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66 lines (48 loc) · 4.26 KB


This simple CLI returns a list of Github issues that:

  1. Aren't marked with the 'enhancement' tag, and
  2. Have no comments, or haven't had a comment in at least 10 days.

Issues with no comments are at the top of the list, followed by issues with no recent comments, sorted by the number of days since the last comment.


$ npm install -g damonbarry/top-issues


Authentication token

Give the tool a GitHub OAuth2 token to use like this:

$ top-issues oauth <github personal access token>

Note that your token will be saved as clear text in the package.json file where top-issues is installed. You can override the configured token by setting GITHUB_TOKEN in your environment.

Repository URL

By default, top-issues queries the iot-edge repo (because that's the repo I monitor). You can configure the tool to use another URL like this:

$ top-issues url <github repository URL>

You can override any configured URL by setting GITHUB_URL in your environment.

Exclude issues by label

By default, GitHub issues labeled with "enhancement" will be excluded from the results. You can configure the tool with your own list of labels like this:

$ top-issues exlude-labels label1,label2


$ top-issues
│ Issue │ Comments │ Age (days) │ Title                                                      │
│ 440   │ 0        │ --         │ Precondition failed error on Pi                            │
│ 445   │ 0        │ --         │ Have config setting that always pulls from docker even if… │
│ 486   │ 0        │ --         │ Add avoid message lost of nanomsg features by thread mess… │
│ 520   │ 0        │ --         │ [V1] MQTT segfault after "timed out waiting for CONNACK"   │
│ 223   │ 6        │ 347        │ LIBCMT linker warnings when building Release config        │
│ 237   │ 5        │ 338        │ "cmake --build . --target install" always install to /usr… │

53 issues