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Users of this struct should @@ -68,7 +69,12 @@ func MarshalText(w io.Writer, m *Manifest) error { bm.Resource = append(bm.Resource, toProto(resource)) } - return proto.MarshalText(w, &bm) + b, err := prototext.Marshal(&bm) + if err != nil { + return err + } + _, err = w.Write(b) + return err } // BuildManifest creates the manifest for the given context diff --git a/proto/gen.go b/proto/gen.go index 63ce10fb..bc997286 100644 --- a/proto/gen.go +++ b/proto/gen.go @@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ package proto //go:generate protoc --go_out=. manifest.proto +//go:generate mv github.com/containerd/continuity/proto/manifest.pb.go . +//go:generate rmdir -p github.com/containerd/continuity/proto diff --git a/proto/manifest.pb.go b/proto/manifest.pb.go index c83a9e77..9dbc2bf2 100644 --- a/proto/manifest.pb.go +++ b/proto/manifest.pb.go @@ -1,223 +1,315 @@ // Code generated by protoc-gen-go. DO NOT EDIT. +// versions: +// protoc-gen-go v1.26.0 +// protoc v3.12.4 // source: manifest.proto -/* -Package proto is a generated protocol buffer package. - -It is generated from these files: - manifest.proto - -It has these top-level messages: - Manifest - Resource - XAttr - ADSEntry -*/ package proto -import proto1 "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" -import fmt "fmt" -import math "math" +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + protoimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl" + reflect "reflect" + sync "sync" +) -// Reference imports to suppress errors if they are not otherwise used. -var _ = proto1.Marshal -var _ = fmt.Errorf -var _ = math.Inf - -// This is a compile-time assertion to ensure that this generated file -// is compatible with the proto package it is being compiled against. -// A compilation error at this line likely means your copy of the -// proto package needs to be updated. -const _ = proto1.ProtoPackageIsVersion2 // please upgrade the proto package +const ( + // Verify that this generated code is sufficiently up-to-date. + _ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(20 - protoimpl.MinVersion) + // Verify that runtime/protoimpl is sufficiently up-to-date. + _ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - 20) +) // Manifest specifies the entries in a container bundle, keyed and sorted by // path. type Manifest struct { - Resource []*Resource `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=resource" json:"resource,omitempty"` + state protoimpl.MessageState + sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache + unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields + + Resource []*Resource `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=resource,proto3" json:"resource,omitempty"` } -func (m *Manifest) Reset() { *m = Manifest{} } -func (m *Manifest) String() string { return proto1.CompactTextString(m) } -func (*Manifest) ProtoMessage() {} -func (*Manifest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor0, []int{0} } +func (x *Manifest) Reset() { + *x = Manifest{} + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { + mi := &file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[0] + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } +} + +func (x *Manifest) String() string { + return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x) +} -func (m *Manifest) GetResource() []*Resource { - if m != nil { - return m.Resource +func (*Manifest) ProtoMessage() {} + +func (x *Manifest) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { + mi := &file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[0] + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } + return ms + } + return mi.MessageOf(x) +} + +// Deprecated: Use Manifest.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. +func (*Manifest) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { + return file_manifest_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{0} +} + +func (x *Manifest) GetResource() []*Resource { + if x != nil { + return x.Resource } return nil } type Resource struct { + state protoimpl.MessageState + sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache + unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields + // Path specifies the path from the bundle root. If more than one // path is present, the entry may represent a hardlink, rather than using // a link target. The path format is operating system specific. - Path []string `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=path" json:"path,omitempty"` + Path []string `protobuf:"bytes,1,rep,name=path,proto3" json:"path,omitempty"` // Uid specifies the user id for the resource. - Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=uid" json:"uid,omitempty"` + Uid int64 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=uid,proto3" json:"uid,omitempty"` // Gid specifies the group id for the resource. - Gid int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=gid" json:"gid,omitempty"` + Gid int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,opt,name=gid,proto3" json:"gid,omitempty"` // user and group are not currently used but their field numbers have been // reserved for future use. As such, they are marked as deprecated. - User string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=user" json:"user,omitempty"` - Group string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=group" json:"group,omitempty"` + // + // Deprecated: Do not use. + User string `protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=user,proto3" json:"user,omitempty"` // "deprecated" stands for "reserved" here + // Deprecated: Do not use. + Group string `protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=group,proto3" json:"group,omitempty"` // "deprecated" stands for "reserved" here // Mode defines the file mode and permissions. We've used the same // bit-packing from Go's os package, // http://golang.org/pkg/os/#FileMode, since they've done the work of // creating a cross-platform layout. - Mode uint32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=mode" json:"mode,omitempty"` + Mode uint32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=mode,proto3" json:"mode,omitempty"` // Size specifies the size in bytes of the resource. This is only valid // for regular files. - Size uint64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=size" json:"size,omitempty"` + Size uint64 `protobuf:"varint,7,opt,name=size,proto3" json:"size,omitempty"` // Digest specifies the content digest of the target file. Only valid for // regular files. The strings are formatted in OCI style, i.e. :. // For detailed information about the format, please refer to OCI Image Spec: // https://github.com/opencontainers/image-spec/blob/master/descriptor.md#digests-and-verification // The digests are sorted in lexical order and implementations may choose // which algorithms they prefer. - Digest []string `protobuf:"bytes,8,rep,name=digest" json:"digest,omitempty"` + Digest []string `protobuf:"bytes,8,rep,name=digest,proto3" json:"digest,omitempty"` // Target defines the target of a hard or soft link. Absolute links start // with a slash and specify the resource relative to the bundle root. // Relative links do not start with a slash and are relative to the // resource path. - Target string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=target" json:"target,omitempty"` + Target string `protobuf:"bytes,9,opt,name=target,proto3" json:"target,omitempty"` // Major specifies the major device number for character and block devices. - Major uint64 `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=major" json:"major,omitempty"` + Major uint64 `protobuf:"varint,10,opt,name=major,proto3" json:"major,omitempty"` // Minor specifies the minor device number for character and block devices. - Minor uint64 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=minor" json:"minor,omitempty"` + Minor uint64 `protobuf:"varint,11,opt,name=minor,proto3" json:"minor,omitempty"` // Xattr provides storage for extended attributes for the target resource. - Xattr []*XAttr `protobuf:"bytes,12,rep,name=xattr" json:"xattr,omitempty"` + Xattr []*XAttr `protobuf:"bytes,12,rep,name=xattr,proto3" json:"xattr,omitempty"` // Ads stores one or more alternate data streams for the target resource. - Ads []*ADSEntry `protobuf:"bytes,13,rep,name=ads" json:"ads,omitempty"` + Ads []*ADSEntry `protobuf:"bytes,13,rep,name=ads,proto3" json:"ads,omitempty"` +} + +func (x *Resource) Reset() { + *x = Resource{} + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { + mi := &file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[1] + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } +} + +func (x *Resource) String() string { + return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x) +} + +func (*Resource) ProtoMessage() {} + +func (x *Resource) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { + mi := &file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[1] + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } + return ms + } + return mi.MessageOf(x) } -func (m *Resource) Reset() { *m = Resource{} } -func (m *Resource) String() string { return proto1.CompactTextString(m) } -func (*Resource) ProtoMessage() {} -func (*Resource) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor0, []int{1} } +// Deprecated: Use Resource.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. +func (*Resource) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { + return file_manifest_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{1} +} -func (m *Resource) GetPath() []string { - if m != nil { - return m.Path +func (x *Resource) GetPath() []string { + if x != nil { + return x.Path } return nil } -func (m *Resource) GetUid() int64 { - if m != nil { - return m.Uid +func (x *Resource) GetUid() int64 { + if x != nil { + return x.Uid } return 0 } -func (m *Resource) GetGid() int64 { - if m != nil { - return m.Gid +func (x *Resource) GetGid() int64 { + if x != nil { + return x.Gid } return 0 } -func (m *Resource) GetUser() string { - if m != nil { - return m.User +// Deprecated: Do not use. +func (x *Resource) GetUser() string { + if x != nil { + return x.User } return "" } -func (m *Resource) GetGroup() string { - if m != nil { - return m.Group +// Deprecated: Do not use. +func (x *Resource) GetGroup() string { + if x != nil { + return x.Group } return "" } -func (m *Resource) GetMode() uint32 { - if m != nil { - return m.Mode +func (x *Resource) GetMode() uint32 { + if x != nil { + return x.Mode } return 0 } -func (m *Resource) GetSize() uint64 { - if m != nil { - return m.Size +func (x *Resource) GetSize() uint64 { + if x != nil { + return x.Size } return 0 } -func (m *Resource) GetDigest() []string { - if m != nil { - return m.Digest +func (x *Resource) GetDigest() []string { + if x != nil { + return x.Digest } return nil } -func (m *Resource) GetTarget() string { - if m != nil { - return m.Target +func (x *Resource) GetTarget() string { + if x != nil { + return x.Target } return "" } -func (m *Resource) GetMajor() uint64 { - if m != nil { - return m.Major +func (x *Resource) GetMajor() uint64 { + if x != nil { + return x.Major } return 0 } -func (m *Resource) GetMinor() uint64 { - if m != nil { - return m.Minor +func (x *Resource) GetMinor() uint64 { + if x != nil { + return x.Minor } return 0 } -func (m *Resource) GetXattr() []*XAttr { - if m != nil { - return m.Xattr +func (x *Resource) GetXattr() []*XAttr { + if x != nil { + return x.Xattr } return nil } -func (m *Resource) GetAds() []*ADSEntry { - if m != nil { - return m.Ads +func (x *Resource) GetAds() []*ADSEntry { + if x != nil { + return x.Ads } return nil } // XAttr encodes extended attributes for a resource. type XAttr struct { + state protoimpl.MessageState + sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache + unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields + // Name specifies the attribute name. - Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name" json:"name,omitempty"` + Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"` // Data specifies the associated data for the attribute. Data []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` } -func (m *XAttr) Reset() { *m = XAttr{} } -func (m *XAttr) String() string { return proto1.CompactTextString(m) } -func (*XAttr) ProtoMessage() {} -func (*XAttr) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor0, []int{2} } +func (x *XAttr) Reset() { + *x = XAttr{} + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { + mi := &file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[2] + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } +} + +func (x *XAttr) String() string { + return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x) +} + +func (*XAttr) ProtoMessage() {} + +func (x *XAttr) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { + mi := &file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[2] + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } + return ms + } + return mi.MessageOf(x) +} + +// Deprecated: Use XAttr.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. +func (*XAttr) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { + return file_manifest_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{2} +} -func (m *XAttr) GetName() string { - if m != nil { - return m.Name +func (x *XAttr) GetName() string { + if x != nil { + return x.Name } return "" } -func (m *XAttr) GetData() []byte { - if m != nil { - return m.Data +func (x *XAttr) GetData() []byte { + if x != nil { + return x.Data } return nil } // ADSEntry encodes information for a Windows Alternate Data Stream. type ADSEntry struct { + state protoimpl.MessageState + sizeCache protoimpl.SizeCache + unknownFields protoimpl.UnknownFields + // Name specifices the stream name. - Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name" json:"name,omitempty"` + Name string `protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=name,proto3" json:"name,omitempty"` // Data specifies the stream data. // See also the description about the digest below. Data []byte `protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=data,proto3" json:"data,omitempty"` @@ -229,64 +321,205 @@ type ADSEntry struct { // How to access the actual data using the digest is implementation-specific, // and implementations can choose not to implement digest. // So, digest SHOULD be used only when the stream data is large. - Digest string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=digest" json:"digest,omitempty"` + Digest string `protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=digest,proto3" json:"digest,omitempty"` } -func (m *ADSEntry) Reset() { *m = ADSEntry{} } -func (m *ADSEntry) String() string { return proto1.CompactTextString(m) } -func (*ADSEntry) ProtoMessage() {} -func (*ADSEntry) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { return fileDescriptor0, []int{3} } +func (x *ADSEntry) Reset() { + *x = ADSEntry{} + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { + mi := &file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[3] + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } +} -func (m *ADSEntry) GetName() string { - if m != nil { - return m.Name +func (x *ADSEntry) String() string { + return protoimpl.X.MessageStringOf(x) +} + +func (*ADSEntry) ProtoMessage() {} + +func (x *ADSEntry) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { + mi := &file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[3] + if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && x != nil { + ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(protoimpl.Pointer(x)) + if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { + ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) + } + return ms + } + return mi.MessageOf(x) +} + +// Deprecated: Use ADSEntry.ProtoReflect.Descriptor instead. +func (*ADSEntry) Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) { + return file_manifest_proto_rawDescGZIP(), []int{3} +} + +func (x *ADSEntry) GetName() string { + if x != nil { + return x.Name } return "" } -func (m *ADSEntry) GetData() []byte { - if m != nil { - return m.Data +func (x *ADSEntry) GetData() []byte { + if x != nil { + return x.Data } return nil } -func (m *ADSEntry) GetDigest() string { - if m != nil { - return m.Digest +func (x *ADSEntry) GetDigest() string { + if x != nil { + return x.Digest } return "" } -func init() { - proto1.RegisterType((*Manifest)(nil), "proto.Manifest") - proto1.RegisterType((*Resource)(nil), "proto.Resource") - proto1.RegisterType((*XAttr)(nil), "proto.XAttr") - proto1.RegisterType((*ADSEntry)(nil), "proto.ADSEntry") -} - -func init() { proto1.RegisterFile("manifest.proto", fileDescriptor0) } - -var fileDescriptor0 = []byte{ - // 317 bytes of a gzipped FileDescriptorProto - 0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xff, 0x8c, 0x90, 0x4f, 0x4b, 0xf3, 0x40, - 0x10, 0xc6, 0x49, 0x93, 0xf4, 0x4d, 0xa7, 0xed, 0xab, 0x2c, 0x52, 0xe6, 0x18, 0x73, 0x0a, 0x08, - 0x15, 0xf4, 0xe0, 0xb9, 0xa2, 0x17, 0xc1, 0xcb, 0x7a, 0xf1, 0xba, 0xba, 0x6b, 0x5c, 0x21, 0xd9, - 0xb0, 0xd9, 0x80, 0xfa, 0xe5, 0xfc, 0x6a, 0x32, 0xb3, 0x69, 0xd1, 0x9b, 0xa7, 0x3c, 0xcf, 0x6f, - 0xfe, 0x64, 0xf6, 0x81, 0xff, 0xad, 0xea, 0xec, 0x8b, 0x19, 0xc2, 0xb6, 0xf7, 0x2e, 0x38, 0x91, - 0xf3, 0xa7, 0xba, 0x82, 0xe2, 0x7e, 0x2a, 0x88, 0x33, 0x28, 0xbc, 0x19, 0xdc, 0xe8, 0x9f, 0x0d, - 0x26, 0x65, 0x5a, 0x2f, 0x2f, 0x8e, 0x62, 0xf3, 0x56, 0x4e, 0x58, 0x1e, 0x1a, 0xaa, 0xaf, 0x19, - 0x14, 0x7b, 0x2c, 0x04, 0x64, 0xbd, 0x0a, 0xaf, 0x3c, 0xb5, 0x90, 0xac, 0xc5, 0x31, 0xa4, 0xa3, - 0xd5, 0x38, 0x2b, 0x93, 0x3a, 0x95, 0x24, 0x89, 0x34, 0x56, 0x63, 0x1a, 0x49, 0x63, 0xb5, 0xd8, - 0x40, 0x36, 0x0e, 0xc6, 0x63, 0x56, 0x26, 0xf5, 0xe2, 0x7a, 0x86, 0x89, 0x64, 0x2f, 0x10, 0xf2, - 0xc6, 0xbb, 0xb1, 0xc7, 0xfc, 0x50, 0x88, 0x80, 0xfe, 0xd4, 0x3a, 0x6d, 0x70, 0x5e, 0x26, 0xf5, - 0x5a, 0xb2, 0x26, 0x36, 0xd8, 0x4f, 0x83, 0xff, 0xca, 0xa4, 0xce, 0x24, 0x6b, 0xb1, 0x81, 0xb9, - 0xb6, 0x8d, 0x19, 0x02, 0x16, 0x7c, 0xd3, 0xe4, 0x88, 0x07, 0xe5, 0x1b, 0x13, 0x70, 0x41, 0xab, - 0xe5, 0xe4, 0xc4, 0x09, 0xe4, 0xad, 0x7a, 0x73, 0x1e, 0x81, 0x97, 0x44, 0xc3, 0xd4, 0x76, 0xce, - 0xe3, 0x72, 0xa2, 0x64, 0x44, 0x05, 0xf9, 0xbb, 0x0a, 0xc1, 0xe3, 0x8a, 0x43, 0x5a, 0x4d, 0x21, - 0x3d, 0xee, 0x42, 0xf0, 0x32, 0x96, 0xc4, 0x29, 0xa4, 0x4a, 0x0f, 0xb8, 0xfe, 0x15, 0xe3, 0xee, - 0xe6, 0xe1, 0xb6, 0x0b, 0xfe, 0x43, 0x52, 0xad, 0x3a, 0x87, 0x9c, 0x47, 0xe8, 0xfe, 0x4e, 0xb5, - 0x94, 0x39, 0x5d, 0xc4, 0x9a, 0x98, 0x56, 0x41, 0x71, 0x7c, 0x2b, 0xc9, 0xba, 0xba, 0x83, 0x62, - 0xbf, 0xe1, 0xaf, 0x33, 0x3f, 0x72, 0x48, 0xe3, 0x7b, 0xa3, 0x7b, 0x9a, 0xf3, 0x45, 0x97, 0xdf, - 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xef, 0x27, 0x99, 0xf7, 0x17, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, +var File_manifest_proto protoreflect.FileDescriptor + +var file_manifest_proto_rawDesc = []byte{ + 0x0a, 0x0e, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x66, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, + 0x12, 0x05, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x22, 0x37, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x4d, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x69, 0x66, + 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x12, 0x2b, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x72, 0x65, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x18, + 0x01, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x0f, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x2e, 0x52, 0x65, + 0x73, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x52, 0x08, 0x72, 0x65, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, + 0x22, 0xbf, 0x02, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x52, 0x65, 0x73, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x72, 0x63, 0x65, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0a, + 0x04, 0x70, 0x61, 0x74, 0x68, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x04, 0x70, 0x61, 0x74, + 0x68, 0x12, 0x10, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x75, 0x69, 0x64, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x03, 0x52, 0x03, + 0x75, 0x69, 0x64, 0x12, 0x10, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x67, 0x69, 0x64, 0x18, 0x03, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x03, + 0x52, 0x03, 0x67, 0x69, 0x64, 0x12, 0x16, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x75, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x18, 0x04, 0x20, + 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x42, 0x02, 0x18, 0x01, 0x52, 0x04, 0x75, 0x73, 0x65, 0x72, 0x12, 0x18, 0x0a, + 0x05, 0x67, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x70, 0x18, 0x05, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x42, 0x02, 0x18, 0x01, + 0x52, 0x05, 0x67, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x75, 0x70, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x64, 0x65, 0x18, + 0x06, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0d, 0x52, 0x04, 0x6d, 0x6f, 0x64, 0x65, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x73, + 0x69, 0x7a, 0x65, 0x18, 0x07, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x04, 0x52, 0x04, 0x73, 0x69, 0x7a, 0x65, 0x12, + 0x16, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x64, 0x69, 0x67, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x18, 0x08, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, + 0x06, 0x64, 0x69, 0x67, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x12, 0x16, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x74, 0x61, 0x72, 0x67, 0x65, + 0x74, 0x18, 0x09, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x06, 0x74, 0x61, 0x72, 0x67, 0x65, 0x74, 0x12, + 0x14, 0x0a, 0x05, 0x6d, 0x61, 0x6a, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x18, 0x0a, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x04, 0x52, 0x05, + 0x6d, 0x61, 0x6a, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x12, 0x14, 0x0a, 0x05, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x18, 0x0b, + 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x04, 0x52, 0x05, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x72, 0x12, 0x22, 0x0a, 0x05, 0x78, + 0x61, 0x74, 0x74, 0x72, 0x18, 0x0c, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x0c, 0x2e, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, + 0x74, 0x6f, 0x2e, 0x58, 0x41, 0x74, 0x74, 0x72, 0x52, 0x05, 0x78, 0x61, 0x74, 0x74, 0x72, 0x12, + 0x21, 0x0a, 0x03, 0x61, 0x64, 0x73, 0x18, 0x0d, 0x20, 0x03, 0x28, 0x0b, 0x32, 0x0f, 0x2e, 0x70, + 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x2e, 0x41, 0x44, 0x53, 0x45, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x72, 0x79, 0x52, 0x03, 0x61, + 0x64, 0x73, 0x22, 0x2f, 0x0a, 0x05, 0x58, 0x41, 0x74, 0x74, 0x72, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x6e, + 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x04, 0x6e, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x12, + 0x12, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x0c, 0x52, 0x04, 0x64, + 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, 0x22, 0x4a, 0x0a, 0x08, 0x41, 0x44, 0x53, 0x45, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x72, 0x79, 0x12, + 0x12, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x6e, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x18, 0x01, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x04, 0x6e, + 0x61, 0x6d, 0x65, 0x12, 0x12, 0x0a, 0x04, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, 0x18, 0x02, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, + 0x0c, 0x52, 0x04, 0x64, 0x61, 0x74, 0x61, 0x12, 0x16, 0x0a, 0x06, 0x64, 0x69, 0x67, 0x65, 0x73, + 0x74, 0x18, 0x03, 0x20, 0x01, 0x28, 0x09, 0x52, 0x06, 0x64, 0x69, 0x67, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74, 0x42, + 0x2e, 0x5a, 0x2c, 0x67, 0x69, 0x74, 0x68, 0x75, 0x62, 0x2e, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x2f, 0x63, 0x6f, + 0x6e, 0x74, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x72, 0x64, 0x2f, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x75, + 0x69, 0x74, 0x79, 0x2f, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x3b, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x62, + 0x06, 0x70, 0x72, 0x6f, 0x74, 0x6f, 0x33, +} + +var ( + file_manifest_proto_rawDescOnce sync.Once + file_manifest_proto_rawDescData = file_manifest_proto_rawDesc +) + +func file_manifest_proto_rawDescGZIP() []byte { + file_manifest_proto_rawDescOnce.Do(func() { + file_manifest_proto_rawDescData = protoimpl.X.CompressGZIP(file_manifest_proto_rawDescData) + }) + return file_manifest_proto_rawDescData +} + +var file_manifest_proto_msgTypes = make([]protoimpl.MessageInfo, 4) +var file_manifest_proto_goTypes = []interface{}{ + (*Manifest)(nil), // 0: proto.Manifest + (*Resource)(nil), // 1: proto.Resource + (*XAttr)(nil), // 2: proto.XAttr + (*ADSEntry)(nil), // 3: proto.ADSEntry +} +var file_manifest_proto_depIdxs = []int32{ + 1, // 0: proto.Manifest.resource:type_name -> proto.Resource + 2, // 1: proto.Resource.xattr:type_name -> proto.XAttr + 3, // 2: proto.Resource.ads:type_name -> proto.ADSEntry + 3, // [3:3] is the sub-list for method output_type + 3, // [3:3] is the sub-list for method input_type + 3, // [3:3] is the sub-list for extension type_name + 3, // [3:3] is the sub-list for extension extendee + 0, // [0:3] is the sub-list for field type_name +} + +func init() { file_manifest_proto_init() } +func file_manifest_proto_init() { + if File_manifest_proto != nil { + return + } + if !protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled { + file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[0].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { + switch v := v.(*Manifest); i { + case 0: + return &v.state + case 1: + return &v.sizeCache + case 2: + return &v.unknownFields + default: + return nil + } + } + file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[1].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { + switch v := v.(*Resource); i { + case 0: + return &v.state + case 1: + return &v.sizeCache + case 2: + return &v.unknownFields + default: + return nil + } + } + file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[2].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { + switch v := v.(*XAttr); i { + case 0: + return &v.state + case 1: + return &v.sizeCache + case 2: + return &v.unknownFields + default: + return nil + } + } + file_manifest_proto_msgTypes[3].Exporter = func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} { + switch v := v.(*ADSEntry); i { + case 0: + return &v.state + case 1: + return &v.sizeCache + case 2: + return &v.unknownFields + default: + return nil + } + } + } + type x struct{} + out := protoimpl.TypeBuilder{ + File: protoimpl.DescBuilder{ + GoPackagePath: reflect.TypeOf(x{}).PkgPath(), + RawDescriptor: file_manifest_proto_rawDesc, + NumEnums: 0, + NumMessages: 4, + NumExtensions: 0, + NumServices: 0, + }, + GoTypes: file_manifest_proto_goTypes, + DependencyIndexes: file_manifest_proto_depIdxs, + MessageInfos: file_manifest_proto_msgTypes, + }.Build() + File_manifest_proto = out.File + file_manifest_proto_rawDesc = nil + file_manifest_proto_goTypes = nil + file_manifest_proto_depIdxs = nil } diff --git a/proto/manifest.proto b/proto/manifest.proto index 66ef80f0..35df41ff 100644 --- a/proto/manifest.proto +++ b/proto/manifest.proto @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ syntax = "proto3"; package proto; +option go_package = "github.com/containerd/continuity/proto;proto"; // Manifest specifies the entries in a container bundle, keyed and sorted by // path. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/file.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/file.go index 0385e410..293ab54c 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/file.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/file.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build windows // +build windows package winio @@ -143,6 +144,11 @@ func (f *win32File) Close() error { return nil } +// IsClosed checks if the file has been closed +func (f *win32File) IsClosed() bool { + return f.closing.isSet() +} + // prepareIo prepares for a new IO operation. // The caller must call f.wg.Done() when the IO is finished, prior to Close() returning. func (f *win32File) prepareIo() (*ioOperation, error) { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/hvsock.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/hvsock.go index b632f8f8..b2b644d0 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/hvsock.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/hvsock.go @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +//go:build windows // +build windows package winio @@ -252,15 +253,23 @@ func (conn *HvsockConn) Close() error { return conn.sock.Close() } +func (conn *HvsockConn) IsClosed() bool { + return conn.sock.IsClosed() +} + func (conn *HvsockConn) shutdown(how int) error { - err := syscall.Shutdown(conn.sock.handle, syscall.SHUT_RD) + if conn.IsClosed() { + return ErrFileClosed + } + + err := syscall.Shutdown(conn.sock.handle, how) if err != nil { return os.NewSyscallError("shutdown", err) } return nil } -// CloseRead shuts down the read end of the socket. +// CloseRead shuts down the read end of the socket, preventing future read operations. func (conn *HvsockConn) CloseRead() error { err := conn.shutdown(syscall.SHUT_RD) if err != nil { @@ -269,8 +278,8 @@ func (conn *HvsockConn) CloseRead() error { return nil } -// CloseWrite shuts down the write end of the socket, notifying the other endpoint that -// no more data will be written. +// CloseWrite shuts down the write end of the socket, preventing future write operations and +// notifying the other endpoint that no more data will be written. func (conn *HvsockConn) CloseWrite() error { err := conn.shutdown(syscall.SHUT_WR) if err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid.go index f497c0e3..2d9161e2 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid.go +++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid.go @@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ import ( "encoding/binary" "fmt" "strconv" - - "golang.org/x/sys/windows" ) // Variant specifies which GUID variant (or "type") of the GUID. It determines @@ -41,13 +39,6 @@ type Version uint8 var _ = (encoding.TextMarshaler)(GUID{}) var _ = (encoding.TextUnmarshaler)(&GUID{}) -// GUID represents a GUID/UUID. It has the same structure as -// golang.org/x/sys/windows.GUID so that it can be used with functions expecting -// that type. It is defined as its own type so that stringification and -// marshaling can be supported. The representation matches that used by native -// Windows code. -type GUID windows.GUID - // NewV4 returns a new version 4 (pseudorandom) GUID, as defined by RFC 4122. func NewV4() (GUID, error) { var b [16]byte diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid_nonwindows.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid_nonwindows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f64d828c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid_nonwindows.go @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +// +build !windows + +package guid + +// GUID represents a GUID/UUID. It has the same structure as +// golang.org/x/sys/windows.GUID so that it can be used with functions expecting +// that type. It is defined as its own type as that is only available to builds +// targeted at `windows`. The representation matches that used by native Windows +// code. +type GUID struct { + Data1 uint32 + Data2 uint16 + Data3 uint16 + Data4 [8]byte +} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid_windows.go b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid_windows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..83617f4e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid/guid_windows.go @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +package guid + +import "golang.org/x/sys/windows" + +// GUID represents a GUID/UUID. It has the same structure as +// golang.org/x/sys/windows.GUID so that it can be used with functions expecting +// that type. It is defined as its own type so that stringification and +// marshaling can be supported. The representation matches that used by native +// Windows code. +type GUID windows.GUID diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/clone.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/clone.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3cd3249f..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/clone.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,253 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -// Protocol buffer deep copy and merge. -// TODO: RawMessage. - -package proto - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "reflect" - "strings" -) - -// Clone returns a deep copy of a protocol buffer. -func Clone(src Message) Message { - in := reflect.ValueOf(src) - if in.IsNil() { - return src - } - out := reflect.New(in.Type().Elem()) - dst := out.Interface().(Message) - Merge(dst, src) - return dst -} - -// Merger is the interface representing objects that can merge messages of the same type. -type Merger interface { - // Merge merges src into this message. - // Required and optional fields that are set in src will be set to that value in dst. - // Elements of repeated fields will be appended. - // - // Merge may panic if called with a different argument type than the receiver. - Merge(src Message) -} - -// generatedMerger is the custom merge method that generated protos will have. -// We must add this method since a generate Merge method will conflict with -// many existing protos that have a Merge data field already defined. -type generatedMerger interface { - XXX_Merge(src Message) -} - -// Merge merges src into dst. -// Required and optional fields that are set in src will be set to that value in dst. -// Elements of repeated fields will be appended. -// Merge panics if src and dst are not the same type, or if dst is nil. -func Merge(dst, src Message) { - if m, ok := dst.(Merger); ok { - m.Merge(src) - return - } - - in := reflect.ValueOf(src) - out := reflect.ValueOf(dst) - if out.IsNil() { - panic("proto: nil destination") - } - if in.Type() != out.Type() { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("proto.Merge(%T, %T) type mismatch", dst, src)) - } - if in.IsNil() { - return // Merge from nil src is a noop - } - if m, ok := dst.(generatedMerger); ok { - m.XXX_Merge(src) - return - } - mergeStruct(out.Elem(), in.Elem()) -} - -func mergeStruct(out, in reflect.Value) { - sprop := GetProperties(in.Type()) - for i := 0; i < in.NumField(); i++ { - f := in.Type().Field(i) - if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") { - continue - } - mergeAny(out.Field(i), in.Field(i), false, sprop.Prop[i]) - } - - if emIn, err := extendable(in.Addr().Interface()); err == nil { - emOut, _ := extendable(out.Addr().Interface()) - mIn, muIn := emIn.extensionsRead() - if mIn != nil { - mOut := emOut.extensionsWrite() - muIn.Lock() - mergeExtension(mOut, mIn) - muIn.Unlock() - } - } - - uf := in.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized") - if !uf.IsValid() { - return - } - uin := uf.Bytes() - if len(uin) > 0 { - out.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized").SetBytes(append([]byte(nil), uin...)) - } -} - -// mergeAny performs a merge between two values of the same type. -// viaPtr indicates whether the values were indirected through a pointer (implying proto2). -// prop is set if this is a struct field (it may be nil). -func mergeAny(out, in reflect.Value, viaPtr bool, prop *Properties) { - if in.Type() == protoMessageType { - if !in.IsNil() { - if out.IsNil() { - out.Set(reflect.ValueOf(Clone(in.Interface().(Message)))) - } else { - Merge(out.Interface().(Message), in.Interface().(Message)) - } - } - return - } - switch in.Kind() { - case reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, - reflect.String, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: - if !viaPtr && isProto3Zero(in) { - return - } - out.Set(in) - case reflect.Interface: - // Probably a oneof field; copy non-nil values. - if in.IsNil() { - return - } - // Allocate destination if it is not set, or set to a different type. - // Otherwise we will merge as normal. - if out.IsNil() || out.Elem().Type() != in.Elem().Type() { - out.Set(reflect.New(in.Elem().Elem().Type())) // interface -> *T -> T -> new(T) - } - mergeAny(out.Elem(), in.Elem(), false, nil) - case reflect.Map: - if in.Len() == 0 { - return - } - if out.IsNil() { - out.Set(reflect.MakeMap(in.Type())) - } - // For maps with value types of *T or []byte we need to deep copy each value. - elemKind := in.Type().Elem().Kind() - for _, key := range in.MapKeys() { - var val reflect.Value - switch elemKind { - case reflect.Ptr: - val = reflect.New(in.Type().Elem().Elem()) - mergeAny(val, in.MapIndex(key), false, nil) - case reflect.Slice: - val = in.MapIndex(key) - val = reflect.ValueOf(append([]byte{}, val.Bytes()...)) - default: - val = in.MapIndex(key) - } - out.SetMapIndex(key, val) - } - case reflect.Ptr: - if in.IsNil() { - return - } - if out.IsNil() { - out.Set(reflect.New(in.Elem().Type())) - } - mergeAny(out.Elem(), in.Elem(), true, nil) - case reflect.Slice: - if in.IsNil() { - return - } - if in.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { - // []byte is a scalar bytes field, not a repeated field. - - // Edge case: if this is in a proto3 message, a zero length - // bytes field is considered the zero value, and should not - // be merged. - if prop != nil && prop.proto3 && in.Len() == 0 { - return - } - - // Make a deep copy. - // Append to []byte{} instead of []byte(nil) so that we never end up - // with a nil result. - out.SetBytes(append([]byte{}, in.Bytes()...)) - return - } - n := in.Len() - if out.IsNil() { - out.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(in.Type(), 0, n)) - } - switch in.Type().Elem().Kind() { - case reflect.Bool, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, - reflect.String, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: - out.Set(reflect.AppendSlice(out, in)) - default: - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - x := reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(in.Type().Elem())) - mergeAny(x, in.Index(i), false, nil) - out.Set(reflect.Append(out, x)) - } - } - case reflect.Struct: - mergeStruct(out, in) - default: - // unknown type, so not a protocol buffer - log.Printf("proto: don't know how to copy %v", in) - } -} - -func mergeExtension(out, in map[int32]Extension) { - for extNum, eIn := range in { - eOut := Extension{desc: eIn.desc} - if eIn.value != nil { - v := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(eIn.value)).Elem() - mergeAny(v, reflect.ValueOf(eIn.value), false, nil) - eOut.value = v.Interface() - } - if eIn.enc != nil { - eOut.enc = make([]byte, len(eIn.enc)) - copy(eOut.enc, eIn.enc) - } - - out[extNum] = eOut - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go deleted file mode 100644 index 63b0f08b..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/decode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,427 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -/* - * Routines for decoding protocol buffer data to construct in-memory representations. - */ - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" -) - -// errOverflow is returned when an integer is too large to be represented. -var errOverflow = errors.New("proto: integer overflow") - -// ErrInternalBadWireType is returned by generated code when an incorrect -// wire type is encountered. It does not get returned to user code. -var ErrInternalBadWireType = errors.New("proto: internal error: bad wiretype for oneof") - -// DecodeVarint reads a varint-encoded integer from the slice. -// It returns the integer and the number of bytes consumed, or -// zero if there is not enough. -// This is the format for the -// int32, int64, uint32, uint64, bool, and enum -// protocol buffer types. -func DecodeVarint(buf []byte) (x uint64, n int) { - for shift := uint(0); shift < 64; shift += 7 { - if n >= len(buf) { - return 0, 0 - } - b := uint64(buf[n]) - n++ - x |= (b & 0x7F) << shift - if (b & 0x80) == 0 { - return x, n - } - } - - // The number is too large to represent in a 64-bit value. - return 0, 0 -} - -func (p *Buffer) decodeVarintSlow() (x uint64, err error) { - i := p.index - l := len(p.buf) - - for shift := uint(0); shift < 64; shift += 7 { - if i >= l { - err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - return - } - b := p.buf[i] - i++ - x |= (uint64(b) & 0x7F) << shift - if b < 0x80 { - p.index = i - return - } - } - - // The number is too large to represent in a 64-bit value. - err = errOverflow - return -} - -// DecodeVarint reads a varint-encoded integer from the Buffer. -// This is the format for the -// int32, int64, uint32, uint64, bool, and enum -// protocol buffer types. -func (p *Buffer) DecodeVarint() (x uint64, err error) { - i := p.index - buf := p.buf - - if i >= len(buf) { - return 0, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } else if buf[i] < 0x80 { - p.index++ - return uint64(buf[i]), nil - } else if len(buf)-i < 10 { - return p.decodeVarintSlow() - } - - var b uint64 - // we already checked the first byte - x = uint64(buf[i]) - 0x80 - i++ - - b = uint64(buf[i]) - i++ - x += b << 7 - if b&0x80 == 0 { - goto done - } - x -= 0x80 << 7 - - b = uint64(buf[i]) - i++ - x += b << 14 - if b&0x80 == 0 { - goto done - } - x -= 0x80 << 14 - - b = uint64(buf[i]) - i++ - x += b << 21 - if b&0x80 == 0 { - goto done - } - x -= 0x80 << 21 - - b = uint64(buf[i]) - i++ - x += b << 28 - if b&0x80 == 0 { - goto done - } - x -= 0x80 << 28 - - b = uint64(buf[i]) - i++ - x += b << 35 - if b&0x80 == 0 { - goto done - } - x -= 0x80 << 35 - - b = uint64(buf[i]) - i++ - x += b << 42 - if b&0x80 == 0 { - goto done - } - x -= 0x80 << 42 - - b = uint64(buf[i]) - i++ - x += b << 49 - if b&0x80 == 0 { - goto done - } - x -= 0x80 << 49 - - b = uint64(buf[i]) - i++ - x += b << 56 - if b&0x80 == 0 { - goto done - } - x -= 0x80 << 56 - - b = uint64(buf[i]) - i++ - x += b << 63 - if b&0x80 == 0 { - goto done - } - - return 0, errOverflow - -done: - p.index = i - return x, nil -} - -// DecodeFixed64 reads a 64-bit integer from the Buffer. -// This is the format for the -// fixed64, sfixed64, and double protocol buffer types. -func (p *Buffer) DecodeFixed64() (x uint64, err error) { - // x, err already 0 - i := p.index + 8 - if i < 0 || i > len(p.buf) { - err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - return - } - p.index = i - - x = uint64(p.buf[i-8]) - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-7]) << 8 - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-6]) << 16 - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-5]) << 24 - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-4]) << 32 - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-3]) << 40 - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-2]) << 48 - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-1]) << 56 - return -} - -// DecodeFixed32 reads a 32-bit integer from the Buffer. -// This is the format for the -// fixed32, sfixed32, and float protocol buffer types. -func (p *Buffer) DecodeFixed32() (x uint64, err error) { - // x, err already 0 - i := p.index + 4 - if i < 0 || i > len(p.buf) { - err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - return - } - p.index = i - - x = uint64(p.buf[i-4]) - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-3]) << 8 - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-2]) << 16 - x |= uint64(p.buf[i-1]) << 24 - return -} - -// DecodeZigzag64 reads a zigzag-encoded 64-bit integer -// from the Buffer. -// This is the format used for the sint64 protocol buffer type. -func (p *Buffer) DecodeZigzag64() (x uint64, err error) { - x, err = p.DecodeVarint() - if err != nil { - return - } - x = (x >> 1) ^ uint64((int64(x&1)<<63)>>63) - return -} - -// DecodeZigzag32 reads a zigzag-encoded 32-bit integer -// from the Buffer. -// This is the format used for the sint32 protocol buffer type. -func (p *Buffer) DecodeZigzag32() (x uint64, err error) { - x, err = p.DecodeVarint() - if err != nil { - return - } - x = uint64((uint32(x) >> 1) ^ uint32((int32(x&1)<<31)>>31)) - return -} - -// DecodeRawBytes reads a count-delimited byte buffer from the Buffer. -// This is the format used for the bytes protocol buffer -// type and for embedded messages. -func (p *Buffer) DecodeRawBytes(alloc bool) (buf []byte, err error) { - n, err := p.DecodeVarint() - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - nb := int(n) - if nb < 0 { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad byte length %d", nb) - } - end := p.index + nb - if end < p.index || end > len(p.buf) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - - if !alloc { - // todo: check if can get more uses of alloc=false - buf = p.buf[p.index:end] - p.index += nb - return - } - - buf = make([]byte, nb) - copy(buf, p.buf[p.index:]) - p.index += nb - return -} - -// DecodeStringBytes reads an encoded string from the Buffer. -// This is the format used for the proto2 string type. -func (p *Buffer) DecodeStringBytes() (s string, err error) { - buf, err := p.DecodeRawBytes(false) - if err != nil { - return - } - return string(buf), nil -} - -// Unmarshaler is the interface representing objects that can -// unmarshal themselves. The argument points to data that may be -// overwritten, so implementations should not keep references to the -// buffer. -// Unmarshal implementations should not clear the receiver. -// Any unmarshaled data should be merged into the receiver. -// Callers of Unmarshal that do not want to retain existing data -// should Reset the receiver before calling Unmarshal. -type Unmarshaler interface { - Unmarshal([]byte) error -} - -// newUnmarshaler is the interface representing objects that can -// unmarshal themselves. The semantics are identical to Unmarshaler. -// -// This exists to support protoc-gen-go generated messages. -// The proto package will stop type-asserting to this interface in the future. -// -// DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS. -type newUnmarshaler interface { - XXX_Unmarshal([]byte) error -} - -// Unmarshal parses the protocol buffer representation in buf and places the -// decoded result in pb. If the struct underlying pb does not match -// the data in buf, the results can be unpredictable. -// -// Unmarshal resets pb before starting to unmarshal, so any -// existing data in pb is always removed. Use UnmarshalMerge -// to preserve and append to existing data. -func Unmarshal(buf []byte, pb Message) error { - pb.Reset() - if u, ok := pb.(newUnmarshaler); ok { - return u.XXX_Unmarshal(buf) - } - if u, ok := pb.(Unmarshaler); ok { - return u.Unmarshal(buf) - } - return NewBuffer(buf).Unmarshal(pb) -} - -// UnmarshalMerge parses the protocol buffer representation in buf and -// writes the decoded result to pb. If the struct underlying pb does not match -// the data in buf, the results can be unpredictable. -// -// UnmarshalMerge merges into existing data in pb. -// Most code should use Unmarshal instead. -func UnmarshalMerge(buf []byte, pb Message) error { - if u, ok := pb.(newUnmarshaler); ok { - return u.XXX_Unmarshal(buf) - } - if u, ok := pb.(Unmarshaler); ok { - // NOTE: The history of proto have unfortunately been inconsistent - // whether Unmarshaler should or should not implicitly clear itself. - // Some implementations do, most do not. - // Thus, calling this here may or may not do what people want. - // - // See https://github.com/golang/protobuf/issues/424 - return u.Unmarshal(buf) - } - return NewBuffer(buf).Unmarshal(pb) -} - -// DecodeMessage reads a count-delimited message from the Buffer. -func (p *Buffer) DecodeMessage(pb Message) error { - enc, err := p.DecodeRawBytes(false) - if err != nil { - return err - } - return NewBuffer(enc).Unmarshal(pb) -} - -// DecodeGroup reads a tag-delimited group from the Buffer. -// StartGroup tag is already consumed. This function consumes -// EndGroup tag. -func (p *Buffer) DecodeGroup(pb Message) error { - b := p.buf[p.index:] - x, y := findEndGroup(b) - if x < 0 { - return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - err := Unmarshal(b[:x], pb) - p.index += y - return err -} - -// Unmarshal parses the protocol buffer representation in the -// Buffer and places the decoded result in pb. If the struct -// underlying pb does not match the data in the buffer, the results can be -// unpredictable. -// -// Unlike proto.Unmarshal, this does not reset pb before starting to unmarshal. -func (p *Buffer) Unmarshal(pb Message) error { - // If the object can unmarshal itself, let it. - if u, ok := pb.(newUnmarshaler); ok { - err := u.XXX_Unmarshal(p.buf[p.index:]) - p.index = len(p.buf) - return err - } - if u, ok := pb.(Unmarshaler); ok { - // NOTE: The history of proto have unfortunately been inconsistent - // whether Unmarshaler should or should not implicitly clear itself. - // Some implementations do, most do not. - // Thus, calling this here may or may not do what people want. - // - // See https://github.com/golang/protobuf/issues/424 - err := u.Unmarshal(p.buf[p.index:]) - p.index = len(p.buf) - return err - } - - // Slow workaround for messages that aren't Unmarshalers. - // This includes some hand-coded .pb.go files and - // bootstrap protos. - // TODO: fix all of those and then add Unmarshal to - // the Message interface. Then: - // The cast above and code below can be deleted. - // The old unmarshaler can be deleted. - // Clients can call Unmarshal directly (can already do that, actually). - var info InternalMessageInfo - err := info.Unmarshal(pb, p.buf[p.index:]) - p.index = len(p.buf) - return err -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go deleted file mode 100644 index 35b882c0..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/deprecated.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,63 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -import "errors" - -// Deprecated: do not use. -type Stats struct{ Emalloc, Dmalloc, Encode, Decode, Chit, Cmiss, Size uint64 } - -// Deprecated: do not use. -func GetStats() Stats { return Stats{} } - -// Deprecated: do not use. -func MarshalMessageSet(interface{}) ([]byte, error) { - return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented") -} - -// Deprecated: do not use. -func UnmarshalMessageSet([]byte, interface{}) error { - return errors.New("proto: not implemented") -} - -// Deprecated: do not use. -func MarshalMessageSetJSON(interface{}) ([]byte, error) { - return nil, errors.New("proto: not implemented") -} - -// Deprecated: do not use. -func UnmarshalMessageSetJSON([]byte, interface{}) error { - return errors.New("proto: not implemented") -} - -// Deprecated: do not use. -func RegisterMessageSetType(Message, int32, string) {} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/discard.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/discard.go deleted file mode 100644 index dea2617c..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/discard.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,350 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strings" - "sync" - "sync/atomic" -) - -type generatedDiscarder interface { - XXX_DiscardUnknown() -} - -// DiscardUnknown recursively discards all unknown fields from this message -// and all embedded messages. -// -// When unmarshaling a message with unrecognized fields, the tags and values -// of such fields are preserved in the Message. This allows a later call to -// marshal to be able to produce a message that continues to have those -// unrecognized fields. To avoid this, DiscardUnknown is used to -// explicitly clear the unknown fields after unmarshaling. -// -// For proto2 messages, the unknown fields of message extensions are only -// discarded from messages that have been accessed via GetExtension. -func DiscardUnknown(m Message) { - if m, ok := m.(generatedDiscarder); ok { - m.XXX_DiscardUnknown() - return - } - // TODO: Dynamically populate a InternalMessageInfo for legacy messages, - // but the master branch has no implementation for InternalMessageInfo, - // so it would be more work to replicate that approach. - discardLegacy(m) -} - -// DiscardUnknown recursively discards all unknown fields. -func (a *InternalMessageInfo) DiscardUnknown(m Message) { - di := atomicLoadDiscardInfo(&a.discard) - if di == nil { - di = getDiscardInfo(reflect.TypeOf(m).Elem()) - atomicStoreDiscardInfo(&a.discard, di) - } - di.discard(toPointer(&m)) -} - -type discardInfo struct { - typ reflect.Type - - initialized int32 // 0: only typ is valid, 1: everything is valid - lock sync.Mutex - - fields []discardFieldInfo - unrecognized field -} - -type discardFieldInfo struct { - field field // Offset of field, guaranteed to be valid - discard func(src pointer) -} - -var ( - discardInfoMap = map[reflect.Type]*discardInfo{} - discardInfoLock sync.Mutex -) - -func getDiscardInfo(t reflect.Type) *discardInfo { - discardInfoLock.Lock() - defer discardInfoLock.Unlock() - di := discardInfoMap[t] - if di == nil { - di = &discardInfo{typ: t} - discardInfoMap[t] = di - } - return di -} - -func (di *discardInfo) discard(src pointer) { - if src.isNil() { - return // Nothing to do. - } - - if atomic.LoadInt32(&di.initialized) == 0 { - di.computeDiscardInfo() - } - - for _, fi := range di.fields { - sfp := src.offset(fi.field) - fi.discard(sfp) - } - - // For proto2 messages, only discard unknown fields in message extensions - // that have been accessed via GetExtension. - if em, err := extendable(src.asPointerTo(di.typ).Interface()); err == nil { - // Ignore lock since DiscardUnknown is not concurrency safe. - emm, _ := em.extensionsRead() - for _, mx := range emm { - if m, ok := mx.value.(Message); ok { - DiscardUnknown(m) - } - } - } - - if di.unrecognized.IsValid() { - *src.offset(di.unrecognized).toBytes() = nil - } -} - -func (di *discardInfo) computeDiscardInfo() { - di.lock.Lock() - defer di.lock.Unlock() - if di.initialized != 0 { - return - } - t := di.typ - n := t.NumField() - - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - f := t.Field(i) - if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") { - continue - } - - dfi := discardFieldInfo{field: toField(&f)} - tf := f.Type - - // Unwrap tf to get its most basic type. - var isPointer, isSlice bool - if tf.Kind() == reflect.Slice && tf.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { - isSlice = true - tf = tf.Elem() - } - if tf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - isPointer = true - tf = tf.Elem() - } - if isPointer && isSlice && tf.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%s cannot be a slice of pointers to primitive types", t, f.Name)) - } - - switch tf.Kind() { - case reflect.Struct: - switch { - case !isPointer: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%s cannot be a direct struct value", t, f.Name)) - case isSlice: // E.g., []*pb.T - di := getDiscardInfo(tf) - dfi.discard = func(src pointer) { - sps := src.getPointerSlice() - for _, sp := range sps { - if !sp.isNil() { - di.discard(sp) - } - } - } - default: // E.g., *pb.T - di := getDiscardInfo(tf) - dfi.discard = func(src pointer) { - sp := src.getPointer() - if !sp.isNil() { - di.discard(sp) - } - } - } - case reflect.Map: - switch { - case isPointer || isSlice: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%s cannot be a pointer to a map or a slice of map values", t, f.Name)) - default: // E.g., map[K]V - if tf.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr { // Proto struct (e.g., *T) - dfi.discard = func(src pointer) { - sm := src.asPointerTo(tf).Elem() - if sm.Len() == 0 { - return - } - for _, key := range sm.MapKeys() { - val := sm.MapIndex(key) - DiscardUnknown(val.Interface().(Message)) - } - } - } else { - dfi.discard = func(pointer) {} // Noop - } - } - case reflect.Interface: - // Must be oneof field. - switch { - case isPointer || isSlice: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v.%s cannot be a pointer to a interface or a slice of interface values", t, f.Name)) - default: // E.g., interface{} - // TODO: Make this faster? - dfi.discard = func(src pointer) { - su := src.asPointerTo(tf).Elem() - if !su.IsNil() { - sv := su.Elem().Elem().Field(0) - if sv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && sv.IsNil() { - return - } - switch sv.Type().Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: // Proto struct (e.g., *T) - DiscardUnknown(sv.Interface().(Message)) - } - } - } - } - default: - continue - } - di.fields = append(di.fields, dfi) - } - - di.unrecognized = invalidField - if f, ok := t.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized"); ok { - if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf([]byte{}) { - panic("expected XXX_unrecognized to be of type []byte") - } - di.unrecognized = toField(&f) - } - - atomic.StoreInt32(&di.initialized, 1) -} - -func discardLegacy(m Message) { - v := reflect.ValueOf(m) - if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || v.IsNil() { - return - } - v = v.Elem() - if v.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return - } - t := v.Type() - - for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ { - f := t.Field(i) - if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") { - continue - } - vf := v.Field(i) - tf := f.Type - - // Unwrap tf to get its most basic type. - var isPointer, isSlice bool - if tf.Kind() == reflect.Slice && tf.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { - isSlice = true - tf = tf.Elem() - } - if tf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - isPointer = true - tf = tf.Elem() - } - if isPointer && isSlice && tf.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s cannot be a slice of pointers to primitive types", m, f.Name)) - } - - switch tf.Kind() { - case reflect.Struct: - switch { - case !isPointer: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s cannot be a direct struct value", m, f.Name)) - case isSlice: // E.g., []*pb.T - for j := 0; j < vf.Len(); j++ { - discardLegacy(vf.Index(j).Interface().(Message)) - } - default: // E.g., *pb.T - discardLegacy(vf.Interface().(Message)) - } - case reflect.Map: - switch { - case isPointer || isSlice: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s cannot be a pointer to a map or a slice of map values", m, f.Name)) - default: // E.g., map[K]V - tv := vf.Type().Elem() - if tv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && tv.Implements(protoMessageType) { // Proto struct (e.g., *T) - for _, key := range vf.MapKeys() { - val := vf.MapIndex(key) - discardLegacy(val.Interface().(Message)) - } - } - } - case reflect.Interface: - // Must be oneof field. - switch { - case isPointer || isSlice: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("%T.%s cannot be a pointer to a interface or a slice of interface values", m, f.Name)) - default: // E.g., test_proto.isCommunique_Union interface - if !vf.IsNil() && f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") != "" { - vf = vf.Elem() // E.g., *test_proto.Communique_Msg - if !vf.IsNil() { - vf = vf.Elem() // E.g., test_proto.Communique_Msg - vf = vf.Field(0) // E.g., Proto struct (e.g., *T) or primitive value - if vf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - discardLegacy(vf.Interface().(Message)) - } - } - } - } - } - } - - if vf := v.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized"); vf.IsValid() { - if vf.Type() != reflect.TypeOf([]byte{}) { - panic("expected XXX_unrecognized to be of type []byte") - } - vf.Set(reflect.ValueOf([]byte(nil))) - } - - // For proto2 messages, only discard unknown fields in message extensions - // that have been accessed via GetExtension. - if em, err := extendable(m); err == nil { - // Ignore lock since discardLegacy is not concurrency safe. - emm, _ := em.extensionsRead() - for _, mx := range emm { - if m, ok := mx.value.(Message); ok { - discardLegacy(m) - } - } - } -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/encode.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/encode.go deleted file mode 100644 index 3abfed2c..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/encode.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,203 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -/* - * Routines for encoding data into the wire format for protocol buffers. - */ - -import ( - "errors" - "reflect" -) - -var ( - // errRepeatedHasNil is the error returned if Marshal is called with - // a struct with a repeated field containing a nil element. - errRepeatedHasNil = errors.New("proto: repeated field has nil element") - - // errOneofHasNil is the error returned if Marshal is called with - // a struct with a oneof field containing a nil element. - errOneofHasNil = errors.New("proto: oneof field has nil value") - - // ErrNil is the error returned if Marshal is called with nil. - ErrNil = errors.New("proto: Marshal called with nil") - - // ErrTooLarge is the error returned if Marshal is called with a - // message that encodes to >2GB. - ErrTooLarge = errors.New("proto: message encodes to over 2 GB") -) - -// The fundamental encoders that put bytes on the wire. -// Those that take integer types all accept uint64 and are -// therefore of type valueEncoder. - -const maxVarintBytes = 10 // maximum length of a varint - -// EncodeVarint returns the varint encoding of x. -// This is the format for the -// int32, int64, uint32, uint64, bool, and enum -// protocol buffer types. -// Not used by the package itself, but helpful to clients -// wishing to use the same encoding. -func EncodeVarint(x uint64) []byte { - var buf [maxVarintBytes]byte - var n int - for n = 0; x > 127; n++ { - buf[n] = 0x80 | uint8(x&0x7F) - x >>= 7 - } - buf[n] = uint8(x) - n++ - return buf[0:n] -} - -// EncodeVarint writes a varint-encoded integer to the Buffer. -// This is the format for the -// int32, int64, uint32, uint64, bool, and enum -// protocol buffer types. -func (p *Buffer) EncodeVarint(x uint64) error { - for x >= 1<<7 { - p.buf = append(p.buf, uint8(x&0x7f|0x80)) - x >>= 7 - } - p.buf = append(p.buf, uint8(x)) - return nil -} - -// SizeVarint returns the varint encoding size of an integer. -func SizeVarint(x uint64) int { - switch { - case x < 1<<7: - return 1 - case x < 1<<14: - return 2 - case x < 1<<21: - return 3 - case x < 1<<28: - return 4 - case x < 1<<35: - return 5 - case x < 1<<42: - return 6 - case x < 1<<49: - return 7 - case x < 1<<56: - return 8 - case x < 1<<63: - return 9 - } - return 10 -} - -// EncodeFixed64 writes a 64-bit integer to the Buffer. -// This is the format for the -// fixed64, sfixed64, and double protocol buffer types. -func (p *Buffer) EncodeFixed64(x uint64) error { - p.buf = append(p.buf, - uint8(x), - uint8(x>>8), - uint8(x>>16), - uint8(x>>24), - uint8(x>>32), - uint8(x>>40), - uint8(x>>48), - uint8(x>>56)) - return nil -} - -// EncodeFixed32 writes a 32-bit integer to the Buffer. -// This is the format for the -// fixed32, sfixed32, and float protocol buffer types. -func (p *Buffer) EncodeFixed32(x uint64) error { - p.buf = append(p.buf, - uint8(x), - uint8(x>>8), - uint8(x>>16), - uint8(x>>24)) - return nil -} - -// EncodeZigzag64 writes a zigzag-encoded 64-bit integer -// to the Buffer. -// This is the format used for the sint64 protocol buffer type. -func (p *Buffer) EncodeZigzag64(x uint64) error { - // use signed number to get arithmetic right shift. - return p.EncodeVarint(uint64((x << 1) ^ uint64((int64(x) >> 63)))) -} - -// EncodeZigzag32 writes a zigzag-encoded 32-bit integer -// to the Buffer. -// This is the format used for the sint32 protocol buffer type. -func (p *Buffer) EncodeZigzag32(x uint64) error { - // use signed number to get arithmetic right shift. - return p.EncodeVarint(uint64((uint32(x) << 1) ^ uint32((int32(x) >> 31)))) -} - -// EncodeRawBytes writes a count-delimited byte buffer to the Buffer. -// This is the format used for the bytes protocol buffer -// type and for embedded messages. -func (p *Buffer) EncodeRawBytes(b []byte) error { - p.EncodeVarint(uint64(len(b))) - p.buf = append(p.buf, b...) - return nil -} - -// EncodeStringBytes writes an encoded string to the Buffer. -// This is the format used for the proto2 string type. -func (p *Buffer) EncodeStringBytes(s string) error { - p.EncodeVarint(uint64(len(s))) - p.buf = append(p.buf, s...) - return nil -} - -// Marshaler is the interface representing objects that can marshal themselves. -type Marshaler interface { - Marshal() ([]byte, error) -} - -// EncodeMessage writes the protocol buffer to the Buffer, -// prefixed by a varint-encoded length. -func (p *Buffer) EncodeMessage(pb Message) error { - siz := Size(pb) - p.EncodeVarint(uint64(siz)) - return p.Marshal(pb) -} - -// All protocol buffer fields are nillable, but be careful. -func isNil(v reflect.Value) bool { - switch v.Kind() { - case reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice: - return v.IsNil() - } - return false -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go deleted file mode 100644 index f9b6e41b..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/equal.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,301 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -// Protocol buffer comparison. - -package proto - -import ( - "bytes" - "log" - "reflect" - "strings" -) - -/* -Equal returns true iff protocol buffers a and b are equal. -The arguments must both be pointers to protocol buffer structs. - -Equality is defined in this way: - - Two messages are equal iff they are the same type, - corresponding fields are equal, unknown field sets - are equal, and extensions sets are equal. - - Two set scalar fields are equal iff their values are equal. - If the fields are of a floating-point type, remember that - NaN != x for all x, including NaN. If the message is defined - in a proto3 .proto file, fields are not "set"; specifically, - zero length proto3 "bytes" fields are equal (nil == {}). - - Two repeated fields are equal iff their lengths are the same, - and their corresponding elements are equal. Note a "bytes" field, - although represented by []byte, is not a repeated field and the - rule for the scalar fields described above applies. - - Two unset fields are equal. - - Two unknown field sets are equal if their current - encoded state is equal. - - Two extension sets are equal iff they have corresponding - elements that are pairwise equal. - - Two map fields are equal iff their lengths are the same, - and they contain the same set of elements. Zero-length map - fields are equal. - - Every other combination of things are not equal. - -The return value is undefined if a and b are not protocol buffers. -*/ -func Equal(a, b Message) bool { - if a == nil || b == nil { - return a == b - } - v1, v2 := reflect.ValueOf(a), reflect.ValueOf(b) - if v1.Type() != v2.Type() { - return false - } - if v1.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - if v1.IsNil() { - return v2.IsNil() - } - if v2.IsNil() { - return false - } - v1, v2 = v1.Elem(), v2.Elem() - } - if v1.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - return false - } - return equalStruct(v1, v2) -} - -// v1 and v2 are known to have the same type. -func equalStruct(v1, v2 reflect.Value) bool { - sprop := GetProperties(v1.Type()) - for i := 0; i < v1.NumField(); i++ { - f := v1.Type().Field(i) - if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") { - continue - } - f1, f2 := v1.Field(i), v2.Field(i) - if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - if n1, n2 := f1.IsNil(), f2.IsNil(); n1 && n2 { - // both unset - continue - } else if n1 != n2 { - // set/unset mismatch - return false - } - f1, f2 = f1.Elem(), f2.Elem() - } - if !equalAny(f1, f2, sprop.Prop[i]) { - return false - } - } - - if em1 := v1.FieldByName("XXX_InternalExtensions"); em1.IsValid() { - em2 := v2.FieldByName("XXX_InternalExtensions") - if !equalExtensions(v1.Type(), em1.Interface().(XXX_InternalExtensions), em2.Interface().(XXX_InternalExtensions)) { - return false - } - } - - if em1 := v1.FieldByName("XXX_extensions"); em1.IsValid() { - em2 := v2.FieldByName("XXX_extensions") - if !equalExtMap(v1.Type(), em1.Interface().(map[int32]Extension), em2.Interface().(map[int32]Extension)) { - return false - } - } - - uf := v1.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized") - if !uf.IsValid() { - return true - } - - u1 := uf.Bytes() - u2 := v2.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized").Bytes() - return bytes.Equal(u1, u2) -} - -// v1 and v2 are known to have the same type. -// prop may be nil. -func equalAny(v1, v2 reflect.Value, prop *Properties) bool { - if v1.Type() == protoMessageType { - m1, _ := v1.Interface().(Message) - m2, _ := v2.Interface().(Message) - return Equal(m1, m2) - } - switch v1.Kind() { - case reflect.Bool: - return v1.Bool() == v2.Bool() - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - return v1.Float() == v2.Float() - case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - return v1.Int() == v2.Int() - case reflect.Interface: - // Probably a oneof field; compare the inner values. - n1, n2 := v1.IsNil(), v2.IsNil() - if n1 || n2 { - return n1 == n2 - } - e1, e2 := v1.Elem(), v2.Elem() - if e1.Type() != e2.Type() { - return false - } - return equalAny(e1, e2, nil) - case reflect.Map: - if v1.Len() != v2.Len() { - return false - } - for _, key := range v1.MapKeys() { - val2 := v2.MapIndex(key) - if !val2.IsValid() { - // This key was not found in the second map. - return false - } - if !equalAny(v1.MapIndex(key), val2, nil) { - return false - } - } - return true - case reflect.Ptr: - // Maps may have nil values in them, so check for nil. - if v1.IsNil() && v2.IsNil() { - return true - } - if v1.IsNil() != v2.IsNil() { - return false - } - return equalAny(v1.Elem(), v2.Elem(), prop) - case reflect.Slice: - if v1.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { - // short circuit: []byte - - // Edge case: if this is in a proto3 message, a zero length - // bytes field is considered the zero value. - if prop != nil && prop.proto3 && v1.Len() == 0 && v2.Len() == 0 { - return true - } - if v1.IsNil() != v2.IsNil() { - return false - } - return bytes.Equal(v1.Interface().([]byte), v2.Interface().([]byte)) - } - - if v1.Len() != v2.Len() { - return false - } - for i := 0; i < v1.Len(); i++ { - if !equalAny(v1.Index(i), v2.Index(i), prop) { - return false - } - } - return true - case reflect.String: - return v1.Interface().(string) == v2.Interface().(string) - case reflect.Struct: - return equalStruct(v1, v2) - case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: - return v1.Uint() == v2.Uint() - } - - // unknown type, so not a protocol buffer - log.Printf("proto: don't know how to compare %v", v1) - return false -} - -// base is the struct type that the extensions are based on. -// x1 and x2 are InternalExtensions. -func equalExtensions(base reflect.Type, x1, x2 XXX_InternalExtensions) bool { - em1, _ := x1.extensionsRead() - em2, _ := x2.extensionsRead() - return equalExtMap(base, em1, em2) -} - -func equalExtMap(base reflect.Type, em1, em2 map[int32]Extension) bool { - if len(em1) != len(em2) { - return false - } - - for extNum, e1 := range em1 { - e2, ok := em2[extNum] - if !ok { - return false - } - - m1 := extensionAsLegacyType(e1.value) - m2 := extensionAsLegacyType(e2.value) - - if m1 == nil && m2 == nil { - // Both have only encoded form. - if bytes.Equal(e1.enc, e2.enc) { - continue - } - // The bytes are different, but the extensions might still be - // equal. We need to decode them to compare. - } - - if m1 != nil && m2 != nil { - // Both are unencoded. - if !equalAny(reflect.ValueOf(m1), reflect.ValueOf(m2), nil) { - return false - } - continue - } - - // At least one is encoded. To do a semantically correct comparison - // we need to unmarshal them first. - var desc *ExtensionDesc - if m := extensionMaps[base]; m != nil { - desc = m[extNum] - } - if desc == nil { - // If both have only encoded form and the bytes are the same, - // it is handled above. We get here when the bytes are different. - // We don't know how to decode it, so just compare them as byte - // slices. - log.Printf("proto: don't know how to compare extension %d of %v", extNum, base) - return false - } - var err error - if m1 == nil { - m1, err = decodeExtension(e1.enc, desc) - } - if m2 == nil && err == nil { - m2, err = decodeExtension(e2.enc, desc) - } - if err != nil { - // The encoded form is invalid. - log.Printf("proto: badly encoded extension %d of %v: %v", extNum, base, err) - return false - } - if !equalAny(reflect.ValueOf(m1), reflect.ValueOf(m2), nil) { - return false - } - } - - return true -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go deleted file mode 100644 index fa88add3..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/extensions.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,607 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -/* - * Types and routines for supporting protocol buffer extensions. - */ - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "reflect" - "strconv" - "sync" -) - -// ErrMissingExtension is the error returned by GetExtension if the named extension is not in the message. -var ErrMissingExtension = errors.New("proto: missing extension") - -// ExtensionRange represents a range of message extensions for a protocol buffer. -// Used in code generated by the protocol compiler. -type ExtensionRange struct { - Start, End int32 // both inclusive -} - -// extendableProto is an interface implemented by any protocol buffer generated by the current -// proto compiler that may be extended. -type extendableProto interface { - Message - ExtensionRangeArray() []ExtensionRange - extensionsWrite() map[int32]Extension - extensionsRead() (map[int32]Extension, sync.Locker) -} - -// extendableProtoV1 is an interface implemented by a protocol buffer generated by the previous -// version of the proto compiler that may be extended. -type extendableProtoV1 interface { - Message - ExtensionRangeArray() []ExtensionRange - ExtensionMap() map[int32]Extension -} - -// extensionAdapter is a wrapper around extendableProtoV1 that implements extendableProto. -type extensionAdapter struct { - extendableProtoV1 -} - -func (e extensionAdapter) extensionsWrite() map[int32]Extension { - return e.ExtensionMap() -} - -func (e extensionAdapter) extensionsRead() (map[int32]Extension, sync.Locker) { - return e.ExtensionMap(), notLocker{} -} - -// notLocker is a sync.Locker whose Lock and Unlock methods are nops. -type notLocker struct{} - -func (n notLocker) Lock() {} -func (n notLocker) Unlock() {} - -// extendable returns the extendableProto interface for the given generated proto message. -// If the proto message has the old extension format, it returns a wrapper that implements -// the extendableProto interface. -func extendable(p interface{}) (extendableProto, error) { - switch p := p.(type) { - case extendableProto: - if isNilPtr(p) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: nil %T is not extendable", p) - } - return p, nil - case extendableProtoV1: - if isNilPtr(p) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: nil %T is not extendable", p) - } - return extensionAdapter{p}, nil - } - // Don't allocate a specific error containing %T: - // this is the hot path for Clone and MarshalText. - return nil, errNotExtendable -} - -var errNotExtendable = errors.New("proto: not an extendable proto.Message") - -func isNilPtr(x interface{}) bool { - v := reflect.ValueOf(x) - return v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() -} - -// XXX_InternalExtensions is an internal representation of proto extensions. -// -// Each generated message struct type embeds an anonymous XXX_InternalExtensions field, -// thus gaining the unexported 'extensions' method, which can be called only from the proto package. -// -// The methods of XXX_InternalExtensions are not concurrency safe in general, -// but calls to logically read-only methods such as has and get may be executed concurrently. -type XXX_InternalExtensions struct { - // The struct must be indirect so that if a user inadvertently copies a - // generated message and its embedded XXX_InternalExtensions, they - // avoid the mayhem of a copied mutex. - // - // The mutex serializes all logically read-only operations to p.extensionMap. - // It is up to the client to ensure that write operations to p.extensionMap are - // mutually exclusive with other accesses. - p *struct { - mu sync.Mutex - extensionMap map[int32]Extension - } -} - -// extensionsWrite returns the extension map, creating it on first use. -func (e *XXX_InternalExtensions) extensionsWrite() map[int32]Extension { - if e.p == nil { - e.p = new(struct { - mu sync.Mutex - extensionMap map[int32]Extension - }) - e.p.extensionMap = make(map[int32]Extension) - } - return e.p.extensionMap -} - -// extensionsRead returns the extensions map for read-only use. It may be nil. -// The caller must hold the returned mutex's lock when accessing Elements within the map. -func (e *XXX_InternalExtensions) extensionsRead() (map[int32]Extension, sync.Locker) { - if e.p == nil { - return nil, nil - } - return e.p.extensionMap, &e.p.mu -} - -// ExtensionDesc represents an extension specification. -// Used in generated code from the protocol compiler. -type ExtensionDesc struct { - ExtendedType Message // nil pointer to the type that is being extended - ExtensionType interface{} // nil pointer to the extension type - Field int32 // field number - Name string // fully-qualified name of extension, for text formatting - Tag string // protobuf tag style - Filename string // name of the file in which the extension is defined -} - -func (ed *ExtensionDesc) repeated() bool { - t := reflect.TypeOf(ed.ExtensionType) - return t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 -} - -// Extension represents an extension in a message. -type Extension struct { - // When an extension is stored in a message using SetExtension - // only desc and value are set. When the message is marshaled - // enc will be set to the encoded form of the message. - // - // When a message is unmarshaled and contains extensions, each - // extension will have only enc set. When such an extension is - // accessed using GetExtension (or GetExtensions) desc and value - // will be set. - desc *ExtensionDesc - - // value is a concrete value for the extension field. Let the type of - // desc.ExtensionType be the "API type" and the type of Extension.value - // be the "storage type". The API type and storage type are the same except: - // * For scalars (except []byte), the API type uses *T, - // while the storage type uses T. - // * For repeated fields, the API type uses []T, while the storage type - // uses *[]T. - // - // The reason for the divergence is so that the storage type more naturally - // matches what is expected of when retrieving the values through the - // protobuf reflection APIs. - // - // The value may only be populated if desc is also populated. - value interface{} - - // enc is the raw bytes for the extension field. - enc []byte -} - -// SetRawExtension is for testing only. -func SetRawExtension(base Message, id int32, b []byte) { - epb, err := extendable(base) - if err != nil { - return - } - extmap := epb.extensionsWrite() - extmap[id] = Extension{enc: b} -} - -// isExtensionField returns true iff the given field number is in an extension range. -func isExtensionField(pb extendableProto, field int32) bool { - for _, er := range pb.ExtensionRangeArray() { - if er.Start <= field && field <= er.End { - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// checkExtensionTypes checks that the given extension is valid for pb. -func checkExtensionTypes(pb extendableProto, extension *ExtensionDesc) error { - var pbi interface{} = pb - // Check the extended type. - if ea, ok := pbi.(extensionAdapter); ok { - pbi = ea.extendableProtoV1 - } - if a, b := reflect.TypeOf(pbi), reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtendedType); a != b { - return fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extended type; %v does not extend %v", b, a) - } - // Check the range. - if !isExtensionField(pb, extension.Field) { - return errors.New("proto: bad extension number; not in declared ranges") - } - return nil -} - -// extPropKey is sufficient to uniquely identify an extension. -type extPropKey struct { - base reflect.Type - field int32 -} - -var extProp = struct { - sync.RWMutex - m map[extPropKey]*Properties -}{ - m: make(map[extPropKey]*Properties), -} - -func extensionProperties(ed *ExtensionDesc) *Properties { - key := extPropKey{base: reflect.TypeOf(ed.ExtendedType), field: ed.Field} - - extProp.RLock() - if prop, ok := extProp.m[key]; ok { - extProp.RUnlock() - return prop - } - extProp.RUnlock() - - extProp.Lock() - defer extProp.Unlock() - // Check again. - if prop, ok := extProp.m[key]; ok { - return prop - } - - prop := new(Properties) - prop.Init(reflect.TypeOf(ed.ExtensionType), "unknown_name", ed.Tag, nil) - extProp.m[key] = prop - return prop -} - -// HasExtension returns whether the given extension is present in pb. -func HasExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) bool { - // TODO: Check types, field numbers, etc.? - epb, err := extendable(pb) - if err != nil { - return false - } - extmap, mu := epb.extensionsRead() - if extmap == nil { - return false - } - mu.Lock() - _, ok := extmap[extension.Field] - mu.Unlock() - return ok -} - -// ClearExtension removes the given extension from pb. -func ClearExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) { - epb, err := extendable(pb) - if err != nil { - return - } - // TODO: Check types, field numbers, etc.? - extmap := epb.extensionsWrite() - delete(extmap, extension.Field) -} - -// GetExtension retrieves a proto2 extended field from pb. -// -// If the descriptor is type complete (i.e., ExtensionDesc.ExtensionType is non-nil), -// then GetExtension parses the encoded field and returns a Go value of the specified type. -// If the field is not present, then the default value is returned (if one is specified), -// otherwise ErrMissingExtension is reported. -// -// If the descriptor is not type complete (i.e., ExtensionDesc.ExtensionType is nil), -// then GetExtension returns the raw encoded bytes of the field extension. -func GetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) { - epb, err := extendable(pb) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if extension.ExtendedType != nil { - // can only check type if this is a complete descriptor - if err := checkExtensionTypes(epb, extension); err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - emap, mu := epb.extensionsRead() - if emap == nil { - return defaultExtensionValue(extension) - } - mu.Lock() - defer mu.Unlock() - e, ok := emap[extension.Field] - if !ok { - // defaultExtensionValue returns the default value or - // ErrMissingExtension if there is no default. - return defaultExtensionValue(extension) - } - - if e.value != nil { - // Already decoded. Check the descriptor, though. - if e.desc != extension { - // This shouldn't happen. If it does, it means that - // GetExtension was called twice with two different - // descriptors with the same field number. - return nil, errors.New("proto: descriptor conflict") - } - return extensionAsLegacyType(e.value), nil - } - - if extension.ExtensionType == nil { - // incomplete descriptor - return e.enc, nil - } - - v, err := decodeExtension(e.enc, extension) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - // Remember the decoded version and drop the encoded version. - // That way it is safe to mutate what we return. - e.value = extensionAsStorageType(v) - e.desc = extension - e.enc = nil - emap[extension.Field] = e - return extensionAsLegacyType(e.value), nil -} - -// defaultExtensionValue returns the default value for extension. -// If no default for an extension is defined ErrMissingExtension is returned. -func defaultExtensionValue(extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) { - if extension.ExtensionType == nil { - // incomplete descriptor, so no default - return nil, ErrMissingExtension - } - - t := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType) - props := extensionProperties(extension) - - sf, _, err := fieldDefault(t, props) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if sf == nil || sf.value == nil { - // There is no default value. - return nil, ErrMissingExtension - } - - if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { - // We do not need to return a Ptr, we can directly return sf.value. - return sf.value, nil - } - - // We need to return an interface{} that is a pointer to sf.value. - value := reflect.New(t).Elem() - value.Set(reflect.New(value.Type().Elem())) - if sf.kind == reflect.Int32 { - // We may have an int32 or an enum, but the underlying data is int32. - // Since we can't set an int32 into a non int32 reflect.value directly - // set it as a int32. - value.Elem().SetInt(int64(sf.value.(int32))) - } else { - value.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(sf.value)) - } - return value.Interface(), nil -} - -// decodeExtension decodes an extension encoded in b. -func decodeExtension(b []byte, extension *ExtensionDesc) (interface{}, error) { - t := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType) - unmarshal := typeUnmarshaler(t, extension.Tag) - - // t is a pointer to a struct, pointer to basic type or a slice. - // Allocate space to store the pointer/slice. - value := reflect.New(t).Elem() - - var err error - for { - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - wire := int(x) & 7 - - b, err = unmarshal(b, valToPointer(value.Addr()), wire) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - - if len(b) == 0 { - break - } - } - return value.Interface(), nil -} - -// GetExtensions returns a slice of the extensions present in pb that are also listed in es. -// The returned slice has the same length as es; missing extensions will appear as nil elements. -func GetExtensions(pb Message, es []*ExtensionDesc) (extensions []interface{}, err error) { - epb, err := extendable(pb) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - extensions = make([]interface{}, len(es)) - for i, e := range es { - extensions[i], err = GetExtension(epb, e) - if err == ErrMissingExtension { - err = nil - } - if err != nil { - return - } - } - return -} - -// ExtensionDescs returns a new slice containing pb's extension descriptors, in undefined order. -// For non-registered extensions, ExtensionDescs returns an incomplete descriptor containing -// just the Field field, which defines the extension's field number. -func ExtensionDescs(pb Message) ([]*ExtensionDesc, error) { - epb, err := extendable(pb) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - registeredExtensions := RegisteredExtensions(pb) - - emap, mu := epb.extensionsRead() - if emap == nil { - return nil, nil - } - mu.Lock() - defer mu.Unlock() - extensions := make([]*ExtensionDesc, 0, len(emap)) - for extid, e := range emap { - desc := e.desc - if desc == nil { - desc = registeredExtensions[extid] - if desc == nil { - desc = &ExtensionDesc{Field: extid} - } - } - - extensions = append(extensions, desc) - } - return extensions, nil -} - -// SetExtension sets the specified extension of pb to the specified value. -func SetExtension(pb Message, extension *ExtensionDesc, value interface{}) error { - epb, err := extendable(pb) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err := checkExtensionTypes(epb, extension); err != nil { - return err - } - typ := reflect.TypeOf(extension.ExtensionType) - if typ != reflect.TypeOf(value) { - return fmt.Errorf("proto: bad extension value type. got: %T, want: %T", value, extension.ExtensionType) - } - // nil extension values need to be caught early, because the - // encoder can't distinguish an ErrNil due to a nil extension - // from an ErrNil due to a missing field. Extensions are - // always optional, so the encoder would just swallow the error - // and drop all the extensions from the encoded message. - if reflect.ValueOf(value).IsNil() { - return fmt.Errorf("proto: SetExtension called with nil value of type %T", value) - } - - extmap := epb.extensionsWrite() - extmap[extension.Field] = Extension{desc: extension, value: extensionAsStorageType(value)} - return nil -} - -// ClearAllExtensions clears all extensions from pb. -func ClearAllExtensions(pb Message) { - epb, err := extendable(pb) - if err != nil { - return - } - m := epb.extensionsWrite() - for k := range m { - delete(m, k) - } -} - -// A global registry of extensions. -// The generated code will register the generated descriptors by calling RegisterExtension. - -var extensionMaps = make(map[reflect.Type]map[int32]*ExtensionDesc) - -// RegisterExtension is called from the generated code. -func RegisterExtension(desc *ExtensionDesc) { - st := reflect.TypeOf(desc.ExtendedType).Elem() - m := extensionMaps[st] - if m == nil { - m = make(map[int32]*ExtensionDesc) - extensionMaps[st] = m - } - if _, ok := m[desc.Field]; ok { - panic("proto: duplicate extension registered: " + st.String() + " " + strconv.Itoa(int(desc.Field))) - } - m[desc.Field] = desc -} - -// RegisteredExtensions returns a map of the registered extensions of a -// protocol buffer struct, indexed by the extension number. -// The argument pb should be a nil pointer to the struct type. -func RegisteredExtensions(pb Message) map[int32]*ExtensionDesc { - return extensionMaps[reflect.TypeOf(pb).Elem()] -} - -// extensionAsLegacyType converts an value in the storage type as the API type. -// See Extension.value. -func extensionAsLegacyType(v interface{}) interface{} { - switch rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() { - case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String: - // Represent primitive types as a pointer to the value. - rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type()) - rv2.Elem().Set(rv) - v = rv2.Interface() - case reflect.Ptr: - // Represent slice types as the value itself. - switch rv.Type().Elem().Kind() { - case reflect.Slice: - if rv.IsNil() { - v = reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem()).Interface() - } else { - v = rv.Elem().Interface() - } - } - } - return v -} - -// extensionAsStorageType converts an value in the API type as the storage type. -// See Extension.value. -func extensionAsStorageType(v interface{}) interface{} { - switch rv := reflect.ValueOf(v); rv.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - // Represent slice types as the value itself. - switch rv.Type().Elem().Kind() { - case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String: - if rv.IsNil() { - v = reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem()).Interface() - } else { - v = rv.Elem().Interface() - } - } - case reflect.Slice: - // Represent slice types as a pointer to the value. - if rv.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { - rv2 := reflect.New(rv.Type()) - rv2.Elem().Set(rv) - v = rv2.Interface() - } - } - return v -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go deleted file mode 100644 index 70fbda53..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/lib.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,965 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -/* -Package proto converts data structures to and from the wire format of -protocol buffers. It works in concert with the Go source code generated -for .proto files by the protocol compiler. - -A summary of the properties of the protocol buffer interface -for a protocol buffer variable v: - - - Names are turned from camel_case to CamelCase for export. - - There are no methods on v to set fields; just treat - them as structure fields. - - There are getters that return a field's value if set, - and return the field's default value if unset. - The getters work even if the receiver is a nil message. - - The zero value for a struct is its correct initialization state. - All desired fields must be set before marshaling. - - A Reset() method will restore a protobuf struct to its zero state. - - Non-repeated fields are pointers to the values; nil means unset. - That is, optional or required field int32 f becomes F *int32. - - Repeated fields are slices. - - Helper functions are available to aid the setting of fields. - msg.Foo = proto.String("hello") // set field - - Constants are defined to hold the default values of all fields that - have them. They have the form Default_StructName_FieldName. - Because the getter methods handle defaulted values, - direct use of these constants should be rare. - - Enums are given type names and maps from names to values. - Enum values are prefixed by the enclosing message's name, or by the - enum's type name if it is a top-level enum. Enum types have a String - method, and a Enum method to assist in message construction. - - Nested messages, groups and enums have type names prefixed with the name of - the surrounding message type. - - Extensions are given descriptor names that start with E_, - followed by an underscore-delimited list of the nested messages - that contain it (if any) followed by the CamelCased name of the - extension field itself. HasExtension, ClearExtension, GetExtension - and SetExtension are functions for manipulating extensions. - - Oneof field sets are given a single field in their message, - with distinguished wrapper types for each possible field value. - - Marshal and Unmarshal are functions to encode and decode the wire format. - -When the .proto file specifies `syntax="proto3"`, there are some differences: - - - Non-repeated fields of non-message type are values instead of pointers. - - Enum types do not get an Enum method. - -The simplest way to describe this is to see an example. -Given file test.proto, containing - - package example; - - enum FOO { X = 17; } - - message Test { - required string label = 1; - optional int32 type = 2 [default=77]; - repeated int64 reps = 3; - optional group OptionalGroup = 4 { - required string RequiredField = 5; - } - oneof union { - int32 number = 6; - string name = 7; - } - } - -The resulting file, test.pb.go, is: - - package example - - import proto "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" - import math "math" - - type FOO int32 - const ( - FOO_X FOO = 17 - ) - var FOO_name = map[int32]string{ - 17: "X", - } - var FOO_value = map[string]int32{ - "X": 17, - } - - func (x FOO) Enum() *FOO { - p := new(FOO) - *p = x - return p - } - func (x FOO) String() string { - return proto.EnumName(FOO_name, int32(x)) - } - func (x *FOO) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error { - value, err := proto.UnmarshalJSONEnum(FOO_value, data) - if err != nil { - return err - } - *x = FOO(value) - return nil - } - - type Test struct { - Label *string `protobuf:"bytes,1,req,name=label" json:"label,omitempty"` - Type *int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,opt,name=type,def=77" json:"type,omitempty"` - Reps []int64 `protobuf:"varint,3,rep,name=reps" json:"reps,omitempty"` - Optionalgroup *Test_OptionalGroup `protobuf:"group,4,opt,name=OptionalGroup" json:"optionalgroup,omitempty"` - // Types that are valid to be assigned to Union: - // *Test_Number - // *Test_Name - Union isTest_Union `protobuf_oneof:"union"` - XXX_unrecognized []byte `json:"-"` - } - func (m *Test) Reset() { *m = Test{} } - func (m *Test) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } - func (*Test) ProtoMessage() {} - - type isTest_Union interface { - isTest_Union() - } - - type Test_Number struct { - Number int32 `protobuf:"varint,6,opt,name=number"` - } - type Test_Name struct { - Name string `protobuf:"bytes,7,opt,name=name"` - } - - func (*Test_Number) isTest_Union() {} - func (*Test_Name) isTest_Union() {} - - func (m *Test) GetUnion() isTest_Union { - if m != nil { - return m.Union - } - return nil - } - const Default_Test_Type int32 = 77 - - func (m *Test) GetLabel() string { - if m != nil && m.Label != nil { - return *m.Label - } - return "" - } - - func (m *Test) GetType() int32 { - if m != nil && m.Type != nil { - return *m.Type - } - return Default_Test_Type - } - - func (m *Test) GetOptionalgroup() *Test_OptionalGroup { - if m != nil { - return m.Optionalgroup - } - return nil - } - - type Test_OptionalGroup struct { - RequiredField *string `protobuf:"bytes,5,req" json:"RequiredField,omitempty"` - } - func (m *Test_OptionalGroup) Reset() { *m = Test_OptionalGroup{} } - func (m *Test_OptionalGroup) String() string { return proto.CompactTextString(m) } - - func (m *Test_OptionalGroup) GetRequiredField() string { - if m != nil && m.RequiredField != nil { - return *m.RequiredField - } - return "" - } - - func (m *Test) GetNumber() int32 { - if x, ok := m.GetUnion().(*Test_Number); ok { - return x.Number - } - return 0 - } - - func (m *Test) GetName() string { - if x, ok := m.GetUnion().(*Test_Name); ok { - return x.Name - } - return "" - } - - func init() { - proto.RegisterEnum("example.FOO", FOO_name, FOO_value) - } - -To create and play with a Test object: - - package main - - import ( - "log" - - "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" - pb "./example.pb" - ) - - func main() { - test := &pb.Test{ - Label: proto.String("hello"), - Type: proto.Int32(17), - Reps: []int64{1, 2, 3}, - Optionalgroup: &pb.Test_OptionalGroup{ - RequiredField: proto.String("good bye"), - }, - Union: &pb.Test_Name{"fred"}, - } - data, err := proto.Marshal(test) - if err != nil { - log.Fatal("marshaling error: ", err) - } - newTest := &pb.Test{} - err = proto.Unmarshal(data, newTest) - if err != nil { - log.Fatal("unmarshaling error: ", err) - } - // Now test and newTest contain the same data. - if test.GetLabel() != newTest.GetLabel() { - log.Fatalf("data mismatch %q != %q", test.GetLabel(), newTest.GetLabel()) - } - // Use a type switch to determine which oneof was set. - switch u := test.Union.(type) { - case *pb.Test_Number: // u.Number contains the number. - case *pb.Test_Name: // u.Name contains the string. - } - // etc. - } -*/ -package proto - -import ( - "encoding/json" - "fmt" - "log" - "reflect" - "sort" - "strconv" - "sync" -) - -// RequiredNotSetError is an error type returned by either Marshal or Unmarshal. -// Marshal reports this when a required field is not initialized. -// Unmarshal reports this when a required field is missing from the wire data. -type RequiredNotSetError struct{ field string } - -func (e *RequiredNotSetError) Error() string { - if e.field == "" { - return fmt.Sprintf("proto: required field not set") - } - return fmt.Sprintf("proto: required field %q not set", e.field) -} -func (e *RequiredNotSetError) RequiredNotSet() bool { - return true -} - -type invalidUTF8Error struct{ field string } - -func (e *invalidUTF8Error) Error() string { - if e.field == "" { - return "proto: invalid UTF-8 detected" - } - return fmt.Sprintf("proto: field %q contains invalid UTF-8", e.field) -} -func (e *invalidUTF8Error) InvalidUTF8() bool { - return true -} - -// errInvalidUTF8 is a sentinel error to identify fields with invalid UTF-8. -// This error should not be exposed to the external API as such errors should -// be recreated with the field information. -var errInvalidUTF8 = &invalidUTF8Error{} - -// isNonFatal reports whether the error is either a RequiredNotSet error -// or a InvalidUTF8 error. -func isNonFatal(err error) bool { - if re, ok := err.(interface{ RequiredNotSet() bool }); ok && re.RequiredNotSet() { - return true - } - if re, ok := err.(interface{ InvalidUTF8() bool }); ok && re.InvalidUTF8() { - return true - } - return false -} - -type nonFatal struct{ E error } - -// Merge merges err into nf and reports whether it was successful. -// Otherwise it returns false for any fatal non-nil errors. -func (nf *nonFatal) Merge(err error) (ok bool) { - if err == nil { - return true // not an error - } - if !isNonFatal(err) { - return false // fatal error - } - if nf.E == nil { - nf.E = err // store first instance of non-fatal error - } - return true -} - -// Message is implemented by generated protocol buffer messages. -type Message interface { - Reset() - String() string - ProtoMessage() -} - -// A Buffer is a buffer manager for marshaling and unmarshaling -// protocol buffers. It may be reused between invocations to -// reduce memory usage. It is not necessary to use a Buffer; -// the global functions Marshal and Unmarshal create a -// temporary Buffer and are fine for most applications. -type Buffer struct { - buf []byte // encode/decode byte stream - index int // read point - - deterministic bool -} - -// NewBuffer allocates a new Buffer and initializes its internal data to -// the contents of the argument slice. -func NewBuffer(e []byte) *Buffer { - return &Buffer{buf: e} -} - -// Reset resets the Buffer, ready for marshaling a new protocol buffer. -func (p *Buffer) Reset() { - p.buf = p.buf[0:0] // for reading/writing - p.index = 0 // for reading -} - -// SetBuf replaces the internal buffer with the slice, -// ready for unmarshaling the contents of the slice. -func (p *Buffer) SetBuf(s []byte) { - p.buf = s - p.index = 0 -} - -// Bytes returns the contents of the Buffer. -func (p *Buffer) Bytes() []byte { return p.buf } - -// SetDeterministic sets whether to use deterministic serialization. -// -// Deterministic serialization guarantees that for a given binary, equal -// messages will always be serialized to the same bytes. This implies: -// -// - Repeated serialization of a message will return the same bytes. -// - Different processes of the same binary (which may be executing on -// different machines) will serialize equal messages to the same bytes. -// -// Note that the deterministic serialization is NOT canonical across -// languages. It is not guaranteed to remain stable over time. It is unstable -// across different builds with schema changes due to unknown fields. -// Users who need canonical serialization (e.g., persistent storage in a -// canonical form, fingerprinting, etc.) should define their own -// canonicalization specification and implement their own serializer rather -// than relying on this API. -// -// If deterministic serialization is requested, map entries will be sorted -// by keys in lexicographical order. This is an implementation detail and -// subject to change. -func (p *Buffer) SetDeterministic(deterministic bool) { - p.deterministic = deterministic -} - -/* - * Helper routines for simplifying the creation of optional fields of basic type. - */ - -// Bool is a helper routine that allocates a new bool value -// to store v and returns a pointer to it. -func Bool(v bool) *bool { - return &v -} - -// Int32 is a helper routine that allocates a new int32 value -// to store v and returns a pointer to it. -func Int32(v int32) *int32 { - return &v -} - -// Int is a helper routine that allocates a new int32 value -// to store v and returns a pointer to it, but unlike Int32 -// its argument value is an int. -func Int(v int) *int32 { - p := new(int32) - *p = int32(v) - return p -} - -// Int64 is a helper routine that allocates a new int64 value -// to store v and returns a pointer to it. -func Int64(v int64) *int64 { - return &v -} - -// Float32 is a helper routine that allocates a new float32 value -// to store v and returns a pointer to it. -func Float32(v float32) *float32 { - return &v -} - -// Float64 is a helper routine that allocates a new float64 value -// to store v and returns a pointer to it. -func Float64(v float64) *float64 { - return &v -} - -// Uint32 is a helper routine that allocates a new uint32 value -// to store v and returns a pointer to it. -func Uint32(v uint32) *uint32 { - return &v -} - -// Uint64 is a helper routine that allocates a new uint64 value -// to store v and returns a pointer to it. -func Uint64(v uint64) *uint64 { - return &v -} - -// String is a helper routine that allocates a new string value -// to store v and returns a pointer to it. -func String(v string) *string { - return &v -} - -// EnumName is a helper function to simplify printing protocol buffer enums -// by name. Given an enum map and a value, it returns a useful string. -func EnumName(m map[int32]string, v int32) string { - s, ok := m[v] - if ok { - return s - } - return strconv.Itoa(int(v)) -} - -// UnmarshalJSONEnum is a helper function to simplify recovering enum int values -// from their JSON-encoded representation. Given a map from the enum's symbolic -// names to its int values, and a byte buffer containing the JSON-encoded -// value, it returns an int32 that can be cast to the enum type by the caller. -// -// The function can deal with both JSON representations, numeric and symbolic. -func UnmarshalJSONEnum(m map[string]int32, data []byte, enumName string) (int32, error) { - if data[0] == '"' { - // New style: enums are strings. - var repr string - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &repr); err != nil { - return -1, err - } - val, ok := m[repr] - if !ok { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized enum %s value %q", enumName, repr) - } - return val, nil - } - // Old style: enums are ints. - var val int32 - if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &val); err != nil { - return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot unmarshal %#q into enum %s", data, enumName) - } - return val, nil -} - -// DebugPrint dumps the encoded data in b in a debugging format with a header -// including the string s. Used in testing but made available for general debugging. -func (p *Buffer) DebugPrint(s string, b []byte) { - var u uint64 - - obuf := p.buf - index := p.index - p.buf = b - p.index = 0 - depth := 0 - - fmt.Printf("\n--- %s ---\n", s) - -out: - for { - for i := 0; i < depth; i++ { - fmt.Print(" ") - } - - index := p.index - if index == len(p.buf) { - break - } - - op, err := p.DecodeVarint() - if err != nil { - fmt.Printf("%3d: fetching op err %v\n", index, err) - break out - } - tag := op >> 3 - wire := op & 7 - - switch wire { - default: - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d unknown wire=%d\n", - index, tag, wire) - break out - - case WireBytes: - var r []byte - - r, err = p.DecodeRawBytes(false) - if err != nil { - break out - } - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d bytes [%d]", index, tag, len(r)) - if len(r) <= 6 { - for i := 0; i < len(r); i++ { - fmt.Printf(" %.2x", r[i]) - } - } else { - for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { - fmt.Printf(" %.2x", r[i]) - } - fmt.Printf(" ..") - for i := len(r) - 3; i < len(r); i++ { - fmt.Printf(" %.2x", r[i]) - } - } - fmt.Printf("\n") - - case WireFixed32: - u, err = p.DecodeFixed32() - if err != nil { - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d fix32 err %v\n", index, tag, err) - break out - } - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d fix32 %d\n", index, tag, u) - - case WireFixed64: - u, err = p.DecodeFixed64() - if err != nil { - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d fix64 err %v\n", index, tag, err) - break out - } - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d fix64 %d\n", index, tag, u) - - case WireVarint: - u, err = p.DecodeVarint() - if err != nil { - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d varint err %v\n", index, tag, err) - break out - } - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d varint %d\n", index, tag, u) - - case WireStartGroup: - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d start\n", index, tag) - depth++ - - case WireEndGroup: - depth-- - fmt.Printf("%3d: t=%3d end\n", index, tag) - } - } - - if depth != 0 { - fmt.Printf("%3d: start-end not balanced %d\n", p.index, depth) - } - fmt.Printf("\n") - - p.buf = obuf - p.index = index -} - -// SetDefaults sets unset protocol buffer fields to their default values. -// It only modifies fields that are both unset and have defined defaults. -// It recursively sets default values in any non-nil sub-messages. -func SetDefaults(pb Message) { - setDefaults(reflect.ValueOf(pb), true, false) -} - -// v is a pointer to a struct. -func setDefaults(v reflect.Value, recur, zeros bool) { - v = v.Elem() - - defaultMu.RLock() - dm, ok := defaults[v.Type()] - defaultMu.RUnlock() - if !ok { - dm = buildDefaultMessage(v.Type()) - defaultMu.Lock() - defaults[v.Type()] = dm - defaultMu.Unlock() - } - - for _, sf := range dm.scalars { - f := v.Field(sf.index) - if !f.IsNil() { - // field already set - continue - } - dv := sf.value - if dv == nil && !zeros { - // no explicit default, and don't want to set zeros - continue - } - fptr := f.Addr().Interface() // **T - // TODO: Consider batching the allocations we do here. - switch sf.kind { - case reflect.Bool: - b := new(bool) - if dv != nil { - *b = dv.(bool) - } - *(fptr.(**bool)) = b - case reflect.Float32: - f := new(float32) - if dv != nil { - *f = dv.(float32) - } - *(fptr.(**float32)) = f - case reflect.Float64: - f := new(float64) - if dv != nil { - *f = dv.(float64) - } - *(fptr.(**float64)) = f - case reflect.Int32: - // might be an enum - if ft := f.Type(); ft != int32PtrType { - // enum - f.Set(reflect.New(ft.Elem())) - if dv != nil { - f.Elem().SetInt(int64(dv.(int32))) - } - } else { - // int32 field - i := new(int32) - if dv != nil { - *i = dv.(int32) - } - *(fptr.(**int32)) = i - } - case reflect.Int64: - i := new(int64) - if dv != nil { - *i = dv.(int64) - } - *(fptr.(**int64)) = i - case reflect.String: - s := new(string) - if dv != nil { - *s = dv.(string) - } - *(fptr.(**string)) = s - case reflect.Uint8: - // exceptional case: []byte - var b []byte - if dv != nil { - db := dv.([]byte) - b = make([]byte, len(db)) - copy(b, db) - } else { - b = []byte{} - } - *(fptr.(*[]byte)) = b - case reflect.Uint32: - u := new(uint32) - if dv != nil { - *u = dv.(uint32) - } - *(fptr.(**uint32)) = u - case reflect.Uint64: - u := new(uint64) - if dv != nil { - *u = dv.(uint64) - } - *(fptr.(**uint64)) = u - default: - log.Printf("proto: can't set default for field %v (sf.kind=%v)", f, sf.kind) - } - } - - for _, ni := range dm.nested { - f := v.Field(ni) - // f is *T or []*T or map[T]*T - switch f.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - if f.IsNil() { - continue - } - setDefaults(f, recur, zeros) - - case reflect.Slice: - for i := 0; i < f.Len(); i++ { - e := f.Index(i) - if e.IsNil() { - continue - } - setDefaults(e, recur, zeros) - } - - case reflect.Map: - for _, k := range f.MapKeys() { - e := f.MapIndex(k) - if e.IsNil() { - continue - } - setDefaults(e, recur, zeros) - } - } - } -} - -var ( - // defaults maps a protocol buffer struct type to a slice of the fields, - // with its scalar fields set to their proto-declared non-zero default values. - defaultMu sync.RWMutex - defaults = make(map[reflect.Type]defaultMessage) - - int32PtrType = reflect.TypeOf((*int32)(nil)) -) - -// defaultMessage represents information about the default values of a message. -type defaultMessage struct { - scalars []scalarField - nested []int // struct field index of nested messages -} - -type scalarField struct { - index int // struct field index - kind reflect.Kind // element type (the T in *T or []T) - value interface{} // the proto-declared default value, or nil -} - -// t is a struct type. -func buildDefaultMessage(t reflect.Type) (dm defaultMessage) { - sprop := GetProperties(t) - for _, prop := range sprop.Prop { - fi, ok := sprop.decoderTags.get(prop.Tag) - if !ok { - // XXX_unrecognized - continue - } - ft := t.Field(fi).Type - - sf, nested, err := fieldDefault(ft, prop) - switch { - case err != nil: - log.Print(err) - case nested: - dm.nested = append(dm.nested, fi) - case sf != nil: - sf.index = fi - dm.scalars = append(dm.scalars, *sf) - } - } - - return dm -} - -// fieldDefault returns the scalarField for field type ft. -// sf will be nil if the field can not have a default. -// nestedMessage will be true if this is a nested message. -// Note that sf.index is not set on return. -func fieldDefault(ft reflect.Type, prop *Properties) (sf *scalarField, nestedMessage bool, err error) { - var canHaveDefault bool - switch ft.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - if ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct { - nestedMessage = true - } else { - canHaveDefault = true // proto2 scalar field - } - - case reflect.Slice: - switch ft.Elem().Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - nestedMessage = true // repeated message - case reflect.Uint8: - canHaveDefault = true // bytes field - } - - case reflect.Map: - if ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - nestedMessage = true // map with message values - } - } - - if !canHaveDefault { - if nestedMessage { - return nil, true, nil - } - return nil, false, nil - } - - // We now know that ft is a pointer or slice. - sf = &scalarField{kind: ft.Elem().Kind()} - - // scalar fields without defaults - if !prop.HasDefault { - return sf, false, nil - } - - // a scalar field: either *T or []byte - switch ft.Elem().Kind() { - case reflect.Bool: - x, err := strconv.ParseBool(prop.Default) - if err != nil { - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default bool %q: %v", prop.Default, err) - } - sf.value = x - case reflect.Float32: - x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(prop.Default, 32) - if err != nil { - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default float32 %q: %v", prop.Default, err) - } - sf.value = float32(x) - case reflect.Float64: - x, err := strconv.ParseFloat(prop.Default, 64) - if err != nil { - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default float64 %q: %v", prop.Default, err) - } - sf.value = x - case reflect.Int32: - x, err := strconv.ParseInt(prop.Default, 10, 32) - if err != nil { - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default int32 %q: %v", prop.Default, err) - } - sf.value = int32(x) - case reflect.Int64: - x, err := strconv.ParseInt(prop.Default, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default int64 %q: %v", prop.Default, err) - } - sf.value = x - case reflect.String: - sf.value = prop.Default - case reflect.Uint8: - // []byte (not *uint8) - sf.value = []byte(prop.Default) - case reflect.Uint32: - x, err := strconv.ParseUint(prop.Default, 10, 32) - if err != nil { - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default uint32 %q: %v", prop.Default, err) - } - sf.value = uint32(x) - case reflect.Uint64: - x, err := strconv.ParseUint(prop.Default, 10, 64) - if err != nil { - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad default uint64 %q: %v", prop.Default, err) - } - sf.value = x - default: - return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("proto: unhandled def kind %v", ft.Elem().Kind()) - } - - return sf, false, nil -} - -// mapKeys returns a sort.Interface to be used for sorting the map keys. -// Map fields may have key types of non-float scalars, strings and enums. -func mapKeys(vs []reflect.Value) sort.Interface { - s := mapKeySorter{vs: vs} - - // Type specialization per https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#maps. - if len(vs) == 0 { - return s - } - switch vs[0].Kind() { - case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - s.less = func(a, b reflect.Value) bool { return a.Int() < b.Int() } - case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: - s.less = func(a, b reflect.Value) bool { return a.Uint() < b.Uint() } - case reflect.Bool: - s.less = func(a, b reflect.Value) bool { return !a.Bool() && b.Bool() } // false < true - case reflect.String: - s.less = func(a, b reflect.Value) bool { return a.String() < b.String() } - default: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported map key type: %v", vs[0].Kind())) - } - - return s -} - -type mapKeySorter struct { - vs []reflect.Value - less func(a, b reflect.Value) bool -} - -func (s mapKeySorter) Len() int { return len(s.vs) } -func (s mapKeySorter) Swap(i, j int) { s.vs[i], s.vs[j] = s.vs[j], s.vs[i] } -func (s mapKeySorter) Less(i, j int) bool { - return s.less(s.vs[i], s.vs[j]) -} - -// isProto3Zero reports whether v is a zero proto3 value. -func isProto3Zero(v reflect.Value) bool { - switch v.Kind() { - case reflect.Bool: - return !v.Bool() - case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: - return v.Int() == 0 - case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: - return v.Uint() == 0 - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - return v.Float() == 0 - case reflect.String: - return v.String() == "" - } - return false -} - -const ( - // ProtoPackageIsVersion3 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files - // to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package. - ProtoPackageIsVersion3 = true - - // ProtoPackageIsVersion2 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files - // to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package. - ProtoPackageIsVersion2 = true - - // ProtoPackageIsVersion1 is referenced from generated protocol buffer files - // to assert that that code is compatible with this version of the proto package. - ProtoPackageIsVersion1 = true -) - -// InternalMessageInfo is a type used internally by generated .pb.go files. -// This type is not intended to be used by non-generated code. -// This type is not subject to any compatibility guarantee. -type InternalMessageInfo struct { - marshal *marshalInfo - unmarshal *unmarshalInfo - merge *mergeInfo - discard *discardInfo -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go deleted file mode 100644 index f48a7567..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/message_set.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -/* - * Support for message sets. - */ - -import ( - "errors" -) - -// errNoMessageTypeID occurs when a protocol buffer does not have a message type ID. -// A message type ID is required for storing a protocol buffer in a message set. -var errNoMessageTypeID = errors.New("proto does not have a message type ID") - -// The first two types (_MessageSet_Item and messageSet) -// model what the protocol compiler produces for the following protocol message: -// message MessageSet { -// repeated group Item = 1 { -// required int32 type_id = 2; -// required string message = 3; -// }; -// } -// That is the MessageSet wire format. We can't use a proto to generate these -// because that would introduce a circular dependency between it and this package. - -type _MessageSet_Item struct { - TypeId *int32 `protobuf:"varint,2,req,name=type_id"` - Message []byte `protobuf:"bytes,3,req,name=message"` -} - -type messageSet struct { - Item []*_MessageSet_Item `protobuf:"group,1,rep"` - XXX_unrecognized []byte - // TODO: caching? -} - -// Make sure messageSet is a Message. -var _ Message = (*messageSet)(nil) - -// messageTypeIder is an interface satisfied by a protocol buffer type -// that may be stored in a MessageSet. -type messageTypeIder interface { - MessageTypeId() int32 -} - -func (ms *messageSet) find(pb Message) *_MessageSet_Item { - mti, ok := pb.(messageTypeIder) - if !ok { - return nil - } - id := mti.MessageTypeId() - for _, item := range ms.Item { - if *item.TypeId == id { - return item - } - } - return nil -} - -func (ms *messageSet) Has(pb Message) bool { - return ms.find(pb) != nil -} - -func (ms *messageSet) Unmarshal(pb Message) error { - if item := ms.find(pb); item != nil { - return Unmarshal(item.Message, pb) - } - if _, ok := pb.(messageTypeIder); !ok { - return errNoMessageTypeID - } - return nil // TODO: return error instead? -} - -func (ms *messageSet) Marshal(pb Message) error { - msg, err := Marshal(pb) - if err != nil { - return err - } - if item := ms.find(pb); item != nil { - // reuse existing item - item.Message = msg - return nil - } - - mti, ok := pb.(messageTypeIder) - if !ok { - return errNoMessageTypeID - } - - mtid := mti.MessageTypeId() - ms.Item = append(ms.Item, &_MessageSet_Item{ - TypeId: &mtid, - Message: msg, - }) - return nil -} - -func (ms *messageSet) Reset() { *ms = messageSet{} } -func (ms *messageSet) String() string { return CompactTextString(ms) } -func (*messageSet) ProtoMessage() {} - -// Support for the message_set_wire_format message option. - -func skipVarint(buf []byte) []byte { - i := 0 - for ; buf[i]&0x80 != 0; i++ { - } - return buf[i+1:] -} - -// unmarshalMessageSet decodes the extension map encoded in buf in the message set wire format. -// It is called by Unmarshal methods on protocol buffer messages with the message_set_wire_format option. -func unmarshalMessageSet(buf []byte, exts interface{}) error { - var m map[int32]Extension - switch exts := exts.(type) { - case *XXX_InternalExtensions: - m = exts.extensionsWrite() - case map[int32]Extension: - m = exts - default: - return errors.New("proto: not an extension map") - } - - ms := new(messageSet) - if err := Unmarshal(buf, ms); err != nil { - return err - } - for _, item := range ms.Item { - id := *item.TypeId - msg := item.Message - - // Restore wire type and field number varint, plus length varint. - // Be careful to preserve duplicate items. - b := EncodeVarint(uint64(id)<<3 | WireBytes) - if ext, ok := m[id]; ok { - // Existing data; rip off the tag and length varint - // so we join the new data correctly. - // We can assume that ext.enc is set because we are unmarshaling. - o := ext.enc[len(b):] // skip wire type and field number - _, n := DecodeVarint(o) // calculate length of length varint - o = o[n:] // skip length varint - msg = append(o, msg...) // join old data and new data - } - b = append(b, EncodeVarint(uint64(len(msg)))...) - b = append(b, msg...) - - m[id] = Extension{enc: b} - } - return nil -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go deleted file mode 100644 index 94fa9194..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_reflect.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,360 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -// +build purego appengine js - -// This file contains an implementation of proto field accesses using package reflect. -// It is slower than the code in pointer_unsafe.go but it avoids package unsafe and can -// be used on App Engine. - -package proto - -import ( - "reflect" - "sync" -) - -const unsafeAllowed = false - -// A field identifies a field in a struct, accessible from a pointer. -// In this implementation, a field is identified by the sequence of field indices -// passed to reflect's FieldByIndex. -type field []int - -// toField returns a field equivalent to the given reflect field. -func toField(f *reflect.StructField) field { - return f.Index -} - -// invalidField is an invalid field identifier. -var invalidField = field(nil) - -// zeroField is a noop when calling pointer.offset. -var zeroField = field([]int{}) - -// IsValid reports whether the field identifier is valid. -func (f field) IsValid() bool { return f != nil } - -// The pointer type is for the table-driven decoder. -// The implementation here uses a reflect.Value of pointer type to -// create a generic pointer. In pointer_unsafe.go we use unsafe -// instead of reflect to implement the same (but faster) interface. -type pointer struct { - v reflect.Value -} - -// toPointer converts an interface of pointer type to a pointer -// that points to the same target. -func toPointer(i *Message) pointer { - return pointer{v: reflect.ValueOf(*i)} -} - -// toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to -// the interface data. -func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr, deref bool) pointer { - v := reflect.ValueOf(*i) - u := reflect.New(v.Type()) - u.Elem().Set(v) - if deref { - u = u.Elem() - } - return pointer{v: u} -} - -// valToPointer converts v to a pointer. v must be of pointer type. -func valToPointer(v reflect.Value) pointer { - return pointer{v: v} -} - -// offset converts from a pointer to a structure to a pointer to -// one of its fields. -func (p pointer) offset(f field) pointer { - return pointer{v: p.v.Elem().FieldByIndex(f).Addr()} -} - -func (p pointer) isNil() bool { - return p.v.IsNil() -} - -// grow updates the slice s in place to make it one element longer. -// s must be addressable. -// Returns the (addressable) new element. -func grow(s reflect.Value) reflect.Value { - n, m := s.Len(), s.Cap() - if n < m { - s.SetLen(n + 1) - } else { - s.Set(reflect.Append(s, reflect.Zero(s.Type().Elem()))) - } - return s.Index(n) -} - -func (p pointer) toInt64() *int64 { - return p.v.Interface().(*int64) -} -func (p pointer) toInt64Ptr() **int64 { - return p.v.Interface().(**int64) -} -func (p pointer) toInt64Slice() *[]int64 { - return p.v.Interface().(*[]int64) -} - -var int32ptr = reflect.TypeOf((*int32)(nil)) - -func (p pointer) toInt32() *int32 { - return p.v.Convert(int32ptr).Interface().(*int32) -} - -// The toInt32Ptr/Slice methods don't work because of enums. -// Instead, we must use set/get methods for the int32ptr/slice case. -/* - func (p pointer) toInt32Ptr() **int32 { - return p.v.Interface().(**int32) -} - func (p pointer) toInt32Slice() *[]int32 { - return p.v.Interface().(*[]int32) -} -*/ -func (p pointer) getInt32Ptr() *int32 { - if p.v.Type().Elem().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) { - // raw int32 type - return p.v.Elem().Interface().(*int32) - } - // an enum - return p.v.Elem().Convert(int32PtrType).Interface().(*int32) -} -func (p pointer) setInt32Ptr(v int32) { - // Allocate value in a *int32. Possibly convert that to a *enum. - // Then assign it to a **int32 or **enum. - // Note: we can convert *int32 to *enum, but we can't convert - // **int32 to **enum! - p.v.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(&v).Convert(p.v.Type().Elem())) -} - -// getInt32Slice copies []int32 from p as a new slice. -// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_unsafe.go. -func (p pointer) getInt32Slice() []int32 { - if p.v.Type().Elem().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) { - // raw int32 type - return p.v.Elem().Interface().([]int32) - } - // an enum - // Allocate a []int32, then assign []enum's values into it. - // Note: we can't convert []enum to []int32. - slice := p.v.Elem() - s := make([]int32, slice.Len()) - for i := 0; i < slice.Len(); i++ { - s[i] = int32(slice.Index(i).Int()) - } - return s -} - -// setInt32Slice copies []int32 into p as a new slice. -// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_unsafe.go. -func (p pointer) setInt32Slice(v []int32) { - if p.v.Type().Elem().Elem() == reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) { - // raw int32 type - p.v.Elem().Set(reflect.ValueOf(v)) - return - } - // an enum - // Allocate a []enum, then assign []int32's values into it. - // Note: we can't convert []enum to []int32. - slice := reflect.MakeSlice(p.v.Type().Elem(), len(v), cap(v)) - for i, x := range v { - slice.Index(i).SetInt(int64(x)) - } - p.v.Elem().Set(slice) -} -func (p pointer) appendInt32Slice(v int32) { - grow(p.v.Elem()).SetInt(int64(v)) -} - -func (p pointer) toUint64() *uint64 { - return p.v.Interface().(*uint64) -} -func (p pointer) toUint64Ptr() **uint64 { - return p.v.Interface().(**uint64) -} -func (p pointer) toUint64Slice() *[]uint64 { - return p.v.Interface().(*[]uint64) -} -func (p pointer) toUint32() *uint32 { - return p.v.Interface().(*uint32) -} -func (p pointer) toUint32Ptr() **uint32 { - return p.v.Interface().(**uint32) -} -func (p pointer) toUint32Slice() *[]uint32 { - return p.v.Interface().(*[]uint32) -} -func (p pointer) toBool() *bool { - return p.v.Interface().(*bool) -} -func (p pointer) toBoolPtr() **bool { - return p.v.Interface().(**bool) -} -func (p pointer) toBoolSlice() *[]bool { - return p.v.Interface().(*[]bool) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat64() *float64 { - return p.v.Interface().(*float64) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat64Ptr() **float64 { - return p.v.Interface().(**float64) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat64Slice() *[]float64 { - return p.v.Interface().(*[]float64) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat32() *float32 { - return p.v.Interface().(*float32) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat32Ptr() **float32 { - return p.v.Interface().(**float32) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat32Slice() *[]float32 { - return p.v.Interface().(*[]float32) -} -func (p pointer) toString() *string { - return p.v.Interface().(*string) -} -func (p pointer) toStringPtr() **string { - return p.v.Interface().(**string) -} -func (p pointer) toStringSlice() *[]string { - return p.v.Interface().(*[]string) -} -func (p pointer) toBytes() *[]byte { - return p.v.Interface().(*[]byte) -} -func (p pointer) toBytesSlice() *[][]byte { - return p.v.Interface().(*[][]byte) -} -func (p pointer) toExtensions() *XXX_InternalExtensions { - return p.v.Interface().(*XXX_InternalExtensions) -} -func (p pointer) toOldExtensions() *map[int32]Extension { - return p.v.Interface().(*map[int32]Extension) -} -func (p pointer) getPointer() pointer { - return pointer{v: p.v.Elem()} -} -func (p pointer) setPointer(q pointer) { - p.v.Elem().Set(q.v) -} -func (p pointer) appendPointer(q pointer) { - grow(p.v.Elem()).Set(q.v) -} - -// getPointerSlice copies []*T from p as a new []pointer. -// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_unsafe.go. -func (p pointer) getPointerSlice() []pointer { - if p.v.IsNil() { - return nil - } - n := p.v.Elem().Len() - s := make([]pointer, n) - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - s[i] = pointer{v: p.v.Elem().Index(i)} - } - return s -} - -// setPointerSlice copies []pointer into p as a new []*T. -// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_unsafe.go. -func (p pointer) setPointerSlice(v []pointer) { - if v == nil { - p.v.Elem().Set(reflect.New(p.v.Elem().Type()).Elem()) - return - } - s := reflect.MakeSlice(p.v.Elem().Type(), 0, len(v)) - for _, p := range v { - s = reflect.Append(s, p.v) - } - p.v.Elem().Set(s) -} - -// getInterfacePointer returns a pointer that points to the -// interface data of the interface pointed by p. -func (p pointer) getInterfacePointer() pointer { - if p.v.Elem().IsNil() { - return pointer{v: p.v.Elem()} - } - return pointer{v: p.v.Elem().Elem().Elem().Field(0).Addr()} // *interface -> interface -> *struct -> struct -} - -func (p pointer) asPointerTo(t reflect.Type) reflect.Value { - // TODO: check that p.v.Type().Elem() == t? - return p.v -} - -func atomicLoadUnmarshalInfo(p **unmarshalInfo) *unmarshalInfo { - atomicLock.Lock() - defer atomicLock.Unlock() - return *p -} -func atomicStoreUnmarshalInfo(p **unmarshalInfo, v *unmarshalInfo) { - atomicLock.Lock() - defer atomicLock.Unlock() - *p = v -} -func atomicLoadMarshalInfo(p **marshalInfo) *marshalInfo { - atomicLock.Lock() - defer atomicLock.Unlock() - return *p -} -func atomicStoreMarshalInfo(p **marshalInfo, v *marshalInfo) { - atomicLock.Lock() - defer atomicLock.Unlock() - *p = v -} -func atomicLoadMergeInfo(p **mergeInfo) *mergeInfo { - atomicLock.Lock() - defer atomicLock.Unlock() - return *p -} -func atomicStoreMergeInfo(p **mergeInfo, v *mergeInfo) { - atomicLock.Lock() - defer atomicLock.Unlock() - *p = v -} -func atomicLoadDiscardInfo(p **discardInfo) *discardInfo { - atomicLock.Lock() - defer atomicLock.Unlock() - return *p -} -func atomicStoreDiscardInfo(p **discardInfo, v *discardInfo) { - atomicLock.Lock() - defer atomicLock.Unlock() - *p = v -} - -var atomicLock sync.Mutex diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go deleted file mode 100644 index dbfffe07..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/pointer_unsafe.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,313 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -// +build !purego,!appengine,!js - -// This file contains the implementation of the proto field accesses using package unsafe. - -package proto - -import ( - "reflect" - "sync/atomic" - "unsafe" -) - -const unsafeAllowed = true - -// A field identifies a field in a struct, accessible from a pointer. -// In this implementation, a field is identified by its byte offset from the start of the struct. -type field uintptr - -// toField returns a field equivalent to the given reflect field. -func toField(f *reflect.StructField) field { - return field(f.Offset) -} - -// invalidField is an invalid field identifier. -const invalidField = ^field(0) - -// zeroField is a noop when calling pointer.offset. -const zeroField = field(0) - -// IsValid reports whether the field identifier is valid. -func (f field) IsValid() bool { - return f != invalidField -} - -// The pointer type below is for the new table-driven encoder/decoder. -// The implementation here uses unsafe.Pointer to create a generic pointer. -// In pointer_reflect.go we use reflect instead of unsafe to implement -// the same (but slower) interface. -type pointer struct { - p unsafe.Pointer -} - -// size of pointer -var ptrSize = unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)) - -// toPointer converts an interface of pointer type to a pointer -// that points to the same target. -func toPointer(i *Message) pointer { - // Super-tricky - read pointer out of data word of interface value. - // Saves ~25ns over the equivalent: - // return valToPointer(reflect.ValueOf(*i)) - return pointer{p: (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(i))[1]} -} - -// toAddrPointer converts an interface to a pointer that points to -// the interface data. -func toAddrPointer(i *interface{}, isptr, deref bool) (p pointer) { - // Super-tricky - read or get the address of data word of interface value. - if isptr { - // The interface is of pointer type, thus it is a direct interface. - // The data word is the pointer data itself. We take its address. - p = pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(i)) + ptrSize)} - } else { - // The interface is not of pointer type. The data word is the pointer - // to the data. - p = pointer{p: (*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(i))[1]} - } - if deref { - p.p = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p) - } - return p -} - -// valToPointer converts v to a pointer. v must be of pointer type. -func valToPointer(v reflect.Value) pointer { - return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(v.Pointer())} -} - -// offset converts from a pointer to a structure to a pointer to -// one of its fields. -func (p pointer) offset(f field) pointer { - // For safety, we should panic if !f.IsValid, however calling panic causes - // this to no longer be inlineable, which is a serious performance cost. - /* - if !f.IsValid() { - panic("invalid field") - } - */ - return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p.p) + uintptr(f))} -} - -func (p pointer) isNil() bool { - return p.p == nil -} - -func (p pointer) toInt64() *int64 { - return (*int64)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toInt64Ptr() **int64 { - return (**int64)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toInt64Slice() *[]int64 { - return (*[]int64)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toInt32() *int32 { - return (*int32)(p.p) -} - -// See pointer_reflect.go for why toInt32Ptr/Slice doesn't exist. -/* - func (p pointer) toInt32Ptr() **int32 { - return (**int32)(p.p) - } - func (p pointer) toInt32Slice() *[]int32 { - return (*[]int32)(p.p) - } -*/ -func (p pointer) getInt32Ptr() *int32 { - return *(**int32)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) setInt32Ptr(v int32) { - *(**int32)(p.p) = &v -} - -// getInt32Slice loads a []int32 from p. -// The value returned is aliased with the original slice. -// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_reflect.go. -func (p pointer) getInt32Slice() []int32 { - return *(*[]int32)(p.p) -} - -// setInt32Slice stores a []int32 to p. -// The value set is aliased with the input slice. -// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_reflect.go. -func (p pointer) setInt32Slice(v []int32) { - *(*[]int32)(p.p) = v -} - -// TODO: Can we get rid of appendInt32Slice and use setInt32Slice instead? -func (p pointer) appendInt32Slice(v int32) { - s := (*[]int32)(p.p) - *s = append(*s, v) -} - -func (p pointer) toUint64() *uint64 { - return (*uint64)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toUint64Ptr() **uint64 { - return (**uint64)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toUint64Slice() *[]uint64 { - return (*[]uint64)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toUint32() *uint32 { - return (*uint32)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toUint32Ptr() **uint32 { - return (**uint32)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toUint32Slice() *[]uint32 { - return (*[]uint32)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toBool() *bool { - return (*bool)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toBoolPtr() **bool { - return (**bool)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toBoolSlice() *[]bool { - return (*[]bool)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat64() *float64 { - return (*float64)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat64Ptr() **float64 { - return (**float64)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat64Slice() *[]float64 { - return (*[]float64)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat32() *float32 { - return (*float32)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat32Ptr() **float32 { - return (**float32)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toFloat32Slice() *[]float32 { - return (*[]float32)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toString() *string { - return (*string)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toStringPtr() **string { - return (**string)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toStringSlice() *[]string { - return (*[]string)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toBytes() *[]byte { - return (*[]byte)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toBytesSlice() *[][]byte { - return (*[][]byte)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toExtensions() *XXX_InternalExtensions { - return (*XXX_InternalExtensions)(p.p) -} -func (p pointer) toOldExtensions() *map[int32]Extension { - return (*map[int32]Extension)(p.p) -} - -// getPointerSlice loads []*T from p as a []pointer. -// The value returned is aliased with the original slice. -// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_reflect.go. -func (p pointer) getPointerSlice() []pointer { - // Super-tricky - p should point to a []*T where T is a - // message type. We load it as []pointer. - return *(*[]pointer)(p.p) -} - -// setPointerSlice stores []pointer into p as a []*T. -// The value set is aliased with the input slice. -// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_reflect.go. -func (p pointer) setPointerSlice(v []pointer) { - // Super-tricky - p should point to a []*T where T is a - // message type. We store it as []pointer. - *(*[]pointer)(p.p) = v -} - -// getPointer loads the pointer at p and returns it. -func (p pointer) getPointer() pointer { - return pointer{p: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p)} -} - -// setPointer stores the pointer q at p. -func (p pointer) setPointer(q pointer) { - *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p) = q.p -} - -// append q to the slice pointed to by p. -func (p pointer) appendPointer(q pointer) { - s := (*[]unsafe.Pointer)(p.p) - *s = append(*s, q.p) -} - -// getInterfacePointer returns a pointer that points to the -// interface data of the interface pointed by p. -func (p pointer) getInterfacePointer() pointer { - // Super-tricky - read pointer out of data word of interface value. - return pointer{p: (*(*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(p.p))[1]} -} - -// asPointerTo returns a reflect.Value that is a pointer to an -// object of type t stored at p. -func (p pointer) asPointerTo(t reflect.Type) reflect.Value { - return reflect.NewAt(t, p.p) -} - -func atomicLoadUnmarshalInfo(p **unmarshalInfo) *unmarshalInfo { - return (*unmarshalInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)))) -} -func atomicStoreUnmarshalInfo(p **unmarshalInfo, v *unmarshalInfo) { - atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)), unsafe.Pointer(v)) -} -func atomicLoadMarshalInfo(p **marshalInfo) *marshalInfo { - return (*marshalInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)))) -} -func atomicStoreMarshalInfo(p **marshalInfo, v *marshalInfo) { - atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)), unsafe.Pointer(v)) -} -func atomicLoadMergeInfo(p **mergeInfo) *mergeInfo { - return (*mergeInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)))) -} -func atomicStoreMergeInfo(p **mergeInfo, v *mergeInfo) { - atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)), unsafe.Pointer(v)) -} -func atomicLoadDiscardInfo(p **discardInfo) *discardInfo { - return (*discardInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)))) -} -func atomicStoreDiscardInfo(p **discardInfo, v *discardInfo) { - atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(p)), unsafe.Pointer(v)) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go deleted file mode 100644 index a4b8c0cd..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/properties.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,544 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -/* - * Routines for encoding data into the wire format for protocol buffers. - */ - -import ( - "fmt" - "log" - "reflect" - "sort" - "strconv" - "strings" - "sync" -) - -const debug bool = false - -// Constants that identify the encoding of a value on the wire. -const ( - WireVarint = 0 - WireFixed64 = 1 - WireBytes = 2 - WireStartGroup = 3 - WireEndGroup = 4 - WireFixed32 = 5 -) - -// tagMap is an optimization over map[int]int for typical protocol buffer -// use-cases. Encoded protocol buffers are often in tag order with small tag -// numbers. -type tagMap struct { - fastTags []int - slowTags map[int]int -} - -// tagMapFastLimit is the upper bound on the tag number that will be stored in -// the tagMap slice rather than its map. -const tagMapFastLimit = 1024 - -func (p *tagMap) get(t int) (int, bool) { - if t > 0 && t < tagMapFastLimit { - if t >= len(p.fastTags) { - return 0, false - } - fi := p.fastTags[t] - return fi, fi >= 0 - } - fi, ok := p.slowTags[t] - return fi, ok -} - -func (p *tagMap) put(t int, fi int) { - if t > 0 && t < tagMapFastLimit { - for len(p.fastTags) < t+1 { - p.fastTags = append(p.fastTags, -1) - } - p.fastTags[t] = fi - return - } - if p.slowTags == nil { - p.slowTags = make(map[int]int) - } - p.slowTags[t] = fi -} - -// StructProperties represents properties for all the fields of a struct. -// decoderTags and decoderOrigNames should only be used by the decoder. -type StructProperties struct { - Prop []*Properties // properties for each field - reqCount int // required count - decoderTags tagMap // map from proto tag to struct field number - decoderOrigNames map[string]int // map from original name to struct field number - order []int // list of struct field numbers in tag order - - // OneofTypes contains information about the oneof fields in this message. - // It is keyed by the original name of a field. - OneofTypes map[string]*OneofProperties -} - -// OneofProperties represents information about a specific field in a oneof. -type OneofProperties struct { - Type reflect.Type // pointer to generated struct type for this oneof field - Field int // struct field number of the containing oneof in the message - Prop *Properties -} - -// Implement the sorting interface so we can sort the fields in tag order, as recommended by the spec. -// See encode.go, (*Buffer).enc_struct. - -func (sp *StructProperties) Len() int { return len(sp.order) } -func (sp *StructProperties) Less(i, j int) bool { - return sp.Prop[sp.order[i]].Tag < sp.Prop[sp.order[j]].Tag -} -func (sp *StructProperties) Swap(i, j int) { sp.order[i], sp.order[j] = sp.order[j], sp.order[i] } - -// Properties represents the protocol-specific behavior of a single struct field. -type Properties struct { - Name string // name of the field, for error messages - OrigName string // original name before protocol compiler (always set) - JSONName string // name to use for JSON; determined by protoc - Wire string - WireType int - Tag int - Required bool - Optional bool - Repeated bool - Packed bool // relevant for repeated primitives only - Enum string // set for enum types only - proto3 bool // whether this is known to be a proto3 field - oneof bool // whether this is a oneof field - - Default string // default value - HasDefault bool // whether an explicit default was provided - - stype reflect.Type // set for struct types only - sprop *StructProperties // set for struct types only - - mtype reflect.Type // set for map types only - MapKeyProp *Properties // set for map types only - MapValProp *Properties // set for map types only -} - -// String formats the properties in the protobuf struct field tag style. -func (p *Properties) String() string { - s := p.Wire - s += "," - s += strconv.Itoa(p.Tag) - if p.Required { - s += ",req" - } - if p.Optional { - s += ",opt" - } - if p.Repeated { - s += ",rep" - } - if p.Packed { - s += ",packed" - } - s += ",name=" + p.OrigName - if p.JSONName != p.OrigName { - s += ",json=" + p.JSONName - } - if p.proto3 { - s += ",proto3" - } - if p.oneof { - s += ",oneof" - } - if len(p.Enum) > 0 { - s += ",enum=" + p.Enum - } - if p.HasDefault { - s += ",def=" + p.Default - } - return s -} - -// Parse populates p by parsing a string in the protobuf struct field tag style. -func (p *Properties) Parse(s string) { - // "bytes,49,opt,name=foo,def=hello!" - fields := strings.Split(s, ",") // breaks def=, but handled below. - if len(fields) < 2 { - log.Printf("proto: tag has too few fields: %q", s) - return - } - - p.Wire = fields[0] - switch p.Wire { - case "varint": - p.WireType = WireVarint - case "fixed32": - p.WireType = WireFixed32 - case "fixed64": - p.WireType = WireFixed64 - case "zigzag32": - p.WireType = WireVarint - case "zigzag64": - p.WireType = WireVarint - case "bytes", "group": - p.WireType = WireBytes - // no numeric converter for non-numeric types - default: - log.Printf("proto: tag has unknown wire type: %q", s) - return - } - - var err error - p.Tag, err = strconv.Atoi(fields[1]) - if err != nil { - return - } - -outer: - for i := 2; i < len(fields); i++ { - f := fields[i] - switch { - case f == "req": - p.Required = true - case f == "opt": - p.Optional = true - case f == "rep": - p.Repeated = true - case f == "packed": - p.Packed = true - case strings.HasPrefix(f, "name="): - p.OrigName = f[5:] - case strings.HasPrefix(f, "json="): - p.JSONName = f[5:] - case strings.HasPrefix(f, "enum="): - p.Enum = f[5:] - case f == "proto3": - p.proto3 = true - case f == "oneof": - p.oneof = true - case strings.HasPrefix(f, "def="): - p.HasDefault = true - p.Default = f[4:] // rest of string - if i+1 < len(fields) { - // Commas aren't escaped, and def is always last. - p.Default += "," + strings.Join(fields[i+1:], ",") - break outer - } - } - } -} - -var protoMessageType = reflect.TypeOf((*Message)(nil)).Elem() - -// setFieldProps initializes the field properties for submessages and maps. -func (p *Properties) setFieldProps(typ reflect.Type, f *reflect.StructField, lockGetProp bool) { - switch t1 := typ; t1.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: - if t1.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct { - p.stype = t1.Elem() - } - - case reflect.Slice: - if t2 := t1.Elem(); t2.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t2.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct { - p.stype = t2.Elem() - } - - case reflect.Map: - p.mtype = t1 - p.MapKeyProp = &Properties{} - p.MapKeyProp.init(reflect.PtrTo(p.mtype.Key()), "Key", f.Tag.Get("protobuf_key"), nil, lockGetProp) - p.MapValProp = &Properties{} - vtype := p.mtype.Elem() - if vtype.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && vtype.Kind() != reflect.Slice { - // The value type is not a message (*T) or bytes ([]byte), - // so we need encoders for the pointer to this type. - vtype = reflect.PtrTo(vtype) - } - p.MapValProp.init(vtype, "Value", f.Tag.Get("protobuf_val"), nil, lockGetProp) - } - - if p.stype != nil { - if lockGetProp { - p.sprop = GetProperties(p.stype) - } else { - p.sprop = getPropertiesLocked(p.stype) - } - } -} - -var ( - marshalerType = reflect.TypeOf((*Marshaler)(nil)).Elem() -) - -// Init populates the properties from a protocol buffer struct tag. -func (p *Properties) Init(typ reflect.Type, name, tag string, f *reflect.StructField) { - p.init(typ, name, tag, f, true) -} - -func (p *Properties) init(typ reflect.Type, name, tag string, f *reflect.StructField, lockGetProp bool) { - // "bytes,49,opt,def=hello!" - p.Name = name - p.OrigName = name - if tag == "" { - return - } - p.Parse(tag) - p.setFieldProps(typ, f, lockGetProp) -} - -var ( - propertiesMu sync.RWMutex - propertiesMap = make(map[reflect.Type]*StructProperties) -) - -// GetProperties returns the list of properties for the type represented by t. -// t must represent a generated struct type of a protocol message. -func GetProperties(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties { - if t.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - panic("proto: type must have kind struct") - } - - // Most calls to GetProperties in a long-running program will be - // retrieving details for types we have seen before. - propertiesMu.RLock() - sprop, ok := propertiesMap[t] - propertiesMu.RUnlock() - if ok { - return sprop - } - - propertiesMu.Lock() - sprop = getPropertiesLocked(t) - propertiesMu.Unlock() - return sprop -} - -type ( - oneofFuncsIface interface { - XXX_OneofFuncs() (func(Message, *Buffer) error, func(Message, int, int, *Buffer) (bool, error), func(Message) int, []interface{}) - } - oneofWrappersIface interface { - XXX_OneofWrappers() []interface{} - } -) - -// getPropertiesLocked requires that propertiesMu is held. -func getPropertiesLocked(t reflect.Type) *StructProperties { - if prop, ok := propertiesMap[t]; ok { - return prop - } - - prop := new(StructProperties) - // in case of recursive protos, fill this in now. - propertiesMap[t] = prop - - // build properties - prop.Prop = make([]*Properties, t.NumField()) - prop.order = make([]int, t.NumField()) - - for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { - f := t.Field(i) - p := new(Properties) - name := f.Name - p.init(f.Type, name, f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), &f, false) - - oneof := f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") // special case - if oneof != "" { - // Oneof fields don't use the traditional protobuf tag. - p.OrigName = oneof - } - prop.Prop[i] = p - prop.order[i] = i - if debug { - print(i, " ", f.Name, " ", t.String(), " ") - if p.Tag > 0 { - print(p.String()) - } - print("\n") - } - } - - // Re-order prop.order. - sort.Sort(prop) - - var oots []interface{} - switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) { - case oneofFuncsIface: - _, _, _, oots = m.XXX_OneofFuncs() - case oneofWrappersIface: - oots = m.XXX_OneofWrappers() - } - if len(oots) > 0 { - // Interpret oneof metadata. - prop.OneofTypes = make(map[string]*OneofProperties) - for _, oot := range oots { - oop := &OneofProperties{ - Type: reflect.ValueOf(oot).Type(), // *T - Prop: new(Properties), - } - sft := oop.Type.Elem().Field(0) - oop.Prop.Name = sft.Name - oop.Prop.Parse(sft.Tag.Get("protobuf")) - // There will be exactly one interface field that - // this new value is assignable to. - for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { - f := t.Field(i) - if f.Type.Kind() != reflect.Interface { - continue - } - if !oop.Type.AssignableTo(f.Type) { - continue - } - oop.Field = i - break - } - prop.OneofTypes[oop.Prop.OrigName] = oop - } - } - - // build required counts - // build tags - reqCount := 0 - prop.decoderOrigNames = make(map[string]int) - for i, p := range prop.Prop { - if strings.HasPrefix(p.Name, "XXX_") { - // Internal fields should not appear in tags/origNames maps. - // They are handled specially when encoding and decoding. - continue - } - if p.Required { - reqCount++ - } - prop.decoderTags.put(p.Tag, i) - prop.decoderOrigNames[p.OrigName] = i - } - prop.reqCount = reqCount - - return prop -} - -// A global registry of enum types. -// The generated code will register the generated maps by calling RegisterEnum. - -var enumValueMaps = make(map[string]map[string]int32) - -// RegisterEnum is called from the generated code to install the enum descriptor -// maps into the global table to aid parsing text format protocol buffers. -func RegisterEnum(typeName string, unusedNameMap map[int32]string, valueMap map[string]int32) { - if _, ok := enumValueMaps[typeName]; ok { - panic("proto: duplicate enum registered: " + typeName) - } - enumValueMaps[typeName] = valueMap -} - -// EnumValueMap returns the mapping from names to integers of the -// enum type enumType, or a nil if not found. -func EnumValueMap(enumType string) map[string]int32 { - return enumValueMaps[enumType] -} - -// A registry of all linked message types. -// The string is a fully-qualified proto name ("pkg.Message"). -var ( - protoTypedNils = make(map[string]Message) // a map from proto names to typed nil pointers - protoMapTypes = make(map[string]reflect.Type) // a map from proto names to map types - revProtoTypes = make(map[reflect.Type]string) -) - -// RegisterType is called from generated code and maps from the fully qualified -// proto name to the type (pointer to struct) of the protocol buffer. -func RegisterType(x Message, name string) { - if _, ok := protoTypedNils[name]; ok { - // TODO: Some day, make this a panic. - log.Printf("proto: duplicate proto type registered: %s", name) - return - } - t := reflect.TypeOf(x) - if v := reflect.ValueOf(x); v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.Pointer() == 0 { - // Generated code always calls RegisterType with nil x. - // This check is just for extra safety. - protoTypedNils[name] = x - } else { - protoTypedNils[name] = reflect.Zero(t).Interface().(Message) - } - revProtoTypes[t] = name -} - -// RegisterMapType is called from generated code and maps from the fully qualified -// proto name to the native map type of the proto map definition. -func RegisterMapType(x interface{}, name string) { - if reflect.TypeOf(x).Kind() != reflect.Map { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("RegisterMapType(%T, %q); want map", x, name)) - } - if _, ok := protoMapTypes[name]; ok { - log.Printf("proto: duplicate proto type registered: %s", name) - return - } - t := reflect.TypeOf(x) - protoMapTypes[name] = t - revProtoTypes[t] = name -} - -// MessageName returns the fully-qualified proto name for the given message type. -func MessageName(x Message) string { - type xname interface { - XXX_MessageName() string - } - if m, ok := x.(xname); ok { - return m.XXX_MessageName() - } - return revProtoTypes[reflect.TypeOf(x)] -} - -// MessageType returns the message type (pointer to struct) for a named message. -// The type is not guaranteed to implement proto.Message if the name refers to a -// map entry. -func MessageType(name string) reflect.Type { - if t, ok := protoTypedNils[name]; ok { - return reflect.TypeOf(t) - } - return protoMapTypes[name] -} - -// A registry of all linked proto files. -var ( - protoFiles = make(map[string][]byte) // file name => fileDescriptor -) - -// RegisterFile is called from generated code and maps from the -// full file name of a .proto file to its compressed FileDescriptorProto. -func RegisterFile(filename string, fileDescriptor []byte) { - protoFiles[filename] = fileDescriptor -} - -// FileDescriptor returns the compressed FileDescriptorProto for a .proto file. -func FileDescriptor(filename string) []byte { return protoFiles[filename] } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5cb11fa9..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_marshal.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2776 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "math" - "reflect" - "sort" - "strconv" - "strings" - "sync" - "sync/atomic" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -// a sizer takes a pointer to a field and the size of its tag, computes the size of -// the encoded data. -type sizer func(pointer, int) int - -// a marshaler takes a byte slice, a pointer to a field, and its tag (in wire format), -// marshals the field to the end of the slice, returns the slice and error (if any). -type marshaler func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) - -// marshalInfo is the information used for marshaling a message. -type marshalInfo struct { - typ reflect.Type - fields []*marshalFieldInfo - unrecognized field // offset of XXX_unrecognized - extensions field // offset of XXX_InternalExtensions - v1extensions field // offset of XXX_extensions - sizecache field // offset of XXX_sizecache - initialized int32 // 0 -- only typ is set, 1 -- fully initialized - messageset bool // uses message set wire format - hasmarshaler bool // has custom marshaler - sync.RWMutex // protect extElems map, also for initialization - extElems map[int32]*marshalElemInfo // info of extension elements -} - -// marshalFieldInfo is the information used for marshaling a field of a message. -type marshalFieldInfo struct { - field field - wiretag uint64 // tag in wire format - tagsize int // size of tag in wire format - sizer sizer - marshaler marshaler - isPointer bool - required bool // field is required - name string // name of the field, for error reporting - oneofElems map[reflect.Type]*marshalElemInfo // info of oneof elements -} - -// marshalElemInfo is the information used for marshaling an extension or oneof element. -type marshalElemInfo struct { - wiretag uint64 // tag in wire format - tagsize int // size of tag in wire format - sizer sizer - marshaler marshaler - isptr bool // elem is pointer typed, thus interface of this type is a direct interface (extension only) - deref bool // dereference the pointer before operating on it; implies isptr -} - -var ( - marshalInfoMap = map[reflect.Type]*marshalInfo{} - marshalInfoLock sync.Mutex -) - -// getMarshalInfo returns the information to marshal a given type of message. -// The info it returns may not necessarily initialized. -// t is the type of the message (NOT the pointer to it). -func getMarshalInfo(t reflect.Type) *marshalInfo { - marshalInfoLock.Lock() - u, ok := marshalInfoMap[t] - if !ok { - u = &marshalInfo{typ: t} - marshalInfoMap[t] = u - } - marshalInfoLock.Unlock() - return u -} - -// Size is the entry point from generated code, -// and should be ONLY called by generated code. -// It computes the size of encoded data of msg. -// a is a pointer to a place to store cached marshal info. -func (a *InternalMessageInfo) Size(msg Message) int { - u := getMessageMarshalInfo(msg, a) - ptr := toPointer(&msg) - if ptr.isNil() { - // We get here if msg is a typed nil ((*SomeMessage)(nil)), - // so it satisfies the interface, and msg == nil wouldn't - // catch it. We don't want crash in this case. - return 0 - } - return u.size(ptr) -} - -// Marshal is the entry point from generated code, -// and should be ONLY called by generated code. -// It marshals msg to the end of b. -// a is a pointer to a place to store cached marshal info. -func (a *InternalMessageInfo) Marshal(b []byte, msg Message, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - u := getMessageMarshalInfo(msg, a) - ptr := toPointer(&msg) - if ptr.isNil() { - // We get here if msg is a typed nil ((*SomeMessage)(nil)), - // so it satisfies the interface, and msg == nil wouldn't - // catch it. We don't want crash in this case. - return b, ErrNil - } - return u.marshal(b, ptr, deterministic) -} - -func getMessageMarshalInfo(msg interface{}, a *InternalMessageInfo) *marshalInfo { - // u := a.marshal, but atomically. - // We use an atomic here to ensure memory consistency. - u := atomicLoadMarshalInfo(&a.marshal) - if u == nil { - // Get marshal information from type of message. - t := reflect.ValueOf(msg).Type() - if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot handle non-pointer message type %v", t)) - } - u = getMarshalInfo(t.Elem()) - // Store it in the cache for later users. - // a.marshal = u, but atomically. - atomicStoreMarshalInfo(&a.marshal, u) - } - return u -} - -// size is the main function to compute the size of the encoded data of a message. -// ptr is the pointer to the message. -func (u *marshalInfo) size(ptr pointer) int { - if atomic.LoadInt32(&u.initialized) == 0 { - u.computeMarshalInfo() - } - - // If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility. - // NOTE: This is not efficient. - if u.hasmarshaler { - m := ptr.asPointerTo(u.typ).Interface().(Marshaler) - b, _ := m.Marshal() - return len(b) - } - - n := 0 - for _, f := range u.fields { - if f.isPointer && ptr.offset(f.field).getPointer().isNil() { - // nil pointer always marshals to nothing - continue - } - n += f.sizer(ptr.offset(f.field), f.tagsize) - } - if u.extensions.IsValid() { - e := ptr.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions() - if u.messageset { - n += u.sizeMessageSet(e) - } else { - n += u.sizeExtensions(e) - } - } - if u.v1extensions.IsValid() { - m := *ptr.offset(u.v1extensions).toOldExtensions() - n += u.sizeV1Extensions(m) - } - if u.unrecognized.IsValid() { - s := *ptr.offset(u.unrecognized).toBytes() - n += len(s) - } - // cache the result for use in marshal - if u.sizecache.IsValid() { - atomic.StoreInt32(ptr.offset(u.sizecache).toInt32(), int32(n)) - } - return n -} - -// cachedsize gets the size from cache. If there is no cache (i.e. message is not generated), -// fall back to compute the size. -func (u *marshalInfo) cachedsize(ptr pointer) int { - if u.sizecache.IsValid() { - return int(atomic.LoadInt32(ptr.offset(u.sizecache).toInt32())) - } - return u.size(ptr) -} - -// marshal is the main function to marshal a message. It takes a byte slice and appends -// the encoded data to the end of the slice, returns the slice and error (if any). -// ptr is the pointer to the message. -// If deterministic is true, map is marshaled in deterministic order. -func (u *marshalInfo) marshal(b []byte, ptr pointer, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - if atomic.LoadInt32(&u.initialized) == 0 { - u.computeMarshalInfo() - } - - // If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility. - // NOTE: This is not efficient. - if u.hasmarshaler { - m := ptr.asPointerTo(u.typ).Interface().(Marshaler) - b1, err := m.Marshal() - b = append(b, b1...) - return b, err - } - - var err, errLater error - // The old marshaler encodes extensions at beginning. - if u.extensions.IsValid() { - e := ptr.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions() - if u.messageset { - b, err = u.appendMessageSet(b, e, deterministic) - } else { - b, err = u.appendExtensions(b, e, deterministic) - } - if err != nil { - return b, err - } - } - if u.v1extensions.IsValid() { - m := *ptr.offset(u.v1extensions).toOldExtensions() - b, err = u.appendV1Extensions(b, m, deterministic) - if err != nil { - return b, err - } - } - for _, f := range u.fields { - if f.required { - if ptr.offset(f.field).getPointer().isNil() { - // Required field is not set. - // We record the error but keep going, to give a complete marshaling. - if errLater == nil { - errLater = &RequiredNotSetError{f.name} - } - continue - } - } - if f.isPointer && ptr.offset(f.field).getPointer().isNil() { - // nil pointer always marshals to nothing - continue - } - b, err = f.marshaler(b, ptr.offset(f.field), f.wiretag, deterministic) - if err != nil { - if err1, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok { - // Required field in submessage is not set. - // We record the error but keep going, to give a complete marshaling. - if errLater == nil { - errLater = &RequiredNotSetError{f.name + "." + err1.field} - } - continue - } - if err == errRepeatedHasNil { - err = errors.New("proto: repeated field " + f.name + " has nil element") - } - if err == errInvalidUTF8 { - if errLater == nil { - fullName := revProtoTypes[reflect.PtrTo(u.typ)] + "." + f.name - errLater = &invalidUTF8Error{fullName} - } - continue - } - return b, err - } - } - if u.unrecognized.IsValid() { - s := *ptr.offset(u.unrecognized).toBytes() - b = append(b, s...) - } - return b, errLater -} - -// computeMarshalInfo initializes the marshal info. -func (u *marshalInfo) computeMarshalInfo() { - u.Lock() - defer u.Unlock() - if u.initialized != 0 { // non-atomic read is ok as it is protected by the lock - return - } - - t := u.typ - u.unrecognized = invalidField - u.extensions = invalidField - u.v1extensions = invalidField - u.sizecache = invalidField - - // If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility. - // NOTE: This is not efficient. - if reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(marshalerType) { - u.hasmarshaler = true - atomic.StoreInt32(&u.initialized, 1) - return - } - - // get oneof implementers - var oneofImplementers []interface{} - switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) { - case oneofFuncsIface: - _, _, _, oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofFuncs() - case oneofWrappersIface: - oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofWrappers() - } - - n := t.NumField() - - // deal with XXX fields first - for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { - f := t.Field(i) - if !strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") { - continue - } - switch f.Name { - case "XXX_sizecache": - u.sizecache = toField(&f) - case "XXX_unrecognized": - u.unrecognized = toField(&f) - case "XXX_InternalExtensions": - u.extensions = toField(&f) - u.messageset = f.Tag.Get("protobuf_messageset") == "1" - case "XXX_extensions": - u.v1extensions = toField(&f) - case "XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral": - // nothing to do - default: - panic("unknown XXX field: " + f.Name) - } - n-- - } - - // normal fields - fields := make([]marshalFieldInfo, n) // batch allocation - u.fields = make([]*marshalFieldInfo, 0, n) - for i, j := 0, 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { - f := t.Field(i) - - if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") { - continue - } - field := &fields[j] - j++ - field.name = f.Name - u.fields = append(u.fields, field) - if f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") != "" { - field.computeOneofFieldInfo(&f, oneofImplementers) - continue - } - if f.Tag.Get("protobuf") == "" { - // field has no tag (not in generated message), ignore it - u.fields = u.fields[:len(u.fields)-1] - j-- - continue - } - field.computeMarshalFieldInfo(&f) - } - - // fields are marshaled in tag order on the wire. - sort.Sort(byTag(u.fields)) - - atomic.StoreInt32(&u.initialized, 1) -} - -// helper for sorting fields by tag -type byTag []*marshalFieldInfo - -func (a byTag) Len() int { return len(a) } -func (a byTag) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] } -func (a byTag) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].wiretag < a[j].wiretag } - -// getExtElemInfo returns the information to marshal an extension element. -// The info it returns is initialized. -func (u *marshalInfo) getExtElemInfo(desc *ExtensionDesc) *marshalElemInfo { - // get from cache first - u.RLock() - e, ok := u.extElems[desc.Field] - u.RUnlock() - if ok { - return e - } - - t := reflect.TypeOf(desc.ExtensionType) // pointer or slice to basic type or struct - tags := strings.Split(desc.Tag, ",") - tag, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1]) - if err != nil { - panic("tag is not an integer") - } - wt := wiretype(tags[0]) - if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { - t = t.Elem() - } - sizer, marshaler := typeMarshaler(t, tags, false, false) - var deref bool - if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { - t = reflect.PtrTo(t) - deref = true - } - e = &marshalElemInfo{ - wiretag: uint64(tag)<<3 | wt, - tagsize: SizeVarint(uint64(tag) << 3), - sizer: sizer, - marshaler: marshaler, - isptr: t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr, - deref: deref, - } - - // update cache - u.Lock() - if u.extElems == nil { - u.extElems = make(map[int32]*marshalElemInfo) - } - u.extElems[desc.Field] = e - u.Unlock() - return e -} - -// computeMarshalFieldInfo fills up the information to marshal a field. -func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeMarshalFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField) { - // parse protobuf tag of the field. - // tag has format of "bytes,49,opt,name=foo,def=hello!" - tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",") - if tags[0] == "" { - return - } - tag, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1]) - if err != nil { - panic("tag is not an integer") - } - wt := wiretype(tags[0]) - if tags[2] == "req" { - fi.required = true - } - fi.setTag(f, tag, wt) - fi.setMarshaler(f, tags) -} - -func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) computeOneofFieldInfo(f *reflect.StructField, oneofImplementers []interface{}) { - fi.field = toField(f) - fi.wiretag = math.MaxInt32 // Use a large tag number, make oneofs sorted at the end. This tag will not appear on the wire. - fi.isPointer = true - fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = makeOneOfMarshaler(fi, f) - fi.oneofElems = make(map[reflect.Type]*marshalElemInfo) - - ityp := f.Type // interface type - for _, o := range oneofImplementers { - t := reflect.TypeOf(o) - if !t.Implements(ityp) { - continue - } - sf := t.Elem().Field(0) // oneof implementer is a struct with a single field - tags := strings.Split(sf.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",") - tag, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1]) - if err != nil { - panic("tag is not an integer") - } - wt := wiretype(tags[0]) - sizer, marshaler := typeMarshaler(sf.Type, tags, false, true) // oneof should not omit any zero value - fi.oneofElems[t.Elem()] = &marshalElemInfo{ - wiretag: uint64(tag)<<3 | wt, - tagsize: SizeVarint(uint64(tag) << 3), - sizer: sizer, - marshaler: marshaler, - } - } -} - -// wiretype returns the wire encoding of the type. -func wiretype(encoding string) uint64 { - switch encoding { - case "fixed32": - return WireFixed32 - case "fixed64": - return WireFixed64 - case "varint", "zigzag32", "zigzag64": - return WireVarint - case "bytes": - return WireBytes - case "group": - return WireStartGroup - } - panic("unknown wire type " + encoding) -} - -// setTag fills up the tag (in wire format) and its size in the info of a field. -func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) setTag(f *reflect.StructField, tag int, wt uint64) { - fi.field = toField(f) - fi.wiretag = uint64(tag)<<3 | wt - fi.tagsize = SizeVarint(uint64(tag) << 3) -} - -// setMarshaler fills up the sizer and marshaler in the info of a field. -func (fi *marshalFieldInfo) setMarshaler(f *reflect.StructField, tags []string) { - switch f.Type.Kind() { - case reflect.Map: - // map field - fi.isPointer = true - fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = makeMapMarshaler(f) - return - case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice: - fi.isPointer = true - } - fi.sizer, fi.marshaler = typeMarshaler(f.Type, tags, true, false) -} - -// typeMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler of a given field. -// t is the type of the field. -// tags is the generated "protobuf" tag of the field. -// If nozero is true, zero value is not marshaled to the wire. -// If oneof is true, it is a oneof field. -func typeMarshaler(t reflect.Type, tags []string, nozero, oneof bool) (sizer, marshaler) { - encoding := tags[0] - - pointer := false - slice := false - if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { - slice = true - t = t.Elem() - } - if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - pointer = true - t = t.Elem() - } - - packed := false - proto3 := false - validateUTF8 := true - for i := 2; i < len(tags); i++ { - if tags[i] == "packed" { - packed = true - } - if tags[i] == "proto3" { - proto3 = true - } - } - validateUTF8 = validateUTF8 && proto3 - - switch t.Kind() { - case reflect.Bool: - if pointer { - return sizeBoolPtr, appendBoolPtr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeBoolPackedSlice, appendBoolPackedSlice - } - return sizeBoolSlice, appendBoolSlice - } - if nozero { - return sizeBoolValueNoZero, appendBoolValueNoZero - } - return sizeBoolValue, appendBoolValue - case reflect.Uint32: - switch encoding { - case "fixed32": - if pointer { - return sizeFixed32Ptr, appendFixed32Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeFixed32PackedSlice, appendFixed32PackedSlice - } - return sizeFixed32Slice, appendFixed32Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeFixed32ValueNoZero, appendFixed32ValueNoZero - } - return sizeFixed32Value, appendFixed32Value - case "varint": - if pointer { - return sizeVarint32Ptr, appendVarint32Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeVarint32PackedSlice, appendVarint32PackedSlice - } - return sizeVarint32Slice, appendVarint32Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeVarint32ValueNoZero, appendVarint32ValueNoZero - } - return sizeVarint32Value, appendVarint32Value - } - case reflect.Int32: - switch encoding { - case "fixed32": - if pointer { - return sizeFixedS32Ptr, appendFixedS32Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeFixedS32PackedSlice, appendFixedS32PackedSlice - } - return sizeFixedS32Slice, appendFixedS32Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeFixedS32ValueNoZero, appendFixedS32ValueNoZero - } - return sizeFixedS32Value, appendFixedS32Value - case "varint": - if pointer { - return sizeVarintS32Ptr, appendVarintS32Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeVarintS32PackedSlice, appendVarintS32PackedSlice - } - return sizeVarintS32Slice, appendVarintS32Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeVarintS32ValueNoZero, appendVarintS32ValueNoZero - } - return sizeVarintS32Value, appendVarintS32Value - case "zigzag32": - if pointer { - return sizeZigzag32Ptr, appendZigzag32Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeZigzag32PackedSlice, appendZigzag32PackedSlice - } - return sizeZigzag32Slice, appendZigzag32Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeZigzag32ValueNoZero, appendZigzag32ValueNoZero - } - return sizeZigzag32Value, appendZigzag32Value - } - case reflect.Uint64: - switch encoding { - case "fixed64": - if pointer { - return sizeFixed64Ptr, appendFixed64Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeFixed64PackedSlice, appendFixed64PackedSlice - } - return sizeFixed64Slice, appendFixed64Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeFixed64ValueNoZero, appendFixed64ValueNoZero - } - return sizeFixed64Value, appendFixed64Value - case "varint": - if pointer { - return sizeVarint64Ptr, appendVarint64Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeVarint64PackedSlice, appendVarint64PackedSlice - } - return sizeVarint64Slice, appendVarint64Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeVarint64ValueNoZero, appendVarint64ValueNoZero - } - return sizeVarint64Value, appendVarint64Value - } - case reflect.Int64: - switch encoding { - case "fixed64": - if pointer { - return sizeFixedS64Ptr, appendFixedS64Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeFixedS64PackedSlice, appendFixedS64PackedSlice - } - return sizeFixedS64Slice, appendFixedS64Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeFixedS64ValueNoZero, appendFixedS64ValueNoZero - } - return sizeFixedS64Value, appendFixedS64Value - case "varint": - if pointer { - return sizeVarintS64Ptr, appendVarintS64Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeVarintS64PackedSlice, appendVarintS64PackedSlice - } - return sizeVarintS64Slice, appendVarintS64Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeVarintS64ValueNoZero, appendVarintS64ValueNoZero - } - return sizeVarintS64Value, appendVarintS64Value - case "zigzag64": - if pointer { - return sizeZigzag64Ptr, appendZigzag64Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeZigzag64PackedSlice, appendZigzag64PackedSlice - } - return sizeZigzag64Slice, appendZigzag64Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeZigzag64ValueNoZero, appendZigzag64ValueNoZero - } - return sizeZigzag64Value, appendZigzag64Value - } - case reflect.Float32: - if pointer { - return sizeFloat32Ptr, appendFloat32Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeFloat32PackedSlice, appendFloat32PackedSlice - } - return sizeFloat32Slice, appendFloat32Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeFloat32ValueNoZero, appendFloat32ValueNoZero - } - return sizeFloat32Value, appendFloat32Value - case reflect.Float64: - if pointer { - return sizeFloat64Ptr, appendFloat64Ptr - } - if slice { - if packed { - return sizeFloat64PackedSlice, appendFloat64PackedSlice - } - return sizeFloat64Slice, appendFloat64Slice - } - if nozero { - return sizeFloat64ValueNoZero, appendFloat64ValueNoZero - } - return sizeFloat64Value, appendFloat64Value - case reflect.String: - if validateUTF8 { - if pointer { - return sizeStringPtr, appendUTF8StringPtr - } - if slice { - return sizeStringSlice, appendUTF8StringSlice - } - if nozero { - return sizeStringValueNoZero, appendUTF8StringValueNoZero - } - return sizeStringValue, appendUTF8StringValue - } - if pointer { - return sizeStringPtr, appendStringPtr - } - if slice { - return sizeStringSlice, appendStringSlice - } - if nozero { - return sizeStringValueNoZero, appendStringValueNoZero - } - return sizeStringValue, appendStringValue - case reflect.Slice: - if slice { - return sizeBytesSlice, appendBytesSlice - } - if oneof { - // Oneof bytes field may also have "proto3" tag. - // We want to marshal it as a oneof field. Do this - // check before the proto3 check. - return sizeBytesOneof, appendBytesOneof - } - if proto3 { - return sizeBytes3, appendBytes3 - } - return sizeBytes, appendBytes - case reflect.Struct: - switch encoding { - case "group": - if slice { - return makeGroupSliceMarshaler(getMarshalInfo(t)) - } - return makeGroupMarshaler(getMarshalInfo(t)) - case "bytes": - if slice { - return makeMessageSliceMarshaler(getMarshalInfo(t)) - } - return makeMessageMarshaler(getMarshalInfo(t)) - } - } - panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown or mismatched type: type: %v, wire type: %v", t, encoding)) -} - -// Below are functions to size/marshal a specific type of a field. -// They are stored in the field's info, and called by function pointers. -// They have type sizer or marshaler. - -func sizeFixed32Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int { - return 4 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixed32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toUint32() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 4 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixed32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toUint32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return 4 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixed32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toUint32Slice() - return (4 + tagsize) * len(s) -} -func sizeFixed32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toUint32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 4*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(4*len(s))) + tagsize -} -func sizeFixedS32Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int { - return 4 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixedS32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 4 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixedS32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := ptr.getInt32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return 4 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixedS32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - return (4 + tagsize) * len(s) -} -func sizeFixedS32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 4*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(4*len(s))) + tagsize -} -func sizeFloat32Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int { - return 4 + tagsize -} -func sizeFloat32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := math.Float32bits(*ptr.toFloat32()) - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 4 + tagsize -} -func sizeFloat32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toFloat32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return 4 + tagsize -} -func sizeFloat32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toFloat32Slice() - return (4 + tagsize) * len(s) -} -func sizeFloat32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toFloat32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 4*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(4*len(s))) + tagsize -} -func sizeFixed64Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int { - return 8 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixed64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toUint64() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 8 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixed64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toUint64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return 8 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixed64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toUint64Slice() - return (8 + tagsize) * len(s) -} -func sizeFixed64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toUint64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 8*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(8*len(s))) + tagsize -} -func sizeFixedS64Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int { - return 8 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixedS64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 8 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixedS64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return 8 + tagsize -} -func sizeFixedS64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - return (8 + tagsize) * len(s) -} -func sizeFixedS64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 8*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(8*len(s))) + tagsize -} -func sizeFloat64Value(_ pointer, tagsize int) int { - return 8 + tagsize -} -func sizeFloat64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := math.Float64bits(*ptr.toFloat64()) - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 8 + tagsize -} -func sizeFloat64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toFloat64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return 8 + tagsize -} -func sizeFloat64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toFloat64Slice() - return (8 + tagsize) * len(s) -} -func sizeFloat64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toFloat64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - return 8*len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(8*len(s))) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarint32Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toUint32() - return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarint32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toUint32() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarint32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toUint32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(uint64(*p)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarint32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toUint32Slice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize - } - return n -} -func sizeVarint32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toUint32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) - } - return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarintS32Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarintS32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarintS32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := ptr.getInt32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(uint64(*p)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarintS32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize - } - return n -} -func sizeVarintS32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) - } - return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarint64Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toUint64() - return SizeVarint(v) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarint64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toUint64() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(v) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarint64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toUint64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(*p) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarint64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toUint64Slice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(v) + tagsize - } - return n -} -func sizeVarint64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toUint64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(v) - } - return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarintS64Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarintS64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarintS64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(uint64(*p)) + tagsize -} -func sizeVarintS64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + tagsize - } - return n -} -func sizeVarintS64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) - } - return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize -} -func sizeZigzag32Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - return SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) + tagsize -} -func sizeZigzag32ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) + tagsize -} -func sizeZigzag32Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := ptr.getInt32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - v := *p - return SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) + tagsize -} -func sizeZigzag32Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) + tagsize - } - return n -} -func sizeZigzag32PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v) << 1) ^ uint32((int32(v) >> 31)))) - } - return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize -} -func sizeZigzag64Value(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - return SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) + tagsize -} -func sizeZigzag64ValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - if v == 0 { - return 0 - } - return SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) + tagsize -} -func sizeZigzag64Ptr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - v := *p - return SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) + tagsize -} -func sizeZigzag64Slice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) + tagsize - } - return n -} -func sizeZigzag64PackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1) ^ uint64((int64(v) >> 63))) - } - return n + SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + tagsize -} -func sizeBoolValue(_ pointer, tagsize int) int { - return 1 + tagsize -} -func sizeBoolValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toBool() - if !v { - return 0 - } - return 1 + tagsize -} -func sizeBoolPtr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toBoolPtr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - return 1 + tagsize -} -func sizeBoolSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toBoolSlice() - return (1 + tagsize) * len(s) -} -func sizeBoolPackedSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toBoolSlice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return 0 - } - return len(s) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(s))) + tagsize -} -func sizeStringValue(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toString() - return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize -} -func sizeStringValueNoZero(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toString() - if v == "" { - return 0 - } - return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize -} -func sizeStringPtr(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := *ptr.toStringPtr() - if p == nil { - return 0 - } - v := *p - return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize -} -func sizeStringSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toStringSlice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize - } - return n -} -func sizeBytes(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toBytes() - if v == nil { - return 0 - } - return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize -} -func sizeBytes3(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toBytes() - if len(v) == 0 { - return 0 - } - return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize -} -func sizeBytesOneof(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - v := *ptr.toBytes() - return len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize -} -func sizeBytesSlice(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := *ptr.toBytesSlice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += len(v) + SizeVarint(uint64(len(v))) + tagsize - } - return n -} - -// appendFixed32 appends an encoded fixed32 to b. -func appendFixed32(b []byte, v uint32) []byte { - b = append(b, - byte(v), - byte(v>>8), - byte(v>>16), - byte(v>>24)) - return b -} - -// appendFixed64 appends an encoded fixed64 to b. -func appendFixed64(b []byte, v uint64) []byte { - b = append(b, - byte(v), - byte(v>>8), - byte(v>>16), - byte(v>>24), - byte(v>>32), - byte(v>>40), - byte(v>>48), - byte(v>>56)) - return b -} - -// appendVarint appends an encoded varint to b. -func appendVarint(b []byte, v uint64) []byte { - // TODO: make 1-byte (maybe 2-byte) case inline-able, once we - // have non-leaf inliner. - switch { - case v < 1<<7: - b = append(b, byte(v)) - case v < 1<<14: - b = append(b, - byte(v&0x7f|0x80), - byte(v>>7)) - case v < 1<<21: - b = append(b, - byte(v&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), - byte(v>>14)) - case v < 1<<28: - b = append(b, - byte(v&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), - byte(v>>21)) - case v < 1<<35: - b = append(b, - byte(v&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), - byte(v>>28)) - case v < 1<<42: - b = append(b, - byte(v&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), - byte(v>>35)) - case v < 1<<49: - b = append(b, - byte(v&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80), - byte(v>>42)) - case v < 1<<56: - b = append(b, - byte(v&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>42)&0x7f|0x80), - byte(v>>49)) - case v < 1<<63: - b = append(b, - byte(v&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>42)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>49)&0x7f|0x80), - byte(v>>56)) - default: - b = append(b, - byte(v&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>42)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>49)&0x7f|0x80), - byte((v>>56)&0x7f|0x80), - 1) - } - return b -} - -func appendFixed32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toUint32() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixed32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toUint32() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixed32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toUint32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, *p) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixed32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toUint32Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, v) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFixed32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toUint32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(4*len(s))) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendFixed32(b, v) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := ptr.getInt32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(*p)) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(4*len(s))) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendFixed32(b, uint32(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := math.Float32bits(*ptr.toFloat32()) - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := math.Float32bits(*ptr.toFloat32()) - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toFloat32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(*p)) - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toFloat32Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toFloat32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(4*len(s))) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFixed64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toUint64() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixed64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toUint64() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixed64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toUint64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, *p) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixed64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toUint64Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, v) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFixed64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toUint64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(8*len(s))) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendFixed64(b, v) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(*p)) - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFixedS64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(8*len(s))) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendFixed64(b, uint64(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := math.Float64bits(*ptr.toFloat64()) - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := math.Float64bits(*ptr.toFloat64()) - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toFloat64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(*p)) - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toFloat64Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendFloat64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toFloat64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(8*len(s))) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toUint32() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toUint32() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toUint32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(*p)) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toUint32Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toUint32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - // compute size - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) - } - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n)) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := ptr.getInt32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(*p)) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - // compute size - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) - } - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n)) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toUint64() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toUint64() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, v) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toUint64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, *p) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toUint64Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, v) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendVarint64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toUint64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - // compute size - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(v) - } - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n)) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, v) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(*p)) - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendVarintS64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - // compute size - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v)) - } - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n)) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v)) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag32Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag32ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt32() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag32Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := ptr.getInt32Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - v := *p - b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag32Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag32PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := ptr.getInt32Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - // compute size - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64((uint32(v) << 1) ^ uint32((int32(v) >> 31)))) - } - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n)) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, uint64((uint32(v)<<1)^uint32((int32(v)>>31)))) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag64Value(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag64ValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toInt64() - if v == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag64Ptr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toInt64Ptr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - v := *p - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag64Slice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendZigzag64PackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toInt64Slice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - // compute size - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - n += SizeVarint(uint64(v<<1) ^ uint64((int64(v) >> 63))) - } - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(n)) - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(v<<1)^uint64((int64(v)>>63))) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendBoolValue(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toBool() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - if v { - b = append(b, 1) - } else { - b = append(b, 0) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendBoolValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toBool() - if !v { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = append(b, 1) - return b, nil -} - -func appendBoolPtr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toBoolPtr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - if *p { - b = append(b, 1) - } else { - b = append(b, 0) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendBoolSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toBoolSlice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - if v { - b = append(b, 1) - } else { - b = append(b, 0) - } - } - return b, nil -} -func appendBoolPackedSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toBoolSlice() - if len(s) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag&^7|WireBytes) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(s))) - for _, v := range s { - if v { - b = append(b, 1) - } else { - b = append(b, 0) - } - } - return b, nil -} -func appendStringValue(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toString() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - return b, nil -} -func appendStringValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toString() - if v == "" { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - return b, nil -} -func appendStringPtr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := *ptr.toStringPtr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - v := *p - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - return b, nil -} -func appendStringSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toStringSlice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - } - return b, nil -} -func appendUTF8StringValue(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - var invalidUTF8 bool - v := *ptr.toString() - if !utf8.ValidString(v) { - invalidUTF8 = true - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - if invalidUTF8 { - return b, errInvalidUTF8 - } - return b, nil -} -func appendUTF8StringValueNoZero(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - var invalidUTF8 bool - v := *ptr.toString() - if v == "" { - return b, nil - } - if !utf8.ValidString(v) { - invalidUTF8 = true - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - if invalidUTF8 { - return b, errInvalidUTF8 - } - return b, nil -} -func appendUTF8StringPtr(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - var invalidUTF8 bool - p := *ptr.toStringPtr() - if p == nil { - return b, nil - } - v := *p - if !utf8.ValidString(v) { - invalidUTF8 = true - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - if invalidUTF8 { - return b, errInvalidUTF8 - } - return b, nil -} -func appendUTF8StringSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - var invalidUTF8 bool - s := *ptr.toStringSlice() - for _, v := range s { - if !utf8.ValidString(v) { - invalidUTF8 = true - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - } - if invalidUTF8 { - return b, errInvalidUTF8 - } - return b, nil -} -func appendBytes(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toBytes() - if v == nil { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - return b, nil -} -func appendBytes3(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toBytes() - if len(v) == 0 { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - return b, nil -} -func appendBytesOneof(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - v := *ptr.toBytes() - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - return b, nil -} -func appendBytesSlice(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, _ bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := *ptr.toBytesSlice() - for _, v := range s { - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))) - b = append(b, v...) - } - return b, nil -} - -// makeGroupMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a group. -// u is the marshal info of the underlying message. -func makeGroupMarshaler(u *marshalInfo) (sizer, marshaler) { - return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := ptr.getPointer() - if p.isNil() { - return 0 - } - return u.size(p) + 2*tagsize - }, - func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := ptr.getPointer() - if p.isNil() { - return b, nil - } - var err error - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) // start group - b, err = u.marshal(b, p, deterministic) - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag+(WireEndGroup-WireStartGroup)) // end group - return b, err - } -} - -// makeGroupSliceMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a group slice. -// u is the marshal info of the underlying message. -func makeGroupSliceMarshaler(u *marshalInfo) (sizer, marshaler) { - return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := ptr.getPointerSlice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - if v.isNil() { - continue - } - n += u.size(v) + 2*tagsize - } - return n - }, - func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := ptr.getPointerSlice() - var err error - var nerr nonFatal - for _, v := range s { - if v.isNil() { - return b, errRepeatedHasNil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) // start group - b, err = u.marshal(b, v, deterministic) - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag+(WireEndGroup-WireStartGroup)) // end group - if !nerr.Merge(err) { - if err == ErrNil { - err = errRepeatedHasNil - } - return b, err - } - } - return b, nerr.E - } -} - -// makeMessageMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a message field. -// u is the marshal info of the message. -func makeMessageMarshaler(u *marshalInfo) (sizer, marshaler) { - return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - p := ptr.getPointer() - if p.isNil() { - return 0 - } - siz := u.size(p) - return siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize - }, - func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := ptr.getPointer() - if p.isNil() { - return b, nil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - siz := u.cachedsize(p) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(siz)) - return u.marshal(b, p, deterministic) - } -} - -// makeMessageSliceMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a message slice. -// u is the marshal info of the message. -func makeMessageSliceMarshaler(u *marshalInfo) (sizer, marshaler) { - return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - s := ptr.getPointerSlice() - n := 0 - for _, v := range s { - if v.isNil() { - continue - } - siz := u.size(v) - n += siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize - } - return n - }, - func(b []byte, ptr pointer, wiretag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - s := ptr.getPointerSlice() - var err error - var nerr nonFatal - for _, v := range s { - if v.isNil() { - return b, errRepeatedHasNil - } - b = appendVarint(b, wiretag) - siz := u.cachedsize(v) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(siz)) - b, err = u.marshal(b, v, deterministic) - - if !nerr.Merge(err) { - if err == ErrNil { - err = errRepeatedHasNil - } - return b, err - } - } - return b, nerr.E - } -} - -// makeMapMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a map field. -// f is the pointer to the reflect data structure of the field. -func makeMapMarshaler(f *reflect.StructField) (sizer, marshaler) { - // figure out key and value type - t := f.Type - keyType := t.Key() - valType := t.Elem() - keyTags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf_key"), ",") - valTags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf_val"), ",") - keySizer, keyMarshaler := typeMarshaler(keyType, keyTags, false, false) // don't omit zero value in map - valSizer, valMarshaler := typeMarshaler(valType, valTags, false, false) // don't omit zero value in map - keyWireTag := 1<<3 | wiretype(keyTags[0]) - valWireTag := 2<<3 | wiretype(valTags[0]) - - // We create an interface to get the addresses of the map key and value. - // If value is pointer-typed, the interface is a direct interface, the - // idata itself is the value. Otherwise, the idata is the pointer to the - // value. - // Key cannot be pointer-typed. - valIsPtr := valType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr - - // If value is a message with nested maps, calling - // valSizer in marshal may be quadratic. We should use - // cached version in marshal (but not in size). - // If value is not message type, we don't have size cache, - // but it cannot be nested either. Just use valSizer. - valCachedSizer := valSizer - if valIsPtr && valType.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct { - u := getMarshalInfo(valType.Elem()) - valCachedSizer = func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - // Same as message sizer, but use cache. - p := ptr.getPointer() - if p.isNil() { - return 0 - } - siz := u.cachedsize(p) - return siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize - } - } - return func(ptr pointer, tagsize int) int { - m := ptr.asPointerTo(t).Elem() // the map - n := 0 - for _, k := range m.MapKeys() { - ki := k.Interface() - vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface() - kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false, false) // pointer to key - vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr, false) // pointer to value - siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1) - n += siz + SizeVarint(uint64(siz)) + tagsize - } - return n - }, - func(b []byte, ptr pointer, tag uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - m := ptr.asPointerTo(t).Elem() // the map - var err error - keys := m.MapKeys() - if len(keys) > 1 && deterministic { - sort.Sort(mapKeys(keys)) - } - - var nerr nonFatal - for _, k := range keys { - ki := k.Interface() - vi := m.MapIndex(k).Interface() - kaddr := toAddrPointer(&ki, false, false) // pointer to key - vaddr := toAddrPointer(&vi, valIsPtr, false) // pointer to value - b = appendVarint(b, tag) - siz := keySizer(kaddr, 1) + valCachedSizer(vaddr, 1) // tag of key = 1 (size=1), tag of val = 2 (size=1) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(siz)) - b, err = keyMarshaler(b, kaddr, keyWireTag, deterministic) - if !nerr.Merge(err) { - return b, err - } - b, err = valMarshaler(b, vaddr, valWireTag, deterministic) - if err != ErrNil && !nerr.Merge(err) { // allow nil value in map - return b, err - } - } - return b, nerr.E - } -} - -// makeOneOfMarshaler returns the sizer and marshaler for a oneof field. -// fi is the marshal info of the field. -// f is the pointer to the reflect data structure of the field. -func makeOneOfMarshaler(fi *marshalFieldInfo, f *reflect.StructField) (sizer, marshaler) { - // Oneof field is an interface. We need to get the actual data type on the fly. - t := f.Type - return func(ptr pointer, _ int) int { - p := ptr.getInterfacePointer() - if p.isNil() { - return 0 - } - v := ptr.asPointerTo(t).Elem().Elem().Elem() // *interface -> interface -> *struct -> struct - telem := v.Type() - e := fi.oneofElems[telem] - return e.sizer(p, e.tagsize) - }, - func(b []byte, ptr pointer, _ uint64, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - p := ptr.getInterfacePointer() - if p.isNil() { - return b, nil - } - v := ptr.asPointerTo(t).Elem().Elem().Elem() // *interface -> interface -> *struct -> struct - telem := v.Type() - if telem.Field(0).Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && p.getPointer().isNil() { - return b, errOneofHasNil - } - e := fi.oneofElems[telem] - return e.marshaler(b, p, e.wiretag, deterministic) - } -} - -// sizeExtensions computes the size of encoded data for a XXX_InternalExtensions field. -func (u *marshalInfo) sizeExtensions(ext *XXX_InternalExtensions) int { - m, mu := ext.extensionsRead() - if m == nil { - return 0 - } - mu.Lock() - - n := 0 - for _, e := range m { - if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil { - // Extension is only in its encoded form. - n += len(e.enc) - continue - } - - // We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set, - // because the extension value may have been mutated after - // the last time this function was called. - ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) - v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) - n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize) - } - mu.Unlock() - return n -} - -// appendExtensions marshals a XXX_InternalExtensions field to the end of byte slice b. -func (u *marshalInfo) appendExtensions(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - m, mu := ext.extensionsRead() - if m == nil { - return b, nil - } - mu.Lock() - defer mu.Unlock() - - var err error - var nerr nonFatal - - // Fast-path for common cases: zero or one extensions. - // Don't bother sorting the keys. - if len(m) <= 1 { - for _, e := range m { - if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil { - // Extension is only in its encoded form. - b = append(b, e.enc...) - continue - } - - // We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set, - // because the extension value may have been mutated after - // the last time this function was called. - - ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) - v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) - b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic) - if !nerr.Merge(err) { - return b, err - } - } - return b, nerr.E - } - - // Sort the keys to provide a deterministic encoding. - // Not sure this is required, but the old code does it. - keys := make([]int, 0, len(m)) - for k := range m { - keys = append(keys, int(k)) - } - sort.Ints(keys) - - for _, k := range keys { - e := m[int32(k)] - if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil { - // Extension is only in its encoded form. - b = append(b, e.enc...) - continue - } - - // We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set, - // because the extension value may have been mutated after - // the last time this function was called. - - ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) - v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) - b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic) - if !nerr.Merge(err) { - return b, err - } - } - return b, nerr.E -} - -// message set format is: -// message MessageSet { -// repeated group Item = 1 { -// required int32 type_id = 2; -// required string message = 3; -// }; -// } - -// sizeMessageSet computes the size of encoded data for a XXX_InternalExtensions field -// in message set format (above). -func (u *marshalInfo) sizeMessageSet(ext *XXX_InternalExtensions) int { - m, mu := ext.extensionsRead() - if m == nil { - return 0 - } - mu.Lock() - - n := 0 - for id, e := range m { - n += 2 // start group, end group. tag = 1 (size=1) - n += SizeVarint(uint64(id)) + 1 // type_id, tag = 2 (size=1) - - if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil { - // Extension is only in its encoded form. - msgWithLen := skipVarint(e.enc) // skip old tag, but leave the length varint - siz := len(msgWithLen) - n += siz + 1 // message, tag = 3 (size=1) - continue - } - - // We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set, - // because the extension value may have been mutated after - // the last time this function was called. - - ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) - v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) - n += ei.sizer(p, 1) // message, tag = 3 (size=1) - } - mu.Unlock() - return n -} - -// appendMessageSet marshals a XXX_InternalExtensions field in message set format (above) -// to the end of byte slice b. -func (u *marshalInfo) appendMessageSet(b []byte, ext *XXX_InternalExtensions, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - m, mu := ext.extensionsRead() - if m == nil { - return b, nil - } - mu.Lock() - defer mu.Unlock() - - var err error - var nerr nonFatal - - // Fast-path for common cases: zero or one extensions. - // Don't bother sorting the keys. - if len(m) <= 1 { - for id, e := range m { - b = append(b, 1<<3|WireStartGroup) - b = append(b, 2<<3|WireVarint) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(id)) - - if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil { - // Extension is only in its encoded form. - msgWithLen := skipVarint(e.enc) // skip old tag, but leave the length varint - b = append(b, 3<<3|WireBytes) - b = append(b, msgWithLen...) - b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup) - continue - } - - // We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set, - // because the extension value may have been mutated after - // the last time this function was called. - - ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) - v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) - b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic) - if !nerr.Merge(err) { - return b, err - } - b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup) - } - return b, nerr.E - } - - // Sort the keys to provide a deterministic encoding. - keys := make([]int, 0, len(m)) - for k := range m { - keys = append(keys, int(k)) - } - sort.Ints(keys) - - for _, id := range keys { - e := m[int32(id)] - b = append(b, 1<<3|WireStartGroup) - b = append(b, 2<<3|WireVarint) - b = appendVarint(b, uint64(id)) - - if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil { - // Extension is only in its encoded form. - msgWithLen := skipVarint(e.enc) // skip old tag, but leave the length varint - b = append(b, 3<<3|WireBytes) - b = append(b, msgWithLen...) - b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup) - continue - } - - // We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set, - // because the extension value may have been mutated after - // the last time this function was called. - - ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) - v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) - b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, 3<<3|WireBytes, deterministic) - b = append(b, 1<<3|WireEndGroup) - if !nerr.Merge(err) { - return b, err - } - } - return b, nerr.E -} - -// sizeV1Extensions computes the size of encoded data for a V1-API extension field. -func (u *marshalInfo) sizeV1Extensions(m map[int32]Extension) int { - if m == nil { - return 0 - } - - n := 0 - for _, e := range m { - if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil { - // Extension is only in its encoded form. - n += len(e.enc) - continue - } - - // We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set, - // because the extension value may have been mutated after - // the last time this function was called. - - ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) - v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) - n += ei.sizer(p, ei.tagsize) - } - return n -} - -// appendV1Extensions marshals a V1-API extension field to the end of byte slice b. -func (u *marshalInfo) appendV1Extensions(b []byte, m map[int32]Extension, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) { - if m == nil { - return b, nil - } - - // Sort the keys to provide a deterministic encoding. - keys := make([]int, 0, len(m)) - for k := range m { - keys = append(keys, int(k)) - } - sort.Ints(keys) - - var err error - var nerr nonFatal - for _, k := range keys { - e := m[int32(k)] - if e.value == nil || e.desc == nil { - // Extension is only in its encoded form. - b = append(b, e.enc...) - continue - } - - // We don't skip extensions that have an encoded form set, - // because the extension value may have been mutated after - // the last time this function was called. - - ei := u.getExtElemInfo(e.desc) - v := e.value - p := toAddrPointer(&v, ei.isptr, ei.deref) - b, err = ei.marshaler(b, p, ei.wiretag, deterministic) - if !nerr.Merge(err) { - return b, err - } - } - return b, nerr.E -} - -// newMarshaler is the interface representing objects that can marshal themselves. -// -// This exists to support protoc-gen-go generated messages. -// The proto package will stop type-asserting to this interface in the future. -// -// DO NOT DEPEND ON THIS. -type newMarshaler interface { - XXX_Size() int - XXX_Marshal(b []byte, deterministic bool) ([]byte, error) -} - -// Size returns the encoded size of a protocol buffer message. -// This is the main entry point. -func Size(pb Message) int { - if m, ok := pb.(newMarshaler); ok { - return m.XXX_Size() - } - if m, ok := pb.(Marshaler); ok { - // If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility. - // NOTE: This is not efficient. - b, _ := m.Marshal() - return len(b) - } - // in case somehow we didn't generate the wrapper - if pb == nil { - return 0 - } - var info InternalMessageInfo - return info.Size(pb) -} - -// Marshal takes a protocol buffer message -// and encodes it into the wire format, returning the data. -// This is the main entry point. -func Marshal(pb Message) ([]byte, error) { - if m, ok := pb.(newMarshaler); ok { - siz := m.XXX_Size() - b := make([]byte, 0, siz) - return m.XXX_Marshal(b, false) - } - if m, ok := pb.(Marshaler); ok { - // If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility. - // NOTE: This is not efficient. - return m.Marshal() - } - // in case somehow we didn't generate the wrapper - if pb == nil { - return nil, ErrNil - } - var info InternalMessageInfo - siz := info.Size(pb) - b := make([]byte, 0, siz) - return info.Marshal(b, pb, false) -} - -// Marshal takes a protocol buffer message -// and encodes it into the wire format, writing the result to the -// Buffer. -// This is an alternative entry point. It is not necessary to use -// a Buffer for most applications. -func (p *Buffer) Marshal(pb Message) error { - var err error - if m, ok := pb.(newMarshaler); ok { - siz := m.XXX_Size() - p.grow(siz) // make sure buf has enough capacity - p.buf, err = m.XXX_Marshal(p.buf, p.deterministic) - return err - } - if m, ok := pb.(Marshaler); ok { - // If the message can marshal itself, let it do it, for compatibility. - // NOTE: This is not efficient. - b, err := m.Marshal() - p.buf = append(p.buf, b...) - return err - } - // in case somehow we didn't generate the wrapper - if pb == nil { - return ErrNil - } - var info InternalMessageInfo - siz := info.Size(pb) - p.grow(siz) // make sure buf has enough capacity - p.buf, err = info.Marshal(p.buf, pb, p.deterministic) - return err -} - -// grow grows the buffer's capacity, if necessary, to guarantee space for -// another n bytes. After grow(n), at least n bytes can be written to the -// buffer without another allocation. -func (p *Buffer) grow(n int) { - need := len(p.buf) + n - if need <= cap(p.buf) { - return - } - newCap := len(p.buf) * 2 - if newCap < need { - newCap = need - } - p.buf = append(make([]byte, 0, newCap), p.buf...) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_merge.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_merge.go deleted file mode 100644 index 5525def6..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_merge.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,654 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -import ( - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strings" - "sync" - "sync/atomic" -) - -// Merge merges the src message into dst. -// This assumes that dst and src of the same type and are non-nil. -func (a *InternalMessageInfo) Merge(dst, src Message) { - mi := atomicLoadMergeInfo(&a.merge) - if mi == nil { - mi = getMergeInfo(reflect.TypeOf(dst).Elem()) - atomicStoreMergeInfo(&a.merge, mi) - } - mi.merge(toPointer(&dst), toPointer(&src)) -} - -type mergeInfo struct { - typ reflect.Type - - initialized int32 // 0: only typ is valid, 1: everything is valid - lock sync.Mutex - - fields []mergeFieldInfo - unrecognized field // Offset of XXX_unrecognized -} - -type mergeFieldInfo struct { - field field // Offset of field, guaranteed to be valid - - // isPointer reports whether the value in the field is a pointer. - // This is true for the following situations: - // * Pointer to struct - // * Pointer to basic type (proto2 only) - // * Slice (first value in slice header is a pointer) - // * String (first value in string header is a pointer) - isPointer bool - - // basicWidth reports the width of the field assuming that it is directly - // embedded in the struct (as is the case for basic types in proto3). - // The possible values are: - // 0: invalid - // 1: bool - // 4: int32, uint32, float32 - // 8: int64, uint64, float64 - basicWidth int - - // Where dst and src are pointers to the types being merged. - merge func(dst, src pointer) -} - -var ( - mergeInfoMap = map[reflect.Type]*mergeInfo{} - mergeInfoLock sync.Mutex -) - -func getMergeInfo(t reflect.Type) *mergeInfo { - mergeInfoLock.Lock() - defer mergeInfoLock.Unlock() - mi := mergeInfoMap[t] - if mi == nil { - mi = &mergeInfo{typ: t} - mergeInfoMap[t] = mi - } - return mi -} - -// merge merges src into dst assuming they are both of type *mi.typ. -func (mi *mergeInfo) merge(dst, src pointer) { - if dst.isNil() { - panic("proto: nil destination") - } - if src.isNil() { - return // Nothing to do. - } - - if atomic.LoadInt32(&mi.initialized) == 0 { - mi.computeMergeInfo() - } - - for _, fi := range mi.fields { - sfp := src.offset(fi.field) - - // As an optimization, we can avoid the merge function call cost - // if we know for sure that the source will have no effect - // by checking if it is the zero value. - if unsafeAllowed { - if fi.isPointer && sfp.getPointer().isNil() { // Could be slice or string - continue - } - if fi.basicWidth > 0 { - switch { - case fi.basicWidth == 1 && !*sfp.toBool(): - continue - case fi.basicWidth == 4 && *sfp.toUint32() == 0: - continue - case fi.basicWidth == 8 && *sfp.toUint64() == 0: - continue - } - } - } - - dfp := dst.offset(fi.field) - fi.merge(dfp, sfp) - } - - // TODO: Make this faster? - out := dst.asPointerTo(mi.typ).Elem() - in := src.asPointerTo(mi.typ).Elem() - if emIn, err := extendable(in.Addr().Interface()); err == nil { - emOut, _ := extendable(out.Addr().Interface()) - mIn, muIn := emIn.extensionsRead() - if mIn != nil { - mOut := emOut.extensionsWrite() - muIn.Lock() - mergeExtension(mOut, mIn) - muIn.Unlock() - } - } - - if mi.unrecognized.IsValid() { - if b := *src.offset(mi.unrecognized).toBytes(); len(b) > 0 { - *dst.offset(mi.unrecognized).toBytes() = append([]byte(nil), b...) - } - } -} - -func (mi *mergeInfo) computeMergeInfo() { - mi.lock.Lock() - defer mi.lock.Unlock() - if mi.initialized != 0 { - return - } - t := mi.typ - n := t.NumField() - - props := GetProperties(t) - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - f := t.Field(i) - if strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") { - continue - } - - mfi := mergeFieldInfo{field: toField(&f)} - tf := f.Type - - // As an optimization, we can avoid the merge function call cost - // if we know for sure that the source will have no effect - // by checking if it is the zero value. - if unsafeAllowed { - switch tf.Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.String: - // As a special case, we assume slices and strings are pointers - // since we know that the first field in the SliceSlice or - // StringHeader is a data pointer. - mfi.isPointer = true - case reflect.Bool: - mfi.basicWidth = 1 - case reflect.Int32, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Float32: - mfi.basicWidth = 4 - case reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float64: - mfi.basicWidth = 8 - } - } - - // Unwrap tf to get at its most basic type. - var isPointer, isSlice bool - if tf.Kind() == reflect.Slice && tf.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { - isSlice = true - tf = tf.Elem() - } - if tf.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - isPointer = true - tf = tf.Elem() - } - if isPointer && isSlice && tf.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - panic("both pointer and slice for basic type in " + tf.Name()) - } - - switch tf.Kind() { - case reflect.Int32: - switch { - case isSlice: // E.g., []int32 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - // NOTE: toInt32Slice is not defined (see pointer_reflect.go). - /* - sfsp := src.toInt32Slice() - if *sfsp != nil { - dfsp := dst.toInt32Slice() - *dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...) - if *dfsp == nil { - *dfsp = []int64{} - } - } - */ - sfs := src.getInt32Slice() - if sfs != nil { - dfs := dst.getInt32Slice() - dfs = append(dfs, sfs...) - if dfs == nil { - dfs = []int32{} - } - dst.setInt32Slice(dfs) - } - } - case isPointer: // E.g., *int32 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - // NOTE: toInt32Ptr is not defined (see pointer_reflect.go). - /* - sfpp := src.toInt32Ptr() - if *sfpp != nil { - dfpp := dst.toInt32Ptr() - if *dfpp == nil { - *dfpp = Int32(**sfpp) - } else { - **dfpp = **sfpp - } - } - */ - sfp := src.getInt32Ptr() - if sfp != nil { - dfp := dst.getInt32Ptr() - if dfp == nil { - dst.setInt32Ptr(*sfp) - } else { - *dfp = *sfp - } - } - } - default: // E.g., int32 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - if v := *src.toInt32(); v != 0 { - *dst.toInt32() = v - } - } - } - case reflect.Int64: - switch { - case isSlice: // E.g., []int64 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfsp := src.toInt64Slice() - if *sfsp != nil { - dfsp := dst.toInt64Slice() - *dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...) - if *dfsp == nil { - *dfsp = []int64{} - } - } - } - case isPointer: // E.g., *int64 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfpp := src.toInt64Ptr() - if *sfpp != nil { - dfpp := dst.toInt64Ptr() - if *dfpp == nil { - *dfpp = Int64(**sfpp) - } else { - **dfpp = **sfpp - } - } - } - default: // E.g., int64 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - if v := *src.toInt64(); v != 0 { - *dst.toInt64() = v - } - } - } - case reflect.Uint32: - switch { - case isSlice: // E.g., []uint32 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfsp := src.toUint32Slice() - if *sfsp != nil { - dfsp := dst.toUint32Slice() - *dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...) - if *dfsp == nil { - *dfsp = []uint32{} - } - } - } - case isPointer: // E.g., *uint32 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfpp := src.toUint32Ptr() - if *sfpp != nil { - dfpp := dst.toUint32Ptr() - if *dfpp == nil { - *dfpp = Uint32(**sfpp) - } else { - **dfpp = **sfpp - } - } - } - default: // E.g., uint32 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - if v := *src.toUint32(); v != 0 { - *dst.toUint32() = v - } - } - } - case reflect.Uint64: - switch { - case isSlice: // E.g., []uint64 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfsp := src.toUint64Slice() - if *sfsp != nil { - dfsp := dst.toUint64Slice() - *dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...) - if *dfsp == nil { - *dfsp = []uint64{} - } - } - } - case isPointer: // E.g., *uint64 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfpp := src.toUint64Ptr() - if *sfpp != nil { - dfpp := dst.toUint64Ptr() - if *dfpp == nil { - *dfpp = Uint64(**sfpp) - } else { - **dfpp = **sfpp - } - } - } - default: // E.g., uint64 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - if v := *src.toUint64(); v != 0 { - *dst.toUint64() = v - } - } - } - case reflect.Float32: - switch { - case isSlice: // E.g., []float32 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfsp := src.toFloat32Slice() - if *sfsp != nil { - dfsp := dst.toFloat32Slice() - *dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...) - if *dfsp == nil { - *dfsp = []float32{} - } - } - } - case isPointer: // E.g., *float32 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfpp := src.toFloat32Ptr() - if *sfpp != nil { - dfpp := dst.toFloat32Ptr() - if *dfpp == nil { - *dfpp = Float32(**sfpp) - } else { - **dfpp = **sfpp - } - } - } - default: // E.g., float32 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - if v := *src.toFloat32(); v != 0 { - *dst.toFloat32() = v - } - } - } - case reflect.Float64: - switch { - case isSlice: // E.g., []float64 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfsp := src.toFloat64Slice() - if *sfsp != nil { - dfsp := dst.toFloat64Slice() - *dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...) - if *dfsp == nil { - *dfsp = []float64{} - } - } - } - case isPointer: // E.g., *float64 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfpp := src.toFloat64Ptr() - if *sfpp != nil { - dfpp := dst.toFloat64Ptr() - if *dfpp == nil { - *dfpp = Float64(**sfpp) - } else { - **dfpp = **sfpp - } - } - } - default: // E.g., float64 - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - if v := *src.toFloat64(); v != 0 { - *dst.toFloat64() = v - } - } - } - case reflect.Bool: - switch { - case isSlice: // E.g., []bool - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfsp := src.toBoolSlice() - if *sfsp != nil { - dfsp := dst.toBoolSlice() - *dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...) - if *dfsp == nil { - *dfsp = []bool{} - } - } - } - case isPointer: // E.g., *bool - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfpp := src.toBoolPtr() - if *sfpp != nil { - dfpp := dst.toBoolPtr() - if *dfpp == nil { - *dfpp = Bool(**sfpp) - } else { - **dfpp = **sfpp - } - } - } - default: // E.g., bool - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - if v := *src.toBool(); v { - *dst.toBool() = v - } - } - } - case reflect.String: - switch { - case isSlice: // E.g., []string - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfsp := src.toStringSlice() - if *sfsp != nil { - dfsp := dst.toStringSlice() - *dfsp = append(*dfsp, *sfsp...) - if *dfsp == nil { - *dfsp = []string{} - } - } - } - case isPointer: // E.g., *string - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sfpp := src.toStringPtr() - if *sfpp != nil { - dfpp := dst.toStringPtr() - if *dfpp == nil { - *dfpp = String(**sfpp) - } else { - **dfpp = **sfpp - } - } - } - default: // E.g., string - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - if v := *src.toString(); v != "" { - *dst.toString() = v - } - } - } - case reflect.Slice: - isProto3 := props.Prop[i].proto3 - switch { - case isPointer: - panic("bad pointer in byte slice case in " + tf.Name()) - case tf.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8: - panic("bad element kind in byte slice case in " + tf.Name()) - case isSlice: // E.g., [][]byte - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sbsp := src.toBytesSlice() - if *sbsp != nil { - dbsp := dst.toBytesSlice() - for _, sb := range *sbsp { - if sb == nil { - *dbsp = append(*dbsp, nil) - } else { - *dbsp = append(*dbsp, append([]byte{}, sb...)) - } - } - if *dbsp == nil { - *dbsp = [][]byte{} - } - } - } - default: // E.g., []byte - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sbp := src.toBytes() - if *sbp != nil { - dbp := dst.toBytes() - if !isProto3 || len(*sbp) > 0 { - *dbp = append([]byte{}, *sbp...) - } - } - } - } - case reflect.Struct: - switch { - case !isPointer: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("message field %s without pointer", tf)) - case isSlice: // E.g., []*pb.T - mi := getMergeInfo(tf) - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sps := src.getPointerSlice() - if sps != nil { - dps := dst.getPointerSlice() - for _, sp := range sps { - var dp pointer - if !sp.isNil() { - dp = valToPointer(reflect.New(tf)) - mi.merge(dp, sp) - } - dps = append(dps, dp) - } - if dps == nil { - dps = []pointer{} - } - dst.setPointerSlice(dps) - } - } - default: // E.g., *pb.T - mi := getMergeInfo(tf) - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sp := src.getPointer() - if !sp.isNil() { - dp := dst.getPointer() - if dp.isNil() { - dp = valToPointer(reflect.New(tf)) - dst.setPointer(dp) - } - mi.merge(dp, sp) - } - } - } - case reflect.Map: - switch { - case isPointer || isSlice: - panic("bad pointer or slice in map case in " + tf.Name()) - default: // E.g., map[K]V - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - sm := src.asPointerTo(tf).Elem() - if sm.Len() == 0 { - return - } - dm := dst.asPointerTo(tf).Elem() - if dm.IsNil() { - dm.Set(reflect.MakeMap(tf)) - } - - switch tf.Elem().Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: // Proto struct (e.g., *T) - for _, key := range sm.MapKeys() { - val := sm.MapIndex(key) - val = reflect.ValueOf(Clone(val.Interface().(Message))) - dm.SetMapIndex(key, val) - } - case reflect.Slice: // E.g. Bytes type (e.g., []byte) - for _, key := range sm.MapKeys() { - val := sm.MapIndex(key) - val = reflect.ValueOf(append([]byte{}, val.Bytes()...)) - dm.SetMapIndex(key, val) - } - default: // Basic type (e.g., string) - for _, key := range sm.MapKeys() { - val := sm.MapIndex(key) - dm.SetMapIndex(key, val) - } - } - } - } - case reflect.Interface: - // Must be oneof field. - switch { - case isPointer || isSlice: - panic("bad pointer or slice in interface case in " + tf.Name()) - default: // E.g., interface{} - // TODO: Make this faster? - mfi.merge = func(dst, src pointer) { - su := src.asPointerTo(tf).Elem() - if !su.IsNil() { - du := dst.asPointerTo(tf).Elem() - typ := su.Elem().Type() - if du.IsNil() || du.Elem().Type() != typ { - du.Set(reflect.New(typ.Elem())) // Initialize interface if empty - } - sv := su.Elem().Elem().Field(0) - if sv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && sv.IsNil() { - return - } - dv := du.Elem().Elem().Field(0) - if dv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && dv.IsNil() { - dv.Set(reflect.New(sv.Type().Elem())) // Initialize proto message if empty - } - switch sv.Type().Kind() { - case reflect.Ptr: // Proto struct (e.g., *T) - Merge(dv.Interface().(Message), sv.Interface().(Message)) - case reflect.Slice: // E.g. Bytes type (e.g., []byte) - dv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(append([]byte{}, sv.Bytes()...))) - default: // Basic type (e.g., string) - dv.Set(sv) - } - } - } - } - default: - panic(fmt.Sprintf("merger not found for type:%s", tf)) - } - mi.fields = append(mi.fields, mfi) - } - - mi.unrecognized = invalidField - if f, ok := t.FieldByName("XXX_unrecognized"); ok { - if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf([]byte{}) { - panic("expected XXX_unrecognized to be of type []byte") - } - mi.unrecognized = toField(&f) - } - - atomic.StoreInt32(&mi.initialized, 1) -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go deleted file mode 100644 index acee2fc5..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/table_unmarshal.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2053 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -import ( - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "math" - "reflect" - "strconv" - "strings" - "sync" - "sync/atomic" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -// Unmarshal is the entry point from the generated .pb.go files. -// This function is not intended to be used by non-generated code. -// This function is not subject to any compatibility guarantee. -// msg contains a pointer to a protocol buffer struct. -// b is the data to be unmarshaled into the protocol buffer. -// a is a pointer to a place to store cached unmarshal information. -func (a *InternalMessageInfo) Unmarshal(msg Message, b []byte) error { - // Load the unmarshal information for this message type. - // The atomic load ensures memory consistency. - u := atomicLoadUnmarshalInfo(&a.unmarshal) - if u == nil { - // Slow path: find unmarshal info for msg, update a with it. - u = getUnmarshalInfo(reflect.TypeOf(msg).Elem()) - atomicStoreUnmarshalInfo(&a.unmarshal, u) - } - // Then do the unmarshaling. - err := u.unmarshal(toPointer(&msg), b) - return err -} - -type unmarshalInfo struct { - typ reflect.Type // type of the protobuf struct - - // 0 = only typ field is initialized - // 1 = completely initialized - initialized int32 - lock sync.Mutex // prevents double initialization - dense []unmarshalFieldInfo // fields indexed by tag # - sparse map[uint64]unmarshalFieldInfo // fields indexed by tag # - reqFields []string // names of required fields - reqMask uint64 // 1< 0 { - // Read tag and wire type. - // Special case 1 and 2 byte varints. - var x uint64 - if b[0] < 128 { - x = uint64(b[0]) - b = b[1:] - } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { - x = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 - b = b[2:] - } else { - var n int - x, n = decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - } - tag := x >> 3 - wire := int(x) & 7 - - // Dispatch on the tag to one of the unmarshal* functions below. - var f unmarshalFieldInfo - if tag < uint64(len(u.dense)) { - f = u.dense[tag] - } else { - f = u.sparse[tag] - } - if fn := f.unmarshal; fn != nil { - var err error - b, err = fn(b, m.offset(f.field), wire) - if err == nil { - reqMask |= f.reqMask - continue - } - if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok { - // Remember this error, but keep parsing. We need to produce - // a full parse even if a required field is missing. - if errLater == nil { - errLater = r - } - reqMask |= f.reqMask - continue - } - if err != errInternalBadWireType { - if err == errInvalidUTF8 { - if errLater == nil { - fullName := revProtoTypes[reflect.PtrTo(u.typ)] + "." + f.name - errLater = &invalidUTF8Error{fullName} - } - continue - } - return err - } - // Fragments with bad wire type are treated as unknown fields. - } - - // Unknown tag. - if !u.unrecognized.IsValid() { - // Don't keep unrecognized data; just skip it. - var err error - b, err = skipField(b, wire) - if err != nil { - return err - } - continue - } - // Keep unrecognized data around. - // maybe in extensions, maybe in the unrecognized field. - z := m.offset(u.unrecognized).toBytes() - var emap map[int32]Extension - var e Extension - for _, r := range u.extensionRanges { - if uint64(r.Start) <= tag && tag <= uint64(r.End) { - if u.extensions.IsValid() { - mp := m.offset(u.extensions).toExtensions() - emap = mp.extensionsWrite() - e = emap[int32(tag)] - z = &e.enc - break - } - if u.oldExtensions.IsValid() { - p := m.offset(u.oldExtensions).toOldExtensions() - emap = *p - if emap == nil { - emap = map[int32]Extension{} - *p = emap - } - e = emap[int32(tag)] - z = &e.enc - break - } - panic("no extensions field available") - } - } - - // Use wire type to skip data. - var err error - b0 := b - b, err = skipField(b, wire) - if err != nil { - return err - } - *z = encodeVarint(*z, tag<<3|uint64(wire)) - *z = append(*z, b0[:len(b0)-len(b)]...) - - if emap != nil { - emap[int32(tag)] = e - } - } - if reqMask != u.reqMask && errLater == nil { - // A required field of this message is missing. - for _, n := range u.reqFields { - if reqMask&1 == 0 { - errLater = &RequiredNotSetError{n} - } - reqMask >>= 1 - } - } - return errLater -} - -// computeUnmarshalInfo fills in u with information for use -// in unmarshaling protocol buffers of type u.typ. -func (u *unmarshalInfo) computeUnmarshalInfo() { - u.lock.Lock() - defer u.lock.Unlock() - if u.initialized != 0 { - return - } - t := u.typ - n := t.NumField() - - // Set up the "not found" value for the unrecognized byte buffer. - // This is the default for proto3. - u.unrecognized = invalidField - u.extensions = invalidField - u.oldExtensions = invalidField - - // List of the generated type and offset for each oneof field. - type oneofField struct { - ityp reflect.Type // interface type of oneof field - field field // offset in containing message - } - var oneofFields []oneofField - - for i := 0; i < n; i++ { - f := t.Field(i) - if f.Name == "XXX_unrecognized" { - // The byte slice used to hold unrecognized input is special. - if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf(([]byte)(nil)) { - panic("bad type for XXX_unrecognized field: " + f.Type.Name()) - } - u.unrecognized = toField(&f) - continue - } - if f.Name == "XXX_InternalExtensions" { - // Ditto here. - if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf(XXX_InternalExtensions{}) { - panic("bad type for XXX_InternalExtensions field: " + f.Type.Name()) - } - u.extensions = toField(&f) - if f.Tag.Get("protobuf_messageset") == "1" { - u.isMessageSet = true - } - continue - } - if f.Name == "XXX_extensions" { - // An older form of the extensions field. - if f.Type != reflect.TypeOf((map[int32]Extension)(nil)) { - panic("bad type for XXX_extensions field: " + f.Type.Name()) - } - u.oldExtensions = toField(&f) - continue - } - if f.Name == "XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral" || f.Name == "XXX_sizecache" { - continue - } - - oneof := f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") - if oneof != "" { - oneofFields = append(oneofFields, oneofField{f.Type, toField(&f)}) - // The rest of oneof processing happens below. - continue - } - - tags := f.Tag.Get("protobuf") - tagArray := strings.Split(tags, ",") - if len(tagArray) < 2 { - panic("protobuf tag not enough fields in " + t.Name() + "." + f.Name + ": " + tags) - } - tag, err := strconv.Atoi(tagArray[1]) - if err != nil { - panic("protobuf tag field not an integer: " + tagArray[1]) - } - - name := "" - for _, tag := range tagArray[3:] { - if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") { - name = tag[5:] - } - } - - // Extract unmarshaling function from the field (its type and tags). - unmarshal := fieldUnmarshaler(&f) - - // Required field? - var reqMask uint64 - if tagArray[2] == "req" { - bit := len(u.reqFields) - u.reqFields = append(u.reqFields, name) - reqMask = uint64(1) << uint(bit) - // TODO: if we have more than 64 required fields, we end up - // not verifying that all required fields are present. - // Fix this, perhaps using a count of required fields? - } - - // Store the info in the correct slot in the message. - u.setTag(tag, toField(&f), unmarshal, reqMask, name) - } - - // Find any types associated with oneof fields. - var oneofImplementers []interface{} - switch m := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).Interface().(type) { - case oneofFuncsIface: - _, _, _, oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofFuncs() - case oneofWrappersIface: - oneofImplementers = m.XXX_OneofWrappers() - } - for _, v := range oneofImplementers { - tptr := reflect.TypeOf(v) // *Msg_X - typ := tptr.Elem() // Msg_X - - f := typ.Field(0) // oneof implementers have one field - baseUnmarshal := fieldUnmarshaler(&f) - tags := strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",") - fieldNum, err := strconv.Atoi(tags[1]) - if err != nil { - panic("protobuf tag field not an integer: " + tags[1]) - } - var name string - for _, tag := range tags { - if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") { - name = strings.TrimPrefix(tag, "name=") - break - } - } - - // Find the oneof field that this struct implements. - // Might take O(n^2) to process all of the oneofs, but who cares. - for _, of := range oneofFields { - if tptr.Implements(of.ityp) { - // We have found the corresponding interface for this struct. - // That lets us know where this struct should be stored - // when we encounter it during unmarshaling. - unmarshal := makeUnmarshalOneof(typ, of.ityp, baseUnmarshal) - u.setTag(fieldNum, of.field, unmarshal, 0, name) - } - } - - } - - // Get extension ranges, if any. - fn := reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(t)).MethodByName("ExtensionRangeArray") - if fn.IsValid() { - if !u.extensions.IsValid() && !u.oldExtensions.IsValid() { - panic("a message with extensions, but no extensions field in " + t.Name()) - } - u.extensionRanges = fn.Call(nil)[0].Interface().