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File metadata and controls

194 lines (174 loc) · 15.8 KB
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Trent Mick <>

RFD 12 Bedtime for node-smartdc

node-smartdc is Joyent's current and venerable CLI for CloudAPI. It is pretty basic (UX-wise) and we want to replace it with the more useful and usable node-triton. That means we need full coverage of CloudAPI (along with rosetta stone docs, and general user docs, etc.). This RFD is about nailing down the work to get there.

triton coverage of CloudAPI

A triton CLI guide for every CloudAPI endpoint. This effectively is a comparison to node-smartdc -- for which every CloudAPI has a direct sdc-<lowercase endpoint name> command. This, then, effectively is a TODO list for node-triton being a full function replacement for node-smartdc.

Values for the "Status" column:

  • NYI means that the command is proposed but Not Yet Implemented in node-triton.
  • - means that no triton command has yet been designed/proposed for that functionality.
  • INC means the coverage of the CloudAPI endpoint is incomplete.
  • DONE means triton supports complete coverage of the cloudapi endpoint.

The work TODO, then is to get "DONE" all the way down the Notes column: (a) verify if INC or DONE for each blank entry; (b) design a triton command for each -; (c) deal with the notes below; (d) complete each INC. We should have GH issues for each non-trivial chunk of work here.

CloudAPI Endpoint Notes Triton command
GetAccount DONE triton account get
UpdateAccount DONE triton account update
ListKeys DONE triton key list, triton keys
GetKey DONE triton key get KEY
CreateKey DONE triton key add ...
DeleteKey DONE triton key delete KEY
-------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
ListUsers DONE triton rbac users
GetUser DONE triton rbac user USER
CreateUser DONE triton rbac user -a ...
UpdateUser INC triton rbac user -e USER [FIELD=VALUE ...]
NYI triton rbac user -u USER FILE ???
ChangeUserPassword NYI triton rbac user --change-password USER
DeleteUser DONE triton rbac user -d USER [USER ...]
ListRoles DONE triton rbac roles
GetRole DONE triton rbac role ROLE
CreateRole DONE triton rbac role -a ...
UpdateRole INC triton rbac role -e ROLE [FIELD=VALUE ...]
NYI triton rbac role -u ROLE FILE ???
DeleteRole DONE triton rbac role -d ROLE [ROLE ...]
SetRoleTags DONE triton rbac role-tags ...
ListPolicies DONE triton rbac policies
GetPolicy DONE triton rbac policy POLICY
CreatePolicy DONE triton rbac policy -a
UpdatePolicy INC triton rbac policy -e POLICY [FIELD=VALUE ...]
DeletePolicy DONE triton rbac policy -d POLICY [POLICY ...]
ListUserKeys DONE triton rbac keys USER
GetUserKey DONE triton rbac key USER KEY
CreateUserKey DONE triton rbac key -a USER ...
DeleteUserKey DONE triton rbac key -d USER KEY
-------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
GetConfig NYI triton account-config get-all ???
UpdateConfig NYI triton account-config update ...
ListDatacenters DONE triton datacenters
GetDatacenter NYI triton datacenter DC
ListServices DONE triton services
-------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
ListImages DONE triton image list, triton images
GetImage DONE triton image get IMG
DeleteImage DONE triton image delete IMG
ExportImage DONE triton image export [--manta-path=...] IMG
CreateImageFromMachine DONE triton image create ...
UpdateImage NYI triton image update IMG
ListPackages DONE triton package list, triton packages
GetPackage DONE triton package get PKG
ListMachines DONE triton instance list, triton instances
GetMachine DONE triton instance get INST
CreateMachine DONE triton instance create, triton create
StopMachine DONE triton instance stop, triton stop
StartMachine DONE triton instance start, triton start
RebootMachine DONE triton instance reboot, triton reboot
ResizeMachine -
RenameMachine INC* triton instance rename INST [name=NAME]
EnableMachineFirewall DONE triton instance enable-firewall INST
DisableMachineFirewall DONE triton instance disable-firewall INST
DeleteMachine DONE triton instance delete INST ...
MachineAudit DONE triton instance audit
ListMachineSnapshots DONE triton instance snapshot list INST
GetMachineSnapshot DONE triton instance snapshot get INST SNAPNAME
CreateMachineSnapshot DONE triton instance snapshot create INST
StartMachineFromSnapshot DONE triton instance start --snapshot=SNAPNAME
DeleteMachineSnapshot DONE triton instance snapshot delete INST SNAPNAME
UpdateMachineMetadata NYI* triton instance update-metadata -a [-f] INST [FIELD=VALUE ...]
ListMachineMetadata NYI triton instance list-metadata INST
GetMachineMetadata NYI triton instance get-metadata INST KEY
DeleteMachineMetadata NYI triton instance delete-metadata INST KEY
DeleteAllMachineMetadata NYI triton instance delete-metadata --all INST
AddMachineTags DONE triton instance tag set INST [KEY=VALUE ...]
ReplaceMachineTags DONE triton instance tag replace-all INST [KEY=VALUE ...]
ListMachineTags DONE triton instance tag list INST
GetMachineTag DONE triton instance tag get INST KEY
DeleteMachineTag(s) DONE triton instance tag delete INST [KEY ...]
-------------------------------- -------- -----------------------------------------------------------
ListFirewallRules DONE triton fwrule list
GetFirewallRule DONE triton fwrule get FWRULE-ID
CreateFirewallRule DONE triton fwrule create RULE
UpdateFirewallRule DONE triton fwrule update FWRULE-ID [FIELD=VALUE ...]
EnableFirewallRule DONE triton fwrule enable FWRULE-ID
DisableFirewallRule DONE triton fwrule disable FWRULE-ID
DeleteFirewallRule DONE triton fwrule delete FWRULE-ID
ListFirewallRuleMachines DONE triton fwrule instances FWRULE-ID
ListMachineFirewallRules DONE triton instance fwrules INST
ListFabricVLANs DONE triton vlan list [FILTERS]
CreateFabricVLAN DONE triton vlan create VLAN
GetFabricVLAN DONE triton vlan get VLAN
UpdateFabricVLAN DONE triton vlan update VLAN [FIELD=VALUE ...]
DeleteFabricVLAN DONE triton vlan delete VLAN [VLAN ...]
ListFabricNetworks NYI
CreateFabricNetwork DONE triton network create VLAN
GetFabricNetwork DONE triton network get NETWORK
DeleteFabricNetwork DONE triton network delete NETWORK [NETWORK ...]
ListNetworks DONE triton network list, triton networks
GetNetwork DONE triton network get NET
ListNics DONE triton instance nic list INST
GetNic DONE triton instance nic get INST MAC
AddNic DONE triton instance nic create INST NETWORK
RemoveNic DONE triton instance nic delete,rm INST MAC


