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Releases: d3/d3-array


14 Jun 21:14
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  • First stable release!

Changes since D3 3.x

The new d3.scan method performs a linear scan of an array, returning the index of the least element according to the specified comparator. This is similar to d3.min and d3.max, except you can use it to find the position of an extreme element, rather than just calculate an extreme value.

var data = [
  {name: "Alice", value: 2},
  {name: "Bob", value: 3},
  {name: "Carol", value: 1},
  {name: "Dwayne", value: 5}

var i = d3.scan(data, function(a, b) { return a.value - b.value; }); // 2
data[i]; // {name: "Carol", value: 1}

The new d3.ticks and d3.tickStep methods are useful for generating human-readable numeric ticks. These methods are a low-level alternative to continuous.ticks from d3-scale. The new implementation is also more accurate, returning the optimal number of ticks as measured by relative error.

var ticks = d3.ticks(0, 10, 5); // [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

The d3.range method no longer makes an elaborate attempt to avoid floating-point error when step is not an integer. The returned values are strictly defined as start + i * step, where i is an integer. (Learn more about floating point math.) d3.range returns the empty array for infinite ranges, rather than throwing an error.

The method signature for optional accessors has been changed to be more consistent with array methods such as array.forEach: the accessor is passed the current element (d), the index (i), and the array (data), with this as undefined. This affects d3.min, d3.max, d3.extent, d3.sum, d3.mean, d3.median, d3.quantile, d3.variance and d3.deviation. The d3.quantile method previously did not take an accessor. Some methods with optional arguments now treat those arguments as missing if they are null or undefined, rather than strictly checking arguments.length.

The new d3.histogram API replaces d3.layout.histogram. Rather than exposing bin.x and bin.dx on each returned bin, the histogram exposes bin.x0 and bin.x1, guaranteeing that bin.x0 is exactly equal to bin.x1 on the preceeding bin. The “frequency” and “probability” modes are no longer supported; each bin is simply an array of elements from the input data, so bin.length is equal to D3 3.x’s bin.y in frequency mode. To compute a probability distribution, divide the number of elements in each bin by the total number of elements.

The histogram.range method has been renamed histogram.domain for consistency with scales. The histogram.bins method has been renamed histogram.thresholds, and no longer accepts an upper value: n thresholds will produce n + 1 bins. If you specify a desired number of bins rather than thresholds, d3.histogram now uses d3.ticks to compute nice bin thresholds. In addition to the default Sturges’ formula, D3 now implements the Freedman-Diaconis rule and Scott’s normal reference rule.

See CHANGES for all D3 changes since 3.x.


08 Jun 21:44
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07 Jun 23:34
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  • Export to the global d3 in vanilla environments (d3/d3#2840).


29 Jan 19:09
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  • Generate anonymous AMD.


07 Jan 20:25
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  • Move keys, values, entries, map, set, and nest to d3-collection.


30 Dec 04:59
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  • Optimize sum.


18 Dec 18:11
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  • Improve the README.


16 Dec 22:00
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10 Dec 01:59
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09 Dec 00:16
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  • Fix name of generated d3_array global.