([]ExtensionRange) - } - - // Explicitly disallow tag 0. This will ensure we flag an error - // when decoding a buffer of all zeros. Without this code, we - // would decode and skip an all-zero buffer of even length. - // [0 0] is [tag=0/wiretype=varint varint-encoded-0]. - u.setTag(0, zeroField, func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: %s: illegal tag 0 (wire type %d)", t, w) - }, 0, "") - - // Set mask for required field check. - u.reqMask = uint64(1)<= 0 && (tag < 16 || tag < 2*n) { // TODO: what are the right numbers here? - for len(u.dense) <= tag { - u.dense = append(u.dense, unmarshalFieldInfo{}) - } - u.dense[tag] = i - return - } - if u.sparse == nil { - u.sparse = map[uint64]unmarshalFieldInfo{} - } - u.sparse[uint64(tag)] = i -} - -// fieldUnmarshaler returns an unmarshaler for the given field. -func fieldUnmarshaler(f *reflect.StructField) unmarshaler { - if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Map { - return makeUnmarshalMap(f) - } - return typeUnmarshaler(f.Type, f.Tag.Get("protobuf")) -} - -// typeUnmarshaler returns an unmarshaler for the given field type / field tag pair. -func typeUnmarshaler(t reflect.Type, tags string) unmarshaler { - tagArray := strings.Split(tags, ",") - encoding := tagArray[0] - name := "unknown" - proto3 := false - validateUTF8 := true - for _, tag := range tagArray[3:] { - if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "name=") { - name = tag[5:] - } - if tag == "proto3" { - proto3 = true - } - } - validateUTF8 = validateUTF8 && proto3 - - // Figure out packaging (pointer, slice, or both) - slice := false - pointer := false - if t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 { - slice = true - t = t.Elem() - } - if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - pointer = true - t = t.Elem() - } - - // We'll never have both pointer and slice for basic types. - if pointer && slice && t.Kind() != reflect.Struct { - panic("both pointer and slice for basic type in " + t.Name()) - } - - switch t.Kind() { - case reflect.Bool: - if pointer { - return unmarshalBoolPtr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalBoolSlice - } - return unmarshalBoolValue - case reflect.Int32: - switch encoding { - case "fixed32": - if pointer { - return unmarshalFixedS32Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalFixedS32Slice - } - return unmarshalFixedS32Value - case "varint": - // this could be int32 or enum - if pointer { - return unmarshalInt32Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalInt32Slice - } - return unmarshalInt32Value - case "zigzag32": - if pointer { - return unmarshalSint32Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalSint32Slice - } - return unmarshalSint32Value - } - case reflect.Int64: - switch encoding { - case "fixed64": - if pointer { - return unmarshalFixedS64Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalFixedS64Slice - } - return unmarshalFixedS64Value - case "varint": - if pointer { - return unmarshalInt64Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalInt64Slice - } - return unmarshalInt64Value - case "zigzag64": - if pointer { - return unmarshalSint64Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalSint64Slice - } - return unmarshalSint64Value - } - case reflect.Uint32: - switch encoding { - case "fixed32": - if pointer { - return unmarshalFixed32Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalFixed32Slice - } - return unmarshalFixed32Value - case "varint": - if pointer { - return unmarshalUint32Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalUint32Slice - } - return unmarshalUint32Value - } - case reflect.Uint64: - switch encoding { - case "fixed64": - if pointer { - return unmarshalFixed64Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalFixed64Slice - } - return unmarshalFixed64Value - case "varint": - if pointer { - return unmarshalUint64Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalUint64Slice - } - return unmarshalUint64Value - } - case reflect.Float32: - if pointer { - return unmarshalFloat32Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalFloat32Slice - } - return unmarshalFloat32Value - case reflect.Float64: - if pointer { - return unmarshalFloat64Ptr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalFloat64Slice - } - return unmarshalFloat64Value - case reflect.Map: - panic("map type in typeUnmarshaler in " + t.Name()) - case reflect.Slice: - if pointer { - panic("bad pointer in slice case in " + t.Name()) - } - if slice { - return unmarshalBytesSlice - } - return unmarshalBytesValue - case reflect.String: - if validateUTF8 { - if pointer { - return unmarshalUTF8StringPtr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalUTF8StringSlice - } - return unmarshalUTF8StringValue - } - if pointer { - return unmarshalStringPtr - } - if slice { - return unmarshalStringSlice - } - return unmarshalStringValue - case reflect.Struct: - // message or group field - if !pointer { - panic(fmt.Sprintf("message/group field %s:%s without pointer", t, encoding)) - } - switch encoding { - case "bytes": - if slice { - return makeUnmarshalMessageSlicePtr(getUnmarshalInfo(t), name) - } - return makeUnmarshalMessagePtr(getUnmarshalInfo(t), name) - case "group": - if slice { - return makeUnmarshalGroupSlicePtr(getUnmarshalInfo(t), name) - } - return makeUnmarshalGroupPtr(getUnmarshalInfo(t), name) - } - } - panic(fmt.Sprintf("unmarshaler not found type:%s encoding:%s", t, encoding)) -} - -// Below are all the unmarshalers for individual fields of various types. - -func unmarshalInt64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int64(x) - *f.toInt64() = v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalInt64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int64(x) - *f.toInt64Ptr() = &v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalInt64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - x, n = decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int64(x) - s := f.toInt64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int64(x) - s := f.toInt64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalSint64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int64(x>>1) ^ int64(x)<<63>>63 - *f.toInt64() = v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalSint64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int64(x>>1) ^ int64(x)<<63>>63 - *f.toInt64Ptr() = &v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalSint64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - x, n = decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int64(x>>1) ^ int64(x)<<63>>63 - s := f.toInt64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int64(x>>1) ^ int64(x)<<63>>63 - s := f.toInt64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalUint64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := uint64(x) - *f.toUint64() = v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalUint64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := uint64(x) - *f.toUint64Ptr() = &v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalUint64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - x, n = decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := uint64(x) - s := f.toUint64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := uint64(x) - s := f.toUint64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalInt32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int32(x) - *f.toInt32() = v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalInt32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int32(x) - f.setInt32Ptr(v) - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalInt32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - x, n = decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int32(x) - f.appendInt32Slice(v) - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int32(x) - f.appendInt32Slice(v) - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalSint32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int32(x>>1) ^ int32(x)<<31>>31 - *f.toInt32() = v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalSint32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int32(x>>1) ^ int32(x)<<31>>31 - f.setInt32Ptr(v) - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalSint32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - x, n = decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int32(x>>1) ^ int32(x)<<31>>31 - f.appendInt32Slice(v) - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := int32(x>>1) ^ int32(x)<<31>>31 - f.appendInt32Slice(v) - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalUint32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := uint32(x) - *f.toUint32() = v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalUint32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := uint32(x) - *f.toUint32Ptr() = &v - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalUint32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - x, n = decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := uint32(x) - s := f.toUint32Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - v := uint32(x) - s := f.toUint32Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b, nil -} - -func unmarshalFixed64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed64 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56 - *f.toUint64() = v - return b[8:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixed64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed64 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56 - *f.toUint64Ptr() = &v - return b[8:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixed64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56 - s := f.toUint64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - b = b[8:] - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireFixed64 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56 - s := f.toUint64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b[8:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixedS64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed64 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := int64(b[0]) | int64(b[1])<<8 | int64(b[2])<<16 | int64(b[3])<<24 | int64(b[4])<<32 | int64(b[5])<<40 | int64(b[6])<<48 | int64(b[7])<<56 - *f.toInt64() = v - return b[8:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixedS64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed64 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := int64(b[0]) | int64(b[1])<<8 | int64(b[2])<<16 | int64(b[3])<<24 | int64(b[4])<<32 | int64(b[5])<<40 | int64(b[6])<<48 | int64(b[7])<<56 - *f.toInt64Ptr() = &v - return b[8:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixedS64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := int64(b[0]) | int64(b[1])<<8 | int64(b[2])<<16 | int64(b[3])<<24 | int64(b[4])<<32 | int64(b[5])<<40 | int64(b[6])<<48 | int64(b[7])<<56 - s := f.toInt64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - b = b[8:] - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireFixed64 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := int64(b[0]) | int64(b[1])<<8 | int64(b[2])<<16 | int64(b[3])<<24 | int64(b[4])<<32 | int64(b[5])<<40 | int64(b[6])<<48 | int64(b[7])<<56 - s := f.toInt64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b[8:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixed32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed32 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24 - *f.toUint32() = v - return b[4:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixed32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed32 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24 - *f.toUint32Ptr() = &v - return b[4:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixed32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24 - s := f.toUint32Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - b = b[4:] - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireFixed32 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24 - s := f.toUint32Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b[4:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixedS32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed32 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := int32(b[0]) | int32(b[1])<<8 | int32(b[2])<<16 | int32(b[3])<<24 - *f.toInt32() = v - return b[4:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixedS32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed32 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := int32(b[0]) | int32(b[1])<<8 | int32(b[2])<<16 | int32(b[3])<<24 - f.setInt32Ptr(v) - return b[4:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFixedS32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := int32(b[0]) | int32(b[1])<<8 | int32(b[2])<<16 | int32(b[3])<<24 - f.appendInt32Slice(v) - b = b[4:] - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireFixed32 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := int32(b[0]) | int32(b[1])<<8 | int32(b[2])<<16 | int32(b[3])<<24 - f.appendInt32Slice(v) - return b[4:], nil -} - -func unmarshalBoolValue(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - // Note: any length varint is allowed, even though any sane - // encoder will use one byte. - // See https://github.com/golang/protobuf/issues/76 - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - // TODO: check if x>1? Tests seem to indicate no. - v := x != 0 - *f.toBool() = v - return b[n:], nil -} - -func unmarshalBoolPtr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := x != 0 - *f.toBoolPtr() = &v - return b[n:], nil -} - -func unmarshalBoolSlice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - x, n = decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := x != 0 - s := f.toBoolSlice() - *s = append(*s, v) - b = b[n:] - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireVarint { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := x != 0 - s := f.toBoolSlice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b[n:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFloat64Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed64 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := math.Float64frombits(uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56) - *f.toFloat64() = v - return b[8:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFloat64Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed64 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := math.Float64frombits(uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56) - *f.toFloat64Ptr() = &v - return b[8:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFloat64Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := math.Float64frombits(uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56) - s := f.toFloat64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - b = b[8:] - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireFixed64 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 8 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := math.Float64frombits(uint64(b[0]) | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56) - s := f.toFloat64Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b[8:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFloat32Value(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed32 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := math.Float32frombits(uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24) - *f.toFloat32() = v - return b[4:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFloat32Ptr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireFixed32 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := math.Float32frombits(uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24) - *f.toFloat32Ptr() = &v - return b[4:], nil -} - -func unmarshalFloat32Slice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w == WireBytes { // packed - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - res := b[x:] - b = b[:x] - for len(b) > 0 { - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := math.Float32frombits(uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24) - s := f.toFloat32Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - b = b[4:] - } - return res, nil - } - if w != WireFixed32 { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - if len(b) < 4 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := math.Float32frombits(uint32(b[0]) | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24) - s := f.toFloat32Slice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b[4:], nil -} - -func unmarshalStringValue(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := string(b[:x]) - *f.toString() = v - return b[x:], nil -} - -func unmarshalStringPtr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := string(b[:x]) - *f.toStringPtr() = &v - return b[x:], nil -} - -func unmarshalStringSlice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := string(b[:x]) - s := f.toStringSlice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b[x:], nil -} - -func unmarshalUTF8StringValue(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := string(b[:x]) - *f.toString() = v - if !utf8.ValidString(v) { - return b[x:], errInvalidUTF8 - } - return b[x:], nil -} - -func unmarshalUTF8StringPtr(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := string(b[:x]) - *f.toStringPtr() = &v - if !utf8.ValidString(v) { - return b[x:], errInvalidUTF8 - } - return b[x:], nil -} - -func unmarshalUTF8StringSlice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := string(b[:x]) - s := f.toStringSlice() - *s = append(*s, v) - if !utf8.ValidString(v) { - return b[x:], errInvalidUTF8 - } - return b[x:], nil -} - -var emptyBuf [0]byte - -func unmarshalBytesValue(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - // The use of append here is a trick which avoids the zeroing - // that would be required if we used a make/copy pair. - // We append to emptyBuf instead of nil because we want - // a non-nil result even when the length is 0. - v := append(emptyBuf[:], b[:x]...) - *f.toBytes() = v - return b[x:], nil -} - -func unmarshalBytesSlice(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := append(emptyBuf[:], b[:x]...) - s := f.toBytesSlice() - *s = append(*s, v) - return b[x:], nil -} - -func makeUnmarshalMessagePtr(sub *unmarshalInfo, name string) unmarshaler { - return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - // First read the message field to see if something is there. - // The semantics of multiple submessages are weird. Instead of - // the last one winning (as it is for all other fields), multiple - // submessages are merged. - v := f.getPointer() - if v.isNil() { - v = valToPointer(reflect.New(sub.typ)) - f.setPointer(v) - } - err := sub.unmarshal(v, b[:x]) - if err != nil { - if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok { - r.field = name + "." + r.field - } else { - return nil, err - } - } - return b[x:], err - } -} - -func makeUnmarshalMessageSlicePtr(sub *unmarshalInfo, name string) unmarshaler { - return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireBytes { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := valToPointer(reflect.New(sub.typ)) - err := sub.unmarshal(v, b[:x]) - if err != nil { - if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok { - r.field = name + "." + r.field - } else { - return nil, err - } - } - f.appendPointer(v) - return b[x:], err - } -} - -func makeUnmarshalGroupPtr(sub *unmarshalInfo, name string) unmarshaler { - return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireStartGroup { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, y := findEndGroup(b) - if x < 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := f.getPointer() - if v.isNil() { - v = valToPointer(reflect.New(sub.typ)) - f.setPointer(v) - } - err := sub.unmarshal(v, b[:x]) - if err != nil { - if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok { - r.field = name + "." + r.field - } else { - return nil, err - } - } - return b[y:], err - } -} - -func makeUnmarshalGroupSlicePtr(sub *unmarshalInfo, name string) unmarshaler { - return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - if w != WireStartGroup { - return b, errInternalBadWireType - } - x, y := findEndGroup(b) - if x < 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - v := valToPointer(reflect.New(sub.typ)) - err := sub.unmarshal(v, b[:x]) - if err != nil { - if r, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); ok { - r.field = name + "." + r.field - } else { - return nil, err - } - } - f.appendPointer(v) - return b[y:], err - } -} - -func makeUnmarshalMap(f *reflect.StructField) unmarshaler { - t := f.Type - kt := t.Key() - vt := t.Elem() - unmarshalKey := typeUnmarshaler(kt, f.Tag.Get("protobuf_key")) - unmarshalVal := typeUnmarshaler(vt, f.Tag.Get("protobuf_val")) - return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - // The map entry is a submessage. Figure out how big it is. - if w != WireBytes { - return nil, fmt.Errorf("proto: bad wiretype for map field: got %d want %d", w, WireBytes) - } - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[n:] - if x > uint64(len(b)) { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - r := b[x:] // unused data to return - b = b[:x] // data for map entry - - // Note: we could use #keys * #values ~= 200 functions - // to do map decoding without reflection. Probably not worth it. - // Maps will be somewhat slow. Oh well. - - // Read key and value from data. - var nerr nonFatal - k := reflect.New(kt) - v := reflect.New(vt) - for len(b) > 0 { - x, n := decodeVarint(b) - if n == 0 { - return nil, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - wire := int(x) & 7 - b = b[n:] - - var err error - switch x >> 3 { - case 1: - b, err = unmarshalKey(b, valToPointer(k), wire) - case 2: - b, err = unmarshalVal(b, valToPointer(v), wire) - default: - err = errInternalBadWireType // skip unknown tag - } - - if nerr.Merge(err) { - continue - } - if err != errInternalBadWireType { - return nil, err - } - - // Skip past unknown fields. - b, err = skipField(b, wire) - if err != nil { - return nil, err - } - } - - // Get map, allocate if needed. - m := f.asPointerTo(t).Elem() // an addressable map[K]T - if m.IsNil() { - m.Set(reflect.MakeMap(t)) - } - - // Insert into map. - m.SetMapIndex(k.Elem(), v.Elem()) - - return r, nerr.E - } -} - -// makeUnmarshalOneof makes an unmarshaler for oneof fields. -// for: -// message Msg { -// oneof F { -// int64 X = 1; -// float64 Y = 2; -// } -// } -// typ is the type of the concrete entry for a oneof case (e.g. Msg_X). -// ityp is the interface type of the oneof field (e.g. isMsg_F). -// unmarshal is the unmarshaler for the base type of the oneof case (e.g. int64). -// Note that this function will be called once for each case in the oneof. -func makeUnmarshalOneof(typ, ityp reflect.Type, unmarshal unmarshaler) unmarshaler { - sf := typ.Field(0) - field0 := toField(&sf) - return func(b []byte, f pointer, w int) ([]byte, error) { - // Allocate holder for value. - v := reflect.New(typ) - - // Unmarshal data into holder. - // We unmarshal into the first field of the holder object. - var err error - var nerr nonFatal - b, err = unmarshal(b, valToPointer(v).offset(field0), w) - if !nerr.Merge(err) { - return nil, err - } - - // Write pointer to holder into target field. - f.asPointerTo(ityp).Elem().Set(v) - - return b, nerr.E - } -} - -// Error used by decode internally. -var errInternalBadWireType = errors.New("proto: internal error: bad wiretype") - -// skipField skips past a field of type wire and returns the remaining bytes. -func skipField(b []byte, wire int) ([]byte, error) { - switch wire { - case WireVarint: - _, k := decodeVarint(b) - if k == 0 { - return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[k:] - case WireFixed32: - if len(b) < 4 { - return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[4:] - case WireFixed64: - if len(b) < 8 { - return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[8:] - case WireBytes: - m, k := decodeVarint(b) - if k == 0 || uint64(len(b)-k) < m { - return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[uint64(k)+m:] - case WireStartGroup: - _, i := findEndGroup(b) - if i == -1 { - return b, io.ErrUnexpectedEOF - } - b = b[i:] - default: - return b, fmt.Errorf("proto: can't skip unknown wire type %d", wire) - } - return b, nil -} - -// findEndGroup finds the index of the next EndGroup tag. -// Groups may be nested, so the "next" EndGroup tag is the first -// unpaired EndGroup. -// findEndGroup returns the indexes of the start and end of the EndGroup tag. -// Returns (-1,-1) if it can't find one. -func findEndGroup(b []byte) (int, int) { - depth := 1 - i := 0 - for { - x, n := decodeVarint(b[i:]) - if n == 0 { - return -1, -1 - } - j := i - i += n - switch x & 7 { - case WireVarint: - _, k := decodeVarint(b[i:]) - if k == 0 { - return -1, -1 - } - i += k - case WireFixed32: - if len(b)-4 < i { - return -1, -1 - } - i += 4 - case WireFixed64: - if len(b)-8 < i { - return -1, -1 - } - i += 8 - case WireBytes: - m, k := decodeVarint(b[i:]) - if k == 0 { - return -1, -1 - } - i += k - if uint64(len(b)-i) < m { - return -1, -1 - } - i += int(m) - case WireStartGroup: - depth++ - case WireEndGroup: - depth-- - if depth == 0 { - return j, i - } - default: - return -1, -1 - } - } -} - -// encodeVarint appends a varint-encoded integer to b and returns the result. -func encodeVarint(b []byte, x uint64) []byte { - for x >= 1<<7 { - b = append(b, byte(x&0x7f|0x80)) - x >>= 7 - } - return append(b, byte(x)) -} - -// decodeVarint reads a varint-encoded integer from b. -// Returns the decoded integer and the number of bytes read. -// If there is an error, it returns 0,0. -func decodeVarint(b []byte) (uint64, int) { - var x, y uint64 - if len(b) == 0 { - goto bad - } - x = uint64(b[0]) - if x < 0x80 { - return x, 1 - } - x -= 0x80 - - if len(b) <= 1 { - goto bad - } - y = uint64(b[1]) - x += y << 7 - if y < 0x80 { - return x, 2 - } - x -= 0x80 << 7 - - if len(b) <= 2 { - goto bad - } - y = uint64(b[2]) - x += y << 14 - if y < 0x80 { - return x, 3 - } - x -= 0x80 << 14 - - if len(b) <= 3 { - goto bad - } - y = uint64(b[3]) - x += y << 21 - if y < 0x80 { - return x, 4 - } - x -= 0x80 << 21 - - if len(b) <= 4 { - goto bad - } - y = uint64(b[4]) - x += y << 28 - if y < 0x80 { - return x, 5 - } - x -= 0x80 << 28 - - if len(b) <= 5 { - goto bad - } - y = uint64(b[5]) - x += y << 35 - if y < 0x80 { - return x, 6 - } - x -= 0x80 << 35 - - if len(b) <= 6 { - goto bad - } - y = uint64(b[6]) - x += y << 42 - if y < 0x80 { - return x, 7 - } - x -= 0x80 << 42 - - if len(b) <= 7 { - goto bad - } - y = uint64(b[7]) - x += y << 49 - if y < 0x80 { - return x, 8 - } - x -= 0x80 << 49 - - if len(b) <= 8 { - goto bad - } - y = uint64(b[8]) - x += y << 56 - if y < 0x80 { - return x, 9 - } - x -= 0x80 << 56 - - if len(b) <= 9 { - goto bad - } - y = uint64(b[9]) - x += y << 63 - if y < 2 { - return x, 10 - } - -bad: - return 0, 0 -} diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text.go deleted file mode 100644 index d97f9b35..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,845 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -// Functions for writing the text protocol buffer format. - -import ( - "bufio" - "bytes" - "encoding" - "errors" - "fmt" - "io" - "log" - "math" - "reflect" - "sort" - "strings" -) - -var ( - newline = []byte("\n") - spaces = []byte(" ") - endBraceNewline = []byte("}\n") - backslashN = []byte{'\\', 'n'} - backslashR = []byte{'\\', 'r'} - backslashT = []byte{'\\', 't'} - backslashDQ = []byte{'\\', '"'} - backslashBS = []byte{'\\', '\\'} - posInf = []byte("inf") - negInf = []byte("-inf") - nan = []byte("nan") -) - -type writer interface { - io.Writer - WriteByte(byte) error -} - -// textWriter is an io.Writer that tracks its indentation level. -type textWriter struct { - ind int - complete bool // if the current position is a complete line - compact bool // whether to write out as a one-liner - w writer -} - -func (w *textWriter) WriteString(s string) (n int, err error) { - if !strings.Contains(s, "\n") { - if !w.compact && w.complete { - w.writeIndent() - } - w.complete = false - return io.WriteString(w.w, s) - } - // WriteString is typically called without newlines, so this - // codepath and its copy are rare. We copy to avoid - // duplicating all of Write's logic here. - return w.Write([]byte(s)) -} - -func (w *textWriter) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error) { - newlines := bytes.Count(p, newline) - if newlines == 0 { - if !w.compact && w.complete { - w.writeIndent() - } - n, err = w.w.Write(p) - w.complete = false - return n, err - } - - frags := bytes.SplitN(p, newline, newlines+1) - if w.compact { - for i, frag := range frags { - if i > 0 { - if err := w.w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil { - return n, err - } - n++ - } - nn, err := w.w.Write(frag) - n += nn - if err != nil { - return n, err - } - } - return n, nil - } - - for i, frag := range frags { - if w.complete { - w.writeIndent() - } - nn, err := w.w.Write(frag) - n += nn - if err != nil { - return n, err - } - if i+1 < len(frags) { - if err := w.w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return n, err - } - n++ - } - } - w.complete = len(frags[len(frags)-1]) == 0 - return n, nil -} - -func (w *textWriter) WriteByte(c byte) error { - if w.compact && c == '\n' { - c = ' ' - } - if !w.compact && w.complete { - w.writeIndent() - } - err := w.w.WriteByte(c) - w.complete = c == '\n' - return err -} - -func (w *textWriter) indent() { w.ind++ } - -func (w *textWriter) unindent() { - if w.ind == 0 { - log.Print("proto: textWriter unindented too far") - return - } - w.ind-- -} - -func writeName(w *textWriter, props *Properties) error { - if _, err := w.WriteString(props.OrigName); err != nil { - return err - } - if props.Wire != "group" { - return w.WriteByte(':') - } - return nil -} - -func requiresQuotes(u string) bool { - // When type URL contains any characters except [0-9A-Za-z./\-]*, it must be quoted. - for _, ch := range u { - switch { - case ch == '.' || ch == '/' || ch == '_': - continue - case '0' <= ch && ch <= '9': - continue - case 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z': - continue - case 'a' <= ch && ch <= 'z': - continue - default: - return true - } - } - return false -} - -// isAny reports whether sv is a google.protobuf.Any message -func isAny(sv reflect.Value) bool { - type wkt interface { - XXX_WellKnownType() string - } - t, ok := sv.Addr().Interface().(wkt) - return ok && t.XXX_WellKnownType() == "Any" -} - -// writeProto3Any writes an expanded google.protobuf.Any message. -// -// It returns (false, nil) if sv value can't be unmarshaled (e.g. because -// required messages are not linked in). -// -// It returns (true, error) when sv was written in expanded format or an error -// was encountered. -func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeProto3Any(w *textWriter, sv reflect.Value) (bool, error) { - turl := sv.FieldByName("TypeUrl") - val := sv.FieldByName("Value") - if !turl.IsValid() || !val.IsValid() { - return true, errors.New("proto: invalid google.protobuf.Any message") - } - - b, ok := val.Interface().([]byte) - if !ok { - return true, errors.New("proto: invalid google.protobuf.Any message") - } - - parts := strings.Split(turl.String(), "/") - mt := MessageType(parts[len(parts)-1]) - if mt == nil { - return false, nil - } - m := reflect.New(mt.Elem()) - if err := Unmarshal(b, m.Interface().(Message)); err != nil { - return false, nil - } - w.Write([]byte("[")) - u := turl.String() - if requiresQuotes(u) { - writeString(w, u) - } else { - w.Write([]byte(u)) - } - if w.compact { - w.Write([]byte("]:<")) - } else { - w.Write([]byte("]: <\n")) - w.ind++ - } - if err := tm.writeStruct(w, m.Elem()); err != nil { - return true, err - } - if w.compact { - w.Write([]byte("> ")) - } else { - w.ind-- - w.Write([]byte(">\n")) - } - return true, nil -} - -func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeStruct(w *textWriter, sv reflect.Value) error { - if tm.ExpandAny && isAny(sv) { - if canExpand, err := tm.writeProto3Any(w, sv); canExpand { - return err - } - } - st := sv.Type() - sprops := GetProperties(st) - for i := 0; i < sv.NumField(); i++ { - fv := sv.Field(i) - props := sprops.Prop[i] - name := st.Field(i).Name - - if name == "XXX_NoUnkeyedLiteral" { - continue - } - - if strings.HasPrefix(name, "XXX_") { - // There are two XXX_ fields: - // XXX_unrecognized []byte - // XXX_extensions map[int32]proto.Extension - // The first is handled here; - // the second is handled at the bottom of this function. - if name == "XXX_unrecognized" && !fv.IsNil() { - if err := writeUnknownStruct(w, fv.Interface().([]byte)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - continue - } - if fv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && fv.IsNil() { - // Field not filled in. This could be an optional field or - // a required field that wasn't filled in. Either way, there - // isn't anything we can show for it. - continue - } - if fv.Kind() == reflect.Slice && fv.IsNil() { - // Repeated field that is empty, or a bytes field that is unused. - continue - } - - if props.Repeated && fv.Kind() == reflect.Slice { - // Repeated field. - for j := 0; j < fv.Len(); j++ { - if err := writeName(w, props); err != nil { - return err - } - if !w.compact { - if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil { - return err - } - } - v := fv.Index(j) - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() { - // A nil message in a repeated field is not valid, - // but we can handle that more gracefully than panicking. - if _, err := w.Write([]byte("\n")); err != nil { - return err - } - continue - } - if err := tm.writeAny(w, v, props); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return err - } - } - continue - } - if fv.Kind() == reflect.Map { - // Map fields are rendered as a repeated struct with key/value fields. - keys := fv.MapKeys() - sort.Sort(mapKeys(keys)) - for _, key := range keys { - val := fv.MapIndex(key) - if err := writeName(w, props); err != nil { - return err - } - if !w.compact { - if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil { - return err - } - } - // open struct - if err := w.WriteByte('<'); err != nil { - return err - } - if !w.compact { - if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return err - } - } - w.indent() - // key - if _, err := w.WriteString("key:"); err != nil { - return err - } - if !w.compact { - if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil { - return err - } - } - if err := tm.writeAny(w, key, props.MapKeyProp); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return err - } - // nil values aren't legal, but we can avoid panicking because of them. - if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || !val.IsNil() { - // value - if _, err := w.WriteString("value:"); err != nil { - return err - } - if !w.compact { - if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil { - return err - } - } - if err := tm.writeAny(w, val, props.MapValProp); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return err - } - } - // close struct - w.unindent() - if err := w.WriteByte('>'); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return err - } - } - continue - } - if props.proto3 && fv.Kind() == reflect.Slice && fv.Len() == 0 { - // empty bytes field - continue - } - if fv.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && fv.Kind() != reflect.Slice { - // proto3 non-repeated scalar field; skip if zero value - if isProto3Zero(fv) { - continue - } - } - - if fv.Kind() == reflect.Interface { - // Check if it is a oneof. - if st.Field(i).Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") != "" { - // fv is nil, or holds a pointer to generated struct. - // That generated struct has exactly one field, - // which has a protobuf struct tag. - if fv.IsNil() { - continue - } - inner := fv.Elem().Elem() // interface -> *T -> T - tag := inner.Type().Field(0).Tag.Get("protobuf") - props = new(Properties) // Overwrite the outer props var, but not its pointee. - props.Parse(tag) - // Write the value in the oneof, not the oneof itself. - fv = inner.Field(0) - - // Special case to cope with malformed messages gracefully: - // If the value in the oneof is a nil pointer, don't panic - // in writeAny. - if fv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && fv.IsNil() { - // Use errors.New so writeAny won't render quotes. - msg := errors.New("/* nil */") - fv = reflect.ValueOf(&msg).Elem() - } - } - } - - if err := writeName(w, props); err != nil { - return err - } - if !w.compact { - if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - // Enums have a String method, so writeAny will work fine. - if err := tm.writeAny(w, fv, props); err != nil { - return err - } - - if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - // Extensions (the XXX_extensions field). - pv := sv.Addr() - if _, err := extendable(pv.Interface()); err == nil { - if err := tm.writeExtensions(w, pv); err != nil { - return err - } - } - - return nil -} - -var textMarshalerType = reflect.TypeOf((*encoding.TextMarshaler)(nil)).Elem() - -// writeAny writes an arbitrary field. -func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeAny(w *textWriter, v reflect.Value, props *Properties) error { - v = reflect.Indirect(v) - - // Floats have special cases. - if v.Kind() == reflect.Float32 || v.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { - x := v.Float() - var b []byte - switch { - case math.IsInf(x, 1): - b = posInf - case math.IsInf(x, -1): - b = negInf - case math.IsNaN(x): - b = nan - } - if b != nil { - _, err := w.Write(b) - return err - } - // Other values are handled below. - } - - // We don't attempt to serialise every possible value type; only those - // that can occur in protocol buffers. - switch v.Kind() { - case reflect.Slice: - // Should only be a []byte; repeated fields are handled in writeStruct. - if err := writeString(w, string(v.Bytes())); err != nil { - return err - } - case reflect.String: - if err := writeString(w, v.String()); err != nil { - return err - } - case reflect.Struct: - // Required/optional group/message. - var bra, ket byte = '<', '>' - if props != nil && props.Wire == "group" { - bra, ket = '{', '}' - } - if err := w.WriteByte(bra); err != nil { - return err - } - if !w.compact { - if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return err - } - } - w.indent() - if v.CanAddr() { - // Calling v.Interface on a struct causes the reflect package to - // copy the entire struct. This is racy with the new Marshaler - // since we atomically update the XXX_sizecache. - // - // Thus, we retrieve a pointer to the struct if possible to avoid - // a race since v.Interface on the pointer doesn't copy the struct. - // - // If v is not addressable, then we are not worried about a race - // since it implies that the binary Marshaler cannot possibly be - // mutating this value. - v = v.Addr() - } - if v.Type().Implements(textMarshalerType) { - text, err := v.Interface().(encoding.TextMarshaler).MarshalText() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if _, err = w.Write(text); err != nil { - return err - } - } else { - if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - v = v.Elem() - } - if err := tm.writeStruct(w, v); err != nil { - return err - } - } - w.unindent() - if err := w.WriteByte(ket); err != nil { - return err - } - default: - _, err := fmt.Fprint(w, v.Interface()) - return err - } - return nil -} - -// equivalent to C's isprint. -func isprint(c byte) bool { - return c >= 0x20 && c < 0x7f -} - -// writeString writes a string in the protocol buffer text format. -// It is similar to strconv.Quote except we don't use Go escape sequences, -// we treat the string as a byte sequence, and we use octal escapes. -// These differences are to maintain interoperability with the other -// languages' implementations of the text format. -func writeString(w *textWriter, s string) error { - // use WriteByte here to get any needed indent - if err := w.WriteByte('"'); err != nil { - return err - } - // Loop over the bytes, not the runes. - for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { - var err error - // Divergence from C++: we don't escape apostrophes. - // There's no need to escape them, and the C++ parser - // copes with a naked apostrophe. - switch c := s[i]; c { - case '\n': - _, err = w.w.Write(backslashN) - case '\r': - _, err = w.w.Write(backslashR) - case '\t': - _, err = w.w.Write(backslashT) - case '"': - _, err = w.w.Write(backslashDQ) - case '\\': - _, err = w.w.Write(backslashBS) - default: - if isprint(c) { - err = w.w.WriteByte(c) - } else { - _, err = fmt.Fprintf(w.w, "\\%03o", c) - } - } - if err != nil { - return err - } - } - return w.WriteByte('"') -} - -func writeUnknownStruct(w *textWriter, data []byte) (err error) { - if !w.compact { - if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %d unknown bytes */\n", len(data)); err != nil { - return err - } - } - b := NewBuffer(data) - for b.index < len(b.buf) { - x, err := b.DecodeVarint() - if err != nil { - _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %v */\n", err) - return err - } - wire, tag := x&7, x>>3 - if wire == WireEndGroup { - w.unindent() - if _, err := w.Write(endBraceNewline); err != nil { - return err - } - continue - } - if _, err := fmt.Fprint(w, tag); err != nil { - return err - } - if wire != WireStartGroup { - if err := w.WriteByte(':'); err != nil { - return err - } - } - if !w.compact || wire == WireStartGroup { - if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil { - return err - } - } - switch wire { - case WireBytes: - buf, e := b.DecodeRawBytes(false) - if e == nil { - _, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "%q", buf) - } else { - _, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %v */", e) - } - case WireFixed32: - x, err = b.DecodeFixed32() - err = writeUnknownInt(w, x, err) - case WireFixed64: - x, err = b.DecodeFixed64() - err = writeUnknownInt(w, x, err) - case WireStartGroup: - err = w.WriteByte('{') - w.indent() - case WireVarint: - x, err = b.DecodeVarint() - err = writeUnknownInt(w, x, err) - default: - _, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* unknown wire type %d */", wire) - } - if err != nil { - return err - } - if err = w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return err - } - } - return nil -} - -func writeUnknownInt(w *textWriter, x uint64, err error) error { - if err == nil { - _, err = fmt.Fprint(w, x) - } else { - _, err = fmt.Fprintf(w, "/* %v */", err) - } - return err -} - -type int32Slice []int32 - -func (s int32Slice) Len() int { return len(s) } -func (s int32Slice) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i] < s[j] } -func (s int32Slice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } - -// writeExtensions writes all the extensions in pv. -// pv is assumed to be a pointer to a protocol message struct that is extendable. -func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeExtensions(w *textWriter, pv reflect.Value) error { - emap := extensionMaps[pv.Type().Elem()] - ep, _ := extendable(pv.Interface()) - - // Order the extensions by ID. - // This isn't strictly necessary, but it will give us - // canonical output, which will also make testing easier. - m, mu := ep.extensionsRead() - if m == nil { - return nil - } - mu.Lock() - ids := make([]int32, 0, len(m)) - for id := range m { - ids = append(ids, id) - } - sort.Sort(int32Slice(ids)) - mu.Unlock() - - for _, extNum := range ids { - ext := m[extNum] - var desc *ExtensionDesc - if emap != nil { - desc = emap[extNum] - } - if desc == nil { - // Unknown extension. - if err := writeUnknownStruct(w, ext.enc); err != nil { - return err - } - continue - } - - pb, err := GetExtension(ep, desc) - if err != nil { - return fmt.Errorf("failed getting extension: %v", err) - } - - // Repeated extensions will appear as a slice. - if !desc.repeated() { - if err := tm.writeExtension(w, desc.Name, pb); err != nil { - return err - } - } else { - v := reflect.ValueOf(pb) - for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { - if err := tm.writeExtension(w, desc.Name, v.Index(i).Interface()); err != nil { - return err - } - } - } - } - return nil -} - -func (tm *TextMarshaler) writeExtension(w *textWriter, name string, pb interface{}) error { - if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(w, "[%s]:", name); err != nil { - return err - } - if !w.compact { - if err := w.WriteByte(' '); err != nil { - return err - } - } - if err := tm.writeAny(w, reflect.ValueOf(pb), nil); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := w.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil { - return err - } - return nil -} - -func (w *textWriter) writeIndent() { - if !w.complete { - return - } - remain := w.ind * 2 - for remain > 0 { - n := remain - if n > len(spaces) { - n = len(spaces) - } - w.w.Write(spaces[:n]) - remain -= n - } - w.complete = false -} - -// TextMarshaler is a configurable text format marshaler. -type TextMarshaler struct { - Compact bool // use compact text format (one line). - ExpandAny bool // expand google.protobuf.Any messages of known types -} - -// Marshal writes a given protocol buffer in text format. -// The only errors returned are from w. -func (tm *TextMarshaler) Marshal(w io.Writer, pb Message) error { - val := reflect.ValueOf(pb) - if pb == nil || val.IsNil() { - w.Write([]byte("")) - return nil - } - var bw *bufio.Writer - ww, ok := w.(writer) - if !ok { - bw = bufio.NewWriter(w) - ww = bw - } - aw := &textWriter{ - w: ww, - complete: true, - compact: tm.Compact, - } - - if etm, ok := pb.(encoding.TextMarshaler); ok { - text, err := etm.MarshalText() - if err != nil { - return err - } - if _, err = aw.Write(text); err != nil { - return err - } - if bw != nil { - return bw.Flush() - } - return nil - } - // Dereference the received pointer so we don't have outer < and >. - v := reflect.Indirect(val) - if err := tm.writeStruct(aw, v); err != nil { - return err - } - if bw != nil { - return bw.Flush() - } - return nil -} - -// Text is the same as Marshal, but returns the string directly. -func (tm *TextMarshaler) Text(pb Message) string { - var buf bytes.Buffer - tm.Marshal(&buf, pb) - return buf.String() -} - -var ( - defaultTextMarshaler = TextMarshaler{} - compactTextMarshaler = TextMarshaler{Compact: true} -) - -// TODO: consider removing some of the Marshal functions below. - -// MarshalText writes a given protocol buffer in text format. -// The only errors returned are from w. -func MarshalText(w io.Writer, pb Message) error { return defaultTextMarshaler.Marshal(w, pb) } - -// MarshalTextString is the same as MarshalText, but returns the string directly. -func MarshalTextString(pb Message) string { return defaultTextMarshaler.Text(pb) } - -// CompactText writes a given protocol buffer in compact text format (one line). -func CompactText(w io.Writer, pb Message) error { return compactTextMarshaler.Marshal(w, pb) } - -// CompactTextString is the same as CompactText, but returns the string directly. -func CompactTextString(pb Message) string { return compactTextMarshaler.Text(pb) } diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text_parser.go b/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text_parser.go deleted file mode 100644 index bb55a3af..00000000 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/proto/text_parser.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,880 +0,0 @@ -// Go support for Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format -// -// Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// https://github.com/golang/protobuf -// -// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without -// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are -// met: -// -// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright -// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. -// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above -// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer -// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the -// distribution. -// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its -// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from -// this software without specific prior written permission. -// -// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS -// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR -// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT -// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, -// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT -// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, -// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY -// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT -// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE -// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - -package proto - -// Functions for parsing the Text protocol buffer format. -// TODO: message sets. - -import ( - "encoding" - "errors" - "fmt" - "reflect" - "strconv" - "strings" - "unicode/utf8" -) - -// Error string emitted when deserializing Any and fields are already set -const anyRepeatedlyUnpacked = "Any message unpacked multiple times, or %q already set" - -type ParseError struct { - Message string - Line int // 1-based line number - Offset int // 0-based byte offset from start of input -} - -func (p *ParseError) Error() string { - if p.Line == 1 { - // show offset only for first line - return fmt.Sprintf("line 1.%d: %v", p.Offset, p.Message) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("line %d: %v", p.Line, p.Message) -} - -type token struct { - value string - err *ParseError - line int // line number - offset int // byte number from start of input, not start of line - unquoted string // the unquoted version of value, if it was a quoted string -} - -func (t *token) String() string { - if t.err == nil { - return fmt.Sprintf("%q (line=%d, offset=%d)", t.value, t.line, t.offset) - } - return fmt.Sprintf("parse error: %v", t.err) -} - -type textParser struct { - s string // remaining input - done bool // whether the parsing is finished (success or error) - backed bool // whether back() was called - offset, line int - cur token -} - -func newTextParser(s string) *textParser { - p := new(textParser) - p.s = s - p.line = 1 - p.cur.line = 1 - return p -} - -func (p *textParser) errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) *ParseError { - pe := &ParseError{fmt.Sprintf(format, a...), p.cur.line, p.cur.offset} - p.cur.err = pe - p.done = true - return pe -} - -// Numbers and identifiers are matched by [-+._A-Za-z0-9] -func isIdentOrNumberChar(c byte) bool { - switch { - case 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z', 'a' <= c && c <= 'z': - return true - case '0' <= c && c <= '9': - return true - } - switch c { - case '-', '+', '.', '_': - return true - } - return false -} - -func isWhitespace(c byte) bool { - switch c { - case ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r': - return true - } - return false -} - -func isQuote(c byte) bool { - switch c { - case '"', '\'': - return true - } - return false -} - -func (p *textParser) skipWhitespace() { - i := 0 - for i < len(p.s) && (isWhitespace(p.s[i]) || p.s[i] == '#') { - if p.s[i] == '#' { - // comment; skip to end of line or input - for i < len(p.s) && p.s[i] != '\n' { - i++ - } - if i == len(p.s) { - break - } - } - if p.s[i] == '\n' { - p.line++ - } - i++ - } - p.offset += i - p.s = p.s[i:len(p.s)] - if len(p.s) == 0 { - p.done = true - } -} - -func (p *textParser) advance() { - // Skip whitespace - p.skipWhitespace() - if p.done { - return - } - - // Start of non-whitespace - p.cur.err = nil - p.cur.offset, p.cur.line = p.offset, p.line - p.cur.unquoted = "" - switch p.s[0] { - case '<', '>', '{', '}', ':', '[', ']', ';', ',', '/': - // Single symbol - p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[0:1], p.s[1:len(p.s)] - case '"', '\'': - // Quoted string - i := 1 - for i < len(p.s) && p.s[i] != p.s[0] && p.s[i] != '\n' { - if p.s[i] == '\\' && i+1 < len(p.s) { - // skip escaped char - i++ - } - i++ - } - if i >= len(p.s) || p.s[i] != p.s[0] { - p.errorf("unmatched quote") - return - } - unq, err := unquoteC(p.s[1:i], rune(p.s[0])) - if err != nil { - p.errorf("invalid quoted string %s: %v", p.s[0:i+1], err) - return - } - p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[0:i+1], p.s[i+1:len(p.s)] - p.cur.unquoted = unq - default: - i := 0 - for i < len(p.s) && isIdentOrNumberChar(p.s[i]) { - i++ - } - if i == 0 { - p.errorf("unexpected byte %#x", p.s[0]) - return - } - p.cur.value, p.s = p.s[0:i], p.s[i:len(p.s)] - } - p.offset += len(p.cur.value) -} - -var ( - errBadUTF8 = errors.New("proto: bad UTF-8") -) - -func unquoteC(s string, quote rune) (string, error) { - // This is based on C++'s tokenizer.cc. - // Despite its name, this is *not* parsing C syntax. - // For instance, "\0" is an invalid quoted string. - - // Avoid allocation in trivial cases. - simple := true - for _, r := range s { - if r == '\\' || r == quote { - simple = false - break - } - } - if simple { - return s, nil - } - - buf := make([]byte, 0, 3*len(s)/2) - for len(s) > 0 { - r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s) - if r == utf8.RuneError && n == 1 { - return "", errBadUTF8 - } - s = s[n:] - if r != '\\' { - if r < utf8.RuneSelf { - buf = append(buf, byte(r)) - } else { - buf = append(buf, string(r)...) - } - continue - } - - ch, tail, err := unescape(s) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - buf = append(buf, ch...) - s = tail - } - return string(buf), nil -} - -func unescape(s string) (ch string, tail string, err error) { - r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s) - if r == utf8.RuneError && n == 1 { - return "", "", errBadUTF8 - } - s = s[n:] - switch r { - case 'a': - return "\a", s, nil - case 'b': - return "\b", s, nil - case 'f': - return "\f", s, nil - case 'n': - return "\n", s, nil - case 'r': - return "\r", s, nil - case 't': - return "\t", s, nil - case 'v': - return "\v", s, nil - case '?': - return "?", s, nil // trigraph workaround - case '\'', '"', '\\': - return string(r), s, nil - case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7': - if len(s) < 2 { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c requires 2 following digits`, r) - } - ss := string(r) + s[:2] - s = s[2:] - i, err := strconv.ParseUint(ss, 8, 8) - if err != nil { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%s contains non-octal digits`, ss) - } - return string([]byte{byte(i)}), s, nil - case 'x', 'X', 'u', 'U': - var n int - switch r { - case 'x', 'X': - n = 2 - case 'u': - n = 4 - case 'U': - n = 8 - } - if len(s) < n { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c requires %d following digits`, r, n) - } - ss := s[:n] - s = s[n:] - i, err := strconv.ParseUint(ss, 16, 64) - if err != nil { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c%s contains non-hexadecimal digits`, r, ss) - } - if r == 'x' || r == 'X' { - return string([]byte{byte(i)}), s, nil - } - if i > utf8.MaxRune { - return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`\%c%s is not a valid Unicode code point`, r, ss) - } - return string(i), s, nil - } - return "", "", fmt.Errorf(`unknown escape \%c`, r) -} - -// Back off the parser by one token. Can only be done between calls to next(). -// It makes the next advance() a no-op. -func (p *textParser) back() { p.backed = true } - -// Advances the parser and returns the new current token. -func (p *textParser) next() *token { - if p.backed || p.done { - p.backed = false - return &p.cur - } - p.advance() - if p.done { - p.cur.value = "" - } else if len(p.cur.value) > 0 && isQuote(p.cur.value[0]) { - // Look for multiple quoted strings separated by whitespace, - // and concatenate them. - cat := p.cur - for { - p.skipWhitespace() - if p.done || !isQuote(p.s[0]) { - break - } - p.advance() - if p.cur.err != nil { - return &p.cur - } - cat.value += " " + p.cur.value - cat.unquoted += p.cur.unquoted - } - p.done = false // parser may have seen EOF, but we want to return cat - p.cur = cat - } - return &p.cur -} - -func (p *textParser) consumeToken(s string) error { - tok := p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return tok.err - } - if tok.value != s { - p.back() - return p.errorf("expected %q, found %q", s, tok.value) - } - return nil -} - -// Return a RequiredNotSetError indicating which required field was not set. -func (p *textParser) missingRequiredFieldError(sv reflect.Value) *RequiredNotSetError { - st := sv.Type() - sprops := GetProperties(st) - for i := 0; i < st.NumField(); i++ { - if !isNil(sv.Field(i)) { - continue - } - - props := sprops.Prop[i] - if props.Required { - return &RequiredNotSetError{fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v", st, props.OrigName)} - } - } - return &RequiredNotSetError{fmt.Sprintf("%v.", st)} // should not happen -} - -// Returns the index in the struct for the named field, as well as the parsed tag properties. -func structFieldByName(sprops *StructProperties, name string) (int, *Properties, bool) { - i, ok := sprops.decoderOrigNames[name] - if ok { - return i, sprops.Prop[i], true - } - return -1, nil, false -} - -// Consume a ':' from the input stream (if the next token is a colon), -// returning an error if a colon is needed but not present. -func (p *textParser) checkForColon(props *Properties, typ reflect.Type) *ParseError { - tok := p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return tok.err - } - if tok.value != ":" { - // Colon is optional when the field is a group or message. - needColon := true - switch props.Wire { - case "group": - needColon = false - case "bytes": - // A "bytes" field is either a message, a string, or a repeated field; - // those three become *T, *string and []T respectively, so we can check for - // this field being a pointer to a non-string. - if typ.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { - // *T or *string - if typ.Elem().Kind() == reflect.String { - break - } - } else if typ.Kind() == reflect.Slice { - // []T or []*T - if typ.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Ptr { - break - } - } else if typ.Kind() == reflect.String { - // The proto3 exception is for a string field, - // which requires a colon. - break - } - needColon = false - } - if needColon { - return p.errorf("expected ':', found %q", tok.value) - } - p.back() - } - return nil -} - -func (p *textParser) readStruct(sv reflect.Value, terminator string) error { - st := sv.Type() - sprops := GetProperties(st) - reqCount := sprops.reqCount - var reqFieldErr error - fieldSet := make(map[string]bool) - // A struct is a sequence of "name: value", terminated by one of - // '>' or '}', or the end of the input. A name may also be - // "[extension]" or "[type/url]". - // - // The whole struct can also be an expanded Any message, like: - // [type/url] < ... struct contents ... > - for { - tok := p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return tok.err - } - if tok.value == terminator { - break - } - if tok.value == "[" { - // Looks like an extension or an Any. - // - // TODO: Check whether we need to handle - // namespace rooted names (e.g. ".something.Foo"). - extName, err := p.consumeExtName() - if err != nil { - return err - } - - if s := strings.LastIndex(extName, "/"); s >= 0 { - // If it contains a slash, it's an Any type URL. - messageName := extName[s+1:] - mt := MessageType(messageName) - if mt == nil { - return p.errorf("unrecognized message %q in google.protobuf.Any", messageName) - } - tok = p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return tok.err - } - // consume an optional colon - if tok.value == ":" { - tok = p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return tok.err - } - } - var terminator string - switch tok.value { - case "<": - terminator = ">" - case "{": - terminator = "}" - default: - return p.errorf("expected '{' or '<', found %q", tok.value) - } - v := reflect.New(mt.Elem()) - if pe := p.readStruct(v.Elem(), terminator); pe != nil { - return pe - } - b, err := Marshal(v.Interface().(Message)) - if err != nil { - return p.errorf("failed to marshal message of type %q: %v", messageName, err) - } - if fieldSet["type_url"] { - return p.errorf(anyRepeatedlyUnpacked, "type_url") - } - if fieldSet["value"] { - return p.errorf(anyRepeatedlyUnpacked, "value") - } - sv.FieldByName("TypeUrl").SetString(extName) - sv.FieldByName("Value").SetBytes(b) - fieldSet["type_url"] = true - fieldSet["value"] = true - continue - } - - var desc *ExtensionDesc - // This could be faster, but it's functional. - // TODO: Do something smarter than a linear scan. - for _, d := range RegisteredExtensions(reflect.New(st).Interface().(Message)) { - if d.Name == extName { - desc = d - break - } - } - if desc == nil { - return p.errorf("unrecognized extension %q", extName) - } - - props := &Properties{} - props.Parse(desc.Tag) - - typ := reflect.TypeOf(desc.ExtensionType) - if err := p.checkForColon(props, typ); err != nil { - return err - } - - rep := desc.repeated() - - // Read the extension structure, and set it in - // the value we're constructing. - var ext reflect.Value - if !rep { - ext = reflect.New(typ).Elem() - } else { - ext = reflect.New(typ.Elem()).Elem() - } - if err := p.readAny(ext, props); err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); !ok { - return err - } - reqFieldErr = err - } - ep := sv.Addr().Interface().(Message) - if !rep { - SetExtension(ep, desc, ext.Interface()) - } else { - old, err := GetExtension(ep, desc) - var sl reflect.Value - if err == nil { - sl = reflect.ValueOf(old) // existing slice - } else { - sl = reflect.MakeSlice(typ, 0, 1) - } - sl = reflect.Append(sl, ext) - SetExtension(ep, desc, sl.Interface()) - } - if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil { - return err - } - continue - } - - // This is a normal, non-extension field. - name := tok.value - var dst reflect.Value - fi, props, ok := structFieldByName(sprops, name) - if ok { - dst = sv.Field(fi) - } else if oop, ok := sprops.OneofTypes[name]; ok { - // It is a oneof. - props = oop.Prop - nv := reflect.New(oop.Type.Elem()) - dst = nv.Elem().Field(0) - field := sv.Field(oop.Field) - if !field.IsNil() { - return p.errorf("field '%s' would overwrite already parsed oneof '%s'", name, sv.Type().Field(oop.Field).Name) - } - field.Set(nv) - } - if !dst.IsValid() { - return p.errorf("unknown field name %q in %v", name, st) - } - - if dst.Kind() == reflect.Map { - // Consume any colon. - if err := p.checkForColon(props, dst.Type()); err != nil { - return err - } - - // Construct the map if it doesn't already exist. - if dst.IsNil() { - dst.Set(reflect.MakeMap(dst.Type())) - } - key := reflect.New(dst.Type().Key()).Elem() - val := reflect.New(dst.Type().Elem()).Elem() - - // The map entry should be this sequence of tokens: - // < key : KEY value : VALUE > - // However, implementations may omit key or value, and technically - // we should support them in any order. See b/28924776 for a time - // this went wrong. - - tok := p.next() - var terminator string - switch tok.value { - case "<": - terminator = ">" - case "{": - terminator = "}" - default: - return p.errorf("expected '{' or '<', found %q", tok.value) - } - for { - tok := p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return tok.err - } - if tok.value == terminator { - break - } - switch tok.value { - case "key": - if err := p.consumeToken(":"); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := p.readAny(key, props.MapKeyProp); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil { - return err - } - case "value": - if err := p.checkForColon(props.MapValProp, dst.Type().Elem()); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := p.readAny(val, props.MapValProp); err != nil { - return err - } - if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil { - return err - } - default: - p.back() - return p.errorf(`expected "key", "value", or %q, found %q`, terminator, tok.value) - } - } - - dst.SetMapIndex(key, val) - continue - } - - // Check that it's not already set if it's not a repeated field. - if !props.Repeated && fieldSet[name] { - return p.errorf("non-repeated field %q was repeated", name) - } - - if err := p.checkForColon(props, dst.Type()); err != nil { - return err - } - - // Parse into the field. - fieldSet[name] = true - if err := p.readAny(dst, props); err != nil { - if _, ok := err.(*RequiredNotSetError); !ok { - return err - } - reqFieldErr = err - } - if props.Required { - reqCount-- - } - - if err := p.consumeOptionalSeparator(); err != nil { - return err - } - - } - - if reqCount > 0 { - return p.missingRequiredFieldError(sv) - } - return reqFieldErr -} - -// consumeExtName consumes extension name or expanded Any type URL and the -// following ']'. It returns the name or URL consumed. -func (p *textParser) consumeExtName() (string, error) { - tok := p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return "", tok.err - } - - // If extension name or type url is quoted, it's a single token. - if len(tok.value) > 2 && isQuote(tok.value[0]) && tok.value[len(tok.value)-1] == tok.value[0] { - name, err := unquoteC(tok.value[1:len(tok.value)-1], rune(tok.value[0])) - if err != nil { - return "", err - } - return name, p.consumeToken("]") - } - - // Consume everything up to "]" - var parts []string - for tok.value != "]" { - parts = append(parts, tok.value) - tok = p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return "", p.errorf("unrecognized type_url or extension name: %s", tok.err) - } - if p.done && tok.value != "]" { - return "", p.errorf("unclosed type_url or extension name") - } - } - return strings.Join(parts, ""), nil -} - -// consumeOptionalSeparator consumes an optional semicolon or comma. -// It is used in readStruct to provide backward compatibility. -func (p *textParser) consumeOptionalSeparator() error { - tok := p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return tok.err - } - if tok.value != ";" && tok.value != "," { - p.back() - } - return nil -} - -func (p *textParser) readAny(v reflect.Value, props *Properties) error { - tok := p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return tok.err - } - if tok.value == "" { - return p.errorf("unexpected EOF") - } - - switch fv := v; fv.Kind() { - case reflect.Slice: - at := v.Type() - if at.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { - // Special case for []byte - if tok.value[0] != '"' && tok.value[0] != '\'' { - // Deliberately written out here, as the error after - // this switch statement would write "invalid []byte: ...", - // which is not as user-friendly. - return p.errorf("invalid string: %v", tok.value) - } - bytes := []byte(tok.unquoted) - fv.Set(reflect.ValueOf(bytes)) - return nil - } - // Repeated field. - if tok.value == "[" { - // Repeated field with list notation, like [1,2,3]. - for { - fv.Set(reflect.Append(fv, reflect.New(at.Elem()).Elem())) - err := p.readAny(fv.Index(fv.Len()-1), props) - if err != nil { - return err - } - tok := p.next() - if tok.err != nil { - return tok.err - } - if tok.value == "]" { - break - } - if tok.value != "," { - return p.errorf("Expected ']' or ',' found %q", tok.value) - } - } - return nil - } - // One value of the repeated field. - p.back() - fv.Set(reflect.Append(fv, reflect.New(at.Elem()).Elem())) - return p.readAny(fv.Index(fv.Len()-1), props) - case reflect.Bool: - // true/1/t/True or false/f/0/False. - switch tok.value { - case "true", "1", "t", "True": - fv.SetBool(true) - return nil - case "false", "0", "f", "False": - fv.SetBool(false) - return nil - } - case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: - v := tok.value - // Ignore 'f' for compatibility with output generated by C++, but don't - // remove 'f' when the value is "-inf" or "inf". - if strings.HasSuffix(v, "f") && tok.value != "-inf" && tok.value != "inf" { - v = v[:len(v)-1] - } - if f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(v, fv.Type().Bits()); err == nil { - fv.SetFloat(f) - return nil - } - case reflect.Int32: - if x, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, 0, 32); err == nil { - fv.SetInt(x) - return nil - } - - if len(props.Enum) == 0 { - break - } - m, ok := enumValueMaps[props.Enum] - if !ok { - break - } - x, ok := m[tok.value] - if !ok { - break - } - fv.SetInt(int64(x)) - return nil - case reflect.Int64: - if x, err := strconv.ParseInt(tok.value, 0, 64); err == nil { - fv.SetInt(x) - return nil - } - - case reflect.Ptr: - // A basic field (indirected through pointer), or a repeated message/group - p.back() - fv.Set(reflect.New(fv.Type().Elem())) - return p.readAny(fv.Elem(), props) - case reflect.String: - if tok.value[0] == '"' || tok.value[0] == '\'' { - fv.SetString(tok.unquoted) - return nil - } - case reflect.Struct: - var terminator string - switch tok.value { - case "{": - terminator = "}" - case "<": - terminator = ">" - default: - return p.errorf("expected '{' or '<', found %q", tok.value) - } - // TODO: Handle nested messages which implement encoding.TextUnmarshaler. - return p.readStruct(fv, terminator) - case reflect.Uint32: - if x, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 32); err == nil { - fv.SetUint(uint64(x)) - return nil - } - case reflect.Uint64: - if x, err := strconv.ParseUint(tok.value, 0, 64); err == nil { - fv.SetUint(x) - return nil - } - } - return p.errorf("invalid %v: %v", v.Type(), tok.value) -} - -// UnmarshalText reads a protocol buffer in Text format. UnmarshalText resets pb -// before starting to unmarshal, so any existing data in pb is always removed. -// If a required field is not set and no other error occurs, -// UnmarshalText returns *RequiredNotSetError. -func UnmarshalText(s string, pb Message) error { - if um, ok := pb.(encoding.TextUnmarshaler); ok { - return um.UnmarshalText([]byte(s)) - } - pb.Reset() - v := reflect.ValueOf(pb) - return newTextParser(s).readStruct(v.Elem(), "") -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/README.md b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/README.md index 579d2d73..7d3c060e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/README.md +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/README.md @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ arguments can be passed to the kernel. The third is for low-level use by the ForkExec wrapper. Unlike the first two, it does not call into the scheduler to let it know that a system call is running. -When porting Go to an new architecture/OS, this file must be implemented for +When porting Go to a new architecture/OS, this file must be implemented for each GOOS/GOARCH pair. ### mksysnum @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ prototype can be exported (capitalized) or not. Adding a new syscall often just requires adding a new `//sys` function prototype with the desired arguments and a capitalized name so it is exported. However, if you want the interface to the syscall to be different, often one will make an -unexported `//sys` prototype, an then write a custom wrapper in +unexported `//sys` prototype, and then write a custom wrapper in `syscall_${GOOS}.go`. ### types files @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ some `#if/#elif` macros in your include statements. This script is used to generate the system's various constants. This doesn't just include the error numbers and error strings, but also the signal numbers -an a wide variety of miscellaneous constants. The constants come from the list +and a wide variety of miscellaneous constants. The constants come from the list of include files in the `includes_${uname}` variable. A regex then picks out the desired `#define` statements, and generates the corresponding Go constants. The error numbers and strings are generated from `#include `, and the @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ To add a constant, add the header that includes it to the appropriate variable. Then, edit the regex (if necessary) to match the desired constant. Avoid making the regex too broad to avoid matching unintended constants. -### mkmerge.go +### internal/mkmerge This program is used to extract duplicate const, func, and type declarations from the generated architecture-specific files listed below, and merge these diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/aliases.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/aliases.go index 951fce4d..abc89c10 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/aliases.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/aliases.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris +//go:build (aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos) && go1.9 +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos // +build go1.9 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_aix_ppc64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_aix_ppc64.s index 6b4027b3..db9171c2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_aix_ppc64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_aix_ppc64.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build gc // +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_386.s similarity index 72% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_386.s rename to vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_386.s index 8a06b87d..e0fcd9b3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_386.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_386.s @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build (freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc +// +build freebsd netbsd openbsd // +build gc #include "textflag.h" -// -// System call support for 386, Darwin -// +// System call support for 386 BSD // Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. // The runtime may know about them. @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-52 JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 +TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_amd64.s similarity index 72% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_amd64.s rename to vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_amd64.s index f2397fde..2b99c349 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_amd64.s @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build (darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc +// +build darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd // +build gc #include "textflag.h" -// -// System call support for AMD64, Darwin -// +// System call support for AMD64 BSD // Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. // The runtime may know about them. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm.s similarity index 76% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_arm.s rename to vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm.s index d7da175e..d702d4ad 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_arm.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm.s @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build (freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc +// +build freebsd netbsd openbsd // +build gc #include "textflag.h" -// -// System call support for ARM, NetBSD -// +// System call support for ARM BSD // Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. // The runtime may know about them. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm64.s similarity index 75% rename from vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_amd64.s rename to vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm64.s index e57367c1..fe36a739 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_bsd_arm64.s @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build (darwin || freebsd || netbsd || openbsd) && gc +// +build darwin freebsd netbsd openbsd // +build gc #include "textflag.h" -// -// System call support for AMD64, NetBSD -// +// System call support for ARM64 BSD // Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. // The runtime may know about them. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_arm.s deleted file mode 100644 index c9e6b6fc..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_arm.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc -// +build arm,darwin - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for ARM, Darwin -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - B syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - B syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-52 - B syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - B syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - B syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_arm64.s deleted file mode 100644 index 89843f8f..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_darwin_arm64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc -// +build arm64,darwin - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for AMD64, Darwin -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - B syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - B syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104 - B syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - B syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - B syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_dragonfly_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_dragonfly_amd64.s deleted file mode 100644 index 27674e1c..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_dragonfly_amd64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for AMD64, DragonFly -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104 - JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_386.s deleted file mode 100644 index 49f0ac23..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_386.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for 386, FreeBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - JMP syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-52 - JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_amd64.s deleted file mode 100644 index f2dfc57b..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_amd64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for AMD64, FreeBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104 - JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_arm.s deleted file mode 100644 index 6d740db2..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_arm.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for ARM, FreeBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - B syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - B syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-52 - B syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - B syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - B syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_arm64.s deleted file mode 100644 index a8f5a29b..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_freebsd_arm64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for ARM64, FreeBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104 - JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_386.s index 0655ecbf..8fd101d0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_386.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_386.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build gc // +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s index bc3fb6ac..7ed38e43 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_amd64.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build gc // +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm.s index 55b13c7b..8ef1d514 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build gc // +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm64.s index 22a83d8e..98ae0276 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_arm64.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && arm64 && gc // +build linux // +build arm64 // +build gc diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mips64x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mips64x.s index dc222b90..21231d2c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mips64x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mips64x.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && (mips64 || mips64le) && gc // +build linux // +build mips64 mips64le // +build gc diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mipsx.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mipsx.s index d333f13c..6783b26c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mipsx.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_mipsx.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && (mips || mipsle) && gc // +build linux // +build mips mipsle // +build gc diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_ppc64x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_ppc64x.s index 459a629c..19d49893 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_ppc64x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_ppc64x.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && (ppc64 || ppc64le) && gc // +build linux // +build ppc64 ppc64le // +build gc diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_riscv64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_riscv64.s index 04d38497..e42eb81d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_riscv64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_riscv64.s @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build riscv64,gc +//go:build riscv64 && gc +// +build riscv64 +// +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_s390x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_s390x.s index cc303989..c46aab33 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_s390x.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_linux_s390x.s @@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build s390x +//go:build linux && s390x && gc // +build linux +// +build s390x // +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_386.s deleted file mode 100644 index ae7b498d..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_386.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for 386, NetBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - JMP syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-52 - JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_arm64.s deleted file mode 100644 index e7cbe190..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_netbsd_arm64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for ARM64, NetBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - B syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - B syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104 - B syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - B syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - B syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_386.s deleted file mode 100644 index 2f00b031..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_386.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for 386, OpenBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - JMP syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-52 - JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_amd64.s deleted file mode 100644 index 07632c99..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_amd64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for AMD64, OpenBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104 - JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_arm.s deleted file mode 100644 index 73e99732..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_arm.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for ARM, OpenBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - B syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - B syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-52 - B syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-28 - B syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-40 - B syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_arm64.s deleted file mode 100644 index c47302aa..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_arm64.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build gc - -#include "textflag.h" - -// -// System call support for arm64, OpenBSD -// - -// Just jump to package syscall's implementation for all these functions. -// The runtime may know about them. - -TEXT ·Syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·Syscall(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·Syscall6(SB) - -TEXT ·Syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-104 - JMP syscall·Syscall9(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall(SB) - -TEXT ·RawSyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 - JMP syscall·RawSyscall6(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_mips64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_mips64.s index 47c93fcb..5e7a1169 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_mips64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_openbsd_mips64.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build gc // +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_solaris_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_solaris_amd64.s index 1f2c755a..f8c5394c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_solaris_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_solaris_amd64.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build gc // +build gc #include "textflag.h" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_zos_s390x.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_zos_s390x.s new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b54e185 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/asm_zos_s390x.s @@ -0,0 +1,426 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build zos && s390x && gc +// +build zos +// +build s390x +// +build gc + +#include "textflag.h" + +#define PSALAA 1208(R0) +#define GTAB64(x) 80(x) +#define LCA64(x) 88(x) +#define CAA(x) 8(x) +#define EDCHPXV(x) 1016(x) // in the CAA +#define SAVSTACK_ASYNC(x) 336(x) // in the LCA + +// SS_*, where x=SAVSTACK_ASYNC +#define SS_LE(x) 0(x) +#define SS_GO(x) 8(x) +#define SS_ERRNO(x) 16(x) +#define SS_ERRNOJR(x) 20(x) + +#define LE_CALL BYTE $0x0D; BYTE $0x76; // BL R7, R6 + +TEXT ·clearErrno(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + BL addrerrno<>(SB) + MOVD $0, 0(R3) + RET + +// Returns the address of errno in R3. +TEXT addrerrno<>(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0-0 + // Get library control area (LCA). + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + + // Get __errno FuncDesc. + MOVD CAA(R8), R9 + MOVD EDCHPXV(R9), R9 + ADD $(0x156*16), R9 + LMG 0(R9), R5, R6 + + // Switch to saved LE stack. + MOVD SAVSTACK_ASYNC(R8), R9 + MOVD 0(R9), R4 + MOVD $0, 0(R9) + + // Call __errno function. + LE_CALL + NOPH + + // Switch back to Go stack. + XOR R0, R0 // Restore R0 to $0. + MOVD R4, 0(R9) // Save stack pointer. + RET + +TEXT ·syscall_syscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 + BL runtime·entersyscall(SB) + MOVD a1+8(FP), R1 + MOVD a2+16(FP), R2 + MOVD a3+24(FP), R3 + + // Get library control area (LCA). + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + + // Get function. + MOVD CAA(R8), R9 + MOVD EDCHPXV(R9), R9 + MOVD trap+0(FP), R5 + SLD $4, R5 + ADD R5, R9 + LMG 0(R9), R5, R6 + + // Restore LE stack. + MOVD SAVSTACK_ASYNC(R8), R9 + MOVD 0(R9), R4 + MOVD $0, 0(R9) + + // Call function. + LE_CALL + NOPH + XOR R0, R0 // Restore R0 to $0. + MOVD R4, 0(R9) // Save stack pointer. + + MOVD R3, r1+32(FP) + MOVD R0, r2+40(FP) + MOVD R0, err+48(FP) + MOVW R3, R4 + CMP R4, $-1 + BNE done + BL addrerrno<>(SB) + MOVWZ 0(R3), R3 + MOVD R3, err+48(FP) +done: + BL runtime·exitsyscall(SB) + RET + +TEXT ·syscall_rawsyscall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-56 + MOVD a1+8(FP), R1 + MOVD a2+16(FP), R2 + MOVD a3+24(FP), R3 + + // Get library control area (LCA). + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + + // Get function. + MOVD CAA(R8), R9 + MOVD EDCHPXV(R9), R9 + MOVD trap+0(FP), R5 + SLD $4, R5 + ADD R5, R9 + LMG 0(R9), R5, R6 + + // Restore LE stack. + MOVD SAVSTACK_ASYNC(R8), R9 + MOVD 0(R9), R4 + MOVD $0, 0(R9) + + // Call function. + LE_CALL + NOPH + XOR R0, R0 // Restore R0 to $0. + MOVD R4, 0(R9) // Save stack pointer. + + MOVD R3, r1+32(FP) + MOVD R0, r2+40(FP) + MOVD R0, err+48(FP) + MOVW R3, R4 + CMP R4, $-1 + BNE done + BL addrerrno<>(SB) + MOVWZ 0(R3), R3 + MOVD R3, err+48(FP) +done: + RET + +TEXT ·syscall_syscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 + BL runtime·entersyscall(SB) + MOVD a1+8(FP), R1 + MOVD a2+16(FP), R2 + MOVD a3+24(FP), R3 + + // Get library control area (LCA). + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + + // Get function. + MOVD CAA(R8), R9 + MOVD EDCHPXV(R9), R9 + MOVD trap+0(FP), R5 + SLD $4, R5 + ADD R5, R9 + LMG 0(R9), R5, R6 + + // Restore LE stack. + MOVD SAVSTACK_ASYNC(R8), R9 + MOVD 0(R9), R4 + MOVD $0, 0(R9) + + // Fill in parameter list. + MOVD a4+32(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+24)(R4) + MOVD a5+40(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+32)(R4) + MOVD a6+48(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+40)(R4) + + // Call function. + LE_CALL + NOPH + XOR R0, R0 // Restore R0 to $0. + MOVD R4, 0(R9) // Save stack pointer. + + MOVD R3, r1+56(FP) + MOVD R0, r2+64(FP) + MOVD R0, err+72(FP) + MOVW R3, R4 + CMP R4, $-1 + BNE done + BL addrerrno<>(SB) + MOVWZ 0(R3), R3 + MOVD R3, err+72(FP) +done: + BL runtime·exitsyscall(SB) + RET + +TEXT ·syscall_rawsyscall6(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-80 + MOVD a1+8(FP), R1 + MOVD a2+16(FP), R2 + MOVD a3+24(FP), R3 + + // Get library control area (LCA). + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + + // Get function. + MOVD CAA(R8), R9 + MOVD EDCHPXV(R9), R9 + MOVD trap+0(FP), R5 + SLD $4, R5 + ADD R5, R9 + LMG 0(R9), R5, R6 + + // Restore LE stack. + MOVD SAVSTACK_ASYNC(R8), R9 + MOVD 0(R9), R4 + MOVD $0, 0(R9) + + // Fill in parameter list. + MOVD a4+32(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+24)(R4) + MOVD a5+40(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+32)(R4) + MOVD a6+48(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+40)(R4) + + // Call function. + LE_CALL + NOPH + XOR R0, R0 // Restore R0 to $0. + MOVD R4, 0(R9) // Save stack pointer. + + MOVD R3, r1+56(FP) + MOVD R0, r2+64(FP) + MOVD R0, err+72(FP) + MOVW R3, R4 + CMP R4, $-1 + BNE done + BL ·rrno<>(SB) + MOVWZ 0(R3), R3 + MOVD R3, err+72(FP) +done: + RET + +TEXT ·syscall_syscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 + BL runtime·entersyscall(SB) + MOVD a1+8(FP), R1 + MOVD a2+16(FP), R2 + MOVD a3+24(FP), R3 + + // Get library control area (LCA). + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + + // Get function. + MOVD CAA(R8), R9 + MOVD EDCHPXV(R9), R9 + MOVD trap+0(FP), R5 + SLD $4, R5 + ADD R5, R9 + LMG 0(R9), R5, R6 + + // Restore LE stack. + MOVD SAVSTACK_ASYNC(R8), R9 + MOVD 0(R9), R4 + MOVD $0, 0(R9) + + // Fill in parameter list. + MOVD a4+32(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+24)(R4) + MOVD a5+40(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+32)(R4) + MOVD a6+48(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+40)(R4) + MOVD a7+56(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+48)(R4) + MOVD a8+64(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+56)(R4) + MOVD a9+72(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+64)(R4) + + // Call function. + LE_CALL + NOPH + XOR R0, R0 // Restore R0 to $0. + MOVD R4, 0(R9) // Save stack pointer. + + MOVD R3, r1+80(FP) + MOVD R0, r2+88(FP) + MOVD R0, err+96(FP) + MOVW R3, R4 + CMP R4, $-1 + BNE done + BL addrerrno<>(SB) + MOVWZ 0(R3), R3 + MOVD R3, err+96(FP) +done: + BL runtime·exitsyscall(SB) + RET + +TEXT ·syscall_rawsyscall9(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 + MOVD a1+8(FP), R1 + MOVD a2+16(FP), R2 + MOVD a3+24(FP), R3 + + // Get library control area (LCA). + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + + // Get function. + MOVD CAA(R8), R9 + MOVD EDCHPXV(R9), R9 + MOVD trap+0(FP), R5 + SLD $4, R5 + ADD R5, R9 + LMG 0(R9), R5, R6 + + // Restore LE stack. + MOVD SAVSTACK_ASYNC(R8), R9 + MOVD 0(R9), R4 + MOVD $0, 0(R9) + + // Fill in parameter list. + MOVD a4+32(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+24)(R4) + MOVD a5+40(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+32)(R4) + MOVD a6+48(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+40)(R4) + MOVD a7+56(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+48)(R4) + MOVD a8+64(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+56)(R4) + MOVD a9+72(FP), R12 + MOVD R12, (2176+64)(R4) + + // Call function. + LE_CALL + NOPH + XOR R0, R0 // Restore R0 to $0. + MOVD R4, 0(R9) // Save stack pointer. + + MOVD R3, r1+80(FP) + MOVD R0, r2+88(FP) + MOVD R0, err+96(FP) + MOVW R3, R4 + CMP R4, $-1 + BNE done + BL addrerrno<>(SB) + MOVWZ 0(R3), R3 + MOVD R3, err+96(FP) +done: + RET + +// func svcCall(fnptr unsafe.Pointer, argv *unsafe.Pointer, dsa *uint64) +TEXT ·svcCall(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 + BL runtime·save_g(SB) // Save g and stack pointer + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + MOVD SAVSTACK_ASYNC(R8), R9 + MOVD R15, 0(R9) + + MOVD argv+8(FP), R1 // Move function arguments into registers + MOVD dsa+16(FP), g + MOVD fnptr+0(FP), R15 + + BYTE $0x0D // Branch to function + BYTE $0xEF + + BL runtime·load_g(SB) // Restore g and stack pointer + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + MOVD SAVSTACK_ASYNC(R8), R9 + MOVD 0(R9), R15 + + RET + +// func svcLoad(name *byte) unsafe.Pointer +TEXT ·svcLoad(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 + MOVD R15, R2 // Save go stack pointer + MOVD name+0(FP), R0 // Move SVC args into registers + MOVD $0x80000000, R1 + MOVD $0, R15 + BYTE $0x0A // SVC 08 LOAD + BYTE $0x08 + MOVW R15, R3 // Save return code from SVC + MOVD R2, R15 // Restore go stack pointer + CMP R3, $0 // Check SVC return code + BNE error + + MOVD $-2, R3 // Reset last bit of entry point to zero + AND R0, R3 + MOVD R3, addr+8(FP) // Return entry point returned by SVC + CMP R0, R3 // Check if last bit of entry point was set + BNE done + + MOVD R15, R2 // Save go stack pointer + MOVD $0, R15 // Move SVC args into registers (entry point still in r0 from SVC 08) + BYTE $0x0A // SVC 09 DELETE + BYTE $0x09 + MOVD R2, R15 // Restore go stack pointer + +error: + MOVD $0, addr+8(FP) // Return 0 on failure +done: + XOR R0, R0 // Reset r0 to 0 + RET + +// func svcUnload(name *byte, fnptr unsafe.Pointer) int64 +TEXT ·svcUnload(SB),NOSPLIT,$0 + MOVD R15, R2 // Save go stack pointer + MOVD name+0(FP), R0 // Move SVC args into registers + MOVD addr+8(FP), R15 + BYTE $0x0A // SVC 09 + BYTE $0x09 + XOR R0, R0 // Reset r0 to 0 + MOVD R15, R1 // Save SVC return code + MOVD R2, R15 // Restore go stack pointer + MOVD R1, rc+0(FP) // Return SVC return code + RET + +// func gettid() uint64 +TEXT ·gettid(SB), NOSPLIT, $0 + // Get library control area (LCA). + MOVW PSALAA, R8 + MOVD LCA64(R8), R8 + + // Get CEECAATHDID + MOVD CAA(R8), R9 + MOVD 0x3D0(R9), R9 + MOVD R9, ret+0(FP) + + RET diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/cap_freebsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/cap_freebsd.go index df520487..0b7c6adb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/cap_freebsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/cap_freebsd.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build freebsd // +build freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/constants.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/constants.go index 3a6ac648..394a3965 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/constants.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/constants.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc.go index 5e5fb451..65a99850 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix -// +build ppc +//go:build aix && ppc +// +build aix,ppc // Functions to access/create device major and minor numbers matching the // encoding used by AIX. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc64.go index 8b401244..8fc08ad0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_aix_ppc64.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix -// +build ppc64 +//go:build aix && ppc64 +// +build aix,ppc64 // Functions to access/create device major and minor numbers matching the // encoding used AIX. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_zos.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a388e59a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dev_zos.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build zos && s390x +// +build zos,s390x + +// Functions to access/create device major and minor numbers matching the +// encoding used by z/OS. +// +// The information below is extracted and adapted from macros. + +package unix + +// Major returns the major component of a z/OS device number. +func Major(dev uint64) uint32 { + return uint32((dev >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF) +} + +// Minor returns the minor component of a z/OS device number. +func Minor(dev uint64) uint32 { + return uint32(dev & 0x0000FFFF) +} + +// Mkdev returns a z/OS device number generated from the given major and minor +// components. +func Mkdev(major, minor uint32) uint64 { + return (uint64(major) << 16) | uint64(minor) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dirent.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dirent.go index 304016b6..e74e5eaa 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dirent.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/dirent.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris // +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_big.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_big.go index 86781eac..a5202655 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_big.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_big.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +//go:build armbe || arm64be || m68k || mips || mips64 || mips64p32 || ppc || ppc64 || s390 || s390x || shbe || sparc || sparc64 // +build armbe arm64be m68k mips mips64 mips64p32 ppc ppc64 s390 s390x shbe sparc sparc64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go index 8822d854..4362f47e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/endian_little.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +//go:build 386 || amd64 || amd64p32 || alpha || arm || arm64 || mipsle || mips64le || mips64p32le || nios2 || ppc64le || riscv || riscv64 || sh // +build 386 amd64 amd64p32 alpha arm arm64 mipsle mips64le mips64p32le nios2 ppc64le riscv riscv64 sh package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/env_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/env_unix.go index 84178b0a..29ccc4d1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/env_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/env_unix.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos // Unix environment variables. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/epoll_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/epoll_zos.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cedaf7e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/epoll_zos.go @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build zos && s390x +// +build zos,s390x + +package unix + +import ( + "sync" +) + +// This file simulates epoll on z/OS using poll. + +// Analogous to epoll_event on Linux. +// TODO(neeilan): Pad is because the Linux kernel expects a 96-bit struct. We never pass this to the kernel; remove? +type EpollEvent struct { + Events uint32 + Fd int32 + Pad int32 +} + +const ( + EPOLLERR = 0x8 + EPOLLHUP = 0x10 + EPOLLIN = 0x1 + EPOLLMSG = 0x400 + EPOLLOUT = 0x4 + EPOLLPRI = 0x2 + EPOLLRDBAND = 0x80 + EPOLLRDNORM = 0x40 + EPOLLWRBAND = 0x200 + EPOLLWRNORM = 0x100 + EPOLL_CTL_ADD = 0x1 + EPOLL_CTL_DEL = 0x2 + EPOLL_CTL_MOD = 0x3 + // The following constants are part of the epoll API, but represent + // currently unsupported functionality on z/OS. + // EPOLL_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + // EPOLLET = 0x80000000 + // EPOLLONESHOT = 0x40000000 + // EPOLLRDHUP = 0x2000 // Typically used with edge-triggered notis + // EPOLLEXCLUSIVE = 0x10000000 // Exclusive wake-up mode + // EPOLLWAKEUP = 0x20000000 // Relies on Linux's BLOCK_SUSPEND capability +) + +// TODO(neeilan): We can eliminate these epToPoll / pToEpoll calls by using identical mask values for POLL/EPOLL +// constants where possible The lower 16 bits of epoll events (uint32) can fit any system poll event (int16). + +// epToPollEvt converts epoll event field to poll equivalent. +// In epoll, Events is a 32-bit field, while poll uses 16 bits. +func epToPollEvt(events uint32) int16 { + var ep2p = map[uint32]int16{ + EPOLLIN: POLLIN, + EPOLLOUT: POLLOUT, + EPOLLHUP: POLLHUP, + EPOLLPRI: POLLPRI, + EPOLLERR: POLLERR, + } + + var pollEvts int16 = 0 + for epEvt, pEvt := range ep2p { + if (events & epEvt) != 0 { + pollEvts |= pEvt + } + } + + return pollEvts +} + +// pToEpollEvt converts 16 bit poll event bitfields to 32-bit epoll event fields. +func pToEpollEvt(revents int16) uint32 { + var p2ep = map[int16]uint32{ + POLLIN: EPOLLIN, + POLLOUT: EPOLLOUT, + POLLHUP: EPOLLHUP, + POLLPRI: EPOLLPRI, + POLLERR: EPOLLERR, + } + + var epollEvts uint32 = 0 + for pEvt, epEvt := range p2ep { + if (revents & pEvt) != 0 { + epollEvts |= epEvt + } + } + + return epollEvts +} + +// Per-process epoll implementation. +type epollImpl struct { + mu sync.Mutex + epfd2ep map[int]*eventPoll + nextEpfd int +} + +// eventPoll holds a set of file descriptors being watched by the process. A process can have multiple epoll instances. +// On Linux, this is an in-kernel data structure accessed through a fd. +type eventPoll struct { + mu sync.Mutex + fds map[int]*EpollEvent +} + +// epoll impl for this process. +var impl epollImpl = epollImpl{ + epfd2ep: make(map[int]*eventPoll), + nextEpfd: 0, +} + +func (e *epollImpl) epollcreate(size int) (epfd int, err error) { + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + epfd = e.nextEpfd + e.nextEpfd++ + + e.epfd2ep[epfd] = &eventPoll{ + fds: make(map[int]*EpollEvent), + } + return epfd, nil +} + +func (e *epollImpl) epollcreate1(flag int) (fd int, err error) { + return e.epollcreate(4) +} + +func (e *epollImpl) epollctl(epfd int, op int, fd int, event *EpollEvent) (err error) { + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + + ep, ok := e.epfd2ep[epfd] + if !ok { + + return EBADF + } + + switch op { + case EPOLL_CTL_ADD: + // TODO(neeilan): When we make epfds and fds disjoint, detect epoll + // loops here (instances watching each other) and return ELOOP. + if _, ok := ep.fds[fd]; ok { + return EEXIST + } + ep.fds[fd] = event + case EPOLL_CTL_MOD: + if _, ok := ep.fds[fd]; !ok { + return ENOENT + } + ep.fds[fd] = event + case EPOLL_CTL_DEL: + if _, ok := ep.fds[fd]; !ok { + return ENOENT + } + delete(ep.fds, fd) + + } + return nil +} + +// Must be called while holding ep.mu +func (ep *eventPoll) getFds() []int { + fds := make([]int, len(ep.fds)) + for fd := range ep.fds { + fds = append(fds, fd) + } + return fds +} + +func (e *epollImpl) epollwait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { + e.mu.Lock() // in [rare] case of concurrent epollcreate + epollwait + ep, ok := e.epfd2ep[epfd] + + if !ok { + e.mu.Unlock() + return 0, EBADF + } + + pollfds := make([]PollFd, 4) + for fd, epollevt := range ep.fds { + pollfds = append(pollfds, PollFd{Fd: int32(fd), Events: epToPollEvt(epollevt.Events)}) + } + e.mu.Unlock() + + n, err = Poll(pollfds, msec) + if err != nil { + return n, err + } + + i := 0 + for _, pFd := range pollfds { + if pFd.Revents != 0 { + events[i] = EpollEvent{Fd: pFd.Fd, Events: pToEpollEvt(pFd.Revents)} + i++ + } + + if i == n { + break + } + } + + return n, nil +} + +func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { + return impl.epollcreate(size) +} + +func EpollCreate1(flag int) (fd int, err error) { + return impl.epollcreate1(flag) +} + +func EpollCtl(epfd int, op int, fd int, event *EpollEvent) (err error) { + return impl.epollctl(epfd, op, fd, event) +} + +// Because EpollWait mutates events, the caller is expected to coordinate +// concurrent access if calling with the same epfd from multiple goroutines. +func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { + return impl.epollwait(epfd, events, msec) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl.go index 4dc53486..e9b99125 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd // +build dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl_linux_32bit.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl_linux_32bit.go index 8db48e5e..29d44808 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl_linux_32bit.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fcntl_linux_32bit.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build linux,386 linux,arm linux,mips linux,mipsle +//go:build (linux && 386) || (linux && arm) || (linux && mips) || (linux && mipsle) || (linux && ppc) +// +build linux,386 linux,arm linux,mips linux,mipsle linux,ppc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go index b27be0a0..a8068f94 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fdset.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fstatfs_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fstatfs_zos.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e377cc9f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/fstatfs_zos.go @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build zos && s390x +// +build zos,s390x + +package unix + +import ( + "unsafe" +) + +// This file simulates fstatfs on z/OS using fstatvfs and w_getmntent. + +func Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { + var stat_v Statvfs_t + err = Fstatvfs(fd, &stat_v) + if err == nil { + // populate stat + stat.Type = 0 + stat.Bsize = stat_v.Bsize + stat.Blocks = stat_v.Blocks + stat.Bfree = stat_v.Bfree + stat.Bavail = stat_v.Bavail + stat.Files = stat_v.Files + stat.Ffree = stat_v.Ffree + stat.Fsid = stat_v.Fsid + stat.Namelen = stat_v.Namemax + stat.Frsize = stat_v.Frsize + stat.Flags = stat_v.Flag + for passn := 0; passn < 5; passn++ { + switch passn { + case 0: + err = tryGetmntent64(stat) + break + case 1: + err = tryGetmntent128(stat) + break + case 2: + err = tryGetmntent256(stat) + break + case 3: + err = tryGetmntent512(stat) + break + case 4: + err = tryGetmntent1024(stat) + break + default: + break + } + //proceed to return if: err is nil (found), err is nonnil but not ERANGE (another error occurred) + if err == nil || err != nil && err != ERANGE { + break + } + } + } + return err +} + +func tryGetmntent64(stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { + var mnt_ent_buffer struct { + header W_Mnth + filesys_info [64]W_Mntent + } + var buffer_size int = int(unsafe.Sizeof(mnt_ent_buffer)) + fs_count, err := W_Getmntent((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&mnt_ent_buffer)), buffer_size) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = ERANGE //return ERANGE if no match is found in this batch + for i := 0; i < fs_count; i++ { + if stat.Fsid == uint64(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Dev) { + stat.Type = uint32(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Fstname[0]) + err = nil + break + } + } + return err +} + +func tryGetmntent128(stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { + var mnt_ent_buffer struct { + header W_Mnth + filesys_info [128]W_Mntent + } + var buffer_size int = int(unsafe.Sizeof(mnt_ent_buffer)) + fs_count, err := W_Getmntent((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&mnt_ent_buffer)), buffer_size) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = ERANGE //return ERANGE if no match is found in this batch + for i := 0; i < fs_count; i++ { + if stat.Fsid == uint64(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Dev) { + stat.Type = uint32(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Fstname[0]) + err = nil + break + } + } + return err +} + +func tryGetmntent256(stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { + var mnt_ent_buffer struct { + header W_Mnth + filesys_info [256]W_Mntent + } + var buffer_size int = int(unsafe.Sizeof(mnt_ent_buffer)) + fs_count, err := W_Getmntent((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&mnt_ent_buffer)), buffer_size) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = ERANGE //return ERANGE if no match is found in this batch + for i := 0; i < fs_count; i++ { + if stat.Fsid == uint64(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Dev) { + stat.Type = uint32(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Fstname[0]) + err = nil + break + } + } + return err +} + +func tryGetmntent512(stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { + var mnt_ent_buffer struct { + header W_Mnth + filesys_info [512]W_Mntent + } + var buffer_size int = int(unsafe.Sizeof(mnt_ent_buffer)) + fs_count, err := W_Getmntent((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&mnt_ent_buffer)), buffer_size) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = ERANGE //return ERANGE if no match is found in this batch + for i := 0; i < fs_count; i++ { + if stat.Fsid == uint64(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Dev) { + stat.Type = uint32(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Fstname[0]) + err = nil + break + } + } + return err +} + +func tryGetmntent1024(stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { + var mnt_ent_buffer struct { + header W_Mnth + filesys_info [1024]W_Mntent + } + var buffer_size int = int(unsafe.Sizeof(mnt_ent_buffer)) + fs_count, err := W_Getmntent((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&mnt_ent_buffer)), buffer_size) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = ERANGE //return ERANGE if no match is found in this batch + for i := 0; i < fs_count; i++ { + if stat.Fsid == uint64(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Dev) { + stat.Type = uint32(mnt_ent_buffer.filesys_info[i].Fstname[0]) + err = nil + break + } + } + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo.go index 86032c11..0dee2322 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build gccgo -// +build !aix +//go:build gccgo && !aix +// +build gccgo,!aix package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_linux_amd64.go index 251a977a..e60e49a3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/gccgo_linux_amd64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build gccgo && linux && amd64 // +build gccgo,linux,amd64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..934af313 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ifreq_linux.go @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build linux +// +build linux + +package unix + +import ( + "bytes" + "unsafe" +) + +// Helpers for dealing with ifreq since it contains a union and thus requires a +// lot of unsafe.Pointer casts to use properly. + +// An Ifreq is a type-safe wrapper around the raw ifreq struct. An Ifreq +// contains an interface name and a union of arbitrary data which can be +// accessed using the Ifreq's methods. To create an Ifreq, use the NewIfreq +// function. +// +// Use the Name method to access the stored interface name. The union data +// fields can be get and set using the following methods: +// - Uint16/SetUint16: flags +// - Uint32/SetUint32: ifindex, metric, mtu +type Ifreq struct{ raw ifreq } + +// NewIfreq creates an Ifreq with the input network interface name after +// validating the name does not exceed IFNAMSIZ-1 (trailing NULL required) +// bytes. +func NewIfreq(name string) (*Ifreq, error) { + // Leave room for terminating NULL byte. + if len(name) >= IFNAMSIZ { + return nil, EINVAL + } + + var ifr ifreq + copy(ifr.Ifrn[:], name) + + return &Ifreq{raw: ifr}, nil +} + +// TODO(mdlayher): get/set methods for hardware address sockaddr, char array, etc. + +// Name returns the interface name associated with the Ifreq. +func (ifr *Ifreq) Name() string { + // BytePtrToString requires a NULL terminator or the program may crash. If + // one is not present, just return the empty string. + if !bytes.Contains(ifr.raw.Ifrn[:], []byte{0x00}) { + return "" + } + + return BytePtrToString(&ifr.raw.Ifrn[0]) +} + +// According to netdevice(7), only AF_INET addresses are returned for numerous +// sockaddr ioctls. For convenience, we expose these as Inet4Addr since the Port +// field and other data is always empty. + +// Inet4Addr returns the Ifreq union data from an embedded sockaddr as a C +// in_addr/Go []byte (4-byte IPv4 address) value. If the sockaddr family is not +// AF_INET, an error is returned. +func (ifr *Ifreq) Inet4Addr() ([]byte, error) { + raw := *(*RawSockaddrInet4)(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr.raw.Ifru[:SizeofSockaddrInet4][0])) + if raw.Family != AF_INET { + // Cannot safely interpret raw.Addr bytes as an IPv4 address. + return nil, EINVAL + } + + return raw.Addr[:], nil +} + +// SetInet4Addr sets a C in_addr/Go []byte (4-byte IPv4 address) value in an +// embedded sockaddr within the Ifreq's union data. v must be 4 bytes in length +// or an error will be returned. +func (ifr *Ifreq) SetInet4Addr(v []byte) error { + if len(v) != 4 { + return EINVAL + } + + var addr [4]byte + copy(addr[:], v) + + ifr.clear() + *(*RawSockaddrInet4)( + unsafe.Pointer(&ifr.raw.Ifru[:SizeofSockaddrInet4][0]), + ) = RawSockaddrInet4{ + // Always set IP family as ioctls would require it anyway. + Family: AF_INET, + Addr: addr, + } + + return nil +} + +// Uint16 returns the Ifreq union data as a C short/Go uint16 value. +func (ifr *Ifreq) Uint16() uint16 { + return *(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr.raw.Ifru[:2][0])) +} + +// SetUint16 sets a C short/Go uint16 value as the Ifreq's union data. +func (ifr *Ifreq) SetUint16(v uint16) { + ifr.clear() + *(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr.raw.Ifru[:2][0])) = v +} + +// Uint32 returns the Ifreq union data as a C int/Go uint32 value. +func (ifr *Ifreq) Uint32() uint32 { + return *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr.raw.Ifru[:4][0])) +} + +// SetUint32 sets a C int/Go uint32 value as the Ifreq's union data. +func (ifr *Ifreq) SetUint32(v uint32) { + ifr.clear() + *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&ifr.raw.Ifru[:4][0])) = v +} + +// clear zeroes the ifreq's union field to prevent trailing garbage data from +// being sent to the kernel if an ifreq is reused. +func (ifr *Ifreq) clear() { + for i := range ifr.raw.Ifru { + ifr.raw.Ifru[i] = 0 + } +} + +// TODO(mdlayher): export as IfreqData? For now we can provide helpers such as +// IoctlGetEthtoolDrvinfo which use these APIs under the hood. + +// An ifreqData is an Ifreq which carries pointer data. To produce an ifreqData, +// use the Ifreq.withData method. +type ifreqData struct { + name [IFNAMSIZ]byte + // A type separate from ifreq is required in order to comply with the + // unsafe.Pointer rules since the "pointer-ness" of data would not be + // preserved if it were cast into the byte array of a raw ifreq. + data unsafe.Pointer + // Pad to the same size as ifreq. + _ [len(ifreq{}.Ifru) - SizeofPtr]byte +} + +// withData produces an ifreqData with the pointer p set for ioctls which require +// arbitrary pointer data. +func (ifr Ifreq) withData(p unsafe.Pointer) ifreqData { + return ifreqData{ + name: ifr.raw.Ifrn, + data: p, + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl.go index 56416786..6c7ad052 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris // +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..884430b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_linux.go @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package unix + +import ( + "unsafe" +) + +// IoctlRetInt performs an ioctl operation specified by req on a device +// associated with opened file descriptor fd, and returns a non-negative +// integer that is returned by the ioctl syscall. +func IoctlRetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) { + ret, _, err := Syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), 0) + if err != 0 { + return 0, err + } + return int(ret), nil +} + +func IoctlGetUint32(fd int, req uint) (uint32, error) { + var value uint32 + err := ioctlPtr(fd, req, unsafe.Pointer(&value)) + return value, err +} + +func IoctlGetRTCTime(fd int) (*RTCTime, error) { + var value RTCTime + err := ioctlPtr(fd, RTC_RD_TIME, unsafe.Pointer(&value)) + return &value, err +} + +func IoctlSetRTCTime(fd int, value *RTCTime) error { + return ioctlPtr(fd, RTC_SET_TIME, unsafe.Pointer(value)) +} + +func IoctlGetRTCWkAlrm(fd int) (*RTCWkAlrm, error) { + var value RTCWkAlrm + err := ioctlPtr(fd, RTC_WKALM_RD, unsafe.Pointer(&value)) + return &value, err +} + +func IoctlSetRTCWkAlrm(fd int, value *RTCWkAlrm) error { + return ioctlPtr(fd, RTC_WKALM_SET, unsafe.Pointer(value)) +} + +// IoctlGetEthtoolDrvinfo fetches ethtool driver information for the network +// device specified by ifname. +func IoctlGetEthtoolDrvinfo(fd int, ifname string) (*EthtoolDrvinfo, error) { + ifr, err := NewIfreq(ifname) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + value := EthtoolDrvinfo{Cmd: ETHTOOL_GDRVINFO} + ifrd := ifr.withData(unsafe.Pointer(&value)) + + err = ioctlIfreqData(fd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifrd) + return &value, err +} + +// IoctlGetWatchdogInfo fetches information about a watchdog device from the +// Linux watchdog API. For more information, see: +// https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/watchdog/watchdog-api.html. +func IoctlGetWatchdogInfo(fd int) (*WatchdogInfo, error) { + var value WatchdogInfo + err := ioctlPtr(fd, WDIOC_GETSUPPORT, unsafe.Pointer(&value)) + return &value, err +} + +// IoctlWatchdogKeepalive issues a keepalive ioctl to a watchdog device. For +// more information, see: +// https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/watchdog/watchdog-api.html. +func IoctlWatchdogKeepalive(fd int) error { + // arg is ignored and not a pointer, so ioctl is fine instead of ioctlPtr. + return ioctl(fd, WDIOC_KEEPALIVE, 0) +} + +// IoctlFileCloneRange performs an FICLONERANGE ioctl operation to clone the +// range of data conveyed in value to the file associated with the file +// descriptor destFd. See the ioctl_ficlonerange(2) man page for details. +func IoctlFileCloneRange(destFd int, value *FileCloneRange) error { + return ioctlPtr(destFd, FICLONERANGE, unsafe.Pointer(value)) +} + +// IoctlFileClone performs an FICLONE ioctl operation to clone the entire file +// associated with the file description srcFd to the file associated with the +// file descriptor destFd. See the ioctl_ficlone(2) man page for details. +func IoctlFileClone(destFd, srcFd int) error { + return ioctl(destFd, FICLONE, uintptr(srcFd)) +} + +type FileDedupeRange struct { + Src_offset uint64 + Src_length uint64 + Reserved1 uint16 + Reserved2 uint32 + Info []FileDedupeRangeInfo +} + +type FileDedupeRangeInfo struct { + Dest_fd int64 + Dest_offset uint64 + Bytes_deduped uint64 + Status int32 + Reserved uint32 +} + +// IoctlFileDedupeRange performs an FIDEDUPERANGE ioctl operation to share the +// range of data conveyed in value from the file associated with the file +// descriptor srcFd to the value.Info destinations. See the +// ioctl_fideduperange(2) man page for details. +func IoctlFileDedupeRange(srcFd int, value *FileDedupeRange) error { + buf := make([]byte, SizeofRawFileDedupeRange+ + len(value.Info)*SizeofRawFileDedupeRangeInfo) + rawrange := (*RawFileDedupeRange)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])) + rawrange.Src_offset = value.Src_offset + rawrange.Src_length = value.Src_length + rawrange.Dest_count = uint16(len(value.Info)) + rawrange.Reserved1 = value.Reserved1 + rawrange.Reserved2 = value.Reserved2 + + for i := range value.Info { + rawinfo := (*RawFileDedupeRangeInfo)(unsafe.Pointer( + uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])) + uintptr(SizeofRawFileDedupeRange) + + uintptr(i*SizeofRawFileDedupeRangeInfo))) + rawinfo.Dest_fd = value.Info[i].Dest_fd + rawinfo.Dest_offset = value.Info[i].Dest_offset + rawinfo.Bytes_deduped = value.Info[i].Bytes_deduped + rawinfo.Status = value.Info[i].Status + rawinfo.Reserved = value.Info[i].Reserved + } + + err := ioctlPtr(srcFd, FIDEDUPERANGE, unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])) + + // Output + for i := range value.Info { + rawinfo := (*RawFileDedupeRangeInfo)(unsafe.Pointer( + uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])) + uintptr(SizeofRawFileDedupeRange) + + uintptr(i*SizeofRawFileDedupeRangeInfo))) + value.Info[i].Dest_fd = rawinfo.Dest_fd + value.Info[i].Dest_offset = rawinfo.Dest_offset + value.Info[i].Bytes_deduped = rawinfo.Bytes_deduped + value.Info[i].Status = rawinfo.Status + value.Info[i].Reserved = rawinfo.Reserved + } + + return err +} + +func IoctlHIDGetDesc(fd int, value *HIDRawReportDescriptor) error { + return ioctlPtr(fd, HIDIOCGRDESC, unsafe.Pointer(value)) +} + +func IoctlHIDGetRawInfo(fd int) (*HIDRawDevInfo, error) { + var value HIDRawDevInfo + err := ioctlPtr(fd, HIDIOCGRAWINFO, unsafe.Pointer(&value)) + return &value, err +} + +func IoctlHIDGetRawName(fd int) (string, error) { + var value [_HIDIOCGRAWNAME_LEN]byte + err := ioctlPtr(fd, _HIDIOCGRAWNAME, unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])) + return ByteSliceToString(value[:]), err +} + +func IoctlHIDGetRawPhys(fd int) (string, error) { + var value [_HIDIOCGRAWPHYS_LEN]byte + err := ioctlPtr(fd, _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS, unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])) + return ByteSliceToString(value[:]), err +} + +func IoctlHIDGetRawUniq(fd int) (string, error) { + var value [_HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ_LEN]byte + err := ioctlPtr(fd, _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ, unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])) + return ByteSliceToString(value[:]), err +} + +// IoctlIfreq performs an ioctl using an Ifreq structure for input and/or +// output. See the netdevice(7) man page for details. +func IoctlIfreq(fd int, req uint, value *Ifreq) error { + // It is possible we will add more fields to *Ifreq itself later to prevent + // misuse, so pass the raw *ifreq directly. + return ioctlPtr(fd, req, unsafe.Pointer(&value.raw)) +} + +// TODO(mdlayher): export if and when IfreqData is exported. + +// ioctlIfreqData performs an ioctl using an ifreqData structure for input +// and/or output. See the netdevice(7) man page for details. +func ioctlIfreqData(fd int, req uint, value *ifreqData) error { + // The memory layout of IfreqData (type-safe) and ifreq (not type-safe) are + // identical so pass *IfreqData directly. + return ioctlPtr(fd, req, unsafe.Pointer(value)) +} + +// IoctlKCMClone attaches a new file descriptor to a multiplexor by cloning an +// existing KCM socket, returning a structure containing the file descriptor of +// the new socket. +func IoctlKCMClone(fd int) (*KCMClone, error) { + var info KCMClone + if err := ioctlPtr(fd, SIOCKCMCLONE, unsafe.Pointer(&info)); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + return &info, nil +} + +// IoctlKCMAttach attaches a TCP socket and associated BPF program file +// descriptor to a multiplexor. +func IoctlKCMAttach(fd int, info KCMAttach) error { + return ioctlPtr(fd, SIOCKCMATTACH, unsafe.Pointer(&info)) +} + +// IoctlKCMUnattach unattaches a TCP socket file descriptor from a multiplexor. +func IoctlKCMUnattach(fd int, info KCMUnattach) error { + return ioctlPtr(fd, SIOCKCMUNATTACH, unsafe.Pointer(&info)) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_zos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_zos.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5384e7d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ioctl_zos.go @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build zos && s390x +// +build zos,s390x + +package unix + +import ( + "runtime" + "unsafe" +) + +// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set +// functions for specific types are permissible. + +// IoctlSetInt performs an ioctl operation which sets an integer value +// on fd, using the specified request number. +func IoctlSetInt(fd int, req uint, value int) error { + return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(value)) +} + +// IoctlSetWinsize performs an ioctl on fd with a *Winsize argument. +// +// To change fd's window size, the req argument should be TIOCSWINSZ. +func IoctlSetWinsize(fd int, req uint, value *Winsize) error { + // TODO: if we get the chance, remove the req parameter and + // hardcode TIOCSWINSZ. + err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value))) + runtime.KeepAlive(value) + return err +} + +// IoctlSetTermios performs an ioctl on fd with a *Termios. +// +// The req value is expected to be TCSETS, TCSETSW, or TCSETSF +func IoctlSetTermios(fd int, req uint, value *Termios) error { + if (req != TCSETS) && (req != TCSETSW) && (req != TCSETSF) { + return ENOSYS + } + err := Tcsetattr(fd, int(req), value) + runtime.KeepAlive(value) + return err +} + +// IoctlGetInt performs an ioctl operation which gets an integer value +// from fd, using the specified request number. +// +// A few ioctl requests use the return value as an output parameter; +// for those, IoctlRetInt should be used instead of this function. +func IoctlGetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) { + var value int + err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value))) + return value, err +} + +func IoctlGetWinsize(fd int, req uint) (*Winsize, error) { + var value Winsize + err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value))) + return &value, err +} + +// IoctlGetTermios performs an ioctl on fd with a *Termios. +// +// The req value is expected to be TCGETS +func IoctlGetTermios(fd int, req uint) (*Termios, error) { + var value Termios + if req != TCGETS { + return &value, ENOSYS + } + err := Tcgetattr(fd, &value) + return &value, err +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh index d257fac5..ee736234 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkall.sh @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ if [[ "$GOOS" = "linux" ]]; then # Use the Docker-based build system # Files generated through docker (use $cmd so you can Ctl-C the build or run) $cmd docker build --tag generate:$GOOS $GOOS - $cmd docker run --interactive --tty --volume $(cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && /bin/pwd):/build generate:$GOOS + $cmd docker run --interactive --tty --volume $(cd -- "$(dirname -- "$0")/.." && /bin/pwd):/build generate:$GOOS exit fi @@ -70,23 +70,11 @@ aix_ppc64) mksyscall="go run mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go -aix" mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs" ;; -darwin_386) - mkerrors="$mkerrors -m32" - mksyscall="go run mksyscall.go -l32" - mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs" - mkasm="go run mkasm_darwin.go" - ;; darwin_amd64) mkerrors="$mkerrors -m64" mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs" mkasm="go run mkasm_darwin.go" ;; -darwin_arm) - mkerrors="$mkerrors" - mksyscall="go run mksyscall.go -l32" - mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs" - mkasm="go run mkasm_darwin.go" - ;; darwin_arm64) mkerrors="$mkerrors -m64" mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs" @@ -199,7 +187,7 @@ illumos_amd64) mksyscall="go run mksyscall_solaris.go" mkerrors= mksysnum= - mktypes= + mktypes="GOARCH=$GOARCH go tool cgo -godefs" ;; *) echo 'unrecognized $GOOS_$GOARCH: ' "$GOOSARCH" 1>&2 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh index b8313e98..72f65a9a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/mkerrors.sh @@ -54,8 +54,9 @@ includes_AIX=' includes_Darwin=' #define _DARWIN_C_SOURCE -#define KERNEL +#define KERNEL 1 #define _DARWIN_USE_64_BIT_INODE +#define __APPLE_USE_RFC_3542 #include #include #include @@ -65,6 +66,7 @@ includes_Darwin=' #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ includes_Darwin=' #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -80,6 +83,9 @@ includes_Darwin=' #include #include #include + +// for backwards compatibility because moved TIOCREMOTE to Kernel.framework after MacOSX12.0.sdk. +#define TIOCREMOTE 0x80047469 ' includes_DragonFly=' @@ -114,6 +120,7 @@ includes_FreeBSD=' #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -198,6 +205,7 @@ struct ltchars { #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -213,7 +221,7 @@ struct ltchars { #include #include #include -#include +#include #include #include #include @@ -223,16 +231,21 @@ struct ltchars { #include #include #include +#include +#include #include #include +#include #include #include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -250,8 +263,10 @@ struct ltchars { #include #include #include +#include #include +#include #include #if defined(__sparc__) @@ -299,6 +314,17 @@ struct ltchars { // Including linux/l2tp.h here causes conflicts between linux/in.h // and netinet/in.h included via net/route.h above. #define IPPROTO_L2TP 115 + +// Copied from linux/hid.h. +// Keep in sync with the size of the referenced fields. +#define _HIDIOCGRAWNAME_LEN 128 // sizeof_field(struct hid_device, name) +#define _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS_LEN 64 // sizeof_field(struct hid_device, phys) +#define _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ_LEN 64 // sizeof_field(struct hid_device, uniq) + +#define _HIDIOCGRAWNAME HIDIOCGRAWNAME(_HIDIOCGRAWNAME_LEN) +#define _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS HIDIOCGRAWPHYS(_HIDIOCGRAWPHYS_LEN) +#define _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ(_HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ_LEN) + ' includes_NetBSD=' @@ -388,10 +414,11 @@ includes_SunOS=' #include #include #include +#include #include -#include #include #include +#include ' @@ -446,6 +473,7 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 !~ /^EPROC_/ && $2 !~ /^EQUIV_/ && $2 !~ /^EXPR_/ && + $2 !~ /^EVIOC/ && $2 ~ /^E[A-Z0-9_]+$/ || $2 ~ /^B[0-9_]+$/ || $2 ~ /^(OLD|NEW)DEV$/ || @@ -477,13 +505,18 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 ~ /^O?XTABS$/ || $2 ~ /^TC[IO](ON|OFF)$/ || $2 ~ /^IN_/ || + $2 ~ /^KCM/ || + $2 ~ /^LANDLOCK_/ || $2 ~ /^LOCK_(SH|EX|NB|UN)$/ || $2 ~ /^LO_(KEY|NAME)_SIZE$/ || $2 ~ /^LOOP_(CLR|CTL|GET|SET)_/ || - $2 ~ /^(AF|SOCK|SO|SOL|IPPROTO|IP|IPV6|ICMP6|TCP|MCAST|EVFILT|NOTE|EV|SHUT|PROT|MAP|MFD|T?PACKET|MSG|SCM|MCL|DT|MADV|PR)_/ || + $2 ~ /^(AF|SOCK|SO|SOL|IPPROTO|IP|IPV6|TCP|MCAST|EVFILT|NOTE|SHUT|PROT|MAP|MFD|T?PACKET|MSG|SCM|MCL|DT|MADV|PR|LOCAL|TCPOPT)_/ || + $2 ~ /^NFC_(GENL|PROTO|COMM|RF|SE|DIRECTION|LLCP|SOCKPROTO)_/ || + $2 ~ /^NFC_.*_(MAX)?SIZE$/ || + $2 ~ /^RAW_PAYLOAD_/ || $2 ~ /^TP_STATUS_/ || $2 ~ /^FALLOC_/ || - $2 == "ICMPV6_FILTER" || + $2 ~ /^ICMPV?6?_(FILTER|SEC)/ || $2 == "SOMAXCONN" || $2 == "NAME_MAX" || $2 == "IFNAMSIZ" || @@ -492,7 +525,7 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 ~ /^HW_MACHINE$/ || $2 ~ /^SYSCTL_VERS/ || $2 !~ "MNT_BITS" && - $2 ~ /^(MS|MNT|UMOUNT)_/ || + $2 ~ /^(MS|MNT|MOUNT|UMOUNT)_/ || $2 ~ /^NS_GET_/ || $2 ~ /^TUN(SET|GET|ATTACH|DETACH)/ || $2 ~ /^(O|F|[ES]?FD|NAME|S|PTRACE|PT|TFD)_/ || @@ -538,6 +571,7 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 ~ /^KEYCTL_/ || $2 ~ /^PERF_/ || $2 ~ /^SECCOMP_MODE_/ || + $2 ~ /^SEEK_/ || $2 ~ /^SPLICE_/ || $2 ~ /^SYNC_FILE_RANGE_/ || $2 !~ /^AUDIT_RECORD_MAGIC/ && @@ -566,10 +600,19 @@ ccflags="$@" $2 ~ /^DEVLINK_/ || $2 ~ /^ETHTOOL_/ || $2 ~ /^LWTUNNEL_IP/ || + $2 ~ /^ITIMER_/ || $2 !~ "WMESGLEN" && $2 ~ /^W[A-Z0-9]+$/ || + $2 ~ /^P_/ || $2 ~/^PPPIOC/ || $2 ~ /^FAN_|FANOTIFY_/ || + $2 == "HID_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE" || + $2 ~ /^_?HIDIOC/ || + $2 ~ /^BUS_(USB|HIL|BLUETOOTH|VIRTUAL)$/ || + $2 ~ /^MTD/ || + $2 ~ /^OTP/ || + $2 ~ /^MEM/ || + $2 ~ /^WG/ || $2 ~ /^BLK[A-Z]*(GET$|SET$|BUF$|PART$|SIZE)/ {printf("\t%s = C.%s\n", $2, $2)} $2 ~ /^__WCOREFLAG$/ {next} $2 ~ /^__W[A-Z0-9]+$/ {printf("\t%s = C.%s\n", substr($2,3), $2)} @@ -607,6 +650,7 @@ echo '#include ' | $CC -x c - -E -dM $ccflags | echo '// mkerrors.sh' "$@" echo '// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT.' echo +echo "//go:build ${GOARCH} && ${GOOS}" echo "// +build ${GOARCH},${GOOS}" echo go tool cgo -godefs -- "$@" _const.go >_error.out diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pagesize_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pagesize_unix.go index bc2f3629..53f1b4c5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pagesize_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/pagesize_unix.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris // +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris // For Unix, get the pagesize from the runtime. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_darwin.go index fc568b54..463c3eff 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_darwin.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_darwin.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build darwin && !ios // +build darwin,!ios package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_ios.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_ios.go index 183441c9..ed0509a0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_ios.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ptrace_ios.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build ios // +build ios package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race.go index 61712b51..6f6c5fec 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build (darwin && race) || (linux && race) || (freebsd && race) // +build darwin,race linux,race freebsd,race package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race0.go index ad026678..706e1322 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/race0.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix darwin,!race linux,!race freebsd,!race netbsd openbsd solaris dragonfly +//go:build aix || (darwin && !race) || (linux && !race) || (freebsd && !race) || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || dragonfly || zos +// +build aix darwin,!race linux,!race freebsd,!race netbsd openbsd solaris dragonfly zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdents.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdents.go index 3a90aa6d..4d625756 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdents.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdents.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build aix || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd // +build aix dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdirentries.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdirentries.go index 5fdae40b..2a4ba47c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdirentries.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/readdirent_getdirentries.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build darwin // +build darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_linux.go index 8bf45705..5f63147e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_linux.go @@ -34,3 +34,52 @@ func ParseUnixCredentials(m *SocketControlMessage) (*Ucred, error) { ucred := *(*Ucred)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.Data[0])) return &ucred, nil } + +// PktInfo4 encodes Inet4Pktinfo into a socket control message of type IP_PKTINFO. +func PktInfo4(info *Inet4Pktinfo) []byte { + b := make([]byte, CmsgSpace(SizeofInet4Pktinfo)) + h := (*Cmsghdr)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])) + h.Level = SOL_IP + h.Type = IP_PKTINFO + h.SetLen(CmsgLen(SizeofInet4Pktinfo)) + *(*Inet4Pktinfo)(h.data(0)) = *info + return b +} + +// PktInfo6 encodes Inet6Pktinfo into a socket control message of type IPV6_PKTINFO. +func PktInfo6(info *Inet6Pktinfo) []byte { + b := make([]byte, CmsgSpace(SizeofInet6Pktinfo)) + h := (*Cmsghdr)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])) + h.Level = SOL_IPV6 + h.Type = IPV6_PKTINFO + h.SetLen(CmsgLen(SizeofInet6Pktinfo)) + *(*Inet6Pktinfo)(h.data(0)) = *info + return b +} + +// ParseOrigDstAddr decodes a socket control message containing the original +// destination address. To receive such a message the IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR or +// IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR option must be enabled on the socket. +func ParseOrigDstAddr(m *SocketControlMessage) (Sockaddr, error) { + switch { + case m.Header.Level == SOL_IP && m.Header.Type == IP_ORIGDSTADDR: + pp := (*RawSockaddrInet4)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.Data[0])) + sa := new(SockaddrInet4) + p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) + sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) + sa.Addr = pp.Addr + return sa, nil + + case m.Header.Level == SOL_IPV6 && m.Header.Type == IPV6_ORIGDSTADDR: + pp := (*RawSockaddrInet6)(unsafe.Pointer(&m.Data[0])) + sa := new(SockaddrInet6) + p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) + sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) + sa.ZoneId = pp.Scope_id + sa.Addr = pp.Addr + return sa, nil + + default: + return nil, EINVAL + } +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go index 003916ed..453a942c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos // Socket control messages diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go index 57a0021d..0840fe4a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sockcmsg_unix_other.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix darwin freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris +//go:build aix || darwin || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos +// +build aix darwin freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package unix @@ -36,6 +37,10 @@ func cmsgAlignOf(salen int) int { if runtime.GOOS == "netbsd" && runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" { salign = 16 } + case "zos": + // z/OS socket macros use [32-bit] sizeof(int) alignment, + // not pointer width. + salign = SizeofInt } return (salen + salign - 1) & ^(salign - 1) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/str.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/str.go index 17fb6986..8ba89ed8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/str.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/str.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris // +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall.go index ab75ef9c..649fa874 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos // Package unix contains an interface to the low-level operating system // primitives. OS details vary depending on the underlying system, and diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go index 44081538..f2a114fc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build aix // +build aix // Aix system calls. @@ -69,9 +70,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet4) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw.Port)) p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrInet4, nil } @@ -84,9 +83,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet6) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) sa.raw.Scope_id = sa.ZoneId - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrInet6, nil } @@ -218,18 +215,12 @@ func Accept(fd int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { return } -func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { // Recvmsg not implemented on AIX - sa := new(SockaddrUnix) - return -1, -1, -1, sa, ENOSYS -} - -func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { - _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) - return + return -1, -1, -1, ENOSYS } -func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { +func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { // SendmsgN not implemented on AIX return -1, ENOSYS } @@ -251,7 +242,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { } } - bytes := (*[10000]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n] + bytes := (*[len(pp.Path)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n] sa.Name = string(bytes) return sa, nil @@ -260,9 +251,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { sa := new(SockaddrInet4) p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil case AF_INET6: @@ -271,9 +260,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) sa.ZoneId = pp.Scope_id - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil } return nil, EAFNOSUPPORT @@ -384,6 +371,11 @@ func (w WaitStatus) TrapCause() int { return -1 } //sys fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) +//sys fsyncRange(fd int, how int, start int64, length int64) (err error) = fsync_range +func Fsync(fd int) error { + return fsyncRange(fd, O_SYNC, 0, 0) +} + /* * Direct access */ @@ -400,7 +392,6 @@ func (w WaitStatus) TrapCause() int { return -1 } //sys Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) //sys Fchownat(dirfd int, path string, uid int, gid int, flags int) (err error) //sys Fdatasync(fd int) (err error) -//sys Fsync(fd int) (err error) // readdir_r //sysnb Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) @@ -419,8 +410,8 @@ func (w WaitStatus) TrapCause() int { return -1 } //sys Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) //sys Mknodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) //sys Nanosleep(time *Timespec, leftover *Timespec) (err error) -//sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) = open64 -//sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, flags int, mode uint32) (fd int, err error) +//sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) = open64 +//sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, flags int, mode uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) @@ -439,8 +430,8 @@ func (w WaitStatus) TrapCause() int { return -1 } //sysnb Times(tms *Tms) (ticks uintptr, err error) //sysnb Umask(mask int) (oldmask int) //sysnb Uname(buf *Utsname) (err error) -//sys Unlink(path string) (err error) -//sys Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) +//sys Unlink(path string) (err error) +//sys Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) //sys write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys readlen(fd int, p *byte, np int) (n int, err error) = read @@ -461,8 +452,8 @@ func (w WaitStatus) TrapCause() int { return -1 } //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = pread64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = pwrite64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = pread64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = pwrite64 //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) //sys Pselect(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) //sysnb Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) @@ -514,7 +505,7 @@ func Munmap(b []byte) (err error) { //sys Munlock(b []byte) (err error) //sys Munlockall() (err error) -//sysnb pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) +//sysnb pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { if len(p) != 2 { @@ -522,8 +513,10 @@ func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { } var pp [2]_C_int err = pipe(&pp) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) + if err == nil { + p[0] = int(pp[0]) + p[1] = int(pp[1]) + } return } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go index b3c8e330..e92a0be1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix -// +build ppc +//go:build aix && ppc +// +build aix,ppc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go index 9a6e0241..16eed170 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_aix_ppc64.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix -// +build ppc64 +//go:build aix && ppc64 +// +build aix,ppc64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go index bc634a28..9c87c5f0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_bsd.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || netbsd || openbsd // +build darwin dragonfly freebsd netbsd openbsd // BSD system call wrappers shared by *BSD based systems @@ -162,9 +163,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet4) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw.Port)) p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), _Socklen(sa.raw.Len), nil } @@ -178,9 +177,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet6) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) sa.raw.Scope_id = sa.ZoneId - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), _Socklen(sa.raw.Len), nil } @@ -209,9 +206,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrDatalink) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { sa.raw.Nlen = sa.Nlen sa.raw.Alen = sa.Alen sa.raw.Slen = sa.Slen - for i := 0; i < len(sa.raw.Data); i++ { - sa.raw.Data[i] = sa.Data[i] - } + sa.raw.Data = sa.Data return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrDatalink, nil } @@ -227,9 +222,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { sa.Nlen = pp.Nlen sa.Alen = pp.Alen sa.Slen = pp.Slen - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Data); i++ { - sa.Data[i] = pp.Data[i] - } + sa.Data = pp.Data return sa, nil case AF_UNIX: @@ -261,9 +254,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { sa := new(SockaddrInet4) p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil case AF_INET6: @@ -272,9 +263,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) sa.ZoneId = pp.Scope_id - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil } return anyToSockaddrGOOS(fd, rsa) @@ -318,7 +307,7 @@ func Getsockname(fd int) (sa Sockaddr, err error) { return anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) } -//sysnb socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) +//sysnb socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) // GetsockoptString returns the string value of the socket option opt for the // socket associated with fd at the given socket level. @@ -332,14 +321,13 @@ func GetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int) (string, error) { return string(buf[:vallen-1]), nil } -//sys recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) -//sys sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) +//sys recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) +//sys sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) -func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { var msg Msghdr - var rsa RawSockaddrAny - msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rsa)) + msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) msg.Namelen = uint32(SizeofSockaddrAny) var iov Iovec if len(p) > 0 { @@ -363,29 +351,12 @@ func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from } oobn = int(msg.Controllen) recvflags = int(msg.Flags) - // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected - if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { - from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) - } return } //sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) -func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { - _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) - return -} - -func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - var ptr unsafe.Pointer - var salen _Socklen - if to != nil { - ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } +func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) msg.Namelen = uint32(salen) @@ -582,12 +553,7 @@ func UtimesNano(path string, ts []Timespec) error { if len(ts) != 2 { return EINVAL } - // Darwin setattrlist can set nanosecond timestamps - err := setattrlistTimes(path, ts, 0) - if err != ENOSYS { - return err - } - err = utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, (*[2]Timespec)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts[0])), 0) + err := utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, (*[2]Timespec)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts[0])), 0) if err != ENOSYS { return err } @@ -607,10 +573,6 @@ func UtimesNanoAt(dirfd int, path string, ts []Timespec, flags int) error { if len(ts) != 2 { return EINVAL } - err := setattrlistTimes(path, ts, flags) - if err != ENOSYS { - return err - } return utimensat(dirfd, path, (*[2]Timespec)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts[0])), flags) } @@ -626,7 +588,7 @@ func Futimes(fd int, tv []Timeval) error { return futimes(fd, (*[2]Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(&tv[0]))) } -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) +//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { if len(fds) == 0 { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_12.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_12.go index b31ef035..b0098607 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_12.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_12.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build darwin && go1.12 && !go1.13 // +build darwin,go1.12,!go1.13 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_13.go index ee852f1a..1596426b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_13.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.1_13.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build darwin && go1.13 // +build darwin,go1.13 package unix @@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ import ( //sys readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno) func fdopendir(fd int) (dir uintptr, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscallPtr(funcPC(libc_fdopendir_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscallPtr(libc_fdopendir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) dir = uintptr(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ func fdopendir(fd int) (dir uintptr, err error) { return } -func libc_fdopendir_trampoline() +var libc_fdopendir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fdopendir fdopendir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go index 16f9c226..09a25c65 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin.go @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ package unix import ( + "fmt" "runtime" "syscall" "unsafe" @@ -47,6 +48,30 @@ func (sa *SockaddrCtl) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrCtl, nil } +// SockaddrVM implements the Sockaddr interface for AF_VSOCK type sockets. +// SockaddrVM provides access to Darwin VM sockets: a mechanism that enables +// bidirectional communication between a hypervisor and its guest virtual +// machines. +type SockaddrVM struct { + // CID and Port specify a context ID and port address for a VM socket. + // Guests have a unique CID, and hosts may have a well-known CID of: + // - VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR: refers to the hypervisor process. + // - VMADDR_CID_LOCAL: refers to local communication (loopback). + // - VMADDR_CID_HOST: refers to other processes on the host. + CID uint32 + Port uint32 + raw RawSockaddrVM +} + +func (sa *SockaddrVM) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { + sa.raw.Len = SizeofSockaddrVM + sa.raw.Family = AF_VSOCK + sa.raw.Port = sa.Port + sa.raw.Cid = sa.CID + + return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrVM, nil +} + func anyToSockaddrGOOS(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { switch rsa.Addr.Family { case AF_SYSTEM: @@ -57,6 +82,13 @@ func anyToSockaddrGOOS(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { sa.Unit = pp.Sc_unit return sa, nil } + case AF_VSOCK: + pp := (*RawSockaddrVM)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) + sa := &SockaddrVM{ + CID: pp.Cid, + Port: pp.Port, + } + return sa, nil } return nil, EAFNOSUPPORT } @@ -109,17 +141,7 @@ func direntNamlen(buf []byte) (uint64, bool) { func PtraceAttach(pid int) (err error) { return ptrace(PT_ATTACH, pid, 0, 0) } func PtraceDetach(pid int) (err error) { return ptrace(PT_DETACH, pid, 0, 0) } -type attrList struct { - bitmapCount uint16 - _ uint16 - CommonAttr uint32 - VolAttr uint32 - DirAttr uint32 - FileAttr uint32 - Forkattr uint32 -} - -//sysnb pipe(p *[2]int32) (err error) +//sysnb pipe(p *[2]int32) (err error) func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { if len(p) != 2 { @@ -127,8 +149,10 @@ func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { } var x [2]int32 err = pipe(&x) - p[0] = int(x[0]) - p[1] = int(x[1]) + if err == nil { + p[0] = int(x[0]) + p[1] = int(x[1]) + } return } @@ -248,36 +272,7 @@ func Flistxattr(fd int, dest []byte) (sz int, err error) { return flistxattr(fd, xattrPointer(dest), len(dest), 0) } -func setattrlistTimes(path string, times []Timespec, flags int) error { - _p0, err := BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return err - } - - var attrList attrList - attrList.bitmapCount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT - attrList.CommonAttr = ATTR_CMN_MODTIME | ATTR_CMN_ACCTIME - - // order is mtime, atime: the opposite of Chtimes - attributes := [2]Timespec{times[1], times[0]} - options := 0 - if flags&AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW != 0 { - options |= FSOPT_NOFOLLOW - } - return setattrlist( - _p0, - unsafe.Pointer(&attrList), - unsafe.Pointer(&attributes), - unsafe.Sizeof(attributes), - options) -} - -//sys setattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error) - -func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) error { - // Darwin doesn't support SYS_UTIMENSAT - return ENOSYS -} +//sys utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) /* * Wrapped @@ -320,7 +315,7 @@ func IoctlSetIfreqMTU(fd int, ifreq *IfreqMTU) error { return err } -//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS_SYSCTL +//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS_SYSCTL func Uname(uname *Utsname) error { mib := []_C_int{CTL_KERN, KERN_OSTYPE} @@ -378,8 +373,82 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e return } +func GetsockoptIPMreqn(fd, level, opt int) (*IPMreqn, error) { + var value IPMreqn + vallen := _Socklen(SizeofIPMreqn) + errno := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), &vallen) + return &value, errno +} + +func SetsockoptIPMreqn(fd, level, opt int, mreq *IPMreqn) (err error) { + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(mreq), unsafe.Sizeof(*mreq)) +} + +// GetsockoptXucred is a getsockopt wrapper that returns an Xucred struct. +// The usual level and opt are SOL_LOCAL and LOCAL_PEERCRED, respectively. +func GetsockoptXucred(fd, level, opt int) (*Xucred, error) { + x := new(Xucred) + vallen := _Socklen(SizeofXucred) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(x), &vallen) + return x, err +} + +func SysctlKinfoProc(name string, args ...int) (*KinfoProc, error) { + mib, err := sysctlmib(name, args...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + var kinfo KinfoProc + n := uintptr(SizeofKinfoProc) + if err := sysctl(mib, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&kinfo)), &n, nil, 0); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if n != SizeofKinfoProc { + return nil, EIO + } + return &kinfo, nil +} + +func SysctlKinfoProcSlice(name string, args ...int) ([]KinfoProc, error) { + mib, err := sysctlmib(name, args...) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // Find size. + n := uintptr(0) + if err := sysctl(mib, nil, &n, nil, 0); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if n == 0 { + return nil, nil + } + if n%SizeofKinfoProc != 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("sysctl() returned a size of %d, which is not a multiple of %d", n, SizeofKinfoProc) + } + + // Read into buffer of that size. + buf := make([]KinfoProc, n/SizeofKinfoProc) + if err := sysctl(mib, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), &n, nil, 0); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if n%SizeofKinfoProc != 0 { + return nil, fmt.Errorf("sysctl() returned a size of %d, which is not a multiple of %d", n, SizeofKinfoProc) + } + + // The actual call may return less than the original reported required + // size so ensure we deal with that. + return buf[:n/SizeofKinfoProc], nil +} + //sys sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) +//sys shmat(id int, addr uintptr, flag int) (ret uintptr, err error) +//sys shmctl(id int, cmd int, buf *SysvShmDesc) (result int, err error) +//sys shmdt(addr uintptr) (err error) +//sys shmget(key int, size int, flag int) (id int, err error) + /* * Exposed directly */ @@ -438,8 +507,8 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e //sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) @@ -472,8 +541,8 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e //sys Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) //sys Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error) //sys write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) -//sys mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) -//sys munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) +//sys mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) +//sys munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) //sys readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) = SYS_READ //sys writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) = SYS_WRITE @@ -537,10 +606,6 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e // Msgget // Msgsnd // Msgrcv -// Shmat -// Shmctl -// Shmdt -// Shmget // Shm_open // Shm_unlink // Sem_open diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.go deleted file mode 100644 index ee065fcf..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_386.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,50 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -// +build 386,darwin - -package unix - -import "syscall" - -func setTimespec(sec, nsec int64) Timespec { - return Timespec{Sec: int32(sec), Nsec: int32(nsec)} -} - -func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { - return Timeval{Sec: int32(sec), Usec: int32(usec)} -} - -func SetKevent(k *Kevent_t, fd, mode, flags int) { - k.Ident = uint32(fd) - k.Filter = int16(mode) - k.Flags = uint16(flags) -} - -func (iov *Iovec) SetLen(length int) { - iov.Len = uint32(length) -} - -func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) { - msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length) -} - -func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) { - msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length) -} - -func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { - cmsg.Len = uint32(length) -} - -func Syscall9(num, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno) - -//sys Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_FSTAT64 -//sys Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) = SYS_FSTATAT64 -//sys Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) = SYS_FSTATFS64 -//sys getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) = SYS_GETFSSTAT64 -//sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_LSTAT64 -//sys ptrace1(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) = SYS_ptrace -//sys Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_STAT64 -//sys Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) = SYS_STATFS64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go index 7a1f64a7..b37310ce 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_amd64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build amd64 && darwin // +build amd64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.go deleted file mode 100644 index d30735c5..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,51 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2015 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package unix - -import "syscall" - -func ptrace1(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) error { - return ENOTSUP -} - -func setTimespec(sec, nsec int64) Timespec { - return Timespec{Sec: int32(sec), Nsec: int32(nsec)} -} - -func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { - return Timeval{Sec: int32(sec), Usec: int32(usec)} -} - -func SetKevent(k *Kevent_t, fd, mode, flags int) { - k.Ident = uint32(fd) - k.Filter = int16(mode) - k.Flags = uint16(flags) -} - -func (iov *Iovec) SetLen(length int) { - iov.Len = uint32(length) -} - -func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) { - msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length) -} - -func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) { - msghdr.Iovlen = int32(length) -} - -func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { - cmsg.Len = uint32(length) -} - -func Syscall9(num, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno) // sic - -//sys Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) -//sys Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) -//sys Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) -//sys getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) = SYS_GETFSSTAT -//sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) -//sys Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) -//sys Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go index 9f85fd40..d51ec996 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_arm64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm64 && darwin // +build arm64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go index f34c86c8..53c96641 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_darwin_libSystem.go @@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build darwin && go1.12 // +build darwin,go1.12 package unix -import "unsafe" +import _ "unsafe" // Implemented in the runtime package (runtime/sys_darwin.go) func syscall_syscall(fn, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) @@ -24,10 +25,3 @@ func syscall_syscallPtr(fn, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) //go:linkname syscall_rawSyscall syscall.rawSyscall //go:linkname syscall_rawSyscall6 syscall.rawSyscall6 //go:linkname syscall_syscallPtr syscall.syscallPtr - -// Find the entry point for f. See comments in runtime/proc.go for the -// function of the same name. -//go:nosplit -func funcPC(f func()) uintptr { - return **(**uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&f)) -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go index a4f2944a..c61e2749 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly.go @@ -95,36 +95,42 @@ func direntNamlen(buf []byte) (uint64, bool) { return readInt(buf, unsafe.Offsetof(Dirent{}.Namlen), unsafe.Sizeof(Dirent{}.Namlen)) } -//sysnb pipe() (r int, w int, err error) +//sysnb pipe() (r int, w int, err error) func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { if len(p) != 2 { return EINVAL } - p[0], p[1], err = pipe() + r, w, err := pipe() + if err == nil { + p[0], p[1] = r, w + } return } -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) +//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (r int, w int, err error) -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) error { +func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { if len(p) != 2 { return EINVAL } var pp [2]_C_int - err := pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) + // pipe2 on dragonfly takes an fds array as an argument, but still + // returns the file descriptors. + r, w, err := pipe2(&pp, flags) + if err == nil { + p[0], p[1] = r, w + } return err } //sys extpread(fd int, p []byte, flags int, offset int64) (n int, err error) -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return extpread(fd, p, 0, offset) } //sys extpwrite(fd int, p []byte, flags int, offset int64) (n int, err error) -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return extpwrite(fd, p, 0, offset) } @@ -163,14 +169,9 @@ func Getfsstat(buf []Statfs_t, flags int) (n int, err error) { return } -func setattrlistTimes(path string, times []Timespec, flags int) error { - // used on Darwin for UtimesNano - return ENOSYS -} - //sys ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) -//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL +//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL func sysctlUname(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr) error { err := sysctl(mib, old, oldlen, nil, 0) @@ -337,8 +338,8 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e //sys Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) //sys Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error) //sys write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) -//sys mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) -//sys munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) +//sys mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) +//sys munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) //sys readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) = SYS_READ //sys writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) = SYS_WRITE //sys accept4(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (nfd int, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go index a6b4830a..4e2d3212 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build amd64 && dragonfly // +build amd64,dragonfly package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go index acc00c2e..6f6c510f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd.go @@ -110,8 +110,10 @@ func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) error { } var pp [2]_C_int err := pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) + if err == nil { + p[0] = int(pp[0]) + p[1] = int(pp[1]) + } return err } @@ -126,6 +128,15 @@ func SetsockoptIPMreqn(fd, level, opt int, mreq *IPMreqn) (err error) { return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(mreq), unsafe.Sizeof(*mreq)) } +// GetsockoptXucred is a getsockopt wrapper that returns an Xucred struct. +// The usual level and opt are SOL_LOCAL and LOCAL_PEERCRED, respectively. +func GetsockoptXucred(fd, level, opt int) (*Xucred, error) { + x := new(Xucred) + vallen := _Socklen(SizeofXucred) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(x), &vallen) + return x, err +} + func Accept4(fd, flags int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { var rsa RawSockaddrAny var len _Socklen = SizeofSockaddrAny @@ -183,14 +194,9 @@ func Getfsstat(buf []Statfs_t, flags int) (n int, err error) { return } -func setattrlistTimes(path string, times []Timespec, flags int) error { - // used on Darwin for UtimesNano - return ENOSYS -} - -//sys ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) +//sys ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) -//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL +//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL func Uname(uname *Utsname) error { mib := []_C_int{CTL_KERN, KERN_OSTYPE} @@ -627,8 +633,8 @@ func PtraceSingleStep(pid int) (err error) { //sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Openat(fdat int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) @@ -665,8 +671,8 @@ func PtraceSingleStep(pid int) (err error) { //sys Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) //sys Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error) //sys write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) -//sys mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) -//sys munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) +//sys mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) +//sys munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) //sys readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) = SYS_READ //sys writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) = SYS_WRITE //sys accept4(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (nfd int, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go index 72a506dd..342fc32b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_386.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build 386 && freebsd // +build 386,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go index d5e376ac..a32d5aa4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build amd64 && freebsd // +build amd64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go index 4ea45bce..1e36d39a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm && freebsd // +build arm,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go index aa5326db..a09a1537 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm64 && freebsd // +build arm64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go index 7a2d4120..8d5f294c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_illumos.go @@ -1,14 +1,19 @@ -// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // illumos system calls not present on Solaris. +//go:build amd64 && illumos // +build amd64,illumos package unix -import "unsafe" +import ( + "fmt" + "runtime" + "unsafe" +) func bytes2iovec(bs [][]byte) []Iovec { iovecs := make([]Iovec, len(bs)) @@ -75,3 +80,107 @@ func Accept4(fd int, flags int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { } return } + +//sys putmsg(fd int, clptr *strbuf, dataptr *strbuf, flags int) (err error) + +func Putmsg(fd int, cl []byte, data []byte, flags int) (err error) { + var clp, datap *strbuf + if len(cl) > 0 { + clp = &strbuf{ + Len: int32(len(cl)), + Buf: (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&cl[0])), + } + } + if len(data) > 0 { + datap = &strbuf{ + Len: int32(len(data)), + Buf: (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])), + } + } + return putmsg(fd, clp, datap, flags) +} + +//sys getmsg(fd int, clptr *strbuf, dataptr *strbuf, flags *int) (err error) + +func Getmsg(fd int, cl []byte, data []byte) (retCl []byte, retData []byte, flags int, err error) { + var clp, datap *strbuf + if len(cl) > 0 { + clp = &strbuf{ + Maxlen: int32(len(cl)), + Buf: (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&cl[0])), + } + } + if len(data) > 0 { + datap = &strbuf{ + Maxlen: int32(len(data)), + Buf: (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])), + } + } + + if err = getmsg(fd, clp, datap, &flags); err != nil { + return nil, nil, 0, err + } + + if len(cl) > 0 { + retCl = cl[:clp.Len] + } + if len(data) > 0 { + retData = data[:datap.Len] + } + return retCl, retData, flags, nil +} + +func IoctlSetIntRetInt(fd int, req uint, arg int) (int, error) { + return ioctlRet(fd, req, uintptr(arg)) +} + +func IoctlSetString(fd int, req uint, val string) error { + bs := make([]byte, len(val)+1) + copy(bs[:len(bs)-1], val) + err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&bs[0]))) + runtime.KeepAlive(&bs[0]) + return err +} + +// Lifreq Helpers + +func (l *Lifreq) SetName(name string) error { + if len(name) >= len(l.Name) { + return fmt.Errorf("name cannot be more than %d characters", len(l.Name)-1) + } + for i := range name { + l.Name[i] = int8(name[i]) + } + return nil +} + +func (l *Lifreq) SetLifruInt(d int) { + *(*int)(unsafe.Pointer(&l.Lifru[0])) = d +} + +func (l *Lifreq) GetLifruInt() int { + return *(*int)(unsafe.Pointer(&l.Lifru[0])) +} + +func (l *Lifreq) SetLifruUint(d uint) { + *(*uint)(unsafe.Pointer(&l.Lifru[0])) = d +} + +func (l *Lifreq) GetLifruUint() uint { + return *(*uint)(unsafe.Pointer(&l.Lifru[0])) +} + +func IoctlLifreq(fd int, req uint, l *Lifreq) error { + return ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(l))) +} + +// Strioctl Helpers + +func (s *Strioctl) SetInt(i int) { + s.Len = int32(unsafe.Sizeof(i)) + s.Dp = (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&i)) +} + +func IoctlSetStrioctlRetInt(fd int, req uint, s *Strioctl) (int, error) { + return ioctlRet(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(s))) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go index 28be1306..298323eb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux.go @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ package unix import ( "encoding/binary" - "runtime" "syscall" + "time" "unsafe" ) @@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ func Creat(path string, mode uint32) (fd int, err error) { return Open(path, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, mode) } +func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { + if size <= 0 { + return -1, EINVAL + } + return EpollCreate1(0) +} + //sys FanotifyInit(flags uint, event_f_flags uint) (fd int, err error) //sys fanotifyMark(fd int, flags uint, mask uint64, dirFd int, pathname *byte) (err error) @@ -66,92 +73,22 @@ func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { return fchmodat(dirfd, path, mode) } -//sys ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) - -// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set -// functions for specific types are permissible. - -// IoctlRetInt performs an ioctl operation specified by req on a device -// associated with opened file descriptor fd, and returns a non-negative -// integer that is returned by the ioctl syscall. -func IoctlRetInt(fd int, req uint) (int, error) { - ret, _, err := Syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), 0) - if err != 0 { - return 0, err - } - return int(ret), nil +func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { + return InotifyInit1(0) } -func IoctlSetRTCTime(fd int, value *RTCTime) error { - err := ioctl(fd, RTC_SET_TIME, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value))) - runtime.KeepAlive(value) - return err -} - -func IoctlSetRTCWkAlrm(fd int, value *RTCWkAlrm) error { - err := ioctl(fd, RTC_WKALM_SET, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value))) - runtime.KeepAlive(value) - return err -} - -func IoctlGetUint32(fd int, req uint) (uint32, error) { - var value uint32 - err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value))) - return value, err -} - -func IoctlGetRTCTime(fd int) (*RTCTime, error) { - var value RTCTime - err := ioctl(fd, RTC_RD_TIME, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value))) - return &value, err -} +//sys ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) = SYS_IOCTL +//sys ioctlPtr(fd int, req uint, arg unsafe.Pointer) (err error) = SYS_IOCTL -// IoctlGetWatchdogInfo fetches information about a watchdog device from the -// Linux watchdog API. For more information, see: -// https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/watchdog/watchdog-api.html. -func IoctlGetWatchdogInfo(fd int) (*WatchdogInfo, error) { - var value WatchdogInfo - err := ioctl(fd, WDIOC_GETSUPPORT, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value))) - return &value, err -} - -func IoctlGetRTCWkAlrm(fd int) (*RTCWkAlrm, error) { - var value RTCWkAlrm - err := ioctl(fd, RTC_WKALM_RD, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&value))) - return &value, err -} - -// IoctlFileCloneRange performs an FICLONERANGE ioctl operation to clone the -// range of data conveyed in value to the file associated with the file -// descriptor destFd. See the ioctl_ficlonerange(2) man page for details. -func IoctlFileCloneRange(destFd int, value *FileCloneRange) error { - err := ioctl(destFd, FICLONERANGE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value))) - runtime.KeepAlive(value) - return err -} - -// IoctlFileClone performs an FICLONE ioctl operation to clone the entire file -// associated with the file description srcFd to the file associated with the -// file descriptor destFd. See the ioctl_ficlone(2) man page for details. -func IoctlFileClone(destFd, srcFd int) error { - return ioctl(destFd, FICLONE, uintptr(srcFd)) -} - -// IoctlFileDedupeRange performs an FIDEDUPERANGE ioctl operation to share the -// range of data conveyed in value with the file associated with the file -// descriptor destFd. See the ioctl_fideduperange(2) man page for details. -func IoctlFileDedupeRange(destFd int, value *FileDedupeRange) error { - err := ioctl(destFd, FIDEDUPERANGE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value))) - runtime.KeepAlive(value) - return err -} - -// IoctlWatchdogKeepalive issues a keepalive ioctl to a watchdog device. For -// more information, see: -// https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/watchdog/watchdog-api.html. -func IoctlWatchdogKeepalive(fd int) error { - return ioctl(fd, WDIOC_KEEPALIVE, 0) -} +// ioctl itself should not be exposed directly, but additional get/set functions +// for specific types are permissible. These are defined in ioctl.go and +// ioctl_linux.go. +// +// The third argument to ioctl is often a pointer but sometimes an integer. +// Callers should use ioctlPtr when the third argument is a pointer and ioctl +// when the third argument is an integer. +// +// TODO: some existing code incorrectly uses ioctl when it should use ioctlPtr. //sys Linkat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string, flags int) (err error) @@ -183,6 +120,25 @@ func Openat2(dirfd int, path string, how *OpenHow) (fd int, err error) { return openat2(dirfd, path, how, SizeofOpenHow) } +func Pipe(p []int) error { + return Pipe2(p, 0) +} + +//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) + +func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) error { + if len(p) != 2 { + return EINVAL + } + var pp [2]_C_int + err := pipe2(&pp, flags) + if err == nil { + p[0] = int(pp[0]) + p[1] = int(pp[1]) + } + return err +} + //sys ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) func Ppoll(fds []PollFd, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { @@ -192,6 +148,15 @@ func Ppoll(fds []PollFd, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error return ppoll(&fds[0], len(fds), timeout, sigmask) } +func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { + var ts *Timespec + if timeout >= 0 { + ts = new(Timespec) + *ts = NsecToTimespec(int64(timeout) * 1e6) + } + return Ppoll(fds, ts, nil) +} + //sys Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { @@ -242,27 +207,7 @@ func Utimes(path string, tv []Timeval) error { //sys utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) func UtimesNano(path string, ts []Timespec) error { - if ts == nil { - err := utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, nil, 0) - if err != ENOSYS { - return err - } - return utimes(path, nil) - } - if len(ts) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - err := utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, (*[2]Timespec)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts[0])), 0) - if err != ENOSYS { - return err - } - // If the utimensat syscall isn't available (utimensat was added to Linux - // in 2.6.22, Released, 8 July 2007) then fall back to utimes - var tv [2]Timeval - for i := 0; i < 2; i++ { - tv[i] = NsecToTimeval(TimespecToNsec(ts[i])) - } - return utimes(path, (*[2]Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(&tv[0]))) + return UtimesNanoAt(AT_FDCWD, path, ts, 0) } func UtimesNanoAt(dirfd int, path string, ts []Timespec, flags int) error { @@ -305,6 +250,13 @@ func Getwd() (wd string, err error) { if n < 1 || n > len(buf) || buf[n-1] != 0 { return "", EINVAL } + // In some cases, Linux can return a path that starts with the + // "(unreachable)" prefix, which can potentially be a valid relative + // path. To work around that, return ENOENT if path is not absolute. + if buf[0] != '/' { + return "", ENOENT + } + return string(buf[0 : n-1]), nil } @@ -414,6 +366,8 @@ func Wait4(pid int, wstatus *WaitStatus, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, return } +//sys Waitid(idType int, id int, info *Siginfo, options int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) + func Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) error { return Mknod(path, mode|S_IFIFO, 0) } @@ -430,9 +384,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet4) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw.Port)) p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrInet4, nil } @@ -445,9 +397,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet6) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) sa.raw.Scope_id = sa.ZoneId - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrInet6, nil } @@ -496,9 +446,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrLinklayer) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { sa.raw.Hatype = sa.Hatype sa.raw.Pkttype = sa.Pkttype sa.raw.Halen = sa.Halen - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrLinklayer, nil } @@ -778,16 +726,19 @@ type SockaddrVM struct { // CID and Port specify a context ID and port address for a VM socket. // Guests have a unique CID, and hosts may have a well-known CID of: // - VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR: refers to the hypervisor process. + // - VMADDR_CID_LOCAL: refers to local communication (loopback). // - VMADDR_CID_HOST: refers to other processes on the host. - CID uint32 - Port uint32 - raw RawSockaddrVM + CID uint32 + Port uint32 + Flags uint8 + raw RawSockaddrVM } func (sa *SockaddrVM) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { sa.raw.Family = AF_VSOCK sa.raw.Port = sa.Port sa.raw.Cid = sa.CID + sa.raw.Flags = sa.Flags return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrVM, nil } @@ -910,12 +861,10 @@ func (sa *SockaddrTIPC) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { if sa.Addr == nil { return nil, 0, EINVAL } - sa.raw.Family = AF_TIPC sa.raw.Scope = int8(sa.Scope) sa.raw.Addrtype = sa.Addr.tipcAddrtype() sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr.tipcAddr() - return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrTIPC, nil } @@ -929,9 +878,7 @@ type SockaddrL2TPIP struct { func (sa *SockaddrL2TPIP) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { sa.raw.Family = AF_INET sa.raw.Conn_id = sa.ConnId - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrL2TPIP, nil } @@ -947,9 +894,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrL2TPIP6) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { sa.raw.Family = AF_INET6 sa.raw.Conn_id = sa.ConnId sa.raw.Scope_id = sa.ZoneId - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrL2TPIP6, nil } @@ -982,6 +927,46 @@ func (sa *SockaddrIUCV) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrIUCV, nil } +type SockaddrNFC struct { + DeviceIdx uint32 + TargetIdx uint32 + NFCProtocol uint32 + raw RawSockaddrNFC +} + +func (sa *SockaddrNFC) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { + sa.raw.Sa_family = AF_NFC + sa.raw.Dev_idx = sa.DeviceIdx + sa.raw.Target_idx = sa.TargetIdx + sa.raw.Nfc_protocol = sa.NFCProtocol + return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrNFC, nil +} + +type SockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + DeviceIdx uint32 + TargetIdx uint32 + NFCProtocol uint32 + DestinationSAP uint8 + SourceSAP uint8 + ServiceName string + raw RawSockaddrNFCLLCP +} + +func (sa *SockaddrNFCLLCP) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { + sa.raw.Sa_family = AF_NFC + sa.raw.Dev_idx = sa.DeviceIdx + sa.raw.Target_idx = sa.TargetIdx + sa.raw.Nfc_protocol = sa.NFCProtocol + sa.raw.Dsap = sa.DestinationSAP + sa.raw.Ssap = sa.SourceSAP + if len(sa.ServiceName) > len(sa.raw.Service_name) { + return nil, 0, EINVAL + } + copy(sa.raw.Service_name[:], sa.ServiceName) + sa.raw.SetServiceNameLen(len(sa.ServiceName)) + return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP, nil +} + var socketProtocol = func(fd int) (int, error) { return GetsockoptInt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_PROTOCOL) } @@ -1005,9 +990,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { sa.Hatype = pp.Hatype sa.Pkttype = pp.Pkttype sa.Halen = pp.Halen - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil case AF_UNIX: @@ -1046,18 +1029,14 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { pp := (*RawSockaddrL2TPIP)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) sa := new(SockaddrL2TPIP) sa.ConnId = pp.Conn_id - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil default: pp := (*RawSockaddrInet4)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) sa := new(SockaddrInet4) p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil } @@ -1073,9 +1052,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { sa := new(SockaddrL2TPIP6) sa.ConnId = pp.Conn_id sa.ZoneId = pp.Scope_id - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil default: pp := (*RawSockaddrInet6)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) @@ -1083,17 +1060,16 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) sa.ZoneId = pp.Scope_id - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil } case AF_VSOCK: pp := (*RawSockaddrVM)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) sa := &SockaddrVM{ - CID: pp.Cid, - Port: pp.Port, + CID: pp.Cid, + Port: pp.Port, + Flags: pp.Flags, } return sa, nil case AF_BLUETOOTH: @@ -1221,6 +1197,37 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { } return sa, nil } + case AF_NFC: + proto, err := socketProtocol(fd) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + switch proto { + case NFC_SOCKPROTO_RAW: + pp := (*RawSockaddrNFC)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) + sa := &SockaddrNFC{ + DeviceIdx: pp.Dev_idx, + TargetIdx: pp.Target_idx, + NFCProtocol: pp.Nfc_protocol, + } + return sa, nil + case NFC_SOCKPROTO_LLCP: + pp := (*RawSockaddrNFCLLCP)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) + if uint64(pp.Service_name_len) > uint64(len(pp.Service_name)) { + return nil, EINVAL + } + sa := &SockaddrNFCLLCP{ + DeviceIdx: pp.Dev_idx, + TargetIdx: pp.Target_idx, + NFCProtocol: pp.Nfc_protocol, + DestinationSAP: pp.Dsap, + SourceSAP: pp.Ssap, + ServiceName: string(pp.Service_name[:pp.Service_name_len]), + } + return sa, nil + default: + return nil, EINVAL + } } return nil, EAFNOSUPPORT } @@ -1228,7 +1235,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { func Accept(fd int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { var rsa RawSockaddrAny var len _Socklen = SizeofSockaddrAny - nfd, err = accept(fd, &rsa, &len) + nfd, err = accept4(fd, &rsa, &len, 0) if err != nil { return } @@ -1350,6 +1357,13 @@ func SetsockoptTpacketReq3(fd, level, opt int, tp *TpacketReq3) error { return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(tp), unsafe.Sizeof(*tp)) } +func SetsockoptTCPRepairOpt(fd, level, opt int, o []TCPRepairOpt) (err error) { + if len(o) == 0 { + return EINVAL + } + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&o[0]), uintptr(SizeofTCPRepairOpt*len(o))) +} + // Keyctl Commands (http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/keyctl.2.html) // KeyctlInt calls keyctl commands in which each argument is an int. @@ -1482,13 +1496,12 @@ func KeyctlRestrictKeyring(ringid int, keyType string, restriction string) error return keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING, ringid, keyType, restriction) } -//sys keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL -//sys keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL +//sys keyctlRestrictKeyringByType(cmd int, arg2 int, keyType string, restriction string) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL +//sys keyctlRestrictKeyring(cmd int, arg2 int) (err error) = SYS_KEYCTL -func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { var msg Msghdr - var rsa RawSockaddrAny - msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rsa)) + msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) msg.Namelen = uint32(SizeofSockaddrAny) var iov Iovec if len(p) > 0 { @@ -1519,28 +1532,10 @@ func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from } oobn = int(msg.Controllen) recvflags = int(msg.Flags) - // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected - if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { - from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) - } return } -func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { - _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) - return -} - -func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - var ptr unsafe.Pointer - var salen _Socklen - if to != nil { - var err error - ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } +func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(ptr) msg.Namelen = uint32(salen) @@ -1773,6 +1768,16 @@ func Mount(source string, target string, fstype string, flags uintptr, data stri return mount(source, target, fstype, flags, datap) } +//sys mountSetattr(dirfd int, pathname string, flags uint, attr *MountAttr, size uintptr) (err error) = SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR + +// MountSetattr is a wrapper for mount_setattr(2). +// https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/mount_setattr.2.html +// +// Requires kernel >= 5.12. +func MountSetattr(dirfd int, pathname string, flags uint, attr *MountAttr) error { + return mountSetattr(dirfd, pathname, flags, attr, unsafe.Sizeof(*attr)) +} + func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) { if raceenabled { raceReleaseMerge(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) @@ -1798,16 +1803,13 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e //sys ClockGettime(clockid int32, time *Timespec) (err error) //sys ClockNanosleep(clockid int32, flags int, request *Timespec, remain *Timespec) (err error) //sys Close(fd int) (err error) +//sys CloseRange(first uint, last uint, flags uint) (err error) //sys CopyFileRange(rfd int, roff *int64, wfd int, woff *int64, len int, flags int) (n int, err error) //sys DeleteModule(name string, flags int) (err error) //sys Dup(oldfd int) (fd int, err error) func Dup2(oldfd, newfd int) error { - // Android O and newer blocks dup2; riscv and arm64 don't implement dup2. - if runtime.GOOS == "android" || runtime.GOARCH == "riscv64" || runtime.GOARCH == "arm64" { - return Dup3(oldfd, newfd, 0) - } - return dup2(oldfd, newfd) + return Dup3(oldfd, newfd, 0) } //sys Dup3(oldfd int, newfd int, flags int) (err error) @@ -1858,10 +1860,11 @@ func Getpgrp() (pid int) { //sys Mkdirat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) //sys Mknodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) //sys Nanosleep(time *Timespec, leftover *Timespec) (err error) +//sys OpenTree(dfd int, fileName string, flags uint) (r int, err error) //sys PerfEventOpen(attr *PerfEventAttr, pid int, cpu int, groupFd int, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys PivotRoot(newroot string, putold string) (err error) = SYS_PIVOT_ROOT -//sysnb prlimit(pid int, resource int, newlimit *Rlimit, old *Rlimit) (err error) = SYS_PRLIMIT64 -//sys Prctl(option int, arg2 uintptr, arg3 uintptr, arg4 uintptr, arg5 uintptr) (err error) +//sysnb Prlimit(pid int, resource int, newlimit *Rlimit, old *Rlimit) (err error) = SYS_PRLIMIT64 +//sys Prctl(option int, arg2 uintptr, arg3 uintptr, arg4 uintptr, arg5 uintptr) (err error) //sys Pselect(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) = SYS_PSELECT6 //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Removexattr(path string, attr string) (err error) @@ -1934,9 +1937,9 @@ func Signalfd(fd int, sigmask *Sigset_t, flags int) (newfd int, err error) { //sys Syncfs(fd int) (err error) //sysnb Sysinfo(info *Sysinfo_t) (err error) //sys Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) -//sysnb TimerfdCreate(clockid int, flags int) (fd int, err error) -//sysnb TimerfdGettime(fd int, currValue *ItimerSpec) (err error) -//sysnb TimerfdSettime(fd int, flags int, newValue *ItimerSpec, oldValue *ItimerSpec) (err error) +//sysnb TimerfdCreate(clockid int, flags int) (fd int, err error) +//sysnb TimerfdGettime(fd int, currValue *ItimerSpec) (err error) +//sysnb TimerfdSettime(fd int, flags int, newValue *ItimerSpec, oldValue *ItimerSpec) (err error) //sysnb Tgkill(tgid int, tid int, sig syscall.Signal) (err error) //sysnb Times(tms *Tms) (ticks uintptr, err error) //sysnb Umask(mask int) (oldmask int) @@ -2196,8 +2199,8 @@ func Faccessat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { return EACCES } -//sys nameToHandleAt(dirFD int, pathname string, fh *fileHandle, mountID *_C_int, flags int) (err error) = SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT -//sys openByHandleAt(mountFD int, fh *fileHandle, flags int) (fd int, err error) = SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT +//sys nameToHandleAt(dirFD int, pathname string, fh *fileHandle, mountID *_C_int, flags int) (err error) = SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT +//sys openByHandleAt(mountFD int, fh *fileHandle, flags int) (fd int, err error) = SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT // fileHandle is the argument to nameToHandleAt and openByHandleAt. We // originally tried to generate it via unix/linux/types.go with "type @@ -2295,11 +2298,65 @@ type RemoteIovec struct { //sys ProcessVMReadv(pid int, localIov []Iovec, remoteIov []RemoteIovec, flags uint) (n int, err error) = SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV //sys ProcessVMWritev(pid int, localIov []Iovec, remoteIov []RemoteIovec, flags uint) (n int, err error) = SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV +//sys PidfdOpen(pid int, flags int) (fd int, err error) = SYS_PIDFD_OPEN +//sys PidfdGetfd(pidfd int, targetfd int, flags int) (fd int, err error) = SYS_PIDFD_GETFD +//sys PidfdSendSignal(pidfd int, sig Signal, info *Siginfo, flags int) (err error) = SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL + +//sys shmat(id int, addr uintptr, flag int) (ret uintptr, err error) +//sys shmctl(id int, cmd int, buf *SysvShmDesc) (result int, err error) +//sys shmdt(addr uintptr) (err error) +//sys shmget(key int, size int, flag int) (id int, err error) + +//sys getitimer(which int, currValue *Itimerval) (err error) +//sys setitimer(which int, newValue *Itimerval, oldValue *Itimerval) (err error) + +// MakeItimerval creates an Itimerval from interval and value durations. +func MakeItimerval(interval, value time.Duration) Itimerval { + return Itimerval{ + Interval: NsecToTimeval(interval.Nanoseconds()), + Value: NsecToTimeval(value.Nanoseconds()), + } +} + +// A value which may be passed to the which parameter for Getitimer and +// Setitimer. +type ItimerWhich int + +// Possible which values for Getitimer and Setitimer. +const ( + ItimerReal ItimerWhich = ITIMER_REAL + ItimerVirtual ItimerWhich = ITIMER_VIRTUAL + ItimerProf ItimerWhich = ITIMER_PROF +) + +// Getitimer wraps getitimer(2) to return the current value of the timer +// specified by which. +func Getitimer(which ItimerWhich) (Itimerval, error) { + var it Itimerval + if err := getitimer(int(which), &it); err != nil { + return Itimerval{}, err + } + + return it, nil +} + +// Setitimer wraps setitimer(2) to arm or disarm the timer specified by which. +// It returns the previous value of the timer. +// +// If the Itimerval argument is the zero value, the timer will be disarmed. +func Setitimer(which ItimerWhich, it Itimerval) (Itimerval, error) { + var prev Itimerval + if err := setitimer(int(which), &it, &prev); err != nil { + return Itimerval{}, err + } + + return prev, nil +} + /* * Unimplemented */ // AfsSyscall -// Alarm // ArchPrctl // Brk // ClockNanosleep @@ -2315,7 +2372,6 @@ type RemoteIovec struct { // GetMempolicy // GetRobustList // GetThreadArea -// Getitimer // Getpmsg // IoCancel // IoDestroy @@ -2376,10 +2432,6 @@ type RemoteIovec struct { // SetRobustList // SetThreadArea // SetTidAddress -// Shmat -// Shmctl -// Shmdt -// Shmget // Sigaltstack // Swapoff // Swapon @@ -2397,5 +2449,4 @@ type RemoteIovec struct { // Vfork // Vhangup // Vserver -// Waitid // _Sysctl diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go index c97c2ee5..518e476e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_386.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build 386 && linux // +build 386,linux package unix @@ -18,36 +19,8 @@ func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { return Timeval{Sec: int32(sec), Usec: int32(usec)} } -//sysnb pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) - -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe(&pp) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - // 64-bit file system and 32-bit uid calls // (386 default is 32-bit file system and 16-bit uid). -//sys dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) -//sysnb EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) //sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64_64 //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) = SYS_FCHOWN32 @@ -58,13 +31,12 @@ func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { //sysnb Geteuid() (euid int) = SYS_GETEUID32 //sysnb Getgid() (gid int) = SYS_GETGID32 //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) = SYS_GETUID32 -//sysnb InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) //sys Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) //sys Iopl(level int) (err error) //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) = SYS_LCHOWN32 //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_LSTAT64 -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) = SYS_SENDFILE64 //sys setfsgid(gid int) (prev int, err error) = SYS_SETFSGID32 @@ -98,13 +70,13 @@ type rlimit32 struct { Max uint32 } -//sysnb getrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_GETRLIMIT +//sysnb getrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_GETRLIMIT const rlimInf32 = ^uint32(0) const rlimInf64 = ^uint64(0) func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { - err = prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) + err = Prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) if err != ENOSYS { return err } @@ -129,10 +101,10 @@ func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { return } -//sysnb setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_SETRLIMIT +//sysnb setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_SETRLIMIT func Setrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { - err = prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) + err = Prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) if err != ENOSYS { return err } @@ -201,14 +173,6 @@ const ( _SENDMMSG = 20 ) -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - fd, e := socketcall(_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), 0, 0, 0) - if e != 0 { - err = e - } - return -} - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { fd, e := socketcall(_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e != 0 { @@ -377,11 +341,6 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint32(length) } -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) - -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - if len(fds) == 0 { - return poll(nil, 0, timeout) - } - return poll(&fds[0], len(fds), timeout) +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint32(length) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..08086ac6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_alarm.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Copyright 2022 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build linux && (386 || amd64 || mips || mipsle || mips64 || mipsle || ppc64 || ppc64le || ppc || s390x || sparc64) +// +build linux +// +build 386 amd64 mips mipsle mips64 mipsle ppc64 ppc64le ppc s390x sparc64 + +package unix + +// SYS_ALARM is not defined on arm or riscv, but is available for other GOARCH +// values. + +//sys Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go index 72efe86e..f5e9d6be 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64.go @@ -2,12 +2,11 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build amd64 && linux // +build amd64,linux package unix -//sys dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) -//sysnb EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) //sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64 //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) @@ -20,17 +19,6 @@ package unix //sysnb Getgid() (gid int) //sysnb Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) -//sysnb inotifyInit() (fd int, err error) - -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - // First try inotify_init1, because Android's seccomp policy blocks the latter. - fd, err = InotifyInit1(0) - if err == ENOSYS { - fd, err = inotifyInit() - } - return -} - //sys Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) //sys Iopl(level int) (err error) //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) @@ -40,9 +28,10 @@ func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { return Fstatat(AT_FDCWD, path, stat, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) } +//sys MemfdSecret(flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK @@ -74,7 +63,6 @@ func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { //sys SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) @@ -125,32 +113,6 @@ func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { return Timeval{Sec: sec, Usec: usec} } -//sysnb pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) - -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe(&pp) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - func (r *PtraceRegs) PC() uint64 { return r.Rip } func (r *PtraceRegs) SetPC(pc uint64) { r.Rip = pc } @@ -171,13 +133,8 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint64(length) } -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) - -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - if len(fds) == 0 { - return poll(nil, 0, timeout) - } - return poll(&fds[0], len(fds), timeout) +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint64(length) } //sys kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64_gc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64_gc.go index baa771f8..8b0f0f3a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64_gc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_amd64_gc.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build amd64,linux -// +build gc +//go:build amd64 && linux && gc +// +build amd64,linux,gc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go index 496837b1..c1a7778f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm && linux // +build arm,linux package unix @@ -18,36 +19,6 @@ func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { return Timeval{Sec: int32(sec), Usec: int32(usec)} } -//sysnb pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) - -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - // Try pipe2 first for Android O, then try pipe for kernel 2.6.23. - err = pipe2(&pp, 0) - if err == ENOSYS { - err = pipe(&pp) - } - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { newoffset, errno := seek(fd, offset, whence) if errno != 0 { @@ -56,7 +27,6 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { return newoffset, nil } -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) @@ -75,8 +45,6 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { // 64-bit file system and 32-bit uid calls // (16-bit uid calls are not always supported in newer kernels) -//sys dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) -//sysnb EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) = SYS_FCHOWN32 //sys Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_FSTAT64 @@ -85,7 +53,6 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { //sysnb Geteuid() (euid int) = SYS_GETEUID32 //sysnb Getgid() (gid int) = SYS_GETGID32 //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) = SYS_GETUID32 -//sysnb InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) = SYS_LCHOWN32 //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_LSTAT64 @@ -129,8 +96,8 @@ func Utime(path string, buf *Utimbuf) error { //sys utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) = SYS_TRUNCATE64 //sys Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) = SYS_FTRUNCATE64 @@ -177,13 +144,13 @@ type rlimit32 struct { Max uint32 } -//sysnb getrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_UGETRLIMIT +//sysnb getrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_UGETRLIMIT const rlimInf32 = ^uint32(0) const rlimInf64 = ^uint64(0) func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { - err = prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) + err = Prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) if err != ENOSYS { return err } @@ -208,10 +175,10 @@ func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { return } -//sysnb setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_SETRLIMIT +//sysnb setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_SETRLIMIT func Setrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { - err = prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) + err = Prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) if err != ENOSYS { return err } @@ -255,13 +222,8 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint32(length) } -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) - -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - if len(fds) == 0 { - return poll(nil, 0, timeout) - } - return poll(&fds[0], len(fds), timeout) +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint32(length) } //sys armSyncFileRange(fd int, flags int, off int64, n int64) (err error) = SYS_ARM_SYNC_FILE_RANGE diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go index c6de6b91..d83e2c65 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_arm64.go @@ -2,19 +2,13 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm64 && linux // +build arm64,linux package unix import "unsafe" -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - if size <= 0 { - return -1, EINVAL - } - return EpollCreate1(0) -} - //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) = SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT //sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64 //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) @@ -28,8 +22,9 @@ func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { //sysnb getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys MemfdSecret(flags int) (fd int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK @@ -72,7 +67,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { return ENOSYS } -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) @@ -144,33 +138,9 @@ func utimes(path string, tv *[2]Timeval) (err error) { return utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, (*[2]Timespec)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts[0])), 0) } -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, 0) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - // Getrlimit prefers the prlimit64 system call. See issue 38604. func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) error { - err := prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) + err := Prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) if err != ENOSYS { return err } @@ -179,7 +149,7 @@ func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) error { // Setrlimit prefers the prlimit64 system call. See issue 38604. func Setrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) error { - err := prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) + err := Prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) if err != ENOSYS { return err } @@ -206,31 +176,15 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint64(length) } -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - return InotifyInit1(0) +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint64(length) } -// dup2 exists because func Dup3 in syscall_linux.go references -// it in an unreachable path. dup2 isn't available on arm64. -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) error - func Pause() error { _, err := ppoll(nil, 0, nil, nil) return err } -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - var ts *Timespec - if timeout >= 0 { - ts = new(Timespec) - *ts = NsecToTimespec(int64(timeout) * 1e6) - } - if len(fds) == 0 { - return ppoll(nil, 0, ts, nil) - } - return ppoll(&fds[0], len(fds), ts, nil) -} - //sys kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) func KexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdline string, flags int) error { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc.go index 9edf3961..2b1168d7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && gc // +build linux,gc package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_386.go index 90e33d8c..9843fb48 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_386.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && gc && 386 // +build linux,gc,386 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_arm.go index 1a97baae..a6008fcc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gc_arm.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm && gc && linux // +build arm,gc,linux package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_386.go index 308eb7ae..7740af24 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_386.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && gccgo && 386 // +build linux,gccgo,386 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_arm.go index aa7fc9e1..e16a1229 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_gccgo_arm.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && gccgo && arm // +build linux,gccgo,arm package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go index f0287476..98a2660b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mips64x.go @@ -2,13 +2,12 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && (mips64 || mips64le) // +build linux // +build mips64 mips64le package unix -//sys dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) -//sysnb EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) //sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64 //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) @@ -22,8 +21,8 @@ package unix //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK @@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err //sys SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) @@ -93,30 +91,6 @@ func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { return Timeval{Sec: sec, Usec: usec} } -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, 0) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - func Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) { return ENOSYS } @@ -216,15 +190,6 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint64(length) } -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - return InotifyInit1(0) -} - -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) - -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - if len(fds) == 0 { - return poll(nil, 0, timeout) - } - return poll(&fds[0], len(fds), timeout) +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint64(length) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go index c1132811..b8a18c0a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_mipsx.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && (mips || mipsle) // +build linux // +build mips mipsle @@ -14,8 +15,6 @@ import ( func Syscall9(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err syscall.Errno) -//sys dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) -//sysnb EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) //sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64 //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) @@ -26,8 +25,8 @@ func Syscall9(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) = SYS__NEWSELECT //sys sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) = SYS_SENDFILE64 @@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ func Syscall9(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, //sys SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) = SYS_TRUNCATE64 //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) @@ -59,7 +57,6 @@ func Syscall9(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, //sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) //sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) -//sysnb InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) //sys Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) //sys Iopl(level int) (err error) @@ -112,29 +109,6 @@ func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { return Timeval{Sec: int32(sec), Usec: int32(usec)} } -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sysnb pipe() (p1 int, p2 int, err error) - -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - p[0], p[1], err = pipe() - return -} - //sys mmap2(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, pageOffset uintptr) (xaddr uintptr, err error) func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, offset int64) (xaddr uintptr, err error) { @@ -153,10 +127,10 @@ type rlimit32 struct { Max uint32 } -//sysnb getrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_GETRLIMIT +//sysnb getrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_GETRLIMIT func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { - err = prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) + err = Prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) if err != ENOSYS { return err } @@ -181,10 +155,10 @@ func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { return } -//sysnb setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_SETRLIMIT +//sysnb setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_SETRLIMIT func Setrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { - err = prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) + err = Prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) if err != ENOSYS { return err } @@ -228,11 +202,6 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint32(length) } -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) - -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - if len(fds) == 0 { - return poll(nil, 0, timeout) - } - return poll(&fds[0], len(fds), timeout) +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint32(length) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ed9e67c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc.go @@ -0,0 +1,236 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build linux && ppc +// +build linux,ppc + +package unix + +import ( + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +//sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) +//sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) +//sys Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_FSTAT64 +//sys Fstatat(dirfd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) = SYS_FSTATAT64 +//sys Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) = SYS_FTRUNCATE64 +//sysnb Getegid() (egid int) +//sysnb Geteuid() (euid int) +//sysnb Getgid() (gid int) +//sysnb Getuid() (uid int) +//sys Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) +//sys Iopl(level int) (err error) +//sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) +//sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) +//sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_LSTAT64 +//sys Pause() (err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) +//sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) = SYS__NEWSELECT +//sys sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) = SYS_SENDFILE64 +//sys setfsgid(gid int) (prev int, err error) +//sys setfsuid(uid int) (prev int, err error) +//sysnb Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) +//sysnb Setresgid(rgid int, egid int, sgid int) (err error) +//sysnb Setresuid(ruid int, euid int, suid int) (err error) +//sysnb Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) +//sys Shutdown(fd int, how int) (err error) +//sys Splice(rfd int, roff *int64, wfd int, woff *int64, len int, flags int) (n int, err error) +//sys Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) = SYS_STAT64 +//sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) = SYS_TRUNCATE64 +//sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) +//sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) +//sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) +//sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) +//sysnb getgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (nn int, err error) +//sysnb setgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (err error) +//sys getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) +//sys setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) +//sysnb socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) +//sysnb socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) +//sysnb getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) +//sysnb getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) +//sys recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) +//sys sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) +//sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) +//sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) + +//sys futimesat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) +//sysnb Gettimeofday(tv *Timeval) (err error) +//sysnb Time(t *Time_t) (tt Time_t, err error) +//sys Utime(path string, buf *Utimbuf) (err error) +//sys utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) + +func Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FADVISE64_64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(advice), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(offset), uintptr(length>>32), uintptr(length)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (int64, syscall.Errno) { + var newoffset int64 + offsetLow := uint32(offset & 0xffffffff) + offsetHigh := uint32((offset >> 32) & 0xffffffff) + _, _, err := Syscall6(SYS__LLSEEK, uintptr(fd), uintptr(offsetHigh), uintptr(offsetLow), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&newoffset)), uintptr(whence), 0) + return newoffset, err +} + +func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { + newoffset, errno := seek(fd, offset, whence) + if errno != 0 { + return 0, errno + } + return newoffset, nil +} + +func Fstatfs(fd int, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) { + _, _, e := Syscall(SYS_FSTATFS64, uintptr(fd), unsafe.Sizeof(*buf), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf))) + if e != 0 { + err = e + } + return +} + +func Statfs(path string, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) { + pathp, err := BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return err + } + _, _, e := Syscall(SYS_STATFS64, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pathp)), unsafe.Sizeof(*buf), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf))) + if e != 0 { + err = e + } + return +} + +//sys mmap2(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, pageOffset uintptr) (xaddr uintptr, err error) + +func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, offset int64) (xaddr uintptr, err error) { + page := uintptr(offset / 4096) + if offset != int64(page)*4096 { + return 0, EINVAL + } + return mmap2(addr, length, prot, flags, fd, page) +} + +func setTimespec(sec, nsec int64) Timespec { + return Timespec{Sec: int32(sec), Nsec: int32(nsec)} +} + +func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { + return Timeval{Sec: int32(sec), Usec: int32(usec)} +} + +type rlimit32 struct { + Cur uint32 + Max uint32 +} + +//sysnb getrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_UGETRLIMIT + +const rlimInf32 = ^uint32(0) +const rlimInf64 = ^uint64(0) + +func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { + err = Prlimit(0, resource, nil, rlim) + if err != ENOSYS { + return err + } + + rl := rlimit32{} + err = getrlimit(resource, &rl) + if err != nil { + return + } + + if rl.Cur == rlimInf32 { + rlim.Cur = rlimInf64 + } else { + rlim.Cur = uint64(rl.Cur) + } + + if rl.Max == rlimInf32 { + rlim.Max = rlimInf64 + } else { + rlim.Max = uint64(rl.Max) + } + return +} + +//sysnb setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) = SYS_SETRLIMIT + +func Setrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { + err = Prlimit(0, resource, rlim, nil) + if err != ENOSYS { + return err + } + + rl := rlimit32{} + if rlim.Cur == rlimInf64 { + rl.Cur = rlimInf32 + } else if rlim.Cur < uint64(rlimInf32) { + rl.Cur = uint32(rlim.Cur) + } else { + return EINVAL + } + if rlim.Max == rlimInf64 { + rl.Max = rlimInf32 + } else if rlim.Max < uint64(rlimInf32) { + rl.Max = uint32(rlim.Max) + } else { + return EINVAL + } + + return setrlimit(resource, &rl) +} + +func (r *PtraceRegs) PC() uint32 { return r.Nip } + +func (r *PtraceRegs) SetPC(pc uint32) { r.Nip = pc } + +func (iov *Iovec) SetLen(length int) { + iov.Len = uint32(length) +} + +func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) { + msghdr.Controllen = uint32(length) +} + +func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetIovlen(length int) { + msghdr.Iovlen = uint32(length) +} + +func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { + cmsg.Len = uint32(length) +} + +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint32(length) +} + +//sys syncFileRange2(fd int, flags int, off int64, n int64) (err error) = SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2 + +func SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) error { + // The sync_file_range and sync_file_range2 syscalls differ only in the + // order of their arguments. + return syncFileRange2(fd, flags, off, n) +} + +//sys kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) + +func KexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdline string, flags int) error { + cmdlineLen := len(cmdline) + if cmdlineLen > 0 { + // Account for the additional NULL byte added by + // BytePtrFromString in kexecFileLoad. The kexec_file_load + // syscall expects a NULL-terminated string. + cmdlineLen++ + } + return kexecFileLoad(kernelFd, initrdFd, cmdlineLen, cmdline, flags) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go index 34937440..db63d384 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_ppc64x.go @@ -2,13 +2,12 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && (ppc64 || ppc64le) // +build linux // +build ppc64 ppc64le package unix -//sys dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) -//sysnb EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) //sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64 //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) @@ -21,15 +20,14 @@ package unix //sysnb Getgid() (gid int) //sysnb Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) = SYS_UGETRLIMIT //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) -//sysnb InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) //sys Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) //sys Iopl(level int) (err error) //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) = SYS__NEWSELECT @@ -47,7 +45,6 @@ package unix //sys Statfs(path string, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) //sys Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) @@ -99,39 +96,8 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint64(length) } -//sysnb pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) - -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe(&pp) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) - -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - if len(fds) == 0 { - return poll(nil, 0, timeout) - } - return poll(&fds[0], len(fds), timeout) +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint64(length) } //sys syncFileRange2(fd int, flags int, off int64, n int64) (err error) = SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go index b0b15055..8ff7adba 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_riscv64.go @@ -2,19 +2,13 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build riscv64 && linux // +build riscv64,linux package unix import "unsafe" -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - if size <= 0 { - return -1, EINVAL - } - return EpollCreate1(0) -} - //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) = SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT //sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64 //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) @@ -28,8 +22,8 @@ func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { //sysnb Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) { @@ -71,7 +65,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { return ENOSYS } -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) @@ -143,30 +136,6 @@ func utimes(path string, tv *[2]Timeval) (err error) { return utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path, (*[2]Timespec)(unsafe.Pointer(&ts[0])), 0) } -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, 0) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - func (r *PtraceRegs) PC() uint64 { return r.Pc } func (r *PtraceRegs) SetPC(pc uint64) { r.Pc = pc } @@ -187,8 +156,8 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint64(length) } -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - return InotifyInit1(0) +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint64(length) } func Pause() error { @@ -196,18 +165,6 @@ func Pause() error { return err } -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - var ts *Timespec - if timeout >= 0 { - ts = new(Timespec) - *ts = NsecToTimespec(int64(timeout) * 1e6) - } - if len(fds) == 0 { - return ppoll(nil, 0, ts, nil) - } - return ppoll(&fds[0], len(fds), ts, nil) -} - func Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) { return Renameat2(olddirfd, oldpath, newdirfd, newpath, 0) } @@ -224,7 +181,3 @@ func KexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdline string, flags int) error } return kexecFileLoad(kernelFd, initrdFd, cmdlineLen, cmdline, flags) } - -// dup2 exists because func Dup3 in syscall_linux.go references -// it in an unreachable path. dup2 isn't available on arm64. -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) error diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go index 2363f749..6fcf277b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_s390x.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build s390x && linux // +build s390x,linux package unix @@ -10,8 +11,6 @@ import ( "unsafe" ) -//sys dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) -//sysnb EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) //sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64 //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) @@ -24,12 +23,11 @@ import ( //sysnb Getgid() (gid int) //sysnb Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) -//sysnb InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) @@ -76,30 +74,6 @@ func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { return Timeval{Sec: sec, Usec: usec} } -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, 0) // pipe2 is the same as pipe when flags are set to 0. - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - func Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) { return ENOSYS } @@ -128,6 +102,10 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint64(length) } +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint64(length) +} + // Linux on s390x uses the old mmap interface, which requires arguments to be passed in a struct. // mmap2 also requires arguments to be passed in a struct; it is currently not exposed in . func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, offset int64) (xaddr uintptr, err error) { @@ -167,15 +145,6 @@ const ( netSendMMsg = 20 ) -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (int, error) { - args := [3]uintptr{uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))} - fd, _, err := Syscall(SYS_SOCKETCALL, netAccept, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&args)), 0) - if err != 0 { - return 0, err - } - return int(fd), nil -} - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (int, error) { args := [4]uintptr{uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags)} fd, _, err := Syscall(SYS_SOCKETCALL, netAccept4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&args)), 0) @@ -249,7 +218,7 @@ func getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen } func setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) error { - args := [4]uintptr{uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val)} + args := [5]uintptr{uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), vallen} _, _, err := Syscall(SYS_SOCKETCALL, netSetSockOpt, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&args)), 0) if err != 0 { return err @@ -319,15 +288,6 @@ func Shutdown(s, how int) error { return nil } -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) - -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - if len(fds) == 0 { - return poll(nil, 0, timeout) - } - return poll(&fds[0], len(fds), timeout) -} - //sys kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) func KexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdline string, flags int) error { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go index d389f151..02a45d9c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_linux_sparc64.go @@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build sparc64 && linux // +build sparc64,linux package unix //sys EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) //sys Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) = SYS_FADVISE64 -//sys dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) //sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) //sys Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) //sys Fstatat(dirfd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) = SYS_FSTATAT64 @@ -19,13 +19,12 @@ package unix //sysnb Getgid() (gid int) //sysnb Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) //sysnb Getuid() (uid int) -//sysnb InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) //sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) //sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) //sys Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PREAD64 +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) = SYS_PWRITE64 //sys Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) //sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK //sys Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) @@ -43,7 +42,6 @@ package unix //sys Statfs(path string, buf *Statfs_t) (err error) //sys SyncFileRange(fd int, off int64, n int64, flags int) (err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) -//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) //sys accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) //sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) //sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) @@ -115,37 +113,6 @@ func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { cmsg.Len = uint64(length) } -//sysnb pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) - -func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe(&pp) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) - -func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) (err error) { - if len(p) != 2 { - return EINVAL - } - var pp [2]_C_int - err = pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) - return -} - -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) - -func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - if len(fds) == 0 { - return poll(nil, 0, timeout) - } - return poll(&fds[0], len(fds), timeout) +func (rsa *RawSockaddrNFCLLCP) SetServiceNameLen(length int) { + rsa.Service_name_len = uint64(length) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go index 1e6843b4..666f0a1b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd.go @@ -110,16 +110,27 @@ func direntNamlen(buf []byte) (uint64, bool) { return readInt(buf, unsafe.Offsetof(Dirent{}.Namlen), unsafe.Sizeof(Dirent{}.Namlen)) } -//sysnb pipe() (fd1 int, fd2 int, err error) func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { + return Pipe2(p, 0) +} + +//sysnb pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) + +func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) error { if len(p) != 2 { return EINVAL } - p[0], p[1], err = pipe() - return + var pp [2]_C_int + err := pipe2(&pp, flags) + if err == nil { + p[0] = int(pp[0]) + p[1] = int(pp[1]) + } + return err } -//sys Getdents(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error) +//sys Getdents(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error) + func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) { n, err = Getdents(fd, buf) if err != nil || basep == nil { @@ -152,14 +163,9 @@ func sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e return -1, ENOSYS } -func setattrlistTimes(path string, times []Timespec, flags int) error { - // used on Darwin for UtimesNano - return ENOSYS -} - //sys ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) -//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL +//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL func IoctlGetPtmget(fd int, req uint) (*Ptmget, error) { var value Ptmget @@ -302,8 +308,8 @@ func Statvfs(path string, buf *Statvfs_t) (err error) { //sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go index 24da8b52..5199d282 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_386.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build 386 && netbsd // +build 386,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go index 25a0ac82..70a9c52e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build amd64 && netbsd // +build amd64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go index 21591ecd..3eb5942f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm && netbsd // +build arm,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go index 80474963..fc6ccfd8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm64 && netbsd // +build arm64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go index 6a50b50b..15d637d6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd.go @@ -87,12 +87,14 @@ func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) error { } var pp [2]_C_int err := pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) + if err == nil { + p[0] = int(pp[0]) + p[1] = int(pp[1]) + } return err } -//sys Getdents(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error) +//sys Getdents(fd int, buf []byte) (n int, err error) func Getdirentries(fd int, buf []byte, basep *uintptr) (n int, err error) { n, err = Getdents(fd, buf) if err != nil || basep == nil { @@ -147,14 +149,9 @@ func Getfsstat(buf []Statfs_t, flags int) (n int, err error) { return } -func setattrlistTimes(path string, times []Timespec, flags int) error { - // used on Darwin for UtimesNano - return ENOSYS -} - //sys ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) -//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL +//sys sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) = SYS___SYSCTL //sys ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) @@ -272,8 +269,8 @@ func Uname(uname *Utsname) error { //sys Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go index 42b5a0e5..6baabcdc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_386.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build 386 && openbsd // +build 386,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go index 6ea4b488..bab25360 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build amd64 && openbsd // +build amd64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go index 1c3d26fa..8eed3c4d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm && openbsd // +build arm,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go index a8c458cb..483dde99 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build arm64 && openbsd // +build arm64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go index 184786ed..5c2003ce 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris.go @@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ package unix import ( + "fmt" + "os" "runtime" + "sync" "syscall" "unsafe" ) @@ -63,8 +66,10 @@ func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { if n != 0 { return err } - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) + if err == nil { + p[0] = int(pp[0]) + p[1] = int(pp[1]) + } return nil } @@ -76,8 +81,10 @@ func Pipe2(p []int, flags int) error { } var pp [2]_C_int err := pipe2(&pp, flags) - p[0] = int(pp[0]) - p[1] = int(pp[1]) + if err == nil { + p[0] = int(pp[0]) + p[1] = int(pp[1]) + } return err } @@ -89,9 +96,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet4) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw.Port)) p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrInet4, nil } @@ -104,9 +109,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet6) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) sa.raw.Scope_id = sa.ZoneId - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), SizeofSockaddrInet6, nil } @@ -414,9 +417,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { sa := new(SockaddrInet4) p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil case AF_INET6: @@ -425,9 +426,7 @@ func anyToSockaddr(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) sa.ZoneId = pp.Scope_id - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil } return nil, EAFNOSUPPORT @@ -452,10 +451,9 @@ func Accept(fd int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { //sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) = libsocket.__xnet_recvmsg -func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { +func recvmsgRaw(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, err error) { var msg Msghdr - var rsa RawSockaddrAny - msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rsa)) + msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) msg.Namelen = uint32(SizeofSockaddrAny) var iov Iovec if len(p) > 0 { @@ -477,29 +475,12 @@ func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from return } oobn = int(msg.Accrightslen) - // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected - if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { - from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) - } - return -} - -func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { - _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) return } //sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) = libsocket.__xnet_sendmsg -func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - var ptr unsafe.Pointer - var salen _Socklen - if to != nil { - ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() - if err != nil { - return 0, err - } - } +func sendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, ptr unsafe.Pointer, salen _Socklen, flags int) (n int, err error) { var msg Msghdr msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) msg.Namelen = uint32(salen) @@ -565,7 +546,12 @@ func Minor(dev uint64) uint32 { * Expose the ioctl function */ -//sys ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) +//sys ioctlRet(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (ret int, err error) = libc.ioctl + +func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { + _, err = ioctlRet(fd, req, arg) + return err +} func IoctlSetTermio(fd int, req uint, value *Termio) error { err := ioctl(fd, req, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(value))) @@ -579,7 +565,7 @@ func IoctlGetTermio(fd int, req uint) (*Termio, error) { return &value, err } -//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) +//sys poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { if len(fds) == 0 { @@ -657,8 +643,8 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e //sys Openat(dirfd int, path string, flags int, mode uint32) (fd int, err error) //sys Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) //sys Pause() (err error) -//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) -//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) //sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) //sys Rename(from string, to string) (err error) @@ -682,6 +668,7 @@ func Sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err e //sys Statvfs(path string, vfsstat *Statvfs_t) (err error) //sys Symlink(path string, link string) (err error) //sys Sync() (err error) +//sys Sysconf(which int) (n int64, err error) //sysnb Times(tms *Tms) (ticks uintptr, err error) //sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) //sys Fsync(fd int) (err error) @@ -738,3 +725,280 @@ func Mmap(fd int, offset int64, length int, prot int, flags int) (data []byte, e func Munmap(b []byte) (err error) { return mapper.Munmap(b) } + +// Event Ports + +type fileObjCookie struct { + fobj *fileObj + cookie interface{} +} + +// EventPort provides a safe abstraction on top of Solaris/illumos Event Ports. +type EventPort struct { + port int + mu sync.Mutex + fds map[uintptr]*fileObjCookie + paths map[string]*fileObjCookie + // The user cookie presents an interesting challenge from a memory management perspective. + // There are two paths by which we can discover that it is no longer in use: + // 1. The user calls port_dissociate before any events fire + // 2. An event fires and we return it to the user + // The tricky situation is if the event has fired in the kernel but + // the user hasn't requested/received it yet. + // If the user wants to port_dissociate before the event has been processed, + // we should handle things gracefully. To do so, we need to keep an extra + // reference to the cookie around until the event is processed + // thus the otherwise seemingly extraneous "cookies" map + // The key of this map is a pointer to the corresponding &fCookie.cookie + cookies map[*interface{}]*fileObjCookie +} + +// PortEvent is an abstraction of the port_event C struct. +// Compare Source against PORT_SOURCE_FILE or PORT_SOURCE_FD +// to see if Path or Fd was the event source. The other will be +// uninitialized. +type PortEvent struct { + Cookie interface{} + Events int32 + Fd uintptr + Path string + Source uint16 + fobj *fileObj +} + +// NewEventPort creates a new EventPort including the +// underlying call to port_create(3c). +func NewEventPort() (*EventPort, error) { + port, err := port_create() + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + e := &EventPort{ + port: port, + fds: make(map[uintptr]*fileObjCookie), + paths: make(map[string]*fileObjCookie), + cookies: make(map[*interface{}]*fileObjCookie), + } + return e, nil +} + +//sys port_create() (n int, err error) +//sys port_associate(port int, source int, object uintptr, events int, user *byte) (n int, err error) +//sys port_dissociate(port int, source int, object uintptr) (n int, err error) +//sys port_get(port int, pe *portEvent, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) +//sys port_getn(port int, pe *portEvent, max uint32, nget *uint32, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) + +// Close closes the event port. +func (e *EventPort) Close() error { + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + err := Close(e.port) + if err != nil { + return err + } + e.fds = nil + e.paths = nil + return nil +} + +// PathIsWatched checks to see if path is associated with this EventPort. +func (e *EventPort) PathIsWatched(path string) bool { + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + _, found := e.paths[path] + return found +} + +// FdIsWatched checks to see if fd is associated with this EventPort. +func (e *EventPort) FdIsWatched(fd uintptr) bool { + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + _, found := e.fds[fd] + return found +} + +// AssociatePath wraps port_associate(3c) for a filesystem path including +// creating the necessary file_obj from the provided stat information. +func (e *EventPort) AssociatePath(path string, stat os.FileInfo, events int, cookie interface{}) error { + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + if _, found := e.paths[path]; found { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is already associated with this Event Port", path) + } + fobj, err := createFileObj(path, stat) + if err != nil { + return err + } + fCookie := &fileObjCookie{fobj, cookie} + _, err = port_associate(e.port, PORT_SOURCE_FILE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fobj)), events, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&fCookie.cookie))) + if err != nil { + return err + } + e.paths[path] = fCookie + e.cookies[&fCookie.cookie] = fCookie + return nil +} + +// DissociatePath wraps port_dissociate(3c) for a filesystem path. +func (e *EventPort) DissociatePath(path string) error { + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + f, ok := e.paths[path] + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is not associated with this Event Port", path) + } + _, err := port_dissociate(e.port, PORT_SOURCE_FILE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(f.fobj))) + // If the path is no longer associated with this event port (ENOENT) + // we should delete it from our map. We can still return ENOENT to the caller. + // But we need to save the cookie + if err != nil && err != ENOENT { + return err + } + if err == nil { + // dissociate was successful, safe to delete the cookie + fCookie := e.paths[path] + delete(e.cookies, &fCookie.cookie) + } + delete(e.paths, path) + return err +} + +// AssociateFd wraps calls to port_associate(3c) on file descriptors. +func (e *EventPort) AssociateFd(fd uintptr, events int, cookie interface{}) error { + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + if _, found := e.fds[fd]; found { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is already associated with this Event Port", fd) + } + fCookie := &fileObjCookie{nil, cookie} + _, err := port_associate(e.port, PORT_SOURCE_FD, fd, events, (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&fCookie.cookie))) + if err != nil { + return err + } + e.fds[fd] = fCookie + e.cookies[&fCookie.cookie] = fCookie + return nil +} + +// DissociateFd wraps calls to port_dissociate(3c) on file descriptors. +func (e *EventPort) DissociateFd(fd uintptr) error { + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + _, ok := e.fds[fd] + if !ok { + return fmt.Errorf("%v is not associated with this Event Port", fd) + } + _, err := port_dissociate(e.port, PORT_SOURCE_FD, fd) + if err != nil && err != ENOENT { + return err + } + if err == nil { + // dissociate was successful, safe to delete the cookie + fCookie := e.fds[fd] + delete(e.cookies, &fCookie.cookie) + } + delete(e.fds, fd) + return err +} + +func createFileObj(name string, stat os.FileInfo) (*fileObj, error) { + fobj := new(fileObj) + bs, err := ByteSliceFromString(name) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + fobj.Name = (*int8)(unsafe.Pointer(&bs[0])) + s := stat.Sys().(*syscall.Stat_t) + fobj.Atim.Sec = s.Atim.Sec + fobj.Atim.Nsec = s.Atim.Nsec + fobj.Mtim.Sec = s.Mtim.Sec + fobj.Mtim.Nsec = s.Mtim.Nsec + fobj.Ctim.Sec = s.Ctim.Sec + fobj.Ctim.Nsec = s.Ctim.Nsec + return fobj, nil +} + +// GetOne wraps port_get(3c) and returns a single PortEvent. +func (e *EventPort) GetOne(t *Timespec) (*PortEvent, error) { + pe := new(portEvent) + _, err := port_get(e.port, pe, t) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + p := new(PortEvent) + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + e.peIntToExt(pe, p) + return p, nil +} + +// peIntToExt converts a cgo portEvent struct into the friendlier PortEvent +// NOTE: Always call this function while holding the e.mu mutex +func (e *EventPort) peIntToExt(peInt *portEvent, peExt *PortEvent) { + peExt.Events = peInt.Events + peExt.Source = peInt.Source + cookie := (*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(peInt.User)) + peExt.Cookie = *cookie + switch peInt.Source { + case PORT_SOURCE_FD: + delete(e.cookies, cookie) + peExt.Fd = uintptr(peInt.Object) + // Only remove the fds entry if it exists and this cookie matches + if fobj, ok := e.fds[peExt.Fd]; ok { + if &fobj.cookie == cookie { + delete(e.fds, peExt.Fd) + } + } + case PORT_SOURCE_FILE: + if fCookie, ok := e.cookies[cookie]; ok && uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fCookie.fobj)) == uintptr(peInt.Object) { + // Use our stashed reference rather than using unsafe on what we got back + // the unsafe version would be (*fileObj)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(peInt.Object))) + peExt.fobj = fCookie.fobj + } else { + panic("mismanaged memory") + } + delete(e.cookies, cookie) + peExt.Path = BytePtrToString((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(peExt.fobj.Name))) + // Only remove the paths entry if it exists and this cookie matches + if fobj, ok := e.paths[peExt.Path]; ok { + if &fobj.cookie == cookie { + delete(e.paths, peExt.Path) + } + } + } +} + +// Pending wraps port_getn(3c) and returns how many events are pending. +func (e *EventPort) Pending() (int, error) { + var n uint32 = 0 + _, err := port_getn(e.port, nil, 0, &n, nil) + return int(n), err +} + +// Get wraps port_getn(3c) and fills a slice of PortEvent. +// It will block until either min events have been received +// or the timeout has been exceeded. It will return how many +// events were actually received along with any error information. +func (e *EventPort) Get(s []PortEvent, min int, timeout *Timespec) (int, error) { + if min == 0 { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("need to request at least one event or use Pending() instead") + } + if len(s) < min { + return 0, fmt.Errorf("len(s) (%d) is less than min events requested (%d)", len(s), min) + } + got := uint32(min) + max := uint32(len(s)) + var err error + ps := make([]portEvent, max, max) + _, err = port_getn(e.port, &ps[0], max, &got, timeout) + // got will be trustworthy with ETIME, but not any other error. + if err != nil && err != ETIME { + return 0, err + } + e.mu.Lock() + defer e.mu.Unlock() + for i := 0; i < int(got); i++ { + e.peIntToExt(&ps[i], &s[i]) + } + return int(got), err +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go index b22a34d7..0bd25ef8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_solaris_amd64.