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File metadata and controls

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David Pacheco <>

RFD 16 Manta Metering


Manta performs a number of periodic "housekeeping" operations. These include daily jobs for:

  • metering: reporting how much storage, compute, bandwidth, and other resources are used, on a per-user basis, and delivering per-user reports and activity logs
  • garbage collection: cleaning up objects no longer referenced
  • auditing: checking for Manta-level data corruption

Additional jobs that run on-demand are:

  • cruft: identify objects unexpectedly left around that are no longer referenced
  • rebalance: move object copies between storage nodes

There are a number of problems with the current implementation that require a lot time spent on a daily basis by both engineering and operations to keep the system functioning. This RFD describes those issues, benefits for the current system, and a suggested approach for resolving them. The focus is on metering, which is the source of most issues today, but several other components are affected.


The jobs described above are all driven hourly or daily by the "ops" zone, which is built from the manta-mola repository, with metering implemented by the manta-mackerel by reference. The various jobs and their relationships are described in the documentation in that repository.

The jobs are much more interdependent than it might seem. The daily process broadly works like this:

  • At 0000Z each day, the async peer in each PostgreSQL shard takes a ZFS snapshot of the current dataset, starts a separate PostgreSQL database instance using the copy in the snapshot, and dumps this data to a local file. The file is then uploaded to Manta for use by the various jobs. This object represents a backup of the whole database for that shard at 0000Z that day.
  • Some time later, each shard's backup object is "unpacked": it's transformed into a group of objects, one for each database table. These objects represent a backup of the corresponding table for that shard at 0000Z that day.
  • Some time later, the daily metering, auditing, and GC jobs kick off, using these per-table backups as input. The processes diverge at this point.

There are a few other jobs that go through different processes:

  • There are also a number of hourly metering jobs that do not use these daily backups, but rather use log files uploaded hourly from services like Muskie and Marlin.
  • There are daily summary jobs that operate on the previous day's metering job outputs.

All of these jobs are driven by cron, and each job knows nothing about its logical dependencies. As a result, correctness depends critically on all jobs completing on time. The discrete jobs and their schedules are described in the "System Crons" documentation.

It's probably worth reading through the Mola documentation to better understand everything up to this point.

Problems with the existing implementation

These are listed in rough order of impact today:

  1. The most serious problem is that the pipeline that drives all of these jobs is very brittle. This applies to metering, garbage collection, auditing, cruft, and rebalance jobs. If the daily backup is late, or the unpacking job takes too long or experiences an error, then all of the other jobs fail or produce bad data. If the daily metering jobs fail, the subsequent summary jobs also fail. See MANTA-2531.
  2. Error handling, particularly for metering jobs, is not clear. Metering jobs can experience a variety of issues of varying severity. They mostly exit non-zero when these happen, causing the job to produce an error. But the issue often only affects that one entry, and at most one user. It's not clear to subsequent stages (e.g., summary jobs and monitoring systems) whether the output of that job is valid. When debugging them, it's not easy to identify the issues. See MANTA-2759 and MANTA-2756.
  3. The results of each job are not very observable. Questions that are impossible to answer include: how many objects were scanned? How many users? How many objects were processed normally? How many experienced a non-fatal error? How many fatal errors were experienced?
  4. The jobs themselves are not very observable. This applies to all of these jobs. It's not easy to look at the last N days' worth of each kind of job and see what happened. See MANTA-2593.
  5. There are some unproven concerns about scalability of some of the metering processes. In various cases in the past, we've observed metering processes running out of memory without an obvious leak, where the process itself was just attempting to keep track of an enormous amount of data (e.g., metadata for each object owned by a given account). We can conceivably address this by tuning up the number of reducers, but that only goes so far. See MANTA-2780.
  6. Many of the tasks used by these jobs are very long-running. Manta jobs were designed around tasks that would complete in a few seconds to a few minutes. When very large tasks are used, jobs get less parallelization, they're more significantly affected by transient issues (because retries end up taking a very long time), and they're subject to new failure modes (like Manta killing the job for using zones for too long).
  7. The automatically generated per-user reports and activity logs grow unbounded.

