anything)?"

A: Hopefully the API note about GET /events answers this question to some degree but as things are now, on a change you'd get both the details of the change (array of change objects) and the current VM object after the change. A note has been added to the "Open Questions" section below about whether there are still issues here with events that were logically made together coming in separately.

Open Questions

Naming of CLI

Should the cli be named something like vminfoadm instead of vminfo?

Logical Events

Related to the "Question about events and racing" above, do we need to do anything special to handle logical changes made at once? Should we instead have the event interface just return the uuid of VMs that are modified and require the consumer to (re)load the VM themselves? It seems that one problem with this would be that on delete there's nothing to get.

Backpressure on Events

How do we manage backpressure for this interface? Suppose a component accesses /events, but then stops reading from the socket for some reason (e.g., gets stuck processing one event). Does vminfod terminate the connection if it's been idle for too long? Do events queue indefinitely inside vminfod? Do events get dropped? Does it affect other consumers?

Other Notes

Miscellaneous notes:

  • vminfod must expose VMs with do_not_inventory set so that vmadm works in a backward compatible way. Consumers should be aware of this.