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build amd64 && solaris // +build amd64,solaris package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go index 400ba9fb..70508afc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris // +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris package unix @@ -176,6 +177,30 @@ func Write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { return } +func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + n, err = pread(fd, p, offset) + if raceenabled { + if n > 0 { + raceWriteRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), n) + } + if err == nil { + raceAcquire(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + } + return +} + +func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + if raceenabled { + raceReleaseMerge(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + n, err = pwrite(fd, p, offset) + if raceenabled && n > 0 { + raceReadRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), n) + } + return +} + // For testing: clients can set this flag to force // creation of IPv6 sockets to return EAFNOSUPPORT. var SocketDisableIPv6 bool @@ -312,6 +337,37 @@ func Recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from Sockaddr, err error) { return } +func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { + var rsa RawSockaddrAny + n, oobn, recvflags, err = recvmsgRaw(fd, p, oob, flags, &rsa) + // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected + if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { + from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) + } + return +} + +func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { + _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) + return +} + +func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + var ptr unsafe.Pointer + var salen _Socklen + if to != nil { + ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + return sendmsgN(fd, p, oob, ptr, salen, flags) +} + +func Send(s int, buf []byte, flags int) (err error) { + return sendto(s, buf, flags, nil, 0) +} + func Sendto(fd int, p []byte, flags int, to Sockaddr) (err error) { ptr, n, err := to.sockaddr() if err != nil { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc.go index 87bd161c..5898e9a5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc.go @@ -2,8 +2,11 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build (darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris) && gc && !ppc64le && !ppc64 // +build darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris -// +build gc,!ppc64le,!ppc64 +// +build gc +// +build !ppc64le +// +build !ppc64 package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc_ppc64x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc_ppc64x.go index d36216c3..f6f707ac 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc_ppc64x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_unix_gc_ppc64x.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build linux && (ppc64le || ppc64) && gc // +build linux // +build ppc64le ppc64 // +build gc diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_zos_s390x.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f8616f45 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/syscall_zos_s390x.go @@ -0,0 +1,1823 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build zos && s390x +// +build zos,s390x + +package unix + +import ( + "bytes" + "runtime" + "sort" + "sync" + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +const ( + O_CLOEXEC = 0 // Dummy value (not supported). + AF_LOCAL = AF_UNIX // AF_LOCAL is an alias for AF_UNIX +) + +func syscall_syscall(trap, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) +func syscall_rawsyscall(trap, a1, a2, a3 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) +func syscall_syscall6(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) +func syscall_rawsyscall6(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) +func syscall_syscall9(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) +func syscall_rawsyscall9(trap, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 uintptr) (r1, r2 uintptr, err Errno) + +func copyStat(stat *Stat_t, statLE *Stat_LE_t) { + stat.Dev = uint64(statLE.Dev) + stat.Ino = uint64(statLE.Ino) + stat.Nlink = uint64(statLE.Nlink) + stat.Mode = uint32(statLE.Mode) + stat.Uid = uint32(statLE.Uid) + stat.Gid = uint32(statLE.Gid) + stat.Rdev = uint64(statLE.Rdev) + stat.Size = statLE.Size + stat.Atim.Sec = int64(statLE.Atim) + stat.Atim.Nsec = 0 //zos doesn't return nanoseconds + stat.Mtim.Sec = int64(statLE.Mtim) + stat.Mtim.Nsec = 0 //zos doesn't return nanoseconds + stat.Ctim.Sec = int64(statLE.Ctim) + stat.Ctim.Nsec = 0 //zos doesn't return nanoseconds + stat.Blksize = int64(statLE.Blksize) + stat.Blocks = statLE.Blocks +} + +func svcCall(fnptr unsafe.Pointer, argv *unsafe.Pointer, dsa *uint64) +func svcLoad(name *byte) unsafe.Pointer +func svcUnload(name *byte, fnptr unsafe.Pointer) int64 + +func (d *Dirent) NameString() string { + if d == nil { + return "" + } + return string(d.Name[:d.Namlen]) +} + +func (sa *SockaddrInet4) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { + if sa.Port < 0 || sa.Port > 0xFFFF { + return nil, 0, EINVAL + } + sa.raw.Len = SizeofSockaddrInet4 + sa.raw.Family = AF_INET + p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw.Port)) + p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) + p[1] = byte(sa.Port) + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr + return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), _Socklen(sa.raw.Len), nil +} + +func (sa *SockaddrInet6) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { + if sa.Port < 0 || sa.Port > 0xFFFF { + return nil, 0, EINVAL + } + sa.raw.Len = SizeofSockaddrInet6 + sa.raw.Family = AF_INET6 + p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw.Port)) + p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) + p[1] = byte(sa.Port) + sa.raw.Scope_id = sa.ZoneId + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr + return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), _Socklen(sa.raw.Len), nil +} + +func (sa *SockaddrUnix) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, _Socklen, error) { + name := sa.Name + n := len(name) + if n >= len(sa.raw.Path) || n == 0 { + return nil, 0, EINVAL + } + sa.raw.Len = byte(3 + n) // 2 for Family, Len; 1 for NUL + sa.raw.Family = AF_UNIX + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + sa.raw.Path[i] = int8(name[i]) + } + return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), _Socklen(sa.raw.Len), nil +} + +func anyToSockaddr(_ int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny) (Sockaddr, error) { + // TODO(neeilan): Implement use of first param (fd) + switch rsa.Addr.Family { + case AF_UNIX: + pp := (*RawSockaddrUnix)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) + sa := new(SockaddrUnix) + // For z/OS, only replace NUL with @ when the + // length is not zero. + if pp.Len != 0 && pp.Path[0] == 0 { + // "Abstract" Unix domain socket. + // Rewrite leading NUL as @ for textual display. + // (This is the standard convention.) + // Not friendly to overwrite in place, + // but the callers below don't care. + pp.Path[0] = '@' + } + + // Assume path ends at NUL. + // + // For z/OS, the length of the name is a field + // in the structure. To be on the safe side, we + // will still scan the name for a NUL but only + // to the length provided in the structure. + // + // This is not technically the Linux semantics for + // abstract Unix domain sockets--they are supposed + // to be uninterpreted fixed-size binary blobs--but + // everyone uses this convention. + n := 0 + for n < int(pp.Len) && pp.Path[n] != 0 { + n++ + } + bytes := (*[len(pp.Path)]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Path[0]))[0:n] + sa.Name = string(bytes) + return sa, nil + + case AF_INET: + pp := (*RawSockaddrInet4)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) + sa := new(SockaddrInet4) + p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) + sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) + sa.Addr = pp.Addr + return sa, nil + + case AF_INET6: + pp := (*RawSockaddrInet6)(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)) + sa := new(SockaddrInet6) + p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) + sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) + sa.ZoneId = pp.Scope_id + sa.Addr = pp.Addr + return sa, nil + } + return nil, EAFNOSUPPORT +} + +func Accept(fd int) (nfd int, sa Sockaddr, err error) { + var rsa RawSockaddrAny + var len _Socklen = SizeofSockaddrAny + nfd, err = accept(fd, &rsa, &len) + if err != nil { + return + } + // TODO(neeilan): Remove 0 in call + sa, err = anyToSockaddr(0, &rsa) + if err != nil { + Close(nfd) + nfd = 0 + } + return +} + +func (iov *Iovec) SetLen(length int) { + iov.Len = uint64(length) +} + +func (msghdr *Msghdr) SetControllen(length int) { + msghdr.Controllen = int32(length) +} + +func (cmsg *Cmsghdr) SetLen(length int) { + cmsg.Len = int32(length) +} + +//sys fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) +//sys read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) +//sys readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) = SYS_READ +//sys write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) + +//sys accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) = SYS___ACCEPT_A +//sys bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) = SYS___BIND_A +//sys connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) = SYS___CONNECT_A +//sysnb getgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (nn int, err error) +//sysnb setgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (err error) +//sys getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) +//sys setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) +//sysnb socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) +//sysnb socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) +//sysnb getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) = SYS___GETPEERNAME_A +//sysnb getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) = SYS___GETSOCKNAME_A +//sys recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) = SYS___RECVFROM_A +//sys sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) = SYS___SENDTO_A +//sys recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) = SYS___RECVMSG_A +//sys sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) = SYS___SENDMSG_A +//sys mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) = SYS_MMAP +//sys munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) = SYS_MUNMAP +//sys ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) = SYS_IOCTL + +//sys Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) = SYS___ACCESS_A +//sys Chdir(path string) (err error) = SYS___CHDIR_A +//sys Chown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) = SYS___CHOWN_A +//sys Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (err error) = SYS___CHMOD_A +//sys Creat(path string, mode uint32) (fd int, err error) = SYS___CREAT_A +//sys Dup(oldfd int) (fd int, err error) +//sys Dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) +//sys Errno2() (er2 int) = SYS___ERRNO2 +//sys Err2ad() (eadd *int) = SYS___ERR2AD +//sys Exit(code int) +//sys Fchdir(fd int) (err error) +//sys Fchmod(fd int, mode uint32) (err error) +//sys Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) +//sys FcntlInt(fd uintptr, cmd int, arg int) (retval int, err error) = SYS_FCNTL +//sys fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_LE_t) (err error) + +func Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + var statLE Stat_LE_t + err = fstat(fd, &statLE) + copyStat(stat, &statLE) + return +} + +//sys Fstatvfs(fd int, stat *Statvfs_t) (err error) = SYS_FSTATVFS +//sys Fsync(fd int) (err error) +//sys Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) +//sys Getpagesize() (pgsize int) = SYS_GETPAGESIZE +//sys Mprotect(b []byte, prot int) (err error) = SYS_MPROTECT +//sys Msync(b []byte, flags int) (err error) = SYS_MSYNC +//sys Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) = SYS_POLL +//sys Times(tms *Tms) (ticks uintptr, err error) = SYS_TIMES +//sys W_Getmntent(buff *byte, size int) (lastsys int, err error) = SYS_W_GETMNTENT +//sys W_Getmntent_A(buff *byte, size int) (lastsys int, err error) = SYS___W_GETMNTENT_A + +//sys mount_LE(path string, filesystem string, fstype string, mtm uint32, parmlen int32, parm string) (err error) = SYS___MOUNT_A +//sys unmount(filesystem string, mtm int) (err error) = SYS___UMOUNT_A +//sys Chroot(path string) (err error) = SYS___CHROOT_A +//sys Select(nmsgsfds int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (ret int, err error) = SYS_SELECT +//sysnb Uname(buf *Utsname) (err error) = SYS___UNAME_A + +func Ptsname(fd int) (name string, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___PTSNAME_A, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + name = u2s(unsafe.Pointer(r0)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func u2s(cstr unsafe.Pointer) string { + str := (*[1024]uint8)(cstr) + i := 0 + for str[i] != 0 { + i++ + } + return string(str[:i]) +} + +func Close(fd int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_CLOSE, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + for i := 0; e1 == EAGAIN && i < 10; i++ { + _, _, _ = syscall_syscall(SYS_USLEEP, uintptr(10), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 = syscall_syscall(SYS_CLOSE, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + } + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var mapper = &mmapper{ + active: make(map[*byte][]byte), + mmap: mmap, + munmap: munmap, +} + +// Dummy function: there are no semantics for Madvise on z/OS +func Madvise(b []byte, advice int) (err error) { + return +} + +func Mmap(fd int, offset int64, length int, prot int, flags int) (data []byte, err error) { + return mapper.Mmap(fd, offset, length, prot, flags) +} + +func Munmap(b []byte) (err error) { + return mapper.Munmap(b) +} + +//sys Gethostname(buf []byte) (err error) = SYS___GETHOSTNAME_A +//sysnb Getegid() (egid int) +//sysnb Geteuid() (uid int) +//sysnb Getgid() (gid int) +//sysnb Getpid() (pid int) +//sysnb Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) = SYS_GETPGID + +func Getpgrp() (pid int) { + pid, _ = Getpgid(0) + return +} + +//sysnb Getppid() (pid int) +//sys Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) +//sysnb Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) = SYS_GETRLIMIT + +//sysnb getrusage(who int, rusage *rusage_zos) (err error) = SYS_GETRUSAGE + +func Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) { + var ruz rusage_zos + err = getrusage(who, &ruz) + //Only the first two fields of Rusage are set + rusage.Utime.Sec = ruz.Utime.Sec + rusage.Utime.Usec = int64(ruz.Utime.Usec) + rusage.Stime.Sec = ruz.Stime.Sec + rusage.Stime.Usec = int64(ruz.Stime.Usec) + return +} + +//sysnb Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) = SYS_GETSID +//sysnb Getuid() (uid int) +//sysnb Kill(pid int, sig Signal) (err error) +//sys Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) = SYS___LCHOWN_A +//sys Link(path string, link string) (err error) = SYS___LINK_A +//sys Listen(s int, n int) (err error) +//sys lstat(path string, stat *Stat_LE_t) (err error) = SYS___LSTAT_A + +func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + var statLE Stat_LE_t + err = lstat(path, &statLE) + copyStat(stat, &statLE) + return +} + +//sys Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) (err error) = SYS___MKDIR_A +//sys Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error) = SYS___MKFIFO_A +//sys Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) = SYS___MKNOD_A +//sys Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) +//sys Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) = SYS___READLINK_A +//sys Rename(from string, to string) (err error) = SYS___RENAME_A +//sys Rmdir(path string) (err error) = SYS___RMDIR_A +//sys Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) = SYS_LSEEK +//sys Setpriority(which int, who int, prio int) (err error) +//sysnb Setpgid(pid int, pgid int) (err error) = SYS_SETPGID +//sysnb Setrlimit(resource int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) +//sysnb Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) = SYS_SETREGID +//sysnb Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) = SYS_SETREUID +//sysnb Setsid() (pid int, err error) = SYS_SETSID +//sys Setuid(uid int) (err error) = SYS_SETUID +//sys Setgid(uid int) (err error) = SYS_SETGID +//sys Shutdown(fd int, how int) (err error) +//sys stat(path string, statLE *Stat_LE_t) (err error) = SYS___STAT_A + +func Stat(path string, sta *Stat_t) (err error) { + var statLE Stat_LE_t + err = stat(path, &statLE) + copyStat(sta, &statLE) + return +} + +//sys Symlink(path string, link string) (err error) = SYS___SYMLINK_A +//sys Sync() = SYS_SYNC +//sys Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) = SYS___TRUNCATE_A +//sys Tcgetattr(fildes int, termptr *Termios) (err error) = SYS_TCGETATTR +//sys Tcsetattr(fildes int, when int, termptr *Termios) (err error) = SYS_TCSETATTR +//sys Umask(mask int) (oldmask int) +//sys Unlink(path string) (err error) = SYS___UNLINK_A +//sys Utime(path string, utim *Utimbuf) (err error) = SYS___UTIME_A + +//sys open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) = SYS___OPEN_A + +func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { + return open(path, mode, perm) +} + +func Mkfifoat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + wd, err := Getwd() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if err := Fchdir(dirfd); err != nil { + return err + } + defer Chdir(wd) + + return Mkfifo(path, mode) +} + +//sys remove(path string) (err error) + +func Remove(path string) error { + return remove(path) +} + +const ImplementsGetwd = true + +func Getcwd(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { + var p unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + p = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + p = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e := syscall_syscall(SYS___GETCWD_A, uintptr(p), uintptr(len(buf)), 0) + n = clen(buf) + 1 + if e != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e) + } + return +} + +func Getwd() (wd string, err error) { + var buf [PathMax]byte + n, err := Getcwd(buf[0:]) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + // Getcwd returns the number of bytes written to buf, including the NUL. + if n < 1 || n > len(buf) || buf[n-1] != 0 { + return "", EINVAL + } + return string(buf[0 : n-1]), nil +} + +func Getgroups() (gids []int, err error) { + n, err := getgroups(0, nil) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + if n == 0 { + return nil, nil + } + + // Sanity check group count. Max is 1<<16 on Linux. + if n < 0 || n > 1<<20 { + return nil, EINVAL + } + + a := make([]_Gid_t, n) + n, err = getgroups(n, &a[0]) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + gids = make([]int, n) + for i, v := range a[0:n] { + gids[i] = int(v) + } + return +} + +func Setgroups(gids []int) (err error) { + if len(gids) == 0 { + return setgroups(0, nil) + } + + a := make([]_Gid_t, len(gids)) + for i, v := range gids { + a[i] = _Gid_t(v) + } + return setgroups(len(a), &a[0]) +} + +func gettid() uint64 + +func Gettid() (tid int) { + return int(gettid()) +} + +type WaitStatus uint32 + +// Wait status is 7 bits at bottom, either 0 (exited), +// 0x7F (stopped), or a signal number that caused an exit. +// The 0x80 bit is whether there was a core dump. +// An extra number (exit code, signal causing a stop) +// is in the high bits. At least that's the idea. +// There are various irregularities. For example, the +// "continued" status is 0xFFFF, distinguishing itself +// from stopped via the core dump bit. + +const ( + mask = 0x7F + core = 0x80 + exited = 0x00 + stopped = 0x7F + shift = 8 +) + +func (w WaitStatus) Exited() bool { return w&mask == exited } + +func (w WaitStatus) Signaled() bool { return w&mask != stopped && w&mask != exited } + +func (w WaitStatus) Stopped() bool { return w&0xFF == stopped } + +func (w WaitStatus) Continued() bool { return w == 0xFFFF } + +func (w WaitStatus) CoreDump() bool { return w.Signaled() && w&core != 0 } + +func (w WaitStatus) ExitStatus() int { + if !w.Exited() { + return -1 + } + return int(w>>shift) & 0xFF +} + +func (w WaitStatus) Signal() Signal { + if !w.Signaled() { + return -1 + } + return Signal(w & mask) +} + +func (w WaitStatus) StopSignal() Signal { + if !w.Stopped() { + return -1 + } + return Signal(w>>shift) & 0xFF +} + +func (w WaitStatus) TrapCause() int { return -1 } + +//sys waitpid(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int) (wpid int, err error) + +func Wait4(pid int, wstatus *WaitStatus, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err error) { + // TODO(mundaym): z/OS doesn't have wait4. I don't think getrusage does what we want. + // At the moment rusage will not be touched. + var status _C_int + wpid, err = waitpid(pid, &status, options) + if wstatus != nil { + *wstatus = WaitStatus(status) + } + return +} + +//sysnb gettimeofday(tv *timeval_zos) (err error) + +func Gettimeofday(tv *Timeval) (err error) { + var tvz timeval_zos + err = gettimeofday(&tvz) + tv.Sec = tvz.Sec + tv.Usec = int64(tvz.Usec) + return +} + +func Time(t *Time_t) (tt Time_t, err error) { + var tv Timeval + err = Gettimeofday(&tv) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + if t != nil { + *t = Time_t(tv.Sec) + } + return Time_t(tv.Sec), nil +} + +func setTimespec(sec, nsec int64) Timespec { + return Timespec{Sec: sec, Nsec: nsec} +} + +func setTimeval(sec, usec int64) Timeval { //fix + return Timeval{Sec: sec, Usec: usec} +} + +//sysnb pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) + +func Pipe(p []int) (err error) { + if len(p) != 2 { + return EINVAL + } + var pp [2]_C_int + err = pipe(&pp) + if err == nil { + p[0] = int(pp[0]) + p[1] = int(pp[1]) + } + return +} + +//sys utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) = SYS___UTIMES_A + +func Utimes(path string, tv []Timeval) (err error) { + if len(tv) != 2 { + return EINVAL + } + return utimes(path, (*[2]Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(&tv[0]))) +} + +func UtimesNano(path string, ts []Timespec) error { + if len(ts) != 2 { + return EINVAL + } + // Not as efficient as it could be because Timespec and + // Timeval have different types in the different OSes + tv := [2]Timeval{ + NsecToTimeval(TimespecToNsec(ts[0])), + NsecToTimeval(TimespecToNsec(ts[1])), + } + return utimes(path, (*[2]Timeval)(unsafe.Pointer(&tv[0]))) +} + +func Getsockname(fd int) (sa Sockaddr, err error) { + var rsa RawSockaddrAny + var len _Socklen = SizeofSockaddrAny + if err = getsockname(fd, &rsa, &len); err != nil { + return + } + // TODO(neeilan) : Remove this 0 ( added to get sys/unix compiling on z/OS ) + return anyToSockaddr(0, &rsa) +} + +const ( + // identifier constants + nwmHeaderIdentifier = 0xd5e6d4c8 + nwmFilterIdentifier = 0xd5e6d4c6 + nwmTCPConnIdentifier = 0xd5e6d4c3 + nwmRecHeaderIdentifier = 0xd5e6d4d9 + nwmIPStatsIdentifier = 0xd5e6d4c9d7e2e340 + nwmIPGStatsIdentifier = 0xd5e6d4c9d7c7e2e3 + nwmTCPStatsIdentifier = 0xd5e6d4e3c3d7e2e3 + nwmUDPStatsIdentifier = 0xd5e6d4e4c4d7e2e3 + nwmICMPGStatsEntry = 0xd5e6d4c9c3d4d7c7 + nwmICMPTStatsEntry = 0xd5e6d4c9c3d4d7e3 + + // nwmHeader constants + nwmVersion1 = 1 + nwmVersion2 = 2 + nwmCurrentVer = 2 + + nwmTCPConnType = 1 + nwmGlobalStatsType = 14 + + // nwmFilter constants + nwmFilterLclAddrMask = 0x20000000 // Local address + nwmFilterSrcAddrMask = 0x20000000 // Source address + nwmFilterLclPortMask = 0x10000000 // Local port + nwmFilterSrcPortMask = 0x10000000 // Source port + + // nwmConnEntry constants + nwmTCPStateClosed = 1 + nwmTCPStateListen = 2 + nwmTCPStateSynSent = 3 + nwmTCPStateSynRcvd = 4 + nwmTCPStateEstab = 5 + nwmTCPStateFinWait1 = 6 + nwmTCPStateFinWait2 = 7 + nwmTCPStateClosWait = 8 + nwmTCPStateLastAck = 9 + nwmTCPStateClosing = 10 + nwmTCPStateTimeWait = 11 + nwmTCPStateDeletTCB = 12 + + // Existing constants on linux + BPF_TCP_CLOSE = 1 + BPF_TCP_LISTEN = 2 + BPF_TCP_SYN_SENT = 3 + BPF_TCP_SYN_RECV = 4 + BPF_TCP_ESTABLISHED = 5 + BPF_TCP_FIN_WAIT1 = 6 + BPF_TCP_FIN_WAIT2 = 7 + BPF_TCP_CLOSE_WAIT = 8 + BPF_TCP_LAST_ACK = 9 + BPF_TCP_CLOSING = 10 + BPF_TCP_TIME_WAIT = 11 + BPF_TCP_NEW_SYN_RECV = -1 + BPF_TCP_MAX_STATES = -2 +) + +type nwmTriplet struct { + offset uint32 + length uint32 + number uint32 +} + +type nwmQuadruplet struct { + offset uint32 + length uint32 + number uint32 + match uint32 +} + +type nwmHeader struct { + ident uint32 + length uint32 + version uint16 + nwmType uint16 + bytesNeeded uint32 + options uint32 + _ [16]byte + inputDesc nwmTriplet + outputDesc nwmQuadruplet +} + +type nwmFilter struct { + ident uint32 + flags uint32 + resourceName [8]byte + resourceId uint32 + listenerId uint32 + local [28]byte // union of sockaddr4 and sockaddr6 + remote [28]byte // union of sockaddr4 and sockaddr6 + _ uint16 + _ uint16 + asid uint16 + _ [2]byte + tnLuName [8]byte + tnMonGrp uint32 + tnAppl [8]byte + applData [40]byte + nInterface [16]byte + dVipa [16]byte + dVipaPfx uint16 + dVipaPort uint16 + dVipaFamily byte + _ [3]byte + destXCF [16]byte + destXCFPfx uint16 + destXCFFamily byte + _ [1]byte + targIP [16]byte + targIPPfx uint16 + targIPFamily byte + _ [1]byte + _ [20]byte +} + +type nwmRecHeader struct { + ident uint32 + length uint32 + number byte + _ [3]byte +} + +type nwmTCPStatsEntry struct { + ident uint64 + currEstab uint32 + activeOpened uint32 + passiveOpened uint32 + connClosed uint32 + estabResets uint32 + attemptFails uint32 + passiveDrops uint32 + timeWaitReused uint32 + inSegs uint64 + predictAck uint32 + predictData uint32 + inDupAck uint32 + inBadSum uint32 + inBadLen uint32 + inShort uint32 + inDiscOldTime uint32 + inAllBeforeWin uint32 + inSomeBeforeWin uint32 + inAllAfterWin uint32 + inSomeAfterWin uint32 + inOutOfOrder uint32 + inAfterClose uint32 + inWinProbes uint32 + inWinUpdates uint32 + outWinUpdates uint32 + outSegs uint64 + outDelayAcks uint32 + outRsts uint32 + retransSegs uint32 + retransTimeouts uint32 + retransDrops uint32 + pmtuRetrans uint32 + pmtuErrors uint32 + outWinProbes uint32 + probeDrops uint32 + keepAliveProbes uint32 + keepAliveDrops uint32 + finwait2Drops uint32 + acceptCount uint64 + inBulkQSegs uint64 + inDiscards uint64 + connFloods uint32 + connStalls uint32 + cfgEphemDef uint16 + ephemInUse uint16 + ephemHiWater uint16 + flags byte + _ [1]byte + ephemExhaust uint32 + smcRCurrEstabLnks uint32 + smcRLnkActTimeOut uint32 + smcRActLnkOpened uint32 + smcRPasLnkOpened uint32 + smcRLnksClosed uint32 + smcRCurrEstab uint32 + smcRActiveOpened uint32 + smcRPassiveOpened uint32 + smcRConnClosed uint32 + smcRInSegs uint64 + smcROutSegs uint64 + smcRInRsts uint32 + smcROutRsts uint32 + smcDCurrEstabLnks uint32 + smcDActLnkOpened uint32 + smcDPasLnkOpened uint32 + smcDLnksClosed uint32 + smcDCurrEstab uint32 + smcDActiveOpened uint32 + smcDPassiveOpened uint32 + smcDConnClosed uint32 + smcDInSegs uint64 + smcDOutSegs uint64 + smcDInRsts uint32 + smcDOutRsts uint32 +} + +type nwmConnEntry struct { + ident uint32 + local [28]byte // union of sockaddr4 and sockaddr6 + remote [28]byte // union of sockaddr4 and sockaddr6 + startTime [8]byte // uint64, changed to prevent padding from being inserted + lastActivity [8]byte // uint64 + bytesIn [8]byte // uint64 + bytesOut [8]byte // uint64 + inSegs [8]byte // uint64 + outSegs [8]byte // uint64 + state uint16 + activeOpen byte + flag01 byte + outBuffered uint32 + inBuffered uint32 + maxSndWnd uint32 + reXmtCount uint32 + congestionWnd uint32 + ssThresh uint32 + roundTripTime uint32 + roundTripVar uint32 + sendMSS uint32 + sndWnd uint32 + rcvBufSize uint32 + sndBufSize uint32 + outOfOrderCount uint32 + lcl0WindowCount uint32 + rmt0WindowCount uint32 + dupacks uint32 + flag02 byte + sockOpt6Cont byte + asid uint16 + resourceName [8]byte + resourceId uint32 + subtask uint32 + sockOpt byte + sockOpt6 byte + clusterConnFlag byte + proto byte + targetAppl [8]byte + luName [8]byte + clientUserId [8]byte + logMode [8]byte + timeStamp uint32 + timeStampAge uint32 + serverResourceId uint32 + intfName [16]byte + ttlsStatPol byte + ttlsStatConn byte + ttlsSSLProt uint16 + ttlsNegCiph [2]byte + ttlsSecType byte + ttlsFIPS140Mode byte + ttlsUserID [8]byte + applData [40]byte + inOldestTime [8]byte // uint64 + outOldestTime [8]byte // uint64 + tcpTrustedPartner byte + _ [3]byte + bulkDataIntfName [16]byte + ttlsNegCiph4 [4]byte + smcReason uint32 + lclSMCLinkId uint32 + rmtSMCLinkId uint32 + smcStatus byte + smcFlags byte + _ [2]byte + rcvWnd uint32 + lclSMCBufSz uint32 + rmtSMCBufSz uint32 + ttlsSessID [32]byte + ttlsSessIDLen int16 + _ [1]byte + smcDStatus byte + smcDReason uint32 +} + +var svcNameTable [][]byte = [][]byte{ + []byte("\xc5\xe9\xc2\xd5\xd4\xc9\xc6\xf4"), // svc_EZBNMIF4 +} + +const ( + svc_EZBNMIF4 = 0 +) + +func GetsockoptTCPInfo(fd, level, opt int) (*TCPInfo, error) { + jobname := []byte("\x5c\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40\x40") // "*" + responseBuffer := [4096]byte{0} + var bufferAlet, reasonCode uint32 = 0, 0 + var bufferLen, returnValue, returnCode int32 = 4096, 0, 0 + + dsa := [18]uint64{0} + var argv [7]unsafe.Pointer + argv[0] = unsafe.Pointer(&jobname[0]) + argv[1] = unsafe.Pointer(&responseBuffer[0]) + argv[2] = unsafe.Pointer(&bufferAlet) + argv[3] = unsafe.Pointer(&bufferLen) + argv[4] = unsafe.Pointer(&returnValue) + argv[5] = unsafe.Pointer(&returnCode) + argv[6] = unsafe.Pointer(&reasonCode) + + request := (*struct { + header nwmHeader + filter nwmFilter + })(unsafe.Pointer(&responseBuffer[0])) + + EZBNMIF4 := svcLoad(&svcNameTable[svc_EZBNMIF4][0]) + if EZBNMIF4 == nil { + return nil, errnoErr(EINVAL) + } + + // GetGlobalStats EZBNMIF4 call + request.header.ident = nwmHeaderIdentifier + request.header.length = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(request.header)) + request.header.version = nwmCurrentVer + request.header.nwmType = nwmGlobalStatsType + request.header.options = 0x80000000 + + svcCall(EZBNMIF4, &argv[0], &dsa[0]) + + // outputDesc field is filled by EZBNMIF4 on success + if returnCode != 0 || request.header.outputDesc.offset == 0 { + return nil, errnoErr(EINVAL) + } + + // Check that EZBNMIF4 returned a nwmRecHeader + recHeader := (*nwmRecHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&responseBuffer[request.header.outputDesc.offset])) + if recHeader.ident != nwmRecHeaderIdentifier { + return nil, errnoErr(EINVAL) + } + + // Parse nwmTriplets to get offsets of returned entries + var sections []*uint64 + var sectionDesc *nwmTriplet = (*nwmTriplet)(unsafe.Pointer(&responseBuffer[0])) + for i := uint32(0); i < uint32(recHeader.number); i++ { + offset := request.header.outputDesc.offset + uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*recHeader)) + i*uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*sectionDesc)) + sectionDesc = (*nwmTriplet)(unsafe.Pointer(&responseBuffer[offset])) + for j := uint32(0); j < sectionDesc.number; j++ { + offset = request.header.outputDesc.offset + sectionDesc.offset + j*sectionDesc.length + sections = append(sections, (*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&responseBuffer[offset]))) + } + } + + // Find nwmTCPStatsEntry in returned entries + var tcpStats *nwmTCPStatsEntry = nil + for _, ptr := range sections { + switch *ptr { + case nwmTCPStatsIdentifier: + if tcpStats != nil { + return nil, errnoErr(EINVAL) + } + tcpStats = (*nwmTCPStatsEntry)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) + case nwmIPStatsIdentifier: + case nwmIPGStatsIdentifier: + case nwmUDPStatsIdentifier: + case nwmICMPGStatsEntry: + case nwmICMPTStatsEntry: + default: + return nil, errnoErr(EINVAL) + } + } + if tcpStats == nil { + return nil, errnoErr(EINVAL) + } + + // GetConnectionDetail EZBNMIF4 call + responseBuffer = [4096]byte{0} + dsa = [18]uint64{0} + bufferAlet, reasonCode = 0, 0 + bufferLen, returnValue, returnCode = 4096, 0, 0 + nameptr := (*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0x21c))) // Get jobname of current process + nameptr = (*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(*nameptr + 12))) + argv[0] = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(*nameptr)) + + request.header.ident = nwmHeaderIdentifier + request.header.length = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(request.header)) + request.header.version = nwmCurrentVer + request.header.nwmType = nwmTCPConnType + request.header.options = 0x80000000 + + request.filter.ident = nwmFilterIdentifier + + var localSockaddr RawSockaddrAny + socklen := _Socklen(SizeofSockaddrAny) + err := getsockname(fd, &localSockaddr, &socklen) + if err != nil { + return nil, errnoErr(EINVAL) + } + if localSockaddr.Addr.Family == AF_INET { + localSockaddr := (*RawSockaddrInet4)(unsafe.Pointer(&localSockaddr.Addr)) + localSockFilter := (*RawSockaddrInet4)(unsafe.Pointer(&request.filter.local[0])) + localSockFilter.Family = AF_INET + var i int + for i = 0; i < 4; i++ { + if localSockaddr.Addr[i] != 0 { + break + } + } + if i != 4 { + request.filter.flags |= nwmFilterLclAddrMask + for i = 0; i < 4; i++ { + localSockFilter.Addr[i] = localSockaddr.Addr[i] + } + } + if localSockaddr.Port != 0 { + request.filter.flags |= nwmFilterLclPortMask + localSockFilter.Port = localSockaddr.Port + } + } else if localSockaddr.Addr.Family == AF_INET6 { + localSockaddr := (*RawSockaddrInet6)(unsafe.Pointer(&localSockaddr.Addr)) + localSockFilter := (*RawSockaddrInet6)(unsafe.Pointer(&request.filter.local[0])) + localSockFilter.Family = AF_INET6 + var i int + for i = 0; i < 16; i++ { + if localSockaddr.Addr[i] != 0 { + break + } + } + if i != 16 { + request.filter.flags |= nwmFilterLclAddrMask + for i = 0; i < 16; i++ { + localSockFilter.Addr[i] = localSockaddr.Addr[i] + } + } + if localSockaddr.Port != 0 { + request.filter.flags |= nwmFilterLclPortMask + localSockFilter.Port = localSockaddr.Port + } + } + + svcCall(EZBNMIF4, &argv[0], &dsa[0]) + + // outputDesc field is filled by EZBNMIF4 on success + if returnCode != 0 || request.header.outputDesc.offset == 0 { + return nil, errnoErr(EINVAL) + } + + // Check that EZBNMIF4 returned a nwmConnEntry + conn := (*nwmConnEntry)(unsafe.Pointer(&responseBuffer[request.header.outputDesc.offset])) + if conn.ident != nwmTCPConnIdentifier { + return nil, errnoErr(EINVAL) + } + + // Copy data from the returned data structures into tcpInfo + // Stats from nwmConnEntry are specific to that connection. + // Stats from nwmTCPStatsEntry are global (to the interface?) + // Fields may not be an exact match. Some fields have no equivalent. + var tcpinfo TCPInfo + tcpinfo.State = uint8(conn.state) + tcpinfo.Ca_state = 0 // dummy + tcpinfo.Retransmits = uint8(tcpStats.retransSegs) + tcpinfo.Probes = uint8(tcpStats.outWinProbes) + tcpinfo.Backoff = 0 // dummy + tcpinfo.Options = 0 // dummy + tcpinfo.Rto = tcpStats.retransTimeouts + tcpinfo.Ato = tcpStats.outDelayAcks + tcpinfo.Snd_mss = conn.sendMSS + tcpinfo.Rcv_mss = conn.sendMSS // dummy + tcpinfo.Unacked = 0 // dummy + tcpinfo.Sacked = 0 // dummy + tcpinfo.Lost = 0 // dummy + tcpinfo.Retrans = conn.reXmtCount + tcpinfo.Fackets = 0 // dummy + tcpinfo.Last_data_sent = uint32(*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&conn.lastActivity[0]))) + tcpinfo.Last_ack_sent = uint32(*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&conn.outOldestTime[0]))) + tcpinfo.Last_data_recv = uint32(*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&conn.inOldestTime[0]))) + tcpinfo.Last_ack_recv = uint32(*(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&conn.inOldestTime[0]))) + tcpinfo.Pmtu = conn.sendMSS // dummy, NWMIfRouteMtu is a candidate + tcpinfo.Rcv_ssthresh = conn.ssThresh + tcpinfo.Rtt = conn.roundTripTime + tcpinfo.Rttvar = conn.roundTripVar + tcpinfo.Snd_ssthresh = conn.ssThresh // dummy + tcpinfo.Snd_cwnd = conn.congestionWnd + tcpinfo.Advmss = conn.sendMSS // dummy + tcpinfo.Reordering = 0 // dummy + tcpinfo.Rcv_rtt = conn.roundTripTime // dummy + tcpinfo.Rcv_space = conn.sendMSS // dummy + tcpinfo.Total_retrans = conn.reXmtCount + + svcUnload(&svcNameTable[svc_EZBNMIF4][0], EZBNMIF4) + + return &tcpinfo, nil +} + +// GetsockoptString returns the string value of the socket option opt for the +// socket associated with fd at the given socket level. +func GetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int) (string, error) { + buf := make([]byte, 256) + vallen := _Socklen(len(buf)) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]), &vallen) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + + return string(buf[:vallen-1]), nil +} + +func Recvmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, flags int) (n, oobn int, recvflags int, from Sockaddr, err error) { + var msg Msghdr + var rsa RawSockaddrAny + msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&rsa)) + msg.Namelen = SizeofSockaddrAny + var iov Iovec + if len(p) > 0 { + iov.Base = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0])) + iov.SetLen(len(p)) + } + var dummy byte + if len(oob) > 0 { + // receive at least one normal byte + if len(p) == 0 { + iov.Base = &dummy + iov.SetLen(1) + } + msg.Control = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&oob[0])) + msg.SetControllen(len(oob)) + } + msg.Iov = &iov + msg.Iovlen = 1 + if n, err = recvmsg(fd, &msg, flags); err != nil { + return + } + oobn = int(msg.Controllen) + recvflags = int(msg.Flags) + // source address is only specified if the socket is unconnected + if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { + // TODO(neeilan): Remove 0 arg added to get this compiling on z/OS + from, err = anyToSockaddr(0, &rsa) + } + return +} + +func Sendmsg(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (err error) { + _, err = SendmsgN(fd, p, oob, to, flags) + return +} + +func SendmsgN(fd int, p, oob []byte, to Sockaddr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + var ptr unsafe.Pointer + var salen _Socklen + if to != nil { + var err error + ptr, salen, err = to.sockaddr() + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + } + var msg Msghdr + msg.Name = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)) + msg.Namelen = int32(salen) + var iov Iovec + if len(p) > 0 { + iov.Base = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0])) + iov.SetLen(len(p)) + } + var dummy byte + if len(oob) > 0 { + // send at least one normal byte + if len(p) == 0 { + iov.Base = &dummy + iov.SetLen(1) + } + msg.Control = (*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&oob[0])) + msg.SetControllen(len(oob)) + } + msg.Iov = &iov + msg.Iovlen = 1 + if n, err = sendmsg(fd, &msg, flags); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + if len(oob) > 0 && len(p) == 0 { + n = 0 + } + return n, nil +} + +func Opendir(name string) (uintptr, error) { + p, err := BytePtrFromString(name) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + dir, _, e := syscall_syscall(SYS___OPENDIR_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) + runtime.KeepAlive(unsafe.Pointer(p)) + if e != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e) + } + return dir, err +} + +// clearsyscall.Errno resets the errno value to 0. +func clearErrno() + +func Readdir(dir uintptr) (*Dirent, error) { + var ent Dirent + var res uintptr + // __readdir_r_a returns errno at the end of the directory stream, rather than 0. + // Therefore to avoid false positives we clear errno before calling it. + + // TODO(neeilan): Commented this out to get sys/unix compiling on z/OS. Uncomment and fix. Error: "undefined: clearsyscall" + //clearsyscall.Errno() // TODO(mundaym): check pre-emption rules. + + e, _, _ := syscall_syscall(SYS___READDIR_R_A, dir, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&ent)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&res))) + var err error + if e != 0 { + err = errnoErr(Errno(e)) + } + if res == 0 { + return nil, err + } + return &ent, err +} + +func Closedir(dir uintptr) error { + _, _, e := syscall_syscall(SYS_CLOSEDIR, dir, 0, 0) + if e != 0 { + return errnoErr(e) + } + return nil +} + +func Seekdir(dir uintptr, pos int) { + _, _, _ = syscall_syscall(SYS_SEEKDIR, dir, uintptr(pos), 0) +} + +func Telldir(dir uintptr) (int, error) { + p, _, e := syscall_syscall(SYS_TELLDIR, dir, 0, 0) + pos := int(p) + if pos == -1 { + return pos, errnoErr(e) + } + return pos, nil +} + +// FcntlFlock performs a fcntl syscall for the F_GETLK, F_SETLK or F_SETLKW command. +func FcntlFlock(fd uintptr, cmd int, lk *Flock_t) error { + // struct flock is packed on z/OS. We can't emulate that in Go so + // instead we pack it here. + var flock [24]byte + *(*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[0])) = lk.Type + *(*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[2])) = lk.Whence + *(*int64)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[4])) = lk.Start + *(*int64)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[12])) = lk.Len + *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[20])) = lk.Pid + _, _, errno := syscall_syscall(SYS_FCNTL, fd, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&flock))) + lk.Type = *(*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[0])) + lk.Whence = *(*int16)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[2])) + lk.Start = *(*int64)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[4])) + lk.Len = *(*int64)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[12])) + lk.Pid = *(*int32)(unsafe.Pointer(&flock[20])) + if errno == 0 { + return nil + } + return errno +} + +func Flock(fd int, how int) error { + + var flock_type int16 + var fcntl_cmd int + + switch how { + case LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB: + flock_type = F_RDLCK + fcntl_cmd = F_SETLK + case LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB: + flock_type = F_WRLCK + fcntl_cmd = F_SETLK + case LOCK_EX: + flock_type = F_WRLCK + fcntl_cmd = F_SETLKW + case LOCK_UN: + flock_type = F_UNLCK + fcntl_cmd = F_SETLKW + default: + } + + flock := Flock_t{ + Type: int16(flock_type), + Whence: int16(0), + Start: int64(0), + Len: int64(0), + Pid: int32(Getppid()), + } + + err := FcntlFlock(uintptr(fd), fcntl_cmd, &flock) + return err +} + +func Mlock(b []byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___MLOCKALL, _BPX_NONSWAP, 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func Mlock2(b []byte, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___MLOCKALL, _BPX_NONSWAP, 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func Mlockall(flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___MLOCKALL, _BPX_NONSWAP, 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func Munlock(b []byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___MLOCKALL, _BPX_SWAP, 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func Munlockall() (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___MLOCKALL, _BPX_SWAP, 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func ClockGettime(clockid int32, ts *Timespec) error { + + var ticks_per_sec uint32 = 100 //TODO(kenan): value is currently hardcoded; need sysconf() call otherwise + var nsec_per_sec int64 = 1000000000 + + if ts == nil { + return EFAULT + } + if clockid == CLOCK_REALTIME || clockid == CLOCK_MONOTONIC { + var nanotime int64 = runtime.Nanotime1() + ts.Sec = nanotime / nsec_per_sec + ts.Nsec = nanotime % nsec_per_sec + } else if clockid == CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID || clockid == CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID { + var tm Tms + _, err := Times(&tm) + if err != nil { + return EFAULT + } + ts.Sec = int64(tm.Utime / ticks_per_sec) + ts.Nsec = int64(tm.Utime) * nsec_per_sec / int64(ticks_per_sec) + } else { + return EINVAL + } + return nil +} + +func Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { + fd, err := open(path, O_RDONLY, 0) + defer Close(fd) + if err != nil { + return err + } + return Fstatfs(fd, stat) +} + +var ( + Stdin = 0 + Stdout = 1 + Stderr = 2 +) + +// Do the interface allocations only once for common +// Errno values. +var ( + errEAGAIN error = syscall.EAGAIN + errEINVAL error = syscall.EINVAL + errENOENT error = syscall.ENOENT +) + +var ( + signalNameMapOnce sync.Once + signalNameMap map[string]syscall.Signal +) + +// errnoErr returns common boxed Errno values, to prevent +// allocations at runtime. +func errnoErr(e Errno) error { + switch e { + case 0: + return nil + case EAGAIN: + return errEAGAIN + case EINVAL: + return errEINVAL + case ENOENT: + return errENOENT + } + return e +} + +// ErrnoName returns the error name for error number e. +func ErrnoName(e Errno) string { + i := sort.Search(len(errorList), func(i int) bool { + return errorList[i].num >= e + }) + if i < len(errorList) && errorList[i].num == e { + return errorList[i].name + } + return "" +} + +// SignalName returns the signal name for signal number s. +func SignalName(s syscall.Signal) string { + i := sort.Search(len(signalList), func(i int) bool { + return signalList[i].num >= s + }) + if i < len(signalList) && signalList[i].num == s { + return signalList[i].name + } + return "" +} + +// SignalNum returns the syscall.Signal for signal named s, +// or 0 if a signal with such name is not found. +// The signal name should start with "SIG". +func SignalNum(s string) syscall.Signal { + signalNameMapOnce.Do(func() { + signalNameMap = make(map[string]syscall.Signal, len(signalList)) + for _, signal := range signalList { + signalNameMap[signal.name] = signal.num + } + }) + return signalNameMap[s] +} + +// clen returns the index of the first NULL byte in n or len(n) if n contains no NULL byte. +func clen(n []byte) int { + i := bytes.IndexByte(n, 0) + if i == -1 { + i = len(n) + } + return i +} + +// Mmap manager, for use by operating system-specific implementations. + +type mmapper struct { + sync.Mutex + active map[*byte][]byte // active mappings; key is last byte in mapping + mmap func(addr, length uintptr, prot, flags, fd int, offset int64) (uintptr, error) + munmap func(addr uintptr, length uintptr) error +} + +func (m *mmapper) Mmap(fd int, offset int64, length int, prot int, flags int) (data []byte, err error) { + if length <= 0 { + return nil, EINVAL + } + + // Map the requested memory. + addr, errno := m.mmap(0, uintptr(length), prot, flags, fd, offset) + if errno != nil { + return nil, errno + } + + // Slice memory layout + var sl = struct { + addr uintptr + len int + cap int + }{addr, length, length} + + // Use unsafe to turn sl into a []byte. + b := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sl)) + + // Register mapping in m and return it. + p := &b[cap(b)-1] + m.Lock() + defer m.Unlock() + m.active[p] = b + return b, nil +} + +func (m *mmapper) Munmap(data []byte) (err error) { + if len(data) == 0 || len(data) != cap(data) { + return EINVAL + } + + // Find the base of the mapping. + p := &data[cap(data)-1] + m.Lock() + defer m.Unlock() + b := m.active[p] + if b == nil || &b[0] != &data[0] { + return EINVAL + } + + // Unmap the memory and update m. + if errno := m.munmap(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])), uintptr(len(b))); errno != nil { + return errno + } + delete(m.active, p) + return nil +} + +func Read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { + n, err = read(fd, p) + if raceenabled { + if n > 0 { + raceWriteRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), n) + } + if err == nil { + raceAcquire(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + } + return +} + +func Write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { + if raceenabled { + raceReleaseMerge(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + n, err = write(fd, p) + if raceenabled && n > 0 { + raceReadRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), n) + } + return +} + +// For testing: clients can set this flag to force +// creation of IPv6 sockets to return EAFNOSUPPORT. +var SocketDisableIPv6 bool + +// Sockaddr represents a socket address. +type Sockaddr interface { + sockaddr() (ptr unsafe.Pointer, len _Socklen, err error) // lowercase; only we can define Sockaddrs +} + +// SockaddrInet4 implements the Sockaddr interface for AF_INET type sockets. +type SockaddrInet4 struct { + Port int + Addr [4]byte + raw RawSockaddrInet4 +} + +// SockaddrInet6 implements the Sockaddr interface for AF_INET6 type sockets. +type SockaddrInet6 struct { + Port int + ZoneId uint32 + Addr [16]byte + raw RawSockaddrInet6 +} + +// SockaddrUnix implements the Sockaddr interface for AF_UNIX type sockets. +type SockaddrUnix struct { + Name string + raw RawSockaddrUnix +} + +func Bind(fd int, sa Sockaddr) (err error) { + ptr, n, err := sa.sockaddr() + if err != nil { + return err + } + return bind(fd, ptr, n) +} + +func Connect(fd int, sa Sockaddr) (err error) { + ptr, n, err := sa.sockaddr() + if err != nil { + return err + } + return connect(fd, ptr, n) +} + +func Getpeername(fd int) (sa Sockaddr, err error) { + var rsa RawSockaddrAny + var len _Socklen = SizeofSockaddrAny + if err = getpeername(fd, &rsa, &len); err != nil { + return + } + return anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) +} + +func GetsockoptByte(fd, level, opt int) (value byte, err error) { + var n byte + vallen := _Socklen(1) + err = getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&n), &vallen) + return n, err +} + +func GetsockoptInt(fd, level, opt int) (value int, err error) { + var n int32 + vallen := _Socklen(4) + err = getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&n), &vallen) + return int(n), err +} + +func GetsockoptInet4Addr(fd, level, opt int) (value [4]byte, err error) { + vallen := _Socklen(4) + err = getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value[0]), &vallen) + return value, err +} + +func GetsockoptIPMreq(fd, level, opt int) (*IPMreq, error) { + var value IPMreq + vallen := _Socklen(SizeofIPMreq) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), &vallen) + return &value, err +} + +func GetsockoptIPv6Mreq(fd, level, opt int) (*IPv6Mreq, error) { + var value IPv6Mreq + vallen := _Socklen(SizeofIPv6Mreq) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), &vallen) + return &value, err +} + +func GetsockoptIPv6MTUInfo(fd, level, opt int) (*IPv6MTUInfo, error) { + var value IPv6MTUInfo + vallen := _Socklen(SizeofIPv6MTUInfo) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), &vallen) + return &value, err +} + +func GetsockoptICMPv6Filter(fd, level, opt int) (*ICMPv6Filter, error) { + var value ICMPv6Filter + vallen := _Socklen(SizeofICMPv6Filter) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), &vallen) + return &value, err +} + +func GetsockoptLinger(fd, level, opt int) (*Linger, error) { + var linger Linger + vallen := _Socklen(SizeofLinger) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&linger), &vallen) + return &linger, err +} + +func GetsockoptTimeval(fd, level, opt int) (*Timeval, error) { + var tv Timeval + vallen := _Socklen(unsafe.Sizeof(tv)) + err := getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&tv), &vallen) + return &tv, err +} + +func GetsockoptUint64(fd, level, opt int) (value uint64, err error) { + var n uint64 + vallen := _Socklen(8) + err = getsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&n), &vallen) + return n, err +} + +func Recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int) (n int, from Sockaddr, err error) { + var rsa RawSockaddrAny + var len _Socklen = SizeofSockaddrAny + if n, err = recvfrom(fd, p, flags, &rsa, &len); err != nil { + return + } + if rsa.Addr.Family != AF_UNSPEC { + from, err = anyToSockaddr(fd, &rsa) + } + return +} + +func Sendto(fd int, p []byte, flags int, to Sockaddr) (err error) { + ptr, n, err := to.sockaddr() + if err != nil { + return err + } + return sendto(fd, p, flags, ptr, n) +} + +func SetsockoptByte(fd, level, opt int, value byte) (err error) { + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), 1) +} + +func SetsockoptInt(fd, level, opt int, value int) (err error) { + var n = int32(value) + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&n), 4) +} + +func SetsockoptInet4Addr(fd, level, opt int, value [4]byte) (err error) { + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value[0]), 4) +} + +func SetsockoptIPMreq(fd, level, opt int, mreq *IPMreq) (err error) { + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(mreq), SizeofIPMreq) +} + +func SetsockoptIPv6Mreq(fd, level, opt int, mreq *IPv6Mreq) (err error) { + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(mreq), SizeofIPv6Mreq) +} + +func SetsockoptICMPv6Filter(fd, level, opt int, filter *ICMPv6Filter) error { + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(filter), SizeofICMPv6Filter) +} + +func SetsockoptLinger(fd, level, opt int, l *Linger) (err error) { + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(l), SizeofLinger) +} + +func SetsockoptString(fd, level, opt int, s string) (err error) { + var p unsafe.Pointer + if len(s) > 0 { + p = unsafe.Pointer(&[]byte(s)[0]) + } + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, p, uintptr(len(s))) +} + +func SetsockoptTimeval(fd, level, opt int, tv *Timeval) (err error) { + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(tv), unsafe.Sizeof(*tv)) +} + +func SetsockoptUint64(fd, level, opt int, value uint64) (err error) { + return setsockopt(fd, level, opt, unsafe.Pointer(&value), 8) +} + +func Socket(domain, typ, proto int) (fd int, err error) { + if domain == AF_INET6 && SocketDisableIPv6 { + return -1, EAFNOSUPPORT + } + fd, err = socket(domain, typ, proto) + return +} + +func Socketpair(domain, typ, proto int) (fd [2]int, err error) { + var fdx [2]int32 + err = socketpair(domain, typ, proto, &fdx) + if err == nil { + fd[0] = int(fdx[0]) + fd[1] = int(fdx[1]) + } + return +} + +var ioSync int64 + +func CloseOnExec(fd int) { fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) } + +func SetNonblock(fd int, nonblocking bool) (err error) { + flag, err := fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if nonblocking { + flag |= O_NONBLOCK + } else { + flag &= ^O_NONBLOCK + } + _, err = fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flag) + return err +} + +// Exec calls execve(2), which replaces the calling executable in the process +// tree. argv0 should be the full path to an executable ("/bin/ls") and the +// executable name should also be the first argument in argv (["ls", "-l"]). +// envv are the environment variables that should be passed to the new +// process (["USER=go", "PWD=/tmp"]). +func Exec(argv0 string, argv []string, envv []string) error { + return syscall.Exec(argv0, argv, envv) +} + +func Mount(source string, target string, fstype string, flags uintptr, data string) (err error) { + if needspace := 8 - len(fstype); needspace <= 0 { + fstype = fstype[:8] + } else { + fstype += " "[:needspace] + } + return mount_LE(target, source, fstype, uint32(flags), int32(len(data)), data) +} + +func Unmount(name string, mtm int) (err error) { + // mountpoint is always a full path and starts with a '/' + // check if input string is not a mountpoint but a filesystem name + if name[0] != '/' { + return unmount(name, mtm) + } + // treat name as mountpoint + b2s := func(arr []byte) string { + nulli := bytes.IndexByte(arr, 0) + if nulli == -1 { + return string(arr) + } else { + return string(arr[:nulli]) + } + } + var buffer struct { + header W_Mnth + fsinfo [64]W_Mntent + } + fsCount, err := W_Getmntent_A((*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&buffer)), int(unsafe.Sizeof(buffer))) + if err != nil { + return err + } + if fsCount == 0 { + return EINVAL + } + for i := 0; i < fsCount; i++ { + if b2s(buffer.fsinfo[i].Mountpoint[:]) == name { + err = unmount(b2s(buffer.fsinfo[i].Fsname[:]), mtm) + break + } + } + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_linux.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2c3a4437 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_linux.go @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build linux +// +build linux + +package unix + +import "runtime" + +// SysvShmCtl performs control operations on the shared memory segment +// specified by id. +func SysvShmCtl(id, cmd int, desc *SysvShmDesc) (result int, err error) { + if runtime.GOARCH == "arm" || + runtime.GOARCH == "mips64" || runtime.GOARCH == "mips64le" { + cmd |= ipc_64 + } + + return shmctl(id, cmd, desc) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0bb4c8de --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix.go @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build (darwin && !ios) || linux +// +build darwin,!ios linux + +package unix + +import ( + "unsafe" + + "golang.org/x/sys/internal/unsafeheader" +) + +// SysvShmAttach attaches the Sysv shared memory segment associated with the +// shared memory identifier id. +func SysvShmAttach(id int, addr uintptr, flag int) ([]byte, error) { + addr, errno := shmat(id, addr, flag) + if errno != nil { + return nil, errno + } + + // Retrieve the size of the shared memory to enable slice creation + var info SysvShmDesc + + _, err := SysvShmCtl(id, IPC_STAT, &info) + if err != nil { + // release the shared memory if we can't find the size + + // ignoring error from shmdt as there's nothing sensible to return here + shmdt(addr) + return nil, err + } + + // Use unsafe to convert addr into a []byte. + // TODO: convert to unsafe.Slice once we can assume Go 1.17 + var b []byte + hdr := (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) + hdr.Data = unsafe.Pointer(addr) + hdr.Cap = int(info.Segsz) + hdr.Len = int(info.Segsz) + return b, nil +} + +// SysvShmDetach unmaps the shared memory slice returned from SysvShmAttach. +// +// It is not safe to use the slice after calling this function. +func SysvShmDetach(data []byte) error { + if len(data) == 0 { + return EINVAL + } + + return shmdt(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&data[0]))) +} + +// SysvShmGet returns the Sysv shared memory identifier associated with key. +// If the IPC_CREAT flag is specified a new segment is created. +func SysvShmGet(key, size, flag int) (id int, err error) { + return shmget(key, size, flag) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix_other.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix_other.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..71bddefd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/sysvshm_unix_other.go @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build darwin && !ios +// +build darwin,!ios + +package unix + +// SysvShmCtl performs control operations on the shared memory segment +// specified by id. +func SysvShmCtl(id, cmd int, desc *SysvShmDesc) (result int, err error) { + return shmctl(id, cmd, desc) +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/timestruct.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/timestruct.go index 10360429..3d893040 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/timestruct.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/timestruct.go @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris +//go:build aix || darwin || dragonfly || freebsd || linux || netbsd || openbsd || solaris || zos +// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris zos package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/xattr_bsd.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/xattr_bsd.go index 30c1d71f..25df1e37 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/xattr_bsd.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/xattr_bsd.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build freebsd || netbsd // +build freebsd netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go index 104994bc..ca9799b7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -maix32 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc && aix // +build ppc,aix // Created by cgo -godefs - DO NOT EDIT diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go index 4fc8d306..200c8c26 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_aix_ppc64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -maix64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc64 && aix // +build ppc64,aix // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_386.go deleted file mode 100644 index ec376f51..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_386.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1788 +0,0 @@ -// mkerrors.sh -m32 -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build 386,darwin - -// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -m32 _const.go - -package unix - -import "syscall" - -const ( - AF_APPLETALK = 0x10 - AF_CCITT = 0xa - AF_CHAOS = 0x5 - AF_CNT = 0x15 - AF_COIP = 0x14 - AF_DATAKIT = 0x9 - AF_DECnet = 0xc - AF_DLI = 0xd - AF_E164 = 0x1c - AF_ECMA = 0x8 - AF_HYLINK = 0xf - AF_IEEE80211 = 0x25 - AF_IMPLINK = 0x3 - AF_INET = 0x2 - AF_INET6 = 0x1e - AF_IPX = 0x17 - AF_ISDN = 0x1c - AF_ISO = 0x7 - AF_LAT = 0xe - AF_LINK = 0x12 - AF_LOCAL = 0x1 - AF_MAX = 0x28 - AF_NATM = 0x1f - AF_NDRV = 0x1b - AF_NETBIOS = 0x21 - AF_NS = 0x6 - AF_OSI = 0x7 - AF_PPP = 0x22 - AF_PUP = 0x4 - AF_RESERVED_36 = 0x24 - AF_ROUTE = 0x11 - AF_SIP = 0x18 - AF_SNA = 0xb - AF_SYSTEM = 0x20 - AF_SYS_CONTROL = 0x2 - AF_UNIX = 0x1 - AF_UNSPEC = 0x0 - AF_UTUN = 0x26 - ALTWERASE = 0x200 - ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT = 0x5 - ATTR_CMN_ACCESSMASK = 0x20000 - ATTR_CMN_ACCTIME = 0x1000 - ATTR_CMN_ADDEDTIME = 0x10000000 - ATTR_CMN_BKUPTIME = 0x2000 - ATTR_CMN_CHGTIME = 0x800 - ATTR_CMN_CRTIME = 0x200 - ATTR_CMN_DATA_PROTECT_FLAGS = 0x40000000 - ATTR_CMN_DEVID = 0x2 - ATTR_CMN_DOCUMENT_ID = 0x100000 - ATTR_CMN_ERROR = 0x20000000 - ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED_SECURITY = 0x400000 - ATTR_CMN_FILEID = 0x2000000 - ATTR_CMN_FLAGS = 0x40000 - ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO = 0x4000 - ATTR_CMN_FSID = 0x4 - ATTR_CMN_FULLPATH = 0x8000000 - ATTR_CMN_GEN_COUNT = 0x80000 - ATTR_CMN_GRPID = 0x10000 - ATTR_CMN_GRPUUID = 0x1000000 - ATTR_CMN_MODTIME = 0x400 - ATTR_CMN_NAME = 0x1 - ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRCOUNT = 0x80000 - ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRLIST = 0x100000 - ATTR_CMN_OBJID = 0x20 - ATTR_CMN_OBJPERMANENTID = 0x40 - ATTR_CMN_OBJTAG = 0x10 - ATTR_CMN_OBJTYPE = 0x8 - ATTR_CMN_OWNERID = 0x8000 - ATTR_CMN_PARENTID = 0x4000000 - ATTR_CMN_PAROBJID = 0x80 - ATTR_CMN_RETURNED_ATTRS = 0x80000000 - ATTR_CMN_SCRIPT = 0x100 - ATTR_CMN_SETMASK = 0x41c7ff00 - ATTR_CMN_USERACCESS = 0x200000 - ATTR_CMN_UUID = 0x800000 - ATTR_CMN_VALIDMASK = 0xffffffff - ATTR_CMN_VOLSETMASK = 0x6700 - ATTR_FILE_ALLOCSIZE = 0x4 - ATTR_FILE_CLUMPSIZE = 0x10 - ATTR_FILE_DATAALLOCSIZE = 0x400 - ATTR_FILE_DATAEXTENTS = 0x800 - ATTR_FILE_DATALENGTH = 0x200 - ATTR_FILE_DEVTYPE = 0x20 - ATTR_FILE_FILETYPE = 0x40 - ATTR_FILE_FORKCOUNT = 0x80 - ATTR_FILE_FORKLIST = 0x100 - ATTR_FILE_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x8 - ATTR_FILE_LINKCOUNT = 0x1 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCALLOCSIZE = 0x2000 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCEXTENTS = 0x4000 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCLENGTH = 0x1000 - ATTR_FILE_SETMASK = 0x20 - ATTR_FILE_TOTALSIZE = 0x2 - ATTR_FILE_VALIDMASK = 0x37ff - ATTR_VOL_ALLOCATIONCLUMP = 0x40 - ATTR_VOL_ATTRIBUTES = 0x40000000 - ATTR_VOL_CAPABILITIES = 0x20000 - ATTR_VOL_DIRCOUNT = 0x400 - ATTR_VOL_ENCODINGSUSED = 0x10000 - ATTR_VOL_FILECOUNT = 0x200 - ATTR_VOL_FSTYPE = 0x1 - ATTR_VOL_INFO = 0x80000000 - ATTR_VOL_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x80 - ATTR_VOL_MAXOBJCOUNT = 0x800 - ATTR_VOL_MINALLOCATION = 0x20 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTEDDEVICE = 0x8000 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTFLAGS = 0x4000 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTPOINT = 0x1000 - ATTR_VOL_NAME = 0x2000 - ATTR_VOL_OBJCOUNT = 0x100 - ATTR_VOL_QUOTA_SIZE = 0x10000000 - ATTR_VOL_RESERVED_SIZE = 0x20000000 - ATTR_VOL_SETMASK = 0x80002000 - ATTR_VOL_SIGNATURE = 0x2 - ATTR_VOL_SIZE = 0x4 - ATTR_VOL_SPACEAVAIL = 0x10 - ATTR_VOL_SPACEFREE = 0x8 - ATTR_VOL_UUID = 0x40000 - ATTR_VOL_VALIDMASK = 0xf007ffff - B0 = 0x0 - B110 = 0x6e - B115200 = 0x1c200 - B1200 = 0x4b0 - B134 = 0x86 - B14400 = 0x3840 - B150 = 0x96 - B1800 = 0x708 - B19200 = 0x4b00 - B200 = 0xc8 - B230400 = 0x38400 - B2400 = 0x960 - B28800 = 0x7080 - B300 = 0x12c - B38400 = 0x9600 - B4800 = 0x12c0 - B50 = 0x32 - B57600 = 0xe100 - B600 = 0x258 - B7200 = 0x1c20 - B75 = 0x4b - B76800 = 0x12c00 - B9600 = 0x2580 - BIOCFLUSH = 0x20004268 - BIOCGBLEN = 0x40044266 - BIOCGDLT = 0x4004426a - BIOCGDLTLIST = 0xc00c4279 - BIOCGETIF = 0x4020426b - BIOCGHDRCMPLT = 0x40044274 - BIOCGRSIG = 0x40044272 - BIOCGRTIMEOUT = 0x4008426e - BIOCGSEESENT = 0x40044276 - BIOCGSTATS = 0x4008426f - BIOCIMMEDIATE = 0x80044270 - BIOCPROMISC = 0x20004269 - BIOCSBLEN = 0xc0044266 - BIOCSDLT = 0x80044278 - BIOCSETF = 0x80084267 - BIOCSETFNR = 0x8008427e - BIOCSETIF = 0x8020426c - BIOCSHDRCMPLT = 0x80044275 - BIOCSRSIG = 0x80044273 - BIOCSRTIMEOUT = 0x8008426d - BIOCSSEESENT = 0x80044277 - BIOCVERSION = 0x40044271 - BPF_A = 0x10 - BPF_ABS = 0x20 - BPF_ADD = 0x0 - BPF_ALIGNMENT = 0x4 - BPF_ALU = 0x4 - BPF_AND = 0x50 - BPF_B = 0x10 - BPF_DIV = 0x30 - BPF_H = 0x8 - BPF_IMM = 0x0 - BPF_IND = 0x40 - BPF_JA = 0x0 - BPF_JEQ = 0x10 - BPF_JGE = 0x30 - BPF_JGT = 0x20 - BPF_JMP = 0x5 - BPF_JSET = 0x40 - BPF_K = 0x0 - BPF_LD = 0x0 - BPF_LDX = 0x1 - BPF_LEN = 0x80 - BPF_LSH = 0x60 - BPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x1 - BPF_MAXBUFSIZE = 0x80000 - BPF_MAXINSNS = 0x200 - BPF_MEM = 0x60 - BPF_MEMWORDS = 0x10 - BPF_MINBUFSIZE = 0x20 - BPF_MINOR_VERSION = 0x1 - BPF_MISC = 0x7 - BPF_MSH = 0xa0 - BPF_MUL = 0x20 - BPF_NEG = 0x80 - BPF_OR = 0x40 - BPF_RELEASE = 0x30bb6 - BPF_RET = 0x6 - BPF_RSH = 0x70 - BPF_ST = 0x2 - BPF_STX = 0x3 - BPF_SUB = 0x10 - BPF_TAX = 0x0 - BPF_TXA = 0x80 - BPF_W = 0x0 - BPF_X = 0x8 - BRKINT = 0x2 - BS0 = 0x0 - BS1 = 0x8000 - BSDLY = 0x8000 - CFLUSH = 0xf - CLOCAL = 0x8000 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 0x6 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 0x4 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX = 0x5 - CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0xc - CLOCK_REALTIME = 0x0 - CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x10 - CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW = 0x8 - CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX = 0x9 - CLONE_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - CLONE_NOOWNERCOPY = 0x2 - CR0 = 0x0 - CR1 = 0x1000 - CR2 = 0x2000 - CR3 = 0x3000 - CRDLY = 0x3000 - CREAD = 0x800 - CRTSCTS = 0x30000 - CS5 = 0x0 - CS6 = 0x100 - CS7 = 0x200 - CS8 = 0x300 - CSIZE = 0x300 - CSTART = 0x11 - CSTATUS = 0x14 - CSTOP = 0x13 - CSTOPB = 0x400 - CSUSP = 0x1a - CTLIOCGINFO = 0xc0644e03 - CTL_HW = 0x6 - CTL_KERN = 0x1 - CTL_MAXNAME = 0xc - CTL_NET = 0x4 - DLT_A429 = 0xb8 - DLT_A653_ICM = 0xb9 - DLT_AIRONET_HEADER = 0x78 - DLT_AOS = 0xde - DLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394 = 0x8a - DLT_ARCNET = 0x7 - DLT_ARCNET_LINUX = 0x81 - DLT_ATM_CLIP = 0x13 - DLT_ATM_RFC1483 = 0xb - DLT_AURORA = 0x7e - DLT_AX25 = 0x3 - DLT_AX25_KISS = 0xca - DLT_BACNET_MS_TP = 0xa5 - DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4 = 0xbb - DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR = 0xc9 - DLT_CAN20B = 0xbe - DLT_CAN_SOCKETCAN = 0xe3 - DLT_CHAOS = 0x5 - DLT_CHDLC = 0x68 - DLT_CISCO_IOS = 0x76 - DLT_C_HDLC = 0x68 - DLT_C_HDLC_WITH_DIR = 0xcd - DLT_DBUS = 0xe7 - DLT_DECT = 0xdd - DLT_DOCSIS = 0x8f - DLT_DVB_CI = 0xeb - DLT_ECONET = 0x73 - DLT_EN10MB = 0x1 - DLT_EN3MB = 0x2 - DLT_ENC = 0x6d - DLT_ERF = 0xc5 - DLT_ERF_ETH = 0xaf - DLT_ERF_POS = 0xb0 - DLT_FC_2 = 0xe0 - DLT_FC_2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS = 0xe1 - DLT_FDDI = 0xa - DLT_FLEXRAY = 0xd2 - DLT_FRELAY = 0x6b - DLT_FRELAY_WITH_DIR = 0xce - DLT_GCOM_SERIAL = 0xad - DLT_GCOM_T1E1 = 0xac - DLT_GPF_F = 0xab - DLT_GPF_T = 0xaa - DLT_GPRS_LLC = 0xa9 - DLT_GSMTAP_ABIS = 0xda - DLT_GSMTAP_UM = 0xd9 - DLT_HHDLC = 0x79 - DLT_IBM_SN = 0x92 - DLT_IBM_SP = 0x91 - DLT_IEEE802 = 0x6 - DLT_IEEE802_11 = 0x69 - DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO = 0x7f - DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVS = 0xa3 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4 = 0xc3 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUX = 0xbf - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS = 0xe6 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY = 0xd7 - DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS = 0xbc - DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO = 0xc1 - DLT_IPFILTER = 0x74 - DLT_IPMB = 0xc7 - DLT_IPMB_LINUX = 0xd1 - DLT_IPNET = 0xe2 - DLT_IPOIB = 0xf2 - DLT_IPV4 = 0xe4 - DLT_IPV6 = 0xe5 - DLT_IP_OVER_FC = 0x7a - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM1 = 0x89 - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM2 = 0x87 - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM_CEMIC = 0xee - DLT_JUNIPER_CHDLC = 0xb5 - DLT_JUNIPER_ES = 0x84 - DLT_JUNIPER_ETHER = 0xb2 - DLT_JUNIPER_FIBRECHANNEL = 0xea - DLT_JUNIPER_FRELAY = 0xb4 - DLT_JUNIPER_GGSN = 0x85 - DLT_JUNIPER_ISM = 0xc2 - DLT_JUNIPER_MFR = 0x86 - DLT_JUNIPER_MLFR = 0x83 - DLT_JUNIPER_MLPPP = 0x82 - DLT_JUNIPER_MONITOR = 0xa4 - DLT_JUNIPER_PIC_PEER = 0xae - DLT_JUNIPER_PPP = 0xb3 - DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE = 0xa7 - DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE_ATM = 0xa8 - DLT_JUNIPER_SERVICES = 0x88 - DLT_JUNIPER_SRX_E2E = 0xe9 - DLT_JUNIPER_ST = 0xc8 - DLT_JUNIPER_VP = 0xb7 - DLT_JUNIPER_VS = 0xe8 - DLT_LAPB_WITH_DIR = 0xcf - DLT_LAPD = 0xcb - DLT_LIN = 0xd4 - DLT_LINUX_EVDEV = 0xd8 - DLT_LINUX_IRDA = 0x90 - DLT_LINUX_LAPD = 0xb1 - DLT_LINUX_PPP_WITHDIRECTION = 0xa6 - DLT_LINUX_SLL = 0x71 - DLT_LOOP = 0x6c - DLT_LTALK = 0x72 - DLT_MATCHING_MAX = 0xf5 - DLT_MATCHING_MIN = 0x68 - DLT_MFR = 0xb6 - DLT_MOST = 0xd3 - DLT_MPEG_2_TS = 0xf3 - DLT_MPLS = 0xdb - DLT_MTP2 = 0x8c - DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR = 0x8b - DLT_MTP3 = 0x8d - DLT_MUX27010 = 0xec - DLT_NETANALYZER = 0xf0 - DLT_NETANALYZER_TRANSPARENT = 0xf1 - DLT_NFC_LLCP = 0xf5 - DLT_NFLOG = 0xef - DLT_NG40 = 0xf4 - DLT_NULL = 0x0 - DLT_PCI_EXP = 0x7d - DLT_PFLOG = 0x75 - DLT_PFSYNC = 0x12 - DLT_PPI = 0xc0 - DLT_PPP = 0x9 - DLT_PPP_BSDOS = 0x10 - DLT_PPP_ETHER = 0x33 - DLT_PPP_PPPD = 0xa6 - DLT_PPP_SERIAL = 0x32 - DLT_PPP_WITH_DIR = 0xcc - DLT_PPP_WITH_DIRECTION = 0xa6 - DLT_PRISM_HEADER = 0x77 - DLT_PRONET = 0x4 - DLT_RAIF1 = 0xc6 - DLT_RAW = 0xc - DLT_RIO = 0x7c - DLT_SCCP = 0x8e - DLT_SITA = 0xc4 - DLT_SLIP = 0x8 - DLT_SLIP_BSDOS = 0xf - DLT_STANAG_5066_D_PDU = 0xed - DLT_SUNATM = 0x7b - DLT_SYMANTEC_FIREWALL = 0x63 - DLT_TZSP = 0x80 - DLT_USB = 0xba - DLT_USB_LINUX = 0xbd - DLT_USB_LINUX_MMAPPED = 0xdc - DLT_USER0 = 0x93 - DLT_USER1 = 0x94 - DLT_USER10 = 0x9d - DLT_USER11 = 0x9e - DLT_USER12 = 0x9f - DLT_USER13 = 0xa0 - DLT_USER14 = 0xa1 - DLT_USER15 = 0xa2 - DLT_USER2 = 0x95 - DLT_USER3 = 0x96 - DLT_USER4 = 0x97 - DLT_USER5 = 0x98 - DLT_USER6 = 0x99 - DLT_USER7 = 0x9a - DLT_USER8 = 0x9b - DLT_USER9 = 0x9c - DLT_WIHART = 0xdf - DLT_X2E_SERIAL = 0xd5 - DLT_X2E_XORAYA = 0xd6 - DT_BLK = 0x6 - DT_CHR = 0x2 - DT_DIR = 0x4 - DT_FIFO = 0x1 - DT_LNK = 0xa - DT_REG = 0x8 - DT_SOCK = 0xc - DT_UNKNOWN = 0x0 - DT_WHT = 0xe - ECHO = 0x8 - ECHOCTL = 0x40 - ECHOE = 0x2 - ECHOK = 0x4 - ECHOKE = 0x1 - ECHONL = 0x10 - ECHOPRT = 0x20 - EVFILT_AIO = -0x3 - EVFILT_EXCEPT = -0xf - EVFILT_FS = -0x9 - EVFILT_MACHPORT = -0x8 - EVFILT_PROC = -0x5 - EVFILT_READ = -0x1 - EVFILT_SIGNAL = -0x6 - EVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 0xf - EVFILT_THREADMARKER = 0xf - EVFILT_TIMER = -0x7 - EVFILT_USER = -0xa - EVFILT_VM = -0xc - EVFILT_VNODE = -0x4 - EVFILT_WRITE = -0x2 - EV_ADD = 0x1 - EV_CLEAR = 0x20 - EV_DELETE = 0x2 - EV_DISABLE = 0x8 - EV_DISPATCH = 0x80 - EV_DISPATCH2 = 0x180 - EV_ENABLE = 0x4 - EV_EOF = 0x8000 - EV_ERROR = 0x4000 - EV_FLAG0 = 0x1000 - EV_FLAG1 = 0x2000 - EV_ONESHOT = 0x10 - EV_OOBAND = 0x2000 - EV_POLL = 0x1000 - EV_RECEIPT = 0x40 - EV_SYSFLAGS = 0xf000 - EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC = 0x100 - EV_VANISHED = 0x200 - EXTA = 0x4b00 - EXTB = 0x9600 - EXTPROC = 0x800 - FD_CLOEXEC = 0x1 - FD_SETSIZE = 0x400 - FF0 = 0x0 - FF1 = 0x4000 - FFDLY = 0x4000 - FLUSHO = 0x800000 - FSOPT_ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED = 0x20 - FSOPT_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - FSOPT_NOINMEMUPDATE = 0x2 - FSOPT_PACK_INVAL_ATTRS = 0x8 - FSOPT_REPORT_FULLSIZE = 0x4 - F_ADDFILESIGS = 0x3d - F_ADDFILESIGS_FOR_DYLD_SIM = 0x53 - F_ADDFILESIGS_RETURN = 0x61 - F_ADDSIGS = 0x3b - F_ALLOCATEALL = 0x4 - F_ALLOCATECONTIG = 0x2 - F_BARRIERFSYNC = 0x55 - F_CHECK_LV = 0x62 - F_CHKCLEAN = 0x29 - F_DUPFD = 0x0 - F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0x43 - F_FINDSIGS = 0x4e - F_FLUSH_DATA = 0x28 - F_FREEZE_FS = 0x35 - F_FULLFSYNC = 0x33 - F_GETCODEDIR = 0x48 - F_GETFD = 0x1 - F_GETFL = 0x3 - F_GETLK = 0x7 - F_GETLKPID = 0x42 - F_GETNOSIGPIPE = 0x4a - F_GETOWN = 0x5 - F_GETPATH = 0x32 - F_GETPATH_MTMINFO = 0x47 - F_GETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x3f - F_GETPROTECTIONLEVEL = 0x4d - F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE = 0x37 - F_LOG2PHYS = 0x31 - F_LOG2PHYS_EXT = 0x41 - F_NOCACHE = 0x30 - F_NODIRECT = 0x3e - F_OK = 0x0 - F_PATHPKG_CHECK = 0x34 - F_PEOFPOSMODE = 0x3 - F_PREALLOCATE = 0x2a - F_PUNCHHOLE = 0x63 - F_RDADVISE = 0x2c - F_RDAHEAD = 0x2d - F_RDLCK = 0x1 - F_SETBACKINGSTORE = 0x46 - F_SETFD = 0x2 - F_SETFL = 0x4 - F_SETLK = 0x8 - F_SETLKW = 0x9 - F_SETLKWTIMEOUT = 0xa - F_SETNOSIGPIPE = 0x49 - F_SETOWN = 0x6 - F_SETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x40 - F_SETSIZE = 0x2b - F_SINGLE_WRITER = 0x4c - F_THAW_FS = 0x36 - F_TRANSCODEKEY = 0x4b - F_TRIM_ACTIVE_FILE = 0x64 - F_UNLCK = 0x2 - F_VOLPOSMODE = 0x4 - F_WRLCK = 0x3 - HUPCL = 0x4000 - HW_MACHINE = 0x1 - ICANON = 0x100 - ICMP6_FILTER = 0x12 - ICRNL = 0x100 - IEXTEN = 0x400 - IFF_ALLMULTI = 0x200 - IFF_ALTPHYS = 0x4000 - IFF_BROADCAST = 0x2 - IFF_DEBUG = 0x4 - IFF_LINK0 = 0x1000 - IFF_LINK1 = 0x2000 - IFF_LINK2 = 0x4000 - IFF_LOOPBACK = 0x8 - IFF_MULTICAST = 0x8000 - IFF_NOARP = 0x80 - IFF_NOTRAILERS = 0x20 - IFF_OACTIVE = 0x400 - IFF_POINTOPOINT = 0x10 - IFF_PROMISC = 0x100 - IFF_RUNNING = 0x40 - IFF_SIMPLEX = 0x800 - IFF_UP = 0x1 - IFNAMSIZ = 0x10 - IFT_1822 = 0x2 - IFT_AAL5 = 0x31 - IFT_ARCNET = 0x23 - IFT_ARCNETPLUS = 0x24 - IFT_ATM = 0x25 - IFT_BRIDGE = 0xd1 - IFT_CARP = 0xf8 - IFT_CELLULAR = 0xff - IFT_CEPT = 0x13 - IFT_DS3 = 0x1e - IFT_ENC = 0xf4 - IFT_EON = 0x19 - IFT_ETHER = 0x6 - IFT_FAITH = 0x38 - IFT_FDDI = 0xf - IFT_FRELAY = 0x20 - IFT_FRELAYDCE = 0x2c - IFT_GIF = 0x37 - IFT_HDH1822 = 0x3 - IFT_HIPPI = 0x2f - IFT_HSSI = 0x2e - IFT_HY = 0xe - IFT_IEEE1394 = 0x90 - IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG = 0x88 - IFT_ISDNBASIC = 0x14 - IFT_ISDNPRIMARY = 0x15 - IFT_ISO88022LLC = 0x29 - IFT_ISO88023 = 0x7 - IFT_ISO88024 = 0x8 - IFT_ISO88025 = 0x9 - IFT_ISO88026 = 0xa - IFT_L2VLAN = 0x87 - IFT_LAPB = 0x10 - IFT_LOCALTALK = 0x2a - IFT_LOOP = 0x18 - IFT_MIOX25 = 0x26 - IFT_MODEM = 0x30 - IFT_NSIP = 0x1b - IFT_OTHER = 0x1 - IFT_P10 = 0xc - IFT_P80 = 0xd - IFT_PARA = 0x22 - IFT_PDP = 0xff - IFT_PFLOG = 0xf5 - IFT_PFSYNC = 0xf6 - IFT_PKTAP = 0xfe - IFT_PPP = 0x17 - IFT_PROPMUX = 0x36 - IFT_PROPVIRTUAL = 0x35 - IFT_PTPSERIAL = 0x16 - IFT_RS232 = 0x21 - IFT_SDLC = 0x11 - IFT_SIP = 0x1f - IFT_SLIP = 0x1c - IFT_SMDSDXI = 0x2b - IFT_SMDSICIP = 0x34 - IFT_SONET = 0x27 - IFT_SONETPATH = 0x32 - IFT_SONETVT = 0x33 - IFT_STARLAN = 0xb - IFT_STF = 0x39 - IFT_T1 = 0x12 - IFT_ULTRA = 0x1d - IFT_V35 = 0x2d - IFT_X25 = 0x5 - IFT_X25DDN = 0x4 - IFT_X25PLE = 0x28 - IFT_XETHER = 0x1a - IGNBRK = 0x1 - IGNCR = 0x80 - IGNPAR = 0x4 - IMAXBEL = 0x2000 - INLCR = 0x40 - INPCK = 0x10 - IN_CLASSA_HOST = 0xffffff - IN_CLASSA_MAX = 0x80 - IN_CLASSA_NET = 0xff000000 - IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 0x18 - IN_CLASSB_HOST = 0xffff - IN_CLASSB_MAX = 0x10000 - IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000 - IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 0x10 - IN_CLASSC_HOST = 0xff - IN_CLASSC_NET = 0xffffff00 - IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 0x8 - IN_CLASSD_HOST = 0xfffffff - IN_CLASSD_NET = 0xf0000000 - IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT = 0x1c - IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM = 0xa9fe0000 - IN_LOOPBACKNET = 0x7f - IPPROTO_3PC = 0x22 - IPPROTO_ADFS = 0x44 - IPPROTO_AH = 0x33 - IPPROTO_AHIP = 0x3d - IPPROTO_APES = 0x63 - IPPROTO_ARGUS = 0xd - IPPROTO_AX25 = 0x5d - IPPROTO_BHA = 0x31 - IPPROTO_BLT = 0x1e - IPPROTO_BRSATMON = 0x4c - IPPROTO_CFTP = 0x3e - IPPROTO_CHAOS = 0x10 - IPPROTO_CMTP = 0x26 - IPPROTO_CPHB = 0x49 - IPPROTO_CPNX = 0x48 - IPPROTO_DDP = 0x25 - IPPROTO_DGP = 0x56 - IPPROTO_DIVERT = 0xfe - IPPROTO_DONE = 0x101 - IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 0x3c - IPPROTO_EGP = 0x8 - IPPROTO_EMCON = 0xe - IPPROTO_ENCAP = 0x62 - IPPROTO_EON = 0x50 - IPPROTO_ESP = 0x32 - IPPROTO_ETHERIP = 0x61 - IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 0x2c - IPPROTO_GGP = 0x3 - IPPROTO_GMTP = 0x64 - IPPROTO_GRE = 0x2f - IPPROTO_HELLO = 0x3f - IPPROTO_HMP = 0x14 - IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0x0 - IPPROTO_ICMP = 0x1 - IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 0x3a - IPPROTO_IDP = 0x16 - IPPROTO_IDPR = 0x23 - IPPROTO_IDRP = 0x2d - IPPROTO_IGMP = 0x2 - IPPROTO_IGP = 0x55 - IPPROTO_IGRP = 0x58 - IPPROTO_IL = 0x28 - IPPROTO_INLSP = 0x34 - IPPROTO_INP = 0x20 - IPPROTO_IP = 0x0 - IPPROTO_IPCOMP = 0x6c - IPPROTO_IPCV = 0x47 - IPPROTO_IPEIP = 0x5e - IPPROTO_IPIP = 0x4 - IPPROTO_IPPC = 0x43 - IPPROTO_IPV4 = 0x4 - IPPROTO_IPV6 = 0x29 - IPPROTO_IRTP = 0x1c - IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN = 0x41 - IPPROTO_LARP = 0x5b - IPPROTO_LEAF1 = 0x19 - IPPROTO_LEAF2 = 0x1a - IPPROTO_MAX = 0x100 - IPPROTO_MAXID = 0x34 - IPPROTO_MEAS = 0x13 - IPPROTO_MHRP = 0x30 - IPPROTO_MICP = 0x5f - IPPROTO_MTP = 0x5c - IPPROTO_MUX = 0x12 - IPPROTO_ND = 0x4d - IPPROTO_NHRP = 0x36 - IPPROTO_NONE = 0x3b - IPPROTO_NSP = 0x1f - IPPROTO_NVPII = 0xb - IPPROTO_OSPFIGP = 0x59 - IPPROTO_PGM = 0x71 - IPPROTO_PIGP = 0x9 - IPPROTO_PIM = 0x67 - IPPROTO_PRM = 0x15 - IPPROTO_PUP = 0xc - IPPROTO_PVP = 0x4b - IPPROTO_RAW = 0xff - IPPROTO_RCCMON = 0xa - IPPROTO_RDP = 0x1b - IPPROTO_ROUTING = 0x2b - IPPROTO_RSVP = 0x2e - IPPROTO_RVD = 0x42 - IPPROTO_SATEXPAK = 0x40 - IPPROTO_SATMON = 0x45 - IPPROTO_SCCSP = 0x60 - IPPROTO_SCTP = 0x84 - IPPROTO_SDRP = 0x2a - IPPROTO_SEP = 0x21 - IPPROTO_SRPC = 0x5a - IPPROTO_ST = 0x7 - IPPROTO_SVMTP = 0x52 - IPPROTO_SWIPE = 0x35 - IPPROTO_TCF = 0x57 - IPPROTO_TCP = 0x6 - IPPROTO_TP = 0x1d - IPPROTO_TPXX = 0x27 - IPPROTO_TRUNK1 = 0x17 - IPPROTO_TRUNK2 = 0x18 - IPPROTO_TTP = 0x54 - IPPROTO_UDP = 0x11 - IPPROTO_VINES = 0x53 - IPPROTO_VISA = 0x46 - IPPROTO_VMTP = 0x51 - IPPROTO_WBEXPAK = 0x4f - IPPROTO_WBMON = 0x4e - IPPROTO_WSN = 0x4a - IPPROTO_XNET = 0xf - IPPROTO_XTP = 0x24 - IPV6_2292DSTOPTS = 0x17 - IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = 0x14 - IPV6_2292HOPOPTS = 0x16 - IPV6_2292NEXTHOP = 0x15 - IPV6_2292PKTINFO = 0x13 - IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = 0x19 - IPV6_2292RTHDR = 0x18 - IPV6_BINDV6ONLY = 0x1b - IPV6_BOUND_IF = 0x7d - IPV6_CHECKSUM = 0x1a - IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0x1 - IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 - IPV6_DEFHLIM = 0x40 - IPV6_FAITH = 0x1d - IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK = 0xffffff0f - IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK = 0xffff0f00 - IPV6_FLOW_ECN_MASK = 0x300 - IPV6_FRAGTTL = 0x3c - IPV6_FW_ADD = 0x1e - IPV6_FW_DEL = 0x1f - IPV6_FW_FLUSH = 0x20 - IPV6_FW_GET = 0x22 - IPV6_FW_ZERO = 0x21 - IPV6_HLIMDEC = 0x1 - IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x1c - IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 0xc - IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 0xd - IPV6_MAXHLIM = 0xff - IPV6_MAXOPTHDR = 0x800 - IPV6_MAXPACKET = 0xffff - IPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 - IPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff - IPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 - IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f - IPV6_MMTU = 0x500 - IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0xa - IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 - IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb - IPV6_PORTRANGE = 0xe - IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 - IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 - IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 - IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 0x23 - IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0x0 - IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 0x1 - IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0x0 - IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1 = 0x3 - IPV6_TCLASS = 0x24 - IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 0x4 - IPV6_V6ONLY = 0x1b - IPV6_VERSION = 0x60 - IPV6_VERSION_MASK = 0xf0 - IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0xc - IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x46 - IP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x48 - IP_BOUND_IF = 0x19 - IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 - IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 0x1 - IP_DF = 0x4000 - IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 0xd - IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x47 - IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE = 0x3c - IP_DUMMYNET_DEL = 0x3d - IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH = 0x3e - IP_DUMMYNET_GET = 0x40 - IP_FAITH = 0x16 - IP_FW_ADD = 0x28 - IP_FW_DEL = 0x29 - IP_FW_FLUSH = 0x2a - IP_FW_GET = 0x2c - IP_FW_RESETLOG = 0x2d - IP_FW_ZERO = 0x2b - IP_HDRINCL = 0x2 - IP_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x15 - IP_MAXPACKET = 0xffff - IP_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 - IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff - IP_MAX_SOCK_MUTE_FILTER = 0x80 - IP_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 - IP_MF = 0x2000 - IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f - IP_MSFILTER = 0x4a - IP_MSS = 0x240 - IP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 - IP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX = 0x42 - IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb - IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 0xa - IP_MULTICAST_VIF = 0xe - IP_NAT__XXX = 0x37 - IP_OFFMASK = 0x1fff - IP_OLD_FW_ADD = 0x32 - IP_OLD_FW_DEL = 0x33 - IP_OLD_FW_FLUSH = 0x34 - IP_OLD_FW_GET = 0x36 - IP_OLD_FW_RESETLOG = 0x38 - IP_OLD_FW_ZERO = 0x35 - IP_OPTIONS = 0x1 - IP_PKTINFO = 0x1a - IP_PORTRANGE = 0x13 - IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 - IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 - IP_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 - IP_RECVDSTADDR = 0x7 - IP_RECVIF = 0x14 - IP_RECVOPTS = 0x5 - IP_RECVPKTINFO = 0x1a - IP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x6 - IP_RECVTOS = 0x1b - IP_RECVTTL = 0x18 - IP_RETOPTS = 0x8 - IP_RF = 0x8000 - IP_RSVP_OFF = 0x10 - IP_RSVP_ON = 0xf - IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF = 0x12 - IP_RSVP_VIF_ON = 0x11 - IP_STRIPHDR = 0x17 - IP_TOS = 0x3 - IP_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND = 0x41 - IP_TTL = 0x4 - IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x49 - ISIG = 0x80 - ISTRIP = 0x20 - IUTF8 = 0x4000 - IXANY = 0x800 - IXOFF = 0x400 - IXON = 0x200 - KERN_HOSTNAME = 0xa - KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 - KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 - KERN_VERSION = 0x4 - LOCK_EX = 0x2 - LOCK_NB = 0x4 - LOCK_SH = 0x1 - LOCK_UN = 0x8 - MADV_CAN_REUSE = 0x9 - MADV_DONTNEED = 0x4 - MADV_FREE = 0x5 - MADV_FREE_REUSABLE = 0x7 - MADV_FREE_REUSE = 0x8 - MADV_NORMAL = 0x0 - MADV_PAGEOUT = 0xa - MADV_RANDOM = 0x1 - MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 0x2 - MADV_WILLNEED = 0x3 - MADV_ZERO_WIRED_PAGES = 0x6 - MAP_ANON = 0x1000 - MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000 - MAP_COPY = 0x2 - MAP_FILE = 0x0 - MAP_FIXED = 0x10 - MAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x200 - MAP_JIT = 0x800 - MAP_NOCACHE = 0x400 - MAP_NOEXTEND = 0x100 - MAP_NORESERVE = 0x40 - MAP_PRIVATE = 0x2 - MAP_RENAME = 0x20 - MAP_RESERVED0080 = 0x80 - MAP_RESILIENT_CODESIGN = 0x2000 - MAP_RESILIENT_MEDIA = 0x4000 - MAP_SHARED = 0x1 - MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 - MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 - MNT_ASYNC = 0x40 - MNT_AUTOMOUNTED = 0x400000 - MNT_CMDFLAGS = 0xf0000 - MNT_CPROTECT = 0x80 - MNT_DEFWRITE = 0x2000000 - MNT_DONTBROWSE = 0x100000 - MNT_DOVOLFS = 0x8000 - MNT_DWAIT = 0x4 - MNT_EXPORTED = 0x100 - MNT_FORCE = 0x80000 - MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP = 0x200000 - MNT_JOURNALED = 0x800000 - MNT_LOCAL = 0x1000 - MNT_MULTILABEL = 0x4000000 - MNT_NOATIME = 0x10000000 - MNT_NOBLOCK = 0x20000 - MNT_NODEV = 0x10 - MNT_NOEXEC = 0x4 - MNT_NOSUID = 0x8 - MNT_NOUSERXATTR = 0x1000000 - MNT_NOWAIT = 0x2 - MNT_QUARANTINE = 0x400 - MNT_QUOTA = 0x2000 - MNT_RDONLY = 0x1 - MNT_RELOAD = 0x40000 - MNT_ROOTFS = 0x4000 - MNT_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x2 - MNT_UNION = 0x20 - MNT_UNKNOWNPERMISSIONS = 0x200000 - MNT_UPDATE = 0x10000 - MNT_VISFLAGMASK = 0x17f0f5ff - MNT_WAIT = 0x1 - MSG_CTRUNC = 0x20 - MSG_DONTROUTE = 0x4 - MSG_DONTWAIT = 0x80 - MSG_EOF = 0x100 - MSG_EOR = 0x8 - MSG_FLUSH = 0x400 - MSG_HAVEMORE = 0x2000 - MSG_HOLD = 0x800 - MSG_NEEDSA = 0x10000 - MSG_OOB = 0x1 - MSG_PEEK = 0x2 - MSG_RCVMORE = 0x4000 - MSG_SEND = 0x1000 - MSG_TRUNC = 0x10 - MSG_WAITALL = 0x40 - MSG_WAITSTREAM = 0x200 - MS_ASYNC = 0x1 - MS_DEACTIVATE = 0x8 - MS_INVALIDATE = 0x2 - MS_KILLPAGES = 0x4 - MS_SYNC = 0x10 - NAME_MAX = 0xff - NET_RT_DUMP = 0x1 - NET_RT_DUMP2 = 0x7 - NET_RT_FLAGS = 0x2 - NET_RT_IFLIST = 0x3 - NET_RT_IFLIST2 = 0x6 - NET_RT_MAXID = 0xa - NET_RT_STAT = 0x4 - NET_RT_TRASH = 0x5 - NFDBITS = 0x20 - NL0 = 0x0 - NL1 = 0x100 - NL2 = 0x200 - NL3 = 0x300 - NLDLY = 0x300 - NOFLSH = 0x80000000 - NOKERNINFO = 0x2000000 - NOTE_ABSOLUTE = 0x8 - NOTE_ATTRIB = 0x8 - NOTE_BACKGROUND = 0x40 - NOTE_CHILD = 0x4 - NOTE_CRITICAL = 0x20 - NOTE_DELETE = 0x1 - NOTE_EXEC = 0x20000000 - NOTE_EXIT = 0x80000000 - NOTE_EXITSTATUS = 0x4000000 - NOTE_EXIT_CSERROR = 0x40000 - NOTE_EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL = 0x10000 - NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL = 0x2000000 - NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL_MASK = 0x70000 - NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY = 0x20000 - NOTE_EXIT_REPARENTED = 0x80000 - NOTE_EXTEND = 0x4 - NOTE_FFAND = 0x40000000 - NOTE_FFCOPY = 0xc0000000 - NOTE_FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000 - NOTE_FFLAGSMASK = 0xffffff - NOTE_FFNOP = 0x0 - NOTE_FFOR = 0x80000000 - NOTE_FORK = 0x40000000 - NOTE_FUNLOCK = 0x100 - NOTE_LEEWAY = 0x10 - NOTE_LINK = 0x10 - NOTE_LOWAT = 0x1 - NOTE_MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME = 0x80 - NOTE_NONE = 0x80 - NOTE_NSECONDS = 0x4 - NOTE_OOB = 0x2 - NOTE_PCTRLMASK = -0x100000 - NOTE_PDATAMASK = 0xfffff - NOTE_REAP = 0x10000000 - NOTE_RENAME = 0x20 - NOTE_REVOKE = 0x40 - NOTE_SECONDS = 0x1 - NOTE_SIGNAL = 0x8000000 - NOTE_TRACK = 0x1 - NOTE_TRACKERR = 0x2 - NOTE_TRIGGER = 0x1000000 - NOTE_USECONDS = 0x2 - NOTE_VM_ERROR = 0x10000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE = 0x80000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE = 0x20000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE = 0x40000000 - NOTE_WRITE = 0x2 - OCRNL = 0x10 - OFDEL = 0x20000 - OFILL = 0x80 - ONLCR = 0x2 - ONLRET = 0x40 - ONOCR = 0x20 - ONOEOT = 0x8 - OPOST = 0x1 - OXTABS = 0x4 - O_ACCMODE = 0x3 - O_ALERT = 0x20000000 - O_APPEND = 0x8 - O_ASYNC = 0x40 - O_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000 - O_CREAT = 0x200 - O_DIRECTORY = 0x100000 - O_DP_GETRAWENCRYPTED = 0x1 - O_DP_GETRAWUNENCRYPTED = 0x2 - O_DSYNC = 0x400000 - O_EVTONLY = 0x8000 - O_EXCL = 0x800 - O_EXLOCK = 0x20 - O_FSYNC = 0x80 - O_NDELAY = 0x4 - O_NOCTTY = 0x20000 - O_NOFOLLOW = 0x100 - O_NONBLOCK = 0x4 - O_POPUP = 0x80000000 - O_RDONLY = 0x0 - O_RDWR = 0x2 - O_SHLOCK = 0x10 - O_SYMLINK = 0x200000 - O_SYNC = 0x80 - O_TRUNC = 0x400 - O_WRONLY = 0x1 - PARENB = 0x1000 - PARMRK = 0x8 - PARODD = 0x2000 - PENDIN = 0x20000000 - PRIO_PGRP = 0x1 - PRIO_PROCESS = 0x0 - PRIO_USER = 0x2 - PROT_EXEC = 0x4 - PROT_NONE = 0x0 - PROT_READ = 0x1 - PROT_WRITE = 0x2 - PT_ATTACH = 0xa - PT_ATTACHEXC = 0xe - PT_CONTINUE = 0x7 - PT_DENY_ATTACH = 0x1f - PT_DETACH = 0xb - PT_FIRSTMACH = 0x20 - PT_FORCEQUOTA = 0x1e - PT_KILL = 0x8 - PT_READ_D = 0x2 - PT_READ_I = 0x1 - PT_READ_U = 0x3 - PT_SIGEXC = 0xc - PT_STEP = 0x9 - PT_THUPDATE = 0xd - PT_TRACE_ME = 0x0 - PT_WRITE_D = 0x5 - PT_WRITE_I = 0x4 - PT_WRITE_U = 0x6 - RLIMIT_AS = 0x5 - RLIMIT_CORE = 0x4 - RLIMIT_CPU = 0x0 - RLIMIT_CPU_USAGE_MONITOR = 0x2 - RLIMIT_DATA = 0x2 - RLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1 - RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6 - RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8 - RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7 - RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 - RLIMIT_STACK = 0x3 - RLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff - RTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6 - RTAX_BRD = 0x7 - RTAX_DST = 0x0 - RTAX_GATEWAY = 0x1 - RTAX_GENMASK = 0x3 - RTAX_IFA = 0x5 - RTAX_IFP = 0x4 - RTAX_MAX = 0x8 - RTAX_NETMASK = 0x2 - RTA_AUTHOR = 0x40 - RTA_BRD = 0x80 - RTA_DST = 0x1 - RTA_GATEWAY = 0x2 - RTA_GENMASK = 0x8 - RTA_IFA = 0x20 - RTA_IFP = 0x10 - RTA_NETMASK = 0x4 - RTF_BLACKHOLE = 0x1000 - RTF_BROADCAST = 0x400000 - RTF_CLONING = 0x100 - RTF_CONDEMNED = 0x2000000 - RTF_DELCLONE = 0x80 - RTF_DONE = 0x40 - RTF_DYNAMIC = 0x10 - RTF_GATEWAY = 0x2 - RTF_HOST = 0x4 - RTF_IFREF = 0x4000000 - RTF_IFSCOPE = 0x1000000 - RTF_LLINFO = 0x400 - RTF_LOCAL = 0x200000 - RTF_MODIFIED = 0x20 - RTF_MULTICAST = 0x800000 - RTF_NOIFREF = 0x2000 - RTF_PINNED = 0x100000 - RTF_PRCLONING = 0x10000 - RTF_PROTO1 = 0x8000 - RTF_PROTO2 = 0x4000 - RTF_PROTO3 = 0x40000 - RTF_PROXY = 0x8000000 - RTF_REJECT = 0x8 - RTF_ROUTER = 0x10000000 - RTF_STATIC = 0x800 - RTF_UP = 0x1 - RTF_WASCLONED = 0x20000 - RTF_XRESOLVE = 0x200 - RTM_ADD = 0x1 - RTM_CHANGE = 0x3 - RTM_DELADDR = 0xd - RTM_DELETE = 0x2 - RTM_DELMADDR = 0x10 - RTM_GET = 0x4 - RTM_GET2 = 0x14 - RTM_IFINFO = 0xe - RTM_IFINFO2 = 0x12 - RTM_LOCK = 0x8 - RTM_LOSING = 0x5 - RTM_MISS = 0x7 - RTM_NEWADDR = 0xc - RTM_NEWMADDR = 0xf - RTM_NEWMADDR2 = 0x13 - RTM_OLDADD = 0x9 - RTM_OLDDEL = 0xa - RTM_REDIRECT = 0x6 - RTM_RESOLVE = 0xb - RTM_RTTUNIT = 0xf4240 - RTM_VERSION = 0x5 - RTV_EXPIRE = 0x4 - RTV_HOPCOUNT = 0x2 - RTV_MTU = 0x1 - RTV_RPIPE = 0x8 - RTV_RTT = 0x40 - RTV_RTTVAR = 0x80 - RTV_SPIPE = 0x10 - RTV_SSTHRESH = 0x20 - RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -0x1 - RUSAGE_SELF = 0x0 - SCM_CREDS = 0x3 - SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 - SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 - SCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x4 - SHUT_RD = 0x0 - SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 - SHUT_WR = 0x1 - SIOCADDMULTI = 0x80206931 - SIOCAIFADDR = 0x8040691a - SIOCARPIPLL = 0xc0206928 - SIOCATMARK = 0x40047307 - SIOCAUTOADDR = 0xc0206926 - SIOCAUTONETMASK = 0x80206927 - SIOCDELMULTI = 0x80206932 - SIOCDIFADDR = 0x80206919 - SIOCDIFPHYADDR = 0x80206941 - SIOCGDRVSPEC = 0xc01c697b - SIOCGETVLAN = 0xc020697f - SIOCGHIWAT = 0x40047301 - SIOCGIFADDR = 0xc0206921 - SIOCGIFALTMTU = 0xc0206948 - SIOCGIFASYNCMAP = 0xc020697c - SIOCGIFBOND = 0xc0206947 - SIOCGIFBRDADDR = 0xc0206923 - SIOCGIFCAP = 0xc020695b - SIOCGIFCONF = 0xc0086924 - SIOCGIFDEVMTU = 0xc0206944 - SIOCGIFDSTADDR = 0xc0206922 - SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0xc0206911 - SIOCGIFGENERIC = 0xc020693a - SIOCGIFKPI = 0xc0206987 - SIOCGIFMAC = 0xc0206982 - SIOCGIFMEDIA = 0xc0286938 - SIOCGIFMETRIC = 0xc0206917 - SIOCGIFMTU = 0xc0206933 - SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0xc0206925 - SIOCGIFPDSTADDR = 0xc0206940 - SIOCGIFPHYS = 0xc0206935 - SIOCGIFPSRCADDR = 0xc020693f - SIOCGIFSTATUS = 0xc331693d - SIOCGIFVLAN = 0xc020697f - SIOCGIFWAKEFLAGS = 0xc0206988 - SIOCGLOWAT = 0x40047303 - SIOCGPGRP = 0x40047309 - SIOCIFCREATE = 0xc0206978 - SIOCIFCREATE2 = 0xc020697a - SIOCIFDESTROY = 0x80206979 - SIOCIFGCLONERS = 0xc00c6981 - SIOCRSLVMULTI = 0xc008693b - SIOCSDRVSPEC = 0x801c697b - SIOCSETVLAN = 0x8020697e - SIOCSHIWAT = 0x80047300 - SIOCSIFADDR = 0x8020690c - SIOCSIFALTMTU = 0x80206945 - SIOCSIFASYNCMAP = 0x8020697d - SIOCSIFBOND = 0x80206946 - SIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x80206913 - SIOCSIFCAP = 0x8020695a - SIOCSIFDSTADDR = 0x8020690e - SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x80206910 - SIOCSIFGENERIC = 0x80206939 - SIOCSIFKPI = 0x80206986 - SIOCSIFLLADDR = 0x8020693c - SIOCSIFMAC = 0x80206983 - SIOCSIFMEDIA = 0xc0206937 - SIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x80206918 - SIOCSIFMTU = 0x80206934 - SIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x80206916 - SIOCSIFPHYADDR = 0x8040693e - SIOCSIFPHYS = 0x80206936 - SIOCSIFVLAN = 0x8020697e - SIOCSLOWAT = 0x80047302 - SIOCSPGRP = 0x80047308 - SOCK_DGRAM = 0x2 - SOCK_MAXADDRLEN = 0xff - SOCK_RAW = 0x3 - SOCK_RDM = 0x4 - SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 - SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 - SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff - SOMAXCONN = 0x80 - SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 - SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 - SO_DEBUG = 0x1 - SO_DONTROUTE = 0x10 - SO_DONTTRUNC = 0x2000 - SO_ERROR = 0x1007 - SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x8 - SO_LABEL = 0x1010 - SO_LINGER = 0x80 - SO_LINGER_SEC = 0x1080 - SO_NETSVC_MARKING_LEVEL = 0x1119 - SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE = 0x1116 - SO_NKE = 0x1021 - SO_NOADDRERR = 0x1023 - SO_NOSIGPIPE = 0x1022 - SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT = 0x1026 - SO_NP_EXTENSIONS = 0x1083 - SO_NREAD = 0x1020 - SO_NUMRCVPKT = 0x1112 - SO_NWRITE = 0x1024 - SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 - SO_PEERLABEL = 0x1011 - SO_RANDOMPORT = 0x1082 - SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 - SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 - SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 - SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 - SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 - SO_REUSESHAREUID = 0x1025 - SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001 - SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 - SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 - SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x400 - SO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x800 - SO_TYPE = 0x1008 - SO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT = 0x1027 - SO_USELOOPBACK = 0x40 - SO_WANTMORE = 0x4000 - SO_WANTOOBFLAG = 0x8000 - S_IEXEC = 0x40 - S_IFBLK = 0x6000 - S_IFCHR = 0x2000 - S_IFDIR = 0x4000 - S_IFIFO = 0x1000 - S_IFLNK = 0xa000 - S_IFMT = 0xf000 - S_IFREG = 0x8000 - S_IFSOCK = 0xc000 - S_IFWHT = 0xe000 - S_IREAD = 0x100 - S_IRGRP = 0x20 - S_IROTH = 0x4 - S_IRUSR = 0x100 - S_IRWXG = 0x38 - S_IRWXO = 0x7 - S_IRWXU = 0x1c0 - S_ISGID = 0x400 - S_ISTXT = 0x200 - S_ISUID = 0x800 - S_ISVTX = 0x200 - S_IWGRP = 0x10 - S_IWOTH = 0x2 - S_IWRITE = 0x80 - S_IWUSR = 0x80 - S_IXGRP = 0x8 - S_IXOTH = 0x1 - S_IXUSR = 0x40 - TAB0 = 0x0 - TAB1 = 0x400 - TAB2 = 0x800 - TAB3 = 0x4 - TABDLY = 0xc04 - TCIFLUSH = 0x1 - TCIOFF = 0x3 - TCIOFLUSH = 0x3 - TCION = 0x4 - TCOFLUSH = 0x2 - TCOOFF = 0x1 - TCOON = 0x2 - TCP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT = 0x20 - TCP_CONNECTION_INFO = 0x106 - TCP_ENABLE_ECN = 0x104 - TCP_FASTOPEN = 0x105 - TCP_KEEPALIVE = 0x10 - TCP_KEEPCNT = 0x102 - TCP_KEEPINTVL = 0x101 - TCP_MAXHLEN = 0x3c - TCP_MAXOLEN = 0x28 - TCP_MAXSEG = 0x2 - TCP_MAXWIN = 0xffff - TCP_MAX_SACK = 0x4 - TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 0xe - TCP_MINMSS = 0xd8 - TCP_MSS = 0x200 - TCP_NODELAY = 0x1 - TCP_NOOPT = 0x8 - TCP_NOPUSH = 0x4 - TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT = 0x201 - TCP_RXT_CONNDROPTIME = 0x80 - TCP_RXT_FINDROP = 0x100 - TCP_SENDMOREACKS = 0x103 - TCSAFLUSH = 0x2 - TIOCCBRK = 0x2000747a - TIOCCDTR = 0x20007478 - TIOCCONS = 0x80047462 - TIOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40087458 - TIOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e - TIOCDSIMICROCODE = 0x20007455 - TIOCEXCL = 0x2000740d - TIOCEXT = 0x80047460 - TIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410 - TIOCGDRAINWAIT = 0x40047456 - TIOCGETA = 0x402c7413 - TIOCGETD = 0x4004741a - TIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477 - TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468 - TIOCIXOFF = 0x20007480 - TIOCIXON = 0x20007481 - TIOCMBIC = 0x8004746b - TIOCMBIS = 0x8004746c - TIOCMGDTRWAIT = 0x4004745a - TIOCMGET = 0x4004746a - TIOCMODG = 0x40047403 - TIOCMODS = 0x80047404 - TIOCMSDTRWAIT = 0x8004745b - TIOCMSET = 0x8004746d - TIOCM_CAR = 0x40 - TIOCM_CD = 0x40 - TIOCM_CTS = 0x20 - TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 - TIOCM_DTR = 0x2 - TIOCM_LE = 0x1 - TIOCM_RI = 0x80 - TIOCM_RNG = 0x80 - TIOCM_RTS = 0x4 - TIOCM_SR = 0x10 - TIOCM_ST = 0x8 - TIOCNOTTY = 0x20007471 - TIOCNXCL = 0x2000740e - TIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473 - TIOCPKT = 0x80047470 - TIOCPKT_DATA = 0x0 - TIOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20 - TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1 - TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2 - TIOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40 - TIOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10 - TIOCPKT_START = 0x8 - TIOCPKT_STOP = 0x4 - TIOCPTYGNAME = 0x40807453 - TIOCPTYGRANT = 0x20007454 - TIOCPTYUNLK = 0x20007452 - TIOCREMOTE = 0x80047469 - TIOCSBRK = 0x2000747b - TIOCSCONS = 0x20007463 - TIOCSCTTY = 0x20007461 - TIOCSDRAINWAIT = 0x80047457 - TIOCSDTR = 0x20007479 - TIOCSETA = 0x802c7414 - TIOCSETAF = 0x802c7416 - TIOCSETAW = 0x802c7415 - TIOCSETD = 0x8004741b - TIOCSIG = 0x2000745f - TIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476 - TIOCSTART = 0x2000746e - TIOCSTAT = 0x20007465 - TIOCSTI = 0x80017472 - TIOCSTOP = 0x2000746f - TIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467 - TIOCTIMESTAMP = 0x40087459 - TIOCUCNTL = 0x80047466 - TOSTOP = 0x400000 - VDISCARD = 0xf - VDSUSP = 0xb - VEOF = 0x0 - VEOL = 0x1 - VEOL2 = 0x2 - VERASE = 0x3 - VINTR = 0x8 - VKILL = 0x5 - VLNEXT = 0xe - VMIN = 0x10 - VM_LOADAVG = 0x2 - VM_MACHFACTOR = 0x4 - VM_MAXID = 0x6 - VM_METER = 0x1 - VM_SWAPUSAGE = 0x5 - VQUIT = 0x9 - VREPRINT = 0x6 - VSTART = 0xc - VSTATUS = 0x12 - VSTOP = 0xd - VSUSP = 0xa - VT0 = 0x0 - VT1 = 0x10000 - VTDLY = 0x10000 - VTIME = 0x11 - VWERASE = 0x4 - WCONTINUED = 0x10 - WCOREFLAG = 0x80 - WEXITED = 0x4 - WNOHANG = 0x1 - WNOWAIT = 0x20 - WORDSIZE = 0x20 - WSTOPPED = 0x8 - WUNTRACED = 0x2 - XATTR_CREATE = 0x2 - XATTR_NODEFAULT = 0x10 - XATTR_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - XATTR_NOSECURITY = 0x8 - XATTR_REPLACE = 0x4 - XATTR_SHOWCOMPRESSION = 0x20 -) - -// Errors -const ( - E2BIG = syscall.Errno(0x7) - EACCES = syscall.Errno(0xd) - EADDRINUSE = syscall.Errno(0x30) - EADDRNOTAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x31) - EAFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2f) - EAGAIN = syscall.Errno(0x23) - EALREADY = syscall.Errno(0x25) - EAUTH = syscall.Errno(0x50) - EBADARCH = syscall.Errno(0x56) - EBADEXEC = syscall.Errno(0x55) - EBADF = syscall.Errno(0x9) - EBADMACHO = syscall.Errno(0x58) - EBADMSG = syscall.Errno(0x5e) - EBADRPC = syscall.Errno(0x48) - EBUSY = syscall.Errno(0x10) - ECANCELED = syscall.Errno(0x59) - ECHILD = syscall.Errno(0xa) - ECONNABORTED = syscall.Errno(0x35) - ECONNREFUSED = syscall.Errno(0x3d) - ECONNRESET = syscall.Errno(0x36) - EDEADLK = syscall.Errno(0xb) - EDESTADDRREQ = syscall.Errno(0x27) - EDEVERR = syscall.Errno(0x53) - EDOM = syscall.Errno(0x21) - EDQUOT = syscall.Errno(0x45) - EEXIST = syscall.Errno(0x11) - EFAULT = syscall.Errno(0xe) - EFBIG = syscall.Errno(0x1b) - EFTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x4f) - EHOSTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x40) - EHOSTUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x41) - EIDRM = syscall.Errno(0x5a) - EILSEQ = syscall.Errno(0x5c) - EINPROGRESS = syscall.Errno(0x24) - EINTR = syscall.Errno(0x4) - EINVAL = syscall.Errno(0x16) - EIO = syscall.Errno(0x5) - EISCONN = syscall.Errno(0x38) - EISDIR = syscall.Errno(0x15) - ELAST = syscall.Errno(0x6a) - ELOOP = syscall.Errno(0x3e) - EMFILE = syscall.Errno(0x18) - EMLINK = syscall.Errno(0x1f) - EMSGSIZE = syscall.Errno(0x28) - EMULTIHOP = syscall.Errno(0x5f) - ENAMETOOLONG = syscall.Errno(0x3f) - ENEEDAUTH = syscall.Errno(0x51) - ENETDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x32) - ENETRESET = syscall.Errno(0x34) - ENETUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x33) - ENFILE = syscall.Errno(0x17) - ENOATTR = syscall.Errno(0x5d) - ENOBUFS = syscall.Errno(0x37) - ENODATA = syscall.Errno(0x60) - ENODEV = syscall.Errno(0x13) - ENOENT = syscall.Errno(0x2) - ENOEXEC = syscall.Errno(0x8) - ENOLCK = syscall.Errno(0x4d) - ENOLINK = syscall.Errno(0x61) - ENOMEM = syscall.Errno(0xc) - ENOMSG = syscall.Errno(0x5b) - ENOPOLICY = syscall.Errno(0x67) - ENOPROTOOPT = syscall.Errno(0x2a) - ENOSPC = syscall.Errno(0x1c) - ENOSR = syscall.Errno(0x62) - ENOSTR = syscall.Errno(0x63) - ENOSYS = syscall.Errno(0x4e) - ENOTBLK = syscall.Errno(0xf) - ENOTCONN = syscall.Errno(0x39) - ENOTDIR = syscall.Errno(0x14) - ENOTEMPTY = syscall.Errno(0x42) - ENOTRECOVERABLE = syscall.Errno(0x68) - ENOTSOCK = syscall.Errno(0x26) - ENOTSUP = syscall.Errno(0x2d) - ENOTTY = syscall.Errno(0x19) - ENXIO = syscall.Errno(0x6) - EOPNOTSUPP = syscall.Errno(0x66) - EOVERFLOW = syscall.Errno(0x54) - EOWNERDEAD = syscall.Errno(0x69) - EPERM = syscall.Errno(0x1) - EPFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2e) - EPIPE = syscall.Errno(0x20) - EPROCLIM = syscall.Errno(0x43) - EPROCUNAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x4c) - EPROGMISMATCH = syscall.Errno(0x4b) - EPROGUNAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x4a) - EPROTO = syscall.Errno(0x64) - EPROTONOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2b) - EPROTOTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x29) - EPWROFF = syscall.Errno(0x52) - EQFULL = syscall.Errno(0x6a) - ERANGE = syscall.Errno(0x22) - EREMOTE = syscall.Errno(0x47) - EROFS = syscall.Errno(0x1e) - ERPCMISMATCH = syscall.Errno(0x49) - ESHLIBVERS = syscall.Errno(0x57) - ESHUTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x3a) - ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2c) - ESPIPE = syscall.Errno(0x1d) - ESRCH = syscall.Errno(0x3) - ESTALE = syscall.Errno(0x46) - ETIME = syscall.Errno(0x65) - ETIMEDOUT = syscall.Errno(0x3c) - ETOOMANYREFS = syscall.Errno(0x3b) - ETXTBSY = syscall.Errno(0x1a) - EUSERS = syscall.Errno(0x44) - EWOULDBLOCK = syscall.Errno(0x23) - EXDEV = syscall.Errno(0x12) -) - -// Signals -const ( - SIGABRT = syscall.Signal(0x6) - SIGALRM = syscall.Signal(0xe) - SIGBUS = syscall.Signal(0xa) - SIGCHLD = syscall.Signal(0x14) - SIGCONT = syscall.Signal(0x13) - SIGEMT = syscall.Signal(0x7) - SIGFPE = syscall.Signal(0x8) - SIGHUP = syscall.Signal(0x1) - SIGILL = syscall.Signal(0x4) - SIGINFO = syscall.Signal(0x1d) - SIGINT = syscall.Signal(0x2) - SIGIO = syscall.Signal(0x17) - SIGIOT = syscall.Signal(0x6) - SIGKILL = syscall.Signal(0x9) - SIGPIPE = syscall.Signal(0xd) - SIGPROF = syscall.Signal(0x1b) - SIGQUIT = syscall.Signal(0x3) - SIGSEGV = syscall.Signal(0xb) - SIGSTOP = syscall.Signal(0x11) - SIGSYS = syscall.Signal(0xc) - SIGTERM = syscall.Signal(0xf) - SIGTRAP = syscall.Signal(0x5) - SIGTSTP = syscall.Signal(0x12) - SIGTTIN = syscall.Signal(0x15) - SIGTTOU = syscall.Signal(0x16) - SIGURG = syscall.Signal(0x10) - SIGUSR1 = syscall.Signal(0x1e) - SIGUSR2 = syscall.Signal(0x1f) - SIGVTALRM = syscall.Signal(0x1a) - SIGWINCH = syscall.Signal(0x1c) - SIGXCPU = syscall.Signal(0x18) - SIGXFSZ = syscall.Signal(0x19) -) - -// Error table -var errorList = [...]struct { - num syscall.Errno - name string - desc string -}{ - {1, "EPERM", "operation not permitted"}, - {2, "ENOENT", "no such file or directory"}, - {3, "ESRCH", "no such process"}, - {4, "EINTR", "interrupted system call"}, - {5, "EIO", "input/output error"}, - {6, "ENXIO", "device not configured"}, - {7, "E2BIG", "argument list too long"}, - {8, "ENOEXEC", "exec format error"}, - {9, "EBADF", "bad file descriptor"}, - {10, "ECHILD", "no child processes"}, - {11, "EDEADLK", "resource deadlock avoided"}, - {12, "ENOMEM", "cannot allocate memory"}, - {13, "EACCES", "permission denied"}, - {14, "EFAULT", "bad address"}, - {15, "ENOTBLK", "block device required"}, - {16, "EBUSY", "resource busy"}, - {17, "EEXIST", "file exists"}, - {18, "EXDEV", "cross-device link"}, - {19, "ENODEV", "operation not supported by device"}, - {20, "ENOTDIR", "not a directory"}, - {21, "EISDIR", "is a directory"}, - {22, "EINVAL", "invalid argument"}, - {23, "ENFILE", "too many open files in system"}, - {24, "EMFILE", "too many open files"}, - {25, "ENOTTY", "inappropriate ioctl for device"}, - {26, "ETXTBSY", "text file busy"}, - {27, "EFBIG", "file too large"}, - {28, "ENOSPC", "no space left on device"}, - {29, "ESPIPE", "illegal seek"}, - {30, "EROFS", "read-only file system"}, - {31, "EMLINK", "too many links"}, - {32, "EPIPE", "broken pipe"}, - {33, "EDOM", "numerical argument out of domain"}, - {34, "ERANGE", "result too large"}, - {35, "EAGAIN", "resource temporarily unavailable"}, - {36, "EINPROGRESS", "operation now in progress"}, - {37, "EALREADY", "operation already in progress"}, - {38, "ENOTSOCK", "socket operation on non-socket"}, - {39, "EDESTADDRREQ", "destination address required"}, - {40, "EMSGSIZE", "message too long"}, - {41, "EPROTOTYPE", "protocol wrong type for socket"}, - {42, "ENOPROTOOPT", "protocol not available"}, - {43, "EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol not supported"}, - {44, "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT", "socket type not supported"}, - {45, "ENOTSUP", "operation not supported"}, - {46, "EPFNOSUPPORT", "protocol family not supported"}, - {47, "EAFNOSUPPORT", "address family not supported by protocol family"}, - {48, "EADDRINUSE", "address already in use"}, - {49, "EADDRNOTAVAIL", "can't assign requested address"}, - {50, "ENETDOWN", "network is down"}, - {51, "ENETUNREACH", "network is unreachable"}, - {52, "ENETRESET", "network dropped connection on reset"}, - {53, "ECONNABORTED", "software caused connection abort"}, - {54, "ECONNRESET", "connection reset by peer"}, - {55, "ENOBUFS", "no buffer space available"}, - {56, "EISCONN", "socket is already connected"}, - {57, "ENOTCONN", "socket is not connected"}, - {58, "ESHUTDOWN", "can't send after socket shutdown"}, - {59, "ETOOMANYREFS", "too many references: can't splice"}, - {60, "ETIMEDOUT", "operation timed out"}, - {61, "ECONNREFUSED", "connection refused"}, - {62, "ELOOP", "too many levels of symbolic links"}, - {63, "ENAMETOOLONG", "file name too long"}, - {64, "EHOSTDOWN", "host is down"}, - {65, "EHOSTUNREACH", "no route to host"}, - {66, "ENOTEMPTY", "directory not empty"}, - {67, "EPROCLIM", "too many processes"}, - {68, "EUSERS", "too many users"}, - {69, "EDQUOT", "disc quota exceeded"}, - {70, "ESTALE", "stale NFS file handle"}, - {71, "EREMOTE", "too many levels of remote in path"}, - {72, "EBADRPC", "RPC struct is bad"}, - {73, "ERPCMISMATCH", "RPC version wrong"}, - {74, "EPROGUNAVAIL", "RPC prog. not avail"}, - {75, "EPROGMISMATCH", "program version wrong"}, - {76, "EPROCUNAVAIL", "bad procedure for program"}, - {77, "ENOLCK", "no locks available"}, - {78, "ENOSYS", "function not implemented"}, - {79, "EFTYPE", "inappropriate file type or format"}, - {80, "EAUTH", "authentication error"}, - {81, "ENEEDAUTH", "need authenticator"}, - {82, "EPWROFF", "device power is off"}, - {83, "EDEVERR", "device error"}, - {84, "EOVERFLOW", "value too large to be stored in data type"}, - {85, "EBADEXEC", "bad executable (or shared library)"}, - {86, "EBADARCH", "bad CPU type in executable"}, - {87, "ESHLIBVERS", "shared library version mismatch"}, - {88, "EBADMACHO", "malformed Mach-o file"}, - {89, "ECANCELED", "operation canceled"}, - {90, "EIDRM", "identifier removed"}, - {91, "ENOMSG", "no message of desired type"}, - {92, "EILSEQ", "illegal byte sequence"}, - {93, "ENOATTR", "attribute not found"}, - {94, "EBADMSG", "bad message"}, - {95, "EMULTIHOP", "EMULTIHOP (Reserved)"}, - {96, "ENODATA", "no message available on STREAM"}, - {97, "ENOLINK", "ENOLINK (Reserved)"}, - {98, "ENOSR", "no STREAM resources"}, - {99, "ENOSTR", "not a STREAM"}, - {100, "EPROTO", "protocol error"}, - {101, "ETIME", "STREAM ioctl timeout"}, - {102, "EOPNOTSUPP", "operation not supported on socket"}, - {103, "ENOPOLICY", "policy not found"}, - {104, "ENOTRECOVERABLE", "state not recoverable"}, - {105, "EOWNERDEAD", "previous owner died"}, - {106, "EQFULL", "interface output queue is full"}, -} - -// Signal table -var signalList = [...]struct { - num syscall.Signal - name string - desc string -}{ - {1, "SIGHUP", "hangup"}, - {2, "SIGINT", "interrupt"}, - {3, "SIGQUIT", "quit"}, - {4, "SIGILL", "illegal instruction"}, - {5, "SIGTRAP", "trace/BPT trap"}, - {6, "SIGABRT", "abort trap"}, - {7, "SIGEMT", "EMT trap"}, - {8, "SIGFPE", "floating point exception"}, - {9, "SIGKILL", "killed"}, - {10, "SIGBUS", "bus error"}, - {11, "SIGSEGV", "segmentation fault"}, - {12, "SIGSYS", "bad system call"}, - {13, "SIGPIPE", "broken pipe"}, - {14, "SIGALRM", "alarm clock"}, - {15, "SIGTERM", "terminated"}, - {16, "SIGURG", "urgent I/O condition"}, - {17, "SIGSTOP", "suspended (signal)"}, - {18, "SIGTSTP", "suspended"}, - {19, "SIGCONT", "continued"}, - {20, "SIGCHLD", "child exited"}, - {21, "SIGTTIN", "stopped (tty input)"}, - {22, "SIGTTOU", "stopped (tty output)"}, - {23, "SIGIO", "I/O possible"}, - {24, "SIGXCPU", "cputime limit exceeded"}, - {25, "SIGXFSZ", "filesize limit exceeded"}, - {26, "SIGVTALRM", "virtual timer expired"}, - {27, "SIGPROF", "profiling timer expired"}, - {28, "SIGWINCH", "window size changes"}, - {29, "SIGINFO", "information request"}, - {30, "SIGUSR1", "user defined signal 1"}, - {31, "SIGUSR2", "user defined signal 2"}, -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go index fea5dfaa..476a1c7e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && darwin // +build amd64,darwin // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. @@ -11,1479 +12,1582 @@ package unix import "syscall" const ( - AF_APPLETALK = 0x10 - AF_CCITT = 0xa - AF_CHAOS = 0x5 - AF_CNT = 0x15 - AF_COIP = 0x14 - AF_DATAKIT = 0x9 - AF_DECnet = 0xc - AF_DLI = 0xd - AF_E164 = 0x1c - AF_ECMA = 0x8 - AF_HYLINK = 0xf - AF_IEEE80211 = 0x25 - AF_IMPLINK = 0x3 - AF_INET = 0x2 - AF_INET6 = 0x1e - AF_IPX = 0x17 - AF_ISDN = 0x1c - AF_ISO = 0x7 - AF_LAT = 0xe - AF_LINK = 0x12 - AF_LOCAL = 0x1 - AF_MAX = 0x28 - AF_NATM = 0x1f - AF_NDRV = 0x1b - AF_NETBIOS = 0x21 - AF_NS = 0x6 - AF_OSI = 0x7 - AF_PPP = 0x22 - AF_PUP = 0x4 - AF_RESERVED_36 = 0x24 - AF_ROUTE = 0x11 - AF_SIP = 0x18 - AF_SNA = 0xb - AF_SYSTEM = 0x20 - AF_SYS_CONTROL = 0x2 - AF_UNIX = 0x1 - AF_UNSPEC = 0x0 - AF_UTUN = 0x26 - ALTWERASE = 0x200 - ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT = 0x5 - ATTR_CMN_ACCESSMASK = 0x20000 - ATTR_CMN_ACCTIME = 0x1000 - ATTR_CMN_ADDEDTIME = 0x10000000 - ATTR_CMN_BKUPTIME = 0x2000 - ATTR_CMN_CHGTIME = 0x800 - ATTR_CMN_CRTIME = 0x200 - ATTR_CMN_DATA_PROTECT_FLAGS = 0x40000000 - ATTR_CMN_DEVID = 0x2 - ATTR_CMN_DOCUMENT_ID = 0x100000 - ATTR_CMN_ERROR = 0x20000000 - ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED_SECURITY = 0x400000 - ATTR_CMN_FILEID = 0x2000000 - ATTR_CMN_FLAGS = 0x40000 - ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO = 0x4000 - ATTR_CMN_FSID = 0x4 - ATTR_CMN_FULLPATH = 0x8000000 - ATTR_CMN_GEN_COUNT = 0x80000 - ATTR_CMN_GRPID = 0x10000 - ATTR_CMN_GRPUUID = 0x1000000 - ATTR_CMN_MODTIME = 0x400 - ATTR_CMN_NAME = 0x1 - ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRCOUNT = 0x80000 - ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRLIST = 0x100000 - ATTR_CMN_OBJID = 0x20 - ATTR_CMN_OBJPERMANENTID = 0x40 - ATTR_CMN_OBJTAG = 0x10 - ATTR_CMN_OBJTYPE = 0x8 - ATTR_CMN_OWNERID = 0x8000 - ATTR_CMN_PARENTID = 0x4000000 - ATTR_CMN_PAROBJID = 0x80 - ATTR_CMN_RETURNED_ATTRS = 0x80000000 - ATTR_CMN_SCRIPT = 0x100 - ATTR_CMN_SETMASK = 0x41c7ff00 - ATTR_CMN_USERACCESS = 0x200000 - ATTR_CMN_UUID = 0x800000 - ATTR_CMN_VALIDMASK = 0xffffffff - ATTR_CMN_VOLSETMASK = 0x6700 - ATTR_FILE_ALLOCSIZE = 0x4 - ATTR_FILE_CLUMPSIZE = 0x10 - ATTR_FILE_DATAALLOCSIZE = 0x400 - ATTR_FILE_DATAEXTENTS = 0x800 - ATTR_FILE_DATALENGTH = 0x200 - ATTR_FILE_DEVTYPE = 0x20 - ATTR_FILE_FILETYPE = 0x40 - ATTR_FILE_FORKCOUNT = 0x80 - ATTR_FILE_FORKLIST = 0x100 - ATTR_FILE_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x8 - ATTR_FILE_LINKCOUNT = 0x1 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCALLOCSIZE = 0x2000 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCEXTENTS = 0x4000 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCLENGTH = 0x1000 - ATTR_FILE_SETMASK = 0x20 - ATTR_FILE_TOTALSIZE = 0x2 - ATTR_FILE_VALIDMASK = 0x37ff - ATTR_VOL_ALLOCATIONCLUMP = 0x40 - ATTR_VOL_ATTRIBUTES = 0x40000000 - ATTR_VOL_CAPABILITIES = 0x20000 - ATTR_VOL_DIRCOUNT = 0x400 - ATTR_VOL_ENCODINGSUSED = 0x10000 - ATTR_VOL_FILECOUNT = 0x200 - ATTR_VOL_FSTYPE = 0x1 - ATTR_VOL_INFO = 0x80000000 - ATTR_VOL_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x80 - ATTR_VOL_MAXOBJCOUNT = 0x800 - ATTR_VOL_MINALLOCATION = 0x20 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTEDDEVICE = 0x8000 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTFLAGS = 0x4000 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTPOINT = 0x1000 - ATTR_VOL_NAME = 0x2000 - ATTR_VOL_OBJCOUNT = 0x100 - ATTR_VOL_QUOTA_SIZE = 0x10000000 - ATTR_VOL_RESERVED_SIZE = 0x20000000 - ATTR_VOL_SETMASK = 0x80002000 - ATTR_VOL_SIGNATURE = 0x2 - ATTR_VOL_SIZE = 0x4 - ATTR_VOL_SPACEAVAIL = 0x10 - ATTR_VOL_SPACEFREE = 0x8 - ATTR_VOL_UUID = 0x40000 - ATTR_VOL_VALIDMASK = 0xf007ffff - B0 = 0x0 - B110 = 0x6e - B115200 = 0x1c200 - B1200 = 0x4b0 - B134 = 0x86 - B14400 = 0x3840 - B150 = 0x96 - B1800 = 0x708 - B19200 = 0x4b00 - B200 = 0xc8 - B230400 = 0x38400 - B2400 = 0x960 - B28800 = 0x7080 - B300 = 0x12c - B38400 = 0x9600 - B4800 = 0x12c0 - B50 = 0x32 - B57600 = 0xe100 - B600 = 0x258 - B7200 = 0x1c20 - B75 = 0x4b - B76800 = 0x12c00 - B9600 = 0x2580 - BIOCFLUSH = 0x20004268 - BIOCGBLEN = 0x40044266 - BIOCGDLT = 0x4004426a - BIOCGDLTLIST = 0xc00c4279 - BIOCGETIF = 0x4020426b - BIOCGHDRCMPLT = 0x40044274 - BIOCGRSIG = 0x40044272 - BIOCGRTIMEOUT = 0x4010426e - BIOCGSEESENT = 0x40044276 - BIOCGSTATS = 0x4008426f - BIOCIMMEDIATE = 0x80044270 - BIOCPROMISC = 0x20004269 - BIOCSBLEN = 0xc0044266 - BIOCSDLT = 0x80044278 - BIOCSETF = 0x80104267 - BIOCSETFNR = 0x8010427e - BIOCSETIF = 0x8020426c - BIOCSHDRCMPLT = 0x80044275 - BIOCSRSIG = 0x80044273 - BIOCSRTIMEOUT = 0x8010426d - BIOCSSEESENT = 0x80044277 - BIOCVERSION = 0x40044271 - BPF_A = 0x10 - BPF_ABS = 0x20 - BPF_ADD = 0x0 - BPF_ALIGNMENT = 0x4 - BPF_ALU = 0x4 - BPF_AND = 0x50 - BPF_B = 0x10 - BPF_DIV = 0x30 - BPF_H = 0x8 - BPF_IMM = 0x0 - BPF_IND = 0x40 - BPF_JA = 0x0 - BPF_JEQ = 0x10 - BPF_JGE = 0x30 - BPF_JGT = 0x20 - BPF_JMP = 0x5 - BPF_JSET = 0x40 - BPF_K = 0x0 - BPF_LD = 0x0 - BPF_LDX = 0x1 - BPF_LEN = 0x80 - BPF_LSH = 0x60 - BPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x1 - BPF_MAXBUFSIZE = 0x80000 - BPF_MAXINSNS = 0x200 - BPF_MEM = 0x60 - BPF_MEMWORDS = 0x10 - BPF_MINBUFSIZE = 0x20 - BPF_MINOR_VERSION = 0x1 - BPF_MISC = 0x7 - BPF_MSH = 0xa0 - BPF_MUL = 0x20 - BPF_NEG = 0x80 - BPF_OR = 0x40 - BPF_RELEASE = 0x30bb6 - BPF_RET = 0x6 - BPF_RSH = 0x70 - BPF_ST = 0x2 - BPF_STX = 0x3 - BPF_SUB = 0x10 - BPF_TAX = 0x0 - BPF_TXA = 0x80 - BPF_W = 0x0 - BPF_X = 0x8 - BRKINT = 0x2 - BS0 = 0x0 - BS1 = 0x8000 - BSDLY = 0x8000 - CFLUSH = 0xf - CLOCAL = 0x8000 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 0x6 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 0x4 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX = 0x5 - CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0xc - CLOCK_REALTIME = 0x0 - CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x10 - CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW = 0x8 - CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX = 0x9 - CLONE_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - CLONE_NOOWNERCOPY = 0x2 - CR0 = 0x0 - CR1 = 0x1000 - CR2 = 0x2000 - CR3 = 0x3000 - CRDLY = 0x3000 - CREAD = 0x800 - CRTSCTS = 0x30000 - CS5 = 0x0 - CS6 = 0x100 - CS7 = 0x200 - CS8 = 0x300 - CSIZE = 0x300 - CSTART = 0x11 - CSTATUS = 0x14 - CSTOP = 0x13 - CSTOPB = 0x400 - CSUSP = 0x1a - CTLIOCGINFO = 0xc0644e03 - CTL_HW = 0x6 - CTL_KERN = 0x1 - CTL_MAXNAME = 0xc - CTL_NET = 0x4 - DLT_A429 = 0xb8 - DLT_A653_ICM = 0xb9 - DLT_AIRONET_HEADER = 0x78 - DLT_AOS = 0xde - DLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394 = 0x8a - DLT_ARCNET = 0x7 - DLT_ARCNET_LINUX = 0x81 - DLT_ATM_CLIP = 0x13 - DLT_ATM_RFC1483 = 0xb - DLT_AURORA = 0x7e - DLT_AX25 = 0x3 - DLT_AX25_KISS = 0xca - DLT_BACNET_MS_TP = 0xa5 - DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4 = 0xbb - DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR = 0xc9 - DLT_CAN20B = 0xbe - DLT_CAN_SOCKETCAN = 0xe3 - DLT_CHAOS = 0x5 - DLT_CHDLC = 0x68 - DLT_CISCO_IOS = 0x76 - DLT_C_HDLC = 0x68 - DLT_C_HDLC_WITH_DIR = 0xcd - DLT_DBUS = 0xe7 - DLT_DECT = 0xdd - DLT_DOCSIS = 0x8f - DLT_DVB_CI = 0xeb - DLT_ECONET = 0x73 - DLT_EN10MB = 0x1 - DLT_EN3MB = 0x2 - DLT_ENC = 0x6d - DLT_ERF = 0xc5 - DLT_ERF_ETH = 0xaf - DLT_ERF_POS = 0xb0 - DLT_FC_2 = 0xe0 - DLT_FC_2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS = 0xe1 - DLT_FDDI = 0xa - DLT_FLEXRAY = 0xd2 - DLT_FRELAY = 0x6b - DLT_FRELAY_WITH_DIR = 0xce - DLT_GCOM_SERIAL = 0xad - DLT_GCOM_T1E1 = 0xac - DLT_GPF_F = 0xab - DLT_GPF_T = 0xaa - DLT_GPRS_LLC = 0xa9 - DLT_GSMTAP_ABIS = 0xda - DLT_GSMTAP_UM = 0xd9 - DLT_HHDLC = 0x79 - DLT_IBM_SN = 0x92 - DLT_IBM_SP = 0x91 - DLT_IEEE802 = 0x6 - DLT_IEEE802_11 = 0x69 - DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO = 0x7f - DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVS = 0xa3 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4 = 0xc3 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUX = 0xbf - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS = 0xe6 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY = 0xd7 - DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS = 0xbc - DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO = 0xc1 - DLT_IPFILTER = 0x74 - DLT_IPMB = 0xc7 - DLT_IPMB_LINUX = 0xd1 - DLT_IPNET = 0xe2 - DLT_IPOIB = 0xf2 - DLT_IPV4 = 0xe4 - DLT_IPV6 = 0xe5 - DLT_IP_OVER_FC = 0x7a - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM1 = 0x89 - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM2 = 0x87 - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM_CEMIC = 0xee - DLT_JUNIPER_CHDLC = 0xb5 - DLT_JUNIPER_ES = 0x84 - DLT_JUNIPER_ETHER = 0xb2 - DLT_JUNIPER_FIBRECHANNEL = 0xea - DLT_JUNIPER_FRELAY = 0xb4 - DLT_JUNIPER_GGSN = 0x85 - DLT_JUNIPER_ISM = 0xc2 - DLT_JUNIPER_MFR = 0x86 - DLT_JUNIPER_MLFR = 0x83 - DLT_JUNIPER_MLPPP = 0x82 - DLT_JUNIPER_MONITOR = 0xa4 - DLT_JUNIPER_PIC_PEER = 0xae - DLT_JUNIPER_PPP = 0xb3 - DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE = 0xa7 - DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE_ATM = 0xa8 - DLT_JUNIPER_SERVICES = 0x88 - DLT_JUNIPER_SRX_E2E = 0xe9 - DLT_JUNIPER_ST = 0xc8 - DLT_JUNIPER_VP = 0xb7 - DLT_JUNIPER_VS = 0xe8 - DLT_LAPB_WITH_DIR = 0xcf - DLT_LAPD = 0xcb - DLT_LIN = 0xd4 - DLT_LINUX_EVDEV = 0xd8 - DLT_LINUX_IRDA = 0x90 - DLT_LINUX_LAPD = 0xb1 - DLT_LINUX_PPP_WITHDIRECTION = 0xa6 - DLT_LINUX_SLL = 0x71 - DLT_LOOP = 0x6c - DLT_LTALK = 0x72 - DLT_MATCHING_MAX = 0xf5 - DLT_MATCHING_MIN = 0x68 - DLT_MFR = 0xb6 - DLT_MOST = 0xd3 - DLT_MPEG_2_TS = 0xf3 - DLT_MPLS = 0xdb - DLT_MTP2 = 0x8c - DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR = 0x8b - DLT_MTP3 = 0x8d - DLT_MUX27010 = 0xec - DLT_NETANALYZER = 0xf0 - DLT_NETANALYZER_TRANSPARENT = 0xf1 - DLT_NFC_LLCP = 0xf5 - DLT_NFLOG = 0xef - DLT_NG40 = 0xf4 - DLT_NULL = 0x0 - DLT_PCI_EXP = 0x7d - DLT_PFLOG = 0x75 - DLT_PFSYNC = 0x12 - DLT_PPI = 0xc0 - DLT_PPP = 0x9 - DLT_PPP_BSDOS = 0x10 - DLT_PPP_ETHER = 0x33 - DLT_PPP_PPPD = 0xa6 - DLT_PPP_SERIAL = 0x32 - DLT_PPP_WITH_DIR = 0xcc - DLT_PPP_WITH_DIRECTION = 0xa6 - DLT_PRISM_HEADER = 0x77 - DLT_PRONET = 0x4 - DLT_RAIF1 = 0xc6 - DLT_RAW = 0xc - DLT_RIO = 0x7c - DLT_SCCP = 0x8e - DLT_SITA = 0xc4 - DLT_SLIP = 0x8 - DLT_SLIP_BSDOS = 0xf - DLT_STANAG_5066_D_PDU = 0xed - DLT_SUNATM = 0x7b - DLT_SYMANTEC_FIREWALL = 0x63 - DLT_TZSP = 0x80 - DLT_USB = 0xba - DLT_USB_LINUX = 0xbd - DLT_USB_LINUX_MMAPPED = 0xdc - DLT_USER0 = 0x93 - DLT_USER1 = 0x94 - DLT_USER10 = 0x9d - DLT_USER11 = 0x9e - DLT_USER12 = 0x9f - DLT_USER13 = 0xa0 - DLT_USER14 = 0xa1 - DLT_USER15 = 0xa2 - DLT_USER2 = 0x95 - DLT_USER3 = 0x96 - DLT_USER4 = 0x97 - DLT_USER5 = 0x98 - DLT_USER6 = 0x99 - DLT_USER7 = 0x9a - DLT_USER8 = 0x9b - DLT_USER9 = 0x9c - DLT_WIHART = 0xdf - DLT_X2E_SERIAL = 0xd5 - DLT_X2E_XORAYA = 0xd6 - DT_BLK = 0x6 - DT_CHR = 0x2 - DT_DIR = 0x4 - DT_FIFO = 0x1 - DT_LNK = 0xa - DT_REG = 0x8 - DT_SOCK = 0xc - DT_UNKNOWN = 0x0 - DT_WHT = 0xe - ECHO = 0x8 - ECHOCTL = 0x40 - ECHOE = 0x2 - ECHOK = 0x4 - ECHOKE = 0x1 - ECHONL = 0x10 - ECHOPRT = 0x20 - EVFILT_AIO = -0x3 - EVFILT_EXCEPT = -0xf - EVFILT_FS = -0x9 - EVFILT_MACHPORT = -0x8 - EVFILT_PROC = -0x5 - EVFILT_READ = -0x1 - EVFILT_SIGNAL = -0x6 - EVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 0xf - EVFILT_THREADMARKER = 0xf - EVFILT_TIMER = -0x7 - EVFILT_USER = -0xa - EVFILT_VM = -0xc - EVFILT_VNODE = -0x4 - EVFILT_WRITE = -0x2 - EV_ADD = 0x1 - EV_CLEAR = 0x20 - EV_DELETE = 0x2 - EV_DISABLE = 0x8 - EV_DISPATCH = 0x80 - EV_DISPATCH2 = 0x180 - EV_ENABLE = 0x4 - EV_EOF = 0x8000 - EV_ERROR = 0x4000 - EV_FLAG0 = 0x1000 - EV_FLAG1 = 0x2000 - EV_ONESHOT = 0x10 - EV_OOBAND = 0x2000 - EV_POLL = 0x1000 - EV_RECEIPT = 0x40 - EV_SYSFLAGS = 0xf000 - EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC = 0x100 - EV_VANISHED = 0x200 - EXTA = 0x4b00 - EXTB = 0x9600 - EXTPROC = 0x800 - FD_CLOEXEC = 0x1 - FD_SETSIZE = 0x400 - FF0 = 0x0 - FF1 = 0x4000 - FFDLY = 0x4000 - FLUSHO = 0x800000 - FSOPT_ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED = 0x20 - FSOPT_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - FSOPT_NOINMEMUPDATE = 0x2 - FSOPT_PACK_INVAL_ATTRS = 0x8 - FSOPT_REPORT_FULLSIZE = 0x4 - F_ADDFILESIGS = 0x3d - F_ADDFILESIGS_FOR_DYLD_SIM = 0x53 - F_ADDFILESIGS_RETURN = 0x61 - F_ADDSIGS = 0x3b - F_ALLOCATEALL = 0x4 - F_ALLOCATECONTIG = 0x2 - F_BARRIERFSYNC = 0x55 - F_CHECK_LV = 0x62 - F_CHKCLEAN = 0x29 - F_DUPFD = 0x0 - F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0x43 - F_FINDSIGS = 0x4e - F_FLUSH_DATA = 0x28 - F_FREEZE_FS = 0x35 - F_FULLFSYNC = 0x33 - F_GETCODEDIR = 0x48 - F_GETFD = 0x1 - F_GETFL = 0x3 - F_GETLK = 0x7 - F_GETLKPID = 0x42 - F_GETNOSIGPIPE = 0x4a - F_GETOWN = 0x5 - F_GETPATH = 0x32 - F_GETPATH_MTMINFO = 0x47 - F_GETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x3f - F_GETPROTECTIONLEVEL = 0x4d - F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE = 0x37 - F_LOG2PHYS = 0x31 - F_LOG2PHYS_EXT = 0x41 - F_NOCACHE = 0x30 - F_NODIRECT = 0x3e - F_OK = 0x0 - F_PATHPKG_CHECK = 0x34 - F_PEOFPOSMODE = 0x3 - F_PREALLOCATE = 0x2a - F_PUNCHHOLE = 0x63 - F_RDADVISE = 0x2c - F_RDAHEAD = 0x2d - F_RDLCK = 0x1 - F_SETBACKINGSTORE = 0x46 - F_SETFD = 0x2 - F_SETFL = 0x4 - F_SETLK = 0x8 - F_SETLKW = 0x9 - F_SETLKWTIMEOUT = 0xa - F_SETNOSIGPIPE = 0x49 - F_SETOWN = 0x6 - F_SETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x40 - F_SETSIZE = 0x2b - F_SINGLE_WRITER = 0x4c - F_THAW_FS = 0x36 - F_TRANSCODEKEY = 0x4b - F_TRIM_ACTIVE_FILE = 0x64 - F_UNLCK = 0x2 - F_VOLPOSMODE = 0x4 - F_WRLCK = 0x3 - HUPCL = 0x4000 - HW_MACHINE = 0x1 - ICANON = 0x100 - ICMP6_FILTER = 0x12 - ICRNL = 0x100 - IEXTEN = 0x400 - IFF_ALLMULTI = 0x200 - IFF_ALTPHYS = 0x4000 - IFF_BROADCAST = 0x2 - IFF_DEBUG = 0x4 - IFF_LINK0 = 0x1000 - IFF_LINK1 = 0x2000 - IFF_LINK2 = 0x4000 - IFF_LOOPBACK = 0x8 - IFF_MULTICAST = 0x8000 - IFF_NOARP = 0x80 - IFF_NOTRAILERS = 0x20 - IFF_OACTIVE = 0x400 - IFF_POINTOPOINT = 0x10 - IFF_PROMISC = 0x100 - IFF_RUNNING = 0x40 - IFF_SIMPLEX = 0x800 - IFF_UP = 0x1 - IFNAMSIZ = 0x10 - IFT_1822 = 0x2 - IFT_AAL5 = 0x31 - IFT_ARCNET = 0x23 - IFT_ARCNETPLUS = 0x24 - IFT_ATM = 0x25 - IFT_BRIDGE = 0xd1 - IFT_CARP = 0xf8 - IFT_CELLULAR = 0xff - IFT_CEPT = 0x13 - IFT_DS3 = 0x1e - IFT_ENC = 0xf4 - IFT_EON = 0x19 - IFT_ETHER = 0x6 - IFT_FAITH = 0x38 - IFT_FDDI = 0xf - IFT_FRELAY = 0x20 - IFT_FRELAYDCE = 0x2c - IFT_GIF = 0x37 - IFT_HDH1822 = 0x3 - IFT_HIPPI = 0x2f - IFT_HSSI = 0x2e - IFT_HY = 0xe - IFT_IEEE1394 = 0x90 - IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG = 0x88 - IFT_ISDNBASIC = 0x14 - IFT_ISDNPRIMARY = 0x15 - IFT_ISO88022LLC = 0x29 - IFT_ISO88023 = 0x7 - IFT_ISO88024 = 0x8 - IFT_ISO88025 = 0x9 - IFT_ISO88026 = 0xa - IFT_L2VLAN = 0x87 - IFT_LAPB = 0x10 - IFT_LOCALTALK = 0x2a - IFT_LOOP = 0x18 - IFT_MIOX25 = 0x26 - IFT_MODEM = 0x30 - IFT_NSIP = 0x1b - IFT_OTHER = 0x1 - IFT_P10 = 0xc - IFT_P80 = 0xd - IFT_PARA = 0x22 - IFT_PDP = 0xff - IFT_PFLOG = 0xf5 - IFT_PFSYNC = 0xf6 - IFT_PKTAP = 0xfe - IFT_PPP = 0x17 - IFT_PROPMUX = 0x36 - IFT_PROPVIRTUAL = 0x35 - IFT_PTPSERIAL = 0x16 - IFT_RS232 = 0x21 - IFT_SDLC = 0x11 - IFT_SIP = 0x1f - IFT_SLIP = 0x1c - IFT_SMDSDXI = 0x2b - IFT_SMDSICIP = 0x34 - IFT_SONET = 0x27 - IFT_SONETPATH = 0x32 - IFT_SONETVT = 0x33 - IFT_STARLAN = 0xb - IFT_STF = 0x39 - IFT_T1 = 0x12 - IFT_ULTRA = 0x1d - IFT_V35 = 0x2d - IFT_X25 = 0x5 - IFT_X25DDN = 0x4 - IFT_X25PLE = 0x28 - IFT_XETHER = 0x1a - IGNBRK = 0x1 - IGNCR = 0x80 - IGNPAR = 0x4 - IMAXBEL = 0x2000 - INLCR = 0x40 - INPCK = 0x10 - IN_CLASSA_HOST = 0xffffff - IN_CLASSA_MAX = 0x80 - IN_CLASSA_NET = 0xff000000 - IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 0x18 - IN_CLASSB_HOST = 0xffff - IN_CLASSB_MAX = 0x10000 - IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000 - IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 0x10 - IN_CLASSC_HOST = 0xff - IN_CLASSC_NET = 0xffffff00 - IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 0x8 - IN_CLASSD_HOST = 0xfffffff - IN_CLASSD_NET = 0xf0000000 - IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT = 0x1c - IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM = 0xa9fe0000 - IN_LOOPBACKNET = 0x7f - IPPROTO_3PC = 0x22 - IPPROTO_ADFS = 0x44 - IPPROTO_AH = 0x33 - IPPROTO_AHIP = 0x3d - IPPROTO_APES = 0x63 - IPPROTO_ARGUS = 0xd - IPPROTO_AX25 = 0x5d - IPPROTO_BHA = 0x31 - IPPROTO_BLT = 0x1e - IPPROTO_BRSATMON = 0x4c - IPPROTO_CFTP = 0x3e - IPPROTO_CHAOS = 0x10 - IPPROTO_CMTP = 0x26 - IPPROTO_CPHB = 0x49 - IPPROTO_CPNX = 0x48 - IPPROTO_DDP = 0x25 - IPPROTO_DGP = 0x56 - IPPROTO_DIVERT = 0xfe - IPPROTO_DONE = 0x101 - IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 0x3c - IPPROTO_EGP = 0x8 - IPPROTO_EMCON = 0xe - IPPROTO_ENCAP = 0x62 - IPPROTO_EON = 0x50 - IPPROTO_ESP = 0x32 - IPPROTO_ETHERIP = 0x61 - IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 0x2c - IPPROTO_GGP = 0x3 - IPPROTO_GMTP = 0x64 - IPPROTO_GRE = 0x2f - IPPROTO_HELLO = 0x3f - IPPROTO_HMP = 0x14 - IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0x0 - IPPROTO_ICMP = 0x1 - IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 0x3a - IPPROTO_IDP = 0x16 - IPPROTO_IDPR = 0x23 - IPPROTO_IDRP = 0x2d - IPPROTO_IGMP = 0x2 - IPPROTO_IGP = 0x55 - IPPROTO_IGRP = 0x58 - IPPROTO_IL = 0x28 - IPPROTO_INLSP = 0x34 - IPPROTO_INP = 0x20 - IPPROTO_IP = 0x0 - IPPROTO_IPCOMP = 0x6c - IPPROTO_IPCV = 0x47 - IPPROTO_IPEIP = 0x5e - IPPROTO_IPIP = 0x4 - IPPROTO_IPPC = 0x43 - IPPROTO_IPV4 = 0x4 - IPPROTO_IPV6 = 0x29 - IPPROTO_IRTP = 0x1c - IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN = 0x41 - IPPROTO_LARP = 0x5b - IPPROTO_LEAF1 = 0x19 - IPPROTO_LEAF2 = 0x1a - IPPROTO_MAX = 0x100 - IPPROTO_MAXID = 0x34 - IPPROTO_MEAS = 0x13 - IPPROTO_MHRP = 0x30 - IPPROTO_MICP = 0x5f - IPPROTO_MTP = 0x5c - IPPROTO_MUX = 0x12 - IPPROTO_ND = 0x4d - IPPROTO_NHRP = 0x36 - IPPROTO_NONE = 0x3b - IPPROTO_NSP = 0x1f - IPPROTO_NVPII = 0xb - IPPROTO_OSPFIGP = 0x59 - IPPROTO_PGM = 0x71 - IPPROTO_PIGP = 0x9 - IPPROTO_PIM = 0x67 - IPPROTO_PRM = 0x15 - IPPROTO_PUP = 0xc - IPPROTO_PVP = 0x4b - IPPROTO_RAW = 0xff - IPPROTO_RCCMON = 0xa - IPPROTO_RDP = 0x1b - IPPROTO_ROUTING = 0x2b - IPPROTO_RSVP = 0x2e - IPPROTO_RVD = 0x42 - IPPROTO_SATEXPAK = 0x40 - IPPROTO_SATMON = 0x45 - IPPROTO_SCCSP = 0x60 - IPPROTO_SCTP = 0x84 - IPPROTO_SDRP = 0x2a - IPPROTO_SEP = 0x21 - IPPROTO_SRPC = 0x5a - IPPROTO_ST = 0x7 - IPPROTO_SVMTP = 0x52 - IPPROTO_SWIPE = 0x35 - IPPROTO_TCF = 0x57 - IPPROTO_TCP = 0x6 - IPPROTO_TP = 0x1d - IPPROTO_TPXX = 0x27 - IPPROTO_TRUNK1 = 0x17 - IPPROTO_TRUNK2 = 0x18 - IPPROTO_TTP = 0x54 - IPPROTO_UDP = 0x11 - IPPROTO_VINES = 0x53 - IPPROTO_VISA = 0x46 - IPPROTO_VMTP = 0x51 - IPPROTO_WBEXPAK = 0x4f - IPPROTO_WBMON = 0x4e - IPPROTO_WSN = 0x4a - IPPROTO_XNET = 0xf - IPPROTO_XTP = 0x24 - IPV6_2292DSTOPTS = 0x17 - IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = 0x14 - IPV6_2292HOPOPTS = 0x16 - IPV6_2292NEXTHOP = 0x15 - IPV6_2292PKTINFO = 0x13 - IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = 0x19 - IPV6_2292RTHDR = 0x18 - IPV6_BINDV6ONLY = 0x1b - IPV6_BOUND_IF = 0x7d - IPV6_CHECKSUM = 0x1a - IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0x1 - IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 - IPV6_DEFHLIM = 0x40 - IPV6_FAITH = 0x1d - IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK = 0xffffff0f - IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK = 0xffff0f00 - IPV6_FLOW_ECN_MASK = 0x300 - IPV6_FRAGTTL = 0x3c - IPV6_FW_ADD = 0x1e - IPV6_FW_DEL = 0x1f - IPV6_FW_FLUSH = 0x20 - IPV6_FW_GET = 0x22 - IPV6_FW_ZERO = 0x21 - IPV6_HLIMDEC = 0x1 - IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x1c - IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 0xc - IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 0xd - IPV6_MAXHLIM = 0xff - IPV6_MAXOPTHDR = 0x800 - IPV6_MAXPACKET = 0xffff - IPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 - IPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff - IPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 - IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f - IPV6_MMTU = 0x500 - IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0xa - IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 - IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb - IPV6_PORTRANGE = 0xe - IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 - IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 - IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 - IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 0x23 - IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0x0 - IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 0x1 - IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0x0 - IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1 = 0x3 - IPV6_TCLASS = 0x24 - IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 0x4 - IPV6_V6ONLY = 0x1b - IPV6_VERSION = 0x60 - IPV6_VERSION_MASK = 0xf0 - IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0xc - IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x46 - IP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x48 - IP_BOUND_IF = 0x19 - IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 - IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 0x1 - IP_DF = 0x4000 - IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 0xd - IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x47 - IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE = 0x3c - IP_DUMMYNET_DEL = 0x3d - IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH = 0x3e - IP_DUMMYNET_GET = 0x40 - IP_FAITH = 0x16 - IP_FW_ADD = 0x28 - IP_FW_DEL = 0x29 - IP_FW_FLUSH = 0x2a - IP_FW_GET = 0x2c - IP_FW_RESETLOG = 0x2d - IP_FW_ZERO = 0x2b - IP_HDRINCL = 0x2 - IP_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x15 - IP_MAXPACKET = 0xffff - IP_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 - IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff - IP_MAX_SOCK_MUTE_FILTER = 0x80 - IP_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 - IP_MF = 0x2000 - IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f - IP_MSFILTER = 0x4a - IP_MSS = 0x240 - IP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 - IP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX = 0x42 - IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb - IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 0xa - IP_MULTICAST_VIF = 0xe - IP_NAT__XXX = 0x37 - IP_OFFMASK = 0x1fff - IP_OLD_FW_ADD = 0x32 - IP_OLD_FW_DEL = 0x33 - IP_OLD_FW_FLUSH = 0x34 - IP_OLD_FW_GET = 0x36 - IP_OLD_FW_RESETLOG = 0x38 - IP_OLD_FW_ZERO = 0x35 - IP_OPTIONS = 0x1 - IP_PKTINFO = 0x1a - IP_PORTRANGE = 0x13 - IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 - IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 - IP_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 - IP_RECVDSTADDR = 0x7 - IP_RECVIF = 0x14 - IP_RECVOPTS = 0x5 - IP_RECVPKTINFO = 0x1a - IP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x6 - IP_RECVTOS = 0x1b - IP_RECVTTL = 0x18 - IP_RETOPTS = 0x8 - IP_RF = 0x8000 - IP_RSVP_OFF = 0x10 - IP_RSVP_ON = 0xf - IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF = 0x12 - IP_RSVP_VIF_ON = 0x11 - IP_STRIPHDR = 0x17 - IP_TOS = 0x3 - IP_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND = 0x41 - IP_TTL = 0x4 - IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x49 - ISIG = 0x80 - ISTRIP = 0x20 - IUTF8 = 0x4000 - IXANY = 0x800 - IXOFF = 0x400 - IXON = 0x200 - KERN_HOSTNAME = 0xa - KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 - KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 - KERN_VERSION = 0x4 - LOCK_EX = 0x2 - LOCK_NB = 0x4 - LOCK_SH = 0x1 - LOCK_UN = 0x8 - MADV_CAN_REUSE = 0x9 - MADV_DONTNEED = 0x4 - MADV_FREE = 0x5 - MADV_FREE_REUSABLE = 0x7 - MADV_FREE_REUSE = 0x8 - MADV_NORMAL = 0x0 - MADV_PAGEOUT = 0xa - MADV_RANDOM = 0x1 - MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 0x2 - MADV_WILLNEED = 0x3 - MADV_ZERO_WIRED_PAGES = 0x6 - MAP_ANON = 0x1000 - MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000 - MAP_COPY = 0x2 - MAP_FILE = 0x0 - MAP_FIXED = 0x10 - MAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x200 - MAP_JIT = 0x800 - MAP_NOCACHE = 0x400 - MAP_NOEXTEND = 0x100 - MAP_NORESERVE = 0x40 - MAP_PRIVATE = 0x2 - MAP_RENAME = 0x20 - MAP_RESERVED0080 = 0x80 - MAP_RESILIENT_CODESIGN = 0x2000 - MAP_RESILIENT_MEDIA = 0x4000 - MAP_SHARED = 0x1 - MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 - MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 - MNT_ASYNC = 0x40 - MNT_AUTOMOUNTED = 0x400000 - MNT_CMDFLAGS = 0xf0000 - MNT_CPROTECT = 0x80 - MNT_DEFWRITE = 0x2000000 - MNT_DONTBROWSE = 0x100000 - MNT_DOVOLFS = 0x8000 - MNT_DWAIT = 0x4 - MNT_EXPORTED = 0x100 - MNT_FORCE = 0x80000 - MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP = 0x200000 - MNT_JOURNALED = 0x800000 - MNT_LOCAL = 0x1000 - MNT_MULTILABEL = 0x4000000 - MNT_NOATIME = 0x10000000 - MNT_NOBLOCK = 0x20000 - MNT_NODEV = 0x10 - MNT_NOEXEC = 0x4 - MNT_NOSUID = 0x8 - MNT_NOUSERXATTR = 0x1000000 - MNT_NOWAIT = 0x2 - MNT_QUARANTINE = 0x400 - MNT_QUOTA = 0x2000 - MNT_RDONLY = 0x1 - MNT_RELOAD = 0x40000 - MNT_ROOTFS = 0x4000 - MNT_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x2 - MNT_UNION = 0x20 - MNT_UNKNOWNPERMISSIONS = 0x200000 - MNT_UPDATE = 0x10000 - MNT_VISFLAGMASK = 0x17f0f5ff - MNT_WAIT = 0x1 - MSG_CTRUNC = 0x20 - MSG_DONTROUTE = 0x4 - MSG_DONTWAIT = 0x80 - MSG_EOF = 0x100 - MSG_EOR = 0x8 - MSG_FLUSH = 0x400 - MSG_HAVEMORE = 0x2000 - MSG_HOLD = 0x800 - MSG_NEEDSA = 0x10000 - MSG_OOB = 0x1 - MSG_PEEK = 0x2 - MSG_RCVMORE = 0x4000 - MSG_SEND = 0x1000 - MSG_TRUNC = 0x10 - MSG_WAITALL = 0x40 - MSG_WAITSTREAM = 0x200 - MS_ASYNC = 0x1 - MS_DEACTIVATE = 0x8 - MS_INVALIDATE = 0x2 - MS_KILLPAGES = 0x4 - MS_SYNC = 0x10 - NAME_MAX = 0xff - NET_RT_DUMP = 0x1 - NET_RT_DUMP2 = 0x7 - NET_RT_FLAGS = 0x2 - NET_RT_IFLIST = 0x3 - NET_RT_IFLIST2 = 0x6 - NET_RT_MAXID = 0xa - NET_RT_STAT = 0x4 - NET_RT_TRASH = 0x5 - NFDBITS = 0x20 - NL0 = 0x0 - NL1 = 0x100 - NL2 = 0x200 - NL3 = 0x300 - NLDLY = 0x300 - NOFLSH = 0x80000000 - NOKERNINFO = 0x2000000 - NOTE_ABSOLUTE = 0x8 - NOTE_ATTRIB = 0x8 - NOTE_BACKGROUND = 0x40 - NOTE_CHILD = 0x4 - NOTE_CRITICAL = 0x20 - NOTE_DELETE = 0x1 - NOTE_EXEC = 0x20000000 - NOTE_EXIT = 0x80000000 - NOTE_EXITSTATUS = 0x4000000 - NOTE_EXIT_CSERROR = 0x40000 - NOTE_EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL = 0x10000 - NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL = 0x2000000 - NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL_MASK = 0x70000 - NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY = 0x20000 - NOTE_EXIT_REPARENTED = 0x80000 - NOTE_EXTEND = 0x4 - NOTE_FFAND = 0x40000000 - NOTE_FFCOPY = 0xc0000000 - NOTE_FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000 - NOTE_FFLAGSMASK = 0xffffff - NOTE_FFNOP = 0x0 - NOTE_FFOR = 0x80000000 - NOTE_FORK = 0x40000000 - NOTE_FUNLOCK = 0x100 - NOTE_LEEWAY = 0x10 - NOTE_LINK = 0x10 - NOTE_LOWAT = 0x1 - NOTE_MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME = 0x80 - NOTE_NONE = 0x80 - NOTE_NSECONDS = 0x4 - NOTE_OOB = 0x2 - NOTE_PCTRLMASK = -0x100000 - NOTE_PDATAMASK = 0xfffff - NOTE_REAP = 0x10000000 - NOTE_RENAME = 0x20 - NOTE_REVOKE = 0x40 - NOTE_SECONDS = 0x1 - NOTE_SIGNAL = 0x8000000 - NOTE_TRACK = 0x1 - NOTE_TRACKERR = 0x2 - NOTE_TRIGGER = 0x1000000 - NOTE_USECONDS = 0x2 - NOTE_VM_ERROR = 0x10000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE = 0x80000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE = 0x20000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE = 0x40000000 - NOTE_WRITE = 0x2 - OCRNL = 0x10 - OFDEL = 0x20000 - OFILL = 0x80 - ONLCR = 0x2 - ONLRET = 0x40 - ONOCR = 0x20 - ONOEOT = 0x8 - OPOST = 0x1 - OXTABS = 0x4 - O_ACCMODE = 0x3 - O_ALERT = 0x20000000 - O_APPEND = 0x8 - O_ASYNC = 0x40 - O_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000 - O_CREAT = 0x200 - O_DIRECTORY = 0x100000 - O_DP_GETRAWENCRYPTED = 0x1 - O_DP_GETRAWUNENCRYPTED = 0x2 - O_DSYNC = 0x400000 - O_EVTONLY = 0x8000 - O_EXCL = 0x800 - O_EXLOCK = 0x20 - O_FSYNC = 0x80 - O_NDELAY = 0x4 - O_NOCTTY = 0x20000 - O_NOFOLLOW = 0x100 - O_NONBLOCK = 0x4 - O_POPUP = 0x80000000 - O_RDONLY = 0x0 - O_RDWR = 0x2 - O_SHLOCK = 0x10 - O_SYMLINK = 0x200000 - O_SYNC = 0x80 - O_TRUNC = 0x400 - O_WRONLY = 0x1 - PARENB = 0x1000 - PARMRK = 0x8 - PARODD = 0x2000 - PENDIN = 0x20000000 - PRIO_PGRP = 0x1 - PRIO_PROCESS = 0x0 - PRIO_USER = 0x2 - PROT_EXEC = 0x4 - PROT_NONE = 0x0 - PROT_READ = 0x1 - PROT_WRITE = 0x2 - PT_ATTACH = 0xa - PT_ATTACHEXC = 0xe - PT_CONTINUE = 0x7 - PT_DENY_ATTACH = 0x1f - PT_DETACH = 0xb - PT_FIRSTMACH = 0x20 - PT_FORCEQUOTA = 0x1e - PT_KILL = 0x8 - PT_READ_D = 0x2 - PT_READ_I = 0x1 - PT_READ_U = 0x3 - PT_SIGEXC = 0xc - PT_STEP = 0x9 - PT_THUPDATE = 0xd - PT_TRACE_ME = 0x0 - PT_WRITE_D = 0x5 - PT_WRITE_I = 0x4 - PT_WRITE_U = 0x6 - RLIMIT_AS = 0x5 - RLIMIT_CORE = 0x4 - RLIMIT_CPU = 0x0 - RLIMIT_CPU_USAGE_MONITOR = 0x2 - RLIMIT_DATA = 0x2 - RLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1 - RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6 - RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8 - RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7 - RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 - RLIMIT_STACK = 0x3 - RLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff - RTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6 - RTAX_BRD = 0x7 - RTAX_DST = 0x0 - RTAX_GATEWAY = 0x1 - RTAX_GENMASK = 0x3 - RTAX_IFA = 0x5 - RTAX_IFP = 0x4 - RTAX_MAX = 0x8 - RTAX_NETMASK = 0x2 - RTA_AUTHOR = 0x40 - RTA_BRD = 0x80 - RTA_DST = 0x1 - RTA_GATEWAY = 0x2 - RTA_GENMASK = 0x8 - RTA_IFA = 0x20 - RTA_IFP = 0x10 - RTA_NETMASK = 0x4 - RTF_BLACKHOLE = 0x1000 - RTF_BROADCAST = 0x400000 - RTF_CLONING = 0x100 - RTF_CONDEMNED = 0x2000000 - RTF_DELCLONE = 0x80 - RTF_DONE = 0x40 - RTF_DYNAMIC = 0x10 - RTF_GATEWAY = 0x2 - RTF_HOST = 0x4 - RTF_IFREF = 0x4000000 - RTF_IFSCOPE = 0x1000000 - RTF_LLINFO = 0x400 - RTF_LOCAL = 0x200000 - RTF_MODIFIED = 0x20 - RTF_MULTICAST = 0x800000 - RTF_NOIFREF = 0x2000 - RTF_PINNED = 0x100000 - RTF_PRCLONING = 0x10000 - RTF_PROTO1 = 0x8000 - RTF_PROTO2 = 0x4000 - RTF_PROTO3 = 0x40000 - RTF_PROXY = 0x8000000 - RTF_REJECT = 0x8 - RTF_ROUTER = 0x10000000 - RTF_STATIC = 0x800 - RTF_UP = 0x1 - RTF_WASCLONED = 0x20000 - RTF_XRESOLVE = 0x200 - RTM_ADD = 0x1 - RTM_CHANGE = 0x3 - RTM_DELADDR = 0xd - RTM_DELETE = 0x2 - RTM_DELMADDR = 0x10 - RTM_GET = 0x4 - RTM_GET2 = 0x14 - RTM_IFINFO = 0xe - RTM_IFINFO2 = 0x12 - RTM_LOCK = 0x8 - RTM_LOSING = 0x5 - RTM_MISS = 0x7 - RTM_NEWADDR = 0xc - RTM_NEWMADDR = 0xf - RTM_NEWMADDR2 = 0x13 - RTM_OLDADD = 0x9 - RTM_OLDDEL = 0xa - RTM_REDIRECT = 0x6 - RTM_RESOLVE = 0xb - RTM_RTTUNIT = 0xf4240 - RTM_VERSION = 0x5 - RTV_EXPIRE = 0x4 - RTV_HOPCOUNT = 0x2 - RTV_MTU = 0x1 - RTV_RPIPE = 0x8 - RTV_RTT = 0x40 - RTV_RTTVAR = 0x80 - RTV_SPIPE = 0x10 - RTV_SSTHRESH = 0x20 - RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -0x1 - RUSAGE_SELF = 0x0 - SCM_CREDS = 0x3 - SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 - SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 - SCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x4 - SHUT_RD = 0x0 - SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 - SHUT_WR = 0x1 - SIOCADDMULTI = 0x80206931 - SIOCAIFADDR = 0x8040691a - SIOCARPIPLL = 0xc0206928 - SIOCATMARK = 0x40047307 - SIOCAUTOADDR = 0xc0206926 - SIOCAUTONETMASK = 0x80206927 - SIOCDELMULTI = 0x80206932 - SIOCDIFADDR = 0x80206919 - SIOCDIFPHYADDR = 0x80206941 - SIOCGDRVSPEC = 0xc028697b - SIOCGETVLAN = 0xc020697f - SIOCGHIWAT = 0x40047301 - SIOCGIFADDR = 0xc0206921 - SIOCGIFALTMTU = 0xc0206948 - SIOCGIFASYNCMAP = 0xc020697c - SIOCGIFBOND = 0xc0206947 - SIOCGIFBRDADDR = 0xc0206923 - SIOCGIFCAP = 0xc020695b - SIOCGIFCONF = 0xc00c6924 - SIOCGIFDEVMTU = 0xc0206944 - SIOCGIFDSTADDR = 0xc0206922 - SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0xc0206911 - SIOCGIFGENERIC = 0xc020693a - SIOCGIFKPI = 0xc0206987 - SIOCGIFMAC = 0xc0206982 - SIOCGIFMEDIA = 0xc02c6938 - SIOCGIFMETRIC = 0xc0206917 - SIOCGIFMTU = 0xc0206933 - SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0xc0206925 - SIOCGIFPDSTADDR = 0xc0206940 - SIOCGIFPHYS = 0xc0206935 - SIOCGIFPSRCADDR = 0xc020693f - SIOCGIFSTATUS = 0xc331693d - SIOCGIFVLAN = 0xc020697f - SIOCGIFWAKEFLAGS = 0xc0206988 - SIOCGLOWAT = 0x40047303 - SIOCGPGRP = 0x40047309 - SIOCIFCREATE = 0xc0206978 - SIOCIFCREATE2 = 0xc020697a - SIOCIFDESTROY = 0x80206979 - SIOCIFGCLONERS = 0xc0106981 - SIOCRSLVMULTI = 0xc010693b - SIOCSDRVSPEC = 0x8028697b - SIOCSETVLAN = 0x8020697e - SIOCSHIWAT = 0x80047300 - SIOCSIFADDR = 0x8020690c - SIOCSIFALTMTU = 0x80206945 - SIOCSIFASYNCMAP = 0x8020697d - SIOCSIFBOND = 0x80206946 - SIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x80206913 - SIOCSIFCAP = 0x8020695a - SIOCSIFDSTADDR = 0x8020690e - SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x80206910 - SIOCSIFGENERIC = 0x80206939 - SIOCSIFKPI = 0x80206986 - SIOCSIFLLADDR = 0x8020693c - SIOCSIFMAC = 0x80206983 - SIOCSIFMEDIA = 0xc0206937 - SIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x80206918 - SIOCSIFMTU = 0x80206934 - SIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x80206916 - SIOCSIFPHYADDR = 0x8040693e - SIOCSIFPHYS = 0x80206936 - SIOCSIFVLAN = 0x8020697e - SIOCSLOWAT = 0x80047302 - SIOCSPGRP = 0x80047308 - SOCK_DGRAM = 0x2 - SOCK_MAXADDRLEN = 0xff - SOCK_RAW = 0x3 - SOCK_RDM = 0x4 - SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 - SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 - SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff - SOMAXCONN = 0x80 - SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 - SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 - SO_DEBUG = 0x1 - SO_DONTROUTE = 0x10 - SO_DONTTRUNC = 0x2000 - SO_ERROR = 0x1007 - SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x8 - SO_LABEL = 0x1010 - SO_LINGER = 0x80 - SO_LINGER_SEC = 0x1080 - SO_NETSVC_MARKING_LEVEL = 0x1119 - SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE = 0x1116 - SO_NKE = 0x1021 - SO_NOADDRERR = 0x1023 - SO_NOSIGPIPE = 0x1022 - SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT = 0x1026 - SO_NP_EXTENSIONS = 0x1083 - SO_NREAD = 0x1020 - SO_NUMRCVPKT = 0x1112 - SO_NWRITE = 0x1024 - SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 - SO_PEERLABEL = 0x1011 - SO_RANDOMPORT = 0x1082 - SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 - SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 - SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 - SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 - SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 - SO_REUSESHAREUID = 0x1025 - SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001 - SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 - SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 - SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x400 - SO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x800 - SO_TYPE = 0x1008 - SO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT = 0x1027 - SO_USELOOPBACK = 0x40 - SO_WANTMORE = 0x4000 - SO_WANTOOBFLAG = 0x8000 - S_IEXEC = 0x40 - S_IFBLK = 0x6000 - S_IFCHR = 0x2000 - S_IFDIR = 0x4000 - S_IFIFO = 0x1000 - S_IFLNK = 0xa000 - S_IFMT = 0xf000 - S_IFREG = 0x8000 - S_IFSOCK = 0xc000 - S_IFWHT = 0xe000 - S_IREAD = 0x100 - S_IRGRP = 0x20 - S_IROTH = 0x4 - S_IRUSR = 0x100 - S_IRWXG = 0x38 - S_IRWXO = 0x7 - S_IRWXU = 0x1c0 - S_ISGID = 0x400 - S_ISTXT = 0x200 - S_ISUID = 0x800 - S_ISVTX = 0x200 - S_IWGRP = 0x10 - S_IWOTH = 0x2 - S_IWRITE = 0x80 - S_IWUSR = 0x80 - S_IXGRP = 0x8 - S_IXOTH = 0x1 - S_IXUSR = 0x40 - TAB0 = 0x0 - TAB1 = 0x400 - TAB2 = 0x800 - TAB3 = 0x4 - TABDLY = 0xc04 - TCIFLUSH = 0x1 - TCIOFF = 0x3 - TCIOFLUSH = 0x3 - TCION = 0x4 - TCOFLUSH = 0x2 - TCOOFF = 0x1 - TCOON = 0x2 - TCP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT = 0x20 - TCP_CONNECTION_INFO = 0x106 - TCP_ENABLE_ECN = 0x104 - TCP_FASTOPEN = 0x105 - TCP_KEEPALIVE = 0x10 - TCP_KEEPCNT = 0x102 - TCP_KEEPINTVL = 0x101 - TCP_MAXHLEN = 0x3c - TCP_MAXOLEN = 0x28 - TCP_MAXSEG = 0x2 - TCP_MAXWIN = 0xffff - TCP_MAX_SACK = 0x4 - TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 0xe - TCP_MINMSS = 0xd8 - TCP_MSS = 0x200 - TCP_NODELAY = 0x1 - TCP_NOOPT = 0x8 - TCP_NOPUSH = 0x4 - TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT = 0x201 - TCP_RXT_CONNDROPTIME = 0x80 - TCP_RXT_FINDROP = 0x100 - TCP_SENDMOREACKS = 0x103 - TCSAFLUSH = 0x2 - TIOCCBRK = 0x2000747a - TIOCCDTR = 0x20007478 - TIOCCONS = 0x80047462 - TIOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40107458 - TIOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e - TIOCDSIMICROCODE = 0x20007455 - TIOCEXCL = 0x2000740d - TIOCEXT = 0x80047460 - TIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410 - TIOCGDRAINWAIT = 0x40047456 - TIOCGETA = 0x40487413 - TIOCGETD = 0x4004741a - TIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477 - TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468 - TIOCIXOFF = 0x20007480 - TIOCIXON = 0x20007481 - TIOCMBIC = 0x8004746b - TIOCMBIS = 0x8004746c - TIOCMGDTRWAIT = 0x4004745a - TIOCMGET = 0x4004746a - TIOCMODG = 0x40047403 - TIOCMODS = 0x80047404 - TIOCMSDTRWAIT = 0x8004745b - TIOCMSET = 0x8004746d - TIOCM_CAR = 0x40 - TIOCM_CD = 0x40 - TIOCM_CTS = 0x20 - TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 - TIOCM_DTR = 0x2 - TIOCM_LE = 0x1 - TIOCM_RI = 0x80 - TIOCM_RNG = 0x80 - TIOCM_RTS = 0x4 - TIOCM_SR = 0x10 - TIOCM_ST = 0x8 - TIOCNOTTY = 0x20007471 - TIOCNXCL = 0x2000740e - TIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473 - TIOCPKT = 0x80047470 - TIOCPKT_DATA = 0x0 - TIOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20 - TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1 - TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2 - TIOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40 - TIOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10 - TIOCPKT_START = 0x8 - TIOCPKT_STOP = 0x4 - TIOCPTYGNAME = 0x40807453 - TIOCPTYGRANT = 0x20007454 - TIOCPTYUNLK = 0x20007452 - TIOCREMOTE = 0x80047469 - TIOCSBRK = 0x2000747b - TIOCSCONS = 0x20007463 - TIOCSCTTY = 0x20007461 - TIOCSDRAINWAIT = 0x80047457 - TIOCSDTR = 0x20007479 - TIOCSETA = 0x80487414 - TIOCSETAF = 0x80487416 - TIOCSETAW = 0x80487415 - TIOCSETD = 0x8004741b - TIOCSIG = 0x2000745f - TIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476 - TIOCSTART = 0x2000746e - TIOCSTAT = 0x20007465 - TIOCSTI = 0x80017472 - TIOCSTOP = 0x2000746f - TIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467 - TIOCTIMESTAMP = 0x40107459 - TIOCUCNTL = 0x80047466 - TOSTOP = 0x400000 - VDISCARD = 0xf - VDSUSP = 0xb - VEOF = 0x0 - VEOL = 0x1 - VEOL2 = 0x2 - VERASE = 0x3 - VINTR = 0x8 - VKILL = 0x5 - VLNEXT = 0xe - VMIN = 0x10 - VM_LOADAVG = 0x2 - VM_MACHFACTOR = 0x4 - VM_MAXID = 0x6 - VM_METER = 0x1 - VM_SWAPUSAGE = 0x5 - VQUIT = 0x9 - VREPRINT = 0x6 - VSTART = 0xc - VSTATUS = 0x12 - VSTOP = 0xd - VSUSP = 0xa - VT0 = 0x0 - VT1 = 0x10000 - VTDLY = 0x10000 - VTIME = 0x11 - VWERASE = 0x4 - WCONTINUED = 0x10 - WCOREFLAG = 0x80 - WEXITED = 0x4 - WNOHANG = 0x1 - WNOWAIT = 0x20 - WORDSIZE = 0x40 - WSTOPPED = 0x8 - WUNTRACED = 0x2 - XATTR_CREATE = 0x2 - XATTR_NODEFAULT = 0x10 - XATTR_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - XATTR_NOSECURITY = 0x8 - XATTR_REPLACE = 0x4 - XATTR_SHOWCOMPRESSION = 0x20 + AF_APPLETALK = 0x10 + AF_CCITT = 0xa + AF_CHAOS = 0x5 + AF_CNT = 0x15 + AF_COIP = 0x14 + AF_DATAKIT = 0x9 + AF_DECnet = 0xc + AF_DLI = 0xd + AF_E164 = 0x1c + AF_ECMA = 0x8 + AF_HYLINK = 0xf + AF_IEEE80211 = 0x25 + AF_IMPLINK = 0x3 + AF_INET = 0x2 + AF_INET6 = 0x1e + AF_IPX = 0x17 + AF_ISDN = 0x1c + AF_ISO = 0x7 + AF_LAT = 0xe + AF_LINK = 0x12 + AF_LOCAL = 0x1 + AF_MAX = 0x29 + AF_NATM = 0x1f + AF_NDRV = 0x1b + AF_NETBIOS = 0x21 + AF_NS = 0x6 + AF_OSI = 0x7 + AF_PPP = 0x22 + AF_PUP = 0x4 + AF_RESERVED_36 = 0x24 + AF_ROUTE = 0x11 + AF_SIP = 0x18 + AF_SNA = 0xb + AF_SYSTEM = 0x20 + AF_SYS_CONTROL = 0x2 + AF_UNIX = 0x1 + AF_UNSPEC = 0x0 + AF_UTUN = 0x26 + AF_VSOCK = 0x28 + ALTWERASE = 0x200 + ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT = 0x5 + ATTR_CMN_ACCESSMASK = 0x20000 + ATTR_CMN_ACCTIME = 0x1000 + ATTR_CMN_ADDEDTIME = 0x10000000 + ATTR_CMN_BKUPTIME = 0x2000 + ATTR_CMN_CHGTIME = 0x800 + ATTR_CMN_CRTIME = 0x200 + ATTR_CMN_DATA_PROTECT_FLAGS = 0x40000000 + ATTR_CMN_DEVID = 0x2 + ATTR_CMN_DOCUMENT_ID = 0x100000 + ATTR_CMN_ERROR = 0x20000000 + ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED_SECURITY = 0x400000 + ATTR_CMN_FILEID = 0x2000000 + ATTR_CMN_FLAGS = 0x40000 + ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO = 0x4000 + ATTR_CMN_FSID = 0x4 + ATTR_CMN_FULLPATH = 0x8000000 + ATTR_CMN_GEN_COUNT = 0x80000 + ATTR_CMN_GRPID = 0x10000 + ATTR_CMN_GRPUUID = 0x1000000 + ATTR_CMN_MODTIME = 0x400 + ATTR_CMN_NAME = 0x1 + ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRCOUNT = 0x80000 + ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRLIST = 0x100000 + ATTR_CMN_OBJID = 0x20 + ATTR_CMN_OBJPERMANENTID = 0x40 + ATTR_CMN_OBJTAG = 0x10 + ATTR_CMN_OBJTYPE = 0x8 + ATTR_CMN_OWNERID = 0x8000 + ATTR_CMN_PARENTID = 0x4000000 + ATTR_CMN_PAROBJID = 0x80 + ATTR_CMN_RETURNED_ATTRS = 0x80000000 + ATTR_CMN_SCRIPT = 0x100 + ATTR_CMN_SETMASK = 0x51c7ff00 + ATTR_CMN_USERACCESS = 0x200000 + ATTR_CMN_UUID = 0x800000 + ATTR_CMN_VALIDMASK = 0xffffffff + ATTR_CMN_VOLSETMASK = 0x6700 + ATTR_FILE_ALLOCSIZE = 0x4 + ATTR_FILE_CLUMPSIZE = 0x10 + ATTR_FILE_DATAALLOCSIZE = 0x400 + ATTR_FILE_DATAEXTENTS = 0x800 + ATTR_FILE_DATALENGTH = 0x200 + ATTR_FILE_DEVTYPE = 0x20 + ATTR_FILE_FILETYPE = 0x40 + ATTR_FILE_FORKCOUNT = 0x80 + ATTR_FILE_FORKLIST = 0x100 + ATTR_FILE_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x8 + ATTR_FILE_LINKCOUNT = 0x1 + ATTR_FILE_RSRCALLOCSIZE = 0x2000 + ATTR_FILE_RSRCEXTENTS = 0x4000 + ATTR_FILE_RSRCLENGTH = 0x1000 + ATTR_FILE_SETMASK = 0x20 + ATTR_FILE_TOTALSIZE = 0x2 + ATTR_FILE_VALIDMASK = 0x37ff + ATTR_VOL_ALLOCATIONCLUMP = 0x40 + ATTR_VOL_ATTRIBUTES = 0x40000000 + ATTR_VOL_CAPABILITIES = 0x20000 + ATTR_VOL_DIRCOUNT = 0x400 + ATTR_VOL_ENCODINGSUSED = 0x10000 + ATTR_VOL_FILECOUNT = 0x200 + ATTR_VOL_FSTYPE = 0x1 + ATTR_VOL_INFO = 0x80000000 + ATTR_VOL_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x80 + ATTR_VOL_MAXOBJCOUNT = 0x800 + ATTR_VOL_MINALLOCATION = 0x20 + ATTR_VOL_MOUNTEDDEVICE = 0x8000 + ATTR_VOL_MOUNTFLAGS = 0x4000 + ATTR_VOL_MOUNTPOINT = 0x1000 + ATTR_VOL_NAME = 0x2000 + ATTR_VOL_OBJCOUNT = 0x100 + ATTR_VOL_QUOTA_SIZE = 0x10000000 + ATTR_VOL_RESERVED_SIZE = 0x20000000 + ATTR_VOL_SETMASK = 0x80002000 + ATTR_VOL_SIGNATURE = 0x2 + ATTR_VOL_SIZE = 0x4 + ATTR_VOL_SPACEAVAIL = 0x10 + ATTR_VOL_SPACEFREE = 0x8 + ATTR_VOL_SPACEUSED = 0x800000 + ATTR_VOL_UUID = 0x40000 + ATTR_VOL_VALIDMASK = 0xf087ffff + B0 = 0x0 + B110 = 0x6e + B115200 = 0x1c200 + B1200 = 0x4b0 + B134 = 0x86 + B14400 = 0x3840 + B150 = 0x96 + B1800 = 0x708 + B19200 = 0x4b00 + B200 = 0xc8 + B230400 = 0x38400 + B2400 = 0x960 + B28800 = 0x7080 + B300 = 0x12c + B38400 = 0x9600 + B4800 = 0x12c0 + B50 = 0x32 + B57600 = 0xe100 + B600 = 0x258 + B7200 = 0x1c20 + B75 = 0x4b + B76800 = 0x12c00 + B9600 = 0x2580 + BIOCFLUSH = 0x20004268 + BIOCGBLEN = 0x40044266 + BIOCGDLT = 0x4004426a + BIOCGDLTLIST = 0xc00c4279 + BIOCGETIF = 0x4020426b + BIOCGHDRCMPLT = 0x40044274 + BIOCGRSIG = 0x40044272 + BIOCGRTIMEOUT = 0x4010426e + BIOCGSEESENT = 0x40044276 + BIOCGSTATS = 0x4008426f + BIOCIMMEDIATE = 0x80044270 + BIOCPROMISC = 0x20004269 + BIOCSBLEN = 0xc0044266 + BIOCSDLT = 0x80044278 + BIOCSETF = 0x80104267 + BIOCSETFNR = 0x8010427e + BIOCSETIF = 0x8020426c + BIOCSHDRCMPLT = 0x80044275 + BIOCSRSIG = 0x80044273 + BIOCSRTIMEOUT = 0x8010426d + BIOCSSEESENT = 0x80044277 + BIOCVERSION = 0x40044271 + BPF_A = 0x10 + BPF_ABS = 0x20 + BPF_ADD = 0x0 + BPF_ALIGNMENT = 0x4 + BPF_ALU = 0x4 + BPF_AND = 0x50 + BPF_B = 0x10 + BPF_DIV = 0x30 + BPF_H = 0x8 + BPF_IMM = 0x0 + BPF_IND = 0x40 + BPF_JA = 0x0 + BPF_JEQ = 0x10 + BPF_JGE = 0x30 + BPF_JGT = 0x20 + BPF_JMP = 0x5 + BPF_JSET = 0x40 + BPF_K = 0x0 + BPF_LD = 0x0 + BPF_LDX = 0x1 + BPF_LEN = 0x80 + BPF_LSH = 0x60 + BPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x1 + BPF_MAXBUFSIZE = 0x80000 + BPF_MAXINSNS = 0x200 + BPF_MEM = 0x60 + BPF_MEMWORDS = 0x10 + BPF_MINBUFSIZE = 0x20 + BPF_MINOR_VERSION = 0x1 + BPF_MISC = 0x7 + BPF_MSH = 0xa0 + BPF_MUL = 0x20 + BPF_NEG = 0x80 + BPF_OR = 0x40 + BPF_RELEASE = 0x30bb6 + BPF_RET = 0x6 + BPF_RSH = 0x70 + BPF_ST = 0x2 + BPF_STX = 0x3 + BPF_SUB = 0x10 + BPF_TAX = 0x0 + BPF_TXA = 0x80 + BPF_W = 0x0 + BPF_X = 0x8 + BRKINT = 0x2 + BS0 = 0x0 + BS1 = 0x8000 + BSDLY = 0x8000 + CFLUSH = 0xf + CLOCAL = 0x8000 + CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 0x6 + CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 0x4 + CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX = 0x5 + CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0xc + CLOCK_REALTIME = 0x0 + CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x10 + CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW = 0x8 + CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX = 0x9 + CLONE_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 + CLONE_NOOWNERCOPY = 0x2 + CR0 = 0x0 + CR1 = 0x1000 + CR2 = 0x2000 + CR3 = 0x3000 + CRDLY = 0x3000 + CREAD = 0x800 + CRTSCTS = 0x30000 + CS5 = 0x0 + CS6 = 0x100 + CS7 = 0x200 + CS8 = 0x300 + CSIZE = 0x300 + CSTART = 0x11 + CSTATUS = 0x14 + CSTOP = 0x13 + CSTOPB = 0x400 + CSUSP = 0x1a + CTLIOCGINFO = 0xc0644e03 + CTL_HW = 0x6 + CTL_KERN = 0x1 + CTL_MAXNAME = 0xc + CTL_NET = 0x4 + DLT_A429 = 0xb8 + DLT_A653_ICM = 0xb9 + DLT_AIRONET_HEADER = 0x78 + DLT_AOS = 0xde + DLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394 = 0x8a + DLT_ARCNET = 0x7 + DLT_ARCNET_LINUX = 0x81 + DLT_ATM_CLIP = 0x13 + DLT_ATM_RFC1483 = 0xb + DLT_AURORA = 0x7e + DLT_AX25 = 0x3 + DLT_AX25_KISS = 0xca + DLT_BACNET_MS_TP = 0xa5 + DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4 = 0xbb + DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR = 0xc9 + DLT_CAN20B = 0xbe + DLT_CAN_SOCKETCAN = 0xe3 + DLT_CHAOS = 0x5 + DLT_CHDLC = 0x68 + DLT_CISCO_IOS = 0x76 + DLT_C_HDLC = 0x68 + DLT_C_HDLC_WITH_DIR = 0xcd + DLT_DBUS = 0xe7 + DLT_DECT = 0xdd + DLT_DOCSIS = 0x8f + DLT_DVB_CI = 0xeb + DLT_ECONET = 0x73 + DLT_EN10MB = 0x1 + DLT_EN3MB = 0x2 + DLT_ENC = 0x6d + DLT_ERF = 0xc5 + DLT_ERF_ETH = 0xaf + DLT_ERF_POS = 0xb0 + DLT_FC_2 = 0xe0 + DLT_FC_2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS = 0xe1 + DLT_FDDI = 0xa + DLT_FLEXRAY = 0xd2 + DLT_FRELAY = 0x6b + DLT_FRELAY_WITH_DIR = 0xce + DLT_GCOM_SERIAL = 0xad + DLT_GCOM_T1E1 = 0xac + DLT_GPF_F = 0xab + DLT_GPF_T = 0xaa + DLT_GPRS_LLC = 0xa9 + DLT_GSMTAP_ABIS = 0xda + DLT_GSMTAP_UM = 0xd9 + DLT_HHDLC = 0x79 + DLT_IBM_SN = 0x92 + DLT_IBM_SP = 0x91 + DLT_IEEE802 = 0x6 + DLT_IEEE802_11 = 0x69 + DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO = 0x7f + DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVS = 0xa3 + DLT_IEEE802_15_4 = 0xc3 + DLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUX = 0xbf + DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS = 0xe6 + DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY = 0xd7 + DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS = 0xbc + DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO = 0xc1 + DLT_IPFILTER = 0x74 + DLT_IPMB = 0xc7 + DLT_IPMB_LINUX = 0xd1 + DLT_IPNET = 0xe2 + DLT_IPOIB = 0xf2 + DLT_IPV4 = 0xe4 + DLT_IPV6 = 0xe5 + DLT_IP_OVER_FC = 0x7a + DLT_JUNIPER_ATM1 = 0x89 + DLT_JUNIPER_ATM2 = 0x87 + DLT_JUNIPER_ATM_CEMIC = 0xee + DLT_JUNIPER_CHDLC = 0xb5 + DLT_JUNIPER_ES = 0x84 + DLT_JUNIPER_ETHER = 0xb2 + DLT_JUNIPER_FIBRECHANNEL = 0xea + DLT_JUNIPER_FRELAY = 0xb4 + DLT_JUNIPER_GGSN = 0x85 + DLT_JUNIPER_ISM = 0xc2 + DLT_JUNIPER_MFR = 0x86 + DLT_JUNIPER_MLFR = 0x83 + DLT_JUNIPER_MLPPP = 0x82 + DLT_JUNIPER_MONITOR = 0xa4 + DLT_JUNIPER_PIC_PEER = 0xae + DLT_JUNIPER_PPP = 0xb3 + DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE = 0xa7 + DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE_ATM = 0xa8 + DLT_JUNIPER_SERVICES = 0x88 + DLT_JUNIPER_SRX_E2E = 0xe9 + DLT_JUNIPER_ST = 0xc8 + DLT_JUNIPER_VP = 0xb7 + DLT_JUNIPER_VS = 0xe8 + DLT_LAPB_WITH_DIR = 0xcf + DLT_LAPD = 0xcb + DLT_LIN = 0xd4 + DLT_LINUX_EVDEV = 0xd8 + DLT_LINUX_IRDA = 0x90 + DLT_LINUX_LAPD = 0xb1 + DLT_LINUX_PPP_WITHDIRECTION = 0xa6 + DLT_LINUX_SLL = 0x71 + DLT_LOOP = 0x6c + DLT_LTALK = 0x72 + DLT_MATCHING_MAX = 0x10a + DLT_MATCHING_MIN = 0x68 + DLT_MFR = 0xb6 + DLT_MOST = 0xd3 + DLT_MPEG_2_TS = 0xf3 + DLT_MPLS = 0xdb + DLT_MTP2 = 0x8c + DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR = 0x8b + DLT_MTP3 = 0x8d + DLT_MUX27010 = 0xec + DLT_NETANALYZER = 0xf0 + DLT_NETANALYZER_TRANSPARENT = 0xf1 + DLT_NFC_LLCP = 0xf5 + DLT_NFLOG = 0xef + DLT_NG40 = 0xf4 + DLT_NULL = 0x0 + DLT_PCI_EXP = 0x7d + DLT_PFLOG = 0x75 + DLT_PFSYNC = 0x12 + DLT_PPI = 0xc0 + DLT_PPP = 0x9 + DLT_PPP_BSDOS = 0x10 + DLT_PPP_ETHER = 0x33 + DLT_PPP_PPPD = 0xa6 + DLT_PPP_SERIAL = 0x32 + DLT_PPP_WITH_DIR = 0xcc + DLT_PPP_WITH_DIRECTION = 0xa6 + DLT_PRISM_HEADER = 0x77 + DLT_PRONET = 0x4 + DLT_RAIF1 = 0xc6 + DLT_RAW = 0xc + DLT_RIO = 0x7c + DLT_SCCP = 0x8e + DLT_SITA = 0xc4 + DLT_SLIP = 0x8 + DLT_SLIP_BSDOS = 0xf + DLT_STANAG_5066_D_PDU = 0xed + DLT_SUNATM = 0x7b + DLT_SYMANTEC_FIREWALL = 0x63 + DLT_TZSP = 0x80 + DLT_USB = 0xba + DLT_USB_DARWIN = 0x10a + DLT_USB_LINUX = 0xbd + DLT_USB_LINUX_MMAPPED = 0xdc + DLT_USER0 = 0x93 + DLT_USER1 = 0x94 + DLT_USER10 = 0x9d + DLT_USER11 = 0x9e + DLT_USER12 = 0x9f + DLT_USER13 = 0xa0 + DLT_USER14 = 0xa1 + DLT_USER15 = 0xa2 + DLT_USER2 = 0x95 + DLT_USER3 = 0x96 + DLT_USER4 = 0x97 + DLT_USER5 = 0x98 + DLT_USER6 = 0x99 + DLT_USER7 = 0x9a + DLT_USER8 = 0x9b + DLT_USER9 = 0x9c + DLT_WIHART = 0xdf + DLT_X2E_SERIAL = 0xd5 + DLT_X2E_XORAYA = 0xd6 + DT_BLK = 0x6 + DT_CHR = 0x2 + DT_DIR = 0x4 + DT_FIFO = 0x1 + DT_LNK = 0xa + DT_REG = 0x8 + DT_SOCK = 0xc + DT_UNKNOWN = 0x0 + DT_WHT = 0xe + ECHO = 0x8 + ECHOCTL = 0x40 + ECHOE = 0x2 + ECHOK = 0x4 + ECHOKE = 0x1 + ECHONL = 0x10 + ECHOPRT = 0x20 + EVFILT_AIO = -0x3 + EVFILT_EXCEPT = -0xf + EVFILT_FS = -0x9 + EVFILT_MACHPORT = -0x8 + EVFILT_PROC = -0x5 + EVFILT_READ = -0x1 + EVFILT_SIGNAL = -0x6 + EVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 0x11 + EVFILT_THREADMARKER = 0x11 + EVFILT_TIMER = -0x7 + EVFILT_USER = -0xa + EVFILT_VM = -0xc + EVFILT_VNODE = -0x4 + EVFILT_WRITE = -0x2 + EV_ADD = 0x1 + EV_CLEAR = 0x20 + EV_DELETE = 0x2 + EV_DISABLE = 0x8 + EV_DISPATCH = 0x80 + EV_DISPATCH2 = 0x180 + EV_ENABLE = 0x4 + EV_EOF = 0x8000 + EV_ERROR = 0x4000 + EV_FLAG0 = 0x1000 + EV_FLAG1 = 0x2000 + EV_ONESHOT = 0x10 + EV_OOBAND = 0x2000 + EV_POLL = 0x1000 + EV_RECEIPT = 0x40 + EV_SYSFLAGS = 0xf000 + EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC = 0x100 + EV_VANISHED = 0x200 + EXTA = 0x4b00 + EXTB = 0x9600 + EXTPROC = 0x800 + FD_CLOEXEC = 0x1 + FD_SETSIZE = 0x400 + FF0 = 0x0 + FF1 = 0x4000 + FFDLY = 0x4000 + FLUSHO = 0x800000 + FSOPT_ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED = 0x20 + FSOPT_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 + FSOPT_NOINMEMUPDATE = 0x2 + FSOPT_PACK_INVAL_ATTRS = 0x8 + FSOPT_REPORT_FULLSIZE = 0x4 + FSOPT_RETURN_REALDEV = 0x200 + F_ADDFILESIGS = 0x3d + F_ADDFILESIGS_FOR_DYLD_SIM = 0x53 + F_ADDFILESIGS_INFO = 0x67 + F_ADDFILESIGS_RETURN = 0x61 + F_ADDFILESUPPL = 0x68 + F_ADDSIGS = 0x3b + F_ALLOCATEALL = 0x4 + F_ALLOCATECONTIG = 0x2 + F_BARRIERFSYNC = 0x55 + F_CHECK_LV = 0x62 + F_CHKCLEAN = 0x29 + F_DUPFD = 0x0 + F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0x43 + F_FINDSIGS = 0x4e + F_FLUSH_DATA = 0x28 + F_FREEZE_FS = 0x35 + F_FULLFSYNC = 0x33 + F_GETCODEDIR = 0x48 + F_GETFD = 0x1 + F_GETFL = 0x3 + F_GETLK = 0x7 + F_GETLKPID = 0x42 + F_GETNOSIGPIPE = 0x4a + F_GETOWN = 0x5 + F_GETPATH = 0x32 + F_GETPATH_MTMINFO = 0x47 + F_GETPATH_NOFIRMLINK = 0x66 + F_GETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x3f + F_GETPROTECTIONLEVEL = 0x4d + F_GETSIGSINFO = 0x69 + F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE = 0x37 + F_LOG2PHYS = 0x31 + F_LOG2PHYS_EXT = 0x41 + F_NOCACHE = 0x30 + F_NODIRECT = 0x3e + F_OK = 0x0 + F_PATHPKG_CHECK = 0x34 + F_PEOFPOSMODE = 0x3 + F_PREALLOCATE = 0x2a + F_PUNCHHOLE = 0x63 + F_RDADVISE = 0x2c + F_RDAHEAD = 0x2d + F_RDLCK = 0x1 + F_SETBACKINGSTORE = 0x46 + F_SETFD = 0x2 + F_SETFL = 0x4 + F_SETLK = 0x8 + F_SETLKW = 0x9 + F_SETLKWTIMEOUT = 0xa + F_SETNOSIGPIPE = 0x49 + F_SETOWN = 0x6 + F_SETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x40 + F_SETSIZE = 0x2b + F_SINGLE_WRITER = 0x4c + F_SPECULATIVE_READ = 0x65 + F_THAW_FS = 0x36 + F_TRANSCODEKEY = 0x4b + F_TRIM_ACTIVE_FILE = 0x64 + F_UNLCK = 0x2 + F_VOLPOSMODE = 0x4 + F_WRLCK = 0x3 + HUPCL = 0x4000 + HW_MACHINE = 0x1 + ICANON = 0x100 + ICMP6_FILTER = 0x12 + ICRNL = 0x100 + IEXTEN = 0x400 + IFF_ALLMULTI = 0x200 + IFF_ALTPHYS = 0x4000 + IFF_BROADCAST = 0x2 + IFF_DEBUG = 0x4 + IFF_LINK0 = 0x1000 + IFF_LINK1 = 0x2000 + IFF_LINK2 = 0x4000 + IFF_LOOPBACK = 0x8 + IFF_MULTICAST = 0x8000 + IFF_NOARP = 0x80 + IFF_NOTRAILERS = 0x20 + IFF_OACTIVE = 0x400 + IFF_POINTOPOINT = 0x10 + IFF_PROMISC = 0x100 + IFF_RUNNING = 0x40 + IFF_SIMPLEX = 0x800 + IFF_UP = 0x1 + IFNAMSIZ = 0x10 + IFT_1822 = 0x2 + IFT_6LOWPAN = 0x40 + IFT_AAL5 = 0x31 + IFT_ARCNET = 0x23 + IFT_ARCNETPLUS = 0x24 + IFT_ATM = 0x25 + IFT_BRIDGE = 0xd1 + IFT_CARP = 0xf8 + IFT_CELLULAR = 0xff + IFT_CEPT = 0x13 + IFT_DS3 = 0x1e + IFT_ENC = 0xf4 + IFT_EON = 0x19 + IFT_ETHER = 0x6 + IFT_FAITH = 0x38 + IFT_FDDI = 0xf + IFT_FRELAY = 0x20 + IFT_FRELAYDCE = 0x2c + IFT_GIF = 0x37 + IFT_HDH1822 = 0x3 + IFT_HIPPI = 0x2f + IFT_HSSI = 0x2e + IFT_HY = 0xe + IFT_IEEE1394 = 0x90 + IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG = 0x88 + IFT_ISDNBASIC = 0x14 + IFT_ISDNPRIMARY = 0x15 + IFT_ISO88022LLC = 0x29 + IFT_ISO88023 = 0x7 + IFT_ISO88024 = 0x8 + IFT_ISO88025 = 0x9 + IFT_ISO88026 = 0xa + IFT_L2VLAN = 0x87 + IFT_LAPB = 0x10 + IFT_LOCALTALK = 0x2a + IFT_LOOP = 0x18 + IFT_MIOX25 = 0x26 + IFT_MODEM = 0x30 + IFT_NSIP = 0x1b + IFT_OTHER = 0x1 + IFT_P10 = 0xc + IFT_P80 = 0xd + IFT_PARA = 0x22 + IFT_PDP = 0xff + IFT_PFLOG = 0xf5 + IFT_PFSYNC = 0xf6 + IFT_PKTAP = 0xfe + IFT_PPP = 0x17 + IFT_PROPMUX = 0x36 + IFT_PROPVIRTUAL = 0x35 + IFT_PTPSERIAL = 0x16 + IFT_RS232 = 0x21 + IFT_SDLC = 0x11 + IFT_SIP = 0x1f + IFT_SLIP = 0x1c + IFT_SMDSDXI = 0x2b + IFT_SMDSICIP = 0x34 + IFT_SONET = 0x27 + IFT_SONETPATH = 0x32 + IFT_SONETVT = 0x33 + IFT_STARLAN = 0xb + IFT_STF = 0x39 + IFT_T1 = 0x12 + IFT_ULTRA = 0x1d + IFT_V35 = 0x2d + IFT_X25 = 0x5 + IFT_X25DDN = 0x4 + IFT_X25PLE = 0x28 + IFT_XETHER = 0x1a + IGNBRK = 0x1 + IGNCR = 0x80 + IGNPAR = 0x4 + IMAXBEL = 0x2000 + INLCR = 0x40 + INPCK = 0x10 + IN_CLASSA_HOST = 0xffffff + IN_CLASSA_MAX = 0x80 + IN_CLASSA_NET = 0xff000000 + IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 0x18 + IN_CLASSB_HOST = 0xffff + IN_CLASSB_MAX = 0x10000 + IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000 + IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 0x10 + IN_CLASSC_HOST = 0xff + IN_CLASSC_NET = 0xffffff00 + IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 0x8 + IN_CLASSD_HOST = 0xfffffff + IN_CLASSD_NET = 0xf0000000 + IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT = 0x1c + IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM = 0xa9fe0000 + IN_LOOPBACKNET = 0x7f + IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID = 0x400473d1 + IPPROTO_3PC = 0x22 + IPPROTO_ADFS = 0x44 + IPPROTO_AH = 0x33 + IPPROTO_AHIP = 0x3d + IPPROTO_APES = 0x63 + IPPROTO_ARGUS = 0xd + IPPROTO_AX25 = 0x5d + IPPROTO_BHA = 0x31 + IPPROTO_BLT = 0x1e + IPPROTO_BRSATMON = 0x4c + IPPROTO_CFTP = 0x3e + IPPROTO_CHAOS = 0x10 + IPPROTO_CMTP = 0x26 + IPPROTO_CPHB = 0x49 + IPPROTO_CPNX = 0x48 + IPPROTO_DDP = 0x25 + IPPROTO_DGP = 0x56 + IPPROTO_DIVERT = 0xfe + IPPROTO_DONE = 0x101 + IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 0x3c + IPPROTO_EGP = 0x8 + IPPROTO_EMCON = 0xe + IPPROTO_ENCAP = 0x62 + IPPROTO_EON = 0x50 + IPPROTO_ESP = 0x32 + IPPROTO_ETHERIP = 0x61 + IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 0x2c + IPPROTO_GGP = 0x3 + IPPROTO_GMTP = 0x64 + IPPROTO_GRE = 0x2f + IPPROTO_HELLO = 0x3f + IPPROTO_HMP = 0x14 + IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0x0 + IPPROTO_ICMP = 0x1 + IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 0x3a + IPPROTO_IDP = 0x16 + IPPROTO_IDPR = 0x23 + IPPROTO_IDRP = 0x2d + IPPROTO_IGMP = 0x2 + IPPROTO_IGP = 0x55 + IPPROTO_IGRP = 0x58 + IPPROTO_IL = 0x28 + IPPROTO_INLSP = 0x34 + IPPROTO_INP = 0x20 + IPPROTO_IP = 0x0 + IPPROTO_IPCOMP = 0x6c + IPPROTO_IPCV = 0x47 + IPPROTO_IPEIP = 0x5e + IPPROTO_IPIP = 0x4 + IPPROTO_IPPC = 0x43 + IPPROTO_IPV4 = 0x4 + IPPROTO_IPV6 = 0x29 + IPPROTO_IRTP = 0x1c + IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN = 0x41 + IPPROTO_LARP = 0x5b + IPPROTO_LEAF1 = 0x19 + IPPROTO_LEAF2 = 0x1a + IPPROTO_MAX = 0x100 + IPPROTO_MAXID = 0x34 + IPPROTO_MEAS = 0x13 + IPPROTO_MHRP = 0x30 + IPPROTO_MICP = 0x5f + IPPROTO_MTP = 0x5c + IPPROTO_MUX = 0x12 + IPPROTO_ND = 0x4d + IPPROTO_NHRP = 0x36 + IPPROTO_NONE = 0x3b + IPPROTO_NSP = 0x1f + IPPROTO_NVPII = 0xb + IPPROTO_OSPFIGP = 0x59 + IPPROTO_PGM = 0x71 + IPPROTO_PIGP = 0x9 + IPPROTO_PIM = 0x67 + IPPROTO_PRM = 0x15 + IPPROTO_PUP = 0xc + IPPROTO_PVP = 0x4b + IPPROTO_RAW = 0xff + IPPROTO_RCCMON = 0xa + IPPROTO_RDP = 0x1b + IPPROTO_ROUTING = 0x2b + IPPROTO_RSVP = 0x2e + IPPROTO_RVD = 0x42 + IPPROTO_SATEXPAK = 0x40 + IPPROTO_SATMON = 0x45 + IPPROTO_SCCSP = 0x60 + IPPROTO_SCTP = 0x84 + IPPROTO_SDRP = 0x2a + IPPROTO_SEP = 0x21 + IPPROTO_SRPC = 0x5a + IPPROTO_ST = 0x7 + IPPROTO_SVMTP = 0x52 + IPPROTO_SWIPE = 0x35 + IPPROTO_TCF = 0x57 + IPPROTO_TCP = 0x6 + IPPROTO_TP = 0x1d + IPPROTO_TPXX = 0x27 + IPPROTO_TRUNK1 = 0x17 + IPPROTO_TRUNK2 = 0x18 + IPPROTO_TTP = 0x54 + IPPROTO_UDP = 0x11 + IPPROTO_VINES = 0x53 + IPPROTO_VISA = 0x46 + IPPROTO_VMTP = 0x51 + IPPROTO_WBEXPAK = 0x4f + IPPROTO_WBMON = 0x4e + IPPROTO_WSN = 0x4a + IPPROTO_XNET = 0xf + IPPROTO_XTP = 0x24 + IPV6_2292DSTOPTS = 0x17 + IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = 0x14 + IPV6_2292HOPOPTS = 0x16 + IPV6_2292NEXTHOP = 0x15 + IPV6_2292PKTINFO = 0x13 + IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = 0x19 + IPV6_2292RTHDR = 0x18 + IPV6_3542DSTOPTS = 0x32 + IPV6_3542HOPLIMIT = 0x2f + IPV6_3542HOPOPTS = 0x31 + IPV6_3542NEXTHOP = 0x30 + IPV6_3542PKTINFO = 0x2e + IPV6_3542RTHDR = 0x33 + IPV6_ADDR_MC_FLAGS_PREFIX = 0x20 + IPV6_ADDR_MC_FLAGS_TRANSIENT = 0x10 + IPV6_ADDR_MC_FLAGS_UNICAST_BASED = 0x30 + IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL = 0x3b + IPV6_BINDV6ONLY = 0x1b + IPV6_BOUND_IF = 0x7d + IPV6_CHECKSUM = 0x1a + IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0x1 + IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 + IPV6_DEFHLIM = 0x40 + IPV6_DONTFRAG = 0x3e + IPV6_DSTOPTS = 0x32 + IPV6_FAITH = 0x1d + IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK = 0xffffff0f + IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK = 0xffff0f00 + IPV6_FLOW_ECN_MASK = 0x3000 + IPV6_FRAGTTL = 0x3c + IPV6_FW_ADD = 0x1e + IPV6_FW_DEL = 0x1f + IPV6_FW_FLUSH = 0x20 + IPV6_FW_GET = 0x22 + IPV6_FW_ZERO = 0x21 + IPV6_HLIMDEC = 0x1 + IPV6_HOPLIMIT = 0x2f + IPV6_HOPOPTS = 0x31 + IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x1c + IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 0xc + IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 0xd + IPV6_MAXHLIM = 0xff + IPV6_MAXOPTHDR = 0x800 + IPV6_MAXPACKET = 0xffff + IPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 + IPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff + IPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 + IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f + IPV6_MMTU = 0x500 + IPV6_MSFILTER = 0x4a + IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0xa + IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 + IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb + IPV6_NEXTHOP = 0x30 + IPV6_PATHMTU = 0x2c + IPV6_PKTINFO = 0x2e + IPV6_PORTRANGE = 0xe + IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 + IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 + IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 + IPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR = 0x3f + IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = 0x28 + IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = 0x25 + IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = 0x27 + IPV6_RECVPATHMTU = 0x2b + IPV6_RECVPKTINFO = 0x3d + IPV6_RECVRTHDR = 0x26 + IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 0x23 + IPV6_RTHDR = 0x33 + IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = 0x39 + IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0x0 + IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 0x1 + IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0x0 + IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1 = 0x3 + IPV6_TCLASS = 0x24 + IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 0x4 + IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = 0x2a + IPV6_V6ONLY = 0x1b + IPV6_VERSION = 0x60 + IPV6_VERSION_MASK = 0xf0 + IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0xc + IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x46 + IP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x48 + IP_BOUND_IF = 0x19 + IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 + IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 0x1 + IP_DF = 0x4000 + IP_DONTFRAG = 0x1c + IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 0xd + IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x47 + IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE = 0x3c + IP_DUMMYNET_DEL = 0x3d + IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH = 0x3e + IP_DUMMYNET_GET = 0x40 + IP_FAITH = 0x16 + IP_FW_ADD = 0x28 + IP_FW_DEL = 0x29 + IP_FW_FLUSH = 0x2a + IP_FW_GET = 0x2c + IP_FW_RESETLOG = 0x2d + IP_FW_ZERO = 0x2b + IP_HDRINCL = 0x2 + IP_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x15 + IP_MAXPACKET = 0xffff + IP_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 + IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff + IP_MAX_SOCK_MUTE_FILTER = 0x80 + IP_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 + IP_MF = 0x2000 + IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f + IP_MSFILTER = 0x4a + IP_MSS = 0x240 + IP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 + IP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX = 0x42 + IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb + IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 0xa + IP_MULTICAST_VIF = 0xe + IP_NAT__XXX = 0x37 + IP_OFFMASK = 0x1fff + IP_OLD_FW_ADD = 0x32 + IP_OLD_FW_DEL = 0x33 + IP_OLD_FW_FLUSH = 0x34 + IP_OLD_FW_GET = 0x36 + IP_OLD_FW_RESETLOG = 0x38 + IP_OLD_FW_ZERO = 0x35 + IP_OPTIONS = 0x1 + IP_PKTINFO = 0x1a + IP_PORTRANGE = 0x13 + IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 + IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 + IP_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 + IP_RECVDSTADDR = 0x7 + IP_RECVIF = 0x14 + IP_RECVOPTS = 0x5 + IP_RECVPKTINFO = 0x1a + IP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x6 + IP_RECVTOS = 0x1b + IP_RECVTTL = 0x18 + IP_RETOPTS = 0x8 + IP_RF = 0x8000 + IP_RSVP_OFF = 0x10 + IP_RSVP_ON = 0xf + IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF = 0x12 + IP_RSVP_VIF_ON = 0x11 + IP_STRIPHDR = 0x17 + IP_TOS = 0x3 + IP_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND = 0x41 + IP_TTL = 0x4 + IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x49 + ISIG = 0x80 + ISTRIP = 0x20 + IUTF8 = 0x4000 + IXANY = 0x800 + IXOFF = 0x400 + IXON = 0x200 + KERN_HOSTNAME = 0xa + KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 + KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 + KERN_VERSION = 0x4 + LOCAL_PEERCRED = 0x1 + LOCAL_PEEREPID = 0x3 + LOCAL_PEEREUUID = 0x5 + LOCAL_PEERPID = 0x2 + LOCAL_PEERTOKEN = 0x6 + LOCAL_PEERUUID = 0x4 + LOCK_EX = 0x2 + LOCK_NB = 0x4 + LOCK_SH = 0x1 + LOCK_UN = 0x8 + MADV_CAN_REUSE = 0x9 + MADV_DONTNEED = 0x4 + MADV_FREE = 0x5 + MADV_FREE_REUSABLE = 0x7 + MADV_FREE_REUSE = 0x8 + MADV_NORMAL = 0x0 + MADV_PAGEOUT = 0xa + MADV_RANDOM = 0x1 + MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 0x2 + MADV_WILLNEED = 0x3 + MADV_ZERO_WIRED_PAGES = 0x6 + MAP_32BIT = 0x8000 + MAP_ANON = 0x1000 + MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000 + MAP_COPY = 0x2 + MAP_FILE = 0x0 + MAP_FIXED = 0x10 + MAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x200 + MAP_JIT = 0x800 + MAP_NOCACHE = 0x400 + MAP_NOEXTEND = 0x100 + MAP_NORESERVE = 0x40 + MAP_PRIVATE = 0x2 + MAP_RENAME = 0x20 + MAP_RESERVED0080 = 0x80 + MAP_RESILIENT_CODESIGN = 0x2000 + MAP_RESILIENT_MEDIA = 0x4000 + MAP_SHARED = 0x1 + MAP_TRANSLATED_ALLOW_EXECUTE = 0x20000 + MAP_UNIX03 = 0x40000 + MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x54 + MCAST_EXCLUDE = 0x2 + MCAST_INCLUDE = 0x1 + MCAST_JOIN_GROUP = 0x50 + MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = 0x52 + MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = 0x51 + MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = 0x53 + MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x55 + MCAST_UNDEFINED = 0x0 + MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 + MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 + MNT_ASYNC = 0x40 + MNT_AUTOMOUNTED = 0x400000 + MNT_CMDFLAGS = 0xf0000 + MNT_CPROTECT = 0x80 + MNT_DEFWRITE = 0x2000000 + MNT_DONTBROWSE = 0x100000 + MNT_DOVOLFS = 0x8000 + MNT_DWAIT = 0x4 + MNT_EXPORTED = 0x100 + MNT_EXT_ROOT_DATA_VOL = 0x1 + MNT_FORCE = 0x80000 + MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP = 0x200000 + MNT_JOURNALED = 0x800000 + MNT_LOCAL = 0x1000 + MNT_MULTILABEL = 0x4000000 + MNT_NOATIME = 0x10000000 + MNT_NOBLOCK = 0x20000 + MNT_NODEV = 0x10 + MNT_NOEXEC = 0x4 + MNT_NOSUID = 0x8 + MNT_NOUSERXATTR = 0x1000000 + MNT_NOWAIT = 0x2 + MNT_QUARANTINE = 0x400 + MNT_QUOTA = 0x2000 + MNT_RDONLY = 0x1 + MNT_RELOAD = 0x40000 + MNT_REMOVABLE = 0x200 + MNT_ROOTFS = 0x4000 + MNT_SNAPSHOT = 0x40000000 + MNT_STRICTATIME = 0x80000000 + MNT_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x2 + MNT_UNION = 0x20 + MNT_UNKNOWNPERMISSIONS = 0x200000 + MNT_UPDATE = 0x10000 + MNT_VISFLAGMASK = 0xd7f0f7ff + MNT_WAIT = 0x1 + MSG_CTRUNC = 0x20 + MSG_DONTROUTE = 0x4 + MSG_DONTWAIT = 0x80 + MSG_EOF = 0x100 + MSG_EOR = 0x8 + MSG_FLUSH = 0x400 + MSG_HAVEMORE = 0x2000 + MSG_HOLD = 0x800 + MSG_NEEDSA = 0x10000 + MSG_NOSIGNAL = 0x80000 + MSG_OOB = 0x1 + MSG_PEEK = 0x2 + MSG_RCVMORE = 0x4000 + MSG_SEND = 0x1000 + MSG_TRUNC = 0x10 + MSG_WAITALL = 0x40 + MSG_WAITSTREAM = 0x200 + MS_ASYNC = 0x1 + MS_DEACTIVATE = 0x8 + MS_INVALIDATE = 0x2 + MS_KILLPAGES = 0x4 + MS_SYNC = 0x10 + NAME_MAX = 0xff + NET_RT_DUMP = 0x1 + NET_RT_DUMP2 = 0x7 + NET_RT_FLAGS = 0x2 + NET_RT_FLAGS_PRIV = 0xa + NET_RT_IFLIST = 0x3 + NET_RT_IFLIST2 = 0x6 + NET_RT_MAXID = 0xb + NET_RT_STAT = 0x4 + NET_RT_TRASH = 0x5 + NFDBITS = 0x20 + NL0 = 0x0 + NL1 = 0x100 + NL2 = 0x200 + NL3 = 0x300 + NLDLY = 0x300 + NOFLSH = 0x80000000 + NOKERNINFO = 0x2000000 + NOTE_ABSOLUTE = 0x8 + NOTE_ATTRIB = 0x8 + NOTE_BACKGROUND = 0x40 + NOTE_CHILD = 0x4 + NOTE_CRITICAL = 0x20 + NOTE_DELETE = 0x1 + NOTE_EXEC = 0x20000000 + NOTE_EXIT = 0x80000000 + NOTE_EXITSTATUS = 0x4000000 + NOTE_EXIT_CSERROR = 0x40000 + NOTE_EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL = 0x10000 + NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL = 0x2000000 + NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL_MASK = 0x70000 + NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY = 0x20000 + NOTE_EXIT_REPARENTED = 0x80000 + NOTE_EXTEND = 0x4 + NOTE_FFAND = 0x40000000 + NOTE_FFCOPY = 0xc0000000 + NOTE_FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000 + NOTE_FFLAGSMASK = 0xffffff + NOTE_FFNOP = 0x0 + NOTE_FFOR = 0x80000000 + NOTE_FORK = 0x40000000 + NOTE_FUNLOCK = 0x100 + NOTE_LEEWAY = 0x10 + NOTE_LINK = 0x10 + NOTE_LOWAT = 0x1 + NOTE_MACHTIME = 0x100 + NOTE_MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME = 0x80 + NOTE_NONE = 0x80 + NOTE_NSECONDS = 0x4 + NOTE_OOB = 0x2 + NOTE_PCTRLMASK = -0x100000 + NOTE_PDATAMASK = 0xfffff + NOTE_REAP = 0x10000000 + NOTE_RENAME = 0x20 + NOTE_REVOKE = 0x40 + NOTE_SECONDS = 0x1 + NOTE_SIGNAL = 0x8000000 + NOTE_TRACK = 0x1 + NOTE_TRACKERR = 0x2 + NOTE_TRIGGER = 0x1000000 + NOTE_USECONDS = 0x2 + NOTE_VM_ERROR = 0x10000000 + NOTE_VM_PRESSURE = 0x80000000 + NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE = 0x20000000 + NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE = 0x40000000 + NOTE_WRITE = 0x2 + OCRNL = 0x10 + OFDEL = 0x20000 + OFILL = 0x80 + ONLCR = 0x2 + ONLRET = 0x40 + ONOCR = 0x20 + ONOEOT = 0x8 + OPOST = 0x1 + OXTABS = 0x4 + O_ACCMODE = 0x3 + O_ALERT = 0x20000000 + O_APPEND = 0x8 + O_ASYNC = 0x40 + O_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000 + O_CREAT = 0x200 + O_DIRECTORY = 0x100000 + O_DP_GETRAWENCRYPTED = 0x1 + O_DP_GETRAWUNENCRYPTED = 0x2 + O_DSYNC = 0x400000 + O_EVTONLY = 0x8000 + O_EXCL = 0x800 + O_EXLOCK = 0x20 + O_FSYNC = 0x80 + O_NDELAY = 0x4 + O_NOCTTY = 0x20000 + O_NOFOLLOW = 0x100 + O_NOFOLLOW_ANY = 0x20000000 + O_NONBLOCK = 0x4 + O_POPUP = 0x80000000 + O_RDONLY = 0x0 + O_RDWR = 0x2 + O_SHLOCK = 0x10 + O_SYMLINK = 0x200000 + O_SYNC = 0x80 + O_TRUNC = 0x400 + O_WRONLY = 0x1 + PARENB = 0x1000 + PARMRK = 0x8 + PARODD = 0x2000 + PENDIN = 0x20000000 + PRIO_PGRP = 0x1 + PRIO_PROCESS = 0x0 + PRIO_USER = 0x2 + PROT_EXEC = 0x4 + PROT_NONE = 0x0 + PROT_READ = 0x1 + PROT_WRITE = 0x2 + PT_ATTACH = 0xa + PT_ATTACHEXC = 0xe + PT_CONTINUE = 0x7 + PT_DENY_ATTACH = 0x1f + PT_DETACH = 0xb + PT_FIRSTMACH = 0x20 + PT_FORCEQUOTA = 0x1e + PT_KILL = 0x8 + PT_READ_D = 0x2 + PT_READ_I = 0x1 + PT_READ_U = 0x3 + PT_SIGEXC = 0xc + PT_STEP = 0x9 + PT_THUPDATE = 0xd + PT_TRACE_ME = 0x0 + PT_WRITE_D = 0x5 + PT_WRITE_I = 0x4 + PT_WRITE_U = 0x6 + RLIMIT_AS = 0x5 + RLIMIT_CORE = 0x4 + RLIMIT_CPU = 0x0 + RLIMIT_CPU_USAGE_MONITOR = 0x2 + RLIMIT_DATA = 0x2 + RLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1 + RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6 + RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8 + RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7 + RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 + RLIMIT_STACK = 0x3 + RLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff + RTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6 + RTAX_BRD = 0x7 + RTAX_DST = 0x0 + RTAX_GATEWAY = 0x1 + RTAX_GENMASK = 0x3 + RTAX_IFA = 0x5 + RTAX_IFP = 0x4 + RTAX_MAX = 0x8 + RTAX_NETMASK = 0x2 + RTA_AUTHOR = 0x40 + RTA_BRD = 0x80 + RTA_DST = 0x1 + RTA_GATEWAY = 0x2 + RTA_GENMASK = 0x8 + RTA_IFA = 0x20 + RTA_IFP = 0x10 + RTA_NETMASK = 0x4 + RTF_BLACKHOLE = 0x1000 + RTF_BROADCAST = 0x400000 + RTF_CLONING = 0x100 + RTF_CONDEMNED = 0x2000000 + RTF_DEAD = 0x20000000 + RTF_DELCLONE = 0x80 + RTF_DONE = 0x40 + RTF_DYNAMIC = 0x10 + RTF_GATEWAY = 0x2 + RTF_GLOBAL = 0x40000000 + RTF_HOST = 0x4 + RTF_IFREF = 0x4000000 + RTF_IFSCOPE = 0x1000000 + RTF_LLDATA = 0x400 + RTF_LLINFO = 0x400 + RTF_LOCAL = 0x200000 + RTF_MODIFIED = 0x20 + RTF_MULTICAST = 0x800000 + RTF_NOIFREF = 0x2000 + RTF_PINNED = 0x100000 + RTF_PRCLONING = 0x10000 + RTF_PROTO1 = 0x8000 + RTF_PROTO2 = 0x4000 + RTF_PROTO3 = 0x40000 + RTF_PROXY = 0x8000000 + RTF_REJECT = 0x8 + RTF_ROUTER = 0x10000000 + RTF_STATIC = 0x800 + RTF_UP = 0x1 + RTF_WASCLONED = 0x20000 + RTF_XRESOLVE = 0x200 + RTM_ADD = 0x1 + RTM_CHANGE = 0x3 + RTM_DELADDR = 0xd + RTM_DELETE = 0x2 + RTM_DELMADDR = 0x10 + RTM_GET = 0x4 + RTM_GET2 = 0x14 + RTM_IFINFO = 0xe + RTM_IFINFO2 = 0x12 + RTM_LOCK = 0x8 + RTM_LOSING = 0x5 + RTM_MISS = 0x7 + RTM_NEWADDR = 0xc + RTM_NEWMADDR = 0xf + RTM_NEWMADDR2 = 0x13 + RTM_OLDADD = 0x9 + RTM_OLDDEL = 0xa + RTM_REDIRECT = 0x6 + RTM_RESOLVE = 0xb + RTM_RTTUNIT = 0xf4240 + RTM_VERSION = 0x5 + RTV_EXPIRE = 0x4 + RTV_HOPCOUNT = 0x2 + RTV_MTU = 0x1 + RTV_RPIPE = 0x8 + RTV_RTT = 0x40 + RTV_RTTVAR = 0x80 + RTV_SPIPE = 0x10 + RTV_SSTHRESH = 0x20 + RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -0x1 + RUSAGE_SELF = 0x0 + SCM_CREDS = 0x3 + SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 + SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 + SCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x4 + SEEK_CUR = 0x1 + SEEK_DATA = 0x4 + SEEK_END = 0x2 + SEEK_HOLE = 0x3 + SEEK_SET = 0x0 + SHUT_RD = 0x0 + SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 + SHUT_WR = 0x1 + SIOCADDMULTI = 0x80206931 + SIOCAIFADDR = 0x8040691a + SIOCARPIPLL = 0xc0206928 + SIOCATMARK = 0x40047307 + SIOCAUTOADDR = 0xc0206926 + SIOCAUTONETMASK = 0x80206927 + SIOCDELMULTI = 0x80206932 + SIOCDIFADDR = 0x80206919 + SIOCDIFPHYADDR = 0x80206941 + SIOCGDRVSPEC = 0xc028697b + SIOCGETVLAN = 0xc020697f + SIOCGHIWAT = 0x40047301 + SIOCGIF6LOWPAN = 0xc02069c5 + SIOCGIFADDR = 0xc0206921 + SIOCGIFALTMTU = 0xc0206948 + SIOCGIFASYNCMAP = 0xc020697c + SIOCGIFBOND = 0xc0206947 + SIOCGIFBRDADDR = 0xc0206923 + SIOCGIFCAP = 0xc020695b + SIOCGIFCONF = 0xc00c6924 + SIOCGIFDEVMTU = 0xc0206944 + SIOCGIFDSTADDR = 0xc0206922 + SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0xc0206911 + SIOCGIFFUNCTIONALTYPE = 0xc02069ad + SIOCGIFGENERIC = 0xc020693a + SIOCGIFKPI = 0xc0206987 + SIOCGIFMAC = 0xc0206982 + SIOCGIFMEDIA = 0xc02c6938 + SIOCGIFMETRIC = 0xc0206917 + SIOCGIFMTU = 0xc0206933 + SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0xc0206925 + SIOCGIFPDSTADDR = 0xc0206940 + SIOCGIFPHYS = 0xc0206935 + SIOCGIFPSRCADDR = 0xc020693f + SIOCGIFSTATUS = 0xc331693d + SIOCGIFVLAN = 0xc020697f + SIOCGIFWAKEFLAGS = 0xc0206988 + SIOCGIFXMEDIA = 0xc02c6948 + SIOCGLOWAT = 0x40047303 + SIOCGPGRP = 0x40047309 + SIOCIFCREATE = 0xc0206978 + SIOCIFCREATE2 = 0xc020697a + SIOCIFDESTROY = 0x80206979 + SIOCIFGCLONERS = 0xc0106981 + SIOCRSLVMULTI = 0xc010693b + SIOCSDRVSPEC = 0x8028697b + SIOCSETVLAN = 0x8020697e + SIOCSHIWAT = 0x80047300 + SIOCSIF6LOWPAN = 0x802069c4 + SIOCSIFADDR = 0x8020690c + SIOCSIFALTMTU = 0x80206945 + SIOCSIFASYNCMAP = 0x8020697d + SIOCSIFBOND = 0x80206946 + SIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x80206913 + SIOCSIFCAP = 0x8020695a + SIOCSIFDSTADDR = 0x8020690e + SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x80206910 + SIOCSIFGENERIC = 0x80206939 + SIOCSIFKPI = 0x80206986 + SIOCSIFLLADDR = 0x8020693c + SIOCSIFMAC = 0x80206983 + SIOCSIFMEDIA = 0xc0206937 + SIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x80206918 + SIOCSIFMTU = 0x80206934 + SIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x80206916 + SIOCSIFPHYADDR = 0x8040693e + SIOCSIFPHYS = 0x80206936 + SIOCSIFVLAN = 0x8020697e + SIOCSLOWAT = 0x80047302 + SIOCSPGRP = 0x80047308 + SOCK_DGRAM = 0x2 + SOCK_MAXADDRLEN = 0xff + SOCK_RAW = 0x3 + SOCK_RDM = 0x4 + SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 + SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 + SOL_LOCAL = 0x0 + SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff + SOMAXCONN = 0x80 + SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 + SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 + SO_DEBUG = 0x1 + SO_DONTROUTE = 0x10 + SO_DONTTRUNC = 0x2000 + SO_ERROR = 0x1007 + SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x8 + SO_LABEL = 0x1010 + SO_LINGER = 0x80 + SO_LINGER_SEC = 0x1080 + SO_NETSVC_MARKING_LEVEL = 0x1119 + SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE = 0x1116 + SO_NKE = 0x1021 + SO_NOADDRERR = 0x1023 + SO_NOSIGPIPE = 0x1022 + SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT = 0x1026 + SO_NP_EXTENSIONS = 0x1083 + SO_NREAD = 0x1020 + SO_NUMRCVPKT = 0x1112 + SO_NWRITE = 0x1024 + SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 + SO_PEERLABEL = 0x1011 + SO_RANDOMPORT = 0x1082 + SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 + SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 + SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 + SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 + SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 + SO_REUSESHAREUID = 0x1025 + SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001 + SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 + SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 + SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x400 + SO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x800 + SO_TRACKER_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_APP_APPROVED = 0x1 + SO_TRACKER_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_DOMAIN_SHORT = 0x4 + SO_TRACKER_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_TRACKER = 0x2 + SO_TRACKER_TRANSPARENCY_VERSION = 0x3 + SO_TYPE = 0x1008 + SO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT = 0x1027 + SO_USELOOPBACK = 0x40 + SO_WANTMORE = 0x4000 + SO_WANTOOBFLAG = 0x8000 + S_IEXEC = 0x40 + S_IFBLK = 0x6000 + S_IFCHR = 0x2000 + S_IFDIR = 0x4000 + S_IFIFO = 0x1000 + S_IFLNK = 0xa000 + S_IFMT = 0xf000 + S_IFREG = 0x8000 + S_IFSOCK = 0xc000 + S_IFWHT = 0xe000 + S_IREAD = 0x100 + S_IRGRP = 0x20 + S_IROTH = 0x4 + S_IRUSR = 0x100 + S_IRWXG = 0x38 + S_IRWXO = 0x7 + S_IRWXU = 0x1c0 + S_ISGID = 0x400 + S_ISTXT = 0x200 + S_ISUID = 0x800 + S_ISVTX = 0x200 + S_IWGRP = 0x10 + S_IWOTH = 0x2 + S_IWRITE = 0x80 + S_IWUSR = 0x80 + S_IXGRP = 0x8 + S_IXOTH = 0x1 + S_IXUSR = 0x40 + TAB0 = 0x0 + TAB1 = 0x400 + TAB2 = 0x800 + TAB3 = 0x4 + TABDLY = 0xc04 + TCIFLUSH = 0x1 + TCIOFF = 0x3 + TCIOFLUSH = 0x3 + TCION = 0x4 + TCOFLUSH = 0x2 + TCOOFF = 0x1 + TCOON = 0x2 + TCPOPT_CC = 0xb + TCPOPT_CCECHO = 0xd + TCPOPT_CCNEW = 0xc + TCPOPT_EOL = 0x0 + TCPOPT_FASTOPEN = 0x22 + TCPOPT_MAXSEG = 0x2 + TCPOPT_NOP = 0x1 + TCPOPT_SACK = 0x5 + TCPOPT_SACK_HDR = 0x1010500 + TCPOPT_SACK_PERMITTED = 0x4 + TCPOPT_SACK_PERMIT_HDR = 0x1010402 + TCPOPT_SIGNATURE = 0x13 + TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP = 0x8 + TCPOPT_TSTAMP_HDR = 0x101080a + TCPOPT_WINDOW = 0x3 + TCP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT = 0x20 + TCP_CONNECTION_INFO = 0x106 + TCP_ENABLE_ECN = 0x104 + TCP_FASTOPEN = 0x105 + TCP_KEEPALIVE = 0x10 + TCP_KEEPCNT = 0x102 + TCP_KEEPINTVL = 0x101 + TCP_MAXHLEN = 0x3c + TCP_MAXOLEN = 0x28 + TCP_MAXSEG = 0x2 + TCP_MAXWIN = 0xffff + TCP_MAX_SACK = 0x4 + TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 0xe + TCP_MINMSS = 0xd8 + TCP_MSS = 0x200 + TCP_NODELAY = 0x1 + TCP_NOOPT = 0x8 + TCP_NOPUSH = 0x4 + TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT = 0x201 + TCP_RXT_CONNDROPTIME = 0x80 + TCP_RXT_FINDROP = 0x100 + TCP_SENDMOREACKS = 0x103 + TCSAFLUSH = 0x2 + TIOCCBRK = 0x2000747a + TIOCCDTR = 0x20007478 + TIOCCONS = 0x80047462 + TIOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40107458 + TIOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e + TIOCDSIMICROCODE = 0x20007455 + TIOCEXCL = 0x2000740d + TIOCEXT = 0x80047460 + TIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410 + TIOCGDRAINWAIT = 0x40047456 + TIOCGETA = 0x40487413 + TIOCGETD = 0x4004741a + TIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477 + TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468 + TIOCIXOFF = 0x20007480 + TIOCIXON = 0x20007481 + TIOCMBIC = 0x8004746b + TIOCMBIS = 0x8004746c + TIOCMGDTRWAIT = 0x4004745a + TIOCMGET = 0x4004746a + TIOCMODG = 0x40047403 + TIOCMODS = 0x80047404 + TIOCMSDTRWAIT = 0x8004745b + TIOCMSET = 0x8004746d + TIOCM_CAR = 0x40 + TIOCM_CD = 0x40 + TIOCM_CTS = 0x20 + TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 + TIOCM_DTR = 0x2 + TIOCM_LE = 0x1 + TIOCM_RI = 0x80 + TIOCM_RNG = 0x80 + TIOCM_RTS = 0x4 + TIOCM_SR = 0x10 + TIOCM_ST = 0x8 + TIOCNOTTY = 0x20007471 + TIOCNXCL = 0x2000740e + TIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473 + TIOCPKT = 0x80047470 + TIOCPKT_DATA = 0x0 + TIOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20 + TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1 + TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2 + TIOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40 + TIOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10 + TIOCPKT_START = 0x8 + TIOCPKT_STOP = 0x4 + TIOCPTYGNAME = 0x40807453 + TIOCPTYGRANT = 0x20007454 + TIOCPTYUNLK = 0x20007452 + TIOCREMOTE = 0x80047469 + TIOCSBRK = 0x2000747b + TIOCSCONS = 0x20007463 + TIOCSCTTY = 0x20007461 + TIOCSDRAINWAIT = 0x80047457 + TIOCSDTR = 0x20007479 + TIOCSETA = 0x80487414 + TIOCSETAF = 0x80487416 + TIOCSETAW = 0x80487415 + TIOCSETD = 0x8004741b + TIOCSIG = 0x2000745f + TIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476 + TIOCSTART = 0x2000746e + TIOCSTAT = 0x20007465 + TIOCSTI = 0x80017472 + TIOCSTOP = 0x2000746f + TIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467 + TIOCTIMESTAMP = 0x40107459 + TIOCUCNTL = 0x80047466 + TOSTOP = 0x400000 + VDISCARD = 0xf + VDSUSP = 0xb + VEOF = 0x0 + VEOL = 0x1 + VEOL2 = 0x2 + VERASE = 0x3 + VINTR = 0x8 + VKILL = 0x5 + VLNEXT = 0xe + VMADDR_CID_ANY = 0xffffffff + VMADDR_CID_HOST = 0x2 + VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR = 0x0 + VMADDR_CID_RESERVED = 0x1 + VMADDR_PORT_ANY = 0xffffffff + VMIN = 0x10 + VM_LOADAVG = 0x2 + VM_MACHFACTOR = 0x4 + VM_MAXID = 0x6 + VM_METER = 0x1 + VM_SWAPUSAGE = 0x5 + VQUIT = 0x9 + VREPRINT = 0x6 + VSTART = 0xc + VSTATUS = 0x12 + VSTOP = 0xd + VSUSP = 0xa + VT0 = 0x0 + VT1 = 0x10000 + VTDLY = 0x10000 + VTIME = 0x11 + VWERASE = 0x4 + WCONTINUED = 0x10 + WCOREFLAG = 0x80 + WEXITED = 0x4 + WNOHANG = 0x1 + WNOWAIT = 0x20 + WORDSIZE = 0x40 + WSTOPPED = 0x8 + WUNTRACED = 0x2 + XATTR_CREATE = 0x2 + XATTR_NODEFAULT = 0x10 + XATTR_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 + XATTR_NOSECURITY = 0x8 + XATTR_REPLACE = 0x4 + XATTR_SHOWCOMPRESSION = 0x20 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm.go deleted file mode 100644 index 03feefbf..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1788 +0,0 @@ -// mkerrors.sh -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build arm,darwin - -// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- _const.go - -package unix - -import "syscall" - -const ( - AF_APPLETALK = 0x10 - AF_CCITT = 0xa - AF_CHAOS = 0x5 - AF_CNT = 0x15 - AF_COIP = 0x14 - AF_DATAKIT = 0x9 - AF_DECnet = 0xc - AF_DLI = 0xd - AF_E164 = 0x1c - AF_ECMA = 0x8 - AF_HYLINK = 0xf - AF_IEEE80211 = 0x25 - AF_IMPLINK = 0x3 - AF_INET = 0x2 - AF_INET6 = 0x1e - AF_IPX = 0x17 - AF_ISDN = 0x1c - AF_ISO = 0x7 - AF_LAT = 0xe - AF_LINK = 0x12 - AF_LOCAL = 0x1 - AF_MAX = 0x28 - AF_NATM = 0x1f - AF_NDRV = 0x1b - AF_NETBIOS = 0x21 - AF_NS = 0x6 - AF_OSI = 0x7 - AF_PPP = 0x22 - AF_PUP = 0x4 - AF_RESERVED_36 = 0x24 - AF_ROUTE = 0x11 - AF_SIP = 0x18 - AF_SNA = 0xb - AF_SYSTEM = 0x20 - AF_SYS_CONTROL = 0x2 - AF_UNIX = 0x1 - AF_UNSPEC = 0x0 - AF_UTUN = 0x26 - ALTWERASE = 0x200 - ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT = 0x5 - ATTR_CMN_ACCESSMASK = 0x20000 - ATTR_CMN_ACCTIME = 0x1000 - ATTR_CMN_ADDEDTIME = 0x10000000 - ATTR_CMN_BKUPTIME = 0x2000 - ATTR_CMN_CHGTIME = 0x800 - ATTR_CMN_CRTIME = 0x200 - ATTR_CMN_DATA_PROTECT_FLAGS = 0x40000000 - ATTR_CMN_DEVID = 0x2 - ATTR_CMN_DOCUMENT_ID = 0x100000 - ATTR_CMN_ERROR = 0x20000000 - ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED_SECURITY = 0x400000 - ATTR_CMN_FILEID = 0x2000000 - ATTR_CMN_FLAGS = 0x40000 - ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO = 0x4000 - ATTR_CMN_FSID = 0x4 - ATTR_CMN_FULLPATH = 0x8000000 - ATTR_CMN_GEN_COUNT = 0x80000 - ATTR_CMN_GRPID = 0x10000 - ATTR_CMN_GRPUUID = 0x1000000 - ATTR_CMN_MODTIME = 0x400 - ATTR_CMN_NAME = 0x1 - ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRCOUNT = 0x80000 - ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRLIST = 0x100000 - ATTR_CMN_OBJID = 0x20 - ATTR_CMN_OBJPERMANENTID = 0x40 - ATTR_CMN_OBJTAG = 0x10 - ATTR_CMN_OBJTYPE = 0x8 - ATTR_CMN_OWNERID = 0x8000 - ATTR_CMN_PARENTID = 0x4000000 - ATTR_CMN_PAROBJID = 0x80 - ATTR_CMN_RETURNED_ATTRS = 0x80000000 - ATTR_CMN_SCRIPT = 0x100 - ATTR_CMN_SETMASK = 0x41c7ff00 - ATTR_CMN_USERACCESS = 0x200000 - ATTR_CMN_UUID = 0x800000 - ATTR_CMN_VALIDMASK = 0xffffffff - ATTR_CMN_VOLSETMASK = 0x6700 - ATTR_FILE_ALLOCSIZE = 0x4 - ATTR_FILE_CLUMPSIZE = 0x10 - ATTR_FILE_DATAALLOCSIZE = 0x400 - ATTR_FILE_DATAEXTENTS = 0x800 - ATTR_FILE_DATALENGTH = 0x200 - ATTR_FILE_DEVTYPE = 0x20 - ATTR_FILE_FILETYPE = 0x40 - ATTR_FILE_FORKCOUNT = 0x80 - ATTR_FILE_FORKLIST = 0x100 - ATTR_FILE_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x8 - ATTR_FILE_LINKCOUNT = 0x1 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCALLOCSIZE = 0x2000 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCEXTENTS = 0x4000 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCLENGTH = 0x1000 - ATTR_FILE_SETMASK = 0x20 - ATTR_FILE_TOTALSIZE = 0x2 - ATTR_FILE_VALIDMASK = 0x37ff - ATTR_VOL_ALLOCATIONCLUMP = 0x40 - ATTR_VOL_ATTRIBUTES = 0x40000000 - ATTR_VOL_CAPABILITIES = 0x20000 - ATTR_VOL_DIRCOUNT = 0x400 - ATTR_VOL_ENCODINGSUSED = 0x10000 - ATTR_VOL_FILECOUNT = 0x200 - ATTR_VOL_FSTYPE = 0x1 - ATTR_VOL_INFO = 0x80000000 - ATTR_VOL_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x80 - ATTR_VOL_MAXOBJCOUNT = 0x800 - ATTR_VOL_MINALLOCATION = 0x20 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTEDDEVICE = 0x8000 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTFLAGS = 0x4000 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTPOINT = 0x1000 - ATTR_VOL_NAME = 0x2000 - ATTR_VOL_OBJCOUNT = 0x100 - ATTR_VOL_QUOTA_SIZE = 0x10000000 - ATTR_VOL_RESERVED_SIZE = 0x20000000 - ATTR_VOL_SETMASK = 0x80002000 - ATTR_VOL_SIGNATURE = 0x2 - ATTR_VOL_SIZE = 0x4 - ATTR_VOL_SPACEAVAIL = 0x10 - ATTR_VOL_SPACEFREE = 0x8 - ATTR_VOL_UUID = 0x40000 - ATTR_VOL_VALIDMASK = 0xf007ffff - B0 = 0x0 - B110 = 0x6e - B115200 = 0x1c200 - B1200 = 0x4b0 - B134 = 0x86 - B14400 = 0x3840 - B150 = 0x96 - B1800 = 0x708 - B19200 = 0x4b00 - B200 = 0xc8 - B230400 = 0x38400 - B2400 = 0x960 - B28800 = 0x7080 - B300 = 0x12c - B38400 = 0x9600 - B4800 = 0x12c0 - B50 = 0x32 - B57600 = 0xe100 - B600 = 0x258 - B7200 = 0x1c20 - B75 = 0x4b - B76800 = 0x12c00 - B9600 = 0x2580 - BIOCFLUSH = 0x20004268 - BIOCGBLEN = 0x40044266 - BIOCGDLT = 0x4004426a - BIOCGDLTLIST = 0xc00c4279 - BIOCGETIF = 0x4020426b - BIOCGHDRCMPLT = 0x40044274 - BIOCGRSIG = 0x40044272 - BIOCGRTIMEOUT = 0x4010426e - BIOCGSEESENT = 0x40044276 - BIOCGSTATS = 0x4008426f - BIOCIMMEDIATE = 0x80044270 - BIOCPROMISC = 0x20004269 - BIOCSBLEN = 0xc0044266 - BIOCSDLT = 0x80044278 - BIOCSETF = 0x80104267 - BIOCSETFNR = 0x8010427e - BIOCSETIF = 0x8020426c - BIOCSHDRCMPLT = 0x80044275 - BIOCSRSIG = 0x80044273 - BIOCSRTIMEOUT = 0x8010426d - BIOCSSEESENT = 0x80044277 - BIOCVERSION = 0x40044271 - BPF_A = 0x10 - BPF_ABS = 0x20 - BPF_ADD = 0x0 - BPF_ALIGNMENT = 0x4 - BPF_ALU = 0x4 - BPF_AND = 0x50 - BPF_B = 0x10 - BPF_DIV = 0x30 - BPF_H = 0x8 - BPF_IMM = 0x0 - BPF_IND = 0x40 - BPF_JA = 0x0 - BPF_JEQ = 0x10 - BPF_JGE = 0x30 - BPF_JGT = 0x20 - BPF_JMP = 0x5 - BPF_JSET = 0x40 - BPF_K = 0x0 - BPF_LD = 0x0 - BPF_LDX = 0x1 - BPF_LEN = 0x80 - BPF_LSH = 0x60 - BPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x1 - BPF_MAXBUFSIZE = 0x80000 - BPF_MAXINSNS = 0x200 - BPF_MEM = 0x60 - BPF_MEMWORDS = 0x10 - BPF_MINBUFSIZE = 0x20 - BPF_MINOR_VERSION = 0x1 - BPF_MISC = 0x7 - BPF_MSH = 0xa0 - BPF_MUL = 0x20 - BPF_NEG = 0x80 - BPF_OR = 0x40 - BPF_RELEASE = 0x30bb6 - BPF_RET = 0x6 - BPF_RSH = 0x70 - BPF_ST = 0x2 - BPF_STX = 0x3 - BPF_SUB = 0x10 - BPF_TAX = 0x0 - BPF_TXA = 0x80 - BPF_W = 0x0 - BPF_X = 0x8 - BRKINT = 0x2 - BS0 = 0x0 - BS1 = 0x8000 - BSDLY = 0x8000 - CFLUSH = 0xf - CLOCAL = 0x8000 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 0x6 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 0x4 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX = 0x5 - CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0xc - CLOCK_REALTIME = 0x0 - CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x10 - CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW = 0x8 - CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX = 0x9 - CLONE_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - CLONE_NOOWNERCOPY = 0x2 - CR0 = 0x0 - CR1 = 0x1000 - CR2 = 0x2000 - CR3 = 0x3000 - CRDLY = 0x3000 - CREAD = 0x800 - CRTSCTS = 0x30000 - CS5 = 0x0 - CS6 = 0x100 - CS7 = 0x200 - CS8 = 0x300 - CSIZE = 0x300 - CSTART = 0x11 - CSTATUS = 0x14 - CSTOP = 0x13 - CSTOPB = 0x400 - CSUSP = 0x1a - CTLIOCGINFO = 0xc0644e03 - CTL_HW = 0x6 - CTL_KERN = 0x1 - CTL_MAXNAME = 0xc - CTL_NET = 0x4 - DLT_A429 = 0xb8 - DLT_A653_ICM = 0xb9 - DLT_AIRONET_HEADER = 0x78 - DLT_AOS = 0xde - DLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394 = 0x8a - DLT_ARCNET = 0x7 - DLT_ARCNET_LINUX = 0x81 - DLT_ATM_CLIP = 0x13 - DLT_ATM_RFC1483 = 0xb - DLT_AURORA = 0x7e - DLT_AX25 = 0x3 - DLT_AX25_KISS = 0xca - DLT_BACNET_MS_TP = 0xa5 - DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4 = 0xbb - DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR = 0xc9 - DLT_CAN20B = 0xbe - DLT_CAN_SOCKETCAN = 0xe3 - DLT_CHAOS = 0x5 - DLT_CHDLC = 0x68 - DLT_CISCO_IOS = 0x76 - DLT_C_HDLC = 0x68 - DLT_C_HDLC_WITH_DIR = 0xcd - DLT_DBUS = 0xe7 - DLT_DECT = 0xdd - DLT_DOCSIS = 0x8f - DLT_DVB_CI = 0xeb - DLT_ECONET = 0x73 - DLT_EN10MB = 0x1 - DLT_EN3MB = 0x2 - DLT_ENC = 0x6d - DLT_ERF = 0xc5 - DLT_ERF_ETH = 0xaf - DLT_ERF_POS = 0xb0 - DLT_FC_2 = 0xe0 - DLT_FC_2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS = 0xe1 - DLT_FDDI = 0xa - DLT_FLEXRAY = 0xd2 - DLT_FRELAY = 0x6b - DLT_FRELAY_WITH_DIR = 0xce - DLT_GCOM_SERIAL = 0xad - DLT_GCOM_T1E1 = 0xac - DLT_GPF_F = 0xab - DLT_GPF_T = 0xaa - DLT_GPRS_LLC = 0xa9 - DLT_GSMTAP_ABIS = 0xda - DLT_GSMTAP_UM = 0xd9 - DLT_HHDLC = 0x79 - DLT_IBM_SN = 0x92 - DLT_IBM_SP = 0x91 - DLT_IEEE802 = 0x6 - DLT_IEEE802_11 = 0x69 - DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO = 0x7f - DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVS = 0xa3 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4 = 0xc3 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUX = 0xbf - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS = 0xe6 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY = 0xd7 - DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS = 0xbc - DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO = 0xc1 - DLT_IPFILTER = 0x74 - DLT_IPMB = 0xc7 - DLT_IPMB_LINUX = 0xd1 - DLT_IPNET = 0xe2 - DLT_IPOIB = 0xf2 - DLT_IPV4 = 0xe4 - DLT_IPV6 = 0xe5 - DLT_IP_OVER_FC = 0x7a - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM1 = 0x89 - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM2 = 0x87 - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM_CEMIC = 0xee - DLT_JUNIPER_CHDLC = 0xb5 - DLT_JUNIPER_ES = 0x84 - DLT_JUNIPER_ETHER = 0xb2 - DLT_JUNIPER_FIBRECHANNEL = 0xea - DLT_JUNIPER_FRELAY = 0xb4 - DLT_JUNIPER_GGSN = 0x85 - DLT_JUNIPER_ISM = 0xc2 - DLT_JUNIPER_MFR = 0x86 - DLT_JUNIPER_MLFR = 0x83 - DLT_JUNIPER_MLPPP = 0x82 - DLT_JUNIPER_MONITOR = 0xa4 - DLT_JUNIPER_PIC_PEER = 0xae - DLT_JUNIPER_PPP = 0xb3 - DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE = 0xa7 - DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE_ATM = 0xa8 - DLT_JUNIPER_SERVICES = 0x88 - DLT_JUNIPER_SRX_E2E = 0xe9 - DLT_JUNIPER_ST = 0xc8 - DLT_JUNIPER_VP = 0xb7 - DLT_JUNIPER_VS = 0xe8 - DLT_LAPB_WITH_DIR = 0xcf - DLT_LAPD = 0xcb - DLT_LIN = 0xd4 - DLT_LINUX_EVDEV = 0xd8 - DLT_LINUX_IRDA = 0x90 - DLT_LINUX_LAPD = 0xb1 - DLT_LINUX_PPP_WITHDIRECTION = 0xa6 - DLT_LINUX_SLL = 0x71 - DLT_LOOP = 0x6c - DLT_LTALK = 0x72 - DLT_MATCHING_MAX = 0xf5 - DLT_MATCHING_MIN = 0x68 - DLT_MFR = 0xb6 - DLT_MOST = 0xd3 - DLT_MPEG_2_TS = 0xf3 - DLT_MPLS = 0xdb - DLT_MTP2 = 0x8c - DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR = 0x8b - DLT_MTP3 = 0x8d - DLT_MUX27010 = 0xec - DLT_NETANALYZER = 0xf0 - DLT_NETANALYZER_TRANSPARENT = 0xf1 - DLT_NFC_LLCP = 0xf5 - DLT_NFLOG = 0xef - DLT_NG40 = 0xf4 - DLT_NULL = 0x0 - DLT_PCI_EXP = 0x7d - DLT_PFLOG = 0x75 - DLT_PFSYNC = 0x12 - DLT_PPI = 0xc0 - DLT_PPP = 0x9 - DLT_PPP_BSDOS = 0x10 - DLT_PPP_ETHER = 0x33 - DLT_PPP_PPPD = 0xa6 - DLT_PPP_SERIAL = 0x32 - DLT_PPP_WITH_DIR = 0xcc - DLT_PPP_WITH_DIRECTION = 0xa6 - DLT_PRISM_HEADER = 0x77 - DLT_PRONET = 0x4 - DLT_RAIF1 = 0xc6 - DLT_RAW = 0xc - DLT_RIO = 0x7c - DLT_SCCP = 0x8e - DLT_SITA = 0xc4 - DLT_SLIP = 0x8 - DLT_SLIP_BSDOS = 0xf - DLT_STANAG_5066_D_PDU = 0xed - DLT_SUNATM = 0x7b - DLT_SYMANTEC_FIREWALL = 0x63 - DLT_TZSP = 0x80 - DLT_USB = 0xba - DLT_USB_LINUX = 0xbd - DLT_USB_LINUX_MMAPPED = 0xdc - DLT_USER0 = 0x93 - DLT_USER1 = 0x94 - DLT_USER10 = 0x9d - DLT_USER11 = 0x9e - DLT_USER12 = 0x9f - DLT_USER13 = 0xa0 - DLT_USER14 = 0xa1 - DLT_USER15 = 0xa2 - DLT_USER2 = 0x95 - DLT_USER3 = 0x96 - DLT_USER4 = 0x97 - DLT_USER5 = 0x98 - DLT_USER6 = 0x99 - DLT_USER7 = 0x9a - DLT_USER8 = 0x9b - DLT_USER9 = 0x9c - DLT_WIHART = 0xdf - DLT_X2E_SERIAL = 0xd5 - DLT_X2E_XORAYA = 0xd6 - DT_BLK = 0x6 - DT_CHR = 0x2 - DT_DIR = 0x4 - DT_FIFO = 0x1 - DT_LNK = 0xa - DT_REG = 0x8 - DT_SOCK = 0xc - DT_UNKNOWN = 0x0 - DT_WHT = 0xe - ECHO = 0x8 - ECHOCTL = 0x40 - ECHOE = 0x2 - ECHOK = 0x4 - ECHOKE = 0x1 - ECHONL = 0x10 - ECHOPRT = 0x20 - EVFILT_AIO = -0x3 - EVFILT_EXCEPT = -0xf - EVFILT_FS = -0x9 - EVFILT_MACHPORT = -0x8 - EVFILT_PROC = -0x5 - EVFILT_READ = -0x1 - EVFILT_SIGNAL = -0x6 - EVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 0xf - EVFILT_THREADMARKER = 0xf - EVFILT_TIMER = -0x7 - EVFILT_USER = -0xa - EVFILT_VM = -0xc - EVFILT_VNODE = -0x4 - EVFILT_WRITE = -0x2 - EV_ADD = 0x1 - EV_CLEAR = 0x20 - EV_DELETE = 0x2 - EV_DISABLE = 0x8 - EV_DISPATCH = 0x80 - EV_DISPATCH2 = 0x180 - EV_ENABLE = 0x4 - EV_EOF = 0x8000 - EV_ERROR = 0x4000 - EV_FLAG0 = 0x1000 - EV_FLAG1 = 0x2000 - EV_ONESHOT = 0x10 - EV_OOBAND = 0x2000 - EV_POLL = 0x1000 - EV_RECEIPT = 0x40 - EV_SYSFLAGS = 0xf000 - EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC = 0x100 - EV_VANISHED = 0x200 - EXTA = 0x4b00 - EXTB = 0x9600 - EXTPROC = 0x800 - FD_CLOEXEC = 0x1 - FD_SETSIZE = 0x400 - FF0 = 0x0 - FF1 = 0x4000 - FFDLY = 0x4000 - FLUSHO = 0x800000 - FSOPT_ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED = 0x20 - FSOPT_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - FSOPT_NOINMEMUPDATE = 0x2 - FSOPT_PACK_INVAL_ATTRS = 0x8 - FSOPT_REPORT_FULLSIZE = 0x4 - F_ADDFILESIGS = 0x3d - F_ADDFILESIGS_FOR_DYLD_SIM = 0x53 - F_ADDFILESIGS_RETURN = 0x61 - F_ADDSIGS = 0x3b - F_ALLOCATEALL = 0x4 - F_ALLOCATECONTIG = 0x2 - F_BARRIERFSYNC = 0x55 - F_CHECK_LV = 0x62 - F_CHKCLEAN = 0x29 - F_DUPFD = 0x0 - F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0x43 - F_FINDSIGS = 0x4e - F_FLUSH_DATA = 0x28 - F_FREEZE_FS = 0x35 - F_FULLFSYNC = 0x33 - F_GETCODEDIR = 0x48 - F_GETFD = 0x1 - F_GETFL = 0x3 - F_GETLK = 0x7 - F_GETLKPID = 0x42 - F_GETNOSIGPIPE = 0x4a - F_GETOWN = 0x5 - F_GETPATH = 0x32 - F_GETPATH_MTMINFO = 0x47 - F_GETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x3f - F_GETPROTECTIONLEVEL = 0x4d - F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE = 0x37 - F_LOG2PHYS = 0x31 - F_LOG2PHYS_EXT = 0x41 - F_NOCACHE = 0x30 - F_NODIRECT = 0x3e - F_OK = 0x0 - F_PATHPKG_CHECK = 0x34 - F_PEOFPOSMODE = 0x3 - F_PREALLOCATE = 0x2a - F_PUNCHHOLE = 0x63 - F_RDADVISE = 0x2c - F_RDAHEAD = 0x2d - F_RDLCK = 0x1 - F_SETBACKINGSTORE = 0x46 - F_SETFD = 0x2 - F_SETFL = 0x4 - F_SETLK = 0x8 - F_SETLKW = 0x9 - F_SETLKWTIMEOUT = 0xa - F_SETNOSIGPIPE = 0x49 - F_SETOWN = 0x6 - F_SETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x40 - F_SETSIZE = 0x2b - F_SINGLE_WRITER = 0x4c - F_THAW_FS = 0x36 - F_TRANSCODEKEY = 0x4b - F_TRIM_ACTIVE_FILE = 0x64 - F_UNLCK = 0x2 - F_VOLPOSMODE = 0x4 - F_WRLCK = 0x3 - HUPCL = 0x4000 - HW_MACHINE = 0x1 - ICANON = 0x100 - ICMP6_FILTER = 0x12 - ICRNL = 0x100 - IEXTEN = 0x400 - IFF_ALLMULTI = 0x200 - IFF_ALTPHYS = 0x4000 - IFF_BROADCAST = 0x2 - IFF_DEBUG = 0x4 - IFF_LINK0 = 0x1000 - IFF_LINK1 = 0x2000 - IFF_LINK2 = 0x4000 - IFF_LOOPBACK = 0x8 - IFF_MULTICAST = 0x8000 - IFF_NOARP = 0x80 - IFF_NOTRAILERS = 0x20 - IFF_OACTIVE = 0x400 - IFF_POINTOPOINT = 0x10 - IFF_PROMISC = 0x100 - IFF_RUNNING = 0x40 - IFF_SIMPLEX = 0x800 - IFF_UP = 0x1 - IFNAMSIZ = 0x10 - IFT_1822 = 0x2 - IFT_AAL5 = 0x31 - IFT_ARCNET = 0x23 - IFT_ARCNETPLUS = 0x24 - IFT_ATM = 0x25 - IFT_BRIDGE = 0xd1 - IFT_CARP = 0xf8 - IFT_CELLULAR = 0xff - IFT_CEPT = 0x13 - IFT_DS3 = 0x1e - IFT_ENC = 0xf4 - IFT_EON = 0x19 - IFT_ETHER = 0x6 - IFT_FAITH = 0x38 - IFT_FDDI = 0xf - IFT_FRELAY = 0x20 - IFT_FRELAYDCE = 0x2c - IFT_GIF = 0x37 - IFT_HDH1822 = 0x3 - IFT_HIPPI = 0x2f - IFT_HSSI = 0x2e - IFT_HY = 0xe - IFT_IEEE1394 = 0x90 - IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG = 0x88 - IFT_ISDNBASIC = 0x14 - IFT_ISDNPRIMARY = 0x15 - IFT_ISO88022LLC = 0x29 - IFT_ISO88023 = 0x7 - IFT_ISO88024 = 0x8 - IFT_ISO88025 = 0x9 - IFT_ISO88026 = 0xa - IFT_L2VLAN = 0x87 - IFT_LAPB = 0x10 - IFT_LOCALTALK = 0x2a - IFT_LOOP = 0x18 - IFT_MIOX25 = 0x26 - IFT_MODEM = 0x30 - IFT_NSIP = 0x1b - IFT_OTHER = 0x1 - IFT_P10 = 0xc - IFT_P80 = 0xd - IFT_PARA = 0x22 - IFT_PDP = 0xff - IFT_PFLOG = 0xf5 - IFT_PFSYNC = 0xf6 - IFT_PKTAP = 0xfe - IFT_PPP = 0x17 - IFT_PROPMUX = 0x36 - IFT_PROPVIRTUAL = 0x35 - IFT_PTPSERIAL = 0x16 - IFT_RS232 = 0x21 - IFT_SDLC = 0x11 - IFT_SIP = 0x1f - IFT_SLIP = 0x1c - IFT_SMDSDXI = 0x2b - IFT_SMDSICIP = 0x34 - IFT_SONET = 0x27 - IFT_SONETPATH = 0x32 - IFT_SONETVT = 0x33 - IFT_STARLAN = 0xb - IFT_STF = 0x39 - IFT_T1 = 0x12 - IFT_ULTRA = 0x1d - IFT_V35 = 0x2d - IFT_X25 = 0x5 - IFT_X25DDN = 0x4 - IFT_X25PLE = 0x28 - IFT_XETHER = 0x1a - IGNBRK = 0x1 - IGNCR = 0x80 - IGNPAR = 0x4 - IMAXBEL = 0x2000 - INLCR = 0x40 - INPCK = 0x10 - IN_CLASSA_HOST = 0xffffff - IN_CLASSA_MAX = 0x80 - IN_CLASSA_NET = 0xff000000 - IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 0x18 - IN_CLASSB_HOST = 0xffff - IN_CLASSB_MAX = 0x10000 - IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000 - IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 0x10 - IN_CLASSC_HOST = 0xff - IN_CLASSC_NET = 0xffffff00 - IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 0x8 - IN_CLASSD_HOST = 0xfffffff - IN_CLASSD_NET = 0xf0000000 - IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT = 0x1c - IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM = 0xa9fe0000 - IN_LOOPBACKNET = 0x7f - IPPROTO_3PC = 0x22 - IPPROTO_ADFS = 0x44 - IPPROTO_AH = 0x33 - IPPROTO_AHIP = 0x3d - IPPROTO_APES = 0x63 - IPPROTO_ARGUS = 0xd - IPPROTO_AX25 = 0x5d - IPPROTO_BHA = 0x31 - IPPROTO_BLT = 0x1e - IPPROTO_BRSATMON = 0x4c - IPPROTO_CFTP = 0x3e - IPPROTO_CHAOS = 0x10 - IPPROTO_CMTP = 0x26 - IPPROTO_CPHB = 0x49 - IPPROTO_CPNX = 0x48 - IPPROTO_DDP = 0x25 - IPPROTO_DGP = 0x56 - IPPROTO_DIVERT = 0xfe - IPPROTO_DONE = 0x101 - IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 0x3c - IPPROTO_EGP = 0x8 - IPPROTO_EMCON = 0xe - IPPROTO_ENCAP = 0x62 - IPPROTO_EON = 0x50 - IPPROTO_ESP = 0x32 - IPPROTO_ETHERIP = 0x61 - IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 0x2c - IPPROTO_GGP = 0x3 - IPPROTO_GMTP = 0x64 - IPPROTO_GRE = 0x2f - IPPROTO_HELLO = 0x3f - IPPROTO_HMP = 0x14 - IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0x0 - IPPROTO_ICMP = 0x1 - IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 0x3a - IPPROTO_IDP = 0x16 - IPPROTO_IDPR = 0x23 - IPPROTO_IDRP = 0x2d - IPPROTO_IGMP = 0x2 - IPPROTO_IGP = 0x55 - IPPROTO_IGRP = 0x58 - IPPROTO_IL = 0x28 - IPPROTO_INLSP = 0x34 - IPPROTO_INP = 0x20 - IPPROTO_IP = 0x0 - IPPROTO_IPCOMP = 0x6c - IPPROTO_IPCV = 0x47 - IPPROTO_IPEIP = 0x5e - IPPROTO_IPIP = 0x4 - IPPROTO_IPPC = 0x43 - IPPROTO_IPV4 = 0x4 - IPPROTO_IPV6 = 0x29 - IPPROTO_IRTP = 0x1c - IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN = 0x41 - IPPROTO_LARP = 0x5b - IPPROTO_LEAF1 = 0x19 - IPPROTO_LEAF2 = 0x1a - IPPROTO_MAX = 0x100 - IPPROTO_MAXID = 0x34 - IPPROTO_MEAS = 0x13 - IPPROTO_MHRP = 0x30 - IPPROTO_MICP = 0x5f - IPPROTO_MTP = 0x5c - IPPROTO_MUX = 0x12 - IPPROTO_ND = 0x4d - IPPROTO_NHRP = 0x36 - IPPROTO_NONE = 0x3b - IPPROTO_NSP = 0x1f - IPPROTO_NVPII = 0xb - IPPROTO_OSPFIGP = 0x59 - IPPROTO_PGM = 0x71 - IPPROTO_PIGP = 0x9 - IPPROTO_PIM = 0x67 - IPPROTO_PRM = 0x15 - IPPROTO_PUP = 0xc - IPPROTO_PVP = 0x4b - IPPROTO_RAW = 0xff - IPPROTO_RCCMON = 0xa - IPPROTO_RDP = 0x1b - IPPROTO_ROUTING = 0x2b - IPPROTO_RSVP = 0x2e - IPPROTO_RVD = 0x42 - IPPROTO_SATEXPAK = 0x40 - IPPROTO_SATMON = 0x45 - IPPROTO_SCCSP = 0x60 - IPPROTO_SCTP = 0x84 - IPPROTO_SDRP = 0x2a - IPPROTO_SEP = 0x21 - IPPROTO_SRPC = 0x5a - IPPROTO_ST = 0x7 - IPPROTO_SVMTP = 0x52 - IPPROTO_SWIPE = 0x35 - IPPROTO_TCF = 0x57 - IPPROTO_TCP = 0x6 - IPPROTO_TP = 0x1d - IPPROTO_TPXX = 0x27 - IPPROTO_TRUNK1 = 0x17 - IPPROTO_TRUNK2 = 0x18 - IPPROTO_TTP = 0x54 - IPPROTO_UDP = 0x11 - IPPROTO_VINES = 0x53 - IPPROTO_VISA = 0x46 - IPPROTO_VMTP = 0x51 - IPPROTO_WBEXPAK = 0x4f - IPPROTO_WBMON = 0x4e - IPPROTO_WSN = 0x4a - IPPROTO_XNET = 0xf - IPPROTO_XTP = 0x24 - IPV6_2292DSTOPTS = 0x17 - IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = 0x14 - IPV6_2292HOPOPTS = 0x16 - IPV6_2292NEXTHOP = 0x15 - IPV6_2292PKTINFO = 0x13 - IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = 0x19 - IPV6_2292RTHDR = 0x18 - IPV6_BINDV6ONLY = 0x1b - IPV6_BOUND_IF = 0x7d - IPV6_CHECKSUM = 0x1a - IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0x1 - IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 - IPV6_DEFHLIM = 0x40 - IPV6_FAITH = 0x1d - IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK = 0xffffff0f - IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK = 0xffff0f00 - IPV6_FLOW_ECN_MASK = 0x300 - IPV6_FRAGTTL = 0x3c - IPV6_FW_ADD = 0x1e - IPV6_FW_DEL = 0x1f - IPV6_FW_FLUSH = 0x20 - IPV6_FW_GET = 0x22 - IPV6_FW_ZERO = 0x21 - IPV6_HLIMDEC = 0x1 - IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x1c - IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 0xc - IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 0xd - IPV6_MAXHLIM = 0xff - IPV6_MAXOPTHDR = 0x800 - IPV6_MAXPACKET = 0xffff - IPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 - IPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff - IPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 - IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f - IPV6_MMTU = 0x500 - IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0xa - IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 - IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb - IPV6_PORTRANGE = 0xe - IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 - IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 - IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 - IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 0x23 - IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0x0 - IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 0x1 - IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0x0 - IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1 = 0x3 - IPV6_TCLASS = 0x24 - IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 0x4 - IPV6_V6ONLY = 0x1b - IPV6_VERSION = 0x60 - IPV6_VERSION_MASK = 0xf0 - IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0xc - IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x46 - IP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x48 - IP_BOUND_IF = 0x19 - IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 - IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 0x1 - IP_DF = 0x4000 - IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 0xd - IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x47 - IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE = 0x3c - IP_DUMMYNET_DEL = 0x3d - IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH = 0x3e - IP_DUMMYNET_GET = 0x40 - IP_FAITH = 0x16 - IP_FW_ADD = 0x28 - IP_FW_DEL = 0x29 - IP_FW_FLUSH = 0x2a - IP_FW_GET = 0x2c - IP_FW_RESETLOG = 0x2d - IP_FW_ZERO = 0x2b - IP_HDRINCL = 0x2 - IP_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x15 - IP_MAXPACKET = 0xffff - IP_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 - IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff - IP_MAX_SOCK_MUTE_FILTER = 0x80 - IP_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 - IP_MF = 0x2000 - IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f - IP_MSFILTER = 0x4a - IP_MSS = 0x240 - IP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 - IP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX = 0x42 - IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb - IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 0xa - IP_MULTICAST_VIF = 0xe - IP_NAT__XXX = 0x37 - IP_OFFMASK = 0x1fff - IP_OLD_FW_ADD = 0x32 - IP_OLD_FW_DEL = 0x33 - IP_OLD_FW_FLUSH = 0x34 - IP_OLD_FW_GET = 0x36 - IP_OLD_FW_RESETLOG = 0x38 - IP_OLD_FW_ZERO = 0x35 - IP_OPTIONS = 0x1 - IP_PKTINFO = 0x1a - IP_PORTRANGE = 0x13 - IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 - IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 - IP_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 - IP_RECVDSTADDR = 0x7 - IP_RECVIF = 0x14 - IP_RECVOPTS = 0x5 - IP_RECVPKTINFO = 0x1a - IP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x6 - IP_RECVTOS = 0x1b - IP_RECVTTL = 0x18 - IP_RETOPTS = 0x8 - IP_RF = 0x8000 - IP_RSVP_OFF = 0x10 - IP_RSVP_ON = 0xf - IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF = 0x12 - IP_RSVP_VIF_ON = 0x11 - IP_STRIPHDR = 0x17 - IP_TOS = 0x3 - IP_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND = 0x41 - IP_TTL = 0x4 - IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x49 - ISIG = 0x80 - ISTRIP = 0x20 - IUTF8 = 0x4000 - IXANY = 0x800 - IXOFF = 0x400 - IXON = 0x200 - KERN_HOSTNAME = 0xa - KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 - KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 - KERN_VERSION = 0x4 - LOCK_EX = 0x2 - LOCK_NB = 0x4 - LOCK_SH = 0x1 - LOCK_UN = 0x8 - MADV_CAN_REUSE = 0x9 - MADV_DONTNEED = 0x4 - MADV_FREE = 0x5 - MADV_FREE_REUSABLE = 0x7 - MADV_FREE_REUSE = 0x8 - MADV_NORMAL = 0x0 - MADV_PAGEOUT = 0xa - MADV_RANDOM = 0x1 - MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 0x2 - MADV_WILLNEED = 0x3 - MADV_ZERO_WIRED_PAGES = 0x6 - MAP_ANON = 0x1000 - MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000 - MAP_COPY = 0x2 - MAP_FILE = 0x0 - MAP_FIXED = 0x10 - MAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x200 - MAP_JIT = 0x800 - MAP_NOCACHE = 0x400 - MAP_NOEXTEND = 0x100 - MAP_NORESERVE = 0x40 - MAP_PRIVATE = 0x2 - MAP_RENAME = 0x20 - MAP_RESERVED0080 = 0x80 - MAP_RESILIENT_CODESIGN = 0x2000 - MAP_RESILIENT_MEDIA = 0x4000 - MAP_SHARED = 0x1 - MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 - MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 - MNT_ASYNC = 0x40 - MNT_AUTOMOUNTED = 0x400000 - MNT_CMDFLAGS = 0xf0000 - MNT_CPROTECT = 0x80 - MNT_DEFWRITE = 0x2000000 - MNT_DONTBROWSE = 0x100000 - MNT_DOVOLFS = 0x8000 - MNT_DWAIT = 0x4 - MNT_EXPORTED = 0x100 - MNT_FORCE = 0x80000 - MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP = 0x200000 - MNT_JOURNALED = 0x800000 - MNT_LOCAL = 0x1000 - MNT_MULTILABEL = 0x4000000 - MNT_NOATIME = 0x10000000 - MNT_NOBLOCK = 0x20000 - MNT_NODEV = 0x10 - MNT_NOEXEC = 0x4 - MNT_NOSUID = 0x8 - MNT_NOUSERXATTR = 0x1000000 - MNT_NOWAIT = 0x2 - MNT_QUARANTINE = 0x400 - MNT_QUOTA = 0x2000 - MNT_RDONLY = 0x1 - MNT_RELOAD = 0x40000 - MNT_ROOTFS = 0x4000 - MNT_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x2 - MNT_UNION = 0x20 - MNT_UNKNOWNPERMISSIONS = 0x200000 - MNT_UPDATE = 0x10000 - MNT_VISFLAGMASK = 0x17f0f5ff - MNT_WAIT = 0x1 - MSG_CTRUNC = 0x20 - MSG_DONTROUTE = 0x4 - MSG_DONTWAIT = 0x80 - MSG_EOF = 0x100 - MSG_EOR = 0x8 - MSG_FLUSH = 0x400 - MSG_HAVEMORE = 0x2000 - MSG_HOLD = 0x800 - MSG_NEEDSA = 0x10000 - MSG_OOB = 0x1 - MSG_PEEK = 0x2 - MSG_RCVMORE = 0x4000 - MSG_SEND = 0x1000 - MSG_TRUNC = 0x10 - MSG_WAITALL = 0x40 - MSG_WAITSTREAM = 0x200 - MS_ASYNC = 0x1 - MS_DEACTIVATE = 0x8 - MS_INVALIDATE = 0x2 - MS_KILLPAGES = 0x4 - MS_SYNC = 0x10 - NAME_MAX = 0xff - NET_RT_DUMP = 0x1 - NET_RT_DUMP2 = 0x7 - NET_RT_FLAGS = 0x2 - NET_RT_IFLIST = 0x3 - NET_RT_IFLIST2 = 0x6 - NET_RT_MAXID = 0xa - NET_RT_STAT = 0x4 - NET_RT_TRASH = 0x5 - NFDBITS = 0x20 - NL0 = 0x0 - NL1 = 0x100 - NL2 = 0x200 - NL3 = 0x300 - NLDLY = 0x300 - NOFLSH = 0x80000000 - NOKERNINFO = 0x2000000 - NOTE_ABSOLUTE = 0x8 - NOTE_ATTRIB = 0x8 - NOTE_BACKGROUND = 0x40 - NOTE_CHILD = 0x4 - NOTE_CRITICAL = 0x20 - NOTE_DELETE = 0x1 - NOTE_EXEC = 0x20000000 - NOTE_EXIT = 0x80000000 - NOTE_EXITSTATUS = 0x4000000 - NOTE_EXIT_CSERROR = 0x40000 - NOTE_EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL = 0x10000 - NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL = 0x2000000 - NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL_MASK = 0x70000 - NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY = 0x20000 - NOTE_EXIT_REPARENTED = 0x80000 - NOTE_EXTEND = 0x4 - NOTE_FFAND = 0x40000000 - NOTE_FFCOPY = 0xc0000000 - NOTE_FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000 - NOTE_FFLAGSMASK = 0xffffff - NOTE_FFNOP = 0x0 - NOTE_FFOR = 0x80000000 - NOTE_FORK = 0x40000000 - NOTE_FUNLOCK = 0x100 - NOTE_LEEWAY = 0x10 - NOTE_LINK = 0x10 - NOTE_LOWAT = 0x1 - NOTE_MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME = 0x80 - NOTE_NONE = 0x80 - NOTE_NSECONDS = 0x4 - NOTE_OOB = 0x2 - NOTE_PCTRLMASK = -0x100000 - NOTE_PDATAMASK = 0xfffff - NOTE_REAP = 0x10000000 - NOTE_RENAME = 0x20 - NOTE_REVOKE = 0x40 - NOTE_SECONDS = 0x1 - NOTE_SIGNAL = 0x8000000 - NOTE_TRACK = 0x1 - NOTE_TRACKERR = 0x2 - NOTE_TRIGGER = 0x1000000 - NOTE_USECONDS = 0x2 - NOTE_VM_ERROR = 0x10000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE = 0x80000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE = 0x20000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE = 0x40000000 - NOTE_WRITE = 0x2 - OCRNL = 0x10 - OFDEL = 0x20000 - OFILL = 0x80 - ONLCR = 0x2 - ONLRET = 0x40 - ONOCR = 0x20 - ONOEOT = 0x8 - OPOST = 0x1 - OXTABS = 0x4 - O_ACCMODE = 0x3 - O_ALERT = 0x20000000 - O_APPEND = 0x8 - O_ASYNC = 0x40 - O_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000 - O_CREAT = 0x200 - O_DIRECTORY = 0x100000 - O_DP_GETRAWENCRYPTED = 0x1 - O_DP_GETRAWUNENCRYPTED = 0x2 - O_DSYNC = 0x400000 - O_EVTONLY = 0x8000 - O_EXCL = 0x800 - O_EXLOCK = 0x20 - O_FSYNC = 0x80 - O_NDELAY = 0x4 - O_NOCTTY = 0x20000 - O_NOFOLLOW = 0x100 - O_NONBLOCK = 0x4 - O_POPUP = 0x80000000 - O_RDONLY = 0x0 - O_RDWR = 0x2 - O_SHLOCK = 0x10 - O_SYMLINK = 0x200000 - O_SYNC = 0x80 - O_TRUNC = 0x400 - O_WRONLY = 0x1 - PARENB = 0x1000 - PARMRK = 0x8 - PARODD = 0x2000 - PENDIN = 0x20000000 - PRIO_PGRP = 0x1 - PRIO_PROCESS = 0x0 - PRIO_USER = 0x2 - PROT_EXEC = 0x4 - PROT_NONE = 0x0 - PROT_READ = 0x1 - PROT_WRITE = 0x2 - PT_ATTACH = 0xa - PT_ATTACHEXC = 0xe - PT_CONTINUE = 0x7 - PT_DENY_ATTACH = 0x1f - PT_DETACH = 0xb - PT_FIRSTMACH = 0x20 - PT_FORCEQUOTA = 0x1e - PT_KILL = 0x8 - PT_READ_D = 0x2 - PT_READ_I = 0x1 - PT_READ_U = 0x3 - PT_SIGEXC = 0xc - PT_STEP = 0x9 - PT_THUPDATE = 0xd - PT_TRACE_ME = 0x0 - PT_WRITE_D = 0x5 - PT_WRITE_I = 0x4 - PT_WRITE_U = 0x6 - RLIMIT_AS = 0x5 - RLIMIT_CORE = 0x4 - RLIMIT_CPU = 0x0 - RLIMIT_CPU_USAGE_MONITOR = 0x2 - RLIMIT_DATA = 0x2 - RLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1 - RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6 - RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8 - RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7 - RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 - RLIMIT_STACK = 0x3 - RLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff - RTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6 - RTAX_BRD = 0x7 - RTAX_DST = 0x0 - RTAX_GATEWAY = 0x1 - RTAX_GENMASK = 0x3 - RTAX_IFA = 0x5 - RTAX_IFP = 0x4 - RTAX_MAX = 0x8 - RTAX_NETMASK = 0x2 - RTA_AUTHOR = 0x40 - RTA_BRD = 0x80 - RTA_DST = 0x1 - RTA_GATEWAY = 0x2 - RTA_GENMASK = 0x8 - RTA_IFA = 0x20 - RTA_IFP = 0x10 - RTA_NETMASK = 0x4 - RTF_BLACKHOLE = 0x1000 - RTF_BROADCAST = 0x400000 - RTF_CLONING = 0x100 - RTF_CONDEMNED = 0x2000000 - RTF_DELCLONE = 0x80 - RTF_DONE = 0x40 - RTF_DYNAMIC = 0x10 - RTF_GATEWAY = 0x2 - RTF_HOST = 0x4 - RTF_IFREF = 0x4000000 - RTF_IFSCOPE = 0x1000000 - RTF_LLINFO = 0x400 - RTF_LOCAL = 0x200000 - RTF_MODIFIED = 0x20 - RTF_MULTICAST = 0x800000 - RTF_NOIFREF = 0x2000 - RTF_PINNED = 0x100000 - RTF_PRCLONING = 0x10000 - RTF_PROTO1 = 0x8000 - RTF_PROTO2 = 0x4000 - RTF_PROTO3 = 0x40000 - RTF_PROXY = 0x8000000 - RTF_REJECT = 0x8 - RTF_ROUTER = 0x10000000 - RTF_STATIC = 0x800 - RTF_UP = 0x1 - RTF_WASCLONED = 0x20000 - RTF_XRESOLVE = 0x200 - RTM_ADD = 0x1 - RTM_CHANGE = 0x3 - RTM_DELADDR = 0xd - RTM_DELETE = 0x2 - RTM_DELMADDR = 0x10 - RTM_GET = 0x4 - RTM_GET2 = 0x14 - RTM_IFINFO = 0xe - RTM_IFINFO2 = 0x12 - RTM_LOCK = 0x8 - RTM_LOSING = 0x5 - RTM_MISS = 0x7 - RTM_NEWADDR = 0xc - RTM_NEWMADDR = 0xf - RTM_NEWMADDR2 = 0x13 - RTM_OLDADD = 0x9 - RTM_OLDDEL = 0xa - RTM_REDIRECT = 0x6 - RTM_RESOLVE = 0xb - RTM_RTTUNIT = 0xf4240 - RTM_VERSION = 0x5 - RTV_EXPIRE = 0x4 - RTV_HOPCOUNT = 0x2 - RTV_MTU = 0x1 - RTV_RPIPE = 0x8 - RTV_RTT = 0x40 - RTV_RTTVAR = 0x80 - RTV_SPIPE = 0x10 - RTV_SSTHRESH = 0x20 - RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -0x1 - RUSAGE_SELF = 0x0 - SCM_CREDS = 0x3 - SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 - SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 - SCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x4 - SHUT_RD = 0x0 - SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 - SHUT_WR = 0x1 - SIOCADDMULTI = 0x80206931 - SIOCAIFADDR = 0x8040691a - SIOCARPIPLL = 0xc0206928 - SIOCATMARK = 0x40047307 - SIOCAUTOADDR = 0xc0206926 - SIOCAUTONETMASK = 0x80206927 - SIOCDELMULTI = 0x80206932 - SIOCDIFADDR = 0x80206919 - SIOCDIFPHYADDR = 0x80206941 - SIOCGDRVSPEC = 0xc028697b - SIOCGETVLAN = 0xc020697f - SIOCGHIWAT = 0x40047301 - SIOCGIFADDR = 0xc0206921 - SIOCGIFALTMTU = 0xc0206948 - SIOCGIFASYNCMAP = 0xc020697c - SIOCGIFBOND = 0xc0206947 - SIOCGIFBRDADDR = 0xc0206923 - SIOCGIFCAP = 0xc020695b - SIOCGIFCONF = 0xc00c6924 - SIOCGIFDEVMTU = 0xc0206944 - SIOCGIFDSTADDR = 0xc0206922 - SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0xc0206911 - SIOCGIFGENERIC = 0xc020693a - SIOCGIFKPI = 0xc0206987 - SIOCGIFMAC = 0xc0206982 - SIOCGIFMEDIA = 0xc02c6938 - SIOCGIFMETRIC = 0xc0206917 - SIOCGIFMTU = 0xc0206933 - SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0xc0206925 - SIOCGIFPDSTADDR = 0xc0206940 - SIOCGIFPHYS = 0xc0206935 - SIOCGIFPSRCADDR = 0xc020693f - SIOCGIFSTATUS = 0xc331693d - SIOCGIFVLAN = 0xc020697f - SIOCGIFWAKEFLAGS = 0xc0206988 - SIOCGLOWAT = 0x40047303 - SIOCGPGRP = 0x40047309 - SIOCIFCREATE = 0xc0206978 - SIOCIFCREATE2 = 0xc020697a - SIOCIFDESTROY = 0x80206979 - SIOCIFGCLONERS = 0xc0106981 - SIOCRSLVMULTI = 0xc010693b - SIOCSDRVSPEC = 0x8028697b - SIOCSETVLAN = 0x8020697e - SIOCSHIWAT = 0x80047300 - SIOCSIFADDR = 0x8020690c - SIOCSIFALTMTU = 0x80206945 - SIOCSIFASYNCMAP = 0x8020697d - SIOCSIFBOND = 0x80206946 - SIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x80206913 - SIOCSIFCAP = 0x8020695a - SIOCSIFDSTADDR = 0x8020690e - SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x80206910 - SIOCSIFGENERIC = 0x80206939 - SIOCSIFKPI = 0x80206986 - SIOCSIFLLADDR = 0x8020693c - SIOCSIFMAC = 0x80206983 - SIOCSIFMEDIA = 0xc0206937 - SIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x80206918 - SIOCSIFMTU = 0x80206934 - SIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x80206916 - SIOCSIFPHYADDR = 0x8040693e - SIOCSIFPHYS = 0x80206936 - SIOCSIFVLAN = 0x8020697e - SIOCSLOWAT = 0x80047302 - SIOCSPGRP = 0x80047308 - SOCK_DGRAM = 0x2 - SOCK_MAXADDRLEN = 0xff - SOCK_RAW = 0x3 - SOCK_RDM = 0x4 - SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 - SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 - SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff - SOMAXCONN = 0x80 - SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 - SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 - SO_DEBUG = 0x1 - SO_DONTROUTE = 0x10 - SO_DONTTRUNC = 0x2000 - SO_ERROR = 0x1007 - SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x8 - SO_LABEL = 0x1010 - SO_LINGER = 0x80 - SO_LINGER_SEC = 0x1080 - SO_NETSVC_MARKING_LEVEL = 0x1119 - SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE = 0x1116 - SO_NKE = 0x1021 - SO_NOADDRERR = 0x1023 - SO_NOSIGPIPE = 0x1022 - SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT = 0x1026 - SO_NP_EXTENSIONS = 0x1083 - SO_NREAD = 0x1020 - SO_NUMRCVPKT = 0x1112 - SO_NWRITE = 0x1024 - SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 - SO_PEERLABEL = 0x1011 - SO_RANDOMPORT = 0x1082 - SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 - SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 - SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 - SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 - SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 - SO_REUSESHAREUID = 0x1025 - SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001 - SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 - SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 - SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x400 - SO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x800 - SO_TYPE = 0x1008 - SO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT = 0x1027 - SO_USELOOPBACK = 0x40 - SO_WANTMORE = 0x4000 - SO_WANTOOBFLAG = 0x8000 - S_IEXEC = 0x40 - S_IFBLK = 0x6000 - S_IFCHR = 0x2000 - S_IFDIR = 0x4000 - S_IFIFO = 0x1000 - S_IFLNK = 0xa000 - S_IFMT = 0xf000 - S_IFREG = 0x8000 - S_IFSOCK = 0xc000 - S_IFWHT = 0xe000 - S_IREAD = 0x100 - S_IRGRP = 0x20 - S_IROTH = 0x4 - S_IRUSR = 0x100 - S_IRWXG = 0x38 - S_IRWXO = 0x7 - S_IRWXU = 0x1c0 - S_ISGID = 0x400 - S_ISTXT = 0x200 - S_ISUID = 0x800 - S_ISVTX = 0x200 - S_IWGRP = 0x10 - S_IWOTH = 0x2 - S_IWRITE = 0x80 - S_IWUSR = 0x80 - S_IXGRP = 0x8 - S_IXOTH = 0x1 - S_IXUSR = 0x40 - TAB0 = 0x0 - TAB1 = 0x400 - TAB2 = 0x800 - TAB3 = 0x4 - TABDLY = 0xc04 - TCIFLUSH = 0x1 - TCIOFF = 0x3 - TCIOFLUSH = 0x3 - TCION = 0x4 - TCOFLUSH = 0x2 - TCOOFF = 0x1 - TCOON = 0x2 - TCP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT = 0x20 - TCP_CONNECTION_INFO = 0x106 - TCP_ENABLE_ECN = 0x104 - TCP_FASTOPEN = 0x105 - TCP_KEEPALIVE = 0x10 - TCP_KEEPCNT = 0x102 - TCP_KEEPINTVL = 0x101 - TCP_MAXHLEN = 0x3c - TCP_MAXOLEN = 0x28 - TCP_MAXSEG = 0x2 - TCP_MAXWIN = 0xffff - TCP_MAX_SACK = 0x4 - TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 0xe - TCP_MINMSS = 0xd8 - TCP_MSS = 0x200 - TCP_NODELAY = 0x1 - TCP_NOOPT = 0x8 - TCP_NOPUSH = 0x4 - TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT = 0x201 - TCP_RXT_CONNDROPTIME = 0x80 - TCP_RXT_FINDROP = 0x100 - TCP_SENDMOREACKS = 0x103 - TCSAFLUSH = 0x2 - TIOCCBRK = 0x2000747a - TIOCCDTR = 0x20007478 - TIOCCONS = 0x80047462 - TIOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40107458 - TIOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e - TIOCDSIMICROCODE = 0x20007455 - TIOCEXCL = 0x2000740d - TIOCEXT = 0x80047460 - TIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410 - TIOCGDRAINWAIT = 0x40047456 - TIOCGETA = 0x40487413 - TIOCGETD = 0x4004741a - TIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477 - TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468 - TIOCIXOFF = 0x20007480 - TIOCIXON = 0x20007481 - TIOCMBIC = 0x8004746b - TIOCMBIS = 0x8004746c - TIOCMGDTRWAIT = 0x4004745a - TIOCMGET = 0x4004746a - TIOCMODG = 0x40047403 - TIOCMODS = 0x80047404 - TIOCMSDTRWAIT = 0x8004745b - TIOCMSET = 0x8004746d - TIOCM_CAR = 0x40 - TIOCM_CD = 0x40 - TIOCM_CTS = 0x20 - TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 - TIOCM_DTR = 0x2 - TIOCM_LE = 0x1 - TIOCM_RI = 0x80 - TIOCM_RNG = 0x80 - TIOCM_RTS = 0x4 - TIOCM_SR = 0x10 - TIOCM_ST = 0x8 - TIOCNOTTY = 0x20007471 - TIOCNXCL = 0x2000740e - TIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473 - TIOCPKT = 0x80047470 - TIOCPKT_DATA = 0x0 - TIOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20 - TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1 - TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2 - TIOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40 - TIOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10 - TIOCPKT_START = 0x8 - TIOCPKT_STOP = 0x4 - TIOCPTYGNAME = 0x40807453 - TIOCPTYGRANT = 0x20007454 - TIOCPTYUNLK = 0x20007452 - TIOCREMOTE = 0x80047469 - TIOCSBRK = 0x2000747b - TIOCSCONS = 0x20007463 - TIOCSCTTY = 0x20007461 - TIOCSDRAINWAIT = 0x80047457 - TIOCSDTR = 0x20007479 - TIOCSETA = 0x80487414 - TIOCSETAF = 0x80487416 - TIOCSETAW = 0x80487415 - TIOCSETD = 0x8004741b - TIOCSIG = 0x2000745f - TIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476 - TIOCSTART = 0x2000746e - TIOCSTAT = 0x20007465 - TIOCSTI = 0x80017472 - TIOCSTOP = 0x2000746f - TIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467 - TIOCTIMESTAMP = 0x40107459 - TIOCUCNTL = 0x80047466 - TOSTOP = 0x400000 - VDISCARD = 0xf - VDSUSP = 0xb - VEOF = 0x0 - VEOL = 0x1 - VEOL2 = 0x2 - VERASE = 0x3 - VINTR = 0x8 - VKILL = 0x5 - VLNEXT = 0xe - VMIN = 0x10 - VM_LOADAVG = 0x2 - VM_MACHFACTOR = 0x4 - VM_MAXID = 0x6 - VM_METER = 0x1 - VM_SWAPUSAGE = 0x5 - VQUIT = 0x9 - VREPRINT = 0x6 - VSTART = 0xc - VSTATUS = 0x12 - VSTOP = 0xd - VSUSP = 0xa - VT0 = 0x0 - VT1 = 0x10000 - VTDLY = 0x10000 - VTIME = 0x11 - VWERASE = 0x4 - WCONTINUED = 0x10 - WCOREFLAG = 0x80 - WEXITED = 0x4 - WNOHANG = 0x1 - WNOWAIT = 0x20 - WORDSIZE = 0x40 - WSTOPPED = 0x8 - WUNTRACED = 0x2 - XATTR_CREATE = 0x2 - XATTR_NODEFAULT = 0x10 - XATTR_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - XATTR_NOSECURITY = 0x8 - XATTR_REPLACE = 0x4 - XATTR_SHOWCOMPRESSION = 0x20 -) - -// Errors -const ( - E2BIG = syscall.Errno(0x7) - EACCES = syscall.Errno(0xd) - EADDRINUSE = syscall.Errno(0x30) - EADDRNOTAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x31) - EAFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2f) - EAGAIN = syscall.Errno(0x23) - EALREADY = syscall.Errno(0x25) - EAUTH = syscall.Errno(0x50) - EBADARCH = syscall.Errno(0x56) - EBADEXEC = syscall.Errno(0x55) - EBADF = syscall.Errno(0x9) - EBADMACHO = syscall.Errno(0x58) - EBADMSG = syscall.Errno(0x5e) - EBADRPC = syscall.Errno(0x48) - EBUSY = syscall.Errno(0x10) - ECANCELED = syscall.Errno(0x59) - ECHILD = syscall.Errno(0xa) - ECONNABORTED = syscall.Errno(0x35) - ECONNREFUSED = syscall.Errno(0x3d) - ECONNRESET = syscall.Errno(0x36) - EDEADLK = syscall.Errno(0xb) - EDESTADDRREQ = syscall.Errno(0x27) - EDEVERR = syscall.Errno(0x53) - EDOM = syscall.Errno(0x21) - EDQUOT = syscall.Errno(0x45) - EEXIST = syscall.Errno(0x11) - EFAULT = syscall.Errno(0xe) - EFBIG = syscall.Errno(0x1b) - EFTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x4f) - EHOSTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x40) - EHOSTUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x41) - EIDRM = syscall.Errno(0x5a) - EILSEQ = syscall.Errno(0x5c) - EINPROGRESS = syscall.Errno(0x24) - EINTR = syscall.Errno(0x4) - EINVAL = syscall.Errno(0x16) - EIO = syscall.Errno(0x5) - EISCONN = syscall.Errno(0x38) - EISDIR = syscall.Errno(0x15) - ELAST = syscall.Errno(0x6a) - ELOOP = syscall.Errno(0x3e) - EMFILE = syscall.Errno(0x18) - EMLINK = syscall.Errno(0x1f) - EMSGSIZE = syscall.Errno(0x28) - EMULTIHOP = syscall.Errno(0x5f) - ENAMETOOLONG = syscall.Errno(0x3f) - ENEEDAUTH = syscall.Errno(0x51) - ENETDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x32) - ENETRESET = syscall.Errno(0x34) - ENETUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x33) - ENFILE = syscall.Errno(0x17) - ENOATTR = syscall.Errno(0x5d) - ENOBUFS = syscall.Errno(0x37) - ENODATA = syscall.Errno(0x60) - ENODEV = syscall.Errno(0x13) - ENOENT = syscall.Errno(0x2) - ENOEXEC = syscall.Errno(0x8) - ENOLCK = syscall.Errno(0x4d) - ENOLINK = syscall.Errno(0x61) - ENOMEM = syscall.Errno(0xc) - ENOMSG = syscall.Errno(0x5b) - ENOPOLICY = syscall.Errno(0x67) - ENOPROTOOPT = syscall.Errno(0x2a) - ENOSPC = syscall.Errno(0x1c) - ENOSR = syscall.Errno(0x62) - ENOSTR = syscall.Errno(0x63) - ENOSYS = syscall.Errno(0x4e) - ENOTBLK = syscall.Errno(0xf) - ENOTCONN = syscall.Errno(0x39) - ENOTDIR = syscall.Errno(0x14) - ENOTEMPTY = syscall.Errno(0x42) - ENOTRECOVERABLE = syscall.Errno(0x68) - ENOTSOCK = syscall.Errno(0x26) - ENOTSUP = syscall.Errno(0x2d) - ENOTTY = syscall.Errno(0x19) - ENXIO = syscall.Errno(0x6) - EOPNOTSUPP = syscall.Errno(0x66) - EOVERFLOW = syscall.Errno(0x54) - EOWNERDEAD = syscall.Errno(0x69) - EPERM = syscall.Errno(0x1) - EPFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2e) - EPIPE = syscall.Errno(0x20) - EPROCLIM = syscall.Errno(0x43) - EPROCUNAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x4c) - EPROGMISMATCH = syscall.Errno(0x4b) - EPROGUNAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x4a) - EPROTO = syscall.Errno(0x64) - EPROTONOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2b) - EPROTOTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x29) - EPWROFF = syscall.Errno(0x52) - EQFULL = syscall.Errno(0x6a) - ERANGE = syscall.Errno(0x22) - EREMOTE = syscall.Errno(0x47) - EROFS = syscall.Errno(0x1e) - ERPCMISMATCH = syscall.Errno(0x49) - ESHLIBVERS = syscall.Errno(0x57) - ESHUTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x3a) - ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x2c) - ESPIPE = syscall.Errno(0x1d) - ESRCH = syscall.Errno(0x3) - ESTALE = syscall.Errno(0x46) - ETIME = syscall.Errno(0x65) - ETIMEDOUT = syscall.Errno(0x3c) - ETOOMANYREFS = syscall.Errno(0x3b) - ETXTBSY = syscall.Errno(0x1a) - EUSERS = syscall.Errno(0x44) - EWOULDBLOCK = syscall.Errno(0x23) - EXDEV = syscall.Errno(0x12) -) - -// Signals -const ( - SIGABRT = syscall.Signal(0x6) - SIGALRM = syscall.Signal(0xe) - SIGBUS = syscall.Signal(0xa) - SIGCHLD = syscall.Signal(0x14) - SIGCONT = syscall.Signal(0x13) - SIGEMT = syscall.Signal(0x7) - SIGFPE = syscall.Signal(0x8) - SIGHUP = syscall.Signal(0x1) - SIGILL = syscall.Signal(0x4) - SIGINFO = syscall.Signal(0x1d) - SIGINT = syscall.Signal(0x2) - SIGIO = syscall.Signal(0x17) - SIGIOT = syscall.Signal(0x6) - SIGKILL = syscall.Signal(0x9) - SIGPIPE = syscall.Signal(0xd) - SIGPROF = syscall.Signal(0x1b) - SIGQUIT = syscall.Signal(0x3) - SIGSEGV = syscall.Signal(0xb) - SIGSTOP = syscall.Signal(0x11) - SIGSYS = syscall.Signal(0xc) - SIGTERM = syscall.Signal(0xf) - SIGTRAP = syscall.Signal(0x5) - SIGTSTP = syscall.Signal(0x12) - SIGTTIN = syscall.Signal(0x15) - SIGTTOU = syscall.Signal(0x16) - SIGURG = syscall.Signal(0x10) - SIGUSR1 = syscall.Signal(0x1e) - SIGUSR2 = syscall.Signal(0x1f) - SIGVTALRM = syscall.Signal(0x1a) - SIGWINCH = syscall.Signal(0x1c) - SIGXCPU = syscall.Signal(0x18) - SIGXFSZ = syscall.Signal(0x19) -) - -// Error table -var errorList = [...]struct { - num syscall.Errno - name string - desc string -}{ - {1, "EPERM", "operation not permitted"}, - {2, "ENOENT", "no such file or directory"}, - {3, "ESRCH", "no such process"}, - {4, "EINTR", "interrupted system call"}, - {5, "EIO", "input/output error"}, - {6, "ENXIO", "device not configured"}, - {7, "E2BIG", "argument list too long"}, - {8, "ENOEXEC", "exec format error"}, - {9, "EBADF", "bad file descriptor"}, - {10, "ECHILD", "no child processes"}, - {11, "EDEADLK", "resource deadlock avoided"}, - {12, "ENOMEM", "cannot allocate memory"}, - {13, "EACCES", "permission denied"}, - {14, "EFAULT", "bad address"}, - {15, "ENOTBLK", "block device required"}, - {16, "EBUSY", "resource busy"}, - {17, "EEXIST", "file exists"}, - {18, "EXDEV", "cross-device link"}, - {19, "ENODEV", "operation not supported by device"}, - {20, "ENOTDIR", "not a directory"}, - {21, "EISDIR", "is a directory"}, - {22, "EINVAL", "invalid argument"}, - {23, "ENFILE", "too many open files in system"}, - {24, "EMFILE", "too many open files"}, - {25, "ENOTTY", "inappropriate ioctl for device"}, - {26, "ETXTBSY", "text file busy"}, - {27, "EFBIG", "file too large"}, - {28, "ENOSPC", "no space left on device"}, - {29, "ESPIPE", "illegal seek"}, - {30, "EROFS", "read-only file system"}, - {31, "EMLINK", "too many links"}, - {32, "EPIPE", "broken pipe"}, - {33, "EDOM", "numerical argument out of domain"}, - {34, "ERANGE", "result too large"}, - {35, "EAGAIN", "resource temporarily unavailable"}, - {36, "EINPROGRESS", "operation now in progress"}, - {37, "EALREADY", "operation already in progress"}, - {38, "ENOTSOCK", "socket operation on non-socket"}, - {39, "EDESTADDRREQ", "destination address required"}, - {40, "EMSGSIZE", "message too long"}, - {41, "EPROTOTYPE", "protocol wrong type for socket"}, - {42, "ENOPROTOOPT", "protocol not available"}, - {43, "EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol not supported"}, - {44, "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT", "socket type not supported"}, - {45, "ENOTSUP", "operation not supported"}, - {46, "EPFNOSUPPORT", "protocol family not supported"}, - {47, "EAFNOSUPPORT", "address family not supported by protocol family"}, - {48, "EADDRINUSE", "address already in use"}, - {49, "EADDRNOTAVAIL", "can't assign requested address"}, - {50, "ENETDOWN", "network is down"}, - {51, "ENETUNREACH", "network is unreachable"}, - {52, "ENETRESET", "network dropped connection on reset"}, - {53, "ECONNABORTED", "software caused connection abort"}, - {54, "ECONNRESET", "connection reset by peer"}, - {55, "ENOBUFS", "no buffer space available"}, - {56, "EISCONN", "socket is already connected"}, - {57, "ENOTCONN", "socket is not connected"}, - {58, "ESHUTDOWN", "can't send after socket shutdown"}, - {59, "ETOOMANYREFS", "too many references: can't splice"}, - {60, "ETIMEDOUT", "operation timed out"}, - {61, "ECONNREFUSED", "connection refused"}, - {62, "ELOOP", "too many levels of symbolic links"}, - {63, "ENAMETOOLONG", "file name too long"}, - {64, "EHOSTDOWN", "host is down"}, - {65, "EHOSTUNREACH", "no route to host"}, - {66, "ENOTEMPTY", "directory not empty"}, - {67, "EPROCLIM", "too many processes"}, - {68, "EUSERS", "too many users"}, - {69, "EDQUOT", "disc quota exceeded"}, - {70, "ESTALE", "stale NFS file handle"}, - {71, "EREMOTE", "too many levels of remote in path"}, - {72, "EBADRPC", "RPC struct is bad"}, - {73, "ERPCMISMATCH", "RPC version wrong"}, - {74, "EPROGUNAVAIL", "RPC prog. not avail"}, - {75, "EPROGMISMATCH", "program version wrong"}, - {76, "EPROCUNAVAIL", "bad procedure for program"}, - {77, "ENOLCK", "no locks available"}, - {78, "ENOSYS", "function not implemented"}, - {79, "EFTYPE", "inappropriate file type or format"}, - {80, "EAUTH", "authentication error"}, - {81, "ENEEDAUTH", "need authenticator"}, - {82, "EPWROFF", "device power is off"}, - {83, "EDEVERR", "device error"}, - {84, "EOVERFLOW", "value too large to be stored in data type"}, - {85, "EBADEXEC", "bad executable (or shared library)"}, - {86, "EBADARCH", "bad CPU type in executable"}, - {87, "ESHLIBVERS", "shared library version mismatch"}, - {88, "EBADMACHO", "malformed Mach-o file"}, - {89, "ECANCELED", "operation canceled"}, - {90, "EIDRM", "identifier removed"}, - {91, "ENOMSG", "no message of desired type"}, - {92, "EILSEQ", "illegal byte sequence"}, - {93, "ENOATTR", "attribute not found"}, - {94, "EBADMSG", "bad message"}, - {95, "EMULTIHOP", "EMULTIHOP (Reserved)"}, - {96, "ENODATA", "no message available on STREAM"}, - {97, "ENOLINK", "ENOLINK (Reserved)"}, - {98, "ENOSR", "no STREAM resources"}, - {99, "ENOSTR", "not a STREAM"}, - {100, "EPROTO", "protocol error"}, - {101, "ETIME", "STREAM ioctl timeout"}, - {102, "EOPNOTSUPP", "operation not supported on socket"}, - {103, "ENOPOLICY", "policy not found"}, - {104, "ENOTRECOVERABLE", "state not recoverable"}, - {105, "EOWNERDEAD", "previous owner died"}, - {106, "EQFULL", "interface output queue is full"}, -} - -// Signal table -var signalList = [...]struct { - num syscall.Signal - name string - desc string -}{ - {1, "SIGHUP", "hangup"}, - {2, "SIGINT", "interrupt"}, - {3, "SIGQUIT", "quit"}, - {4, "SIGILL", "illegal instruction"}, - {5, "SIGTRAP", "trace/BPT trap"}, - {6, "SIGABRT", "abort trap"}, - {7, "SIGEMT", "EMT trap"}, - {8, "SIGFPE", "floating point exception"}, - {9, "SIGKILL", "killed"}, - {10, "SIGBUS", "bus error"}, - {11, "SIGSEGV", "segmentation fault"}, - {12, "SIGSYS", "bad system call"}, - {13, "SIGPIPE", "broken pipe"}, - {14, "SIGALRM", "alarm clock"}, - {15, "SIGTERM", "terminated"}, - {16, "SIGURG", "urgent I/O condition"}, - {17, "SIGSTOP", "suspended (signal)"}, - {18, "SIGTSTP", "suspended"}, - {19, "SIGCONT", "continued"}, - {20, "SIGCHLD", "child exited"}, - {21, "SIGTTIN", "stopped (tty input)"}, - {22, "SIGTTOU", "stopped (tty output)"}, - {23, "SIGIO", "I/O possible"}, - {24, "SIGXCPU", "cputime limit exceeded"}, - {25, "SIGXFSZ", "filesize limit exceeded"}, - {26, "SIGVTALRM", "virtual timer expired"}, - {27, "SIGPROF", "profiling timer expired"}, - {28, "SIGWINCH", "window size changes"}, - {29, "SIGINFO", "information request"}, - {30, "SIGUSR1", "user defined signal 1"}, - {31, "SIGUSR2", "user defined signal 2"}, -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go index b40fb1f6..e36f5178 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_darwin_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && darwin // +build arm64,darwin // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. @@ -11,1479 +12,1582 @@ package unix import "syscall" const ( - AF_APPLETALK = 0x10 - AF_CCITT = 0xa - AF_CHAOS = 0x5 - AF_CNT = 0x15 - AF_COIP = 0x14 - AF_DATAKIT = 0x9 - AF_DECnet = 0xc - AF_DLI = 0xd - AF_E164 = 0x1c - AF_ECMA = 0x8 - AF_HYLINK = 0xf - AF_IEEE80211 = 0x25 - AF_IMPLINK = 0x3 - AF_INET = 0x2 - AF_INET6 = 0x1e - AF_IPX = 0x17 - AF_ISDN = 0x1c - AF_ISO = 0x7 - AF_LAT = 0xe - AF_LINK = 0x12 - AF_LOCAL = 0x1 - AF_MAX = 0x28 - AF_NATM = 0x1f - AF_NDRV = 0x1b - AF_NETBIOS = 0x21 - AF_NS = 0x6 - AF_OSI = 0x7 - AF_PPP = 0x22 - AF_PUP = 0x4 - AF_RESERVED_36 = 0x24 - AF_ROUTE = 0x11 - AF_SIP = 0x18 - AF_SNA = 0xb - AF_SYSTEM = 0x20 - AF_SYS_CONTROL = 0x2 - AF_UNIX = 0x1 - AF_UNSPEC = 0x0 - AF_UTUN = 0x26 - ALTWERASE = 0x200 - ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT = 0x5 - ATTR_CMN_ACCESSMASK = 0x20000 - ATTR_CMN_ACCTIME = 0x1000 - ATTR_CMN_ADDEDTIME = 0x10000000 - ATTR_CMN_BKUPTIME = 0x2000 - ATTR_CMN_CHGTIME = 0x800 - ATTR_CMN_CRTIME = 0x200 - ATTR_CMN_DATA_PROTECT_FLAGS = 0x40000000 - ATTR_CMN_DEVID = 0x2 - ATTR_CMN_DOCUMENT_ID = 0x100000 - ATTR_CMN_ERROR = 0x20000000 - ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED_SECURITY = 0x400000 - ATTR_CMN_FILEID = 0x2000000 - ATTR_CMN_FLAGS = 0x40000 - ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO = 0x4000 - ATTR_CMN_FSID = 0x4 - ATTR_CMN_FULLPATH = 0x8000000 - ATTR_CMN_GEN_COUNT = 0x80000 - ATTR_CMN_GRPID = 0x10000 - ATTR_CMN_GRPUUID = 0x1000000 - ATTR_CMN_MODTIME = 0x400 - ATTR_CMN_NAME = 0x1 - ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRCOUNT = 0x80000 - ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRLIST = 0x100000 - ATTR_CMN_OBJID = 0x20 - ATTR_CMN_OBJPERMANENTID = 0x40 - ATTR_CMN_OBJTAG = 0x10 - ATTR_CMN_OBJTYPE = 0x8 - ATTR_CMN_OWNERID = 0x8000 - ATTR_CMN_PARENTID = 0x4000000 - ATTR_CMN_PAROBJID = 0x80 - ATTR_CMN_RETURNED_ATTRS = 0x80000000 - ATTR_CMN_SCRIPT = 0x100 - ATTR_CMN_SETMASK = 0x41c7ff00 - ATTR_CMN_USERACCESS = 0x200000 - ATTR_CMN_UUID = 0x800000 - ATTR_CMN_VALIDMASK = 0xffffffff - ATTR_CMN_VOLSETMASK = 0x6700 - ATTR_FILE_ALLOCSIZE = 0x4 - ATTR_FILE_CLUMPSIZE = 0x10 - ATTR_FILE_DATAALLOCSIZE = 0x400 - ATTR_FILE_DATAEXTENTS = 0x800 - ATTR_FILE_DATALENGTH = 0x200 - ATTR_FILE_DEVTYPE = 0x20 - ATTR_FILE_FILETYPE = 0x40 - ATTR_FILE_FORKCOUNT = 0x80 - ATTR_FILE_FORKLIST = 0x100 - ATTR_FILE_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x8 - ATTR_FILE_LINKCOUNT = 0x1 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCALLOCSIZE = 0x2000 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCEXTENTS = 0x4000 - ATTR_FILE_RSRCLENGTH = 0x1000 - ATTR_FILE_SETMASK = 0x20 - ATTR_FILE_TOTALSIZE = 0x2 - ATTR_FILE_VALIDMASK = 0x37ff - ATTR_VOL_ALLOCATIONCLUMP = 0x40 - ATTR_VOL_ATTRIBUTES = 0x40000000 - ATTR_VOL_CAPABILITIES = 0x20000 - ATTR_VOL_DIRCOUNT = 0x400 - ATTR_VOL_ENCODINGSUSED = 0x10000 - ATTR_VOL_FILECOUNT = 0x200 - ATTR_VOL_FSTYPE = 0x1 - ATTR_VOL_INFO = 0x80000000 - ATTR_VOL_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x80 - ATTR_VOL_MAXOBJCOUNT = 0x800 - ATTR_VOL_MINALLOCATION = 0x20 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTEDDEVICE = 0x8000 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTFLAGS = 0x4000 - ATTR_VOL_MOUNTPOINT = 0x1000 - ATTR_VOL_NAME = 0x2000 - ATTR_VOL_OBJCOUNT = 0x100 - ATTR_VOL_QUOTA_SIZE = 0x10000000 - ATTR_VOL_RESERVED_SIZE = 0x20000000 - ATTR_VOL_SETMASK = 0x80002000 - ATTR_VOL_SIGNATURE = 0x2 - ATTR_VOL_SIZE = 0x4 - ATTR_VOL_SPACEAVAIL = 0x10 - ATTR_VOL_SPACEFREE = 0x8 - ATTR_VOL_UUID = 0x40000 - ATTR_VOL_VALIDMASK = 0xf007ffff - B0 = 0x0 - B110 = 0x6e - B115200 = 0x1c200 - B1200 = 0x4b0 - B134 = 0x86 - B14400 = 0x3840 - B150 = 0x96 - B1800 = 0x708 - B19200 = 0x4b00 - B200 = 0xc8 - B230400 = 0x38400 - B2400 = 0x960 - B28800 = 0x7080 - B300 = 0x12c - B38400 = 0x9600 - B4800 = 0x12c0 - B50 = 0x32 - B57600 = 0xe100 - B600 = 0x258 - B7200 = 0x1c20 - B75 = 0x4b - B76800 = 0x12c00 - B9600 = 0x2580 - BIOCFLUSH = 0x20004268 - BIOCGBLEN = 0x40044266 - BIOCGDLT = 0x4004426a - BIOCGDLTLIST = 0xc00c4279 - BIOCGETIF = 0x4020426b - BIOCGHDRCMPLT = 0x40044274 - BIOCGRSIG = 0x40044272 - BIOCGRTIMEOUT = 0x4010426e - BIOCGSEESENT = 0x40044276 - BIOCGSTATS = 0x4008426f - BIOCIMMEDIATE = 0x80044270 - BIOCPROMISC = 0x20004269 - BIOCSBLEN = 0xc0044266 - BIOCSDLT = 0x80044278 - BIOCSETF = 0x80104267 - BIOCSETFNR = 0x8010427e - BIOCSETIF = 0x8020426c - BIOCSHDRCMPLT = 0x80044275 - BIOCSRSIG = 0x80044273 - BIOCSRTIMEOUT = 0x8010426d - BIOCSSEESENT = 0x80044277 - BIOCVERSION = 0x40044271 - BPF_A = 0x10 - BPF_ABS = 0x20 - BPF_ADD = 0x0 - BPF_ALIGNMENT = 0x4 - BPF_ALU = 0x4 - BPF_AND = 0x50 - BPF_B = 0x10 - BPF_DIV = 0x30 - BPF_H = 0x8 - BPF_IMM = 0x0 - BPF_IND = 0x40 - BPF_JA = 0x0 - BPF_JEQ = 0x10 - BPF_JGE = 0x30 - BPF_JGT = 0x20 - BPF_JMP = 0x5 - BPF_JSET = 0x40 - BPF_K = 0x0 - BPF_LD = 0x0 - BPF_LDX = 0x1 - BPF_LEN = 0x80 - BPF_LSH = 0x60 - BPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x1 - BPF_MAXBUFSIZE = 0x80000 - BPF_MAXINSNS = 0x200 - BPF_MEM = 0x60 - BPF_MEMWORDS = 0x10 - BPF_MINBUFSIZE = 0x20 - BPF_MINOR_VERSION = 0x1 - BPF_MISC = 0x7 - BPF_MSH = 0xa0 - BPF_MUL = 0x20 - BPF_NEG = 0x80 - BPF_OR = 0x40 - BPF_RELEASE = 0x30bb6 - BPF_RET = 0x6 - BPF_RSH = 0x70 - BPF_ST = 0x2 - BPF_STX = 0x3 - BPF_SUB = 0x10 - BPF_TAX = 0x0 - BPF_TXA = 0x80 - BPF_W = 0x0 - BPF_X = 0x8 - BRKINT = 0x2 - BS0 = 0x0 - BS1 = 0x8000 - BSDLY = 0x8000 - CFLUSH = 0xf - CLOCAL = 0x8000 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 0x6 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 0x4 - CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX = 0x5 - CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0xc - CLOCK_REALTIME = 0x0 - CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x10 - CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW = 0x8 - CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX = 0x9 - CLONE_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - CLONE_NOOWNERCOPY = 0x2 - CR0 = 0x0 - CR1 = 0x1000 - CR2 = 0x2000 - CR3 = 0x3000 - CRDLY = 0x3000 - CREAD = 0x800 - CRTSCTS = 0x30000 - CS5 = 0x0 - CS6 = 0x100 - CS7 = 0x200 - CS8 = 0x300 - CSIZE = 0x300 - CSTART = 0x11 - CSTATUS = 0x14 - CSTOP = 0x13 - CSTOPB = 0x400 - CSUSP = 0x1a - CTLIOCGINFO = 0xc0644e03 - CTL_HW = 0x6 - CTL_KERN = 0x1 - CTL_MAXNAME = 0xc - CTL_NET = 0x4 - DLT_A429 = 0xb8 - DLT_A653_ICM = 0xb9 - DLT_AIRONET_HEADER = 0x78 - DLT_AOS = 0xde - DLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394 = 0x8a - DLT_ARCNET = 0x7 - DLT_ARCNET_LINUX = 0x81 - DLT_ATM_CLIP = 0x13 - DLT_ATM_RFC1483 = 0xb - DLT_AURORA = 0x7e - DLT_AX25 = 0x3 - DLT_AX25_KISS = 0xca - DLT_BACNET_MS_TP = 0xa5 - DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4 = 0xbb - DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR = 0xc9 - DLT_CAN20B = 0xbe - DLT_CAN_SOCKETCAN = 0xe3 - DLT_CHAOS = 0x5 - DLT_CHDLC = 0x68 - DLT_CISCO_IOS = 0x76 - DLT_C_HDLC = 0x68 - DLT_C_HDLC_WITH_DIR = 0xcd - DLT_DBUS = 0xe7 - DLT_DECT = 0xdd - DLT_DOCSIS = 0x8f - DLT_DVB_CI = 0xeb - DLT_ECONET = 0x73 - DLT_EN10MB = 0x1 - DLT_EN3MB = 0x2 - DLT_ENC = 0x6d - DLT_ERF = 0xc5 - DLT_ERF_ETH = 0xaf - DLT_ERF_POS = 0xb0 - DLT_FC_2 = 0xe0 - DLT_FC_2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS = 0xe1 - DLT_FDDI = 0xa - DLT_FLEXRAY = 0xd2 - DLT_FRELAY = 0x6b - DLT_FRELAY_WITH_DIR = 0xce - DLT_GCOM_SERIAL = 0xad - DLT_GCOM_T1E1 = 0xac - DLT_GPF_F = 0xab - DLT_GPF_T = 0xaa - DLT_GPRS_LLC = 0xa9 - DLT_GSMTAP_ABIS = 0xda - DLT_GSMTAP_UM = 0xd9 - DLT_HHDLC = 0x79 - DLT_IBM_SN = 0x92 - DLT_IBM_SP = 0x91 - DLT_IEEE802 = 0x6 - DLT_IEEE802_11 = 0x69 - DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO = 0x7f - DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVS = 0xa3 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4 = 0xc3 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUX = 0xbf - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS = 0xe6 - DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY = 0xd7 - DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS = 0xbc - DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO = 0xc1 - DLT_IPFILTER = 0x74 - DLT_IPMB = 0xc7 - DLT_IPMB_LINUX = 0xd1 - DLT_IPNET = 0xe2 - DLT_IPOIB = 0xf2 - DLT_IPV4 = 0xe4 - DLT_IPV6 = 0xe5 - DLT_IP_OVER_FC = 0x7a - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM1 = 0x89 - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM2 = 0x87 - DLT_JUNIPER_ATM_CEMIC = 0xee - DLT_JUNIPER_CHDLC = 0xb5 - DLT_JUNIPER_ES = 0x84 - DLT_JUNIPER_ETHER = 0xb2 - DLT_JUNIPER_FIBRECHANNEL = 0xea - DLT_JUNIPER_FRELAY = 0xb4 - DLT_JUNIPER_GGSN = 0x85 - DLT_JUNIPER_ISM = 0xc2 - DLT_JUNIPER_MFR = 0x86 - DLT_JUNIPER_MLFR = 0x83 - DLT_JUNIPER_MLPPP = 0x82 - DLT_JUNIPER_MONITOR = 0xa4 - DLT_JUNIPER_PIC_PEER = 0xae - DLT_JUNIPER_PPP = 0xb3 - DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE = 0xa7 - DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE_ATM = 0xa8 - DLT_JUNIPER_SERVICES = 0x88 - DLT_JUNIPER_SRX_E2E = 0xe9 - DLT_JUNIPER_ST = 0xc8 - DLT_JUNIPER_VP = 0xb7 - DLT_JUNIPER_VS = 0xe8 - DLT_LAPB_WITH_DIR = 0xcf - DLT_LAPD = 0xcb - DLT_LIN = 0xd4 - DLT_LINUX_EVDEV = 0xd8 - DLT_LINUX_IRDA = 0x90 - DLT_LINUX_LAPD = 0xb1 - DLT_LINUX_PPP_WITHDIRECTION = 0xa6 - DLT_LINUX_SLL = 0x71 - DLT_LOOP = 0x6c - DLT_LTALK = 0x72 - DLT_MATCHING_MAX = 0xf5 - DLT_MATCHING_MIN = 0x68 - DLT_MFR = 0xb6 - DLT_MOST = 0xd3 - DLT_MPEG_2_TS = 0xf3 - DLT_MPLS = 0xdb - DLT_MTP2 = 0x8c - DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR = 0x8b - DLT_MTP3 = 0x8d - DLT_MUX27010 = 0xec - DLT_NETANALYZER = 0xf0 - DLT_NETANALYZER_TRANSPARENT = 0xf1 - DLT_NFC_LLCP = 0xf5 - DLT_NFLOG = 0xef - DLT_NG40 = 0xf4 - DLT_NULL = 0x0 - DLT_PCI_EXP = 0x7d - DLT_PFLOG = 0x75 - DLT_PFSYNC = 0x12 - DLT_PPI = 0xc0 - DLT_PPP = 0x9 - DLT_PPP_BSDOS = 0x10 - DLT_PPP_ETHER = 0x33 - DLT_PPP_PPPD = 0xa6 - DLT_PPP_SERIAL = 0x32 - DLT_PPP_WITH_DIR = 0xcc - DLT_PPP_WITH_DIRECTION = 0xa6 - DLT_PRISM_HEADER = 0x77 - DLT_PRONET = 0x4 - DLT_RAIF1 = 0xc6 - DLT_RAW = 0xc - DLT_RIO = 0x7c - DLT_SCCP = 0x8e - DLT_SITA = 0xc4 - DLT_SLIP = 0x8 - DLT_SLIP_BSDOS = 0xf - DLT_STANAG_5066_D_PDU = 0xed - DLT_SUNATM = 0x7b - DLT_SYMANTEC_FIREWALL = 0x63 - DLT_TZSP = 0x80 - DLT_USB = 0xba - DLT_USB_LINUX = 0xbd - DLT_USB_LINUX_MMAPPED = 0xdc - DLT_USER0 = 0x93 - DLT_USER1 = 0x94 - DLT_USER10 = 0x9d - DLT_USER11 = 0x9e - DLT_USER12 = 0x9f - DLT_USER13 = 0xa0 - DLT_USER14 = 0xa1 - DLT_USER15 = 0xa2 - DLT_USER2 = 0x95 - DLT_USER3 = 0x96 - DLT_USER4 = 0x97 - DLT_USER5 = 0x98 - DLT_USER6 = 0x99 - DLT_USER7 = 0x9a - DLT_USER8 = 0x9b - DLT_USER9 = 0x9c - DLT_WIHART = 0xdf - DLT_X2E_SERIAL = 0xd5 - DLT_X2E_XORAYA = 0xd6 - DT_BLK = 0x6 - DT_CHR = 0x2 - DT_DIR = 0x4 - DT_FIFO = 0x1 - DT_LNK = 0xa - DT_REG = 0x8 - DT_SOCK = 0xc - DT_UNKNOWN = 0x0 - DT_WHT = 0xe - ECHO = 0x8 - ECHOCTL = 0x40 - ECHOE = 0x2 - ECHOK = 0x4 - ECHOKE = 0x1 - ECHONL = 0x10 - ECHOPRT = 0x20 - EVFILT_AIO = -0x3 - EVFILT_EXCEPT = -0xf - EVFILT_FS = -0x9 - EVFILT_MACHPORT = -0x8 - EVFILT_PROC = -0x5 - EVFILT_READ = -0x1 - EVFILT_SIGNAL = -0x6 - EVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 0xf - EVFILT_THREADMARKER = 0xf - EVFILT_TIMER = -0x7 - EVFILT_USER = -0xa - EVFILT_VM = -0xc - EVFILT_VNODE = -0x4 - EVFILT_WRITE = -0x2 - EV_ADD = 0x1 - EV_CLEAR = 0x20 - EV_DELETE = 0x2 - EV_DISABLE = 0x8 - EV_DISPATCH = 0x80 - EV_DISPATCH2 = 0x180 - EV_ENABLE = 0x4 - EV_EOF = 0x8000 - EV_ERROR = 0x4000 - EV_FLAG0 = 0x1000 - EV_FLAG1 = 0x2000 - EV_ONESHOT = 0x10 - EV_OOBAND = 0x2000 - EV_POLL = 0x1000 - EV_RECEIPT = 0x40 - EV_SYSFLAGS = 0xf000 - EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC = 0x100 - EV_VANISHED = 0x200 - EXTA = 0x4b00 - EXTB = 0x9600 - EXTPROC = 0x800 - FD_CLOEXEC = 0x1 - FD_SETSIZE = 0x400 - FF0 = 0x0 - FF1 = 0x4000 - FFDLY = 0x4000 - FLUSHO = 0x800000 - FSOPT_ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED = 0x20 - FSOPT_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - FSOPT_NOINMEMUPDATE = 0x2 - FSOPT_PACK_INVAL_ATTRS = 0x8 - FSOPT_REPORT_FULLSIZE = 0x4 - F_ADDFILESIGS = 0x3d - F_ADDFILESIGS_FOR_DYLD_SIM = 0x53 - F_ADDFILESIGS_RETURN = 0x61 - F_ADDSIGS = 0x3b - F_ALLOCATEALL = 0x4 - F_ALLOCATECONTIG = 0x2 - F_BARRIERFSYNC = 0x55 - F_CHECK_LV = 0x62 - F_CHKCLEAN = 0x29 - F_DUPFD = 0x0 - F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0x43 - F_FINDSIGS = 0x4e - F_FLUSH_DATA = 0x28 - F_FREEZE_FS = 0x35 - F_FULLFSYNC = 0x33 - F_GETCODEDIR = 0x48 - F_GETFD = 0x1 - F_GETFL = 0x3 - F_GETLK = 0x7 - F_GETLKPID = 0x42 - F_GETNOSIGPIPE = 0x4a - F_GETOWN = 0x5 - F_GETPATH = 0x32 - F_GETPATH_MTMINFO = 0x47 - F_GETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x3f - F_GETPROTECTIONLEVEL = 0x4d - F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE = 0x37 - F_LOG2PHYS = 0x31 - F_LOG2PHYS_EXT = 0x41 - F_NOCACHE = 0x30 - F_NODIRECT = 0x3e - F_OK = 0x0 - F_PATHPKG_CHECK = 0x34 - F_PEOFPOSMODE = 0x3 - F_PREALLOCATE = 0x2a - F_PUNCHHOLE = 0x63 - F_RDADVISE = 0x2c - F_RDAHEAD = 0x2d - F_RDLCK = 0x1 - F_SETBACKINGSTORE = 0x46 - F_SETFD = 0x2 - F_SETFL = 0x4 - F_SETLK = 0x8 - F_SETLKW = 0x9 - F_SETLKWTIMEOUT = 0xa - F_SETNOSIGPIPE = 0x49 - F_SETOWN = 0x6 - F_SETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x40 - F_SETSIZE = 0x2b - F_SINGLE_WRITER = 0x4c - F_THAW_FS = 0x36 - F_TRANSCODEKEY = 0x4b - F_TRIM_ACTIVE_FILE = 0x64 - F_UNLCK = 0x2 - F_VOLPOSMODE = 0x4 - F_WRLCK = 0x3 - HUPCL = 0x4000 - HW_MACHINE = 0x1 - ICANON = 0x100 - ICMP6_FILTER = 0x12 - ICRNL = 0x100 - IEXTEN = 0x400 - IFF_ALLMULTI = 0x200 - IFF_ALTPHYS = 0x4000 - IFF_BROADCAST = 0x2 - IFF_DEBUG = 0x4 - IFF_LINK0 = 0x1000 - IFF_LINK1 = 0x2000 - IFF_LINK2 = 0x4000 - IFF_LOOPBACK = 0x8 - IFF_MULTICAST = 0x8000 - IFF_NOARP = 0x80 - IFF_NOTRAILERS = 0x20 - IFF_OACTIVE = 0x400 - IFF_POINTOPOINT = 0x10 - IFF_PROMISC = 0x100 - IFF_RUNNING = 0x40 - IFF_SIMPLEX = 0x800 - IFF_UP = 0x1 - IFNAMSIZ = 0x10 - IFT_1822 = 0x2 - IFT_AAL5 = 0x31 - IFT_ARCNET = 0x23 - IFT_ARCNETPLUS = 0x24 - IFT_ATM = 0x25 - IFT_BRIDGE = 0xd1 - IFT_CARP = 0xf8 - IFT_CELLULAR = 0xff - IFT_CEPT = 0x13 - IFT_DS3 = 0x1e - IFT_ENC = 0xf4 - IFT_EON = 0x19 - IFT_ETHER = 0x6 - IFT_FAITH = 0x38 - IFT_FDDI = 0xf - IFT_FRELAY = 0x20 - IFT_FRELAYDCE = 0x2c - IFT_GIF = 0x37 - IFT_HDH1822 = 0x3 - IFT_HIPPI = 0x2f - IFT_HSSI = 0x2e - IFT_HY = 0xe - IFT_IEEE1394 = 0x90 - IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG = 0x88 - IFT_ISDNBASIC = 0x14 - IFT_ISDNPRIMARY = 0x15 - IFT_ISO88022LLC = 0x29 - IFT_ISO88023 = 0x7 - IFT_ISO88024 = 0x8 - IFT_ISO88025 = 0x9 - IFT_ISO88026 = 0xa - IFT_L2VLAN = 0x87 - IFT_LAPB = 0x10 - IFT_LOCALTALK = 0x2a - IFT_LOOP = 0x18 - IFT_MIOX25 = 0x26 - IFT_MODEM = 0x30 - IFT_NSIP = 0x1b - IFT_OTHER = 0x1 - IFT_P10 = 0xc - IFT_P80 = 0xd - IFT_PARA = 0x22 - IFT_PDP = 0xff - IFT_PFLOG = 0xf5 - IFT_PFSYNC = 0xf6 - IFT_PKTAP = 0xfe - IFT_PPP = 0x17 - IFT_PROPMUX = 0x36 - IFT_PROPVIRTUAL = 0x35 - IFT_PTPSERIAL = 0x16 - IFT_RS232 = 0x21 - IFT_SDLC = 0x11 - IFT_SIP = 0x1f - IFT_SLIP = 0x1c - IFT_SMDSDXI = 0x2b - IFT_SMDSICIP = 0x34 - IFT_SONET = 0x27 - IFT_SONETPATH = 0x32 - IFT_SONETVT = 0x33 - IFT_STARLAN = 0xb - IFT_STF = 0x39 - IFT_T1 = 0x12 - IFT_ULTRA = 0x1d - IFT_V35 = 0x2d - IFT_X25 = 0x5 - IFT_X25DDN = 0x4 - IFT_X25PLE = 0x28 - IFT_XETHER = 0x1a - IGNBRK = 0x1 - IGNCR = 0x80 - IGNPAR = 0x4 - IMAXBEL = 0x2000 - INLCR = 0x40 - INPCK = 0x10 - IN_CLASSA_HOST = 0xffffff - IN_CLASSA_MAX = 0x80 - IN_CLASSA_NET = 0xff000000 - IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 0x18 - IN_CLASSB_HOST = 0xffff - IN_CLASSB_MAX = 0x10000 - IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000 - IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 0x10 - IN_CLASSC_HOST = 0xff - IN_CLASSC_NET = 0xffffff00 - IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 0x8 - IN_CLASSD_HOST = 0xfffffff - IN_CLASSD_NET = 0xf0000000 - IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT = 0x1c - IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM = 0xa9fe0000 - IN_LOOPBACKNET = 0x7f - IPPROTO_3PC = 0x22 - IPPROTO_ADFS = 0x44 - IPPROTO_AH = 0x33 - IPPROTO_AHIP = 0x3d - IPPROTO_APES = 0x63 - IPPROTO_ARGUS = 0xd - IPPROTO_AX25 = 0x5d - IPPROTO_BHA = 0x31 - IPPROTO_BLT = 0x1e - IPPROTO_BRSATMON = 0x4c - IPPROTO_CFTP = 0x3e - IPPROTO_CHAOS = 0x10 - IPPROTO_CMTP = 0x26 - IPPROTO_CPHB = 0x49 - IPPROTO_CPNX = 0x48 - IPPROTO_DDP = 0x25 - IPPROTO_DGP = 0x56 - IPPROTO_DIVERT = 0xfe - IPPROTO_DONE = 0x101 - IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 0x3c - IPPROTO_EGP = 0x8 - IPPROTO_EMCON = 0xe - IPPROTO_ENCAP = 0x62 - IPPROTO_EON = 0x50 - IPPROTO_ESP = 0x32 - IPPROTO_ETHERIP = 0x61 - IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 0x2c - IPPROTO_GGP = 0x3 - IPPROTO_GMTP = 0x64 - IPPROTO_GRE = 0x2f - IPPROTO_HELLO = 0x3f - IPPROTO_HMP = 0x14 - IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0x0 - IPPROTO_ICMP = 0x1 - IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 0x3a - IPPROTO_IDP = 0x16 - IPPROTO_IDPR = 0x23 - IPPROTO_IDRP = 0x2d - IPPROTO_IGMP = 0x2 - IPPROTO_IGP = 0x55 - IPPROTO_IGRP = 0x58 - IPPROTO_IL = 0x28 - IPPROTO_INLSP = 0x34 - IPPROTO_INP = 0x20 - IPPROTO_IP = 0x0 - IPPROTO_IPCOMP = 0x6c - IPPROTO_IPCV = 0x47 - IPPROTO_IPEIP = 0x5e - IPPROTO_IPIP = 0x4 - IPPROTO_IPPC = 0x43 - IPPROTO_IPV4 = 0x4 - IPPROTO_IPV6 = 0x29 - IPPROTO_IRTP = 0x1c - IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN = 0x41 - IPPROTO_LARP = 0x5b - IPPROTO_LEAF1 = 0x19 - IPPROTO_LEAF2 = 0x1a - IPPROTO_MAX = 0x100 - IPPROTO_MAXID = 0x34 - IPPROTO_MEAS = 0x13 - IPPROTO_MHRP = 0x30 - IPPROTO_MICP = 0x5f - IPPROTO_MTP = 0x5c - IPPROTO_MUX = 0x12 - IPPROTO_ND = 0x4d - IPPROTO_NHRP = 0x36 - IPPROTO_NONE = 0x3b - IPPROTO_NSP = 0x1f - IPPROTO_NVPII = 0xb - IPPROTO_OSPFIGP = 0x59 - IPPROTO_PGM = 0x71 - IPPROTO_PIGP = 0x9 - IPPROTO_PIM = 0x67 - IPPROTO_PRM = 0x15 - IPPROTO_PUP = 0xc - IPPROTO_PVP = 0x4b - IPPROTO_RAW = 0xff - IPPROTO_RCCMON = 0xa - IPPROTO_RDP = 0x1b - IPPROTO_ROUTING = 0x2b - IPPROTO_RSVP = 0x2e - IPPROTO_RVD = 0x42 - IPPROTO_SATEXPAK = 0x40 - IPPROTO_SATMON = 0x45 - IPPROTO_SCCSP = 0x60 - IPPROTO_SCTP = 0x84 - IPPROTO_SDRP = 0x2a - IPPROTO_SEP = 0x21 - IPPROTO_SRPC = 0x5a - IPPROTO_ST = 0x7 - IPPROTO_SVMTP = 0x52 - IPPROTO_SWIPE = 0x35 - IPPROTO_TCF = 0x57 - IPPROTO_TCP = 0x6 - IPPROTO_TP = 0x1d - IPPROTO_TPXX = 0x27 - IPPROTO_TRUNK1 = 0x17 - IPPROTO_TRUNK2 = 0x18 - IPPROTO_TTP = 0x54 - IPPROTO_UDP = 0x11 - IPPROTO_VINES = 0x53 - IPPROTO_VISA = 0x46 - IPPROTO_VMTP = 0x51 - IPPROTO_WBEXPAK = 0x4f - IPPROTO_WBMON = 0x4e - IPPROTO_WSN = 0x4a - IPPROTO_XNET = 0xf - IPPROTO_XTP = 0x24 - IPV6_2292DSTOPTS = 0x17 - IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = 0x14 - IPV6_2292HOPOPTS = 0x16 - IPV6_2292NEXTHOP = 0x15 - IPV6_2292PKTINFO = 0x13 - IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = 0x19 - IPV6_2292RTHDR = 0x18 - IPV6_BINDV6ONLY = 0x1b - IPV6_BOUND_IF = 0x7d - IPV6_CHECKSUM = 0x1a - IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0x1 - IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 - IPV6_DEFHLIM = 0x40 - IPV6_FAITH = 0x1d - IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK = 0xffffff0f - IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK = 0xffff0f00 - IPV6_FLOW_ECN_MASK = 0x300 - IPV6_FRAGTTL = 0x3c - IPV6_FW_ADD = 0x1e - IPV6_FW_DEL = 0x1f - IPV6_FW_FLUSH = 0x20 - IPV6_FW_GET = 0x22 - IPV6_FW_ZERO = 0x21 - IPV6_HLIMDEC = 0x1 - IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x1c - IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 0xc - IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 0xd - IPV6_MAXHLIM = 0xff - IPV6_MAXOPTHDR = 0x800 - IPV6_MAXPACKET = 0xffff - IPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 - IPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff - IPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 - IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f - IPV6_MMTU = 0x500 - IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0xa - IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 - IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb - IPV6_PORTRANGE = 0xe - IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 - IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 - IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 - IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 0x23 - IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0x0 - IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 0x1 - IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0x0 - IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1 = 0x3 - IPV6_TCLASS = 0x24 - IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 0x4 - IPV6_V6ONLY = 0x1b - IPV6_VERSION = 0x60 - IPV6_VERSION_MASK = 0xf0 - IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0xc - IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x46 - IP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x48 - IP_BOUND_IF = 0x19 - IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 - IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 0x1 - IP_DF = 0x4000 - IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 0xd - IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x47 - IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE = 0x3c - IP_DUMMYNET_DEL = 0x3d - IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH = 0x3e - IP_DUMMYNET_GET = 0x40 - IP_FAITH = 0x16 - IP_FW_ADD = 0x28 - IP_FW_DEL = 0x29 - IP_FW_FLUSH = 0x2a - IP_FW_GET = 0x2c - IP_FW_RESETLOG = 0x2d - IP_FW_ZERO = 0x2b - IP_HDRINCL = 0x2 - IP_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x15 - IP_MAXPACKET = 0xffff - IP_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 - IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff - IP_MAX_SOCK_MUTE_FILTER = 0x80 - IP_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 - IP_MF = 0x2000 - IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f - IP_MSFILTER = 0x4a - IP_MSS = 0x240 - IP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 - IP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX = 0x42 - IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb - IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 0xa - IP_MULTICAST_VIF = 0xe - IP_NAT__XXX = 0x37 - IP_OFFMASK = 0x1fff - IP_OLD_FW_ADD = 0x32 - IP_OLD_FW_DEL = 0x33 - IP_OLD_FW_FLUSH = 0x34 - IP_OLD_FW_GET = 0x36 - IP_OLD_FW_RESETLOG = 0x38 - IP_OLD_FW_ZERO = 0x35 - IP_OPTIONS = 0x1 - IP_PKTINFO = 0x1a - IP_PORTRANGE = 0x13 - IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 - IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 - IP_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 - IP_RECVDSTADDR = 0x7 - IP_RECVIF = 0x14 - IP_RECVOPTS = 0x5 - IP_RECVPKTINFO = 0x1a - IP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x6 - IP_RECVTOS = 0x1b - IP_RECVTTL = 0x18 - IP_RETOPTS = 0x8 - IP_RF = 0x8000 - IP_RSVP_OFF = 0x10 - IP_RSVP_ON = 0xf - IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF = 0x12 - IP_RSVP_VIF_ON = 0x11 - IP_STRIPHDR = 0x17 - IP_TOS = 0x3 - IP_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND = 0x41 - IP_TTL = 0x4 - IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x49 - ISIG = 0x80 - ISTRIP = 0x20 - IUTF8 = 0x4000 - IXANY = 0x800 - IXOFF = 0x400 - IXON = 0x200 - KERN_HOSTNAME = 0xa - KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 - KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 - KERN_VERSION = 0x4 - LOCK_EX = 0x2 - LOCK_NB = 0x4 - LOCK_SH = 0x1 - LOCK_UN = 0x8 - MADV_CAN_REUSE = 0x9 - MADV_DONTNEED = 0x4 - MADV_FREE = 0x5 - MADV_FREE_REUSABLE = 0x7 - MADV_FREE_REUSE = 0x8 - MADV_NORMAL = 0x0 - MADV_PAGEOUT = 0xa - MADV_RANDOM = 0x1 - MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 0x2 - MADV_WILLNEED = 0x3 - MADV_ZERO_WIRED_PAGES = 0x6 - MAP_ANON = 0x1000 - MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000 - MAP_COPY = 0x2 - MAP_FILE = 0x0 - MAP_FIXED = 0x10 - MAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x200 - MAP_JIT = 0x800 - MAP_NOCACHE = 0x400 - MAP_NOEXTEND = 0x100 - MAP_NORESERVE = 0x40 - MAP_PRIVATE = 0x2 - MAP_RENAME = 0x20 - MAP_RESERVED0080 = 0x80 - MAP_RESILIENT_CODESIGN = 0x2000 - MAP_RESILIENT_MEDIA = 0x4000 - MAP_SHARED = 0x1 - MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 - MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 - MNT_ASYNC = 0x40 - MNT_AUTOMOUNTED = 0x400000 - MNT_CMDFLAGS = 0xf0000 - MNT_CPROTECT = 0x80 - MNT_DEFWRITE = 0x2000000 - MNT_DONTBROWSE = 0x100000 - MNT_DOVOLFS = 0x8000 - MNT_DWAIT = 0x4 - MNT_EXPORTED = 0x100 - MNT_FORCE = 0x80000 - MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP = 0x200000 - MNT_JOURNALED = 0x800000 - MNT_LOCAL = 0x1000 - MNT_MULTILABEL = 0x4000000 - MNT_NOATIME = 0x10000000 - MNT_NOBLOCK = 0x20000 - MNT_NODEV = 0x10 - MNT_NOEXEC = 0x4 - MNT_NOSUID = 0x8 - MNT_NOUSERXATTR = 0x1000000 - MNT_NOWAIT = 0x2 - MNT_QUARANTINE = 0x400 - MNT_QUOTA = 0x2000 - MNT_RDONLY = 0x1 - MNT_RELOAD = 0x40000 - MNT_ROOTFS = 0x4000 - MNT_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x2 - MNT_UNION = 0x20 - MNT_UNKNOWNPERMISSIONS = 0x200000 - MNT_UPDATE = 0x10000 - MNT_VISFLAGMASK = 0x17f0f5ff - MNT_WAIT = 0x1 - MSG_CTRUNC = 0x20 - MSG_DONTROUTE = 0x4 - MSG_DONTWAIT = 0x80 - MSG_EOF = 0x100 - MSG_EOR = 0x8 - MSG_FLUSH = 0x400 - MSG_HAVEMORE = 0x2000 - MSG_HOLD = 0x800 - MSG_NEEDSA = 0x10000 - MSG_OOB = 0x1 - MSG_PEEK = 0x2 - MSG_RCVMORE = 0x4000 - MSG_SEND = 0x1000 - MSG_TRUNC = 0x10 - MSG_WAITALL = 0x40 - MSG_WAITSTREAM = 0x200 - MS_ASYNC = 0x1 - MS_DEACTIVATE = 0x8 - MS_INVALIDATE = 0x2 - MS_KILLPAGES = 0x4 - MS_SYNC = 0x10 - NAME_MAX = 0xff - NET_RT_DUMP = 0x1 - NET_RT_DUMP2 = 0x7 - NET_RT_FLAGS = 0x2 - NET_RT_IFLIST = 0x3 - NET_RT_IFLIST2 = 0x6 - NET_RT_MAXID = 0xa - NET_RT_STAT = 0x4 - NET_RT_TRASH = 0x5 - NFDBITS = 0x20 - NL0 = 0x0 - NL1 = 0x100 - NL2 = 0x200 - NL3 = 0x300 - NLDLY = 0x300 - NOFLSH = 0x80000000 - NOKERNINFO = 0x2000000 - NOTE_ABSOLUTE = 0x8 - NOTE_ATTRIB = 0x8 - NOTE_BACKGROUND = 0x40 - NOTE_CHILD = 0x4 - NOTE_CRITICAL = 0x20 - NOTE_DELETE = 0x1 - NOTE_EXEC = 0x20000000 - NOTE_EXIT = 0x80000000 - NOTE_EXITSTATUS = 0x4000000 - NOTE_EXIT_CSERROR = 0x40000 - NOTE_EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL = 0x10000 - NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL = 0x2000000 - NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL_MASK = 0x70000 - NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY = 0x20000 - NOTE_EXIT_REPARENTED = 0x80000 - NOTE_EXTEND = 0x4 - NOTE_FFAND = 0x40000000 - NOTE_FFCOPY = 0xc0000000 - NOTE_FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000 - NOTE_FFLAGSMASK = 0xffffff - NOTE_FFNOP = 0x0 - NOTE_FFOR = 0x80000000 - NOTE_FORK = 0x40000000 - NOTE_FUNLOCK = 0x100 - NOTE_LEEWAY = 0x10 - NOTE_LINK = 0x10 - NOTE_LOWAT = 0x1 - NOTE_MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME = 0x80 - NOTE_NONE = 0x80 - NOTE_NSECONDS = 0x4 - NOTE_OOB = 0x2 - NOTE_PCTRLMASK = -0x100000 - NOTE_PDATAMASK = 0xfffff - NOTE_REAP = 0x10000000 - NOTE_RENAME = 0x20 - NOTE_REVOKE = 0x40 - NOTE_SECONDS = 0x1 - NOTE_SIGNAL = 0x8000000 - NOTE_TRACK = 0x1 - NOTE_TRACKERR = 0x2 - NOTE_TRIGGER = 0x1000000 - NOTE_USECONDS = 0x2 - NOTE_VM_ERROR = 0x10000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE = 0x80000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE = 0x20000000 - NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE = 0x40000000 - NOTE_WRITE = 0x2 - OCRNL = 0x10 - OFDEL = 0x20000 - OFILL = 0x80 - ONLCR = 0x2 - ONLRET = 0x40 - ONOCR = 0x20 - ONOEOT = 0x8 - OPOST = 0x1 - OXTABS = 0x4 - O_ACCMODE = 0x3 - O_ALERT = 0x20000000 - O_APPEND = 0x8 - O_ASYNC = 0x40 - O_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000 - O_CREAT = 0x200 - O_DIRECTORY = 0x100000 - O_DP_GETRAWENCRYPTED = 0x1 - O_DP_GETRAWUNENCRYPTED = 0x2 - O_DSYNC = 0x400000 - O_EVTONLY = 0x8000 - O_EXCL = 0x800 - O_EXLOCK = 0x20 - O_FSYNC = 0x80 - O_NDELAY = 0x4 - O_NOCTTY = 0x20000 - O_NOFOLLOW = 0x100 - O_NONBLOCK = 0x4 - O_POPUP = 0x80000000 - O_RDONLY = 0x0 - O_RDWR = 0x2 - O_SHLOCK = 0x10 - O_SYMLINK = 0x200000 - O_SYNC = 0x80 - O_TRUNC = 0x400 - O_WRONLY = 0x1 - PARENB = 0x1000 - PARMRK = 0x8 - PARODD = 0x2000 - PENDIN = 0x20000000 - PRIO_PGRP = 0x1 - PRIO_PROCESS = 0x0 - PRIO_USER = 0x2 - PROT_EXEC = 0x4 - PROT_NONE = 0x0 - PROT_READ = 0x1 - PROT_WRITE = 0x2 - PT_ATTACH = 0xa - PT_ATTACHEXC = 0xe - PT_CONTINUE = 0x7 - PT_DENY_ATTACH = 0x1f - PT_DETACH = 0xb - PT_FIRSTMACH = 0x20 - PT_FORCEQUOTA = 0x1e - PT_KILL = 0x8 - PT_READ_D = 0x2 - PT_READ_I = 0x1 - PT_READ_U = 0x3 - PT_SIGEXC = 0xc - PT_STEP = 0x9 - PT_THUPDATE = 0xd - PT_TRACE_ME = 0x0 - PT_WRITE_D = 0x5 - PT_WRITE_I = 0x4 - PT_WRITE_U = 0x6 - RLIMIT_AS = 0x5 - RLIMIT_CORE = 0x4 - RLIMIT_CPU = 0x0 - RLIMIT_CPU_USAGE_MONITOR = 0x2 - RLIMIT_DATA = 0x2 - RLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1 - RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6 - RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8 - RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7 - RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 - RLIMIT_STACK = 0x3 - RLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff - RTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6 - RTAX_BRD = 0x7 - RTAX_DST = 0x0 - RTAX_GATEWAY = 0x1 - RTAX_GENMASK = 0x3 - RTAX_IFA = 0x5 - RTAX_IFP = 0x4 - RTAX_MAX = 0x8 - RTAX_NETMASK = 0x2 - RTA_AUTHOR = 0x40 - RTA_BRD = 0x80 - RTA_DST = 0x1 - RTA_GATEWAY = 0x2 - RTA_GENMASK = 0x8 - RTA_IFA = 0x20 - RTA_IFP = 0x10 - RTA_NETMASK = 0x4 - RTF_BLACKHOLE = 0x1000 - RTF_BROADCAST = 0x400000 - RTF_CLONING = 0x100 - RTF_CONDEMNED = 0x2000000 - RTF_DELCLONE = 0x80 - RTF_DONE = 0x40 - RTF_DYNAMIC = 0x10 - RTF_GATEWAY = 0x2 - RTF_HOST = 0x4 - RTF_IFREF = 0x4000000 - RTF_IFSCOPE = 0x1000000 - RTF_LLINFO = 0x400 - RTF_LOCAL = 0x200000 - RTF_MODIFIED = 0x20 - RTF_MULTICAST = 0x800000 - RTF_NOIFREF = 0x2000 - RTF_PINNED = 0x100000 - RTF_PRCLONING = 0x10000 - RTF_PROTO1 = 0x8000 - RTF_PROTO2 = 0x4000 - RTF_PROTO3 = 0x40000 - RTF_PROXY = 0x8000000 - RTF_REJECT = 0x8 - RTF_ROUTER = 0x10000000 - RTF_STATIC = 0x800 - RTF_UP = 0x1 - RTF_WASCLONED = 0x20000 - RTF_XRESOLVE = 0x200 - RTM_ADD = 0x1 - RTM_CHANGE = 0x3 - RTM_DELADDR = 0xd - RTM_DELETE = 0x2 - RTM_DELMADDR = 0x10 - RTM_GET = 0x4 - RTM_GET2 = 0x14 - RTM_IFINFO = 0xe - RTM_IFINFO2 = 0x12 - RTM_LOCK = 0x8 - RTM_LOSING = 0x5 - RTM_MISS = 0x7 - RTM_NEWADDR = 0xc - RTM_NEWMADDR = 0xf - RTM_NEWMADDR2 = 0x13 - RTM_OLDADD = 0x9 - RTM_OLDDEL = 0xa - RTM_REDIRECT = 0x6 - RTM_RESOLVE = 0xb - RTM_RTTUNIT = 0xf4240 - RTM_VERSION = 0x5 - RTV_EXPIRE = 0x4 - RTV_HOPCOUNT = 0x2 - RTV_MTU = 0x1 - RTV_RPIPE = 0x8 - RTV_RTT = 0x40 - RTV_RTTVAR = 0x80 - RTV_SPIPE = 0x10 - RTV_SSTHRESH = 0x20 - RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -0x1 - RUSAGE_SELF = 0x0 - SCM_CREDS = 0x3 - SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 - SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 - SCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x4 - SHUT_RD = 0x0 - SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 - SHUT_WR = 0x1 - SIOCADDMULTI = 0x80206931 - SIOCAIFADDR = 0x8040691a - SIOCARPIPLL = 0xc0206928 - SIOCATMARK = 0x40047307 - SIOCAUTOADDR = 0xc0206926 - SIOCAUTONETMASK = 0x80206927 - SIOCDELMULTI = 0x80206932 - SIOCDIFADDR = 0x80206919 - SIOCDIFPHYADDR = 0x80206941 - SIOCGDRVSPEC = 0xc028697b - SIOCGETVLAN = 0xc020697f - SIOCGHIWAT = 0x40047301 - SIOCGIFADDR = 0xc0206921 - SIOCGIFALTMTU = 0xc0206948 - SIOCGIFASYNCMAP = 0xc020697c - SIOCGIFBOND = 0xc0206947 - SIOCGIFBRDADDR = 0xc0206923 - SIOCGIFCAP = 0xc020695b - SIOCGIFCONF = 0xc00c6924 - SIOCGIFDEVMTU = 0xc0206944 - SIOCGIFDSTADDR = 0xc0206922 - SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0xc0206911 - SIOCGIFGENERIC = 0xc020693a - SIOCGIFKPI = 0xc0206987 - SIOCGIFMAC = 0xc0206982 - SIOCGIFMEDIA = 0xc02c6938 - SIOCGIFMETRIC = 0xc0206917 - SIOCGIFMTU = 0xc0206933 - SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0xc0206925 - SIOCGIFPDSTADDR = 0xc0206940 - SIOCGIFPHYS = 0xc0206935 - SIOCGIFPSRCADDR = 0xc020693f - SIOCGIFSTATUS = 0xc331693d - SIOCGIFVLAN = 0xc020697f - SIOCGIFWAKEFLAGS = 0xc0206988 - SIOCGLOWAT = 0x40047303 - SIOCGPGRP = 0x40047309 - SIOCIFCREATE = 0xc0206978 - SIOCIFCREATE2 = 0xc020697a - SIOCIFDESTROY = 0x80206979 - SIOCIFGCLONERS = 0xc0106981 - SIOCRSLVMULTI = 0xc010693b - SIOCSDRVSPEC = 0x8028697b - SIOCSETVLAN = 0x8020697e - SIOCSHIWAT = 0x80047300 - SIOCSIFADDR = 0x8020690c - SIOCSIFALTMTU = 0x80206945 - SIOCSIFASYNCMAP = 0x8020697d - SIOCSIFBOND = 0x80206946 - SIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x80206913 - SIOCSIFCAP = 0x8020695a - SIOCSIFDSTADDR = 0x8020690e - SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x80206910 - SIOCSIFGENERIC = 0x80206939 - SIOCSIFKPI = 0x80206986 - SIOCSIFLLADDR = 0x8020693c - SIOCSIFMAC = 0x80206983 - SIOCSIFMEDIA = 0xc0206937 - SIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x80206918 - SIOCSIFMTU = 0x80206934 - SIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x80206916 - SIOCSIFPHYADDR = 0x8040693e - SIOCSIFPHYS = 0x80206936 - SIOCSIFVLAN = 0x8020697e - SIOCSLOWAT = 0x80047302 - SIOCSPGRP = 0x80047308 - SOCK_DGRAM = 0x2 - SOCK_MAXADDRLEN = 0xff - SOCK_RAW = 0x3 - SOCK_RDM = 0x4 - SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 - SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 - SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff - SOMAXCONN = 0x80 - SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 - SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 - SO_DEBUG = 0x1 - SO_DONTROUTE = 0x10 - SO_DONTTRUNC = 0x2000 - SO_ERROR = 0x1007 - SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x8 - SO_LABEL = 0x1010 - SO_LINGER = 0x80 - SO_LINGER_SEC = 0x1080 - SO_NETSVC_MARKING_LEVEL = 0x1119 - SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE = 0x1116 - SO_NKE = 0x1021 - SO_NOADDRERR = 0x1023 - SO_NOSIGPIPE = 0x1022 - SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT = 0x1026 - SO_NP_EXTENSIONS = 0x1083 - SO_NREAD = 0x1020 - SO_NUMRCVPKT = 0x1112 - SO_NWRITE = 0x1024 - SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 - SO_PEERLABEL = 0x1011 - SO_RANDOMPORT = 0x1082 - SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 - SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 - SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 - SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 - SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 - SO_REUSESHAREUID = 0x1025 - SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001 - SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 - SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 - SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x400 - SO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x800 - SO_TYPE = 0x1008 - SO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT = 0x1027 - SO_USELOOPBACK = 0x40 - SO_WANTMORE = 0x4000 - SO_WANTOOBFLAG = 0x8000 - S_IEXEC = 0x40 - S_IFBLK = 0x6000 - S_IFCHR = 0x2000 - S_IFDIR = 0x4000 - S_IFIFO = 0x1000 - S_IFLNK = 0xa000 - S_IFMT = 0xf000 - S_IFREG = 0x8000 - S_IFSOCK = 0xc000 - S_IFWHT = 0xe000 - S_IREAD = 0x100 - S_IRGRP = 0x20 - S_IROTH = 0x4 - S_IRUSR = 0x100 - S_IRWXG = 0x38 - S_IRWXO = 0x7 - S_IRWXU = 0x1c0 - S_ISGID = 0x400 - S_ISTXT = 0x200 - S_ISUID = 0x800 - S_ISVTX = 0x200 - S_IWGRP = 0x10 - S_IWOTH = 0x2 - S_IWRITE = 0x80 - S_IWUSR = 0x80 - S_IXGRP = 0x8 - S_IXOTH = 0x1 - S_IXUSR = 0x40 - TAB0 = 0x0 - TAB1 = 0x400 - TAB2 = 0x800 - TAB3 = 0x4 - TABDLY = 0xc04 - TCIFLUSH = 0x1 - TCIOFF = 0x3 - TCIOFLUSH = 0x3 - TCION = 0x4 - TCOFLUSH = 0x2 - TCOOFF = 0x1 - TCOON = 0x2 - TCP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT = 0x20 - TCP_CONNECTION_INFO = 0x106 - TCP_ENABLE_ECN = 0x104 - TCP_FASTOPEN = 0x105 - TCP_KEEPALIVE = 0x10 - TCP_KEEPCNT = 0x102 - TCP_KEEPINTVL = 0x101 - TCP_MAXHLEN = 0x3c - TCP_MAXOLEN = 0x28 - TCP_MAXSEG = 0x2 - TCP_MAXWIN = 0xffff - TCP_MAX_SACK = 0x4 - TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 0xe - TCP_MINMSS = 0xd8 - TCP_MSS = 0x200 - TCP_NODELAY = 0x1 - TCP_NOOPT = 0x8 - TCP_NOPUSH = 0x4 - TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT = 0x201 - TCP_RXT_CONNDROPTIME = 0x80 - TCP_RXT_FINDROP = 0x100 - TCP_SENDMOREACKS = 0x103 - TCSAFLUSH = 0x2 - TIOCCBRK = 0x2000747a - TIOCCDTR = 0x20007478 - TIOCCONS = 0x80047462 - TIOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40107458 - TIOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e - TIOCDSIMICROCODE = 0x20007455 - TIOCEXCL = 0x2000740d - TIOCEXT = 0x80047460 - TIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410 - TIOCGDRAINWAIT = 0x40047456 - TIOCGETA = 0x40487413 - TIOCGETD = 0x4004741a - TIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477 - TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468 - TIOCIXOFF = 0x20007480 - TIOCIXON = 0x20007481 - TIOCMBIC = 0x8004746b - TIOCMBIS = 0x8004746c - TIOCMGDTRWAIT = 0x4004745a - TIOCMGET = 0x4004746a - TIOCMODG = 0x40047403 - TIOCMODS = 0x80047404 - TIOCMSDTRWAIT = 0x8004745b - TIOCMSET = 0x8004746d - TIOCM_CAR = 0x40 - TIOCM_CD = 0x40 - TIOCM_CTS = 0x20 - TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 - TIOCM_DTR = 0x2 - TIOCM_LE = 0x1 - TIOCM_RI = 0x80 - TIOCM_RNG = 0x80 - TIOCM_RTS = 0x4 - TIOCM_SR = 0x10 - TIOCM_ST = 0x8 - TIOCNOTTY = 0x20007471 - TIOCNXCL = 0x2000740e - TIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473 - TIOCPKT = 0x80047470 - TIOCPKT_DATA = 0x0 - TIOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20 - TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1 - TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2 - TIOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40 - TIOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10 - TIOCPKT_START = 0x8 - TIOCPKT_STOP = 0x4 - TIOCPTYGNAME = 0x40807453 - TIOCPTYGRANT = 0x20007454 - TIOCPTYUNLK = 0x20007452 - TIOCREMOTE = 0x80047469 - TIOCSBRK = 0x2000747b - TIOCSCONS = 0x20007463 - TIOCSCTTY = 0x20007461 - TIOCSDRAINWAIT = 0x80047457 - TIOCSDTR = 0x20007479 - TIOCSETA = 0x80487414 - TIOCSETAF = 0x80487416 - TIOCSETAW = 0x80487415 - TIOCSETD = 0x8004741b - TIOCSIG = 0x2000745f - TIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476 - TIOCSTART = 0x2000746e - TIOCSTAT = 0x20007465 - TIOCSTI = 0x80017472 - TIOCSTOP = 0x2000746f - TIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467 - TIOCTIMESTAMP = 0x40107459 - TIOCUCNTL = 0x80047466 - TOSTOP = 0x400000 - VDISCARD = 0xf - VDSUSP = 0xb - VEOF = 0x0 - VEOL = 0x1 - VEOL2 = 0x2 - VERASE = 0x3 - VINTR = 0x8 - VKILL = 0x5 - VLNEXT = 0xe - VMIN = 0x10 - VM_LOADAVG = 0x2 - VM_MACHFACTOR = 0x4 - VM_MAXID = 0x6 - VM_METER = 0x1 - VM_SWAPUSAGE = 0x5 - VQUIT = 0x9 - VREPRINT = 0x6 - VSTART = 0xc - VSTATUS = 0x12 - VSTOP = 0xd - VSUSP = 0xa - VT0 = 0x0 - VT1 = 0x10000 - VTDLY = 0x10000 - VTIME = 0x11 - VWERASE = 0x4 - WCONTINUED = 0x10 - WCOREFLAG = 0x80 - WEXITED = 0x4 - WNOHANG = 0x1 - WNOWAIT = 0x20 - WORDSIZE = 0x40 - WSTOPPED = 0x8 - WUNTRACED = 0x2 - XATTR_CREATE = 0x2 - XATTR_NODEFAULT = 0x10 - XATTR_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 - XATTR_NOSECURITY = 0x8 - XATTR_REPLACE = 0x4 - XATTR_SHOWCOMPRESSION = 0x20 + AF_APPLETALK = 0x10 + AF_CCITT = 0xa + AF_CHAOS = 0x5 + AF_CNT = 0x15 + AF_COIP = 0x14 + AF_DATAKIT = 0x9 + AF_DECnet = 0xc + AF_DLI = 0xd + AF_E164 = 0x1c + AF_ECMA = 0x8 + AF_HYLINK = 0xf + AF_IEEE80211 = 0x25 + AF_IMPLINK = 0x3 + AF_INET = 0x2 + AF_INET6 = 0x1e + AF_IPX = 0x17 + AF_ISDN = 0x1c + AF_ISO = 0x7 + AF_LAT = 0xe + AF_LINK = 0x12 + AF_LOCAL = 0x1 + AF_MAX = 0x29 + AF_NATM = 0x1f + AF_NDRV = 0x1b + AF_NETBIOS = 0x21 + AF_NS = 0x6 + AF_OSI = 0x7 + AF_PPP = 0x22 + AF_PUP = 0x4 + AF_RESERVED_36 = 0x24 + AF_ROUTE = 0x11 + AF_SIP = 0x18 + AF_SNA = 0xb + AF_SYSTEM = 0x20 + AF_SYS_CONTROL = 0x2 + AF_UNIX = 0x1 + AF_UNSPEC = 0x0 + AF_UTUN = 0x26 + AF_VSOCK = 0x28 + ALTWERASE = 0x200 + ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT = 0x5 + ATTR_CMN_ACCESSMASK = 0x20000 + ATTR_CMN_ACCTIME = 0x1000 + ATTR_CMN_ADDEDTIME = 0x10000000 + ATTR_CMN_BKUPTIME = 0x2000 + ATTR_CMN_CHGTIME = 0x800 + ATTR_CMN_CRTIME = 0x200 + ATTR_CMN_DATA_PROTECT_FLAGS = 0x40000000 + ATTR_CMN_DEVID = 0x2 + ATTR_CMN_DOCUMENT_ID = 0x100000 + ATTR_CMN_ERROR = 0x20000000 + ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED_SECURITY = 0x400000 + ATTR_CMN_FILEID = 0x2000000 + ATTR_CMN_FLAGS = 0x40000 + ATTR_CMN_FNDRINFO = 0x4000 + ATTR_CMN_FSID = 0x4 + ATTR_CMN_FULLPATH = 0x8000000 + ATTR_CMN_GEN_COUNT = 0x80000 + ATTR_CMN_GRPID = 0x10000 + ATTR_CMN_GRPUUID = 0x1000000 + ATTR_CMN_MODTIME = 0x400 + ATTR_CMN_NAME = 0x1 + ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRCOUNT = 0x80000 + ATTR_CMN_NAMEDATTRLIST = 0x100000 + ATTR_CMN_OBJID = 0x20 + ATTR_CMN_OBJPERMANENTID = 0x40 + ATTR_CMN_OBJTAG = 0x10 + ATTR_CMN_OBJTYPE = 0x8 + ATTR_CMN_OWNERID = 0x8000 + ATTR_CMN_PARENTID = 0x4000000 + ATTR_CMN_PAROBJID = 0x80 + ATTR_CMN_RETURNED_ATTRS = 0x80000000 + ATTR_CMN_SCRIPT = 0x100 + ATTR_CMN_SETMASK = 0x51c7ff00 + ATTR_CMN_USERACCESS = 0x200000 + ATTR_CMN_UUID = 0x800000 + ATTR_CMN_VALIDMASK = 0xffffffff + ATTR_CMN_VOLSETMASK = 0x6700 + ATTR_FILE_ALLOCSIZE = 0x4 + ATTR_FILE_CLUMPSIZE = 0x10 + ATTR_FILE_DATAALLOCSIZE = 0x400 + ATTR_FILE_DATAEXTENTS = 0x800 + ATTR_FILE_DATALENGTH = 0x200 + ATTR_FILE_DEVTYPE = 0x20 + ATTR_FILE_FILETYPE = 0x40 + ATTR_FILE_FORKCOUNT = 0x80 + ATTR_FILE_FORKLIST = 0x100 + ATTR_FILE_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x8 + ATTR_FILE_LINKCOUNT = 0x1 + ATTR_FILE_RSRCALLOCSIZE = 0x2000 + ATTR_FILE_RSRCEXTENTS = 0x4000 + ATTR_FILE_RSRCLENGTH = 0x1000 + ATTR_FILE_SETMASK = 0x20 + ATTR_FILE_TOTALSIZE = 0x2 + ATTR_FILE_VALIDMASK = 0x37ff + ATTR_VOL_ALLOCATIONCLUMP = 0x40 + ATTR_VOL_ATTRIBUTES = 0x40000000 + ATTR_VOL_CAPABILITIES = 0x20000 + ATTR_VOL_DIRCOUNT = 0x400 + ATTR_VOL_ENCODINGSUSED = 0x10000 + ATTR_VOL_FILECOUNT = 0x200 + ATTR_VOL_FSTYPE = 0x1 + ATTR_VOL_INFO = 0x80000000 + ATTR_VOL_IOBLOCKSIZE = 0x80 + ATTR_VOL_MAXOBJCOUNT = 0x800 + ATTR_VOL_MINALLOCATION = 0x20 + ATTR_VOL_MOUNTEDDEVICE = 0x8000 + ATTR_VOL_MOUNTFLAGS = 0x4000 + ATTR_VOL_MOUNTPOINT = 0x1000 + ATTR_VOL_NAME = 0x2000 + ATTR_VOL_OBJCOUNT = 0x100 + ATTR_VOL_QUOTA_SIZE = 0x10000000 + ATTR_VOL_RESERVED_SIZE = 0x20000000 + ATTR_VOL_SETMASK = 0x80002000 + ATTR_VOL_SIGNATURE = 0x2 + ATTR_VOL_SIZE = 0x4 + ATTR_VOL_SPACEAVAIL = 0x10 + ATTR_VOL_SPACEFREE = 0x8 + ATTR_VOL_SPACEUSED = 0x800000 + ATTR_VOL_UUID = 0x40000 + ATTR_VOL_VALIDMASK = 0xf087ffff + B0 = 0x0 + B110 = 0x6e + B115200 = 0x1c200 + B1200 = 0x4b0 + B134 = 0x86 + B14400 = 0x3840 + B150 = 0x96 + B1800 = 0x708 + B19200 = 0x4b00 + B200 = 0xc8 + B230400 = 0x38400 + B2400 = 0x960 + B28800 = 0x7080 + B300 = 0x12c + B38400 = 0x9600 + B4800 = 0x12c0 + B50 = 0x32 + B57600 = 0xe100 + B600 = 0x258 + B7200 = 0x1c20 + B75 = 0x4b + B76800 = 0x12c00 + B9600 = 0x2580 + BIOCFLUSH = 0x20004268 + BIOCGBLEN = 0x40044266 + BIOCGDLT = 0x4004426a + BIOCGDLTLIST = 0xc00c4279 + BIOCGETIF = 0x4020426b + BIOCGHDRCMPLT = 0x40044274 + BIOCGRSIG = 0x40044272 + BIOCGRTIMEOUT = 0x4010426e + BIOCGSEESENT = 0x40044276 + BIOCGSTATS = 0x4008426f + BIOCIMMEDIATE = 0x80044270 + BIOCPROMISC = 0x20004269 + BIOCSBLEN = 0xc0044266 + BIOCSDLT = 0x80044278 + BIOCSETF = 0x80104267 + BIOCSETFNR = 0x8010427e + BIOCSETIF = 0x8020426c + BIOCSHDRCMPLT = 0x80044275 + BIOCSRSIG = 0x80044273 + BIOCSRTIMEOUT = 0x8010426d + BIOCSSEESENT = 0x80044277 + BIOCVERSION = 0x40044271 + BPF_A = 0x10 + BPF_ABS = 0x20 + BPF_ADD = 0x0 + BPF_ALIGNMENT = 0x4 + BPF_ALU = 0x4 + BPF_AND = 0x50 + BPF_B = 0x10 + BPF_DIV = 0x30 + BPF_H = 0x8 + BPF_IMM = 0x0 + BPF_IND = 0x40 + BPF_JA = 0x0 + BPF_JEQ = 0x10 + BPF_JGE = 0x30 + BPF_JGT = 0x20 + BPF_JMP = 0x5 + BPF_JSET = 0x40 + BPF_K = 0x0 + BPF_LD = 0x0 + BPF_LDX = 0x1 + BPF_LEN = 0x80 + BPF_LSH = 0x60 + BPF_MAJOR_VERSION = 0x1 + BPF_MAXBUFSIZE = 0x80000 + BPF_MAXINSNS = 0x200 + BPF_MEM = 0x60 + BPF_MEMWORDS = 0x10 + BPF_MINBUFSIZE = 0x20 + BPF_MINOR_VERSION = 0x1 + BPF_MISC = 0x7 + BPF_MSH = 0xa0 + BPF_MUL = 0x20 + BPF_NEG = 0x80 + BPF_OR = 0x40 + BPF_RELEASE = 0x30bb6 + BPF_RET = 0x6 + BPF_RSH = 0x70 + BPF_ST = 0x2 + BPF_STX = 0x3 + BPF_SUB = 0x10 + BPF_TAX = 0x0 + BPF_TXA = 0x80 + BPF_W = 0x0 + BPF_X = 0x8 + BRKINT = 0x2 + BS0 = 0x0 + BS1 = 0x8000 + BSDLY = 0x8000 + CFLUSH = 0xf + CLOCAL = 0x8000 + CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 0x6 + CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 0x4 + CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW_APPROX = 0x5 + CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0xc + CLOCK_REALTIME = 0x0 + CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x10 + CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW = 0x8 + CLOCK_UPTIME_RAW_APPROX = 0x9 + CLONE_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 + CLONE_NOOWNERCOPY = 0x2 + CR0 = 0x0 + CR1 = 0x1000 + CR2 = 0x2000 + CR3 = 0x3000 + CRDLY = 0x3000 + CREAD = 0x800 + CRTSCTS = 0x30000 + CS5 = 0x0 + CS6 = 0x100 + CS7 = 0x200 + CS8 = 0x300 + CSIZE = 0x300 + CSTART = 0x11 + CSTATUS = 0x14 + CSTOP = 0x13 + CSTOPB = 0x400 + CSUSP = 0x1a + CTLIOCGINFO = 0xc0644e03 + CTL_HW = 0x6 + CTL_KERN = 0x1 + CTL_MAXNAME = 0xc + CTL_NET = 0x4 + DLT_A429 = 0xb8 + DLT_A653_ICM = 0xb9 + DLT_AIRONET_HEADER = 0x78 + DLT_AOS = 0xde + DLT_APPLE_IP_OVER_IEEE1394 = 0x8a + DLT_ARCNET = 0x7 + DLT_ARCNET_LINUX = 0x81 + DLT_ATM_CLIP = 0x13 + DLT_ATM_RFC1483 = 0xb + DLT_AURORA = 0x7e + DLT_AX25 = 0x3 + DLT_AX25_KISS = 0xca + DLT_BACNET_MS_TP = 0xa5 + DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4 = 0xbb + DLT_BLUETOOTH_HCI_H4_WITH_PHDR = 0xc9 + DLT_CAN20B = 0xbe + DLT_CAN_SOCKETCAN = 0xe3 + DLT_CHAOS = 0x5 + DLT_CHDLC = 0x68 + DLT_CISCO_IOS = 0x76 + DLT_C_HDLC = 0x68 + DLT_C_HDLC_WITH_DIR = 0xcd + DLT_DBUS = 0xe7 + DLT_DECT = 0xdd + DLT_DOCSIS = 0x8f + DLT_DVB_CI = 0xeb + DLT_ECONET = 0x73 + DLT_EN10MB = 0x1 + DLT_EN3MB = 0x2 + DLT_ENC = 0x6d + DLT_ERF = 0xc5 + DLT_ERF_ETH = 0xaf + DLT_ERF_POS = 0xb0 + DLT_FC_2 = 0xe0 + DLT_FC_2_WITH_FRAME_DELIMS = 0xe1 + DLT_FDDI = 0xa + DLT_FLEXRAY = 0xd2 + DLT_FRELAY = 0x6b + DLT_FRELAY_WITH_DIR = 0xce + DLT_GCOM_SERIAL = 0xad + DLT_GCOM_T1E1 = 0xac + DLT_GPF_F = 0xab + DLT_GPF_T = 0xaa + DLT_GPRS_LLC = 0xa9 + DLT_GSMTAP_ABIS = 0xda + DLT_GSMTAP_UM = 0xd9 + DLT_HHDLC = 0x79 + DLT_IBM_SN = 0x92 + DLT_IBM_SP = 0x91 + DLT_IEEE802 = 0x6 + DLT_IEEE802_11 = 0x69 + DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO = 0x7f + DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO_AVS = 0xa3 + DLT_IEEE802_15_4 = 0xc3 + DLT_IEEE802_15_4_LINUX = 0xbf + DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NOFCS = 0xe6 + DLT_IEEE802_15_4_NONASK_PHY = 0xd7 + DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS = 0xbc + DLT_IEEE802_16_MAC_CPS_RADIO = 0xc1 + DLT_IPFILTER = 0x74 + DLT_IPMB = 0xc7 + DLT_IPMB_LINUX = 0xd1 + DLT_IPNET = 0xe2 + DLT_IPOIB = 0xf2 + DLT_IPV4 = 0xe4 + DLT_IPV6 = 0xe5 + DLT_IP_OVER_FC = 0x7a + DLT_JUNIPER_ATM1 = 0x89 + DLT_JUNIPER_ATM2 = 0x87 + DLT_JUNIPER_ATM_CEMIC = 0xee + DLT_JUNIPER_CHDLC = 0xb5 + DLT_JUNIPER_ES = 0x84 + DLT_JUNIPER_ETHER = 0xb2 + DLT_JUNIPER_FIBRECHANNEL = 0xea + DLT_JUNIPER_FRELAY = 0xb4 + DLT_JUNIPER_GGSN = 0x85 + DLT_JUNIPER_ISM = 0xc2 + DLT_JUNIPER_MFR = 0x86 + DLT_JUNIPER_MLFR = 0x83 + DLT_JUNIPER_MLPPP = 0x82 + DLT_JUNIPER_MONITOR = 0xa4 + DLT_JUNIPER_PIC_PEER = 0xae + DLT_JUNIPER_PPP = 0xb3 + DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE = 0xa7 + DLT_JUNIPER_PPPOE_ATM = 0xa8 + DLT_JUNIPER_SERVICES = 0x88 + DLT_JUNIPER_SRX_E2E = 0xe9 + DLT_JUNIPER_ST = 0xc8 + DLT_JUNIPER_VP = 0xb7 + DLT_JUNIPER_VS = 0xe8 + DLT_LAPB_WITH_DIR = 0xcf + DLT_LAPD = 0xcb + DLT_LIN = 0xd4 + DLT_LINUX_EVDEV = 0xd8 + DLT_LINUX_IRDA = 0x90 + DLT_LINUX_LAPD = 0xb1 + DLT_LINUX_PPP_WITHDIRECTION = 0xa6 + DLT_LINUX_SLL = 0x71 + DLT_LOOP = 0x6c + DLT_LTALK = 0x72 + DLT_MATCHING_MAX = 0x10a + DLT_MATCHING_MIN = 0x68 + DLT_MFR = 0xb6 + DLT_MOST = 0xd3 + DLT_MPEG_2_TS = 0xf3 + DLT_MPLS = 0xdb + DLT_MTP2 = 0x8c + DLT_MTP2_WITH_PHDR = 0x8b + DLT_MTP3 = 0x8d + DLT_MUX27010 = 0xec + DLT_NETANALYZER = 0xf0 + DLT_NETANALYZER_TRANSPARENT = 0xf1 + DLT_NFC_LLCP = 0xf5 + DLT_NFLOG = 0xef + DLT_NG40 = 0xf4 + DLT_NULL = 0x0 + DLT_PCI_EXP = 0x7d + DLT_PFLOG = 0x75 + DLT_PFSYNC = 0x12 + DLT_PPI = 0xc0 + DLT_PPP = 0x9 + DLT_PPP_BSDOS = 0x10 + DLT_PPP_ETHER = 0x33 + DLT_PPP_PPPD = 0xa6 + DLT_PPP_SERIAL = 0x32 + DLT_PPP_WITH_DIR = 0xcc + DLT_PPP_WITH_DIRECTION = 0xa6 + DLT_PRISM_HEADER = 0x77 + DLT_PRONET = 0x4 + DLT_RAIF1 = 0xc6 + DLT_RAW = 0xc + DLT_RIO = 0x7c + DLT_SCCP = 0x8e + DLT_SITA = 0xc4 + DLT_SLIP = 0x8 + DLT_SLIP_BSDOS = 0xf + DLT_STANAG_5066_D_PDU = 0xed + DLT_SUNATM = 0x7b + DLT_SYMANTEC_FIREWALL = 0x63 + DLT_TZSP = 0x80 + DLT_USB = 0xba + DLT_USB_DARWIN = 0x10a + DLT_USB_LINUX = 0xbd + DLT_USB_LINUX_MMAPPED = 0xdc + DLT_USER0 = 0x93 + DLT_USER1 = 0x94 + DLT_USER10 = 0x9d + DLT_USER11 = 0x9e + DLT_USER12 = 0x9f + DLT_USER13 = 0xa0 + DLT_USER14 = 0xa1 + DLT_USER15 = 0xa2 + DLT_USER2 = 0x95 + DLT_USER3 = 0x96 + DLT_USER4 = 0x97 + DLT_USER5 = 0x98 + DLT_USER6 = 0x99 + DLT_USER7 = 0x9a + DLT_USER8 = 0x9b + DLT_USER9 = 0x9c + DLT_WIHART = 0xdf + DLT_X2E_SERIAL = 0xd5 + DLT_X2E_XORAYA = 0xd6 + DT_BLK = 0x6 + DT_CHR = 0x2 + DT_DIR = 0x4 + DT_FIFO = 0x1 + DT_LNK = 0xa + DT_REG = 0x8 + DT_SOCK = 0xc + DT_UNKNOWN = 0x0 + DT_WHT = 0xe + ECHO = 0x8 + ECHOCTL = 0x40 + ECHOE = 0x2 + ECHOK = 0x4 + ECHOKE = 0x1 + ECHONL = 0x10 + ECHOPRT = 0x20 + EVFILT_AIO = -0x3 + EVFILT_EXCEPT = -0xf + EVFILT_FS = -0x9 + EVFILT_MACHPORT = -0x8 + EVFILT_PROC = -0x5 + EVFILT_READ = -0x1 + EVFILT_SIGNAL = -0x6 + EVFILT_SYSCOUNT = 0x11 + EVFILT_THREADMARKER = 0x11 + EVFILT_TIMER = -0x7 + EVFILT_USER = -0xa + EVFILT_VM = -0xc + EVFILT_VNODE = -0x4 + EVFILT_WRITE = -0x2 + EV_ADD = 0x1 + EV_CLEAR = 0x20 + EV_DELETE = 0x2 + EV_DISABLE = 0x8 + EV_DISPATCH = 0x80 + EV_DISPATCH2 = 0x180 + EV_ENABLE = 0x4 + EV_EOF = 0x8000 + EV_ERROR = 0x4000 + EV_FLAG0 = 0x1000 + EV_FLAG1 = 0x2000 + EV_ONESHOT = 0x10 + EV_OOBAND = 0x2000 + EV_POLL = 0x1000 + EV_RECEIPT = 0x40 + EV_SYSFLAGS = 0xf000 + EV_UDATA_SPECIFIC = 0x100 + EV_VANISHED = 0x200 + EXTA = 0x4b00 + EXTB = 0x9600 + EXTPROC = 0x800 + FD_CLOEXEC = 0x1 + FD_SETSIZE = 0x400 + FF0 = 0x0 + FF1 = 0x4000 + FFDLY = 0x4000 + FLUSHO = 0x800000 + FSOPT_ATTR_CMN_EXTENDED = 0x20 + FSOPT_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 + FSOPT_NOINMEMUPDATE = 0x2 + FSOPT_PACK_INVAL_ATTRS = 0x8 + FSOPT_REPORT_FULLSIZE = 0x4 + FSOPT_RETURN_REALDEV = 0x200 + F_ADDFILESIGS = 0x3d + F_ADDFILESIGS_FOR_DYLD_SIM = 0x53 + F_ADDFILESIGS_INFO = 0x67 + F_ADDFILESIGS_RETURN = 0x61 + F_ADDFILESUPPL = 0x68 + F_ADDSIGS = 0x3b + F_ALLOCATEALL = 0x4 + F_ALLOCATECONTIG = 0x2 + F_BARRIERFSYNC = 0x55 + F_CHECK_LV = 0x62 + F_CHKCLEAN = 0x29 + F_DUPFD = 0x0 + F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0x43 + F_FINDSIGS = 0x4e + F_FLUSH_DATA = 0x28 + F_FREEZE_FS = 0x35 + F_FULLFSYNC = 0x33 + F_GETCODEDIR = 0x48 + F_GETFD = 0x1 + F_GETFL = 0x3 + F_GETLK = 0x7 + F_GETLKPID = 0x42 + F_GETNOSIGPIPE = 0x4a + F_GETOWN = 0x5 + F_GETPATH = 0x32 + F_GETPATH_MTMINFO = 0x47 + F_GETPATH_NOFIRMLINK = 0x66 + F_GETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x3f + F_GETPROTECTIONLEVEL = 0x4d + F_GETSIGSINFO = 0x69 + F_GLOBAL_NOCACHE = 0x37 + F_LOG2PHYS = 0x31 + F_LOG2PHYS_EXT = 0x41 + F_NOCACHE = 0x30 + F_NODIRECT = 0x3e + F_OK = 0x0 + F_PATHPKG_CHECK = 0x34 + F_PEOFPOSMODE = 0x3 + F_PREALLOCATE = 0x2a + F_PUNCHHOLE = 0x63 + F_RDADVISE = 0x2c + F_RDAHEAD = 0x2d + F_RDLCK = 0x1 + F_SETBACKINGSTORE = 0x46 + F_SETFD = 0x2 + F_SETFL = 0x4 + F_SETLK = 0x8 + F_SETLKW = 0x9 + F_SETLKWTIMEOUT = 0xa + F_SETNOSIGPIPE = 0x49 + F_SETOWN = 0x6 + F_SETPROTECTIONCLASS = 0x40 + F_SETSIZE = 0x2b + F_SINGLE_WRITER = 0x4c + F_SPECULATIVE_READ = 0x65 + F_THAW_FS = 0x36 + F_TRANSCODEKEY = 0x4b + F_TRIM_ACTIVE_FILE = 0x64 + F_UNLCK = 0x2 + F_VOLPOSMODE = 0x4 + F_WRLCK = 0x3 + HUPCL = 0x4000 + HW_MACHINE = 0x1 + ICANON = 0x100 + ICMP6_FILTER = 0x12 + ICRNL = 0x100 + IEXTEN = 0x400 + IFF_ALLMULTI = 0x200 + IFF_ALTPHYS = 0x4000 + IFF_BROADCAST = 0x2 + IFF_DEBUG = 0x4 + IFF_LINK0 = 0x1000 + IFF_LINK1 = 0x2000 + IFF_LINK2 = 0x4000 + IFF_LOOPBACK = 0x8 + IFF_MULTICAST = 0x8000 + IFF_NOARP = 0x80 + IFF_NOTRAILERS = 0x20 + IFF_OACTIVE = 0x400 + IFF_POINTOPOINT = 0x10 + IFF_PROMISC = 0x100 + IFF_RUNNING = 0x40 + IFF_SIMPLEX = 0x800 + IFF_UP = 0x1 + IFNAMSIZ = 0x10 + IFT_1822 = 0x2 + IFT_6LOWPAN = 0x40 + IFT_AAL5 = 0x31 + IFT_ARCNET = 0x23 + IFT_ARCNETPLUS = 0x24 + IFT_ATM = 0x25 + IFT_BRIDGE = 0xd1 + IFT_CARP = 0xf8 + IFT_CELLULAR = 0xff + IFT_CEPT = 0x13 + IFT_DS3 = 0x1e + IFT_ENC = 0xf4 + IFT_EON = 0x19 + IFT_ETHER = 0x6 + IFT_FAITH = 0x38 + IFT_FDDI = 0xf + IFT_FRELAY = 0x20 + IFT_FRELAYDCE = 0x2c + IFT_GIF = 0x37 + IFT_HDH1822 = 0x3 + IFT_HIPPI = 0x2f + IFT_HSSI = 0x2e + IFT_HY = 0xe + IFT_IEEE1394 = 0x90 + IFT_IEEE8023ADLAG = 0x88 + IFT_ISDNBASIC = 0x14 + IFT_ISDNPRIMARY = 0x15 + IFT_ISO88022LLC = 0x29 + IFT_ISO88023 = 0x7 + IFT_ISO88024 = 0x8 + IFT_ISO88025 = 0x9 + IFT_ISO88026 = 0xa + IFT_L2VLAN = 0x87 + IFT_LAPB = 0x10 + IFT_LOCALTALK = 0x2a + IFT_LOOP = 0x18 + IFT_MIOX25 = 0x26 + IFT_MODEM = 0x30 + IFT_NSIP = 0x1b + IFT_OTHER = 0x1 + IFT_P10 = 0xc + IFT_P80 = 0xd + IFT_PARA = 0x22 + IFT_PDP = 0xff + IFT_PFLOG = 0xf5 + IFT_PFSYNC = 0xf6 + IFT_PKTAP = 0xfe + IFT_PPP = 0x17 + IFT_PROPMUX = 0x36 + IFT_PROPVIRTUAL = 0x35 + IFT_PTPSERIAL = 0x16 + IFT_RS232 = 0x21 + IFT_SDLC = 0x11 + IFT_SIP = 0x1f + IFT_SLIP = 0x1c + IFT_SMDSDXI = 0x2b + IFT_SMDSICIP = 0x34 + IFT_SONET = 0x27 + IFT_SONETPATH = 0x32 + IFT_SONETVT = 0x33 + IFT_STARLAN = 0xb + IFT_STF = 0x39 + IFT_T1 = 0x12 + IFT_ULTRA = 0x1d + IFT_V35 = 0x2d + IFT_X25 = 0x5 + IFT_X25DDN = 0x4 + IFT_X25PLE = 0x28 + IFT_XETHER = 0x1a + IGNBRK = 0x1 + IGNCR = 0x80 + IGNPAR = 0x4 + IMAXBEL = 0x2000 + INLCR = 0x40 + INPCK = 0x10 + IN_CLASSA_HOST = 0xffffff + IN_CLASSA_MAX = 0x80 + IN_CLASSA_NET = 0xff000000 + IN_CLASSA_NSHIFT = 0x18 + IN_CLASSB_HOST = 0xffff + IN_CLASSB_MAX = 0x10000 + IN_CLASSB_NET = 0xffff0000 + IN_CLASSB_NSHIFT = 0x10 + IN_CLASSC_HOST = 0xff + IN_CLASSC_NET = 0xffffff00 + IN_CLASSC_NSHIFT = 0x8 + IN_CLASSD_HOST = 0xfffffff + IN_CLASSD_NET = 0xf0000000 + IN_CLASSD_NSHIFT = 0x1c + IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM = 0xa9fe0000 + IN_LOOPBACKNET = 0x7f + IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID = 0x400473d1 + IPPROTO_3PC = 0x22 + IPPROTO_ADFS = 0x44 + IPPROTO_AH = 0x33 + IPPROTO_AHIP = 0x3d + IPPROTO_APES = 0x63 + IPPROTO_ARGUS = 0xd + IPPROTO_AX25 = 0x5d + IPPROTO_BHA = 0x31 + IPPROTO_BLT = 0x1e + IPPROTO_BRSATMON = 0x4c + IPPROTO_CFTP = 0x3e + IPPROTO_CHAOS = 0x10 + IPPROTO_CMTP = 0x26 + IPPROTO_CPHB = 0x49 + IPPROTO_CPNX = 0x48 + IPPROTO_DDP = 0x25 + IPPROTO_DGP = 0x56 + IPPROTO_DIVERT = 0xfe + IPPROTO_DONE = 0x101 + IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 0x3c + IPPROTO_EGP = 0x8 + IPPROTO_EMCON = 0xe + IPPROTO_ENCAP = 0x62 + IPPROTO_EON = 0x50 + IPPROTO_ESP = 0x32 + IPPROTO_ETHERIP = 0x61 + IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 0x2c + IPPROTO_GGP = 0x3 + IPPROTO_GMTP = 0x64 + IPPROTO_GRE = 0x2f + IPPROTO_HELLO = 0x3f + IPPROTO_HMP = 0x14 + IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0x0 + IPPROTO_ICMP = 0x1 + IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 0x3a + IPPROTO_IDP = 0x16 + IPPROTO_IDPR = 0x23 + IPPROTO_IDRP = 0x2d + IPPROTO_IGMP = 0x2 + IPPROTO_IGP = 0x55 + IPPROTO_IGRP = 0x58 + IPPROTO_IL = 0x28 + IPPROTO_INLSP = 0x34 + IPPROTO_INP = 0x20 + IPPROTO_IP = 0x0 + IPPROTO_IPCOMP = 0x6c + IPPROTO_IPCV = 0x47 + IPPROTO_IPEIP = 0x5e + IPPROTO_IPIP = 0x4 + IPPROTO_IPPC = 0x43 + IPPROTO_IPV4 = 0x4 + IPPROTO_IPV6 = 0x29 + IPPROTO_IRTP = 0x1c + IPPROTO_KRYPTOLAN = 0x41 + IPPROTO_LARP = 0x5b + IPPROTO_LEAF1 = 0x19 + IPPROTO_LEAF2 = 0x1a + IPPROTO_MAX = 0x100 + IPPROTO_MAXID = 0x34 + IPPROTO_MEAS = 0x13 + IPPROTO_MHRP = 0x30 + IPPROTO_MICP = 0x5f + IPPROTO_MTP = 0x5c + IPPROTO_MUX = 0x12 + IPPROTO_ND = 0x4d + IPPROTO_NHRP = 0x36 + IPPROTO_NONE = 0x3b + IPPROTO_NSP = 0x1f + IPPROTO_NVPII = 0xb + IPPROTO_OSPFIGP = 0x59 + IPPROTO_PGM = 0x71 + IPPROTO_PIGP = 0x9 + IPPROTO_PIM = 0x67 + IPPROTO_PRM = 0x15 + IPPROTO_PUP = 0xc + IPPROTO_PVP = 0x4b + IPPROTO_RAW = 0xff + IPPROTO_RCCMON = 0xa + IPPROTO_RDP = 0x1b + IPPROTO_ROUTING = 0x2b + IPPROTO_RSVP = 0x2e + IPPROTO_RVD = 0x42 + IPPROTO_SATEXPAK = 0x40 + IPPROTO_SATMON = 0x45 + IPPROTO_SCCSP = 0x60 + IPPROTO_SCTP = 0x84 + IPPROTO_SDRP = 0x2a + IPPROTO_SEP = 0x21 + IPPROTO_SRPC = 0x5a + IPPROTO_ST = 0x7 + IPPROTO_SVMTP = 0x52 + IPPROTO_SWIPE = 0x35 + IPPROTO_TCF = 0x57 + IPPROTO_TCP = 0x6 + IPPROTO_TP = 0x1d + IPPROTO_TPXX = 0x27 + IPPROTO_TRUNK1 = 0x17 + IPPROTO_TRUNK2 = 0x18 + IPPROTO_TTP = 0x54 + IPPROTO_UDP = 0x11 + IPPROTO_VINES = 0x53 + IPPROTO_VISA = 0x46 + IPPROTO_VMTP = 0x51 + IPPROTO_WBEXPAK = 0x4f + IPPROTO_WBMON = 0x4e + IPPROTO_WSN = 0x4a + IPPROTO_XNET = 0xf + IPPROTO_XTP = 0x24 + IPV6_2292DSTOPTS = 0x17 + IPV6_2292HOPLIMIT = 0x14 + IPV6_2292HOPOPTS = 0x16 + IPV6_2292NEXTHOP = 0x15 + IPV6_2292PKTINFO = 0x13 + IPV6_2292PKTOPTIONS = 0x19 + IPV6_2292RTHDR = 0x18 + IPV6_3542DSTOPTS = 0x32 + IPV6_3542HOPLIMIT = 0x2f + IPV6_3542HOPOPTS = 0x31 + IPV6_3542NEXTHOP = 0x30 + IPV6_3542PKTINFO = 0x2e + IPV6_3542RTHDR = 0x33 + IPV6_ADDR_MC_FLAGS_PREFIX = 0x20 + IPV6_ADDR_MC_FLAGS_TRANSIENT = 0x10 + IPV6_ADDR_MC_FLAGS_UNICAST_BASED = 0x30 + IPV6_AUTOFLOWLABEL = 0x3b + IPV6_BINDV6ONLY = 0x1b + IPV6_BOUND_IF = 0x7d + IPV6_CHECKSUM = 0x1a + IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0x1 + IPV6_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 + IPV6_DEFHLIM = 0x40 + IPV6_DONTFRAG = 0x3e + IPV6_DSTOPTS = 0x32 + IPV6_FAITH = 0x1d + IPV6_FLOWINFO_MASK = 0xffffff0f + IPV6_FLOWLABEL_MASK = 0xffff0f00 + IPV6_FLOW_ECN_MASK = 0x3000 + IPV6_FRAGTTL = 0x3c + IPV6_FW_ADD = 0x1e + IPV6_FW_DEL = 0x1f + IPV6_FW_FLUSH = 0x20 + IPV6_FW_GET = 0x22 + IPV6_FW_ZERO = 0x21 + IPV6_HLIMDEC = 0x1 + IPV6_HOPLIMIT = 0x2f + IPV6_HOPOPTS = 0x31 + IPV6_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x1c + IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 0xc + IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 0xd + IPV6_MAXHLIM = 0xff + IPV6_MAXOPTHDR = 0x800 + IPV6_MAXPACKET = 0xffff + IPV6_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 + IPV6_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff + IPV6_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 + IPV6_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f + IPV6_MMTU = 0x500 + IPV6_MSFILTER = 0x4a + IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 0xa + IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 + IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb + IPV6_NEXTHOP = 0x30 + IPV6_PATHMTU = 0x2c + IPV6_PKTINFO = 0x2e + IPV6_PORTRANGE = 0xe + IPV6_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 + IPV6_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 + IPV6_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 + IPV6_PREFER_TEMPADDR = 0x3f + IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = 0x28 + IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = 0x25 + IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = 0x27 + IPV6_RECVPATHMTU = 0x2b + IPV6_RECVPKTINFO = 0x3d + IPV6_RECVRTHDR = 0x26 + IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 0x23 + IPV6_RTHDR = 0x33 + IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = 0x39 + IPV6_RTHDR_LOOSE = 0x0 + IPV6_RTHDR_STRICT = 0x1 + IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0x0 + IPV6_SOCKOPT_RESERVED1 = 0x3 + IPV6_TCLASS = 0x24 + IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 0x4 + IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = 0x2a + IPV6_V6ONLY = 0x1b + IPV6_VERSION = 0x60 + IPV6_VERSION_MASK = 0xf0 + IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0xc + IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x46 + IP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x48 + IP_BOUND_IF = 0x19 + IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0x1 + IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 0x1 + IP_DF = 0x4000 + IP_DONTFRAG = 0x1c + IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 0xd + IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 0x47 + IP_DUMMYNET_CONFIGURE = 0x3c + IP_DUMMYNET_DEL = 0x3d + IP_DUMMYNET_FLUSH = 0x3e + IP_DUMMYNET_GET = 0x40 + IP_FAITH = 0x16 + IP_FW_ADD = 0x28 + IP_FW_DEL = 0x29 + IP_FW_FLUSH = 0x2a + IP_FW_GET = 0x2c + IP_FW_RESETLOG = 0x2d + IP_FW_ZERO = 0x2b + IP_HDRINCL = 0x2 + IP_IPSEC_POLICY = 0x15 + IP_MAXPACKET = 0xffff + IP_MAX_GROUP_SRC_FILTER = 0x200 + IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 0xfff + IP_MAX_SOCK_MUTE_FILTER = 0x80 + IP_MAX_SOCK_SRC_FILTER = 0x80 + IP_MF = 0x2000 + IP_MIN_MEMBERSHIPS = 0x1f + IP_MSFILTER = 0x4a + IP_MSS = 0x240 + IP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x9 + IP_MULTICAST_IFINDEX = 0x42 + IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 0xb + IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 0xa + IP_MULTICAST_VIF = 0xe + IP_NAT__XXX = 0x37 + IP_OFFMASK = 0x1fff + IP_OLD_FW_ADD = 0x32 + IP_OLD_FW_DEL = 0x33 + IP_OLD_FW_FLUSH = 0x34 + IP_OLD_FW_GET = 0x36 + IP_OLD_FW_RESETLOG = 0x38 + IP_OLD_FW_ZERO = 0x35 + IP_OPTIONS = 0x1 + IP_PKTINFO = 0x1a + IP_PORTRANGE = 0x13 + IP_PORTRANGE_DEFAULT = 0x0 + IP_PORTRANGE_HIGH = 0x1 + IP_PORTRANGE_LOW = 0x2 + IP_RECVDSTADDR = 0x7 + IP_RECVIF = 0x14 + IP_RECVOPTS = 0x5 + IP_RECVPKTINFO = 0x1a + IP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x6 + IP_RECVTOS = 0x1b + IP_RECVTTL = 0x18 + IP_RETOPTS = 0x8 + IP_RF = 0x8000 + IP_RSVP_OFF = 0x10 + IP_RSVP_ON = 0xf + IP_RSVP_VIF_OFF = 0x12 + IP_RSVP_VIF_ON = 0x11 + IP_STRIPHDR = 0x17 + IP_TOS = 0x3 + IP_TRAFFIC_MGT_BACKGROUND = 0x41 + IP_TTL = 0x4 + IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x49 + ISIG = 0x80 + ISTRIP = 0x20 + IUTF8 = 0x4000 + IXANY = 0x800 + IXOFF = 0x400 + IXON = 0x200 + KERN_HOSTNAME = 0xa + KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 + KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 + KERN_VERSION = 0x4 + LOCAL_PEERCRED = 0x1 + LOCAL_PEEREPID = 0x3 + LOCAL_PEEREUUID = 0x5 + LOCAL_PEERPID = 0x2 + LOCAL_PEERTOKEN = 0x6 + LOCAL_PEERUUID = 0x4 + LOCK_EX = 0x2 + LOCK_NB = 0x4 + LOCK_SH = 0x1 + LOCK_UN = 0x8 + MADV_CAN_REUSE = 0x9 + MADV_DONTNEED = 0x4 + MADV_FREE = 0x5 + MADV_FREE_REUSABLE = 0x7 + MADV_FREE_REUSE = 0x8 + MADV_NORMAL = 0x0 + MADV_PAGEOUT = 0xa + MADV_RANDOM = 0x1 + MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 0x2 + MADV_WILLNEED = 0x3 + MADV_ZERO_WIRED_PAGES = 0x6 + MAP_32BIT = 0x8000 + MAP_ANON = 0x1000 + MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x1000 + MAP_COPY = 0x2 + MAP_FILE = 0x0 + MAP_FIXED = 0x10 + MAP_HASSEMAPHORE = 0x200 + MAP_JIT = 0x800 + MAP_NOCACHE = 0x400 + MAP_NOEXTEND = 0x100 + MAP_NORESERVE = 0x40 + MAP_PRIVATE = 0x2 + MAP_RENAME = 0x20 + MAP_RESERVED0080 = 0x80 + MAP_RESILIENT_CODESIGN = 0x2000 + MAP_RESILIENT_MEDIA = 0x4000 + MAP_SHARED = 0x1 + MAP_TRANSLATED_ALLOW_EXECUTE = 0x20000 + MAP_UNIX03 = 0x40000 + MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x54 + MCAST_EXCLUDE = 0x2 + MCAST_INCLUDE = 0x1 + MCAST_JOIN_GROUP = 0x50 + MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = 0x52 + MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = 0x51 + MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = 0x53 + MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x55 + MCAST_UNDEFINED = 0x0 + MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 + MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 + MNT_ASYNC = 0x40 + MNT_AUTOMOUNTED = 0x400000 + MNT_CMDFLAGS = 0xf0000 + MNT_CPROTECT = 0x80 + MNT_DEFWRITE = 0x2000000 + MNT_DONTBROWSE = 0x100000 + MNT_DOVOLFS = 0x8000 + MNT_DWAIT = 0x4 + MNT_EXPORTED = 0x100 + MNT_EXT_ROOT_DATA_VOL = 0x1 + MNT_FORCE = 0x80000 + MNT_IGNORE_OWNERSHIP = 0x200000 + MNT_JOURNALED = 0x800000 + MNT_LOCAL = 0x1000 + MNT_MULTILABEL = 0x4000000 + MNT_NOATIME = 0x10000000 + MNT_NOBLOCK = 0x20000 + MNT_NODEV = 0x10 + MNT_NOEXEC = 0x4 + MNT_NOSUID = 0x8 + MNT_NOUSERXATTR = 0x1000000 + MNT_NOWAIT = 0x2 + MNT_QUARANTINE = 0x400 + MNT_QUOTA = 0x2000 + MNT_RDONLY = 0x1 + MNT_RELOAD = 0x40000 + MNT_REMOVABLE = 0x200 + MNT_ROOTFS = 0x4000 + MNT_SNAPSHOT = 0x40000000 + MNT_STRICTATIME = 0x80000000 + MNT_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x2 + MNT_UNION = 0x20 + MNT_UNKNOWNPERMISSIONS = 0x200000 + MNT_UPDATE = 0x10000 + MNT_VISFLAGMASK = 0xd7f0f7ff + MNT_WAIT = 0x1 + MSG_CTRUNC = 0x20 + MSG_DONTROUTE = 0x4 + MSG_DONTWAIT = 0x80 + MSG_EOF = 0x100 + MSG_EOR = 0x8 + MSG_FLUSH = 0x400 + MSG_HAVEMORE = 0x2000 + MSG_HOLD = 0x800 + MSG_NEEDSA = 0x10000 + MSG_NOSIGNAL = 0x80000 + MSG_OOB = 0x1 + MSG_PEEK = 0x2 + MSG_RCVMORE = 0x4000 + MSG_SEND = 0x1000 + MSG_TRUNC = 0x10 + MSG_WAITALL = 0x40 + MSG_WAITSTREAM = 0x200 + MS_ASYNC = 0x1 + MS_DEACTIVATE = 0x8 + MS_INVALIDATE = 0x2 + MS_KILLPAGES = 0x4 + MS_SYNC = 0x10 + NAME_MAX = 0xff + NET_RT_DUMP = 0x1 + NET_RT_DUMP2 = 0x7 + NET_RT_FLAGS = 0x2 + NET_RT_FLAGS_PRIV = 0xa + NET_RT_IFLIST = 0x3 + NET_RT_IFLIST2 = 0x6 + NET_RT_MAXID = 0xb + NET_RT_STAT = 0x4 + NET_RT_TRASH = 0x5 + NFDBITS = 0x20 + NL0 = 0x0 + NL1 = 0x100 + NL2 = 0x200 + NL3 = 0x300 + NLDLY = 0x300 + NOFLSH = 0x80000000 + NOKERNINFO = 0x2000000 + NOTE_ABSOLUTE = 0x8 + NOTE_ATTRIB = 0x8 + NOTE_BACKGROUND = 0x40 + NOTE_CHILD = 0x4 + NOTE_CRITICAL = 0x20 + NOTE_DELETE = 0x1 + NOTE_EXEC = 0x20000000 + NOTE_EXIT = 0x80000000 + NOTE_EXITSTATUS = 0x4000000 + NOTE_EXIT_CSERROR = 0x40000 + NOTE_EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL = 0x10000 + NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL = 0x2000000 + NOTE_EXIT_DETAIL_MASK = 0x70000 + NOTE_EXIT_MEMORY = 0x20000 + NOTE_EXIT_REPARENTED = 0x80000 + NOTE_EXTEND = 0x4 + NOTE_FFAND = 0x40000000 + NOTE_FFCOPY = 0xc0000000 + NOTE_FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000 + NOTE_FFLAGSMASK = 0xffffff + NOTE_FFNOP = 0x0 + NOTE_FFOR = 0x80000000 + NOTE_FORK = 0x40000000 + NOTE_FUNLOCK = 0x100 + NOTE_LEEWAY = 0x10 + NOTE_LINK = 0x10 + NOTE_LOWAT = 0x1 + NOTE_MACHTIME = 0x100 + NOTE_MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME = 0x80 + NOTE_NONE = 0x80 + NOTE_NSECONDS = 0x4 + NOTE_OOB = 0x2 + NOTE_PCTRLMASK = -0x100000 + NOTE_PDATAMASK = 0xfffff + NOTE_REAP = 0x10000000 + NOTE_RENAME = 0x20 + NOTE_REVOKE = 0x40 + NOTE_SECONDS = 0x1 + NOTE_SIGNAL = 0x8000000 + NOTE_TRACK = 0x1 + NOTE_TRACKERR = 0x2 + NOTE_TRIGGER = 0x1000000 + NOTE_USECONDS = 0x2 + NOTE_VM_ERROR = 0x10000000 + NOTE_VM_PRESSURE = 0x80000000 + NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE = 0x20000000 + NOTE_VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE = 0x40000000 + NOTE_WRITE = 0x2 + OCRNL = 0x10 + OFDEL = 0x20000 + OFILL = 0x80 + ONLCR = 0x2 + ONLRET = 0x40 + ONOCR = 0x20 + ONOEOT = 0x8 + OPOST = 0x1 + OXTABS = 0x4 + O_ACCMODE = 0x3 + O_ALERT = 0x20000000 + O_APPEND = 0x8 + O_ASYNC = 0x40 + O_CLOEXEC = 0x1000000 + O_CREAT = 0x200 + O_DIRECTORY = 0x100000 + O_DP_GETRAWENCRYPTED = 0x1 + O_DP_GETRAWUNENCRYPTED = 0x2 + O_DSYNC = 0x400000 + O_EVTONLY = 0x8000 + O_EXCL = 0x800 + O_EXLOCK = 0x20 + O_FSYNC = 0x80 + O_NDELAY = 0x4 + O_NOCTTY = 0x20000 + O_NOFOLLOW = 0x100 + O_NOFOLLOW_ANY = 0x20000000 + O_NONBLOCK = 0x4 + O_POPUP = 0x80000000 + O_RDONLY = 0x0 + O_RDWR = 0x2 + O_SHLOCK = 0x10 + O_SYMLINK = 0x200000 + O_SYNC = 0x80 + O_TRUNC = 0x400 + O_WRONLY = 0x1 + PARENB = 0x1000 + PARMRK = 0x8 + PARODD = 0x2000 + PENDIN = 0x20000000 + PRIO_PGRP = 0x1 + PRIO_PROCESS = 0x0 + PRIO_USER = 0x2 + PROT_EXEC = 0x4 + PROT_NONE = 0x0 + PROT_READ = 0x1 + PROT_WRITE = 0x2 + PT_ATTACH = 0xa + PT_ATTACHEXC = 0xe + PT_CONTINUE = 0x7 + PT_DENY_ATTACH = 0x1f + PT_DETACH = 0xb + PT_FIRSTMACH = 0x20 + PT_FORCEQUOTA = 0x1e + PT_KILL = 0x8 + PT_READ_D = 0x2 + PT_READ_I = 0x1 + PT_READ_U = 0x3 + PT_SIGEXC = 0xc + PT_STEP = 0x9 + PT_THUPDATE = 0xd + PT_TRACE_ME = 0x0 + PT_WRITE_D = 0x5 + PT_WRITE_I = 0x4 + PT_WRITE_U = 0x6 + RLIMIT_AS = 0x5 + RLIMIT_CORE = 0x4 + RLIMIT_CPU = 0x0 + RLIMIT_CPU_USAGE_MONITOR = 0x2 + RLIMIT_DATA = 0x2 + RLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1 + RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6 + RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8 + RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7 + RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 + RLIMIT_STACK = 0x3 + RLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff + RTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6 + RTAX_BRD = 0x7 + RTAX_DST = 0x0 + RTAX_GATEWAY = 0x1 + RTAX_GENMASK = 0x3 + RTAX_IFA = 0x5 + RTAX_IFP = 0x4 + RTAX_MAX = 0x8 + RTAX_NETMASK = 0x2 + RTA_AUTHOR = 0x40 + RTA_BRD = 0x80 + RTA_DST = 0x1 + RTA_GATEWAY = 0x2 + RTA_GENMASK = 0x8 + RTA_IFA = 0x20 + RTA_IFP = 0x10 + RTA_NETMASK = 0x4 + RTF_BLACKHOLE = 0x1000 + RTF_BROADCAST = 0x400000 + RTF_CLONING = 0x100 + RTF_CONDEMNED = 0x2000000 + RTF_DEAD = 0x20000000 + RTF_DELCLONE = 0x80 + RTF_DONE = 0x40 + RTF_DYNAMIC = 0x10 + RTF_GATEWAY = 0x2 + RTF_GLOBAL = 0x40000000 + RTF_HOST = 0x4 + RTF_IFREF = 0x4000000 + RTF_IFSCOPE = 0x1000000 + RTF_LLDATA = 0x400 + RTF_LLINFO = 0x400 + RTF_LOCAL = 0x200000 + RTF_MODIFIED = 0x20 + RTF_MULTICAST = 0x800000 + RTF_NOIFREF = 0x2000 + RTF_PINNED = 0x100000 + RTF_PRCLONING = 0x10000 + RTF_PROTO1 = 0x8000 + RTF_PROTO2 = 0x4000 + RTF_PROTO3 = 0x40000 + RTF_PROXY = 0x8000000 + RTF_REJECT = 0x8 + RTF_ROUTER = 0x10000000 + RTF_STATIC = 0x800 + RTF_UP = 0x1 + RTF_WASCLONED = 0x20000 + RTF_XRESOLVE = 0x200 + RTM_ADD = 0x1 + RTM_CHANGE = 0x3 + RTM_DELADDR = 0xd + RTM_DELETE = 0x2 + RTM_DELMADDR = 0x10 + RTM_GET = 0x4 + RTM_GET2 = 0x14 + RTM_IFINFO = 0xe + RTM_IFINFO2 = 0x12 + RTM_LOCK = 0x8 + RTM_LOSING = 0x5 + RTM_MISS = 0x7 + RTM_NEWADDR = 0xc + RTM_NEWMADDR = 0xf + RTM_NEWMADDR2 = 0x13 + RTM_OLDADD = 0x9 + RTM_OLDDEL = 0xa + RTM_REDIRECT = 0x6 + RTM_RESOLVE = 0xb + RTM_RTTUNIT = 0xf4240 + RTM_VERSION = 0x5 + RTV_EXPIRE = 0x4 + RTV_HOPCOUNT = 0x2 + RTV_MTU = 0x1 + RTV_RPIPE = 0x8 + RTV_RTT = 0x40 + RTV_RTTVAR = 0x80 + RTV_SPIPE = 0x10 + RTV_SSTHRESH = 0x20 + RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -0x1 + RUSAGE_SELF = 0x0 + SCM_CREDS = 0x3 + SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 + SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 + SCM_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x4 + SEEK_CUR = 0x1 + SEEK_DATA = 0x4 + SEEK_END = 0x2 + SEEK_HOLE = 0x3 + SEEK_SET = 0x0 + SHUT_RD = 0x0 + SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 + SHUT_WR = 0x1 + SIOCADDMULTI = 0x80206931 + SIOCAIFADDR = 0x8040691a + SIOCARPIPLL = 0xc0206928 + SIOCATMARK = 0x40047307 + SIOCAUTOADDR = 0xc0206926 + SIOCAUTONETMASK = 0x80206927 + SIOCDELMULTI = 0x80206932 + SIOCDIFADDR = 0x80206919 + SIOCDIFPHYADDR = 0x80206941 + SIOCGDRVSPEC = 0xc028697b + SIOCGETVLAN = 0xc020697f + SIOCGHIWAT = 0x40047301 + SIOCGIF6LOWPAN = 0xc02069c5 + SIOCGIFADDR = 0xc0206921 + SIOCGIFALTMTU = 0xc0206948 + SIOCGIFASYNCMAP = 0xc020697c + SIOCGIFBOND = 0xc0206947 + SIOCGIFBRDADDR = 0xc0206923 + SIOCGIFCAP = 0xc020695b + SIOCGIFCONF = 0xc00c6924 + SIOCGIFDEVMTU = 0xc0206944 + SIOCGIFDSTADDR = 0xc0206922 + SIOCGIFFLAGS = 0xc0206911 + SIOCGIFFUNCTIONALTYPE = 0xc02069ad + SIOCGIFGENERIC = 0xc020693a + SIOCGIFKPI = 0xc0206987 + SIOCGIFMAC = 0xc0206982 + SIOCGIFMEDIA = 0xc02c6938 + SIOCGIFMETRIC = 0xc0206917 + SIOCGIFMTU = 0xc0206933 + SIOCGIFNETMASK = 0xc0206925 + SIOCGIFPDSTADDR = 0xc0206940 + SIOCGIFPHYS = 0xc0206935 + SIOCGIFPSRCADDR = 0xc020693f + SIOCGIFSTATUS = 0xc331693d + SIOCGIFVLAN = 0xc020697f + SIOCGIFWAKEFLAGS = 0xc0206988 + SIOCGIFXMEDIA = 0xc02c6948 + SIOCGLOWAT = 0x40047303 + SIOCGPGRP = 0x40047309 + SIOCIFCREATE = 0xc0206978 + SIOCIFCREATE2 = 0xc020697a + SIOCIFDESTROY = 0x80206979 + SIOCIFGCLONERS = 0xc0106981 + SIOCRSLVMULTI = 0xc010693b + SIOCSDRVSPEC = 0x8028697b + SIOCSETVLAN = 0x8020697e + SIOCSHIWAT = 0x80047300 + SIOCSIF6LOWPAN = 0x802069c4 + SIOCSIFADDR = 0x8020690c + SIOCSIFALTMTU = 0x80206945 + SIOCSIFASYNCMAP = 0x8020697d + SIOCSIFBOND = 0x80206946 + SIOCSIFBRDADDR = 0x80206913 + SIOCSIFCAP = 0x8020695a + SIOCSIFDSTADDR = 0x8020690e + SIOCSIFFLAGS = 0x80206910 + SIOCSIFGENERIC = 0x80206939 + SIOCSIFKPI = 0x80206986 + SIOCSIFLLADDR = 0x8020693c + SIOCSIFMAC = 0x80206983 + SIOCSIFMEDIA = 0xc0206937 + SIOCSIFMETRIC = 0x80206918 + SIOCSIFMTU = 0x80206934 + SIOCSIFNETMASK = 0x80206916 + SIOCSIFPHYADDR = 0x8040693e + SIOCSIFPHYS = 0x80206936 + SIOCSIFVLAN = 0x8020697e + SIOCSLOWAT = 0x80047302 + SIOCSPGRP = 0x80047308 + SOCK_DGRAM = 0x2 + SOCK_MAXADDRLEN = 0xff + SOCK_RAW = 0x3 + SOCK_RDM = 0x4 + SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 + SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 + SOL_LOCAL = 0x0 + SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff + SOMAXCONN = 0x80 + SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 + SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 + SO_DEBUG = 0x1 + SO_DONTROUTE = 0x10 + SO_DONTTRUNC = 0x2000 + SO_ERROR = 0x1007 + SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x8 + SO_LABEL = 0x1010 + SO_LINGER = 0x80 + SO_LINGER_SEC = 0x1080 + SO_NETSVC_MARKING_LEVEL = 0x1119 + SO_NET_SERVICE_TYPE = 0x1116 + SO_NKE = 0x1021 + SO_NOADDRERR = 0x1023 + SO_NOSIGPIPE = 0x1022 + SO_NOTIFYCONFLICT = 0x1026 + SO_NP_EXTENSIONS = 0x1083 + SO_NREAD = 0x1020 + SO_NUMRCVPKT = 0x1112 + SO_NWRITE = 0x1024 + SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 + SO_PEERLABEL = 0x1011 + SO_RANDOMPORT = 0x1082 + SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 + SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 + SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 + SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 + SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 + SO_REUSESHAREUID = 0x1025 + SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001 + SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 + SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 + SO_TIMESTAMP = 0x400 + SO_TIMESTAMP_MONOTONIC = 0x800 + SO_TRACKER_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_APP_APPROVED = 0x1 + SO_TRACKER_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_DOMAIN_SHORT = 0x4 + SO_TRACKER_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_TRACKER = 0x2 + SO_TRACKER_TRANSPARENCY_VERSION = 0x3 + SO_TYPE = 0x1008 + SO_UPCALLCLOSEWAIT = 0x1027 + SO_USELOOPBACK = 0x40 + SO_WANTMORE = 0x4000 + SO_WANTOOBFLAG = 0x8000 + S_IEXEC = 0x40 + S_IFBLK = 0x6000 + S_IFCHR = 0x2000 + S_IFDIR = 0x4000 + S_IFIFO = 0x1000 + S_IFLNK = 0xa000 + S_IFMT = 0xf000 + S_IFREG = 0x8000 + S_IFSOCK = 0xc000 + S_IFWHT = 0xe000 + S_IREAD = 0x100 + S_IRGRP = 0x20 + S_IROTH = 0x4 + S_IRUSR = 0x100 + S_IRWXG = 0x38 + S_IRWXO = 0x7 + S_IRWXU = 0x1c0 + S_ISGID = 0x400 + S_ISTXT = 0x200 + S_ISUID = 0x800 + S_ISVTX = 0x200 + S_IWGRP = 0x10 + S_IWOTH = 0x2 + S_IWRITE = 0x80 + S_IWUSR = 0x80 + S_IXGRP = 0x8 + S_IXOTH = 0x1 + S_IXUSR = 0x40 + TAB0 = 0x0 + TAB1 = 0x400 + TAB2 = 0x800 + TAB3 = 0x4 + TABDLY = 0xc04 + TCIFLUSH = 0x1 + TCIOFF = 0x3 + TCIOFLUSH = 0x3 + TCION = 0x4 + TCOFLUSH = 0x2 + TCOOFF = 0x1 + TCOON = 0x2 + TCPOPT_CC = 0xb + TCPOPT_CCECHO = 0xd + TCPOPT_CCNEW = 0xc + TCPOPT_EOL = 0x0 + TCPOPT_FASTOPEN = 0x22 + TCPOPT_MAXSEG = 0x2 + TCPOPT_NOP = 0x1 + TCPOPT_SACK = 0x5 + TCPOPT_SACK_HDR = 0x1010500 + TCPOPT_SACK_PERMITTED = 0x4 + TCPOPT_SACK_PERMIT_HDR = 0x1010402 + TCPOPT_SIGNATURE = 0x13 + TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP = 0x8 + TCPOPT_TSTAMP_HDR = 0x101080a + TCPOPT_WINDOW = 0x3 + TCP_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT = 0x20 + TCP_CONNECTION_INFO = 0x106 + TCP_ENABLE_ECN = 0x104 + TCP_FASTOPEN = 0x105 + TCP_KEEPALIVE = 0x10 + TCP_KEEPCNT = 0x102 + TCP_KEEPINTVL = 0x101 + TCP_MAXHLEN = 0x3c + TCP_MAXOLEN = 0x28 + TCP_MAXSEG = 0x2 + TCP_MAXWIN = 0xffff + TCP_MAX_SACK = 0x4 + TCP_MAX_WINSHIFT = 0xe + TCP_MINMSS = 0xd8 + TCP_MSS = 0x200 + TCP_NODELAY = 0x1 + TCP_NOOPT = 0x8 + TCP_NOPUSH = 0x4 + TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT = 0x201 + TCP_RXT_CONNDROPTIME = 0x80 + TCP_RXT_FINDROP = 0x100 + TCP_SENDMOREACKS = 0x103 + TCSAFLUSH = 0x2 + TIOCCBRK = 0x2000747a + TIOCCDTR = 0x20007478 + TIOCCONS = 0x80047462 + TIOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40107458 + TIOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e + TIOCDSIMICROCODE = 0x20007455 + TIOCEXCL = 0x2000740d + TIOCEXT = 0x80047460 + TIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410 + TIOCGDRAINWAIT = 0x40047456 + TIOCGETA = 0x40487413 + TIOCGETD = 0x4004741a + TIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477 + TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468 + TIOCIXOFF = 0x20007480 + TIOCIXON = 0x20007481 + TIOCMBIC = 0x8004746b + TIOCMBIS = 0x8004746c + TIOCMGDTRWAIT = 0x4004745a + TIOCMGET = 0x4004746a + TIOCMODG = 0x40047403 + TIOCMODS = 0x80047404 + TIOCMSDTRWAIT = 0x8004745b + TIOCMSET = 0x8004746d + TIOCM_CAR = 0x40 + TIOCM_CD = 0x40 + TIOCM_CTS = 0x20 + TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 + TIOCM_DTR = 0x2 + TIOCM_LE = 0x1 + TIOCM_RI = 0x80 + TIOCM_RNG = 0x80 + TIOCM_RTS = 0x4 + TIOCM_SR = 0x10 + TIOCM_ST = 0x8 + TIOCNOTTY = 0x20007471 + TIOCNXCL = 0x2000740e + TIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473 + TIOCPKT = 0x80047470 + TIOCPKT_DATA = 0x0 + TIOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20 + TIOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1 + TIOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2 + TIOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40 + TIOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10 + TIOCPKT_START = 0x8 + TIOCPKT_STOP = 0x4 + TIOCPTYGNAME = 0x40807453 + TIOCPTYGRANT = 0x20007454 + TIOCPTYUNLK = 0x20007452 + TIOCREMOTE = 0x80047469 + TIOCSBRK = 0x2000747b + TIOCSCONS = 0x20007463 + TIOCSCTTY = 0x20007461 + TIOCSDRAINWAIT = 0x80047457 + TIOCSDTR = 0x20007479 + TIOCSETA = 0x80487414 + TIOCSETAF = 0x80487416 + TIOCSETAW = 0x80487415 + TIOCSETD = 0x8004741b + TIOCSIG = 0x2000745f + TIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476 + TIOCSTART = 0x2000746e + TIOCSTAT = 0x20007465 + TIOCSTI = 0x80017472 + TIOCSTOP = 0x2000746f + TIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467 + TIOCTIMESTAMP = 0x40107459 + TIOCUCNTL = 0x80047466 + TOSTOP = 0x400000 + VDISCARD = 0xf + VDSUSP = 0xb + VEOF = 0x0 + VEOL = 0x1 + VEOL2 = 0x2 + VERASE = 0x3 + VINTR = 0x8 + VKILL = 0x5 + VLNEXT = 0xe + VMADDR_CID_ANY = 0xffffffff + VMADDR_CID_HOST = 0x2 + VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR = 0x0 + VMADDR_CID_RESERVED = 0x1 + VMADDR_PORT_ANY = 0xffffffff + VMIN = 0x10 + VM_LOADAVG = 0x2 + VM_MACHFACTOR = 0x4 + VM_MAXID = 0x6 + VM_METER = 0x1 + VM_SWAPUSAGE = 0x5 + VQUIT = 0x9 + VREPRINT = 0x6 + VSTART = 0xc + VSTATUS = 0x12 + VSTOP = 0xd + VSUSP = 0xa + VT0 = 0x0 + VT1 = 0x10000 + VTDLY = 0x10000 + VTIME = 0x11 + VWERASE = 0x4 + WCONTINUED = 0x10 + WCOREFLAG = 0x80 + WEXITED = 0x4 + WNOHANG = 0x1 + WNOWAIT = 0x20 + WORDSIZE = 0x40 + WSTOPPED = 0x8 + WUNTRACED = 0x2 + XATTR_CREATE = 0x2 + XATTR_NODEFAULT = 0x10 + XATTR_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 + XATTR_NOSECURITY = 0x8 + XATTR_REPLACE = 0x4 + XATTR_SHOWCOMPRESSION = 0x20 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go index f5e91b7a..17bba0e4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && dragonfly // +build amd64,dragonfly // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go index 3689c808..44090011 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m32 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && freebsd // +build 386,freebsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. @@ -997,6 +998,11 @@ const ( KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 KERN_VERSION = 0x4 + LOCAL_CONNWAIT = 0x4 + LOCAL_CREDS = 0x2 + LOCAL_CREDS_PERSISTENT = 0x3 + LOCAL_PEERCRED = 0x1 + LOCAL_VENDOR = 0x80000000 LOCK_EX = 0x2 LOCK_NB = 0x4 LOCK_SH = 0x1 @@ -1291,6 +1297,11 @@ const ( SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 SCM_TIME_INFO = 0x7 + SEEK_CUR = 0x1 + SEEK_DATA = 0x3 + SEEK_END = 0x2 + SEEK_HOLE = 0x4 + SEEK_SET = 0x0 SHUT_RD = 0x0 SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 SHUT_WR = 0x1 @@ -1375,6 +1386,7 @@ const ( SOCK_RDM = 0x4 SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 + SOL_LOCAL = 0x0 SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff SOMAXCONN = 0x80 SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go index b8f7c3c9..64520d31 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && freebsd // +build amd64,freebsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. @@ -997,6 +998,11 @@ const ( KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 KERN_VERSION = 0x4 + LOCAL_CONNWAIT = 0x4 + LOCAL_CREDS = 0x2 + LOCAL_CREDS_PERSISTENT = 0x3 + LOCAL_PEERCRED = 0x1 + LOCAL_VENDOR = 0x80000000 LOCK_EX = 0x2 LOCK_NB = 0x4 LOCK_SH = 0x1 @@ -1292,6 +1298,11 @@ const ( SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 SCM_TIME_INFO = 0x7 + SEEK_CUR = 0x1 + SEEK_DATA = 0x3 + SEEK_END = 0x2 + SEEK_HOLE = 0x4 + SEEK_SET = 0x0 SHUT_RD = 0x0 SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 SHUT_WR = 0x1 @@ -1376,6 +1387,7 @@ const ( SOCK_RDM = 0x4 SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 + SOL_LOCAL = 0x0 SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff SOMAXCONN = 0x80 SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go index be14bb1a..99e9a0e0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && freebsd // +build arm,freebsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. @@ -980,6 +981,11 @@ const ( KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 KERN_VERSION = 0x4 + LOCAL_CONNWAIT = 0x4 + LOCAL_CREDS = 0x2 + LOCAL_CREDS_PERSISTENT = 0x3 + LOCAL_PEERCRED = 0x1 + LOCAL_VENDOR = 0x80000000 LOCK_EX = 0x2 LOCK_NB = 0x4 LOCK_SH = 0x1 @@ -1016,6 +1022,15 @@ const ( MAP_RESERVED0100 = 0x100 MAP_SHARED = 0x1 MAP_STACK = 0x400 + MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = 0x54 + MCAST_EXCLUDE = 0x2 + MCAST_INCLUDE = 0x1 + MCAST_JOIN_GROUP = 0x50 + MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = 0x52 + MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = 0x51 + MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = 0x53 + MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x55 + MCAST_UNDEFINED = 0x0 MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MNT_ACLS = 0x8000000 @@ -1261,6 +1276,11 @@ const ( SCM_CREDS = 0x3 SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 + SEEK_CUR = 0x1 + SEEK_DATA = 0x3 + SEEK_END = 0x2 + SEEK_HOLE = 0x4 + SEEK_SET = 0x0 SHUT_RD = 0x0 SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 SHUT_WR = 0x1 @@ -1341,6 +1361,7 @@ const ( SOCK_RDM = 0x4 SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 + SOL_LOCAL = 0x0 SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff SOMAXCONN = 0x80 SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go index 7ce9c008..4c837711 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && freebsd // +build arm64,freebsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. @@ -997,6 +998,11 @@ const ( KERN_OSRELEASE = 0x2 KERN_OSTYPE = 0x1 KERN_VERSION = 0x4 + LOCAL_CONNWAIT = 0x4 + LOCAL_CREDS = 0x2 + LOCAL_CREDS_PERSISTENT = 0x3 + LOCAL_PEERCRED = 0x1 + LOCAL_VENDOR = 0x80000000 LOCK_EX = 0x2 LOCK_NB = 0x4 LOCK_SH = 0x1 @@ -1292,6 +1298,11 @@ const ( SCM_RIGHTS = 0x1 SCM_TIMESTAMP = 0x2 SCM_TIME_INFO = 0x7 + SEEK_CUR = 0x1 + SEEK_DATA = 0x3 + SEEK_END = 0x2 + SEEK_HOLE = 0x4 + SEEK_SET = 0x0 SHUT_RD = 0x0 SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 SHUT_WR = 0x1 @@ -1376,6 +1387,7 @@ const ( SOCK_RDM = 0x4 SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 + SOL_LOCAL = 0x0 SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff SOMAXCONN = 0x80 SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x2 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go index b3463a8b..36a89c64 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux.go @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -// Code generated by mkmerge.go; DO NOT EDIT. +// Code generated by mkmerge; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux // +build linux package unix @@ -37,7 +38,8 @@ const ( AF_KEY = 0xf AF_LLC = 0x1a AF_LOCAL = 0x1 - AF_MAX = 0x2d + AF_MAX = 0x2e + AF_MCTP = 0x2d AF_MPLS = 0x1c AF_NETBEUI = 0xd AF_NETLINK = 0x10 @@ -115,6 +117,7 @@ const ( ARPHRD_LAPB = 0x204 ARPHRD_LOCALTLK = 0x305 ARPHRD_LOOPBACK = 0x304 + ARPHRD_MCTP = 0x122 ARPHRD_METRICOM = 0x17 ARPHRD_NETLINK = 0x338 ARPHRD_NETROM = 0x0 @@ -165,13 +168,16 @@ const ( BPF_ALU64 = 0x7 BPF_AND = 0x50 BPF_ARSH = 0xc0 + BPF_ATOMIC = 0xc0 BPF_B = 0x10 BPF_BUILD_ID_SIZE = 0x14 BPF_CALL = 0x80 + BPF_CMPXCHG = 0xf1 BPF_DIV = 0x30 BPF_DW = 0x18 BPF_END = 0xd0 BPF_EXIT = 0x90 + BPF_FETCH = 0x1 BPF_FROM_BE = 0x8 BPF_FROM_LE = 0x0 BPF_FS_MAGIC = 0xcafe4a11 @@ -224,7 +230,11 @@ const ( BPF_OR = 0x40 BPF_PSEUDO_BTF_ID = 0x3 BPF_PSEUDO_CALL = 0x1 + BPF_PSEUDO_FUNC = 0x4 + BPF_PSEUDO_KFUNC_CALL = 0x2 BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_FD = 0x1 + BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_IDX = 0x5 + BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_IDX_VALUE = 0x6 BPF_PSEUDO_MAP_VALUE = 0x2 BPF_RET = 0x6 BPF_RSH = 0x70 @@ -239,12 +249,28 @@ const ( BPF_W = 0x0 BPF_X = 0x8 BPF_XADD = 0xc0 + BPF_XCHG = 0xe1 BPF_XOR = 0xa0 BRKINT = 0x2 BS0 = 0x0 BTRFS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x9123683e BTRFS_TEST_MAGIC = 0x73727279 + BUS_BLUETOOTH = 0x5 + BUS_HIL = 0x4 + BUS_USB = 0x3 + BUS_VIRTUAL = 0x6 CAN_BCM = 0x2 + CAN_CTRLMODE_3_SAMPLES = 0x4 + CAN_CTRLMODE_BERR_REPORTING = 0x10 + CAN_CTRLMODE_CC_LEN8_DLC = 0x100 + CAN_CTRLMODE_FD = 0x20 + CAN_CTRLMODE_FD_NON_ISO = 0x80 + CAN_CTRLMODE_LISTENONLY = 0x2 + CAN_CTRLMODE_LOOPBACK = 0x1 + CAN_CTRLMODE_ONE_SHOT = 0x8 + CAN_CTRLMODE_PRESUME_ACK = 0x40 + CAN_CTRLMODE_TDC_AUTO = 0x200 + CAN_CTRLMODE_TDC_MANUAL = 0x400 CAN_EFF_FLAG = 0x80000000 CAN_EFF_ID_BITS = 0x1d CAN_EFF_MASK = 0x1fffffff @@ -313,6 +339,7 @@ const ( CAN_J1939 = 0x7 CAN_MAX_DLC = 0x8 CAN_MAX_DLEN = 0x8 + CAN_MAX_RAW_DLC = 0xf CAN_MCNET = 0x5 CAN_MTU = 0x10 CAN_NPROTO = 0x8 @@ -321,6 +348,7 @@ const ( CAN_RTR_FLAG = 0x40000000 CAN_SFF_ID_BITS = 0xb CAN_SFF_MASK = 0x7ff + CAN_TERMINATION_DISABLED = 0x0 CAN_TP16 = 0x3 CAN_TP20 = 0x4 CAP_AUDIT_CONTROL = 0x1e @@ -458,6 +486,7 @@ const ( DM_DEV_WAIT = 0xc138fd08 DM_DIR = "mapper" DM_GET_TARGET_VERSION = 0xc138fd11 + DM_IMA_MEASUREMENT_FLAG = 0x80000 DM_INACTIVE_PRESENT_FLAG = 0x40 DM_INTERNAL_SUSPEND_FLAG = 0x40000 DM_IOCTL = 0xfd @@ -465,6 +494,8 @@ const ( DM_LIST_VERSIONS = 0xc138fd0d DM_MAX_TYPE_NAME = 0x10 DM_NAME_LEN = 0x80 + DM_NAME_LIST_FLAG_DOESNT_HAVE_UUID = 0x2 + DM_NAME_LIST_FLAG_HAS_UUID = 0x1 DM_NOFLUSH_FLAG = 0x800 DM_PERSISTENT_DEV_FLAG = 0x8 DM_QUERY_INACTIVE_TABLE_FLAG = 0x1000 @@ -484,9 +515,9 @@ const ( DM_UUID_FLAG = 0x4000 DM_UUID_LEN = 0x81 DM_VERSION = 0xc138fd00 - DM_VERSION_EXTRA = "-ioctl (2020-10-01)" + DM_VERSION_EXTRA = "-ioctl (2021-03-22)" DM_VERSION_MAJOR = 0x4 - DM_VERSION_MINOR = 0x2b + DM_VERSION_MINOR = 0x2d DM_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL = 0x0 DT_BLK = 0x6 DT_CHR = 0x2 @@ -664,6 +695,7 @@ const ( ETH_P_CAIF = 0xf7 ETH_P_CAN = 0xc ETH_P_CANFD = 0xd + ETH_P_CFM = 0x8902 ETH_P_CONTROL = 0x16 ETH_P_CUST = 0x6006 ETH_P_DDCMP = 0x6 @@ -699,6 +731,7 @@ const ( ETH_P_LOOPBACK = 0x9000 ETH_P_MACSEC = 0x88e5 ETH_P_MAP = 0xf9 + ETH_P_MCTP = 0xfa ETH_P_MOBITEX = 0x15 ETH_P_MPLS_MC = 0x8848 ETH_P_MPLS_UC = 0x8847 @@ -721,6 +754,7 @@ const ( ETH_P_QINQ2 = 0x9200 ETH_P_QINQ3 = 0x9300 ETH_P_RARP = 0x8035 + ETH_P_REALTEK = 0x8899 ETH_P_SCA = 0x6007 ETH_P_SLOW = 0x8809 ETH_P_SNAP = 0x5 @@ -734,6 +768,21 @@ const ( ETH_P_WCCP = 0x883e ETH_P_X25 = 0x805 ETH_P_XDSA = 0xf8 + EV_ABS = 0x3 + EV_CNT = 0x20 + EV_FF = 0x15 + EV_FF_STATUS = 0x17 + EV_KEY = 0x1 + EV_LED = 0x11 + EV_MAX = 0x1f + EV_MSC = 0x4 + EV_PWR = 0x16 + EV_REL = 0x2 + EV_REP = 0x14 + EV_SND = 0x12 + EV_SW = 0x5 + EV_SYN = 0x0 + EV_VERSION = 0x10001 EXABYTE_ENABLE_NEST = 0xf0 EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC = 0xef53 EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC = 0xef53 @@ -772,11 +821,15 @@ const ( FAN_DELETE_SELF = 0x400 FAN_DENY = 0x2 FAN_ENABLE_AUDIT = 0x40 + FAN_EPIDFD = -0x2 FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_DFID = 0x3 FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_DFID_NAME = 0x2 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_ERROR = 0x5 FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_FID = 0x1 + FAN_EVENT_INFO_TYPE_PIDFD = 0x4 FAN_EVENT_METADATA_LEN = 0x18 FAN_EVENT_ON_CHILD = 0x8000000 + FAN_FS_ERROR = 0x8000 FAN_MARK_ADD = 0x1 FAN_MARK_DONT_FOLLOW = 0x4 FAN_MARK_FILESYSTEM = 0x100 @@ -794,6 +847,7 @@ const ( FAN_MOVE_SELF = 0x800 FAN_NOFD = -0x1 FAN_NONBLOCK = 0x2 + FAN_NOPIDFD = -0x1 FAN_ONDIR = 0x40000000 FAN_OPEN = 0x20 FAN_OPEN_EXEC = 0x1000 @@ -804,6 +858,7 @@ const ( FAN_REPORT_DIR_FID = 0x400 FAN_REPORT_FID = 0x200 FAN_REPORT_NAME = 0x800 + FAN_REPORT_PIDFD = 0x80 FAN_REPORT_TID = 0x100 FAN_UNLIMITED_MARKS = 0x20 FAN_UNLIMITED_QUEUE = 0x10 @@ -834,7 +889,6 @@ const ( FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4 = 0x0 FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8 = 0x1 FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK = 0x3 - FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID = 0x1f FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAG_DIRECT_KEY = 0x4 FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAG_IV_INO_LBLK_32 = 0x10 FSCRYPT_POLICY_FLAG_IV_INO_LBLK_64 = 0x8 @@ -854,6 +908,7 @@ const ( FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_KEY_STATUS = 0xc080661a FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY_EX = 0xc0096616 FS_IOC_MEASURE_VERITY = 0xc0046686 + FS_IOC_READ_VERITY_METADATA = 0xc0286687 FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY = 0xc0406618 FS_IOC_REMOVE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ALL_USERS = 0xc0406619 FS_KEY_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE = 0x8 @@ -865,10 +920,13 @@ const ( FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_4 = 0x0 FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_8 = 0x1 FS_POLICY_FLAGS_PAD_MASK = 0x3 - FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID = 0x1f + FS_POLICY_FLAGS_VALID = 0x7 FS_VERITY_FL = 0x100000 FS_VERITY_HASH_ALG_SHA256 = 0x1 FS_VERITY_HASH_ALG_SHA512 = 0x2 + FS_VERITY_METADATA_TYPE_DESCRIPTOR = 0x2 + FS_VERITY_METADATA_TYPE_MERKLE_TREE = 0x1 + FS_VERITY_METADATA_TYPE_SIGNATURE = 0x3 FUTEXFS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0xbad1dea F_ADD_SEALS = 0x409 F_DUPFD = 0x0 @@ -962,11 +1020,11 @@ const ( HDIO_SET_XFER = 0x306 HDIO_TRISTATE_HWIF = 0x31b HDIO_UNREGISTER_HWIF = 0x32a + HID_MAX_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE = 0x1000 HOSTFS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0xc0ffee HPFS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0xf995e849 HUGETLBFS_MAGIC = 0x958458f6 IBSHIFT = 0x10 - ICMPV6_FILTER = 0x1 ICRNL = 0x100 IFA_F_DADFAILED = 0x8 IFA_F_DEPRECATED = 0x20 @@ -1138,6 +1196,7 @@ const ( IPV6_PMTUDISC_WANT = 0x1 IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = 0x3a IPV6_RECVERR = 0x19 + IPV6_RECVERR_RFC4884 = 0x1f IPV6_RECVFRAGSIZE = 0x4d IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = 0x33 IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = 0x35 @@ -1202,6 +1261,7 @@ const ( IP_PMTUDISC_PROBE = 0x3 IP_PMTUDISC_WANT = 0x1 IP_RECVERR = 0xb + IP_RECVERR_RFC4884 = 0x1a IP_RECVFRAGSIZE = 0x19 IP_RECVOPTS = 0x6 IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR = 0x14 @@ -1220,9 +1280,14 @@ const ( IP_XFRM_POLICY = 0x11 ISOFS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x9660 ISTRIP = 0x20 + ITIMER_PROF = 0x2 + ITIMER_REAL = 0x0 + ITIMER_VIRTUAL = 0x1 IUTF8 = 0x4000 IXANY = 0x800 JFFS2_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x72b6 + KCMPROTO_CONNECTED = 0x0 + KCM_RECV_DISABLE = 0x1 KEXEC_ARCH_386 = 0x30000 KEXEC_ARCH_68K = 0x40000 KEXEC_ARCH_AARCH64 = 0xb70000 @@ -1235,6 +1300,7 @@ const ( KEXEC_ARCH_PARISC = 0xf0000 KEXEC_ARCH_PPC = 0x140000 KEXEC_ARCH_PPC64 = 0x150000 + KEXEC_ARCH_RISCV = 0xf30000 KEXEC_ARCH_S390 = 0x160000 KEXEC_ARCH_SH = 0x2a0000 KEXEC_ARCH_X86_64 = 0x3e0000 @@ -1310,6 +1376,20 @@ const ( KEY_SPEC_THREAD_KEYRING = -0x1 KEY_SPEC_USER_KEYRING = -0x4 KEY_SPEC_USER_SESSION_KEYRING = -0x5 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_EXECUTE = 0x1 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_MAKE_BLOCK = 0x800 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_MAKE_CHAR = 0x40 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_MAKE_DIR = 0x80 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_MAKE_FIFO = 0x400 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_MAKE_REG = 0x100 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_MAKE_SOCK = 0x200 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_MAKE_SYM = 0x1000 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_READ_DIR = 0x8 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_READ_FILE = 0x4 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_REMOVE_DIR = 0x10 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_REMOVE_FILE = 0x20 + LANDLOCK_ACCESS_FS_WRITE_FILE = 0x2 + LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET_VERSION = 0x1 LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_OFF = 0x0 LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_CAD_ON = 0x89abcdef LINUX_REBOOT_CMD_HALT = 0xcdef0123 @@ -1360,6 +1440,8 @@ const ( MADV_NOHUGEPAGE = 0xf MADV_NORMAL = 0x0 MADV_PAGEOUT = 0x15 + MADV_POPULATE_READ = 0x16 + MADV_POPULATE_WRITE = 0x17 MADV_RANDOM = 0x1 MADV_REMOVE = 0x9 MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 0x2 @@ -1384,6 +1466,10 @@ const ( MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = 0x2f MCAST_MSFILTER = 0x30 MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 0x2c + MEMGETREGIONINFO = 0xc0104d08 + MEMREADOOB64 = 0xc0184d16 + MEMWRITE = 0xc0304d18 + MEMWRITEOOB64 = 0xc0184d15 MFD_ALLOW_SEALING = 0x2 MFD_CLOEXEC = 0x1 MFD_HUGETLB = 0x4 @@ -1411,6 +1497,18 @@ const ( MNT_FORCE = 0x1 MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_MODVERSIONS = 0x1 MODULE_INIT_IGNORE_VERMAGIC = 0x2 + MOUNT_ATTR_IDMAP = 0x100000 + MOUNT_ATTR_NOATIME = 0x10 + MOUNT_ATTR_NODEV = 0x4 + MOUNT_ATTR_NODIRATIME = 0x80 + MOUNT_ATTR_NOEXEC = 0x8 + MOUNT_ATTR_NOSUID = 0x2 + MOUNT_ATTR_NOSYMFOLLOW = 0x200000 + MOUNT_ATTR_RDONLY = 0x1 + MOUNT_ATTR_RELATIME = 0x0 + MOUNT_ATTR_SIZE_VER0 = 0x20 + MOUNT_ATTR_STRICTATIME = 0x20 + MOUNT_ATTR__ATIME = 0x70 MSDOS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x4d44 MSG_BATCH = 0x40000 MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC = 0x40000000 @@ -1472,7 +1570,35 @@ const ( MS_SYNCHRONOUS = 0x10 MS_UNBINDABLE = 0x20000 MS_VERBOSE = 0x8000 + MTD_ABSENT = 0x0 + MTD_BIT_WRITEABLE = 0x800 + MTD_CAP_NANDFLASH = 0x400 + MTD_CAP_NORFLASH = 0xc00 + MTD_CAP_NVRAM = 0x1c00 + MTD_CAP_RAM = 0x1c00 + MTD_CAP_ROM = 0x0 + MTD_DATAFLASH = 0x6 MTD_INODE_FS_MAGIC = 0x11307854 + MTD_MAX_ECCPOS_ENTRIES = 0x40 + MTD_MAX_OOBFREE_ENTRIES = 0x8 + MTD_MLCNANDFLASH = 0x8 + MTD_NANDECC_AUTOPLACE = 0x2 + MTD_NANDECC_AUTOPL_USR = 0x4 + MTD_NANDECC_OFF = 0x0 + MTD_NANDECC_PLACE = 0x1 + MTD_NANDECC_PLACEONLY = 0x3 + MTD_NANDFLASH = 0x4 + MTD_NORFLASH = 0x3 + MTD_NO_ERASE = 0x1000 + MTD_OTP_FACTORY = 0x1 + MTD_OTP_OFF = 0x0 + MTD_OTP_USER = 0x2 + MTD_POWERUP_LOCK = 0x2000 + MTD_RAM = 0x1 + MTD_ROM = 0x2 + MTD_SLC_ON_MLC_EMULATION = 0x4000 + MTD_UBIVOLUME = 0x7 + MTD_WRITEABLE = 0x400 NAME_MAX = 0xff NCP_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x564c NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 0x1 @@ -1512,6 +1638,59 @@ const ( NETLINK_XFRM = 0x6 NETNSA_MAX = 0x5 NETNSA_NSID_NOT_ASSIGNED = -0x1 + NFC_ATR_REQ_GB_MAXSIZE = 0x30 + NFC_ATR_REQ_MAXSIZE = 0x40 + NFC_ATR_RES_GB_MAXSIZE = 0x2f + NFC_ATR_RES_MAXSIZE = 0x40 + NFC_COMM_ACTIVE = 0x0 + NFC_COMM_PASSIVE = 0x1 + NFC_DEVICE_NAME_MAXSIZE = 0x8 + NFC_DIRECTION_RX = 0x0 + NFC_DIRECTION_TX = 0x1 + NFC_FIRMWARE_NAME_MAXSIZE = 0x20 + NFC_GB_MAXSIZE = 0x30 + NFC_GENL_MCAST_EVENT_NAME = "events" + NFC_GENL_NAME = "nfc" + NFC_GENL_VERSION = 0x1 + NFC_HEADER_SIZE = 0x1 + NFC_ISO15693_UID_MAXSIZE = 0x8 + NFC_LLCP_MAX_SERVICE_NAME = 0x3f + NFC_LLCP_MIUX = 0x1 + NFC_LLCP_REMOTE_LTO = 0x3 + NFC_LLCP_REMOTE_MIU = 0x2 + NFC_LLCP_REMOTE_RW = 0x4 + NFC_LLCP_RW = 0x0 + NFC_NFCID1_MAXSIZE = 0xa + NFC_NFCID2_MAXSIZE = 0x8 + NFC_NFCID3_MAXSIZE = 0xa + NFC_PROTO_FELICA = 0x3 + NFC_PROTO_FELICA_MASK = 0x8 + NFC_PROTO_ISO14443 = 0x4 + NFC_PROTO_ISO14443_B = 0x6 + NFC_PROTO_ISO14443_B_MASK = 0x40 + NFC_PROTO_ISO14443_MASK = 0x10 + NFC_PROTO_ISO15693 = 0x7 + NFC_PROTO_ISO15693_MASK = 0x80 + NFC_PROTO_JEWEL = 0x1 + NFC_PROTO_JEWEL_MASK = 0x2 + NFC_PROTO_MAX = 0x8 + NFC_PROTO_MIFARE = 0x2 + NFC_PROTO_MIFARE_MASK = 0x4 + NFC_PROTO_NFC_DEP = 0x5 + NFC_PROTO_NFC_DEP_MASK = 0x20 + NFC_RAW_HEADER_SIZE = 0x2 + NFC_RF_INITIATOR = 0x0 + NFC_RF_NONE = 0x2 + NFC_RF_TARGET = 0x1 + NFC_SENSB_RES_MAXSIZE = 0xc + NFC_SENSF_RES_MAXSIZE = 0x12 + NFC_SE_DISABLED = 0x0 + NFC_SE_EMBEDDED = 0x2 + NFC_SE_ENABLED = 0x1 + NFC_SE_UICC = 0x1 + NFC_SOCKPROTO_LLCP = 0x1 + NFC_SOCKPROTO_MAX = 0x2 + NFC_SOCKPROTO_RAW = 0x0 NFNETLINK_V0 = 0x0 NFNLGRP_ACCT_QUOTA = 0x8 NFNLGRP_CONNTRACK_DESTROY = 0x3 @@ -1529,11 +1708,12 @@ const ( NFNL_MSG_BATCH_END = 0x11 NFNL_NFA_NEST = 0x8000 NFNL_SUBSYS_ACCT = 0x7 - NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT = 0xc + NFNL_SUBSYS_COUNT = 0xd NFNL_SUBSYS_CTHELPER = 0x9 NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK = 0x1 NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_EXP = 0x2 NFNL_SUBSYS_CTNETLINK_TIMEOUT = 0x8 + NFNL_SUBSYS_HOOK = 0xc NFNL_SUBSYS_IPSET = 0x6 NFNL_SUBSYS_NFTABLES = 0xa NFNL_SUBSYS_NFT_COMPAT = 0xb @@ -1649,16 +1829,27 @@ const ( PERF_ATTR_SIZE_VER4 = 0x68 PERF_ATTR_SIZE_VER5 = 0x70 PERF_ATTR_SIZE_VER6 = 0x78 + PERF_ATTR_SIZE_VER7 = 0x80 PERF_AUX_FLAG_COLLISION = 0x8 + PERF_AUX_FLAG_CORESIGHT_FORMAT_CORESIGHT = 0x0 + PERF_AUX_FLAG_CORESIGHT_FORMAT_RAW = 0x100 PERF_AUX_FLAG_OVERWRITE = 0x2 PERF_AUX_FLAG_PARTIAL = 0x4 + PERF_AUX_FLAG_PMU_FORMAT_TYPE_MASK = 0xff00 PERF_AUX_FLAG_TRUNCATED = 0x1 PERF_FLAG_FD_CLOEXEC = 0x8 PERF_FLAG_FD_NO_GROUP = 0x1 PERF_FLAG_FD_OUTPUT = 0x2 PERF_FLAG_PID_CGROUP = 0x4 + PERF_HW_EVENT_MASK = 0xffffffff PERF_MAX_CONTEXTS_PER_STACK = 0x8 PERF_MAX_STACK_DEPTH = 0x7f + PERF_MEM_BLK_ADDR = 0x4 + PERF_MEM_BLK_DATA = 0x2 + PERF_MEM_BLK_NA = 0x1 + PERF_MEM_BLK_SHIFT = 0x28 + PERF_MEM_HOPS_0 = 0x1 + PERF_MEM_HOPS_SHIFT = 0x2b PERF_MEM_LOCK_LOCKED = 0x2 PERF_MEM_LOCK_NA = 0x1 PERF_MEM_LOCK_SHIFT = 0x18 @@ -1711,6 +1902,7 @@ const ( PERF_MEM_TLB_OS = 0x40 PERF_MEM_TLB_SHIFT = 0x1a PERF_MEM_TLB_WK = 0x20 + PERF_PMU_TYPE_SHIFT = 0x20 PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL_FLAGS_UNREGISTER = 0x1 PERF_RECORD_MISC_COMM_EXEC = 0x2000 PERF_RECORD_MISC_CPUMODE_MASK = 0x7 @@ -1722,12 +1914,14 @@ const ( PERF_RECORD_MISC_GUEST_USER = 0x5 PERF_RECORD_MISC_HYPERVISOR = 0x3 PERF_RECORD_MISC_KERNEL = 0x1 + PERF_RECORD_MISC_MMAP_BUILD_ID = 0x4000 PERF_RECORD_MISC_MMAP_DATA = 0x2000 PERF_RECORD_MISC_PROC_MAP_PARSE_TIMEOUT = 0x1000 PERF_RECORD_MISC_SWITCH_OUT = 0x2000 PERF_RECORD_MISC_SWITCH_OUT_PREEMPT = 0x4000 PERF_RECORD_MISC_USER = 0x2 PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_PLM_ALL = 0x7 + PERF_SAMPLE_WEIGHT_TYPE = 0x1004000 PIPEFS_MAGIC = 0x50495045 PPC_CMM_MAGIC = 0xc7571590 PPPIOCGNPMODE = 0xc008744c @@ -1808,7 +2002,18 @@ const ( PR_PAC_APGAKEY = 0x10 PR_PAC_APIAKEY = 0x1 PR_PAC_APIBKEY = 0x2 + PR_PAC_GET_ENABLED_KEYS = 0x3d PR_PAC_RESET_KEYS = 0x36 + PR_PAC_SET_ENABLED_KEYS = 0x3c + PR_SCHED_CORE = 0x3e + PR_SCHED_CORE_CREATE = 0x1 + PR_SCHED_CORE_GET = 0x0 + PR_SCHED_CORE_MAX = 0x4 + PR_SCHED_CORE_SCOPE_PROCESS_GROUP = 0x2 + PR_SCHED_CORE_SCOPE_THREAD = 0x0 + PR_SCHED_CORE_SCOPE_THREAD_GROUP = 0x1 + PR_SCHED_CORE_SHARE_FROM = 0x3 + PR_SCHED_CORE_SHARE_TO = 0x2 PR_SET_CHILD_SUBREAPER = 0x24 PR_SET_DUMPABLE = 0x4 PR_SET_ENDIAN = 0x14 @@ -1840,6 +2045,7 @@ const ( PR_SET_SECCOMP = 0x16 PR_SET_SECUREBITS = 0x1c PR_SET_SPECULATION_CTRL = 0x35 + PR_SET_SYSCALL_USER_DISPATCH = 0x3b PR_SET_TAGGED_ADDR_CTRL = 0x37 PR_SET_THP_DISABLE = 0x29 PR_SET_TIMERSLACK = 0x1d @@ -1851,6 +2057,7 @@ const ( PR_SPEC_ENABLE = 0x2 PR_SPEC_FORCE_DISABLE = 0x8 PR_SPEC_INDIRECT_BRANCH = 0x1 + PR_SPEC_L1D_FLUSH = 0x2 PR_SPEC_NOT_AFFECTED = 0x0 PR_SPEC_PRCTL = 0x1 PR_SPEC_STORE_BYPASS = 0x0 @@ -1859,6 +2066,8 @@ const ( PR_SVE_SET_VL_ONEXEC = 0x40000 PR_SVE_VL_INHERIT = 0x20000 PR_SVE_VL_LEN_MASK = 0xffff + PR_SYS_DISPATCH_OFF = 0x0 + PR_SYS_DISPATCH_ON = 0x1 PR_TAGGED_ADDR_ENABLE = 0x1 PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_DISABLE = 0x1f PR_TASK_PERF_EVENTS_ENABLE = 0x20 @@ -1887,6 +2096,7 @@ const ( PTRACE_GETREGSET = 0x4204 PTRACE_GETSIGINFO = 0x4202 PTRACE_GETSIGMASK = 0x420a + PTRACE_GET_RSEQ_CONFIGURATION = 0x420f PTRACE_GET_SYSCALL_INFO = 0x420e PTRACE_INTERRUPT = 0x4207 PTRACE_KILL = 0x8 @@ -1925,9 +2135,18 @@ const ( PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_NONE = 0x0 PTRACE_SYSCALL_INFO_SECCOMP = 0x3 PTRACE_TRACEME = 0x0 + P_ALL = 0x0 + P_PGID = 0x2 + P_PID = 0x1 + P_PIDFD = 0x3 QNX4_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x2f QNX6_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x68191122 RAMFS_MAGIC = 0x858458f6 + RAW_PAYLOAD_DIGITAL = 0x3 + RAW_PAYLOAD_HCI = 0x2 + RAW_PAYLOAD_LLCP = 0x0 + RAW_PAYLOAD_NCI = 0x1 + RAW_PAYLOAD_PROPRIETARY = 0x4 RDTGROUP_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x7655821 REISERFS_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x52654973 RENAME_EXCHANGE = 0x2 @@ -1978,8 +2197,23 @@ const ( RTCF_NAT = 0x800000 RTCF_VALVE = 0x200000 RTC_AF = 0x20 + RTC_BSM_DIRECT = 0x1 + RTC_BSM_DISABLED = 0x0 + RTC_BSM_LEVEL = 0x2 + RTC_BSM_STANDBY = 0x3 + RTC_FEATURE_ALARM = 0x0 + RTC_FEATURE_ALARM_RES_2S = 0x3 + RTC_FEATURE_ALARM_RES_MINUTE = 0x1 + RTC_FEATURE_BACKUP_SWITCH_MODE = 0x6 + RTC_FEATURE_CNT = 0x7 + RTC_FEATURE_CORRECTION = 0x5 + RTC_FEATURE_NEED_WEEK_DAY = 0x2 + RTC_FEATURE_UPDATE_INTERRUPT = 0x4 RTC_IRQF = 0x80 RTC_MAX_FREQ = 0x2000 + RTC_PARAM_BACKUP_SWITCH_MODE = 0x2 + RTC_PARAM_CORRECTION = 0x1 + RTC_PARAM_FEATURES = 0x0 RTC_PF = 0x40 RTC_UF = 0x10 RTF_ADDRCLASSMASK = 0xf8000000 @@ -2038,6 +2272,7 @@ const ( RTM_DELNEIGH = 0x1d RTM_DELNETCONF = 0x51 RTM_DELNEXTHOP = 0x69 + RTM_DELNEXTHOPBUCKET = 0x75 RTM_DELNSID = 0x59 RTM_DELQDISC = 0x25 RTM_DELROUTE = 0x19 @@ -2051,6 +2286,7 @@ const ( RTM_F_LOOKUP_TABLE = 0x1000 RTM_F_NOTIFY = 0x100 RTM_F_OFFLOAD = 0x4000 + RTM_F_OFFLOAD_FAILED = 0x20000000 RTM_F_PREFIX = 0x800 RTM_F_TRAP = 0x8000 RTM_GETACTION = 0x32 @@ -2067,6 +2303,7 @@ const ( RTM_GETNEIGHTBL = 0x42 RTM_GETNETCONF = 0x52 RTM_GETNEXTHOP = 0x6a + RTM_GETNEXTHOPBUCKET = 0x76 RTM_GETNSID = 0x5a RTM_GETQDISC = 0x26 RTM_GETROUTE = 0x1a @@ -2075,7 +2312,7 @@ const ( RTM_GETTCLASS = 0x2a RTM_GETTFILTER = 0x2e RTM_GETVLAN = 0x72 - RTM_MAX = 0x73 + RTM_MAX = 0x77 RTM_NEWACTION = 0x30 RTM_NEWADDR = 0x14 RTM_NEWADDRLABEL = 0x48 @@ -2089,6 +2326,7 @@ const ( RTM_NEWNEIGHTBL = 0x40 RTM_NEWNETCONF = 0x50 RTM_NEWNEXTHOP = 0x68 + RTM_NEWNEXTHOPBUCKET = 0x74 RTM_NEWNSID = 0x58 RTM_NEWNVLAN = 0x70 RTM_NEWPREFIX = 0x34 @@ -2098,18 +2336,19 @@ const ( RTM_NEWSTATS = 0x5c RTM_NEWTCLASS = 0x28 RTM_NEWTFILTER = 0x2c - RTM_NR_FAMILIES = 0x19 - RTM_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x64 + RTM_NR_FAMILIES = 0x1a + RTM_NR_MSGTYPES = 0x68 RTM_SETDCB = 0x4f RTM_SETLINK = 0x13 RTM_SETNEIGHTBL = 0x43 RTNH_ALIGNTO = 0x4 - RTNH_COMPARE_MASK = 0x19 + RTNH_COMPARE_MASK = 0x59 RTNH_F_DEAD = 0x1 RTNH_F_LINKDOWN = 0x10 RTNH_F_OFFLOAD = 0x8 RTNH_F_ONLINK = 0x4 RTNH_F_PERVASIVE = 0x2 + RTNH_F_TRAP = 0x40 RTNH_F_UNRESOLVED = 0x20 RTN_MAX = 0xb RTPROT_BABEL = 0x2a @@ -2126,6 +2365,7 @@ const ( RTPROT_MROUTED = 0x11 RTPROT_MRT = 0xa RTPROT_NTK = 0xf + RTPROT_OPENR = 0x63 RTPROT_OSPF = 0xbc RTPROT_RA = 0x9 RTPROT_REDIRECT = 0x1 @@ -2156,7 +2396,14 @@ const ( SECCOMP_MODE_DISABLED = 0x0 SECCOMP_MODE_FILTER = 0x2 SECCOMP_MODE_STRICT = 0x1 + SECRETMEM_MAGIC = 0x5345434d SECURITYFS_MAGIC = 0x73636673 + SEEK_CUR = 0x1 + SEEK_DATA = 0x3 + SEEK_END = 0x2 + SEEK_HOLE = 0x4 + SEEK_MAX = 0x4 + SEEK_SET = 0x0 SELINUX_MAGIC = 0xf97cff8c SHUT_RD = 0x0 SHUT_RDWR = 0x2 @@ -2217,6 +2464,9 @@ const ( SIOCGSTAMPNS = 0x8907 SIOCGSTAMPNS_OLD = 0x8907 SIOCGSTAMP_OLD = 0x8906 + SIOCKCMATTACH = 0x89e0 + SIOCKCMCLONE = 0x89e2 + SIOCKCMUNATTACH = 0x89e1 SIOCOUTQNSD = 0x894b SIOCPROTOPRIVATE = 0x89e0 SIOCRTMSG = 0x890d @@ -2261,12 +2511,15 @@ const ( SMART_WRITE_THRESHOLDS = 0xd7 SMB_SUPER_MAGIC = 0x517b SOCKFS_MAGIC = 0x534f434b + SOCK_BUF_LOCK_MASK = 0x3 SOCK_DCCP = 0x6 SOCK_IOC_TYPE = 0x89 SOCK_PACKET = 0xa SOCK_RAW = 0x3 + SOCK_RCVBUF_LOCK = 0x2 SOCK_RDM = 0x4 SOCK_SEQPACKET = 0x5 + SOCK_SNDBUF_LOCK = 0x1 SOL_AAL = 0x109 SOL_ALG = 0x117 SOL_ATM = 0x108 @@ -2323,6 +2576,8 @@ const ( SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_MIN_SIZE = 0x1 SO_VM_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE = 0x0 SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 0x6 + SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_NEW = 0x8 + SO_VM_SOCKETS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_OLD = 0x6 SO_VM_SOCKETS_NONBLOCK_TXRX = 0x7 SO_VM_SOCKETS_PEER_HOST_VM_ID = 0x3 SO_VM_SOCKETS_TRUSTED = 0x5 @@ -2403,6 +2658,14 @@ const ( TCOFLUSH = 0x1 TCOOFF = 0x0 TCOON = 0x1 + TCPOPT_EOL = 0x0 + TCPOPT_MAXSEG = 0x2 + TCPOPT_NOP = 0x1 + TCPOPT_SACK = 0x5 + TCPOPT_SACK_PERMITTED = 0x4 + TCPOPT_TIMESTAMP = 0x8 + TCPOPT_TSTAMP_HDR = 0x101080a + TCPOPT_WINDOW = 0x3 TCP_CC_INFO = 0x1a TCP_CM_INQ = 0x24 TCP_CONGESTION = 0xd @@ -2580,6 +2843,7 @@ const ( VMADDR_CID_HOST = 0x2 VMADDR_CID_HYPERVISOR = 0x0 VMADDR_CID_LOCAL = 0x1 + VMADDR_FLAG_TO_HOST = 0x1 VMADDR_PORT_ANY = 0xffffffff VM_SOCKETS_INVALID_VERSION = 0xffffffff VQUIT = 0x1 @@ -2608,6 +2872,13 @@ const ( WDIOS_TEMPPANIC = 0x4 WDIOS_UNKNOWN = -0x1 WEXITED = 0x4 + WGALLOWEDIP_A_MAX = 0x3 + WGDEVICE_A_MAX = 0x8 + WGPEER_A_MAX = 0xa + WG_CMD_MAX = 0x1 + WG_GENL_NAME = "wireguard" + WG_GENL_VERSION = 0x1 + WG_KEY_LEN = 0x20 WIN_ACKMEDIACHANGE = 0xdb WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE1 = 0xe5 WIN_CHECKPOWERMODE2 = 0x98 @@ -2727,6 +2998,9 @@ const ( Z3FOLD_MAGIC = 0x33 ZONEFS_MAGIC = 0x5a4f4653 ZSMALLOC_MAGIC = 0x58295829 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME_LEN = 0x80 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS_LEN = 0x40 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ_LEN = 0x40 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go index 336e0b32..234fd4a5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_386.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && linux // +build 386,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x81484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x80104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -93,6 +96,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x8 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x80084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x90044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x80044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x8000 @@ -119,6 +125,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x40084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x40104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x80204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x80c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x80084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x40084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc00c4d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x40084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc00c4d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x4d13 NFDBITS = 0x20 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -128,6 +147,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0xb701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x400c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x400c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x800c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x80044d0d O_APPEND = 0x400 O_ASYNC = 0x2000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -165,6 +189,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x2405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x4004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x40047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x40047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x4004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x4004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x7439 @@ -192,6 +217,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x40087447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x40047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x4020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x7434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffff PTRACE_GETFPREGS = 0xe @@ -224,6 +250,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4004700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8004700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4004700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x801c7011 @@ -267,7 +295,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -282,6 +312,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa SO_PASSCRED = 0x10 @@ -290,6 +321,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x11 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -297,6 +329,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -481,6 +514,9 @@ const ( X86_FXSR_MAGIC = 0x0 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x80804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x80404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x80404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go index 961507e9..58619b75 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_amd64.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && linux // +build amd64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x81484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x80104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -93,6 +96,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x8 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x80084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x90044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x80044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x8000 @@ -119,6 +125,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x40084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x40104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x80204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x80c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x80084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x40084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x40084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x4d13 NFDBITS = 0x40 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -128,6 +147,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0xb701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x400c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x400c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x800c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x80044d0d O_APPEND = 0x400 O_ASYNC = 0x2000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -165,6 +189,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x2405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x4004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x40047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x40047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x4004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x4004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x7439 @@ -192,6 +217,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x40107447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x40047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x4020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x7434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff PTRACE_ARCH_PRCTL = 0x1e @@ -225,6 +251,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x80207011 @@ -268,7 +296,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -283,6 +313,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa SO_PASSCRED = 0x10 @@ -291,6 +322,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x11 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -298,6 +330,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -481,6 +514,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x80804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x80404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x80404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go index a65576db..3a64ff59 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && linux // +build arm,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x81484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x80104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x8 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x80084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x90044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x80044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x8000 @@ -117,6 +123,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x40084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x40104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x80204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x80c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x80084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x40084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc00c4d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x40084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc00c4d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x4d13 NFDBITS = 0x20 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -126,6 +145,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0xb701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x400c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x400c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x800c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x80044d0d O_APPEND = 0x400 O_ASYNC = 0x2000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -163,6 +187,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x2405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x4004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x40047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x40047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x4004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x4004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x7439 @@ -190,6 +215,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x40087447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x40047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x4020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x7434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffff PTRACE_GETCRUNCHREGS = 0x19 @@ -231,6 +257,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4004700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8004700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4004700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x801c7011 @@ -274,7 +302,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -289,6 +319,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa SO_PASSCRED = 0x10 @@ -297,6 +328,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x11 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -304,6 +336,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -487,6 +520,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x20 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x80804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x80404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x80404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go index cf075caa..abe0b925 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_arm64.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && linux // +build arm64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x81484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x80104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -95,6 +98,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x8 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x80084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x90044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x80044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x8000 @@ -120,6 +126,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x40084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x40104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x80204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x80c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x80084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x40084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x40084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x4d13 NFDBITS = 0x40 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -129,6 +148,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0xb701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x400c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x400c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x800c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x80044d0d O_APPEND = 0x400 O_ASYNC = 0x2000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -166,6 +190,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x2405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x4004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x40047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x40047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x4004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x4004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x7439 @@ -193,8 +218,10 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x40107447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x40047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x4020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x7434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x744e PROT_BTI = 0x10 + PROT_MTE = 0x20 PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff PTRACE_PEEKMTETAGS = 0x21 PTRACE_POKEMTETAGS = 0x22 @@ -220,6 +247,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x80207011 @@ -263,7 +292,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -278,6 +309,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa SO_PASSCRED = 0x10 @@ -286,6 +318,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x11 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -293,6 +326,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -477,6 +511,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x80804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x80404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x80404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go index efe90dee..14d7a843 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips && linux // +build mips,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x41484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x40104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x18 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x40084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x50044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x40044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x100 @@ -117,6 +123,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x80084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x80104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x40204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x40c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x40084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x80084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc00c4d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x80084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc00c4d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x20004d13 NFDBITS = 0x20 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -126,6 +145,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0x2000b701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x800c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x800c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x400c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x40044d0d O_APPEND = 0x8 O_ASYNC = 0x1000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -163,6 +187,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x20002405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x8004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x80047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x80047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x8004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x8004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x20007439 @@ -190,6 +215,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x80087447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x80047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x8020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x20007434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x2000744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffff PTRACE_GETFPREGS = 0xe @@ -224,6 +250,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8004700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4004700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8004700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x401c7011 @@ -267,7 +295,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -282,6 +312,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 SO_PASSCRED = 0x11 @@ -290,6 +321,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x12 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1e + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x1028 SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -297,6 +329,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -483,6 +516,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x20 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x40804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x40404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x40404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go index 8b0e8911..99e7c4ac 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64 && linux // +build mips64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x41484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x40104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x18 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x40084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x50044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x40044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x100 @@ -117,6 +123,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x80084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x80104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x40204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x40c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x40084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x80084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x80084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x20004d13 NFDBITS = 0x40 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -126,6 +145,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0x2000b701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x800c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x800c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x400c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x40044d0d O_APPEND = 0x8 O_ASYNC = 0x1000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -163,6 +187,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x20002405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x8004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x80047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x80047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x8004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x8004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x20007439 @@ -190,6 +215,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x80107447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x80047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x8020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x20007434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x2000744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff PTRACE_GETFPREGS = 0xe @@ -224,6 +250,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -267,7 +295,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -282,6 +312,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 SO_PASSCRED = 0x11 @@ -290,6 +321,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x12 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1e + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x1028 SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -297,6 +329,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -483,6 +516,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x40804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x40404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x40404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go index e9430cd1..496364c3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mips64le.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64le && linux // +build mips64le,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x41484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x40104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x18 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x40084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x50044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x40044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x100 @@ -117,6 +123,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x80084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x80104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x40204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x40c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x40084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x80084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x80084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x20004d13 NFDBITS = 0x40 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -126,6 +145,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0x2000b701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x800c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x800c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x400c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x40044d0d O_APPEND = 0x8 O_ASYNC = 0x1000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -163,6 +187,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x20002405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x8004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x80047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x80047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x8004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x8004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x20007439 @@ -190,6 +215,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x80107447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x80047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x8020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x20007434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x2000744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff PTRACE_GETFPREGS = 0xe @@ -224,6 +250,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -267,7 +295,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -282,6 +312,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 SO_PASSCRED = 0x11 @@ -290,6 +321,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x12 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1e + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x1028 SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -297,6 +329,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -483,6 +516,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x40804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x40404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x40404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go index 61e4f5db..3e408308 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_mipsle.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mipsle && linux // +build mipsle,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x41484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x40104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x18 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x40084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x50044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x40044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x100 @@ -117,6 +123,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x80084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x80104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x40204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x40c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x40084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x80084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc00c4d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x80084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc00c4d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x20004d13 NFDBITS = 0x20 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -126,6 +145,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0x2000b701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x800c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x800c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x400c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x40044d0d O_APPEND = 0x8 O_ASYNC = 0x1000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -163,6 +187,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x20002405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x8004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x80047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x80047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x8004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x8004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x20007439 @@ -190,6 +215,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x80087447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x80047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x8020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x20007434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x2000744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffff PTRACE_GETFPREGS = 0xe @@ -224,6 +250,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8004700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4004700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8004700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x401c7011 @@ -267,7 +295,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -282,6 +312,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 SO_PASSCRED = 0x11 @@ -290,6 +321,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x12 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1e + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x1028 SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -297,6 +329,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x1006 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -483,6 +516,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x20 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x40804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x40404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x40404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1151a7df --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc.go @@ -0,0 +1,885 @@ +// mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build ppc && linux +// +build ppc,linux + +// Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go + +package unix + +import "syscall" + +const ( + B1000000 = 0x17 + B115200 = 0x11 + B1152000 = 0x18 + B1500000 = 0x19 + B2000000 = 0x1a + B230400 = 0x12 + B2500000 = 0x1b + B3000000 = 0x1c + B3500000 = 0x1d + B4000000 = 0x1e + B460800 = 0x13 + B500000 = 0x14 + B57600 = 0x10 + B576000 = 0x15 + B921600 = 0x16 + BLKBSZGET = 0x40041270 + BLKBSZSET = 0x80041271 + BLKFLSBUF = 0x20001261 + BLKFRAGET = 0x20001265 + BLKFRASET = 0x20001264 + BLKGETSIZE = 0x20001260 + BLKGETSIZE64 = 0x40041272 + BLKPBSZGET = 0x2000127b + BLKRAGET = 0x20001263 + BLKRASET = 0x20001262 + BLKROGET = 0x2000125e + BLKROSET = 0x2000125d + BLKRRPART = 0x2000125f + BLKSECTGET = 0x20001267 + BLKSECTSET = 0x20001266 + BLKSSZGET = 0x20001268 + BOTHER = 0x1f + BS1 = 0x8000 + BSDLY = 0x8000 + CBAUD = 0xff + CBAUDEX = 0x0 + CIBAUD = 0xff0000 + CLOCAL = 0x8000 + CR1 = 0x1000 + CR2 = 0x2000 + CR3 = 0x3000 + CRDLY = 0x3000 + CREAD = 0x800 + CS6 = 0x100 + CS7 = 0x200 + CS8 = 0x300 + CSIZE = 0x300 + CSTOPB = 0x400 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x41484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x40104d12 + ECHOCTL = 0x40 + ECHOE = 0x2 + ECHOK = 0x4 + ECHOKE = 0x1 + ECHONL = 0x10 + ECHOPRT = 0x20 + EFD_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + EFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + EPOLL_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + EXTPROC = 0x10000000 + FF1 = 0x4000 + FFDLY = 0x4000 + FICLONE = 0x80049409 + FICLONERANGE = 0x8020940d + FLUSHO = 0x800000 + FS_IOC_ENABLE_VERITY = 0x80806685 + FS_IOC_GETFLAGS = 0x40046601 + FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_NONCE = 0x4010661b + FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY = 0x800c6615 + FS_IOC_GET_ENCRYPTION_PWSALT = 0x80106614 + FS_IOC_SETFLAGS = 0x80046602 + FS_IOC_SET_ENCRYPTION_POLICY = 0x400c6613 + F_GETLK = 0xc + F_GETLK64 = 0xc + F_GETOWN = 0x9 + F_RDLCK = 0x0 + F_SETLK = 0xd + F_SETLK64 = 0xd + F_SETLKW = 0xe + F_SETLKW64 = 0xe + F_SETOWN = 0x8 + F_UNLCK = 0x2 + F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x40084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x50044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x40044801 + HUPCL = 0x4000 + ICANON = 0x100 + IEXTEN = 0x400 + IN_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + IN_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + IOCTL_VM_SOCKETS_GET_LOCAL_CID = 0x200007b9 + ISIG = 0x80 + IUCLC = 0x1000 + IXOFF = 0x400 + IXON = 0x200 + MAP_ANON = 0x20 + MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x20 + MAP_DENYWRITE = 0x800 + MAP_EXECUTABLE = 0x1000 + MAP_GROWSDOWN = 0x100 + MAP_HUGETLB = 0x40000 + MAP_LOCKED = 0x80 + MAP_NONBLOCK = 0x10000 + MAP_NORESERVE = 0x40 + MAP_POPULATE = 0x8000 + MAP_STACK = 0x20000 + MAP_SYNC = 0x80000 + MCL_CURRENT = 0x2000 + MCL_FUTURE = 0x4000 + MCL_ONFAULT = 0x8000 + MEMERASE = 0x80084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x80104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x40204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x40c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x40084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x80084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc00c4d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x80084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc00c4d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x20004d13 + NFDBITS = 0x20 + NL2 = 0x200 + NL3 = 0x300 + NLDLY = 0x300 + NOFLSH = 0x80000000 + NS_GET_NSTYPE = 0x2000b703 + NS_GET_OWNER_UID = 0x2000b704 + NS_GET_PARENT = 0x2000b702 + NS_GET_USERNS = 0x2000b701 + OLCUC = 0x4 + ONLCR = 0x2 + OTPERASE = 0x800c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x800c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x400c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x40044d0d + O_APPEND = 0x400 + O_ASYNC = 0x2000 + O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + O_CREAT = 0x40 + O_DIRECT = 0x20000 + O_DIRECTORY = 0x4000 + O_DSYNC = 0x1000 + O_EXCL = 0x80 + O_FSYNC = 0x101000 + O_LARGEFILE = 0x10000 + O_NDELAY = 0x800 + O_NOATIME = 0x40000 + O_NOCTTY = 0x100 + O_NOFOLLOW = 0x8000 + O_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + O_PATH = 0x200000 + O_RSYNC = 0x101000 + O_SYNC = 0x101000 + O_TMPFILE = 0x404000 + O_TRUNC = 0x200 + PARENB = 0x1000 + PARODD = 0x2000 + PENDIN = 0x20000000 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_DISABLE = 0x20002401 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_ENABLE = 0x20002400 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_ID = 0x40042407 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES = 0x8004240b + PERF_EVENT_IOC_PAUSE_OUTPUT = 0x80042409 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_PERIOD = 0x80082404 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_QUERY_BPF = 0xc004240a + PERF_EVENT_IOC_REFRESH = 0x20002402 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_RESET = 0x20002403 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_BPF = 0x80042408 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_FILTER = 0x80042406 + PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x20002405 + PPPIOCATTACH = 0x8004743d + PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x80047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x80047435 + PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x8004743a + PPPIOCDETACH = 0x8004743c + PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x20007439 + PPPIOCGASYNCMAP = 0x40047458 + PPPIOCGCHAN = 0x40047437 + PPPIOCGDEBUG = 0x40047441 + PPPIOCGFLAGS = 0x4004745a + PPPIOCGIDLE = 0x4008743f + PPPIOCGIDLE32 = 0x4008743f + PPPIOCGIDLE64 = 0x4010743f + PPPIOCGL2TPSTATS = 0x40487436 + PPPIOCGMRU = 0x40047453 + PPPIOCGRASYNCMAP = 0x40047455 + PPPIOCGUNIT = 0x40047456 + PPPIOCGXASYNCMAP = 0x40207450 + PPPIOCSACTIVE = 0x80087446 + PPPIOCSASYNCMAP = 0x80047457 + PPPIOCSCOMPRESS = 0x800c744d + PPPIOCSDEBUG = 0x80047440 + PPPIOCSFLAGS = 0x80047459 + PPPIOCSMAXCID = 0x80047451 + PPPIOCSMRRU = 0x8004743b + PPPIOCSMRU = 0x80047452 + PPPIOCSNPMODE = 0x8008744b + PPPIOCSPASS = 0x80087447 + PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x80047454 + PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x8020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x20007434 + PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x2000744e + PROT_SAO = 0x10 + PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffff + PTRACE_GETEVRREGS = 0x14 + PTRACE_GETFPREGS = 0xe + PTRACE_GETREGS64 = 0x16 + PTRACE_GETVRREGS = 0x12 + PTRACE_GETVSRREGS = 0x1b + PTRACE_GET_DEBUGREG = 0x19 + PTRACE_SETEVRREGS = 0x15 + PTRACE_SETFPREGS = 0xf + PTRACE_SETREGS64 = 0x17 + PTRACE_SETVRREGS = 0x13 + PTRACE_SETVSRREGS = 0x1c + PTRACE_SET_DEBUGREG = 0x1a + PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK = 0x100 + PTRACE_SYSEMU = 0x1d + PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP = 0x1e + PT_CCR = 0x26 + PT_CTR = 0x23 + PT_DAR = 0x29 + PT_DSCR = 0x2c + PT_DSISR = 0x2a + PT_FPR0 = 0x30 + PT_FPR31 = 0x6e + PT_FPSCR = 0x71 + PT_LNK = 0x24 + PT_MQ = 0x27 + PT_MSR = 0x21 + PT_NIP = 0x20 + PT_ORIG_R3 = 0x22 + PT_R0 = 0x0 + PT_R1 = 0x1 + PT_R10 = 0xa + PT_R11 = 0xb + PT_R12 = 0xc + PT_R13 = 0xd + PT_R14 = 0xe + PT_R15 = 0xf + PT_R16 = 0x10 + PT_R17 = 0x11 + PT_R18 = 0x12 + PT_R19 = 0x13 + PT_R2 = 0x2 + PT_R20 = 0x14 + PT_R21 = 0x15 + PT_R22 = 0x16 + PT_R23 = 0x17 + PT_R24 = 0x18 + PT_R25 = 0x19 + PT_R26 = 0x1a + PT_R27 = 0x1b + PT_R28 = 0x1c + PT_R29 = 0x1d + PT_R3 = 0x3 + PT_R30 = 0x1e + PT_R31 = 0x1f + PT_R4 = 0x4 + PT_R5 = 0x5 + PT_R6 = 0x6 + PT_R7 = 0x7 + PT_R8 = 0x8 + PT_R9 = 0x9 + PT_REGS_COUNT = 0x2c + PT_RESULT = 0x2b + PT_TRAP = 0x28 + PT_XER = 0x25 + RLIMIT_AS = 0x9 + RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x8 + RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x7 + RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x6 + RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 + RNDADDENTROPY = 0x80085203 + RNDADDTOENTCNT = 0x80045201 + RNDCLEARPOOL = 0x20005206 + RNDGETENTCNT = 0x40045200 + RNDGETPOOL = 0x40085202 + RNDRESEEDCRNG = 0x20005207 + RNDZAPENTCNT = 0x20005204 + RTC_AIE_OFF = 0x20007002 + RTC_AIE_ON = 0x20007001 + RTC_ALM_READ = 0x40247008 + RTC_ALM_SET = 0x80247007 + RTC_EPOCH_READ = 0x4004700d + RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8004700e + RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4004700b + RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8004700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 + RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 + RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 + RTC_PLL_GET = 0x401c7011 + RTC_PLL_SET = 0x801c7012 + RTC_RD_TIME = 0x40247009 + RTC_SET_TIME = 0x8024700a + RTC_UIE_OFF = 0x20007004 + RTC_UIE_ON = 0x20007003 + RTC_VL_CLR = 0x20007014 + RTC_VL_READ = 0x40047013 + RTC_WIE_OFF = 0x20007010 + RTC_WIE_ON = 0x2000700f + RTC_WKALM_RD = 0x40287010 + RTC_WKALM_SET = 0x8028700f + SCM_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS = 0x36 + SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO = 0x3a + SCM_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SCM_TXTIME = 0x3d + SCM_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 + SFD_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + SFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + SIOCATMARK = 0x8905 + SIOCGPGRP = 0x8904 + SIOCGSTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40108907 + SIOCGSTAMP_NEW = 0x40108906 + SIOCINQ = 0x4004667f + SIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473 + SIOCSPGRP = 0x8902 + SOCK_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + SOCK_DGRAM = 0x2 + SOCK_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + SOCK_STREAM = 0x1 + SOL_SOCKET = 0x1 + SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x1e + SO_ATTACH_BPF = 0x32 + SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 0x33 + SO_ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 0x34 + SO_BINDTODEVICE = 0x19 + SO_BINDTOIFINDEX = 0x3e + SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 + SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 + SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 + SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 + SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 + SO_COOKIE = 0x39 + SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 + SO_DOMAIN = 0x27 + SO_DONTROUTE = 0x5 + SO_ERROR = 0x4 + SO_INCOMING_CPU = 0x31 + SO_INCOMING_NAPI_ID = 0x38 + SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x9 + SO_LINGER = 0xd + SO_LOCK_FILTER = 0x2c + SO_MARK = 0x24 + SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f + SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 + SO_NOFCS = 0x2b + SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa + SO_PASSCRED = 0x14 + SO_PASSSEC = 0x22 + SO_PEEK_OFF = 0x2a + SO_PEERCRED = 0x15 + SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b + SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 + SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 + SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 + SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 + SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x10 + SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 + SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 + SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 + SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 + SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf + SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 + SO_SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION = 0x16 + SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_NETWORK = 0x18 + SO_SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_TRANSPORT = 0x17 + SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE = 0x2d + SO_SNDBUF = 0x7 + SO_SNDBUFFORCE = 0x20 + SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x11 + SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x13 + SO_SNDTIMEO_NEW = 0x43 + SO_SNDTIMEO_OLD = 0x13 + SO_TIMESTAMPING = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 0x41 + SO_TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 0x25 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 0x40 + SO_TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 0x23 + SO_TIMESTAMP_NEW = 0x3f + SO_TXTIME = 0x3d + SO_TYPE = 0x3 + SO_WIFI_STATUS = 0x29 + SO_ZEROCOPY = 0x3c + TAB1 = 0x400 + TAB2 = 0x800 + TAB3 = 0xc00 + TABDLY = 0xc00 + TCFLSH = 0x2000741f + TCGETA = 0x40147417 + TCGETS = 0x402c7413 + TCSAFLUSH = 0x2 + TCSBRK = 0x2000741d + TCSBRKP = 0x5425 + TCSETA = 0x80147418 + TCSETAF = 0x8014741c + TCSETAW = 0x80147419 + TCSETS = 0x802c7414 + TCSETSF = 0x802c7416 + TCSETSW = 0x802c7415 + TCXONC = 0x2000741e + TFD_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 + TFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 + TIOCCBRK = 0x5428 + TIOCCONS = 0x541d + TIOCEXCL = 0x540c + TIOCGDEV = 0x40045432 + TIOCGETC = 0x40067412 + TIOCGETD = 0x5424 + TIOCGETP = 0x40067408 + TIOCGEXCL = 0x40045440 + TIOCGICOUNT = 0x545d + TIOCGISO7816 = 0x40285442 + TIOCGLCKTRMIOS = 0x5456 + TIOCGLTC = 0x40067474 + TIOCGPGRP = 0x40047477 + TIOCGPKT = 0x40045438 + TIOCGPTLCK = 0x40045439 + TIOCGPTN = 0x40045430 + TIOCGPTPEER = 0x20005441 + TIOCGRS485 = 0x542e + TIOCGSERIAL = 0x541e + TIOCGSID = 0x5429 + TIOCGSOFTCAR = 0x5419 + TIOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468 + TIOCINQ = 0x4004667f + TIOCLINUX = 0x541c + TIOCMBIC = 0x5417 + TIOCMBIS = 0x5416 + TIOCMGET = 0x5415 + TIOCMIWAIT = 0x545c + TIOCMSET = 0x5418 + TIOCM_CAR = 0x40 + TIOCM_CD = 0x40 + TIOCM_CTS = 0x20 + TIOCM_DSR = 0x100 + TIOCM_LOOP = 0x8000 + TIOCM_OUT1 = 0x2000 + TIOCM_OUT2 = 0x4000 + TIOCM_RI = 0x80 + TIOCM_RNG = 0x80 + TIOCM_SR = 0x10 + TIOCM_ST = 0x8 + TIOCNOTTY = 0x5422 + TIOCNXCL = 0x540d + TIOCOUTQ = 0x40047473 + TIOCPKT = 0x5420 + TIOCSBRK = 0x5427 + TIOCSCTTY = 0x540e + TIOCSERCONFIG = 0x5453 + TIOCSERGETLSR = 0x5459 + TIOCSERGETMULTI = 0x545a + TIOCSERGSTRUCT = 0x5458 + TIOCSERGWILD = 0x5454 + TIOCSERSETMULTI = 0x545b + TIOCSERSWILD = 0x5455 + TIOCSER_TEMT = 0x1 + TIOCSETC = 0x80067411 + TIOCSETD = 0x5423 + TIOCSETN = 0x8006740a + TIOCSETP = 0x80067409 + TIOCSIG = 0x80045436 + TIOCSISO7816 = 0xc0285443 + TIOCSLCKTRMIOS = 0x5457 + TIOCSLTC = 0x80067475 + TIOCSPGRP = 0x80047476 + TIOCSPTLCK = 0x80045431 + TIOCSRS485 = 0x542f + TIOCSSERIAL = 0x541f + TIOCSSOFTCAR = 0x541a + TIOCSTART = 0x2000746e + TIOCSTI = 0x5412 + TIOCSTOP = 0x2000746f + TIOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467 + TIOCVHANGUP = 0x5437 + TOSTOP = 0x400000 + TUNATTACHFILTER = 0x800854d5 + TUNDETACHFILTER = 0x800854d6 + TUNGETDEVNETNS = 0x200054e3 + TUNGETFEATURES = 0x400454cf + TUNGETFILTER = 0x400854db + TUNGETIFF = 0x400454d2 + TUNGETSNDBUF = 0x400454d3 + TUNGETVNETBE = 0x400454df + TUNGETVNETHDRSZ = 0x400454d7 + TUNGETVNETLE = 0x400454dd + TUNSETCARRIER = 0x800454e2 + TUNSETDEBUG = 0x800454c9 + TUNSETFILTEREBPF = 0x400454e1 + TUNSETGROUP = 0x800454ce + TUNSETIFF = 0x800454ca + TUNSETIFINDEX = 0x800454da + TUNSETLINK = 0x800454cd + TUNSETNOCSUM = 0x800454c8 + TUNSETOFFLOAD = 0x800454d0 + TUNSETOWNER = 0x800454cc + TUNSETPERSIST = 0x800454cb + TUNSETQUEUE = 0x800454d9 + TUNSETSNDBUF = 0x800454d4 + TUNSETSTEERINGEBPF = 0x400454e0 + TUNSETTXFILTER = 0x800454d1 + TUNSETVNETBE = 0x800454de + TUNSETVNETHDRSZ = 0x800454d8 + TUNSETVNETLE = 0x800454dc + UBI_IOCATT = 0x80186f40 + UBI_IOCDET = 0x80046f41 + UBI_IOCEBCH = 0x80044f02 + UBI_IOCEBER = 0x80044f01 + UBI_IOCEBISMAP = 0x40044f05 + UBI_IOCEBMAP = 0x80084f03 + UBI_IOCEBUNMAP = 0x80044f04 + UBI_IOCMKVOL = 0x80986f00 + UBI_IOCRMVOL = 0x80046f01 + UBI_IOCRNVOL = 0x91106f03 + UBI_IOCRPEB = 0x80046f04 + UBI_IOCRSVOL = 0x800c6f02 + UBI_IOCSETVOLPROP = 0x80104f06 + UBI_IOCSPEB = 0x80046f05 + UBI_IOCVOLCRBLK = 0x80804f07 + UBI_IOCVOLRMBLK = 0x20004f08 + UBI_IOCVOLUP = 0x80084f00 + VDISCARD = 0x10 + VEOF = 0x4 + VEOL = 0x6 + VEOL2 = 0x8 + VMIN = 0x5 + VREPRINT = 0xb + VSTART = 0xd + VSTOP = 0xe + VSUSP = 0xc + VSWTC = 0x9 + VT1 = 0x10000 + VTDLY = 0x10000 + VTIME = 0x7 + VWERASE = 0xa + WDIOC_GETBOOTSTATUS = 0x40045702 + WDIOC_GETPRETIMEOUT = 0x40045709 + WDIOC_GETSTATUS = 0x40045701 + WDIOC_GETSUPPORT = 0x40285700 + WDIOC_GETTEMP = 0x40045703 + WDIOC_GETTIMELEFT = 0x4004570a + WDIOC_GETTIMEOUT = 0x40045707 + WDIOC_KEEPALIVE = 0x40045705 + WDIOC_SETOPTIONS = 0x40045704 + WORDSIZE = 0x20 + XCASE = 0x4000 + XTABS = 0xc00 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x40804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x40404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x40404808 +) + +// Errors +const ( + EADDRINUSE = syscall.Errno(0x62) + EADDRNOTAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x63) + EADV = syscall.Errno(0x44) + EAFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x61) + EALREADY = syscall.Errno(0x72) + EBADE = syscall.Errno(0x34) + EBADFD = syscall.Errno(0x4d) + EBADMSG = syscall.Errno(0x4a) + EBADR = syscall.Errno(0x35) + EBADRQC = syscall.Errno(0x38) + EBADSLT = syscall.Errno(0x39) + EBFONT = syscall.Errno(0x3b) + ECANCELED = syscall.Errno(0x7d) + ECHRNG = syscall.Errno(0x2c) + ECOMM = syscall.Errno(0x46) + ECONNABORTED = syscall.Errno(0x67) + ECONNREFUSED = syscall.Errno(0x6f) + ECONNRESET = syscall.Errno(0x68) + EDEADLK = syscall.Errno(0x23) + EDEADLOCK = syscall.Errno(0x3a) + EDESTADDRREQ = syscall.Errno(0x59) + EDOTDOT = syscall.Errno(0x49) + EDQUOT = syscall.Errno(0x7a) + EHOSTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x70) + EHOSTUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x71) + EHWPOISON = syscall.Errno(0x85) + EIDRM = syscall.Errno(0x2b) + EILSEQ = syscall.Errno(0x54) + EINPROGRESS = syscall.Errno(0x73) + EISCONN = syscall.Errno(0x6a) + EISNAM = syscall.Errno(0x78) + EKEYEXPIRED = syscall.Errno(0x7f) + EKEYREJECTED = syscall.Errno(0x81) + EKEYREVOKED = syscall.Errno(0x80) + EL2HLT = syscall.Errno(0x33) + EL2NSYNC = syscall.Errno(0x2d) + EL3HLT = syscall.Errno(0x2e) + EL3RST = syscall.Errno(0x2f) + ELIBACC = syscall.Errno(0x4f) + ELIBBAD = syscall.Errno(0x50) + ELIBEXEC = syscall.Errno(0x53) + ELIBMAX = syscall.Errno(0x52) + ELIBSCN = syscall.Errno(0x51) + ELNRNG = syscall.Errno(0x30) + ELOOP = syscall.Errno(0x28) + EMEDIUMTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x7c) + EMSGSIZE = syscall.Errno(0x5a) + EMULTIHOP = syscall.Errno(0x48) + ENAMETOOLONG = syscall.Errno(0x24) + ENAVAIL = syscall.Errno(0x77) + ENETDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x64) + ENETRESET = syscall.Errno(0x66) + ENETUNREACH = syscall.Errno(0x65) + ENOANO = syscall.Errno(0x37) + ENOBUFS = syscall.Errno(0x69) + ENOCSI = syscall.Errno(0x32) + ENODATA = syscall.Errno(0x3d) + ENOKEY = syscall.Errno(0x7e) + ENOLCK = syscall.Errno(0x25) + ENOLINK = syscall.Errno(0x43) + ENOMEDIUM = syscall.Errno(0x7b) + ENOMSG = syscall.Errno(0x2a) + ENONET = syscall.Errno(0x40) + ENOPKG = syscall.Errno(0x41) + ENOPROTOOPT = syscall.Errno(0x5c) + ENOSR = syscall.Errno(0x3f) + ENOSTR = syscall.Errno(0x3c) + ENOSYS = syscall.Errno(0x26) + ENOTCONN = syscall.Errno(0x6b) + ENOTEMPTY = syscall.Errno(0x27) + ENOTNAM = syscall.Errno(0x76) + ENOTRECOVERABLE = syscall.Errno(0x83) + ENOTSOCK = syscall.Errno(0x58) + ENOTSUP = syscall.Errno(0x5f) + ENOTUNIQ = syscall.Errno(0x4c) + EOPNOTSUPP = syscall.Errno(0x5f) + EOVERFLOW = syscall.Errno(0x4b) + EOWNERDEAD = syscall.Errno(0x82) + EPFNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x60) + EPROTO = syscall.Errno(0x47) + EPROTONOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x5d) + EPROTOTYPE = syscall.Errno(0x5b) + EREMCHG = syscall.Errno(0x4e) + EREMOTE = syscall.Errno(0x42) + EREMOTEIO = syscall.Errno(0x79) + ERESTART = syscall.Errno(0x55) + ERFKILL = syscall.Errno(0x84) + ESHUTDOWN = syscall.Errno(0x6c) + ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = syscall.Errno(0x5e) + ESRMNT = syscall.Errno(0x45) + ESTALE = syscall.Errno(0x74) + ESTRPIPE = syscall.Errno(0x56) + ETIME = syscall.Errno(0x3e) + ETIMEDOUT = syscall.Errno(0x6e) + ETOOMANYREFS = syscall.Errno(0x6d) + EUCLEAN = syscall.Errno(0x75) + EUNATCH = syscall.Errno(0x31) + EUSERS = syscall.Errno(0x57) + EXFULL = syscall.Errno(0x36) +) + +// Signals +const ( + SIGBUS = syscall.Signal(0x7) + SIGCHLD = syscall.Signal(0x11) + SIGCLD = syscall.Signal(0x11) + SIGCONT = syscall.Signal(0x12) + SIGIO = syscall.Signal(0x1d) + SIGPOLL = syscall.Signal(0x1d) + SIGPROF = syscall.Signal(0x1b) + SIGPWR = syscall.Signal(0x1e) + SIGSTKFLT = syscall.Signal(0x10) + SIGSTOP = syscall.Signal(0x13) + SIGSYS = syscall.Signal(0x1f) + SIGTSTP = syscall.Signal(0x14) + SIGTTIN = syscall.Signal(0x15) + SIGTTOU = syscall.Signal(0x16) + SIGURG = syscall.Signal(0x17) + SIGUSR1 = syscall.Signal(0xa) + SIGUSR2 = syscall.Signal(0xc) + SIGVTALRM = syscall.Signal(0x1a) + SIGWINCH = syscall.Signal(0x1c) + SIGXCPU = syscall.Signal(0x18) + SIGXFSZ = syscall.Signal(0x19) +) + +// Error table +var errorList = [...]struct { + num syscall.Errno + name string + desc string +}{ + {1, "EPERM", "operation not permitted"}, + {2, "ENOENT", "no such file or directory"}, + {3, "ESRCH", "no such process"}, + {4, "EINTR", "interrupted system call"}, + {5, "EIO", "input/output error"}, + {6, "ENXIO", "no such device or address"}, + {7, "E2BIG", "argument list too long"}, + {8, "ENOEXEC", "exec format error"}, + {9, "EBADF", "bad file descriptor"}, + {10, "ECHILD", "no child processes"}, + {11, "EAGAIN", "resource temporarily unavailable"}, + {12, "ENOMEM", "cannot allocate memory"}, + {13, "EACCES", "permission denied"}, + {14, "EFAULT", "bad address"}, + {15, "ENOTBLK", "block device required"}, + {16, "EBUSY", "device or resource busy"}, + {17, "EEXIST", "file exists"}, + {18, "EXDEV", "invalid cross-device link"}, + {19, "ENODEV", "no such device"}, + {20, "ENOTDIR", "not a directory"}, + {21, "EISDIR", "is a directory"}, + {22, "EINVAL", "invalid argument"}, + {23, "ENFILE", "too many open files in system"}, + {24, "EMFILE", "too many open files"}, + {25, "ENOTTY", "inappropriate ioctl for device"}, + {26, "ETXTBSY", "text file busy"}, + {27, "EFBIG", "file too large"}, + {28, "ENOSPC", "no space left on device"}, + {29, "ESPIPE", "illegal seek"}, + {30, "EROFS", "read-only file system"}, + {31, "EMLINK", "too many links"}, + {32, "EPIPE", "broken pipe"}, + {33, "EDOM", "numerical argument out of domain"}, + {34, "ERANGE", "numerical result out of range"}, + {35, "EDEADLK", "resource deadlock avoided"}, + {36, "ENAMETOOLONG", "file name too long"}, + {37, "ENOLCK", "no locks available"}, + {38, "ENOSYS", "function not implemented"}, + {39, "ENOTEMPTY", "directory not empty"}, + {40, "ELOOP", "too many levels of symbolic links"}, + {42, "ENOMSG", "no message of desired type"}, + {43, "EIDRM", "identifier removed"}, + {44, "ECHRNG", "channel number out of range"}, + {45, "EL2NSYNC", "level 2 not synchronized"}, + {46, "EL3HLT", "level 3 halted"}, + {47, "EL3RST", "level 3 reset"}, + {48, "ELNRNG", "link number out of range"}, + {49, "EUNATCH", "protocol driver not attached"}, + {50, "ENOCSI", "no CSI structure available"}, + {51, "EL2HLT", "level 2 halted"}, + {52, "EBADE", "invalid exchange"}, + {53, "EBADR", "invalid request descriptor"}, + {54, "EXFULL", "exchange full"}, + {55, "ENOANO", "no anode"}, + {56, "EBADRQC", "invalid request code"}, + {57, "EBADSLT", "invalid slot"}, + {58, "EDEADLOCK", "file locking deadlock error"}, + {59, "EBFONT", "bad font file format"}, + {60, "ENOSTR", "device not a stream"}, + {61, "ENODATA", "no data available"}, + {62, "ETIME", "timer expired"}, + {63, "ENOSR", "out of streams resources"}, + {64, "ENONET", "machine is not on the network"}, + {65, "ENOPKG", "package not installed"}, + {66, "EREMOTE", "object is remote"}, + {67, "ENOLINK", "link has been severed"}, + {68, "EADV", "advertise error"}, + {69, "ESRMNT", "srmount error"}, + {70, "ECOMM", "communication error on send"}, + {71, "EPROTO", "protocol error"}, + {72, "EMULTIHOP", "multihop attempted"}, + {73, "EDOTDOT", "RFS specific error"}, + {74, "EBADMSG", "bad message"}, + {75, "EOVERFLOW", "value too large for defined data type"}, + {76, "ENOTUNIQ", "name not unique on network"}, + {77, "EBADFD", "file descriptor in bad state"}, + {78, "EREMCHG", "remote address changed"}, + {79, "ELIBACC", "can not access a needed shared library"}, + {80, "ELIBBAD", "accessing a corrupted shared library"}, + {81, "ELIBSCN", ".lib section in a.out corrupted"}, + {82, "ELIBMAX", "attempting to link in too many shared libraries"}, + {83, "ELIBEXEC", "cannot exec a shared library directly"}, + {84, "EILSEQ", "invalid or incomplete multibyte or wide character"}, + {85, "ERESTART", "interrupted system call should be restarted"}, + {86, "ESTRPIPE", "streams pipe error"}, + {87, "EUSERS", "too many users"}, + {88, "ENOTSOCK", "socket operation on non-socket"}, + {89, "EDESTADDRREQ", "destination address required"}, + {90, "EMSGSIZE", "message too long"}, + {91, "EPROTOTYPE", "protocol wrong type for socket"}, + {92, "ENOPROTOOPT", "protocol not available"}, + {93, "EPROTONOSUPPORT", "protocol not supported"}, + {94, "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT", "socket type not supported"}, + {95, "ENOTSUP", "operation not supported"}, + {96, "EPFNOSUPPORT", "protocol family not supported"}, + {97, "EAFNOSUPPORT", "address family not supported by protocol"}, + {98, "EADDRINUSE", "address already in use"}, + {99, "EADDRNOTAVAIL", "cannot assign requested address"}, + {100, "ENETDOWN", "network is down"}, + {101, "ENETUNREACH", "network is unreachable"}, + {102, "ENETRESET", "network dropped connection on reset"}, + {103, "ECONNABORTED", "software caused connection abort"}, + {104, "ECONNRESET", "connection reset by peer"}, + {105, "ENOBUFS", "no buffer space available"}, + {106, "EISCONN", "transport endpoint is already connected"}, + {107, "ENOTCONN", "transport endpoint is not connected"}, + {108, "ESHUTDOWN", "cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown"}, + {109, "ETOOMANYREFS", "too many references: cannot splice"}, + {110, "ETIMEDOUT", "connection timed out"}, + {111, "ECONNREFUSED", "connection refused"}, + {112, "EHOSTDOWN", "host is down"}, + {113, "EHOSTUNREACH", "no route to host"}, + {114, "EALREADY", "operation already in progress"}, + {115, "EINPROGRESS", "operation now in progress"}, + {116, "ESTALE", "stale file handle"}, + {117, "EUCLEAN", "structure needs cleaning"}, + {118, "ENOTNAM", "not a XENIX named type file"}, + {119, "ENAVAIL", "no XENIX semaphores available"}, + {120, "EISNAM", "is a named type file"}, + {121, "EREMOTEIO", "remote I/O error"}, + {122, "EDQUOT", "disk quota exceeded"}, + {123, "ENOMEDIUM", "no medium found"}, + {124, "EMEDIUMTYPE", "wrong medium type"}, + {125, "ECANCELED", "operation canceled"}, + {126, "ENOKEY", "required key not available"}, + {127, "EKEYEXPIRED", "key has expired"}, + {128, "EKEYREVOKED", "key has been revoked"}, + {129, "EKEYREJECTED", "key was rejected by service"}, + {130, "EOWNERDEAD", "owner died"}, + {131, "ENOTRECOVERABLE", "state not recoverable"}, + {132, "ERFKILL", "operation not possible due to RF-kill"}, + {133, "EHWPOISON", "memory page has hardware error"}, +} + +// Signal table +var signalList = [...]struct { + num syscall.Signal + name string + desc string +}{ + {1, "SIGHUP", "hangup"}, + {2, "SIGINT", "interrupt"}, + {3, "SIGQUIT", "quit"}, + {4, "SIGILL", "illegal instruction"}, + {5, "SIGTRAP", "trace/breakpoint trap"}, + {6, "SIGABRT", "aborted"}, + {7, "SIGBUS", "bus error"}, + {8, "SIGFPE", "floating point exception"}, + {9, "SIGKILL", "killed"}, + {10, "SIGUSR1", "user defined signal 1"}, + {11, "SIGSEGV", "segmentation fault"}, + {12, "SIGUSR2", "user defined signal 2"}, + {13, "SIGPIPE", "broken pipe"}, + {14, "SIGALRM", "alarm clock"}, + {15, "SIGTERM", "terminated"}, + {16, "SIGSTKFLT", "stack fault"}, + {17, "SIGCHLD", "child exited"}, + {18, "SIGCONT", "continued"}, + {19, "SIGSTOP", "stopped (signal)"}, + {20, "SIGTSTP", "stopped"}, + {21, "SIGTTIN", "stopped (tty input)"}, + {22, "SIGTTOU", "stopped (tty output)"}, + {23, "SIGURG", "urgent I/O condition"}, + {24, "SIGXCPU", "CPU time limit exceeded"}, + {25, "SIGXFSZ", "file size limit exceeded"}, + {26, "SIGVTALRM", "virtual timer expired"}, + {27, "SIGPROF", "profiling timer expired"}, + {28, "SIGWINCH", "window changed"}, + {29, "SIGIO", "I/O possible"}, + {30, "SIGPWR", "power failure"}, + {31, "SIGSYS", "bad system call"}, +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go index 973ad934..ed17f249 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc64 && linux // +build ppc64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x300 CSIZE = 0x300 CSTOPB = 0x400 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x41484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x40104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x40 ECHOE = 0x2 ECHOK = 0x4 @@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x8 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x40084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x50044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x40044801 HUPCL = 0x4000 ICANON = 0x100 IEXTEN = 0x400 @@ -117,6 +123,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x2000 MCL_FUTURE = 0x4000 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x8000 + MEMERASE = 0x80084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x80104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x40204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x40c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x40084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x80084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x80084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x20004d13 NFDBITS = 0x40 NL2 = 0x200 NL3 = 0x300 @@ -128,6 +147,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0x2000b701 OLCUC = 0x4 ONLCR = 0x2 + OTPERASE = 0x800c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x800c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x400c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x40044d0d O_APPEND = 0x400 O_ASYNC = 0x2000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -165,6 +189,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x20002405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x8004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x80047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x80047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x8004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x8004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x20007439 @@ -192,6 +217,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x80107447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x80047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x8020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x20007434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x2000744e PROT_SAO = 0x10 PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff @@ -283,6 +309,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -326,7 +354,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -341,6 +371,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa SO_PASSCRED = 0x14 @@ -349,6 +380,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x15 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -356,6 +388,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -543,6 +576,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4000 XTABS = 0xc00 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x40804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x40404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x40404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go index 70a7406b..d84a37c1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc64le && linux // +build ppc64le,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x300 CSIZE = 0x300 CSTOPB = 0x400 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x41484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x40104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x40 ECHOE = 0x2 ECHOK = 0x4 @@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x8 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x40084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x50044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x40044801 HUPCL = 0x4000 ICANON = 0x100 IEXTEN = 0x400 @@ -117,6 +123,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x2000 MCL_FUTURE = 0x4000 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x8000 + MEMERASE = 0x80084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x80104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x40204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x40c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x40084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x80084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x80084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x20004d13 NFDBITS = 0x40 NL2 = 0x200 NL3 = 0x300 @@ -128,6 +147,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0x2000b701 OLCUC = 0x4 ONLCR = 0x2 + OTPERASE = 0x800c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x800c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x400c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x40044d0d O_APPEND = 0x400 O_ASYNC = 0x2000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -165,6 +189,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x20002405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x8004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x80047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x80047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x8004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x8004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x20007439 @@ -192,6 +217,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x80107447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x80047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x8020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x20007434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x2000744e PROT_SAO = 0x10 PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff @@ -283,6 +309,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -326,7 +354,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -341,6 +371,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa SO_PASSCRED = 0x14 @@ -349,6 +380,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x15 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -356,6 +388,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x12 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x12 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -543,6 +576,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4000 XTABS = 0xc00 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x40804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x40404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x40404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go index b1bf7997..5cafba83 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_riscv64.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build riscv64 && linux // +build riscv64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x81484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x80104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x8 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x80084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x90044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x80044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x8000 @@ -117,6 +123,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x40084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x40104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x80204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x80c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x80084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x40084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x40084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x4d13 NFDBITS = 0x40 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -126,6 +145,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0xb701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x400c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x400c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x800c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x80044d0d O_APPEND = 0x400 O_ASYNC = 0x2000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -163,6 +187,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x2405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x4004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x40047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x40047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x4004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x4004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x7439 @@ -190,6 +215,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x40107447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x40047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x4020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x7434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff RLIMIT_AS = 0x9 @@ -212,6 +238,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x80207011 @@ -255,7 +283,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -270,6 +300,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa SO_PASSCRED = 0x10 @@ -278,6 +309,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x11 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -285,6 +317,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -468,6 +501,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x80804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x80404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x80404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go index 7053d10b..6d122da4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_s390x.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build s390x && linux // +build s390x,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -59,6 +60,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x81484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x80104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -92,6 +95,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x8 F_UNLCK = 0x2 F_WRLCK = 0x1 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x80084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x90044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x80044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x8000 @@ -117,6 +123,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x1 MCL_FUTURE = 0x2 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x4 + MEMERASE = 0x40084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x40104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x80204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x80c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x80084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x40084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x40084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x40084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x4d13 NFDBITS = 0x40 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -126,6 +145,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0xb701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x400c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x400c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x800c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x80044d0d O_APPEND = 0x400 O_ASYNC = 0x2000 O_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 @@ -163,6 +187,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x2405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x4004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x40047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x40047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x4004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x4004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x7439 @@ -190,6 +215,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x40107447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x40047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x4020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x7434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff PTRACE_DISABLE_TE = 0x5010 @@ -206,6 +232,8 @@ const ( PTRACE_POKE_SYSTEM_CALL = 0x5008 PTRACE_PROT = 0x15 PTRACE_SINGLEBLOCK = 0xc + PTRACE_SYSEMU = 0x1f + PTRACE_SYSEMU_SINGLESTEP = 0x20 PTRACE_TE_ABORT_RAND = 0x5011 PT_ACR0 = 0x90 PT_ACR1 = 0x94 @@ -285,6 +313,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x4008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x8008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x4008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x40187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x40187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x7006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x7005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x80207011 @@ -328,7 +358,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x30 SO_BROADCAST = 0x6 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0xe + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x48 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x2e + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x46 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x35 SO_COOKIE = 0x39 SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x44 @@ -343,6 +375,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x24 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x2f SO_MEMINFO = 0x37 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x47 SO_NOFCS = 0x2b SO_OOBINLINE = 0xa SO_PASSCRED = 0x10 @@ -351,6 +384,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x11 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3b SO_PEERSEC = 0x1f + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x45 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x26 SO_RCVBUF = 0x8 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x21 @@ -358,6 +392,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x14 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x42 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x14 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x49 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x2 SO_REUSEPORT = 0xf SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x28 @@ -541,6 +576,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x80804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x80404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x80404808 ) // Errors diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go index 137cfe79..6bd19e51 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_linux_sparc64.go @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ // mkerrors.sh -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build sparc64 && linux // +build sparc64,linux // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/_const.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/_const.go package unix @@ -62,6 +63,8 @@ const ( CS8 = 0x30 CSIZE = 0x30 CSTOPB = 0x40 + ECCGETLAYOUT = 0x41484d11 + ECCGETSTATS = 0x40104d12 ECHOCTL = 0x200 ECHOE = 0x10 ECHOK = 0x20 @@ -96,6 +99,9 @@ const ( F_SETOWN = 0x6 F_UNLCK = 0x3 F_WRLCK = 0x2 + HIDIOCGRAWINFO = 0x40084803 + HIDIOCGRDESC = 0x50044802 + HIDIOCGRDESCSIZE = 0x40044801 HUPCL = 0x400 ICANON = 0x2 IEXTEN = 0x8000 @@ -122,6 +128,19 @@ const ( MCL_CURRENT = 0x2000 MCL_FUTURE = 0x4000 MCL_ONFAULT = 0x8000 + MEMERASE = 0x80084d02 + MEMERASE64 = 0x80104d14 + MEMGETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0b + MEMGETINFO = 0x40204d01 + MEMGETOOBSEL = 0x40c84d0a + MEMGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x40044d07 + MEMISLOCKED = 0x40084d17 + MEMLOCK = 0x80084d05 + MEMREADOOB = 0xc0104d04 + MEMSETBADBLOCK = 0x80084d0c + MEMUNLOCK = 0x80084d06 + MEMWRITEOOB = 0xc0104d03 + MTDFILEMODE = 0x20004d13 NFDBITS = 0x40 NLDLY = 0x100 NOFLSH = 0x80 @@ -131,6 +150,11 @@ const ( NS_GET_USERNS = 0x2000b701 OLCUC = 0x2 ONLCR = 0x4 + OTPERASE = 0x800c4d19 + OTPGETREGIONCOUNT = 0x80044d0e + OTPGETREGIONINFO = 0x800c4d0f + OTPLOCK = 0x400c4d10 + OTPSELECT = 0x40044d0d O_APPEND = 0x8 O_ASYNC = 0x40 O_CLOEXEC = 0x400000 @@ -168,6 +192,7 @@ const ( PERF_EVENT_IOC_SET_OUTPUT = 0x20002405 PPPIOCATTACH = 0x8004743d PPPIOCATTCHAN = 0x80047438 + PPPIOCBRIDGECHAN = 0x80047435 PPPIOCCONNECT = 0x8004743a PPPIOCDETACH = 0x8004743c PPPIOCDISCONN = 0x20007439 @@ -195,6 +220,7 @@ const ( PPPIOCSPASS = 0x80107447 PPPIOCSRASYNCMAP = 0x80047454 PPPIOCSXASYNCMAP = 0x8020744f + PPPIOCUNBRIDGECHAN = 0x20007434 PPPIOCXFERUNIT = 0x2000744e PR_SET_PTRACER_ANY = 0xffffffffffffffff PTRACE_GETFPAREGS = 0x14 @@ -278,6 +304,8 @@ const ( RTC_EPOCH_SET = 0x8008700e RTC_IRQP_READ = 0x4008700b RTC_IRQP_SET = 0x8008700c + RTC_PARAM_GET = 0x80187013 + RTC_PARAM_SET = 0x80187014 RTC_PIE_OFF = 0x20007006 RTC_PIE_ON = 0x20007005 RTC_PLL_GET = 0x40207011 @@ -321,7 +349,9 @@ const ( SO_BPF_EXTENSIONS = 0x32 SO_BROADCAST = 0x20 SO_BSDCOMPAT = 0x400 + SO_BUF_LOCK = 0x51 SO_BUSY_POLL = 0x30 + SO_BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 0x49 SO_CNX_ADVICE = 0x37 SO_COOKIE = 0x3b SO_DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 0x47 @@ -336,6 +366,7 @@ const ( SO_MARK = 0x22 SO_MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x31 SO_MEMINFO = 0x39 + SO_NETNS_COOKIE = 0x50 SO_NOFCS = 0x27 SO_OOBINLINE = 0x100 SO_PASSCRED = 0x2 @@ -344,6 +375,7 @@ const ( SO_PEERCRED = 0x40 SO_PEERGROUPS = 0x3d SO_PEERSEC = 0x1e + SO_PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 0x48 SO_PROTOCOL = 0x1028 SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 SO_RCVBUFFORCE = 0x100b @@ -351,6 +383,7 @@ const ( SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x2000 SO_RCVTIMEO_NEW = 0x44 SO_RCVTIMEO_OLD = 0x2000 + SO_RESERVE_MEM = 0x52 SO_REUSEADDR = 0x4 SO_REUSEPORT = 0x200 SO_RXQ_OVFL = 0x24 @@ -531,6 +564,9 @@ const ( WORDSIZE = 0x40 XCASE = 0x4 XTABS = 0x1800 + _HIDIOCGRAWNAME = 0x40804804 + _HIDIOCGRAWPHYS = 0x40404805 + _HIDIOCGRAWUNIQ = 0x40404808 __TIOCFLUSH = 0x80047410 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go index 20f3a579..72f7420d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m32 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && netbsd // +build 386,netbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go index 90b8fcd2..8d4eb0c0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && netbsd // +build amd64,netbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go index c5c03993..9eef9749 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -marm // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && netbsd // +build arm,netbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go index 14dd3c1d..3b62ba19 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && netbsd // +build arm64,netbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go index c865a10d..6d56edc0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m32 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && openbsd // +build 386,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. @@ -1019,7 +1020,10 @@ const ( RLIMIT_CPU = 0x0 RLIMIT_DATA = 0x2 RLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1 + RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6 RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8 + RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7 + RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 RLIMIT_STACK = 0x3 RLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff RTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go index 9db6b2fb..25cb6094 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && openbsd // +build amd64,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go index 7072526a..aef6c085 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && openbsd // +build arm,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. @@ -1019,7 +1020,10 @@ const ( RLIMIT_CPU = 0x0 RLIMIT_DATA = 0x2 RLIMIT_FSIZE = 0x1 + RLIMIT_MEMLOCK = 0x6 RLIMIT_NOFILE = 0x8 + RLIMIT_NPROC = 0x7 + RLIMIT_RSS = 0x5 RLIMIT_STACK = 0x3 RLIM_INFINITY = 0x7fffffffffffffff RTAX_AUTHOR = 0x6 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go index ac5efbe5..90de7dfc 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && openbsd // +build arm64,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_mips64.go index a74639a4..f1154ff5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64 && openbsd // +build mips64,openbsd // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go index 5312c36c..1afee6a0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_solaris_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // mkerrors.sh -m64 // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && solaris // +build amd64,solaris // Code generated by cmd/cgo -godefs; DO NOT EDIT. @@ -365,6 +366,7 @@ const ( HUPCL = 0x400 IBSHIFT = 0x10 ICANON = 0x2 + ICMP6_FILTER = 0x1 ICRNL = 0x100 IEXTEN = 0x8000 IFF_ADDRCONF = 0x80000 @@ -611,6 +613,7 @@ const ( IP_RECVPKTINFO = 0x1a IP_RECVRETOPTS = 0x6 IP_RECVSLLA = 0xa + IP_RECVTOS = 0xc IP_RECVTTL = 0xb IP_RETOPTS = 0x8 IP_REUSEADDR = 0x104 @@ -703,6 +706,7 @@ const ( O_APPEND = 0x8 O_CLOEXEC = 0x800000 O_CREAT = 0x100 + O_DIRECT = 0x2000000 O_DIRECTORY = 0x1000000 O_DSYNC = 0x40 O_EXCL = 0x400 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_zos_s390x.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc7d0506 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zerrors_zos_s390x.go @@ -0,0 +1,860 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build zos && s390x +// +build zos,s390x + +// Hand edited based on zerrors_linux_s390x.go +// TODO: auto-generate. + +package unix + +const ( + BRKINT = 0x0001 + CLOCK_MONOTONIC = 0x1 + CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0x2 + CLOCK_REALTIME = 0x0 + CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x3 + CS8 = 0x0030 + CSIZE = 0x0030 + ECHO = 0x00000008 + ECHONL = 0x00000001 + FD_CLOEXEC = 0x01 + FD_CLOFORK = 0x02 + FNDELAY = 0x04 + F_CLOSFD = 9 + F_CONTROL_CVT = 13 + F_DUPFD = 0 + F_DUPFD2 = 8 + F_GETFD = 1 + F_GETFL = 259 + F_GETLK = 5 + F_GETOWN = 10 + F_OK = 0x0 + F_RDLCK = 1 + F_SETFD = 2 + F_SETFL = 4 + F_SETLK = 6 + F_SETLKW = 7 + F_SETOWN = 11 + F_SETTAG = 12 + F_UNLCK = 3 + F_WRLCK = 2 + FSTYPE_ZFS = 0xe9 //"Z" + FSTYPE_HFS = 0xc8 //"H" + FSTYPE_NFS = 0xd5 //"N" + FSTYPE_TFS = 0xe3 //"T" + FSTYPE_AUTOMOUNT = 0xc1 //"A" + IP6F_MORE_FRAG = 0x0001 + IP6F_OFF_MASK = 0xfff8 + IP6F_RESERVED_MASK = 0x0006 + IP6OPT_JUMBO = 0xc2 + IP6OPT_JUMBO_LEN = 6 + IP6OPT_MUTABLE = 0x20 + IP6OPT_NSAP_ADDR = 0xc3 + IP6OPT_PAD1 = 0x00 + IP6OPT_PADN = 0x01 + IP6OPT_ROUTER_ALERT = 0x05 + IP6OPT_TUNNEL_LIMIT = 0x04 + IP6OPT_TYPE_DISCARD = 0x40 + IP6OPT_TYPE_FORCEICMP = 0x80 + IP6OPT_TYPE_ICMP = 0xc0 + IP6OPT_TYPE_SKIP = 0x00 + IP6_ALERT_AN = 0x0002 + IP6_ALERT_MLD = 0x0000 + IP6_ALERT_RSVP = 0x0001 + IPPORT_RESERVED = 1024 + IPPORT_USERRESERVED = 5000 + IPPROTO_AH = 51 + SOL_AH = 51 + IPPROTO_DSTOPTS = 60 + SOL_DSTOPTS = 60 + IPPROTO_EGP = 8 + SOL_EGP = 8 + IPPROTO_ESP = 50 + SOL_ESP = 50 + IPPROTO_FRAGMENT = 44 + SOL_FRAGMENT = 44 + IPPROTO_GGP = 2 + SOL_GGP = 2 + IPPROTO_HOPOPTS = 0 + SOL_HOPOPTS = 0 + IPPROTO_ICMP = 1 + SOL_ICMP = 1 + IPPROTO_ICMPV6 = 58 + SOL_ICMPV6 = 58 + IPPROTO_IDP = 22 + SOL_IDP = 22 + IPPROTO_IP = 0 + SOL_IP = 0 + IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41 + SOL_IPV6 = 41 + IPPROTO_MAX = 256 + SOL_MAX = 256 + IPPROTO_NONE = 59 + SOL_NONE = 59 + IPPROTO_PUP = 12 + SOL_PUP = 12 + IPPROTO_RAW = 255 + SOL_RAW = 255 + IPPROTO_ROUTING = 43 + SOL_ROUTING = 43 + IPPROTO_TCP = 6 + SOL_TCP = 6 + IPPROTO_UDP = 17 + SOL_UDP = 17 + IPV6_ADDR_PREFERENCES = 32 + IPV6_CHECKSUM = 19 + IPV6_DONTFRAG = 29 + IPV6_DSTOPTS = 23 + IPV6_HOPLIMIT = 11 + IPV6_HOPOPTS = 22 + IPV6_JOIN_GROUP = 5 + IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP = 6 + IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS = 9 + IPV6_MULTICAST_IF = 7 + IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP = 4 + IPV6_NEXTHOP = 20 + IPV6_PATHMTU = 12 + IPV6_PKTINFO = 13 + IPV6_PREFER_SRC_CGA = 0x10 + IPV6_PREFER_SRC_COA = 0x02 + IPV6_PREFER_SRC_HOME = 0x01 + IPV6_PREFER_SRC_NONCGA = 0x20 + IPV6_PREFER_SRC_PUBLIC = 0x08 + IPV6_PREFER_SRC_TMP = 0x04 + IPV6_RECVDSTOPTS = 28 + IPV6_RECVHOPLIMIT = 14 + IPV6_RECVHOPOPTS = 26 + IPV6_RECVPATHMTU = 16 + IPV6_RECVPKTINFO = 15 + IPV6_RECVRTHDR = 25 + IPV6_RECVTCLASS = 31 + IPV6_RTHDR = 21 + IPV6_RTHDRDSTOPTS = 24 + IPV6_RTHDR_TYPE_0 = 0 + IPV6_TCLASS = 30 + IPV6_UNICAST_HOPS = 3 + IPV6_USE_MIN_MTU = 18 + IPV6_V6ONLY = 10 + IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP = 5 + IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 12 + IP_BLOCK_SOURCE = 10 + IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_LOOP = 1 + IP_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_TTL = 1 + IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP = 6 + IP_DROP_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP = 13 + IP_MAX_MEMBERSHIPS = 20 + IP_MULTICAST_IF = 7 + IP_MULTICAST_LOOP = 4 + IP_MULTICAST_TTL = 3 + IP_OPTIONS = 1 + IP_PKTINFO = 101 + IP_RECVPKTINFO = 102 + IP_TOS = 2 + IP_TTL = 3 + IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 11 + ICANON = 0x0010 + ICMP6_FILTER = 0x26 + ICRNL = 0x0002 + IEXTEN = 0x0020 + IGNBRK = 0x0004 + IGNCR = 0x0008 + INLCR = 0x0020 + ISIG = 0x0040 + ISTRIP = 0x0080 + IXON = 0x0200 + IXOFF = 0x0100 + LOCK_SH = 0x1 // Not exist on zOS + LOCK_EX = 0x2 // Not exist on zOS + LOCK_NB = 0x4 // Not exist on zOS + LOCK_UN = 0x8 // Not exist on zOS + POLLIN = 0x0003 + POLLOUT = 0x0004 + POLLPRI = 0x0010 + POLLERR = 0x0020 + POLLHUP = 0x0040 + POLLNVAL = 0x0080 + PROT_READ = 0x1 // mmap - page can be read + PROT_WRITE = 0x2 // page can be written + PROT_NONE = 0x4 // can't be accessed + PROT_EXEC = 0x8 // can be executed + MAP_PRIVATE = 0x1 // changes are private + MAP_SHARED = 0x2 // changes are shared + MAP_FIXED = 0x4 // place exactly + MCAST_JOIN_GROUP = 40 + MCAST_LEAVE_GROUP = 41 + MCAST_JOIN_SOURCE_GROUP = 42 + MCAST_LEAVE_SOURCE_GROUP = 43 + MCAST_BLOCK_SOURCE = 44 + MCAST_UNBLOCK_SOURCE = 45 + MS_SYNC = 0x1 // msync - synchronous writes + MS_ASYNC = 0x2 // asynchronous writes + MS_INVALIDATE = 0x4 // invalidate mappings + MTM_RDONLY = 0x80000000 + MTM_RDWR = 0x40000000 + MTM_UMOUNT = 0x10000000 + MTM_IMMED = 0x08000000 + MTM_FORCE = 0x04000000 + MTM_DRAIN = 0x02000000 + MTM_RESET = 0x01000000 + MTM_SAMEMODE = 0x00100000 + MTM_UNQSEFORCE = 0x00040000 + MTM_NOSUID = 0x00000400 + MTM_SYNCHONLY = 0x00000200 + MTM_REMOUNT = 0x00000100 + MTM_NOSECURITY = 0x00000080 + NFDBITS = 0x20 + O_ACCMODE = 0x03 + O_APPEND = 0x08 + O_ASYNCSIG = 0x0200 + O_CREAT = 0x80 + O_EXCL = 0x40 + O_GETFL = 0x0F + O_LARGEFILE = 0x0400 + O_NONBLOCK = 0x04 + O_RDONLY = 0x02 + O_RDWR = 0x03 + O_SYNC = 0x0100 + O_TRUNC = 0x10 + O_WRONLY = 0x01 + O_NOCTTY = 0x20 + OPOST = 0x0001 + ONLCR = 0x0004 + PARENB = 0x0200 + PARMRK = 0x0400 + QUERYCVT = 3 + RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -0x1 + RUSAGE_SELF = 0x0 // RUSAGE_THREAD unsupported on z/OS + SEEK_CUR = 1 + SEEK_END = 2 + SEEK_SET = 0 + SETAUTOCVTALL = 5 + SETAUTOCVTON = 2 + SETCVTALL = 4 + SETCVTOFF = 0 + SETCVTON = 1 + AF_APPLETALK = 16 + AF_CCITT = 10 + AF_CHAOS = 5 + AF_DATAKIT = 9 + AF_DLI = 13 + AF_ECMA = 8 + AF_HYLINK = 15 + AF_IMPLINK = 3 + AF_INET = 2 + AF_INET6 = 19 + AF_INTF = 20 + AF_IUCV = 17 + AF_LAT = 14 + AF_LINK = 18 + AF_MAX = 30 + AF_NBS = 7 + AF_NDD = 23 + AF_NETWARE = 22 + AF_NS = 6 + AF_PUP = 4 + AF_RIF = 21 + AF_ROUTE = 20 + AF_SNA = 11 + AF_UNIX = 1 + AF_UNSPEC = 0 + IBMTCP_IMAGE = 1 + MSG_ACK_EXPECTED = 0x10 + MSG_ACK_GEN = 0x40 + MSG_ACK_TIMEOUT = 0x20 + MSG_CONNTERM = 0x80 + MSG_CTRUNC = 0x20 + MSG_DONTROUTE = 0x4 + MSG_EOF = 0x8000 + MSG_EOR = 0x8 + MSG_MAXIOVLEN = 16 + MSG_NONBLOCK = 0x4000 + MSG_OOB = 0x1 + MSG_PEEK = 0x2 + MSG_TRUNC = 0x10 + MSG_WAITALL = 0x40 + PRIO_PROCESS = 1 + PRIO_PGRP = 2 + PRIO_USER = 3 + RLIMIT_CPU = 0 + RLIMIT_FSIZE = 1 + RLIMIT_DATA = 2 + RLIMIT_STACK = 3 + RLIMIT_CORE = 4 + RLIMIT_AS = 5 + RLIMIT_NOFILE = 6 + RLIMIT_MEMLIMIT = 7 + RLIM_INFINITY = 2147483647 + SCM_RIGHTS = 0x01 + SF_CLOSE = 0x00000002 + SF_REUSE = 0x00000001 + SHUT_RD = 0 + SHUT_RDWR = 2 + SHUT_WR = 1 + SOCK_CONN_DGRAM = 6 + SOCK_DGRAM = 2 + SOCK_RAW = 3 + SOCK_RDM = 4 + SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5 + SOCK_STREAM = 1 + SOL_SOCKET = 0xffff + SOMAXCONN = 10 + SO_ACCEPTCONN = 0x0002 + SO_ACCEPTECONNABORTED = 0x0006 + SO_ACKNOW = 0x7700 + SO_BROADCAST = 0x0020 + SO_BULKMODE = 0x8000 + SO_CKSUMRECV = 0x0800 + SO_CLOSE = 0x01 + SO_CLUSTERCONNTYPE = 0x00004001 + SO_CLUSTERCONNTYPE_INTERNAL = 8 + SO_CLUSTERCONNTYPE_NOCONN = 0 + SO_CLUSTERCONNTYPE_NONE = 1 + SO_CLUSTERCONNTYPE_SAME_CLUSTER = 2 + SO_CLUSTERCONNTYPE_SAME_IMAGE = 4 + SO_DEBUG = 0x0001 + SO_DONTROUTE = 0x0010 + SO_ERROR = 0x1007 + SO_IGNOREINCOMINGPUSH = 0x1 + SO_IGNORESOURCEVIPA = 0x0002 + SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x0008 + SO_LINGER = 0x0080 + SO_NONBLOCKLOCAL = 0x8001 + SO_NOREUSEADDR = 0x1000 + SO_OOBINLINE = 0x0100 + SO_OPTACK = 0x8004 + SO_OPTMSS = 0x8003 + SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002 + SO_RCVLOWAT = 0x1004 + SO_RCVTIMEO = 0x1006 + SO_REUSEADDR = 0x0004 + SO_REUSEPORT = 0x0200 + SO_SECINFO = 0x00004002 + SO_SET = 0x0200 + SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001 + SO_SNDLOWAT = 0x1003 + SO_SNDTIMEO = 0x1005 + SO_TYPE = 0x1008 + SO_UNSET = 0x0400 + SO_USELOOPBACK = 0x0040 + SO_USE_IFBUFS = 0x0400 + S_ISUID = 0x0800 + S_ISGID = 0x0400 + S_ISVTX = 0x0200 + S_IRUSR = 0x0100 + S_IWUSR = 0x0080 + S_IXUSR = 0x0040 + S_IRWXU = 0x01C0 + S_IRGRP = 0x0020 + S_IWGRP = 0x0010 + S_IXGRP = 0x0008 + S_IRWXG = 0x0038 + S_IROTH = 0x0004 + S_IWOTH = 0x0002 + S_IXOTH = 0x0001 + S_IRWXO = 0x0007 + S_IREAD = S_IRUSR + S_IWRITE = S_IWUSR + S_IEXEC = S_IXUSR + S_IFDIR = 0x01000000 + S_IFCHR = 0x02000000 + S_IFREG = 0x03000000 + S_IFFIFO = 0x04000000 + S_IFIFO = 0x04000000 + S_IFLNK = 0x05000000 + S_IFBLK = 0x06000000 + S_IFSOCK = 0x07000000 + S_IFVMEXTL = 0xFE000000 + S_IFVMEXTL_EXEC = 0x00010000 + S_IFVMEXTL_DATA = 0x00020000 + S_IFVMEXTL_MEL = 0x00030000 + S_IFEXTL = 0x00000001 + S_IFPROGCTL = 0x00000002 + S_IFAPFCTL = 0x00000004 + S_IFNOSHARE = 0x00000008 + S_IFSHARELIB = 0x00000010 + S_IFMT = 0xFF000000 + S_IFMST = 0x00FF0000 + TCP_KEEPALIVE = 0x8 + TCP_NODELAY = 0x1 + TCP_INFO = 0xb + TCP_USER_TIMEOUT = 0x1 + TIOCGWINSZ = 0x4008a368 + TIOCSWINSZ = 0x8008a367 + TIOCSBRK = 0x2000a77b + TIOCCBRK = 0x2000a77a + TIOCSTI = 0x8001a772 + TIOCGPGRP = 0x4004a777 // _IOR(167, 119, int) + TCSANOW = 0 + TCSETS = 0 // equivalent to TCSANOW for tcsetattr + TCSADRAIN = 1 + TCSETSW = 1 // equivalent to TCSADRAIN for tcsetattr + TCSAFLUSH = 2 + TCSETSF = 2 // equivalent to TCSAFLUSH for tcsetattr + TCGETS = 3 // not defined in ioctl.h -- zos golang only + TCIFLUSH = 0 + TCOFLUSH = 1 + TCIOFLUSH = 2 + TCOOFF = 0 + TCOON = 1 + TCIOFF = 2 + TCION = 3 + TIOCSPGRP = 0x8004a776 + TIOCNOTTY = 0x2000a771 + TIOCEXCL = 0x2000a70d + TIOCNXCL = 0x2000a70e + TIOCGETD = 0x4004a700 + TIOCSETD = 0x8004a701 + TIOCPKT = 0x8004a770 + TIOCSTOP = 0x2000a76f + TIOCSTART = 0x2000a76e + TIOCUCNTL = 0x8004a766 + TIOCREMOTE = 0x8004a769 + TIOCMGET = 0x4004a76a + TIOCMSET = 0x8004a76d + TIOCMBIC = 0x8004a76b + TIOCMBIS = 0x8004a76c + VINTR = 0 + VQUIT = 1 + VERASE = 2 + VKILL = 3 + VEOF = 4 + VEOL = 5 + VMIN = 6 + VSTART = 7 + VSTOP = 8 + VSUSP = 9 + VTIME = 10 + WCONTINUED = 0x4 + WNOHANG = 0x1 + WUNTRACED = 0x2 + _BPX_SWAP = 1 + _BPX_NONSWAP = 2 + MCL_CURRENT = 1 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MCL_FUTURE = 2 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MCL_ONFAULT = 3 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_NORMAL = 0 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_RANDOM = 1 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_SEQUENTIAL = 2 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_WILLNEED = 3 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_REMOVE = 4 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_DONTFORK = 5 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_DOFORK = 6 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_HWPOISON = 7 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_MERGEABLE = 8 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_UNMERGEABLE = 9 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_SOFT_OFFLINE = 10 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_HUGEPAGE = 11 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_NOHUGEPAGE = 12 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_DONTDUMP = 13 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_DODUMP = 14 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_FREE = 15 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_WIPEONFORK = 16 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + MADV_KEEPONFORK = 17 // for Linux compatibility -- no zos semantics + AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 1 // for Unix compatibility -- no zos semantics + AT_FDCWD = 2 // for Unix compatibility -- no zos semantics +) + +const ( + EDOM = Errno(1) + ERANGE = Errno(2) + EACCES = Errno(111) + EAGAIN = Errno(112) + EBADF = Errno(113) + EBUSY = Errno(114) + ECHILD = Errno(115) + EDEADLK = Errno(116) + EEXIST = Errno(117) + EFAULT = Errno(118) + EFBIG = Errno(119) + EINTR = Errno(120) + EINVAL = Errno(121) + EIO = Errno(122) + EISDIR = Errno(123) + EMFILE = Errno(124) + EMLINK = Errno(125) + ENAMETOOLONG = Errno(126) + ENFILE = Errno(127) + ENODEV = Errno(128) + ENOENT = Errno(129) + ENOEXEC = Errno(130) + ENOLCK = Errno(131) + ENOMEM = Errno(132) + ENOSPC = Errno(133) + ENOSYS = Errno(134) + ENOTDIR = Errno(135) + ENOTEMPTY = Errno(136) + ENOTTY = Errno(137) + ENXIO = Errno(138) + EPERM = Errno(139) + EPIPE = Errno(140) + EROFS = Errno(141) + ESPIPE = Errno(142) + ESRCH = Errno(143) + EXDEV = Errno(144) + E2BIG = Errno(145) + ELOOP = Errno(146) + EILSEQ = Errno(147) + ENODATA = Errno(148) + EOVERFLOW = Errno(149) + EMVSNOTUP = Errno(150) + ECMSSTORAGE = Errno(151) + EMVSDYNALC = Errno(151) + EMVSCVAF = Errno(152) + EMVSCATLG = Errno(153) + ECMSINITIAL = Errno(156) + EMVSINITIAL = Errno(156) + ECMSERR = Errno(157) + EMVSERR = Errno(157) + EMVSPARM = Errno(158) + ECMSPFSFILE = Errno(159) + EMVSPFSFILE = Errno(159) + EMVSBADCHAR = Errno(160) + ECMSPFSPERM = Errno(162) + EMVSPFSPERM = Errno(162) + EMVSSAFEXTRERR = Errno(163) + EMVSSAF2ERR = Errno(164) + EMVSTODNOTSET = Errno(165) + EMVSPATHOPTS = Errno(166) + EMVSNORTL = Errno(167) + EMVSEXPIRE = Errno(168) + EMVSPASSWORD = Errno(169) + EMVSWLMERROR = Errno(170) + EMVSCPLERROR = Errno(171) + EMVSARMERROR = Errno(172) + ELENOFORK = Errno(200) + ELEMSGERR = Errno(201) + EFPMASKINV = Errno(202) + EFPMODEINV = Errno(203) + EBUFLEN = Errno(227) + EEXTLINK = Errno(228) + ENODD = Errno(229) + ECMSESMERR = Errno(230) + ECPERR = Errno(231) + ELEMULTITHREAD = Errno(232) + ELEFENCE = Errno(244) + EBADDATA = Errno(245) + EUNKNOWN = Errno(246) + ENOTSUP = Errno(247) + EBADNAME = Errno(248) + ENOTSAFE = Errno(249) + ELEMULTITHREADFORK = Errno(257) + ECUNNOENV = Errno(258) + ECUNNOCONV = Errno(259) + ECUNNOTALIGNED = Errno(260) + ECUNERR = Errno(262) + EIBMBADCALL = Errno(1000) + EIBMBADPARM = Errno(1001) + EIBMSOCKOUTOFRANGE = Errno(1002) + EIBMSOCKINUSE = Errno(1003) + EIBMIUCVERR = Errno(1004) + EOFFLOADboxERROR = Errno(1005) + EOFFLOADboxRESTART = Errno(1006) + EOFFLOADboxDOWN = Errno(1007) + EIBMCONFLICT = Errno(1008) + EIBMCANCELLED = Errno(1009) + EIBMBADTCPNAME = Errno(1011) + ENOTBLK = Errno(1100) + ETXTBSY = Errno(1101) + EWOULDBLOCK = Errno(1102) + EINPROGRESS = Errno(1103) + EALREADY = Errno(1104) + ENOTSOCK = Errno(1105) + EDESTADDRREQ = Errno(1106) + EMSGSIZE = Errno(1107) + EPROTOTYPE = Errno(1108) + ENOPROTOOPT = Errno(1109) + EPROTONOSUPPORT = Errno(1110) + ESOCKTNOSUPPORT = Errno(1111) + EOPNOTSUPP = Errno(1112) + EPFNOSUPPORT = Errno(1113) + EAFNOSUPPORT = Errno(1114) + EADDRINUSE = Errno(1115) + EADDRNOTAVAIL = Errno(1116) + ENETDOWN = Errno(1117) + ENETUNREACH = Errno(1118) + ENETRESET = Errno(1119) + ECONNABORTED = Errno(1120) + ECONNRESET = Errno(1121) + ENOBUFS = Errno(1122) + EISCONN = Errno(1123) + ENOTCONN = Errno(1124) + ESHUTDOWN = Errno(1125) + ETOOMANYREFS = Errno(1126) + ETIMEDOUT = Errno(1127) + ECONNREFUSED = Errno(1128) + EHOSTDOWN = Errno(1129) + EHOSTUNREACH = Errno(1130) + EPROCLIM = Errno(1131) + EUSERS = Errno(1132) + EDQUOT = Errno(1133) + ESTALE = Errno(1134) + EREMOTE = Errno(1135) + ENOSTR = Errno(1136) + ETIME = Errno(1137) + ENOSR = Errno(1138) + ENOMSG = Errno(1139) + EBADMSG = Errno(1140) + EIDRM = Errno(1141) + ENONET = Errno(1142) + ERREMOTE = Errno(1143) + ENOLINK = Errno(1144) + EADV = Errno(1145) + ESRMNT = Errno(1146) + ECOMM = Errno(1147) + EPROTO = Errno(1148) + EMULTIHOP = Errno(1149) + EDOTDOT = Errno(1150) + EREMCHG = Errno(1151) + ECANCELED = Errno(1152) + EINTRNODATA = Errno(1159) + ENOREUSE = Errno(1160) + ENOMOVE = Errno(1161) +) + +// Signals +const ( + SIGHUP = Signal(1) + SIGINT = Signal(2) + SIGABRT = Signal(3) + SIGILL = Signal(4) + SIGPOLL = Signal(5) + SIGURG = Signal(6) + SIGSTOP = Signal(7) + SIGFPE = Signal(8) + SIGKILL = Signal(9) + SIGBUS = Signal(10) + SIGSEGV = Signal(11) + SIGSYS = Signal(12) + SIGPIPE = Signal(13) + SIGALRM = Signal(14) + SIGTERM = Signal(15) + SIGUSR1 = Signal(16) + SIGUSR2 = Signal(17) + SIGABND = Signal(18) + SIGCONT = Signal(19) + SIGCHLD = Signal(20) + SIGTTIN = Signal(21) + SIGTTOU = Signal(22) + SIGIO = Signal(23) + SIGQUIT = Signal(24) + SIGTSTP = Signal(25) + SIGTRAP = Signal(26) + SIGIOERR = Signal(27) + SIGWINCH = Signal(28) + SIGXCPU = Signal(29) + SIGXFSZ = Signal(30) + SIGVTALRM = Signal(31) + SIGPROF = Signal(32) + SIGDANGER = Signal(33) + SIGTHSTOP = Signal(34) + SIGTHCONT = Signal(35) + SIGTRACE = Signal(37) + SIGDCE = Signal(38) + SIGDUMP = Signal(39) +) + +// Error table +var errorList = [...]struct { + num Errno + name string + desc string +}{ + {1, "EDC5001I", "A domain error occurred."}, + {2, "EDC5002I", "A range error occurred."}, + {111, "EDC5111I", "Permission denied."}, + {112, "EDC5112I", "Resource temporarily unavailable."}, + {113, "EDC5113I", "Bad file descriptor."}, + {114, "EDC5114I", "Resource busy."}, + {115, "EDC5115I", "No child processes."}, + {116, "EDC5116I", "Resource deadlock avoided."}, + {117, "EDC5117I", "File exists."}, + {118, "EDC5118I", "Incorrect address."}, + {119, "EDC5119I", "File too large."}, + {120, "EDC5120I", "Interrupted function call."}, + {121, "EDC5121I", "Invalid argument."}, + {122, "EDC5122I", "Input/output error."}, + {123, "EDC5123I", "Is a directory."}, + {124, "EDC5124I", "Too many open files."}, + {125, "EDC5125I", "Too many links."}, + {126, "EDC5126I", "Filename too long."}, + {127, "EDC5127I", "Too many open files in system."}, + {128, "EDC5128I", "No such device."}, + {129, "EDC5129I", "No such file or directory."}, + {130, "EDC5130I", "Exec format error."}, + {131, "EDC5131I", "No locks available."}, + {132, "EDC5132I", "Not enough memory."}, + {133, "EDC5133I", "No space left on device."}, + {134, "EDC5134I", "Function not implemented."}, + {135, "EDC5135I", "Not a directory."}, + {136, "EDC5136I", "Directory not empty."}, + {137, "EDC5137I", "Inappropriate I/O control operation."}, + {138, "EDC5138I", "No such device or address."}, + {139, "EDC5139I", "Operation not permitted."}, + {140, "EDC5140I", "Broken pipe."}, + {141, "EDC5141I", "Read-only file system."}, + {142, "EDC5142I", "Invalid seek."}, + {143, "EDC5143I", "No such process."}, + {144, "EDC5144I", "Improper link."}, + {145, "EDC5145I", "The parameter list is too long, or the message to receive was too large for the buffer."}, + {146, "EDC5146I", "Too many levels of symbolic links."}, + {147, "EDC5147I", "Illegal byte sequence."}, + {148, "", ""}, + {149, "EDC5149I", "Value Overflow Error."}, + {150, "EDC5150I", "UNIX System Services is not active."}, + {151, "EDC5151I", "Dynamic allocation error."}, + {152, "EDC5152I", "Common VTOC access facility (CVAF) error."}, + {153, "EDC5153I", "Catalog obtain error."}, + {156, "EDC5156I", "Process initialization error."}, + {157, "EDC5157I", "An internal error has occurred."}, + {158, "EDC5158I", "Bad parameters were passed to the service."}, + {159, "EDC5159I", "The Physical File System encountered a permanent file error."}, + {160, "EDC5160I", "Bad character in environment variable name."}, + {162, "EDC5162I", "The Physical File System encountered a system error."}, + {163, "EDC5163I", "SAF/RACF extract error."}, + {164, "EDC5164I", "SAF/RACF error."}, + {165, "EDC5165I", "System TOD clock not set."}, + {166, "EDC5166I", "Access mode argument on function call conflicts with PATHOPTS parameter on JCL DD statement."}, + {167, "EDC5167I", "Access to the UNIX System Services version of the C RTL is denied."}, + {168, "EDC5168I", "Password has expired."}, + {169, "EDC5169I", "Password is invalid."}, + {170, "EDC5170I", "An error was encountered with WLM."}, + {171, "EDC5171I", "An error was encountered with CPL."}, + {172, "EDC5172I", "An error was encountered with Application Response Measurement (ARM) component."}, + {200, "EDC5200I", "The application contains a Language Environment member language that cannot tolerate a fork()."}, + {201, "EDC5201I", "The Language Environment message file was not found in the hierarchical file system."}, + {202, "EDC5202E", "DLL facilities are not supported under SPC environment."}, + {203, "EDC5203E", "DLL facilities are not supported under POSIX environment."}, + {227, "EDC5227I", "Buffer is not long enough to contain a path definition"}, + {228, "EDC5228I", "The file referred to is an external link"}, + {229, "EDC5229I", "No path definition for ddname in effect"}, + {230, "EDC5230I", "ESM error."}, + {231, "EDC5231I", "CP or the external security manager had an error"}, + {232, "EDC5232I", "The function failed because it was invoked from a multithread environment."}, + {244, "EDC5244I", "The program, module or DLL is not supported in this environment."}, + {245, "EDC5245I", "Data is not valid."}, + {246, "EDC5246I", "Unknown system state."}, + {247, "EDC5247I", "Operation not supported."}, + {248, "EDC5248I", "The object name specified is not correct."}, + {249, "EDC5249I", "The function is not allowed."}, + {257, "EDC5257I", "Function cannot be called in the child process of a fork() from a multithreaded process until exec() is called."}, + {258, "EDC5258I", "A CUN_RS_NO_UNI_ENV error was issued by Unicode Services."}, + {259, "EDC5259I", "A CUN_RS_NO_CONVERSION error was issued by Unicode Services."}, + {260, "EDC5260I", "A CUN_RS_TABLE_NOT_ALIGNED error was issued by Unicode Services."}, + {262, "EDC5262I", "An iconv() function encountered an unexpected error while using Unicode Services."}, + {1000, "EDC8000I", "A bad socket-call constant was found in the IUCV header."}, + {1001, "EDC8001I", "An error was found in the IUCV header."}, + {1002, "EDC8002I", "A socket descriptor is out of range."}, + {1003, "EDC8003I", "A socket descriptor is in use."}, + {1004, "EDC8004I", "Request failed because of an IUCV error."}, + {1005, "EDC8005I", "Offload box error."}, + {1006, "EDC8006I", "Offload box restarted."}, + {1007, "EDC8007I", "Offload box down."}, + {1008, "EDC8008I", "Already a conflicting call outstanding on socket."}, + {1009, "EDC8009I", "Request cancelled using a SOCKcallCANCEL request."}, + {1011, "EDC8011I", "A name of a PFS was specified that either is not configured or is not a Sockets PFS."}, + {1100, "EDC8100I", "Block device required."}, + {1101, "EDC8101I", "Text file busy."}, + {1102, "EDC8102I", "Operation would block."}, + {1103, "EDC8103I", "Operation now in progress."}, + {1104, "EDC8104I", "Connection already in progress."}, + {1105, "EDC8105I", "Socket operation on non-socket."}, + {1106, "EDC8106I", "Destination address required."}, + {1107, "EDC8107I", "Message too long."}, + {1108, "EDC8108I", "Protocol wrong type for socket."}, + {1109, "EDC8109I", "Protocol not available."}, + {1110, "EDC8110I", "Protocol not supported."}, + {1111, "EDC8111I", "Socket type not supported."}, + {1112, "EDC8112I", "Operation not supported on socket."}, + {1113, "EDC8113I", "Protocol family not supported."}, + {1114, "EDC8114I", "Address family not supported."}, + {1115, "EDC8115I", "Address already in use."}, + {1116, "EDC8116I", "Address not available."}, + {1117, "EDC8117I", "Network is down."}, + {1118, "EDC8118I", "Network is unreachable."}, + {1119, "EDC8119I", "Network dropped connection on reset."}, + {1120, "EDC8120I", "Connection ended abnormally."}, + {1121, "EDC8121I", "Connection reset."}, + {1122, "EDC8122I", "No buffer space available."}, + {1123, "EDC8123I", "Socket already connected."}, + {1124, "EDC8124I", "Socket not connected."}, + {1125, "EDC8125I", "Can't send after socket shutdown."}, + {1126, "EDC8126I", "Too many references; can't splice."}, + {1127, "EDC8127I", "Connection timed out."}, + {1128, "EDC8128I", "Connection refused."}, + {1129, "EDC8129I", "Host is not available."}, + {1130, "EDC8130I", "Host cannot be reached."}, + {1131, "EDC8131I", "Too many processes."}, + {1132, "EDC8132I", "Too many users."}, + {1133, "EDC8133I", "Disk quota exceeded."}, + {1134, "EDC8134I", "Stale file handle."}, + {1135, "", ""}, + {1136, "EDC8136I", "File is not a STREAM."}, + {1137, "EDC8137I", "STREAMS ioctl() timeout."}, + {1138, "EDC8138I", "No STREAMS resources."}, + {1139, "EDC8139I", "The message identified by set_id and msg_id is not in the message catalog."}, + {1140, "EDC8140I", "Bad message."}, + {1141, "EDC8141I", "Identifier removed."}, + {1142, "", ""}, + {1143, "", ""}, + {1144, "EDC8144I", "The link has been severed."}, + {1145, "", ""}, + {1146, "", ""}, + {1147, "", ""}, + {1148, "EDC8148I", "Protocol error."}, + {1149, "EDC8149I", "Multihop not allowed."}, + {1150, "", ""}, + {1151, "", ""}, + {1152, "EDC8152I", "The asynchronous I/O request has been canceled."}, + {1159, "EDC8159I", "Function call was interrupted before any data was received."}, + {1160, "EDC8160I", "Socket reuse is not supported."}, + {1161, "EDC8161I", "The file system cannot currently be moved."}, +} + +// Signal table +var signalList = [...]struct { + num Signal + name string + desc string +}{ + {1, "SIGHUP", "hangup"}, + {2, "SIGINT", "interrupt"}, + {3, "SIGABT", "aborted"}, + {4, "SIGILL", "illegal instruction"}, + {5, "SIGPOLL", "pollable event"}, + {6, "SIGURG", "urgent I/O condition"}, + {7, "SIGSTOP", "stop process"}, + {8, "SIGFPE", "floating point exception"}, + {9, "SIGKILL", "killed"}, + {10, "SIGBUS", "bus error"}, + {11, "SIGSEGV", "segmentation fault"}, + {12, "SIGSYS", "bad argument to routine"}, + {13, "SIGPIPE", "broken pipe"}, + {14, "SIGALRM", "alarm clock"}, + {15, "SIGTERM", "terminated"}, + {16, "SIGUSR1", "user defined signal 1"}, + {17, "SIGUSR2", "user defined signal 2"}, + {18, "SIGABND", "abend"}, + {19, "SIGCONT", "continued"}, + {20, "SIGCHLD", "child exited"}, + {21, "SIGTTIN", "stopped (tty input)"}, + {22, "SIGTTOU", "stopped (tty output)"}, + {23, "SIGIO", "I/O possible"}, + {24, "SIGQUIT", "quit"}, + {25, "SIGTSTP", "stopped"}, + {26, "SIGTRAP", "trace/breakpoint trap"}, + {27, "SIGIOER", "I/O error"}, + {28, "SIGWINCH", "window changed"}, + {29, "SIGXCPU", "CPU time limit exceeded"}, + {30, "SIGXFSZ", "file size limit exceeded"}, + {31, "SIGVTALRM", "virtual timer expired"}, + {32, "SIGPROF", "profiling timer expired"}, + {33, "SIGDANGER", "danger"}, + {34, "SIGTHSTOP", "stop thread"}, + {35, "SIGTHCONT", "continue thread"}, + {37, "SIGTRACE", "trace"}, + {38, "", "DCE"}, + {39, "SIGDUMP", "dump"}, +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_armnn_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_armnn_linux.go index 89c5920e..bd001a6e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_armnn_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_armnn_linux.go @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by linux/mkall.go generatePtracePair("arm", "arm64"). DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && (arm || arm64) // +build linux // +build arm arm64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnn_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnn_linux.go index 24b841ee..c34d0639 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnn_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnn_linux.go @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by linux/mkall.go generatePtracePair("mips", "mips64"). DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && (mips || mips64) // +build linux // +build mips mips64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnnle_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnnle_linux.go index 47b04895..3ccf0c0c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnnle_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_mipsnnle_linux.go @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by linux/mkall.go generatePtracePair("mipsle", "mips64le"). DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && (mipsle || mips64le) // +build linux // +build mipsle mips64le diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_x86_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_x86_linux.go index ea5d9cb5..7d658570 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_x86_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zptrace_x86_linux.go @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ // Code generated by linux/mkall.go generatePtracePair("386", "amd64"). DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && (386 || amd64) // +build linux // +build 386 amd64 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go index ed657ff1..870215d2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall_aix_ppc.go -aix -tags aix,ppc syscall_aix.go syscall_aix_ppc.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build aix && ppc // +build aix,ppc package unix @@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ int getdirent(int, uintptr_t, size_t); int wait4(int, uintptr_t, int, uintptr_t); int ioctl(int, int, uintptr_t); int fcntl(uintptr_t, int, uintptr_t); +int fsync_range(int, int, long long, long long); int acct(uintptr_t); int chdir(uintptr_t); int chroot(uintptr_t); @@ -28,7 +30,6 @@ int fchmod(int, unsigned int); int fchmodat(int, uintptr_t, unsigned int, int); int fchownat(int, uintptr_t, int, int, int); int fdatasync(int); -int fsync(int); int getpgid(int); int getpgrp(); int getpid(); @@ -254,6 +255,16 @@ func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fsyncRange(fd int, how int, start int64, length int64) (err error) { + r0, er := C.fsync_range(C.int(fd), C.int(how), C.longlong(start), C.longlong(length)) + if r0 == -1 && er != nil { + err = er + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Acct(path string) (err error) { _p0 := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(C.CString(path))) r0, er := C.acct(C.uintptr_t(_p0)) @@ -378,16 +389,6 @@ func Fdatasync(fd int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Fsync(fd int) (err error) { - r0, er := C.fsync(C.int(fd)) - if r0 == -1 && er != nil { - err = er - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { r0, er := C.getpgid(C.int(pid)) pgid = int(r0) @@ -974,7 +975,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] @@ -991,7 +992,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go index 664b293b..a89b0bfa 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go -aix -tags aix,ppc64 syscall_aix.go syscall_aix_ppc64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build aix && ppc64 // +build aix,ppc64 package unix @@ -134,6 +135,16 @@ func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func fsyncRange(fd int, how int, start int64, length int64) (err error) { + _, e1 := callfsync_range(fd, how, start, length) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Acct(path string) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -282,16 +293,6 @@ func Fdatasync(fd int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Fsync(fd int) (err error) { - _, e1 := callfsync(fd) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { r0, e1 := callgetpgid(pid) pgid = int(r0) @@ -930,7 +931,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] @@ -945,7 +946,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go index 0550da06..2caa5adf 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gc.go @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ // go run mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go -aix -tags aix,ppc64 syscall_aix.go syscall_aix_ppc64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. -// +build aix,ppc64 -// +build gc +//go:build aix && ppc64 && gc +// +build aix,ppc64,gc package unix @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import ( //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_wait4 wait4 "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ioctl ioctl "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "libc.a/shr_64.o" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsync_range fsync_range "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_acct acct "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chdir chdir "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chroot chroot "libc.a/shr_64.o" @@ -30,7 +31,6 @@ import ( //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchmodat fchmodat "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchownat fchownat "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fdatasync fdatasync "libc.a/shr_64.o" -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsync fsync "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgid getpgid "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgrp getpgrp "libc.a/shr_64.o" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpid getpid "libc.a/shr_64.o" @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ import ( //go:linkname libc_wait4 libc_wait4 //go:linkname libc_ioctl libc_ioctl //go:linkname libc_fcntl libc_fcntl +//go:linkname libc_fsync_range libc_fsync_range //go:linkname libc_acct libc_acct //go:linkname libc_chdir libc_chdir //go:linkname libc_chroot libc_chroot @@ -148,7 +149,6 @@ import ( //go:linkname libc_fchmodat libc_fchmodat //go:linkname libc_fchownat libc_fchownat //go:linkname libc_fdatasync libc_fdatasync -//go:linkname libc_fsync libc_fsync //go:linkname libc_getpgid libc_getpgid //go:linkname libc_getpgrp libc_getpgrp //go:linkname libc_getpid libc_getpid @@ -257,6 +257,7 @@ var ( libc_wait4, libc_ioctl, libc_fcntl, + libc_fsync_range, libc_acct, libc_chdir, libc_chroot, @@ -269,7 +270,6 @@ var ( libc_fchmodat, libc_fchownat, libc_fdatasync, - libc_fsync, libc_getpgid, libc_getpgrp, libc_getpid, @@ -430,6 +430,13 @@ func callfcntl(fd uintptr, cmd int, arg uintptr) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func callfsync_range(fd int, how int, start int64, length int64) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { + r1, _, e1 = syscall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&libc_fsync_range)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), uintptr(start), uintptr(length), 0, 0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func callacct(_p0 uintptr) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { r1, _, e1 = syscall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&libc_acct)), 1, _p0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) return @@ -514,13 +521,6 @@ func callfdatasync(fd int) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func callfsync(fd int) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { - r1, _, e1 = syscall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&libc_fsync)), 1, uintptr(fd), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func callgetpgid(pid int) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { r1, _, e1 = rawSyscall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&libc_getpgid)), 1, uintptr(pid), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) return diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go index cde4dbc5..944a714b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_aix_ppc64_gccgo.go @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ // go run mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go -aix -tags aix,ppc64 syscall_aix.go syscall_aix_ppc64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. -// +build aix,ppc64 -// +build gccgo +//go:build aix && ppc64 && gccgo +// +build aix,ppc64,gccgo package unix @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ int getdirent(int, uintptr_t, size_t); int wait4(int, uintptr_t, int, uintptr_t); int ioctl(int, int, uintptr_t); int fcntl(uintptr_t, int, uintptr_t); +int fsync_range(int, int, long long, long long); int acct(uintptr_t); int chdir(uintptr_t); int chroot(uintptr_t); @@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ int fchmod(int, unsigned int); int fchmodat(int, uintptr_t, unsigned int, int); int fchownat(int, uintptr_t, int, int, int); int fdatasync(int); -int fsync(int); int getpgid(int); int getpgrp(); int getpid(); @@ -199,6 +199,14 @@ func callfcntl(fd uintptr, cmd int, arg uintptr) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func callfsync_range(fd int, how int, start int64, length int64) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { + r1 = uintptr(C.fsync_range(C.int(fd), C.int(how), C.longlong(start), C.longlong(length))) + e1 = syscall.GetErrno() + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func callacct(_p0 uintptr) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { r1 = uintptr(C.acct(C.uintptr_t(_p0))) e1 = syscall.GetErrno() @@ -295,14 +303,6 @@ func callfdatasync(fd int) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func callfsync(fd int) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { - r1 = uintptr(C.fsync(C.int(fd))) - e1 = syscall.GetErrno() - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func callgetpgid(pid int) (r1 uintptr, e1 Errno) { r1 = uintptr(C.getpgid(C.int(pid))) e1 = syscall.GetErrno() diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.go deleted file mode 100644 index c8c142c5..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,386,go1.13 syscall_darwin.1_13.go -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build darwin,386,go1.13 - -package unix - -import ( - "syscall" - "unsafe" -) - -var _ syscall.Errno - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func closedir(dir uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_closedir_trampoline), uintptr(dir), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_closedir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_closedir closedir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readdir_r_trampoline), uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result))) - res = Errno(r0) - return -} - -func libc_readdir_r_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readdir_r readdir_r "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.s deleted file mode 100644 index 00da1ebf..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.1_13.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -// go run mkasm_darwin.go 386 -// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build go1.13 - -#include "textflag.h" -TEXT ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fdopendir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_closedir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_closedir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_readdir_r(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.go deleted file mode 100644 index 38771834..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2430 +0,0 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,386,go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_386.go -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build darwin,386,go1.12 - -package unix - -import ( - "syscall" - "unsafe" -) - -var _ syscall.Errno - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getgroups_trampoline), uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getgroups_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getgroups getgroups "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func setgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setgroups_trampoline), uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setgroups_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setgroups setgroups "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func wait4(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_wait4_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), uintptr(options), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0, 0) - wpid = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_wait4_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_wait4 wait4 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_accept_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_accept_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_accept accept "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_bind_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_bind_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_bind bind "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_connect_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_connect_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_connect connect "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_socket_trampoline), uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_socket_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_socket socket "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_getsockopt_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getsockopt_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsockopt getsockopt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setsockopt_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setsockopt_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setsockopt setsockopt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpeername_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getpeername_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpeername getpeername "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getsockname_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getsockname_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsockname getsockname "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Shutdown(s int, how int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_shutdown_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(how), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_shutdown_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shutdown shutdown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall6(funcPC(libc_socketpair_trampoline), uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_socketpair_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_socketpair socketpair "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_recvfrom_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_recvfrom_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_recvfrom recvfrom "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(buf) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sendto_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sendto_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendto sendto "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_recvmsg_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_recvmsg_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_recvmsg recvmsg "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_sendmsg_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sendmsg_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendmsg sendmsg "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, nevent int, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_kevent_trampoline), uintptr(kq), uintptr(change), uintptr(nchange), uintptr(event), uintptr(nevent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_kevent_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kevent kevent "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_utimes_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_utimes_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimes utimes "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func futimes(fd int, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_futimes_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_futimes_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_futimes futimes "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_poll_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_poll_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_poll poll "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Madvise(b []byte, behav int) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_madvise_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(behav)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_madvise_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_madvise madvise "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mlock(b []byte) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mlock_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mlock_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mlock mlock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mlockall(flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mlockall_trampoline), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mlockall_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mlockall mlockall "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mprotect(b []byte, prot int) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mprotect_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(prot)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mprotect_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mprotect mprotect "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Msync(b []byte, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_msync_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(flags)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_msync_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_msync msync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Munlock(b []byte) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munlock_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_munlock_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munlock munlock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Munlockall() (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munlockall_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_munlockall_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munlockall munlockall "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func pipe(p *[2]int32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_pipe_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_pipe_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pipe pipe "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getxattr(path string, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (sz int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_getxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) - sz = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getxattr getxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func fgetxattr(fd int, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (sz int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fgetxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) - sz = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fgetxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fgetxattr fgetxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func setxattr(path string, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setxattr setxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func fsetxattr(fd int, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fsetxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fsetxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsetxattr fsetxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func removexattr(path string, attr string, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_removexattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_removexattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_removexattr removexattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func fremovexattr(fd int, attr string, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fremovexattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fremovexattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fremovexattr fremovexattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func listxattr(path string, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_listxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) - sz = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_listxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_listxattr listxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func flistxattr(fd int, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_flistxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) - sz = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_flistxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_flistxattr flistxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func setattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setattrlist_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(list), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setattrlist_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setattrlist setattrlist "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fcntl_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) - val = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fcntl_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func kill(pid int, signum int, posix int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_kill_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(signum), uintptr(posix)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_kill_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kill kill "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_ioctl_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_ioctl_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ioctl ioctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(mib) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sysctl_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sysctl sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall9(funcPC(libc_sendfile_trampoline), uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sendfile_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendfile sendfile "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_access_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_access_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_access access "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Adjtime(delta *Timeval, olddelta *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_adjtime_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(delta)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(olddelta)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_adjtime_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_adjtime adjtime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chdir(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chdir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chdir chdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chflags(path string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chflags_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chflags_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chflags chflags "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chmod_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chmod_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chmod chmod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chown_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chown_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chown chown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chroot(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chroot_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chroot_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chroot chroot "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func ClockGettime(clockid int32, time *Timespec) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clock_gettime_trampoline), uintptr(clockid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_clock_gettime_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clock_gettime clock_gettime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Close(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_close_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_close_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_close close "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Clonefile(src string, dst string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(src) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(dst) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clonefile_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_clonefile_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clonefile clonefile "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Clonefileat(srcDirfd int, src string, dstDirfd int, dst string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(src) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(dst) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_clonefileat_trampoline), uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_clonefileat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clonefileat clonefileat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Dup(fd int) (nfd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_dup_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) - nfd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_dup_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_dup dup "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Dup2(from int, to int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_dup2_trampoline), uintptr(from), uintptr(to), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_dup2_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_dup2 dup2 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Exchangedata(path1 string, path2 string, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path1) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(path2) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_exchangedata_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_exchangedata_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_exchangedata exchangedata "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Exit(code int) { - syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_exit_trampoline), uintptr(code), 0, 0) - return -} - -func libc_exit_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_exit exit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Faccessat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_faccessat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_faccessat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_faccessat faccessat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchdir(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchdir_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchdir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchdir fchdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchflags(fd int, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchflags_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchflags_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchflags fchflags "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchmod(fd int, mode uint32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchmod_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchmod_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchmod fchmod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fchmodat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchmodat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchmodat fchmodat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchown_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchown_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchown fchown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchownat(dirfd int, path string, uid int, gid int, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fchownat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchownat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchownat fchownat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fclonefileat(srcDirfd int, dstDirfd int, dst string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(dst) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fclonefileat_trampoline), uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fclonefileat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fclonefileat fclonefileat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Flock(fd int, how int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_flock_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_flock_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_flock flock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fpathconf(fd int, name int) (val int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fpathconf_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(name), 0) - val = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fpathconf_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fpathconf fpathconf "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fsync(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fsync_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fsync_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsync fsync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_ftruncate_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(length), uintptr(length>>32)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_ftruncate_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ftruncate ftruncate "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getcwd(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(buf) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getcwd_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getcwd_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getcwd getcwd "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getdtablesize() (size int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getdtablesize_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - size = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getdtablesize_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getdtablesize getdtablesize "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getegid() (egid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getegid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - egid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getegid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getegid getegid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Geteuid() (uid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_geteuid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - uid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_geteuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_geteuid geteuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getgid() (gid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getgid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - gid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getgid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getgid getgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpgid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), 0, 0) - pgid = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getpgid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgid getpgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getpgrp() (pgrp int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpgrp_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - pgrp = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getpgrp_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgrp getpgrp "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getpid() (pid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - pid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getpid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpid getpid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getppid() (ppid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getppid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - ppid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getppid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getppid getppid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getpriority_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(who), 0) - prio = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getpriority_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpriority getpriority "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getrlimit_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getrlimit_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrlimit getrlimit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getrusage_trampoline), uintptr(who), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getrusage_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrusage getrusage "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getsid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), 0, 0) - sid = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getsid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsid getsid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Gettimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_gettimeofday_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_gettimeofday_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_gettimeofday gettimeofday "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getuid() (uid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getuid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - uid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getuid getuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Issetugid() (tainted bool) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_issetugid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - tainted = bool(r0 != 0) - return -} - -func libc_issetugid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_issetugid issetugid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Kqueue() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_kqueue_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_kqueue_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kqueue kqueue "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lchown_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_lchown_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lchown lchown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Link(path string, link string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_link_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_link_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_link link "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Linkat(pathfd int, path string, linkfd int, link string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_linkat_trampoline), uintptr(pathfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(linkfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_linkat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_linkat linkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Listen(s int, backlog int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_listen_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(backlog), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_listen_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_listen listen "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mkdir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkdir mkdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mkdirat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkdirat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mkdirat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkdirat mkdirat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkfifo_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mkfifo_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkfifo mkfifo "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mknod_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mknod_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mknod mknod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_open_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm)) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_open_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_open open "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_openat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_openat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_openat openat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_pathconf_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(name), 0) - val = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_pathconf_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pathconf pathconf "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_pread_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_pread_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pread pread "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_pwrite_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_pwrite_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pwrite pwrite "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_read_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_read_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_read read "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 unsafe.Pointer - if len(buf) > 0 { - _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) - } else { - _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_readlink_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readlink readlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 unsafe.Pointer - if len(buf) > 0 { - _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) - } else { - _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_readlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf)), 0, 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_readlinkat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readlinkat readlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Rename(from string, to string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(from) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(to) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_rename_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_rename_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_rename rename "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Renameat(fromfd int, from string, tofd int, to string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(from) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(to) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_renameat_trampoline), uintptr(fromfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(tofd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_renameat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_renameat renameat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Revoke(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_revoke_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_revoke_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_revoke revoke "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Rmdir(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_rmdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_rmdir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_rmdir rmdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { - r0, r1, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_lseek_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(whence), 0, 0) - newoffset = int64(int64(r1)<<32 | int64(r0)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_lseek_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lseek lseek "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_select_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_select select "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setegid(egid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setegid_trampoline), uintptr(egid), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setegid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setegid setegid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Seteuid(euid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_seteuid_trampoline), uintptr(euid), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_seteuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_seteuid seteuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setgid(gid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setgid_trampoline), uintptr(gid), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setgid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setgid setgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setlogin(name string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(name) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setlogin_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setlogin_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setlogin setlogin "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setpgid(pid int, pgid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setpgid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(pgid), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setpgid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setpgid setpgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setpriority(which int, who int, prio int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setpriority_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(who), uintptr(prio)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setpriority_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setpriority setpriority "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setprivexec(flag int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setprivexec_trampoline), uintptr(flag), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setprivexec_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setprivexec setprivexec "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setregid_trampoline), uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setregid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setregid setregid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setreuid_trampoline), uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setreuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setreuid setreuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setrlimit_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setrlimit_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setrlimit setrlimit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setsid() (pid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setsid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - pid = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setsid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setsid setsid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Settimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_settimeofday_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_settimeofday_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_settimeofday settimeofday "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setuid(uid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setuid_trampoline), uintptr(uid), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setuid setuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Symlink(path string, link string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_symlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_symlink_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_symlink symlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Symlinkat(oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(oldpath) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(newpath) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_symlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(newdirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1))) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_symlinkat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_symlinkat symlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Sync() (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_sync_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sync_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sync sync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_truncate_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length), uintptr(length>>32)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_truncate_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_truncate truncate "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Umask(newmask int) (oldmask int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_umask_trampoline), uintptr(newmask), 0, 0) - oldmask = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_umask_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_umask umask "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Undelete(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_undelete_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_undelete_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_undelete undelete "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Unlink(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_unlink_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unlink unlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_unlinkat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unlinkat unlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unmount_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_unmount_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unmount unmount "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_write_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_write_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_write write "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall9(funcPC(libc_mmap_trampoline), uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flag), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pos), uintptr(pos>>32), 0, 0) - ret = uintptr(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mmap_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mmap mmap "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munmap_trampoline), uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_munmap_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munmap munmap "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_read_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_write_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fstat64_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fstat64_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstat64 fstat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fstatat64_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fstatat64_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstatat64 fstatat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fstatfs64_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fstatfs64_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstatfs64 fstatfs64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getfsstat64_trampoline), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getfsstat64_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat64 getfsstat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lstat64_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_lstat64_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lstat64 lstat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func ptrace1(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_ptrace_trampoline), uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_ptrace_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ptrace ptrace "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_stat64_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_stat64_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_stat64 stat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_statfs64_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_statfs64_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_statfs64 statfs64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.s deleted file mode 100644 index 1c53979a..