Solutions to these problems can be grouped into a few broad categories:

  • Items (1) (the brittle execution pipeline) and (4) (recent job observability) can be addressed using a system like Chronos, possibly coupled with triggers, to manage job execution and dependencies.
  • Items (2) (error handling) and (3) (error reporting) likely require considerable re-work of the bodies of the metering jobs. Each task should keep track of the unexpected events, the severity of each event, and example instances of each event for later debugging. This metadata should be passed through the job pipeline so that a final report can include information about failures across the whole job. This would allow consumers to figure out if the job really succeeded or not (based on the presence of severe errors), and the rest of the metadata would be useful for humans to debug specific failures and to track scalability over time. This obviously requires considerable rework, but the sum total of all of the metering job code appears to be about 1900 lines of code -- it's not a huge component. There's a bunch more code that manages job execution, but for the reasons mentioned above, that has a lot of issues as well.
  • To address item (5), we need to examine the affected jobs and re-architect them to avoid such heavy memory usage. Again, these jobs aren't actually that large or complex.
  • To address item (6), we could consider modifying the transform step of the daily pipeline to produce a much larger number of objects for each table (rather than one), which would allow the rest of the jobs to start on much smaller tasks.
  • To address item (7), we could could allow customers to opt-in and out of the metering reports being delivered.

Important parts of the existing implementation

  • It's primarly made up of a few relatively simple map-reduce jobs.
  • It has a lot of amon alarms that fire when things go wrong. However, as with nearly all other amon alarms, it's generally pretty labor-intensive to figure out what actually went wrong or what to do about it when one of these fires.
  • There's a single command-line tool that allows operators to re-run any part of the pipeline. However, it does not take dependencies into account.
  • There are a number of parameters that allow pieces of the metering code to be executed independently or in test modes. That said, these are often not that well-documented, and often assume a number of variables are set correctly for testing, so this is a little hard to use.
  • There are a lot of tests. However, these are not well-documented, and they're likely not factored in a way that would be directly usable in a rewrite.

Incremental development and rollout

As mentioned above, the code for all of these jobs is delivered by the "ops" zone, which is driven from the "mola" repo. For this project, it's suggested that we create a new zone class representing version 2 of the daily pipeline. It should start with an arbitrarily small piece of functionality (e.g., executing the daily transform job). It can be augmented piece-by-piece until it contains as much of the existing "ops" functionality as we feel prudent to reimplement. Here's a straw-man schedule:

  • Phase 1: a new service delivers a Chronos-like mechanism for reliable execution of periodic jobs, along with configuration to execute the daily pipeine jobs that transform daily database backups into per-table JSON objects. The old "ops" zone continues to operate the rest of the pipeline, including metering.
  • Phase 2: besides producing a per-table object, the new version also produces chunked per-table objects (see the solution to item (6) above). This version also delivers a new metering implementation based on these chunked table objects. (Even this can be broken into sub-parts: we could start with storage metering in a phase 2A, followed by request metering in phase 2B, followed by access log deliver in phase 2C, and so on.) As before, whichever parts are not done by the new implementation are done by the old one.
  • Some time later: the daily garbage collection, audit, rebalance, and cruft jobs are moved over to the new Chronos-based job executor in the new zone.

In this way, both the old and new versions run side-by-side for a while until we're satisfied with the new implementation. This significantly de-risks each piece of the work, since we can always fall back to the old implementation. We can also build the new implementation from the ground up without worrying about the many points of integration between these various components (while still deploying it incrementally).

The main open question is how to configure which parts of the old "ops" pipeline get executed. The simplest solution is to allow the entire old pipeline to continue to run, and build the new system to put outputs in a different place. This is trivial to implement, though it will cause us to use a significant amount more physical resources while both systems are deployed, since poseidon jobs are responsible for a lot of compute resource usage. A fairly simple mechanism to address this would be to add boolean SAPI tunables for turning off various parts of the old pipeline. When we deploy a new version of the new component, we run both versions for a few days, check the output, and then flip the tunable to turn off the corresponding part of the old component. (We definitely don't want to have flag days every time functionality moves from the old to the new component.)