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VCF Combiner

Hail has functionality for combining single-sample GVCFs into a multi-sample matrix table. This process is sometimes called "joint calling", although the implementation in Hail does not use cohort-level information to reassign individual genotype calls.

The resulting matrix table is different from a matrix table imported from a project VCF; see below for a synopsis of how to use this object.

Running the Hail GVCF combiner

The :func:`.run_combiner` function is the primary entry point to running the Hail GVCF combiner. A typical script for running the combiner on Google Cloud Dataproc using hailctl dataproc might look like the below:

import hail as hl

path_to_input_list = 'gs://path/to/input_files.txt'  # a file with one GVCF path per line

inputs = []
with hl.hadoop_open(path_to_input_list, 'r') as f:
    for line in f:

output_file = 'gs://path/to/combined/'  # output destination
temp_bucket = 'gs://my-temp-bucket'  # bucket for storing intermediate files
hl.experimental.run_combiner(inputs, out_file=output_file, tmp_path=temp_bucket, reference_genome='GRCh38')

A command-line tool is also provided as a convenient wrapper around this function. This tool can be run using the below syntax:

python3 -m hail.experimental.vcf_combiner SAMPLE_MAP OUT_FILE TMP_PATH [OPTIONAL ARGS...]

The below command is equivalent to the Python pipeline above:

python3 -m hail.experimental.vcf_combiner \
    gs://path/to/input_files.txt \
    gs://path/to/combined/ \
    gs://my-temp-bucket \
    --reference-genome GRCh38 \
    --log /home/hail/combiner.log

Pipeline structure

The Hail GVCF combiner merges GVCFs hierarchically, parameterized by the branch_factor setting. The number of rounds of merges is defined as math.ceil(math.log(N_GVCFS, BRANCH_FACTOR)). With the default branch factor of 100, merging between 101 and 10,000 inputs uses 2 rounds, and merging between 10,001 and 1,000,000 inputs requires 3 rounds.

The combiner will print the execution plan before it runs:

2020-04-01 08:37:32 Hail: INFO: GVCF combiner plan:
    Branch factor: 4
    Batch size: 4
    Combining 50 input files in 3 phases with 6 total jobs.
        Phase 1: 4 jobs corresponding to 13 intermediate output files.
        Phase 2: 1 job corresponding to 4 intermediate output files.
        Phase 3: 1 job corresponding to 1 final output file.

Pain points

The combiner can take some time on large numbers of GVCFs. This time is split between single-machine planning and compilation work that happens only on the driver machine, and jobs that take advantage of the entire cluster. For this reason, its is recommended that clusters with autoscaling functionality are used, to reduce the overall cost of the pipeline.

For users running with Google Dataproc, the full documentation for creating autoscaling policies can be found here.

A typical YAML policy might look like:

  cooldownPeriod: 120s
    gracefulDecommissionTimeout: 120s
    scaleDownFactor: 1.0
    scaleUpFactor: 1.0
  weight: 1
  maxInstances: 2
  minInstances: 2
  weight: 1

For MAX_PREEMPTIBLE_INSTANCES, you should fill in a value based on the number of GVCFs you are merging. For sample sizes up to about 10,000, a value of 100 should be fine.

You can start a cluster with this autoscaling policy using hailctl:

hailctl dataproc start cluster_name ...args... --autoscaling-policy=policy_id_or_uri

Working with sparse matrix tables

Sparse matrix tables are a new method of representing VCF-style data in a space efficient way. The 'sparse' modifier refers to the fact that these datasets contain sample-level reference blocks, just like the input GVCFs -- most of the entries in the matrix are missing, because that entry falls within a reference block defined at an earlier locus. While unfamiliar, this representation (1) is incrementally mergeable with other sparse matrix tables, and (2) scales with the N_GVCFs, not N_GVCFs^1.5 as project VCFs do. The schema of a sparse matrix table also differs from the schema of a dense project VCF imported to matrix table. They do not have the same GT, AD, and PL fields found in a project VCF, but instead have LGT, LAD, LPL that provide the same information, but require additional functions to work with in combination with a sample's local alleles, LA.

Sample Level Reference Blocks

GVCFs represent blocks of homozygous reference calls of similar qualities using one record. For example:

chr1    14523  .   C    .    END=15000  GT:DP:GQ  0/0:19:40

This record indicates that sample SAMPLE_1 is homozygous reference until position 15,000 with approximate GQ of 40 across the ~500-base-pair. In short read sequencing, two adjacent loci in a sample's genome will be covered by mostly the same reads so the quality information about these two loci is highly correlated; reference blocks explicitly represent regions of reference alleles with similar quality information.

A sparse matrix table has an entry field END that corresponds to the GVCF INFO field, END. It has the same meaning, but only for the single column where the END resides. In a sparse matrix table, there will be no defined entries for this sample between chr1:14524 and chr1:15000, inclusive.

Local Alleles

The LA field constitutes a record's local alleles, or the alleles that appeared in the original GVCF for that sample. LA is used to interpret the values of LGT (local genotype), LAD (local allele depth), and LPL (local phred-scaled genotype likelihoods). This is best explained through example:

Variant Information
locus: chr22:10678889
alleles: ["CAT", "C", "TAT"]

Sample1 (reference block, CAT/CAT)
DP: 8
GQ: 21
LA: [0]
LGT: 0/0
END: 10678898

equivalent GT: 0/0
equivalent AD: [8, 0, 0]
equivalent PL: [0, 21, 42*, 21, 42*, 42*]

Sample1 (called CAT/TAT)
DP: 9
GQ: 77
LA: [0, 2]
LGT: 0/1
LAD: [3, 6]
LPL: [137, 0, 77]

equivalent GT: 0/2
equivalent AD: [3, 0, 6]
equivalent PL: [137, 137*, 137*, 0, 137*, 77]

The LA field for the first sample only includes the reference allele (0), since this locus was the beginning of a reference block in the original GVCF. In a reference block, LA will typically be an array with only one value, 0. The LA field for the second sample, which contains a variant allele, includes the reference and that allele (0 and 2, respectively). PL entries above marked with an asterisk refer to genotypes with alleles not observed in the original GVCF; the actual value produced by a tool like GATK will be large (a low-likelihood value), but not exactly the above. As with standard GT fields, it is possible to use :meth:`.CallExpression.unphased_diploid_gt_index` to compute the LGT's corresponding index into the LPL array.


There are a number of functions for working with sparse data. Of particular importance is :func:`~.densify`, which transforms a sparse matrix table to a dense project-VCF-like matrix table on the fly. While computationally expensive, this operation is necessary for many downstream analyses, and should be thought of as roughly costing as much as reading a matrix table created by importing a dense project VCF.

.. currentmodule:: hail.experimental

.. autosummary::


.. autofunction:: run_combiner
.. autofunction:: densify
.. autofunction:: sparse_split_multi
.. autofunction:: lgt_to_gt