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_386.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,290 +0,0 @@ -// go run mkasm_darwin.go 386 -// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build go1.12 - -#include "textflag.h" -TEXT ·libc_getgroups_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getgroups(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setgroups_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setgroups(SB) -TEXT ·libc_wait4_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_wait4(SB) -TEXT ·libc_accept_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_accept(SB) -TEXT ·libc_bind_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_bind(SB) -TEXT ·libc_connect_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_connect(SB) -TEXT ·libc_socket_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_socket(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsockopt_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getsockopt(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setsockopt_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setsockopt(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpeername_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpeername(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsockname_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getsockname(SB) -TEXT ·libc_shutdown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_shutdown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_socketpair_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_socketpair(SB) -TEXT ·libc_recvfrom_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_recvfrom(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendto_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sendto(SB) -TEXT ·libc_recvmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_recvmsg(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sendmsg(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kevent_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_kevent(SB) -TEXT ·libc_utimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_utimes(SB) -TEXT ·libc_futimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_futimes(SB) -TEXT ·libc_poll_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_poll(SB) -TEXT ·libc_madvise_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_madvise(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mlock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mlock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mlockall_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mlockall(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mprotect_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mprotect(SB) -TEXT ·libc_msync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_msync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munlock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_munlock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munlockall_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_munlockall(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pipe_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_pipe(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fgetxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fgetxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fsetxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fsetxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_removexattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_removexattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fremovexattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fremovexattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_listxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_listxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_flistxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_flistxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setattrlist_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setattrlist(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fcntl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fcntl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kill_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_kill(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ioctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_ioctl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sysctl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendfile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sendfile(SB) -TEXT ·libc_access_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_access(SB) -TEXT ·libc_adjtime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_adjtime(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chflags_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chflags(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chmod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chmod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chroot_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chroot(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clock_gettime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_clock_gettime(SB) -TEXT ·libc_close_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_close(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clonefile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_clonefile(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clonefileat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_clonefileat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_dup_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_dup(SB) -TEXT ·libc_dup2_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_dup2(SB) -TEXT ·libc_exchangedata_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_exchangedata(SB) -TEXT ·libc_exit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_exit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_faccessat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_faccessat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchflags_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchflags(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchmod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchmod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchmodat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchmodat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchownat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchownat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fclonefileat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fclonefileat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_flock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_flock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fpathconf_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fpathconf(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fsync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fsync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ftruncate_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_ftruncate(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getcwd_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getcwd(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getdtablesize_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getdtablesize(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getegid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getegid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_geteuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_geteuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpgrp_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpgrp(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getppid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getppid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpriority_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpriority(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getrlimit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getrlimit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getrusage_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getrusage(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getsid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_gettimeofday_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_gettimeofday(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_issetugid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_issetugid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kqueue_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_kqueue(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lchown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_lchown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_link_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_link(SB) -TEXT ·libc_linkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_linkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_listen_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_listen(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mkdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkdirat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mkdirat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkfifo_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mkfifo(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mknod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mknod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_open_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_open(SB) -TEXT ·libc_openat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_openat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pathconf_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_pathconf(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pread_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_pread(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pwrite_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_pwrite(SB) -TEXT ·libc_read_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_read(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_readlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_readlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_rename_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_rename(SB) -TEXT ·libc_renameat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_renameat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_revoke_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_revoke(SB) -TEXT ·libc_rmdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_rmdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lseek_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_lseek(SB) -TEXT ·libc_select_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_select(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setegid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setegid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_seteuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_seteuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setlogin_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setlogin(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setpgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setpgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setpriority_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setpriority(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setprivexec_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setprivexec(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setregid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setregid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setreuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setreuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setrlimit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setrlimit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setsid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setsid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_settimeofday_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_settimeofday(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_symlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_symlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_symlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_symlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_truncate_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_truncate(SB) -TEXT ·libc_umask_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_umask(SB) -TEXT ·libc_undelete_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_undelete(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_unlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_unlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unmount_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_unmount(SB) -TEXT ·libc_write_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_write(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mmap(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_munmap(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fstat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstatat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fstatat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstatfs64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fstatfs64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getfsstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getfsstat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_lstat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ptrace_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_ptrace(SB) -TEXT ·libc_stat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_stat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_statfs64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_statfs64(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.go index 88826236..a06eb093 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,amd64,go1.13 syscall_darwin.1_13.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build darwin && amd64 && go1.13 // +build darwin,amd64,go1.13 package unix @@ -15,25 +16,25 @@ var _ syscall.Errno // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func closedir(dir uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_closedir_trampoline), uintptr(dir), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_closedir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dir), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_closedir_trampoline() +var libc_closedir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_closedir closedir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readdir_r_trampoline), uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result))) + r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(libc_readdir_r_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result))) res = Errno(r0) return } -func libc_readdir_r_trampoline() +var libc_readdir_r_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readdir_r readdir_r "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.s index d671e831..d6c3e25c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.1_13.s @@ -1,12 +1,25 @@ // go run mkasm_darwin.go amd64 // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build go1.13 // +build go1.13 #include "textflag.h" -TEXT ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +TEXT libc_fdopendir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fdopendir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_closedir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fdopendir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_closedir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_closedir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_closedir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_closedir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_closedir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_readdir_r_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_readdir_r(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_readdir_r_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go index 508e5639..87937658 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,amd64,go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_amd64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build darwin && amd64 && go1.12 // +build darwin,amd64,go1.12 package unix @@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ var _ syscall.Errno // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getgroups_trampoline), uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getgroups_trampoline_addr, uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -23,28 +24,28 @@ func getgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_getgroups_trampoline() +var libc_getgroups_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getgroups getgroups "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func setgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setgroups_trampoline), uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setgroups_trampoline_addr, uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setgroups_trampoline() +var libc_setgroups_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setgroups setgroups "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func wait4(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_wait4_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), uintptr(options), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_wait4_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), uintptr(options), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0, 0) wpid = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -52,14 +53,14 @@ func wait4(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err return } -func libc_wait4_trampoline() +var libc_wait4_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_wait4 wait4 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_accept_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_accept_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -67,42 +68,42 @@ func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_accept_trampoline() +var libc_accept_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_accept accept "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_bind_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_bind_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_bind_trampoline() +var libc_bind_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_bind bind "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_connect_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_connect_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_connect_trampoline() +var libc_connect_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_connect connect "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_socket_trampoline), uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_socket_trampoline_addr, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -110,91 +111,91 @@ func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_socket_trampoline() +var libc_socket_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_socket socket "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_getsockopt_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_getsockopt_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getsockopt_trampoline() +var libc_getsockopt_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsockopt getsockopt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setsockopt_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_setsockopt_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setsockopt_trampoline() +var libc_setsockopt_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setsockopt setsockopt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpeername_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getpeername_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getpeername_trampoline() +var libc_getpeername_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpeername getpeername "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getsockname_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getsockname_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getsockname_trampoline() +var libc_getsockname_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsockname getsockname "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Shutdown(s int, how int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_shutdown_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(how), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shutdown_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(how), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_shutdown_trampoline() +var libc_shutdown_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shutdown shutdown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall6(funcPC(libc_socketpair_trampoline), uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall6(libc_socketpair_trampoline_addr, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_socketpair_trampoline() +var libc_socketpair_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_socketpair socketpair "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Sockl } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_recvfrom_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_recvfrom_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Sockl return } -func libc_recvfrom_trampoline() +var libc_recvfrom_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_recvfrom recvfrom "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -228,21 +229,21 @@ func sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) ( } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sendto_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_sendto_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_sendto_trampoline() +var libc_sendto_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendto sendto "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_recvmsg_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_recvmsg_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -250,14 +251,14 @@ func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_recvmsg_trampoline() +var libc_recvmsg_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_recvmsg recvmsg "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_sendmsg_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_sendmsg_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -265,14 +266,14 @@ func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_sendmsg_trampoline() +var libc_sendmsg_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendmsg sendmsg "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, nevent int, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_kevent_trampoline), uintptr(kq), uintptr(change), uintptr(nchange), uintptr(event), uintptr(nevent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_kevent_trampoline_addr, uintptr(kq), uintptr(change), uintptr(nchange), uintptr(event), uintptr(nevent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -280,7 +281,7 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne return } -func libc_kevent_trampoline() +var libc_kevent_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kevent kevent "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -292,35 +293,35 @@ func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_utimes_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_utimes_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_utimes_trampoline() +var libc_utimes_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimes utimes "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func futimes(fd int, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_futimes_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_futimes_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_futimes_trampoline() +var libc_futimes_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_futimes futimes "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_poll_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_poll_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_poll_trampoline() +var libc_poll_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_poll poll "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -341,14 +342,14 @@ func Madvise(b []byte, behav int) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_madvise_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(behav)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_madvise_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(behav)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_madvise_trampoline() +var libc_madvise_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_madvise madvise "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -361,28 +362,28 @@ func Mlock(b []byte) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mlock_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mlock_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mlock_trampoline() +var libc_mlock_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mlock mlock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Mlockall(flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mlockall_trampoline), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mlockall_trampoline_addr, uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mlockall_trampoline() +var libc_mlockall_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mlockall mlockall "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -395,14 +396,14 @@ func Mprotect(b []byte, prot int) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mprotect_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(prot)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mprotect_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(prot)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mprotect_trampoline() +var libc_mprotect_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mprotect mprotect "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -415,14 +416,14 @@ func Msync(b []byte, flags int) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_msync_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(flags)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_msync_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(flags)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_msync_trampoline() +var libc_msync_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_msync msync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -435,42 +436,42 @@ func Munlock(b []byte) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munlock_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_munlock_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_munlock_trampoline() +var libc_munlock_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munlock munlock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Munlockall() (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munlockall_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_munlockall_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_munlockall_trampoline() +var libc_munlockall_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munlockall munlockall "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func pipe(p *[2]int32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_pipe_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_pipe_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_pipe_trampoline() +var libc_pipe_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pipe pipe "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -487,7 +488,7 @@ func getxattr(path string, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, o if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_getxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_getxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) sz = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -495,7 +496,7 @@ func getxattr(path string, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, o return } -func libc_getxattr_trampoline() +var libc_getxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getxattr getxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ func fgetxattr(fd int, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, optio if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fgetxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fgetxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) sz = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ func fgetxattr(fd int, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, optio return } -func libc_fgetxattr_trampoline() +var libc_fgetxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fgetxattr fgetxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -532,14 +533,14 @@ func setxattr(path string, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, o if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_setxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setxattr_trampoline() +var libc_setxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setxattr setxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -551,14 +552,14 @@ func fsetxattr(fd int, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, optio if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fsetxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fsetxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fsetxattr_trampoline() +var libc_fsetxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsetxattr fsetxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -575,14 +576,14 @@ func removexattr(path string, attr string, options int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_removexattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_removexattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_removexattr_trampoline() +var libc_removexattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_removexattr removexattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -594,14 +595,14 @@ func fremovexattr(fd int, attr string, options int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fremovexattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fremovexattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fremovexattr_trampoline() +var libc_fremovexattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fremovexattr fremovexattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -613,7 +614,7 @@ func listxattr(path string, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err erro if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_listxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_listxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) sz = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -621,14 +622,14 @@ func listxattr(path string, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err erro return } -func libc_listxattr_trampoline() +var libc_listxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_listxattr listxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func flistxattr(fd int, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_flistxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_flistxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) sz = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -636,28 +637,33 @@ func flistxattr(fd int, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) { return } -func libc_flistxattr_trampoline() +var libc_flistxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_flistxattr flistxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func setattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setattrlist_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(list), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0) +func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(times)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setattrlist_trampoline() +var libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr uintptr -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setattrlist setattrlist "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimensat utimensat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fcntl_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) val = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -665,35 +671,35 @@ func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { return } -func libc_fcntl_trampoline() +var libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func kill(pid int, signum int, posix int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_kill_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(signum), uintptr(posix)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_kill_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), uintptr(signum), uintptr(posix)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_kill_trampoline() +var libc_kill_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kill kill "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_ioctl_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_ioctl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_ioctl_trampoline() +var libc_ioctl_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ioctl ioctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -706,61 +712,120 @@ func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_sysctl_trampoline() +var libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sysctl sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sendfile_trampoline), uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_sendfile_trampoline_addr, uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_sendfile_trampoline() +var libc_sendfile_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendfile sendfile "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func shmat(id int, addr uintptr, flag int) (ret uintptr, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shmat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(id), uintptr(addr), uintptr(flag)) + ret = uintptr(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_shmat_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shmat shmat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmctl(id int, cmd int, buf *SysvShmDesc) (result int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shmctl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(id), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf))) + result = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_shmctl_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shmctl shmctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmdt(addr uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shmdt_trampoline_addr, uintptr(addr), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_shmdt_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shmdt shmdt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmget(key int, size int, flag int) (id int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shmget_trampoline_addr, uintptr(key), uintptr(size), uintptr(flag)) + id = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_shmget_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shmget shmget "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_access_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_access_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_access_trampoline() +var libc_access_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_access access "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Adjtime(delta *Timeval, olddelta *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_adjtime_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(delta)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(olddelta)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_adjtime_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(delta)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(olddelta)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_adjtime_trampoline() +var libc_adjtime_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_adjtime adjtime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -772,14 +837,14 @@ func Chdir(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chdir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chdir_trampoline() +var libc_chdir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chdir chdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -791,14 +856,14 @@ func Chflags(path string, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chflags_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chflags_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chflags_trampoline() +var libc_chflags_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chflags chflags "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -810,14 +875,14 @@ func Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chmod_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chmod_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chmod_trampoline() +var libc_chmod_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chmod chmod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -829,14 +894,14 @@ func Chown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chown_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chown_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chown_trampoline() +var libc_chown_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chown chown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -848,42 +913,42 @@ func Chroot(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chroot_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chroot_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chroot_trampoline() +var libc_chroot_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chroot chroot "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func ClockGettime(clockid int32, time *Timespec) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clock_gettime_trampoline), uintptr(clockid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_clock_gettime_trampoline_addr, uintptr(clockid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_clock_gettime_trampoline() +var libc_clock_gettime_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clock_gettime clock_gettime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Close(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_close_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_close_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_close_trampoline() +var libc_close_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_close close "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -900,14 +965,14 @@ func Clonefile(src string, dst string, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clonefile_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_clonefile_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_clonefile_trampoline() +var libc_clonefile_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clonefile clonefile "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -924,21 +989,21 @@ func Clonefileat(srcDirfd int, src string, dstDirfd int, dst string, flags int) if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_clonefileat_trampoline), uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_clonefileat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_clonefileat_trampoline() +var libc_clonefileat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clonefileat clonefileat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Dup(fd int) (nfd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_dup_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_dup_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) nfd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -946,21 +1011,21 @@ func Dup(fd int) (nfd int, err error) { return } -func libc_dup_trampoline() +var libc_dup_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_dup dup "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Dup2(from int, to int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_dup2_trampoline), uintptr(from), uintptr(to), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_dup2_trampoline_addr, uintptr(from), uintptr(to), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_dup2_trampoline() +var libc_dup2_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_dup2 dup2 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -977,25 +1042,25 @@ func Exchangedata(path1 string, path2 string, options int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_exchangedata_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_exchangedata_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_exchangedata_trampoline() +var libc_exchangedata_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_exchangedata exchangedata "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Exit(code int) { - syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_exit_trampoline), uintptr(code), 0, 0) + syscall_syscall(libc_exit_trampoline_addr, uintptr(code), 0, 0) return } -func libc_exit_trampoline() +var libc_exit_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_exit exit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1007,56 +1072,56 @@ func Faccessat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_faccessat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_faccessat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_faccessat_trampoline() +var libc_faccessat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_faccessat faccessat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fchdir(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchdir_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fchdir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchdir_trampoline() +var libc_fchdir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchdir fchdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fchflags(fd int, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchflags_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fchflags_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchflags_trampoline() +var libc_fchflags_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchflags fchflags "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fchmod(fd int, mode uint32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchmod_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fchmod_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchmod_trampoline() +var libc_fchmod_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchmod fchmod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1068,28 +1133,28 @@ func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fchmodat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fchmodat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchmodat_trampoline() +var libc_fchmodat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchmodat fchmodat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchown_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fchown_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchown_trampoline() +var libc_fchown_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchown fchown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1101,14 +1166,14 @@ func Fchownat(dirfd int, path string, uid int, gid int, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fchownat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fchownat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchownat_trampoline() +var libc_fchownat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchownat fchownat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1120,35 +1185,35 @@ func Fclonefileat(srcDirfd int, dstDirfd int, dst string, flags int) (err error) if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fclonefileat_trampoline), uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fclonefileat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fclonefileat_trampoline() +var libc_fclonefileat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fclonefileat fclonefileat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Flock(fd int, how int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_flock_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_flock_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_flock_trampoline() +var libc_flock_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_flock flock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fpathconf(fd int, name int) (val int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fpathconf_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(name), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fpathconf_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(name), 0) val = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1156,35 +1221,35 @@ func Fpathconf(fd int, name int) (val int, err error) { return } -func libc_fpathconf_trampoline() +var libc_fpathconf_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fpathconf fpathconf "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fsync(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fsync_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fsync_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fsync_trampoline() +var libc_fsync_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsync fsync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_ftruncate_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(length), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_ftruncate_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(length), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_ftruncate_trampoline() +var libc_ftruncate_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ftruncate ftruncate "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1197,7 +1262,7 @@ func Getcwd(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getcwd_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getcwd_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1205,62 +1270,62 @@ func Getcwd(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_getcwd_trampoline() +var libc_getcwd_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getcwd getcwd "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getdtablesize() (size int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getdtablesize_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(libc_getdtablesize_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) size = int(r0) return } -func libc_getdtablesize_trampoline() +var libc_getdtablesize_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getdtablesize getdtablesize "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getegid() (egid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getegid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getegid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) egid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getegid_trampoline() +var libc_getegid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getegid getegid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Geteuid() (uid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_geteuid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_geteuid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) uid = int(r0) return } -func libc_geteuid_trampoline() +var libc_geteuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_geteuid geteuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getgid() (gid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getgid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getgid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) gid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getgid_trampoline() +var libc_getgid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getgid getgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpgid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getpgid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), 0, 0) pgid = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1268,50 +1333,50 @@ func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { return } -func libc_getpgid_trampoline() +var libc_getpgid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgid getpgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getpgrp() (pgrp int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpgrp_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getpgrp_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) pgrp = int(r0) return } -func libc_getpgrp_trampoline() +var libc_getpgrp_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgrp getpgrp "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getpid() (pid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getpid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) pid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getpid_trampoline() +var libc_getpid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpid getpid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getppid() (ppid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getppid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getppid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) ppid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getppid_trampoline() +var libc_getppid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getppid getppid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getpriority_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(who), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getpriority_trampoline_addr, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), 0) prio = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1319,42 +1384,42 @@ func Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) { return } -func libc_getpriority_trampoline() +var libc_getpriority_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpriority getpriority "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getrlimit_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getrlimit_trampoline_addr, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getrlimit_trampoline() +var libc_getrlimit_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrlimit getrlimit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getrusage_trampoline), uintptr(who), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getrusage_trampoline_addr, uintptr(who), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getrusage_trampoline() +var libc_getrusage_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrusage getrusage "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getsid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getsid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), 0, 0) sid = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1362,52 +1427,52 @@ func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) { return } -func libc_getsid_trampoline() +var libc_getsid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsid getsid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Gettimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_gettimeofday_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_gettimeofday_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_gettimeofday_trampoline() +var libc_gettimeofday_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_gettimeofday gettimeofday "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getuid() (uid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getuid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getuid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) uid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getuid_trampoline() +var libc_getuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getuid getuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Issetugid() (tainted bool) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_issetugid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_issetugid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) tainted = bool(r0 != 0) return } -func libc_issetugid_trampoline() +var libc_issetugid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_issetugid issetugid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Kqueue() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_kqueue_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_kqueue_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1415,7 +1480,7 @@ func Kqueue() (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_kqueue_trampoline() +var libc_kqueue_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kqueue kqueue "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1427,14 +1492,14 @@ func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lchown_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_lchown_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_lchown_trampoline() +var libc_lchown_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lchown lchown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1451,14 +1516,14 @@ func Link(path string, link string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_link_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_link_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_link_trampoline() +var libc_link_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_link link "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1475,28 +1540,28 @@ func Linkat(pathfd int, path string, linkfd int, link string, flags int) (err er if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_linkat_trampoline), uintptr(pathfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(linkfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_linkat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pathfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(linkfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_linkat_trampoline() +var libc_linkat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_linkat linkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Listen(s int, backlog int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_listen_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(backlog), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_listen_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(backlog), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_listen_trampoline() +var libc_listen_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_listen listen "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1508,14 +1573,14 @@ func Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mkdir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mkdir_trampoline() +var libc_mkdir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkdir mkdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1527,14 +1592,14 @@ func Mkdirat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkdirat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mkdirat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mkdirat_trampoline() +var libc_mkdirat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkdirat mkdirat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1546,14 +1611,14 @@ func Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkfifo_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mkfifo_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mkfifo_trampoline() +var libc_mkfifo_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkfifo mkfifo "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1565,14 +1630,14 @@ func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mknod_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mknod_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mknod_trampoline() +var libc_mknod_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mknod mknod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1584,7 +1649,7 @@ func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_open_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_open_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm)) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1592,7 +1657,7 @@ func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_open_trampoline() +var libc_open_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_open open "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1604,7 +1669,7 @@ func Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_openat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_openat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1612,7 +1677,7 @@ func Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_openat_trampoline() +var libc_openat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_openat openat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1624,7 +1689,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_pathconf_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(name), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(name), 0) val = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1632,20 +1697,20 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { return } -func libc_pathconf_trampoline() +var libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pathconf pathconf "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_pread_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_pread_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1653,20 +1718,20 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_pread_trampoline() +var libc_pread_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pread pread "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_pwrite_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_pwrite_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1674,7 +1739,7 @@ func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_pwrite_trampoline() +var libc_pwrite_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pwrite pwrite "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1687,7 +1752,7 @@ func read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_read_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_read_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1695,7 +1760,7 @@ func read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_read_trampoline() +var libc_read_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_read read "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1713,7 +1778,7 @@ func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_readlink_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1721,7 +1786,7 @@ func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_readlink_trampoline() +var libc_readlink_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readlink readlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1739,7 +1804,7 @@ func Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_readlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf)), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_readlinkat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1747,7 +1812,7 @@ func Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_readlinkat_trampoline() +var libc_readlinkat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readlinkat readlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1764,14 +1829,14 @@ func Rename(from string, to string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_rename_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_rename_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_rename_trampoline() +var libc_rename_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_rename rename "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1788,14 +1853,14 @@ func Renameat(fromfd int, from string, tofd int, to string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_renameat_trampoline), uintptr(fromfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(tofd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_renameat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fromfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(tofd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_renameat_trampoline() +var libc_renameat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_renameat renameat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1807,14 +1872,14 @@ func Revoke(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_revoke_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_revoke_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_revoke_trampoline() +var libc_revoke_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_revoke revoke "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1826,21 +1891,21 @@ func Rmdir(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_rmdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_rmdir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_rmdir_trampoline() +var libc_rmdir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_rmdir rmdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lseek_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(whence)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_lseek_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(whence)) newoffset = int64(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1848,14 +1913,14 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { return } -func libc_lseek_trampoline() +var libc_lseek_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lseek lseek "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_select_trampoline_addr, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1863,49 +1928,49 @@ func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err return } -func libc_select_trampoline() +var libc_select_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_select select "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setegid(egid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setegid_trampoline), uintptr(egid), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_setegid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(egid), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setegid_trampoline() +var libc_setegid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setegid setegid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Seteuid(euid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_seteuid_trampoline), uintptr(euid), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_seteuid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(euid), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_seteuid_trampoline() +var libc_seteuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_seteuid seteuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setgid(gid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setgid_trampoline), uintptr(gid), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setgid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(gid), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setgid_trampoline() +var libc_setgid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setgid setgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1917,105 +1982,105 @@ func Setlogin(name string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setlogin_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_setlogin_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setlogin_trampoline() +var libc_setlogin_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setlogin setlogin "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setpgid(pid int, pgid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setpgid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(pgid), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setpgid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), uintptr(pgid), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setpgid_trampoline() +var libc_setpgid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setpgid setpgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setpriority(which int, who int, prio int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setpriority_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(who), uintptr(prio)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_setpriority_trampoline_addr, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), uintptr(prio)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setpriority_trampoline() +var libc_setpriority_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setpriority setpriority "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setprivexec(flag int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setprivexec_trampoline), uintptr(flag), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_setprivexec_trampoline_addr, uintptr(flag), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setprivexec_trampoline() +var libc_setprivexec_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setprivexec setprivexec "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setregid_trampoline), uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setregid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setregid_trampoline() +var libc_setregid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setregid setregid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setreuid_trampoline), uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setreuid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setreuid_trampoline() +var libc_setreuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setreuid setreuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setrlimit_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setrlimit_trampoline_addr, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setrlimit_trampoline() +var libc_setrlimit_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setrlimit setrlimit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setsid() (pid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setsid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setsid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) pid = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2023,35 +2088,35 @@ func Setsid() (pid int, err error) { return } -func libc_setsid_trampoline() +var libc_setsid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setsid setsid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Settimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_settimeofday_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_settimeofday_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_settimeofday_trampoline() +var libc_settimeofday_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_settimeofday settimeofday "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setuid(uid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setuid_trampoline), uintptr(uid), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setuid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(uid), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setuid_trampoline() +var libc_setuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setuid setuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2068,14 +2133,14 @@ func Symlink(path string, link string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_symlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_symlink_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_symlink_trampoline() +var libc_symlink_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_symlink symlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2092,28 +2157,28 @@ func Symlinkat(oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_symlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(newdirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1))) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_symlinkat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(newdirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1))) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_symlinkat_trampoline() +var libc_symlinkat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_symlinkat symlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Sync() (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_sync_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_sync_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_sync_trampoline() +var libc_sync_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sync sync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2125,26 +2190,26 @@ func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_truncate_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_truncate_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_truncate_trampoline() +var libc_truncate_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_truncate truncate "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Umask(newmask int) (oldmask int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_umask_trampoline), uintptr(newmask), 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(libc_umask_trampoline_addr, uintptr(newmask), 0, 0) oldmask = int(r0) return } -func libc_umask_trampoline() +var libc_umask_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_umask umask "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2156,14 +2221,14 @@ func Undelete(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_undelete_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_undelete_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_undelete_trampoline() +var libc_undelete_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_undelete undelete "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2175,14 +2240,14 @@ func Unlink(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unlink_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_unlink_trampoline() +var libc_unlink_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unlink unlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2194,14 +2259,14 @@ func Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unlinkat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_unlinkat_trampoline() +var libc_unlinkat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unlinkat unlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2213,14 +2278,14 @@ func Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unmount_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unmount_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_unmount_trampoline() +var libc_unmount_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unmount unmount "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2233,7 +2298,7 @@ func write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_write_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_write_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2241,14 +2306,14 @@ func write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_write_trampoline() +var libc_write_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_write write "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_mmap_trampoline), uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flag), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pos)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_mmap_trampoline_addr, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flag), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pos)) ret = uintptr(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2256,28 +2321,28 @@ func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) ( return } -func libc_mmap_trampoline() +var libc_mmap_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mmap mmap "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munmap_trampoline), uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_munmap_trampoline_addr, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_munmap_trampoline() +var libc_munmap_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munmap munmap "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_read_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_read_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2288,7 +2353,7 @@ func readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_write_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_write_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2299,14 +2364,14 @@ func writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fstat64_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fstat64_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fstat64_trampoline() +var libc_fstat64_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstat64 fstat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2318,35 +2383,35 @@ func Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fstatat64_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fstatat64_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fstatat64_trampoline() +var libc_fstatat64_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstatat64 fstatat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fstatfs64_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fstatfs64_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fstatfs64_trampoline() +var libc_fstatfs64_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstatfs64 fstatfs64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getfsstat64_trampoline), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getfsstat64_trampoline_addr, uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2354,7 +2419,7 @@ func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_getfsstat64_trampoline() +var libc_getfsstat64_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat64 getfsstat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2366,28 +2431,28 @@ func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lstat64_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_lstat64_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_lstat64_trampoline() +var libc_lstat64_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lstat64 lstat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func ptrace1(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_ptrace_trampoline), uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_ptrace_trampoline_addr, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_ptrace_trampoline() +var libc_ptrace_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ptrace ptrace "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2399,14 +2464,14 @@ func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_stat64_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_stat64_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_stat64_trampoline() +var libc_stat64_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_stat64 stat64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2418,13 +2483,13 @@ func Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_statfs64_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_statfs64_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_statfs64_trampoline() +var libc_statfs64_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_statfs64 statfs64 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s index c77bd6e2..8da90cf0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_amd64.s @@ -1,290 +1,883 @@ // go run mkasm_darwin.go amd64 // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build go1.12 // +build go1.12 #include "textflag.h" -TEXT ·libc_getgroups_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +TEXT libc_getgroups_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getgroups(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setgroups_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getgroups_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getgroups_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getgroups_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setgroups_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setgroups(SB) -TEXT ·libc_wait4_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setgroups_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setgroups_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setgroups_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_wait4_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_wait4(SB) -TEXT ·libc_accept_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_wait4_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_wait4_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_wait4_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_accept_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_accept(SB) -TEXT ·libc_bind_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_accept_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_accept_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_accept_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_bind_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_bind(SB) -TEXT ·libc_connect_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_bind_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_bind_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_bind_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_connect_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_connect(SB) -TEXT ·libc_socket_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_connect_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_connect_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_connect_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_socket_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_socket(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsockopt_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_socket_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_socket_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_socket_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getsockopt_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getsockopt(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setsockopt_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getsockopt_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getsockopt_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getsockopt_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setsockopt_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setsockopt(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpeername_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setsockopt_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setsockopt_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setsockopt_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpeername_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpeername(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsockname_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpeername_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpeername_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpeername_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getsockname_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getsockname(SB) -TEXT ·libc_shutdown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getsockname_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getsockname_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getsockname_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shutdown_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_shutdown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_socketpair_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_shutdown_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shutdown_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shutdown_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_socketpair_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_socketpair(SB) -TEXT ·libc_recvfrom_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_socketpair_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_socketpair_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_socketpair_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_recvfrom_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_recvfrom(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendto_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_recvfrom_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_recvfrom_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_recvfrom_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sendto_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sendto(SB) -TEXT ·libc_recvmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sendto_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sendto_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sendto_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_recvmsg_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_recvmsg(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_recvmsg_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_recvmsg_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_recvmsg_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sendmsg_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sendmsg(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kevent_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sendmsg_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_kevent_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_kevent(SB) -TEXT ·libc_utimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_kevent_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_kevent_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_kevent_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_utimes_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_utimes(SB) -TEXT ·libc_futimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_utimes_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_utimes_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_utimes_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_futimes_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_futimes(SB) -TEXT ·libc_poll_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_futimes_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_futimes_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_futimes_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_poll_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_poll(SB) -TEXT ·libc_madvise_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_poll_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_poll_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_poll_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_madvise_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_madvise(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mlock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_madvise_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_madvise_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_madvise_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mlock_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mlock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mlockall_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mlock_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mlock_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mlock_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mlockall_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mlockall(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mprotect_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mlockall_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mlockall_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mlockall_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mprotect_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mprotect(SB) -TEXT ·libc_msync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mprotect_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mprotect_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mprotect_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_msync_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_msync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munlock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_msync_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_msync_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_msync_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_munlock_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_munlock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munlockall_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_munlock_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_munlock_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munlock_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_munlockall_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_munlockall(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pipe_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_munlockall_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_munlockall_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munlockall_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pipe_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_pipe(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_pipe_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pipe_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pipe_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fgetxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fgetxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fgetxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fgetxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fgetxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fgetxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fsetxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fsetxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fsetxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_removexattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fsetxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fsetxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fsetxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_removexattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_removexattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fremovexattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_removexattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_removexattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_removexattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fremovexattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fremovexattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_listxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fremovexattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fremovexattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fremovexattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_listxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_listxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_flistxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_listxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_listxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_listxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_flistxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_flistxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setattrlist_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setattrlist(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fcntl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_flistxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_flistxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_flistxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_utimensat(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fcntl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kill_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_kill_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_kill(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ioctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_kill_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_kill_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_kill_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_ioctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ioctl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_ioctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_ioctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_ioctl_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sysctl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendfile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sendfile_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sendfile(SB) -TEXT ·libc_access_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sendfile_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sendfile_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sendfile_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shmat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_shmat(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_shmat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shmat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shmat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shmctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_shmctl(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_shmctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shmctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shmctl_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shmdt_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_shmdt(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_shmdt_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shmdt_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shmdt_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shmget_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_shmget(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_shmget_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shmget_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shmget_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_access_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_access(SB) -TEXT ·libc_adjtime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_access_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_access_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_access_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_adjtime_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_adjtime(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_adjtime_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_adjtime_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_adjtime_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chdir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chflags_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chdir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chdir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chdir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chflags_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chflags(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chmod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chflags_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chflags_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chflags_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chmod_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chmod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chmod_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chmod_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chmod_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chown_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chroot_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chown_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chown_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chown_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chroot_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chroot(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clock_gettime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chroot_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chroot_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chroot_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_clock_gettime_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_clock_gettime(SB) -TEXT ·libc_close_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_clock_gettime_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_clock_gettime_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_clock_gettime_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_close_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_close(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clonefile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_close_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_close_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_close_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_clonefile_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_clonefile(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clonefileat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_clonefile_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_clonefile_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_clonefile_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_clonefileat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_clonefileat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_dup_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_clonefileat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_clonefileat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_clonefileat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_dup_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_dup(SB) -TEXT ·libc_dup2_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_dup_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_dup_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_dup_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_dup2_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_dup2(SB) -TEXT ·libc_exchangedata_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_dup2_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_dup2_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_dup2_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_exchangedata_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_exchangedata(SB) -TEXT ·libc_exit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_exchangedata_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_exchangedata_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_exchangedata_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_exit_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_exit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_faccessat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_exit_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_exit_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_exit_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_faccessat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_faccessat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_faccessat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_faccessat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_faccessat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchdir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchflags_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchdir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchdir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchdir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchflags_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchflags(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchmod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchflags_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchflags_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchflags_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchmod_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchmod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchmodat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchmod_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchmod_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchmod_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchmodat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchmodat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchmodat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchmodat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchmodat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchown_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchownat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchown_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchown_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchown_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchownat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchownat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fclonefileat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchownat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchownat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchownat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fclonefileat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fclonefileat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_flock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fclonefileat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fclonefileat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fclonefileat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_flock_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_flock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fpathconf_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_flock_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_flock_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_flock_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fpathconf_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fpathconf(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fsync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fpathconf_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fpathconf_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fpathconf_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fsync_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fsync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ftruncate_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fsync_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fsync_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fsync_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_ftruncate_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ftruncate(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getcwd_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_ftruncate_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_ftruncate_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_ftruncate_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getcwd_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getcwd(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getdtablesize_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getcwd_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getcwd_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getcwd_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getdtablesize_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getdtablesize(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getegid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getdtablesize_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getdtablesize_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getdtablesize_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getegid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getegid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_geteuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getegid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getegid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getegid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_geteuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_geteuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_geteuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_geteuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_geteuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getgid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getgid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getgid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getgid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpgid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpgrp_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpgid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpgid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpgid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpgrp_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpgrp(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpgrp_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpgrp_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpgrp_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getppid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getppid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getppid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpriority_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getppid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getppid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getppid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpriority_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpriority(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getrlimit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpriority_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpriority_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpriority_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getrlimit_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getrlimit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getrusage_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getrlimit_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getrlimit_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getrlimit_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getrusage_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getrusage(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getrusage_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getrusage_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getrusage_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getsid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getsid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_gettimeofday_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getsid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getsid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getsid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_gettimeofday_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_gettimeofday(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_gettimeofday_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_gettimeofday_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_gettimeofday_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_issetugid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_issetugid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_issetugid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kqueue_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_issetugid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_issetugid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_issetugid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_kqueue_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_kqueue(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lchown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_kqueue_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_kqueue_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_kqueue_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_lchown_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_lchown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_link_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_lchown_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_lchown_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_lchown_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_link_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_link(SB) -TEXT ·libc_linkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_link_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_link_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_link_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_linkat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_linkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_listen_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_linkat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_linkat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_linkat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_listen_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_listen(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_listen_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_listen_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_listen_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mkdir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mkdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkdirat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mkdir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mkdir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mkdir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mkdirat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mkdirat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkfifo_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mkdirat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mkdirat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mkdirat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mkfifo_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mkfifo(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mknod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mkfifo_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mkfifo_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mkfifo_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mknod_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mknod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_open_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mknod_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mknod_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mknod_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_open_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_open(SB) -TEXT ·libc_openat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_open_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_open_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_open_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_openat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_openat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pathconf_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_openat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_openat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_openat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pathconf_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_pathconf(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pread_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pathconf_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pread_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_pread(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pwrite_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_pread_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pread_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pread_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pwrite_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_pwrite(SB) -TEXT ·libc_read_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_pwrite_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pwrite_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pwrite_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_read_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_read(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_read_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_read_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_read_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_readlink_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_readlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_readlink_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_readlink_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_readlink_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_readlinkat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_readlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_rename_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_readlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_readlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_readlinkat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_rename_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_rename(SB) -TEXT ·libc_renameat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_rename_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_rename_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_rename_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_renameat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_renameat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_revoke_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_renameat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_renameat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_renameat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_revoke_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_revoke(SB) -TEXT ·libc_rmdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_revoke_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_revoke_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_revoke_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_rmdir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_rmdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lseek_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_rmdir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_rmdir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_rmdir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_lseek_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_lseek(SB) -TEXT ·libc_select_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_lseek_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_lseek_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_lseek_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_select_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_select(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setegid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_select_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_select_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_select_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setegid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setegid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_seteuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setegid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setegid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setegid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_seteuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_seteuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_seteuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_seteuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_seteuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setgid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setlogin_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setgid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setgid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setgid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setlogin_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setlogin(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setpgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setlogin_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setlogin_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setlogin_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setpgid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setpgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setpriority_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setpgid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setpgid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setpgid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setpriority_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setpriority(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setprivexec_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setpriority_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setpriority_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setpriority_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setprivexec_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setprivexec(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setregid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setprivexec_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setprivexec_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setprivexec_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setregid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setregid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setreuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setregid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setregid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setregid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setreuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setreuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setrlimit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setreuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setreuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setreuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setrlimit_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setrlimit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setsid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setrlimit_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setrlimit_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setrlimit_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setsid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setsid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_settimeofday_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setsid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setsid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setsid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_settimeofday_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_settimeofday(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_settimeofday_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_settimeofday_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_settimeofday_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_symlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_symlink_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_symlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_symlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_symlink_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_symlink_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_symlink_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_symlinkat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_symlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_symlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_symlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_symlinkat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sync_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_truncate_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sync_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sync_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sync_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_truncate_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_truncate(SB) -TEXT ·libc_umask_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_truncate_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_truncate_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_truncate_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_umask_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_umask(SB) -TEXT ·libc_undelete_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_umask_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_umask_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_umask_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_undelete_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_undelete(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_undelete_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_undelete_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_undelete_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unlink_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_unlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_unlink_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unlink_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unlink_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unlinkat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_unlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unmount_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_unlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unlinkat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unmount_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_unmount(SB) -TEXT ·libc_write_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_unmount_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unmount_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unmount_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_write_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_write(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_write_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_write_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_write_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mmap(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mmap_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_munmap(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fstat64_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fstat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstatat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fstat64_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fstat64_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fstat64_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fstatat64_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fstatat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstatfs64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fstatat64_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fstatat64_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fstatat64_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fstatfs64_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fstatfs64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getfsstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fstatfs64_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fstatfs64_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fstatfs64_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getfsstat64_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getfsstat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lstat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getfsstat64_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getfsstat64_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getfsstat64_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_lstat64_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_lstat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ptrace_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_lstat64_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_lstat64_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_lstat64_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_ptrace_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ptrace(SB) -TEXT ·libc_stat64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_ptrace_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_ptrace_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_ptrace_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_stat64_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_stat64(SB) -TEXT ·libc_statfs64_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_stat64_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_stat64_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_stat64_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_statfs64_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_statfs64(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_statfs64_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_statfs64_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_statfs64_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.go deleted file mode 100644 index de4738ff..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,arm,go1.13 syscall_darwin.1_13.go -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build darwin,arm,go1.13 - -package unix - -import ( - "syscall" - "unsafe" -) - -var _ syscall.Errno - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func closedir(dir uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_closedir_trampoline), uintptr(dir), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_closedir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_closedir closedir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readdir_r_trampoline), uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result))) - res = Errno(r0) - return -} - -func libc_readdir_r_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readdir_r readdir_r "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.s deleted file mode 100644 index 488e5570..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.1_13.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -// go run mkasm_darwin.go arm -// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build go1.13 - -#include "textflag.h" -TEXT ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fdopendir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_closedir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_closedir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_readdir_r(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.go deleted file mode 100644 index c0c771f4..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2416 +0,0 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags darwin,arm,go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_arm.go -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build darwin,arm,go1.12 - -package unix - -import ( - "syscall" - "unsafe" -) - -var _ syscall.Errno - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getgroups_trampoline), uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getgroups_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getgroups getgroups "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func setgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setgroups_trampoline), uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setgroups_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setgroups setgroups "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func wait4(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_wait4_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), uintptr(options), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0, 0) - wpid = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_wait4_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_wait4 wait4 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_accept_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_accept_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_accept accept "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_bind_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_bind_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_bind bind "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_connect_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_connect_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_connect connect "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_socket_trampoline), uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_socket_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_socket socket "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_getsockopt_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getsockopt_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsockopt getsockopt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setsockopt_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setsockopt_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setsockopt setsockopt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpeername_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getpeername_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpeername getpeername "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getsockname_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getsockname_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsockname getsockname "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Shutdown(s int, how int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_shutdown_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(how), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_shutdown_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shutdown shutdown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall6(funcPC(libc_socketpair_trampoline), uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_socketpair_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_socketpair socketpair "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_recvfrom_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_recvfrom_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_recvfrom recvfrom "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(buf) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sendto_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sendto_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendto sendto "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_recvmsg_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_recvmsg_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_recvmsg recvmsg "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_sendmsg_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sendmsg_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendmsg sendmsg "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, nevent int, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_kevent_trampoline), uintptr(kq), uintptr(change), uintptr(nchange), uintptr(event), uintptr(nevent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_kevent_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kevent kevent "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_utimes_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_utimes_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimes utimes "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func futimes(fd int, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_futimes_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_futimes_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_futimes futimes "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_poll_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_poll_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_poll poll "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Madvise(b []byte, behav int) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_madvise_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(behav)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_madvise_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_madvise madvise "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mlock(b []byte) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mlock_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mlock_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mlock mlock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mlockall(flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mlockall_trampoline), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mlockall_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mlockall mlockall "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mprotect(b []byte, prot int) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mprotect_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(prot)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mprotect_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mprotect mprotect "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Msync(b []byte, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_msync_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(flags)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_msync_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_msync msync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Munlock(b []byte) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(b) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munlock_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_munlock_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munlock munlock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Munlockall() (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munlockall_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_munlockall_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munlockall munlockall "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func pipe(p *[2]int32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_pipe_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_pipe_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pipe pipe "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getxattr(path string, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (sz int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_getxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) - sz = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getxattr getxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func fgetxattr(fd int, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (sz int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fgetxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) - sz = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fgetxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fgetxattr fgetxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func setxattr(path string, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setxattr setxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func fsetxattr(fd int, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fsetxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fsetxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsetxattr fsetxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func removexattr(path string, attr string, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_removexattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_removexattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_removexattr removexattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func fremovexattr(fd int, attr string, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(attr) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fremovexattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fremovexattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fremovexattr fremovexattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func listxattr(path string, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_listxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) - sz = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_listxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_listxattr listxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func flistxattr(fd int, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_flistxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) - sz = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_flistxattr_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_flistxattr flistxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func setattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setattrlist_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(list), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setattrlist_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setattrlist setattrlist "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fcntl_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) - val = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fcntl_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func kill(pid int, signum int, posix int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_kill_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(signum), uintptr(posix)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_kill_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kill kill "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_ioctl_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_ioctl_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ioctl ioctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) (err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(mib) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&mib[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sysctl_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sysctl sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall9(funcPC(libc_sendfile_trampoline), uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sendfile_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendfile sendfile "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_access_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_access_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_access access "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Adjtime(delta *Timeval, olddelta *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_adjtime_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(delta)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(olddelta)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_adjtime_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_adjtime adjtime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chdir(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chdir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chdir chdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chflags(path string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chflags_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chflags_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chflags chflags "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chmod_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chmod_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chmod chmod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chown_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chown_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chown chown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Chroot(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chroot_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_chroot_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chroot chroot "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func ClockGettime(clockid int32, time *Timespec) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clock_gettime_trampoline), uintptr(clockid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_clock_gettime_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clock_gettime clock_gettime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Close(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_close_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_close_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_close close "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Clonefile(src string, dst string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(src) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(dst) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clonefile_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_clonefile_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clonefile clonefile "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Clonefileat(srcDirfd int, src string, dstDirfd int, dst string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(src) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(dst) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_clonefileat_trampoline), uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_clonefileat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clonefileat clonefileat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Dup(fd int) (nfd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_dup_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) - nfd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_dup_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_dup dup "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Dup2(from int, to int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_dup2_trampoline), uintptr(from), uintptr(to), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_dup2_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_dup2 dup2 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Exchangedata(path1 string, path2 string, options int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path1) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(path2) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_exchangedata_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_exchangedata_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_exchangedata exchangedata "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Exit(code int) { - syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_exit_trampoline), uintptr(code), 0, 0) - return -} - -func libc_exit_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_exit exit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Faccessat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_faccessat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_faccessat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_faccessat faccessat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchdir(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchdir_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchdir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchdir fchdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchflags(fd int, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchflags_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchflags_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchflags fchflags "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchmod(fd int, mode uint32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchmod_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchmod_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchmod fchmod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fchmodat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchmodat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchmodat fchmodat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchown_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchown_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchown fchown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fchownat(dirfd int, path string, uid int, gid int, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fchownat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fchownat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchownat fchownat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fclonefileat(srcDirfd int, dstDirfd int, dst string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(dst) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fclonefileat_trampoline), uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fclonefileat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fclonefileat fclonefileat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Flock(fd int, how int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_flock_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_flock_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_flock flock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fpathconf(fd int, name int) (val int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fpathconf_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(name), 0) - val = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fpathconf_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fpathconf fpathconf "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fsync(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fsync_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fsync_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsync fsync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_ftruncate_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(length), uintptr(length>>32)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_ftruncate_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ftruncate ftruncate "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getcwd(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(buf) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getcwd_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getcwd_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getcwd getcwd "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getdtablesize() (size int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getdtablesize_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - size = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getdtablesize_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getdtablesize getdtablesize "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getegid() (egid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getegid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - egid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getegid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getegid getegid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Geteuid() (uid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_geteuid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - uid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_geteuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_geteuid geteuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getgid() (gid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getgid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - gid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getgid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getgid getgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpgid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), 0, 0) - pgid = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getpgid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgid getpgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getpgrp() (pgrp int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpgrp_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - pgrp = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getpgrp_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgrp getpgrp "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getpid() (pid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - pid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getpid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpid getpid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getppid() (ppid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getppid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - ppid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getppid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getppid getppid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getpriority_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(who), 0) - prio = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getpriority_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpriority getpriority "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getrlimit_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getrlimit_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrlimit getrlimit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getrusage_trampoline), uintptr(who), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getrusage_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrusage getrusage "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getsid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), 0, 0) - sid = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getsid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsid getsid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Gettimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_gettimeofday_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_gettimeofday_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_gettimeofday gettimeofday "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Getuid() (uid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getuid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - uid = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_getuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getuid getuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Issetugid() (tainted bool) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_issetugid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - tainted = bool(r0 != 0) - return -} - -func libc_issetugid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_issetugid issetugid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Kqueue() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_kqueue_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_kqueue_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kqueue kqueue "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lchown_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_lchown_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lchown lchown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Link(path string, link string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_link_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_link_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_link link "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Linkat(pathfd int, path string, linkfd int, link string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_linkat_trampoline), uintptr(pathfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(linkfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_linkat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_linkat linkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Listen(s int, backlog int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_listen_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(backlog), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_listen_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_listen listen "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mkdir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkdir mkdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mkdirat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkdirat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mkdirat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkdirat mkdirat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkfifo_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mkfifo_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkfifo mkfifo "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mknod_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mknod_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mknod mknod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_open_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm)) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_open_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_open open "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_openat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_openat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_openat openat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_pathconf_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(name), 0) - val = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_pathconf_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pathconf pathconf "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_pread_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_pread_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pread pread "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_pwrite_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_pwrite_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pwrite pwrite "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_read_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_read_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_read read "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 unsafe.Pointer - if len(buf) > 0 { - _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) - } else { - _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_readlink_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readlink readlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 unsafe.Pointer - if len(buf) > 0 { - _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) - } else { - _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_readlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf)), 0, 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_readlinkat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readlinkat readlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Rename(from string, to string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(from) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(to) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_rename_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_rename_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_rename rename "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Renameat(fromfd int, from string, tofd int, to string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(from) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(to) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_renameat_trampoline), uintptr(fromfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(tofd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_renameat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_renameat renameat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Revoke(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_revoke_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_revoke_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_revoke revoke "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Rmdir(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_rmdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_rmdir_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_rmdir rmdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { - r0, r1, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_lseek_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(whence), 0, 0) - newoffset = int64(int64(r1)<<32 | int64(r0)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_lseek_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lseek lseek "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_select_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_select select "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setegid(egid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setegid_trampoline), uintptr(egid), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setegid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setegid setegid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Seteuid(euid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_seteuid_trampoline), uintptr(euid), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_seteuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_seteuid seteuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setgid(gid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setgid_trampoline), uintptr(gid), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setgid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setgid setgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setlogin(name string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(name) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setlogin_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setlogin_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setlogin setlogin "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setpgid(pid int, pgid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setpgid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(pgid), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setpgid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setpgid setpgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setpriority(which int, who int, prio int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setpriority_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(who), uintptr(prio)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setpriority_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setpriority setpriority "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setprivexec(flag int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setprivexec_trampoline), uintptr(flag), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setprivexec_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setprivexec setprivexec "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setregid_trampoline), uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setregid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setregid setregid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setreuid_trampoline), uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setreuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setreuid setreuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setrlimit_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setrlimit_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setrlimit setrlimit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setsid() (pid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setsid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - pid = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setsid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setsid setsid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Settimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_settimeofday_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_settimeofday_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_settimeofday settimeofday "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Setuid(uid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setuid_trampoline), uintptr(uid), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_setuid_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setuid setuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Symlink(path string, link string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_symlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_symlink_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_symlink symlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Symlinkat(oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(oldpath) - if err != nil { - return - } - var _p1 *byte - _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(newpath) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_symlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(newdirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1))) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_symlinkat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_symlinkat symlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Sync() (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_sync_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_sync_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sync sync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_truncate_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length), uintptr(length>>32)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_truncate_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_truncate truncate "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Umask(newmask int) (oldmask int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_umask_trampoline), uintptr(newmask), 0, 0) - oldmask = int(r0) - return -} - -func libc_umask_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_umask umask "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Undelete(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_undelete_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_undelete_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_undelete undelete "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Unlink(path string) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_unlink_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unlink unlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags)) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_unlinkat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unlinkat unlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unmount_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_unmount_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unmount unmount "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { - var _p0 unsafe.Pointer - if len(p) > 0 { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) - } else { - _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) - } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_write_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_write_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_write write "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall9(funcPC(libc_mmap_trampoline), uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flag), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pos), uintptr(pos>>32), 0, 0) - ret = uintptr(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_mmap_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mmap mmap "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munmap_trampoline), uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_munmap_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munmap munmap "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_read_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_write_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fstat_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fstat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstat fstat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fstatat_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fstatat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstatat fstatat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fstatfs_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_fstatfs_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstatfs fstatfs "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getfsstat_trampoline), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_getfsstat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat getfsstat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lstat_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_lstat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lstat lstat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_stat_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_stat_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_stat stat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_statfs_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -func libc_statfs_trampoline() - -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_statfs statfs "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.s deleted file mode 100644 index 5eec5f1d..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm.s +++ /dev/null @@ -1,288 +0,0 @@ -// go run mkasm_darwin.go arm -// Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build go1.12 - -#include "textflag.h" -TEXT ·libc_getgroups_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getgroups(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setgroups_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setgroups(SB) -TEXT ·libc_wait4_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_wait4(SB) -TEXT ·libc_accept_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_accept(SB) -TEXT ·libc_bind_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_bind(SB) -TEXT ·libc_connect_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_connect(SB) -TEXT ·libc_socket_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_socket(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsockopt_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getsockopt(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setsockopt_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setsockopt(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpeername_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpeername(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsockname_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getsockname(SB) -TEXT ·libc_shutdown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_shutdown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_socketpair_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_socketpair(SB) -TEXT ·libc_recvfrom_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_recvfrom(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendto_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sendto(SB) -TEXT ·libc_recvmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_recvmsg(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sendmsg(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kevent_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_kevent(SB) -TEXT ·libc_utimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_utimes(SB) -TEXT ·libc_futimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_futimes(SB) -TEXT ·libc_poll_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_poll(SB) -TEXT ·libc_madvise_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_madvise(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mlock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mlock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mlockall_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mlockall(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mprotect_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mprotect(SB) -TEXT ·libc_msync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_msync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munlock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_munlock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munlockall_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_munlockall(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pipe_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_pipe(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fgetxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fgetxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fsetxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fsetxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_removexattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_removexattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fremovexattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fremovexattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_listxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_listxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_flistxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_flistxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setattrlist_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setattrlist(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fcntl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fcntl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kill_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_kill(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ioctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_ioctl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sysctl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendfile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sendfile(SB) -TEXT ·libc_access_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_access(SB) -TEXT ·libc_adjtime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_adjtime(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chflags_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chflags(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chmod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chmod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chroot_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_chroot(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clock_gettime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_clock_gettime(SB) -TEXT ·libc_close_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_close(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clonefile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_clonefile(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clonefileat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_clonefileat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_dup_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_dup(SB) -TEXT ·libc_dup2_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_dup2(SB) -TEXT ·libc_exchangedata_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_exchangedata(SB) -TEXT ·libc_exit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_exit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_faccessat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_faccessat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchflags_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchflags(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchmod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchmod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchmodat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchmodat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchownat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fchownat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fclonefileat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fclonefileat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_flock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_flock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fpathconf_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fpathconf(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fsync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fsync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ftruncate_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_ftruncate(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getcwd_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getcwd(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getdtablesize_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getdtablesize(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getegid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getegid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_geteuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_geteuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpgrp_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpgrp(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getppid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getppid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpriority_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getpriority(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getrlimit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getrlimit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getrusage_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getrusage(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getsid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_gettimeofday_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_gettimeofday(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_issetugid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_issetugid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kqueue_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_kqueue(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lchown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_lchown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_link_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_link(SB) -TEXT ·libc_linkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_linkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_listen_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_listen(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mkdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkdirat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mkdirat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkfifo_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mkfifo(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mknod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mknod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_open_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_open(SB) -TEXT ·libc_openat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_openat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pathconf_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_pathconf(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pread_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_pread(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pwrite_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_pwrite(SB) -TEXT ·libc_read_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_read(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_readlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_readlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_rename_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_rename(SB) -TEXT ·libc_renameat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_renameat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_revoke_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_revoke(SB) -TEXT ·libc_rmdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_rmdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lseek_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_lseek(SB) -TEXT ·libc_select_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_select(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setegid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setegid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_seteuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_seteuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setlogin_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setlogin(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setpgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setpgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setpriority_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setpriority(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setprivexec_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setprivexec(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setregid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setregid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setreuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setreuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setrlimit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setrlimit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setsid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setsid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_settimeofday_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_settimeofday(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_symlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_symlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_symlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_symlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_sync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_truncate_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_truncate(SB) -TEXT ·libc_umask_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_umask(SB) -TEXT ·libc_undelete_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_undelete(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_unlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_unlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unmount_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_unmount(SB) -TEXT ·libc_write_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_write(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_mmap(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_munmap(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fstat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstatat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fstatat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstatfs_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_fstatfs(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_getfsstat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lstat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_lstat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_stat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_stat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_statfs_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_statfs(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.go index 870eb37a..cec595d5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,arm64,go1.13 syscall_darwin.1_13.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build darwin && arm64 && go1.13 // +build darwin,arm64,go1.13 package unix @@ -15,25 +16,25 @@ var _ syscall.Errno // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func closedir(dir uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_closedir_trampoline), uintptr(dir), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_closedir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dir), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_closedir_trampoline() +var libc_closedir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_closedir closedir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func readdir_r(dir uintptr, entry *Dirent, result **Dirent) (res Errno) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readdir_r_trampoline), uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result))) + r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(libc_readdir_r_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dir), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(entry)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(result))) res = Errno(r0) return } -func libc_readdir_r_trampoline() +var libc_readdir_r_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readdir_r readdir_r "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.s index b29dabb0..35798972 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.1_13.s @@ -1,12 +1,25 @@ // go run mkasm_darwin.go arm64 // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build go1.13 // +build go1.13 #include "textflag.h" -TEXT ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +TEXT libc_fdopendir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fdopendir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_closedir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fdopendir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fdopendir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_closedir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_closedir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_closedir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_closedir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_closedir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_readdir_r_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_readdir_r(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_readdir_r_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_readdir_r_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go index 9b01a79c..f47eedd5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -tags darwin,arm64,go1.12 syscall_bsd.go syscall_darwin.go syscall_darwin_arm64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build darwin && arm64 && go1.12 // +build darwin,arm64,go1.12 package unix @@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ var _ syscall.Errno // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getgroups_trampoline), uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getgroups_trampoline_addr, uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -23,28 +24,28 @@ func getgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_getgroups_trampoline() +var libc_getgroups_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getgroups getgroups "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func setgroups(ngid int, gid *_Gid_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setgroups_trampoline), uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setgroups_trampoline_addr, uintptr(ngid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gid)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setgroups_trampoline() +var libc_setgroups_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setgroups setgroups "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func wait4(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_wait4_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), uintptr(options), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_wait4_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), uintptr(options), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0, 0) wpid = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -52,14 +53,14 @@ func wait4(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err return } -func libc_wait4_trampoline() +var libc_wait4_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_wait4 wait4 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_accept_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_accept_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -67,42 +68,42 @@ func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_accept_trampoline() +var libc_accept_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_accept accept "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_bind_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_bind_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_bind_trampoline() +var libc_bind_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_bind bind "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_connect_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_connect_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_connect_trampoline() +var libc_connect_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_connect connect "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_socket_trampoline), uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_socket_trampoline_addr, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -110,91 +111,91 @@ func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_socket_trampoline() +var libc_socket_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_socket socket "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_getsockopt_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_getsockopt_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getsockopt_trampoline() +var libc_getsockopt_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsockopt getsockopt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setsockopt_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_setsockopt_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setsockopt_trampoline() +var libc_setsockopt_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setsockopt setsockopt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpeername_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getpeername_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getpeername_trampoline() +var libc_getpeername_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpeername getpeername "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getsockname_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getsockname_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getsockname_trampoline() +var libc_getsockname_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsockname getsockname "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Shutdown(s int, how int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_shutdown_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(how), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shutdown_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(how), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_shutdown_trampoline() +var libc_shutdown_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shutdown shutdown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall6(funcPC(libc_socketpair_trampoline), uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall6(libc_socketpair_trampoline_addr, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_socketpair_trampoline() +var libc_socketpair_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_socketpair socketpair "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -207,7 +208,7 @@ func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Sockl } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_recvfrom_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_recvfrom_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -215,7 +216,7 @@ func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Sockl return } -func libc_recvfrom_trampoline() +var libc_recvfrom_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_recvfrom recvfrom "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -228,21 +229,21 @@ func sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) ( } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sendto_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_sendto_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_sendto_trampoline() +var libc_sendto_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendto sendto "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_recvmsg_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_recvmsg_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -250,14 +251,14 @@ func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_recvmsg_trampoline() +var libc_recvmsg_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_recvmsg recvmsg "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_sendmsg_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_sendmsg_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -265,14 +266,14 @@ func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_sendmsg_trampoline() +var libc_sendmsg_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendmsg sendmsg "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, nevent int, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_kevent_trampoline), uintptr(kq), uintptr(change), uintptr(nchange), uintptr(event), uintptr(nevent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_kevent_trampoline_addr, uintptr(kq), uintptr(change), uintptr(nchange), uintptr(event), uintptr(nevent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -280,7 +281,7 @@ func kevent(kq int, change unsafe.Pointer, nchange int, event unsafe.Pointer, ne return } -func libc_kevent_trampoline() +var libc_kevent_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kevent kevent "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -292,35 +293,35 @@ func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_utimes_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_utimes_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_utimes_trampoline() +var libc_utimes_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimes utimes "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func futimes(fd int, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_futimes_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_futimes_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_futimes_trampoline() +var libc_futimes_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_futimes futimes "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_poll_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_poll_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_poll_trampoline() +var libc_poll_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_poll poll "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -341,14 +342,14 @@ func Madvise(b []byte, behav int) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_madvise_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(behav)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_madvise_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(behav)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_madvise_trampoline() +var libc_madvise_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_madvise madvise "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -361,28 +362,28 @@ func Mlock(b []byte) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mlock_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mlock_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mlock_trampoline() +var libc_mlock_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mlock mlock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Mlockall(flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mlockall_trampoline), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mlockall_trampoline_addr, uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mlockall_trampoline() +var libc_mlockall_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mlockall mlockall "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -395,14 +396,14 @@ func Mprotect(b []byte, prot int) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mprotect_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(prot)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mprotect_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(prot)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mprotect_trampoline() +var libc_mprotect_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mprotect mprotect "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -415,14 +416,14 @@ func Msync(b []byte, flags int) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_msync_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(flags)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_msync_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(flags)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_msync_trampoline() +var libc_msync_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_msync msync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -435,42 +436,42 @@ func Munlock(b []byte) (err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munlock_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_munlock_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_munlock_trampoline() +var libc_munlock_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munlock munlock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Munlockall() (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munlockall_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_munlockall_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_munlockall_trampoline() +var libc_munlockall_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munlockall munlockall "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func pipe(p *[2]int32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_pipe_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_pipe_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_pipe_trampoline() +var libc_pipe_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pipe pipe "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -487,7 +488,7 @@ func getxattr(path string, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, o if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_getxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_getxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) sz = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -495,7 +496,7 @@ func getxattr(path string, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, o return } -func libc_getxattr_trampoline() +var libc_getxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getxattr getxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ func fgetxattr(fd int, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, optio if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fgetxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fgetxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) sz = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -515,7 +516,7 @@ func fgetxattr(fd int, attr string, dest *byte, size int, position uint32, optio return } -func libc_fgetxattr_trampoline() +var libc_fgetxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fgetxattr fgetxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -532,14 +533,14 @@ func setxattr(path string, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, o if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_setxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setxattr_trampoline() +var libc_setxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setxattr setxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -551,14 +552,14 @@ func fsetxattr(fd int, attr string, data *byte, size int, position uint32, optio if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fsetxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fsetxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), uintptr(size), uintptr(position), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fsetxattr_trampoline() +var libc_fsetxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsetxattr fsetxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -575,14 +576,14 @@ func removexattr(path string, attr string, options int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_removexattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_removexattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_removexattr_trampoline() +var libc_removexattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_removexattr removexattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -594,14 +595,14 @@ func fremovexattr(fd int, attr string, options int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fremovexattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fremovexattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fremovexattr_trampoline() +var libc_fremovexattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fremovexattr fremovexattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -613,7 +614,7 @@ func listxattr(path string, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err erro if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_listxattr_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_listxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) sz = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -621,14 +622,14 @@ func listxattr(path string, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err erro return } -func libc_listxattr_trampoline() +var libc_listxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_listxattr listxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func flistxattr(fd int, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_flistxattr_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_flistxattr_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dest)), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0, 0) sz = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -636,28 +637,33 @@ func flistxattr(fd int, dest *byte, size int, options int) (sz int, err error) { return } -func libc_flistxattr_trampoline() +var libc_flistxattr_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_flistxattr flistxattr "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func setattrlist(path *byte, list unsafe.Pointer, buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, options int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_setattrlist_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(path)), uintptr(list), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(options), 0) +func utimensat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timespec, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(times)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setattrlist_trampoline() +var libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr uintptr -//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setattrlist setattrlist "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_utimensat utimensat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fcntl_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) val = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -665,35 +671,35 @@ func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { return } -func libc_fcntl_trampoline() +var libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fcntl fcntl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func kill(pid int, signum int, posix int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_kill_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(signum), uintptr(posix)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_kill_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), uintptr(signum), uintptr(posix)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_kill_trampoline() +var libc_kill_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kill kill "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_ioctl_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_ioctl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_ioctl_trampoline() +var libc_ioctl_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ioctl ioctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -706,61 +712,120 @@ func sysctl(mib []_C_int, old *byte, oldlen *uintptr, new *byte, newlen uintptr) } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sysctl_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(mib)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldlen)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(new)), uintptr(newlen)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_sysctl_trampoline() +var libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sysctl sysctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func sendfile(infd int, outfd int, offset int64, len *int64, hdtr unsafe.Pointer, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_sendfile_trampoline), uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_sendfile_trampoline_addr, uintptr(infd), uintptr(outfd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(len)), uintptr(hdtr), uintptr(flags)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_sendfile_trampoline() +var libc_sendfile_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sendfile sendfile "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func shmat(id int, addr uintptr, flag int) (ret uintptr, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shmat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(id), uintptr(addr), uintptr(flag)) + ret = uintptr(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_shmat_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shmat shmat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmctl(id int, cmd int, buf *SysvShmDesc) (result int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shmctl_trampoline_addr, uintptr(id), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf))) + result = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_shmctl_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shmctl shmctl "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmdt(addr uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shmdt_trampoline_addr, uintptr(addr), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_shmdt_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shmdt shmdt "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmget(key int, size int, flag int) (id int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_shmget_trampoline_addr, uintptr(key), uintptr(size), uintptr(flag)) + id = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +var libc_shmget_trampoline_addr uintptr + +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_shmget shmget "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_access_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_access_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_access_trampoline() +var libc_access_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_access access "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Adjtime(delta *Timeval, olddelta *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_adjtime_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(delta)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(olddelta)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_adjtime_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(delta)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(olddelta)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_adjtime_trampoline() +var libc_adjtime_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_adjtime adjtime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -772,14 +837,14 @@ func Chdir(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chdir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chdir_trampoline() +var libc_chdir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chdir chdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -791,14 +856,14 @@ func Chflags(path string, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chflags_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chflags_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chflags_trampoline() +var libc_chflags_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chflags chflags "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -810,14 +875,14 @@ func Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chmod_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chmod_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chmod_trampoline() +var libc_chmod_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chmod chmod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -829,14 +894,14 @@ func Chown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chown_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chown_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chown_trampoline() +var libc_chown_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chown chown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -848,42 +913,42 @@ func Chroot(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_chroot_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_chroot_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_chroot_trampoline() +var libc_chroot_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_chroot chroot "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func ClockGettime(clockid int32, time *Timespec) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clock_gettime_trampoline), uintptr(clockid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_clock_gettime_trampoline_addr, uintptr(clockid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(time)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_clock_gettime_trampoline() +var libc_clock_gettime_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clock_gettime clock_gettime "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Close(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_close_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_close_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_close_trampoline() +var libc_close_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_close close "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -900,14 +965,14 @@ func Clonefile(src string, dst string, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_clonefile_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_clonefile_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_clonefile_trampoline() +var libc_clonefile_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clonefile clonefile "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -924,21 +989,21 @@ func Clonefileat(srcDirfd int, src string, dstDirfd int, dst string, flags int) if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_clonefileat_trampoline), uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_clonefileat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_clonefileat_trampoline() +var libc_clonefileat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_clonefileat clonefileat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Dup(fd int) (nfd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_dup_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_dup_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) nfd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -946,21 +1011,21 @@ func Dup(fd int) (nfd int, err error) { return } -func libc_dup_trampoline() +var libc_dup_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_dup dup "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Dup2(from int, to int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_dup2_trampoline), uintptr(from), uintptr(to), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_dup2_trampoline_addr, uintptr(from), uintptr(to), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_dup2_trampoline() +var libc_dup2_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_dup2 dup2 "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -977,25 +1042,25 @@ func Exchangedata(path1 string, path2 string, options int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_exchangedata_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_exchangedata_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(options)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_exchangedata_trampoline() +var libc_exchangedata_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_exchangedata exchangedata "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Exit(code int) { - syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_exit_trampoline), uintptr(code), 0, 0) + syscall_syscall(libc_exit_trampoline_addr, uintptr(code), 0, 0) return } -func libc_exit_trampoline() +var libc_exit_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_exit exit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1007,56 +1072,56 @@ func Faccessat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_faccessat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_faccessat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_faccessat_trampoline() +var libc_faccessat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_faccessat faccessat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fchdir(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchdir_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fchdir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchdir_trampoline() +var libc_fchdir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchdir fchdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fchflags(fd int, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchflags_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fchflags_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchflags_trampoline() +var libc_fchflags_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchflags fchflags "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fchmod(fd int, mode uint32) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchmod_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fchmod_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchmod_trampoline() +var libc_fchmod_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchmod fchmod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1068,28 +1133,28 @@ func Fchmodat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fchmodat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fchmodat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchmodat_trampoline() +var libc_fchmodat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchmodat fchmodat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fchown_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fchown_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchown_trampoline() +var libc_fchown_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchown fchown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1101,14 +1166,14 @@ func Fchownat(dirfd int, path string, uid int, gid int, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fchownat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fchownat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fchownat_trampoline() +var libc_fchownat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fchownat fchownat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1120,35 +1185,35 @@ func Fclonefileat(srcDirfd int, dstDirfd int, dst string, flags int) (err error) if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fclonefileat_trampoline), uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fclonefileat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(srcDirfd), uintptr(dstDirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fclonefileat_trampoline() +var libc_fclonefileat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fclonefileat fclonefileat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Flock(fd int, how int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_flock_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_flock_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_flock_trampoline() +var libc_flock_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_flock flock "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fpathconf(fd int, name int) (val int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fpathconf_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(name), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fpathconf_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(name), 0) val = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1156,35 +1221,35 @@ func Fpathconf(fd int, name int) (val int, err error) { return } -func libc_fpathconf_trampoline() +var libc_fpathconf_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fpathconf fpathconf "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fsync(fd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fsync_trampoline), uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fsync_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fsync_trampoline() +var libc_fsync_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsync fsync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_ftruncate_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(length), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_ftruncate_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(length), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_ftruncate_trampoline() +var libc_ftruncate_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ftruncate ftruncate "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1197,7 +1262,7 @@ func Getcwd(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getcwd_trampoline), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getcwd_trampoline_addr, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1205,62 +1270,62 @@ func Getcwd(buf []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_getcwd_trampoline() +var libc_getcwd_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getcwd getcwd "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getdtablesize() (size int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getdtablesize_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(libc_getdtablesize_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) size = int(r0) return } -func libc_getdtablesize_trampoline() +var libc_getdtablesize_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getdtablesize getdtablesize "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getegid() (egid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getegid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getegid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) egid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getegid_trampoline() +var libc_getegid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getegid getegid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Geteuid() (uid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_geteuid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_geteuid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) uid = int(r0) return } -func libc_geteuid_trampoline() +var libc_geteuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_geteuid geteuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getgid() (gid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getgid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getgid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) gid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getgid_trampoline() +var libc_getgid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getgid getgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpgid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getpgid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), 0, 0) pgid = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1268,50 +1333,50 @@ func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { return } -func libc_getpgid_trampoline() +var libc_getpgid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgid getpgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getpgrp() (pgrp int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpgrp_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getpgrp_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) pgrp = int(r0) return } -func libc_getpgrp_trampoline() +var libc_getpgrp_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpgrp getpgrp "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getpid() (pid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getpid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getpid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) pid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getpid_trampoline() +var libc_getpid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpid getpid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getppid() (ppid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getppid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getppid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) ppid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getppid_trampoline() +var libc_getppid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getppid getppid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getpriority_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(who), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getpriority_trampoline_addr, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), 0) prio = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1319,42 +1384,42 @@ func Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) { return } -func libc_getpriority_trampoline() +var libc_getpriority_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpriority getpriority "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getrlimit_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getrlimit_trampoline_addr, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getrlimit_trampoline() +var libc_getrlimit_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrlimit getrlimit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getrusage(who int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getrusage_trampoline), uintptr(who), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getrusage_trampoline_addr, uintptr(who), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_getrusage_trampoline() +var libc_getrusage_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getrusage getrusage "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getsid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getsid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), 0, 0) sid = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1362,52 +1427,52 @@ func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) { return } -func libc_getsid_trampoline() +var libc_getsid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getsid getsid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Gettimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_gettimeofday_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_gettimeofday_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_gettimeofday_trampoline() +var libc_gettimeofday_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_gettimeofday gettimeofday "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Getuid() (uid int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_getuid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_getuid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) uid = int(r0) return } -func libc_getuid_trampoline() +var libc_getuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getuid getuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Issetugid() (tainted bool) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_issetugid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_issetugid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) tainted = bool(r0 != 0) return } -func libc_issetugid_trampoline() +var libc_issetugid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_issetugid issetugid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Kqueue() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_kqueue_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_kqueue_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1415,7 +1480,7 @@ func Kqueue() (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_kqueue_trampoline() +var libc_kqueue_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_kqueue kqueue "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1427,14 +1492,14 @@ func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lchown_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_lchown_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_lchown_trampoline() +var libc_lchown_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lchown lchown "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1451,14 +1516,14 @@ func Link(path string, link string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_link_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_link_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_link_trampoline() +var libc_link_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_link link "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1475,28 +1540,28 @@ func Linkat(pathfd int, path string, linkfd int, link string, flags int) (err er if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_linkat_trampoline), uintptr(pathfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(linkfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_linkat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pathfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(linkfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_linkat_trampoline() +var libc_linkat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_linkat linkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Listen(s int, backlog int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_listen_trampoline), uintptr(s), uintptr(backlog), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_listen_trampoline_addr, uintptr(s), uintptr(backlog), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_listen_trampoline() +var libc_listen_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_listen listen "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1508,14 +1573,14 @@ func Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mkdir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mkdir_trampoline() +var libc_mkdir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkdir mkdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1527,14 +1592,14 @@ func Mkdirat(dirfd int, path string, mode uint32) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkdirat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mkdirat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mkdirat_trampoline() +var libc_mkdirat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkdirat mkdirat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1546,14 +1611,14 @@ func Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mkfifo_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mkfifo_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mkfifo_trampoline() +var libc_mkfifo_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mkfifo mkfifo "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1565,14 +1630,14 @@ func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_mknod_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_mknod_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_mknod_trampoline() +var libc_mknod_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mknod mknod "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1584,7 +1649,7 @@ func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_open_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_open_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm)) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1592,7 +1657,7 @@ func Open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_open_trampoline() +var libc_open_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_open open "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1604,7 +1669,7 @@ func Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_openat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_openat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1612,7 +1677,7 @@ func Openat(dirfd int, path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { return } -func libc_openat_trampoline() +var libc_openat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_openat openat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1624,7 +1689,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { if err != nil { return } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_pathconf_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(name), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(name), 0) val = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1632,20 +1697,20 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { return } -func libc_pathconf_trampoline() +var libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pathconf pathconf "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_pread_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_pread_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1653,20 +1718,20 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_pread_trampoline() +var libc_pread_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pread pread "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_pwrite_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_pwrite_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1674,7 +1739,7 @@ func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_pwrite_trampoline() +var libc_pwrite_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pwrite pwrite "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1687,7 +1752,7 @@ func read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_read_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_read_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1695,7 +1760,7 @@ func read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_read_trampoline() +var libc_read_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_read read "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1713,7 +1778,7 @@ func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_readlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_readlink_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1721,7 +1786,7 @@ func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_readlink_trampoline() +var libc_readlink_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readlink readlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1739,7 +1804,7 @@ func Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_readlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf)), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_readlinkat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1747,7 +1812,7 @@ func Readlinkat(dirfd int, path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_readlinkat_trampoline() +var libc_readlinkat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_readlinkat readlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1764,14 +1829,14 @@ func Rename(from string, to string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_rename_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_rename_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_rename_trampoline() +var libc_rename_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_rename rename "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1788,14 +1853,14 @@ func Renameat(fromfd int, from string, tofd int, to string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_renameat_trampoline), uintptr(fromfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(tofd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_renameat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fromfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(tofd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_renameat_trampoline() +var libc_renameat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_renameat renameat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1807,14 +1872,14 @@ func Revoke(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_revoke_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_revoke_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_revoke_trampoline() +var libc_revoke_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_revoke revoke "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1826,21 +1891,21 @@ func Rmdir(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_rmdir_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_rmdir_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_rmdir_trampoline() +var libc_rmdir_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_rmdir rmdir "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lseek_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(whence)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_lseek_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(whence)) newoffset = int64(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1848,14 +1913,14 @@ func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { return } -func libc_lseek_trampoline() +var libc_lseek_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lseek lseek "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_select_trampoline), uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_select_trampoline_addr, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1863,49 +1928,49 @@ func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err return } -func libc_select_trampoline() +var libc_select_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_select select "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setegid(egid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setegid_trampoline), uintptr(egid), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_setegid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(egid), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setegid_trampoline() +var libc_setegid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setegid setegid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Seteuid(euid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_seteuid_trampoline), uintptr(euid), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_seteuid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(euid), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_seteuid_trampoline() +var libc_seteuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_seteuid seteuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setgid(gid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setgid_trampoline), uintptr(gid), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setgid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(gid), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setgid_trampoline() +var libc_setgid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setgid setgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -1917,105 +1982,105 @@ func Setlogin(name string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setlogin_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_setlogin_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setlogin_trampoline() +var libc_setlogin_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setlogin setlogin "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setpgid(pid int, pgid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setpgid_trampoline), uintptr(pid), uintptr(pgid), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setpgid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(pid), uintptr(pgid), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setpgid_trampoline() +var libc_setpgid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setpgid setpgid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setpriority(which int, who int, prio int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setpriority_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(who), uintptr(prio)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_setpriority_trampoline_addr, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), uintptr(prio)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setpriority_trampoline() +var libc_setpriority_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setpriority setpriority "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setprivexec(flag int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_setprivexec_trampoline), uintptr(flag), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_setprivexec_trampoline_addr, uintptr(flag), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setprivexec_trampoline() +var libc_setprivexec_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setprivexec setprivexec "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setregid_trampoline), uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setregid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setregid_trampoline() +var libc_setregid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setregid setregid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setreuid_trampoline), uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setreuid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setreuid_trampoline() +var libc_setreuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setreuid setreuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setrlimit(which int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setrlimit_trampoline), uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setrlimit_trampoline_addr, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setrlimit_trampoline() +var libc_setrlimit_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setrlimit setrlimit "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setsid() (pid int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setsid_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setsid_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) pid = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2023,35 +2088,35 @@ func Setsid() (pid int, err error) { return } -func libc_setsid_trampoline() +var libc_setsid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setsid setsid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Settimeofday(tp *Timeval) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_settimeofday_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_settimeofday_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tp)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_settimeofday_trampoline() +var libc_settimeofday_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_settimeofday settimeofday "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Setuid(uid int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(funcPC(libc_setuid_trampoline), uintptr(uid), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawSyscall(libc_setuid_trampoline_addr, uintptr(uid), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_setuid_trampoline() +var libc_setuid_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setuid setuid "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2068,14 +2133,14 @@ func Symlink(path string, link string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_symlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_symlink_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_symlink_trampoline() +var libc_symlink_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_symlink symlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2092,28 +2157,28 @@ func Symlinkat(oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_symlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(newdirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1))) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_symlinkat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(newdirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1))) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_symlinkat_trampoline() +var libc_symlinkat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_symlinkat symlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Sync() (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_sync_trampoline), 0, 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_sync_trampoline_addr, 0, 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_sync_trampoline() +var libc_sync_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sync sync "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2125,26 +2190,26 @@ func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_truncate_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_truncate_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_truncate_trampoline() +var libc_truncate_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_truncate truncate "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Umask(newmask int) (oldmask int) { - r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_umask_trampoline), uintptr(newmask), 0, 0) + r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(libc_umask_trampoline_addr, uintptr(newmask), 0, 0) oldmask = int(r0) return } -func libc_umask_trampoline() +var libc_umask_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_umask umask "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2156,14 +2221,14 @@ func Undelete(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_undelete_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_undelete_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_undelete_trampoline() +var libc_undelete_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_undelete undelete "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2175,14 +2240,14 @@ func Unlink(path string) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unlink_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unlink_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_unlink_trampoline() +var libc_unlink_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unlink unlink "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2194,14 +2259,14 @@ func Unlinkat(dirfd int, path string, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unlinkat_trampoline), uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags)) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unlinkat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags)) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_unlinkat_trampoline() +var libc_unlinkat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unlinkat unlinkat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2213,14 +2278,14 @@ func Unmount(path string, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_unmount_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_unmount_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_unmount_trampoline() +var libc_unmount_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_unmount unmount "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2233,7 +2298,7 @@ func write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { } else { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) } - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_write_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_write_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2241,14 +2306,14 @@ func write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_write_trampoline() +var libc_write_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_write write "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_mmap_trampoline), uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flag), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pos)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_mmap_trampoline_addr, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flag), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pos)) ret = uintptr(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2256,28 +2321,28 @@ func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) ( return } -func libc_mmap_trampoline() +var libc_mmap_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_mmap mmap "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_munmap_trampoline), uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_munmap_trampoline_addr, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_munmap_trampoline() +var libc_munmap_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_munmap munmap "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_read_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_read_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2288,7 +2353,7 @@ func readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_write_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_write_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2299,14 +2364,14 @@ func writelen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fstat_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fstat_trampoline() +var libc_fstat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstat fstat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2318,35 +2383,35 @@ func Fstatat(fd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_fstatat_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_fstatat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fstatat_trampoline() +var libc_fstatat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstatat fstatat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func Fstatfs(fd int, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_fstatfs_trampoline), uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_fstatfs_trampoline_addr, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_fstatfs_trampoline() +var libc_fstatfs_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fstatfs fstatfs "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_getfsstat_trampoline), uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags)) + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(buf), uintptr(size), uintptr(flags)) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -2354,7 +2419,7 @@ func getfsstat(buf unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, flags int) (n int, err error) { return } -func libc_getfsstat_trampoline() +var libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getfsstat getfsstat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2366,28 +2431,28 @@ func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_lstat_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_lstat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_lstat_trampoline() +var libc_lstat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_lstat lstat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT func ptrace1(request int, pid int, addr uintptr, data uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(funcPC(libc_ptrace_trampoline), uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(libc_ptrace_trampoline_addr, uintptr(request), uintptr(pid), uintptr(addr), uintptr(data), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_ptrace_trampoline() +var libc_ptrace_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_ptrace ptrace "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2399,14 +2464,14 @@ func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_stat_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_stat_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_stat_trampoline() +var libc_stat_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_stat stat "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" @@ -2418,13 +2483,13 @@ func Statfs(path string, stat *Statfs_t) (err error) { if err != nil { return } - _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(funcPC(libc_statfs_trampoline), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(libc_statfs_trampoline_addr, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } return } -func libc_statfs_trampoline() +var libc_statfs_trampoline_addr uintptr //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_statfs statfs "/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s index 53c402bf..4d26f7d0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_darwin_arm64.s @@ -1,290 +1,883 @@ // go run mkasm_darwin.go arm64 // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build go1.12 // +build go1.12 #include "textflag.h" -TEXT ·libc_getgroups_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +TEXT libc_getgroups_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getgroups(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setgroups_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getgroups_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getgroups_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getgroups_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setgroups_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setgroups(SB) -TEXT ·libc_wait4_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setgroups_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setgroups_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setgroups_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_wait4_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_wait4(SB) -TEXT ·libc_accept_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_wait4_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_wait4_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_wait4_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_accept_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_accept(SB) -TEXT ·libc_bind_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_accept_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_accept_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_accept_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_bind_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_bind(SB) -TEXT ·libc_connect_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_bind_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_bind_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_bind_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_connect_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_connect(SB) -TEXT ·libc_socket_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_connect_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_connect_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_connect_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_socket_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_socket(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsockopt_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_socket_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_socket_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_socket_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getsockopt_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getsockopt(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setsockopt_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getsockopt_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getsockopt_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getsockopt_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setsockopt_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setsockopt(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpeername_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setsockopt_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setsockopt_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setsockopt_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpeername_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpeername(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsockname_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpeername_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpeername_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpeername_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getsockname_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getsockname(SB) -TEXT ·libc_shutdown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getsockname_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getsockname_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getsockname_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shutdown_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_shutdown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_socketpair_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_shutdown_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shutdown_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shutdown_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_socketpair_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_socketpair(SB) -TEXT ·libc_recvfrom_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_socketpair_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_socketpair_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_socketpair_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_recvfrom_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_recvfrom(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendto_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_recvfrom_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_recvfrom_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_recvfrom_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sendto_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sendto(SB) -TEXT ·libc_recvmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sendto_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sendto_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sendto_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_recvmsg_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_recvmsg(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_recvmsg_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_recvmsg_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_recvmsg_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sendmsg_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sendmsg(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kevent_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sendmsg_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sendmsg_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_kevent_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_kevent(SB) -TEXT ·libc_utimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_kevent_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_kevent_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_kevent_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_utimes_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_utimes(SB) -TEXT ·libc_futimes_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_utimes_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_utimes_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_utimes_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_futimes_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_futimes(SB) -TEXT ·libc_poll_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_futimes_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_futimes_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_futimes_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_poll_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_poll(SB) -TEXT ·libc_madvise_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_poll_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_poll_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_poll_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_madvise_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_madvise(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mlock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_madvise_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_madvise_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_madvise_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mlock_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mlock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mlockall_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mlock_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mlock_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mlock_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mlockall_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mlockall(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mprotect_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mlockall_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mlockall_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mlockall_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mprotect_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mprotect(SB) -TEXT ·libc_msync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mprotect_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mprotect_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mprotect_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_msync_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_msync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munlock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_msync_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_msync_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_msync_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_munlock_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_munlock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munlockall_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_munlock_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_munlock_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munlock_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_munlockall_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_munlockall(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pipe_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_munlockall_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_munlockall_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munlockall_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pipe_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_pipe(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_pipe_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pipe_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pipe_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fgetxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fgetxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fgetxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fgetxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fgetxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fgetxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fsetxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fsetxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fsetxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_removexattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fsetxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fsetxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fsetxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_removexattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_removexattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fremovexattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_removexattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_removexattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_removexattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fremovexattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fremovexattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_listxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fremovexattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fremovexattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fremovexattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_listxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_listxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_flistxattr_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_listxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_listxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_listxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_flistxattr_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_flistxattr(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setattrlist_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 - JMP libc_setattrlist(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fcntl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_flistxattr_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_flistxattr_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_flistxattr_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_utimensat(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_utimensat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_utimensat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fcntl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kill_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fcntl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fcntl_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_kill_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_kill(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ioctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_kill_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_kill_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_kill_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_ioctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ioctl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sysctl_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_ioctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_ioctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_ioctl_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sysctl(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sendfile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sysctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sysctl_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sendfile_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sendfile(SB) -TEXT ·libc_access_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sendfile_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sendfile_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sendfile_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shmat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_shmat(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_shmat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shmat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shmat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shmctl_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_shmctl(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_shmctl_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shmctl_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shmctl_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shmdt_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_shmdt(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_shmdt_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shmdt_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shmdt_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_shmget_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + JMP libc_shmget(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_shmget_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_shmget_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_shmget_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_access_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_access(SB) -TEXT ·libc_adjtime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_access_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_access_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_access_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_adjtime_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_adjtime(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_adjtime_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_adjtime_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_adjtime_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chdir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chflags_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chdir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chdir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chdir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chflags_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chflags(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chmod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chflags_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chflags_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chflags_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chmod_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chmod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chmod_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chmod_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chmod_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chown_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_chroot_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chown_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chown_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chown_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_chroot_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_chroot(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clock_gettime_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_chroot_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_chroot_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_chroot_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_clock_gettime_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_clock_gettime(SB) -TEXT ·libc_close_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_clock_gettime_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_clock_gettime_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_clock_gettime_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_close_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_close(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clonefile_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_close_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_close_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_close_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_clonefile_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_clonefile(SB) -TEXT ·libc_clonefileat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_clonefile_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_clonefile_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_clonefile_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_clonefileat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_clonefileat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_dup_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_clonefileat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_clonefileat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_clonefileat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_dup_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_dup(SB) -TEXT ·libc_dup2_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_dup_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_dup_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_dup_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_dup2_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_dup2(SB) -TEXT ·libc_exchangedata_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_dup2_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_dup2_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_dup2_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_exchangedata_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_exchangedata(SB) -TEXT ·libc_exit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_exchangedata_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_exchangedata_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_exchangedata_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_exit_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_exit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_faccessat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_exit_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_exit_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_exit_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_faccessat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_faccessat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_faccessat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_faccessat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_faccessat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchdir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchflags_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchdir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchdir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchdir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchflags_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchflags(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchmod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchflags_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchflags_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchflags_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchmod_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchmod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchmodat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchmod_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchmod_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchmod_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchmodat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchmodat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchmodat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchmodat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchmodat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchown_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fchownat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchown_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchown_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchown_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fchownat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fchownat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fclonefileat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fchownat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fchownat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fchownat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fclonefileat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fclonefileat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_flock_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fclonefileat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fclonefileat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fclonefileat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_flock_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_flock(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fpathconf_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_flock_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_flock_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_flock_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fpathconf_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fpathconf(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fsync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fpathconf_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fpathconf_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fpathconf_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fsync_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fsync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ftruncate_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fsync_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fsync_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fsync_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_ftruncate_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ftruncate(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getcwd_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_ftruncate_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_ftruncate_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_ftruncate_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getcwd_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getcwd(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getdtablesize_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getcwd_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getcwd_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getcwd_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getdtablesize_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getdtablesize(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getegid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getdtablesize_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getdtablesize_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getdtablesize_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getegid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getegid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_geteuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getegid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getegid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getegid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_geteuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_geteuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_geteuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_geteuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_geteuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getgid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getgid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getgid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getgid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpgid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpgrp_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpgid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpgid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpgid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpgrp_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpgrp(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpgrp_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpgrp_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpgrp_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getppid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getppid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getppid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getpriority_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getppid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getppid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getppid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getpriority_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getpriority(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getrlimit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getpriority_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getpriority_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getpriority_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getrlimit_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getrlimit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getrusage_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getrlimit_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getrlimit_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getrlimit_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getrusage_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getrusage(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getsid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getrusage_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getrusage_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getrusage_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getsid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getsid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_gettimeofday_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getsid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getsid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getsid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_gettimeofday_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_gettimeofday(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_gettimeofday_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_gettimeofday_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_gettimeofday_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_issetugid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_issetugid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_issetugid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_kqueue_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_issetugid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_issetugid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_issetugid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_kqueue_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_kqueue(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lchown_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_kqueue_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_kqueue_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_kqueue_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_lchown_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_lchown(SB) -TEXT ·libc_link_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_lchown_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_lchown_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_lchown_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_link_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_link(SB) -TEXT ·libc_linkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_link_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_link_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_link_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_linkat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_linkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_listen_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_linkat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_linkat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_linkat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_listen_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_listen(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_listen_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_listen_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_listen_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mkdir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mkdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkdirat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mkdir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mkdir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mkdir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mkdirat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mkdirat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mkfifo_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mkdirat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mkdirat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mkdirat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mkfifo_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mkfifo(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mknod_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mkfifo_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mkfifo_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mkfifo_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mknod_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mknod(SB) -TEXT ·libc_open_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mknod_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mknod_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mknod_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_open_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_open(SB) -TEXT ·libc_openat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_open_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_open_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_open_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_openat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_openat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pathconf_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_openat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_openat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_openat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pathconf_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_pathconf(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pread_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pathconf_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pathconf_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pread_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_pread(SB) -TEXT ·libc_pwrite_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_pread_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pread_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pread_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_pwrite_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_pwrite(SB) -TEXT ·libc_read_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_pwrite_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_pwrite_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_pwrite_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_read_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_read(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_read_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_read_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_read_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_readlink_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_readlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_readlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_readlink_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_readlink_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_readlink_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_readlinkat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_readlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_rename_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_readlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_readlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_readlinkat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_rename_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_rename(SB) -TEXT ·libc_renameat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_rename_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_rename_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_rename_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_renameat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_renameat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_revoke_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_renameat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_renameat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_renameat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_revoke_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_revoke(SB) -TEXT ·libc_rmdir_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_revoke_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_revoke_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_revoke_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_rmdir_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_rmdir(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lseek_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_rmdir_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_rmdir_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_rmdir_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_lseek_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_lseek(SB) -TEXT ·libc_select_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_lseek_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_lseek_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_lseek_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_select_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_select(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setegid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_select_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_select_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_select_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setegid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setegid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_seteuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setegid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setegid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setegid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_seteuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_seteuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_seteuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_seteuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_seteuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setgid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setlogin_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setgid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setgid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setgid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setlogin_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setlogin(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setpgid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setlogin_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setlogin_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setlogin_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setpgid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setpgid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setpriority_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setpgid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setpgid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setpgid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setpriority_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setpriority(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setprivexec_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setpriority_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setpriority_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setpriority_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setprivexec_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setprivexec(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setregid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setprivexec_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setprivexec_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setprivexec_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setregid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setregid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setreuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setregid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setregid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setregid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setreuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setreuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setrlimit_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setreuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setreuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setreuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setrlimit_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setrlimit(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setsid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setrlimit_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setrlimit_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setrlimit_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setsid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setsid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_settimeofday_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setsid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setsid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setsid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_settimeofday_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_settimeofday(SB) -TEXT ·libc_setuid_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_settimeofday_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_settimeofday_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_settimeofday_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_setuid_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_setuid(SB) -TEXT ·libc_symlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_setuid_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_setuid_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_setuid_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_symlink_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_symlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_symlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_symlink_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_symlink_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_symlink_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_symlinkat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_symlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_sync_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_symlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_symlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_symlinkat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_sync_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_sync(SB) -TEXT ·libc_truncate_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_sync_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_sync_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_sync_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_truncate_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_truncate(SB) -TEXT ·libc_umask_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_truncate_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_truncate_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_truncate_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_umask_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_umask(SB) -TEXT ·libc_undelete_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_umask_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_umask_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_umask_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_undelete_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_undelete(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unlink_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_undelete_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_undelete_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_undelete_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unlink_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_unlink(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unlinkat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_unlink_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unlink_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unlink_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unlinkat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_unlinkat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_unmount_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_unlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unlinkat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unlinkat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_unmount_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_unmount(SB) -TEXT ·libc_write_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_unmount_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_unmount_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_unmount_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_write_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_write(SB) -TEXT ·libc_mmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_write_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_write_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_write_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_mmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_mmap(SB) -TEXT ·libc_munmap_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_mmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_mmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_mmap_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_munmap(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_munmap_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_munmap_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fstat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstatat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fstat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fstatat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fstatat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_fstatfs_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fstatat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fstatat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fstatat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_fstatfs_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_fstatfs(SB) -TEXT ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_fstatfs_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_fstatfs_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_fstatfs_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_getfsstat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_lstat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_getfsstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_getfsstat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_lstat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_lstat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_ptrace_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_lstat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_lstat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_lstat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_ptrace_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_ptrace(SB) -TEXT ·libc_stat_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_ptrace_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_ptrace_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_ptrace_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_stat_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_stat(SB) -TEXT ·libc_statfs_trampoline(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 + +GLOBL ·libc_stat_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_stat_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_stat_trampoline<>(SB) + +TEXT libc_statfs_trampoline<>(SB),NOSPLIT,$0-0 JMP libc_statfs(SB) + +GLOBL ·libc_statfs_trampoline_addr(SB), RODATA, $8 +DATA ·libc_statfs_trampoline_addr(SB)/8, $libc_statfs_trampoline<>(SB) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go index 1aaccd36..1b6eedfa 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -dragonfly -tags dragonfly,amd64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_dragonfly.go syscall_dragonfly_amd64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build dragonfly && amd64 // +build dragonfly,amd64 package unix @@ -362,8 +363,10 @@ func pipe() (r int, w int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0) +func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (r int, w int, err error) { + r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0) + r = int(r0) + w = int(r1) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go index 600f1d26..e9d9997e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags freebsd,386 syscall_bsd.go syscall_freebsd.go syscall_freebsd_386.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build freebsd && 386 // +build freebsd,386 package unix @@ -1419,7 +1420,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1436,7 +1437,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go index 064934b0..edd373b1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -tags freebsd,amd64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_freebsd.go syscall_freebsd_amd64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build freebsd && amd64 // +build freebsd,amd64 package unix @@ -1419,7 +1420,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1436,7 +1437,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go index 31d2c461..82e9764b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -l32 -arm -tags freebsd,arm syscall_bsd.go syscall_freebsd.go syscall_freebsd_arm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build freebsd && arm // +build freebsd,arm package unix @@ -1419,7 +1420,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1436,7 +1437,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go index 4adaaa56..a6479acd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -tags freebsd,arm64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_freebsd.go syscall_freebsd_arm64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build freebsd && arm64 // +build freebsd,arm64 package unix @@ -1419,7 +1420,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1436,7 +1437,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_illumos_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_illumos_amd64.go index 665dd9e4..af5cb064 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_illumos_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_illumos_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall_solaris.go -illumos -tags illumos,amd64 syscall_illumos.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build illumos && amd64 // +build illumos,amd64 package unix @@ -14,19 +15,25 @@ import ( //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_writev writev "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_pwritev pwritev "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_accept4 accept4 "libsocket.so" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_putmsg putmsg "libc.so" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getmsg getmsg "libc.so" //go:linkname procreadv libc_readv //go:linkname procpreadv libc_preadv //go:linkname procwritev libc_writev //go:linkname procpwritev libc_pwritev //go:linkname procaccept4 libc_accept4 +//go:linkname procputmsg libc_putmsg +//go:linkname procgetmsg libc_getmsg var ( procreadv, procpreadv, procwritev, procpwritev, - procaccept4 syscallFunc + procaccept4, + procputmsg, + procgetmsg syscallFunc ) // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT @@ -99,3 +106,23 @@ func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func putmsg(fd int, clptr *strbuf, dataptr *strbuf, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procputmsg)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(clptr)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dataptr)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = e1 + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getmsg(fd int, clptr *strbuf, dataptr *strbuf, flags *int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procgetmsg)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(clptr)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dataptr)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = e1 + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go index 2fbbbe5a..ca65ac82 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux.go @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -// Code generated by mkmerge.go; DO NOT EDIT. +// Code generated by mkmerge; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux // +build linux package unix @@ -47,6 +48,16 @@ func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func ioctlPtr(fd int, req uint, arg unsafe.Pointer) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Linkat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string, flags int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(oldpath) @@ -99,6 +110,16 @@ func openat2(dirfd int, path string, open_how *OpenHow, size int) (fd int, err e // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func ppoll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout *Timespec, sigmask *Sigset_t) (n int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PPOLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sigmask)), 0, 0) n = int(r0) @@ -210,6 +231,16 @@ func wait4(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int, rusage *Rusage) (wpid int, err // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func Waitid(idType int, id int, info *Siginfo, options int, rusage *Rusage) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_WAITID, uintptr(idType), uintptr(id), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(info)), uintptr(options), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func KeyctlInt(cmd int, arg2 int, arg3 int, arg4 int, arg5 int) (ret int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEYCTL, uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg2), uintptr(arg3), uintptr(arg4), uintptr(arg5), 0) ret = int(r0) @@ -388,6 +419,21 @@ func mount(source string, target string, fstype string, flags uintptr, data *byt // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func mountSetattr(dirfd int, pathname string, flags uint, attr *MountAttr, size uintptr) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(pathname) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(attr)), uintptr(size), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Acct(path string) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -531,6 +577,16 @@ func Close(fd int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func CloseRange(first uint, last uint, flags uint) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CLOSE_RANGE, uintptr(first), uintptr(last), uintptr(flags)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func CopyFileRange(rfd int, roff *int64, wfd int, woff *int64, len int, flags int) (n int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE, uintptr(rfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(roff)), uintptr(wfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(woff)), uintptr(len), uintptr(flags)) n = int(r0) @@ -1159,6 +1215,22 @@ func Nanosleep(time *Timespec, leftover *Timespec) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func OpenTree(dfd int, fileName string, flags uint) (r int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(fileName) + if err != nil { + return + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_OPEN_TREE, uintptr(dfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags)) + r = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func PerfEventOpen(attr *PerfEventAttr, pid int, cpu int, groupFd int, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(attr)), uintptr(pid), uintptr(cpu), uintptr(groupFd), uintptr(flags), 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -1190,7 +1262,7 @@ func PivotRoot(newroot string, putold string) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func prlimit(pid int, resource int, newlimit *Rlimit, old *Rlimit) (err error) { +func Prlimit(pid int, resource int, newlimit *Rlimit, old *Rlimit) (err error) { _, _, e1 := RawSyscall6(SYS_PRLIMIT64, uintptr(pid), uintptr(resource), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newlimit)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(old)), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) @@ -1924,8 +1996,93 @@ func ProcessVMWritev(pid int, localIov []Iovec, remoteIov []RemoteIovec, flags u // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0) +func PidfdOpen(pid int, flags int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_PIDFD_OPEN, uintptr(pid), uintptr(flags), 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func PidfdGetfd(pidfd int, targetfd int, flags int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_PIDFD_GETFD, uintptr(pidfd), uintptr(targetfd), uintptr(flags)) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func PidfdSendSignal(pidfd int, sig Signal, info *Siginfo, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL, uintptr(pidfd), uintptr(sig), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(info)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmat(id int, addr uintptr, flag int) (ret uintptr, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SHMAT, uintptr(id), uintptr(addr), uintptr(flag)) + ret = uintptr(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmctl(id int, cmd int, buf *SysvShmDesc) (result int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SHMCTL, uintptr(id), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf))) + result = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmdt(addr uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SHMDT, uintptr(addr), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func shmget(key int, size int, flag int) (id int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SHMGET, uintptr(key), uintptr(size), uintptr(flag)) + id = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getitimer(which int, currValue *Itimerval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_GETITIMER, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(currValue)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setitimer(which int, newValue *Itimerval, oldValue *Itimerval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETITIMER, uintptr(which), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newValue)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldValue))) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go index 19ebd3ff..88af526b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags linux,386 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_386.go +// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -tags linux,386 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_386.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && 386 // +build linux,386 package unix @@ -45,37 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -180,17 +150,6 @@ func Getuid() (uid int) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_INOTIFY_INIT, 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOPERM, uintptr(from), uintptr(num), uintptr(on)) if e1 != 0 { @@ -241,7 +200,7 @@ func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -258,7 +217,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -568,9 +527,9 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go index 5c562182..2a0c4aa6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,amd64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_amd64.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,amd64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_amd64.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && amd64 // +build linux,amd64 package unix @@ -45,27 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -190,17 +170,6 @@ func Getuid() (uid int) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func inotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_INOTIFY_INIT, 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOPERM, uintptr(from), uintptr(num), uintptr(on)) if e1 != 0 { @@ -246,6 +215,17 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func MemfdSecret(flags int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MEMFD_SECRET, uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Pause() (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_PAUSE, 0, 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { @@ -256,7 +236,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -273,7 +253,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -475,17 +455,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -710,19 +679,13 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) +func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(cmdline) + if err != nil { + return } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD, uintptr(kernelFd), uintptr(initrdFd), uintptr(cmdlineLen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } @@ -731,13 +694,9 @@ func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(cmdline) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD, uintptr(kernelFd), uintptr(initrdFd), uintptr(cmdlineLen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go index dc69d99c..4882bde3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -l32 -arm -tags linux,arm syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_arm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && arm // +build linux,arm package unix @@ -45,27 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -234,27 +214,6 @@ func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -339,17 +298,6 @@ func Getuid() (uid int) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_INOTIFY_INIT, 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -590,7 +538,7 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -607,7 +555,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -680,17 +628,6 @@ func setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func armSyncFileRange(fd int, flags int, off int64, n int64) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ARM_SYNC_FILE_RANGE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), uintptr(off), uintptr(off>>32), uintptr(n), uintptr(n>>32)) if e1 != 0 { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go index 1b897dee..9f8c24e4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,arm64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_arm64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && arm64 // +build linux,arm64 package unix @@ -179,7 +180,18 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func MemfdSecret(flags int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_MEMFD_SECRET, uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -196,7 +208,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -388,17 +400,6 @@ func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go index 49186843..d7d6f424 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -b32 -arm -tags linux,mips syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mipsx.go +// go run mksyscall.go -b32 -arm -tags linux,mips syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mipsx.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && mips // +build linux,mips package unix @@ -45,27 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -170,7 +150,7 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -187,7 +167,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -364,17 +344,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -543,17 +512,6 @@ func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_INOTIFY_INIT, 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOPERM, uintptr(from), uintptr(num), uintptr(on)) if e1 != 0 { @@ -705,18 +663,6 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe() (p1 int, p2 int, err error) { - r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0) - p1 = int(r0) - p2 = int(r1) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func mmap2(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, pageOffset uintptr) (xaddr uintptr, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_MMAP2, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flags), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pageOffset)) xaddr = uintptr(r0) @@ -748,9 +694,9 @@ func setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go index 9171d3bd..7f1f8e65 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,mips64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mips64x.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,mips64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mips64x.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && mips64 // +build linux,mips64 package unix @@ -45,27 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -200,7 +180,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -217,7 +197,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -419,17 +399,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -719,9 +688,9 @@ func stat(path string, st *stat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go index 82286f04..f933d0f5 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mips64le.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,mips64le syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mips64x.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && mips64le // +build linux,mips64le package unix @@ -45,27 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -200,7 +180,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -217,7 +197,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -419,17 +399,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -716,14 +685,3 @@ func stat(path string, st *stat_t) (err error) { } return } - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go index 15920621..297d0a99 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_mipsle.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -arm -tags linux,mipsle syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mipsx.go +// go run mksyscall.go -l32 -arm -tags linux,mipsle syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_mipsx.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && mipsle // +build linux,mipsle package unix @@ -45,27 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -170,7 +150,7 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -187,7 +167,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -364,17 +344,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -543,17 +512,6 @@ func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_INOTIFY_INIT, 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOPERM, uintptr(from), uintptr(num), uintptr(on)) if e1 != 0 { @@ -705,18 +663,6 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe() (p1 int, p2 int, err error) { - r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0) - p1 = int(r0) - p2 = int(r1) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func mmap2(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, pageOffset uintptr) (xaddr uintptr, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_MMAP2, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flags), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pageOffset)) xaddr = uintptr(r0) @@ -748,9 +694,9 @@ func setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2e32e7a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc.go @@ -0,0 +1,709 @@ +// go run mksyscall.go -b32 -tags linux,ppc syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc.go syscall_linux_alarm.go +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build linux && ppc +// +build linux,ppc + +package unix + +import ( + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +var _ syscall.Errno + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fanotifyMark(fd int, flags uint, mask uint64, dirFd int, pathname *byte) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), uintptr(mask>>32), uintptr(mask), uintptr(dirFd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pathname))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fallocate(fd int, mode uint32, off int64, len int64) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FALLOCATE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), uintptr(off>>32), uintptr(off), uintptr(len>>32), uintptr(len)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { + r0, r1, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_TEE, uintptr(rfd), uintptr(wfd), uintptr(len), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + n = int64(int64(r0)<<32 | int64(r1)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(events) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&events[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_EPOLL_WAIT, uintptr(epfd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(events)), uintptr(msec), 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FSTAT64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fstatat(dirfd int, path string, stat *Stat_t, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_FSTATAT64, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FTRUNCATE64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(length>>32), uintptr(length)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getegid() (egid int) { + r0, _ := RawSyscallNoError(SYS_GETEGID, 0, 0, 0) + egid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Geteuid() (euid int) { + r0, _ := RawSyscallNoError(SYS_GETEUID, 0, 0, 0) + euid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getgid() (gid int) { + r0, _ := RawSyscallNoError(SYS_GETGID, 0, 0, 0) + gid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getuid() (uid int) { + r0, _ := RawSyscallNoError(SYS_GETUID, 0, 0, 0) + uid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOPERM, uintptr(from), uintptr(num), uintptr(on)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Iopl(level int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOPL, uintptr(level), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LCHOWN, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LISTEN, uintptr(s), uintptr(n), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Lstat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_LSTAT64, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Pause() (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_PAUSE, 0, 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PREAD64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(offset), 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_PWRITE64, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset>>32), uintptr(offset), 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Renameat(olddirfd int, oldpath string, newdirfd int, newpath string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(oldpath) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(newpath) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_RENAMEAT, uintptr(olddirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(newdirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Select(nfd int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS__NEWSELECT, uintptr(nfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendfile(outfd int, infd int, offset *int64, count int) (written int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SENDFILE64, uintptr(outfd), uintptr(infd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(offset)), uintptr(count), 0, 0) + written = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setfsgid(gid int) (prev int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETFSGID, uintptr(gid), 0, 0) + prev = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setfsuid(uid int) (prev int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SETFSUID, uintptr(uid), 0, 0) + prev = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETREGID, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setresgid(rgid int, egid int, sgid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRESGID, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), uintptr(sgid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setresuid(ruid int, euid int, suid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRESUID, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), uintptr(suid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETREUID, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Shutdown(fd int, how int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SHUTDOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Splice(rfd int, roff *int64, wfd int, woff *int64, len int, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SPLICE, uintptr(rfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(roff)), uintptr(wfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(woff)), uintptr(len), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Stat(path string, stat *Stat_t) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_STAT64, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_TRUNCATE64, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length>>32), uintptr(length)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_USTAT, uintptr(dev), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ubuf)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_BIND, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_CONNECT, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (nn int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETGROUPS, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(list)), 0) + nn = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETGROUPS, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(list)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_GETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SOCKET, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall6(SYS_SOCKETPAIR, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETPEERNAME, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETSOCKNAME, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_RECVFROM, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SENDTO, uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_RECVMSG, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_SENDMSG, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func futimesat(dirfd int, path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FUTIMESAT, uintptr(dirfd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(times))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Gettimeofday(tv *Timeval) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tv)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Time(t *Time_t) (tt Time_t, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_TIME, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(t)), 0, 0) + tt = Time_t(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Utime(path string, buf *Utimbuf) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UTIME, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_UTIMES, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(times)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func mmap2(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flags int, fd int, pageOffset uintptr) (xaddr uintptr, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_MMAP2, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flags), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pageOffset)) + xaddr = uintptr(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_UGETRLIMIT, uintptr(resource), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rlim)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setrlimit(resource int, rlim *rlimit32) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_SETRLIMIT, uintptr(resource), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rlim)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func syncFileRange2(fd int, flags int, off int64, n int64) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), uintptr(off>>32), uintptr(off), uintptr(n>>32), uintptr(n)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(cmdline) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD, uintptr(kernelFd), uintptr(initrdFd), uintptr(cmdlineLen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go index 73a42e2c..3c531704 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,ppc64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc64x.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,ppc64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc64x.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && ppc64 // +build linux,ppc64 package unix @@ -45,27 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -190,17 +170,6 @@ func Getuid() (uid int) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_INOTIFY_INIT, 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOPERM, uintptr(from), uintptr(num), uintptr(on)) if e1 != 0 { @@ -271,7 +240,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -288,7 +257,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -506,17 +475,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -762,27 +720,6 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func syncFileRange2(fd int, flags int, off int64, n int64) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), uintptr(off), uintptr(n), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { @@ -805,3 +742,14 @@ func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, f } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go index 6b855953..a00c6744 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,ppc64le syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc64x.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,ppc64le syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_ppc64x.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && ppc64le // +build linux,ppc64le package unix @@ -45,27 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -190,17 +170,6 @@ func Getuid() (uid int) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_INOTIFY_INIT, 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Ioperm(from int, num int, on int) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_IOPERM, uintptr(from), uintptr(num), uintptr(on)) if e1 != 0 { @@ -271,7 +240,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -288,7 +257,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -506,17 +475,6 @@ func Ustat(dev int, ubuf *Ustat_t) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -762,27 +720,6 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func syncFileRange2(fd int, flags int, off int64, n int64) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2, uintptr(fd), uintptr(flags), uintptr(off), uintptr(n), 0, 0) if e1 != 0 { @@ -805,3 +742,14 @@ func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, f } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go index b7613344..a1a9bcbb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_riscv64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,riscv64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_riscv64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && riscv64 // +build linux,riscv64 package unix @@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -368,17 +369,6 @@ func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go index d7032ab1..e0dabc60 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_s390x.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,s390x syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_s390x.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,s390x syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_s390x.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && s390x // +build linux,s390x package unix @@ -45,27 +46,6 @@ func Tee(rfd int, wfd int, len int, flags int) (n int64, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func EpollCreate(size int) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_EPOLL_CREATE, uintptr(size), 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func EpollWait(epfd int, events []EpollEvent, msec int) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(events) > 0 { @@ -190,17 +170,6 @@ func Getuid() (uid int) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_INOTIFY_INIT, 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -241,7 +210,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -258,7 +227,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -552,9 +521,13 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) +func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(cmdline) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD, uintptr(kernelFd), uintptr(initrdFd), uintptr(cmdlineLen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } @@ -563,13 +536,9 @@ func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func kexecFileLoad(kernelFd int, initrdFd int, cmdlineLen int, cmdline string, flags int) (err error) { - var _p0 *byte - _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(cmdline) - if err != nil { - return - } - _, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD, uintptr(kernelFd), uintptr(initrdFd), uintptr(cmdlineLen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(flags), 0) +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go index bcbbdd90..368623c0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_linux_sparc64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,sparc64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_sparc64.go +// go run mksyscall.go -tags linux,sparc64 syscall_linux.go syscall_linux_sparc64.go syscall_linux_alarm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux && sparc64 // +build linux,sparc64 package unix @@ -72,16 +73,6 @@ func Fadvise(fd int, offset int64, length int64, advice int) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) { _, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_FCHOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) if e1 != 0 { @@ -179,17 +170,6 @@ func Getuid() (uid int) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func InotifyInit() (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_INOTIFY_INIT, 0, 0, 0) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { var _p0 *byte _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) @@ -240,7 +220,7 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -257,7 +237,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -475,17 +455,6 @@ func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ACCEPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) - fd = int(r0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - func accept4(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen, flags int) (fd int, err error) { r0, _, e1 := Syscall6(SYS_ACCEPT4, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen)), uintptr(flags), 0, 0) fd = int(r0) @@ -720,19 +689,9 @@ func utimes(path string, times *[2]Timeval) (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) - if e1 != 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) - } - return -} - -// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT - -func poll(fds *PollFd, nfds int, timeout int) (n int, err error) { - r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fds)), uintptr(nfds), uintptr(timeout)) - n = int(r0) +func Alarm(seconds uint) (remaining uint, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := Syscall(SYS_ALARM, uintptr(seconds), 0, 0) + remaining = uint(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go index 3bbd9e39..4af561a4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -l32 -netbsd -tags netbsd,386 syscall_bsd.go syscall_netbsd.go syscall_netbsd_386.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build netbsd && 386 // +build netbsd,386 package unix @@ -350,10 +351,8 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe() (fd1 int, fd2 int, err error) { - r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0) - fd1 = int(r0) - fd2 = int(r1) +func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } @@ -1331,7 +1330,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1348,7 +1347,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go index d8cf5012..3b90e944 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -netbsd -tags netbsd,amd64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_netbsd.go syscall_netbsd_amd64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build netbsd && amd64 // +build netbsd,amd64 package unix @@ -350,10 +351,8 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe() (fd1 int, fd2 int, err error) { - r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0) - fd1 = int(r0) - fd2 = int(r1) +func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } @@ -1331,7 +1330,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1348,7 +1347,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go index 1153fe69..890f4ccd 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -l32 -netbsd -arm -tags netbsd,arm syscall_bsd.go syscall_netbsd.go syscall_netbsd_arm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build netbsd && arm // +build netbsd,arm package unix @@ -350,10 +351,8 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe() (fd1 int, fd2 int, err error) { - r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0) - fd1 = int(r0) - fd2 = int(r1) +func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } @@ -1331,7 +1330,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1348,7 +1347,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go index 24b4ebb4..c79f071f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -netbsd -tags netbsd,arm64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_netbsd.go syscall_netbsd_arm64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build netbsd && arm64 // +build netbsd,arm64 package unix @@ -350,10 +351,8 @@ func Munlockall() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func pipe() (fd1 int, fd2 int, err error) { - r0, r1, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE, 0, 0, 0) - fd1 = int(r0) - fd2 = int(r1) +func pipe2(p *[2]_C_int, flags int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := RawSyscall(SYS_PIPE2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), uintptr(flags), 0) if e1 != 0 { err = errnoErr(e1) } @@ -1331,7 +1330,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1348,7 +1347,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go index b44b31ae..a057fc5d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -l32 -openbsd -tags openbsd,386 syscall_bsd.go syscall_openbsd.go syscall_openbsd_386.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build openbsd && 386 // +build openbsd,386 package unix @@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1144,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go index 67f93ee7..04db8fa2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -openbsd -tags openbsd,amd64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_openbsd.go syscall_openbsd_amd64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build openbsd && amd64 // +build openbsd,amd64 package unix @@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1144,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go index d7c878b1..69f80300 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -l32 -openbsd -arm -tags openbsd,arm syscall_bsd.go syscall_openbsd.go syscall_openbsd_arm.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build openbsd && arm // +build openbsd,arm package unix @@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1144,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go index 8facd695..c96a5051 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -openbsd -tags openbsd,arm64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_openbsd.go syscall_openbsd_arm64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build openbsd && arm64 // +build openbsd,arm64 package unix @@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1144,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go index ec6bd5bb..016d959b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall.go -openbsd -tags openbsd,mips64 syscall_bsd.go syscall_openbsd.go syscall_openbsd_mips64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build openbsd && mips64 // +build openbsd,mips64 package unix @@ -1127,7 +1128,7 @@ func Pathconf(path string, name int) (val int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) @@ -1144,7 +1145,7 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 unsafe.Pointer if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go index 6dbb8371..d12f4fbf 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksyscall_solaris.go -tags solaris,amd64 syscall_solaris.go syscall_solaris_amd64.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build solaris && amd64 // +build solaris,amd64 package unix @@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ import ( //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_statvfs statvfs "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_symlink symlink "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sync sync "libc.so" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_sysconf sysconf "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_times times "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_truncate truncate "libc.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_fsync fsync "libc.so" @@ -139,6 +141,11 @@ import ( //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_getpeername getpeername "libsocket.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_setsockopt setsockopt "libsocket.so" //go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_recvfrom recvfrom "libsocket.so" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_port_create port_create "libc.so" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_port_associate port_associate "libc.so" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_port_dissociate port_dissociate "libc.so" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_port_get port_get "libc.so" +//go:cgo_import_dynamic libc_port_getn port_getn "libc.so" //go:linkname procpipe libc_pipe //go:linkname procpipe2 libc_pipe2 @@ -220,8 +227,8 @@ import ( //go:linkname procOpenat libc_openat //go:linkname procPathconf libc_pathconf //go:linkname procPause libc_pause -//go:linkname procPread libc_pread -//go:linkname procPwrite libc_pwrite +//go:linkname procpread libc_pread +//go:linkname procpwrite libc_pwrite //go:linkname procread libc_read //go:linkname procReadlink libc_readlink //go:linkname procRename libc_rename @@ -245,6 +252,7 @@ import ( //go:linkname procStatvfs libc_statvfs //go:linkname procSymlink libc_symlink //go:linkname procSync libc_sync +//go:linkname procSysconf libc_sysconf //go:linkname procTimes libc_times //go:linkname procTruncate libc_truncate //go:linkname procFsync libc_fsync @@ -269,6 +277,11 @@ import ( //go:linkname procgetpeername libc_getpeername //go:linkname procsetsockopt libc_setsockopt //go:linkname procrecvfrom libc_recvfrom +//go:linkname procport_create libc_port_create +//go:linkname procport_associate libc_port_associate +//go:linkname procport_dissociate libc_port_dissociate +//go:linkname procport_get libc_port_get +//go:linkname procport_getn libc_port_getn var ( procpipe, @@ -351,8 +364,8 @@ var ( procOpenat, procPathconf, procPause, - procPread, - procPwrite, + procpread, + procpwrite, procread, procReadlink, procRename, @@ -376,6 +389,7 @@ var ( procStatvfs, procSymlink, procSync, + procSysconf, procTimes, procTruncate, procFsync, @@ -399,7 +413,12 @@ var ( proc__xnet_getsockopt, procgetpeername, procsetsockopt, - procrecvfrom syscallFunc + procrecvfrom, + procport_create, + procport_associate, + procport_dissociate, + procport_get, + procport_getn syscallFunc ) // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT @@ -615,8 +634,9 @@ func __minor(version int, dev uint64) (val uint) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { - _, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procioctl)), 3, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg), 0, 0, 0) +func ioctlRet(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (ret int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procioctl)), 3, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg), 0, 0, 0) + ret = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = e1 } @@ -1360,12 +1380,12 @@ func Pause() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] } - r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procPread)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procpread)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = e1 @@ -1375,12 +1395,12 @@ func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT -func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { +func pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(p) > 0 { _p0 = &p[0] } - r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procPwrite)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procpwrite)), 4, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) n = int(r0) if e1 != 0 { err = e1 @@ -1687,6 +1707,17 @@ func Sync() (err error) { // THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT +func Sysconf(which int) (n int64, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procSysconf)), 1, uintptr(which), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + n = int64(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = e1 + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + func Times(tms *Tms) (ticks uintptr, err error) { r0, _, e1 := rawSysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procTimes)), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tms)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) ticks = uintptr(r0) @@ -1965,3 +1996,58 @@ func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Sockl } return } + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func port_create() (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procport_create)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = e1 + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func port_associate(port int, source int, object uintptr, events int, user *byte) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procport_associate)), 5, uintptr(port), uintptr(source), uintptr(object), uintptr(events), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(user)), 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = e1 + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func port_dissociate(port int, source int, object uintptr) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procport_dissociate)), 3, uintptr(port), uintptr(source), uintptr(object), 0, 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = e1 + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func port_get(port int, pe *portEvent, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procport_get)), 3, uintptr(port), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pe)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0, 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = e1 + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func port_getn(port int, pe *portEvent, max uint32, nget *uint32, timeout *Timespec) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := sysvicall6(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&procport_getn)), 5, uintptr(port), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pe)), uintptr(max), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(nget)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = e1 + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_zos_s390x.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f2079457 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsyscall_zos_s390x.go @@ -0,0 +1,1255 @@ +// go run mksyscall.go -tags zos,s390x syscall_zos_s390x.go +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build zos && s390x +// +build zos,s390x + +package unix + +import ( + "unsafe" +) + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fcntl(fd int, cmd int, arg int) (val int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_FCNTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + val = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func read(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_READ, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func readlen(fd int, buf *byte, nbuf int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_READ, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(nbuf)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func write(fd int, p []byte) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_WRITE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func accept(s int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___ACCEPT_A, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func bind(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___BIND_A, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func connect(s int, addr unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___CONNECT_A, uintptr(s), uintptr(addr), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (nn int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETGROUPS, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(list)), 0) + nn = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setgroups(n int, list *_Gid_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_SETGROUPS, uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(list)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(SYS_GETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(vallen)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func setsockopt(s int, level int, name int, val unsafe.Pointer, vallen uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(SYS_SETSOCKOPT, uintptr(s), uintptr(level), uintptr(name), uintptr(val), uintptr(vallen), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func socket(domain int, typ int, proto int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_SOCKET, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto)) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func socketpair(domain int, typ int, proto int, fd *[2]int32) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall6(SYS_SOCKETPAIR, uintptr(domain), uintptr(typ), uintptr(proto), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fd)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getpeername(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS___GETPEERNAME_A, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getsockname(fd int, rsa *RawSockaddrAny, addrlen *_Socklen) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS___GETSOCKNAME_A, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rsa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(addrlen))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func recvfrom(fd int, p []byte, flags int, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *_Socklen) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(SYS___RECVFROM_A, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(from)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(fromlen))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendto(s int, buf []byte, flags int, to unsafe.Pointer, addrlen _Socklen) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(SYS___SENDTO_A, uintptr(s), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(to), uintptr(addrlen)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func recvmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___RECVMSG_A, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func sendmsg(s int, msg *Msghdr, flags int) (n int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___SENDMSG_A, uintptr(s), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(msg)), uintptr(flags)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func mmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr, prot int, flag int, fd int, pos int64) (ret uintptr, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(SYS_MMAP, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), uintptr(prot), uintptr(flag), uintptr(fd), uintptr(pos)) + ret = uintptr(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func munmap(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_MUNMAP, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func ioctl(fd int, req uint, arg uintptr) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_IOCTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(req), uintptr(arg)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Access(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___ACCESS_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Chdir(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___CHDIR_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Chown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___CHOWN_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Chmod(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___CHMOD_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Creat(path string, mode uint32) (fd int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___CREAT_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Dup(oldfd int) (fd int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_DUP, uintptr(oldfd), 0, 0) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Dup2(oldfd int, newfd int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_DUP2, uintptr(oldfd), uintptr(newfd), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Errno2() (er2 int) { + uer2, _, _ := syscall_syscall(SYS___ERRNO2, 0, 0, 0) + er2 = int(uer2) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Err2ad() (eadd *int) { + ueadd, _, _ := syscall_syscall(SYS___ERR2AD, 0, 0, 0) + eadd = (*int)(unsafe.Pointer(ueadd)) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Exit(code int) { + syscall_syscall(SYS_EXIT, uintptr(code), 0, 0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchdir(fd int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_FCHDIR, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchmod(fd int, mode uint32) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_FCHMOD, uintptr(fd), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fchown(fd int, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_FCHOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func FcntlInt(fd uintptr, cmd int, arg int) (retval int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_FCNTL, uintptr(fd), uintptr(cmd), uintptr(arg)) + retval = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func fstat(fd int, stat *Stat_LE_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_FSTAT, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fstatvfs(fd int, stat *Statvfs_t) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_FSTATVFS, uintptr(fd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Fsync(fd int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_FSYNC, uintptr(fd), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Ftruncate(fd int, length int64) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_FTRUNCATE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(length), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getpagesize() (pgsize int) { + r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(SYS_GETPAGESIZE, 0, 0, 0) + pgsize = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mprotect(b []byte, prot int) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(b) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_MPROTECT, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(prot)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Msync(b []byte, flags int) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(b) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_MSYNC, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(b)), uintptr(flags)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Poll(fds []PollFd, timeout int) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(fds) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&fds[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_POLL, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(fds)), uintptr(timeout)) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Times(tms *Tms) (ticks uintptr, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_TIMES, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tms)), 0, 0) + ticks = uintptr(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func W_Getmntent(buff *byte, size int) (lastsys int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_W_GETMNTENT, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buff)), uintptr(size), 0) + lastsys = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func W_Getmntent_A(buff *byte, size int) (lastsys int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___W_GETMNTENT_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buff)), uintptr(size), 0) + lastsys = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func mount_LE(path string, filesystem string, fstype string, mtm uint32, parmlen int32, parm string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(filesystem) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p2 *byte + _p2, err = BytePtrFromString(fstype) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p3 *byte + _p3, err = BytePtrFromString(parm) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(SYS___MOUNT_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p2)), uintptr(mtm), uintptr(parmlen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p3))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func unmount(filesystem string, mtm int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(filesystem) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___UMOUNT_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mtm), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Chroot(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___CHROOT_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Uname(buf *Utsname) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS___UNAME_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Gethostname(buf []byte) (err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___GETHOSTNAME_A, uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(buf)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getegid() (egid int) { + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETEGID, 0, 0, 0) + egid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Geteuid() (uid int) { + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETEUID, 0, 0, 0) + uid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getgid() (gid int) { + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETGID, 0, 0, 0) + gid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getpid() (pid int) { + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETPID, 0, 0, 0) + pid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getpgid(pid int) (pgid int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETPGID, uintptr(pid), 0, 0) + pgid = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getppid() (pid int) { + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETPPID, 0, 0, 0) + pid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getpriority(which int, who int) (prio int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_GETPRIORITY, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), 0) + prio = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getrlimit(resource int, rlim *Rlimit) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETRLIMIT, uintptr(resource), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rlim)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func getrusage(who int, rusage *rusage_zos) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETRUSAGE, uintptr(who), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rusage)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getsid(pid int) (sid int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETSID, uintptr(pid), 0, 0) + sid = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Getuid() (uid int) { + r0, _, _ := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETUID, 0, 0, 0) + uid = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Kill(pid int, sig Signal) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_KILL, uintptr(pid), uintptr(sig), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Lchown(path string, uid int, gid int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___LCHOWN_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(uid), uintptr(gid)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Link(path string, link string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___LINK_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Listen(s int, n int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_LISTEN, uintptr(s), uintptr(n), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func lstat(path string, stat *Stat_LE_t) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___LSTAT_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(stat)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mkdir(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___MKDIR_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mkfifo(path string, mode uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___MKFIFO_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Mknod(path string, mode uint32, dev int) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___MKNOD_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(dev)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Pread(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(SYS_PREAD, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Pwrite(fd int, p []byte, offset int64) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 unsafe.Pointer + if len(p) > 0 { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]) + } else { + _p0 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(SYS_PWRITE, uintptr(fd), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(len(p)), uintptr(offset), 0, 0) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Readlink(path string, buf []byte) (n int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 unsafe.Pointer + if len(buf) > 0 { + _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0]) + } else { + _p1 = unsafe.Pointer(&_zero) + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___READLINK_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(_p1), uintptr(len(buf))) + n = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Rename(from string, to string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(from) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(to) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___RENAME_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Rmdir(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___RMDIR_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Seek(fd int, offset int64, whence int) (off int64, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_LSEEK, uintptr(fd), uintptr(offset), uintptr(whence)) + off = int64(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setpriority(which int, who int, prio int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_SETPRIORITY, uintptr(which), uintptr(who), uintptr(prio)) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setpgid(pid int, pgid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_SETPGID, uintptr(pid), uintptr(pgid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setrlimit(resource int, lim *Rlimit) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_SETRLIMIT, uintptr(resource), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lim)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setregid(rgid int, egid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_SETREGID, uintptr(rgid), uintptr(egid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setreuid(ruid int, euid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_SETREUID, uintptr(ruid), uintptr(euid), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setsid() (pid int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_SETSID, 0, 0, 0) + pid = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setuid(uid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_SETUID, uintptr(uid), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Setgid(uid int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_SETGID, uintptr(uid), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Shutdown(fd int, how int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_SHUTDOWN, uintptr(fd), uintptr(how), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func stat(path string, statLE *Stat_LE_t) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___STAT_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(statLE)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Symlink(path string, link string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + var _p1 *byte + _p1, err = BytePtrFromString(link) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___SYMLINK_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p1)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Sync() { + syscall_syscall(SYS_SYNC, 0, 0, 0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Truncate(path string, length int64) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___TRUNCATE_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(length), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Tcgetattr(fildes int, termptr *Termios) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_TCGETATTR, uintptr(fildes), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(termptr)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Tcsetattr(fildes int, when int, termptr *Termios) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_TCSETATTR, uintptr(fildes), uintptr(when), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(termptr))) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Umask(mask int) (oldmask int) { + r0, _, _ := syscall_syscall(SYS_UMASK, uintptr(mask), 0, 0) + oldmask = int(r0) + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Unlink(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___UNLINK_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Utime(path string, utim *Utimbuf) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___UTIME_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(utim)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func open(path string, mode int, perm uint32) (fd int, err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___OPEN_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(mode), uintptr(perm)) + fd = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func remove(path string) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_REMOVE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func waitpid(pid int, wstatus *_C_int, options int) (wpid int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS_WAITPID, uintptr(pid), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(wstatus)), uintptr(options)) + wpid = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func gettimeofday(tv *timeval_zos) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(tv)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func pipe(p *[2]_C_int) (err error) { + _, _, e1 := syscall_rawsyscall(SYS_PIPE, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(p)), 0, 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func utimes(path string, timeval *[2]Timeval) (err error) { + var _p0 *byte + _p0, err = BytePtrFromString(path) + if err != nil { + return + } + _, _, e1 := syscall_syscall(SYS___UTIMES_A, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeval)), 0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +// THIS FILE IS GENERATED BY THE COMMAND AT THE TOP; DO NOT EDIT + +func Select(nmsgsfds int, r *FdSet, w *FdSet, e *FdSet, timeout *Timeval) (ret int, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall_syscall6(SYS_SELECT, uintptr(nmsgsfds), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(r)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(w)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(e)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) + ret = int(r0) + if e1 != 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go index 102f1ab4..9e9d0b2a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysctl_openbsd.go // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && openbsd // +build 386,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go index 4866fced..adecd096 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysctl_openbsd.go // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && openbsd // +build amd64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go index d3801eb2..8ea52a4a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysctl_openbsd.go // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && openbsd // +build arm,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go index ba4304fd..154b57ae 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysctl_openbsd.go // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && openbsd // +build arm64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_mips64.go index aca34b34..d96bb2ba 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysctl_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysctl_openbsd.go // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64 && openbsd // +build mips64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_386.go deleted file mode 100644 index ad62324c..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_386.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,437 +0,0 @@ -// go run mksysnum.go /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.13.sdk/usr/include/sys/syscall.h -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build 386,darwin - -package unix - -// Deprecated: Use libSystem wrappers instead of direct syscalls. -const ( - SYS_SYSCALL = 0 - SYS_EXIT = 1 - SYS_FORK = 2 - SYS_READ = 3 - SYS_WRITE = 4 - SYS_OPEN = 5 - SYS_CLOSE = 6 - SYS_WAIT4 = 7 - SYS_LINK = 9 - SYS_UNLINK = 10 - SYS_CHDIR = 12 - SYS_FCHDIR = 13 - SYS_MKNOD = 14 - SYS_CHMOD = 15 - SYS_CHOWN = 16 - SYS_GETFSSTAT = 18 - SYS_GETPID = 20 - SYS_SETUID = 23 - SYS_GETUID = 24 - SYS_GETEUID = 25 - SYS_PTRACE = 26 - SYS_RECVMSG = 27 - SYS_SENDMSG = 28 - SYS_RECVFROM = 29 - SYS_ACCEPT = 30 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 31 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 32 - SYS_ACCESS = 33 - SYS_CHFLAGS = 34 - SYS_FCHFLAGS = 35 - SYS_SYNC = 36 - SYS_KILL = 37 - SYS_GETPPID = 39 - SYS_DUP = 41 - SYS_PIPE = 42 - SYS_GETEGID = 43 - SYS_SIGACTION = 46 - SYS_GETGID = 47 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 48 - SYS_GETLOGIN = 49 - SYS_SETLOGIN = 50 - SYS_ACCT = 51 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 52 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 53 - SYS_IOCTL = 54 - SYS_REBOOT = 55 - SYS_REVOKE = 56 - SYS_SYMLINK = 57 - SYS_READLINK = 58 - SYS_EXECVE = 59 - SYS_UMASK = 60 - SYS_CHROOT = 61 - SYS_MSYNC = 65 - SYS_VFORK = 66 - SYS_MUNMAP = 73 - SYS_MPROTECT = 74 - SYS_MADVISE = 75 - SYS_MINCORE = 78 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 79 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 80 - SYS_GETPGRP = 81 - SYS_SETPGID = 82 - SYS_SETITIMER = 83 - SYS_SWAPON = 85 - SYS_GETITIMER = 86 - SYS_GETDTABLESIZE = 89 - SYS_DUP2 = 90 - SYS_FCNTL = 92 - SYS_SELECT = 93 - SYS_FSYNC = 95 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 96 - SYS_SOCKET = 97 - SYS_CONNECT = 98 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 100 - SYS_BIND = 104 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 105 - SYS_LISTEN = 106 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 111 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 116 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 117 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 118 - SYS_READV = 120 - SYS_WRITEV = 121 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 122 - SYS_FCHOWN = 123 - SYS_FCHMOD = 124 - SYS_SETREUID = 126 - SYS_SETREGID = 127 - SYS_RENAME = 128 - SYS_FLOCK = 131 - SYS_MKFIFO = 132 - SYS_SENDTO = 133 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 134 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 135 - SYS_MKDIR = 136 - SYS_RMDIR = 137 - SYS_UTIMES = 138 - SYS_FUTIMES = 139 - SYS_ADJTIME = 140 - SYS_GETHOSTUUID = 142 - SYS_SETSID = 147 - SYS_GETPGID = 151 - SYS_SETPRIVEXEC = 152 - SYS_PREAD = 153 - SYS_PWRITE = 154 - SYS_NFSSVC = 155 - SYS_STATFS = 157 - SYS_FSTATFS = 158 - SYS_UNMOUNT = 159 - SYS_GETFH = 161 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 165 - SYS_MOUNT = 167 - SYS_CSOPS = 169 - SYS_CSOPS_AUDITTOKEN = 170 - SYS_WAITID = 173 - SYS_KDEBUG_TYPEFILTER = 177 - SYS_KDEBUG_TRACE_STRING = 178 - SYS_KDEBUG_TRACE64 = 179 - SYS_KDEBUG_TRACE = 180 - SYS_SETGID = 181 - SYS_SETEGID = 182 - SYS_SETEUID = 183 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 184 - SYS_THREAD_SELFCOUNTS = 186 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 187 - SYS_STAT = 188 - SYS_FSTAT = 189 - SYS_LSTAT = 190 - SYS_PATHCONF = 191 - SYS_FPATHCONF = 192 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 194 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 195 - SYS_GETDIRENTRIES = 196 - SYS_MMAP = 197 - SYS_LSEEK = 199 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 200 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 201 - SYS_SYSCTL = 202 - SYS_MLOCK = 203 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 204 - SYS_UNDELETE = 205 - SYS_OPEN_DPROTECTED_NP = 216 - SYS_GETATTRLIST = 220 - SYS_SETATTRLIST = 221 - SYS_GETDIRENTRIESATTR = 222 - SYS_EXCHANGEDATA = 223 - SYS_SEARCHFS = 225 - SYS_DELETE = 226 - SYS_COPYFILE = 227 - SYS_FGETATTRLIST = 228 - SYS_FSETATTRLIST = 229 - SYS_POLL = 230 - SYS_WATCHEVENT = 231 - SYS_WAITEVENT = 232 - SYS_MODWATCH = 233 - SYS_GETXATTR = 234 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 235 - SYS_SETXATTR = 236 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 237 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 238 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 239 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 240 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 241 - SYS_FSCTL = 242 - SYS_INITGROUPS = 243 - SYS_POSIX_SPAWN = 244 - SYS_FFSCTL = 245 - SYS_NFSCLNT = 247 - SYS_FHOPEN = 248 - SYS_MINHERIT = 250 - SYS_SEMSYS = 251 - SYS_MSGSYS = 252 - SYS_SHMSYS = 253 - SYS_SEMCTL = 254 - SYS_SEMGET = 255 - SYS_SEMOP = 256 - SYS_MSGCTL = 258 - SYS_MSGGET = 259 - SYS_MSGSND = 260 - SYS_MSGRCV = 261 - SYS_SHMAT = 262 - SYS_SHMCTL = 263 - SYS_SHMDT = 264 - SYS_SHMGET = 265 - SYS_SHM_OPEN = 266 - SYS_SHM_UNLINK = 267 - SYS_SEM_OPEN = 268 - SYS_SEM_CLOSE = 269 - SYS_SEM_UNLINK = 270 - SYS_SEM_WAIT = 271 - SYS_SEM_TRYWAIT = 272 - SYS_SEM_POST = 273 - SYS_SYSCTLBYNAME = 274 - SYS_OPEN_EXTENDED = 277 - SYS_UMASK_EXTENDED = 278 - SYS_STAT_EXTENDED = 279 - SYS_LSTAT_EXTENDED = 280 - SYS_FSTAT_EXTENDED = 281 - SYS_CHMOD_EXTENDED = 282 - SYS_FCHMOD_EXTENDED = 283 - SYS_ACCESS_EXTENDED = 284 - SYS_SETTID = 285 - SYS_GETTID = 286 - SYS_SETSGROUPS = 287 - SYS_GETSGROUPS = 288 - SYS_SETWGROUPS = 289 - SYS_GETWGROUPS = 290 - SYS_MKFIFO_EXTENDED = 291 - SYS_MKDIR_EXTENDED = 292 - SYS_IDENTITYSVC = 293 - SYS_SHARED_REGION_CHECK_NP = 294 - SYS_VM_PRESSURE_MONITOR = 296 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_LONGRDLOCK = 297 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_YIELDWRLOCK = 298 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_DOWNGRADE = 299 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UPGRADE = 300 - SYS_PSYNCH_MUTEXWAIT = 301 - SYS_PSYNCH_MUTEXDROP = 302 - SYS_PSYNCH_CVBROAD = 303 - SYS_PSYNCH_CVSIGNAL = 304 - SYS_PSYNCH_CVWAIT = 305 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_RDLOCK = 306 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_WRLOCK = 307 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UNLOCK = 308 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UNLOCK2 = 309 - SYS_GETSID = 310 - SYS_SETTID_WITH_PID = 311 - SYS_PSYNCH_CVCLRPREPOST = 312 - SYS_AIO_FSYNC = 313 - SYS_AIO_RETURN = 314 - SYS_AIO_SUSPEND = 315 - SYS_AIO_CANCEL = 316 - SYS_AIO_ERROR = 317 - SYS_AIO_READ = 318 - SYS_AIO_WRITE = 319 - SYS_LIO_LISTIO = 320 - SYS_IOPOLICYSYS = 322 - SYS_PROCESS_POLICY = 323 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 324 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 325 - SYS_ISSETUGID = 327 - SYS___PTHREAD_KILL = 328 - SYS___PTHREAD_SIGMASK = 329 - SYS___SIGWAIT = 330 - SYS___DISABLE_THREADSIGNAL = 331 - SYS___PTHREAD_MARKCANCEL = 332 - SYS___PTHREAD_CANCELED = 333 - SYS___SEMWAIT_SIGNAL = 334 - SYS_PROC_INFO = 336 - SYS_SENDFILE = 337 - SYS_STAT64 = 338 - SYS_FSTAT64 = 339 - SYS_LSTAT64 = 340 - SYS_STAT64_EXTENDED = 341 - SYS_LSTAT64_EXTENDED = 342 - SYS_FSTAT64_EXTENDED = 343 - SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64 = 344 - SYS_STATFS64 = 345 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 346 - SYS_GETFSSTAT64 = 347 - SYS___PTHREAD_CHDIR = 348 - SYS___PTHREAD_FCHDIR = 349 - SYS_AUDIT = 350 - SYS_AUDITON = 351 - SYS_GETAUID = 353 - SYS_SETAUID = 354 - SYS_GETAUDIT_ADDR = 357 - SYS_SETAUDIT_ADDR = 358 - SYS_AUDITCTL = 359 - SYS_BSDTHREAD_CREATE = 360 - SYS_BSDTHREAD_TERMINATE = 361 - SYS_KQUEUE = 362 - SYS_KEVENT = 363 - SYS_LCHOWN = 364 - SYS_BSDTHREAD_REGISTER = 366 - SYS_WORKQ_OPEN = 367 - SYS_WORKQ_KERNRETURN = 368 - SYS_KEVENT64 = 369 - SYS___OLD_SEMWAIT_SIGNAL = 370 - SYS___OLD_SEMWAIT_SIGNAL_NOCANCEL = 371 - SYS_THREAD_SELFID = 372 - SYS_LEDGER = 373 - SYS_KEVENT_QOS = 374 - SYS_KEVENT_ID = 375 - SYS___MAC_EXECVE = 380 - SYS___MAC_SYSCALL = 381 - SYS___MAC_GET_FILE = 382 - SYS___MAC_SET_FILE = 383 - SYS___MAC_GET_LINK = 384 - SYS___MAC_SET_LINK = 385 - SYS___MAC_GET_PROC = 386 - SYS___MAC_SET_PROC = 387 - SYS___MAC_GET_FD = 388 - SYS___MAC_SET_FD = 389 - SYS___MAC_GET_PID = 390 - SYS_PSELECT = 394 - SYS_PSELECT_NOCANCEL = 395 - SYS_READ_NOCANCEL = 396 - SYS_WRITE_NOCANCEL = 397 - SYS_OPEN_NOCANCEL = 398 - SYS_CLOSE_NOCANCEL = 399 - SYS_WAIT4_NOCANCEL = 400 - SYS_RECVMSG_NOCANCEL = 401 - SYS_SENDMSG_NOCANCEL = 402 - SYS_RECVFROM_NOCANCEL = 403 - SYS_ACCEPT_NOCANCEL = 404 - SYS_MSYNC_NOCANCEL = 405 - SYS_FCNTL_NOCANCEL = 406 - SYS_SELECT_NOCANCEL = 407 - SYS_FSYNC_NOCANCEL = 408 - SYS_CONNECT_NOCANCEL = 409 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND_NOCANCEL = 410 - SYS_READV_NOCANCEL = 411 - SYS_WRITEV_NOCANCEL = 412 - SYS_SENDTO_NOCANCEL = 413 - SYS_PREAD_NOCANCEL = 414 - SYS_PWRITE_NOCANCEL = 415 - SYS_WAITID_NOCANCEL = 416 - SYS_POLL_NOCANCEL = 417 - SYS_MSGSND_NOCANCEL = 418 - SYS_MSGRCV_NOCANCEL = 419 - SYS_SEM_WAIT_NOCANCEL = 420 - SYS_AIO_SUSPEND_NOCANCEL = 421 - SYS___SIGWAIT_NOCANCEL = 422 - SYS___SEMWAIT_SIGNAL_NOCANCEL = 423 - SYS___MAC_MOUNT = 424 - SYS___MAC_GET_MOUNT = 425 - SYS___MAC_GETFSSTAT = 426 - SYS_FSGETPATH = 427 - SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_SELF = 428 - SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_JOIN = 429 - SYS_FILEPORT_MAKEPORT = 430 - SYS_FILEPORT_MAKEFD = 431 - SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_PORT = 432 - SYS_PID_SUSPEND = 433 - SYS_PID_RESUME = 434 - SYS_PID_HIBERNATE = 435 - SYS_PID_SHUTDOWN_SOCKETS = 436 - SYS_SHARED_REGION_MAP_AND_SLIDE_NP = 438 - SYS_KAS_INFO = 439 - SYS_MEMORYSTATUS_CONTROL = 440 - SYS_GUARDED_OPEN_NP = 441 - SYS_GUARDED_CLOSE_NP = 442 - SYS_GUARDED_KQUEUE_NP = 443 - SYS_CHANGE_FDGUARD_NP = 444 - SYS_USRCTL = 445 - SYS_PROC_RLIMIT_CONTROL = 446 - SYS_CONNECTX = 447 - SYS_DISCONNECTX = 448 - SYS_PEELOFF = 449 - SYS_SOCKET_DELEGATE = 450 - SYS_TELEMETRY = 451 - SYS_PROC_UUID_POLICY = 452 - SYS_MEMORYSTATUS_GET_LEVEL = 453 - SYS_SYSTEM_OVERRIDE = 454 - SYS_VFS_PURGE = 455 - SYS_SFI_CTL = 456 - SYS_SFI_PIDCTL = 457 - SYS_COALITION = 458 - SYS_COALITION_INFO = 459 - SYS_NECP_MATCH_POLICY = 460 - SYS_GETATTRLISTBULK = 461 - SYS_CLONEFILEAT = 462 - SYS_OPENAT = 463 - SYS_OPENAT_NOCANCEL = 464 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 465 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 466 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 467 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 468 - SYS_FSTATAT = 469 - SYS_FSTATAT64 = 470 - SYS_LINKAT = 471 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 472 - SYS_READLINKAT = 473 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 474 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 475 - SYS_GETATTRLISTAT = 476 - SYS_PROC_TRACE_LOG = 477 - SYS_BSDTHREAD_CTL = 478 - SYS_OPENBYID_NP = 479 - SYS_RECVMSG_X = 480 - SYS_SENDMSG_X = 481 - SYS_THREAD_SELFUSAGE = 482 - SYS_CSRCTL = 483 - SYS_GUARDED_OPEN_DPROTECTED_NP = 484 - SYS_GUARDED_WRITE_NP = 485 - SYS_GUARDED_PWRITE_NP = 486 - SYS_GUARDED_WRITEV_NP = 487 - SYS_RENAMEATX_NP = 488 - SYS_MREMAP_ENCRYPTED = 489 - SYS_NETAGENT_TRIGGER = 490 - SYS_STACK_SNAPSHOT_WITH_CONFIG = 491 - SYS_MICROSTACKSHOT = 492 - SYS_GRAB_PGO_DATA = 493 - SYS_PERSONA = 494 - SYS_WORK_INTERVAL_CTL = 499 - SYS_GETENTROPY = 500 - SYS_NECP_OPEN = 501 - SYS_NECP_CLIENT_ACTION = 502 - SYS___NEXUS_OPEN = 503 - SYS___NEXUS_REGISTER = 504 - SYS___NEXUS_DEREGISTER = 505 - SYS___NEXUS_CREATE = 506 - SYS___NEXUS_DESTROY = 507 - SYS___NEXUS_GET_OPT = 508 - SYS___NEXUS_SET_OPT = 509 - SYS___CHANNEL_OPEN = 510 - SYS___CHANNEL_GET_INFO = 511 - SYS___CHANNEL_SYNC = 512 - SYS___CHANNEL_GET_OPT = 513 - SYS___CHANNEL_SET_OPT = 514 - SYS_ULOCK_WAIT = 515 - SYS_ULOCK_WAKE = 516 - SYS_FCLONEFILEAT = 517 - SYS_FS_SNAPSHOT = 518 - SYS_TERMINATE_WITH_PAYLOAD = 520 - SYS_ABORT_WITH_PAYLOAD = 521 - SYS_NECP_SESSION_OPEN = 522 - SYS_NECP_SESSION_ACTION = 523 - SYS_SETATTRLISTAT = 524 - SYS_NET_QOS_GUIDELINE = 525 - SYS_FMOUNT = 526 - SYS_NTP_ADJTIME = 527 - SYS_NTP_GETTIME = 528 - SYS_OS_FAULT_WITH_PAYLOAD = 529 - SYS_MAXSYSCALL = 530 - SYS_INVALID = 63 -) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go index a2fc91d6..f8298ff9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk/usr/include/sys/syscall.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && darwin // +build amd64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm.go deleted file mode 100644 index 20d7808a..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,437 +0,0 @@ -// go run mksysnum.go /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS11.1.sdk/usr/include/sys/syscall.h -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build arm,darwin - -package unix - -// Deprecated: Use libSystem wrappers instead of direct syscalls. -const ( - SYS_SYSCALL = 0 - SYS_EXIT = 1 - SYS_FORK = 2 - SYS_READ = 3 - SYS_WRITE = 4 - SYS_OPEN = 5 - SYS_CLOSE = 6 - SYS_WAIT4 = 7 - SYS_LINK = 9 - SYS_UNLINK = 10 - SYS_CHDIR = 12 - SYS_FCHDIR = 13 - SYS_MKNOD = 14 - SYS_CHMOD = 15 - SYS_CHOWN = 16 - SYS_GETFSSTAT = 18 - SYS_GETPID = 20 - SYS_SETUID = 23 - SYS_GETUID = 24 - SYS_GETEUID = 25 - SYS_PTRACE = 26 - SYS_RECVMSG = 27 - SYS_SENDMSG = 28 - SYS_RECVFROM = 29 - SYS_ACCEPT = 30 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 31 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 32 - SYS_ACCESS = 33 - SYS_CHFLAGS = 34 - SYS_FCHFLAGS = 35 - SYS_SYNC = 36 - SYS_KILL = 37 - SYS_GETPPID = 39 - SYS_DUP = 41 - SYS_PIPE = 42 - SYS_GETEGID = 43 - SYS_SIGACTION = 46 - SYS_GETGID = 47 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 48 - SYS_GETLOGIN = 49 - SYS_SETLOGIN = 50 - SYS_ACCT = 51 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 52 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 53 - SYS_IOCTL = 54 - SYS_REBOOT = 55 - SYS_REVOKE = 56 - SYS_SYMLINK = 57 - SYS_READLINK = 58 - SYS_EXECVE = 59 - SYS_UMASK = 60 - SYS_CHROOT = 61 - SYS_MSYNC = 65 - SYS_VFORK = 66 - SYS_MUNMAP = 73 - SYS_MPROTECT = 74 - SYS_MADVISE = 75 - SYS_MINCORE = 78 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 79 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 80 - SYS_GETPGRP = 81 - SYS_SETPGID = 82 - SYS_SETITIMER = 83 - SYS_SWAPON = 85 - SYS_GETITIMER = 86 - SYS_GETDTABLESIZE = 89 - SYS_DUP2 = 90 - SYS_FCNTL = 92 - SYS_SELECT = 93 - SYS_FSYNC = 95 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 96 - SYS_SOCKET = 97 - SYS_CONNECT = 98 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 100 - SYS_BIND = 104 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 105 - SYS_LISTEN = 106 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 111 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 116 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 117 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 118 - SYS_READV = 120 - SYS_WRITEV = 121 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 122 - SYS_FCHOWN = 123 - SYS_FCHMOD = 124 - SYS_SETREUID = 126 - SYS_SETREGID = 127 - SYS_RENAME = 128 - SYS_FLOCK = 131 - SYS_MKFIFO = 132 - SYS_SENDTO = 133 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 134 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 135 - SYS_MKDIR = 136 - SYS_RMDIR = 137 - SYS_UTIMES = 138 - SYS_FUTIMES = 139 - SYS_ADJTIME = 140 - SYS_GETHOSTUUID = 142 - SYS_SETSID = 147 - SYS_GETPGID = 151 - SYS_SETPRIVEXEC = 152 - SYS_PREAD = 153 - SYS_PWRITE = 154 - SYS_NFSSVC = 155 - SYS_STATFS = 157 - SYS_FSTATFS = 158 - SYS_UNMOUNT = 159 - SYS_GETFH = 161 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 165 - SYS_MOUNT = 167 - SYS_CSOPS = 169 - SYS_CSOPS_AUDITTOKEN = 170 - SYS_WAITID = 173 - SYS_KDEBUG_TYPEFILTER = 177 - SYS_KDEBUG_TRACE_STRING = 178 - SYS_KDEBUG_TRACE64 = 179 - SYS_KDEBUG_TRACE = 180 - SYS_SETGID = 181 - SYS_SETEGID = 182 - SYS_SETEUID = 183 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 184 - SYS_THREAD_SELFCOUNTS = 186 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 187 - SYS_STAT = 188 - SYS_FSTAT = 189 - SYS_LSTAT = 190 - SYS_PATHCONF = 191 - SYS_FPATHCONF = 192 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 194 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 195 - SYS_GETDIRENTRIES = 196 - SYS_MMAP = 197 - SYS_LSEEK = 199 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 200 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 201 - SYS_SYSCTL = 202 - SYS_MLOCK = 203 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 204 - SYS_UNDELETE = 205 - SYS_OPEN_DPROTECTED_NP = 216 - SYS_GETATTRLIST = 220 - SYS_SETATTRLIST = 221 - SYS_GETDIRENTRIESATTR = 222 - SYS_EXCHANGEDATA = 223 - SYS_SEARCHFS = 225 - SYS_DELETE = 226 - SYS_COPYFILE = 227 - SYS_FGETATTRLIST = 228 - SYS_FSETATTRLIST = 229 - SYS_POLL = 230 - SYS_WATCHEVENT = 231 - SYS_WAITEVENT = 232 - SYS_MODWATCH = 233 - SYS_GETXATTR = 234 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 235 - SYS_SETXATTR = 236 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 237 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 238 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 239 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 240 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 241 - SYS_FSCTL = 242 - SYS_INITGROUPS = 243 - SYS_POSIX_SPAWN = 244 - SYS_FFSCTL = 245 - SYS_NFSCLNT = 247 - SYS_FHOPEN = 248 - SYS_MINHERIT = 250 - SYS_SEMSYS = 251 - SYS_MSGSYS = 252 - SYS_SHMSYS = 253 - SYS_SEMCTL = 254 - SYS_SEMGET = 255 - SYS_SEMOP = 256 - SYS_MSGCTL = 258 - SYS_MSGGET = 259 - SYS_MSGSND = 260 - SYS_MSGRCV = 261 - SYS_SHMAT = 262 - SYS_SHMCTL = 263 - SYS_SHMDT = 264 - SYS_SHMGET = 265 - SYS_SHM_OPEN = 266 - SYS_SHM_UNLINK = 267 - SYS_SEM_OPEN = 268 - SYS_SEM_CLOSE = 269 - SYS_SEM_UNLINK = 270 - SYS_SEM_WAIT = 271 - SYS_SEM_TRYWAIT = 272 - SYS_SEM_POST = 273 - SYS_SYSCTLBYNAME = 274 - SYS_OPEN_EXTENDED = 277 - SYS_UMASK_EXTENDED = 278 - SYS_STAT_EXTENDED = 279 - SYS_LSTAT_EXTENDED = 280 - SYS_FSTAT_EXTENDED = 281 - SYS_CHMOD_EXTENDED = 282 - SYS_FCHMOD_EXTENDED = 283 - SYS_ACCESS_EXTENDED = 284 - SYS_SETTID = 285 - SYS_GETTID = 286 - SYS_SETSGROUPS = 287 - SYS_GETSGROUPS = 288 - SYS_SETWGROUPS = 289 - SYS_GETWGROUPS = 290 - SYS_MKFIFO_EXTENDED = 291 - SYS_MKDIR_EXTENDED = 292 - SYS_IDENTITYSVC = 293 - SYS_SHARED_REGION_CHECK_NP = 294 - SYS_VM_PRESSURE_MONITOR = 296 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_LONGRDLOCK = 297 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_YIELDWRLOCK = 298 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_DOWNGRADE = 299 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UPGRADE = 300 - SYS_PSYNCH_MUTEXWAIT = 301 - SYS_PSYNCH_MUTEXDROP = 302 - SYS_PSYNCH_CVBROAD = 303 - SYS_PSYNCH_CVSIGNAL = 304 - SYS_PSYNCH_CVWAIT = 305 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_RDLOCK = 306 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_WRLOCK = 307 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UNLOCK = 308 - SYS_PSYNCH_RW_UNLOCK2 = 309 - SYS_GETSID = 310 - SYS_SETTID_WITH_PID = 311 - SYS_PSYNCH_CVCLRPREPOST = 312 - SYS_AIO_FSYNC = 313 - SYS_AIO_RETURN = 314 - SYS_AIO_SUSPEND = 315 - SYS_AIO_CANCEL = 316 - SYS_AIO_ERROR = 317 - SYS_AIO_READ = 318 - SYS_AIO_WRITE = 319 - SYS_LIO_LISTIO = 320 - SYS_IOPOLICYSYS = 322 - SYS_PROCESS_POLICY = 323 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 324 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 325 - SYS_ISSETUGID = 327 - SYS___PTHREAD_KILL = 328 - SYS___PTHREAD_SIGMASK = 329 - SYS___SIGWAIT = 330 - SYS___DISABLE_THREADSIGNAL = 331 - SYS___PTHREAD_MARKCANCEL = 332 - SYS___PTHREAD_CANCELED = 333 - SYS___SEMWAIT_SIGNAL = 334 - SYS_PROC_INFO = 336 - SYS_SENDFILE = 337 - SYS_STAT64 = 338 - SYS_FSTAT64 = 339 - SYS_LSTAT64 = 340 - SYS_STAT64_EXTENDED = 341 - SYS_LSTAT64_EXTENDED = 342 - SYS_FSTAT64_EXTENDED = 343 - SYS_GETDIRENTRIES64 = 344 - SYS_STATFS64 = 345 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 346 - SYS_GETFSSTAT64 = 347 - SYS___PTHREAD_CHDIR = 348 - SYS___PTHREAD_FCHDIR = 349 - SYS_AUDIT = 350 - SYS_AUDITON = 351 - SYS_GETAUID = 353 - SYS_SETAUID = 354 - SYS_GETAUDIT_ADDR = 357 - SYS_SETAUDIT_ADDR = 358 - SYS_AUDITCTL = 359 - SYS_BSDTHREAD_CREATE = 360 - SYS_BSDTHREAD_TERMINATE = 361 - SYS_KQUEUE = 362 - SYS_KEVENT = 363 - SYS_LCHOWN = 364 - SYS_BSDTHREAD_REGISTER = 366 - SYS_WORKQ_OPEN = 367 - SYS_WORKQ_KERNRETURN = 368 - SYS_KEVENT64 = 369 - SYS___OLD_SEMWAIT_SIGNAL = 370 - SYS___OLD_SEMWAIT_SIGNAL_NOCANCEL = 371 - SYS_THREAD_SELFID = 372 - SYS_LEDGER = 373 - SYS_KEVENT_QOS = 374 - SYS_KEVENT_ID = 375 - SYS___MAC_EXECVE = 380 - SYS___MAC_SYSCALL = 381 - SYS___MAC_GET_FILE = 382 - SYS___MAC_SET_FILE = 383 - SYS___MAC_GET_LINK = 384 - SYS___MAC_SET_LINK = 385 - SYS___MAC_GET_PROC = 386 - SYS___MAC_SET_PROC = 387 - SYS___MAC_GET_FD = 388 - SYS___MAC_SET_FD = 389 - SYS___MAC_GET_PID = 390 - SYS_PSELECT = 394 - SYS_PSELECT_NOCANCEL = 395 - SYS_READ_NOCANCEL = 396 - SYS_WRITE_NOCANCEL = 397 - SYS_OPEN_NOCANCEL = 398 - SYS_CLOSE_NOCANCEL = 399 - SYS_WAIT4_NOCANCEL = 400 - SYS_RECVMSG_NOCANCEL = 401 - SYS_SENDMSG_NOCANCEL = 402 - SYS_RECVFROM_NOCANCEL = 403 - SYS_ACCEPT_NOCANCEL = 404 - SYS_MSYNC_NOCANCEL = 405 - SYS_FCNTL_NOCANCEL = 406 - SYS_SELECT_NOCANCEL = 407 - SYS_FSYNC_NOCANCEL = 408 - SYS_CONNECT_NOCANCEL = 409 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND_NOCANCEL = 410 - SYS_READV_NOCANCEL = 411 - SYS_WRITEV_NOCANCEL = 412 - SYS_SENDTO_NOCANCEL = 413 - SYS_PREAD_NOCANCEL = 414 - SYS_PWRITE_NOCANCEL = 415 - SYS_WAITID_NOCANCEL = 416 - SYS_POLL_NOCANCEL = 417 - SYS_MSGSND_NOCANCEL = 418 - SYS_MSGRCV_NOCANCEL = 419 - SYS_SEM_WAIT_NOCANCEL = 420 - SYS_AIO_SUSPEND_NOCANCEL = 421 - SYS___SIGWAIT_NOCANCEL = 422 - SYS___SEMWAIT_SIGNAL_NOCANCEL = 423 - SYS___MAC_MOUNT = 424 - SYS___MAC_GET_MOUNT = 425 - SYS___MAC_GETFSSTAT = 426 - SYS_FSGETPATH = 427 - SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_SELF = 428 - SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_JOIN = 429 - SYS_FILEPORT_MAKEPORT = 430 - SYS_FILEPORT_MAKEFD = 431 - SYS_AUDIT_SESSION_PORT = 432 - SYS_PID_SUSPEND = 433 - SYS_PID_RESUME = 434 - SYS_PID_HIBERNATE = 435 - SYS_PID_SHUTDOWN_SOCKETS = 436 - SYS_SHARED_REGION_MAP_AND_SLIDE_NP = 438 - SYS_KAS_INFO = 439 - SYS_MEMORYSTATUS_CONTROL = 440 - SYS_GUARDED_OPEN_NP = 441 - SYS_GUARDED_CLOSE_NP = 442 - SYS_GUARDED_KQUEUE_NP = 443 - SYS_CHANGE_FDGUARD_NP = 444 - SYS_USRCTL = 445 - SYS_PROC_RLIMIT_CONTROL = 446 - SYS_CONNECTX = 447 - SYS_DISCONNECTX = 448 - SYS_PEELOFF = 449 - SYS_SOCKET_DELEGATE = 450 - SYS_TELEMETRY = 451 - SYS_PROC_UUID_POLICY = 452 - SYS_MEMORYSTATUS_GET_LEVEL = 453 - SYS_SYSTEM_OVERRIDE = 454 - SYS_VFS_PURGE = 455 - SYS_SFI_CTL = 456 - SYS_SFI_PIDCTL = 457 - SYS_COALITION = 458 - SYS_COALITION_INFO = 459 - SYS_NECP_MATCH_POLICY = 460 - SYS_GETATTRLISTBULK = 461 - SYS_CLONEFILEAT = 462 - SYS_OPENAT = 463 - SYS_OPENAT_NOCANCEL = 464 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 465 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 466 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 467 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 468 - SYS_FSTATAT = 469 - SYS_FSTATAT64 = 470 - SYS_LINKAT = 471 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 472 - SYS_READLINKAT = 473 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 474 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 475 - SYS_GETATTRLISTAT = 476 - SYS_PROC_TRACE_LOG = 477 - SYS_BSDTHREAD_CTL = 478 - SYS_OPENBYID_NP = 479 - SYS_RECVMSG_X = 480 - SYS_SENDMSG_X = 481 - SYS_THREAD_SELFUSAGE = 482 - SYS_CSRCTL = 483 - SYS_GUARDED_OPEN_DPROTECTED_NP = 484 - SYS_GUARDED_WRITE_NP = 485 - SYS_GUARDED_PWRITE_NP = 486 - SYS_GUARDED_WRITEV_NP = 487 - SYS_RENAMEATX_NP = 488 - SYS_MREMAP_ENCRYPTED = 489 - SYS_NETAGENT_TRIGGER = 490 - SYS_STACK_SNAPSHOT_WITH_CONFIG = 491 - SYS_MICROSTACKSHOT = 492 - SYS_GRAB_PGO_DATA = 493 - SYS_PERSONA = 494 - SYS_WORK_INTERVAL_CTL = 499 - SYS_GETENTROPY = 500 - SYS_NECP_OPEN = 501 - SYS_NECP_CLIENT_ACTION = 502 - SYS___NEXUS_OPEN = 503 - SYS___NEXUS_REGISTER = 504 - SYS___NEXUS_DEREGISTER = 505 - SYS___NEXUS_CREATE = 506 - SYS___NEXUS_DESTROY = 507 - SYS___NEXUS_GET_OPT = 508 - SYS___NEXUS_SET_OPT = 509 - SYS___CHANNEL_OPEN = 510 - SYS___CHANNEL_GET_INFO = 511 - SYS___CHANNEL_SYNC = 512 - SYS___CHANNEL_GET_OPT = 513 - SYS___CHANNEL_SET_OPT = 514 - SYS_ULOCK_WAIT = 515 - SYS_ULOCK_WAKE = 516 - SYS_FCLONEFILEAT = 517 - SYS_FS_SNAPSHOT = 518 - SYS_TERMINATE_WITH_PAYLOAD = 520 - SYS_ABORT_WITH_PAYLOAD = 521 - SYS_NECP_SESSION_OPEN = 522 - SYS_NECP_SESSION_ACTION = 523 - SYS_SETATTRLISTAT = 524 - SYS_NET_QOS_GUIDELINE = 525 - SYS_FMOUNT = 526 - SYS_NTP_ADJTIME = 527 - SYS_NTP_GETTIME = 528 - SYS_OS_FAULT_WITH_PAYLOAD = 529 - SYS_MAXSYSCALL = 530 - SYS_INVALID = 63 -) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm64.go index 527b9588..5eb433bb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_darwin_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS11.1.sdk/usr/include/sys/syscall.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && darwin // +build arm64,darwin package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_dragonfly_amd64.go index 9912c6ee..703675c0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://gitweb.dragonflybsd.org/dragonfly.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && dragonfly // +build amd64,dragonfly package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_386.go index 9474974b..59d5dfc2 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://svn.freebsd.org/base/stable/11/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && freebsd // +build 386,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_amd64.go index 48a7beae..342d471d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://svn.freebsd.org/base/stable/11/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && freebsd // +build amd64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm.go index 4a6dfd4a..e2e3d72c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://svn.freebsd.org/base/stable/11/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && freebsd // +build arm,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm64.go index 3e51af8e..61ad5ca3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://svn.freebsd.org/base/stable/11/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && freebsd // +build arm64,freebsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go index f6742bde..cac1f758 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && linux // +build 386,linux package unix @@ -436,4 +437,13 @@ const ( SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_MEMFD_SECRET = 447 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go index f7e52557..f327e4a0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_amd64.go @@ -1,361 +1,371 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && linux // +build amd64,linux package unix const ( - SYS_READ = 0 - SYS_WRITE = 1 - SYS_OPEN = 2 - SYS_CLOSE = 3 - SYS_STAT = 4 - SYS_FSTAT = 5 - SYS_LSTAT = 6 - SYS_POLL = 7 - SYS_LSEEK = 8 - SYS_MMAP = 9 - SYS_MPROTECT = 10 - SYS_MUNMAP = 11 - SYS_BRK = 12 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 13 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 14 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 15 - SYS_IOCTL = 16 - SYS_PREAD64 = 17 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 18 - SYS_READV = 19 - SYS_WRITEV = 20 - SYS_ACCESS = 21 - SYS_PIPE = 22 - SYS_SELECT = 23 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 24 - SYS_MREMAP = 25 - SYS_MSYNC = 26 - SYS_MINCORE = 27 - SYS_MADVISE = 28 - SYS_SHMGET = 29 - SYS_SHMAT = 30 - SYS_SHMCTL = 31 - SYS_DUP = 32 - SYS_DUP2 = 33 - SYS_PAUSE = 34 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 35 - SYS_GETITIMER = 36 - SYS_ALARM = 37 - SYS_SETITIMER = 38 - SYS_GETPID = 39 - SYS_SENDFILE = 40 - SYS_SOCKET = 41 - SYS_CONNECT = 42 - SYS_ACCEPT = 43 - SYS_SENDTO = 44 - SYS_RECVFROM = 45 - SYS_SENDMSG = 46 - SYS_RECVMSG = 47 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 48 - SYS_BIND = 49 - SYS_LISTEN = 50 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 51 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 52 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 53 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 54 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 55 - SYS_CLONE = 56 - SYS_FORK = 57 - SYS_VFORK = 58 - SYS_EXECVE = 59 - SYS_EXIT = 60 - SYS_WAIT4 = 61 - SYS_KILL = 62 - SYS_UNAME = 63 - SYS_SEMGET = 64 - SYS_SEMOP = 65 - SYS_SEMCTL = 66 - SYS_SHMDT = 67 - SYS_MSGGET = 68 - SYS_MSGSND = 69 - SYS_MSGRCV = 70 - SYS_MSGCTL = 71 - SYS_FCNTL = 72 - SYS_FLOCK = 73 - SYS_FSYNC = 74 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 75 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 76 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 77 - SYS_GETDENTS = 78 - SYS_GETCWD = 79 - SYS_CHDIR = 80 - SYS_FCHDIR = 81 - SYS_RENAME = 82 - SYS_MKDIR = 83 - SYS_RMDIR = 84 - SYS_CREAT = 85 - SYS_LINK = 86 - SYS_UNLINK = 87 - SYS_SYMLINK = 88 - SYS_READLINK = 89 - SYS_CHMOD = 90 - SYS_FCHMOD = 91 - SYS_CHOWN = 92 - SYS_FCHOWN = 93 - SYS_LCHOWN = 94 - SYS_UMASK = 95 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 96 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 97 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 98 - SYS_SYSINFO = 99 - SYS_TIMES = 100 - SYS_PTRACE = 101 - SYS_GETUID = 102 - SYS_SYSLOG = 103 - SYS_GETGID = 104 - SYS_SETUID = 105 - SYS_SETGID = 106 - SYS_GETEUID = 107 - SYS_GETEGID = 108 - SYS_SETPGID = 109 - SYS_GETPPID = 110 - SYS_GETPGRP = 111 - SYS_SETSID = 112 - SYS_SETREUID = 113 - SYS_SETREGID = 114 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 115 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 116 - SYS_SETRESUID = 117 - SYS_GETRESUID = 118 - SYS_SETRESGID = 119 - SYS_GETRESGID = 120 - SYS_GETPGID = 121 - SYS_SETFSUID = 122 - SYS_SETFSGID = 123 - SYS_GETSID = 124 - SYS_CAPGET = 125 - SYS_CAPSET = 126 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 127 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 128 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 129 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 130 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 131 - SYS_UTIME = 132 - SYS_MKNOD = 133 - SYS_USELIB = 134 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 135 - SYS_USTAT = 136 - SYS_STATFS = 137 - SYS_FSTATFS = 138 - SYS_SYSFS = 139 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 140 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 141 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 142 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 143 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 144 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 145 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 146 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 147 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 148 - SYS_MLOCK = 149 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 150 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 151 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 152 - SYS_VHANGUP = 153 - SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 154 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 155 - SYS__SYSCTL = 156 - SYS_PRCTL = 157 - SYS_ARCH_PRCTL = 158 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 159 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 160 - SYS_CHROOT = 161 - SYS_SYNC = 162 - SYS_ACCT = 163 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 164 - SYS_MOUNT = 165 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 166 - SYS_SWAPON = 167 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 168 - SYS_REBOOT = 169 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 170 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 171 - SYS_IOPL = 172 - SYS_IOPERM = 173 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 174 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 175 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 176 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 177 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 178 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 179 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 180 - SYS_GETPMSG = 181 - SYS_PUTPMSG = 182 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 183 - SYS_TUXCALL = 184 - SYS_SECURITY = 185 - SYS_GETTID = 186 - SYS_READAHEAD = 187 - SYS_SETXATTR = 188 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 189 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 190 - SYS_GETXATTR = 191 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 192 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 193 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 194 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 195 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 196 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 197 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 198 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 199 - SYS_TKILL = 200 - SYS_TIME = 201 - SYS_FUTEX = 202 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 203 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 204 - SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 205 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 206 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 207 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 208 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 209 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 210 - SYS_GET_THREAD_AREA = 211 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 212 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 213 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL_OLD = 214 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT_OLD = 215 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 216 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 217 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 218 - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 219 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 220 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 221 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 222 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 223 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 224 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 225 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 226 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 227 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 228 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 229 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 230 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 231 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 232 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 233 - SYS_TGKILL = 234 - SYS_UTIMES = 235 - SYS_VSERVER = 236 - SYS_MBIND = 237 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 238 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 239 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 240 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 241 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 242 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 243 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 244 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 245 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 246 - SYS_WAITID = 247 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 248 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 249 - SYS_KEYCTL = 250 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 251 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 252 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 253 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 254 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 255 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 256 - SYS_OPENAT = 257 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 258 - SYS_MKNODAT = 259 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 260 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 261 - SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 262 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 263 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 264 - SYS_LINKAT = 265 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 266 - SYS_READLINKAT = 267 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 268 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 269 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 270 - SYS_PPOLL = 271 - SYS_UNSHARE = 272 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 273 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 274 - SYS_SPLICE = 275 - SYS_TEE = 276 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 277 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 278 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 279 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 280 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 281 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 282 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 283 - SYS_EVENTFD = 284 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 285 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 286 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 287 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 288 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 289 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 290 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 291 - SYS_DUP3 = 292 - SYS_PIPE2 = 293 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 294 - SYS_PREADV = 295 - SYS_PWRITEV = 296 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 297 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 298 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 299 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 300 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 301 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 302 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 303 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 304 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 305 - SYS_SYNCFS = 306 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 307 - SYS_SETNS = 308 - SYS_GETCPU = 309 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 310 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 311 - SYS_KCMP = 312 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 313 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 314 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 315 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 316 - SYS_SECCOMP = 317 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 318 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 319 - SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 320 - SYS_BPF = 321 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 322 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 323 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 324 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 325 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 326 - SYS_PREADV2 = 327 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 328 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 329 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 330 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 331 - SYS_STATX = 332 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 333 - SYS_RSEQ = 334 - SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 - SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 - SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 - SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 - SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 - SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 - SYS_FSOPEN = 430 - SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 - SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 - SYS_FSPICK = 433 - SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 - SYS_CLONE3 = 435 - SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 - SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 - SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 - SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 - SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_READ = 0 + SYS_WRITE = 1 + SYS_OPEN = 2 + SYS_CLOSE = 3 + SYS_STAT = 4 + SYS_FSTAT = 5 + SYS_LSTAT = 6 + SYS_POLL = 7 + SYS_LSEEK = 8 + SYS_MMAP = 9 + SYS_MPROTECT = 10 + SYS_MUNMAP = 11 + SYS_BRK = 12 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 13 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 14 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 15 + SYS_IOCTL = 16 + SYS_PREAD64 = 17 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 18 + SYS_READV = 19 + SYS_WRITEV = 20 + SYS_ACCESS = 21 + SYS_PIPE = 22 + SYS_SELECT = 23 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 24 + SYS_MREMAP = 25 + SYS_MSYNC = 26 + SYS_MINCORE = 27 + SYS_MADVISE = 28 + SYS_SHMGET = 29 + SYS_SHMAT = 30 + SYS_SHMCTL = 31 + SYS_DUP = 32 + SYS_DUP2 = 33 + SYS_PAUSE = 34 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 35 + SYS_GETITIMER = 36 + SYS_ALARM = 37 + SYS_SETITIMER = 38 + SYS_GETPID = 39 + SYS_SENDFILE = 40 + SYS_SOCKET = 41 + SYS_CONNECT = 42 + SYS_ACCEPT = 43 + SYS_SENDTO = 44 + SYS_RECVFROM = 45 + SYS_SENDMSG = 46 + SYS_RECVMSG = 47 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 48 + SYS_BIND = 49 + SYS_LISTEN = 50 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 51 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 52 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 53 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 54 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 55 + SYS_CLONE = 56 + SYS_FORK = 57 + SYS_VFORK = 58 + SYS_EXECVE = 59 + SYS_EXIT = 60 + SYS_WAIT4 = 61 + SYS_KILL = 62 + SYS_UNAME = 63 + SYS_SEMGET = 64 + SYS_SEMOP = 65 + SYS_SEMCTL = 66 + SYS_SHMDT = 67 + SYS_MSGGET = 68 + SYS_MSGSND = 69 + SYS_MSGRCV = 70 + SYS_MSGCTL = 71 + SYS_FCNTL = 72 + SYS_FLOCK = 73 + SYS_FSYNC = 74 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 75 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 76 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 77 + SYS_GETDENTS = 78 + SYS_GETCWD = 79 + SYS_CHDIR = 80 + SYS_FCHDIR = 81 + SYS_RENAME = 82 + SYS_MKDIR = 83 + SYS_RMDIR = 84 + SYS_CREAT = 85 + SYS_LINK = 86 + SYS_UNLINK = 87 + SYS_SYMLINK = 88 + SYS_READLINK = 89 + SYS_CHMOD = 90 + SYS_FCHMOD = 91 + SYS_CHOWN = 92 + SYS_FCHOWN = 93 + SYS_LCHOWN = 94 + SYS_UMASK = 95 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 96 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 97 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 98 + SYS_SYSINFO = 99 + SYS_TIMES = 100 + SYS_PTRACE = 101 + SYS_GETUID = 102 + SYS_SYSLOG = 103 + SYS_GETGID = 104 + SYS_SETUID = 105 + SYS_SETGID = 106 + SYS_GETEUID = 107 + SYS_GETEGID = 108 + SYS_SETPGID = 109 + SYS_GETPPID = 110 + SYS_GETPGRP = 111 + SYS_SETSID = 112 + SYS_SETREUID = 113 + SYS_SETREGID = 114 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 115 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 116 + SYS_SETRESUID = 117 + SYS_GETRESUID = 118 + SYS_SETRESGID = 119 + SYS_GETRESGID = 120 + SYS_GETPGID = 121 + SYS_SETFSUID = 122 + SYS_SETFSGID = 123 + SYS_GETSID = 124 + SYS_CAPGET = 125 + SYS_CAPSET = 126 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 127 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 128 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 129 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 130 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 131 + SYS_UTIME = 132 + SYS_MKNOD = 133 + SYS_USELIB = 134 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 135 + SYS_USTAT = 136 + SYS_STATFS = 137 + SYS_FSTATFS = 138 + SYS_SYSFS = 139 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 140 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 141 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 142 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 143 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 144 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 145 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 146 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 147 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 148 + SYS_MLOCK = 149 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 150 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 151 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 152 + SYS_VHANGUP = 153 + SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 154 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 155 + SYS__SYSCTL = 156 + SYS_PRCTL = 157 + SYS_ARCH_PRCTL = 158 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 159 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 160 + SYS_CHROOT = 161 + SYS_SYNC = 162 + SYS_ACCT = 163 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 164 + SYS_MOUNT = 165 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 166 + SYS_SWAPON = 167 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 168 + SYS_REBOOT = 169 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 170 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 171 + SYS_IOPL = 172 + SYS_IOPERM = 173 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 174 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 175 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 176 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 177 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 178 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 179 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 180 + SYS_GETPMSG = 181 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 182 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 183 + SYS_TUXCALL = 184 + SYS_SECURITY = 185 + SYS_GETTID = 186 + SYS_READAHEAD = 187 + SYS_SETXATTR = 188 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 189 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 190 + SYS_GETXATTR = 191 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 192 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 193 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 194 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 195 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 196 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 197 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 198 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 199 + SYS_TKILL = 200 + SYS_TIME = 201 + SYS_FUTEX = 202 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 203 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 204 + SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 205 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 206 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 207 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 208 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 209 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 210 + SYS_GET_THREAD_AREA = 211 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 212 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 213 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL_OLD = 214 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT_OLD = 215 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 216 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 217 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 218 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 219 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 220 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 221 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 222 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 223 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 224 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 225 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 226 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 227 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 228 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 229 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 230 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 231 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 232 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 233 + SYS_TGKILL = 234 + SYS_UTIMES = 235 + SYS_VSERVER = 236 + SYS_MBIND = 237 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 238 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 239 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 240 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 241 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 242 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 243 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 244 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 245 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 246 + SYS_WAITID = 247 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 248 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 249 + SYS_KEYCTL = 250 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 251 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 252 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 253 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 254 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 255 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 256 + SYS_OPENAT = 257 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 258 + SYS_MKNODAT = 259 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 260 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 261 + SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 262 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 263 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 264 + SYS_LINKAT = 265 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 266 + SYS_READLINKAT = 267 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 268 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 269 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 270 + SYS_PPOLL = 271 + SYS_UNSHARE = 272 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 273 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 274 + SYS_SPLICE = 275 + SYS_TEE = 276 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 277 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 278 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 279 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 280 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 281 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 282 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 283 + SYS_EVENTFD = 284 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 285 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 286 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 287 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 288 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 289 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 290 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 291 + SYS_DUP3 = 292 + SYS_PIPE2 = 293 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 294 + SYS_PREADV = 295 + SYS_PWRITEV = 296 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 297 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 298 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 299 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 300 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 301 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 302 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 303 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 304 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 305 + SYS_SYNCFS = 306 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 307 + SYS_SETNS = 308 + SYS_GETCPU = 309 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 310 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 311 + SYS_KCMP = 312 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 313 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 314 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 315 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 316 + SYS_SECCOMP = 317 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 318 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 319 + SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 320 + SYS_BPF = 321 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 322 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 323 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 324 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 325 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 326 + SYS_PREADV2 = 327 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 328 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 329 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 330 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 331 + SYS_STATX = 332 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 333 + SYS_RSEQ = 334 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 + SYS_FSPICK = 433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_MEMFD_SECRET = 447 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go index 3f60977d..fb06a08d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm.go @@ -1,11 +1,13 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && linux // +build arm,linux package unix const ( + SYS_SYSCALL_MASK = 0 SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 SYS_EXIT = 1 SYS_FORK = 2 @@ -400,4 +402,12 @@ const ( SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go index dbedf4cb..58285646 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_arm64.go @@ -1,306 +1,316 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && linux // +build arm64,linux package unix const ( - SYS_IO_SETUP = 0 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 1 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 2 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 3 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 4 - SYS_SETXATTR = 5 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 6 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 7 - SYS_GETXATTR = 8 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 9 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 10 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 11 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 12 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 13 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 14 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 15 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 16 - SYS_GETCWD = 17 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 18 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 19 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 20 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 21 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 22 - SYS_DUP = 23 - SYS_DUP3 = 24 - SYS_FCNTL = 25 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 26 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 27 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 28 - SYS_IOCTL = 29 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 30 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 31 - SYS_FLOCK = 32 - SYS_MKNODAT = 33 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 34 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 35 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 36 - SYS_LINKAT = 37 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 38 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 39 - SYS_MOUNT = 40 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 41 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 42 - SYS_STATFS = 43 - SYS_FSTATFS = 44 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 45 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 46 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 47 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 48 - SYS_CHDIR = 49 - SYS_FCHDIR = 50 - SYS_CHROOT = 51 - SYS_FCHMOD = 52 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 53 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 54 - SYS_FCHOWN = 55 - SYS_OPENAT = 56 - SYS_CLOSE = 57 - SYS_VHANGUP = 58 - SYS_PIPE2 = 59 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 60 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 61 - SYS_LSEEK = 62 - SYS_READ = 63 - SYS_WRITE = 64 - SYS_READV = 65 - SYS_WRITEV = 66 - SYS_PREAD64 = 67 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 68 - SYS_PREADV = 69 - SYS_PWRITEV = 70 - SYS_SENDFILE = 71 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 72 - SYS_PPOLL = 73 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 74 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 75 - SYS_SPLICE = 76 - SYS_TEE = 77 - SYS_READLINKAT = 78 - SYS_FSTATAT = 79 - SYS_FSTAT = 80 - SYS_SYNC = 81 - SYS_FSYNC = 82 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 83 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 84 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 85 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 86 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 87 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 88 - SYS_ACCT = 89 - SYS_CAPGET = 90 - SYS_CAPSET = 91 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 92 - SYS_EXIT = 93 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 94 - SYS_WAITID = 95 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 96 - SYS_UNSHARE = 97 - SYS_FUTEX = 98 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 99 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 100 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 101 - SYS_GETITIMER = 102 - SYS_SETITIMER = 103 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 104 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 105 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 106 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 107 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 108 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 109 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 110 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 111 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 112 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 113 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 114 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 115 - SYS_SYSLOG = 116 - SYS_PTRACE = 117 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 118 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 119 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 120 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 121 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 122 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 123 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 124 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 125 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 126 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 127 - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 128 - SYS_KILL = 129 - SYS_TKILL = 130 - SYS_TGKILL = 131 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 132 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 133 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 134 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 135 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 136 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 137 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 138 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 139 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 140 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 141 - SYS_REBOOT = 142 - SYS_SETREGID = 143 - SYS_SETGID = 144 - SYS_SETREUID = 145 - SYS_SETUID = 146 - SYS_SETRESUID = 147 - SYS_GETRESUID = 148 - SYS_SETRESGID = 149 - SYS_GETRESGID = 150 - SYS_SETFSUID = 151 - SYS_SETFSGID = 152 - SYS_TIMES = 153 - SYS_SETPGID = 154 - SYS_GETPGID = 155 - SYS_GETSID = 156 - SYS_SETSID = 157 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 158 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 159 - SYS_UNAME = 160 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 161 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 162 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 163 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 164 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 165 - SYS_UMASK = 166 - SYS_PRCTL = 167 - SYS_GETCPU = 168 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 169 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 170 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 171 - SYS_GETPID = 172 - SYS_GETPPID = 173 - SYS_GETUID = 174 - SYS_GETEUID = 175 - SYS_GETGID = 176 - SYS_GETEGID = 177 - SYS_GETTID = 178 - SYS_SYSINFO = 179 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 180 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 181 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 182 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 183 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 184 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 185 - SYS_MSGGET = 186 - SYS_MSGCTL = 187 - SYS_MSGRCV = 188 - SYS_MSGSND = 189 - SYS_SEMGET = 190 - SYS_SEMCTL = 191 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 192 - SYS_SEMOP = 193 - SYS_SHMGET = 194 - SYS_SHMCTL = 195 - SYS_SHMAT = 196 - SYS_SHMDT = 197 - SYS_SOCKET = 198 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 199 - SYS_BIND = 200 - SYS_LISTEN = 201 - SYS_ACCEPT = 202 - SYS_CONNECT = 203 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 204 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 205 - SYS_SENDTO = 206 - SYS_RECVFROM = 207 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 208 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 209 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 210 - SYS_SENDMSG = 211 - SYS_RECVMSG = 212 - SYS_READAHEAD = 213 - SYS_BRK = 214 - SYS_MUNMAP = 215 - SYS_MREMAP = 216 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 217 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 218 - SYS_KEYCTL = 219 - SYS_CLONE = 220 - SYS_EXECVE = 221 - SYS_MMAP = 222 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 223 - SYS_SWAPON = 224 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 225 - SYS_MPROTECT = 226 - SYS_MSYNC = 227 - SYS_MLOCK = 228 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 229 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 230 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 231 - SYS_MINCORE = 232 - SYS_MADVISE = 233 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 234 - SYS_MBIND = 235 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 236 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 237 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 238 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 239 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 240 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 241 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 242 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 243 - SYS_ARCH_SPECIFIC_SYSCALL = 244 - SYS_WAIT4 = 260 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 261 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 262 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 263 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 264 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 265 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 266 - SYS_SYNCFS = 267 - SYS_SETNS = 268 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 269 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 270 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 271 - SYS_KCMP = 272 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 273 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 274 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 275 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 276 - SYS_SECCOMP = 277 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 278 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 279 - SYS_BPF = 280 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 281 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 282 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 283 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 284 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 285 - SYS_PREADV2 = 286 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 287 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 288 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 289 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 290 - SYS_STATX = 291 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 292 - SYS_RSEQ = 293 - SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 294 - SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 - SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 - SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 - SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 - SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 - SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 - SYS_FSOPEN = 430 - SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 - SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 - SYS_FSPICK = 433 - SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 - SYS_CLONE3 = 435 - SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 - SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 - SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 - SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 - SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 0 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 1 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 2 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 3 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 4 + SYS_SETXATTR = 5 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 6 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 7 + SYS_GETXATTR = 8 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 9 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 10 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 11 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 12 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 13 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 14 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 15 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 16 + SYS_GETCWD = 17 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 18 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 19 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 20 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 21 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 22 + SYS_DUP = 23 + SYS_DUP3 = 24 + SYS_FCNTL = 25 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 26 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 27 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 28 + SYS_IOCTL = 29 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 30 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 31 + SYS_FLOCK = 32 + SYS_MKNODAT = 33 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 34 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 35 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 36 + SYS_LINKAT = 37 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 38 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 39 + SYS_MOUNT = 40 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 41 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 42 + SYS_STATFS = 43 + SYS_FSTATFS = 44 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 45 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 46 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 47 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 48 + SYS_CHDIR = 49 + SYS_FCHDIR = 50 + SYS_CHROOT = 51 + SYS_FCHMOD = 52 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 53 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 54 + SYS_FCHOWN = 55 + SYS_OPENAT = 56 + SYS_CLOSE = 57 + SYS_VHANGUP = 58 + SYS_PIPE2 = 59 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 60 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 61 + SYS_LSEEK = 62 + SYS_READ = 63 + SYS_WRITE = 64 + SYS_READV = 65 + SYS_WRITEV = 66 + SYS_PREAD64 = 67 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 68 + SYS_PREADV = 69 + SYS_PWRITEV = 70 + SYS_SENDFILE = 71 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 72 + SYS_PPOLL = 73 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 74 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 75 + SYS_SPLICE = 76 + SYS_TEE = 77 + SYS_READLINKAT = 78 + SYS_FSTATAT = 79 + SYS_FSTAT = 80 + SYS_SYNC = 81 + SYS_FSYNC = 82 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 83 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 84 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 85 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 86 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 87 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 88 + SYS_ACCT = 89 + SYS_CAPGET = 90 + SYS_CAPSET = 91 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 92 + SYS_EXIT = 93 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 94 + SYS_WAITID = 95 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 96 + SYS_UNSHARE = 97 + SYS_FUTEX = 98 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 99 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 100 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 101 + SYS_GETITIMER = 102 + SYS_SETITIMER = 103 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 104 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 105 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 106 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 107 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 108 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 109 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 110 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 111 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 112 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 113 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 114 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 115 + SYS_SYSLOG = 116 + SYS_PTRACE = 117 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 118 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 119 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 120 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 121 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 122 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 123 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 124 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 125 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 126 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 127 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 128 + SYS_KILL = 129 + SYS_TKILL = 130 + SYS_TGKILL = 131 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 132 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 133 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 134 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 135 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 136 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 137 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 138 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 139 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 140 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 141 + SYS_REBOOT = 142 + SYS_SETREGID = 143 + SYS_SETGID = 144 + SYS_SETREUID = 145 + SYS_SETUID = 146 + SYS_SETRESUID = 147 + SYS_GETRESUID = 148 + SYS_SETRESGID = 149 + SYS_GETRESGID = 150 + SYS_SETFSUID = 151 + SYS_SETFSGID = 152 + SYS_TIMES = 153 + SYS_SETPGID = 154 + SYS_GETPGID = 155 + SYS_GETSID = 156 + SYS_SETSID = 157 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 158 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 159 + SYS_UNAME = 160 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 161 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 162 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 163 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 164 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 165 + SYS_UMASK = 166 + SYS_PRCTL = 167 + SYS_GETCPU = 168 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 169 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 170 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 171 + SYS_GETPID = 172 + SYS_GETPPID = 173 + SYS_GETUID = 174 + SYS_GETEUID = 175 + SYS_GETGID = 176 + SYS_GETEGID = 177 + SYS_GETTID = 178 + SYS_SYSINFO = 179 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 180 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 181 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 182 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 183 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 184 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 185 + SYS_MSGGET = 186 + SYS_MSGCTL = 187 + SYS_MSGRCV = 188 + SYS_MSGSND = 189 + SYS_SEMGET = 190 + SYS_SEMCTL = 191 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 192 + SYS_SEMOP = 193 + SYS_SHMGET = 194 + SYS_SHMCTL = 195 + SYS_SHMAT = 196 + SYS_SHMDT = 197 + SYS_SOCKET = 198 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 199 + SYS_BIND = 200 + SYS_LISTEN = 201 + SYS_ACCEPT = 202 + SYS_CONNECT = 203 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 204 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 205 + SYS_SENDTO = 206 + SYS_RECVFROM = 207 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 208 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 209 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 210 + SYS_SENDMSG = 211 + SYS_RECVMSG = 212 + SYS_READAHEAD = 213 + SYS_BRK = 214 + SYS_MUNMAP = 215 + SYS_MREMAP = 216 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 217 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 218 + SYS_KEYCTL = 219 + SYS_CLONE = 220 + SYS_EXECVE = 221 + SYS_MMAP = 222 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 223 + SYS_SWAPON = 224 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 225 + SYS_MPROTECT = 226 + SYS_MSYNC = 227 + SYS_MLOCK = 228 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 229 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 230 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 231 + SYS_MINCORE = 232 + SYS_MADVISE = 233 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 234 + SYS_MBIND = 235 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 236 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 237 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 238 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 239 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 240 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 241 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 242 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 243 + SYS_ARCH_SPECIFIC_SYSCALL = 244 + SYS_WAIT4 = 260 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 261 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 262 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 263 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 264 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 265 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 266 + SYS_SYNCFS = 267 + SYS_SETNS = 268 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 269 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 270 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 271 + SYS_KCMP = 272 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 273 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 274 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 275 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 276 + SYS_SECCOMP = 277 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 278 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 279 + SYS_BPF = 280 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 281 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 282 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 283 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 284 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 285 + SYS_PREADV2 = 286 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 287 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 288 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 289 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 290 + SYS_STATX = 291 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 292 + SYS_RSEQ = 293 + SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 294 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 + SYS_FSPICK = 433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_MEMFD_SECRET = 447 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go index eeff7e1d..3b0418e6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips && linux // +build mips,linux package unix @@ -421,4 +422,12 @@ const ( SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 4438 SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 4439 SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 4440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 4441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 4442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 4443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 4444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 4445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 4446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 4448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 4449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go index 73cfa535..314ebf16 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64.go @@ -1,354 +1,363 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64 && linux // +build mips64,linux package unix const ( - SYS_READ = 5000 - SYS_WRITE = 5001 - SYS_OPEN = 5002 - SYS_CLOSE = 5003 - SYS_STAT = 5004 - SYS_FSTAT = 5005 - SYS_LSTAT = 5006 - SYS_POLL = 5007 - SYS_LSEEK = 5008 - SYS_MMAP = 5009 - SYS_MPROTECT = 5010 - SYS_MUNMAP = 5011 - SYS_BRK = 5012 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 5013 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 5014 - SYS_IOCTL = 5015 - SYS_PREAD64 = 5016 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 5017 - SYS_READV = 5018 - SYS_WRITEV = 5019 - SYS_ACCESS = 5020 - SYS_PIPE = 5021 - SYS__NEWSELECT = 5022 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 5023 - SYS_MREMAP = 5024 - SYS_MSYNC = 5025 - SYS_MINCORE = 5026 - SYS_MADVISE = 5027 - SYS_SHMGET = 5028 - SYS_SHMAT = 5029 - SYS_SHMCTL = 5030 - SYS_DUP = 5031 - SYS_DUP2 = 5032 - SYS_PAUSE = 5033 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 5034 - SYS_GETITIMER = 5035 - SYS_SETITIMER = 5036 - SYS_ALARM = 5037 - SYS_GETPID = 5038 - SYS_SENDFILE = 5039 - SYS_SOCKET = 5040 - SYS_CONNECT = 5041 - SYS_ACCEPT = 5042 - SYS_SENDTO = 5043 - SYS_RECVFROM = 5044 - SYS_SENDMSG = 5045 - SYS_RECVMSG = 5046 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 5047 - SYS_BIND = 5048 - SYS_LISTEN = 5049 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 5050 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 5051 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 5052 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 5053 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 5054 - SYS_CLONE = 5055 - SYS_FORK = 5056 - SYS_EXECVE = 5057 - SYS_EXIT = 5058 - SYS_WAIT4 = 5059 - SYS_KILL = 5060 - SYS_UNAME = 5061 - SYS_SEMGET = 5062 - SYS_SEMOP = 5063 - SYS_SEMCTL = 5064 - SYS_SHMDT = 5065 - SYS_MSGGET = 5066 - SYS_MSGSND = 5067 - SYS_MSGRCV = 5068 - SYS_MSGCTL = 5069 - SYS_FCNTL = 5070 - SYS_FLOCK = 5071 - SYS_FSYNC = 5072 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 5073 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 5074 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 5075 - SYS_GETDENTS = 5076 - SYS_GETCWD = 5077 - SYS_CHDIR = 5078 - SYS_FCHDIR = 5079 - SYS_RENAME = 5080 - SYS_MKDIR = 5081 - SYS_RMDIR = 5082 - SYS_CREAT = 5083 - SYS_LINK = 5084 - SYS_UNLINK = 5085 - SYS_SYMLINK = 5086 - SYS_READLINK = 5087 - SYS_CHMOD = 5088 - SYS_FCHMOD = 5089 - SYS_CHOWN = 5090 - SYS_FCHOWN = 5091 - SYS_LCHOWN = 5092 - SYS_UMASK = 5093 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 5094 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 5095 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 5096 - SYS_SYSINFO = 5097 - SYS_TIMES = 5098 - SYS_PTRACE = 5099 - SYS_GETUID = 5100 - SYS_SYSLOG = 5101 - SYS_GETGID = 5102 - SYS_SETUID = 5103 - SYS_SETGID = 5104 - SYS_GETEUID = 5105 - SYS_GETEGID = 5106 - SYS_SETPGID = 5107 - SYS_GETPPID = 5108 - SYS_GETPGRP = 5109 - SYS_SETSID = 5110 - SYS_SETREUID = 5111 - SYS_SETREGID = 5112 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 5113 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 5114 - SYS_SETRESUID = 5115 - SYS_GETRESUID = 5116 - SYS_SETRESGID = 5117 - SYS_GETRESGID = 5118 - SYS_GETPGID = 5119 - SYS_SETFSUID = 5120 - SYS_SETFSGID = 5121 - SYS_GETSID = 5122 - SYS_CAPGET = 5123 - SYS_CAPSET = 5124 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 5125 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 5126 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 5127 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 5128 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 5129 - SYS_UTIME = 5130 - SYS_MKNOD = 5131 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 5132 - SYS_USTAT = 5133 - SYS_STATFS = 5134 - SYS_FSTATFS = 5135 - SYS_SYSFS = 5136 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 5137 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 5138 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 5139 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 5140 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 5141 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 5142 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 5143 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 5144 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 5145 - SYS_MLOCK = 5146 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 5147 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 5148 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 5149 - SYS_VHANGUP = 5150 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 5151 - SYS__SYSCTL = 5152 - SYS_PRCTL = 5153 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 5154 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 5155 - SYS_CHROOT = 5156 - SYS_SYNC = 5157 - SYS_ACCT = 5158 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 5159 - SYS_MOUNT = 5160 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 5161 - SYS_SWAPON = 5162 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 5163 - SYS_REBOOT = 5164 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 5165 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 5166 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 5167 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 5168 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 5169 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 5170 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 5171 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 5172 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 5173 - SYS_GETPMSG = 5174 - SYS_PUTPMSG = 5175 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 5176 - SYS_RESERVED177 = 5177 - SYS_GETTID = 5178 - SYS_READAHEAD = 5179 - SYS_SETXATTR = 5180 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 5181 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 5182 - SYS_GETXATTR = 5183 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 5184 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 5185 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 5186 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 5187 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 5188 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 5189 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 5190 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 5191 - SYS_TKILL = 5192 - SYS_RESERVED193 = 5193 - SYS_FUTEX = 5194 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 5195 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 5196 - SYS_CACHEFLUSH = 5197 - SYS_CACHECTL = 5198 - SYS_SYSMIPS = 5199 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 5200 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 5201 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 5202 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 5203 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 5204 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 5205 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 5206 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 5207 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 5208 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 5209 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 5210 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 5211 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 5212 - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 5213 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 5214 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 5215 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 5216 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 5217 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 5218 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 5219 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 5220 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 5221 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 5222 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 5223 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 5224 - SYS_TGKILL = 5225 - SYS_UTIMES = 5226 - SYS_MBIND = 5227 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 5228 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 5229 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 5230 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 5231 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 5232 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 5233 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 5234 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 5235 - SYS_VSERVER = 5236 - SYS_WAITID = 5237 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 5239 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 5240 - SYS_KEYCTL = 5241 - SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 5242 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 5243 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 5244 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 5245 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 5246 - SYS_OPENAT = 5247 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 5248 - SYS_MKNODAT = 5249 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 5250 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 5251 - SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 5252 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 5253 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 5254 - SYS_LINKAT = 5255 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 5256 - SYS_READLINKAT = 5257 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 5258 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 5259 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 5260 - SYS_PPOLL = 5261 - SYS_UNSHARE = 5262 - SYS_SPLICE = 5263 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 5264 - SYS_TEE = 5265 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 5266 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 5267 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 5268 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 5269 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 5270 - SYS_GETCPU = 5271 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 5272 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 5273 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 5274 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 5275 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 5276 - SYS_TIMERFD = 5277 - SYS_EVENTFD = 5278 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 5279 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 5280 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 5281 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 5282 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 5283 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 5284 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 5285 - SYS_DUP3 = 5286 - SYS_PIPE2 = 5287 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 5288 - SYS_PREADV = 5289 - SYS_PWRITEV = 5290 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 5291 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 5292 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 5293 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 5294 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 5295 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 5296 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 5297 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 5298 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 5299 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 5300 - SYS_SYNCFS = 5301 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 5302 - SYS_SETNS = 5303 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 5304 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 5305 - SYS_KCMP = 5306 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 5307 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 5308 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 5309 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 5310 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 5311 - SYS_SECCOMP = 5312 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 5313 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 5314 - SYS_BPF = 5315 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 5316 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 5317 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 5318 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 5319 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 5320 - SYS_PREADV2 = 5321 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 5322 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 5323 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 5324 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 5325 - SYS_STATX = 5326 - SYS_RSEQ = 5327 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 5328 - SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 5424 - SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 5425 - SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 5426 - SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 5427 - SYS_OPEN_TREE = 5428 - SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 5429 - SYS_FSOPEN = 5430 - SYS_FSCONFIG = 5431 - SYS_FSMOUNT = 5432 - SYS_FSPICK = 5433 - SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 5434 - SYS_CLONE3 = 5435 - SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 5436 - SYS_OPENAT2 = 5437 - SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 5438 - SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 5439 - SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 5440 + SYS_READ = 5000 + SYS_WRITE = 5001 + SYS_OPEN = 5002 + SYS_CLOSE = 5003 + SYS_STAT = 5004 + SYS_FSTAT = 5005 + SYS_LSTAT = 5006 + SYS_POLL = 5007 + SYS_LSEEK = 5008 + SYS_MMAP = 5009 + SYS_MPROTECT = 5010 + SYS_MUNMAP = 5011 + SYS_BRK = 5012 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 5013 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 5014 + SYS_IOCTL = 5015 + SYS_PREAD64 = 5016 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 5017 + SYS_READV = 5018 + SYS_WRITEV = 5019 + SYS_ACCESS = 5020 + SYS_PIPE = 5021 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 5022 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 5023 + SYS_MREMAP = 5024 + SYS_MSYNC = 5025 + SYS_MINCORE = 5026 + SYS_MADVISE = 5027 + SYS_SHMGET = 5028 + SYS_SHMAT = 5029 + SYS_SHMCTL = 5030 + SYS_DUP = 5031 + SYS_DUP2 = 5032 + SYS_PAUSE = 5033 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 5034 + SYS_GETITIMER = 5035 + SYS_SETITIMER = 5036 + SYS_ALARM = 5037 + SYS_GETPID = 5038 + SYS_SENDFILE = 5039 + SYS_SOCKET = 5040 + SYS_CONNECT = 5041 + SYS_ACCEPT = 5042 + SYS_SENDTO = 5043 + SYS_RECVFROM = 5044 + SYS_SENDMSG = 5045 + SYS_RECVMSG = 5046 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 5047 + SYS_BIND = 5048 + SYS_LISTEN = 5049 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 5050 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 5051 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 5052 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 5053 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 5054 + SYS_CLONE = 5055 + SYS_FORK = 5056 + SYS_EXECVE = 5057 + SYS_EXIT = 5058 + SYS_WAIT4 = 5059 + SYS_KILL = 5060 + SYS_UNAME = 5061 + SYS_SEMGET = 5062 + SYS_SEMOP = 5063 + SYS_SEMCTL = 5064 + SYS_SHMDT = 5065 + SYS_MSGGET = 5066 + SYS_MSGSND = 5067 + SYS_MSGRCV = 5068 + SYS_MSGCTL = 5069 + SYS_FCNTL = 5070 + SYS_FLOCK = 5071 + SYS_FSYNC = 5072 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 5073 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 5074 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 5075 + SYS_GETDENTS = 5076 + SYS_GETCWD = 5077 + SYS_CHDIR = 5078 + SYS_FCHDIR = 5079 + SYS_RENAME = 5080 + SYS_MKDIR = 5081 + SYS_RMDIR = 5082 + SYS_CREAT = 5083 + SYS_LINK = 5084 + SYS_UNLINK = 5085 + SYS_SYMLINK = 5086 + SYS_READLINK = 5087 + SYS_CHMOD = 5088 + SYS_FCHMOD = 5089 + SYS_CHOWN = 5090 + SYS_FCHOWN = 5091 + SYS_LCHOWN = 5092 + SYS_UMASK = 5093 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 5094 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 5095 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 5096 + SYS_SYSINFO = 5097 + SYS_TIMES = 5098 + SYS_PTRACE = 5099 + SYS_GETUID = 5100 + SYS_SYSLOG = 5101 + SYS_GETGID = 5102 + SYS_SETUID = 5103 + SYS_SETGID = 5104 + SYS_GETEUID = 5105 + SYS_GETEGID = 5106 + SYS_SETPGID = 5107 + SYS_GETPPID = 5108 + SYS_GETPGRP = 5109 + SYS_SETSID = 5110 + SYS_SETREUID = 5111 + SYS_SETREGID = 5112 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 5113 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 5114 + SYS_SETRESUID = 5115 + SYS_GETRESUID = 5116 + SYS_SETRESGID = 5117 + SYS_GETRESGID = 5118 + SYS_GETPGID = 5119 + SYS_SETFSUID = 5120 + SYS_SETFSGID = 5121 + SYS_GETSID = 5122 + SYS_CAPGET = 5123 + SYS_CAPSET = 5124 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 5125 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 5126 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 5127 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 5128 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 5129 + SYS_UTIME = 5130 + SYS_MKNOD = 5131 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 5132 + SYS_USTAT = 5133 + SYS_STATFS = 5134 + SYS_FSTATFS = 5135 + SYS_SYSFS = 5136 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 5137 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 5138 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 5139 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 5140 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 5141 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 5142 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 5143 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 5144 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 5145 + SYS_MLOCK = 5146 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 5147 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 5148 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 5149 + SYS_VHANGUP = 5150 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 5151 + SYS__SYSCTL = 5152 + SYS_PRCTL = 5153 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 5154 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 5155 + SYS_CHROOT = 5156 + SYS_SYNC = 5157 + SYS_ACCT = 5158 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 5159 + SYS_MOUNT = 5160 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 5161 + SYS_SWAPON = 5162 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 5163 + SYS_REBOOT = 5164 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 5165 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 5166 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 5167 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 5168 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 5169 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 5170 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 5171 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 5172 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 5173 + SYS_GETPMSG = 5174 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 5175 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 5176 + SYS_RESERVED177 = 5177 + SYS_GETTID = 5178 + SYS_READAHEAD = 5179 + SYS_SETXATTR = 5180 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 5181 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 5182 + SYS_GETXATTR = 5183 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 5184 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 5185 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 5186 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 5187 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 5188 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 5189 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 5190 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 5191 + SYS_TKILL = 5192 + SYS_RESERVED193 = 5193 + SYS_FUTEX = 5194 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 5195 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 5196 + SYS_CACHEFLUSH = 5197 + SYS_CACHECTL = 5198 + SYS_SYSMIPS = 5199 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 5200 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 5201 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 5202 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 5203 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 5204 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 5205 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 5206 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 5207 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 5208 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 5209 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 5210 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 5211 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 5212 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 5213 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 5214 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 5215 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 5216 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 5217 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 5218 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 5219 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 5220 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 5221 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 5222 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 5223 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 5224 + SYS_TGKILL = 5225 + SYS_UTIMES = 5226 + SYS_MBIND = 5227 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 5228 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 5229 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 5230 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 5231 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 5232 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 5233 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 5234 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 5235 + SYS_VSERVER = 5236 + SYS_WAITID = 5237 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 5239 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 5240 + SYS_KEYCTL = 5241 + SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 5242 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 5243 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 5244 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 5245 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 5246 + SYS_OPENAT = 5247 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 5248 + SYS_MKNODAT = 5249 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 5250 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 5251 + SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 5252 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 5253 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 5254 + SYS_LINKAT = 5255 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 5256 + SYS_READLINKAT = 5257 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 5258 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 5259 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 5260 + SYS_PPOLL = 5261 + SYS_UNSHARE = 5262 + SYS_SPLICE = 5263 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 5264 + SYS_TEE = 5265 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 5266 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 5267 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 5268 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 5269 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 5270 + SYS_GETCPU = 5271 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 5272 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 5273 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 5274 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 5275 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 5276 + SYS_TIMERFD = 5277 + SYS_EVENTFD = 5278 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 5279 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 5280 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 5281 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 5282 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 5283 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 5284 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 5285 + SYS_DUP3 = 5286 + SYS_PIPE2 = 5287 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 5288 + SYS_PREADV = 5289 + SYS_PWRITEV = 5290 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 5291 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 5292 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 5293 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 5294 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 5295 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 5296 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 5297 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 5298 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 5299 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 5300 + SYS_SYNCFS = 5301 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 5302 + SYS_SETNS = 5303 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 5304 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 5305 + SYS_KCMP = 5306 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 5307 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 5308 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 5309 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 5310 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 5311 + SYS_SECCOMP = 5312 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 5313 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 5314 + SYS_BPF = 5315 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 5316 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 5317 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 5318 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 5319 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 5320 + SYS_PREADV2 = 5321 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 5322 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 5323 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 5324 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 5325 + SYS_STATX = 5326 + SYS_RSEQ = 5327 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 5328 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 5424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 5425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 5426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 5427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 5428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 5429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 5430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 5431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 5432 + SYS_FSPICK = 5433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 5434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 5435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 5436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 5437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 5438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 5439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 5440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 5441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 5442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 5443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 5444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 5445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 5446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 5448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 5449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go index be74729e..b8fbb937 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mips64le.go @@ -1,354 +1,363 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64le && linux // +build mips64le,linux package unix const ( - SYS_READ = 5000 - SYS_WRITE = 5001 - SYS_OPEN = 5002 - SYS_CLOSE = 5003 - SYS_STAT = 5004 - SYS_FSTAT = 5005 - SYS_LSTAT = 5006 - SYS_POLL = 5007 - SYS_LSEEK = 5008 - SYS_MMAP = 5009 - SYS_MPROTECT = 5010 - SYS_MUNMAP = 5011 - SYS_BRK = 5012 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 5013 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 5014 - SYS_IOCTL = 5015 - SYS_PREAD64 = 5016 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 5017 - SYS_READV = 5018 - SYS_WRITEV = 5019 - SYS_ACCESS = 5020 - SYS_PIPE = 5021 - SYS__NEWSELECT = 5022 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 5023 - SYS_MREMAP = 5024 - SYS_MSYNC = 5025 - SYS_MINCORE = 5026 - SYS_MADVISE = 5027 - SYS_SHMGET = 5028 - SYS_SHMAT = 5029 - SYS_SHMCTL = 5030 - SYS_DUP = 5031 - SYS_DUP2 = 5032 - SYS_PAUSE = 5033 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 5034 - SYS_GETITIMER = 5035 - SYS_SETITIMER = 5036 - SYS_ALARM = 5037 - SYS_GETPID = 5038 - SYS_SENDFILE = 5039 - SYS_SOCKET = 5040 - SYS_CONNECT = 5041 - SYS_ACCEPT = 5042 - SYS_SENDTO = 5043 - SYS_RECVFROM = 5044 - SYS_SENDMSG = 5045 - SYS_RECVMSG = 5046 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 5047 - SYS_BIND = 5048 - SYS_LISTEN = 5049 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 5050 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 5051 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 5052 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 5053 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 5054 - SYS_CLONE = 5055 - SYS_FORK = 5056 - SYS_EXECVE = 5057 - SYS_EXIT = 5058 - SYS_WAIT4 = 5059 - SYS_KILL = 5060 - SYS_UNAME = 5061 - SYS_SEMGET = 5062 - SYS_SEMOP = 5063 - SYS_SEMCTL = 5064 - SYS_SHMDT = 5065 - SYS_MSGGET = 5066 - SYS_MSGSND = 5067 - SYS_MSGRCV = 5068 - SYS_MSGCTL = 5069 - SYS_FCNTL = 5070 - SYS_FLOCK = 5071 - SYS_FSYNC = 5072 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 5073 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 5074 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 5075 - SYS_GETDENTS = 5076 - SYS_GETCWD = 5077 - SYS_CHDIR = 5078 - SYS_FCHDIR = 5079 - SYS_RENAME = 5080 - SYS_MKDIR = 5081 - SYS_RMDIR = 5082 - SYS_CREAT = 5083 - SYS_LINK = 5084 - SYS_UNLINK = 5085 - SYS_SYMLINK = 5086 - SYS_READLINK = 5087 - SYS_CHMOD = 5088 - SYS_FCHMOD = 5089 - SYS_CHOWN = 5090 - SYS_FCHOWN = 5091 - SYS_LCHOWN = 5092 - SYS_UMASK = 5093 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 5094 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 5095 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 5096 - SYS_SYSINFO = 5097 - SYS_TIMES = 5098 - SYS_PTRACE = 5099 - SYS_GETUID = 5100 - SYS_SYSLOG = 5101 - SYS_GETGID = 5102 - SYS_SETUID = 5103 - SYS_SETGID = 5104 - SYS_GETEUID = 5105 - SYS_GETEGID = 5106 - SYS_SETPGID = 5107 - SYS_GETPPID = 5108 - SYS_GETPGRP = 5109 - SYS_SETSID = 5110 - SYS_SETREUID = 5111 - SYS_SETREGID = 5112 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 5113 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 5114 - SYS_SETRESUID = 5115 - SYS_GETRESUID = 5116 - SYS_SETRESGID = 5117 - SYS_GETRESGID = 5118 - SYS_GETPGID = 5119 - SYS_SETFSUID = 5120 - SYS_SETFSGID = 5121 - SYS_GETSID = 5122 - SYS_CAPGET = 5123 - SYS_CAPSET = 5124 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 5125 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 5126 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 5127 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 5128 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 5129 - SYS_UTIME = 5130 - SYS_MKNOD = 5131 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 5132 - SYS_USTAT = 5133 - SYS_STATFS = 5134 - SYS_FSTATFS = 5135 - SYS_SYSFS = 5136 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 5137 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 5138 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 5139 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 5140 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 5141 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 5142 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 5143 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 5144 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 5145 - SYS_MLOCK = 5146 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 5147 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 5148 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 5149 - SYS_VHANGUP = 5150 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 5151 - SYS__SYSCTL = 5152 - SYS_PRCTL = 5153 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 5154 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 5155 - SYS_CHROOT = 5156 - SYS_SYNC = 5157 - SYS_ACCT = 5158 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 5159 - SYS_MOUNT = 5160 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 5161 - SYS_SWAPON = 5162 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 5163 - SYS_REBOOT = 5164 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 5165 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 5166 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 5167 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 5168 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 5169 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 5170 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 5171 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 5172 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 5173 - SYS_GETPMSG = 5174 - SYS_PUTPMSG = 5175 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 5176 - SYS_RESERVED177 = 5177 - SYS_GETTID = 5178 - SYS_READAHEAD = 5179 - SYS_SETXATTR = 5180 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 5181 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 5182 - SYS_GETXATTR = 5183 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 5184 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 5185 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 5186 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 5187 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 5188 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 5189 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 5190 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 5191 - SYS_TKILL = 5192 - SYS_RESERVED193 = 5193 - SYS_FUTEX = 5194 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 5195 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 5196 - SYS_CACHEFLUSH = 5197 - SYS_CACHECTL = 5198 - SYS_SYSMIPS = 5199 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 5200 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 5201 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 5202 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 5203 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 5204 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 5205 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 5206 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 5207 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 5208 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 5209 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 5210 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 5211 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 5212 - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 5213 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 5214 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 5215 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 5216 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 5217 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 5218 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 5219 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 5220 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 5221 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 5222 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 5223 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 5224 - SYS_TGKILL = 5225 - SYS_UTIMES = 5226 - SYS_MBIND = 5227 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 5228 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 5229 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 5230 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 5231 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 5232 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 5233 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 5234 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 5235 - SYS_VSERVER = 5236 - SYS_WAITID = 5237 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 5239 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 5240 - SYS_KEYCTL = 5241 - SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 5242 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 5243 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 5244 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 5245 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 5246 - SYS_OPENAT = 5247 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 5248 - SYS_MKNODAT = 5249 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 5250 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 5251 - SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 5252 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 5253 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 5254 - SYS_LINKAT = 5255 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 5256 - SYS_READLINKAT = 5257 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 5258 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 5259 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 5260 - SYS_PPOLL = 5261 - SYS_UNSHARE = 5262 - SYS_SPLICE = 5263 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 5264 - SYS_TEE = 5265 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 5266 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 5267 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 5268 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 5269 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 5270 - SYS_GETCPU = 5271 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 5272 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 5273 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 5274 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 5275 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 5276 - SYS_TIMERFD = 5277 - SYS_EVENTFD = 5278 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 5279 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 5280 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 5281 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 5282 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 5283 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 5284 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 5285 - SYS_DUP3 = 5286 - SYS_PIPE2 = 5287 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 5288 - SYS_PREADV = 5289 - SYS_PWRITEV = 5290 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 5291 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 5292 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 5293 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 5294 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 5295 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 5296 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 5297 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 5298 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 5299 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 5300 - SYS_SYNCFS = 5301 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 5302 - SYS_SETNS = 5303 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 5304 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 5305 - SYS_KCMP = 5306 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 5307 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 5308 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 5309 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 5310 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 5311 - SYS_SECCOMP = 5312 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 5313 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 5314 - SYS_BPF = 5315 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 5316 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 5317 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 5318 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 5319 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 5320 - SYS_PREADV2 = 5321 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 5322 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 5323 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 5324 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 5325 - SYS_STATX = 5326 - SYS_RSEQ = 5327 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 5328 - SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 5424 - SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 5425 - SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 5426 - SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 5427 - SYS_OPEN_TREE = 5428 - SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 5429 - SYS_FSOPEN = 5430 - SYS_FSCONFIG = 5431 - SYS_FSMOUNT = 5432 - SYS_FSPICK = 5433 - SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 5434 - SYS_CLONE3 = 5435 - SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 5436 - SYS_OPENAT2 = 5437 - SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 5438 - SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 5439 - SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 5440 + SYS_READ = 5000 + SYS_WRITE = 5001 + SYS_OPEN = 5002 + SYS_CLOSE = 5003 + SYS_STAT = 5004 + SYS_FSTAT = 5005 + SYS_LSTAT = 5006 + SYS_POLL = 5007 + SYS_LSEEK = 5008 + SYS_MMAP = 5009 + SYS_MPROTECT = 5010 + SYS_MUNMAP = 5011 + SYS_BRK = 5012 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 5013 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 5014 + SYS_IOCTL = 5015 + SYS_PREAD64 = 5016 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 5017 + SYS_READV = 5018 + SYS_WRITEV = 5019 + SYS_ACCESS = 5020 + SYS_PIPE = 5021 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 5022 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 5023 + SYS_MREMAP = 5024 + SYS_MSYNC = 5025 + SYS_MINCORE = 5026 + SYS_MADVISE = 5027 + SYS_SHMGET = 5028 + SYS_SHMAT = 5029 + SYS_SHMCTL = 5030 + SYS_DUP = 5031 + SYS_DUP2 = 5032 + SYS_PAUSE = 5033 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 5034 + SYS_GETITIMER = 5035 + SYS_SETITIMER = 5036 + SYS_ALARM = 5037 + SYS_GETPID = 5038 + SYS_SENDFILE = 5039 + SYS_SOCKET = 5040 + SYS_CONNECT = 5041 + SYS_ACCEPT = 5042 + SYS_SENDTO = 5043 + SYS_RECVFROM = 5044 + SYS_SENDMSG = 5045 + SYS_RECVMSG = 5046 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 5047 + SYS_BIND = 5048 + SYS_LISTEN = 5049 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 5050 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 5051 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 5052 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 5053 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 5054 + SYS_CLONE = 5055 + SYS_FORK = 5056 + SYS_EXECVE = 5057 + SYS_EXIT = 5058 + SYS_WAIT4 = 5059 + SYS_KILL = 5060 + SYS_UNAME = 5061 + SYS_SEMGET = 5062 + SYS_SEMOP = 5063 + SYS_SEMCTL = 5064 + SYS_SHMDT = 5065 + SYS_MSGGET = 5066 + SYS_MSGSND = 5067 + SYS_MSGRCV = 5068 + SYS_MSGCTL = 5069 + SYS_FCNTL = 5070 + SYS_FLOCK = 5071 + SYS_FSYNC = 5072 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 5073 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 5074 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 5075 + SYS_GETDENTS = 5076 + SYS_GETCWD = 5077 + SYS_CHDIR = 5078 + SYS_FCHDIR = 5079 + SYS_RENAME = 5080 + SYS_MKDIR = 5081 + SYS_RMDIR = 5082 + SYS_CREAT = 5083 + SYS_LINK = 5084 + SYS_UNLINK = 5085 + SYS_SYMLINK = 5086 + SYS_READLINK = 5087 + SYS_CHMOD = 5088 + SYS_FCHMOD = 5089 + SYS_CHOWN = 5090 + SYS_FCHOWN = 5091 + SYS_LCHOWN = 5092 + SYS_UMASK = 5093 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 5094 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 5095 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 5096 + SYS_SYSINFO = 5097 + SYS_TIMES = 5098 + SYS_PTRACE = 5099 + SYS_GETUID = 5100 + SYS_SYSLOG = 5101 + SYS_GETGID = 5102 + SYS_SETUID = 5103 + SYS_SETGID = 5104 + SYS_GETEUID = 5105 + SYS_GETEGID = 5106 + SYS_SETPGID = 5107 + SYS_GETPPID = 5108 + SYS_GETPGRP = 5109 + SYS_SETSID = 5110 + SYS_SETREUID = 5111 + SYS_SETREGID = 5112 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 5113 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 5114 + SYS_SETRESUID = 5115 + SYS_GETRESUID = 5116 + SYS_SETRESGID = 5117 + SYS_GETRESGID = 5118 + SYS_GETPGID = 5119 + SYS_SETFSUID = 5120 + SYS_SETFSGID = 5121 + SYS_GETSID = 5122 + SYS_CAPGET = 5123 + SYS_CAPSET = 5124 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 5125 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 5126 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 5127 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 5128 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 5129 + SYS_UTIME = 5130 + SYS_MKNOD = 5131 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 5132 + SYS_USTAT = 5133 + SYS_STATFS = 5134 + SYS_FSTATFS = 5135 + SYS_SYSFS = 5136 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 5137 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 5138 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 5139 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 5140 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 5141 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 5142 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 5143 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 5144 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 5145 + SYS_MLOCK = 5146 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 5147 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 5148 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 5149 + SYS_VHANGUP = 5150 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 5151 + SYS__SYSCTL = 5152 + SYS_PRCTL = 5153 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 5154 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 5155 + SYS_CHROOT = 5156 + SYS_SYNC = 5157 + SYS_ACCT = 5158 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 5159 + SYS_MOUNT = 5160 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 5161 + SYS_SWAPON = 5162 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 5163 + SYS_REBOOT = 5164 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 5165 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 5166 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 5167 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 5168 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 5169 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 5170 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 5171 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 5172 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 5173 + SYS_GETPMSG = 5174 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 5175 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 5176 + SYS_RESERVED177 = 5177 + SYS_GETTID = 5178 + SYS_READAHEAD = 5179 + SYS_SETXATTR = 5180 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 5181 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 5182 + SYS_GETXATTR = 5183 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 5184 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 5185 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 5186 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 5187 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 5188 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 5189 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 5190 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 5191 + SYS_TKILL = 5192 + SYS_RESERVED193 = 5193 + SYS_FUTEX = 5194 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 5195 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 5196 + SYS_CACHEFLUSH = 5197 + SYS_CACHECTL = 5198 + SYS_SYSMIPS = 5199 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 5200 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 5201 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 5202 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 5203 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 5204 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 5205 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 5206 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 5207 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 5208 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 5209 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 5210 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 5211 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 5212 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 5213 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 5214 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 5215 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 5216 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 5217 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 5218 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 5219 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 5220 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 5221 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 5222 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 5223 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 5224 + SYS_TGKILL = 5225 + SYS_UTIMES = 5226 + SYS_MBIND = 5227 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 5228 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 5229 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 5230 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 5231 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 5232 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 5233 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 5234 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 5235 + SYS_VSERVER = 5236 + SYS_WAITID = 5237 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 5239 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 5240 + SYS_KEYCTL = 5241 + SYS_SET_THREAD_AREA = 5242 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 5243 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 5244 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 5245 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 5246 + SYS_OPENAT = 5247 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 5248 + SYS_MKNODAT = 5249 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 5250 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 5251 + SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 5252 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 5253 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 5254 + SYS_LINKAT = 5255 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 5256 + SYS_READLINKAT = 5257 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 5258 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 5259 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 5260 + SYS_PPOLL = 5261 + SYS_UNSHARE = 5262 + SYS_SPLICE = 5263 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 5264 + SYS_TEE = 5265 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 5266 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 5267 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 5268 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 5269 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 5270 + SYS_GETCPU = 5271 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 5272 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 5273 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 5274 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 5275 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 5276 + SYS_TIMERFD = 5277 + SYS_EVENTFD = 5278 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 5279 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 5280 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 5281 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 5282 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 5283 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 5284 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 5285 + SYS_DUP3 = 5286 + SYS_PIPE2 = 5287 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 5288 + SYS_PREADV = 5289 + SYS_PWRITEV = 5290 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 5291 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 5292 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 5293 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 5294 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 5295 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 5296 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 5297 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 5298 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 5299 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 5300 + SYS_SYNCFS = 5301 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 5302 + SYS_SETNS = 5303 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 5304 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 5305 + SYS_KCMP = 5306 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 5307 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 5308 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 5309 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 5310 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 5311 + SYS_SECCOMP = 5312 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 5313 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 5314 + SYS_BPF = 5315 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 5316 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 5317 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 5318 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 5319 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 5320 + SYS_PREADV2 = 5321 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 5322 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 5323 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 5324 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 5325 + SYS_STATX = 5326 + SYS_RSEQ = 5327 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 5328 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 5424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 5425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 5426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 5427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 5428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 5429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 5430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 5431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 5432 + SYS_FSPICK = 5433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 5434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 5435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 5436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 5437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 5438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 5439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 5440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 5441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 5442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 5443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 5444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 5445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 5446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 5448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 5449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go index 2a1047c8..ee309b2b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_mipsle.