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.. py:module:: emoji

.. testsetup:: *

    import emoji
    from pprint import pprint

Release v|version|. (:ref:`Installation <install>`)

emoji supports Python 2.7 and 3.4+

The main purpose of this package is converting Unicode emoji to emoji names and vice versa with :func:`emojize` and :func:`demojize`.

The entire set of Emoji codes as defined by the Unicode consortium is supported in addition to a bunch of aliases. By default, only the official list is enabled but doing emoji.emojize(language='alias') enables both the full list and aliases.

>>> print(emoji.emojize('Python is :thumbs_up:'))
Python is 👍
>>> print(emoji.emojize('Python is :thumbsup:', language='alias'))
Python is 👍
>>> print(emoji.demojize('Python is 👍'))
Python is :thumbs_up:
>>> print(emoji.emojize("Python is fun :red_heart:", variant="text_type"))
Python is fun ❤︎
>>> print(emoji.emojize("Python is fun :red_heart:", variant="emoji_type"))
Python is fun ❤️

By default, the language is English (language='en') but also supported languages are:

Spanish ('es'), Portuguese ('pt'), Italian ('it'), French ('fr'), German ('de'), Farsi/Persian ('fa')

>>> print(emoji.emojize('Python es :pulgar_hacia_arriba:', language='es'))
Python es 👍
>>> print(emoji.demojize('Python es 👍', language='es'))
Python es :pulgar_hacia_arriba:
>>> print(emoji.emojize("Python é :polegar_para_cima:", language='pt'))
Python é 👍
>>> print(emoji.demojize("Python é 👍", language='pt'))
Python é :polegar_para_cima:

The function :func:`emoji_list` finds all emoji in string and their position. Keep in mind that an emoji can span over multiple characters:

>>> emoji.emoji_list('Python is 👍')
[{'match_start': 10, 'match_end': 11, 'emoji': '👍'}]
>>> emoji.emoji_list('A 👩‍🚀 aboard a 🚀')
[{'match_start': 2, 'match_end': 5, 'emoji': '👩‍🚀'}, {'match_start': 15, 'match_end': 16, 'emoji': '🚀'}]

To retrieve the distinct set of emoji from a string, use :func:`distinct_emoji_list`:

>>> emoji.distinct_emoji_list('Some emoji: 🌍, 😂, 😃, 😂, 🌍, 🌦️')
['😃', '😂', '🌦️', '🌍']

To count the number of emoji in a string, use :func:`emoji_count`:

>>> emoji.emoji_count('Some emoji: 🌍, 😂, 😃, 😂, 🌍, 🌦️')
>>> emoji.emoji_count('Some emoji: 🌍, 😂, 😃, 😂, 🌍, 🌦️', unique=True)

You can check if a string is a single, valid emoji with :func:`is_emoji`

>>> emoji.is_emoji('🌍')
>>> emoji.is_emoji('🌍😂')
>>> emoji.is_emoji('test')

To get more information about an emoji, you can look it up in the :data:`EMOJI_DATA` dict:

.. testcode::


.. testoutput::

    {'E': 0.7,
     'alias': [':earth_africa:'],
     'de': ':globus_mit_europa_und_afrika:',
     'en': ':globe_showing_Europe-Africa:',
     'es': ':globo_terráqueo_mostrando_europa_y_áfrica:',
     'fr': ':globe_tourné_sur_l’afrique_et_l’europe:',
     'it': ':europa_e_africa:',
     'pt': ':globo_mostrando_europa_e_áfrica:',
     'status': 2,
     'variant': True}

'E' is the :ref:`Emoji version <Emoji version>`.

'status' is defined in :data:`STATUS`. For example 2 corresponds to 'fully_qualified'. More information on the meaning can be found in the Unicode Standard

With :func:`replace_emoji` you can replace, filter, escape or remove emoji in a string:

>>> emoji.replace_emoji('Python is 👍', replace='')
'Python is '

>>> emoji.replace_emoji('Python is 👍', replace='👎')
'Python is 👎'

>>> def unicode_escape(chars, data_dict):
>>>     return chars.encode('unicode-escape').decode()
>>> emoji.replace_emoji('Python is 👍', replace=unicode_escape)
'Python is \U0001f44d'

>>> def xml_escape(chars, data_dict):
>>>     return chars.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace').decode()
>>> emoji.replace_emoji('Python is 👍', replace=xml_escape)
'Python is &#128077;'

>>> emoji.replace_emoji('Python is 👍', replace=lambda chars, data_dict: chars.encode('ascii', 'namereplace').decode())
'Python is \N{THUMBS UP SIGN}'

>>> emoji.replace_emoji('Python is 👍', replace=lambda chars, data_dict: data_dict['es'])
'Python is :pulgar_hacia_arriba:'

The parameter version in :func:`replace_emoji` allows to replace only emoji above that :ref:`Emoji version <Emoji version>` to prevent incompatibility with older platforms.