  • RBAC: Feels a little generic: users, roles, roletags, policies. Perhaps these should all be under a 'triton rbac ...' or something. Some single widely used term should be prevalent in the CLI, APIs, Docs and UIs. For AWS is it "IAM". For Triton, "RBAC"? Relevant commands from node-smartdc to re-used: sdc-chmod, sdc-info, sdc-policy, sdc-role, sdc-user. TODO: re-think. At the least, re-cast the style per TritonDataCenter/node-triton#66.
  • CONFIG: 'Config' is a poor name, IMO. So generic. Should be called, perhaps, 'Account Config'. Cloudapi rev to rename them? Endpoints can otherwise be the same.
  • RenameMachine: This is async and don't yet have a '-w,--wait' on it. TritonDataCenter/node-triton#146 for that.
  • UpdateMachineMetadata: '-a' for "add". Is this really about adding metadata keys? I.e. excluding a key doesn't delete it? But it does allow overwrite. Note that AddMachineTags does NOT allow overwrite. IOW, slight semantic difference. Sigh. TODO: we could give the same semantics manually.
  • ReplaceMachineTags: '-f' for "force" to allow overwrite of existing tags? This is to attempt to align the differing semantics of this and UpdateMachineMetadata.
  • NICS: See sdc-nics from node-smartdc for some inspiration. for this.


Herein the plan and discussion for RBAC support. See TritonDataCenter/node-triton#54 for implementation.

triton rbac ...

Note that this is obsoleted by planned RBAC v2 work: RFD 13, RFD 48, RFD 49.

TritonApi and CloudApi coverage

The node-triton module also provides a node library interface to the raw CloudAPI and to a more helpful slightly higher level "Triton API" -- the foundation of the triton commands. Coverage for these, esp. the TritonApi is much less complete. The work to be done there should be documented.