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mipsle && linux // +build mipsle,linux package unix @@ -421,4 +422,12 @@ const ( SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 4438 SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 4439 SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 4440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 4441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 4442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 4443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 4444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 4445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 4446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 4448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 4449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ac374810 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc.go @@ -0,0 +1,440 @@ +// go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build ppc && linux +// +build ppc,linux + +package unix + +const ( + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 + SYS_EXIT = 1 + SYS_FORK = 2 + SYS_READ = 3 + SYS_WRITE = 4 + SYS_OPEN = 5 + SYS_CLOSE = 6 + SYS_WAITPID = 7 + SYS_CREAT = 8 + SYS_LINK = 9 + SYS_UNLINK = 10 + SYS_EXECVE = 11 + SYS_CHDIR = 12 + SYS_TIME = 13 + SYS_MKNOD = 14 + SYS_CHMOD = 15 + SYS_LCHOWN = 16 + SYS_BREAK = 17 + SYS_OLDSTAT = 18 + SYS_LSEEK = 19 + SYS_GETPID = 20 + SYS_MOUNT = 21 + SYS_UMOUNT = 22 + SYS_SETUID = 23 + SYS_GETUID = 24 + SYS_STIME = 25 + SYS_PTRACE = 26 + SYS_ALARM = 27 + SYS_OLDFSTAT = 28 + SYS_PAUSE = 29 + SYS_UTIME = 30 + SYS_STTY = 31 + SYS_GTTY = 32 + SYS_ACCESS = 33 + SYS_NICE = 34 + SYS_FTIME = 35 + SYS_SYNC = 36 + SYS_KILL = 37 + SYS_RENAME = 38 + SYS_MKDIR = 39 + SYS_RMDIR = 40 + SYS_DUP = 41 + SYS_PIPE = 42 + SYS_TIMES = 43 + SYS_PROF = 44 + SYS_BRK = 45 + SYS_SETGID = 46 + SYS_GETGID = 47 + SYS_SIGNAL = 48 + SYS_GETEUID = 49 + SYS_GETEGID = 50 + SYS_ACCT = 51 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 + SYS_LOCK = 53 + SYS_IOCTL = 54 + SYS_FCNTL = 55 + SYS_MPX = 56 + SYS_SETPGID = 57 + SYS_ULIMIT = 58 + SYS_OLDOLDUNAME = 59 + SYS_UMASK = 60 + SYS_CHROOT = 61 + SYS_USTAT = 62 + SYS_DUP2 = 63 + SYS_GETPPID = 64 + SYS_GETPGRP = 65 + SYS_SETSID = 66 + SYS_SIGACTION = 67 + SYS_SGETMASK = 68 + SYS_SSETMASK = 69 + SYS_SETREUID = 70 + SYS_SETREGID = 71 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 76 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 80 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 81 + SYS_SELECT = 82 + SYS_SYMLINK = 83 + SYS_OLDLSTAT = 84 + SYS_READLINK = 85 + SYS_USELIB = 86 + SYS_SWAPON = 87 + SYS_REBOOT = 88 + SYS_READDIR = 89 + SYS_MMAP = 90 + SYS_MUNMAP = 91 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 + SYS_FCHMOD = 94 + SYS_FCHOWN = 95 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 + SYS_PROFIL = 98 + SYS_STATFS = 99 + SYS_FSTATFS = 100 + SYS_IOPERM = 101 + SYS_SOCKETCALL = 102 + SYS_SYSLOG = 103 + SYS_SETITIMER = 104 + SYS_GETITIMER = 105 + SYS_STAT = 106 + SYS_LSTAT = 107 + SYS_FSTAT = 108 + SYS_OLDUNAME = 109 + SYS_IOPL = 110 + SYS_VHANGUP = 111 + SYS_IDLE = 112 + SYS_VM86 = 113 + SYS_WAIT4 = 114 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 + SYS_SYSINFO = 116 + SYS_IPC = 117 + SYS_FSYNC = 118 + SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 + SYS_CLONE = 120 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 + SYS_UNAME = 122 + SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 123 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 + SYS_MPROTECT = 125 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 127 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 130 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 + SYS_GETPGID = 132 + SYS_FCHDIR = 133 + SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 + SYS_SYSFS = 135 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 137 + SYS_SETFSUID = 138 + SYS_SETFSGID = 139 + SYS__LLSEEK = 140 + SYS_GETDENTS = 141 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 142 + SYS_FLOCK = 143 + SYS_MSYNC = 144 + SYS_READV = 145 + SYS_WRITEV = 146 + SYS_GETSID = 147 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 + SYS__SYSCTL = 149 + SYS_MLOCK = 150 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 + SYS_MREMAP = 163 + SYS_SETRESUID = 164 + SYS_GETRESUID = 165 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 166 + SYS_POLL = 167 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 168 + SYS_SETRESGID = 169 + SYS_GETRESGID = 170 + SYS_PRCTL = 171 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 172 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 173 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 174 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 175 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 176 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 177 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 178 + SYS_PREAD64 = 179 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 180 + SYS_CHOWN = 181 + SYS_GETCWD = 182 + SYS_CAPGET = 183 + SYS_CAPSET = 184 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 185 + SYS_SENDFILE = 186 + SYS_GETPMSG = 187 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 188 + SYS_VFORK = 189 + SYS_UGETRLIMIT = 190 + SYS_READAHEAD = 191 + SYS_MMAP2 = 192 + SYS_TRUNCATE64 = 193 + SYS_FTRUNCATE64 = 194 + SYS_STAT64 = 195 + SYS_LSTAT64 = 196 + SYS_FSTAT64 = 197 + SYS_PCICONFIG_READ = 198 + SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE = 199 + SYS_PCICONFIG_IOBASE = 200 + SYS_MULTIPLEXER = 201 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 202 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 203 + SYS_FCNTL64 = 204 + SYS_MADVISE = 205 + SYS_MINCORE = 206 + SYS_GETTID = 207 + SYS_TKILL = 208 + SYS_SETXATTR = 209 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 210 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 211 + SYS_GETXATTR = 212 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 213 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 214 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 215 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 216 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 217 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 218 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 219 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 220 + SYS_FUTEX = 221 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 222 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 223 + SYS_TUXCALL = 225 + SYS_SENDFILE64 = 226 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 227 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 228 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 229 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 230 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 231 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 232 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 233 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 234 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 235 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 236 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 237 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 238 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 239 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 240 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 241 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 242 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 243 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 244 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 245 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 246 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 247 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 248 + SYS_SWAPCONTEXT = 249 + SYS_TGKILL = 250 + SYS_UTIMES = 251 + SYS_STATFS64 = 252 + SYS_FSTATFS64 = 253 + SYS_FADVISE64_64 = 254 + SYS_RTAS = 255 + SYS_SYS_DEBUG_SETCONTEXT = 256 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 258 + SYS_MBIND = 259 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 260 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 261 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 262 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 263 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 264 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 265 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 266 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 267 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 268 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 269 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 270 + SYS_KEYCTL = 271 + SYS_WAITID = 272 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 273 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 274 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 275 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 276 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 277 + SYS_SPU_RUN = 278 + SYS_SPU_CREATE = 279 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 280 + SYS_PPOLL = 281 + SYS_UNSHARE = 282 + SYS_SPLICE = 283 + SYS_TEE = 284 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 285 + SYS_OPENAT = 286 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 287 + SYS_MKNODAT = 288 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 289 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 290 + SYS_FSTATAT64 = 291 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 292 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 293 + SYS_LINKAT = 294 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 295 + SYS_READLINKAT = 296 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 297 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 298 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 299 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 300 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 301 + SYS_GETCPU = 302 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 303 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 304 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 305 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 306 + SYS_EVENTFD = 307 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2 = 308 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 309 + SYS_SUBPAGE_PROT = 310 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 311 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 312 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 313 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 314 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 315 + SYS_DUP3 = 316 + SYS_PIPE2 = 317 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 318 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 319 + SYS_PREADV = 320 + SYS_PWRITEV = 321 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 322 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 323 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 324 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 325 + SYS_SOCKET = 326 + SYS_BIND = 327 + SYS_CONNECT = 328 + SYS_LISTEN = 329 + SYS_ACCEPT = 330 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 331 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 332 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 333 + SYS_SEND = 334 + SYS_SENDTO = 335 + SYS_RECV = 336 + SYS_RECVFROM = 337 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 338 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 339 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 340 + SYS_SENDMSG = 341 + SYS_RECVMSG = 342 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 343 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 344 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 345 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 346 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 347 + SYS_SYNCFS = 348 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 349 + SYS_SETNS = 350 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 351 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 352 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 353 + SYS_KCMP = 354 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 355 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 356 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 357 + SYS_SECCOMP = 358 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 359 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 360 + SYS_BPF = 361 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 362 + SYS_SWITCH_ENDIAN = 363 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 364 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 365 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 378 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 379 + SYS_PREADV2 = 380 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 381 + SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 382 + SYS_STATX = 383 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 384 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 385 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 386 + SYS_RSEQ = 387 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 388 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME64 = 403 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME64 = 404 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME64 = 405 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES_TIME64 = 406 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP_TIME64 = 407 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME64 = 408 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME64 = 409 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME64 = 410 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME64 = 411 + SYS_UTIMENSAT_TIME64 = 412 + SYS_PSELECT6_TIME64 = 413 + SYS_PPOLL_TIME64 = 414 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS_TIME64 = 416 + SYS_RECVMMSG_TIME64 = 417 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND_TIME64 = 418 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE_TIME64 = 419 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP_TIME64 = 420 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT_TIME64 = 421 + SYS_FUTEX_TIME64 = 422 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL_TIME64 = 423 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 + SYS_FSPICK = 433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go index 32707428..5aa47211 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64.go @@ -1,403 +1,412 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc64 && linux // +build ppc64,linux package unix const ( - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 - SYS_EXIT = 1 - SYS_FORK = 2 - SYS_READ = 3 - SYS_WRITE = 4 - SYS_OPEN = 5 - SYS_CLOSE = 6 - SYS_WAITPID = 7 - SYS_CREAT = 8 - SYS_LINK = 9 - SYS_UNLINK = 10 - SYS_EXECVE = 11 - SYS_CHDIR = 12 - SYS_TIME = 13 - SYS_MKNOD = 14 - SYS_CHMOD = 15 - SYS_LCHOWN = 16 - SYS_BREAK = 17 - SYS_OLDSTAT = 18 - SYS_LSEEK = 19 - SYS_GETPID = 20 - SYS_MOUNT = 21 - SYS_UMOUNT = 22 - SYS_SETUID = 23 - SYS_GETUID = 24 - SYS_STIME = 25 - SYS_PTRACE = 26 - SYS_ALARM = 27 - SYS_OLDFSTAT = 28 - SYS_PAUSE = 29 - SYS_UTIME = 30 - SYS_STTY = 31 - SYS_GTTY = 32 - SYS_ACCESS = 33 - SYS_NICE = 34 - SYS_FTIME = 35 - SYS_SYNC = 36 - SYS_KILL = 37 - SYS_RENAME = 38 - SYS_MKDIR = 39 - SYS_RMDIR = 40 - SYS_DUP = 41 - SYS_PIPE = 42 - SYS_TIMES = 43 - SYS_PROF = 44 - SYS_BRK = 45 - SYS_SETGID = 46 - SYS_GETGID = 47 - SYS_SIGNAL = 48 - SYS_GETEUID = 49 - SYS_GETEGID = 50 - SYS_ACCT = 51 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 - SYS_LOCK = 53 - SYS_IOCTL = 54 - SYS_FCNTL = 55 - SYS_MPX = 56 - SYS_SETPGID = 57 - SYS_ULIMIT = 58 - SYS_OLDOLDUNAME = 59 - SYS_UMASK = 60 - SYS_CHROOT = 61 - SYS_USTAT = 62 - SYS_DUP2 = 63 - SYS_GETPPID = 64 - SYS_GETPGRP = 65 - SYS_SETSID = 66 - SYS_SIGACTION = 67 - SYS_SGETMASK = 68 - SYS_SSETMASK = 69 - SYS_SETREUID = 70 - SYS_SETREGID = 71 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 76 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 80 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 81 - SYS_SELECT = 82 - SYS_SYMLINK = 83 - SYS_OLDLSTAT = 84 - SYS_READLINK = 85 - SYS_USELIB = 86 - SYS_SWAPON = 87 - SYS_REBOOT = 88 - SYS_READDIR = 89 - SYS_MMAP = 90 - SYS_MUNMAP = 91 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 - SYS_FCHMOD = 94 - SYS_FCHOWN = 95 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 - SYS_PROFIL = 98 - SYS_STATFS = 99 - SYS_FSTATFS = 100 - SYS_IOPERM = 101 - SYS_SOCKETCALL = 102 - SYS_SYSLOG = 103 - SYS_SETITIMER = 104 - SYS_GETITIMER = 105 - SYS_STAT = 106 - SYS_LSTAT = 107 - SYS_FSTAT = 108 - SYS_OLDUNAME = 109 - SYS_IOPL = 110 - SYS_VHANGUP = 111 - SYS_IDLE = 112 - SYS_VM86 = 113 - SYS_WAIT4 = 114 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 - SYS_SYSINFO = 116 - SYS_IPC = 117 - SYS_FSYNC = 118 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 - SYS_CLONE = 120 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 - SYS_UNAME = 122 - SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 123 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 - SYS_MPROTECT = 125 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 127 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 130 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 - SYS_GETPGID = 132 - SYS_FCHDIR = 133 - SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 - SYS_SYSFS = 135 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 137 - SYS_SETFSUID = 138 - SYS_SETFSGID = 139 - SYS__LLSEEK = 140 - SYS_GETDENTS = 141 - SYS__NEWSELECT = 142 - SYS_FLOCK = 143 - SYS_MSYNC = 144 - SYS_READV = 145 - SYS_WRITEV = 146 - SYS_GETSID = 147 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 - SYS__SYSCTL = 149 - SYS_MLOCK = 150 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 - SYS_MREMAP = 163 - SYS_SETRESUID = 164 - SYS_GETRESUID = 165 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 166 - SYS_POLL = 167 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 168 - SYS_SETRESGID = 169 - SYS_GETRESGID = 170 - SYS_PRCTL = 171 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 172 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 173 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 174 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 175 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 176 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 177 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 178 - SYS_PREAD64 = 179 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 180 - SYS_CHOWN = 181 - SYS_GETCWD = 182 - SYS_CAPGET = 183 - SYS_CAPSET = 184 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 185 - SYS_SENDFILE = 186 - SYS_GETPMSG = 187 - SYS_PUTPMSG = 188 - SYS_VFORK = 189 - SYS_UGETRLIMIT = 190 - SYS_READAHEAD = 191 - SYS_PCICONFIG_READ = 198 - SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE = 199 - SYS_PCICONFIG_IOBASE = 200 - SYS_MULTIPLEXER = 201 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 202 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 203 - SYS_MADVISE = 205 - SYS_MINCORE = 206 - SYS_GETTID = 207 - SYS_TKILL = 208 - SYS_SETXATTR = 209 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 210 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 211 - SYS_GETXATTR = 212 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 213 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 214 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 215 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 216 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 217 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 218 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 219 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 220 - SYS_FUTEX = 221 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 222 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 223 - SYS_TUXCALL = 225 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 227 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 228 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 229 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 230 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 231 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 232 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 233 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 234 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 235 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 236 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 237 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 238 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 239 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 240 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 241 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 242 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 243 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 244 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 245 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 246 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 247 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 248 - SYS_SWAPCONTEXT = 249 - SYS_TGKILL = 250 - SYS_UTIMES = 251 - SYS_STATFS64 = 252 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 253 - SYS_RTAS = 255 - SYS_SYS_DEBUG_SETCONTEXT = 256 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 258 - SYS_MBIND = 259 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 260 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 261 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 262 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 263 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 264 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 265 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 266 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 267 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 268 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 269 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 270 - SYS_KEYCTL = 271 - SYS_WAITID = 272 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 273 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 274 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 275 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 276 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 277 - SYS_SPU_RUN = 278 - SYS_SPU_CREATE = 279 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 280 - SYS_PPOLL = 281 - SYS_UNSHARE = 282 - SYS_SPLICE = 283 - SYS_TEE = 284 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 285 - SYS_OPENAT = 286 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 287 - SYS_MKNODAT = 288 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 289 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 290 - SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 291 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 292 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 293 - SYS_LINKAT = 294 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 295 - SYS_READLINKAT = 296 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 297 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 298 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 299 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 300 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 301 - SYS_GETCPU = 302 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 303 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 304 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 305 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 306 - SYS_EVENTFD = 307 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2 = 308 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 309 - SYS_SUBPAGE_PROT = 310 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 311 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 312 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 313 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 314 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 315 - SYS_DUP3 = 316 - SYS_PIPE2 = 317 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 318 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 319 - SYS_PREADV = 320 - SYS_PWRITEV = 321 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 322 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 323 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 324 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 325 - SYS_SOCKET = 326 - SYS_BIND = 327 - SYS_CONNECT = 328 - SYS_LISTEN = 329 - SYS_ACCEPT = 330 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 331 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 332 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 333 - SYS_SEND = 334 - SYS_SENDTO = 335 - SYS_RECV = 336 - SYS_RECVFROM = 337 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 338 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 339 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 340 - SYS_SENDMSG = 341 - SYS_RECVMSG = 342 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 343 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 344 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 345 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 346 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 347 - SYS_SYNCFS = 348 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 349 - SYS_SETNS = 350 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 351 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 352 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 353 - SYS_KCMP = 354 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 355 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 356 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 357 - SYS_SECCOMP = 358 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 359 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 360 - SYS_BPF = 361 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 362 - SYS_SWITCH_ENDIAN = 363 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 364 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 365 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 378 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 379 - SYS_PREADV2 = 380 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 381 - SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 382 - SYS_STATX = 383 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 384 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 385 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 386 - SYS_RSEQ = 387 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 388 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 - SYS_SEMGET = 393 - SYS_SEMCTL = 394 - SYS_SHMGET = 395 - SYS_SHMCTL = 396 - SYS_SHMAT = 397 - SYS_SHMDT = 398 - SYS_MSGGET = 399 - SYS_MSGSND = 400 - SYS_MSGRCV = 401 - SYS_MSGCTL = 402 - SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 - SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 - SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 - SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 - SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 - SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 - SYS_FSOPEN = 430 - SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 - SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 - SYS_FSPICK = 433 - SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 - SYS_CLONE3 = 435 - SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 - SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 - SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 - SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 - SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 + SYS_EXIT = 1 + SYS_FORK = 2 + SYS_READ = 3 + SYS_WRITE = 4 + SYS_OPEN = 5 + SYS_CLOSE = 6 + SYS_WAITPID = 7 + SYS_CREAT = 8 + SYS_LINK = 9 + SYS_UNLINK = 10 + SYS_EXECVE = 11 + SYS_CHDIR = 12 + SYS_TIME = 13 + SYS_MKNOD = 14 + SYS_CHMOD = 15 + SYS_LCHOWN = 16 + SYS_BREAK = 17 + SYS_OLDSTAT = 18 + SYS_LSEEK = 19 + SYS_GETPID = 20 + SYS_MOUNT = 21 + SYS_UMOUNT = 22 + SYS_SETUID = 23 + SYS_GETUID = 24 + SYS_STIME = 25 + SYS_PTRACE = 26 + SYS_ALARM = 27 + SYS_OLDFSTAT = 28 + SYS_PAUSE = 29 + SYS_UTIME = 30 + SYS_STTY = 31 + SYS_GTTY = 32 + SYS_ACCESS = 33 + SYS_NICE = 34 + SYS_FTIME = 35 + SYS_SYNC = 36 + SYS_KILL = 37 + SYS_RENAME = 38 + SYS_MKDIR = 39 + SYS_RMDIR = 40 + SYS_DUP = 41 + SYS_PIPE = 42 + SYS_TIMES = 43 + SYS_PROF = 44 + SYS_BRK = 45 + SYS_SETGID = 46 + SYS_GETGID = 47 + SYS_SIGNAL = 48 + SYS_GETEUID = 49 + SYS_GETEGID = 50 + SYS_ACCT = 51 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 + SYS_LOCK = 53 + SYS_IOCTL = 54 + SYS_FCNTL = 55 + SYS_MPX = 56 + SYS_SETPGID = 57 + SYS_ULIMIT = 58 + SYS_OLDOLDUNAME = 59 + SYS_UMASK = 60 + SYS_CHROOT = 61 + SYS_USTAT = 62 + SYS_DUP2 = 63 + SYS_GETPPID = 64 + SYS_GETPGRP = 65 + SYS_SETSID = 66 + SYS_SIGACTION = 67 + SYS_SGETMASK = 68 + SYS_SSETMASK = 69 + SYS_SETREUID = 70 + SYS_SETREGID = 71 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 76 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 80 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 81 + SYS_SELECT = 82 + SYS_SYMLINK = 83 + SYS_OLDLSTAT = 84 + SYS_READLINK = 85 + SYS_USELIB = 86 + SYS_SWAPON = 87 + SYS_REBOOT = 88 + SYS_READDIR = 89 + SYS_MMAP = 90 + SYS_MUNMAP = 91 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 + SYS_FCHMOD = 94 + SYS_FCHOWN = 95 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 + SYS_PROFIL = 98 + SYS_STATFS = 99 + SYS_FSTATFS = 100 + SYS_IOPERM = 101 + SYS_SOCKETCALL = 102 + SYS_SYSLOG = 103 + SYS_SETITIMER = 104 + SYS_GETITIMER = 105 + SYS_STAT = 106 + SYS_LSTAT = 107 + SYS_FSTAT = 108 + SYS_OLDUNAME = 109 + SYS_IOPL = 110 + SYS_VHANGUP = 111 + SYS_IDLE = 112 + SYS_VM86 = 113 + SYS_WAIT4 = 114 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 + SYS_SYSINFO = 116 + SYS_IPC = 117 + SYS_FSYNC = 118 + SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 + SYS_CLONE = 120 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 + SYS_UNAME = 122 + SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 123 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 + SYS_MPROTECT = 125 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 127 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 130 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 + SYS_GETPGID = 132 + SYS_FCHDIR = 133 + SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 + SYS_SYSFS = 135 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 137 + SYS_SETFSUID = 138 + SYS_SETFSGID = 139 + SYS__LLSEEK = 140 + SYS_GETDENTS = 141 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 142 + SYS_FLOCK = 143 + SYS_MSYNC = 144 + SYS_READV = 145 + SYS_WRITEV = 146 + SYS_GETSID = 147 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 + SYS__SYSCTL = 149 + SYS_MLOCK = 150 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 + SYS_MREMAP = 163 + SYS_SETRESUID = 164 + SYS_GETRESUID = 165 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 166 + SYS_POLL = 167 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 168 + SYS_SETRESGID = 169 + SYS_GETRESGID = 170 + SYS_PRCTL = 171 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 172 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 173 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 174 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 175 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 176 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 177 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 178 + SYS_PREAD64 = 179 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 180 + SYS_CHOWN = 181 + SYS_GETCWD = 182 + SYS_CAPGET = 183 + SYS_CAPSET = 184 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 185 + SYS_SENDFILE = 186 + SYS_GETPMSG = 187 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 188 + SYS_VFORK = 189 + SYS_UGETRLIMIT = 190 + SYS_READAHEAD = 191 + SYS_PCICONFIG_READ = 198 + SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE = 199 + SYS_PCICONFIG_IOBASE = 200 + SYS_MULTIPLEXER = 201 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 202 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 203 + SYS_MADVISE = 205 + SYS_MINCORE = 206 + SYS_GETTID = 207 + SYS_TKILL = 208 + SYS_SETXATTR = 209 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 210 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 211 + SYS_GETXATTR = 212 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 213 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 214 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 215 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 216 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 217 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 218 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 219 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 220 + SYS_FUTEX = 221 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 222 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 223 + SYS_TUXCALL = 225 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 227 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 228 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 229 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 230 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 231 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 232 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 233 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 234 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 235 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 236 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 237 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 238 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 239 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 240 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 241 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 242 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 243 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 244 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 245 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 246 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 247 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 248 + SYS_SWAPCONTEXT = 249 + SYS_TGKILL = 250 + SYS_UTIMES = 251 + SYS_STATFS64 = 252 + SYS_FSTATFS64 = 253 + SYS_RTAS = 255 + SYS_SYS_DEBUG_SETCONTEXT = 256 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 258 + SYS_MBIND = 259 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 260 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 261 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 262 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 263 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 264 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 265 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 266 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 267 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 268 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 269 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 270 + SYS_KEYCTL = 271 + SYS_WAITID = 272 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 273 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 274 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 275 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 276 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 277 + SYS_SPU_RUN = 278 + SYS_SPU_CREATE = 279 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 280 + SYS_PPOLL = 281 + SYS_UNSHARE = 282 + SYS_SPLICE = 283 + SYS_TEE = 284 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 285 + SYS_OPENAT = 286 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 287 + SYS_MKNODAT = 288 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 289 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 290 + SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 291 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 292 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 293 + SYS_LINKAT = 294 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 295 + SYS_READLINKAT = 296 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 297 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 298 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 299 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 300 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 301 + SYS_GETCPU = 302 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 303 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 304 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 305 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 306 + SYS_EVENTFD = 307 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2 = 308 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 309 + SYS_SUBPAGE_PROT = 310 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 311 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 312 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 313 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 314 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 315 + SYS_DUP3 = 316 + SYS_PIPE2 = 317 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 318 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 319 + SYS_PREADV = 320 + SYS_PWRITEV = 321 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 322 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 323 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 324 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 325 + SYS_SOCKET = 326 + SYS_BIND = 327 + SYS_CONNECT = 328 + SYS_LISTEN = 329 + SYS_ACCEPT = 330 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 331 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 332 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 333 + SYS_SEND = 334 + SYS_SENDTO = 335 + SYS_RECV = 336 + SYS_RECVFROM = 337 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 338 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 339 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 340 + SYS_SENDMSG = 341 + SYS_RECVMSG = 342 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 343 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 344 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 345 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 346 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 347 + SYS_SYNCFS = 348 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 349 + SYS_SETNS = 350 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 351 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 352 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 353 + SYS_KCMP = 354 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 355 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 356 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 357 + SYS_SECCOMP = 358 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 359 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 360 + SYS_BPF = 361 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 362 + SYS_SWITCH_ENDIAN = 363 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 364 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 365 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 378 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 379 + SYS_PREADV2 = 380 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 381 + SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 382 + SYS_STATX = 383 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 384 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 385 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 386 + SYS_RSEQ = 387 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 388 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 + SYS_FSPICK = 433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go index a58572f7..0793ac1a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -1,403 +1,412 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc64le && linux // +build ppc64le,linux package unix const ( - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 - SYS_EXIT = 1 - SYS_FORK = 2 - SYS_READ = 3 - SYS_WRITE = 4 - SYS_OPEN = 5 - SYS_CLOSE = 6 - SYS_WAITPID = 7 - SYS_CREAT = 8 - SYS_LINK = 9 - SYS_UNLINK = 10 - SYS_EXECVE = 11 - SYS_CHDIR = 12 - SYS_TIME = 13 - SYS_MKNOD = 14 - SYS_CHMOD = 15 - SYS_LCHOWN = 16 - SYS_BREAK = 17 - SYS_OLDSTAT = 18 - SYS_LSEEK = 19 - SYS_GETPID = 20 - SYS_MOUNT = 21 - SYS_UMOUNT = 22 - SYS_SETUID = 23 - SYS_GETUID = 24 - SYS_STIME = 25 - SYS_PTRACE = 26 - SYS_ALARM = 27 - SYS_OLDFSTAT = 28 - SYS_PAUSE = 29 - SYS_UTIME = 30 - SYS_STTY = 31 - SYS_GTTY = 32 - SYS_ACCESS = 33 - SYS_NICE = 34 - SYS_FTIME = 35 - SYS_SYNC = 36 - SYS_KILL = 37 - SYS_RENAME = 38 - SYS_MKDIR = 39 - SYS_RMDIR = 40 - SYS_DUP = 41 - SYS_PIPE = 42 - SYS_TIMES = 43 - SYS_PROF = 44 - SYS_BRK = 45 - SYS_SETGID = 46 - SYS_GETGID = 47 - SYS_SIGNAL = 48 - SYS_GETEUID = 49 - SYS_GETEGID = 50 - SYS_ACCT = 51 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 - SYS_LOCK = 53 - SYS_IOCTL = 54 - SYS_FCNTL = 55 - SYS_MPX = 56 - SYS_SETPGID = 57 - SYS_ULIMIT = 58 - SYS_OLDOLDUNAME = 59 - SYS_UMASK = 60 - SYS_CHROOT = 61 - SYS_USTAT = 62 - SYS_DUP2 = 63 - SYS_GETPPID = 64 - SYS_GETPGRP = 65 - SYS_SETSID = 66 - SYS_SIGACTION = 67 - SYS_SGETMASK = 68 - SYS_SSETMASK = 69 - SYS_SETREUID = 70 - SYS_SETREGID = 71 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 76 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 80 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 81 - SYS_SELECT = 82 - SYS_SYMLINK = 83 - SYS_OLDLSTAT = 84 - SYS_READLINK = 85 - SYS_USELIB = 86 - SYS_SWAPON = 87 - SYS_REBOOT = 88 - SYS_READDIR = 89 - SYS_MMAP = 90 - SYS_MUNMAP = 91 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 - SYS_FCHMOD = 94 - SYS_FCHOWN = 95 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 - SYS_PROFIL = 98 - SYS_STATFS = 99 - SYS_FSTATFS = 100 - SYS_IOPERM = 101 - SYS_SOCKETCALL = 102 - SYS_SYSLOG = 103 - SYS_SETITIMER = 104 - SYS_GETITIMER = 105 - SYS_STAT = 106 - SYS_LSTAT = 107 - SYS_FSTAT = 108 - SYS_OLDUNAME = 109 - SYS_IOPL = 110 - SYS_VHANGUP = 111 - SYS_IDLE = 112 - SYS_VM86 = 113 - SYS_WAIT4 = 114 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 - SYS_SYSINFO = 116 - SYS_IPC = 117 - SYS_FSYNC = 118 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 - SYS_CLONE = 120 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 - SYS_UNAME = 122 - SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 123 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 - SYS_MPROTECT = 125 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 127 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 130 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 - SYS_GETPGID = 132 - SYS_FCHDIR = 133 - SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 - SYS_SYSFS = 135 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 137 - SYS_SETFSUID = 138 - SYS_SETFSGID = 139 - SYS__LLSEEK = 140 - SYS_GETDENTS = 141 - SYS__NEWSELECT = 142 - SYS_FLOCK = 143 - SYS_MSYNC = 144 - SYS_READV = 145 - SYS_WRITEV = 146 - SYS_GETSID = 147 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 - SYS__SYSCTL = 149 - SYS_MLOCK = 150 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 - SYS_MREMAP = 163 - SYS_SETRESUID = 164 - SYS_GETRESUID = 165 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 166 - SYS_POLL = 167 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 168 - SYS_SETRESGID = 169 - SYS_GETRESGID = 170 - SYS_PRCTL = 171 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 172 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 173 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 174 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 175 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 176 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 177 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 178 - SYS_PREAD64 = 179 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 180 - SYS_CHOWN = 181 - SYS_GETCWD = 182 - SYS_CAPGET = 183 - SYS_CAPSET = 184 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 185 - SYS_SENDFILE = 186 - SYS_GETPMSG = 187 - SYS_PUTPMSG = 188 - SYS_VFORK = 189 - SYS_UGETRLIMIT = 190 - SYS_READAHEAD = 191 - SYS_PCICONFIG_READ = 198 - SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE = 199 - SYS_PCICONFIG_IOBASE = 200 - SYS_MULTIPLEXER = 201 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 202 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 203 - SYS_MADVISE = 205 - SYS_MINCORE = 206 - SYS_GETTID = 207 - SYS_TKILL = 208 - SYS_SETXATTR = 209 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 210 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 211 - SYS_GETXATTR = 212 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 213 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 214 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 215 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 216 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 217 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 218 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 219 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 220 - SYS_FUTEX = 221 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 222 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 223 - SYS_TUXCALL = 225 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 227 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 228 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 229 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 230 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 231 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 232 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 233 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 234 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 235 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 236 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 237 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 238 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 239 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 240 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 241 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 242 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 243 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 244 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 245 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 246 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 247 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 248 - SYS_SWAPCONTEXT = 249 - SYS_TGKILL = 250 - SYS_UTIMES = 251 - SYS_STATFS64 = 252 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 253 - SYS_RTAS = 255 - SYS_SYS_DEBUG_SETCONTEXT = 256 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 258 - SYS_MBIND = 259 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 260 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 261 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 262 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 263 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 264 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 265 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 266 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 267 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 268 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 269 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 270 - SYS_KEYCTL = 271 - SYS_WAITID = 272 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 273 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 274 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 275 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 276 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 277 - SYS_SPU_RUN = 278 - SYS_SPU_CREATE = 279 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 280 - SYS_PPOLL = 281 - SYS_UNSHARE = 282 - SYS_SPLICE = 283 - SYS_TEE = 284 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 285 - SYS_OPENAT = 286 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 287 - SYS_MKNODAT = 288 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 289 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 290 - SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 291 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 292 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 293 - SYS_LINKAT = 294 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 295 - SYS_READLINKAT = 296 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 297 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 298 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 299 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 300 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 301 - SYS_GETCPU = 302 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 303 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 304 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 305 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 306 - SYS_EVENTFD = 307 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2 = 308 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 309 - SYS_SUBPAGE_PROT = 310 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 311 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 312 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 313 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 314 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 315 - SYS_DUP3 = 316 - SYS_PIPE2 = 317 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 318 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 319 - SYS_PREADV = 320 - SYS_PWRITEV = 321 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 322 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 323 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 324 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 325 - SYS_SOCKET = 326 - SYS_BIND = 327 - SYS_CONNECT = 328 - SYS_LISTEN = 329 - SYS_ACCEPT = 330 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 331 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 332 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 333 - SYS_SEND = 334 - SYS_SENDTO = 335 - SYS_RECV = 336 - SYS_RECVFROM = 337 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 338 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 339 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 340 - SYS_SENDMSG = 341 - SYS_RECVMSG = 342 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 343 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 344 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 345 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 346 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 347 - SYS_SYNCFS = 348 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 349 - SYS_SETNS = 350 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 351 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 352 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 353 - SYS_KCMP = 354 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 355 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 356 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 357 - SYS_SECCOMP = 358 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 359 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 360 - SYS_BPF = 361 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 362 - SYS_SWITCH_ENDIAN = 363 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 364 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 365 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 378 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 379 - SYS_PREADV2 = 380 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 381 - SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 382 - SYS_STATX = 383 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 384 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 385 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 386 - SYS_RSEQ = 387 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 388 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 - SYS_SEMGET = 393 - SYS_SEMCTL = 394 - SYS_SHMGET = 395 - SYS_SHMCTL = 396 - SYS_SHMAT = 397 - SYS_SHMDT = 398 - SYS_MSGGET = 399 - SYS_MSGSND = 400 - SYS_MSGRCV = 401 - SYS_MSGCTL = 402 - SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 - SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 - SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 - SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 - SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 - SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 - SYS_FSOPEN = 430 - SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 - SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 - SYS_FSPICK = 433 - SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 - SYS_CLONE3 = 435 - SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 - SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 - SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 - SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 - SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 + SYS_EXIT = 1 + SYS_FORK = 2 + SYS_READ = 3 + SYS_WRITE = 4 + SYS_OPEN = 5 + SYS_CLOSE = 6 + SYS_WAITPID = 7 + SYS_CREAT = 8 + SYS_LINK = 9 + SYS_UNLINK = 10 + SYS_EXECVE = 11 + SYS_CHDIR = 12 + SYS_TIME = 13 + SYS_MKNOD = 14 + SYS_CHMOD = 15 + SYS_LCHOWN = 16 + SYS_BREAK = 17 + SYS_OLDSTAT = 18 + SYS_LSEEK = 19 + SYS_GETPID = 20 + SYS_MOUNT = 21 + SYS_UMOUNT = 22 + SYS_SETUID = 23 + SYS_GETUID = 24 + SYS_STIME = 25 + SYS_PTRACE = 26 + SYS_ALARM = 27 + SYS_OLDFSTAT = 28 + SYS_PAUSE = 29 + SYS_UTIME = 30 + SYS_STTY = 31 + SYS_GTTY = 32 + SYS_ACCESS = 33 + SYS_NICE = 34 + SYS_FTIME = 35 + SYS_SYNC = 36 + SYS_KILL = 37 + SYS_RENAME = 38 + SYS_MKDIR = 39 + SYS_RMDIR = 40 + SYS_DUP = 41 + SYS_PIPE = 42 + SYS_TIMES = 43 + SYS_PROF = 44 + SYS_BRK = 45 + SYS_SETGID = 46 + SYS_GETGID = 47 + SYS_SIGNAL = 48 + SYS_GETEUID = 49 + SYS_GETEGID = 50 + SYS_ACCT = 51 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 + SYS_LOCK = 53 + SYS_IOCTL = 54 + SYS_FCNTL = 55 + SYS_MPX = 56 + SYS_SETPGID = 57 + SYS_ULIMIT = 58 + SYS_OLDOLDUNAME = 59 + SYS_UMASK = 60 + SYS_CHROOT = 61 + SYS_USTAT = 62 + SYS_DUP2 = 63 + SYS_GETPPID = 64 + SYS_GETPGRP = 65 + SYS_SETSID = 66 + SYS_SIGACTION = 67 + SYS_SGETMASK = 68 + SYS_SSETMASK = 69 + SYS_SETREUID = 70 + SYS_SETREGID = 71 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 76 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 80 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 81 + SYS_SELECT = 82 + SYS_SYMLINK = 83 + SYS_OLDLSTAT = 84 + SYS_READLINK = 85 + SYS_USELIB = 86 + SYS_SWAPON = 87 + SYS_REBOOT = 88 + SYS_READDIR = 89 + SYS_MMAP = 90 + SYS_MUNMAP = 91 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 + SYS_FCHMOD = 94 + SYS_FCHOWN = 95 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 + SYS_PROFIL = 98 + SYS_STATFS = 99 + SYS_FSTATFS = 100 + SYS_IOPERM = 101 + SYS_SOCKETCALL = 102 + SYS_SYSLOG = 103 + SYS_SETITIMER = 104 + SYS_GETITIMER = 105 + SYS_STAT = 106 + SYS_LSTAT = 107 + SYS_FSTAT = 108 + SYS_OLDUNAME = 109 + SYS_IOPL = 110 + SYS_VHANGUP = 111 + SYS_IDLE = 112 + SYS_VM86 = 113 + SYS_WAIT4 = 114 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 + SYS_SYSINFO = 116 + SYS_IPC = 117 + SYS_FSYNC = 118 + SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 + SYS_CLONE = 120 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 + SYS_UNAME = 122 + SYS_MODIFY_LDT = 123 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 + SYS_MPROTECT = 125 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 127 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 130 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 + SYS_GETPGID = 132 + SYS_FCHDIR = 133 + SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 + SYS_SYSFS = 135 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 137 + SYS_SETFSUID = 138 + SYS_SETFSGID = 139 + SYS__LLSEEK = 140 + SYS_GETDENTS = 141 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 142 + SYS_FLOCK = 143 + SYS_MSYNC = 144 + SYS_READV = 145 + SYS_WRITEV = 146 + SYS_GETSID = 147 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 + SYS__SYSCTL = 149 + SYS_MLOCK = 150 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 + SYS_MREMAP = 163 + SYS_SETRESUID = 164 + SYS_GETRESUID = 165 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 166 + SYS_POLL = 167 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 168 + SYS_SETRESGID = 169 + SYS_GETRESGID = 170 + SYS_PRCTL = 171 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 172 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 173 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 174 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 175 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 176 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 177 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 178 + SYS_PREAD64 = 179 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 180 + SYS_CHOWN = 181 + SYS_GETCWD = 182 + SYS_CAPGET = 183 + SYS_CAPSET = 184 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 185 + SYS_SENDFILE = 186 + SYS_GETPMSG = 187 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 188 + SYS_VFORK = 189 + SYS_UGETRLIMIT = 190 + SYS_READAHEAD = 191 + SYS_PCICONFIG_READ = 198 + SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE = 199 + SYS_PCICONFIG_IOBASE = 200 + SYS_MULTIPLEXER = 201 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 202 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 203 + SYS_MADVISE = 205 + SYS_MINCORE = 206 + SYS_GETTID = 207 + SYS_TKILL = 208 + SYS_SETXATTR = 209 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 210 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 211 + SYS_GETXATTR = 212 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 213 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 214 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 215 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 216 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 217 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 218 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 219 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 220 + SYS_FUTEX = 221 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 222 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 223 + SYS_TUXCALL = 225 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 227 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 228 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 229 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 230 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 231 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 232 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 233 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 234 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 235 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 236 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 237 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 238 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 239 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 240 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 241 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 242 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 243 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 244 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 245 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 246 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 247 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 248 + SYS_SWAPCONTEXT = 249 + SYS_TGKILL = 250 + SYS_UTIMES = 251 + SYS_STATFS64 = 252 + SYS_FSTATFS64 = 253 + SYS_RTAS = 255 + SYS_SYS_DEBUG_SETCONTEXT = 256 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 258 + SYS_MBIND = 259 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 260 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 261 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 262 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 263 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 264 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 265 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 266 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 267 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 268 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 269 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 270 + SYS_KEYCTL = 271 + SYS_WAITID = 272 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 273 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 274 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 275 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 276 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 277 + SYS_SPU_RUN = 278 + SYS_SPU_CREATE = 279 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 280 + SYS_PPOLL = 281 + SYS_UNSHARE = 282 + SYS_SPLICE = 283 + SYS_TEE = 284 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 285 + SYS_OPENAT = 286 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 287 + SYS_MKNODAT = 288 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 289 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 290 + SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 291 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 292 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 293 + SYS_LINKAT = 294 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 295 + SYS_READLINKAT = 296 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 297 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 298 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 299 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 300 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 301 + SYS_GETCPU = 302 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 303 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 304 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 305 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 306 + SYS_EVENTFD = 307 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE2 = 308 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 309 + SYS_SUBPAGE_PROT = 310 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 311 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 312 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 313 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 314 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 315 + SYS_DUP3 = 316 + SYS_PIPE2 = 317 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 318 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 319 + SYS_PREADV = 320 + SYS_PWRITEV = 321 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 322 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 323 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 324 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 325 + SYS_SOCKET = 326 + SYS_BIND = 327 + SYS_CONNECT = 328 + SYS_LISTEN = 329 + SYS_ACCEPT = 330 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 331 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 332 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 333 + SYS_SEND = 334 + SYS_SENDTO = 335 + SYS_RECV = 336 + SYS_RECVFROM = 337 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 338 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 339 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 340 + SYS_SENDMSG = 341 + SYS_RECVMSG = 342 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 343 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 344 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 345 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 346 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 347 + SYS_SYNCFS = 348 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 349 + SYS_SETNS = 350 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 351 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 352 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 353 + SYS_KCMP = 354 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 355 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 356 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 357 + SYS_SECCOMP = 358 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 359 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 360 + SYS_BPF = 361 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 362 + SYS_SWITCH_ENDIAN = 363 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 364 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 365 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 378 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 379 + SYS_PREADV2 = 380 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 381 + SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 382 + SYS_STATX = 383 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 384 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 385 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 386 + SYS_RSEQ = 387 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 388 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 + SYS_FSPICK = 433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go index 72a65b76..a520962e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_riscv64.go @@ -1,305 +1,314 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build riscv64 && linux // +build riscv64,linux package unix const ( - SYS_IO_SETUP = 0 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 1 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 2 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 3 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 4 - SYS_SETXATTR = 5 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 6 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 7 - SYS_GETXATTR = 8 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 9 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 10 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 11 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 12 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 13 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 14 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 15 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 16 - SYS_GETCWD = 17 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 18 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 19 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 20 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 21 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 22 - SYS_DUP = 23 - SYS_DUP3 = 24 - SYS_FCNTL = 25 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 26 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 27 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 28 - SYS_IOCTL = 29 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 30 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 31 - SYS_FLOCK = 32 - SYS_MKNODAT = 33 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 34 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 35 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 36 - SYS_LINKAT = 37 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 39 - SYS_MOUNT = 40 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 41 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 42 - SYS_STATFS = 43 - SYS_FSTATFS = 44 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 45 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 46 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 47 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 48 - SYS_CHDIR = 49 - SYS_FCHDIR = 50 - SYS_CHROOT = 51 - SYS_FCHMOD = 52 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 53 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 54 - SYS_FCHOWN = 55 - SYS_OPENAT = 56 - SYS_CLOSE = 57 - SYS_VHANGUP = 58 - SYS_PIPE2 = 59 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 60 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 61 - SYS_LSEEK = 62 - SYS_READ = 63 - SYS_WRITE = 64 - SYS_READV = 65 - SYS_WRITEV = 66 - SYS_PREAD64 = 67 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 68 - SYS_PREADV = 69 - SYS_PWRITEV = 70 - SYS_SENDFILE = 71 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 72 - SYS_PPOLL = 73 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 74 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 75 - SYS_SPLICE = 76 - SYS_TEE = 77 - SYS_READLINKAT = 78 - SYS_FSTATAT = 79 - SYS_FSTAT = 80 - SYS_SYNC = 81 - SYS_FSYNC = 82 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 83 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 84 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 85 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 86 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 87 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 88 - SYS_ACCT = 89 - SYS_CAPGET = 90 - SYS_CAPSET = 91 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 92 - SYS_EXIT = 93 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 94 - SYS_WAITID = 95 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 96 - SYS_UNSHARE = 97 - SYS_FUTEX = 98 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 99 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 100 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 101 - SYS_GETITIMER = 102 - SYS_SETITIMER = 103 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 104 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 105 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 106 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 107 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 108 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 109 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 110 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 111 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 112 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 113 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 114 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 115 - SYS_SYSLOG = 116 - SYS_PTRACE = 117 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 118 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 119 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 120 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 121 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 122 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 123 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 124 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 125 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 126 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 127 - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 128 - SYS_KILL = 129 - SYS_TKILL = 130 - SYS_TGKILL = 131 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 132 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 133 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 134 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 135 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 136 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 137 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 138 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 139 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 140 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 141 - SYS_REBOOT = 142 - SYS_SETREGID = 143 - SYS_SETGID = 144 - SYS_SETREUID = 145 - SYS_SETUID = 146 - SYS_SETRESUID = 147 - SYS_GETRESUID = 148 - SYS_SETRESGID = 149 - SYS_GETRESGID = 150 - SYS_SETFSUID = 151 - SYS_SETFSGID = 152 - SYS_TIMES = 153 - SYS_SETPGID = 154 - SYS_GETPGID = 155 - SYS_GETSID = 156 - SYS_SETSID = 157 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 158 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 159 - SYS_UNAME = 160 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 161 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 162 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 163 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 164 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 165 - SYS_UMASK = 166 - SYS_PRCTL = 167 - SYS_GETCPU = 168 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 169 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 170 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 171 - SYS_GETPID = 172 - SYS_GETPPID = 173 - SYS_GETUID = 174 - SYS_GETEUID = 175 - SYS_GETGID = 176 - SYS_GETEGID = 177 - SYS_GETTID = 178 - SYS_SYSINFO = 179 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 180 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 181 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 182 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 183 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 184 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 185 - SYS_MSGGET = 186 - SYS_MSGCTL = 187 - SYS_MSGRCV = 188 - SYS_MSGSND = 189 - SYS_SEMGET = 190 - SYS_SEMCTL = 191 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 192 - SYS_SEMOP = 193 - SYS_SHMGET = 194 - SYS_SHMCTL = 195 - SYS_SHMAT = 196 - SYS_SHMDT = 197 - SYS_SOCKET = 198 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 199 - SYS_BIND = 200 - SYS_LISTEN = 201 - SYS_ACCEPT = 202 - SYS_CONNECT = 203 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 204 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 205 - SYS_SENDTO = 206 - SYS_RECVFROM = 207 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 208 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 209 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 210 - SYS_SENDMSG = 211 - SYS_RECVMSG = 212 - SYS_READAHEAD = 213 - SYS_BRK = 214 - SYS_MUNMAP = 215 - SYS_MREMAP = 216 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 217 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 218 - SYS_KEYCTL = 219 - SYS_CLONE = 220 - SYS_EXECVE = 221 - SYS_MMAP = 222 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 223 - SYS_SWAPON = 224 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 225 - SYS_MPROTECT = 226 - SYS_MSYNC = 227 - SYS_MLOCK = 228 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 229 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 230 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 231 - SYS_MINCORE = 232 - SYS_MADVISE = 233 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 234 - SYS_MBIND = 235 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 236 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 237 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 238 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 239 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 240 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 241 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 242 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 243 - SYS_ARCH_SPECIFIC_SYSCALL = 244 - SYS_WAIT4 = 260 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 261 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 262 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 263 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 264 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 265 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 266 - SYS_SYNCFS = 267 - SYS_SETNS = 268 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 269 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 270 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 271 - SYS_KCMP = 272 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 273 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 274 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 275 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 276 - SYS_SECCOMP = 277 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 278 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 279 - SYS_BPF = 280 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 281 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 282 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 283 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 284 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 285 - SYS_PREADV2 = 286 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 287 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 288 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 289 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 290 - SYS_STATX = 291 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 292 - SYS_RSEQ = 293 - SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 294 - SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 - SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 - SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 - SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 - SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 - SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 - SYS_FSOPEN = 430 - SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 - SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 - SYS_FSPICK = 433 - SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 - SYS_CLONE3 = 435 - SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 - SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 - SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 - SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 - SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 0 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 1 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 2 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 3 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 4 + SYS_SETXATTR = 5 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 6 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 7 + SYS_GETXATTR = 8 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 9 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 10 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 11 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 12 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 13 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 14 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 15 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 16 + SYS_GETCWD = 17 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 18 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 19 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 20 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 21 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 22 + SYS_DUP = 23 + SYS_DUP3 = 24 + SYS_FCNTL = 25 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 26 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 27 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 28 + SYS_IOCTL = 29 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 30 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 31 + SYS_FLOCK = 32 + SYS_MKNODAT = 33 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 34 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 35 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 36 + SYS_LINKAT = 37 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 39 + SYS_MOUNT = 40 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 41 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 42 + SYS_STATFS = 43 + SYS_FSTATFS = 44 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 45 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 46 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 47 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 48 + SYS_CHDIR = 49 + SYS_FCHDIR = 50 + SYS_CHROOT = 51 + SYS_FCHMOD = 52 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 53 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 54 + SYS_FCHOWN = 55 + SYS_OPENAT = 56 + SYS_CLOSE = 57 + SYS_VHANGUP = 58 + SYS_PIPE2 = 59 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 60 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 61 + SYS_LSEEK = 62 + SYS_READ = 63 + SYS_WRITE = 64 + SYS_READV = 65 + SYS_WRITEV = 66 + SYS_PREAD64 = 67 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 68 + SYS_PREADV = 69 + SYS_PWRITEV = 70 + SYS_SENDFILE = 71 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 72 + SYS_PPOLL = 73 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 74 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 75 + SYS_SPLICE = 76 + SYS_TEE = 77 + SYS_READLINKAT = 78 + SYS_FSTATAT = 79 + SYS_FSTAT = 80 + SYS_SYNC = 81 + SYS_FSYNC = 82 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 83 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 84 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 85 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 86 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 87 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 88 + SYS_ACCT = 89 + SYS_CAPGET = 90 + SYS_CAPSET = 91 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 92 + SYS_EXIT = 93 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 94 + SYS_WAITID = 95 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 96 + SYS_UNSHARE = 97 + SYS_FUTEX = 98 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 99 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 100 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 101 + SYS_GETITIMER = 102 + SYS_SETITIMER = 103 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 104 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 105 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 106 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 107 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 108 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 109 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 110 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 111 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 112 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 113 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 114 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 115 + SYS_SYSLOG = 116 + SYS_PTRACE = 117 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 118 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 119 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 120 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 121 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 122 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 123 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 124 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 125 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 126 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 127 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 128 + SYS_KILL = 129 + SYS_TKILL = 130 + SYS_TGKILL = 131 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 132 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 133 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 134 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 135 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 136 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 137 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 138 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 139 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 140 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 141 + SYS_REBOOT = 142 + SYS_SETREGID = 143 + SYS_SETGID = 144 + SYS_SETREUID = 145 + SYS_SETUID = 146 + SYS_SETRESUID = 147 + SYS_GETRESUID = 148 + SYS_SETRESGID = 149 + SYS_GETRESGID = 150 + SYS_SETFSUID = 151 + SYS_SETFSGID = 152 + SYS_TIMES = 153 + SYS_SETPGID = 154 + SYS_GETPGID = 155 + SYS_GETSID = 156 + SYS_SETSID = 157 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 158 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 159 + SYS_UNAME = 160 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 161 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 162 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 163 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 164 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 165 + SYS_UMASK = 166 + SYS_PRCTL = 167 + SYS_GETCPU = 168 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 169 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 170 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 171 + SYS_GETPID = 172 + SYS_GETPPID = 173 + SYS_GETUID = 174 + SYS_GETEUID = 175 + SYS_GETGID = 176 + SYS_GETEGID = 177 + SYS_GETTID = 178 + SYS_SYSINFO = 179 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 180 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 181 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 182 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 183 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 184 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 185 + SYS_MSGGET = 186 + SYS_MSGCTL = 187 + SYS_MSGRCV = 188 + SYS_MSGSND = 189 + SYS_SEMGET = 190 + SYS_SEMCTL = 191 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 192 + SYS_SEMOP = 193 + SYS_SHMGET = 194 + SYS_SHMCTL = 195 + SYS_SHMAT = 196 + SYS_SHMDT = 197 + SYS_SOCKET = 198 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 199 + SYS_BIND = 200 + SYS_LISTEN = 201 + SYS_ACCEPT = 202 + SYS_CONNECT = 203 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 204 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 205 + SYS_SENDTO = 206 + SYS_RECVFROM = 207 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 208 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 209 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 210 + SYS_SENDMSG = 211 + SYS_RECVMSG = 212 + SYS_READAHEAD = 213 + SYS_BRK = 214 + SYS_MUNMAP = 215 + SYS_MREMAP = 216 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 217 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 218 + SYS_KEYCTL = 219 + SYS_CLONE = 220 + SYS_EXECVE = 221 + SYS_MMAP = 222 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 223 + SYS_SWAPON = 224 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 225 + SYS_MPROTECT = 226 + SYS_MSYNC = 227 + SYS_MLOCK = 228 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 229 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 230 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 231 + SYS_MINCORE = 232 + SYS_MADVISE = 233 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 234 + SYS_MBIND = 235 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 236 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 237 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 238 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 239 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 240 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 241 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 242 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 243 + SYS_ARCH_SPECIFIC_SYSCALL = 244 + SYS_WAIT4 = 260 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 261 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 262 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 263 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 264 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 265 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 266 + SYS_SYNCFS = 267 + SYS_SETNS = 268 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 269 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 270 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 271 + SYS_KCMP = 272 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 273 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 274 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 275 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 276 + SYS_SECCOMP = 277 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 278 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 279 + SYS_BPF = 280 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 281 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 282 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 283 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 284 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 285 + SYS_PREADV2 = 286 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 287 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 288 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 289 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 290 + SYS_STATX = 291 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 292 + SYS_RSEQ = 293 + SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 294 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 + SYS_FSPICK = 433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go index 1fb9ae5d..d1738586 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_s390x.go @@ -1,368 +1,377 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build s390x && linux // +build s390x,linux package unix const ( - SYS_EXIT = 1 - SYS_FORK = 2 - SYS_READ = 3 - SYS_WRITE = 4 - SYS_OPEN = 5 - SYS_CLOSE = 6 - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 7 - SYS_CREAT = 8 - SYS_LINK = 9 - SYS_UNLINK = 10 - SYS_EXECVE = 11 - SYS_CHDIR = 12 - SYS_MKNOD = 14 - SYS_CHMOD = 15 - SYS_LSEEK = 19 - SYS_GETPID = 20 - SYS_MOUNT = 21 - SYS_UMOUNT = 22 - SYS_PTRACE = 26 - SYS_ALARM = 27 - SYS_PAUSE = 29 - SYS_UTIME = 30 - SYS_ACCESS = 33 - SYS_NICE = 34 - SYS_SYNC = 36 - SYS_KILL = 37 - SYS_RENAME = 38 - SYS_MKDIR = 39 - SYS_RMDIR = 40 - SYS_DUP = 41 - SYS_PIPE = 42 - SYS_TIMES = 43 - SYS_BRK = 45 - SYS_SIGNAL = 48 - SYS_ACCT = 51 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 - SYS_IOCTL = 54 - SYS_FCNTL = 55 - SYS_SETPGID = 57 - SYS_UMASK = 60 - SYS_CHROOT = 61 - SYS_USTAT = 62 - SYS_DUP2 = 63 - SYS_GETPPID = 64 - SYS_GETPGRP = 65 - SYS_SETSID = 66 - SYS_SIGACTION = 67 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 - SYS_SYMLINK = 83 - SYS_READLINK = 85 - SYS_USELIB = 86 - SYS_SWAPON = 87 - SYS_REBOOT = 88 - SYS_READDIR = 89 - SYS_MMAP = 90 - SYS_MUNMAP = 91 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 - SYS_FCHMOD = 94 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 - SYS_STATFS = 99 - SYS_FSTATFS = 100 - SYS_SOCKETCALL = 102 - SYS_SYSLOG = 103 - SYS_SETITIMER = 104 - SYS_GETITIMER = 105 - SYS_STAT = 106 - SYS_LSTAT = 107 - SYS_FSTAT = 108 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 110 - SYS_VHANGUP = 111 - SYS_IDLE = 112 - SYS_WAIT4 = 114 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 - SYS_SYSINFO = 116 - SYS_IPC = 117 - SYS_FSYNC = 118 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 - SYS_CLONE = 120 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 - SYS_UNAME = 122 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 - SYS_MPROTECT = 125 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 127 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 130 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 - SYS_GETPGID = 132 - SYS_FCHDIR = 133 - SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 - SYS_SYSFS = 135 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 137 - SYS_GETDENTS = 141 - SYS_SELECT = 142 - SYS_FLOCK = 143 - SYS_MSYNC = 144 - SYS_READV = 145 - SYS_WRITEV = 146 - SYS_GETSID = 147 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 - SYS__SYSCTL = 149 - SYS_MLOCK = 150 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 - SYS_MREMAP = 163 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 167 - SYS_POLL = 168 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 169 - SYS_PRCTL = 172 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 173 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 174 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 175 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 176 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 177 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 178 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 179 - SYS_PREAD64 = 180 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 181 - SYS_GETCWD = 183 - SYS_CAPGET = 184 - SYS_CAPSET = 185 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 186 - SYS_SENDFILE = 187 - SYS_GETPMSG = 188 - SYS_PUTPMSG = 189 - SYS_VFORK = 190 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 191 - SYS_LCHOWN = 198 - SYS_GETUID = 199 - SYS_GETGID = 200 - SYS_GETEUID = 201 - SYS_GETEGID = 202 - SYS_SETREUID = 203 - SYS_SETREGID = 204 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 205 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 206 - SYS_FCHOWN = 207 - SYS_SETRESUID = 208 - SYS_GETRESUID = 209 - SYS_SETRESGID = 210 - SYS_GETRESGID = 211 - SYS_CHOWN = 212 - SYS_SETUID = 213 - SYS_SETGID = 214 - SYS_SETFSUID = 215 - SYS_SETFSGID = 216 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 217 - SYS_MINCORE = 218 - SYS_MADVISE = 219 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 220 - SYS_READAHEAD = 222 - SYS_SETXATTR = 224 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 225 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 226 - SYS_GETXATTR = 227 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 228 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 229 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 230 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 231 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 232 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 233 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 234 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 235 - SYS_GETTID = 236 - SYS_TKILL = 237 - SYS_FUTEX = 238 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 239 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 240 - SYS_TGKILL = 241 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 243 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 244 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 245 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 246 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 247 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 248 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 249 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 250 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 251 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 252 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 253 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 254 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 255 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 256 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 257 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 258 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 259 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 260 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 261 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 262 - SYS_STATFS64 = 265 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 266 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 267 - SYS_MBIND = 268 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 269 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 270 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 271 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 272 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 273 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 274 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 275 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 276 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 277 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 278 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 279 - SYS_KEYCTL = 280 - SYS_WAITID = 281 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 282 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 283 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 284 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 285 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 286 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 287 - SYS_OPENAT = 288 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 289 - SYS_MKNODAT = 290 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 291 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 292 - SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 293 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 294 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 295 - SYS_LINKAT = 296 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 297 - SYS_READLINKAT = 298 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 299 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 300 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 301 - SYS_PPOLL = 302 - SYS_UNSHARE = 303 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 304 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 305 - SYS_SPLICE = 306 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 307 - SYS_TEE = 308 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 309 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 310 - SYS_GETCPU = 311 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 312 - SYS_UTIMES = 313 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 314 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 315 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 316 - SYS_TIMERFD = 317 - SYS_EVENTFD = 318 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 319 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 320 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 321 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 322 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 323 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 324 - SYS_PIPE2 = 325 - SYS_DUP3 = 326 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 327 - SYS_PREADV = 328 - SYS_PWRITEV = 329 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 330 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 331 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 332 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 333 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 334 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 335 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 336 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 337 - SYS_SYNCFS = 338 - SYS_SETNS = 339 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 340 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 341 - SYS_S390_RUNTIME_INSTR = 342 - SYS_KCMP = 343 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 344 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 345 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 346 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 347 - SYS_SECCOMP = 348 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 349 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 350 - SYS_BPF = 351 - SYS_S390_PCI_MMIO_WRITE = 352 - SYS_S390_PCI_MMIO_READ = 353 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 354 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 355 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 356 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 357 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 358 - SYS_SOCKET = 359 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 360 - SYS_BIND = 361 - SYS_CONNECT = 362 - SYS_LISTEN = 363 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 364 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 365 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 366 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 367 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 368 - SYS_SENDTO = 369 - SYS_SENDMSG = 370 - SYS_RECVFROM = 371 - SYS_RECVMSG = 372 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 373 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 374 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 375 - SYS_PREADV2 = 376 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 377 - SYS_S390_GUARDED_STORAGE = 378 - SYS_STATX = 379 - SYS_S390_STHYI = 380 - SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 381 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 382 - SYS_RSEQ = 383 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 384 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 385 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 386 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 - SYS_SEMGET = 393 - SYS_SEMCTL = 394 - SYS_SHMGET = 395 - SYS_SHMCTL = 396 - SYS_SHMAT = 397 - SYS_SHMDT = 398 - SYS_MSGGET = 399 - SYS_MSGSND = 400 - SYS_MSGRCV = 401 - SYS_MSGCTL = 402 - SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 - SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 - SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 - SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 - SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 - SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 - SYS_FSOPEN = 430 - SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 - SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 - SYS_FSPICK = 433 - SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 - SYS_CLONE3 = 435 - SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 - SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 - SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 - SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 - SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EXIT = 1 + SYS_FORK = 2 + SYS_READ = 3 + SYS_WRITE = 4 + SYS_OPEN = 5 + SYS_CLOSE = 6 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 7 + SYS_CREAT = 8 + SYS_LINK = 9 + SYS_UNLINK = 10 + SYS_EXECVE = 11 + SYS_CHDIR = 12 + SYS_MKNOD = 14 + SYS_CHMOD = 15 + SYS_LSEEK = 19 + SYS_GETPID = 20 + SYS_MOUNT = 21 + SYS_UMOUNT = 22 + SYS_PTRACE = 26 + SYS_ALARM = 27 + SYS_PAUSE = 29 + SYS_UTIME = 30 + SYS_ACCESS = 33 + SYS_NICE = 34 + SYS_SYNC = 36 + SYS_KILL = 37 + SYS_RENAME = 38 + SYS_MKDIR = 39 + SYS_RMDIR = 40 + SYS_DUP = 41 + SYS_PIPE = 42 + SYS_TIMES = 43 + SYS_BRK = 45 + SYS_SIGNAL = 48 + SYS_ACCT = 51 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 52 + SYS_IOCTL = 54 + SYS_FCNTL = 55 + SYS_SETPGID = 57 + SYS_UMASK = 60 + SYS_CHROOT = 61 + SYS_USTAT = 62 + SYS_DUP2 = 63 + SYS_GETPPID = 64 + SYS_GETPGRP = 65 + SYS_SETSID = 66 + SYS_SIGACTION = 67 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 72 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 73 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 74 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 75 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 77 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 78 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 79 + SYS_SYMLINK = 83 + SYS_READLINK = 85 + SYS_USELIB = 86 + SYS_SWAPON = 87 + SYS_REBOOT = 88 + SYS_READDIR = 89 + SYS_MMAP = 90 + SYS_MUNMAP = 91 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 92 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 93 + SYS_FCHMOD = 94 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 96 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 97 + SYS_STATFS = 99 + SYS_FSTATFS = 100 + SYS_SOCKETCALL = 102 + SYS_SYSLOG = 103 + SYS_SETITIMER = 104 + SYS_GETITIMER = 105 + SYS_STAT = 106 + SYS_LSTAT = 107 + SYS_FSTAT = 108 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 110 + SYS_VHANGUP = 111 + SYS_IDLE = 112 + SYS_WAIT4 = 114 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 115 + SYS_SYSINFO = 116 + SYS_IPC = 117 + SYS_FSYNC = 118 + SYS_SIGRETURN = 119 + SYS_CLONE = 120 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 121 + SYS_UNAME = 122 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 124 + SYS_MPROTECT = 125 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 126 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 127 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 128 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 129 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 130 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 131 + SYS_GETPGID = 132 + SYS_FCHDIR = 133 + SYS_BDFLUSH = 134 + SYS_SYSFS = 135 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 136 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 137 + SYS_GETDENTS = 141 + SYS_SELECT = 142 + SYS_FLOCK = 143 + SYS_MSYNC = 144 + SYS_READV = 145 + SYS_WRITEV = 146 + SYS_GETSID = 147 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 148 + SYS__SYSCTL = 149 + SYS_MLOCK = 150 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 151 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 152 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 153 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 154 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 155 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 156 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 157 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 158 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 159 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 160 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 161 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 162 + SYS_MREMAP = 163 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 167 + SYS_POLL = 168 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 169 + SYS_PRCTL = 172 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 173 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 174 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 175 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 176 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 177 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 178 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 179 + SYS_PREAD64 = 180 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 181 + SYS_GETCWD = 183 + SYS_CAPGET = 184 + SYS_CAPSET = 185 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 186 + SYS_SENDFILE = 187 + SYS_GETPMSG = 188 + SYS_PUTPMSG = 189 + SYS_VFORK = 190 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 191 + SYS_LCHOWN = 198 + SYS_GETUID = 199 + SYS_GETGID = 200 + SYS_GETEUID = 201 + SYS_GETEGID = 202 + SYS_SETREUID = 203 + SYS_SETREGID = 204 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 205 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 206 + SYS_FCHOWN = 207 + SYS_SETRESUID = 208 + SYS_GETRESUID = 209 + SYS_SETRESGID = 210 + SYS_GETRESGID = 211 + SYS_CHOWN = 212 + SYS_SETUID = 213 + SYS_SETGID = 214 + SYS_SETFSUID = 215 + SYS_SETFSGID = 216 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 217 + SYS_MINCORE = 218 + SYS_MADVISE = 219 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 220 + SYS_READAHEAD = 222 + SYS_SETXATTR = 224 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 225 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 226 + SYS_GETXATTR = 227 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 228 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 229 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 230 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 231 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 232 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 233 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 234 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 235 + SYS_GETTID = 236 + SYS_TKILL = 237 + SYS_FUTEX = 238 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 239 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 240 + SYS_TGKILL = 241 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 243 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 244 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 245 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 246 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 247 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 248 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 249 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 250 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 251 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 252 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 253 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 254 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 255 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 256 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 257 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 258 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 259 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 260 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 261 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 262 + SYS_STATFS64 = 265 + SYS_FSTATFS64 = 266 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 267 + SYS_MBIND = 268 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 269 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 270 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 271 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 272 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 273 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 274 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 275 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 276 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 277 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 278 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 279 + SYS_KEYCTL = 280 + SYS_WAITID = 281 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 282 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 283 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 284 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 285 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 286 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 287 + SYS_OPENAT = 288 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 289 + SYS_MKNODAT = 290 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 291 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 292 + SYS_NEWFSTATAT = 293 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 294 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 295 + SYS_LINKAT = 296 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 297 + SYS_READLINKAT = 298 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 299 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 300 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 301 + SYS_PPOLL = 302 + SYS_UNSHARE = 303 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 304 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 305 + SYS_SPLICE = 306 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 307 + SYS_TEE = 308 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 309 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 310 + SYS_GETCPU = 311 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 312 + SYS_UTIMES = 313 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 314 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 315 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 316 + SYS_TIMERFD = 317 + SYS_EVENTFD = 318 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 319 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 320 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 321 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 322 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 323 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 324 + SYS_PIPE2 = 325 + SYS_DUP3 = 326 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 327 + SYS_PREADV = 328 + SYS_PWRITEV = 329 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 330 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 331 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 332 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 333 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 334 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 335 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 336 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 337 + SYS_SYNCFS = 338 + SYS_SETNS = 339 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 340 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 341 + SYS_S390_RUNTIME_INSTR = 342 + SYS_KCMP = 343 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 344 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 345 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 346 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 347 + SYS_SECCOMP = 348 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 349 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 350 + SYS_BPF = 351 + SYS_S390_PCI_MMIO_WRITE = 352 + SYS_S390_PCI_MMIO_READ = 353 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 354 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 355 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 356 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 357 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 358 + SYS_SOCKET = 359 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 360 + SYS_BIND = 361 + SYS_CONNECT = 362 + SYS_LISTEN = 363 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 364 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 365 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 366 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 367 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 368 + SYS_SENDTO = 369 + SYS_SENDMSG = 370 + SYS_RECVFROM = 371 + SYS_RECVMSG = 372 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 373 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 374 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 375 + SYS_PREADV2 = 376 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 377 + SYS_S390_GUARDED_STORAGE = 378 + SYS_STATX = 379 + SYS_S390_STHYI = 380 + SYS_KEXEC_FILE_LOAD = 381 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 382 + SYS_RSEQ = 383 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 384 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 385 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 386 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 + SYS_FSPICK = 433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 + SYS_CLONE3 = 435 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go index 57636e09..dfd5660f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_linux_sparc64.go @@ -1,382 +1,391 @@ // go run linux/mksysnum.go -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /tmp/include/asm/unistd.h // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build sparc64 && linux // +build sparc64,linux package unix const ( - SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 - SYS_EXIT = 1 - SYS_FORK = 2 - SYS_READ = 3 - SYS_WRITE = 4 - SYS_OPEN = 5 - SYS_CLOSE = 6 - SYS_WAIT4 = 7 - SYS_CREAT = 8 - SYS_LINK = 9 - SYS_UNLINK = 10 - SYS_EXECV = 11 - SYS_CHDIR = 12 - SYS_CHOWN = 13 - SYS_MKNOD = 14 - SYS_CHMOD = 15 - SYS_LCHOWN = 16 - SYS_BRK = 17 - SYS_PERFCTR = 18 - SYS_LSEEK = 19 - SYS_GETPID = 20 - SYS_CAPGET = 21 - SYS_CAPSET = 22 - SYS_SETUID = 23 - SYS_GETUID = 24 - SYS_VMSPLICE = 25 - SYS_PTRACE = 26 - SYS_ALARM = 27 - SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 28 - SYS_PAUSE = 29 - SYS_UTIME = 30 - SYS_ACCESS = 33 - SYS_NICE = 34 - SYS_SYNC = 36 - SYS_KILL = 37 - SYS_STAT = 38 - SYS_SENDFILE = 39 - SYS_LSTAT = 40 - SYS_DUP = 41 - SYS_PIPE = 42 - SYS_TIMES = 43 - SYS_UMOUNT2 = 45 - SYS_SETGID = 46 - SYS_GETGID = 47 - SYS_SIGNAL = 48 - SYS_GETEUID = 49 - SYS_GETEGID = 50 - SYS_ACCT = 51 - SYS_MEMORY_ORDERING = 52 - SYS_IOCTL = 54 - SYS_REBOOT = 55 - SYS_SYMLINK = 57 - SYS_READLINK = 58 - SYS_EXECVE = 59 - SYS_UMASK = 60 - SYS_CHROOT = 61 - SYS_FSTAT = 62 - SYS_FSTAT64 = 63 - SYS_GETPAGESIZE = 64 - SYS_MSYNC = 65 - SYS_VFORK = 66 - SYS_PREAD64 = 67 - SYS_PWRITE64 = 68 - SYS_MMAP = 71 - SYS_MUNMAP = 73 - SYS_MPROTECT = 74 - SYS_MADVISE = 75 - SYS_VHANGUP = 76 - SYS_MINCORE = 78 - SYS_GETGROUPS = 79 - SYS_SETGROUPS = 80 - SYS_GETPGRP = 81 - SYS_SETITIMER = 83 - SYS_SWAPON = 85 - SYS_GETITIMER = 86 - SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 88 - SYS_DUP2 = 90 - SYS_FCNTL = 92 - SYS_SELECT = 93 - SYS_FSYNC = 95 - SYS_SETPRIORITY = 96 - SYS_SOCKET = 97 - SYS_CONNECT = 98 - SYS_ACCEPT = 99 - SYS_GETPRIORITY = 100 - SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 101 - SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 102 - SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 103 - SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 104 - SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 105 - SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 106 - SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 107 - SYS_SETRESUID = 108 - SYS_GETRESUID = 109 - SYS_SETRESGID = 110 - SYS_GETRESGID = 111 - SYS_RECVMSG = 113 - SYS_SENDMSG = 114 - SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 116 - SYS_GETRUSAGE = 117 - SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 118 - SYS_GETCWD = 119 - SYS_READV = 120 - SYS_WRITEV = 121 - SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 122 - SYS_FCHOWN = 123 - SYS_FCHMOD = 124 - SYS_RECVFROM = 125 - SYS_SETREUID = 126 - SYS_SETREGID = 127 - SYS_RENAME = 128 - SYS_TRUNCATE = 129 - SYS_FTRUNCATE = 130 - SYS_FLOCK = 131 - SYS_LSTAT64 = 132 - SYS_SENDTO = 133 - SYS_SHUTDOWN = 134 - SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 135 - SYS_MKDIR = 136 - SYS_RMDIR = 137 - SYS_UTIMES = 138 - SYS_STAT64 = 139 - SYS_SENDFILE64 = 140 - SYS_GETPEERNAME = 141 - SYS_FUTEX = 142 - SYS_GETTID = 143 - SYS_GETRLIMIT = 144 - SYS_SETRLIMIT = 145 - SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 146 - SYS_PRCTL = 147 - SYS_PCICONFIG_READ = 148 - SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE = 149 - SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 150 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 151 - SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 152 - SYS_POLL = 153 - SYS_GETDENTS64 = 154 - SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 156 - SYS_STATFS = 157 - SYS_FSTATFS = 158 - SYS_UMOUNT = 159 - SYS_SCHED_SET_AFFINITY = 160 - SYS_SCHED_GET_AFFINITY = 161 - SYS_GETDOMAINNAME = 162 - SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 163 - SYS_UTRAP_INSTALL = 164 - SYS_QUOTACTL = 165 - SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 166 - SYS_MOUNT = 167 - SYS_USTAT = 168 - SYS_SETXATTR = 169 - SYS_LSETXATTR = 170 - SYS_FSETXATTR = 171 - SYS_GETXATTR = 172 - SYS_LGETXATTR = 173 - SYS_GETDENTS = 174 - SYS_SETSID = 175 - SYS_FCHDIR = 176 - SYS_FGETXATTR = 177 - SYS_LISTXATTR = 178 - SYS_LLISTXATTR = 179 - SYS_FLISTXATTR = 180 - SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 181 - SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 182 - SYS_SIGPENDING = 183 - SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 184 - SYS_SETPGID = 185 - SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 186 - SYS_TKILL = 187 - SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 188 - SYS_UNAME = 189 - SYS_INIT_MODULE = 190 - SYS_PERSONALITY = 191 - SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 192 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 193 - SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 194 - SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 195 - SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 196 - SYS_GETPPID = 197 - SYS_SIGACTION = 198 - SYS_SGETMASK = 199 - SYS_SSETMASK = 200 - SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 201 - SYS_OLDLSTAT = 202 - SYS_USELIB = 203 - SYS_READDIR = 204 - SYS_READAHEAD = 205 - SYS_SOCKETCALL = 206 - SYS_SYSLOG = 207 - SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 208 - SYS_FADVISE64 = 209 - SYS_FADVISE64_64 = 210 - SYS_TGKILL = 211 - SYS_WAITPID = 212 - SYS_SWAPOFF = 213 - SYS_SYSINFO = 214 - SYS_IPC = 215 - SYS_SIGRETURN = 216 - SYS_CLONE = 217 - SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 218 - SYS_ADJTIMEX = 219 - SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 220 - SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 221 - SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 222 - SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 223 - SYS_GETPGID = 224 - SYS_BDFLUSH = 225 - SYS_SYSFS = 226 - SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 227 - SYS_SETFSUID = 228 - SYS_SETFSGID = 229 - SYS__NEWSELECT = 230 - SYS_SPLICE = 232 - SYS_STIME = 233 - SYS_STATFS64 = 234 - SYS_FSTATFS64 = 235 - SYS__LLSEEK = 236 - SYS_MLOCK = 237 - SYS_MUNLOCK = 238 - SYS_MLOCKALL = 239 - SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 240 - SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 241 - SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 242 - SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 243 - SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 244 - SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 245 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 246 - SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 247 - SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 248 - SYS_NANOSLEEP = 249 - SYS_MREMAP = 250 - SYS__SYSCTL = 251 - SYS_GETSID = 252 - SYS_FDATASYNC = 253 - SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 254 - SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 255 - SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 256 - SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 257 - SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 258 - SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 259 - SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 260 - SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 261 - SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 262 - SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 263 - SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 264 - SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 265 - SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 266 - SYS_VSERVER = 267 - SYS_IO_SETUP = 268 - SYS_IO_DESTROY = 269 - SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 270 - SYS_IO_CANCEL = 271 - SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 272 - SYS_MQ_OPEN = 273 - SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 274 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 275 - SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 276 - SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 277 - SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 278 - SYS_WAITID = 279 - SYS_TEE = 280 - SYS_ADD_KEY = 281 - SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 282 - SYS_KEYCTL = 283 - SYS_OPENAT = 284 - SYS_MKDIRAT = 285 - SYS_MKNODAT = 286 - SYS_FCHOWNAT = 287 - SYS_FUTIMESAT = 288 - SYS_FSTATAT64 = 289 - SYS_UNLINKAT = 290 - SYS_RENAMEAT = 291 - SYS_LINKAT = 292 - SYS_SYMLINKAT = 293 - SYS_READLINKAT = 294 - SYS_FCHMODAT = 295 - SYS_FACCESSAT = 296 - SYS_PSELECT6 = 297 - SYS_PPOLL = 298 - SYS_UNSHARE = 299 - SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 300 - SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 301 - SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 302 - SYS_MBIND = 303 - SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 304 - SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 305 - SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 306 - SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 307 - SYS_GETCPU = 308 - SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 309 - SYS_UTIMENSAT = 310 - SYS_SIGNALFD = 311 - SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 312 - SYS_EVENTFD = 313 - SYS_FALLOCATE = 314 - SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 315 - SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 316 - SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 317 - SYS_EVENTFD2 = 318 - SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 319 - SYS_DUP3 = 320 - SYS_PIPE2 = 321 - SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 322 - SYS_ACCEPT4 = 323 - SYS_PREADV = 324 - SYS_PWRITEV = 325 - SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 326 - SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 327 - SYS_RECVMMSG = 328 - SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 329 - SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 330 - SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 331 - SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 332 - SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 333 - SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 334 - SYS_SYNCFS = 335 - SYS_SENDMMSG = 336 - SYS_SETNS = 337 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 338 - SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 339 - SYS_KERN_FEATURES = 340 - SYS_KCMP = 341 - SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 342 - SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 343 - SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 344 - SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 345 - SYS_SECCOMP = 346 - SYS_GETRANDOM = 347 - SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 348 - SYS_BPF = 349 - SYS_EXECVEAT = 350 - SYS_MEMBARRIER = 351 - SYS_USERFAULTFD = 352 - SYS_BIND = 353 - SYS_LISTEN = 354 - SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 355 - SYS_MLOCK2 = 356 - SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 357 - SYS_PREADV2 = 358 - SYS_PWRITEV2 = 359 - SYS_STATX = 360 - SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 361 - SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 362 - SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 363 - SYS_PKEY_FREE = 364 - SYS_RSEQ = 365 - SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 - SYS_SEMGET = 393 - SYS_SEMCTL = 394 - SYS_SHMGET = 395 - SYS_SHMCTL = 396 - SYS_SHMAT = 397 - SYS_SHMDT = 398 - SYS_MSGGET = 399 - SYS_MSGSND = 400 - SYS_MSGRCV = 401 - SYS_MSGCTL = 402 - SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 - SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 - SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 - SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 - SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 - SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 - SYS_FSOPEN = 430 - SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 - SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 - SYS_FSPICK = 433 - SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 - SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 - SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 - SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 - SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 - SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_RESTART_SYSCALL = 0 + SYS_EXIT = 1 + SYS_FORK = 2 + SYS_READ = 3 + SYS_WRITE = 4 + SYS_OPEN = 5 + SYS_CLOSE = 6 + SYS_WAIT4 = 7 + SYS_CREAT = 8 + SYS_LINK = 9 + SYS_UNLINK = 10 + SYS_EXECV = 11 + SYS_CHDIR = 12 + SYS_CHOWN = 13 + SYS_MKNOD = 14 + SYS_CHMOD = 15 + SYS_LCHOWN = 16 + SYS_BRK = 17 + SYS_PERFCTR = 18 + SYS_LSEEK = 19 + SYS_GETPID = 20 + SYS_CAPGET = 21 + SYS_CAPSET = 22 + SYS_SETUID = 23 + SYS_GETUID = 24 + SYS_VMSPLICE = 25 + SYS_PTRACE = 26 + SYS_ALARM = 27 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 28 + SYS_PAUSE = 29 + SYS_UTIME = 30 + SYS_ACCESS = 33 + SYS_NICE = 34 + SYS_SYNC = 36 + SYS_KILL = 37 + SYS_STAT = 38 + SYS_SENDFILE = 39 + SYS_LSTAT = 40 + SYS_DUP = 41 + SYS_PIPE = 42 + SYS_TIMES = 43 + SYS_UMOUNT2 = 45 + SYS_SETGID = 46 + SYS_GETGID = 47 + SYS_SIGNAL = 48 + SYS_GETEUID = 49 + SYS_GETEGID = 50 + SYS_ACCT = 51 + SYS_MEMORY_ORDERING = 52 + SYS_IOCTL = 54 + SYS_REBOOT = 55 + SYS_SYMLINK = 57 + SYS_READLINK = 58 + SYS_EXECVE = 59 + SYS_UMASK = 60 + SYS_CHROOT = 61 + SYS_FSTAT = 62 + SYS_FSTAT64 = 63 + SYS_GETPAGESIZE = 64 + SYS_MSYNC = 65 + SYS_VFORK = 66 + SYS_PREAD64 = 67 + SYS_PWRITE64 = 68 + SYS_MMAP = 71 + SYS_MUNMAP = 73 + SYS_MPROTECT = 74 + SYS_MADVISE = 75 + SYS_VHANGUP = 76 + SYS_MINCORE = 78 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 79 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 80 + SYS_GETPGRP = 81 + SYS_SETITIMER = 83 + SYS_SWAPON = 85 + SYS_GETITIMER = 86 + SYS_SETHOSTNAME = 88 + SYS_DUP2 = 90 + SYS_FCNTL = 92 + SYS_SELECT = 93 + SYS_FSYNC = 95 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 96 + SYS_SOCKET = 97 + SYS_CONNECT = 98 + SYS_ACCEPT = 99 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 100 + SYS_RT_SIGRETURN = 101 + SYS_RT_SIGACTION = 102 + SYS_RT_SIGPROCMASK = 103 + SYS_RT_SIGPENDING = 104 + SYS_RT_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 105 + SYS_RT_SIGQUEUEINFO = 106 + SYS_RT_SIGSUSPEND = 107 + SYS_SETRESUID = 108 + SYS_GETRESUID = 109 + SYS_SETRESGID = 110 + SYS_GETRESGID = 111 + SYS_RECVMSG = 113 + SYS_SENDMSG = 114 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 116 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 117 + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 118 + SYS_GETCWD = 119 + SYS_READV = 120 + SYS_WRITEV = 121 + SYS_SETTIMEOFDAY = 122 + SYS_FCHOWN = 123 + SYS_FCHMOD = 124 + SYS_RECVFROM = 125 + SYS_SETREUID = 126 + SYS_SETREGID = 127 + SYS_RENAME = 128 + SYS_TRUNCATE = 129 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 130 + SYS_FLOCK = 131 + SYS_LSTAT64 = 132 + SYS_SENDTO = 133 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 134 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 135 + SYS_MKDIR = 136 + SYS_RMDIR = 137 + SYS_UTIMES = 138 + SYS_STAT64 = 139 + SYS_SENDFILE64 = 140 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 141 + SYS_FUTEX = 142 + SYS_GETTID = 143 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 144 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 145 + SYS_PIVOT_ROOT = 146 + SYS_PRCTL = 147 + SYS_PCICONFIG_READ = 148 + SYS_PCICONFIG_WRITE = 149 + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 150 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT = 151 + SYS_INOTIFY_ADD_WATCH = 152 + SYS_POLL = 153 + SYS_GETDENTS64 = 154 + SYS_INOTIFY_RM_WATCH = 156 + SYS_STATFS = 157 + SYS_FSTATFS = 158 + SYS_UMOUNT = 159 + SYS_SCHED_SET_AFFINITY = 160 + SYS_SCHED_GET_AFFINITY = 161 + SYS_GETDOMAINNAME = 162 + SYS_SETDOMAINNAME = 163 + SYS_UTRAP_INSTALL = 164 + SYS_QUOTACTL = 165 + SYS_SET_TID_ADDRESS = 166 + SYS_MOUNT = 167 + SYS_USTAT = 168 + SYS_SETXATTR = 169 + SYS_LSETXATTR = 170 + SYS_FSETXATTR = 171 + SYS_GETXATTR = 172 + SYS_LGETXATTR = 173 + SYS_GETDENTS = 174 + SYS_SETSID = 175 + SYS_FCHDIR = 176 + SYS_FGETXATTR = 177 + SYS_LISTXATTR = 178 + SYS_LLISTXATTR = 179 + SYS_FLISTXATTR = 180 + SYS_REMOVEXATTR = 181 + SYS_LREMOVEXATTR = 182 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 183 + SYS_QUERY_MODULE = 184 + SYS_SETPGID = 185 + SYS_FREMOVEXATTR = 186 + SYS_TKILL = 187 + SYS_EXIT_GROUP = 188 + SYS_UNAME = 189 + SYS_INIT_MODULE = 190 + SYS_PERSONALITY = 191 + SYS_REMAP_FILE_PAGES = 192 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE = 193 + SYS_EPOLL_CTL = 194 + SYS_EPOLL_WAIT = 195 + SYS_IOPRIO_SET = 196 + SYS_GETPPID = 197 + SYS_SIGACTION = 198 + SYS_SGETMASK = 199 + SYS_SSETMASK = 200 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 201 + SYS_OLDLSTAT = 202 + SYS_USELIB = 203 + SYS_READDIR = 204 + SYS_READAHEAD = 205 + SYS_SOCKETCALL = 206 + SYS_SYSLOG = 207 + SYS_LOOKUP_DCOOKIE = 208 + SYS_FADVISE64 = 209 + SYS_FADVISE64_64 = 210 + SYS_TGKILL = 211 + SYS_WAITPID = 212 + SYS_SWAPOFF = 213 + SYS_SYSINFO = 214 + SYS_IPC = 215 + SYS_SIGRETURN = 216 + SYS_CLONE = 217 + SYS_IOPRIO_GET = 218 + SYS_ADJTIMEX = 219 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 220 + SYS_CREATE_MODULE = 221 + SYS_DELETE_MODULE = 222 + SYS_GET_KERNEL_SYMS = 223 + SYS_GETPGID = 224 + SYS_BDFLUSH = 225 + SYS_SYSFS = 226 + SYS_AFS_SYSCALL = 227 + SYS_SETFSUID = 228 + SYS_SETFSGID = 229 + SYS__NEWSELECT = 230 + SYS_SPLICE = 232 + SYS_STIME = 233 + SYS_STATFS64 = 234 + SYS_FSTATFS64 = 235 + SYS__LLSEEK = 236 + SYS_MLOCK = 237 + SYS_MUNLOCK = 238 + SYS_MLOCKALL = 239 + SYS_MUNLOCKALL = 240 + SYS_SCHED_SETPARAM = 241 + SYS_SCHED_GETPARAM = 242 + SYS_SCHED_SETSCHEDULER = 243 + SYS_SCHED_GETSCHEDULER = 244 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 245 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MAX = 246 + SYS_SCHED_GET_PRIORITY_MIN = 247 + SYS_SCHED_RR_GET_INTERVAL = 248 + SYS_NANOSLEEP = 249 + SYS_MREMAP = 250 + SYS__SYSCTL = 251 + SYS_GETSID = 252 + SYS_FDATASYNC = 253 + SYS_NFSSERVCTL = 254 + SYS_SYNC_FILE_RANGE = 255 + SYS_CLOCK_SETTIME = 256 + SYS_CLOCK_GETTIME = 257 + SYS_CLOCK_GETRES = 258 + SYS_CLOCK_NANOSLEEP = 259 + SYS_SCHED_GETAFFINITY = 260 + SYS_SCHED_SETAFFINITY = 261 + SYS_TIMER_SETTIME = 262 + SYS_TIMER_GETTIME = 263 + SYS_TIMER_GETOVERRUN = 264 + SYS_TIMER_DELETE = 265 + SYS_TIMER_CREATE = 266 + SYS_VSERVER = 267 + SYS_IO_SETUP = 268 + SYS_IO_DESTROY = 269 + SYS_IO_SUBMIT = 270 + SYS_IO_CANCEL = 271 + SYS_IO_GETEVENTS = 272 + SYS_MQ_OPEN = 273 + SYS_MQ_UNLINK = 274 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDSEND = 275 + SYS_MQ_TIMEDRECEIVE = 276 + SYS_MQ_NOTIFY = 277 + SYS_MQ_GETSETATTR = 278 + SYS_WAITID = 279 + SYS_TEE = 280 + SYS_ADD_KEY = 281 + SYS_REQUEST_KEY = 282 + SYS_KEYCTL = 283 + SYS_OPENAT = 284 + SYS_MKDIRAT = 285 + SYS_MKNODAT = 286 + SYS_FCHOWNAT = 287 + SYS_FUTIMESAT = 288 + SYS_FSTATAT64 = 289 + SYS_UNLINKAT = 290 + SYS_RENAMEAT = 291 + SYS_LINKAT = 292 + SYS_SYMLINKAT = 293 + SYS_READLINKAT = 294 + SYS_FCHMODAT = 295 + SYS_FACCESSAT = 296 + SYS_PSELECT6 = 297 + SYS_PPOLL = 298 + SYS_UNSHARE = 299 + SYS_SET_ROBUST_LIST = 300 + SYS_GET_ROBUST_LIST = 301 + SYS_MIGRATE_PAGES = 302 + SYS_MBIND = 303 + SYS_GET_MEMPOLICY = 304 + SYS_SET_MEMPOLICY = 305 + SYS_KEXEC_LOAD = 306 + SYS_MOVE_PAGES = 307 + SYS_GETCPU = 308 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT = 309 + SYS_UTIMENSAT = 310 + SYS_SIGNALFD = 311 + SYS_TIMERFD_CREATE = 312 + SYS_EVENTFD = 313 + SYS_FALLOCATE = 314 + SYS_TIMERFD_SETTIME = 315 + SYS_TIMERFD_GETTIME = 316 + SYS_SIGNALFD4 = 317 + SYS_EVENTFD2 = 318 + SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 = 319 + SYS_DUP3 = 320 + SYS_PIPE2 = 321 + SYS_INOTIFY_INIT1 = 322 + SYS_ACCEPT4 = 323 + SYS_PREADV = 324 + SYS_PWRITEV = 325 + SYS_RT_TGSIGQUEUEINFO = 326 + SYS_PERF_EVENT_OPEN = 327 + SYS_RECVMMSG = 328 + SYS_FANOTIFY_INIT = 329 + SYS_FANOTIFY_MARK = 330 + SYS_PRLIMIT64 = 331 + SYS_NAME_TO_HANDLE_AT = 332 + SYS_OPEN_BY_HANDLE_AT = 333 + SYS_CLOCK_ADJTIME = 334 + SYS_SYNCFS = 335 + SYS_SENDMMSG = 336 + SYS_SETNS = 337 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_READV = 338 + SYS_PROCESS_VM_WRITEV = 339 + SYS_KERN_FEATURES = 340 + SYS_KCMP = 341 + SYS_FINIT_MODULE = 342 + SYS_SCHED_SETATTR = 343 + SYS_SCHED_GETATTR = 344 + SYS_RENAMEAT2 = 345 + SYS_SECCOMP = 346 + SYS_GETRANDOM = 347 + SYS_MEMFD_CREATE = 348 + SYS_BPF = 349 + SYS_EXECVEAT = 350 + SYS_MEMBARRIER = 351 + SYS_USERFAULTFD = 352 + SYS_BIND = 353 + SYS_LISTEN = 354 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 355 + SYS_MLOCK2 = 356 + SYS_COPY_FILE_RANGE = 357 + SYS_PREADV2 = 358 + SYS_PWRITEV2 = 359 + SYS_STATX = 360 + SYS_IO_PGETEVENTS = 361 + SYS_PKEY_MPROTECT = 362 + SYS_PKEY_ALLOC = 363 + SYS_PKEY_FREE = 364 + SYS_RSEQ = 365 + SYS_SEMTIMEDOP = 392 + SYS_SEMGET = 393 + SYS_SEMCTL = 394 + SYS_SHMGET = 395 + SYS_SHMCTL = 396 + SYS_SHMAT = 397 + SYS_SHMDT = 398 + SYS_MSGGET = 399 + SYS_MSGSND = 400 + SYS_MSGRCV = 401 + SYS_MSGCTL = 402 + SYS_PIDFD_SEND_SIGNAL = 424 + SYS_IO_URING_SETUP = 425 + SYS_IO_URING_ENTER = 426 + SYS_IO_URING_REGISTER = 427 + SYS_OPEN_TREE = 428 + SYS_MOVE_MOUNT = 429 + SYS_FSOPEN = 430 + SYS_FSCONFIG = 431 + SYS_FSMOUNT = 432 + SYS_FSPICK = 433 + SYS_PIDFD_OPEN = 434 + SYS_CLOSE_RANGE = 436 + SYS_OPENAT2 = 437 + SYS_PIDFD_GETFD = 438 + SYS_FACCESSAT2 = 439 + SYS_PROCESS_MADVISE = 440 + SYS_EPOLL_PWAIT2 = 441 + SYS_MOUNT_SETATTR = 442 + SYS_QUOTACTL_FD = 443 + SYS_LANDLOCK_CREATE_RULESET = 444 + SYS_LANDLOCK_ADD_RULE = 445 + SYS_LANDLOCK_RESTRICT_SELF = 446 + SYS_PROCESS_MRELEASE = 448 + SYS_FUTEX_WAITV = 449 ) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_386.go index e66a8c9d..3a6699eb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && netbsd // +build 386,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_amd64.go index 42c788f2..5677cd4f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && netbsd // +build amd64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm.go index 0a075717..e784cb6d 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && netbsd // +build arm,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm64.go index 0291c093..bd4952ef 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go http://cvsweb.netbsd.org/bsdweb.cgi/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && netbsd // +build arm64,netbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_386.go index b0207d1c..817edbf9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && openbsd // +build 386,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_amd64.go index f0dec6f0..ea453614 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && openbsd // +build amd64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm.go index 33d1dc54..467971ee 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && openbsd // +build arm,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go index fe2b689b..32eec5ed 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && openbsd // +build arm64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_mips64.go index 5c08d573..a37f7737 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // go run mksysnum.go https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/~checkout~/src/sys/kern/syscalls.master // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64 && openbsd // +build mips64,openbsd package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_zos_s390x.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..073daad4 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/zsysnum_zos_s390x.go @@ -0,0 +1,2670 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build zos && s390x +// +build zos,s390x + +package unix + +// TODO: auto-generate. + +const ( + SYS_ACOSD128 = 0xB80 + SYS_ACOSD32 = 0xB7E + SYS_ACOSD64 = 0xB7F + SYS_ACOSHD128 = 0xB83 + SYS_ACOSHD32 = 0xB81 + SYS_ACOSHD64 = 0xB82 + SYS_AIO_FSYNC = 0xC69 + SYS_ASCTIME = 0x0AE + SYS_ASCTIME64 = 0xCD7 + SYS_ASCTIME64_R = 0xCD8 + SYS_ASIND128 = 0xB86 + SYS_ASIND32 = 0xB84 + SYS_ASIND64 = 0xB85 + SYS_ASINHD128 = 0xB89 + SYS_ASINHD32 = 0xB87 + SYS_ASINHD64 = 0xB88 + SYS_ATAN2D128 = 0xB8F + SYS_ATAN2D32 = 0xB8D + SYS_ATAN2D64 = 0xB8E + SYS_ATAND128 = 0xB8C + SYS_ATAND32 = 0xB8A + SYS_ATAND64 = 0xB8B + SYS_ATANHD128 = 0xB92 + SYS_ATANHD32 = 0xB90 + SYS_ATANHD64 = 0xB91 + SYS_BIND2ADDRSEL = 0xD59 + SYS_C16RTOMB = 0xD40 + SYS_C32RTOMB = 0xD41 + SYS_CBRTD128 = 0xB95 + SYS_CBRTD32 = 0xB93 + SYS_CBRTD64 = 0xB94 + SYS_CEILD128 = 0xB98 + SYS_CEILD32 = 0xB96 + SYS_CEILD64 = 0xB97 + SYS_CLEARENV = 0x0C9 + SYS_CLEARERR_UNLOCKED = 0xCA1 + SYS_CLOCK = 0x0AA + SYS_CLOGL = 0xA00 + SYS_CLRMEMF = 0x0BD + SYS_CONJ = 0xA03 + SYS_CONJF = 0xA06 + SYS_CONJL = 0xA09 + SYS_COPYSIGND128 = 0xB9E + SYS_COPYSIGND32 = 0xB9C + SYS_COPYSIGND64 = 0xB9D + SYS_COSD128 = 0xBA1 + SYS_COSD32 = 0xB9F + SYS_COSD64 = 0xBA0 + SYS_COSHD128 = 0xBA4 + SYS_COSHD32 = 0xBA2 + SYS_COSHD64 = 0xBA3 + SYS_CPOW = 0xA0C + SYS_CPOWF = 0xA0F + SYS_CPOWL = 0xA12 + SYS_CPROJ = 0xA15 + SYS_CPROJF = 0xA18 + SYS_CPROJL = 0xA1B + SYS_CREAL = 0xA1E + SYS_CREALF = 0xA21 + SYS_CREALL = 0xA24 + SYS_CSIN = 0xA27 + SYS_CSINF = 0xA2A + SYS_CSINH = 0xA30 + SYS_CSINHF = 0xA33 + SYS_CSINHL = 0xA36 + SYS_CSINL = 0xA2D + SYS_CSNAP = 0x0C5 + SYS_CSQRT = 0xA39 + SYS_CSQRTF = 0xA3C + SYS_CSQRTL = 0xA3F + SYS_CTAN = 0xA42 + SYS_CTANF = 0xA45 + SYS_CTANH = 0xA4B + SYS_CTANHF = 0xA4E + SYS_CTANHL = 0xA51 + SYS_CTANL = 0xA48 + SYS_CTIME = 0x0AB + SYS_CTIME64 = 0xCD9 + SYS_CTIME64_R = 0xCDA + SYS_CTRACE = 0x0C6 + SYS_DIFFTIME = 0x0A7 + SYS_DIFFTIME64 = 0xCDB + SYS_DLADDR = 0xC82 + SYS_DYNALLOC = 0x0C3 + SYS_DYNFREE = 0x0C2 + SYS_ERFCD128 = 0xBAA + SYS_ERFCD32 = 0xBA8 + SYS_ERFCD64 = 0xBA9 + SYS_ERFD128 = 0xBA7 + SYS_ERFD32 = 0xBA5 + SYS_ERFD64 = 0xBA6 + SYS_EXP2D128 = 0xBB0 + SYS_EXP2D32 = 0xBAE + SYS_EXP2D64 = 0xBAF + SYS_EXPD128 = 0xBAD + SYS_EXPD32 = 0xBAB + SYS_EXPD64 = 0xBAC + SYS_EXPM1D128 = 0xBB3 + SYS_EXPM1D32 = 0xBB1 + SYS_EXPM1D64 = 0xBB2 + SYS_FABSD128 = 0xBB6 + SYS_FABSD32 = 0xBB4 + SYS_FABSD64 = 0xBB5 + SYS_FDELREC_UNLOCKED = 0xCA2 + SYS_FDIMD128 = 0xBB9 + SYS_FDIMD32 = 0xBB7 + SYS_FDIMD64 = 0xBB8 + SYS_FDOPEN_UNLOCKED = 0xCFC + SYS_FECLEAREXCEPT = 0xAEA + SYS_FEGETENV = 0xAEB + SYS_FEGETEXCEPTFLAG = 0xAEC + SYS_FEGETROUND = 0xAED + SYS_FEHOLDEXCEPT = 0xAEE + SYS_FEOF_UNLOCKED = 0xCA3 + SYS_FERAISEEXCEPT = 0xAEF + SYS_FERROR_UNLOCKED = 0xCA4 + SYS_FESETENV = 0xAF0 + SYS_FESETEXCEPTFLAG = 0xAF1 + SYS_FESETROUND = 0xAF2 + SYS_FETCHEP = 0x0BF + SYS_FETESTEXCEPT = 0xAF3 + SYS_FEUPDATEENV = 0xAF4 + SYS_FE_DEC_GETROUND = 0xBBA + SYS_FE_DEC_SETROUND = 0xBBB + SYS_FFLUSH_UNLOCKED = 0xCA5 + SYS_FGETC_UNLOCKED = 0xC80 + SYS_FGETPOS64 = 0xCEE + SYS_FGETPOS64_UNLOCKED = 0xCF4 + SYS_FGETPOS_UNLOCKED = 0xCA6 + SYS_FGETS_UNLOCKED = 0xC7C + SYS_FGETWC_UNLOCKED = 0xCA7 + SYS_FGETWS_UNLOCKED = 0xCA8 + SYS_FILENO_UNLOCKED = 0xCA9 + SYS_FLDATA = 0x0C1 + SYS_FLDATA_UNLOCKED = 0xCAA + SYS_FLOCATE_UNLOCKED = 0xCAB + SYS_FLOORD128 = 0xBBE + SYS_FLOORD32 = 0xBBC + SYS_FLOORD64 = 0xBBD + SYS_FMA = 0xA63 + SYS_FMAD128 = 0xBC1 + SYS_FMAD32 = 0xBBF + SYS_FMAD64 = 0xBC0 + SYS_FMAF = 0xA66 + SYS_FMAL = 0xA69 + SYS_FMAX = 0xA6C + SYS_FMAXD128 = 0xBC4 + SYS_FMAXD32 = 0xBC2 + SYS_FMAXD64 = 0xBC3 + SYS_FMAXF = 0xA6F + SYS_FMAXL = 0xA72 + SYS_FMIN = 0xA75 + SYS_FMIND128 = 0xBC7 + SYS_FMIND32 = 0xBC5 + SYS_FMIND64 = 0xBC6 + SYS_FMINF = 0xA78 + SYS_FMINL = 0xA7B + SYS_FMODD128 = 0xBCA + SYS_FMODD32 = 0xBC8 + SYS_FMODD64 = 0xBC9 + SYS_FOPEN64 = 0xD49 + SYS_FOPEN64_UNLOCKED = 0xD4A + SYS_FOPEN_UNLOCKED = 0xCFA + SYS_FPRINTF_UNLOCKED = 0xCAC + SYS_FPUTC_UNLOCKED = 0xC81 + SYS_FPUTS_UNLOCKED = 0xC7E + SYS_FPUTWC_UNLOCKED = 0xCAD + SYS_FPUTWS_UNLOCKED = 0xCAE + SYS_FREAD_NOUPDATE = 0xCEC + SYS_FREAD_NOUPDATE_UNLOCKED = 0xCED + SYS_FREAD_UNLOCKED = 0xC7B + SYS_FREEIFADDRS = 0xCE6 + SYS_FREOPEN64 = 0xD4B + SYS_FREOPEN64_UNLOCKED = 0xD4C + SYS_FREOPEN_UNLOCKED = 0xCFB + SYS_FREXPD128 = 0xBCE + SYS_FREXPD32 = 0xBCC + SYS_FREXPD64 = 0xBCD + SYS_FSCANF_UNLOCKED = 0xCAF + SYS_FSEEK64 = 0xCEF + SYS_FSEEK64_UNLOCKED = 0xCF5 + SYS_FSEEKO64 = 0xCF0 + SYS_FSEEKO64_UNLOCKED = 0xCF6 + SYS_FSEEKO_UNLOCKED = 0xCB1 + SYS_FSEEK_UNLOCKED = 0xCB0 + SYS_FSETPOS64 = 0xCF1 + SYS_FSETPOS64_UNLOCKED = 0xCF7 + SYS_FSETPOS_UNLOCKED = 0xCB3 + SYS_FTELL64 = 0xCF2 + SYS_FTELL64_UNLOCKED = 0xCF8 + SYS_FTELLO64 = 0xCF3 + SYS_FTELLO64_UNLOCKED = 0xCF9 + SYS_FTELLO_UNLOCKED = 0xCB5 + SYS_FTELL_UNLOCKED = 0xCB4 + SYS_FUPDATE = 0x0B5 + SYS_FUPDATE_UNLOCKED = 0xCB7 + SYS_FWIDE_UNLOCKED = 0xCB8 + SYS_FWPRINTF_UNLOCKED = 0xCB9 + SYS_FWRITE_UNLOCKED = 0xC7A + SYS_FWSCANF_UNLOCKED = 0xCBA + SYS_GETDATE64 = 0xD4F + SYS_GETIFADDRS = 0xCE7 + SYS_GETIPV4SOURCEFILTER = 0xC77 + SYS_GETSOURCEFILTER = 0xC79 + SYS_GETSYNTX = 0x0FD + SYS_GETS_UNLOCKED = 0xC7D + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY64 = 0xD50 + SYS_GETWCHAR_UNLOCKED = 0xCBC + SYS_GETWC_UNLOCKED = 0xCBB + SYS_GMTIME = 0x0B0 + SYS_GMTIME64 = 0xCDC + SYS_GMTIME64_R = 0xCDD + SYS_HYPOTD128 = 0xBD1 + SYS_HYPOTD32 = 0xBCF + SYS_HYPOTD64 = 0xBD0 + SYS_ILOGBD128 = 0xBD4 + SYS_ILOGBD32 = 0xBD2 + SYS_ILOGBD64 = 0xBD3 + SYS_ILOGBF = 0xA7E + SYS_ILOGBL = 0xA81 + SYS_INET6_IS_SRCADDR = 0xD5A + SYS_ISBLANK = 0x0FE + SYS_ISWALNUM = 0x0FF + SYS_LDEXPD128 = 0xBD7 + SYS_LDEXPD32 = 0xBD5 + SYS_LDEXPD64 = 0xBD6 + SYS_LGAMMAD128 = 0xBDA + SYS_LGAMMAD32 = 0xBD8 + SYS_LGAMMAD64 = 0xBD9 + SYS_LIO_LISTIO = 0xC6A + SYS_LLRINT = 0xA84 + SYS_LLRINTD128 = 0xBDD + SYS_LLRINTD32 = 0xBDB + SYS_LLRINTD64 = 0xBDC + SYS_LLRINTF = 0xA87 + SYS_LLRINTL = 0xA8A + SYS_LLROUND = 0xA8D + SYS_LLROUNDD128 = 0xBE0 + SYS_LLROUNDD32 = 0xBDE + SYS_LLROUNDD64 = 0xBDF + SYS_LLROUNDF = 0xA90 + SYS_LLROUNDL = 0xA93 + SYS_LOCALTIM = 0x0B1 + SYS_LOCALTIME = 0x0B1 + SYS_LOCALTIME64 = 0xCDE + SYS_LOCALTIME64_R = 0xCDF + SYS_LOG10D128 = 0xBE6 + SYS_LOG10D32 = 0xBE4 + SYS_LOG10D64 = 0xBE5 + SYS_LOG1PD128 = 0xBE9 + SYS_LOG1PD32 = 0xBE7 + SYS_LOG1PD64 = 0xBE8 + SYS_LOG2D128 = 0xBEC + SYS_LOG2D32 = 0xBEA + SYS_LOG2D64 = 0xBEB + SYS_LOGBD128 = 0xBEF + SYS_LOGBD32 = 0xBED + SYS_LOGBD64 = 0xBEE + SYS_LOGBF = 0xA96 + SYS_LOGBL = 0xA99 + SYS_LOGD128 = 0xBE3 + SYS_LOGD32 = 0xBE1 + SYS_LOGD64 = 0xBE2 + SYS_LRINT = 0xA9C + SYS_LRINTD128 = 0xBF2 + SYS_LRINTD32 = 0xBF0 + SYS_LRINTD64 = 0xBF1 + SYS_LRINTF = 0xA9F + SYS_LRINTL = 0xAA2 + SYS_LROUNDD128 = 0xBF5 + SYS_LROUNDD32 = 0xBF3 + SYS_LROUNDD64 = 0xBF4 + SYS_LROUNDL = 0xAA5 + SYS_MBLEN = 0x0AF + SYS_MBRTOC16 = 0xD42 + SYS_MBRTOC32 = 0xD43 + SYS_MEMSET = 0x0A3 + SYS_MKTIME = 0x0AC + SYS_MKTIME64 = 0xCE0 + SYS_MODFD128 = 0xBF8 + SYS_MODFD32 = 0xBF6 + SYS_MODFD64 = 0xBF7 + SYS_NAN = 0xAA8 + SYS_NAND128 = 0xBFB + SYS_NAND32 = 0xBF9 + SYS_NAND64 = 0xBFA + SYS_NANF = 0xAAA + SYS_NANL = 0xAAC + SYS_NEARBYINT = 0xAAE + SYS_NEARBYINTD128 = 0xBFE + SYS_NEARBYINTD32 = 0xBFC + SYS_NEARBYINTD64 = 0xBFD + SYS_NEARBYINTF = 0xAB1 + SYS_NEARBYINTL = 0xAB4 + SYS_NEXTAFTERD128 = 0xC01 + SYS_NEXTAFTERD32 = 0xBFF + SYS_NEXTAFTERD64 = 0xC00 + SYS_NEXTAFTERF = 0xAB7 + SYS_NEXTAFTERL = 0xABA + SYS_NEXTTOWARD = 0xABD + SYS_NEXTTOWARDD128 = 0xC04 + SYS_NEXTTOWARDD32 = 0xC02 + SYS_NEXTTOWARDD64 = 0xC03 + SYS_NEXTTOWARDF = 0xAC0 + SYS_NEXTTOWARDL = 0xAC3 + SYS_NL_LANGINFO = 0x0FC + SYS_PERROR_UNLOCKED = 0xCBD + SYS_POSIX_FALLOCATE = 0xCE8 + SYS_POSIX_MEMALIGN = 0xCE9 + SYS_POSIX_OPENPT = 0xC66 + SYS_POWD128 = 0xC07 + SYS_POWD32 = 0xC05 + SYS_POWD64 = 0xC06 + SYS_PRINTF_UNLOCKED = 0xCBE + SYS_PSELECT = 0xC67 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACK = 0xB3E + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACK = 0xB3F + SYS_PTHREAD_SECURITY_APPLID_NP = 0xCE4 + SYS_PUTS_UNLOCKED = 0xC7F + SYS_PUTWCHAR_UNLOCKED = 0xCC0 + SYS_PUTWC_UNLOCKED = 0xCBF + SYS_QUANTEXPD128 = 0xD46 + SYS_QUANTEXPD32 = 0xD44 + SYS_QUANTEXPD64 = 0xD45 + SYS_QUANTIZED128 = 0xC0A + SYS_QUANTIZED32 = 0xC08 + SYS_QUANTIZED64 = 0xC09 + SYS_REMAINDERD128 = 0xC0D + SYS_REMAINDERD32 = 0xC0B + SYS_REMAINDERD64 = 0xC0C + SYS_RESIZE_ALLOC = 0xCEB + SYS_REWIND_UNLOCKED = 0xCC1 + SYS_RINTD128 = 0xC13 + SYS_RINTD32 = 0xC11 + SYS_RINTD64 = 0xC12 + SYS_RINTF = 0xACB + SYS_RINTL = 0xACD + SYS_ROUND = 0xACF + SYS_ROUNDD128 = 0xC16 + SYS_ROUNDD32 = 0xC14 + SYS_ROUNDD64 = 0xC15 + SYS_ROUNDF = 0xAD2 + SYS_ROUNDL = 0xAD5 + SYS_SAMEQUANTUMD128 = 0xC19 + SYS_SAMEQUANTUMD32 = 0xC17 + SYS_SAMEQUANTUMD64 = 0xC18 + SYS_SCALBLN = 0xAD8 + SYS_SCALBLND128 = 0xC1C + SYS_SCALBLND32 = 0xC1A + SYS_SCALBLND64 = 0xC1B + SYS_SCALBLNF = 0xADB + SYS_SCALBLNL = 0xADE + SYS_SCALBND128 = 0xC1F + SYS_SCALBND32 = 0xC1D + SYS_SCALBND64 = 0xC1E + SYS_SCALBNF = 0xAE3 + SYS_SCALBNL = 0xAE6 + SYS_SCANF_UNLOCKED = 0xCC2 + SYS_SCHED_YIELD = 0xB32 + SYS_SETENV = 0x0C8 + SYS_SETIPV4SOURCEFILTER = 0xC76 + SYS_SETSOURCEFILTER = 0xC78 + SYS_SHM_OPEN = 0xC8C + SYS_SHM_UNLINK = 0xC8D + SYS_SIND128 = 0xC22 + SYS_SIND32 = 0xC20 + SYS_SIND64 = 0xC21 + SYS_SINHD128 = 0xC25 + SYS_SINHD32 = 0xC23 + SYS_SINHD64 = 0xC24 + SYS_SIZEOF_ALLOC = 0xCEA + SYS_SOCKATMARK = 0xC68 + SYS_SQRTD128 = 0xC28 + SYS_SQRTD32 = 0xC26 + SYS_SQRTD64 = 0xC27 + SYS_STRCHR = 0x0A0 + SYS_STRCSPN = 0x0A1 + SYS_STRERROR = 0x0A8 + SYS_STRERROR_R = 0xB33 + SYS_STRFTIME = 0x0B2 + SYS_STRLEN = 0x0A9 + SYS_STRPBRK = 0x0A2 + SYS_STRSPN = 0x0A4 + SYS_STRSTR = 0x0A5 + SYS_STRTOD128 = 0xC2B + SYS_STRTOD32 = 0xC29 + SYS_STRTOD64 = 0xC2A + SYS_STRTOK = 0x0A6 + SYS_TAND128 = 0xC2E + SYS_TAND32 = 0xC2C + SYS_TAND64 = 0xC2D + SYS_TANHD128 = 0xC31 + SYS_TANHD32 = 0xC2F + SYS_TANHD64 = 0xC30 + SYS_TGAMMAD128 = 0xC34 + SYS_TGAMMAD32 = 0xC32 + SYS_TGAMMAD64 = 0xC33 + SYS_TIME = 0x0AD + SYS_TIME64 = 0xCE1 + SYS_TMPFILE64 = 0xD4D + SYS_TMPFILE64_UNLOCKED = 0xD4E + SYS_TMPFILE_UNLOCKED = 0xCFD + SYS_TRUNCD128 = 0xC40 + SYS_TRUNCD32 = 0xC3E + SYS_TRUNCD64 = 0xC3F + SYS_UNGETC_UNLOCKED = 0xCC3 + SYS_UNGETWC_UNLOCKED = 0xCC4 + SYS_UNSETENV = 0xB34 + SYS_VFPRINTF_UNLOCKED = 0xCC5 + SYS_VFSCANF_UNLOCKED = 0xCC7 + SYS_VFWPRINTF_UNLOCKED = 0xCC9 + SYS_VFWSCANF_UNLOCKED = 0xCCB + SYS_VPRINTF_UNLOCKED = 0xCCD + SYS_VSCANF_UNLOCKED = 0xCCF + SYS_VWPRINTF_UNLOCKED = 0xCD1 + SYS_VWSCANF_UNLOCKED = 0xCD3 + SYS_WCSTOD128 = 0xC43 + SYS_WCSTOD32 = 0xC41 + SYS_WCSTOD64 = 0xC42 + SYS_WPRINTF_UNLOCKED = 0xCD5 + SYS_WSCANF_UNLOCKED = 0xCD6 + SYS__FLUSHLBF = 0xD68 + SYS__FLUSHLBF_UNLOCKED = 0xD6F + SYS___ACOSHF_H = 0xA54 + SYS___ACOSHL_H = 0xA55 + SYS___ASINHF_H = 0xA56 + SYS___ASINHL_H = 0xA57 + SYS___ATANPID128 = 0xC6D + SYS___ATANPID32 = 0xC6B + SYS___ATANPID64 = 0xC6C + SYS___CBRTF_H = 0xA58 + SYS___CBRTL_H = 0xA59 + SYS___CDUMP = 0x0C4 + SYS___CLASS = 0xAFA + SYS___CLASS2 = 0xB99 + SYS___CLASS2D128 = 0xC99 + SYS___CLASS2D32 = 0xC97 + SYS___CLASS2D64 = 0xC98 + SYS___CLASS2F = 0xC91 + SYS___CLASS2F_B = 0xC93 + SYS___CLASS2F_H = 0xC94 + SYS___CLASS2L = 0xC92 + SYS___CLASS2L_B = 0xC95 + SYS___CLASS2L_H = 0xC96 + SYS___CLASS2_B = 0xB9A + SYS___CLASS2_H = 0xB9B + SYS___CLASS_B = 0xAFB + SYS___CLASS_H = 0xAFC + SYS___CLOGL_B = 0xA01 + SYS___CLOGL_H = 0xA02 + SYS___CLRENV = 0x0C9 + SYS___CLRMF = 0x0BD + SYS___CODEPAGE_INFO = 0xC64 + SYS___CONJF_B = 0xA07 + SYS___CONJF_H = 0xA08 + SYS___CONJL_B = 0xA0A + SYS___CONJL_H = 0xA0B + SYS___CONJ_B = 0xA04 + SYS___CONJ_H = 0xA05 + SYS___COPYSIGN_B = 0xA5A + SYS___COPYSIGN_H = 0xAF5 + SYS___COSPID128 = 0xC70 + SYS___COSPID32 = 0xC6E + SYS___COSPID64 = 0xC6F + SYS___CPOWF_B = 0xA10 + SYS___CPOWF_H = 0xA11 + SYS___CPOWL_B = 0xA13 + SYS___CPOWL_H = 0xA14 + SYS___CPOW_B = 0xA0D + SYS___CPOW_H = 0xA0E + SYS___CPROJF_B = 0xA19 + SYS___CPROJF_H = 0xA1A + SYS___CPROJL_B = 0xA1C + SYS___CPROJL_H = 0xA1D + SYS___CPROJ_B = 0xA16 + SYS___CPROJ_H = 0xA17 + SYS___CREALF_B = 0xA22 + SYS___CREALF_H = 0xA23 + SYS___CREALL_B = 0xA25 + SYS___CREALL_H = 0xA26 + SYS___CREAL_B = 0xA1F + SYS___CREAL_H = 0xA20 + SYS___CSINF_B = 0xA2B + SYS___CSINF_H = 0xA2C + SYS___CSINHF_B = 0xA34 + SYS___CSINHF_H = 0xA35 + SYS___CSINHL_B = 0xA37 + SYS___CSINHL_H = 0xA38 + SYS___CSINH_B = 0xA31 + SYS___CSINH_H = 0xA32 + SYS___CSINL_B = 0xA2E + SYS___CSINL_H = 0xA2F + SYS___CSIN_B = 0xA28 + SYS___CSIN_H = 0xA29 + SYS___CSNAP = 0x0C5 + SYS___CSQRTF_B = 0xA3D + SYS___CSQRTF_H = 0xA3E + SYS___CSQRTL_B = 0xA40 + SYS___CSQRTL_H = 0xA41 + SYS___CSQRT_B = 0xA3A + SYS___CSQRT_H = 0xA3B + SYS___CTANF_B = 0xA46 + SYS___CTANF_H = 0xA47 + SYS___CTANHF_B = 0xA4F + SYS___CTANHF_H = 0xA50 + SYS___CTANHL_B = 0xA52 + SYS___CTANHL_H = 0xA53 + SYS___CTANH_B = 0xA4C + SYS___CTANH_H = 0xA4D + SYS___CTANL_B = 0xA49 + SYS___CTANL_H = 0xA4A + SYS___CTAN_B = 0xA43 + SYS___CTAN_H = 0xA44 + SYS___CTEST = 0x0C7 + SYS___CTRACE = 0x0C6 + SYS___D1TOP = 0xC9B + SYS___D2TOP = 0xC9C + SYS___D4TOP = 0xC9D + SYS___DYNALL = 0x0C3 + SYS___DYNFRE = 0x0C2 + SYS___EXP2F_H = 0xA5E + SYS___EXP2L_H = 0xA5F + SYS___EXP2_H = 0xA5D + SYS___EXPM1F_H = 0xA5B + SYS___EXPM1L_H = 0xA5C + SYS___FBUFSIZE = 0xD60 + SYS___FLBF = 0xD62 + SYS___FLDATA = 0x0C1 + SYS___FMAF_B = 0xA67 + SYS___FMAF_H = 0xA68 + SYS___FMAL_B = 0xA6A + SYS___FMAL_H = 0xA6B + SYS___FMAXF_B = 0xA70 + SYS___FMAXF_H = 0xA71 + SYS___FMAXL_B = 0xA73 + SYS___FMAXL_H = 0xA74 + SYS___FMAX_B = 0xA6D + SYS___FMAX_H = 0xA6E + SYS___FMA_B = 0xA64 + SYS___FMA_H = 0xA65 + SYS___FMINF_B = 0xA79 + SYS___FMINF_H = 0xA7A + SYS___FMINL_B = 0xA7C + SYS___FMINL_H = 0xA7D + SYS___FMIN_B = 0xA76 + SYS___FMIN_H = 0xA77 + SYS___FPENDING = 0xD61 + SYS___FPENDING_UNLOCKED = 0xD6C + SYS___FPURGE = 0xD69 + SYS___FPURGE_UNLOCKED = 0xD70 + SYS___FP_CAST_D = 0xBCB + SYS___FREADABLE = 0xD63 + SYS___FREADAHEAD = 0xD6A + SYS___FREADAHEAD_UNLOCKED = 0xD71 + SYS___FREADING = 0xD65 + SYS___FREADING_UNLOCKED = 0xD6D + SYS___FSEEK2 = 0xB3C + SYS___FSETERR = 0xD6B + SYS___FSETLOCKING = 0xD67 + SYS___FTCHEP = 0x0BF + SYS___FTELL2 = 0xB3B + SYS___FUPDT = 0x0B5 + SYS___FWRITABLE = 0xD64 + SYS___FWRITING = 0xD66 + SYS___FWRITING_UNLOCKED = 0xD6E + SYS___GETCB = 0x0B4 + SYS___GETGRGID1 = 0xD5B + SYS___GETGRNAM1 = 0xD5C + SYS___GETTHENT = 0xCE5 + SYS___GETTOD = 0xD3E + SYS___HYPOTF_H = 0xAF6 + SYS___HYPOTL_H = 0xAF7 + SYS___ILOGBF_B = 0xA7F + SYS___ILOGBF_H = 0xA80 + SYS___ILOGBL_B = 0xA82 + SYS___ILOGBL_H = 0xA83 + SYS___ISBLANK_A = 0xB2E + SYS___ISBLNK = 0x0FE + SYS___ISWBLANK_A = 0xB2F + SYS___LE_CEEGTJS = 0xD72 + SYS___LE_TRACEBACK = 0xB7A + SYS___LGAMMAL_H = 0xA62 + SYS___LGAMMA_B_C99 = 0xB39 + SYS___LGAMMA_H_C99 = 0xB38 + SYS___LGAMMA_R_C99 = 0xB3A + SYS___LLRINTF_B = 0xA88 + SYS___LLRINTF_H = 0xA89 + SYS___LLRINTL_B = 0xA8B + SYS___LLRINTL_H = 0xA8C + SYS___LLRINT_B = 0xA85 + SYS___LLRINT_H = 0xA86 + SYS___LLROUNDF_B = 0xA91 + SYS___LLROUNDF_H = 0xA92 + SYS___LLROUNDL_B = 0xA94 + SYS___LLROUNDL_H = 0xA95 + SYS___LLROUND_B = 0xA8E + SYS___LLROUND_H = 0xA8F + SYS___LOCALE_CTL = 0xD47 + SYS___LOG1PF_H = 0xA60 + SYS___LOG1PL_H = 0xA61 + SYS___LOGBF_B = 0xA97 + SYS___LOGBF_H = 0xA98 + SYS___LOGBL_B = 0xA9A + SYS___LOGBL_H = 0xA9B + SYS___LOGIN_APPLID = 0xCE2 + SYS___LRINTF_B = 0xAA0 + SYS___LRINTF_H = 0xAA1 + SYS___LRINTL_B = 0xAA3 + SYS___LRINTL_H = 0xAA4 + SYS___LRINT_B = 0xA9D + SYS___LRINT_H = 0xA9E + SYS___LROUNDF_FIXUP = 0xB31 + SYS___LROUNDL_B = 0xAA6 + SYS___LROUNDL_H = 0xAA7 + SYS___LROUND_FIXUP = 0xB30 + SYS___MOSERVICES = 0xD3D + SYS___MUST_STAY_CLEAN = 0xB7C + SYS___NANF_B = 0xAAB + SYS___NANL_B = 0xAAD + SYS___NAN_B = 0xAA9 + SYS___NEARBYINTF_B = 0xAB2 + SYS___NEARBYINTF_H = 0xAB3 + SYS___NEARBYINTL_B = 0xAB5 + SYS___NEARBYINTL_H = 0xAB6 + SYS___NEARBYINT_B = 0xAAF + SYS___NEARBYINT_H = 0xAB0 + SYS___NEXTAFTERF_B = 0xAB8 + SYS___NEXTAFTERF_H = 0xAB9 + SYS___NEXTAFTERL_B = 0xABB + SYS___NEXTAFTERL_H = 0xABC + SYS___NEXTTOWARDF_B = 0xAC1 + SYS___NEXTTOWARDF_H = 0xAC2 + SYS___NEXTTOWARDL_B = 0xAC4 + SYS___NEXTTOWARDL_H = 0xAC5 + SYS___NEXTTOWARD_B = 0xABE + SYS___NEXTTOWARD_H = 0xABF + SYS___O_ENV = 0xB7D + SYS___PASSWD_APPLID = 0xCE3 + SYS___PTOD1 = 0xC9E + SYS___PTOD2 = 0xC9F + SYS___PTOD4 = 0xCA0 + SYS___REGCOMP_STD = 0x0EA + SYS___REMAINDERF_H = 0xAC6 + SYS___REMAINDERL_H = 0xAC7 + SYS___REMQUOD128 = 0xC10 + SYS___REMQUOD32 = 0xC0E + SYS___REMQUOD64 = 0xC0F + SYS___REMQUOF_H = 0xAC9 + SYS___REMQUOL_H = 0xACA + SYS___REMQUO_H = 0xAC8 + SYS___RINTF_B = 0xACC + SYS___RINTL_B = 0xACE + SYS___ROUNDF_B = 0xAD3 + SYS___ROUNDF_H = 0xAD4 + SYS___ROUNDL_B = 0xAD6 + SYS___ROUNDL_H = 0xAD7 + SYS___ROUND_B = 0xAD0 + SYS___ROUND_H = 0xAD1 + SYS___SCALBLNF_B = 0xADC + SYS___SCALBLNF_H = 0xADD + SYS___SCALBLNL_B = 0xADF + SYS___SCALBLNL_H = 0xAE0 + SYS___SCALBLN_B = 0xAD9 + SYS___SCALBLN_H = 0xADA + SYS___SCALBNF_B = 0xAE4 + SYS___SCALBNF_H = 0xAE5 + SYS___SCALBNL_B = 0xAE7 + SYS___SCALBNL_H = 0xAE8 + SYS___SCALBN_B = 0xAE1 + SYS___SCALBN_H = 0xAE2 + SYS___SETENV = 0x0C8 + SYS___SINPID128 = 0xC73 + SYS___SINPID32 = 0xC71 + SYS___SINPID64 = 0xC72 + SYS___SMF_RECORD2 = 0xD48 + SYS___STATIC_REINIT = 0xB3D + SYS___TGAMMAF_H_C99 = 0xB79 + SYS___TGAMMAL_H = 0xAE9 + SYS___TGAMMA_H_C99 = 0xB78 + SYS___TOCSNAME2 = 0xC9A + SYS_CEIL = 0x01F + SYS_CHAUDIT = 0x1E0 + SYS_EXP = 0x01A + SYS_FCHAUDIT = 0x1E1 + SYS_FREXP = 0x01D + SYS_GETGROUPSBYNAME = 0x1E2 + SYS_GETPWUID = 0x1A0 + SYS_GETUID = 0x1A1 + SYS_ISATTY = 0x1A3 + SYS_KILL = 0x1A4 + SYS_LDEXP = 0x01E + SYS_LINK = 0x1A5 + SYS_LOG10 = 0x01C + SYS_LSEEK = 0x1A6 + SYS_LSTAT = 0x1A7 + SYS_MKDIR = 0x1A8 + SYS_MKFIFO = 0x1A9 + SYS_MKNOD = 0x1AA + SYS_MODF = 0x01B + SYS_MOUNT = 0x1AB + SYS_OPEN = 0x1AC + SYS_OPENDIR = 0x1AD + SYS_PATHCONF = 0x1AE + SYS_PAUSE = 0x1AF + SYS_PIPE = 0x1B0 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_DESTROY = 0x1E7 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETDETACHSTATE = 0x1EB + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACKSIZE = 0x1E9 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETWEIGHT_NP = 0x1ED + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_INIT = 0x1E6 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETDETACHSTATE = 0x1EA + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKSIZE = 0x1E8 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETWEIGHT_NP = 0x1EC + SYS_PTHREAD_CANCEL = 0x1EE + SYS_PTHREAD_CLEANUP_POP = 0x1F0 + SYS_PTHREAD_CLEANUP_PUSH = 0x1EF + SYS_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_DESTROY = 0x1F2 + SYS_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_INIT = 0x1F1 + SYS_PTHREAD_COND_BROADCAST = 0x1F6 + SYS_PTHREAD_COND_DESTROY = 0x1F4 + SYS_PTHREAD_COND_INIT = 0x1F3 + SYS_PTHREAD_COND_SIGNAL = 0x1F5 + SYS_PTHREAD_COND_TIMEDWAIT = 0x1F8 + SYS_PTHREAD_COND_WAIT = 0x1F7 + SYS_PTHREAD_CREATE = 0x1F9 + SYS_PTHREAD_DETACH = 0x1FA + SYS_PTHREAD_EQUAL = 0x1FB + SYS_PTHREAD_EXIT = 0x1E4 + SYS_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC = 0x1FC + SYS_PTHREAD_JOIN = 0x1FD + SYS_PTHREAD_KEY_CREATE = 0x1FE + SYS_PTHREAD_KILL = 0x1E5 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_INIT = 0x1FF + SYS_READ = 0x1B2 + SYS_READDIR = 0x1B3 + SYS_READLINK = 0x1B4 + SYS_REWINDDIR = 0x1B5 + SYS_RMDIR = 0x1B6 + SYS_SETEGID = 0x1B7 + SYS_SETEUID = 0x1B8 + SYS_SETGID = 0x1B9 + SYS_SETPGID = 0x1BA + SYS_SETSID = 0x1BB + SYS_SETUID = 0x1BC + SYS_SIGACTION = 0x1BD + SYS_SIGADDSET = 0x1BE + SYS_SIGDELSET = 0x1BF + SYS_SIGEMPTYSET = 0x1C0 + SYS_SIGFILLSET = 0x1C1 + SYS_SIGISMEMBER = 0x1C2 + SYS_SIGLONGJMP = 0x1C3 + SYS_SIGPENDING = 0x1C4 + SYS_SIGPROCMASK = 0x1C5 + SYS_SIGSETJMP = 0x1C6 + SYS_SIGSUSPEND = 0x1C7 + SYS_SIGWAIT = 0x1E3 + SYS_SLEEP = 0x1C8 + SYS_STAT = 0x1C9 + SYS_SYMLINK = 0x1CB + SYS_SYSCONF = 0x1CC + SYS_TCDRAIN = 0x1CD + SYS_TCFLOW = 0x1CE + SYS_TCFLUSH = 0x1CF + SYS_TCGETATTR = 0x1D0 + SYS_TCGETPGRP = 0x1D1 + SYS_TCSENDBREAK = 0x1D2 + SYS_TCSETATTR = 0x1D3 + SYS_TCSETPGRP = 0x1D4 + SYS_TIMES = 0x1D5 + SYS_TTYNAME = 0x1D6 + SYS_TZSET = 0x1D7 + SYS_UMASK = 0x1D8 + SYS_UMOUNT = 0x1D9 + SYS_UNAME = 0x1DA + SYS_UNLINK = 0x1DB + SYS_UTIME = 0x1DC + SYS_WAIT = 0x1DD + SYS_WAITPID = 0x1DE + SYS_WRITE = 0x1DF + SYS_W_GETPSENT = 0x1B1 + SYS_W_IOCTL = 0x1A2 + SYS_W_STATFS = 0x1CA + SYS_A64L = 0x2EF + SYS_BCMP = 0x2B9 + SYS_BCOPY = 0x2BA + SYS_BZERO = 0x2BB + SYS_CATCLOSE = 0x2B6 + SYS_CATGETS = 0x2B7 + SYS_CATOPEN = 0x2B8 + SYS_CRYPT = 0x2AC + SYS_DBM_CLEARERR = 0x2F7 + SYS_DBM_CLOSE = 0x2F8 + SYS_DBM_DELETE = 0x2F9 + SYS_DBM_ERROR = 0x2FA + SYS_DBM_FETCH = 0x2FB + SYS_DBM_FIRSTKEY = 0x2FC + SYS_DBM_NEXTKEY = 0x2FD + SYS_DBM_OPEN = 0x2FE + SYS_DBM_STORE = 0x2FF + SYS_DRAND48 = 0x2B2 + SYS_ENCRYPT = 0x2AD + SYS_ENDUTXENT = 0x2E1 + SYS_ERAND48 = 0x2B3 + SYS_ERF = 0x02C + SYS_ERFC = 0x02D + SYS_FCHDIR = 0x2D9 + SYS_FFS = 0x2BC + SYS_FMTMSG = 0x2E5 + SYS_FSTATVFS = 0x2B4 + SYS_FTIME = 0x2F5 + SYS_GAMMA = 0x02E + SYS_GETDATE = 0x2A6 + SYS_GETPAGESIZE = 0x2D8 + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY = 0x2F6 + SYS_GETUTXENT = 0x2E0 + SYS_GETUTXID = 0x2E2 + SYS_GETUTXLINE = 0x2E3 + SYS_HCREATE = 0x2C6 + SYS_HDESTROY = 0x2C7 + SYS_HSEARCH = 0x2C8 + SYS_HYPOT = 0x02B + SYS_INDEX = 0x2BD + SYS_INITSTATE = 0x2C2 + SYS_INSQUE = 0x2CF + SYS_ISASCII = 0x2ED + SYS_JRAND48 = 0x2E6 + SYS_L64A = 0x2F0 + SYS_LCONG48 = 0x2EA + SYS_LFIND = 0x2C9 + SYS_LRAND48 = 0x2E7 + SYS_LSEARCH = 0x2CA + SYS_MEMCCPY = 0x2D4 + SYS_MRAND48 = 0x2E8 + SYS_NRAND48 = 0x2E9 + SYS_PCLOSE = 0x2D2 + SYS_POPEN = 0x2D1 + SYS_PUTUTXLINE = 0x2E4 + SYS_RANDOM = 0x2C4 + SYS_REMQUE = 0x2D0 + SYS_RINDEX = 0x2BE + SYS_SEED48 = 0x2EC + SYS_SETKEY = 0x2AE + SYS_SETSTATE = 0x2C3 + SYS_SETUTXENT = 0x2DF + SYS_SRAND48 = 0x2EB + SYS_SRANDOM = 0x2C5 + SYS_STATVFS = 0x2B5 + SYS_STRCASECMP = 0x2BF + SYS_STRDUP = 0x2C0 + SYS_STRNCASECMP = 0x2C1 + SYS_SWAB = 0x2D3 + SYS_TDELETE = 0x2CB + SYS_TFIND = 0x2CC + SYS_TOASCII = 0x2EE + SYS_TSEARCH = 0x2CD + SYS_TWALK = 0x2CE + SYS_UALARM = 0x2F1 + SYS_USLEEP = 0x2F2 + SYS_WAIT3 = 0x2A7 + SYS_WAITID = 0x2A8 + SYS_Y1 = 0x02A + SYS___ATOE = 0x2DB + SYS___ATOE_L = 0x2DC + SYS___CATTRM = 0x2A9 + SYS___CNVBLK = 0x2AF + SYS___CRYTRM = 0x2B0 + SYS___DLGHT = 0x2A1 + SYS___ECRTRM = 0x2B1 + SYS___ETOA = 0x2DD + SYS___ETOA_L = 0x2DE + SYS___GDTRM = 0x2AA + SYS___OCLCK = 0x2DA + SYS___OPARGF = 0x2A2 + SYS___OPERRF = 0x2A5 + SYS___OPINDF = 0x2A4 + SYS___OPOPTF = 0x2A3 + SYS___RNDTRM = 0x2AB + SYS___SRCTRM = 0x2F4 + SYS___TZONE = 0x2A0 + SYS___UTXTRM = 0x2F3 + SYS_ASIN = 0x03E + SYS_ISXDIGIT = 0x03B + SYS_SETLOCAL = 0x03A + SYS_SETLOCALE = 0x03A + SYS_SIN = 0x03F + SYS_TOLOWER = 0x03C + SYS_TOUPPER = 0x03D + SYS_ACCEPT_AND_RECV = 0x4F7 + SYS_ATOL = 0x04E + SYS_CHECKSCH = 0x4BC + SYS_CHECKSCHENV = 0x4BC + SYS_CLEARERR = 0x04C + SYS_CONNECTS = 0x4B5 + SYS_CONNECTSERVER = 0x4B5 + SYS_CONNECTW = 0x4B4 + SYS_CONNECTWORKMGR = 0x4B4 + SYS_CONTINUE = 0x4B3 + SYS_CONTINUEWORKUNIT = 0x4B3 + SYS_COPYSIGN = 0x4C2 + SYS_CREATEWO = 0x4B2 + SYS_CREATEWORKUNIT = 0x4B2 + SYS_DELETEWO = 0x4B9 + SYS_DELETEWORKUNIT = 0x4B9 + SYS_DISCONNE = 0x4B6 + SYS_DISCONNECTSERVER = 0x4B6 + SYS_FEOF = 0x04D + SYS_FERROR = 0x04A + SYS_FINITE = 0x4C8 + SYS_GAMMA_R = 0x4E2 + SYS_JOINWORK = 0x4B7 + SYS_JOINWORKUNIT = 0x4B7 + SYS_LEAVEWOR = 0x4B8 + SYS_LEAVEWORKUNIT = 0x4B8 + SYS_LGAMMA_R = 0x4EB + SYS_MATHERR = 0x4D0 + SYS_PERROR = 0x04F + SYS_QUERYMET = 0x4BA + SYS_QUERYMETRICS = 0x4BA + SYS_QUERYSCH = 0x4BB + SYS_QUERYSCHENV = 0x4BB + SYS_REWIND = 0x04B + SYS_SCALBN = 0x4D4 + SYS_SIGNIFIC = 0x4D5 + SYS_SIGNIFICAND = 0x4D5 + SYS___ACOSH_B = 0x4DA + SYS___ACOS_B = 0x4D9 + SYS___ASINH_B = 0x4BE + SYS___ASIN_B = 0x4DB + SYS___ATAN2_B = 0x4DC + SYS___ATANH_B = 0x4DD + SYS___ATAN_B = 0x4BF + SYS___CBRT_B = 0x4C0 + SYS___CEIL_B = 0x4C1 + SYS___COSH_B = 0x4DE + SYS___COS_B = 0x4C3 + SYS___DGHT = 0x4A8 + SYS___ENVN = 0x4B0 + SYS___ERFC_B = 0x4C5 + SYS___ERF_B = 0x4C4 + SYS___EXPM1_B = 0x4C6 + SYS___EXP_B = 0x4DF + SYS___FABS_B = 0x4C7 + SYS___FLOOR_B = 0x4C9 + SYS___FMOD_B = 0x4E0 + SYS___FP_SETMODE = 0x4F8 + SYS___FREXP_B = 0x4CA + SYS___GAMMA_B = 0x4E1 + SYS___GDRR = 0x4A1 + SYS___HRRNO = 0x4A2 + SYS___HYPOT_B = 0x4E3 + SYS___ILOGB_B = 0x4CB + SYS___ISNAN_B = 0x4CC + SYS___J0_B = 0x4E4 + SYS___J1_B = 0x4E6 + SYS___JN_B = 0x4E8 + SYS___LDEXP_B = 0x4CD + SYS___LGAMMA_B = 0x4EA + SYS___LOG10_B = 0x4ED + SYS___LOG1P_B = 0x4CE + SYS___LOGB_B = 0x4CF + SYS___LOGIN = 0x4F5 + SYS___LOG_B = 0x4EC + SYS___MLOCKALL = 0x4B1 + SYS___MODF_B = 0x4D1 + SYS___NEXTAFTER_B = 0x4D2 + SYS___OPENDIR2 = 0x4F3 + SYS___OPEN_STAT = 0x4F6 + SYS___OPND = 0x4A5 + SYS___OPPT = 0x4A6 + SYS___OPRG = 0x4A3 + SYS___OPRR = 0x4A4 + SYS___PID_AFFINITY = 0x4BD + SYS___POW_B = 0x4EE + SYS___READDIR2 = 0x4F4 + SYS___REMAINDER_B = 0x4EF + SYS___RINT_B = 0x4D3 + SYS___SCALB_B = 0x4F0 + SYS___SIGACTIONSET = 0x4FB + SYS___SIGGM = 0x4A7 + SYS___SINH_B = 0x4F1 + SYS___SIN_B = 0x4D6 + SYS___SQRT_B = 0x4F2 + SYS___TANH_B = 0x4D8 + SYS___TAN_B = 0x4D7 + SYS___TRRNO = 0x4AF + SYS___TZNE = 0x4A9 + SYS___TZZN = 0x4AA + SYS___UCREATE = 0x4FC + SYS___UFREE = 0x4FE + SYS___UHEAPREPORT = 0x4FF + SYS___UMALLOC = 0x4FD + SYS___Y0_B = 0x4E5 + SYS___Y1_B = 0x4E7 + SYS___YN_B = 0x4E9 + SYS_ABORT = 0x05C + SYS_ASCTIME_R = 0x5E0 + SYS_ATEXIT = 0x05D + SYS_CONNECTE = 0x5AE + SYS_CONNECTEXPORTIMPORT = 0x5AE + SYS_CTIME_R = 0x5E1 + SYS_DN_COMP = 0x5DF + SYS_DN_EXPAND = 0x5DD + SYS_DN_SKIPNAME = 0x5DE + SYS_EXIT = 0x05A + SYS_EXPORTWO = 0x5A1 + SYS_EXPORTWORKUNIT = 0x5A1 + SYS_EXTRACTW = 0x5A5 + SYS_EXTRACTWORKUNIT = 0x5A5 + SYS_FSEEKO = 0x5C9 + SYS_FTELLO = 0x5C8 + SYS_GETGRGID_R = 0x5E7 + SYS_GETGRNAM_R = 0x5E8 + SYS_GETLOGIN_R = 0x5E9 + SYS_GETPWNAM_R = 0x5EA + SYS_GETPWUID_R = 0x5EB + SYS_GMTIME_R = 0x5E2 + SYS_IMPORTWO = 0x5A3 + SYS_IMPORTWORKUNIT = 0x5A3 + SYS_INET_NTOP = 0x5D3 + SYS_INET_PTON = 0x5D4 + SYS_LLABS = 0x5CE + SYS_LLDIV = 0x5CB + SYS_LOCALTIME_R = 0x5E3 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATFORK = 0x5ED + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETDETACHSTATE_U98 = 0x5FB + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETGUARDSIZE = 0x5EE + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSCHEDPARAM = 0x5F9 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSTACKADDR = 0x5EF + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETDETACHSTATE_U98 = 0x5FC + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETGUARDSIZE = 0x5F0 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSCHEDPARAM = 0x5FA + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSTACKADDR = 0x5F1 + SYS_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_GETPSHARED = 0x5F2 + SYS_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_SETPSHARED = 0x5F3 + SYS_PTHREAD_DETACH_U98 = 0x5FD + SYS_PTHREAD_GETCONCURRENCY = 0x5F4 + SYS_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC_U98 = 0x5FE + SYS_PTHREAD_KEY_DELETE = 0x5F5 + SYS_PTHREAD_SETCANCELSTATE = 0x5FF + SYS_PTHREAD_SETCONCURRENCY = 0x5F6 + SYS_PTHREAD_SIGMASK = 0x5F7 + SYS_QUERYENC = 0x5AD + SYS_QUERYWORKUNITCLASSIFICATION = 0x5AD + SYS_RAISE = 0x05E + SYS_RAND_R = 0x5E4 + SYS_READDIR_R = 0x5E6 + SYS_REALLOC = 0x05B + SYS_RES_INIT = 0x5D8 + SYS_RES_MKQUERY = 0x5D7 + SYS_RES_QUERY = 0x5D9 + SYS_RES_QUERYDOMAIN = 0x5DC + SYS_RES_SEARCH = 0x5DA + SYS_RES_SEND = 0x5DB + SYS_SETJMP = 0x05F + SYS_SIGQUEUE = 0x5A9 + SYS_STRTOK_R = 0x5E5 + SYS_STRTOLL = 0x5B0 + SYS_STRTOULL = 0x5B1 + SYS_TTYNAME_R = 0x5EC + SYS_UNDOEXPO = 0x5A2 + SYS_UNDOEXPORTWORKUNIT = 0x5A2 + SYS_UNDOIMPO = 0x5A4 + SYS_UNDOIMPORTWORKUNIT = 0x5A4 + SYS_WCSTOLL = 0x5CC + SYS_WCSTOULL = 0x5CD + SYS___ABORT = 0x05C + SYS___CONSOLE2 = 0x5D2 + SYS___CPL = 0x5A6 + SYS___DISCARDDATA = 0x5F8 + SYS___DSA_PREV = 0x5B2 + SYS___EP_FIND = 0x5B3 + SYS___FP_SWAPMODE = 0x5AF + SYS___GETUSERID = 0x5AB + SYS___GET_CPUID = 0x5B9 + SYS___GET_SYSTEM_SETTINGS = 0x5BA + SYS___IPDOMAINNAME = 0x5AC + SYS___MAP_INIT = 0x5A7 + SYS___MAP_SERVICE = 0x5A8 + SYS___MOUNT = 0x5AA + SYS___MSGRCV_TIMED = 0x5B7 + SYS___RES = 0x5D6 + SYS___SEMOP_TIMED = 0x5B8 + SYS___SERVER_THREADS_QUERY = 0x5B4 + SYS_FPRINTF = 0x06D + SYS_FSCANF = 0x06A + SYS_PRINTF = 0x06F + SYS_SETBUF = 0x06B + SYS_SETVBUF = 0x06C + SYS_SSCANF = 0x06E + SYS___CATGETS_A = 0x6C0 + SYS___CHAUDIT_A = 0x6F4 + SYS___CHMOD_A = 0x6E8 + SYS___COLLATE_INIT_A = 0x6AC + SYS___CREAT_A = 0x6F6 + SYS___CTYPE_INIT_A = 0x6AF + SYS___DLLLOAD_A = 0x6DF + SYS___DLLQUERYFN_A = 0x6E0 + SYS___DLLQUERYVAR_A = 0x6E1 + SYS___E2A_L = 0x6E3 + SYS___EXECLE_A = 0x6A0 + SYS___EXECLP_A = 0x6A4 + SYS___EXECVE_A = 0x6C1 + SYS___EXECVP_A = 0x6C2 + SYS___EXECV_A = 0x6B1 + SYS___FPRINTF_A = 0x6FA + SYS___GETADDRINFO_A = 0x6BF + SYS___GETNAMEINFO_A = 0x6C4 + SYS___GET_WCTYPE_STD_A = 0x6AE + SYS___ICONV_OPEN_A = 0x6DE + SYS___IF_INDEXTONAME_A = 0x6DC + SYS___IF_NAMETOINDEX_A = 0x6DB + SYS___ISWCTYPE_A = 0x6B0 + SYS___IS_WCTYPE_STD_A = 0x6B2 + SYS___LOCALECONV_A = 0x6B8 + SYS___LOCALECONV_STD_A = 0x6B9 + SYS___LOCALE_INIT_A = 0x6B7 + SYS___LSTAT_A = 0x6EE + SYS___LSTAT_O_A = 0x6EF + SYS___MKDIR_A = 0x6E9 + SYS___MKFIFO_A = 0x6EC + SYS___MKNOD_A = 0x6F0 + SYS___MONETARY_INIT_A = 0x6BC + SYS___MOUNT_A = 0x6F1 + SYS___NL_CSINFO_A = 0x6D6 + SYS___NL_LANGINFO_A = 0x6BA + SYS___NL_LNAGINFO_STD_A = 0x6BB + SYS___NL_MONINFO_A = 0x6D7 + SYS___NL_NUMINFO_A = 0x6D8 + SYS___NL_RESPINFO_A = 0x6D9 + SYS___NL_TIMINFO_A = 0x6DA + SYS___NUMERIC_INIT_A = 0x6C6 + SYS___OPEN_A = 0x6F7 + SYS___PRINTF_A = 0x6DD + SYS___RESP_INIT_A = 0x6C7 + SYS___RPMATCH_A = 0x6C8 + SYS___RPMATCH_C_A = 0x6C9 + SYS___RPMATCH_STD_A = 0x6CA + SYS___SETLOCALE_A = 0x6F9 + SYS___SPAWNP_A = 0x6C5 + SYS___SPAWN_A = 0x6C3 + SYS___SPRINTF_A = 0x6FB + SYS___STAT_A = 0x6EA + SYS___STAT_O_A = 0x6EB + SYS___STRCOLL_STD_A = 0x6A1 + SYS___STRFMON_A = 0x6BD + SYS___STRFMON_STD_A = 0x6BE + SYS___STRFTIME_A = 0x6CC + SYS___STRFTIME_STD_A = 0x6CD + SYS___STRPTIME_A = 0x6CE + SYS___STRPTIME_STD_A = 0x6CF + SYS___STRXFRM_A = 0x6A2 + SYS___STRXFRM_C_A = 0x6A3 + SYS___STRXFRM_STD_A = 0x6A5 + SYS___SYNTAX_INIT_A = 0x6D4 + SYS___TIME_INIT_A = 0x6CB + SYS___TOD_INIT_A = 0x6D5 + SYS___TOWLOWER_A = 0x6B3 + SYS___TOWLOWER_STD_A = 0x6B4 + SYS___TOWUPPER_A = 0x6B5 + SYS___TOWUPPER_STD_A = 0x6B6 + SYS___UMOUNT_A = 0x6F2 + SYS___VFPRINTF_A = 0x6FC + SYS___VPRINTF_A = 0x6FD + SYS___VSPRINTF_A = 0x6FE + SYS___VSWPRINTF_A = 0x6FF + SYS___WCSCOLL_A = 0x6A6 + SYS___WCSCOLL_C_A = 0x6A7 + SYS___WCSCOLL_STD_A = 0x6A8 + SYS___WCSFTIME_A = 0x6D0 + SYS___WCSFTIME_STD_A = 0x6D1 + SYS___WCSXFRM_A = 0x6A9 + SYS___WCSXFRM_C_A = 0x6AA + SYS___WCSXFRM_STD_A = 0x6AB + SYS___WCTYPE_A = 0x6AD + SYS___W_GETMNTENT_A = 0x6F5 + SYS_____CCSIDTYPE_A = 0x6E6 + SYS_____CHATTR_A = 0x6E2 + SYS_____CSNAMETYPE_A = 0x6E7 + SYS_____OPEN_STAT_A = 0x6ED + SYS_____SPAWN2_A = 0x6D2 + SYS_____SPAWNP2_A = 0x6D3 + SYS_____TOCCSID_A = 0x6E4 + SYS_____TOCSNAME_A = 0x6E5 + SYS_ACL_FREE = 0x7FF + SYS_ACL_INIT = 0x7FE + SYS_FWIDE = 0x7DF + SYS_FWPRINTF = 0x7D1 + SYS_FWRITE = 0x07E + SYS_FWSCANF = 0x7D5 + SYS_GETCHAR = 0x07B + SYS_GETS = 0x07C + SYS_M_CREATE_LAYOUT = 0x7C9 + SYS_M_DESTROY_LAYOUT = 0x7CA + SYS_M_GETVALUES_LAYOUT = 0x7CB + SYS_M_SETVALUES_LAYOUT = 0x7CC + SYS_M_TRANSFORM_LAYOUT = 0x7CD + SYS_M_WTRANSFORM_LAYOUT = 0x7CE + SYS_PREAD = 0x7C7 + SYS_PUTC = 0x07D + SYS_PUTCHAR = 0x07A + SYS_PUTS = 0x07F + SYS_PWRITE = 0x7C8 + SYS_TOWCTRAN = 0x7D8 + SYS_TOWCTRANS = 0x7D8 + SYS_UNATEXIT = 0x7B5 + SYS_VFWPRINT = 0x7D3 + SYS_VFWPRINTF = 0x7D3 + SYS_VWPRINTF = 0x7D4 + SYS_WCTRANS = 0x7D7 + SYS_WPRINTF = 0x7D2 + SYS_WSCANF = 0x7D6 + SYS___ASCTIME_R_A = 0x7A1 + SYS___BASENAME_A = 0x7DC + SYS___BTOWC_A = 0x7E4 + SYS___CDUMP_A = 0x7B7 + SYS___CEE3DMP_A = 0x7B6 + SYS___CEILF_H = 0x7F4 + SYS___CEILL_H = 0x7F5 + SYS___CEIL_H = 0x7EA + SYS___CRYPT_A = 0x7BE + SYS___CSNAP_A = 0x7B8 + SYS___CTEST_A = 0x7B9 + SYS___CTIME_R_A = 0x7A2 + SYS___CTRACE_A = 0x7BA + SYS___DBM_OPEN_A = 0x7E6 + SYS___DIRNAME_A = 0x7DD + SYS___FABSF_H = 0x7FA + SYS___FABSL_H = 0x7FB + SYS___FABS_H = 0x7ED + SYS___FGETWC_A = 0x7AA + SYS___FGETWS_A = 0x7AD + SYS___FLOORF_H = 0x7F6 + SYS___FLOORL_H = 0x7F7 + SYS___FLOOR_H = 0x7EB + SYS___FPUTWC_A = 0x7A5 + SYS___FPUTWS_A = 0x7A8 + SYS___GETTIMEOFDAY_A = 0x7AE + SYS___GETWCHAR_A = 0x7AC + SYS___GETWC_A = 0x7AB + SYS___GLOB_A = 0x7DE + SYS___GMTIME_A = 0x7AF + SYS___GMTIME_R_A = 0x7B0 + SYS___INET_PTON_A = 0x7BC + SYS___J0_H = 0x7EE + SYS___J1_H = 0x7EF + SYS___JN_H = 0x7F0 + SYS___LOCALTIME_A = 0x7B1 + SYS___LOCALTIME_R_A = 0x7B2 + SYS___MALLOC24 = 0x7FC + SYS___MALLOC31 = 0x7FD + SYS___MKTIME_A = 0x7B3 + SYS___MODFF_H = 0x7F8 + SYS___MODFL_H = 0x7F9 + SYS___MODF_H = 0x7EC + SYS___OPENDIR_A = 0x7C2 + SYS___OSNAME = 0x7E0 + SYS___PUTWCHAR_A = 0x7A7 + SYS___PUTWC_A = 0x7A6 + SYS___READDIR_A = 0x7C3 + SYS___STRTOLL_A = 0x7A3 + SYS___STRTOULL_A = 0x7A4 + SYS___SYSLOG_A = 0x7BD + SYS___TZZNA = 0x7B4 + SYS___UNGETWC_A = 0x7A9 + SYS___UTIME_A = 0x7A0 + SYS___VFPRINTF2_A = 0x7E7 + SYS___VPRINTF2_A = 0x7E8 + SYS___VSPRINTF2_A = 0x7E9 + SYS___VSWPRNTF2_A = 0x7BB + SYS___WCSTOD_A = 0x7D9 + SYS___WCSTOL_A = 0x7DA + SYS___WCSTOUL_A = 0x7DB + SYS___WCTOB_A = 0x7E5 + SYS___Y0_H = 0x7F1 + SYS___Y1_H = 0x7F2 + SYS___YN_H = 0x7F3 + SYS_____OPENDIR2_A = 0x7BF + SYS_____OSNAME_A = 0x7E1 + SYS_____READDIR2_A = 0x7C0 + SYS_DLCLOSE = 0x8DF + SYS_DLERROR = 0x8E0 + SYS_DLOPEN = 0x8DD + SYS_DLSYM = 0x8DE + SYS_FLOCKFILE = 0x8D3 + SYS_FTRYLOCKFILE = 0x8D4 + SYS_FUNLOCKFILE = 0x8D5 + SYS_GETCHAR_UNLOCKED = 0x8D7 + SYS_GETC_UNLOCKED = 0x8D6 + SYS_PUTCHAR_UNLOCKED = 0x8D9 + SYS_PUTC_UNLOCKED = 0x8D8 + SYS_SNPRINTF = 0x8DA + SYS_VSNPRINTF = 0x8DB + SYS_WCSCSPN = 0x08B + SYS_WCSLEN = 0x08C + SYS_WCSNCAT = 0x08D + SYS_WCSNCMP = 0x08A + SYS_WCSNCPY = 0x08F + SYS_WCSSPN = 0x08E + SYS___ABSF_H = 0x8E7 + SYS___ABSL_H = 0x8E8 + SYS___ABS_H = 0x8E6 + SYS___ACOSF_H = 0x8EA + SYS___ACOSH_H = 0x8EC + SYS___ACOSL_H = 0x8EB + SYS___ACOS_H = 0x8E9 + SYS___ASINF_H = 0x8EE + SYS___ASINH_H = 0x8F0 + SYS___ASINL_H = 0x8EF + SYS___ASIN_H = 0x8ED + SYS___ATAN2F_H = 0x8F8 + SYS___ATAN2L_H = 0x8F9 + SYS___ATAN2_H = 0x8F7 + SYS___ATANF_H = 0x8F2 + SYS___ATANHF_H = 0x8F5 + SYS___ATANHL_H = 0x8F6 + SYS___ATANH_H = 0x8F4 + SYS___ATANL_H = 0x8F3 + SYS___ATAN_H = 0x8F1 + SYS___CBRT_H = 0x8FA + SYS___COPYSIGNF_H = 0x8FB + SYS___COPYSIGNL_H = 0x8FC + SYS___COSF_H = 0x8FE + SYS___COSL_H = 0x8FF + SYS___COS_H = 0x8FD + SYS___DLERROR_A = 0x8D2 + SYS___DLOPEN_A = 0x8D0 + SYS___DLSYM_A = 0x8D1 + SYS___GETUTXENT_A = 0x8C6 + SYS___GETUTXID_A = 0x8C7 + SYS___GETUTXLINE_A = 0x8C8 + SYS___ITOA = 0x8AA + SYS___ITOA_A = 0x8B0 + SYS___LE_CONDITION_TOKEN_BUILD = 0x8A5 + SYS___LE_MSG_ADD_INSERT = 0x8A6 + SYS___LE_MSG_GET = 0x8A7 + SYS___LE_MSG_GET_AND_WRITE = 0x8A8 + SYS___LE_MSG_WRITE = 0x8A9 + SYS___LLTOA = 0x8AE + SYS___LLTOA_A = 0x8B4 + SYS___LTOA = 0x8AC + SYS___LTOA_A = 0x8B2 + SYS___PUTCHAR_UNLOCKED_A = 0x8CC + SYS___PUTC_UNLOCKED_A = 0x8CB + SYS___PUTUTXLINE_A = 0x8C9 + SYS___RESET_EXCEPTION_HANDLER = 0x8E3 + SYS___REXEC_A = 0x8C4 + SYS___REXEC_AF_A = 0x8C5 + SYS___SET_EXCEPTION_HANDLER = 0x8E2 + SYS___SNPRINTF_A = 0x8CD + SYS___SUPERKILL = 0x8A4 + SYS___TCGETATTR_A = 0x8A1 + SYS___TCSETATTR_A = 0x8A2 + SYS___ULLTOA = 0x8AF + SYS___ULLTOA_A = 0x8B5 + SYS___ULTOA = 0x8AD + SYS___ULTOA_A = 0x8B3 + SYS___UTOA = 0x8AB + SYS___UTOA_A = 0x8B1 + SYS___VHM_EVENT = 0x8E4 + SYS___VSNPRINTF_A = 0x8CE + SYS_____GETENV_A = 0x8C3 + SYS_____UTMPXNAME_A = 0x8CA + SYS_CACOSH = 0x9A0 + SYS_CACOSHF = 0x9A3 + SYS_CACOSHL = 0x9A6 + SYS_CARG = 0x9A9 + SYS_CARGF = 0x9AC + SYS_CARGL = 0x9AF + SYS_CASIN = 0x9B2 + SYS_CASINF = 0x9B5 + SYS_CASINH = 0x9BB + SYS_CASINHF = 0x9BE + SYS_CASINHL = 0x9C1 + SYS_CASINL = 0x9B8 + SYS_CATAN = 0x9C4 + SYS_CATANF = 0x9C7 + SYS_CATANH = 0x9CD + SYS_CATANHF = 0x9D0 + SYS_CATANHL = 0x9D3 + SYS_CATANL = 0x9CA + SYS_CCOS = 0x9D6 + SYS_CCOSF = 0x9D9 + SYS_CCOSH = 0x9DF + SYS_CCOSHF = 0x9E2 + SYS_CCOSHL = 0x9E5 + SYS_CCOSL = 0x9DC + SYS_CEXP = 0x9E8 + SYS_CEXPF = 0x9EB + SYS_CEXPL = 0x9EE + SYS_CIMAG = 0x9F1 + SYS_CIMAGF = 0x9F4 + SYS_CIMAGL = 0x9F7 + SYS_CLOGF = 0x9FD + SYS_MEMCHR = 0x09B + SYS_MEMCMP = 0x09A + SYS_STRCOLL = 0x09C + SYS_STRNCMP = 0x09D + SYS_STRRCHR = 0x09F + SYS_STRXFRM = 0x09E + SYS___CACOSHF_B = 0x9A4 + SYS___CACOSHF_H = 0x9A5 + SYS___CACOSHL_B = 0x9A7 + SYS___CACOSHL_H = 0x9A8 + SYS___CACOSH_B = 0x9A1 + SYS___CACOSH_H = 0x9A2 + SYS___CARGF_B = 0x9AD + SYS___CARGF_H = 0x9AE + SYS___CARGL_B = 0x9B0 + SYS___CARGL_H = 0x9B1 + SYS___CARG_B = 0x9AA + SYS___CARG_H = 0x9AB + SYS___CASINF_B = 0x9B6 + SYS___CASINF_H = 0x9B7 + SYS___CASINHF_B = 0x9BF + SYS___CASINHF_H = 0x9C0 + SYS___CASINHL_B = 0x9C2 + SYS___CASINHL_H = 0x9C3 + SYS___CASINH_B = 0x9BC + SYS___CASINH_H = 0x9BD + SYS___CASINL_B = 0x9B9 + SYS___CASINL_H = 0x9BA + SYS___CASIN_B = 0x9B3 + SYS___CASIN_H = 0x9B4 + SYS___CATANF_B = 0x9C8 + SYS___CATANF_H = 0x9C9 + SYS___CATANHF_B = 0x9D1 + SYS___CATANHF_H = 0x9D2 + SYS___CATANHL_B = 0x9D4 + SYS___CATANHL_H = 0x9D5 + SYS___CATANH_B = 0x9CE + SYS___CATANH_H = 0x9CF + SYS___CATANL_B = 0x9CB + SYS___CATANL_H = 0x9CC + SYS___CATAN_B = 0x9C5 + SYS___CATAN_H = 0x9C6 + SYS___CCOSF_B = 0x9DA + SYS___CCOSF_H = 0x9DB + SYS___CCOSHF_B = 0x9E3 + SYS___CCOSHF_H = 0x9E4 + SYS___CCOSHL_B = 0x9E6 + SYS___CCOSHL_H = 0x9E7 + SYS___CCOSH_B = 0x9E0 + SYS___CCOSH_H = 0x9E1 + SYS___CCOSL_B = 0x9DD + SYS___CCOSL_H = 0x9DE + SYS___CCOS_B = 0x9D7 + SYS___CCOS_H = 0x9D8 + SYS___CEXPF_B = 0x9EC + SYS___CEXPF_H = 0x9ED + SYS___CEXPL_B = 0x9EF + SYS___CEXPL_H = 0x9F0 + SYS___CEXP_B = 0x9E9 + SYS___CEXP_H = 0x9EA + SYS___CIMAGF_B = 0x9F5 + SYS___CIMAGF_H = 0x9F6 + SYS___CIMAGL_B = 0x9F8 + SYS___CIMAGL_H = 0x9F9 + SYS___CIMAG_B = 0x9F2 + SYS___CIMAG_H = 0x9F3 + SYS___CLOG = 0x9FA + SYS___CLOGF_B = 0x9FE + SYS___CLOGF_H = 0x9FF + SYS___CLOG_B = 0x9FB + SYS___CLOG_H = 0x9FC + SYS_ISWCTYPE = 0x10C + SYS_ISWXDIGI = 0x10A + SYS_ISWXDIGIT = 0x10A + SYS_MBSINIT = 0x10F + SYS_TOWLOWER = 0x10D + SYS_TOWUPPER = 0x10E + SYS_WCTYPE = 0x10B + SYS_WCSSTR = 0x11B + SYS___RPMTCH = 0x11A + SYS_WCSTOD = 0x12E + SYS_WCSTOK = 0x12C + SYS_WCSTOL = 0x12D + SYS_WCSTOUL = 0x12F + SYS_FGETWC = 0x13C + SYS_FGETWS = 0x13D + SYS_FPUTWC = 0x13E + SYS_FPUTWS = 0x13F + SYS_REGERROR = 0x13B + SYS_REGFREE = 0x13A + SYS_COLLEQUIV = 0x14F + SYS_COLLTOSTR = 0x14E + SYS_ISMCCOLLEL = 0x14C + SYS_STRTOCOLL = 0x14D + SYS_DLLFREE = 0x16F + SYS_DLLQUERYFN = 0x16D + SYS_DLLQUERYVAR = 0x16E + SYS_GETMCCOLL = 0x16A + SYS_GETWMCCOLL = 0x16B + SYS___ERR2AD = 0x16C + SYS_CFSETOSPEED = 0x17A + SYS_CHDIR = 0x17B + SYS_CHMOD = 0x17C + SYS_CHOWN = 0x17D + SYS_CLOSE = 0x17E + SYS_CLOSEDIR = 0x17F + SYS_LOG = 0x017 + SYS_COSH = 0x018 + SYS_FCHMOD = 0x18A + SYS_FCHOWN = 0x18B + SYS_FCNTL = 0x18C + SYS_FILENO = 0x18D + SYS_FORK = 0x18E + SYS_FPATHCONF = 0x18F + SYS_GETLOGIN = 0x19A + SYS_GETPGRP = 0x19C + SYS_GETPID = 0x19D + SYS_GETPPID = 0x19E + SYS_GETPWNAM = 0x19F + SYS_TANH = 0x019 + SYS_W_GETMNTENT = 0x19B + SYS_POW = 0x020 + SYS_PTHREAD_SELF = 0x20A + SYS_PTHREAD_SETINTR = 0x20B + SYS_PTHREAD_SETINTRTYPE = 0x20C + SYS_PTHREAD_SETSPECIFIC = 0x20D + SYS_PTHREAD_TESTINTR = 0x20E + SYS_PTHREAD_YIELD = 0x20F + SYS_SQRT = 0x021 + SYS_FLOOR = 0x022 + SYS_J1 = 0x023 + SYS_WCSPBRK = 0x23F + SYS_BSEARCH = 0x24C + SYS_FABS = 0x024 + SYS_GETENV = 0x24A + SYS_LDIV = 0x24D + SYS_SYSTEM = 0x24B + SYS_FMOD = 0x025 + SYS___RETHROW = 0x25F + SYS___THROW = 0x25E + SYS_J0 = 0x026 + SYS_PUTENV = 0x26A + SYS___GETENV = 0x26F + SYS_SEMCTL = 0x27A + SYS_SEMGET = 0x27B + SYS_SEMOP = 0x27C + SYS_SHMAT = 0x27D + SYS_SHMCTL = 0x27E + SYS_SHMDT = 0x27F + SYS_YN = 0x027 + SYS_JN = 0x028 + SYS_SIGALTSTACK = 0x28A + SYS_SIGHOLD = 0x28B + SYS_SIGIGNORE = 0x28C + SYS_SIGINTERRUPT = 0x28D + SYS_SIGPAUSE = 0x28E + SYS_SIGRELSE = 0x28F + SYS_GETOPT = 0x29A + SYS_GETSUBOPT = 0x29D + SYS_LCHOWN = 0x29B + SYS_SETPGRP = 0x29E + SYS_TRUNCATE = 0x29C + SYS_Y0 = 0x029 + SYS___GDERR = 0x29F + SYS_ISALPHA = 0x030 + SYS_VFORK = 0x30F + SYS__LONGJMP = 0x30D + SYS__SETJMP = 0x30E + SYS_GLOB = 0x31A + SYS_GLOBFREE = 0x31B + SYS_ISALNUM = 0x031 + SYS_PUTW = 0x31C + SYS_SEEKDIR = 0x31D + SYS_TELLDIR = 0x31E + SYS_TEMPNAM = 0x31F + SYS_GETTIMEOFDAY_R = 0x32E + SYS_ISLOWER = 0x032 + SYS_LGAMMA = 0x32C + SYS_REMAINDER = 0x32A + SYS_SCALB = 0x32B + SYS_SYNC = 0x32F + SYS_TTYSLOT = 0x32D + SYS_ENDPROTOENT = 0x33A + SYS_ENDSERVENT = 0x33B + SYS_GETHOSTBYADDR = 0x33D + SYS_GETHOSTBYADDR_R = 0x33C + SYS_GETHOSTBYNAME = 0x33F + SYS_GETHOSTBYNAME_R = 0x33E + SYS_ISCNTRL = 0x033 + SYS_GETSERVBYNAME = 0x34A + SYS_GETSERVBYPORT = 0x34B + SYS_GETSERVENT = 0x34C + SYS_GETSOCKNAME = 0x34D + SYS_GETSOCKOPT = 0x34E + SYS_INET_ADDR = 0x34F + SYS_ISDIGIT = 0x034 + SYS_ISGRAPH = 0x035 + SYS_SELECT = 0x35B + SYS_SELECTEX = 0x35C + SYS_SEND = 0x35D + SYS_SENDTO = 0x35F + SYS_CHROOT = 0x36A + SYS_ISNAN = 0x36D + SYS_ISUPPER = 0x036 + SYS_ULIMIT = 0x36C + SYS_UTIMES = 0x36E + SYS_W_STATVFS = 0x36B + SYS___H_ERRNO = 0x36F + SYS_GRANTPT = 0x37A + SYS_ISPRINT = 0x037 + SYS_TCGETSID = 0x37C + SYS_UNLOCKPT = 0x37B + SYS___TCGETCP = 0x37D + SYS___TCSETCP = 0x37E + SYS___TCSETTABLES = 0x37F + SYS_ISPUNCT = 0x038 + SYS_NLIST = 0x38C + SYS___IPDBCS = 0x38D + SYS___IPDSPX = 0x38E + SYS___IPMSGC = 0x38F + SYS___STHOSTENT = 0x38B + SYS___STSERVENT = 0x38A + SYS_ISSPACE = 0x039 + SYS_COS = 0x040 + SYS_T_ALLOC = 0x40A + SYS_T_BIND = 0x40B + SYS_T_CLOSE = 0x40C + SYS_T_CONNECT = 0x40D + SYS_T_ERROR = 0x40E + SYS_T_FREE = 0x40F + SYS_TAN = 0x041 + SYS_T_RCVREL = 0x41A + SYS_T_RCVUDATA = 0x41B + SYS_T_RCVUDERR = 0x41C + SYS_T_SND = 0x41D + SYS_T_SNDDIS = 0x41E + SYS_T_SNDREL = 0x41F + SYS_GETPMSG = 0x42A + SYS_ISASTREAM = 0x42B + SYS_PUTMSG = 0x42C + SYS_PUTPMSG = 0x42D + SYS_SINH = 0x042 + SYS___ISPOSIXON = 0x42E + SYS___OPENMVSREL = 0x42F + SYS_ACOS = 0x043 + SYS_ATAN = 0x044 + SYS_ATAN2 = 0x045 + SYS_FTELL = 0x046 + SYS_FGETPOS = 0x047 + SYS_SOCK_DEBUG = 0x47A + SYS_SOCK_DO_TESTSTOR = 0x47D + SYS_TAKESOCKET = 0x47E + SYS___SERVER_INIT = 0x47F + SYS_FSEEK = 0x048 + SYS___IPHOST = 0x48B + SYS___IPNODE = 0x48C + SYS___SERVER_CLASSIFY_CREATE = 0x48D + SYS___SERVER_CLASSIFY_DESTROY = 0x48E + SYS___SERVER_CLASSIFY_RESET = 0x48F + SYS___SMF_RECORD = 0x48A + SYS_FSETPOS = 0x049 + SYS___FNWSA = 0x49B + SYS___SPAWN2 = 0x49D + SYS___SPAWNP2 = 0x49E + SYS_ATOF = 0x050 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_GETPSHARED = 0x50A + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_SETPSHARED = 0x50B + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_DESTROY = 0x50C + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_INIT = 0x50D + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_RDLOCK = 0x50E + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TRYRDLOCK = 0x50F + SYS_ATOI = 0x051 + SYS___FP_CLASS = 0x51D + SYS___FP_CLR_FLAG = 0x51A + SYS___FP_FINITE = 0x51E + SYS___FP_ISNAN = 0x51F + SYS___FP_RAISE_XCP = 0x51C + SYS___FP_READ_FLAG = 0x51B + SYS_RAND = 0x052 + SYS_SIGTIMEDWAIT = 0x52D + SYS_SIGWAITINFO = 0x52E + SYS___CHKBFP = 0x52F + SYS___FPC_RS = 0x52C + SYS___FPC_RW = 0x52A + SYS___FPC_SM = 0x52B + SYS_STRTOD = 0x053 + SYS_STRTOL = 0x054 + SYS_STRTOUL = 0x055 + SYS_MALLOC = 0x056 + SYS_SRAND = 0x057 + SYS_CALLOC = 0x058 + SYS_FREE = 0x059 + SYS___OSENV = 0x59F + SYS___W_PIOCTL = 0x59E + SYS_LONGJMP = 0x060 + SYS___FLOORF_B = 0x60A + SYS___FLOORL_B = 0x60B + SYS___FREXPF_B = 0x60C + SYS___FREXPL_B = 0x60D + SYS___LDEXPF_B = 0x60E + SYS___LDEXPL_B = 0x60F + SYS_SIGNAL = 0x061 + SYS___ATAN2F_B = 0x61A + SYS___ATAN2L_B = 0x61B + SYS___COSHF_B = 0x61C + SYS___COSHL_B = 0x61D + SYS___EXPF_B = 0x61E + SYS___EXPL_B = 0x61F + SYS_TMPNAM = 0x062 + SYS___ABSF_B = 0x62A + SYS___ABSL_B = 0x62C + SYS___ABS_B = 0x62B + SYS___FMODF_B = 0x62D + SYS___FMODL_B = 0x62E + SYS___MODFF_B = 0x62F + SYS_ATANL = 0x63A + SYS_CEILF = 0x63B + SYS_CEILL = 0x63C + SYS_COSF = 0x63D + SYS_COSHF = 0x63F + SYS_COSL = 0x63E + SYS_REMOVE = 0x063 + SYS_POWL = 0x64A + SYS_RENAME = 0x064 + SYS_SINF = 0x64B + SYS_SINHF = 0x64F + SYS_SINL = 0x64C + SYS_SQRTF = 0x64D + SYS_SQRTL = 0x64E + SYS_BTOWC = 0x65F + SYS_FREXPL = 0x65A + SYS_LDEXPF = 0x65B + SYS_LDEXPL = 0x65C + SYS_MODFF = 0x65D + SYS_MODFL = 0x65E + SYS_TMPFILE = 0x065 + SYS_FREOPEN = 0x066 + SYS___CHARMAP_INIT_A = 0x66E + SYS___GETHOSTBYADDR_R_A = 0x66C + SYS___GETHOSTBYNAME_A = 0x66A + SYS___GETHOSTBYNAME_R_A = 0x66D + SYS___MBLEN_A = 0x66F + SYS___RES_INIT_A = 0x66B + SYS_FCLOSE = 0x067 + SYS___GETGRGID_R_A = 0x67D + SYS___WCSTOMBS_A = 0x67A + SYS___WCSTOMBS_STD_A = 0x67B + SYS___WCSWIDTH_A = 0x67C + SYS___WCSWIDTH_ASIA = 0x67F + SYS___WCSWIDTH_STD_A = 0x67E + SYS_FFLUSH = 0x068 + SYS___GETLOGIN_R_A = 0x68E + SYS___GETPWNAM_R_A = 0x68C + SYS___GETPWUID_R_A = 0x68D + SYS___TTYNAME_R_A = 0x68F + SYS___WCWIDTH_ASIA = 0x68B + SYS___WCWIDTH_STD_A = 0x68A + SYS_FOPEN = 0x069 + SYS___REGEXEC_A = 0x69A + SYS___REGEXEC_STD_A = 0x69B + SYS___REGFREE_A = 0x69C + SYS___REGFREE_STD_A = 0x69D + SYS___STRCOLL_A = 0x69E + SYS___STRCOLL_C_A = 0x69F + SYS_SCANF = 0x070 + SYS___A64L_A = 0x70C + SYS___ECVT_A = 0x70D + SYS___FCVT_A = 0x70E + SYS___GCVT_A = 0x70F + SYS___STRTOUL_A = 0x70A + SYS_____AE_CORRESTBL_QUERY_A = 0x70B + SYS_SPRINTF = 0x071 + SYS___ACCESS_A = 0x71F + SYS___CATOPEN_A = 0x71E + SYS___GETOPT_A = 0x71D + SYS___REALPATH_A = 0x71A + SYS___SETENV_A = 0x71B + SYS___SYSTEM_A = 0x71C + SYS_FGETC = 0x072 + SYS___GAI_STRERROR_A = 0x72F + SYS___RMDIR_A = 0x72A + SYS___STATVFS_A = 0x72B + SYS___SYMLINK_A = 0x72C + SYS___TRUNCATE_A = 0x72D + SYS___UNLINK_A = 0x72E + SYS_VFPRINTF = 0x073 + SYS___ISSPACE_A = 0x73A + SYS___ISUPPER_A = 0x73B + SYS___ISWALNUM_A = 0x73F + SYS___ISXDIGIT_A = 0x73C + SYS___TOLOWER_A = 0x73D + SYS___TOUPPER_A = 0x73E + SYS_VPRINTF = 0x074 + SYS___CONFSTR_A = 0x74B + SYS___FDOPEN_A = 0x74E + SYS___FLDATA_A = 0x74F + SYS___FTOK_A = 0x74C + SYS___ISWXDIGIT_A = 0x74A + SYS___MKTEMP_A = 0x74D + SYS_VSPRINTF = 0x075 + SYS___GETGRGID_A = 0x75A + SYS___GETGRNAM_A = 0x75B + SYS___GETGROUPSBYNAME_A = 0x75C + SYS___GETHOSTENT_A = 0x75D + SYS___GETHOSTNAME_A = 0x75E + SYS___GETLOGIN_A = 0x75F + SYS_GETC = 0x076 + SYS___CREATEWORKUNIT_A = 0x76A + SYS___CTERMID_A = 0x76B + SYS___FMTMSG_A = 0x76C + SYS___INITGROUPS_A = 0x76D + SYS___MSGRCV_A = 0x76F + SYS_____LOGIN_A = 0x76E + SYS_FGETS = 0x077 + SYS___STRCASECMP_A = 0x77B + SYS___STRNCASECMP_A = 0x77C + SYS___TTYNAME_A = 0x77D + SYS___UNAME_A = 0x77E + SYS___UTIMES_A = 0x77F + SYS_____SERVER_PWU_A = 0x77A + SYS_FPUTC = 0x078 + SYS___CREAT_O_A = 0x78E + SYS___ENVNA = 0x78F + SYS___FREAD_A = 0x78A + SYS___FWRITE_A = 0x78B + SYS___ISASCII = 0x78D + SYS___OPEN_O_A = 0x78C + SYS_FPUTS = 0x079 + SYS___ASCTIME_A = 0x79C + SYS___CTIME_A = 0x79D + SYS___GETDATE_A = 0x79E + SYS___GETSERVBYPORT_A = 0x79A + SYS___GETSERVENT_A = 0x79B + SYS___TZSET_A = 0x79F + SYS_ACL_FROM_TEXT = 0x80C + SYS_ACL_SET_FD = 0x80A + SYS_ACL_SET_FILE = 0x80B + SYS_ACL_SORT = 0x80E + SYS_ACL_TO_TEXT = 0x80D + SYS_UNGETC = 0x080 + SYS___SHUTDOWN_REGISTRATION = 0x80F + SYS_FREAD = 0x081 + SYS_FREEADDRINFO = 0x81A + SYS_GAI_STRERROR = 0x81B + SYS_REXEC_AF = 0x81C + SYS___DYNALLOC_A = 0x81F + SYS___POE = 0x81D + SYS_WCSTOMBS = 0x082 + SYS___INET_ADDR_A = 0x82F + SYS___NLIST_A = 0x82A + SYS_____TCGETCP_A = 0x82B + SYS_____TCSETCP_A = 0x82C + SYS_____W_PIOCTL_A = 0x82E + SYS_MBTOWC = 0x083 + SYS___CABEND = 0x83D + SYS___LE_CIB_GET = 0x83E + SYS___RECVMSG_A = 0x83B + SYS___SENDMSG_A = 0x83A + SYS___SET_LAA_FOR_JIT = 0x83F + SYS_____LCHATTR_A = 0x83C + SYS_WCTOMB = 0x084 + SYS___CBRTL_B = 0x84A + SYS___COPYSIGNF_B = 0x84B + SYS___COPYSIGNL_B = 0x84C + SYS___COTANF_B = 0x84D + SYS___COTANL_B = 0x84F + SYS___COTAN_B = 0x84E + SYS_MBSTOWCS = 0x085 + SYS___LOG1PL_B = 0x85A + SYS___LOG2F_B = 0x85B + SYS___LOG2L_B = 0x85D + SYS___LOG2_B = 0x85C + SYS___REMAINDERF_B = 0x85E + SYS___REMAINDERL_B = 0x85F + SYS_ACOSHF = 0x86E + SYS_ACOSHL = 0x86F + SYS_WCSCPY = 0x086 + SYS___ERFCF_B = 0x86D + SYS___ERFF_B = 0x86C + SYS___LROUNDF_B = 0x86A + SYS___LROUND_B = 0x86B + SYS_COTANL = 0x87A + SYS_EXP2F = 0x87B + SYS_EXP2L = 0x87C + SYS_EXPM1F = 0x87D + SYS_EXPM1L = 0x87E + SYS_FDIMF = 0x87F + SYS_WCSCAT = 0x087 + SYS___COTANL = 0x87A + SYS_REMAINDERF = 0x88A + SYS_REMAINDERL = 0x88B + SYS_REMAINDF = 0x88A + SYS_REMAINDL = 0x88B + SYS_REMQUO = 0x88D + SYS_REMQUOF = 0x88C + SYS_REMQUOL = 0x88E + SYS_TGAMMAF = 0x88F + SYS_WCSCHR = 0x088 + SYS_ERFCF = 0x89B + SYS_ERFCL = 0x89C + SYS_ERFL = 0x89A + SYS_EXP2 = 0x89E + SYS_WCSCMP = 0x089 + SYS___EXP2_B = 0x89D + SYS___FAR_JUMP = 0x89F + SYS_ABS = 0x090 + SYS___ERFCL_H = 0x90A + SYS___EXPF_H = 0x90C + SYS___EXPL_H = 0x90D + SYS___EXPM1_H = 0x90E + SYS___EXP_H = 0x90B + SYS___FDIM_H = 0x90F + SYS_DIV = 0x091 + SYS___LOG2F_H = 0x91F + SYS___LOG2_H = 0x91E + SYS___LOGB_H = 0x91D + SYS___LOGF_H = 0x91B + SYS___LOGL_H = 0x91C + SYS___LOG_H = 0x91A + SYS_LABS = 0x092 + SYS___POWL_H = 0x92A + SYS___REMAINDER_H = 0x92B + SYS___RINT_H = 0x92C + SYS___SCALB_H = 0x92D + SYS___SINF_H = 0x92F + SYS___SIN_H = 0x92E + SYS_STRNCPY = 0x093 + SYS___TANHF_H = 0x93B + SYS___TANHL_H = 0x93C + SYS___TANH_H = 0x93A + SYS___TGAMMAF_H = 0x93E + SYS___TGAMMA_H = 0x93D + SYS___TRUNC_H = 0x93F + SYS_MEMCPY = 0x094 + SYS_VFWSCANF = 0x94A + SYS_VSWSCANF = 0x94E + SYS_VWSCANF = 0x94C + SYS_INET6_RTH_ADD = 0x95D + SYS_INET6_RTH_INIT = 0x95C + SYS_INET6_RTH_REVERSE = 0x95E + SYS_INET6_RTH_SEGMENTS = 0x95F + SYS_INET6_RTH_SPACE = 0x95B + SYS_MEMMOVE = 0x095 + SYS_WCSTOLD = 0x95A + SYS_STRCPY = 0x096 + SYS_STRCMP = 0x097 + SYS_CABS = 0x98E + SYS_STRCAT = 0x098 + SYS___CABS_B = 0x98F + SYS___POW_II = 0x98A + SYS___POW_II_B = 0x98B + SYS___POW_II_H = 0x98C + SYS_CACOSF = 0x99A + SYS_CACOSL = 0x99D + SYS_STRNCAT = 0x099 + SYS___CACOSF_B = 0x99B + SYS___CACOSF_H = 0x99C + SYS___CACOSL_B = 0x99E + SYS___CACOSL_H = 0x99F + SYS_ISWALPHA = 0x100 + SYS_ISWBLANK = 0x101 + SYS___ISWBLK = 0x101 + SYS_ISWCNTRL = 0x102 + SYS_ISWDIGIT = 0x103 + SYS_ISWGRAPH = 0x104 + SYS_ISWLOWER = 0x105 + SYS_ISWPRINT = 0x106 + SYS_ISWPUNCT = 0x107 + SYS_ISWSPACE = 0x108 + SYS_ISWUPPER = 0x109 + SYS_WCTOB = 0x110 + SYS_MBRLEN = 0x111 + SYS_MBRTOWC = 0x112 + SYS_MBSRTOWC = 0x113 + SYS_MBSRTOWCS = 0x113 + SYS_WCRTOMB = 0x114 + SYS_WCSRTOMB = 0x115 + SYS_WCSRTOMBS = 0x115 + SYS___CSID = 0x116 + SYS___WCSID = 0x117 + SYS_STRPTIME = 0x118 + SYS___STRPTM = 0x118 + SYS_STRFMON = 0x119 + SYS_WCSCOLL = 0x130 + SYS_WCSXFRM = 0x131 + SYS_WCSWIDTH = 0x132 + SYS_WCWIDTH = 0x133 + SYS_WCSFTIME = 0x134 + SYS_SWPRINTF = 0x135 + SYS_VSWPRINT = 0x136 + SYS_VSWPRINTF = 0x136 + SYS_SWSCANF = 0x137 + SYS_REGCOMP = 0x138 + SYS_REGEXEC = 0x139 + SYS_GETWC = 0x140 + SYS_GETWCHAR = 0x141 + SYS_PUTWC = 0x142 + SYS_PUTWCHAR = 0x143 + SYS_UNGETWC = 0x144 + SYS_ICONV_OPEN = 0x145 + SYS_ICONV = 0x146 + SYS_ICONV_CLOSE = 0x147 + SYS_COLLRANGE = 0x150 + SYS_CCLASS = 0x151 + SYS_COLLORDER = 0x152 + SYS___DEMANGLE = 0x154 + SYS_FDOPEN = 0x155 + SYS___ERRNO = 0x156 + SYS___ERRNO2 = 0x157 + SYS___TERROR = 0x158 + SYS_MAXCOLL = 0x169 + SYS_DLLLOAD = 0x170 + SYS__EXIT = 0x174 + SYS_ACCESS = 0x175 + SYS_ALARM = 0x176 + SYS_CFGETISPEED = 0x177 + SYS_CFGETOSPEED = 0x178 + SYS_CFSETISPEED = 0x179 + SYS_CREAT = 0x180 + SYS_CTERMID = 0x181 + SYS_DUP = 0x182 + SYS_DUP2 = 0x183 + SYS_EXECL = 0x184 + SYS_EXECLE = 0x185 + SYS_EXECLP = 0x186 + SYS_EXECV = 0x187 + SYS_EXECVE = 0x188 + SYS_EXECVP = 0x189 + SYS_FSTAT = 0x190 + SYS_FSYNC = 0x191 + SYS_FTRUNCATE = 0x192 + SYS_GETCWD = 0x193 + SYS_GETEGID = 0x194 + SYS_GETEUID = 0x195 + SYS_GETGID = 0x196 + SYS_GETGRGID = 0x197 + SYS_GETGRNAM = 0x198 + SYS_GETGROUPS = 0x199 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_DESTROY = 0x200 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_SETKIND_NP = 0x201 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_GETKIND_NP = 0x202 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT = 0x203 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEX_DESTROY = 0x204 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEX_LOCK = 0x205 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEX_TRYLOCK = 0x206 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEX_UNLOCK = 0x207 + SYS_PTHREAD_ONCE = 0x209 + SYS_TW_OPEN = 0x210 + SYS_TW_FCNTL = 0x211 + SYS_PTHREAD_JOIN_D4_NP = 0x212 + SYS_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_SETKIND_NP = 0x213 + SYS_PTHREAD_CONDATTR_GETKIND_NP = 0x214 + SYS_EXTLINK_NP = 0x215 + SYS___PASSWD = 0x216 + SYS_SETGROUPS = 0x217 + SYS_INITGROUPS = 0x218 + SYS_WCSRCHR = 0x240 + SYS_SVC99 = 0x241 + SYS___SVC99 = 0x241 + SYS_WCSWCS = 0x242 + SYS_LOCALECO = 0x243 + SYS_LOCALECONV = 0x243 + SYS___LIBREL = 0x244 + SYS_RELEASE = 0x245 + SYS___RLSE = 0x245 + SYS_FLOCATE = 0x246 + SYS___FLOCT = 0x246 + SYS_FDELREC = 0x247 + SYS___FDLREC = 0x247 + SYS_FETCH = 0x248 + SYS___FETCH = 0x248 + SYS_QSORT = 0x249 + SYS___CLEANUPCATCH = 0x260 + SYS___CATCHMATCH = 0x261 + SYS___CLEAN2UPCATCH = 0x262 + SYS_GETPRIORITY = 0x270 + SYS_NICE = 0x271 + SYS_SETPRIORITY = 0x272 + SYS_GETITIMER = 0x273 + SYS_SETITIMER = 0x274 + SYS_MSGCTL = 0x275 + SYS_MSGGET = 0x276 + SYS_MSGRCV = 0x277 + SYS_MSGSND = 0x278 + SYS_MSGXRCV = 0x279 + SYS___MSGXR = 0x279 + SYS_SHMGET = 0x280 + SYS___GETIPC = 0x281 + SYS_SETGRENT = 0x282 + SYS_GETGRENT = 0x283 + SYS_ENDGRENT = 0x284 + SYS_SETPWENT = 0x285 + SYS_GETPWENT = 0x286 + SYS_ENDPWENT = 0x287 + SYS_BSD_SIGNAL = 0x288 + SYS_KILLPG = 0x289 + SYS_SIGSET = 0x290 + SYS_SIGSTACK = 0x291 + SYS_GETRLIMIT = 0x292 + SYS_SETRLIMIT = 0x293 + SYS_GETRUSAGE = 0x294 + SYS_MMAP = 0x295 + SYS_MPROTECT = 0x296 + SYS_MSYNC = 0x297 + SYS_MUNMAP = 0x298 + SYS_CONFSTR = 0x299 + SYS___NDMTRM = 0x300 + SYS_FTOK = 0x301 + SYS_BASENAME = 0x302 + SYS_DIRNAME = 0x303 + SYS_GETDTABLESIZE = 0x304 + SYS_MKSTEMP = 0x305 + SYS_MKTEMP = 0x306 + SYS_NFTW = 0x307 + SYS_GETWD = 0x308 + SYS_LOCKF = 0x309 + SYS_WORDEXP = 0x310 + SYS_WORDFREE = 0x311 + SYS_GETPGID = 0x312 + SYS_GETSID = 0x313 + SYS___UTMPXNAME = 0x314 + SYS_CUSERID = 0x315 + SYS_GETPASS = 0x316 + SYS_FNMATCH = 0x317 + SYS_FTW = 0x318 + SYS_GETW = 0x319 + SYS_ACOSH = 0x320 + SYS_ASINH = 0x321 + SYS_ATANH = 0x322 + SYS_CBRT = 0x323 + SYS_EXPM1 = 0x324 + SYS_ILOGB = 0x325 + SYS_LOGB = 0x326 + SYS_LOG1P = 0x327 + SYS_NEXTAFTER = 0x328 + SYS_RINT = 0x329 + SYS_SPAWN = 0x330 + SYS_SPAWNP = 0x331 + SYS_GETLOGIN_UU = 0x332 + SYS_ECVT = 0x333 + SYS_FCVT = 0x334 + SYS_GCVT = 0x335 + SYS_ACCEPT = 0x336 + SYS_BIND = 0x337 + SYS_CONNECT = 0x338 + SYS_ENDHOSTENT = 0x339 + SYS_GETHOSTENT = 0x340 + SYS_GETHOSTID = 0x341 + SYS_GETHOSTNAME = 0x342 + SYS_GETNETBYADDR = 0x343 + SYS_GETNETBYNAME = 0x344 + SYS_GETNETENT = 0x345 + SYS_GETPEERNAME = 0x346 + SYS_GETPROTOBYNAME = 0x347 + SYS_GETPROTOBYNUMBER = 0x348 + SYS_GETPROTOENT = 0x349 + SYS_INET_LNAOF = 0x350 + SYS_INET_MAKEADDR = 0x351 + SYS_INET_NETOF = 0x352 + SYS_INET_NETWORK = 0x353 + SYS_INET_NTOA = 0x354 + SYS_IOCTL = 0x355 + SYS_LISTEN = 0x356 + SYS_READV = 0x357 + SYS_RECV = 0x358 + SYS_RECVFROM = 0x359 + SYS_SETHOSTENT = 0x360 + SYS_SETNETENT = 0x361 + SYS_SETPEER = 0x362 + SYS_SETPROTOENT = 0x363 + SYS_SETSERVENT = 0x364 + SYS_SETSOCKOPT = 0x365 + SYS_SHUTDOWN = 0x366 + SYS_SOCKET = 0x367 + SYS_SOCKETPAIR = 0x368 + SYS_WRITEV = 0x369 + SYS_ENDNETENT = 0x370 + SYS_CLOSELOG = 0x371 + SYS_OPENLOG = 0x372 + SYS_SETLOGMASK = 0x373 + SYS_SYSLOG = 0x374 + SYS_PTSNAME = 0x375 + SYS_SETREUID = 0x376 + SYS_SETREGID = 0x377 + SYS_REALPATH = 0x378 + SYS___SIGNGAM = 0x379 + SYS_POLL = 0x380 + SYS_REXEC = 0x381 + SYS___ISASCII2 = 0x382 + SYS___TOASCII2 = 0x383 + SYS_CHPRIORITY = 0x384 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_SETSYNCTYPE_NP = 0x385 + SYS_PTHREAD_ATTR_GETSYNCTYPE_NP = 0x386 + SYS_PTHREAD_SET_LIMIT_NP = 0x387 + SYS___STNETENT = 0x388 + SYS___STPROTOENT = 0x389 + SYS___SELECT1 = 0x390 + SYS_PTHREAD_SECURITY_NP = 0x391 + SYS___CHECK_RESOURCE_AUTH_NP = 0x392 + SYS___CONVERT_ID_NP = 0x393 + SYS___OPENVMREL = 0x394 + SYS_WMEMCHR = 0x395 + SYS_WMEMCMP = 0x396 + SYS_WMEMCPY = 0x397 + SYS_WMEMMOVE = 0x398 + SYS_WMEMSET = 0x399 + SYS___FPUTWC = 0x400 + SYS___PUTWC = 0x401 + SYS___PWCHAR = 0x402 + SYS___WCSFTM = 0x403 + SYS___WCSTOK = 0x404 + SYS___WCWDTH = 0x405 + SYS_T_ACCEPT = 0x409 + SYS_T_GETINFO = 0x410 + SYS_T_GETPROTADDR = 0x411 + SYS_T_GETSTATE = 0x412 + SYS_T_LISTEN = 0x413 + SYS_T_LOOK = 0x414 + SYS_T_OPEN = 0x415 + SYS_T_OPTMGMT = 0x416 + SYS_T_RCV = 0x417 + SYS_T_RCVCONNECT = 0x418 + SYS_T_RCVDIS = 0x419 + SYS_T_SNDUDATA = 0x420 + SYS_T_STRERROR = 0x421 + SYS_T_SYNC = 0x422 + SYS_T_UNBIND = 0x423 + SYS___T_ERRNO = 0x424 + SYS___RECVMSG2 = 0x425 + SYS___SENDMSG2 = 0x426 + SYS_FATTACH = 0x427 + SYS_FDETACH = 0x428 + SYS_GETMSG = 0x429 + SYS_GETCONTEXT = 0x430 + SYS_SETCONTEXT = 0x431 + SYS_MAKECONTEXT = 0x432 + SYS_SWAPCONTEXT = 0x433 + SYS_PTHREAD_GETSPECIFIC_D8_NP = 0x434 + SYS_GETCLIENTID = 0x470 + SYS___GETCLIENTID = 0x471 + SYS_GETSTABLESIZE = 0x472 + SYS_GETIBMOPT = 0x473 + SYS_GETIBMSOCKOPT = 0x474 + SYS_GIVESOCKET = 0x475 + SYS_IBMSFLUSH = 0x476 + SYS_MAXDESC = 0x477 + SYS_SETIBMOPT = 0x478 + SYS_SETIBMSOCKOPT = 0x479 + SYS___SERVER_PWU = 0x480 + SYS_PTHREAD_TAG_NP = 0x481 + SYS___CONSOLE = 0x482 + SYS___WSINIT = 0x483 + SYS___IPTCPN = 0x489 + SYS___SERVER_CLASSIFY = 0x490 + SYS___HEAPRPT = 0x496 + SYS___ISBFP = 0x500 + SYS___FP_CAST = 0x501 + SYS___CERTIFICATE = 0x502 + SYS_SEND_FILE = 0x503 + SYS_AIO_CANCEL = 0x504 + SYS_AIO_ERROR = 0x505 + SYS_AIO_READ = 0x506 + SYS_AIO_RETURN = 0x507 + SYS_AIO_SUSPEND = 0x508 + SYS_AIO_WRITE = 0x509 + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_TRYWRLOCK = 0x510 + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_UNLOCK = 0x511 + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCK_WRLOCK = 0x512 + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_GETPSHARED = 0x513 + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_SETPSHARED = 0x514 + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_INIT = 0x515 + SYS_PTHREAD_RWLOCKATTR_DESTROY = 0x516 + SYS___CTTBL = 0x517 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_SETTYPE = 0x518 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEXATTR_GETTYPE = 0x519 + SYS___FP_UNORDERED = 0x520 + SYS___FP_READ_RND = 0x521 + SYS___FP_READ_RND_B = 0x522 + SYS___FP_SWAP_RND = 0x523 + SYS___FP_SWAP_RND_B = 0x524 + SYS___FP_LEVEL = 0x525 + SYS___FP_BTOH = 0x526 + SYS___FP_HTOB = 0x527 + SYS___FPC_RD = 0x528 + SYS___FPC_WR = 0x529 + SYS_PTHREAD_SETCANCELTYPE = 0x600 + SYS_PTHREAD_TESTCANCEL = 0x601 + SYS___ATANF_B = 0x602 + SYS___ATANL_B = 0x603 + SYS___CEILF_B = 0x604 + SYS___CEILL_B = 0x605 + SYS___COSF_B = 0x606 + SYS___COSL_B = 0x607 + SYS___FABSF_B = 0x608 + SYS___FABSL_B = 0x609 + SYS___SINF_B = 0x610 + SYS___SINL_B = 0x611 + SYS___TANF_B = 0x612 + SYS___TANL_B = 0x613 + SYS___TANHF_B = 0x614 + SYS___TANHL_B = 0x615 + SYS___ACOSF_B = 0x616 + SYS___ACOSL_B = 0x617 + SYS___ASINF_B = 0x618 + SYS___ASINL_B = 0x619 + SYS___LOGF_B = 0x620 + SYS___LOGL_B = 0x621 + SYS___LOG10F_B = 0x622 + SYS___LOG10L_B = 0x623 + SYS___POWF_B = 0x624 + SYS___POWL_B = 0x625 + SYS___SINHF_B = 0x626 + SYS___SINHL_B = 0x627 + SYS___SQRTF_B = 0x628 + SYS___SQRTL_B = 0x629 + SYS___MODFL_B = 0x630 + SYS_ABSF = 0x631 + SYS_ABSL = 0x632 + SYS_ACOSF = 0x633 + SYS_ACOSL = 0x634 + SYS_ASINF = 0x635 + SYS_ASINL = 0x636 + SYS_ATAN2F = 0x637 + SYS_ATAN2L = 0x638 + SYS_ATANF = 0x639 + SYS_COSHL = 0x640 + SYS_EXPF = 0x641 + SYS_EXPL = 0x642 + SYS_TANHF = 0x643 + SYS_TANHL = 0x644 + SYS_LOG10F = 0x645 + SYS_LOG10L = 0x646 + SYS_LOGF = 0x647 + SYS_LOGL = 0x648 + SYS_POWF = 0x649 + SYS_SINHL = 0x650 + SYS_TANF = 0x651 + SYS_TANL = 0x652 + SYS_FABSF = 0x653 + SYS_FABSL = 0x654 + SYS_FLOORF = 0x655 + SYS_FLOORL = 0x656 + SYS_FMODF = 0x657 + SYS_FMODL = 0x658 + SYS_FREXPF = 0x659 + SYS___CHATTR = 0x660 + SYS___FCHATTR = 0x661 + SYS___TOCCSID = 0x662 + SYS___CSNAMETYPE = 0x663 + SYS___TOCSNAME = 0x664 + SYS___CCSIDTYPE = 0x665 + SYS___AE_CORRESTBL_QUERY = 0x666 + SYS___AE_AUTOCONVERT_STATE = 0x667 + SYS_DN_FIND = 0x668 + SYS___GETHOSTBYADDR_A = 0x669 + SYS___MBLEN_SB_A = 0x670 + SYS___MBLEN_STD_A = 0x671 + SYS___MBLEN_UTF = 0x672 + SYS___MBSTOWCS_A = 0x673 + SYS___MBSTOWCS_STD_A = 0x674 + SYS___MBTOWC_A = 0x675 + SYS___MBTOWC_ISO1 = 0x676 + SYS___MBTOWC_SBCS = 0x677 + SYS___MBTOWC_MBCS = 0x678 + SYS___MBTOWC_UTF = 0x679 + SYS___CSID_A = 0x680 + SYS___CSID_STD_A = 0x681 + SYS___WCSID_A = 0x682 + SYS___WCSID_STD_A = 0x683 + SYS___WCTOMB_A = 0x684 + SYS___WCTOMB_ISO1 = 0x685 + SYS___WCTOMB_STD_A = 0x686 + SYS___WCTOMB_UTF = 0x687 + SYS___WCWIDTH_A = 0x688 + SYS___GETGRNAM_R_A = 0x689 + SYS___READDIR_R_A = 0x690 + SYS___E2A_S = 0x691 + SYS___FNMATCH_A = 0x692 + SYS___FNMATCH_C_A = 0x693 + SYS___EXECL_A = 0x694 + SYS___FNMATCH_STD_A = 0x695 + SYS___REGCOMP_A = 0x696 + SYS___REGCOMP_STD_A = 0x697 + SYS___REGERROR_A = 0x698 + SYS___REGERROR_STD_A = 0x699 + SYS___SWPRINTF_A = 0x700 + SYS___FSCANF_A = 0x701 + SYS___SCANF_A = 0x702 + SYS___SSCANF_A = 0x703 + SYS___SWSCANF_A = 0x704 + SYS___ATOF_A = 0x705 + SYS___ATOI_A = 0x706 + SYS___ATOL_A = 0x707 + SYS___STRTOD_A = 0x708 + SYS___STRTOL_A = 0x709 + SYS___L64A_A = 0x710 + SYS___STRERROR_A = 0x711 + SYS___PERROR_A = 0x712 + SYS___FETCH_A = 0x713 + SYS___GETENV_A = 0x714 + SYS___MKSTEMP_A = 0x717 + SYS___PTSNAME_A = 0x718 + SYS___PUTENV_A = 0x719 + SYS___CHDIR_A = 0x720 + SYS___CHOWN_A = 0x721 + SYS___CHROOT_A = 0x722 + SYS___GETCWD_A = 0x723 + SYS___GETWD_A = 0x724 + SYS___LCHOWN_A = 0x725 + SYS___LINK_A = 0x726 + SYS___PATHCONF_A = 0x727 + SYS___IF_NAMEINDEX_A = 0x728 + SYS___READLINK_A = 0x729 + SYS___EXTLINK_NP_A = 0x730 + SYS___ISALNUM_A = 0x731 + SYS___ISALPHA_A = 0x732 + SYS___A2E_S = 0x733 + SYS___ISCNTRL_A = 0x734 + SYS___ISDIGIT_A = 0x735 + SYS___ISGRAPH_A = 0x736 + SYS___ISLOWER_A = 0x737 + SYS___ISPRINT_A = 0x738 + SYS___ISPUNCT_A = 0x739 + SYS___ISWALPHA_A = 0x740 + SYS___A2E_L = 0x741 + SYS___ISWCNTRL_A = 0x742 + SYS___ISWDIGIT_A = 0x743 + SYS___ISWGRAPH_A = 0x744 + SYS___ISWLOWER_A = 0x745 + SYS___ISWPRINT_A = 0x746 + SYS___ISWPUNCT_A = 0x747 + SYS___ISWSPACE_A = 0x748 + SYS___ISWUPPER_A = 0x749 + SYS___REMOVE_A = 0x750 + SYS___RENAME_A = 0x751 + SYS___TMPNAM_A = 0x752 + SYS___FOPEN_A = 0x753 + SYS___FREOPEN_A = 0x754 + SYS___CUSERID_A = 0x755 + SYS___POPEN_A = 0x756 + SYS___TEMPNAM_A = 0x757 + SYS___FTW_A = 0x758 + SYS___GETGRENT_A = 0x759 + SYS___INET_NTOP_A = 0x760 + SYS___GETPASS_A = 0x761 + SYS___GETPWENT_A = 0x762 + SYS___GETPWNAM_A = 0x763 + SYS___GETPWUID_A = 0x764 + SYS_____CHECK_RESOURCE_AUTH_NP_A = 0x765 + SYS___CHECKSCHENV_A = 0x766 + SYS___CONNECTSERVER_A = 0x767 + SYS___CONNECTWORKMGR_A = 0x768 + SYS_____CONSOLE_A = 0x769 + SYS___MSGSND_A = 0x770 + SYS___MSGXRCV_A = 0x771 + SYS___NFTW_A = 0x772 + SYS_____PASSWD_A = 0x773 + SYS___PTHREAD_SECURITY_NP_A = 0x774 + SYS___QUERYMETRICS_A = 0x775 + SYS___QUERYSCHENV = 0x776 + SYS___READV_A = 0x777 + SYS_____SERVER_CLASSIFY_A = 0x778 + SYS_____SERVER_INIT_A = 0x779 + SYS___W_GETPSENT_A = 0x780 + SYS___WRITEV_A = 0x781 + SYS___W_STATFS_A = 0x782 + SYS___W_STATVFS_A = 0x783 + SYS___FPUTC_A = 0x784 + SYS___PUTCHAR_A = 0x785 + SYS___PUTS_A = 0x786 + SYS___FGETS_A = 0x787 + SYS___GETS_A = 0x788 + SYS___FPUTS_A = 0x789 + SYS___PUTC_A = 0x790 + SYS___AE_THREAD_SETMODE = 0x791 + SYS___AE_THREAD_SWAPMODE = 0x792 + SYS___GETNETBYADDR_A = 0x793 + SYS___GETNETBYNAME_A = 0x794 + SYS___GETNETENT_A = 0x795 + SYS___GETPROTOBYNAME_A = 0x796 + SYS___GETPROTOBYNUMBER_A = 0x797 + SYS___GETPROTOENT_A = 0x798 + SYS___GETSERVBYNAME_A = 0x799 + SYS_ACL_FIRST_ENTRY = 0x800 + SYS_ACL_GET_ENTRY = 0x801 + SYS_ACL_VALID = 0x802 + SYS_ACL_CREATE_ENTRY = 0x803 + SYS_ACL_DELETE_ENTRY = 0x804 + SYS_ACL_UPDATE_ENTRY = 0x805 + SYS_ACL_DELETE_FD = 0x806 + SYS_ACL_DELETE_FILE = 0x807 + SYS_ACL_GET_FD = 0x808 + SYS_ACL_GET_FILE = 0x809 + SYS___ERFL_B = 0x810 + SYS___ERFCL_B = 0x811 + SYS___LGAMMAL_B = 0x812 + SYS___SETHOOKEVENTS = 0x813 + SYS_IF_NAMETOINDEX = 0x814 + SYS_IF_INDEXTONAME = 0x815 + SYS_IF_NAMEINDEX = 0x816 + SYS_IF_FREENAMEINDEX = 0x817 + SYS_GETADDRINFO = 0x818 + SYS_GETNAMEINFO = 0x819 + SYS___DYNFREE_A = 0x820 + SYS___RES_QUERY_A = 0x821 + SYS___RES_SEARCH_A = 0x822 + SYS___RES_QUERYDOMAIN_A = 0x823 + SYS___RES_MKQUERY_A = 0x824 + SYS___RES_SEND_A = 0x825 + SYS___DN_EXPAND_A = 0x826 + SYS___DN_SKIPNAME_A = 0x827 + SYS___DN_COMP_A = 0x828 + SYS___DN_FIND_A = 0x829 + SYS___INET_NTOA_A = 0x830 + SYS___INET_NETWORK_A = 0x831 + SYS___ACCEPT_A = 0x832 + SYS___ACCEPT_AND_RECV_A = 0x833 + SYS___BIND_A = 0x834 + SYS___CONNECT_A = 0x835 + SYS___GETPEERNAME_A = 0x836 + SYS___GETSOCKNAME_A = 0x837 + SYS___RECVFROM_A = 0x838 + SYS___SENDTO_A = 0x839 + SYS___LCHATTR = 0x840 + SYS___WRITEDOWN = 0x841 + SYS_PTHREAD_MUTEX_INIT2 = 0x842 + SYS___ACOSHF_B = 0x843 + SYS___ACOSHL_B = 0x844 + SYS___ASINHF_B = 0x845 + SYS___ASINHL_B = 0x846 + SYS___ATANHF_B = 0x847 + SYS___ATANHL_B = 0x848 + SYS___CBRTF_B = 0x849 + SYS___EXP2F_B = 0x850 + SYS___EXP2L_B = 0x851 + SYS___EXPM1F_B = 0x852 + SYS___EXPM1L_B = 0x853 + SYS___FDIMF_B = 0x854 + SYS___FDIM_B = 0x855 + SYS___FDIML_B = 0x856 + SYS___HYPOTF_B = 0x857 + SYS___HYPOTL_B = 0x858 + SYS___LOG1PF_B = 0x859 + SYS___REMQUOF_B = 0x860 + SYS___REMQUO_B = 0x861 + SYS___REMQUOL_B = 0x862 + SYS___TGAMMAF_B = 0x863 + SYS___TGAMMA_B = 0x864 + SYS___TGAMMAL_B = 0x865 + SYS___TRUNCF_B = 0x866 + SYS___TRUNC_B = 0x867 + SYS___TRUNCL_B = 0x868 + SYS___LGAMMAF_B = 0x869 + SYS_ASINHF = 0x870 + SYS_ASINHL = 0x871 + SYS_ATANHF = 0x872 + SYS_ATANHL = 0x873 + SYS_CBRTF = 0x874 + SYS_CBRTL = 0x875 + SYS_COPYSIGNF = 0x876 + SYS_CPYSIGNF = 0x876 + SYS_COPYSIGNL = 0x877 + SYS_CPYSIGNL = 0x877 + SYS_COTANF = 0x878 + SYS___COTANF = 0x878 + SYS_COTAN = 0x879 + SYS___COTAN = 0x879 + SYS_FDIM = 0x881 + SYS_FDIML = 0x882 + SYS_HYPOTF = 0x883 + SYS_HYPOTL = 0x884 + SYS_LOG1PF = 0x885 + SYS_LOG1PL = 0x886 + SYS_LOG2F = 0x887 + SYS_LOG2 = 0x888 + SYS_LOG2L = 0x889 + SYS_TGAMMA = 0x890 + SYS_TGAMMAL = 0x891 + SYS_TRUNCF = 0x892 + SYS_TRUNC = 0x893 + SYS_TRUNCL = 0x894 + SYS_LGAMMAF = 0x895 + SYS_LGAMMAL = 0x896 + SYS_LROUNDF = 0x897 + SYS_LROUND = 0x898 + SYS_ERFF = 0x899 + SYS___COSHF_H = 0x900 + SYS___COSHL_H = 0x901 + SYS___COTAN_H = 0x902 + SYS___COTANF_H = 0x903 + SYS___COTANL_H = 0x904 + SYS___ERF_H = 0x905 + SYS___ERFF_H = 0x906 + SYS___ERFL_H = 0x907 + SYS___ERFC_H = 0x908 + SYS___ERFCF_H = 0x909 + SYS___FDIMF_H = 0x910 + SYS___FDIML_H = 0x911 + SYS___FMOD_H = 0x912 + SYS___FMODF_H = 0x913 + SYS___FMODL_H = 0x914 + SYS___GAMMA_H = 0x915 + SYS___HYPOT_H = 0x916 + SYS___ILOGB_H = 0x917 + SYS___LGAMMA_H = 0x918 + SYS___LGAMMAF_H = 0x919 + SYS___LOG2L_H = 0x920 + SYS___LOG1P_H = 0x921 + SYS___LOG10_H = 0x922 + SYS___LOG10F_H = 0x923 + SYS___LOG10L_H = 0x924 + SYS___LROUND_H = 0x925 + SYS___LROUNDF_H = 0x926 + SYS___NEXTAFTER_H = 0x927 + SYS___POW_H = 0x928 + SYS___POWF_H = 0x929 + SYS___SINL_H = 0x930 + SYS___SINH_H = 0x931 + SYS___SINHF_H = 0x932 + SYS___SINHL_H = 0x933 + SYS___SQRT_H = 0x934 + SYS___SQRTF_H = 0x935 + SYS___SQRTL_H = 0x936 + SYS___TAN_H = 0x937 + SYS___TANF_H = 0x938 + SYS___TANL_H = 0x939 + SYS___TRUNCF_H = 0x940 + SYS___TRUNCL_H = 0x941 + SYS___COSH_H = 0x942 + SYS___LE_DEBUG_SET_RESUME_MCH = 0x943 + SYS_VFSCANF = 0x944 + SYS_VSCANF = 0x946 + SYS_VSSCANF = 0x948 + SYS_IMAXABS = 0x950 + SYS_IMAXDIV = 0x951 + SYS_STRTOIMAX = 0x952 + SYS_STRTOUMAX = 0x953 + SYS_WCSTOIMAX = 0x954 + SYS_WCSTOUMAX = 0x955 + SYS_ATOLL = 0x956 + SYS_STRTOF = 0x957 + SYS_STRTOLD = 0x958 + SYS_WCSTOF = 0x959 + SYS_INET6_RTH_GETADDR = 0x960 + SYS_INET6_OPT_INIT = 0x961 + SYS_INET6_OPT_APPEND = 0x962 + SYS_INET6_OPT_FINISH = 0x963 + SYS_INET6_OPT_SET_VAL = 0x964 + SYS_INET6_OPT_NEXT = 0x965 + SYS_INET6_OPT_FIND = 0x966 + SYS_INET6_OPT_GET_VAL = 0x967 + SYS___POW_I = 0x987 + SYS___POW_I_B = 0x988 + SYS___POW_I_H = 0x989 + SYS___CABS_H = 0x990 + SYS_CABSF = 0x991 + SYS___CABSF_B = 0x992 + SYS___CABSF_H = 0x993 + SYS_CABSL = 0x994 + SYS___CABSL_B = 0x995 + SYS___CABSL_H = 0x996 + SYS_CACOS = 0x997 + SYS___CACOS_B = 0x998 + SYS___CACOS_H = 0x999 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc.go index 295859c5..7a8161c1 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_aix.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc && aix // +build ppc,aix package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc64.go index a9ee0ffd..07ed733c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_aix_ppc64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_aix.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc64 && aix // +build ppc64,aix package unix diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_386.go deleted file mode 100644 index 725b4bee..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_386.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,516 +0,0 @@ -// cgo -godefs types_darwin.go | go run mkpost.go -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build 386,darwin - -package unix - -const ( - SizeofPtr = 0x4 - SizeofShort = 0x2 - SizeofInt = 0x4 - SizeofLong = 0x4 - SizeofLongLong = 0x8 -) - -type ( - _C_short int16 - _C_int int32 - _C_long int32 - _C_long_long int64 -) - -type Timespec struct { - Sec int32 - Nsec int32 -} - -type Timeval struct { - Sec int32 - Usec int32 -} - -type Timeval32 struct{} - -type Rusage struct { - Utime Timeval - Stime Timeval - Maxrss int32 - Ixrss int32 - Idrss int32 - Isrss int32 - Minflt int32 - Majflt int32 - Nswap int32 - Inblock int32 - Oublock int32 - Msgsnd int32 - Msgrcv int32 - Nsignals int32 - Nvcsw int32 - Nivcsw int32 -} - -type Rlimit struct { - Cur uint64 - Max uint64 -} - -type _Gid_t uint32 - -type Stat_t struct { - Dev int32 - Mode uint16 - Nlink uint16 - Ino uint64 - Uid uint32 - Gid uint32 - Rdev int32 - Atim Timespec - Mtim Timespec - Ctim Timespec - Btim Timespec - Size int64 - Blocks int64 - Blksize int32 - Flags uint32 - Gen uint32 - Lspare int32 - Qspare [2]int64 -} - -type Statfs_t struct { - Bsize uint32 - Iosize int32 - Blocks uint64 - Bfree uint64 - Bavail uint64 - Files uint64 - Ffree uint64 - Fsid Fsid - Owner uint32 - Type uint32 - Flags uint32 - Fssubtype uint32 - Fstypename [16]byte - Mntonname [1024]byte - Mntfromname [1024]byte - Reserved [8]uint32 -} - -type Flock_t struct { - Start int64 - Len int64 - Pid int32 - Type int16 - Whence int16 -} - -type Fstore_t struct { - Flags uint32 - Posmode int32 - Offset int64 - Length int64 - Bytesalloc int64 -} - -type Radvisory_t struct { - Offset int64 - Count int32 -} - -type Fbootstraptransfer_t struct { - Offset int64 - Length uint32 - Buffer *byte -} - -type Log2phys_t struct { - Flags uint32 - Contigbytes int64 - Devoffset int64 -} - -type Fsid struct { - Val [2]int32 -} - -type Dirent struct { - Ino uint64 - Seekoff uint64 - Reclen uint16 - Namlen uint16 - Type uint8 - Name [1024]int8 - _ [3]byte -} - -const ( - PathMax = 0x400 -) - -type RawSockaddrInet4 struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Port uint16 - Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ - Zero [8]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddrInet6 struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Port uint16 - Flowinfo uint32 - Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Scope_id uint32 -} - -type RawSockaddrUnix struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Path [104]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddrDatalink struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Index uint16 - Type uint8 - Nlen uint8 - Alen uint8 - Slen uint8 - Data [12]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddr struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Data [14]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddrAny struct { - Addr RawSockaddr - Pad [92]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddrCtl struct { - Sc_len uint8 - Sc_family uint8 - Ss_sysaddr uint16 - Sc_id uint32 - Sc_unit uint32 - Sc_reserved [5]uint32 -} - -type _Socklen uint32 - -type Linger struct { - Onoff int32 - Linger int32 -} - -type Iovec struct { - Base *byte - Len uint32 -} - -type IPMreq struct { - Multiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */ - Interface [4]byte /* in_addr */ -} - -type IPv6Mreq struct { - Multiaddr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Interface uint32 -} - -type Msghdr struct { - Name *byte - Namelen uint32 - Iov *Iovec - Iovlen int32 - Control *byte - Controllen uint32 - Flags int32 -} - -type Cmsghdr struct { - Len uint32 - Level int32 - Type int32 -} - -type Inet4Pktinfo struct { - Ifindex uint32 - Spec_dst [4]byte /* in_addr */ - Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ -} - -type Inet6Pktinfo struct { - Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Ifindex uint32 -} - -type IPv6MTUInfo struct { - Addr RawSockaddrInet6 - Mtu uint32 -} - -type ICMPv6Filter struct { - Filt [8]uint32 -} - -const ( - SizeofSockaddrInet4 = 0x10 - SizeofSockaddrInet6 = 0x1c - SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c - SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a - SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x14 - SizeofSockaddrCtl = 0x20 - SizeofLinger = 0x8 - SizeofIovec = 0x8 - SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 - SizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c - SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc - SizeofInet4Pktinfo = 0xc - SizeofInet6Pktinfo = 0x14 - SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = 0x20 - SizeofICMPv6Filter = 0x20 -) - -const ( - PTRACE_TRACEME = 0x0 - PTRACE_CONT = 0x7 - PTRACE_KILL = 0x8 -) - -type Kevent_t struct { - Ident uint32 - Filter int16 - Flags uint16 - Fflags uint32 - Data int32 - Udata *byte -} - -type FdSet struct { - Bits [32]int32 -} - -const ( - SizeofIfMsghdr = 0x70 - SizeofIfData = 0x60 - SizeofIfaMsghdr = 0x14 - SizeofIfmaMsghdr = 0x10 - SizeofIfmaMsghdr2 = 0x14 - SizeofRtMsghdr = 0x5c - SizeofRtMetrics = 0x38 -) - -type IfMsghdr struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Addrs int32 - Flags int32 - Index uint16 - Data IfData -} - -type IfData struct { - Type uint8 - Typelen uint8 - Physical uint8 - Addrlen uint8 - Hdrlen uint8 - Recvquota uint8 - Xmitquota uint8 - Unused1 uint8 - Mtu uint32 - Metric uint32 - Baudrate uint32 - Ipackets uint32 - Ierrors uint32 - Opackets uint32 - Oerrors uint32 - Collisions uint32 - Ibytes uint32 - Obytes uint32 - Imcasts uint32 - Omcasts uint32 - Iqdrops uint32 - Noproto uint32 - Recvtiming uint32 - Xmittiming uint32 - Lastchange Timeval - Unused2 uint32 - Hwassist uint32 - Reserved1 uint32 - Reserved2 uint32 -} - -type IfaMsghdr struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Addrs int32 - Flags int32 - Index uint16 - Metric int32 -} - -type IfmaMsghdr struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Addrs int32 - Flags int32 - Index uint16 - _ [2]byte -} - -type IfmaMsghdr2 struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Addrs int32 - Flags int32 - Index uint16 - Refcount int32 -} - -type RtMsghdr struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Index uint16 - Flags int32 - Addrs int32 - Pid int32 - Seq int32 - Errno int32 - Use int32 - Inits uint32 - Rmx RtMetrics -} - -type RtMetrics struct { - Locks uint32 - Mtu uint32 - Hopcount uint32 - Expire int32 - Recvpipe uint32 - Sendpipe uint32 - Ssthresh uint32 - Rtt uint32 - Rttvar uint32 - Pksent uint32 - State uint32 - Filler [3]uint32 -} - -const ( - SizeofBpfVersion = 0x4 - SizeofBpfStat = 0x8 - SizeofBpfProgram = 0x8 - SizeofBpfInsn = 0x8 - SizeofBpfHdr = 0x14 -) - -type BpfVersion struct { - Major uint16 - Minor uint16 -} - -type BpfStat struct { - Recv uint32 - Drop uint32 -} - -type BpfProgram struct { - Len uint32 - Insns *BpfInsn -} - -type BpfInsn struct { - Code uint16 - Jt uint8 - Jf uint8 - K uint32 -} - -type BpfHdr struct { - Tstamp Timeval - Caplen uint32 - Datalen uint32 - Hdrlen uint16 - _ [2]byte -} - -type Termios struct { - Iflag uint32 - Oflag uint32 - Cflag uint32 - Lflag uint32 - Cc [20]uint8 - Ispeed uint32 - Ospeed uint32 -} - -type Winsize struct { - Row uint16 - Col uint16 - Xpixel uint16 - Ypixel uint16 -} - -const ( - AT_FDCWD = -0x2 - AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x80 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x40 - AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x20 -) - -type PollFd struct { - Fd int32 - Events int16 - Revents int16 -} - -const ( - POLLERR = 0x8 - POLLHUP = 0x10 - POLLIN = 0x1 - POLLNVAL = 0x20 - POLLOUT = 0x4 - POLLPRI = 0x2 - POLLRDBAND = 0x80 - POLLRDNORM = 0x40 - POLLWRBAND = 0x100 - POLLWRNORM = 0x4 -) - -type Utsname struct { - Sysname [256]byte - Nodename [256]byte - Release [256]byte - Version [256]byte - Machine [256]byte -} - -const SizeofClockinfo = 0x14 - -type Clockinfo struct { - Hz int32 - Tick int32 - Tickadj int32 - Stathz int32 - Profhz int32 -} - -type CtlInfo struct { - Id uint32 - Name [96]byte -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go index 080ffce3..885842c0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_darwin.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && darwin // +build amd64,darwin package unix @@ -208,8 +209,101 @@ type RawSockaddrCtl struct { Sc_reserved [5]uint32 } +type RawSockaddrVM struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Reserved1 uint16 + Port uint32 + Cid uint32 +} + +type XVSockPCB struct { + Xv_len uint32 + Xv_vsockpp uint64 + Xvp_local_cid uint32 + Xvp_local_port uint32 + Xvp_remote_cid uint32 + Xvp_remote_port uint32 + Xvp_rxcnt uint32 + Xvp_txcnt uint32 + Xvp_peer_rxhiwat uint32 + Xvp_peer_rxcnt uint32 + Xvp_last_pid int32 + Xvp_gencnt uint64 + Xv_socket XSocket + _ [4]byte +} + +type XSocket struct { + Xso_len uint32 + Xso_so uint32 + So_type int16 + So_options int16 + So_linger int16 + So_state int16 + So_pcb uint32 + Xso_protocol int32 + Xso_family int32 + So_qlen int16 + So_incqlen int16 + So_qlimit int16 + So_timeo int16 + So_error uint16 + So_pgid int32 + So_oobmark uint32 + So_rcv XSockbuf + So_snd XSockbuf + So_uid uint32 +} + +type XSocket64 struct { + Xso_len uint32 + _ [8]byte + So_type int16 + So_options int16 + So_linger int16 + So_state int16 + _ [8]byte + Xso_protocol int32 + Xso_family int32 + So_qlen int16 + So_incqlen int16 + So_qlimit int16 + So_timeo int16 + So_error uint16 + So_pgid int32 + So_oobmark uint32 + So_rcv XSockbuf + So_snd XSockbuf + So_uid uint32 +} + +type XSockbuf struct { + Cc uint32 + Hiwat uint32 + Mbcnt uint32 + Mbmax uint32 + Lowat int32 + Flags int16 + Timeo int16 +} + +type XVSockPgen struct { + Len uint32 + Count uint64 + Gen uint64 + Sogen uint64 +} + type _Socklen uint32 +type Xucred struct { + Version uint32 + Uid uint32 + Ngroups int16 + Groups [16]uint32 +} + type Linger struct { Onoff int32 Linger int32 @@ -225,6 +319,12 @@ type IPMreq struct { Interface [4]byte /* in_addr */ } +type IPMreqn struct { + Multiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + Address [4]byte /* in_addr */ + Ifindex int32 +} + type IPv6Mreq struct { Multiaddr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ Interface uint32 @@ -273,9 +373,16 @@ const ( SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x14 SizeofSockaddrCtl = 0x20 + SizeofSockaddrVM = 0xc + SizeofXvsockpcb = 0xa8 + SizeofXSocket = 0x64 + SizeofXSockbuf = 0x18 + SizeofXVSockPgen = 0x20 + SizeofXucred = 0x4c SizeofLinger = 0x8 SizeofIovec = 0x10 SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 + SizeofIPMreqn = 0xc SizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 SizeofMsghdr = 0x30 SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc @@ -519,3 +626,143 @@ type CtlInfo struct { Id uint32 Name [96]byte } + +const SizeofKinfoProc = 0x288 + +type Eproc struct { + Paddr uintptr + Sess uintptr + Pcred Pcred + Ucred Ucred + Vm Vmspace + Ppid int32 + Pgid int32 + Jobc int16 + Tdev int32 + Tpgid int32 + Tsess uintptr + Wmesg [8]byte + Xsize int32 + Xrssize int16 + Xccount int16 + Xswrss int16 + Flag int32 + Login [12]byte + Spare [4]int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type ExternProc struct { + P_starttime Timeval + P_vmspace *Vmspace + P_sigacts uintptr + P_flag int32 + P_stat int8 + P_pid int32 + P_oppid int32 + P_dupfd int32 + User_stack *int8 + Exit_thread *byte + P_debugger int32 + Sigwait int32 + P_estcpu uint32 + P_cpticks int32 + P_pctcpu uint32 + P_wchan *byte + P_wmesg *int8 + P_swtime uint32 + P_slptime uint32 + P_realtimer Itimerval + P_rtime Timeval + P_uticks uint64 + P_sticks uint64 + P_iticks uint64 + P_traceflag int32 + P_tracep uintptr + P_siglist int32 + P_textvp uintptr + P_holdcnt int32 + P_sigmask uint32 + P_sigignore uint32 + P_sigcatch uint32 + P_priority uint8 + P_usrpri uint8 + P_nice int8 + P_comm [17]byte + P_pgrp uintptr + P_addr uintptr + P_xstat uint16 + P_acflag uint16 + P_ru *Rusage +} + +type Itimerval struct { + Interval Timeval + Value Timeval +} + +type KinfoProc struct { + Proc ExternProc + Eproc Eproc +} + +type Vmspace struct { + Dummy int32 + Dummy2 *int8 + Dummy3 [5]int32 + Dummy4 [3]*int8 +} + +type Pcred struct { + Pc_lock [72]int8 + Pc_ucred uintptr + P_ruid uint32 + P_svuid uint32 + P_rgid uint32 + P_svgid uint32 + P_refcnt int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type Ucred struct { + Ref int32 + Uid uint32 + Ngroups int16 + Groups [16]uint32 +} + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint16 + _ uint16 + _ int32 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint64 + Lpid int32 + Cpid int32 + Nattch uint16 + _ [34]byte +} + +const ( + IPC_CREAT = 0x200 + IPC_EXCL = 0x400 + IPC_NOWAIT = 0x800 + IPC_PRIVATE = 0x0 +) + +const ( + IPC_RMID = 0x0 + IPC_SET = 0x1 + IPC_STAT = 0x2 +) + +const ( + SHM_RDONLY = 0x1000 + SHM_RND = 0x2000 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm.go deleted file mode 100644 index f2a77bc4..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,516 +0,0 @@ -// cgo -godefs types_darwin.go | go run mkpost.go -// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. - -// +build arm,darwin - -package unix - -const ( - SizeofPtr = 0x4 - SizeofShort = 0x2 - SizeofInt = 0x4 - SizeofLong = 0x4 - SizeofLongLong = 0x8 -) - -type ( - _C_short int16 - _C_int int32 - _C_long int32 - _C_long_long int64 -) - -type Timespec struct { - Sec int32 - Nsec int32 -} - -type Timeval struct { - Sec int32 - Usec int32 -} - -type Timeval32 struct{} - -type Rusage struct { - Utime Timeval - Stime Timeval - Maxrss int32 - Ixrss int32 - Idrss int32 - Isrss int32 - Minflt int32 - Majflt int32 - Nswap int32 - Inblock int32 - Oublock int32 - Msgsnd int32 - Msgrcv int32 - Nsignals int32 - Nvcsw int32 - Nivcsw int32 -} - -type Rlimit struct { - Cur uint64 - Max uint64 -} - -type _Gid_t uint32 - -type Stat_t struct { - Dev int32 - Mode uint16 - Nlink uint16 - Ino uint64 - Uid uint32 - Gid uint32 - Rdev int32 - Atim Timespec - Mtim Timespec - Ctim Timespec - Btim Timespec - Size int64 - Blocks int64 - Blksize int32 - Flags uint32 - Gen uint32 - Lspare int32 - Qspare [2]int64 -} - -type Statfs_t struct { - Bsize uint32 - Iosize int32 - Blocks uint64 - Bfree uint64 - Bavail uint64 - Files uint64 - Ffree uint64 - Fsid Fsid - Owner uint32 - Type uint32 - Flags uint32 - Fssubtype uint32 - Fstypename [16]byte - Mntonname [1024]byte - Mntfromname [1024]byte - Reserved [8]uint32 -} - -type Flock_t struct { - Start int64 - Len int64 - Pid int32 - Type int16 - Whence int16 -} - -type Fstore_t struct { - Flags uint32 - Posmode int32 - Offset int64 - Length int64 - Bytesalloc int64 -} - -type Radvisory_t struct { - Offset int64 - Count int32 -} - -type Fbootstraptransfer_t struct { - Offset int64 - Length uint32 - Buffer *byte -} - -type Log2phys_t struct { - Flags uint32 - Contigbytes int64 - Devoffset int64 -} - -type Fsid struct { - Val [2]int32 -} - -type Dirent struct { - Ino uint64 - Seekoff uint64 - Reclen uint16 - Namlen uint16 - Type uint8 - Name [1024]int8 - _ [3]byte -} - -const ( - PathMax = 0x400 -) - -type RawSockaddrInet4 struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Port uint16 - Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ - Zero [8]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddrInet6 struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Port uint16 - Flowinfo uint32 - Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Scope_id uint32 -} - -type RawSockaddrUnix struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Path [104]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddrDatalink struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Index uint16 - Type uint8 - Nlen uint8 - Alen uint8 - Slen uint8 - Data [12]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddr struct { - Len uint8 - Family uint8 - Data [14]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddrAny struct { - Addr RawSockaddr - Pad [92]int8 -} - -type RawSockaddrCtl struct { - Sc_len uint8 - Sc_family uint8 - Ss_sysaddr uint16 - Sc_id uint32 - Sc_unit uint32 - Sc_reserved [5]uint32 -} - -type _Socklen uint32 - -type Linger struct { - Onoff int32 - Linger int32 -} - -type Iovec struct { - Base *byte - Len uint32 -} - -type IPMreq struct { - Multiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */ - Interface [4]byte /* in_addr */ -} - -type IPv6Mreq struct { - Multiaddr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Interface uint32 -} - -type Msghdr struct { - Name *byte - Namelen uint32 - Iov *Iovec - Iovlen int32 - Control *byte - Controllen uint32 - Flags int32 -} - -type Cmsghdr struct { - Len uint32 - Level int32 - Type int32 -} - -type Inet4Pktinfo struct { - Ifindex uint32 - Spec_dst [4]byte /* in_addr */ - Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ -} - -type Inet6Pktinfo struct { - Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ - Ifindex uint32 -} - -type IPv6MTUInfo struct { - Addr RawSockaddrInet6 - Mtu uint32 -} - -type ICMPv6Filter struct { - Filt [8]uint32 -} - -const ( - SizeofSockaddrInet4 = 0x10 - SizeofSockaddrInet6 = 0x1c - SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c - SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a - SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x14 - SizeofSockaddrCtl = 0x20 - SizeofLinger = 0x8 - SizeofIovec = 0x8 - SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 - SizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c - SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc - SizeofInet4Pktinfo = 0xc - SizeofInet6Pktinfo = 0x14 - SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = 0x20 - SizeofICMPv6Filter = 0x20 -) - -const ( - PTRACE_TRACEME = 0x0 - PTRACE_CONT = 0x7 - PTRACE_KILL = 0x8 -) - -type Kevent_t struct { - Ident uint32 - Filter int16 - Flags uint16 - Fflags uint32 - Data int32 - Udata *byte -} - -type FdSet struct { - Bits [32]int32 -} - -const ( - SizeofIfMsghdr = 0x70 - SizeofIfData = 0x60 - SizeofIfaMsghdr = 0x14 - SizeofIfmaMsghdr = 0x10 - SizeofIfmaMsghdr2 = 0x14 - SizeofRtMsghdr = 0x5c - SizeofRtMetrics = 0x38 -) - -type IfMsghdr struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Addrs int32 - Flags int32 - Index uint16 - Data IfData -} - -type IfData struct { - Type uint8 - Typelen uint8 - Physical uint8 - Addrlen uint8 - Hdrlen uint8 - Recvquota uint8 - Xmitquota uint8 - Unused1 uint8 - Mtu uint32 - Metric uint32 - Baudrate uint32 - Ipackets uint32 - Ierrors uint32 - Opackets uint32 - Oerrors uint32 - Collisions uint32 - Ibytes uint32 - Obytes uint32 - Imcasts uint32 - Omcasts uint32 - Iqdrops uint32 - Noproto uint32 - Recvtiming uint32 - Xmittiming uint32 - Lastchange Timeval - Unused2 uint32 - Hwassist uint32 - Reserved1 uint32 - Reserved2 uint32 -} - -type IfaMsghdr struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Addrs int32 - Flags int32 - Index uint16 - Metric int32 -} - -type IfmaMsghdr struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Addrs int32 - Flags int32 - Index uint16 - _ [2]byte -} - -type IfmaMsghdr2 struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Addrs int32 - Flags int32 - Index uint16 - Refcount int32 -} - -type RtMsghdr struct { - Msglen uint16 - Version uint8 - Type uint8 - Index uint16 - Flags int32 - Addrs int32 - Pid int32 - Seq int32 - Errno int32 - Use int32 - Inits uint32 - Rmx RtMetrics -} - -type RtMetrics struct { - Locks uint32 - Mtu uint32 - Hopcount uint32 - Expire int32 - Recvpipe uint32 - Sendpipe uint32 - Ssthresh uint32 - Rtt uint32 - Rttvar uint32 - Pksent uint32 - State uint32 - Filler [3]uint32 -} - -const ( - SizeofBpfVersion = 0x4 - SizeofBpfStat = 0x8 - SizeofBpfProgram = 0x8 - SizeofBpfInsn = 0x8 - SizeofBpfHdr = 0x14 -) - -type BpfVersion struct { - Major uint16 - Minor uint16 -} - -type BpfStat struct { - Recv uint32 - Drop uint32 -} - -type BpfProgram struct { - Len uint32 - Insns *BpfInsn -} - -type BpfInsn struct { - Code uint16 - Jt uint8 - Jf uint8 - K uint32 -} - -type BpfHdr struct { - Tstamp Timeval - Caplen uint32 - Datalen uint32 - Hdrlen uint16 - _ [2]byte -} - -type Termios struct { - Iflag uint32 - Oflag uint32 - Cflag uint32 - Lflag uint32 - Cc [20]uint8 - Ispeed uint32 - Ospeed uint32 -} - -type Winsize struct { - Row uint16 - Col uint16 - Xpixel uint16 - Ypixel uint16 -} - -const ( - AT_FDCWD = -0x2 - AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x80 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x40 - AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x20 -) - -type PollFd struct { - Fd int32 - Events int16 - Revents int16 -} - -const ( - POLLERR = 0x8 - POLLHUP = 0x10 - POLLIN = 0x1 - POLLNVAL = 0x20 - POLLOUT = 0x4 - POLLPRI = 0x2 - POLLRDBAND = 0x80 - POLLRDNORM = 0x40 - POLLWRBAND = 0x100 - POLLWRNORM = 0x4 -) - -type Utsname struct { - Sysname [256]byte - Nodename [256]byte - Release [256]byte - Version [256]byte - Machine [256]byte -} - -const SizeofClockinfo = 0x14 - -type Clockinfo struct { - Hz int32 - Tick int32 - Tickadj int32 - Stathz int32 - Profhz int32 -} - -type CtlInfo struct { - Id uint32 - Name [96]byte -} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go index c9492428..b23c0233 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_darwin_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_darwin.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && darwin // +build arm64,darwin package unix @@ -208,8 +209,101 @@ type RawSockaddrCtl struct { Sc_reserved [5]uint32 } +type RawSockaddrVM struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Reserved1 uint16 + Port uint32 + Cid uint32 +} + +type XVSockPCB struct { + Xv_len uint32 + Xv_vsockpp uint64 + Xvp_local_cid uint32 + Xvp_local_port uint32 + Xvp_remote_cid uint32 + Xvp_remote_port uint32 + Xvp_rxcnt uint32 + Xvp_txcnt uint32 + Xvp_peer_rxhiwat uint32 + Xvp_peer_rxcnt uint32 + Xvp_last_pid int32 + Xvp_gencnt uint64 + Xv_socket XSocket + _ [4]byte +} + +type XSocket struct { + Xso_len uint32 + Xso_so uint32 + So_type int16 + So_options int16 + So_linger int16 + So_state int16 + So_pcb uint32 + Xso_protocol int32 + Xso_family int32 + So_qlen int16 + So_incqlen int16 + So_qlimit int16 + So_timeo int16 + So_error uint16 + So_pgid int32 + So_oobmark uint32 + So_rcv XSockbuf + So_snd XSockbuf + So_uid uint32 +} + +type XSocket64 struct { + Xso_len uint32 + _ [8]byte + So_type int16 + So_options int16 + So_linger int16 + So_state int16 + _ [8]byte + Xso_protocol int32 + Xso_family int32 + So_qlen int16 + So_incqlen int16 + So_qlimit int16 + So_timeo int16 + So_error uint16 + So_pgid int32 + So_oobmark uint32 + So_rcv XSockbuf + So_snd XSockbuf + So_uid uint32 +} + +type XSockbuf struct { + Cc uint32 + Hiwat uint32 + Mbcnt uint32 + Mbmax uint32 + Lowat int32 + Flags int16 + Timeo int16 +} + +type XVSockPgen struct { + Len uint32 + Count uint64 + Gen uint64 + Sogen uint64 +} + type _Socklen uint32 +type Xucred struct { + Version uint32 + Uid uint32 + Ngroups int16 + Groups [16]uint32 +} + type Linger struct { Onoff int32 Linger int32 @@ -225,6 +319,12 @@ type IPMreq struct { Interface [4]byte /* in_addr */ } +type IPMreqn struct { + Multiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + Address [4]byte /* in_addr */ + Ifindex int32 +} + type IPv6Mreq struct { Multiaddr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ Interface uint32 @@ -273,9 +373,16 @@ const ( SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x14 SizeofSockaddrCtl = 0x20 + SizeofSockaddrVM = 0xc + SizeofXvsockpcb = 0xa8 + SizeofXSocket = 0x64 + SizeofXSockbuf = 0x18 + SizeofXVSockPgen = 0x20 + SizeofXucred = 0x4c SizeofLinger = 0x8 SizeofIovec = 0x10 SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 + SizeofIPMreqn = 0xc SizeofIPv6Mreq = 0x14 SizeofMsghdr = 0x30 SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc @@ -519,3 +626,143 @@ type CtlInfo struct { Id uint32 Name [96]byte } + +const SizeofKinfoProc = 0x288 + +type Eproc struct { + Paddr uintptr + Sess uintptr + Pcred Pcred + Ucred Ucred + Vm Vmspace + Ppid int32 + Pgid int32 + Jobc int16 + Tdev int32 + Tpgid int32 + Tsess uintptr + Wmesg [8]byte + Xsize int32 + Xrssize int16 + Xccount int16 + Xswrss int16 + Flag int32 + Login [12]byte + Spare [4]int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type ExternProc struct { + P_starttime Timeval + P_vmspace *Vmspace + P_sigacts uintptr + P_flag int32 + P_stat int8 + P_pid int32 + P_oppid int32 + P_dupfd int32 + User_stack *int8 + Exit_thread *byte + P_debugger int32 + Sigwait int32 + P_estcpu uint32 + P_cpticks int32 + P_pctcpu uint32 + P_wchan *byte + P_wmesg *int8 + P_swtime uint32 + P_slptime uint32 + P_realtimer Itimerval + P_rtime Timeval + P_uticks uint64 + P_sticks uint64 + P_iticks uint64 + P_traceflag int32 + P_tracep uintptr + P_siglist int32 + P_textvp uintptr + P_holdcnt int32 + P_sigmask uint32 + P_sigignore uint32 + P_sigcatch uint32 + P_priority uint8 + P_usrpri uint8 + P_nice int8 + P_comm [17]byte + P_pgrp uintptr + P_addr uintptr + P_xstat uint16 + P_acflag uint16 + P_ru *Rusage +} + +type Itimerval struct { + Interval Timeval + Value Timeval +} + +type KinfoProc struct { + Proc ExternProc + Eproc Eproc +} + +type Vmspace struct { + Dummy int32 + Dummy2 *int8 + Dummy3 [5]int32 + Dummy4 [3]*int8 +} + +type Pcred struct { + Pc_lock [72]int8 + Pc_ucred uintptr + P_ruid uint32 + P_svuid uint32 + P_rgid uint32 + P_svgid uint32 + P_refcnt int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type Ucred struct { + Ref int32 + Uid uint32 + Ngroups int16 + Groups [16]uint32 +} + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint16 + _ uint16 + _ int32 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint64 + Lpid int32 + Cpid int32 + Nattch uint16 + _ [34]byte +} + +const ( + IPC_CREAT = 0x200 + IPC_EXCL = 0x400 + IPC_NOWAIT = 0x800 + IPC_PRIVATE = 0x0 +) + +const ( + IPC_RMID = 0x0 + IPC_SET = 0x1 + IPC_STAT = 0x2 +) + +const ( + SHM_RDONLY = 0x1000 + SHM_RND = 0x2000 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go index 85506a05..d0ba8e9b 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_dragonfly_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_dragonfly.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && dragonfly // +build amd64,dragonfly package unix @@ -430,6 +431,9 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = 0xfffafdcd AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x1 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x2 + AT_EACCESS = 0x4 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x8 ) type PollFd struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_386.go index 3e9dad33..4eec078e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_freebsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && freebsd // +build 386,freebsd package unix @@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ type Timeval struct { Usec int32 } +type Time_t int32 + type Rusage struct { Utime Timeval Stime Timeval @@ -250,6 +253,14 @@ type RawSockaddrAny struct { type _Socklen uint32 +type Xucred struct { + Version uint32 + Uid uint32 + Ngroups int16 + Groups [16]uint32 + _ *byte +} + type Linger struct { Onoff int32 Linger int32 @@ -312,6 +323,7 @@ const ( SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x36 + SizeofXucred = 0x50 SizeofLinger = 0x8 SizeofIovec = 0x8 SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 @@ -662,9 +674,10 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_EACCESS = 0x100 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x200 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 ) type PollFd struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go index e00e6155..7622904a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_freebsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && freebsd // +build amd64,freebsd package unix @@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ type Timeval struct { Usec int64 } +type Time_t int64 + type Rusage struct { Utime Timeval Stime Timeval @@ -246,6 +249,14 @@ type RawSockaddrAny struct { type _Socklen uint32 +type Xucred struct { + Version uint32 + Uid uint32 + Ngroups int16 + Groups [16]uint32 + _ *byte +} + type Linger struct { Onoff int32 Linger int32 @@ -308,6 +319,7 @@ const ( SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x36 + SizeofXucred = 0x58 SizeofLinger = 0x8 SizeofIovec = 0x10 SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 @@ -665,9 +677,10 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_EACCESS = 0x100 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x200 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 ) type PollFd struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go index 5da13c87..19223ce8 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char types_freebsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && freebsd // +build arm,freebsd package unix @@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ type Timeval struct { _ [4]byte } +type Time_t int32 + type Rusage struct { Utime Timeval Stime Timeval @@ -248,6 +251,14 @@ type RawSockaddrAny struct { type _Socklen uint32 +type Xucred struct { + Version uint32 + Uid uint32 + Ngroups int16 + Groups [16]uint32 + _ *byte +} + type Linger struct { Onoff int32 Linger int32 @@ -310,6 +321,7 @@ const ( SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x36 + SizeofXucred = 0x50 SizeofLinger = 0x8 SizeofIovec = 0x8 SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 @@ -646,9 +658,10 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_EACCESS = 0x100 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x200 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 ) type PollFd struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go index 995ecf9d..8e3e33f6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_freebsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char types_freebsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && freebsd // +build arm64,freebsd package unix @@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ type Timeval struct { Usec int64 } +type Time_t int64 + type Rusage struct { Utime Timeval Stime Timeval @@ -246,6 +249,14 @@ type RawSockaddrAny struct { type _Socklen uint32 +type Xucred struct { + Version uint32 + Uid uint32 + Ngroups int16 + Groups [16]uint32 + _ *byte +} + type Linger struct { Onoff int32 Linger int32 @@ -308,6 +319,7 @@ const ( SizeofSockaddrAny = 0x6c SizeofSockaddrUnix = 0x6a SizeofSockaddrDatalink = 0x36 + SizeofXucred = 0x58 SizeofLinger = 0x8 SizeofIovec = 0x10 SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 @@ -643,9 +655,10 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_EACCESS = 0x100 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x200 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 ) type PollFd struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_illumos_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_illumos_amd64.