For the functions :func:`emojize` and :func:`demojize` the parameter version will replace emoji above the specified version with the value of the parameter handle_version. It defaults to an empty string, but can be set to any string or a function that returns a string.

For example the :croissant: 🥐 emoji was added in Emoji 3.0 (Unicode 9.0) in 2016 and :T-Rex: 🦖 was added later in Emoji 5.0 (Unicode 10.0) in 2017:

>>> emoji.replace_emoji('A 🦖 is eating a 🥐', replace='[Unsupported emoji]', version=1.0)
'A [Unsupported emoji] is eating a [Unsupported emoji]'

>>> emoji.replace_emoji('A 🦖 is eating a 🥐', replace=lambda chars, data_dict: data_dict['en'], version=3.0)
'A :T-Rex: is eating a 🥐'

>>> emoji.emojize('A :T-Rex: is eating a :croissant:', version=3.0)
'A  is eating a 🥐'

>>> emoji.emojize('A :T-Rex: is eating a :croissant:', version=3.0, handle_version='[Unsupported emoji]')
'A [Unsupported emoji] is eating a 🥐'

>>> emoji.demojize('A 🦖 is eating a 🥐', version=3.0)
'A  is eating a :croissant:'

>>> emoji.replace_emoji('A 🦖 is eating a 🥐', replace='', version=5.0)
'A 🦖 is eating a 🥐'

You can find the version of an emoji with :func:`version`:

>>> emoji.version('🥐')
>>> emoji.version('🏌️‍♀️')
>>> emoji.version('🦖')

There a two major, breaking changes in version 2.0.0

The names of emoji in non-English languages have changed, because the data files were updated to the new version 41. See

That means some :short-code-emoji: with non-English names will no longer work in 2.0.0. :func:`emojize` will ignore the old codes.

This may be a problem if you have previously stored :short-code-emoji: with non-English names for example in a database or if your users have stored them.

The function get_emoji_regexp() was removed in 2.0.0. Internally the module no longer uses a regular expression when scanning for emoji in a string (e.g. in :func:`demojize`).

The regular expression was slow in Python 3 and it failed to correctly find certain combinations of long emoji (emoji consisting of multiple Unicode codepoints).

If you used the regular expression to remove emoji from strings, you can use :func:`replace_emoji` as shown in the examples above.

If you want to extract emoji from strings, you can use :func:`emoji_list` as a replacement.

If you want to keep using a regular expression despite its problems, you can create the expression yourself like this:

.. testcode::

    import re
    import emoji

    def get_emoji_regexp():
        # Sort emoji by length to make sure multi-character emojis are
        # matched first
        emojis = sorted(emoji.EMOJI_DATA, key=len, reverse=True)
        pattern = u'(' + u'|'.join(re.escape(u) for u in emojis) + u')'
        return re.compile(pattern)

    exp = get_emoji_regexp()
    print(exp.sub(repl='[emoji]', string=u'A 🏌️‍♀️ is eating a 🥐'))


.. testoutput::

    A [emoji] is eating a [emoji]

UnicodeWarning: Unicode unequal comparison failed to convert both arguments to Unicode - interpreting them as being unequal

This exception is thrown in Python 2.7 if you passed a str string instead of a unicode string. You should only pass Unicode strings to this module.

See for more information on Unicode in Python 2.7.

Reference documentation of all functions and properties in the module:

.. toctree::


API Reference  
:func:`emojize` Replace emoji names with Unicode codes
:func:`demojize` Replace Unicode emoji with emoji shortcodes
:func:`replace_emoji` Replace Unicode emoji with a customizable string
:func:`emoji_list` Location of all emoji in a string
:func:`distinct_emoji_list` Distinct list of emojis in the string
:func:`emoji_count` Number of emojis in a string
:func:`is_emoji` Check if a string/character is a single emoji
:func:`version` Find Unicode/Emoji version of an emoji
Module variables:  
:data:`EMOJI_DATA` Dict of all emoji
:data:`STATUS` Dict of Unicode/Emoji status

Overview of all emoji:

(auto-generated list of the emoji that are supported by the current version of this package)

For English:

Emoji Cheat Sheet

Official Unicode list

For Spanish:

Unicode list

For Portuguese:

Unicode list

For Italian:

Unicode list

For French:

Unicode list

For German:

Unicode list

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2