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4c485261 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_illumos_amd64.go @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +// cgo -godefs types_illumos.go | go run mkpost.go +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build amd64 && illumos +// +build amd64,illumos + +package unix + +const ( + TUNNEWPPA = 0x540001 + TUNSETPPA = 0x540002 + + I_STR = 0x5308 + I_POP = 0x5303 + I_PUSH = 0x5302 + I_LINK = 0x530c + I_UNLINK = 0x530d + I_PLINK = 0x5316 + I_PUNLINK = 0x5317 + + IF_UNITSEL = -0x7ffb8cca +) + +type strbuf struct { + Maxlen int32 + Len int32 + Buf *int8 +} + +type Strioctl struct { + Cmd int32 + Timout int32 + Len int32 + Dp *int8 +} + +type Lifreq struct { + Name [32]int8 + Lifru1 [4]byte + Type uint32 + Lifru [336]byte +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go index 9f3b1a4e..e61891df 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux.go @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ -// Code generated by mkmerge.go; DO NOT EDIT. +// Code generated by mkmerge; DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build linux // +build linux package unix @@ -23,6 +24,11 @@ type ItimerSpec struct { Value Timespec } +type Itimerval struct { + Interval Timeval + Value Timeval +} + const ( TIME_OK = 0x0 TIME_INS = 0x1 @@ -83,7 +89,7 @@ type FileCloneRange struct { Dest_offset uint64 } -type FileDedupeRange struct { +type RawFileDedupeRange struct { Src_offset uint64 Src_length uint64 Dest_count uint16 @@ -91,6 +97,21 @@ type FileDedupeRange struct { Reserved2 uint32 } +type RawFileDedupeRangeInfo struct { + Dest_fd int64 + Dest_offset uint64 + Bytes_deduped uint64 + Status int32 + Reserved uint32 +} + +const ( + SizeofRawFileDedupeRange = 0x18 + SizeofRawFileDedupeRangeInfo = 0x20 + FILE_DEDUPE_RANGE_SAME = 0x0 + FILE_DEDUPE_RANGE_DIFFERS = 0x1 +) + type FscryptPolicy struct { Version uint8 Contents_encryption_mode uint8 @@ -288,7 +309,8 @@ type RawSockaddrVM struct { Reserved1 uint16 Port uint32 Cid uint32 - Zero [4]uint8 + Flags uint8 + Zero [3]uint8 } type RawSockaddrXDP struct { @@ -334,6 +356,13 @@ type RawSockaddrIUCV struct { Name [8]int8 } +type RawSockaddrNFC struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 +} + type _Socklen uint32 type Linger struct { @@ -428,6 +457,11 @@ type CanFilter struct { Mask uint32 } +type TCPRepairOpt struct { + Code uint32 + Val uint32 +} + const ( SizeofSockaddrInet4 = 0x10 SizeofSockaddrInet6 = 0x1c @@ -447,6 +481,7 @@ const ( SizeofSockaddrL2TPIP = 0x10 SizeofSockaddrL2TPIP6 = 0x20 SizeofSockaddrIUCV = 0x20 + SizeofSockaddrNFC = 0x10 SizeofLinger = 0x8 SizeofIPMreq = 0x8 SizeofIPMreqn = 0xc @@ -459,6 +494,7 @@ const ( SizeofUcred = 0xc SizeofTCPInfo = 0x68 SizeofCanFilter = 0x8 + SizeofTCPRepairOpt = 0x8 ) const ( @@ -656,6 +692,16 @@ type NdMsg struct { Type uint8 } +const ( + ICMP_FILTER = 0x1 + + ICMPV6_FILTER = 0x1 + ICMPV6_FILTER_BLOCK = 0x1 + ICMPV6_FILTER_BLOCKOTHERS = 0x3 + ICMPV6_FILTER_PASS = 0x2 + ICMPV6_FILTER_PASSONLY = 0x4 +) + const ( SizeofSockFilter = 0x8 ) @@ -702,10 +748,14 @@ const ( AT_STATX_FORCE_SYNC = 0x2000 AT_STATX_DONT_SYNC = 0x4000 + AT_RECURSIVE = 0x8000 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x100 AT_EACCESS = 0x200 + + OPEN_TREE_CLONE = 0x1 ) type OpenHow struct { @@ -824,6 +874,7 @@ const ( CTRL_CMD_NEWMCAST_GRP = 0x7 CTRL_CMD_DELMCAST_GRP = 0x8 CTRL_CMD_GETMCAST_GRP = 0x9 + CTRL_CMD_GETPOLICY = 0xa CTRL_ATTR_UNSPEC = 0x0 CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_ID = 0x1 CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME = 0x2 @@ -832,12 +883,19 @@ const ( CTRL_ATTR_MAXATTR = 0x5 CTRL_ATTR_OPS = 0x6 CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GROUPS = 0x7 + CTRL_ATTR_POLICY = 0x8 + CTRL_ATTR_OP_POLICY = 0x9 + CTRL_ATTR_OP = 0xa CTRL_ATTR_OP_UNSPEC = 0x0 CTRL_ATTR_OP_ID = 0x1 CTRL_ATTR_OP_FLAGS = 0x2 CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GRP_UNSPEC = 0x0 CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GRP_NAME = 0x1 CTRL_ATTR_MCAST_GRP_ID = 0x2 + CTRL_ATTR_POLICY_UNSPEC = 0x0 + CTRL_ATTR_POLICY_DO = 0x1 + CTRL_ATTR_POLICY_DUMP = 0x2 + CTRL_ATTR_POLICY_DUMP_MAX = 0x2 ) const ( @@ -976,7 +1034,7 @@ const ( PERF_COUNT_SW_EMULATION_FAULTS = 0x8 PERF_COUNT_SW_DUMMY = 0x9 PERF_COUNT_SW_BPF_OUTPUT = 0xa - PERF_COUNT_SW_MAX = 0xb + PERF_COUNT_SW_MAX = 0xc PERF_SAMPLE_IP = 0x1 PERF_SAMPLE_TID = 0x2 PERF_SAMPLE_TIME = 0x4 @@ -999,7 +1057,10 @@ const ( PERF_SAMPLE_PHYS_ADDR = 0x80000 PERF_SAMPLE_AUX = 0x100000 PERF_SAMPLE_CGROUP = 0x200000 - PERF_SAMPLE_MAX = 0x400000 + PERF_SAMPLE_DATA_PAGE_SIZE = 0x400000 + PERF_SAMPLE_CODE_PAGE_SIZE = 0x800000 + PERF_SAMPLE_WEIGHT_STRUCT = 0x1000000 + PERF_SAMPLE_MAX = 0x2000000 PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_USER_SHIFT = 0x0 PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_KERNEL_SHIFT = 0x1 PERF_SAMPLE_BRANCH_HV_SHIFT = 0x2 @@ -1090,7 +1151,8 @@ const ( PERF_RECORD_BPF_EVENT = 0x12 PERF_RECORD_CGROUP = 0x13 PERF_RECORD_TEXT_POKE = 0x14 - PERF_RECORD_MAX = 0x15 + PERF_RECORD_AUX_OUTPUT_HW_ID = 0x15 + PERF_RECORD_MAX = 0x16 PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x0 PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL_TYPE_BPF = 0x1 PERF_RECORD_KSYMBOL_TYPE_OOL = 0x2 @@ -1730,7 +1792,8 @@ const ( const ( NF_NETDEV_INGRESS = 0x0 - NF_NETDEV_NUMHOOKS = 0x1 + NF_NETDEV_EGRESS = 0x1 + NF_NETDEV_NUMHOOKS = 0x2 ) const ( @@ -1745,6 +1808,8 @@ const ( NFPROTO_NUMPROTO = 0xd ) +const SO_ORIGINAL_DST = 0x50 + type Nfgenmsg struct { Nfgen_family uint8 Version uint8 @@ -2310,8 +2375,8 @@ const ( SOF_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_PKTINFO = 0x2000 SOF_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_TX_SWHW = 0x4000 - SOF_TIMESTAMPING_LAST = 0x4000 - SOF_TIMESTAMPING_MASK = 0x7fff + SOF_TIMESTAMPING_LAST = 0x8000 + SOF_TIMESTAMPING_MASK = 0xffff SCM_TSTAMP_SND = 0x0 SCM_TSTAMP_SCHED = 0x1 @@ -2887,7 +2952,7 @@ const ( DEVLINK_CMD_TRAP_POLICER_NEW = 0x47 DEVLINK_CMD_TRAP_POLICER_DEL = 0x48 DEVLINK_CMD_HEALTH_REPORTER_TEST = 0x49 - DEVLINK_CMD_MAX = 0x49 + DEVLINK_CMD_MAX = 0x4d DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_NOTSET = 0x0 DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_AUTO = 0x1 DEVLINK_PORT_TYPE_ETH = 0x2 @@ -3109,7 +3174,14 @@ const ( DEVLINK_ATTR_REMOTE_RELOAD_STATS = 0xa1 DEVLINK_ATTR_RELOAD_ACTION_INFO = 0xa2 DEVLINK_ATTR_RELOAD_ACTION_STATS = 0xa3 - DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX = 0xa3 + DEVLINK_ATTR_PORT_PCI_SF_NUMBER = 0xa4 + DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_TYPE = 0xa5 + DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_TX_SHARE = 0xa6 + DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_TX_MAX = 0xa7 + DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_NODE_NAME = 0xa8 + DEVLINK_ATTR_RATE_PARENT_NODE_NAME = 0xa9 + DEVLINK_ATTR_REGION_MAX_SNAPSHOTS = 0xaa + DEVLINK_ATTR_MAX = 0xaa DEVLINK_DPIPE_FIELD_MAPPING_TYPE_NONE = 0x0 DEVLINK_DPIPE_FIELD_MAPPING_TYPE_IFINDEX = 0x1 DEVLINK_DPIPE_MATCH_TYPE_FIELD_EXACT = 0x0 @@ -3123,7 +3195,9 @@ const ( DEVLINK_RESOURCE_UNIT_ENTRY = 0x0 DEVLINK_PORT_FUNCTION_ATTR_UNSPEC = 0x0 DEVLINK_PORT_FUNCTION_ATTR_HW_ADDR = 0x1 - DEVLINK_PORT_FUNCTION_ATTR_MAX = 0x1 + DEVLINK_PORT_FN_ATTR_STATE = 0x2 + DEVLINK_PORT_FN_ATTR_OPSTATE = 0x3 + DEVLINK_PORT_FUNCTION_ATTR_MAX = 0x3 ) type FsverityDigest struct { @@ -3215,7 +3289,8 @@ const ( LWTUNNEL_ENCAP_BPF = 0x6 LWTUNNEL_ENCAP_SEG6_LOCAL = 0x7 LWTUNNEL_ENCAP_RPL = 0x8 - LWTUNNEL_ENCAP_MAX = 0x8 + LWTUNNEL_ENCAP_IOAM6 = 0x9 + LWTUNNEL_ENCAP_MAX = 0x9 MPLS_IPTUNNEL_UNSPEC = 0x0 MPLS_IPTUNNEL_DST = 0x1 @@ -3403,7 +3478,14 @@ const ( ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_ACT = 0x1a ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_TDR_ACT = 0x1b ETHTOOL_MSG_TUNNEL_INFO_GET = 0x1c - ETHTOOL_MSG_USER_MAX = 0x1c + ETHTOOL_MSG_FEC_GET = 0x1d + ETHTOOL_MSG_FEC_SET = 0x1e + ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_EEPROM_GET = 0x1f + ETHTOOL_MSG_STATS_GET = 0x20 + ETHTOOL_MSG_PHC_VCLOCKS_GET = 0x21 + ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_GET = 0x22 + ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_SET = 0x23 + ETHTOOL_MSG_USER_MAX = 0x23 ETHTOOL_MSG_KERNEL_NONE = 0x0 ETHTOOL_MSG_STRSET_GET_REPLY = 0x1 ETHTOOL_MSG_LINKINFO_GET_REPLY = 0x2 @@ -3434,7 +3516,14 @@ const ( ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_NTF = 0x1b ETHTOOL_MSG_CABLE_TEST_TDR_NTF = 0x1c ETHTOOL_MSG_TUNNEL_INFO_GET_REPLY = 0x1d - ETHTOOL_MSG_KERNEL_MAX = 0x1d + ETHTOOL_MSG_FEC_GET_REPLY = 0x1e + ETHTOOL_MSG_FEC_NTF = 0x1f + ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_EEPROM_GET_REPLY = 0x20 + ETHTOOL_MSG_STATS_GET_REPLY = 0x21 + ETHTOOL_MSG_PHC_VCLOCKS_GET_REPLY = 0x22 + ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_GET_REPLY = 0x23 + ETHTOOL_MSG_MODULE_NTF = 0x24 + ETHTOOL_MSG_KERNEL_MAX = 0x24 ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_UNSPEC = 0x0 ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_DEV_INDEX = 0x1 ETHTOOL_A_HEADER_DEV_NAME = 0x2 @@ -3492,7 +3581,8 @@ const ( ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_DUPLEX = 0x6 ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_MASTER_SLAVE_CFG = 0x7 ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_MASTER_SLAVE_STATE = 0x8 - ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_MAX = 0x8 + ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_LANES = 0x9 + ETHTOOL_A_LINKMODES_MAX = 0x9 ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_UNSPEC = 0x0 ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_HEADER = 0x1 ETHTOOL_A_LINKSTATE_LINK = 0x2 @@ -3567,7 +3657,9 @@ const ( ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_USECS_HIGH = 0x15 ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_TX_MAX_FRAMES_HIGH = 0x16 ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_RATE_SAMPLE_INTERVAL = 0x17 - ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_MAX = 0x17 + ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_USE_CQE_MODE_TX = 0x18 + ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_USE_CQE_MODE_RX = 0x19 + ETHTOOL_A_COALESCE_MAX = 0x19 ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_UNSPEC = 0x0 ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_HEADER = 0x1 ETHTOOL_A_PAUSE_AUTONEG = 0x2 @@ -3680,3 +3772,1765 @@ const ( ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_INFO_UDP_PORTS = 0x2 ETHTOOL_A_TUNNEL_INFO_MAX = 0x2 ) + +const SPEED_UNKNOWN = -0x1 + +type EthtoolDrvinfo struct { + Cmd uint32 + Driver [32]byte + Version [32]byte + Fw_version [32]byte + Bus_info [32]byte + Erom_version [32]byte + Reserved2 [12]byte + N_priv_flags uint32 + N_stats uint32 + Testinfo_len uint32 + Eedump_len uint32 + Regdump_len uint32 +} + +type ( + HIDRawReportDescriptor struct { + Size uint32 + Value [4096]uint8 + } + HIDRawDevInfo struct { + Bustype uint32 + Vendor int16 + Product int16 + } +) + +const ( + CLOSE_RANGE_UNSHARE = 0x2 + CLOSE_RANGE_CLOEXEC = 0x4 +) + +const ( + NLMSGERR_ATTR_MSG = 0x1 + NLMSGERR_ATTR_OFFS = 0x2 + NLMSGERR_ATTR_COOKIE = 0x3 +) + +type ( + EraseInfo struct { + Start uint32 + Length uint32 + } + EraseInfo64 struct { + Start uint64 + Length uint64 + } + MtdOobBuf struct { + Start uint32 + Length uint32 + Ptr *uint8 + } + MtdOobBuf64 struct { + Start uint64 + Pad uint32 + Length uint32 + Ptr uint64 + } + MtdWriteReq struct { + Start uint64 + Len uint64 + Ooblen uint64 + Data uint64 + Oob uint64 + Mode uint8 + _ [7]uint8 + } + MtdInfo struct { + Type uint8 + Flags uint32 + Size uint32 + Erasesize uint32 + Writesize uint32 + Oobsize uint32 + _ uint64 + } + RegionInfo struct { + Offset uint32 + Erasesize uint32 + Numblocks uint32 + Regionindex uint32 + } + OtpInfo struct { + Start uint32 + Length uint32 + Locked uint32 + } + NandOobinfo struct { + Useecc uint32 + Eccbytes uint32 + Oobfree [8][2]uint32 + Eccpos [32]uint32 + } + NandOobfree struct { + Offset uint32 + Length uint32 + } + NandEcclayout struct { + Eccbytes uint32 + Eccpos [64]uint32 + Oobavail uint32 + Oobfree [8]NandOobfree + } + MtdEccStats struct { + Corrected uint32 + Failed uint32 + Badblocks uint32 + Bbtblocks uint32 + } +) + +const ( + MTD_OPS_PLACE_OOB = 0x0 + MTD_OPS_AUTO_OOB = 0x1 + MTD_OPS_RAW = 0x2 +) + +const ( + MTD_FILE_MODE_NORMAL = 0x0 + MTD_FILE_MODE_OTP_FACTORY = 0x1 + MTD_FILE_MODE_OTP_USER = 0x2 + MTD_FILE_MODE_RAW = 0x3 +) + +const ( + NFC_CMD_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NFC_CMD_GET_DEVICE = 0x1 + NFC_CMD_DEV_UP = 0x2 + NFC_CMD_DEV_DOWN = 0x3 + NFC_CMD_DEP_LINK_UP = 0x4 + NFC_CMD_DEP_LINK_DOWN = 0x5 + NFC_CMD_START_POLL = 0x6 + NFC_CMD_STOP_POLL = 0x7 + NFC_CMD_GET_TARGET = 0x8 + NFC_EVENT_TARGETS_FOUND = 0x9 + NFC_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED = 0xa + NFC_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED = 0xb + NFC_EVENT_TARGET_LOST = 0xc + NFC_EVENT_TM_ACTIVATED = 0xd + NFC_EVENT_TM_DEACTIVATED = 0xe + NFC_CMD_LLC_GET_PARAMS = 0xf + NFC_CMD_LLC_SET_PARAMS = 0x10 + NFC_CMD_ENABLE_SE = 0x11 + NFC_CMD_DISABLE_SE = 0x12 + NFC_CMD_LLC_SDREQ = 0x13 + NFC_EVENT_LLC_SDRES = 0x14 + NFC_CMD_FW_DOWNLOAD = 0x15 + NFC_EVENT_SE_ADDED = 0x16 + NFC_EVENT_SE_REMOVED = 0x17 + NFC_EVENT_SE_CONNECTIVITY = 0x18 + NFC_EVENT_SE_TRANSACTION = 0x19 + NFC_CMD_GET_SE = 0x1a + NFC_CMD_SE_IO = 0x1b + NFC_CMD_ACTIVATE_TARGET = 0x1c + NFC_CMD_VENDOR = 0x1d + NFC_CMD_DEACTIVATE_TARGET = 0x1e + NFC_ATTR_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_INDEX = 0x1 + NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_NAME = 0x2 + NFC_ATTR_PROTOCOLS = 0x3 + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_INDEX = 0x4 + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENS_RES = 0x5 + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SEL_RES = 0x6 + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_NFCID1 = 0x7 + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENSB_RES = 0x8 + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_SENSF_RES = 0x9 + NFC_ATTR_COMM_MODE = 0xa + NFC_ATTR_RF_MODE = 0xb + NFC_ATTR_DEVICE_POWERED = 0xc + NFC_ATTR_IM_PROTOCOLS = 0xd + NFC_ATTR_TM_PROTOCOLS = 0xe + NFC_ATTR_LLC_PARAM_LTO = 0xf + NFC_ATTR_LLC_PARAM_RW = 0x10 + NFC_ATTR_LLC_PARAM_MIUX = 0x11 + NFC_ATTR_SE = 0x12 + NFC_ATTR_LLC_SDP = 0x13 + NFC_ATTR_FIRMWARE_NAME = 0x14 + NFC_ATTR_SE_INDEX = 0x15 + NFC_ATTR_SE_TYPE = 0x16 + NFC_ATTR_SE_AID = 0x17 + NFC_ATTR_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD_STATUS = 0x18 + NFC_ATTR_SE_APDU = 0x19 + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_ISO15693_DSFID = 0x1a + NFC_ATTR_TARGET_ISO15693_UID = 0x1b + NFC_ATTR_SE_PARAMS = 0x1c + NFC_ATTR_VENDOR_ID = 0x1d + NFC_ATTR_VENDOR_SUBCMD = 0x1e + NFC_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA = 0x1f + NFC_SDP_ATTR_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NFC_SDP_ATTR_URI = 0x1 + NFC_SDP_ATTR_SAP = 0x2 +) + +type LandlockRulesetAttr struct { + Access_fs uint64 +} + +type LandlockPathBeneathAttr struct { + Allowed_access uint64 + Parent_fd int32 +} + +const ( + LANDLOCK_RULE_PATH_BENEATH = 0x1 +) + +const ( + IPC_CREAT = 0x200 + IPC_EXCL = 0x400 + IPC_NOWAIT = 0x800 + IPC_PRIVATE = 0x0 + + ipc_64 = 0x100 +) + +const ( + IPC_RMID = 0x0 + IPC_SET = 0x1 + IPC_STAT = 0x2 +) + +const ( + SHM_RDONLY = 0x1000 + SHM_RND = 0x2000 +) + +type MountAttr struct { + Attr_set uint64 + Attr_clr uint64 + Propagation uint64 + Userns_fd uint64 +} + +const ( + WG_CMD_GET_DEVICE = 0x0 + WG_CMD_SET_DEVICE = 0x1 + WGDEVICE_F_REPLACE_PEERS = 0x1 + WGDEVICE_A_UNSPEC = 0x0 + WGDEVICE_A_IFINDEX = 0x1 + WGDEVICE_A_IFNAME = 0x2 + WGDEVICE_A_PRIVATE_KEY = 0x3 + WGDEVICE_A_PUBLIC_KEY = 0x4 + WGDEVICE_A_FLAGS = 0x5 + WGDEVICE_A_LISTEN_PORT = 0x6 + WGDEVICE_A_FWMARK = 0x7 + WGDEVICE_A_PEERS = 0x8 + WGPEER_F_REMOVE_ME = 0x1 + WGPEER_F_REPLACE_ALLOWEDIPS = 0x2 + WGPEER_F_UPDATE_ONLY = 0x4 + WGPEER_A_UNSPEC = 0x0 + WGPEER_A_PUBLIC_KEY = 0x1 + WGPEER_A_PRESHARED_KEY = 0x2 + WGPEER_A_FLAGS = 0x3 + WGPEER_A_ENDPOINT = 0x4 + WGPEER_A_PERSISTENT_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL = 0x5 + WGPEER_A_LAST_HANDSHAKE_TIME = 0x6 + WGPEER_A_RX_BYTES = 0x7 + WGPEER_A_TX_BYTES = 0x8 + WGPEER_A_ALLOWEDIPS = 0x9 + WGPEER_A_PROTOCOL_VERSION = 0xa + WGALLOWEDIP_A_UNSPEC = 0x0 + WGALLOWEDIP_A_FAMILY = 0x1 + WGALLOWEDIP_A_IPADDR = 0x2 + WGALLOWEDIP_A_CIDR_MASK = 0x3 +) + +const ( + NL_ATTR_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_FLAG = 0x1 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_U8 = 0x2 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_U16 = 0x3 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_U32 = 0x4 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_U64 = 0x5 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_S8 = 0x6 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_S16 = 0x7 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_S32 = 0x8 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_S64 = 0x9 + NL_ATTR_TYPE_BINARY = 0xa + NL_ATTR_TYPE_STRING = 0xb + NL_ATTR_TYPE_NUL_STRING = 0xc + NL_ATTR_TYPE_NESTED = 0xd + NL_ATTR_TYPE_NESTED_ARRAY = 0xe + NL_ATTR_TYPE_BITFIELD32 = 0xf + + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_TYPE = 0x1 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MIN_VALUE_S = 0x2 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX_VALUE_S = 0x3 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MIN_VALUE_U = 0x4 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX_VALUE_U = 0x5 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MIN_LENGTH = 0x6 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX_LENGTH = 0x7 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_POLICY_IDX = 0x8 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_POLICY_MAXTYPE = 0x9 + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_BITFIELD32_MASK = 0xa + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_PAD = 0xb + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MASK = 0xc + NL_POLICY_TYPE_ATTR_MAX = 0xc +) + +type CANBitTiming struct { + Bitrate uint32 + Sample_point uint32 + Tq uint32 + Prop_seg uint32 + Phase_seg1 uint32 + Phase_seg2 uint32 + Sjw uint32 + Brp uint32 +} + +type CANBitTimingConst struct { + Name [16]uint8 + Tseg1_min uint32 + Tseg1_max uint32 + Tseg2_min uint32 + Tseg2_max uint32 + Sjw_max uint32 + Brp_min uint32 + Brp_max uint32 + Brp_inc uint32 +} + +type CANClock struct { + Freq uint32 +} + +type CANBusErrorCounters struct { + Txerr uint16 + Rxerr uint16 +} + +type CANCtrlMode struct { + Mask uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CANDeviceStats struct { + Bus_error uint32 + Error_warning uint32 + Error_passive uint32 + Bus_off uint32 + Arbitration_lost uint32 + Restarts uint32 +} + +const ( + CAN_STATE_ERROR_ACTIVE = 0x0 + CAN_STATE_ERROR_WARNING = 0x1 + CAN_STATE_ERROR_PASSIVE = 0x2 + CAN_STATE_BUS_OFF = 0x3 + CAN_STATE_STOPPED = 0x4 + CAN_STATE_SLEEPING = 0x5 + CAN_STATE_MAX = 0x6 +) + +const ( + IFLA_CAN_UNSPEC = 0x0 + IFLA_CAN_BITTIMING = 0x1 + IFLA_CAN_BITTIMING_CONST = 0x2 + IFLA_CAN_CLOCK = 0x3 + IFLA_CAN_STATE = 0x4 + IFLA_CAN_CTRLMODE = 0x5 + IFLA_CAN_RESTART_MS = 0x6 + IFLA_CAN_RESTART = 0x7 + IFLA_CAN_BERR_COUNTER = 0x8 + IFLA_CAN_DATA_BITTIMING = 0x9 + IFLA_CAN_DATA_BITTIMING_CONST = 0xa + IFLA_CAN_TERMINATION = 0xb + IFLA_CAN_TERMINATION_CONST = 0xc + IFLA_CAN_BITRATE_CONST = 0xd + IFLA_CAN_DATA_BITRATE_CONST = 0xe + IFLA_CAN_BITRATE_MAX = 0xf +) + +type KCMAttach struct { + Fd int32 + Bpf_fd int32 +} + +type KCMUnattach struct { + Fd int32 +} + +type KCMClone struct { + Fd int32 +} + +const ( + NL80211_AC_BE = 0x2 + NL80211_AC_BK = 0x3 + NL80211_ACL_POLICY_ACCEPT_UNLESS_LISTED = 0x0 + NL80211_ACL_POLICY_DENY_UNLESS_LISTED = 0x1 + NL80211_AC_VI = 0x1 + NL80211_AC_VO = 0x0 + NL80211_ATTR_4ADDR = 0x53 + NL80211_ATTR_ACK = 0x5c + NL80211_ATTR_ACK_SIGNAL = 0x107 + NL80211_ATTR_ACL_POLICY = 0xa5 + NL80211_ATTR_ADMITTED_TIME = 0xd4 + NL80211_ATTR_AIRTIME_WEIGHT = 0x112 + NL80211_ATTR_AKM_SUITES = 0x4c + NL80211_ATTR_AP_ISOLATE = 0x60 + NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_DATA = 0x9c + NL80211_ATTR_AUTH_TYPE = 0x35 + NL80211_ATTR_BANDS = 0xef + NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_HEAD = 0xe + NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_INTERVAL = 0xc + NL80211_ATTR_BEACON_TAIL = 0xf + NL80211_ATTR_BG_SCAN_PERIOD = 0x98 + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_BASIC_RATES = 0x24 + NL80211_ATTR_BSS = 0x2f + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_CTS_PROT = 0x1c + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_HT_OPMODE = 0x6d + NL80211_ATTR_BSSID = 0xf5 + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_SELECT = 0xe3 + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_SHORT_PREAMBLE = 0x1d + NL80211_ATTR_BSS_SHORT_SLOT_TIME = 0x1e + NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ1 = 0xa0 + NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ1_OFFSET = 0x123 + NL80211_ATTR_CENTER_FREQ2 = 0xa1 + NL80211_ATTR_CHANNEL_WIDTH = 0x9f + NL80211_ATTR_CH_SWITCH_BLOCK_TX = 0xb8 + NL80211_ATTR_CH_SWITCH_COUNT = 0xb7 + NL80211_ATTR_CIPHER_SUITE_GROUP = 0x4a + NL80211_ATTR_CIPHER_SUITES = 0x39 + NL80211_ATTR_CIPHER_SUITES_PAIRWISE = 0x49 + NL80211_ATTR_CNTDWN_OFFS_BEACON = 0xba + NL80211_ATTR_CNTDWN_OFFS_PRESP = 0xbb + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE = 0xb6 + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE_CONDITION = 0x2 + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE_DELAY = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_COALESCE_RULE_PKT_PATTERN = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_CONN_FAILED_REASON = 0x9b + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT = 0x44 + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_ETHERTYPE = 0x66 + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_NO_ENCRYPT = 0x67 + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_NO_PREAUTH = 0x11e + NL80211_ATTR_CONTROL_PORT_OVER_NL80211 = 0x108 + NL80211_ATTR_COOKIE = 0x58 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_BEACON_LOSS_EVENT = 0x8 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM = 0x5e + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_MAX = 0x9 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_PKT_LOSS_EVENT = 0x4 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_RSSI_HYST = 0x2 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_RSSI_LEVEL = 0x9 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_RSSI_THOLD = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_RSSI_THRESHOLD_EVENT = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_TXE_INTVL = 0x7 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_TXE_PKTS = 0x6 + NL80211_ATTR_CQM_TXE_RATE = 0x5 + NL80211_ATTR_CRIT_PROT_ID = 0xb3 + NL80211_ATTR_CSA_C_OFF_BEACON = 0xba + NL80211_ATTR_CSA_C_OFF_PRESP = 0xbb + NL80211_ATTR_CSA_C_OFFSETS_TX = 0xcd + NL80211_ATTR_CSA_IES = 0xb9 + NL80211_ATTR_DEVICE_AP_SME = 0x8d + NL80211_ATTR_DFS_CAC_TIME = 0x7 + NL80211_ATTR_DFS_REGION = 0x92 + NL80211_ATTR_DISABLE_HE = 0x12d + NL80211_ATTR_DISABLE_HT = 0x93 + NL80211_ATTR_DISABLE_VHT = 0xaf + NL80211_ATTR_DISCONNECTED_BY_AP = 0x47 + NL80211_ATTR_DONT_WAIT_FOR_ACK = 0x8e + NL80211_ATTR_DTIM_PERIOD = 0xd + NL80211_ATTR_DURATION = 0x57 + NL80211_ATTR_EXT_CAPA = 0xa9 + NL80211_ATTR_EXT_CAPA_MASK = 0xaa + NL80211_ATTR_EXTERNAL_AUTH_ACTION = 0x104 + NL80211_ATTR_EXTERNAL_AUTH_SUPPORT = 0x105 + NL80211_ATTR_EXT_FEATURES = 0xd9 + NL80211_ATTR_FEATURE_FLAGS = 0x8f + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_CACHE_ID = 0xfd + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_DISCOVERY = 0x126 + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_NEXT_SEQ_NUM = 0xfb + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_REALM = 0xfa + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_RRK = 0xfc + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_ERP_USERNAME = 0xf9 + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_KEK = 0xf2 + NL80211_ATTR_FILS_NONCES = 0xf3 + NL80211_ATTR_FRAME = 0x33 + NL80211_ATTR_FRAME_MATCH = 0x5b + NL80211_ATTR_FRAME_TYPE = 0x65 + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_AFTER = 0x3b + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_BEFORE = 0x3a + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_FIXED = 0x3c + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_RANGE_END = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_RANGE_MAX_BW = 0x4 + NL80211_ATTR_FREQ_RANGE_START = 0x2 + NL80211_ATTR_FTM_RESPONDER = 0x10e + NL80211_ATTR_FTM_RESPONDER_STATS = 0x10f + NL80211_ATTR_GENERATION = 0x2e + NL80211_ATTR_HANDLE_DFS = 0xbf + NL80211_ATTR_HE_6GHZ_CAPABILITY = 0x125 + NL80211_ATTR_HE_BSS_COLOR = 0x11b + NL80211_ATTR_HE_CAPABILITY = 0x10d + NL80211_ATTR_HE_OBSS_PD = 0x117 + NL80211_ATTR_HIDDEN_SSID = 0x7e + NL80211_ATTR_HT_CAPABILITY = 0x1f + NL80211_ATTR_HT_CAPABILITY_MASK = 0x94 + NL80211_ATTR_IE_ASSOC_RESP = 0x80 + NL80211_ATTR_IE = 0x2a + NL80211_ATTR_IE_PROBE_RESP = 0x7f + NL80211_ATTR_IE_RIC = 0xb2 + NL80211_ATTR_IFACE_SOCKET_OWNER = 0xcc + NL80211_ATTR_IFINDEX = 0x3 + NL80211_ATTR_IFNAME = 0x4 + NL80211_ATTR_IFTYPE_AKM_SUITES = 0x11c + NL80211_ATTR_IFTYPE = 0x5 + NL80211_ATTR_IFTYPE_EXT_CAPA = 0xe6 + NL80211_ATTR_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 0x96 + NL80211_ATTR_INTERFACE_COMBINATIONS = 0x78 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_CIPHER = 0x9 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY = 0x50 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_DATA = 0x7 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_DEFAULT = 0xb + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_DEFAULT_MGMT = 0x28 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES = 0x6e + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_IDX = 0x8 + NL80211_ATTR_KEYS = 0x51 + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_SEQ = 0xa + NL80211_ATTR_KEY_TYPE = 0x37 + NL80211_ATTR_LOCAL_MESH_POWER_MODE = 0xa4 + NL80211_ATTR_LOCAL_STATE_CHANGE = 0x5f + NL80211_ATTR_MAC_ACL_MAX = 0xa7 + NL80211_ATTR_MAC_ADDRS = 0xa6 + NL80211_ATTR_MAC = 0x6 + NL80211_ATTR_MAC_HINT = 0xc8 + NL80211_ATTR_MAC_MASK = 0xd7 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_AP_ASSOC_STA = 0xca + NL80211_ATTR_MAX = 0x133 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_CRIT_PROT_DURATION = 0xb4 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_CSA_COUNTERS = 0xce + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_MATCH_SETS = 0x85 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_NUM_PMKIDS = 0x56 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_NUM_SCAN_SSIDS = 0x2b + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_NUM_SCHED_SCAN_PLANS = 0xde + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_NUM_SCHED_SCAN_SSIDS = 0x7b + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL_DURATION = 0x6f + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_SCAN_IE_LEN = 0x38 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_SCAN_PLAN_INTERVAL = 0xdf + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_SCAN_PLAN_ITERATIONS = 0xe0 + NL80211_ATTR_MAX_SCHED_SCAN_IE_LEN = 0x7c + NL80211_ATTR_MCAST_RATE = 0x6b + NL80211_ATTR_MDID = 0xb1 + NL80211_ATTR_MEASUREMENT_DURATION = 0xeb + NL80211_ATTR_MEASUREMENT_DURATION_MANDATORY = 0xec + NL80211_ATTR_MESH_CONFIG = 0x23 + NL80211_ATTR_MESH_ID = 0x18 + NL80211_ATTR_MESH_PEER_AID = 0xed + NL80211_ATTR_MESH_SETUP = 0x70 + NL80211_ATTR_MGMT_SUBTYPE = 0x29 + NL80211_ATTR_MNTR_FLAGS = 0x17 + NL80211_ATTR_MPATH_INFO = 0x1b + NL80211_ATTR_MPATH_NEXT_HOP = 0x1a + NL80211_ATTR_MULTICAST_TO_UNICAST_ENABLED = 0xf4 + NL80211_ATTR_MU_MIMO_FOLLOW_MAC_ADDR = 0xe8 + NL80211_ATTR_MU_MIMO_GROUP_DATA = 0xe7 + NL80211_ATTR_NAN_FUNC = 0xf0 + NL80211_ATTR_NAN_MASTER_PREF = 0xee + NL80211_ATTR_NAN_MATCH = 0xf1 + NL80211_ATTR_NETNS_FD = 0xdb + NL80211_ATTR_NOACK_MAP = 0x95 + NL80211_ATTR_NSS = 0x106 + NL80211_ATTR_OFFCHANNEL_TX_OK = 0x6c + NL80211_ATTR_OPER_CLASS = 0xd6 + NL80211_ATTR_OPMODE_NOTIF = 0xc2 + NL80211_ATTR_P2P_CTWINDOW = 0xa2 + NL80211_ATTR_P2P_OPPPS = 0xa3 + NL80211_ATTR_PAD = 0xe5 + NL80211_ATTR_PBSS = 0xe2 + NL80211_ATTR_PEER_AID = 0xb5 + NL80211_ATTR_PEER_MEASUREMENTS = 0x111 + NL80211_ATTR_PID = 0x52 + NL80211_ATTR_PMK = 0xfe + NL80211_ATTR_PMKID = 0x55 + NL80211_ATTR_PMK_LIFETIME = 0x11f + NL80211_ATTR_PMKR0_NAME = 0x102 + NL80211_ATTR_PMK_REAUTH_THRESHOLD = 0x120 + NL80211_ATTR_PMKSA_CANDIDATE = 0x86 + NL80211_ATTR_PORT_AUTHORIZED = 0x103 + NL80211_ATTR_POWER_RULE_MAX_ANT_GAIN = 0x5 + NL80211_ATTR_POWER_RULE_MAX_EIRP = 0x6 + NL80211_ATTR_PREV_BSSID = 0x4f + NL80211_ATTR_PRIVACY = 0x46 + NL80211_ATTR_PROBE_RESP = 0x91 + NL80211_ATTR_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD = 0x90 + NL80211_ATTR_PROTOCOL_FEATURES = 0xad + NL80211_ATTR_PS_STATE = 0x5d + NL80211_ATTR_QOS_MAP = 0xc7 + NL80211_ATTR_RADAR_EVENT = 0xa8 + NL80211_ATTR_REASON_CODE = 0x36 + NL80211_ATTR_RECEIVE_MULTICAST = 0x121 + NL80211_ATTR_RECONNECT_REQUESTED = 0x12b + NL80211_ATTR_REG_ALPHA2 = 0x21 + NL80211_ATTR_REG_INDOOR = 0xdd + NL80211_ATTR_REG_INITIATOR = 0x30 + NL80211_ATTR_REG_RULE_FLAGS = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_REG_RULES = 0x22 + NL80211_ATTR_REG_TYPE = 0x31 + NL80211_ATTR_REKEY_DATA = 0x7a + NL80211_ATTR_REQ_IE = 0x4d + NL80211_ATTR_RESP_IE = 0x4e + NL80211_ATTR_ROAM_SUPPORT = 0x83 + NL80211_ATTR_RX_FRAME_TYPES = 0x64 + NL80211_ATTR_RXMGMT_FLAGS = 0xbc + NL80211_ATTR_RX_SIGNAL_DBM = 0x97 + NL80211_ATTR_S1G_CAPABILITY = 0x128 + NL80211_ATTR_S1G_CAPABILITY_MASK = 0x129 + NL80211_ATTR_SAE_DATA = 0x9c + NL80211_ATTR_SAE_PASSWORD = 0x115 + NL80211_ATTR_SAE_PWE = 0x12a + NL80211_ATTR_SAR_SPEC = 0x12c + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FLAGS = 0x9e + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQ_KHZ = 0x124 + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_FREQUENCIES = 0x2c + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_GENERATION = 0x2e + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_SSIDS = 0x2d + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_START_TIME_TSF_BSSID = 0xea + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_START_TIME_TSF = 0xe9 + NL80211_ATTR_SCAN_SUPP_RATES = 0x7d + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_DELAY = 0xdc + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_INTERVAL = 0x77 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH = 0x84 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_SSID = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MAX_REQS = 0x100 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_MULTI = 0xff + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_PLANS = 0xe1 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_RELATIVE_RSSI = 0xf6 + NL80211_ATTR_SCHED_SCAN_RSSI_ADJUST = 0xf7 + NL80211_ATTR_SMPS_MODE = 0xd5 + NL80211_ATTR_SOCKET_OWNER = 0xcc + NL80211_ATTR_SOFTWARE_IFTYPES = 0x79 + NL80211_ATTR_SPLIT_WIPHY_DUMP = 0xae + NL80211_ATTR_SSID = 0x34 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_AID = 0x10 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_CAPABILITY = 0xab + NL80211_ATTR_STA_EXT_CAPABILITY = 0xac + NL80211_ATTR_STA_FLAGS2 = 0x43 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_FLAGS = 0x11 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_INFO = 0x15 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_LISTEN_INTERVAL = 0x12 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_PLINK_ACTION = 0x19 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_PLINK_STATE = 0x74 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS = 0xbd + NL80211_ATTR_STA_SUPPORTED_OPER_CLASSES = 0xbe + NL80211_ATTR_STA_SUPPORTED_RATES = 0x13 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_SUPPORT_P2P_PS = 0xe4 + NL80211_ATTR_STATUS_CODE = 0x48 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_TX_POWER = 0x114 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_TX_POWER_SETTING = 0x113 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_VLAN = 0x14 + NL80211_ATTR_STA_WME = 0x81 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_10_MHZ = 0xc1 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_5_MHZ = 0xc0 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_AP_UAPSD = 0x82 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORTED_COMMANDS = 0x32 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORTED_IFTYPES = 0x20 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_IBSS_RSN = 0x68 + NL80211_ATTR_SUPPORT_MESH_AUTH = 0x73 + NL80211_ATTR_SURVEY_INFO = 0x54 + NL80211_ATTR_SURVEY_RADIO_STATS = 0xda + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_ACTION = 0x88 + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_DIALOG_TOKEN = 0x89 + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_EXTERNAL_SETUP = 0x8c + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_INITIATOR = 0xcf + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_OPERATION = 0x8a + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_PEER_CAPABILITY = 0xcb + NL80211_ATTR_TDLS_SUPPORT = 0x8b + NL80211_ATTR_TESTDATA = 0x45 + NL80211_ATTR_TID_CONFIG = 0x11d + NL80211_ATTR_TIMED_OUT = 0x41 + NL80211_ATTR_TIMEOUT = 0x110 + NL80211_ATTR_TIMEOUT_REASON = 0xf8 + NL80211_ATTR_TSID = 0xd2 + NL80211_ATTR_TWT_RESPONDER = 0x116 + NL80211_ATTR_TX_FRAME_TYPES = 0x63 + NL80211_ATTR_TX_NO_CCK_RATE = 0x87 + NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_LIMIT = 0x10a + NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_MEMORY_LIMIT = 0x10b + NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_QUANTUM = 0x10c + NL80211_ATTR_TXQ_STATS = 0x109 + NL80211_ATTR_TX_RATES = 0x5a + NL80211_ATTR_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP = 0x127 + NL80211_ATTR_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_ATTR_USE_MFP = 0x42 + NL80211_ATTR_USER_PRIO = 0xd3 + NL80211_ATTR_USER_REG_HINT_TYPE = 0x9a + NL80211_ATTR_USE_RRM = 0xd0 + NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA = 0xc5 + NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_EVENTS = 0xc6 + NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_ID = 0xc3 + NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_SUBCMD = 0xc4 + NL80211_ATTR_VHT_CAPABILITY = 0x9d + NL80211_ATTR_VHT_CAPABILITY_MASK = 0xb0 + NL80211_ATTR_VLAN_ID = 0x11a + NL80211_ATTR_WANT_1X_4WAY_HS = 0x101 + NL80211_ATTR_WDEV = 0x99 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_AVAIL_RX = 0x72 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_AVAIL_TX = 0x71 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_RX = 0x6a + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_ANTENNA_TX = 0x69 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_BANDS = 0x16 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_CHANNEL_TYPE = 0x27 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY = 0x1 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_COVERAGE_CLASS = 0x59 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_DYN_ACK = 0xd1 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_EDMG_BW_CONFIG = 0x119 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_EDMG_CHANNELS = 0x118 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FRAG_THRESHOLD = 0x3f + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ = 0x26 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ_HINT = 0xc9 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_FREQ_OFFSET = 0x122 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_NAME = 0x2 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_RETRY_LONG = 0x3e + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_RETRY_SHORT = 0x3d + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_RTS_THRESHOLD = 0x40 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_SELF_MANAGED_REG = 0xd8 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_TX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x62 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_TX_POWER_SETTING = 0x61 + NL80211_ATTR_WIPHY_TXQ_PARAMS = 0x25 + NL80211_ATTR_WOWLAN_TRIGGERS = 0x75 + NL80211_ATTR_WOWLAN_TRIGGERS_SUPPORTED = 0x76 + NL80211_ATTR_WPA_VERSIONS = 0x4b + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_AUTOMATIC = 0x8 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FILS_PK = 0x7 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FILS_SK = 0x5 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FILS_SK_PFS = 0x6 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_FT = 0x2 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_NETWORK_EAP = 0x3 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_OPEN_SYSTEM = 0x0 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_SAE = 0x4 + NL80211_AUTHTYPE_SHARED_KEY = 0x1 + NL80211_BAND_2GHZ = 0x0 + NL80211_BAND_5GHZ = 0x1 + NL80211_BAND_60GHZ = 0x2 + NL80211_BAND_6GHZ = 0x3 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_EDMG_BW_CONFIG = 0xb + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_EDMG_CHANNELS = 0xa + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_FREQS = 0x1 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_HT_AMPDU_DENSITY = 0x6 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_HT_AMPDU_FACTOR = 0x5 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_HT_CAPA = 0x4 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_HT_MCS_SET = 0x3 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_IFTYPE_DATA = 0x9 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_MAX = 0xb + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_RATES = 0x2 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_VHT_CAPA = 0x8 + NL80211_BAND_ATTR_VHT_MCS_SET = 0x7 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_6GHZ_CAPA = 0x6 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_MAC = 0x2 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_MCS_SET = 0x4 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_PHY = 0x3 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_HE_CAP_PPE = 0x5 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_IFTYPES = 0x1 + NL80211_BAND_IFTYPE_ATTR_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_BAND_S1GHZ = 0x4 + NL80211_BITRATE_ATTR_2GHZ_SHORTPREAMBLE = 0x2 + NL80211_BITRATE_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_BITRATE_ATTR_RATE = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_BEACON_IES = 0xb + NL80211_BSS_BEACON_INTERVAL = 0x4 + NL80211_BSS_BEACON_TSF = 0xd + NL80211_BSS_BSSID = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_CAPABILITY = 0x5 + NL80211_BSS_CHAIN_SIGNAL = 0x13 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_10 = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_1 = 0x3 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_20 = 0x0 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_2 = 0x4 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH_5 = 0x2 + NL80211_BSS_CHAN_WIDTH = 0xc + NL80211_BSS_FREQUENCY = 0x2 + NL80211_BSS_FREQUENCY_OFFSET = 0x14 + NL80211_BSS_INFORMATION_ELEMENTS = 0x6 + NL80211_BSS_LAST_SEEN_BOOTTIME = 0xf + NL80211_BSS_MAX = 0x14 + NL80211_BSS_PAD = 0x10 + NL80211_BSS_PARENT_BSSID = 0x12 + NL80211_BSS_PARENT_TSF = 0x11 + NL80211_BSS_PRESP_DATA = 0xe + NL80211_BSS_SEEN_MS_AGO = 0xa + NL80211_BSS_SELECT_ATTR_BAND_PREF = 0x2 + NL80211_BSS_SELECT_ATTR_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_BSS_SELECT_ATTR_RSSI_ADJUST = 0x3 + NL80211_BSS_SELECT_ATTR_RSSI = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_MBM = 0x7 + NL80211_BSS_SIGNAL_UNSPEC = 0x8 + NL80211_BSS_STATUS_ASSOCIATED = 0x1 + NL80211_BSS_STATUS_AUTHENTICATED = 0x0 + NL80211_BSS_STATUS = 0x9 + NL80211_BSS_STATUS_IBSS_JOINED = 0x2 + NL80211_BSS_TSF = 0x3 + NL80211_CHAN_HT20 = 0x1 + NL80211_CHAN_HT40MINUS = 0x2 + NL80211_CHAN_HT40PLUS = 0x3 + NL80211_CHAN_NO_HT = 0x0 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_10 = 0x7 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_160 = 0x5 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_16 = 0xc + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_1 = 0x8 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_20 = 0x1 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_20_NOHT = 0x0 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_2 = 0x9 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_40 = 0x2 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_4 = 0xa + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_5 = 0x6 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_80 = 0x3 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_80P80 = 0x4 + NL80211_CHAN_WIDTH_8 = 0xb + NL80211_CMD_ABORT_SCAN = 0x72 + NL80211_CMD_ACTION = 0x3b + NL80211_CMD_ACTION_TX_STATUS = 0x3c + NL80211_CMD_ADD_NAN_FUNCTION = 0x75 + NL80211_CMD_ADD_TX_TS = 0x69 + NL80211_CMD_ASSOCIATE = 0x26 + NL80211_CMD_AUTHENTICATE = 0x25 + NL80211_CMD_CANCEL_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL = 0x38 + NL80211_CMD_CHANGE_NAN_CONFIG = 0x77 + NL80211_CMD_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 0x66 + NL80211_CMD_CH_SWITCH_NOTIFY = 0x58 + NL80211_CMD_CH_SWITCH_STARTED_NOTIFY = 0x6e + NL80211_CMD_CONNECT = 0x2e + NL80211_CMD_CONN_FAILED = 0x5b + NL80211_CMD_CONTROL_PORT_FRAME = 0x81 + NL80211_CMD_CONTROL_PORT_FRAME_TX_STATUS = 0x8b + NL80211_CMD_CRIT_PROTOCOL_START = 0x62 + NL80211_CMD_CRIT_PROTOCOL_STOP = 0x63 + NL80211_CMD_DEAUTHENTICATE = 0x27 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_BEACON = 0x10 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_INTERFACE = 0x8 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_KEY = 0xc + NL80211_CMD_DEL_MPATH = 0x18 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_NAN_FUNCTION = 0x76 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_PMK = 0x7c + NL80211_CMD_DEL_PMKSA = 0x35 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_STATION = 0x14 + NL80211_CMD_DEL_TX_TS = 0x6a + NL80211_CMD_DEL_WIPHY = 0x4 + NL80211_CMD_DISASSOCIATE = 0x28 + NL80211_CMD_DISCONNECT = 0x30 + NL80211_CMD_EXTERNAL_AUTH = 0x7f + NL80211_CMD_FLUSH_PMKSA = 0x36 + NL80211_CMD_FRAME = 0x3b + NL80211_CMD_FRAME_TX_STATUS = 0x3c + NL80211_CMD_FRAME_WAIT_CANCEL = 0x43 + NL80211_CMD_FT_EVENT = 0x61 + NL80211_CMD_GET_BEACON = 0xd + NL80211_CMD_GET_COALESCE = 0x64 + NL80211_CMD_GET_FTM_RESPONDER_STATS = 0x82 + NL80211_CMD_GET_INTERFACE = 0x5 + NL80211_CMD_GET_KEY = 0x9 + NL80211_CMD_GET_MESH_CONFIG = 0x1c + NL80211_CMD_GET_MESH_PARAMS = 0x1c + NL80211_CMD_GET_MPATH = 0x15 + NL80211_CMD_GET_MPP = 0x6b + NL80211_CMD_GET_POWER_SAVE = 0x3e + NL80211_CMD_GET_PROTOCOL_FEATURES = 0x5f + NL80211_CMD_GET_REG = 0x1f + NL80211_CMD_GET_SCAN = 0x20 + NL80211_CMD_GET_STATION = 0x11 + NL80211_CMD_GET_SURVEY = 0x32 + NL80211_CMD_GET_WIPHY = 0x1 + NL80211_CMD_GET_WOWLAN = 0x49 + NL80211_CMD_JOIN_IBSS = 0x2b + NL80211_CMD_JOIN_MESH = 0x44 + NL80211_CMD_JOIN_OCB = 0x6c + NL80211_CMD_LEAVE_IBSS = 0x2c + NL80211_CMD_LEAVE_MESH = 0x45 + NL80211_CMD_LEAVE_OCB = 0x6d + NL80211_CMD_MAX = 0x92 + NL80211_CMD_MICHAEL_MIC_FAILURE = 0x29 + NL80211_CMD_NAN_MATCH = 0x78 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_BEACON = 0xf + NL80211_CMD_NEW_INTERFACE = 0x7 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_KEY = 0xb + NL80211_CMD_NEW_MPATH = 0x17 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_PEER_CANDIDATE = 0x48 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_SCAN_RESULTS = 0x22 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_STATION = 0x13 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_SURVEY_RESULTS = 0x33 + NL80211_CMD_NEW_WIPHY = 0x3 + NL80211_CMD_NOTIFY_CQM = 0x40 + NL80211_CMD_NOTIFY_RADAR = 0x86 + NL80211_CMD_PEER_MEASUREMENT_COMPLETE = 0x85 + NL80211_CMD_PEER_MEASUREMENT_RESULT = 0x84 + NL80211_CMD_PEER_MEASUREMENT_START = 0x83 + NL80211_CMD_PMKSA_CANDIDATE = 0x50 + NL80211_CMD_PORT_AUTHORIZED = 0x7d + NL80211_CMD_PROBE_CLIENT = 0x54 + NL80211_CMD_PROBE_MESH_LINK = 0x88 + NL80211_CMD_RADAR_DETECT = 0x5e + NL80211_CMD_REG_BEACON_HINT = 0x2a + NL80211_CMD_REG_CHANGE = 0x24 + NL80211_CMD_REGISTER_ACTION = 0x3a + NL80211_CMD_REGISTER_BEACONS = 0x55 + NL80211_CMD_REGISTER_FRAME = 0x3a + NL80211_CMD_RELOAD_REGDB = 0x7e + NL80211_CMD_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL = 0x37 + NL80211_CMD_REQ_SET_REG = 0x1b + NL80211_CMD_ROAM = 0x2f + NL80211_CMD_SCAN_ABORTED = 0x23 + NL80211_CMD_SCHED_SCAN_RESULTS = 0x4d + NL80211_CMD_SCHED_SCAN_STOPPED = 0x4e + NL80211_CMD_SET_BEACON = 0xe + NL80211_CMD_SET_BSS = 0x19 + NL80211_CMD_SET_CHANNEL = 0x41 + NL80211_CMD_SET_COALESCE = 0x65 + NL80211_CMD_SET_CQM = 0x3f + NL80211_CMD_SET_INTERFACE = 0x6 + NL80211_CMD_SET_KEY = 0xa + NL80211_CMD_SET_MAC_ACL = 0x5d + NL80211_CMD_SET_MCAST_RATE = 0x5c + NL80211_CMD_SET_MESH_CONFIG = 0x1d + NL80211_CMD_SET_MESH_PARAMS = 0x1d + NL80211_CMD_SET_MGMT_EXTRA_IE = 0x1e + NL80211_CMD_SET_MPATH = 0x16 + NL80211_CMD_SET_MULTICAST_TO_UNICAST = 0x79 + NL80211_CMD_SET_NOACK_MAP = 0x57 + NL80211_CMD_SET_PMK = 0x7b + NL80211_CMD_SET_PMKSA = 0x34 + NL80211_CMD_SET_POWER_SAVE = 0x3d + NL80211_CMD_SET_QOS_MAP = 0x68 + NL80211_CMD_SET_REG = 0x1a + NL80211_CMD_SET_REKEY_OFFLOAD = 0x4f + NL80211_CMD_SET_SAR_SPECS = 0x8c + NL80211_CMD_SET_STATION = 0x12 + NL80211_CMD_SET_TID_CONFIG = 0x89 + NL80211_CMD_SET_TX_BITRATE_MASK = 0x39 + NL80211_CMD_SET_WDS_PEER = 0x42 + NL80211_CMD_SET_WIPHY = 0x2 + NL80211_CMD_SET_WIPHY_NETNS = 0x31 + NL80211_CMD_SET_WOWLAN = 0x4a + NL80211_CMD_STA_OPMODE_CHANGED = 0x80 + NL80211_CMD_START_AP = 0xf + NL80211_CMD_START_NAN = 0x73 + NL80211_CMD_START_P2P_DEVICE = 0x59 + NL80211_CMD_START_SCHED_SCAN = 0x4b + NL80211_CMD_STOP_AP = 0x10 + NL80211_CMD_STOP_NAN = 0x74 + NL80211_CMD_STOP_P2P_DEVICE = 0x5a + NL80211_CMD_STOP_SCHED_SCAN = 0x4c + NL80211_CMD_TDLS_CANCEL_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 0x70 + NL80211_CMD_TDLS_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 0x6f + NL80211_CMD_TDLS_MGMT = 0x52 + NL80211_CMD_TDLS_OPER = 0x51 + NL80211_CMD_TESTMODE = 0x2d + NL80211_CMD_TRIGGER_SCAN = 0x21 + NL80211_CMD_UNEXPECTED_4ADDR_FRAME = 0x56 + NL80211_CMD_UNEXPECTED_FRAME = 0x53 + NL80211_CMD_UNPROT_BEACON = 0x8a + NL80211_CMD_UNPROT_DEAUTHENTICATE = 0x46 + NL80211_CMD_UNPROT_DISASSOCIATE = 0x47 + NL80211_CMD_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_CMD_UPDATE_CONNECT_PARAMS = 0x7a + NL80211_CMD_UPDATE_FT_IES = 0x60 + NL80211_CMD_UPDATE_OWE_INFO = 0x87 + NL80211_CMD_VENDOR = 0x67 + NL80211_CMD_WIPHY_REG_CHANGE = 0x71 + NL80211_COALESCE_CONDITION_MATCH = 0x0 + NL80211_COALESCE_CONDITION_NO_MATCH = 0x1 + NL80211_CONN_FAIL_BLOCKED_CLIENT = 0x1 + NL80211_CONN_FAIL_MAX_CLIENTS = 0x0 + NL80211_CQM_RSSI_BEACON_LOSS_EVENT = 0x2 + NL80211_CQM_RSSI_THRESHOLD_EVENT_HIGH = 0x1 + NL80211_CQM_RSSI_THRESHOLD_EVENT_LOW = 0x0 + NL80211_CQM_TXE_MAX_INTVL = 0x708 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_APIPA = 0x3 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_DHCP = 0x1 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_EAPOL = 0x2 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_MAX_DURATION = 0x1388 + NL80211_CRIT_PROTO_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_DFS_AVAILABLE = 0x2 + NL80211_DFS_ETSI = 0x2 + NL80211_DFS_FCC = 0x1 + NL80211_DFS_JP = 0x3 + NL80211_DFS_UNAVAILABLE = 0x1 + NL80211_DFS_UNSET = 0x0 + NL80211_DFS_USABLE = 0x0 + NL80211_EDMG_BW_CONFIG_MAX = 0xf + NL80211_EDMG_BW_CONFIG_MIN = 0x4 + NL80211_EDMG_CHANNELS_MAX = 0x3c + NL80211_EDMG_CHANNELS_MIN = 0x1 + NL80211_EXTERNAL_AUTH_ABORT = 0x1 + NL80211_EXTERNAL_AUTH_START = 0x0 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_AP_PSK = 0x32 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_STA_1X = 0x10 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_4WAY_HANDSHAKE_STA_PSK = 0xf + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_ACCEPT_BCAST_PROBE_RESP = 0x12 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_ACK_SIGNAL_SUPPORT = 0x1b + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_AIRTIME_FAIRNESS = 0x21 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_AP_PMKSA_CACHING = 0x22 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_AQL = 0x28 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_PROTECTION_CLIENT = 0x2e + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_PROTECTION = 0x29 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_HE = 0x36 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_HT = 0x7 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_LEGACY = 0x6 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BEACON_RATE_VHT = 0x8 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_BSS_PARENT_TSF = 0x4 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CAN_REPLACE_PTK0 = 0x1f + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CONTROL_PORT_NO_PREAUTH = 0x2a + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CONTROL_PORT_OVER_NL80211 = 0x1a + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CONTROL_PORT_OVER_NL80211_TX_STATUS = 0x30 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_CQM_RSSI_LIST = 0xd + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_DATA_ACK_SIGNAL_SUPPORT = 0x1b + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_DEL_IBSS_STA = 0x2c + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_DFS_OFFLOAD = 0x19 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_ENABLE_FTM_RESPONDER = 0x20 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_EXT_KEY_ID = 0x24 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_DISCOVERY = 0x34 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_MAX_CHANNEL_TIME = 0x11 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_SK_OFFLOAD = 0xe + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_FILS_STA = 0x9 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_HIGH_ACCURACY_SCAN = 0x18 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_LOW_POWER_SCAN = 0x17 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_LOW_SPAN_SCAN = 0x16 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MFP_OPTIONAL = 0x15 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MGMT_TX_RANDOM_TA = 0xa + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MGMT_TX_RANDOM_TA_CONNECTED = 0xb + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MULTICAST_REGISTRATIONS = 0x2d + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_MU_MIMO_AIR_SNIFFER = 0x2 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_OCE_PROBE_REQ_DEFERRAL_SUPPRESSION = 0x14 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_OCE_PROBE_REQ_HIGH_TX_RATE = 0x13 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_OPERATING_CHANNEL_VALIDATION = 0x31 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_PROTECTED_TWT = 0x2b + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_PROT_RANGE_NEGO_AND_MEASURE = 0x39 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_RRM = 0x1 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SAE_OFFLOAD_AP = 0x33 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SAE_OFFLOAD = 0x26 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCAN_FREQ_KHZ = 0x2f + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCAN_MIN_PREQ_CONTENT = 0x1e + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCAN_RANDOM_SN = 0x1d + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCAN_START_TIME = 0x3 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCHED_SCAN_BAND_SPECIFIC_RSSI_THOLD = 0x23 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SCHED_SCAN_RELATIVE_RSSI = 0xc + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SECURE_LTF = 0x37 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SECURE_RTT = 0x38 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_SET_SCAN_DWELL = 0x5 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_STA_TX_PWR = 0x25 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_TXQS = 0x1c + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP = 0x35 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_VHT_IBSS = 0x0 + NL80211_EXT_FEATURE_VLAN_OFFLOAD = 0x27 + NL80211_FEATURE_ACKTO_ESTIMATION = 0x800000 + NL80211_FEATURE_ACTIVE_MONITOR = 0x20000 + NL80211_FEATURE_ADVERTISE_CHAN_LIMITS = 0x4000 + NL80211_FEATURE_AP_MODE_CHAN_WIDTH_CHANGE = 0x40000 + NL80211_FEATURE_AP_SCAN = 0x100 + NL80211_FEATURE_CELL_BASE_REG_HINTS = 0x8 + NL80211_FEATURE_DS_PARAM_SET_IE_IN_PROBES = 0x80000 + NL80211_FEATURE_DYNAMIC_SMPS = 0x2000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_FULL_AP_CLIENT_STATE = 0x8000 + NL80211_FEATURE_HT_IBSS = 0x2 + NL80211_FEATURE_INACTIVITY_TIMER = 0x4 + NL80211_FEATURE_LOW_PRIORITY_SCAN = 0x40 + NL80211_FEATURE_MAC_ON_CREATE = 0x8000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_ND_RANDOM_MAC_ADDR = 0x80000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_NEED_OBSS_SCAN = 0x400 + NL80211_FEATURE_P2P_DEVICE_NEEDS_CHANNEL = 0x10 + NL80211_FEATURE_P2P_GO_CTWIN = 0x800 + NL80211_FEATURE_P2P_GO_OPPPS = 0x1000 + NL80211_FEATURE_QUIET = 0x200000 + NL80211_FEATURE_SAE = 0x20 + NL80211_FEATURE_SCAN_FLUSH = 0x80 + NL80211_FEATURE_SCAN_RANDOM_MAC_ADDR = 0x20000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_SCHED_SCAN_RANDOM_MAC_ADDR = 0x40000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_SK_TX_STATUS = 0x1 + NL80211_FEATURE_STATIC_SMPS = 0x1000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_SUPPORTS_WMM_ADMISSION = 0x4000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_TDLS_CHANNEL_SWITCH = 0x10000000 + NL80211_FEATURE_TX_POWER_INSERTION = 0x400000 + NL80211_FEATURE_USERSPACE_MPM = 0x10000 + NL80211_FEATURE_VIF_TXPOWER = 0x200 + NL80211_FEATURE_WFA_TPC_IE_IN_PROBES = 0x100000 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_INT_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_INT_MIN = 0x1 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_ATTR_TMPL = 0x3 + NL80211_FILS_DISCOVERY_TMPL_MIN_LEN = 0x2a + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_16MHZ = 0x19 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_1MHZ = 0x15 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_2MHZ = 0x16 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_4MHZ = 0x17 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_8MHZ = 0x18 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DFS_CAC_TIME = 0xd + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DFS_STATE = 0x7 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DFS_TIME = 0x8 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_DISABLED = 0x2 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_FREQ = 0x1 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_GO_CONCURRENT = 0xf + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_INDOOR_ONLY = 0xe + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_IR_CONCURRENT = 0xf + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX = 0x19 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_MAX_TX_POWER = 0x6 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_10MHZ = 0x11 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_160MHZ = 0xc + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_20MHZ = 0x10 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_80MHZ = 0xb + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_HE = 0x13 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_HT40_MINUS = 0x9 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_HT40_PLUS = 0xa + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_IBSS = 0x3 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_NO_IR = 0x3 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_OFFSET = 0x14 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_PASSIVE_SCAN = 0x3 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_RADAR = 0x5 + NL80211_FREQUENCY_ATTR_WMM = 0x12 + NL80211_FTM_RESP_ATTR_CIVICLOC = 0x3 + NL80211_FTM_RESP_ATTR_ENABLED = 0x1 + NL80211_FTM_RESP_ATTR_LCI = 0x2 + NL80211_FTM_RESP_ATTR_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_ASAP_NUM = 0x4 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_FAILED_NUM = 0x3 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_MAX = 0xa + NL80211_FTM_STATS_NON_ASAP_NUM = 0x5 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_OUT_OF_WINDOW_TRIGGERS_NUM = 0x9 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_PAD = 0xa + NL80211_FTM_STATS_PARTIAL_NUM = 0x2 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_RESCHEDULE_REQUESTS_NUM = 0x8 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_SUCCESS_NUM = 0x1 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_TOTAL_DURATION_MSEC = 0x6 + NL80211_FTM_STATS_UNKNOWN_TRIGGERS_NUM = 0x7 + NL80211_GENL_NAME = "nl80211" + NL80211_HE_BSS_COLOR_ATTR_COLOR = 0x1 + NL80211_HE_BSS_COLOR_ATTR_DISABLED = 0x2 + NL80211_HE_BSS_COLOR_ATTR_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_HE_BSS_COLOR_ATTR_PARTIAL = 0x3 + NL80211_HE_MAX_CAPABILITY_LEN = 0x36 + NL80211_HE_MIN_CAPABILITY_LEN = 0x10 + NL80211_HE_NSS_MAX = 0x8 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_BSS_COLOR_BITMAP = 0x4 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_MAX_OFFSET = 0x2 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_MIN_OFFSET = 0x1 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_NON_SRG_MAX_OFFSET = 0x3 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_PARTIAL_BSSID_BITMAP = 0x5 + NL80211_HE_OBSS_PD_ATTR_SR_CTRL = 0x6 + NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_NOT_IN_USE = 0x0 + NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_ZERO_CONTENTS = 0x2 + NL80211_HIDDEN_SSID_ZERO_LEN = 0x1 + NL80211_HT_CAPABILITY_LEN = 0x1a + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_BI_MIN_GCD = 0x7 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_LIMITS = 0x1 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_MAXNUM = 0x2 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_NUM_CHANNELS = 0x4 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_RADAR_DETECT_REGIONS = 0x6 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_RADAR_DETECT_WIDTHS = 0x5 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_STA_AP_BI_MATCH = 0x3 + NL80211_IFACE_COMB_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_IFACE_LIMIT_MAX = 0x1 + NL80211_IFACE_LIMIT_TYPES = 0x2 + NL80211_IFACE_LIMIT_UNSPEC = 0x0 + NL80211_IFTYPE_ADHOC = 0x1 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AKM_ATTR_IFTYPES = 0x1 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AKM_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AKM_ATTR_SUITES = 0x2 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AP = 0x3 + NL80211_IFTYPE_AP_VLAN = 0x4 + NL80211_IFTYPE_MAX = 0xc + NL80211_IFTYPE_MESH_POINT = 0x7 + NL80211_IFTYPE_MONITOR = 0x6 + NL80211_IFTYPE_NAN = 0xc + NL80211_IFTYPE_OCB = 0xb + NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_CLIENT = 0x8 + NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_DEVICE = 0xa + NL80211_IFTYPE_P2P_GO = 0x9 + NL80211_IFTYPE_STATION = 0x2 + NL80211_IFTYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0 + NL80211_IFTYPE_WDS = 0x5 + NL80211_KCK_EXT_LEN = 0x18 + NL80211_KCK_LEN = 0x10 + NL80211_KEK_EXT_LEN = 0x20 + NL80211_KEK_LEN = 0x10 + NL80211_KEY_CIPHER = 0x3 + NL80211_KEY_DATA = 0x1 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_BEACON = 0xa + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT = 0x5 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_MGMT = 0x6 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPE_MULTICAST = 0x2 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPES = 0x8 + NL80211_KEY_DEFAULT_TYPE_UNICAST = 0x1 + NL80211_KEY_IDX = 0x2 + NL80211_KEY_MAX = 0xa + NL80211_KEY_MODE = 0x9 + NL80211_KEY_NO_TX = 0x1 + NL80211_KEY_RX_TX = 0x0 + NL80211_KEY_SEQ = 0x4 + NL80211_KEY_SET_TX = 0x2 + NL80211_KEY_TYPE = 0x7 + NL80211_KEYTYPE_GROUP = 0x0 + NL80211_KEYTYPE_PAIRWISE = 0x1 + NL80211_KEYTYPE_PEERKEY = 0x2 + NL80211_MAX_NR_AKM_SUITES = 0x2 + NL80211_MAX_NR_CIPHER_SUITES = 0x5 + NL80211_MAX_SUPP_HT_RATES = 0x4d + NL80211_MAX_SUPP_RATES = 0x20 + NL80211_MAX_SUPP_REG_RULES = 0x80 + NL80211_MESHCONF_ATTR_MAX = 0x1f + NL80211_MESHCONF_AUTO_OPEN_PLINKS = 0x7 + NL80211_MESHCONF_AWAKE_WINDOW = 0x1b + NL80211_MESHCONF_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT = 0x2 + NL80211_MESHCONF_CONNECTED_TO_AS = 0x1f + NL80211_MESHCONF_CONNECTED_TO_GATE = 0x1d + NL80211_MESHCONF_ELEMENT_TTL = 0xf + NL80211_MESHCONF_FORWARDING = 0x13 + NL80211_MESHCONF_GATE_ANNOUNCEMENTS = 0x11 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HOLDING_TIMEOUT = 0x3 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HT_OPMODE = 0x16 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_ACTIVE_PATH_TIMEOUT = 0xb + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_CONFIRMATION_INTERVAL = 0x19 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_MAX_PREQ_RETRIES = 0x8 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_NET_DIAM_TRVS_TIME = 0xd + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_PATH_TO_ROOT_TIMEOUT = 0x17 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_PERR_MIN_INTERVAL = 0x12 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_PREQ_MIN_INTERVAL = 0xc + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_RANN_INTERVAL = 0x10 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_ROOT_INTERVAL = 0x18 + NL80211_MESHCONF_HWMP_ROOTMODE = 0xe + NL80211_MESHCONF_MAX_PEER_LINKS = 0x4 + NL80211_MESHCONF_MAX_RETRIES = 0x5 + NL80211_MESHCONF_MIN_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT = 0xa + NL80211_MESHCONF_NOLEARN = 0x1e + NL80211_MESHCONF_PATH_REFRESH_TIME = 0x9 + NL80211_MESHCONF_PLINK_TIMEOUT = 0x1c + NL80211_MESHCONF_POWER_MODE = 0x1a + NL80211_MESHCONF_RETRY_TIMEOUT = 0x1 + NL80211_MESHCONF_RSSI_THRESHOLD = 0x14 + NL80211_MESHCONF_SYNC_OFFSET_MAX_NEIGHBOR = 0x15 + NL80211_MESHCONF_TTL = 0x6 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_ACTIVE = 0x1 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_DEEP_SLEEP = 0x3 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_LIGHT_SLEEP = 0x2 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_MAX = 0x3 + NL80211_MESH_POWER_UNKNOWN = 0x0 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_ATTR_MAX = 0x8 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_AUTH_PROTOCOL = 0x8 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_ENABLE_VENDOR_METRIC = 0x2 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_ENABLE_VENDOR_PATH_SEL = 0x1 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_ENABLE_VENDOR_SYNC = 0x6 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_IE = 0x3 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_USERSPACE_AMPE = 0x5 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_USERSPACE_AUTH = 0x4 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_USERSPACE_MPM = 0x7 + NL80211_MESH_SETUP_VENDOR_PATH_SEL_IE = 0x3 + NL80211_MFP_NO = 0x0 + NL80211_MFP_OPTIONAL = 0x2 + NL80211_MFP_REQUIRED = 0x1 + NL80211_MIN_REMAIN_ON_CHANNEL_TIME = 0xa + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_ACTIVE = 0x6 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_CONTROL = 0x3 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_COOK_FRAMES = 0x5 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_FCSFAIL = 0x1 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_OTHER_BSS = 0x4 + NL80211_MNTR_FLAG_PLCPFAIL = 0x2 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_ACTIVE = 0x1 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_FIXED = 0x8 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_RESOLVED = 0x10 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_RESOLVING = 0x2 + NL80211_MPATH_FLAG_SN_VALID = 0x4 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_DISCOVERY_RETRIES = 0x7 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT = 0x6 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_EXPTIME = 0x4 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_FLAGS = 0x5 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_FRAME_QLEN = 0x1 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_HOP_COUNT = 0x8 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_MAX = 0x9 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_METRIC = 0x3 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_PATH_CHANGE = 0x9 + NL80211_MPATH_INFO_SN = 0x2 + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_CONFIG = "config" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_MLME = "mlme" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_NAN = "nan" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_REG = "regulatory" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_SCAN = "scan" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_TESTMODE = "testmode" + NL80211_MULTICAST_GROUP_VENDOR = "vendor" + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_ATTR_MAX = 0x10 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_CLOSE_RANGE = 0x9 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_FOLLOW_UP = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_FOLLOW_UP_DEST = 0x8 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_FOLLOW_UP_ID = 0x6 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_FOLLOW_UP_REQ_ID = 0x7 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_INSTANCE_ID = 0xf + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_MAX_TYPE = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_PUBLISH_BCAST = 0x4 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_PUBLISH = 0x0 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_PUBLISH_TYPE = 0x3 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_RX_MATCH_FILTER = 0xd + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SERVICE_ID = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SERVICE_ID_LEN = 0x6 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SERVICE_INFO = 0xb + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SERVICE_SPEC_INFO_MAX_LEN = 0xff + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SRF = 0xc + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SRF_MAX_LEN = 0xff + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SUBSCRIBE_ACTIVE = 0x5 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_SUBSCRIBE = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TERM_REASON = 0x10 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TERM_REASON_ERROR = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TERM_REASON_TTL_EXPIRED = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TERM_REASON_USER_REQUEST = 0x0 + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TTL = 0xa + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TX_MATCH_FILTER = 0xe + NL80211_NAN_FUNC_TYPE = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_MATCH_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_MATCH_FUNC_LOCAL = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_MATCH_FUNC_PEER = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_SOLICITED_PUBLISH = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_ATTR_MAX = 0x4 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_BF = 0x2 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_BF_IDX = 0x3 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_INCLUDE = 0x1 + NL80211_NAN_SRF_MAC_ADDRS = 0x4 + NL80211_NAN_UNSOLICITED_PUBLISH = 0x2 + NL80211_NUM_ACS = 0x4 + NL80211_P2P_PS_SUPPORTED = 0x1 + NL80211_P2P_PS_UNSUPPORTED = 0x0 + NL80211_PKTPAT_MASK = 0x1 + NL80211_PKTPAT_OFFSET = 0x3 + NL80211_PKTPAT_PATTERN = 0x2 + NL80211_PLINK_ACTION_BLOCK = 0x2 + NL80211_PLINK_ACTION_NO_ACTION = 0x0 + NL80211_PLINK_ACTION_OPEN = 0x1 + NL80211_PLINK_BLOCKED = 0x6 + NL80211_PLINK_CNF_RCVD = 0x3 + NL80211_PLINK_ESTAB = 0x4 + NL80211_PLINK_HOLDING = 0x5 + NL80211_PLINK_LISTEN = 0x0 + NL80211_PLINK_OPN_RCVD = 0x2 + NL80211_PLINK_OPN_SNT = 0x1 + NL80211_PMKSA_CANDIDATE_BSSID = 0x2 + NL80211_PMKSA_CANDIDATE_INDEX = 0x1 + NL80211_PMKSA_CANDIDATE_PREAUTH = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_MAX = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_MAX_PEERS = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_PEERS = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_RANDOMIZE_MAC_ADDR = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_REPORT_AP_TSF = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_ATTR_TYPE_CAPA = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_ASAP = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_BANDWIDTHS = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_MAX_BURSTS_EXPONENT = 0x7 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_MAX = 0xa + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_MAX_FTMS_PER_BURST = 0x8 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_NON_ASAP = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_NON_TRIGGER_BASED = 0xa + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_PREAMBLES = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_REQ_CIVICLOC = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_REQ_LCI = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_CAPA_ATTR_TRIGGER_BASED = 0x9 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_BAD_CHANGED_PARAMS = 0x7 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_INVALID_TIMESTAMP = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_NO_RESPONSE = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_PEER_BUSY = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_PEER_NOT_CAPABLE = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_REJECTED = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_FAILURE_WRONG_CHANNEL = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_ASAP = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_BURST_DURATION = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_BURST_PERIOD = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_FTMS_PER_BURST = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_LMR_FEEDBACK = 0xc + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_MAX = 0xd + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_NON_TRIGGER_BASED = 0xb + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_NUM_BURSTS_EXP = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_NUM_FTMR_RETRIES = 0x7 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_PREAMBLE = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_REQUEST_CIVICLOC = 0x9 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_REQUEST_LCI = 0x8 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_REQ_ATTR_TRIGGER_BASED = 0xa + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_BURST_DURATION = 0x7 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_BURST_INDEX = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_BUSY_RETRY_TIME = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_CIVICLOC = 0x14 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_DIST_AVG = 0x10 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_DIST_SPREAD = 0x12 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_DIST_VARIANCE = 0x11 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_FAIL_REASON = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_FTMS_PER_BURST = 0x8 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_LCI = 0x13 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_MAX = 0x15 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_NUM_BURSTS_EXP = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_NUM_FTMR_ATTEMPTS = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_NUM_FTMR_SUCCESSES = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_PAD = 0x15 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RSSI_AVG = 0x9 + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RSSI_SPREAD = 0xa + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RTT_AVG = 0xd + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RTT_SPREAD = 0xf + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RTT_VARIANCE = 0xe + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_RX_RATE = 0xc + NL80211_PMSR_FTM_RESP_ATTR_TX_RATE = 0xb + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_ADDR = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_CHAN = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_MAX = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_REQ = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_PEER_ATTR_RESP = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_REQ_ATTR_DATA = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_REQ_ATTR_GET_AP_TSF = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_REQ_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_AP_TSF = 0x4 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_DATA = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_FINAL = 0x5 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_HOST_TIME = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_PAD = 0x6 + NL80211_PMSR_RESP_ATTR_STATUS = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_STATUS_FAILURE = 0x3 + NL80211_PMSR_STATUS_REFUSED = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0x0 + NL80211_PMSR_STATUS_TIMEOUT = 0x2 + NL80211_PMSR_TYPE_FTM = 0x1 + NL80211_PMSR_TYPE_INVALID = 0x0 + NL80211_PMSR_TYPE_MAX = 0x1 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_DMG = 0x3 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_HE = 0x4 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_HT = 0x1 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_LEGACY = 0x0 + NL80211_PREAMBLE_VHT = 0x2 + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_80211U = 0x8 + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_P2P = 0x4 + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_WPS2 = 0x2 + NL80211_PROBE_RESP_OFFLOAD_SUPPORT_WPS = 0x1 + NL80211_PROTOCOL_FEATURE_SPLIT_WIPHY_DUMP = 0x1 + NL80211_PS_DISABLED = 0x0 + NL80211_PS_ENABLED = 0x1 + NL80211_RADAR_CAC_ABORTED = 0x2 + NL80211_RADAR_CAC_FINISHED = 0x1 + NL80211_RADAR_CAC_STARTED = 0x5 + NL80211_RADAR_DETECTED = 0x0 + NL80211_RADAR_NOP_FINISHED = 0x3 + NL80211_RADAR_PRE_CAC_EXPIRED = 0x4 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_10_MHZ_WIDTH = 0xb + NL80211_RATE_INFO_160_MHZ_WIDTH = 0xa + NL80211_RATE_INFO_40_MHZ_WIDTH = 0x3 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_5_MHZ_WIDTH = 0xc + NL80211_RATE_INFO_80_MHZ_WIDTH = 0x8 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_80P80_MHZ_WIDTH = 0x9 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_BITRATE32 = 0x5 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_BITRATE = 0x1 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_1XLTF = 0x0 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_2XLTF = 0x1 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_4XLTF = 0x2 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_DCM = 0x10 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_GI_0_8 = 0x0 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_GI_1_6 = 0x1 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_GI_3_2 = 0x2 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_GI = 0xf + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_MCS = 0xd + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_NSS = 0xe + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_106 = 0x2 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_242 = 0x3 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_26 = 0x0 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_2x996 = 0x6 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_484 = 0x4 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_52 = 0x1 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC_996 = 0x5 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_HE_RU_ALLOC = 0x11 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_MAX = 0x11 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_MCS = 0x2 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_SHORT_GI = 0x4 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_VHT_MCS = 0x6 + NL80211_RATE_INFO_VHT_NSS = 0x7 + NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_CORE = 0x0 + NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_COUNTRY_IE = 0x3 + NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_DRIVER = 0x2 + NL80211_REGDOM_SET_BY_USER = 0x1 + NL80211_REGDOM_TYPE_COUNTRY = 0x0 + NL80211_REGDOM_TYPE_CUSTOM_WORLD = 0x2 + NL80211_REGDOM_TYPE_INTERSECTION = 0x3 + NL80211_REGDOM_TYPE_WORLD = 0x1 + NL80211_REG_RULE_ATTR_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_REKEY_DATA_AKM = 0x4 + NL80211_REKEY_DATA_KCK = 0x2 + NL80211_REKEY_DATA_KEK = 0x1 + NL80211_REKEY_DATA_REPLAY_CTR = 0x3 + NL80211_REPLAY_CTR_LEN = 0x8 + NL80211_RRF_AUTO_BW = 0x800 + NL80211_RRF_DFS = 0x10 + NL80211_RRF_GO_CONCURRENT = 0x1000 + NL80211_RRF_IR_CONCURRENT = 0x1000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_160MHZ = 0x10000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_80MHZ = 0x8000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_CCK = 0x2 + NL80211_RRF_NO_HE = 0x20000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_HT40 = 0x6000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_HT40MINUS = 0x2000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_HT40PLUS = 0x4000 + NL80211_RRF_NO_IBSS = 0x80 + NL80211_RRF_NO_INDOOR = 0x4 + NL80211_RRF_NO_IR_ALL = 0x180 + NL80211_RRF_NO_IR = 0x80 + NL80211_RRF_NO_OFDM = 0x1 + NL80211_RRF_NO_OUTDOOR = 0x8 + NL80211_RRF_PASSIVE_SCAN = 0x80 + NL80211_RRF_PTMP_ONLY = 0x40 + NL80211_RRF_PTP_ONLY = 0x20 + NL80211_RXMGMT_FLAG_ANSWERED = 0x1 + NL80211_RXMGMT_FLAG_EXTERNAL_AUTH = 0x2 + NL80211_SAE_PWE_BOTH = 0x3 + NL80211_SAE_PWE_HASH_TO_ELEMENT = 0x2 + NL80211_SAE_PWE_HUNT_AND_PECK = 0x1 + NL80211_SAE_PWE_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS = 0x2 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_END_FREQ = 0x4 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_MAX = 0x4 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_POWER = 0x1 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_RANGE_INDEX = 0x2 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_SPECS_START_FREQ = 0x3 + NL80211_SAR_ATTR_TYPE = 0x1 + NL80211_SAR_TYPE_POWER = 0x0 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_ACCEPT_BCAST_PROBE_RESP = 0x20 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_AP = 0x4 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_COLOCATED_6GHZ = 0x4000 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_FILS_MAX_CHANNEL_TIME = 0x10 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_FLUSH = 0x2 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_FREQ_KHZ = 0x2000 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_HIGH_ACCURACY = 0x400 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_LOW_POWER = 0x200 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_LOW_PRIORITY = 0x1 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_LOW_SPAN = 0x100 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_MIN_PREQ_CONTENT = 0x1000 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_OCE_PROBE_REQ_DEFERRAL_SUPPRESSION = 0x80 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_OCE_PROBE_REQ_HIGH_TX_RATE = 0x40 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_RANDOM_ADDR = 0x8 + NL80211_SCAN_FLAG_RANDOM_SN = 0x800 + NL80211_SCAN_RSSI_THOLD_OFF = -0x12c + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_BSSID = 0x5 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RELATIVE_RSSI = 0x3 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RSSI_ADJUST = 0x4 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_RSSI = 0x2 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_ATTR_SSID = 0x1 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_MATCH_PER_BAND_RSSI = 0x6 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_PLAN_INTERVAL = 0x1 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_PLAN_ITERATIONS = 0x2 + NL80211_SCHED_SCAN_PLAN_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_SMPS_DYNAMIC = 0x2 + NL80211_SMPS_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_SMPS_OFF = 0x0 + NL80211_SMPS_STATIC = 0x1 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_BEACON_INTERVAL = 0x5 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_CTS_PROT = 0x1 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_DTIM_PERIOD = 0x4 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_MAX = 0x5 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_SHORT_PREAMBLE = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_BSS_PARAM_SHORT_SLOT_TIME = 0x3 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_ASSOCIATED = 0x7 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHENTICATED = 0x5 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_AUTHORIZED = 0x1 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_MAX_OLD_API = 0x6 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_MFP = 0x4 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_SHORT_PREAMBLE = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_TDLS_PEER = 0x6 + NL80211_STA_FLAG_WME = 0x3 + NL80211_STA_INFO_ACK_SIGNAL_AVG = 0x23 + NL80211_STA_INFO_ACK_SIGNAL = 0x22 + NL80211_STA_INFO_AIRTIME_LINK_METRIC = 0x29 + NL80211_STA_INFO_AIRTIME_WEIGHT = 0x28 + NL80211_STA_INFO_ASSOC_AT_BOOTTIME = 0x2a + NL80211_STA_INFO_BEACON_LOSS = 0x12 + NL80211_STA_INFO_BEACON_RX = 0x1d + NL80211_STA_INFO_BEACON_SIGNAL_AVG = 0x1e + NL80211_STA_INFO_BSS_PARAM = 0xf + NL80211_STA_INFO_CHAIN_SIGNAL_AVG = 0x1a + NL80211_STA_INFO_CHAIN_SIGNAL = 0x19 + NL80211_STA_INFO_CONNECTED_TIME = 0x10 + NL80211_STA_INFO_CONNECTED_TO_AS = 0x2b + NL80211_STA_INFO_CONNECTED_TO_GATE = 0x26 + NL80211_STA_INFO_DATA_ACK_SIGNAL_AVG = 0x23 + NL80211_STA_INFO_EXPECTED_THROUGHPUT = 0x1b + NL80211_STA_INFO_FCS_ERROR_COUNT = 0x25 + NL80211_STA_INFO_INACTIVE_TIME = 0x1 + NL80211_STA_INFO_LLID = 0x4 + NL80211_STA_INFO_LOCAL_PM = 0x14 + NL80211_STA_INFO_MAX = 0x2b + NL80211_STA_INFO_NONPEER_PM = 0x16 + NL80211_STA_INFO_PAD = 0x21 + NL80211_STA_INFO_PEER_PM = 0x15 + NL80211_STA_INFO_PLID = 0x5 + NL80211_STA_INFO_PLINK_STATE = 0x6 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_BITRATE = 0xe + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_BYTES64 = 0x17 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_BYTES = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_DROP_MISC = 0x1c + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_DURATION = 0x20 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_MPDUS = 0x24 + NL80211_STA_INFO_RX_PACKETS = 0x9 + NL80211_STA_INFO_SIGNAL_AVG = 0xd + NL80211_STA_INFO_SIGNAL = 0x7 + NL80211_STA_INFO_STA_FLAGS = 0x11 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TID_STATS = 0x1f + NL80211_STA_INFO_T_OFFSET = 0x13 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_BITRATE = 0x8 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_BYTES64 = 0x18 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_BYTES = 0x3 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_DURATION = 0x27 + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_FAILED = 0xc + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_PACKETS = 0xa + NL80211_STA_INFO_TX_RETRIES = 0xb + NL80211_STA_WME_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_WME_MAX_SP = 0x2 + NL80211_STA_WME_UAPSD_QUEUES = 0x1 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME_BUSY = 0x5 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME = 0x4 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME_EXT_BUSY = 0x6 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME_RX = 0x7 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_CHANNEL_TIME_TX = 0x8 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_FREQUENCY = 0x1 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_FREQUENCY_OFFSET = 0xc + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_IN_USE = 0x3 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_MAX = 0xc + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_NOISE = 0x2 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_PAD = 0xa + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_BSS_RX = 0xb + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_BUSY = 0x5 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME = 0x4 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_EXT_BUSY = 0x6 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_RX = 0x7 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_SCAN = 0x9 + NL80211_SURVEY_INFO_TIME_TX = 0x8 + NL80211_TDLS_DISABLE_LINK = 0x4 + NL80211_TDLS_DISCOVERY_REQ = 0x0 + NL80211_TDLS_ENABLE_LINK = 0x3 + NL80211_TDLS_PEER_HE = 0x8 + NL80211_TDLS_PEER_HT = 0x1 + NL80211_TDLS_PEER_VHT = 0x2 + NL80211_TDLS_PEER_WMM = 0x4 + NL80211_TDLS_SETUP = 0x1 + NL80211_TDLS_TEARDOWN = 0x2 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_AMPDU_CTRL = 0x9 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_AMSDU_CTRL = 0xb + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_MAX = 0xd + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_NOACK = 0x6 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_OVERRIDE = 0x4 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_PAD = 0x1 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_PEER_SUPP = 0x3 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_RETRY_LONG = 0x8 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_RETRY_SHORT = 0x7 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_RTSCTS_CTRL = 0xa + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_TIDS = 0x5 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_TX_RATE = 0xd + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_TX_RATE_TYPE = 0xc + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ATTR_VIF_SUPP = 0x2 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_DISABLE = 0x1 + NL80211_TID_CONFIG_ENABLE = 0x0 + NL80211_TID_STATS_MAX = 0x6 + NL80211_TID_STATS_PAD = 0x5 + NL80211_TID_STATS_RX_MSDU = 0x1 + NL80211_TID_STATS_TX_MSDU = 0x2 + NL80211_TID_STATS_TX_MSDU_FAILED = 0x4 + NL80211_TID_STATS_TX_MSDU_RETRIES = 0x3 + NL80211_TID_STATS_TXQ_STATS = 0x6 + NL80211_TIMEOUT_ASSOC = 0x3 + NL80211_TIMEOUT_AUTH = 0x2 + NL80211_TIMEOUT_SCAN = 0x1 + NL80211_TIMEOUT_UNSPECIFIED = 0x0 + NL80211_TKIP_DATA_OFFSET_ENCR_KEY = 0x0 + NL80211_TKIP_DATA_OFFSET_RX_MIC_KEY = 0x18 + NL80211_TKIP_DATA_OFFSET_TX_MIC_KEY = 0x10 + NL80211_TX_POWER_AUTOMATIC = 0x0 + NL80211_TX_POWER_FIXED = 0x2 + NL80211_TX_POWER_LIMITED = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_AC = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_AIFS = 0x5 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_CWMAX = 0x4 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_CWMIN = 0x3 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_MAX = 0x5 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_QUEUE = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_ATTR_TXOP = 0x2 + NL80211_TXQ_Q_BE = 0x2 + NL80211_TXQ_Q_BK = 0x3 + NL80211_TXQ_Q_VI = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_Q_VO = 0x0 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_BACKLOG_BYTES = 0x1 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_BACKLOG_PACKETS = 0x2 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_COLLISIONS = 0x8 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_DROPS = 0x4 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_ECN_MARKS = 0x5 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_FLOWS = 0x3 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_MAX = 0xb + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_MAX_FLOWS = 0xb + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_OVERLIMIT = 0x6 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_OVERMEMORY = 0x7 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_TX_BYTES = 0x9 + NL80211_TXQ_STATS_TX_PACKETS = 0xa + NL80211_TX_RATE_AUTOMATIC = 0x0 + NL80211_TXRATE_DEFAULT_GI = 0x0 + NL80211_TX_RATE_FIXED = 0x2 + NL80211_TXRATE_FORCE_LGI = 0x2 + NL80211_TXRATE_FORCE_SGI = 0x1 + NL80211_TXRATE_GI = 0x4 + NL80211_TXRATE_HE = 0x5 + NL80211_TXRATE_HE_GI = 0x6 + NL80211_TXRATE_HE_LTF = 0x7 + NL80211_TXRATE_HT = 0x2 + NL80211_TXRATE_LEGACY = 0x1 + NL80211_TX_RATE_LIMITED = 0x1 + NL80211_TXRATE_MAX = 0x7 + NL80211_TXRATE_MCS = 0x2 + NL80211_TXRATE_VHT = 0x3 + NL80211_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP_ATTR_INT = 0x1 + NL80211_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP_ATTR_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_UNSOL_BCAST_PROBE_RESP_ATTR_TMPL = 0x2 + NL80211_USER_REG_HINT_CELL_BASE = 0x1 + NL80211_USER_REG_HINT_INDOOR = 0x2 + NL80211_USER_REG_HINT_USER = 0x0 + NL80211_VENDOR_ID_IS_LINUX = 0x80000000 + NL80211_VHT_CAPABILITY_LEN = 0xc + NL80211_VHT_NSS_MAX = 0x8 + NL80211_WIPHY_NAME_MAXLEN = 0x40 + NL80211_WMMR_AIFSN = 0x3 + NL80211_WMMR_CW_MAX = 0x2 + NL80211_WMMR_CW_MIN = 0x1 + NL80211_WMMR_MAX = 0x4 + NL80211_WMMR_TXOP = 0x4 + NL80211_WOWLAN_PKTPAT_MASK = 0x1 + NL80211_WOWLAN_PKTPAT_OFFSET = 0x3 + NL80211_WOWLAN_PKTPAT_PATTERN = 0x2 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DATA_INTERVAL = 0x9 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DATA_PAYLOAD = 0x6 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DATA_PAYLOAD_SEQ = 0x7 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DATA_PAYLOAD_TOKEN = 0x8 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DST_IPV4 = 0x2 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DST_MAC = 0x3 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_DST_PORT = 0x5 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_SRC_IPV4 = 0x1 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_SRC_PORT = 0x4 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_WAKE_MASK = 0xb + NL80211_WOWLAN_TCP_WAKE_PAYLOAD = 0xa + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_4WAY_HANDSHAKE = 0x8 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_ANY = 0x1 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_DISCONNECT = 0x2 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_EAP_IDENT_REQUEST = 0x7 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_GTK_REKEY_FAILURE = 0x6 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_GTK_REKEY_SUPPORTED = 0x5 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_MAGIC_PKT = 0x3 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_NET_DETECT = 0x12 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_NET_DETECT_RESULTS = 0x13 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_PKT_PATTERN = 0x4 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_RFKILL_RELEASE = 0x9 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_TCP_CONNECTION = 0xe + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_80211 = 0xa + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_80211_LEN = 0xb + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_8023 = 0xc + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_PKT_8023_LEN = 0xd + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_TCP_CONNLOST = 0x10 + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_TCP_MATCH = 0xf + NL80211_WOWLAN_TRIG_WAKEUP_TCP_NOMORETOKENS = 0x11 + NL80211_WPA_VERSION_1 = 0x1 + NL80211_WPA_VERSION_2 = 0x2 + NL80211_WPA_VERSION_3 = 0x4 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go index 088bd77e..0d8ba0a9 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m32 /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && linux // +build 386,linux package unix @@ -127,6 +128,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint32 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]int8 @@ -158,10 +170,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [16]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x8 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c - SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x58 + SizeofIovec = 0x8 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c + SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc ) const ( @@ -222,6 +240,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -232,6 +254,13 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ [116]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -617,3 +646,36 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x800470a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00470a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint16 + _ [2]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint32 + _ uint32 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint32 + Atime uint32 + Atime_high uint32 + Dtime uint32 + Dtime_high uint32 + Ctime uint32 + Ctime_high uint32 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint32 + _ uint32 + _ uint32 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go index 078d958e..0243228f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -m64 /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && linux // +build amd64,linux package unix @@ -129,6 +130,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]int8 @@ -161,10 +173,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 ) const ( @@ -237,6 +255,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -247,6 +269,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -635,3 +665,33 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x800870a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ [0]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint64 + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go index 2d39122f..1b00b6c0 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && linux // +build arm,linux package unix @@ -133,6 +134,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint32 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]uint8 @@ -164,10 +176,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [16]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x8 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c - SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x58 + SizeofIovec = 0x8 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c + SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc ) const ( @@ -213,6 +231,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -223,6 +245,13 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ [116]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -612,3 +641,36 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x800470a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00470a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint16 + _ [2]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint32 + _ uint32 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint32 + Atime uint32 + Atime_high uint32 + Dtime uint32 + Dtime_high uint32 + Ctime uint32 + Ctime_high uint32 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint32 + _ uint32 + _ uint32 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go index 304cbd04..2fa62e10 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && linux // +build arm64,linux package unix @@ -130,6 +131,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]int8 @@ -162,10 +174,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 ) const ( @@ -216,6 +234,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -226,6 +248,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -614,3 +644,33 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x800870a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ [0]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint64 + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go index 7d9d5700..48da0b40 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips && linux // +build mips,linux package unix @@ -132,6 +133,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint32 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]int8 @@ -163,10 +175,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [16]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x8 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c - SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x58 + SizeofIovec = 0x8 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c + SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc ) const ( @@ -218,6 +236,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -228,6 +250,13 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x80 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Code int32 + Errno int32 + _ [116]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -618,3 +647,35 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x400470a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00470a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x80 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ [0]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint32 + _ uint32 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint32 + Atime uint32 + Dtime uint32 + Ctime uint32 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint32 + Atime_high uint16 + Dtime_high uint16 + Ctime_high uint16 + _ uint16 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go index a1eb2577..4fadda36 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64 && linux // +build mips64,linux package unix @@ -130,6 +131,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]int8 @@ -162,10 +174,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 ) const ( @@ -219,6 +237,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -229,6 +251,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x80 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Code int32 + Errno int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -617,3 +647,33 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x400870a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x80 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ [0]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint64 + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go index 2e5ce3b6..05f95751 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mips64le.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64le && linux // +build mips64le,linux package unix @@ -130,6 +131,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]int8 @@ -162,10 +174,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 ) const ( @@ -219,6 +237,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -229,6 +251,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x80 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Code int32 + Errno int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -617,3 +647,33 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x400870a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x80 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ [0]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint64 + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go index bbaa1200..55980517 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_mipsle.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mipsle && linux // +build mipsle,linux package unix @@ -132,6 +133,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint32 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]int8 @@ -163,10 +175,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [16]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x8 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c - SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x58 + SizeofIovec = 0x8 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c + SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc ) const ( @@ -218,6 +236,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -228,6 +250,13 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x80 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Code int32 + Errno int32 + _ [116]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -618,3 +647,35 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x400470a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00470a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x80 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ [0]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint32 + _ uint32 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint32 + Atime uint32 + Dtime uint32 + Ctime uint32 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint32 + Atime_high uint16 + Dtime_high uint16 + Ctime_high uint16 + _ uint16 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..94d11fad --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc.go @@ -0,0 +1,689 @@ +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. + +//go:build ppc && linux +// +build ppc,linux + +package unix + +const ( + SizeofPtr = 0x4 + SizeofLong = 0x4 +) + +type ( + _C_long int32 +) + +type Timespec struct { + Sec int32 + Nsec int32 +} + +type Timeval struct { + Sec int32 + Usec int32 +} + +type Timex struct { + Modes uint32 + Offset int32 + Freq int32 + Maxerror int32 + Esterror int32 + Status int32 + Constant int32 + Precision int32 + Tolerance int32 + Time Timeval + Tick int32 + Ppsfreq int32 + Jitter int32 + Shift int32 + Stabil int32 + Jitcnt int32 + Calcnt int32 + Errcnt int32 + Stbcnt int32 + Tai int32 + _ [44]byte +} + +type Time_t int32 + +type Tms struct { + Utime int32 + Stime int32 + Cutime int32 + Cstime int32 +} + +type Utimbuf struct { + Actime int32 + Modtime int32 +} + +type Rusage struct { + Utime Timeval + Stime Timeval + Maxrss int32 + Ixrss int32 + Idrss int32 + Isrss int32 + Minflt int32 + Majflt int32 + Nswap int32 + Inblock int32 + Oublock int32 + Msgsnd int32 + Msgrcv int32 + Nsignals int32 + Nvcsw int32 + Nivcsw int32 +} + +type Stat_t struct { + Dev uint64 + Ino uint64 + Mode uint32 + Nlink uint32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Rdev uint64 + _ uint16 + _ [4]byte + Size int64 + Blksize int32 + _ [4]byte + Blocks int64 + Atim Timespec + Mtim Timespec + Ctim Timespec + _ uint32 + _ uint32 +} + +type Dirent struct { + Ino uint64 + Off int64 + Reclen uint16 + Type uint8 + Name [256]uint8 + _ [5]byte +} + +type Flock_t struct { + Type int16 + Whence int16 + _ [4]byte + Start int64 + Len int64 + Pid int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type DmNameList struct { + Dev uint64 + Next uint32 + Name [0]byte + _ [4]byte +} + +const ( + FADV_DONTNEED = 0x4 + FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 +) + +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint32 +} + +type RawSockaddr struct { + Family uint16 + Data [14]uint8 +} + +type RawSockaddrAny struct { + Addr RawSockaddr + Pad [96]uint8 +} + +type Iovec struct { + Base *byte + Len uint32 +} + +type Msghdr struct { + Name *byte + Namelen uint32 + Iov *Iovec + Iovlen uint32 + Control *byte + Controllen uint32 + Flags int32 +} + +type Cmsghdr struct { + Len uint32 + Level int32 + Type int32 +} + +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [16]byte +} + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x58 + SizeofIovec = 0x8 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x1c + SizeofCmsghdr = 0xc +) + +const ( + SizeofSockFprog = 0x8 +) + +type PtraceRegs struct { + Gpr [32]uint32 + Nip uint32 + Msr uint32 + Orig_gpr3 uint32 + Ctr uint32 + Link uint32 + Xer uint32 + Ccr uint32 + Mq uint32 + Trap uint32 + Dar uint32 + Dsisr uint32 + Result uint32 +} + +type FdSet struct { + Bits [32]int32 +} + +type Sysinfo_t struct { + Uptime int32 + Loads [3]uint32 + Totalram uint32 + Freeram uint32 + Sharedram uint32 + Bufferram uint32 + Totalswap uint32 + Freeswap uint32 + Procs uint16 + Pad uint16 + Totalhigh uint32 + Freehigh uint32 + Unit uint32 + _ [8]uint8 +} + +type Ustat_t struct { + Tfree int32 + Tinode uint32 + Fname [6]uint8 + Fpack [6]uint8 +} + +type EpollEvent struct { + Events uint32 + _ int32 + Fd int32 + Pad int32 +} + +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + +const ( + POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 +) + +type Sigset_t struct { + Val [32]uint32 +} + +const _C__NSIG = 0x41 + +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ [116]byte +} + +type Termios struct { + Iflag uint32 + Oflag uint32 + Cflag uint32 + Lflag uint32 + Cc [19]uint8 + Line uint8 + Ispeed uint32 + Ospeed uint32 +} + +type Taskstats struct { + Version uint16 + Ac_exitcode uint32 + Ac_flag uint8 + Ac_nice uint8 + _ [4]byte + Cpu_count uint64 + Cpu_delay_total uint64 + Blkio_count uint64 + Blkio_delay_total uint64 + Swapin_count uint64 + Swapin_delay_total uint64 + Cpu_run_real_total uint64 + Cpu_run_virtual_total uint64 + Ac_comm [32]uint8 + Ac_sched uint8 + Ac_pad [3]uint8 + _ [4]byte + Ac_uid uint32 + Ac_gid uint32 + Ac_pid uint32 + Ac_ppid uint32 + Ac_btime uint32 + _ [4]byte + Ac_etime uint64 + Ac_utime uint64 + Ac_stime uint64 + Ac_minflt uint64 + Ac_majflt uint64 + Coremem uint64 + Virtmem uint64 + Hiwater_rss uint64 + Hiwater_vm uint64 + Read_char uint64 + Write_char uint64 + Read_syscalls uint64 + Write_syscalls uint64 + Read_bytes uint64 + Write_bytes uint64 + Cancelled_write_bytes uint64 + Nvcsw uint64 + Nivcsw uint64 + Ac_utimescaled uint64 + Ac_stimescaled uint64 + Cpu_scaled_run_real_total uint64 + Freepages_count uint64 + Freepages_delay_total uint64 + Thrashing_count uint64 + Thrashing_delay_total uint64 + Ac_btime64 uint64 +} + +type cpuMask uint32 + +const ( + _NCPUBITS = 0x20 +) + +const ( + CBitFieldMaskBit0 = 0x8000000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit1 = 0x4000000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit2 = 0x2000000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit3 = 0x1000000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit4 = 0x800000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit5 = 0x400000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit6 = 0x200000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit7 = 0x100000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit8 = 0x80000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit9 = 0x40000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit10 = 0x20000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit11 = 0x10000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit12 = 0x8000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit13 = 0x4000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit14 = 0x2000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit15 = 0x1000000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit16 = 0x800000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit17 = 0x400000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit18 = 0x200000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit19 = 0x100000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit20 = 0x80000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit21 = 0x40000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit22 = 0x20000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit23 = 0x10000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit24 = 0x8000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit25 = 0x4000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit26 = 0x2000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit27 = 0x1000000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit28 = 0x800000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit29 = 0x400000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit30 = 0x200000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit31 = 0x100000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit32 = 0x80000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit33 = 0x40000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit34 = 0x20000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit35 = 0x10000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit36 = 0x8000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit37 = 0x4000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit38 = 0x2000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit39 = 0x1000000 + CBitFieldMaskBit40 = 0x800000 + CBitFieldMaskBit41 = 0x400000 + CBitFieldMaskBit42 = 0x200000 + CBitFieldMaskBit43 = 0x100000 + CBitFieldMaskBit44 = 0x80000 + CBitFieldMaskBit45 = 0x40000 + CBitFieldMaskBit46 = 0x20000 + CBitFieldMaskBit47 = 0x10000 + CBitFieldMaskBit48 = 0x8000 + CBitFieldMaskBit49 = 0x4000 + CBitFieldMaskBit50 = 0x2000 + CBitFieldMaskBit51 = 0x1000 + CBitFieldMaskBit52 = 0x800 + CBitFieldMaskBit53 = 0x400 + CBitFieldMaskBit54 = 0x200 + CBitFieldMaskBit55 = 0x100 + CBitFieldMaskBit56 = 0x80 + CBitFieldMaskBit57 = 0x40 + CBitFieldMaskBit58 = 0x20 + CBitFieldMaskBit59 = 0x10 + CBitFieldMaskBit60 = 0x8 + CBitFieldMaskBit61 = 0x4 + CBitFieldMaskBit62 = 0x2 + CBitFieldMaskBit63 = 0x1 +) + +type SockaddrStorage struct { + Family uint16 + _ [122]uint8 + _ uint32 +} + +type HDGeometry struct { + Heads uint8 + Sectors uint8 + Cylinders uint16 + Start uint32 +} + +type Statfs_t struct { + Type int32 + Bsize int32 + Blocks uint64 + Bfree uint64 + Bavail uint64 + Files uint64 + Ffree uint64 + Fsid Fsid + Namelen int32 + Frsize int32 + Flags int32 + Spare [4]int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type TpacketHdr struct { + Status uint32 + Len uint32 + Snaplen uint32 + Mac uint16 + Net uint16 + Sec uint32 + Usec uint32 +} + +const ( + SizeofTpacketHdr = 0x18 +) + +type RTCPLLInfo struct { + Ctrl int32 + Value int32 + Max int32 + Min int32 + Posmult int32 + Negmult int32 + Clock int32 +} + +type BlkpgPartition struct { + Start int64 + Length int64 + Pno int32 + Devname [64]uint8 + Volname [64]uint8 + _ [4]byte +} + +const ( + BLKPG = 0x20001269 +) + +type XDPUmemReg struct { + Addr uint64 + Len uint64 + Size uint32 + Headroom uint32 + Flags uint32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type CryptoUserAlg struct { + Name [64]uint8 + Driver_name [64]uint8 + Module_name [64]uint8 + Type uint32 + Mask uint32 + Refcnt uint32 + Flags uint32 +} + +type CryptoStatAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Verify_cnt uint64 + Sign_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Encrypt_cnt uint64 + Encrypt_tlen uint64 + Decrypt_cnt uint64 + Decrypt_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatCompress struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Compress_cnt uint64 + Compress_tlen uint64 + Decompress_cnt uint64 + Decompress_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Hash_cnt uint64 + Hash_tlen uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Setsecret_cnt uint64 + Generate_public_key_cnt uint64 + Compute_shared_secret_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Generate_cnt uint64 + Generate_tlen uint64 + Seed_cnt uint64 + Err_cnt uint64 +} + +type CryptoStatLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportLarval struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportHash struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Digestsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportBlkCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Min_keysize uint32 + Max_keysize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAEAD struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Geniv [64]uint8 + Blocksize uint32 + Maxauthsize uint32 + Ivsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportComp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportRNG struct { + Type [64]uint8 + Seedsize uint32 +} + +type CryptoReportAKCipher struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportKPP struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type CryptoReportAcomp struct { + Type [64]uint8 +} + +type LoopInfo struct { + Number int32 + Device uint32 + Inode uint32 + Rdevice uint32 + Offset int32 + Encrypt_type int32 + Encrypt_key_size int32 + Flags int32 + Name [64]uint8 + Encrypt_key [32]uint8 + Init [2]uint32 + Reserved [4]uint8 +} + +type TIPCSubscr struct { + Seq TIPCServiceRange + Timeout uint32 + Filter uint32 + Handle [8]uint8 +} + +type TIPCSIOCLNReq struct { + Peer uint32 + Id uint32 + Linkname [68]uint8 +} + +type TIPCSIOCNodeIDReq struct { + Peer uint32 + Id [16]uint8 +} + +type PPSKInfo struct { + Assert_sequence uint32 + Clear_sequence uint32 + Assert_tu PPSKTime + Clear_tu PPSKTime + Current_mode int32 + _ [4]byte +} + +const ( + PPS_GETPARAMS = 0x400470a1 + PPS_SETPARAMS = 0x800470a2 + PPS_GETCAP = 0x400470a3 + PPS_FETCH = 0xc00470a4 +) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + Seq uint32 + _ uint32 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Atime_high uint32 + Atime uint32 + Dtime_high uint32 + Dtime uint32 + Ctime_high uint32 + Ctime uint32 + _ uint32 + Segsz uint32 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint32 + _ uint32 + _ uint32 + _ [4]byte +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go index 0e6e8a77..c7cd7761 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc64 && linux // +build ppc64,linux package unix @@ -131,6 +132,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]uint8 @@ -163,10 +175,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 ) const ( @@ -226,6 +244,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -236,6 +258,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -624,3 +654,32 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x400870a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + Seq uint32 + _ uint32 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Segsz uint64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go index 7382f385..5d8b4be3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_ppc64le.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build ppc64le && linux // +build ppc64le,linux package unix @@ -131,6 +132,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]uint8 @@ -163,10 +175,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 ) const ( @@ -226,6 +244,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -236,6 +258,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -624,3 +654,32 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x400870a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + Seq uint32 + _ uint32 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Segsz uint64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go index 28d55221..c38d8962 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_riscv64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build riscv64 && linux // +build riscv64,linux package unix @@ -130,6 +131,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]uint8 @@ -162,10 +174,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 ) const ( @@ -244,6 +262,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -254,6 +276,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -642,3 +672,33 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x800870a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ [0]uint8 + Seq uint16 + _ uint16 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint64 + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go index a91a7a44..513cb0c7 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_s390x.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include -fsigned-char /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build s390x && linux // +build s390x,linux package unix @@ -129,6 +130,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x7 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]int8 @@ -161,10 +173,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 ) const ( @@ -192,8 +210,8 @@ type PtraceFpregs struct { } type PtracePer struct { - _ [0]uint64 - _ [32]byte + Control_regs [3]uint64 + _ [8]byte Starting_addr uint64 Ending_addr uint64 Perc_atmid uint16 @@ -239,6 +257,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x80000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x2000 ) @@ -249,6 +271,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -638,3 +668,32 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x800870a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x800 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ uint16 + Seq uint16 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Segsz uint64 + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go index f824b235..0c3e0c48 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_linux_sparc64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ -// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go +// cgo -godefs -- -Wall -Werror -static -I/tmp/include /build/unix/linux/types.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build sparc64 && linux // +build sparc64,linux package unix @@ -133,6 +134,17 @@ const ( FADV_NOREUSE = 0x5 ) +type RawSockaddrNFCLLCP struct { + Sa_family uint16 + Dev_idx uint32 + Target_idx uint32 + Nfc_protocol uint32 + Dsap uint8 + Ssap uint8 + Service_name [63]uint8 + Service_name_len uint64 +} + type RawSockaddr struct { Family uint16 Data [14]int8 @@ -165,10 +177,16 @@ type Cmsghdr struct { Type int32 } +type ifreq struct { + Ifrn [16]byte + Ifru [24]byte +} + const ( - SizeofIovec = 0x10 - SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 - SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 + SizeofSockaddrNFCLLCP = 0x60 + SizeofIovec = 0x10 + SizeofMsghdr = 0x38 + SizeofCmsghdr = 0x10 ) const ( @@ -221,6 +239,10 @@ type EpollEvent struct { Pad int32 } +const ( + OPEN_TREE_CLOEXEC = 0x400000 +) + const ( POLLRDHUP = 0x800 ) @@ -231,6 +253,14 @@ type Sigset_t struct { const _C__NSIG = 0x41 +type Siginfo struct { + Signo int32 + Errno int32 + Code int32 + _ int32 + _ [112]byte +} + type Termios struct { Iflag uint32 Oflag uint32 @@ -619,3 +649,32 @@ const ( PPS_GETCAP = 0x400870a3 PPS_FETCH = 0xc00870a4 ) + +const ( + PIDFD_NONBLOCK = 0x4000 +) + +type SysvIpcPerm struct { + Key int32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + Cuid uint32 + Cgid uint32 + Mode uint32 + _ uint16 + Seq uint16 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} +type SysvShmDesc struct { + Perm SysvIpcPerm + Atime int64 + Dtime int64 + Ctime int64 + Segsz uint64 + Cpid int32 + Lpid int32 + Nattch uint64 + _ uint64 + _ uint64 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_386.go index 3f11f88e..2fd2060e 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_netbsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && netbsd // +build 386,netbsd package unix @@ -444,8 +445,10 @@ type Ptmget struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_EACCESS = 0x100 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x200 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 ) type PollFd struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_amd64.go index 0bed83af..6a5a1a8a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_netbsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && netbsd // +build amd64,netbsd package unix @@ -452,8 +453,10 @@ type Ptmget struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_EACCESS = 0x100 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x200 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 ) type PollFd struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm.go index e4e3bf73..84cc8d01 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_netbsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && netbsd // +build arm,netbsd package unix @@ -449,8 +450,10 @@ type Ptmget struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_EACCESS = 0x100 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x200 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 ) type PollFd struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm64.go index efac861b..c844e709 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_netbsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_netbsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && netbsd // +build arm64,netbsd package unix @@ -452,8 +453,10 @@ type Ptmget struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_EACCESS = 0x100 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x200 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x800 ) type PollFd struct { diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go index 80fa295f..baf5fe65 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_386.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_openbsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build 386 && openbsd // +build 386,openbsd package unix @@ -437,8 +438,10 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_EACCESS = 0x1 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x2 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x8 ) type PollFd struct { @@ -561,12 +564,11 @@ type Uvmexp struct { Kmapent int32 } -const SizeofClockinfo = 0x14 +const SizeofClockinfo = 0x10 type Clockinfo struct { - Hz int32 - Tick int32 - Tickadj int32 - Stathz int32 - Profhz int32 + Hz int32 + Tick int32 + Stathz int32 + Profhz int32 } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go index 560dd6d0..e21ae8ec 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_openbsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && openbsd // +build amd64,openbsd package unix @@ -437,8 +438,10 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_EACCESS = 0x1 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x2 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x8 ) type PollFd struct { @@ -561,12 +564,11 @@ type Uvmexp struct { Kmapent int32 } -const SizeofClockinfo = 0x14 +const SizeofClockinfo = 0x10 type Clockinfo struct { - Hz int32 - Tick int32 - Tickadj int32 - Stathz int32 - Profhz int32 + Hz int32 + Tick int32 + Stathz int32 + Profhz int32 } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go index 0c1700fa..f190651c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char types_openbsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm && openbsd // +build arm,openbsd package unix @@ -438,8 +439,10 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_EACCESS = 0x1 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x2 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x8 ) type PollFd struct { @@ -562,12 +565,11 @@ type Uvmexp struct { Kmapent int32 } -const SizeofClockinfo = 0x14 +const SizeofClockinfo = 0x10 type Clockinfo struct { - Hz int32 - Tick int32 - Tickadj int32 - Stathz int32 - Profhz int32 + Hz int32 + Tick int32 + Stathz int32 + Profhz int32 } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go index 5b3e4663..84747c58 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_arm64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char types_openbsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build arm64 && openbsd // +build arm64,openbsd package unix @@ -431,8 +432,10 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_EACCESS = 0x1 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x2 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x8 ) type PollFd struct { @@ -555,12 +558,11 @@ type Uvmexp struct { Kmapent int32 } -const SizeofClockinfo = 0x14 +const SizeofClockinfo = 0x10 type Clockinfo struct { - Hz int32 - Tick int32 - Tickadj int32 - Stathz int32 - Profhz int32 + Hz int32 + Tick int32 + Stathz int32 + Profhz int32 } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go index 62bff167..ac5c8b63 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_openbsd_mips64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs -- -fsigned-char types_openbsd.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build mips64 && openbsd // +build mips64,openbsd package unix @@ -431,8 +432,10 @@ type Winsize struct { const ( AT_FDCWD = -0x64 - AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_EACCESS = 0x1 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x2 + AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x4 + AT_REMOVEDIR = 0x8 ) type PollFd struct { @@ -555,12 +558,11 @@ type Uvmexp struct { Kmapent int32 } -const SizeofClockinfo = 0x14 +const SizeofClockinfo = 0x10 type Clockinfo struct { - Hz int32 - Tick int32 - Tickadj int32 - Stathz int32 - Profhz int32 + Hz int32 + Tick int32 + Stathz int32 + Profhz int32 } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go index ca512aff..ad4aad27 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_solaris_amd64.go @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ // cgo -godefs types_solaris.go | go run mkpost.go // Code generated by the command above; see README.md. DO NOT EDIT. +//go:build amd64 && solaris // +build amd64,solaris package unix @@ -439,3 +440,43 @@ const ( POLLWRBAND = 0x100 POLLWRNORM = 0x4 ) + +type fileObj struct { + Atim Timespec + Mtim Timespec + Ctim Timespec + Pad [3]uint64 + Name *int8 +} + +type portEvent struct { + Events int32 + Source uint16 + Pad uint16 + Object uint64 + User *byte +} + +const ( + PORT_SOURCE_AIO = 0x1 + PORT_SOURCE_TIMER = 0x2 + PORT_SOURCE_USER = 0x3 + PORT_SOURCE_FD = 0x4 + PORT_SOURCE_ALERT = 0x5 + PORT_SOURCE_MQ = 0x6 + PORT_SOURCE_FILE = 0x7 + PORT_ALERT_SET = 0x1 + PORT_ALERT_UPDATE = 0x2 + PORT_ALERT_INVALID = 0x3 + FILE_ACCESS = 0x1 + FILE_MODIFIED = 0x2 + FILE_ATTRIB = 0x4 + FILE_TRUNC = 0x100000 + FILE_NOFOLLOW = 0x10000000 + FILE_DELETE = 0x10 + FILE_RENAME_TO = 0x20 + FILE_RENAME_FROM = 0x40 + UNMOUNTED = 0x20000000 + MOUNTEDOVER = 0x40000000 + FILE_EXCEPTION = 0x60000070 +) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_zos_s390x.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_zos_s390x.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4ab638cb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/unix/ztypes_zos_s390x.go @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +//go:build zos && s390x +// +build zos,s390x + +// Hand edited based on ztypes_linux_s390x.go +// TODO: auto-generate. + +package unix + +const ( + SizeofPtr = 0x8 + SizeofShort = 0x2 + SizeofInt = 0x4 + SizeofLong = 0x8 + SizeofLongLong = 0x8 + PathMax = 0x1000 +) + +const ( + SizeofSockaddrAny = 128 + SizeofCmsghdr = 12 + SizeofIPMreq = 8 + SizeofIPv6Mreq = 20 + SizeofICMPv6Filter = 32 + SizeofIPv6MTUInfo = 32 + SizeofLinger = 8 + SizeofSockaddrInet4 = 16 + SizeofSockaddrInet6 = 28 + SizeofTCPInfo = 0x68 +) + +type ( + _C_short int16 + _C_int int32 + _C_long int64 + _C_long_long int64 +) + +type Timespec struct { + Sec int64 + Nsec int64 +} + +type Timeval struct { + Sec int64 + Usec int64 +} + +type timeval_zos struct { //correct (with padding and all) + Sec int64 + _ [4]byte // pad + Usec int32 +} + +type Tms struct { //clock_t is 4-byte unsigned int in zos + Utime uint32 + Stime uint32 + Cutime uint32 + Cstime uint32 +} + +type Time_t int64 + +type Utimbuf struct { + Actime int64 + Modtime int64 +} + +type Utsname struct { + Sysname [65]byte + Nodename [65]byte + Release [65]byte + Version [65]byte + Machine [65]byte + Domainname [65]byte +} + +type RawSockaddrInet4 struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Port uint16 + Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + Zero [8]uint8 +} + +type RawSockaddrInet6 struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Port uint16 + Flowinfo uint32 + Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + Scope_id uint32 +} + +type RawSockaddrUnix struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Path [108]int8 +} + +type RawSockaddr struct { + Len uint8 + Family uint8 + Data [14]uint8 +} + +type RawSockaddrAny struct { + Addr RawSockaddr + _ [112]uint8 // pad +} + +type _Socklen uint32 + +type Linger struct { + Onoff int32 + Linger int32 +} + +type Iovec struct { + Base *byte + Len uint64 +} + +type IPMreq struct { + Multiaddr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + Interface [4]byte /* in_addr */ +} + +type IPv6Mreq struct { + Multiaddr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + Interface uint32 +} + +type Msghdr struct { + Name *byte + Iov *Iovec + Control *byte + Flags int32 + Namelen int32 + Iovlen int32 + Controllen int32 +} + +type Cmsghdr struct { + Len int32 + Level int32 + Type int32 +} + +type Inet4Pktinfo struct { + Addr [4]byte /* in_addr */ + Ifindex uint32 +} + +type Inet6Pktinfo struct { + Addr [16]byte /* in6_addr */ + Ifindex uint32 +} + +type IPv6MTUInfo struct { + Addr RawSockaddrInet6 + Mtu uint32 +} + +type ICMPv6Filter struct { + Data [8]uint32 +} + +type TCPInfo struct { + State uint8 + Ca_state uint8 + Retransmits uint8 + Probes uint8 + Backoff uint8 + Options uint8 + Rto uint32 + Ato uint32 + Snd_mss uint32 + Rcv_mss uint32 + Unacked uint32 + Sacked uint32 + Lost uint32 + Retrans uint32 + Fackets uint32 + Last_data_sent uint32 + Last_ack_sent uint32 + Last_data_recv uint32 + Last_ack_recv uint32 + Pmtu uint32 + Rcv_ssthresh uint32 + Rtt uint32 + Rttvar uint32 + Snd_ssthresh uint32 + Snd_cwnd uint32 + Advmss uint32 + Reordering uint32 + Rcv_rtt uint32 + Rcv_space uint32 + Total_retrans uint32 +} + +type _Gid_t uint32 + +type rusage_zos struct { + Utime timeval_zos + Stime timeval_zos +} + +type Rusage struct { + Utime Timeval + Stime Timeval + Maxrss int64 + Ixrss int64 + Idrss int64 + Isrss int64 + Minflt int64 + Majflt int64 + Nswap int64 + Inblock int64 + Oublock int64 + Msgsnd int64 + Msgrcv int64 + Nsignals int64 + Nvcsw int64 + Nivcsw int64 +} + +type Rlimit struct { + Cur uint64 + Max uint64 +} + +// { int, short, short } in poll.h +type PollFd struct { + Fd int32 + Events int16 + Revents int16 +} + +type Stat_t struct { //Linux Definition + Dev uint64 + Ino uint64 + Nlink uint64 + Mode uint32 + Uid uint32 + Gid uint32 + _ int32 + Rdev uint64 + Size int64 + Atim Timespec + Mtim Timespec + Ctim Timespec + Blksize int64 + Blocks int64 + _ [3]int64 +} + +type Stat_LE_t struct { + _ [4]byte // eye catcher + Length uint16 + Version uint16 + Mode int32 + Ino uint32 + Dev uint32 + Nlink int32 + Uid int32 + Gid int32 + Size int64 + Atim31 [4]byte + Mtim31 [4]byte + Ctim31 [4]byte + Rdev uint32 + Auditoraudit uint32 + Useraudit uint32 + Blksize int32 + Creatim31 [4]byte + AuditID [16]byte + _ [4]byte // rsrvd1 + File_tag struct { + Ccsid uint16 + Txtflag uint16 // aggregating Txflag:1 deferred:1 rsvflags:14 + } + CharsetID [8]byte + Blocks int64 + Genvalue uint32 + Reftim31 [4]byte + Fid [8]byte + Filefmt byte + Fspflag2 byte + _ [2]byte // rsrvd2 + Ctimemsec int32 + Seclabel [8]byte + _ [4]byte // rsrvd3 + _ [4]byte // rsrvd4 + Atim Time_t + Mtim Time_t + Ctim Time_t + Creatim Time_t + Reftim Time_t + _ [24]byte // rsrvd5 +} + +type Statvfs_t struct { + ID [4]byte + Len int32 + Bsize uint64 + Blocks uint64 + Usedspace uint64 + Bavail uint64 + Flag uint64 + Maxfilesize int64 + _ [16]byte + Frsize uint64 + Bfree uint64 + Files uint32 + Ffree uint32 + Favail uint32 + Namemax31 uint32 + Invarsec uint32 + _ [4]byte + Fsid uint64 + Namemax uint64 +} + +type Statfs_t struct { + Type uint32 + Bsize uint64 + Blocks uint64 + Bfree uint64 + Bavail uint64 + Files uint32 + Ffree uint32 + Fsid uint64 + Namelen uint64 + Frsize uint64 + Flags uint64 +} + +type Dirent struct { + Reclen uint16 + Namlen uint16 + Ino uint32 + Extra uintptr + Name [256]byte +} + +type FdSet struct { + Bits [64]int32 +} + +// This struct is packed on z/OS so it can't be used directly. +type Flock_t struct { + Type int16 + Whence int16 + Start int64 + Len int64 + Pid int32 +} + +type Termios struct { + Cflag uint32 + Iflag uint32 + Lflag uint32 + Oflag uint32 + Cc [11]uint8 +} + +type Winsize struct { + Row uint16 + Col uint16 + Xpixel uint16 + Ypixel uint16 +} + +type W_Mnth struct { + Hid [4]byte + Size int32 + Cur1 int32 //32bit pointer + Cur2 int32 //^ + Devno uint32 + _ [4]byte +} + +type W_Mntent struct { + Fstype uint32 + Mode uint32 + Dev uint32 + Parentdev uint32 + Rootino uint32 + Status byte + Ddname [9]byte + Fstname [9]byte + Fsname [45]byte + Pathlen uint32 + Mountpoint [1024]byte + Jobname [8]byte + PID int32 + Parmoffset int32 + Parmlen int16 + Owner [8]byte + Quiesceowner [8]byte + _ [38]byte +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/aliases.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/aliases.go index af3af60d..a20ebea6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/aliases.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/aliases.go @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. -// +build windows -// +build go1.9 +//go:build windows && go1.9 +// +build windows,go1.9 package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s index 69309e4d..fdbbbcd3 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/empty.s @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build !go1.12 // +build !go1.12 // This file is here to allow bodyless functions with go:linkname for Go 1.11 diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/eventlog.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/eventlog.go index 40af946e..2cd60645 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/eventlog.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/eventlog.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build windows // +build windows package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/exec_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/exec_windows.go index 3606c3a8..855698bb 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/exec_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/exec_windows.go @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ package windows +import ( + errorspkg "errors" + "unsafe" +) + // EscapeArg rewrites command line argument s as prescribed // in http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms880421. // This function returns "" (2 double quotes) if s is empty. @@ -73,6 +78,40 @@ func EscapeArg(s string) string { return string(qs[:j]) } +// ComposeCommandLine escapes and joins the given arguments suitable for use as a Windows command line, +// in CreateProcess's CommandLine argument, CreateService/ChangeServiceConfig's BinaryPathName argument, +// or any program that uses CommandLineToArgv. +func ComposeCommandLine(args []string) string { + var commandLine string + for i := range args { + if i > 0 { + commandLine += " " + } + commandLine += EscapeArg(args[i]) + } + return commandLine +} + +// DecomposeCommandLine breaks apart its argument command line into unescaped parts using CommandLineToArgv, +// as gathered from GetCommandLine, QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG's BinaryPathName argument, or elsewhere that +// command lines are passed around. +func DecomposeCommandLine(commandLine string) ([]string, error) { + if len(commandLine) == 0 { + return []string{}, nil + } + var argc int32 + argv, err := CommandLineToArgv(StringToUTF16Ptr(commandLine), &argc) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + defer LocalFree(Handle(unsafe.Pointer(argv))) + var args []string + for _, v := range (*argv)[:argc] { + args = append(args, UTF16ToString((*v)[:])) + } + return args, nil +} + func CloseOnExec(fd Handle) { SetHandleInformation(Handle(fd), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) } @@ -95,3 +134,45 @@ func FullPath(name string) (path string, err error) { } } } + +// NewProcThreadAttributeList allocates a new ProcThreadAttributeListContainer, with the requested maximum number of attributes. +func NewProcThreadAttributeList(maxAttrCount uint32) (*ProcThreadAttributeListContainer, error) { + var size uintptr + err := initializeProcThreadAttributeList(nil, maxAttrCount, 0, &size) + if err != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER { + if err == nil { + return nil, errorspkg.New("unable to query buffer size from InitializeProcThreadAttributeList") + } + return nil, err + } + alloc, err := LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, uint32(size)) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + // size is guaranteed to be ≥1 by InitializeProcThreadAttributeList. + al := &ProcThreadAttributeListContainer{data: (*ProcThreadAttributeList)(unsafe.Pointer(alloc))} + err = initializeProcThreadAttributeList(al.data, maxAttrCount, 0, &size) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return al, err +} + +// Update modifies the ProcThreadAttributeList using UpdateProcThreadAttribute. +func (al *ProcThreadAttributeListContainer) Update(attribute uintptr, value unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr) error { + al.pointers = append(al.pointers, value) + return updateProcThreadAttribute(al.data, 0, attribute, value, size, nil, nil) +} + +// Delete frees ProcThreadAttributeList's resources. +func (al *ProcThreadAttributeListContainer) Delete() { + deleteProcThreadAttributeList(al.data) + LocalFree(Handle(unsafe.Pointer(al.data))) + al.data = nil + al.pointers = nil +} + +// List returns the actual ProcThreadAttributeList to be passed to StartupInfoEx. +func (al *ProcThreadAttributeListContainer) List() *ProcThreadAttributeList { + return al.data +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/memory_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/memory_windows.go index 1adb6073..6dc0920a 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/memory_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/memory_windows.go @@ -35,3 +35,14 @@ const ( QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MAX_DISABLE = 0x00000008 QUOTA_LIMITS_HARDWS_MAX_ENABLE = 0x00000004 ) + +type MemoryBasicInformation struct { + BaseAddress uintptr + AllocationBase uintptr + AllocationProtect uint32 + PartitionId uint16 + RegionSize uintptr + State uint32 + Protect uint32 + Type uint32 +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mkerrors.bash b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mkerrors.bash index 2163843a..58e0188f 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mkerrors.bash +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mkerrors.bash @@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ shopt -s nullglob winerror="$(printf '%s\n' "/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/"/*/Include/*/shared/winerror.h | sort -Vr | head -n 1)" [[ -n $winerror ]] || { echo "Unable to find winerror.h" >&2; exit 1; } +ntstatus="$(printf '%s\n' "/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/"/*/Include/*/shared/ntstatus.h | sort -Vr | head -n 1)" +[[ -n $ntstatus ]] || { echo "Unable to find ntstatus.h" >&2; exit 1; } declare -A errors @@ -59,5 +61,10 @@ declare -A errors echo "$key $vtype = $value" done < "$winerror" + while read -r line; do + [[ $line =~ ^#define\ (STATUS_[^\s]+)\ +\(\(NTSTATUS\)((0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+)L?\) ]] || continue + echo "${BASH_REMATCH[1]} NTStatus = ${BASH_REMATCH[2]}" + done < "$ntstatus" + echo ")" } | gofmt > "zerrors_windows.go" diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go index 328e3b2a..8563f79c 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/mksyscall.go @@ -2,8 +2,9 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build generate // +build generate package windows -//go:generate go run golang.org/x/sys/windows/mkwinsyscall -output zsyscall_windows.go eventlog.go service.go syscall_windows.go security_windows.go +//go:generate go run golang.org/x/sys/windows/mkwinsyscall -output zsyscall_windows.go eventlog.go service.go syscall_windows.go security_windows.go setupapi_windows.go diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race.go index a74e3e24..9196b089 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build windows && race // +build windows,race package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race0.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race0.go index e44a3cbf..7bae4817 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race0.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/race0.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build windows && !race // +build windows,!race package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/security_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/security_windows.go index 69eb462c..d414ef13 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/security_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/security_windows.go @@ -889,6 +889,7 @@ type WTS_SESSION_INFO struct { //sys WTSQueryUserToken(session uint32, token *Token) (err error) = wtsapi32.WTSQueryUserToken //sys WTSEnumerateSessions(handle Handle, reserved uint32, version uint32, sessions **WTS_SESSION_INFO, count *uint32) (err error) = wtsapi32.WTSEnumerateSessionsW //sys WTSFreeMemory(ptr uintptr) = wtsapi32.WTSFreeMemory +//sys WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId() (sessionID uint32) type ACL struct { aclRevision byte @@ -908,6 +909,19 @@ type SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR struct { dacl *ACL } +type SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE struct { + Length uint32 + ImpersonationLevel uint32 + ContextTrackingMode byte + EffectiveOnly byte +} + +// Constants for the ContextTrackingMode field of SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE. +const ( + SECURITY_STATIC_TRACKING = 0 + SECURITY_DYNAMIC_TRACKING = 1 +) + type SecurityAttributes struct { Length uint32 SecurityDescriptor *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR @@ -1321,7 +1335,11 @@ func (absoluteSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) ToSelfRelative() (selfRelativeSD *SECURIT } func (selfRelativeSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) copySelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor() *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR { - sdLen := (int)(selfRelativeSD.Length()) + sdLen := int(selfRelativeSD.Length()) + const min = int(unsafe.Sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR{})) + if sdLen < min { + sdLen = min + } var src []byte h := (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&src)) @@ -1329,7 +1347,15 @@ func (selfRelativeSD *SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR) copySelfRelativeSecurityDescriptor() h.Len = sdLen h.Cap = sdLen - dst := make([]byte, sdLen) + const psize = int(unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0))) + + var dst []byte + h = (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&dst)) + alloc := make([]uintptr, (sdLen+psize-1)/psize) + h.Data = (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&alloc)).Data + h.Len = sdLen + h.Cap = sdLen + copy(dst, src) return (*SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)(unsafe.Pointer(&dst[0])) } diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/service.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/service.go index b269850d..f8deca83 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/service.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/service.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build windows // +build windows package windows @@ -16,8 +17,6 @@ const ( SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS = 0xf003f ) -//sys OpenSCManager(machineName *uint16, databaseName *uint16, access uint32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==0] = advapi32.OpenSCManagerW - const ( SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER = 1 SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER = 2 @@ -132,6 +131,14 @@ const ( SC_EVENT_DATABASE_CHANGE = 0 SC_EVENT_PROPERTY_CHANGE = 1 SC_EVENT_STATUS_CHANGE = 2 + + SERVICE_START_REASON_DEMAND = 0x00000001 + SERVICE_START_REASON_AUTO = 0x00000002 + SERVICE_START_REASON_TRIGGER = 0x00000004 + SERVICE_START_REASON_RESTART_ON_FAILURE = 0x00000008 + SERVICE_START_REASON_DELAYEDAUTO = 0x00000010 + + SERVICE_DYNAMIC_INFORMATION_LEVEL_START_REASON = 1 ) type SERVICE_STATUS struct { @@ -216,6 +223,7 @@ type QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUS struct { LockDuration uint32 } +//sys OpenSCManager(machineName *uint16, databaseName *uint16, access uint32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==0] = advapi32.OpenSCManagerW //sys CloseServiceHandle(handle Handle) (err error) = advapi32.CloseServiceHandle //sys CreateService(mgr Handle, serviceName *uint16, displayName *uint16, access uint32, srvType uint32, startType uint32, errCtl uint32, pathName *uint16, loadOrderGroup *uint16, tagId *uint32, dependencies *uint16, serviceStartName *uint16, password *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==0] = advapi32.CreateServiceW //sys OpenService(mgr Handle, serviceName *uint16, access uint32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==0] = advapi32.OpenServiceW @@ -235,3 +243,5 @@ type QUERY_SERVICE_LOCK_STATUS struct { //sys NotifyServiceStatusChange(service Handle, notifyMask uint32, notifier *SERVICE_NOTIFY) (ret error) = advapi32.NotifyServiceStatusChangeW //sys SubscribeServiceChangeNotifications(service Handle, eventType uint32, callback uintptr, callbackCtx uintptr, subscription *uintptr) (ret error) = sechost.SubscribeServiceChangeNotifications? //sys UnsubscribeServiceChangeNotifications(subscription uintptr) = sechost.UnsubscribeServiceChangeNotifications? +//sys RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx(serviceName *uint16, handlerProc uintptr, context uintptr) (handle Handle, err error) = advapi32.RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerExW +//sys QueryServiceDynamicInformation(service Handle, infoLevel uint32, dynamicInfo unsafe.Pointer) (err error) = advapi32.QueryServiceDynamicInformation? diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/setupapi_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/setupapi_windows.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..14027da3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/setupapi_windows.go @@ -0,0 +1,1425 @@ +// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package windows + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "errors" + "fmt" + "runtime" + "strings" + "syscall" + "unsafe" +) + +// This file contains functions that wrap SetupAPI.dll and CfgMgr32.dll, +// core system functions for managing hardware devices, drivers, and the PnP tree. +// Information about these APIs can be found at: +// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/install/setupapi +// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/devinst/cfgmgr32- + +const ( + ERROR_EXPECTED_SECTION_NAME Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0 + ERROR_BAD_SECTION_NAME_LINE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 1 + ERROR_SECTION_NAME_TOO_LONG Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 2 + ERROR_GENERAL_SYNTAX Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 3 + ERROR_WRONG_INF_STYLE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x100 + ERROR_SECTION_NOT_FOUND Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x101 + ERROR_LINE_NOT_FOUND Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x102 + ERROR_NO_BACKUP Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x103 + ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATED_CLASS Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x200 + ERROR_CLASS_MISMATCH Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x201 + ERROR_DUPLICATE_FOUND Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x202 + ERROR_NO_DRIVER_SELECTED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x203 + ERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x204 + ERROR_INVALID_DEVINST_NAME Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x205 + ERROR_INVALID_CLASS Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x206 + ERROR_DEVINST_ALREADY_EXISTS Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x207 + ERROR_DEVINFO_NOT_REGISTERED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x208 + ERROR_INVALID_REG_PROPERTY Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x209 + ERROR_NO_INF Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20A + ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20B + ERROR_CANT_LOAD_CLASS_ICON Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20C + ERROR_INVALID_CLASS_INSTALLER Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20D + ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20E + ERROR_DI_NOFILECOPY Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20F + ERROR_INVALID_HWPROFILE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x210 + ERROR_NO_DEVICE_SELECTED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x211 + ERROR_DEVINFO_LIST_LOCKED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x212 + ERROR_DEVINFO_DATA_LOCKED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x213 + ERROR_DI_BAD_PATH Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x214 + ERROR_NO_CLASSINSTALL_PARAMS Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x215 + ERROR_FILEQUEUE_LOCKED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x216 + ERROR_BAD_SERVICE_INSTALLSECT Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x217 + ERROR_NO_CLASS_DRIVER_LIST Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x218 + ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATED_SERVICE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x219 + ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_DEVICE_INTERFACE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21A + ERROR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21B + ERROR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21C + ERROR_BAD_INTERFACE_INSTALLSECT Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21D + ERROR_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE_CLASS Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21E + ERROR_INVALID_REFERENCE_STRING Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21F + ERROR_INVALID_MACHINENAME Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x220 + ERROR_REMOTE_COMM_FAILURE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x221 + ERROR_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x222 + ERROR_NO_CONFIGMGR_SERVICES Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x223 + ERROR_INVALID_PROPPAGE_PROVIDER Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x224 + ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x225 + ERROR_DI_POSTPROCESSING_REQUIRED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x226 + ERROR_INVALID_COINSTALLER Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x227 + ERROR_NO_COMPAT_DRIVERS Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x228 + ERROR_NO_DEVICE_ICON Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x229 + ERROR_INVALID_INF_LOGCONFIG Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22A + ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22B + ERROR_INVALID_FILTER_DRIVER Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22C + ERROR_NON_WINDOWS_NT_DRIVER Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22D + ERROR_NON_WINDOWS_DRIVER Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22E + ERROR_NO_CATALOG_FOR_OEM_INF Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22F + ERROR_DEVINSTALL_QUEUE_NONNATIVE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x230 + ERROR_NOT_DISABLEABLE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x231 + ERROR_CANT_REMOVE_DEVINST Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x232 + ERROR_INVALID_TARGET Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x233 + ERROR_DRIVER_NONNATIVE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x234 + ERROR_IN_WOW64 Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x235 + ERROR_SET_SYSTEM_RESTORE_POINT Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x236 + ERROR_SCE_DISABLED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x238 + ERROR_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x239 + ERROR_PNP_REGISTRY_ERROR Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23A + ERROR_REMOTE_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23B + ERROR_NOT_AN_INSTALLED_OEM_INF Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23C + ERROR_INF_IN_USE_BY_DEVICES Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23D + ERROR_DI_FUNCTION_OBSOLETE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23E + ERROR_NO_AUTHENTICODE_CATALOG Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23F + ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_DISALLOWED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x240 + ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_TRUSTED_PUBLISHER Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x241 + ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_TRUST_NOT_ESTABLISHED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x242 + ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_PUBLISHER_NOT_TRUSTED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x243 + ERROR_SIGNATURE_OSATTRIBUTE_MISMATCH Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x244 + ERROR_ONLY_VALIDATE_VIA_AUTHENTICODE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x245 + ERROR_DEVICE_INSTALLER_NOT_READY Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x246 + ERROR_DRIVER_STORE_ADD_FAILED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x247 + ERROR_DEVICE_INSTALL_BLOCKED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x248 + ERROR_DRIVER_INSTALL_BLOCKED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x249 + ERROR_WRONG_INF_TYPE Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x24A + ERROR_FILE_HASH_NOT_IN_CATALOG Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x24B + ERROR_DRIVER_STORE_DELETE_FAILED Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x24C + ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOW Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x300 + EXCEPTION_SPAPI_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOW Errno = ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOW + ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_INTERFACE_DEVICE Errno = ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_DEVICE_INTERFACE + ERROR_INTERFACE_DEVICE_ACTIVE Errno = ERROR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE + ERROR_INTERFACE_DEVICE_REMOVED Errno = ERROR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVED + ERROR_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE_DEVICE Errno = ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE +) + +const ( + MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN = 200 + MAX_DEVNODE_ID_LEN = MAX_DEVICE_ID_LEN + MAX_GUID_STRING_LEN = 39 // 38 chars + terminator null + MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN = 32 + MAX_PROFILE_LEN = 80 + MAX_CONFIG_VALUE = 9999 + MAX_INSTANCE_VALUE = 9999 + CONFIGMG_VERSION = 0x0400 +) + +// Maximum string length constants +const ( + LINE_LEN = 256 // Windows 9x-compatible maximum for displayable strings coming from a device INF. + MAX_INF_STRING_LENGTH = 4096 // Actual maximum size of an INF string (including string substitutions). + MAX_INF_SECTION_NAME_LENGTH = 255 // For Windows 9x compatibility, INF section names should be constrained to 32 characters. + MAX_TITLE_LEN = 60 + MAX_INSTRUCTION_LEN = 256 + MAX_LABEL_LEN = 30 + MAX_SERVICE_NAME_LEN = 256 + MAX_SUBTITLE_LEN = 256 +) + +const ( + // SP_MAX_MACHINENAME_LENGTH defines maximum length of a machine name in the format expected by ConfigMgr32 CM_Connect_Machine (i.e., "\\\\MachineName\0"). + SP_MAX_MACHINENAME_LENGTH = MAX_PATH + 3 +) + +// HSPFILEQ is type for setup file queue +type HSPFILEQ uintptr + +// DevInfo holds reference to device information set +type DevInfo Handle + +// DEVINST is a handle usually recognized by cfgmgr32 APIs +type DEVINST uint32 + +// DevInfoData is a device information structure (references a device instance that is a member of a device information set) +type DevInfoData struct { + size uint32 + ClassGUID GUID + DevInst DEVINST + _ uintptr +} + +// DevInfoListDetailData is a structure for detailed information on a device information set (used for SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail which supersedes the functionality of SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListClass). +type DevInfoListDetailData struct { + size uint32 // Use unsafeSizeOf method + ClassGUID GUID + RemoteMachineHandle Handle + remoteMachineName [SP_MAX_MACHINENAME_LENGTH]uint16 +} + +func (*DevInfoListDetailData) unsafeSizeOf() uint32 { + if unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)) == 4 { + // Windows declares this with pshpack1.h + return uint32(unsafe.Offsetof(DevInfoListDetailData{}.remoteMachineName) + unsafe.Sizeof(DevInfoListDetailData{}.remoteMachineName)) + } + return uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(DevInfoListDetailData{})) +} + +func (data *DevInfoListDetailData) RemoteMachineName() string { + return UTF16ToString(data.remoteMachineName[:]) +} + +func (data *DevInfoListDetailData) SetRemoteMachineName(remoteMachineName string) error { + str, err := UTF16FromString(remoteMachineName) + if err != nil { + return err + } + copy(data.remoteMachineName[:], str) + return nil +} + +// DI_FUNCTION is function type for device installer +type DI_FUNCTION uint32 + +const ( + DIF_SELECTDEVICE DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000001 + DIF_INSTALLDEVICE DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000002 + DIF_ASSIGNRESOURCES DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000003 + DIF_PROPERTIES DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000004 + DIF_REMOVE DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000005 + DIF_FIRSTTIMESETUP DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000006 + DIF_FOUNDDEVICE DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000007 + DIF_SELECTCLASSDRIVERS DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000008 + DIF_VALIDATECLASSDRIVERS DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000009 + DIF_INSTALLCLASSDRIVERS DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000000A + DIF_CALCDISKSPACE DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000000B + DIF_DESTROYPRIVATEDATA DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000000C + DIF_VALIDATEDRIVER DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000000D + DIF_DETECT DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000000F + DIF_INSTALLWIZARD DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000010 + DIF_DESTROYWIZARDDATA DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000011 + DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000012 + DIF_ENABLECLASS DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000013 + DIF_DETECTVERIFY DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000014 + DIF_INSTALLDEVICEFILES DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000015 + DIF_UNREMOVE DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000016 + DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000017 + DIF_ALLOW_INSTALL DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000018 + DIF_REGISTERDEVICE DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000019 + DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_PRESELECT DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000001A + DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_SELECT DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000001B + DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_PREANALYZE DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000001C + DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_POSTANALYZE DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000001D + DIF_NEWDEVICEWIZARD_FINISHINSTALL DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000001E + DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000020 + DIF_DETECTCANCEL DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000021 + DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000022 + DIF_ADDPROPERTYPAGE_ADVANCED DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000023 + DIF_ADDPROPERTYPAGE_BASIC DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000024 + DIF_TROUBLESHOOTER DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000026 + DIF_POWERMESSAGEWAKE DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000027 + DIF_ADDREMOTEPROPERTYPAGE_ADVANCED DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000028 + DIF_UPDATEDRIVER_UI DI_FUNCTION = 0x00000029 + DIF_FINISHINSTALL_ACTION DI_FUNCTION = 0x0000002A +) + +// DevInstallParams is device installation parameters structure (associated with a particular device information element, or globally with a device information set) +type DevInstallParams struct { + size uint32 + Flags DI_FLAGS + FlagsEx DI_FLAGSEX + hwndParent uintptr + InstallMsgHandler uintptr + InstallMsgHandlerContext uintptr + FileQueue HSPFILEQ + _ uintptr + _ uint32 + driverPath [MAX_PATH]uint16 +} + +func (params *DevInstallParams) DriverPath() string { + return UTF16ToString(params.driverPath[:]) +} + +func (params *DevInstallParams) SetDriverPath(driverPath string) error { + str, err := UTF16FromString(driverPath) + if err != nil { + return err + } + copy(params.driverPath[:], str) + return nil +} + +// DI_FLAGS is SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.Flags values +type DI_FLAGS uint32 + +const ( + // Flags for choosing a device + DI_SHOWOEM DI_FLAGS = 0x00000001 // support Other... button + DI_SHOWCOMPAT DI_FLAGS = 0x00000002 // show compatibility list + DI_SHOWCLASS DI_FLAGS = 0x00000004 // show class list + DI_SHOWALL DI_FLAGS = 0x00000007 // both class & compat list shown + DI_NOVCP DI_FLAGS = 0x00000008 // don't create a new copy queue--use caller-supplied FileQueue + DI_DIDCOMPAT DI_FLAGS = 0x00000010 // Searched for compatible devices + DI_DIDCLASS DI_FLAGS = 0x00000020 // Searched for class devices + DI_AUTOASSIGNRES DI_FLAGS = 0x00000040 // No UI for resources if possible + + // Flags returned by DiInstallDevice to indicate need to reboot/restart + DI_NEEDRESTART DI_FLAGS = 0x00000080 // Reboot required to take effect + DI_NEEDREBOOT DI_FLAGS = 0x00000100 // "" + + // Flags for device installation + DI_NOBROWSE DI_FLAGS = 0x00000200 // no Browse... in InsertDisk + + // Flags set by DiBuildDriverInfoList + DI_MULTMFGS DI_FLAGS = 0x00000400 // Set if multiple manufacturers in class driver list + + // Flag indicates that device is disabled + DI_DISABLED DI_FLAGS = 0x00000800 // Set if device disabled + + // Flags for Device/Class Properties + DI_GENERALPAGE_ADDED DI_FLAGS = 0x00001000 + DI_RESOURCEPAGE_ADDED DI_FLAGS = 0x00002000 + + // Flag to indicate the setting properties for this Device (or class) caused a change so the Dev Mgr UI probably needs to be updated. + DI_PROPERTIES_CHANGE DI_FLAGS = 0x00004000 + + // Flag to indicate that the sorting from the INF file should be used. + DI_INF_IS_SORTED DI_FLAGS = 0x00008000 + + // Flag to indicate that only the the INF specified by SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.DriverPath should be searched. + DI_ENUMSINGLEINF DI_FLAGS = 0x00010000 + + // Flag that prevents ConfigMgr from removing/re-enumerating devices during device + // registration, installation, and deletion. + DI_DONOTCALLCONFIGMG DI_FLAGS = 0x00020000 + + // The following flag can be used to install a device disabled + DI_INSTALLDISABLED DI_FLAGS = 0x00040000 + + // Flag that causes SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to build a device's compatible driver + // list from its existing class driver list, instead of the normal INF search. + DI_COMPAT_FROM_CLASS DI_FLAGS = 0x00080000 + + // This flag is set if the Class Install params should be used. + DI_CLASSINSTALLPARAMS DI_FLAGS = 0x00100000 + + // This flag is set if the caller of DiCallClassInstaller does NOT want the internal default action performed if the Class installer returns ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT. + DI_NODI_DEFAULTACTION DI_FLAGS = 0x00200000 + + // Flags for device installation + DI_QUIETINSTALL DI_FLAGS = 0x00800000 // don't confuse the user with questions or excess info + DI_NOFILECOPY DI_FLAGS = 0x01000000 // No file Copy necessary + DI_FORCECOPY DI_FLAGS = 0x02000000 // Force files to be copied from install path + DI_DRIVERPAGE_ADDED DI_FLAGS = 0x04000000 // Prop provider added Driver page. + DI_USECI_SELECTSTRINGS DI_FLAGS = 0x08000000 // Use Class Installer Provided strings in the Select Device Dlg + DI_OVERRIDE_INFFLAGS DI_FLAGS = 0x10000000 // Override INF flags + DI_PROPS_NOCHANGEUSAGE DI_FLAGS = 0x20000000 // No Enable/Disable in General Props + + DI_NOSELECTICONS DI_FLAGS = 0x40000000 // No small icons in select device dialogs + + DI_NOWRITE_IDS DI_FLAGS = 0x80000000 // Don't write HW & Compat IDs on install +) + +// DI_FLAGSEX is SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.FlagsEx values +type DI_FLAGSEX uint32 + +const ( + DI_FLAGSEX_CI_FAILED DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000004 // Failed to Load/Call class installer + DI_FLAGSEX_FINISHINSTALL_ACTION DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000008 // Class/co-installer wants to get a DIF_FINISH_INSTALL action in client context. + DI_FLAGSEX_DIDINFOLIST DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000010 // Did the Class Info List + DI_FLAGSEX_DIDCOMPATINFO DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000020 // Did the Compat Info List + DI_FLAGSEX_FILTERCLASSES DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000040 + DI_FLAGSEX_SETFAILEDINSTALL DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000080 + DI_FLAGSEX_DEVICECHANGE DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000100 + DI_FLAGSEX_ALWAYSWRITEIDS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000200 + DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000400 // One or more device property sheets have had changes made to them, and need to have a DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE occur. + DI_FLAGSEX_ALLOWEXCLUDEDDRVS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00000800 + DI_FLAGSEX_NOUIONQUERYREMOVE DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00001000 + DI_FLAGSEX_USECLASSFORCOMPAT DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00002000 // Use the device's class when building compat drv list. (Ignored if DI_COMPAT_FROM_CLASS flag is specified.) + DI_FLAGSEX_NO_DRVREG_MODIFY DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00008000 // Don't run AddReg and DelReg for device's software (driver) key. + DI_FLAGSEX_IN_SYSTEM_SETUP DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00010000 // Installation is occurring during initial system setup. + DI_FLAGSEX_INET_DRIVER DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00020000 // Driver came from Windows Update + DI_FLAGSEX_APPENDDRIVERLIST DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00040000 // Cause SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to append a new driver list to an existing list. + DI_FLAGSEX_PREINSTALLBACKUP DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00080000 // not used + DI_FLAGSEX_BACKUPONREPLACE DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00100000 // not used + DI_FLAGSEX_DRIVERLIST_FROM_URL DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00200000 // build driver list from INF(s) retrieved from URL specified in SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.DriverPath (empty string means Windows Update website) + DI_FLAGSEX_EXCLUDE_OLD_INET_DRIVERS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x00800000 // Don't include old Internet drivers when building a driver list. Ignored on Windows Vista and later. + DI_FLAGSEX_POWERPAGE_ADDED DI_FLAGSEX = 0x01000000 // class installer added their own power page + DI_FLAGSEX_FILTERSIMILARDRIVERS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x02000000 // only include similar drivers in class list + DI_FLAGSEX_INSTALLEDDRIVER DI_FLAGSEX = 0x04000000 // only add the installed driver to the class or compat driver list. Used in calls to SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList + DI_FLAGSEX_NO_CLASSLIST_NODE_MERGE DI_FLAGSEX = 0x08000000 // Don't remove identical driver nodes from the class list + DI_FLAGSEX_ALTPLATFORM_DRVSEARCH DI_FLAGSEX = 0x10000000 // Build driver list based on alternate platform information specified in associated file queue + DI_FLAGSEX_RESTART_DEVICE_ONLY DI_FLAGSEX = 0x20000000 // only restart the device drivers are being installed on as opposed to restarting all devices using those drivers. + DI_FLAGSEX_RECURSIVESEARCH DI_FLAGSEX = 0x40000000 // Tell SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to do a recursive search + DI_FLAGSEX_SEARCH_PUBLISHED_INFS DI_FLAGSEX = 0x80000000 // Tell SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to do a "published INF" search +) + +// ClassInstallHeader is the first member of any class install parameters structure. It contains the device installation request code that defines the format of the rest of the install parameters structure. +type ClassInstallHeader struct { + size uint32 + InstallFunction DI_FUNCTION +} + +func MakeClassInstallHeader(installFunction DI_FUNCTION) *ClassInstallHeader { + hdr := &ClassInstallHeader{InstallFunction: installFunction} + hdr.size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*hdr)) + return hdr +} + +// DICS_STATE specifies values indicating a change in a device's state +type DICS_STATE uint32 + +const ( + DICS_ENABLE DICS_STATE = 0x00000001 // The device is being enabled. + DICS_DISABLE DICS_STATE = 0x00000002 // The device is being disabled. + DICS_PROPCHANGE DICS_STATE = 0x00000003 // The properties of the device have changed. + DICS_START DICS_STATE = 0x00000004 // The device is being started (if the request is for the currently active hardware profile). + DICS_STOP DICS_STATE = 0x00000005 // The device is being stopped. The driver stack will be unloaded and the CSCONFIGFLAG_DO_NOT_START flag will be set for the device. +) + +// DICS_FLAG specifies the scope of a device property change +type DICS_FLAG uint32 + +const ( + DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL DICS_FLAG = 0x00000001 // make change in all hardware profiles + DICS_FLAG_CONFIGSPECIFIC DICS_FLAG = 0x00000002 // make change in specified profile only + DICS_FLAG_CONFIGGENERAL DICS_FLAG = 0x00000004 // 1 or more hardware profile-specific changes to follow (obsolete) +) + +// PropChangeParams is a structure corresponding to a DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE install function. +type PropChangeParams struct { + ClassInstallHeader ClassInstallHeader + StateChange DICS_STATE + Scope DICS_FLAG + HwProfile uint32 +} + +// DI_REMOVEDEVICE specifies the scope of the device removal +type DI_REMOVEDEVICE uint32 + +const ( + DI_REMOVEDEVICE_GLOBAL DI_REMOVEDEVICE = 0x00000001 // Make this change in all hardware profiles. Remove information about the device from the registry. + DI_REMOVEDEVICE_CONFIGSPECIFIC DI_REMOVEDEVICE = 0x00000002 // Make this change to only the hardware profile specified by HwProfile. this flag only applies to root-enumerated devices. When Windows removes the device from the last hardware profile in which it was configured, Windows performs a global removal. +) + +// RemoveDeviceParams is a structure corresponding to a DIF_REMOVE install function. +type RemoveDeviceParams struct { + ClassInstallHeader ClassInstallHeader + Scope DI_REMOVEDEVICE + HwProfile uint32 +} + +// DrvInfoData is driver information structure (member of a driver info list that may be associated with a particular device instance, or (globally) with a device information set) +type DrvInfoData struct { + size uint32 + DriverType uint32 + _ uintptr + description [LINE_LEN]uint16 + mfgName [LINE_LEN]uint16 + providerName [LINE_LEN]uint16 + DriverDate Filetime + DriverVersion uint64 +} + +func (data *DrvInfoData) Description() string { + return UTF16ToString(data.description[:]) +} + +func (data *DrvInfoData) SetDescription(description string) error { + str, err := UTF16FromString(description) + if err != nil { + return err + } + copy(data.description[:], str) + return nil +} + +func (data *DrvInfoData) MfgName() string { + return UTF16ToString(data.mfgName[:]) +} + +func (data *DrvInfoData) SetMfgName(mfgName string) error { + str, err := UTF16FromString(mfgName) + if err != nil { + return err + } + copy(data.mfgName[:], str) + return nil +} + +func (data *DrvInfoData) ProviderName() string { + return UTF16ToString(data.providerName[:]) +} + +func (data *DrvInfoData) SetProviderName(providerName string) error { + str, err := UTF16FromString(providerName) + if err != nil { + return err + } + copy(data.providerName[:], str) + return nil +} + +// IsNewer method returns true if DrvInfoData date and version is newer than supplied parameters. +func (data *DrvInfoData) IsNewer(driverDate Filetime, driverVersion uint64) bool { + if data.DriverDate.HighDateTime > driverDate.HighDateTime { + return true + } + if data.DriverDate.HighDateTime < driverDate.HighDateTime { + return false + } + + if data.DriverDate.LowDateTime > driverDate.LowDateTime { + return true + } + if data.DriverDate.LowDateTime < driverDate.LowDateTime { + return false + } + + if data.DriverVersion > driverVersion { + return true + } + if data.DriverVersion < driverVersion { + return false + } + + return false +} + +// DrvInfoDetailData is driver information details structure (provides detailed information about a particular driver information structure) +type DrvInfoDetailData struct { + size uint32 // Use unsafeSizeOf method + InfDate Filetime + compatIDsOffset uint32 + compatIDsLength uint32 + _ uintptr + sectionName [LINE_LEN]uint16 + infFileName [MAX_PATH]uint16 + drvDescription [LINE_LEN]uint16 + hardwareID [1]uint16 +} + +func (*DrvInfoDetailData) unsafeSizeOf() uint32 { + if unsafe.Sizeof(uintptr(0)) == 4 { + // Windows declares this with pshpack1.h + return uint32(unsafe.Offsetof(DrvInfoDetailData{}.hardwareID) + unsafe.Sizeof(DrvInfoDetailData{}.hardwareID)) + } + return uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(DrvInfoDetailData{})) +} + +func (data *DrvInfoDetailData) SectionName() string { + return UTF16ToString(data.sectionName[:]) +} + +func (data *DrvInfoDetailData) InfFileName() string { + return UTF16ToString(data.infFileName[:]) +} + +func (data *DrvInfoDetailData) DrvDescription() string { + return UTF16ToString(data.drvDescription[:]) +} + +func (data *DrvInfoDetailData) HardwareID() string { + if data.compatIDsOffset > 1 { + bufW := data.getBuf() + return UTF16ToString(bufW[:wcslen(bufW)]) + } + + return "" +} + +func (data *DrvInfoDetailData) CompatIDs() []string { + a := make([]string, 0) + + if data.compatIDsLength > 0 { + bufW := data.getBuf() + bufW = bufW[data.compatIDsOffset : data.compatIDsOffset+data.compatIDsLength] + for i := 0; i < len(bufW); { + j := i + wcslen(bufW[i:]) + if i < j { + a = append(a, UTF16ToString(bufW[i:j])) + } + i = j + 1 + } + } + + return a +} + +func (data *DrvInfoDetailData) getBuf() []uint16 { + len := (data.size - uint32(unsafe.Offsetof(data.hardwareID))) / 2 + sl := struct { + addr *uint16 + len int + cap int + }{&data.hardwareID[0], int(len), int(len)} + return *(*[]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&sl)) +} + +// IsCompatible method tests if given hardware ID matches the driver or is listed on the compatible ID list. +func (data *DrvInfoDetailData) IsCompatible(hwid string) bool { + hwidLC := strings.ToLower(hwid) + if strings.ToLower(data.HardwareID()) == hwidLC { + return true + } + a := data.CompatIDs() + for i := range a { + if strings.ToLower(a[i]) == hwidLC { + return true + } + } + + return false +} + +// DICD flags control SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo +type DICD uint32 + +const ( + DICD_GENERATE_ID DICD = 0x00000001 + DICD_INHERIT_CLASSDRVS DICD = 0x00000002 +) + +// SUOI flags control SetupUninstallOEMInf +type SUOI uint32 + +const ( + SUOI_FORCEDELETE SUOI = 0x0001 +) + +// SPDIT flags to distinguish between class drivers and +// device drivers. (Passed in 'DriverType' parameter of +// driver information list APIs) +type SPDIT uint32 + +const ( + SPDIT_NODRIVER SPDIT = 0x00000000 + SPDIT_CLASSDRIVER SPDIT = 0x00000001 + SPDIT_COMPATDRIVER SPDIT = 0x00000002 +) + +// DIGCF flags control what is included in the device information set built by SetupDiGetClassDevs +type DIGCF uint32 + +const ( + DIGCF_DEFAULT DIGCF = 0x00000001 // only valid with DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE + DIGCF_PRESENT DIGCF = 0x00000002 + DIGCF_ALLCLASSES DIGCF = 0x00000004 + DIGCF_PROFILE DIGCF = 0x00000008 + DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE DIGCF = 0x00000010 +) + +// DIREG specifies values for SetupDiCreateDevRegKey, SetupDiOpenDevRegKey, and SetupDiDeleteDevRegKey. +type DIREG uint32 + +const ( + DIREG_DEV DIREG = 0x00000001 // Open/Create/Delete device key + DIREG_DRV DIREG = 0x00000002 // Open/Create/Delete driver key + DIREG_BOTH DIREG = 0x00000004 // Delete both driver and Device key +) + +// SPDRP specifies device registry property codes +// (Codes marked as read-only (R) may only be used for +// SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty) +// +// These values should cover the same set of registry properties +// as defined by the CM_DRP codes in cfgmgr32.h. +// +// Note that SPDRP codes are zero based while CM_DRP codes are one based! +type SPDRP uint32 + +const ( + SPDRP_DEVICEDESC SPDRP = 0x00000000 // DeviceDesc (R/W) + SPDRP_HARDWAREID SPDRP = 0x00000001 // HardwareID (R/W) + SPDRP_COMPATIBLEIDS SPDRP = 0x00000002 // CompatibleIDs (R/W) + SPDRP_SERVICE SPDRP = 0x00000004 // Service (R/W) + SPDRP_CLASS SPDRP = 0x00000007 // Class (R--tied to ClassGUID) + SPDRP_CLASSGUID SPDRP = 0x00000008 // ClassGUID (R/W) + SPDRP_DRIVER SPDRP = 0x00000009 // Driver (R/W) + SPDRP_CONFIGFLAGS SPDRP = 0x0000000A // ConfigFlags (R/W) + SPDRP_MFG SPDRP = 0x0000000B // Mfg (R/W) + SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME SPDRP = 0x0000000C // FriendlyName (R/W) + SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION SPDRP = 0x0000000D // LocationInformation (R/W) + SPDRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME SPDRP = 0x0000000E // PhysicalDeviceObjectName (R) + SPDRP_CAPABILITIES SPDRP = 0x0000000F // Capabilities (R) + SPDRP_UI_NUMBER SPDRP = 0x00000010 // UiNumber (R) + SPDRP_UPPERFILTERS SPDRP = 0x00000011 // UpperFilters (R/W) + SPDRP_LOWERFILTERS SPDRP = 0x00000012 // LowerFilters (R/W) + SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID SPDRP = 0x00000013 // BusTypeGUID (R) + SPDRP_LEGACYBUSTYPE SPDRP = 0x00000014 // LegacyBusType (R) + SPDRP_BUSNUMBER SPDRP = 0x00000015 // BusNumber (R) + SPDRP_ENUMERATOR_NAME SPDRP = 0x00000016 // Enumerator Name (R) + SPDRP_SECURITY SPDRP = 0x00000017 // Security (R/W, binary form) + SPDRP_SECURITY_SDS SPDRP = 0x00000018 // Security (W, SDS form) + SPDRP_DEVTYPE SPDRP = 0x00000019 // Device Type (R/W) + SPDRP_EXCLUSIVE SPDRP = 0x0000001A // Device is exclusive-access (R/W) + SPDRP_CHARACTERISTICS SPDRP = 0x0000001B // Device Characteristics (R/W) + SPDRP_ADDRESS SPDRP = 0x0000001C // Device Address (R) + SPDRP_UI_NUMBER_DESC_FORMAT SPDRP = 0x0000001D // UiNumberDescFormat (R/W) + SPDRP_DEVICE_POWER_DATA SPDRP = 0x0000001E // Device Power Data (R) + SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY SPDRP = 0x0000001F // Removal Policy (R) + SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY_HW_DEFAULT SPDRP = 0x00000020 // Hardware Removal Policy (R) + SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY_OVERRIDE SPDRP = 0x00000021 // Removal Policy Override (RW) + SPDRP_INSTALL_STATE SPDRP = 0x00000022 // Device Install State (R) + SPDRP_LOCATION_PATHS SPDRP = 0x00000023 // Device Location Paths (R) + SPDRP_BASE_CONTAINERID SPDRP = 0x00000024 // Base ContainerID (R) + + SPDRP_MAXIMUM_PROPERTY SPDRP = 0x00000025 // Upper bound on ordinals +) + +// DEVPROPTYPE represents the property-data-type identifier that specifies the +// data type of a device property value in the unified device property model. +type DEVPROPTYPE uint32 + +const ( + DEVPROP_TYPEMOD_ARRAY DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00001000 + DEVPROP_TYPEMOD_LIST DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00002000 + + DEVPROP_TYPE_EMPTY DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000000 + DEVPROP_TYPE_NULL DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000001 + DEVPROP_TYPE_SBYTE DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000002 + DEVPROP_TYPE_BYTE DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000003 + DEVPROP_TYPE_INT16 DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000004 + DEVPROP_TYPE_UINT16 DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000005 + DEVPROP_TYPE_INT32 DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000006 + DEVPROP_TYPE_UINT32 DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000007 + DEVPROP_TYPE_INT64 DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000008 + DEVPROP_TYPE_UINT64 DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000009 + DEVPROP_TYPE_FLOAT DEVPROPTYPE = 0x0000000A + DEVPROP_TYPE_DOUBLE DEVPROPTYPE = 0x0000000B + DEVPROP_TYPE_DECIMAL DEVPROPTYPE = 0x0000000C + DEVPROP_TYPE_GUID DEVPROPTYPE = 0x0000000D + DEVPROP_TYPE_CURRENCY DEVPROPTYPE = 0x0000000E + DEVPROP_TYPE_DATE DEVPROPTYPE = 0x0000000F + DEVPROP_TYPE_FILETIME DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000010 + DEVPROP_TYPE_BOOLEAN DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000011 + DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000012 + DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING_LIST DEVPROPTYPE = DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING | DEVPROP_TYPEMOD_LIST + DEVPROP_TYPE_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000013 + DEVPROP_TYPE_SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_STRING DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000014 + DEVPROP_TYPE_DEVPROPKEY DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000015 + DEVPROP_TYPE_DEVPROPTYPE DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000016 + DEVPROP_TYPE_BINARY DEVPROPTYPE = DEVPROP_TYPE_BYTE | DEVPROP_TYPEMOD_ARRAY + DEVPROP_TYPE_ERROR DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000017 + DEVPROP_TYPE_NTSTATUS DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000018 + DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING_INDIRECT DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000019 + + MAX_DEVPROP_TYPE DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000019 + MAX_DEVPROP_TYPEMOD DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00002000 + + DEVPROP_MASK_TYPE DEVPROPTYPE = 0x00000FFF + DEVPROP_MASK_TYPEMOD DEVPROPTYPE = 0x0000F000 +) + +// DEVPROPGUID specifies a property category. +type DEVPROPGUID GUID + +// DEVPROPID uniquely identifies the property within the property category. +type DEVPROPID uint32 + +const DEVPROPID_FIRST_USABLE DEVPROPID = 2 + +// DEVPROPKEY represents a device property key for a device property in the +// unified device property model. +type DEVPROPKEY struct { + FmtID DEVPROPGUID + PID DEVPROPID +} + +// CONFIGRET is a return value or error code from cfgmgr32 APIs +type CONFIGRET uint32 + +func (ret CONFIGRET) Error() string { + if win32Error, ok := ret.Unwrap().(Errno); ok { + return fmt.Sprintf("%s (CfgMgr error: 0x%08x)", win32Error.Error(), uint32(ret)) + } + return fmt.Sprintf("CfgMgr error: 0x%08x", uint32(ret)) +} + +func (ret CONFIGRET) Win32Error(defaultError Errno) Errno { + return cm_MapCrToWin32Err(ret, defaultError) +} + +func (ret CONFIGRET) Unwrap() error { + const noMatch = Errno(^uintptr(0)) + win32Error := ret.Win32Error(noMatch) + if win32Error == noMatch { + return nil + } + return win32Error +} + +const ( + CR_SUCCESS CONFIGRET = 0x00000000 + CR_DEFAULT CONFIGRET = 0x00000001 + CR_OUT_OF_MEMORY CONFIGRET = 0x00000002 + CR_INVALID_POINTER CONFIGRET = 0x00000003 + CR_INVALID_FLAG CONFIGRET = 0x00000004 + CR_INVALID_DEVNODE CONFIGRET = 0x00000005 + CR_INVALID_DEVINST = CR_INVALID_DEVNODE + CR_INVALID_RES_DES CONFIGRET = 0x00000006 + CR_INVALID_LOG_CONF CONFIGRET = 0x00000007 + CR_INVALID_ARBITRATOR CONFIGRET = 0x00000008 + CR_INVALID_NODELIST CONFIGRET = 0x00000009 + CR_DEVNODE_HAS_REQS CONFIGRET = 0x0000000A + CR_DEVINST_HAS_REQS = CR_DEVNODE_HAS_REQS + CR_INVALID_RESOURCEID CONFIGRET = 0x0000000B + CR_DLVXD_NOT_FOUND CONFIGRET = 0x0000000C + CR_NO_SUCH_DEVNODE CONFIGRET = 0x0000000D + CR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST = CR_NO_SUCH_DEVNODE + CR_NO_MORE_LOG_CONF CONFIGRET = 0x0000000E + CR_NO_MORE_RES_DES CONFIGRET = 0x0000000F + CR_ALREADY_SUCH_DEVNODE CONFIGRET = 0x00000010 + CR_ALREADY_SUCH_DEVINST = CR_ALREADY_SUCH_DEVNODE + CR_INVALID_RANGE_LIST CONFIGRET = 0x00000011 + CR_INVALID_RANGE CONFIGRET = 0x00000012 + CR_FAILURE CONFIGRET = 0x00000013 + CR_NO_SUCH_LOGICAL_DEV CONFIGRET = 0x00000014 + CR_CREATE_BLOCKED CONFIGRET = 0x00000015 + CR_NOT_SYSTEM_VM CONFIGRET = 0x00000016 + CR_REMOVE_VETOED CONFIGRET = 0x00000017 + CR_APM_VETOED CONFIGRET = 0x00000018 + CR_INVALID_LOAD_TYPE CONFIGRET = 0x00000019 + CR_BUFFER_SMALL CONFIGRET = 0x0000001A + CR_NO_ARBITRATOR CONFIGRET = 0x0000001B + CR_NO_REGISTRY_HANDLE CONFIGRET = 0x0000001C + CR_REGISTRY_ERROR CONFIGRET = 0x0000001D + CR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID CONFIGRET = 0x0000001E + CR_INVALID_DATA CONFIGRET = 0x0000001F + CR_INVALID_API CONFIGRET = 0x00000020 + CR_DEVLOADER_NOT_READY CONFIGRET = 0x00000021 + CR_NEED_RESTART CONFIGRET = 0x00000022 + CR_NO_MORE_HW_PROFILES CONFIGRET = 0x00000023 + CR_DEVICE_NOT_THERE CONFIGRET = 0x00000024 + CR_NO_SUCH_VALUE CONFIGRET = 0x00000025 + CR_WRONG_TYPE CONFIGRET = 0x00000026 + CR_INVALID_PRIORITY CONFIGRET = 0x00000027 + CR_NOT_DISABLEABLE CONFIGRET = 0x00000028 + CR_FREE_RESOURCES CONFIGRET = 0x00000029 + CR_QUERY_VETOED CONFIGRET = 0x0000002A + CR_CANT_SHARE_IRQ CONFIGRET = 0x0000002B + CR_NO_DEPENDENT CONFIGRET = 0x0000002C + CR_SAME_RESOURCES CONFIGRET = 0x0000002D + CR_NO_SUCH_REGISTRY_KEY CONFIGRET = 0x0000002E + CR_INVALID_MACHINENAME CONFIGRET = 0x0000002F + CR_REMOTE_COMM_FAILURE CONFIGRET = 0x00000030 + CR_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLE CONFIGRET = 0x00000031 + CR_NO_CM_SERVICES CONFIGRET = 0x00000032 + CR_ACCESS_DENIED CONFIGRET = 0x00000033 + CR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED CONFIGRET = 0x00000034 + CR_INVALID_PROPERTY CONFIGRET = 0x00000035 + CR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE CONFIGRET = 0x00000036 + CR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE CONFIGRET = 0x00000037 + CR_INVALID_REFERENCE_STRING CONFIGRET = 0x00000038 + CR_INVALID_CONFLICT_LIST CONFIGRET = 0x00000039 + CR_INVALID_INDEX CONFIGRET = 0x0000003A + CR_INVALID_STRUCTURE_SIZE CONFIGRET = 0x0000003B + NUM_CR_RESULTS CONFIGRET = 0x0000003C +) + +const ( + CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_PRESENT = 0 // only currently 'live' device interfaces + CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_ALL_DEVICES = 1 // all registered device interfaces, live or not +) + +const ( + DN_ROOT_ENUMERATED = 0x00000001 // Was enumerated by ROOT + DN_DRIVER_LOADED = 0x00000002 // Has Register_Device_Driver + DN_ENUM_LOADED = 0x00000004 // Has Register_Enumerator + DN_STARTED = 0x00000008 // Is currently configured + DN_MANUAL = 0x00000010 // Manually installed + DN_NEED_TO_ENUM = 0x00000020 // May need reenumeration + DN_NOT_FIRST_TIME = 0x00000040 // Has received a config + DN_HARDWARE_ENUM = 0x00000080 // Enum generates hardware ID + DN_LIAR = 0x00000100 // Lied about can reconfig once + DN_HAS_MARK = 0x00000200 // Not CM_Create_DevInst lately + DN_HAS_PROBLEM = 0x00000400 // Need device installer + DN_FILTERED = 0x00000800 // Is filtered + DN_MOVED = 0x00001000 // Has been moved + DN_DISABLEABLE = 0x00002000 // Can be disabled + DN_REMOVABLE = 0x00004000 // Can be removed + DN_PRIVATE_PROBLEM = 0x00008000 // Has a private problem + DN_MF_PARENT = 0x00010000 // Multi function parent + DN_MF_CHILD = 0x00020000 // Multi function child + DN_WILL_BE_REMOVED = 0x00040000 // DevInst is being removed + DN_NOT_FIRST_TIMEE = 0x00080000 // Has received a config enumerate + DN_STOP_FREE_RES = 0x00100000 // When child is stopped, free resources + DN_REBAL_CANDIDATE = 0x00200000 // Don't skip during rebalance + DN_BAD_PARTIAL = 0x00400000 // This devnode's log_confs do not have same resources + DN_NT_ENUMERATOR = 0x00800000 // This devnode's is an NT enumerator + DN_NT_DRIVER = 0x01000000 // This devnode's is an NT driver + DN_NEEDS_LOCKING = 0x02000000 // Devnode need lock resume processing + DN_ARM_WAKEUP = 0x04000000 // Devnode can be the wakeup device + DN_APM_ENUMERATOR = 0x08000000 // APM aware enumerator + DN_APM_DRIVER = 0x10000000 // APM aware driver + DN_SILENT_INSTALL = 0x20000000 // Silent install + DN_NO_SHOW_IN_DM = 0x40000000 // No show in device manager + DN_BOOT_LOG_PROB = 0x80000000 // Had a problem during preassignment of boot log conf + DN_NEED_RESTART = DN_LIAR // System needs to be restarted for this Devnode to work properly + DN_DRIVER_BLOCKED = DN_NOT_FIRST_TIME // One or more drivers are blocked from loading for this Devnode + DN_LEGACY_DRIVER = DN_MOVED // This device is using a legacy driver + DN_CHILD_WITH_INVALID_ID = DN_HAS_MARK // One or more children have invalid IDs + DN_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED = DN_NEEDS_LOCKING // The function driver for a device reported that the device is not connected. Typically this means a wireless device is out of range. + DN_QUERY_REMOVE_PENDING = DN_MF_PARENT // Device is part of a set of related devices collectively pending query-removal + DN_QUERY_REMOVE_ACTIVE = DN_MF_CHILD // Device is actively engaged in a query-remove IRP + DN_CHANGEABLE_FLAGS = DN_NOT_FIRST_TIME | DN_HARDWARE_ENUM | DN_HAS_MARK | DN_DISABLEABLE | DN_REMOVABLE | DN_MF_CHILD | DN_MF_PARENT | DN_NOT_FIRST_TIMEE | DN_STOP_FREE_RES | DN_REBAL_CANDIDATE | DN_NT_ENUMERATOR | DN_NT_DRIVER | DN_SILENT_INSTALL | DN_NO_SHOW_IN_DM +) + +//sys setupDiCreateDeviceInfoListEx(classGUID *GUID, hwndParent uintptr, machineName *uint16, reserved uintptr) (handle DevInfo, err error) [failretval==DevInfo(InvalidHandle)] = setupapi.SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListExW + +// SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListEx function creates an empty device information set on a remote or a local computer and optionally associates the set with a device setup class. +func SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListEx(classGUID *GUID, hwndParent uintptr, machineName string) (deviceInfoSet DevInfo, err error) { + var machineNameUTF16 *uint16 + if machineName != "" { + machineNameUTF16, err = UTF16PtrFromString(machineName) + if err != nil { + return + } + } + return setupDiCreateDeviceInfoListEx(classGUID, hwndParent, machineNameUTF16, 0) +} + +//sys setupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoSetDetailData *DevInfoListDetailData) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetailW + +// SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail function retrieves information associated with a device information set including the class GUID, remote computer handle, and remote computer name. +func SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail(deviceInfoSet DevInfo) (deviceInfoSetDetailData *DevInfoListDetailData, err error) { + data := &DevInfoListDetailData{} + data.size = data.unsafeSizeOf() + + return data, setupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail(deviceInfoSet, data) +} + +// DeviceInfoListDetail method retrieves information associated with a device information set including the class GUID, remote computer handle, and remote computer name. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) DeviceInfoListDetail() (*DevInfoListDetailData, error) { + return SetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail(deviceInfoSet) +} + +//sys setupDiCreateDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, DeviceName *uint16, classGUID *GUID, DeviceDescription *uint16, hwndParent uintptr, CreationFlags DICD, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiCreateDeviceInfoW + +// SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo function creates a new device information element and adds it as a new member to the specified device information set. +func SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceName string, classGUID *GUID, deviceDescription string, hwndParent uintptr, creationFlags DICD) (deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, err error) { + deviceNameUTF16, err := UTF16PtrFromString(deviceName) + if err != nil { + return + } + + var deviceDescriptionUTF16 *uint16 + if deviceDescription != "" { + deviceDescriptionUTF16, err = UTF16PtrFromString(deviceDescription) + if err != nil { + return + } + } + + data := &DevInfoData{} + data.size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*data)) + + return data, setupDiCreateDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet, deviceNameUTF16, classGUID, deviceDescriptionUTF16, hwndParent, creationFlags, data) +} + +// CreateDeviceInfo method creates a new device information element and adds it as a new member to the specified device information set. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) CreateDeviceInfo(deviceName string, classGUID *GUID, deviceDescription string, hwndParent uintptr, creationFlags DICD) (*DevInfoData, error) { + return SetupDiCreateDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet, deviceName, classGUID, deviceDescription, hwndParent, creationFlags) +} + +//sys setupDiEnumDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, memberIndex uint32, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo + +// SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo function returns a DevInfoData structure that specifies a device information element in a device information set. +func SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, memberIndex int) (*DevInfoData, error) { + data := &DevInfoData{} + data.size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*data)) + + return data, setupDiEnumDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet, uint32(memberIndex), data) +} + +// EnumDeviceInfo method returns a DevInfoData structure that specifies a device information element in a device information set. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) EnumDeviceInfo(memberIndex int) (*DevInfoData, error) { + return SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet, memberIndex) +} + +// SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList function deletes a device information set and frees all associated memory. +//sys SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(deviceInfoSet DevInfo) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList + +// Close method deletes a device information set and frees all associated memory. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) Close() error { + return SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(deviceInfoSet) +} + +//sys SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList + +// BuildDriverInfoList method builds a list of drivers that is associated with a specific device or with the global class driver list for a device information set. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) BuildDriverInfoList(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT) error { + return SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, driverType) +} + +//sys SetupDiCancelDriverInfoSearch(deviceInfoSet DevInfo) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiCancelDriverInfoSearch + +// CancelDriverInfoSearch method cancels a driver list search that is currently in progress in a different thread. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) CancelDriverInfoSearch() error { + return SetupDiCancelDriverInfoSearch(deviceInfoSet) +} + +//sys setupDiEnumDriverInfo(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT, memberIndex uint32, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiEnumDriverInfoW + +// SetupDiEnumDriverInfo function enumerates the members of a driver list. +func SetupDiEnumDriverInfo(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT, memberIndex int) (*DrvInfoData, error) { + data := &DrvInfoData{} + data.size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*data)) + + return data, setupDiEnumDriverInfo(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, driverType, uint32(memberIndex), data) +} + +// EnumDriverInfo method enumerates the members of a driver list. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) EnumDriverInfo(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT, memberIndex int) (*DrvInfoData, error) { + return SetupDiEnumDriverInfo(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, driverType, memberIndex) +} + +//sys setupDiGetSelectedDriver(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiGetSelectedDriverW + +// SetupDiGetSelectedDriver function retrieves the selected driver for a device information set or a particular device information element. +func SetupDiGetSelectedDriver(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (*DrvInfoData, error) { + data := &DrvInfoData{} + data.size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*data)) + + return data, setupDiGetSelectedDriver(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, data) +} + +// SelectedDriver method retrieves the selected driver for a device information set or a particular device information element. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) SelectedDriver(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (*DrvInfoData, error) { + return SetupDiGetSelectedDriver(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData) +} + +//sys SetupDiSetSelectedDriver(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiSetSelectedDriverW + +// SetSelectedDriver method sets, or resets, the selected driver for a device information element or the selected class driver for a device information set. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) SetSelectedDriver(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData) error { + return SetupDiSetSelectedDriver(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, driverInfoData) +} + +//sys setupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData, driverInfoDetailData *DrvInfoDetailData, driverInfoDetailDataSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetailW + +// SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail function retrieves driver information detail for a device information set or a particular device information element in the device information set. +func SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData) (*DrvInfoDetailData, error) { + reqSize := uint32(2048) + for { + buf := make([]byte, reqSize) + data := (*DrvInfoDetailData)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])) + data.size = data.unsafeSizeOf() + err := setupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, driverInfoData, data, uint32(len(buf)), &reqSize) + if err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER { + continue + } + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + data.size = reqSize + return data, nil + } +} + +// DriverInfoDetail method retrieves driver information detail for a device information set or a particular device information element in the device information set. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) DriverInfoDetail(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData) (*DrvInfoDetailData, error) { + return SetupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, driverInfoData) +} + +//sys SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList + +// DestroyDriverInfoList method deletes a driver list. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) DestroyDriverInfoList(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT) error { + return SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, driverType) +} + +//sys setupDiGetClassDevsEx(classGUID *GUID, Enumerator *uint16, hwndParent uintptr, Flags DIGCF, deviceInfoSet DevInfo, machineName *uint16, reserved uintptr) (handle DevInfo, err error) [failretval==DevInfo(InvalidHandle)] = setupapi.SetupDiGetClassDevsExW + +// SetupDiGetClassDevsEx function returns a handle to a device information set that contains requested device information elements for a local or a remote computer. +func SetupDiGetClassDevsEx(classGUID *GUID, enumerator string, hwndParent uintptr, flags DIGCF, deviceInfoSet DevInfo, machineName string) (handle DevInfo, err error) { + var enumeratorUTF16 *uint16 + if enumerator != "" { + enumeratorUTF16, err = UTF16PtrFromString(enumerator) + if err != nil { + return + } + } + var machineNameUTF16 *uint16 + if machineName != "" { + machineNameUTF16, err = UTF16PtrFromString(machineName) + if err != nil { + return + } + } + return setupDiGetClassDevsEx(classGUID, enumeratorUTF16, hwndParent, flags, deviceInfoSet, machineNameUTF16, 0) +} + +// SetupDiCallClassInstaller function calls the appropriate class installer, and any registered co-installers, with the specified installation request (DIF code). +//sys SetupDiCallClassInstaller(installFunction DI_FUNCTION, deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiCallClassInstaller + +// CallClassInstaller member calls the appropriate class installer, and any registered co-installers, with the specified installation request (DIF code). +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) CallClassInstaller(installFunction DI_FUNCTION, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) error { + return SetupDiCallClassInstaller(installFunction, deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData) +} + +// SetupDiOpenDevRegKey function opens a registry key for device-specific configuration information. +//sys SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, Scope DICS_FLAG, HwProfile uint32, KeyType DIREG, samDesired uint32) (key Handle, err error) [failretval==InvalidHandle] = setupapi.SetupDiOpenDevRegKey + +// OpenDevRegKey method opens a registry key for device-specific configuration information. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) OpenDevRegKey(DeviceInfoData *DevInfoData, Scope DICS_FLAG, HwProfile uint32, KeyType DIREG, samDesired uint32) (Handle, error) { + return SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(deviceInfoSet, DeviceInfoData, Scope, HwProfile, KeyType, samDesired) +} + +//sys setupDiGetDeviceProperty(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, propertyKey *DEVPROPKEY, propertyType *DEVPROPTYPE, propertyBuffer *byte, propertyBufferSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32, flags uint32) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiGetDevicePropertyW + +// SetupDiGetDeviceProperty function retrieves a specified device instance property. +func SetupDiGetDeviceProperty(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, propertyKey *DEVPROPKEY) (value interface{}, err error) { + reqSize := uint32(256) + for { + var dataType DEVPROPTYPE + buf := make([]byte, reqSize) + err = setupDiGetDeviceProperty(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, propertyKey, &dataType, &buf[0], uint32(len(buf)), &reqSize, 0) + if err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER { + continue + } + if err != nil { + return + } + switch dataType { + case DEVPROP_TYPE_STRING: + ret := UTF16ToString(bufToUTF16(buf)) + runtime.KeepAlive(buf) + return ret, nil + } + return nil, errors.New("unimplemented property type") + } +} + +//sys setupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, property SPDRP, propertyRegDataType *uint32, propertyBuffer *byte, propertyBufferSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW + +// SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty function retrieves a specified Plug and Play device property. +func SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, property SPDRP) (value interface{}, err error) { + reqSize := uint32(256) + for { + var dataType uint32 + buf := make([]byte, reqSize) + err = setupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, property, &dataType, &buf[0], uint32(len(buf)), &reqSize) + if err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER { + continue + } + if err != nil { + return + } + return getRegistryValue(buf[:reqSize], dataType) + } +} + +func getRegistryValue(buf []byte, dataType uint32) (interface{}, error) { + switch dataType { + case REG_SZ: + ret := UTF16ToString(bufToUTF16(buf)) + runtime.KeepAlive(buf) + return ret, nil + case REG_EXPAND_SZ: + value := UTF16ToString(bufToUTF16(buf)) + if value == "" { + return "", nil + } + p, err := syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(value) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + ret := make([]uint16, 100) + for { + n, err := ExpandEnvironmentStrings(p, &ret[0], uint32(len(ret))) + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + if n <= uint32(len(ret)) { + return UTF16ToString(ret[:n]), nil + } + ret = make([]uint16, n) + } + case REG_BINARY: + return buf, nil + case REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN: + return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(buf), nil + case REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN: + return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(buf), nil + case REG_MULTI_SZ: + bufW := bufToUTF16(buf) + a := []string{} + for i := 0; i < len(bufW); { + j := i + wcslen(bufW[i:]) + if i < j { + a = append(a, UTF16ToString(bufW[i:j])) + } + i = j + 1 + } + runtime.KeepAlive(buf) + return a, nil + case REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN: + return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(buf), nil + default: + return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unsupported registry value type: %v", dataType) + } +} + +// bufToUTF16 function reinterprets []byte buffer as []uint16 +func bufToUTF16(buf []byte) []uint16 { + sl := struct { + addr *uint16 + len int + cap int + }{(*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), len(buf) / 2, cap(buf) / 2} + return *(*[]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&sl)) +} + +// utf16ToBuf function reinterprets []uint16 as []byte +func utf16ToBuf(buf []uint16) []byte { + sl := struct { + addr *byte + len int + cap int + }{(*byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&buf[0])), len(buf) * 2, cap(buf) * 2} + return *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sl)) +} + +func wcslen(str []uint16) int { + for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ { + if str[i] == 0 { + return i + } + } + return len(str) +} + +// DeviceRegistryProperty method retrieves a specified Plug and Play device property. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) DeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, property SPDRP) (interface{}, error) { + return SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, property) +} + +//sys setupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, property SPDRP, propertyBuffer *byte, propertyBufferSize uint32) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyW + +// SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty function sets a Plug and Play device property for a device. +func SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, property SPDRP, propertyBuffers []byte) error { + return setupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, property, &propertyBuffers[0], uint32(len(propertyBuffers))) +} + +// SetDeviceRegistryProperty function sets a Plug and Play device property for a device. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) SetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, property SPDRP, propertyBuffers []byte) error { + return SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, property, propertyBuffers) +} + +// SetDeviceRegistryPropertyString method sets a Plug and Play device property string for a device. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) SetDeviceRegistryPropertyString(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, property SPDRP, str string) error { + str16, err := UTF16FromString(str) + if err != nil { + return err + } + err = SetupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, property, utf16ToBuf(append(str16, 0))) + runtime.KeepAlive(str16) + return err +} + +//sys setupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, deviceInstallParams *DevInstallParams) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsW + +// SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams function retrieves device installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. +func SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (*DevInstallParams, error) { + params := &DevInstallParams{} + params.size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*params)) + + return params, setupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, params) +} + +// DeviceInstallParams method retrieves device installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) DeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (*DevInstallParams, error) { + return SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData) +} + +//sys setupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, instanceId *uint16, instanceIdSize uint32, instanceIdRequiredSize *uint32) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdW + +// SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId function retrieves the instance ID of the device. +func SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (string, error) { + reqSize := uint32(1024) + for { + buf := make([]uint16, reqSize) + err := setupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, &buf[0], uint32(len(buf)), &reqSize) + if err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER { + continue + } + if err != nil { + return "", err + } + return UTF16ToString(buf), nil + } +} + +// DeviceInstanceID method retrieves the instance ID of the device. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) DeviceInstanceID(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (string, error) { + return SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData) +} + +// SetupDiGetClassInstallParams function retrieves class installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. +//sys SetupDiGetClassInstallParams(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, classInstallParams *ClassInstallHeader, classInstallParamsSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiGetClassInstallParamsW + +// ClassInstallParams method retrieves class installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) ClassInstallParams(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, classInstallParams *ClassInstallHeader, classInstallParamsSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32) error { + return SetupDiGetClassInstallParams(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, classInstallParams, classInstallParamsSize, requiredSize) +} + +//sys SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, deviceInstallParams *DevInstallParams) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW + +// SetDeviceInstallParams member sets device installation parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) SetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, deviceInstallParams *DevInstallParams) error { + return SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, deviceInstallParams) +} + +// SetupDiSetClassInstallParams function sets or clears class install parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. +//sys SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, classInstallParams *ClassInstallHeader, classInstallParamsSize uint32) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW + +// SetClassInstallParams method sets or clears class install parameters for a device information set or a particular device information element. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) SetClassInstallParams(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, classInstallParams *ClassInstallHeader, classInstallParamsSize uint32) error { + return SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData, classInstallParams, classInstallParamsSize) +} + +//sys setupDiClassNameFromGuidEx(classGUID *GUID, className *uint16, classNameSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32, machineName *uint16, reserved uintptr) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiClassNameFromGuidExW + +// SetupDiClassNameFromGuidEx function retrieves the class name associated with a class GUID. The class can be installed on a local or remote computer. +func SetupDiClassNameFromGuidEx(classGUID *GUID, machineName string) (className string, err error) { + var classNameUTF16 [MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN]uint16 + + var machineNameUTF16 *uint16 + if machineName != "" { + machineNameUTF16, err = UTF16PtrFromString(machineName) + if err != nil { + return + } + } + + err = setupDiClassNameFromGuidEx(classGUID, &classNameUTF16[0], MAX_CLASS_NAME_LEN, nil, machineNameUTF16, 0) + if err != nil { + return + } + + className = UTF16ToString(classNameUTF16[:]) + return +} + +//sys setupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx(className *uint16, classGuidList *GUID, classGuidListSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32, machineName *uint16, reserved uintptr) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameExW + +// SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx function retrieves the GUIDs associated with the specified class name. This resulting list contains the classes currently installed on a local or remote computer. +func SetupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx(className string, machineName string) ([]GUID, error) { + classNameUTF16, err := UTF16PtrFromString(className) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + var machineNameUTF16 *uint16 + if machineName != "" { + machineNameUTF16, err = UTF16PtrFromString(machineName) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + } + + reqSize := uint32(4) + for { + buf := make([]GUID, reqSize) + err = setupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx(classNameUTF16, &buf[0], uint32(len(buf)), &reqSize, machineNameUTF16, 0) + if err == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER { + continue + } + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return buf[:reqSize], nil + } +} + +//sys setupDiGetSelectedDevice(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiGetSelectedDevice + +// SetupDiGetSelectedDevice function retrieves the selected device information element in a device information set. +func SetupDiGetSelectedDevice(deviceInfoSet DevInfo) (*DevInfoData, error) { + data := &DevInfoData{} + data.size = uint32(unsafe.Sizeof(*data)) + + return data, setupDiGetSelectedDevice(deviceInfoSet, data) +} + +// SelectedDevice method retrieves the selected device information element in a device information set. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) SelectedDevice() (*DevInfoData, error) { + return SetupDiGetSelectedDevice(deviceInfoSet) +} + +// SetupDiSetSelectedDevice function sets a device information element as the selected member of a device information set. This function is typically used by an installation wizard. +//sys SetupDiSetSelectedDevice(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) = setupapi.SetupDiSetSelectedDevice + +// SetSelectedDevice method sets a device information element as the selected member of a device information set. This function is typically used by an installation wizard. +func (deviceInfoSet DevInfo) SetSelectedDevice(deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) error { + return SetupDiSetSelectedDevice(deviceInfoSet, deviceInfoData) +} + +//sys setupUninstallOEMInf(infFileName *uint16, flags SUOI, reserved uintptr) (err error) = setupapi.SetupUninstallOEMInfW + +// SetupUninstallOEMInf uninstalls the specified driver. +func SetupUninstallOEMInf(infFileName string, flags SUOI) error { + infFileName16, err := UTF16PtrFromString(infFileName) + if err != nil { + return err + } + return setupUninstallOEMInf(infFileName16, flags, 0) +} + +//sys cm_MapCrToWin32Err(configRet CONFIGRET, defaultWin32Error Errno) (ret Errno) = CfgMgr32.CM_MapCrToWin32Err + +//sys cm_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size(len *uint32, interfaceClass *GUID, deviceID *uint16, flags uint32) (ret CONFIGRET) = CfgMgr32.CM_Get_Device_Interface_List_SizeW +//sys cm_Get_Device_Interface_List(interfaceClass *GUID, deviceID *uint16, buffer *uint16, bufferLen uint32, flags uint32) (ret CONFIGRET) = CfgMgr32.CM_Get_Device_Interface_ListW + +func CM_Get_Device_Interface_List(deviceID string, interfaceClass *GUID, flags uint32) ([]string, error) { + deviceID16, err := UTF16PtrFromString(deviceID) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + var buf []uint16 + var buflen uint32 + for { + if ret := cm_Get_Device_Interface_List_Size(&buflen, interfaceClass, deviceID16, flags); ret != CR_SUCCESS { + return nil, ret + } + buf = make([]uint16, buflen) + if ret := cm_Get_Device_Interface_List(interfaceClass, deviceID16, &buf[0], buflen, flags); ret == CR_SUCCESS { + break + } else if ret != CR_BUFFER_SMALL { + return nil, ret + } + } + var interfaces []string + for i := 0; i < len(buf); { + j := i + wcslen(buf[i:]) + if i < j { + interfaces = append(interfaces, UTF16ToString(buf[i:j])) + } + i = j + 1 + } + if interfaces == nil { + return nil, ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE + } + return interfaces, nil +} + +//sys cm_Get_DevNode_Status(status *uint32, problemNumber *uint32, devInst DEVINST, flags uint32) (ret CONFIGRET) = CfgMgr32.CM_Get_DevNode_Status + +func CM_Get_DevNode_Status(status *uint32, problemNumber *uint32, devInst DEVINST, flags uint32) error { + ret := cm_Get_DevNode_Status(status, problemNumber, devInst, flags) + if ret == CR_SUCCESS { + return nil + } + return ret +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/setupapierrors_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/setupapierrors_windows.go deleted file mode 100644 index 1681810e..00000000 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/setupapierrors_windows.go +++ /dev/null @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. -// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style -// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. - -package windows - -import "syscall" - -const ( - ERROR_EXPECTED_SECTION_NAME syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0 - ERROR_BAD_SECTION_NAME_LINE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 1 - ERROR_SECTION_NAME_TOO_LONG syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 2 - ERROR_GENERAL_SYNTAX syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 3 - ERROR_WRONG_INF_STYLE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x100 - ERROR_SECTION_NOT_FOUND syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x101 - ERROR_LINE_NOT_FOUND syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x102 - ERROR_NO_BACKUP syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x103 - ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATED_CLASS syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x200 - ERROR_CLASS_MISMATCH syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x201 - ERROR_DUPLICATE_FOUND syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x202 - ERROR_NO_DRIVER_SELECTED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x203 - ERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x204 - ERROR_INVALID_DEVINST_NAME syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x205 - ERROR_INVALID_CLASS syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x206 - ERROR_DEVINST_ALREADY_EXISTS syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x207 - ERROR_DEVINFO_NOT_REGISTERED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x208 - ERROR_INVALID_REG_PROPERTY syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x209 - ERROR_NO_INF syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20A - ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVINST syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20B - ERROR_CANT_LOAD_CLASS_ICON syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20C - ERROR_INVALID_CLASS_INSTALLER syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20D - ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20E - ERROR_DI_NOFILECOPY syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x20F - ERROR_INVALID_HWPROFILE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x210 - ERROR_NO_DEVICE_SELECTED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x211 - ERROR_DEVINFO_LIST_LOCKED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x212 - ERROR_DEVINFO_DATA_LOCKED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x213 - ERROR_DI_BAD_PATH syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x214 - ERROR_NO_CLASSINSTALL_PARAMS syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x215 - ERROR_FILEQUEUE_LOCKED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x216 - ERROR_BAD_SERVICE_INSTALLSECT syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x217 - ERROR_NO_CLASS_DRIVER_LIST syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x218 - ERROR_NO_ASSOCIATED_SERVICE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x219 - ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_DEVICE_INTERFACE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21A - ERROR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21B - ERROR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21C - ERROR_BAD_INTERFACE_INSTALLSECT syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21D - ERROR_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE_CLASS syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21E - ERROR_INVALID_REFERENCE_STRING syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x21F - ERROR_INVALID_MACHINENAME syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x220 - ERROR_REMOTE_COMM_FAILURE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x221 - ERROR_MACHINE_UNAVAILABLE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x222 - ERROR_NO_CONFIGMGR_SERVICES syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x223 - ERROR_INVALID_PROPPAGE_PROVIDER syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x224 - ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x225 - ERROR_DI_POSTPROCESSING_REQUIRED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x226 - ERROR_INVALID_COINSTALLER syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x227 - ERROR_NO_COMPAT_DRIVERS syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x228 - ERROR_NO_DEVICE_ICON syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x229 - ERROR_INVALID_INF_LOGCONFIG syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22A - ERROR_DI_DONT_INSTALL syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22B - ERROR_INVALID_FILTER_DRIVER syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22C - ERROR_NON_WINDOWS_NT_DRIVER syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22D - ERROR_NON_WINDOWS_DRIVER syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22E - ERROR_NO_CATALOG_FOR_OEM_INF syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x22F - ERROR_DEVINSTALL_QUEUE_NONNATIVE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x230 - ERROR_NOT_DISABLEABLE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x231 - ERROR_CANT_REMOVE_DEVINST syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x232 - ERROR_INVALID_TARGET syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x233 - ERROR_DRIVER_NONNATIVE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x234 - ERROR_IN_WOW64 syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x235 - ERROR_SET_SYSTEM_RESTORE_POINT syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x236 - ERROR_SCE_DISABLED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x238 - ERROR_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x239 - ERROR_PNP_REGISTRY_ERROR syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23A - ERROR_REMOTE_REQUEST_UNSUPPORTED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23B - ERROR_NOT_AN_INSTALLED_OEM_INF syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23C - ERROR_INF_IN_USE_BY_DEVICES syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23D - ERROR_DI_FUNCTION_OBSOLETE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23E - ERROR_NO_AUTHENTICODE_CATALOG syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x23F - ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_DISALLOWED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x240 - ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_TRUSTED_PUBLISHER syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x241 - ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_TRUST_NOT_ESTABLISHED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x242 - ERROR_AUTHENTICODE_PUBLISHER_NOT_TRUSTED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x243 - ERROR_SIGNATURE_OSATTRIBUTE_MISMATCH syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x244 - ERROR_ONLY_VALIDATE_VIA_AUTHENTICODE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x245 - ERROR_DEVICE_INSTALLER_NOT_READY syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x246 - ERROR_DRIVER_STORE_ADD_FAILED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x247 - ERROR_DEVICE_INSTALL_BLOCKED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x248 - ERROR_DRIVER_INSTALL_BLOCKED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x249 - ERROR_WRONG_INF_TYPE syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x24A - ERROR_FILE_HASH_NOT_IN_CATALOG syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x24B - ERROR_DRIVER_STORE_DELETE_FAILED syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x24C - ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOW syscall.Errno = 0x20000000 | 0xC0000000 | 0x300 - EXCEPTION_SPAPI_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOW syscall.Errno = ERROR_UNRECOVERABLE_STACK_OVERFLOW - ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_INTERFACE_DEVICE syscall.Errno = ERROR_NO_DEFAULT_DEVICE_INTERFACE - ERROR_INTERFACE_DEVICE_ACTIVE syscall.Errno = ERROR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ACTIVE - ERROR_INTERFACE_DEVICE_REMOVED syscall.Errno = ERROR_DEVICE_INTERFACE_REMOVED - ERROR_NO_SUCH_INTERFACE_DEVICE syscall.Errno = ERROR_NO_SUCH_DEVICE_INTERFACE -) diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/str.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/str.go index 917cc2aa..4fc01434 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/str.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/str.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build windows // +build windows package windows diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall.go index 6122f557..72074d58 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall.go @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. +//go:build windows // +build windows // Package windows contains an interface to the low-level operating system diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go index 0197df87..ce3075c4 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/syscall_windows.go @@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ package windows import ( errorspkg "errors" + "fmt" + "runtime" + "strings" "sync" "syscall" "time" @@ -65,9 +68,8 @@ const ( LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY = 0x00000001 LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK = 0x00000002 - // Return values of SleepEx and other APC functions - STATUS_USER_APC = 0x000000C0 - WAIT_IO_COMPLETION = STATUS_USER_APC + // Return value of SleepEx and other APC functions + WAIT_IO_COMPLETION = 0x000000C0 ) // StringToUTF16 is deprecated. Use UTF16FromString instead. @@ -85,10 +87,8 @@ func StringToUTF16(s string) []uint16 { // s, with a terminating NUL added. If s contains a NUL byte at any // location, it returns (nil, syscall.EINVAL). func UTF16FromString(s string) ([]uint16, error) { - for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { - if s[i] == 0 { - return nil, syscall.EINVAL - } + if strings.IndexByte(s, 0) != -1 { + return nil, syscall.EINVAL } return utf16.Encode([]rune(s + "\x00")), nil } @@ -180,8 +180,13 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys IsWow64Process(handle Handle, isWow64 *bool) (err error) = IsWow64Process //sys IsWow64Process2(handle Handle, processMachine *uint16, nativeMachine *uint16) (err error) = IsWow64Process2? //sys CreateFile(name *uint16, access uint32, mode uint32, sa *SecurityAttributes, createmode uint32, attrs uint32, templatefile Handle) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==InvalidHandle] = CreateFileW -//sys ReadFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) -//sys WriteFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) +//sys CreateNamedPipe(name *uint16, flags uint32, pipeMode uint32, maxInstances uint32, outSize uint32, inSize uint32, defaultTimeout uint32, sa *SecurityAttributes) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==InvalidHandle] = CreateNamedPipeW +//sys ConnectNamedPipe(pipe Handle, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) +//sys GetNamedPipeInfo(pipe Handle, flags *uint32, outSize *uint32, inSize *uint32, maxInstances *uint32) (err error) +//sys GetNamedPipeHandleState(pipe Handle, state *uint32, curInstances *uint32, maxCollectionCount *uint32, collectDataTimeout *uint32, userName *uint16, maxUserNameSize uint32) (err error) = GetNamedPipeHandleStateW +//sys SetNamedPipeHandleState(pipe Handle, state *uint32, maxCollectionCount *uint32, collectDataTimeout *uint32) (err error) = SetNamedPipeHandleState +//sys readFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) = ReadFile +//sys writeFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) = WriteFile //sys GetOverlappedResult(handle Handle, overlapped *Overlapped, done *uint32, wait bool) (err error) //sys SetFilePointer(handle Handle, lowoffset int32, highoffsetptr *int32, whence uint32) (newlowoffset uint32, err error) [failretval==0xffffffff] //sys CloseHandle(handle Handle) (err error) @@ -208,12 +213,16 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(time *Filetime) //sys GetSystemTimePreciseAsFileTime(time *Filetime) //sys GetTimeZoneInformation(tzi *Timezoneinformation) (rc uint32, err error) [failretval==0xffffffff] -//sys CreateIoCompletionPort(filehandle Handle, cphandle Handle, key uint32, threadcnt uint32) (handle Handle, err error) -//sys GetQueuedCompletionStatus(cphandle Handle, qty *uint32, key *uint32, overlapped **Overlapped, timeout uint32) (err error) -//sys PostQueuedCompletionStatus(cphandle Handle, qty uint32, key uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) +//sys CreateIoCompletionPort(filehandle Handle, cphandle Handle, key uintptr, threadcnt uint32) (handle Handle, err error) +//sys GetQueuedCompletionStatus(cphandle Handle, qty *uint32, key *uintptr, overlapped **Overlapped, timeout uint32) (err error) +//sys PostQueuedCompletionStatus(cphandle Handle, qty uint32, key uintptr, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) //sys CancelIo(s Handle) (err error) //sys CancelIoEx(s Handle, o *Overlapped) (err error) //sys CreateProcess(appName *uint16, commandLine *uint16, procSecurity *SecurityAttributes, threadSecurity *SecurityAttributes, inheritHandles bool, creationFlags uint32, env *uint16, currentDir *uint16, startupInfo *StartupInfo, outProcInfo *ProcessInformation) (err error) = CreateProcessW +//sys CreateProcessAsUser(token Token, appName *uint16, commandLine *uint16, procSecurity *SecurityAttributes, threadSecurity *SecurityAttributes, inheritHandles bool, creationFlags uint32, env *uint16, currentDir *uint16, startupInfo *StartupInfo, outProcInfo *ProcessInformation) (err error) = advapi32.CreateProcessAsUserW +//sys initializeProcThreadAttributeList(attrlist *ProcThreadAttributeList, attrcount uint32, flags uint32, size *uintptr) (err error) = InitializeProcThreadAttributeList +//sys deleteProcThreadAttributeList(attrlist *ProcThreadAttributeList) = DeleteProcThreadAttributeList +//sys updateProcThreadAttribute(attrlist *ProcThreadAttributeList, flags uint32, attr uintptr, value unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, prevvalue unsafe.Pointer, returnedsize *uintptr) (err error) = UpdateProcThreadAttribute //sys OpenProcess(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, processId uint32) (handle Handle, err error) //sys ShellExecute(hwnd Handle, verb *uint16, file *uint16, args *uint16, cwd *uint16, showCmd int32) (err error) [failretval<=32] = shell32.ShellExecuteW //sys GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd HWND, pid *uint32) (tid uint32, err error) = user32.GetWindowThreadProcessId @@ -238,6 +247,7 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys FreeEnvironmentStrings(envs *uint16) (err error) = kernel32.FreeEnvironmentStringsW //sys GetEnvironmentVariable(name *uint16, buffer *uint16, size uint32) (n uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetEnvironmentVariableW //sys SetEnvironmentVariable(name *uint16, value *uint16) (err error) = kernel32.SetEnvironmentVariableW +//sys ExpandEnvironmentStrings(src *uint16, dst *uint16, size uint32) (n uint32, err error) = kernel32.ExpandEnvironmentStringsW //sys CreateEnvironmentBlock(block **uint16, token Token, inheritExisting bool) (err error) = userenv.CreateEnvironmentBlock //sys DestroyEnvironmentBlock(block *uint16) (err error) = userenv.DestroyEnvironmentBlock //sys getTickCount64() (ms uint64) = kernel32.GetTickCount64 @@ -248,13 +258,14 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys GetCommandLine() (cmd *uint16) = kernel32.GetCommandLineW //sys CommandLineToArgv(cmd *uint16, argc *int32) (argv *[8192]*[8192]uint16, err error) [failretval==nil] = shell32.CommandLineToArgvW //sys LocalFree(hmem Handle) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval!=0] +//sys LocalAlloc(flags uint32, length uint32) (ptr uintptr, err error) //sys SetHandleInformation(handle Handle, mask uint32, flags uint32) (err error) //sys FlushFileBuffers(handle Handle) (err error) //sys GetFullPathName(path *uint16, buflen uint32, buf *uint16, fname **uint16) (n uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetFullPathNameW //sys GetLongPathName(path *uint16, buf *uint16, buflen uint32) (n uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetLongPathNameW //sys GetShortPathName(longpath *uint16, shortpath *uint16, buflen uint32) (n uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetShortPathNameW //sys GetFinalPathNameByHandle(file Handle, filePath *uint16, filePathSize uint32, flags uint32) (n uint32, err error) = kernel32.GetFinalPathNameByHandleW -//sys CreateFileMapping(fhandle Handle, sa *SecurityAttributes, prot uint32, maxSizeHigh uint32, maxSizeLow uint32, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.CreateFileMappingW +//sys CreateFileMapping(fhandle Handle, sa *SecurityAttributes, prot uint32, maxSizeHigh uint32, maxSizeLow uint32, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval == 0 || e1 == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS] = kernel32.CreateFileMappingW //sys MapViewOfFile(handle Handle, access uint32, offsetHigh uint32, offsetLow uint32, length uintptr) (addr uintptr, err error) //sys UnmapViewOfFile(addr uintptr) (err error) //sys FlushViewOfFile(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) @@ -263,6 +274,11 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys VirtualAlloc(address uintptr, size uintptr, alloctype uint32, protect uint32) (value uintptr, err error) = kernel32.VirtualAlloc //sys VirtualFree(address uintptr, size uintptr, freetype uint32) (err error) = kernel32.VirtualFree //sys VirtualProtect(address uintptr, size uintptr, newprotect uint32, oldprotect *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.VirtualProtect +//sys VirtualProtectEx(process Handle, address uintptr, size uintptr, newProtect uint32, oldProtect *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.VirtualProtectEx +//sys VirtualQuery(address uintptr, buffer *MemoryBasicInformation, length uintptr) (err error) = kernel32.VirtualQuery +//sys VirtualQueryEx(process Handle, address uintptr, buffer *MemoryBasicInformation, length uintptr) (err error) = kernel32.VirtualQueryEx +//sys ReadProcessMemory(process Handle, baseAddress uintptr, buffer *byte, size uintptr, numberOfBytesRead *uintptr) (err error) = kernel32.ReadProcessMemory +//sys WriteProcessMemory(process Handle, baseAddress uintptr, buffer *byte, size uintptr, numberOfBytesWritten *uintptr) (err error) = kernel32.WriteProcessMemory //sys TransmitFile(s Handle, handle Handle, bytesToWrite uint32, bytsPerSend uint32, overlapped *Overlapped, transmitFileBuf *TransmitFileBuffers, flags uint32) (err error) = mswsock.TransmitFile //sys ReadDirectoryChanges(handle Handle, buf *byte, buflen uint32, watchSubTree bool, mask uint32, retlen *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped, completionRoutine uintptr) (err error) = kernel32.ReadDirectoryChangesW //sys FindFirstChangeNotification(path string, watchSubtree bool, notifyFilter uint32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==InvalidHandle] = kernel32.FindFirstChangeNotificationW @@ -283,6 +299,9 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy(policyOID uintptr, chain *CertChainContext, para *CertChainPolicyPara, status *CertChainPolicyStatus) (err error) = crypt32.CertVerifyCertificateChainPolicy //sys CertGetNameString(certContext *CertContext, nameType uint32, flags uint32, typePara unsafe.Pointer, name *uint16, size uint32) (chars uint32) = crypt32.CertGetNameStringW //sys CertFindExtension(objId *byte, countExtensions uint32, extensions *CertExtension) (ret *CertExtension) = crypt32.CertFindExtension +//sys CertFindCertificateInStore(store Handle, certEncodingType uint32, findFlags uint32, findType uint32, findPara unsafe.Pointer, prevCertContext *CertContext) (cert *CertContext, err error) [failretval==nil] = crypt32.CertFindCertificateInStore +//sys CertFindChainInStore(store Handle, certEncodingType uint32, findFlags uint32, findType uint32, findPara unsafe.Pointer, prevChainContext *CertChainContext) (certchain *CertChainContext, err error) [failretval==nil] = crypt32.CertFindChainInStore +//sys CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey(cert *CertContext, flags uint32, parameters unsafe.Pointer, cryptProvOrNCryptKey *Handle, keySpec *uint32, callerFreeProvOrNCryptKey *bool) (err error) = crypt32.CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey //sys CryptQueryObject(objectType uint32, object unsafe.Pointer, expectedContentTypeFlags uint32, expectedFormatTypeFlags uint32, flags uint32, msgAndCertEncodingType *uint32, contentType *uint32, formatType *uint32, certStore *Handle, msg *Handle, context *unsafe.Pointer) (err error) = crypt32.CryptQueryObject //sys CryptDecodeObject(encodingType uint32, structType *byte, encodedBytes *byte, lenEncodedBytes uint32, flags uint32, decoded unsafe.Pointer, decodedLen *uint32) (err error) = crypt32.CryptDecodeObject //sys CryptProtectData(dataIn *DataBlob, name *uint16, optionalEntropy *DataBlob, reserved uintptr, promptStruct *CryptProtectPromptStruct, flags uint32, dataOut *DataBlob) (err error) = crypt32.CryptProtectData @@ -303,6 +322,8 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys WriteConsole(console Handle, buf *uint16, towrite uint32, written *uint32, reserved *byte) (err error) = kernel32.WriteConsoleW //sys ReadConsole(console Handle, buf *uint16, toread uint32, read *uint32, inputControl *byte) (err error) = kernel32.ReadConsoleW //sys CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(flags uint32, processId uint32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==InvalidHandle] = kernel32.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot +//sys Module32First(snapshot Handle, moduleEntry *ModuleEntry32) (err error) = kernel32.Module32FirstW +//sys Module32Next(snapshot Handle, moduleEntry *ModuleEntry32) (err error) = kernel32.Module32NextW //sys Process32First(snapshot Handle, procEntry *ProcessEntry32) (err error) = kernel32.Process32FirstW //sys Process32Next(snapshot Handle, procEntry *ProcessEntry32) (err error) = kernel32.Process32NextW //sys Thread32First(snapshot Handle, threadEntry *ThreadEntry32) (err error) @@ -312,14 +333,14 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys CreateSymbolicLink(symlinkfilename *uint16, targetfilename *uint16, flags uint32) (err error) [failretval&0xff==0] = CreateSymbolicLinkW //sys CreateHardLink(filename *uint16, existingfilename *uint16, reserved uintptr) (err error) [failretval&0xff==0] = CreateHardLinkW //sys GetCurrentThreadId() (id uint32) -//sys CreateEvent(eventAttrs *SecurityAttributes, manualReset uint32, initialState uint32, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.CreateEventW -//sys CreateEventEx(eventAttrs *SecurityAttributes, name *uint16, flags uint32, desiredAccess uint32) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.CreateEventExW +//sys CreateEvent(eventAttrs *SecurityAttributes, manualReset uint32, initialState uint32, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval == 0 || e1 == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS] = kernel32.CreateEventW +//sys CreateEventEx(eventAttrs *SecurityAttributes, name *uint16, flags uint32, desiredAccess uint32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval == 0 || e1 == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS] = kernel32.CreateEventExW //sys OpenEvent(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.OpenEventW //sys SetEvent(event Handle) (err error) = kernel32.SetEvent //sys ResetEvent(event Handle) (err error) = kernel32.ResetEvent //sys PulseEvent(event Handle) (err error) = kernel32.PulseEvent -//sys CreateMutex(mutexAttrs *SecurityAttributes, initialOwner bool, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.CreateMutexW -//sys CreateMutexEx(mutexAttrs *SecurityAttributes, name *uint16, flags uint32, desiredAccess uint32) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.CreateMutexExW +//sys CreateMutex(mutexAttrs *SecurityAttributes, initialOwner bool, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval == 0 || e1 == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS] = kernel32.CreateMutexW +//sys CreateMutexEx(mutexAttrs *SecurityAttributes, name *uint16, flags uint32, desiredAccess uint32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval == 0 || e1 == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS] = kernel32.CreateMutexExW //sys OpenMutex(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, name *uint16) (handle Handle, err error) = kernel32.OpenMutexW //sys ReleaseMutex(mutex Handle) (err error) = kernel32.ReleaseMutex //sys SleepEx(milliseconds uint32, alertable bool) (ret uint32) = kernel32.SleepEx @@ -334,10 +355,15 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys SetInformationJobObject(job Handle, JobObjectInformationClass uint32, JobObjectInformation uintptr, JobObjectInformationLength uint32) (ret int, err error) //sys GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(ctrlEvent uint32, processGroupID uint32) (err error) //sys GetProcessId(process Handle) (id uint32, err error) +//sys QueryFullProcessImageName(proc Handle, flags uint32, exeName *uint16, size *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.QueryFullProcessImageNameW //sys OpenThread(desiredAccess uint32, inheritHandle bool, threadId uint32) (handle Handle, err error) //sys SetProcessPriorityBoost(process Handle, disable bool) (err error) = kernel32.SetProcessPriorityBoost //sys GetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx(hProcess Handle, lpMinimumWorkingSetSize *uintptr, lpMaximumWorkingSetSize *uintptr, flags *uint32) //sys SetProcessWorkingSetSizeEx(hProcess Handle, dwMinimumWorkingSetSize uintptr, dwMaximumWorkingSetSize uintptr, flags uint32) (err error) +//sys GetCommTimeouts(handle Handle, timeouts *CommTimeouts) (err error) +//sys SetCommTimeouts(handle Handle, timeouts *CommTimeouts) (err error) +//sys GetActiveProcessorCount(groupNumber uint16) (ret uint32) +//sys GetMaximumProcessorCount(groupNumber uint16) (ret uint32) // Volume Management Functions //sys DefineDosDevice(flags uint32, deviceName *uint16, targetPath *uint16) (err error) = DefineDosDeviceW @@ -367,15 +393,50 @@ func NewCallbackCDecl(fn interface{}) uintptr { //sys stringFromGUID2(rguid *GUID, lpsz *uint16, cchMax int32) (chars int32) = ole32.StringFromGUID2 //sys coCreateGuid(pguid *GUID) (ret error) = ole32.CoCreateGuid //sys CoTaskMemFree(address unsafe.Pointer) = ole32.CoTaskMemFree -//sys rtlGetVersion(info *OsVersionInfoEx) (ret error) = ntdll.RtlGetVersion -//sys rtlGetNtVersionNumbers(majorVersion *uint32, minorVersion *uint32, buildNumber *uint32) = ntdll.RtlGetNtVersionNumbers +//sys CoInitializeEx(reserved uintptr, coInit uint32) (ret error) = ole32.CoInitializeEx +//sys CoUninitialize() = ole32.CoUninitialize +//sys CoGetObject(name *uint16, bindOpts *BIND_OPTS3, guid *GUID, functionTable **uintptr) (ret error) = ole32.CoGetObject //sys getProcessPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.GetProcessPreferredUILanguages //sys getThreadPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.GetThreadPreferredUILanguages //sys getUserPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.GetUserPreferredUILanguages //sys getSystemPreferredUILanguages(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf *uint16, bufSize *uint32) (err error) = kernel32.GetSystemPreferredUILanguages +//sys findResource(module Handle, name uintptr, resType uintptr) (resInfo Handle, err error) = kernel32.FindResourceW +//sys SizeofResource(module Handle, resInfo Handle) (size uint32, err error) = kernel32.SizeofResource +//sys LoadResource(module Handle, resInfo Handle) (resData Handle, err error) = kernel32.LoadResource +//sys LockResource(resData Handle) (addr uintptr, err error) = kernel32.LockResource + +// Version APIs +//sys GetFileVersionInfoSize(filename string, zeroHandle *Handle) (bufSize uint32, err error) = version.GetFileVersionInfoSizeW +//sys GetFileVersionInfo(filename string, handle uint32, bufSize uint32, buffer unsafe.Pointer) (err error) = version.GetFileVersionInfoW +//sys VerQueryValue(block unsafe.Pointer, subBlock string, pointerToBufferPointer unsafe.Pointer, bufSize *uint32) (err error) = version.VerQueryValueW // Process Status API (PSAPI) //sys EnumProcesses(processIds []uint32, bytesReturned *uint32) (err error) = psapi.EnumProcesses +//sys EnumProcessModules(process Handle, module *Handle, cb uint32, cbNeeded *uint32) (err error) = psapi.EnumProcessModules +//sys EnumProcessModulesEx(process Handle, module *Handle, cb uint32, cbNeeded *uint32, filterFlag uint32) (err error) = psapi.EnumProcessModulesEx +//sys GetModuleInformation(process Handle, module Handle, modinfo *ModuleInfo, cb uint32) (err error) = psapi.GetModuleInformation +//sys GetModuleFileNameEx(process Handle, module Handle, filename *uint16, size uint32) (err error) = psapi.GetModuleFileNameExW +//sys GetModuleBaseName(process Handle, module Handle, baseName *uint16, size uint32) (err error) = psapi.GetModuleBaseNameW + +// NT Native APIs +//sys rtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb(ntstatus NTStatus) (ret syscall.Errno) = ntdll.RtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb +//sys rtlGetVersion(info *OsVersionInfoEx) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.RtlGetVersion +//sys rtlGetNtVersionNumbers(majorVersion *uint32, minorVersion *uint32, buildNumber *uint32) = ntdll.RtlGetNtVersionNumbers +//sys RtlGetCurrentPeb() (peb *PEB) = ntdll.RtlGetCurrentPeb +//sys RtlInitUnicodeString(destinationString *NTUnicodeString, sourceString *uint16) = ntdll.RtlInitUnicodeString +//sys RtlInitString(destinationString *NTString, sourceString *byte) = ntdll.RtlInitString +//sys NtCreateFile(handle *Handle, access uint32, oa *OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, iosb *IO_STATUS_BLOCK, allocationSize *int64, attributes uint32, share uint32, disposition uint32, options uint32, eabuffer uintptr, ealength uint32) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.NtCreateFile +//sys NtCreateNamedPipeFile(pipe *Handle, access uint32, oa *OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, iosb *IO_STATUS_BLOCK, share uint32, disposition uint32, options uint32, typ uint32, readMode uint32, completionMode uint32, maxInstances uint32, inboundQuota uint32, outputQuota uint32, timeout *int64) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.NtCreateNamedPipeFile +//sys NtSetInformationFile(handle Handle, iosb *IO_STATUS_BLOCK, inBuffer *byte, inBufferLen uint32, class uint32) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.NtSetInformationFile +//sys RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName(dosName *uint16, ntName *NTUnicodeString, ntFileNamePart *uint16, relativeName *RTL_RELATIVE_NAME) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U_WithStatus +//sys RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName(dosName *uint16, ntName *NTUnicodeString, ntFileNamePart *uint16, relativeName *RTL_RELATIVE_NAME) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U_WithStatus +//sys RtlDefaultNpAcl(acl **ACL) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.RtlDefaultNpAcl +//sys NtQueryInformationProcess(proc Handle, procInfoClass int32, procInfo unsafe.Pointer, procInfoLen uint32, retLen *uint32) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.NtQueryInformationProcess +//sys NtSetInformationProcess(proc Handle, procInfoClass int32, procInfo unsafe.Pointer, procInfoLen uint32) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.NtSetInformationProcess +//sys NtQuerySystemInformation(sysInfoClass int32, sysInfo unsafe.Pointer, sysInfoLen uint32, retLen *uint32) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.NtQuerySystemInformation +//sys NtSetSystemInformation(sysInfoClass int32, sysInfo unsafe.Pointer, sysInfoLen uint32) (ntstatus error) = ntdll.NtSetSystemInformation +//sys RtlAddFunctionTable(functionTable *RUNTIME_FUNCTION, entryCount uint32, baseAddress uintptr) (ret bool) = ntdll.RtlAddFunctionTable +//sys RtlDeleteFunctionTable(functionTable *RUNTIME_FUNCTION) (ret bool) = ntdll.RtlDeleteFunctionTable // syscall interface implementation for other packages @@ -487,12 +548,6 @@ func Read(fd Handle, p []byte) (n int, err error) { } return 0, e } - if raceenabled { - if done > 0 { - raceWriteRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), int(done)) - } - raceAcquire(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) - } return int(done), nil } @@ -505,12 +560,31 @@ func Write(fd Handle, p []byte) (n int, err error) { if e != nil { return 0, e } - if raceenabled && done > 0 { - raceReadRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), int(done)) - } return int(done), nil } +func ReadFile(fd Handle, p []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) error { + err := readFile(fd, p, done, overlapped) + if raceenabled { + if *done > 0 { + raceWriteRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), int(*done)) + } + raceAcquire(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + return err +} + +func WriteFile(fd Handle, p []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) error { + if raceenabled { + raceReleaseMerge(unsafe.Pointer(&ioSync)) + } + err := writeFile(fd, p, done, overlapped) + if raceenabled && *done > 0 { + raceReadRange(unsafe.Pointer(&p[0]), int(*done)) + } + return err +} + var ioSync int64 func Seek(fd Handle, offset int64, whence int) (newoffset int64, err error) { @@ -770,6 +844,7 @@ const socket_error = uintptr(^uint32(0)) //sys WSASend(s Handle, bufs *WSABuf, bufcnt uint32, sent *uint32, flags uint32, overlapped *Overlapped, croutine *byte) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.WSASend //sys WSARecvFrom(s Handle, bufs *WSABuf, bufcnt uint32, recvd *uint32, flags *uint32, from *RawSockaddrAny, fromlen *int32, overlapped *Overlapped, croutine *byte) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.WSARecvFrom //sys WSASendTo(s Handle, bufs *WSABuf, bufcnt uint32, sent *uint32, flags uint32, to *RawSockaddrAny, tolen int32, overlapped *Overlapped, croutine *byte) (err error) [failretval==socket_error] = ws2_32.WSASendTo +//sys WSASocket(af int32, typ int32, protocol int32, protoInfo *WSAProtocolInfo, group uint32, flags uint32) (handle Handle, err error) [failretval==InvalidHandle] = ws2_32.WSASocketW //sys GetHostByName(name string) (h *Hostent, err error) [failretval==nil] = ws2_32.gethostbyname //sys GetServByName(name string, proto string) (s *Servent, err error) [failretval==nil] = ws2_32.getservbyname //sys Ntohs(netshort uint16) (u uint16) = ws2_32.ntohs @@ -783,6 +858,7 @@ const socket_error = uintptr(^uint32(0)) //sys GetAdaptersInfo(ai *IpAdapterInfo, ol *uint32) (errcode error) = iphlpapi.GetAdaptersInfo //sys SetFileCompletionNotificationModes(handle Handle, flags uint8) (err error) = kernel32.SetFileCompletionNotificationModes //sys WSAEnumProtocols(protocols *int32, protocolBuffer *WSAProtocolInfo, bufferLength *uint32) (n int32, err error) [failretval==-1] = ws2_32.WSAEnumProtocolsW +//sys WSAGetOverlappedResult(h Handle, o *Overlapped, bytes *uint32, wait bool, flags *uint32) (err error) = ws2_32.WSAGetOverlappedResult //sys GetAdaptersAddresses(family uint32, flags uint32, reserved uintptr, adapterAddresses *IpAdapterAddresses, sizePointer *uint32) (errcode error) = iphlpapi.GetAdaptersAddresses //sys GetACP() (acp uint32) = kernel32.GetACP //sys MultiByteToWideChar(codePage uint32, dwFlags uint32, str *byte, nstr int32, wchar *uint16, nwchar int32) (nwrite int32, err error) = kernel32.MultiByteToWideChar @@ -834,9 +910,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet4) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, int32, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw.Port)) p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), int32(unsafe.Sizeof(sa.raw)), nil } @@ -856,9 +930,7 @@ func (sa *SockaddrInet6) sockaddr() (unsafe.Pointer, int32, error) { p[0] = byte(sa.Port >> 8) p[1] = byte(sa.Port) sa.raw.Scope_id = sa.ZoneId - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.raw.Addr[i] = sa.Addr[i] - } + sa.raw.Addr = sa.Addr return unsafe.Pointer(&sa.raw), int32(unsafe.Sizeof(sa.raw)), nil } @@ -931,9 +1003,7 @@ func (rsa *RawSockaddrAny) Sockaddr() (Sockaddr, error) { sa := new(SockaddrInet4) p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil case AF_INET6: @@ -942,9 +1012,7 @@ func (rsa *RawSockaddrAny) Sockaddr() (Sockaddr, error) { p := (*[2]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&pp.Port)) sa.Port = int(p[0])<<8 + int(p[1]) sa.ZoneId = pp.Scope_id - for i := 0; i < len(sa.Addr); i++ { - sa.Addr[i] = pp.Addr[i] - } + sa.Addr = pp.Addr return sa, nil } return nil, syscall.EAFNOSUPPORT @@ -1505,3 +1573,129 @@ func getUILanguages(flags uint32, f func(flags uint32, numLanguages *uint32, buf func SetConsoleCursorPosition(console Handle, position Coord) error { return setConsoleCursorPosition(console, *((*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&position)))) } + +func (s NTStatus) Errno() syscall.Errno { + return rtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb(s) +} + +func langID(pri, sub uint16) uint32 { return uint32(sub)<<10 | uint32(pri) } + +func (s NTStatus) Error() string { + b := make([]uint16, 300) + n, err := FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM|FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE|FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, modntdll.Handle(), uint32(s), langID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), b, nil) + if err != nil { + return fmt.Sprintf("NTSTATUS 0x%08x", uint32(s)) + } + // trim terminating \r and \n + for ; n > 0 && (b[n-1] == '\n' || b[n-1] == '\r'); n-- { + } + return string(utf16.Decode(b[:n])) +} + +// NewNTUnicodeString returns a new NTUnicodeString structure for use with native +// NT APIs that work over the NTUnicodeString type. Note that most Windows APIs +// do not use NTUnicodeString, and instead UTF16PtrFromString should be used for +// the more common *uint16 string type. +func NewNTUnicodeString(s string) (*NTUnicodeString, error) { + var u NTUnicodeString + s16, err := UTF16PtrFromString(s) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + RtlInitUnicodeString(&u, s16) + return &u, nil +} + +// Slice returns a uint16 slice that aliases the data in the NTUnicodeString. +func (s *NTUnicodeString) Slice() []uint16 { + var slice []uint16 + hdr := (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&slice)) + hdr.Data = unsafe.Pointer(s.Buffer) + hdr.Len = int(s.Length) + hdr.Cap = int(s.MaximumLength) + return slice +} + +func (s *NTUnicodeString) String() string { + return UTF16ToString(s.Slice()) +} + +// NewNTString returns a new NTString structure for use with native +// NT APIs that work over the NTString type. Note that most Windows APIs +// do not use NTString, and instead UTF16PtrFromString should be used for +// the more common *uint16 string type. +func NewNTString(s string) (*NTString, error) { + var nts NTString + s8, err := BytePtrFromString(s) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + RtlInitString(&nts, s8) + return &nts, nil +} + +// Slice returns a byte slice that aliases the data in the NTString. +func (s *NTString) Slice() []byte { + var slice []byte + hdr := (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&slice)) + hdr.Data = unsafe.Pointer(s.Buffer) + hdr.Len = int(s.Length) + hdr.Cap = int(s.MaximumLength) + return slice +} + +func (s *NTString) String() string { + return ByteSliceToString(s.Slice()) +} + +// FindResource resolves a resource of the given name and resource type. +func FindResource(module Handle, name, resType ResourceIDOrString) (Handle, error) { + var namePtr, resTypePtr uintptr + var name16, resType16 *uint16 + var err error + resolvePtr := func(i interface{}, keep **uint16) (uintptr, error) { + switch v := i.(type) { + case string: + *keep, err = UTF16PtrFromString(v) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(*keep)), nil + case ResourceID: + return uintptr(v), nil + } + return 0, errorspkg.New("parameter must be a ResourceID or a string") + } + namePtr, err = resolvePtr(name, &name16) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + resTypePtr, err = resolvePtr(resType, &resType16) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + resInfo, err := findResource(module, namePtr, resTypePtr) + runtime.KeepAlive(name16) + runtime.KeepAlive(resType16) + return resInfo, err +} + +func LoadResourceData(module, resInfo Handle) (data []byte, err error) { + size, err := SizeofResource(module, resInfo) + if err != nil { + return + } + resData, err := LoadResource(module, resInfo) + if err != nil { + return + } + ptr, err := LockResource(resData) + if err != nil { + return + } + h := (*unsafeheader.Slice)(unsafe.Pointer(&data)) + h.Data = unsafe.Pointer(ptr) + h.Len = int(size) + h.Cap = int(size) + return +} diff --git a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go index fd426076..e19471c6 100644 --- a/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go +++ b/vendor/golang.org/x/sys/windows/types_windows.go @@ -10,6 +10,10 @@ import ( "unsafe" ) +// NTStatus corresponds with NTSTATUS, error values returned by ntdll.dll and +// other native functions. +type NTStatus uint32 + const ( // Invented values to support what package os expects. O_RDONLY = 0x00000 @@ -62,9 +66,21 @@ var signals = [...]string{ } const ( - FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY = 0x00000001 - FILE_APPEND_DATA = 0x00000004 + FILE_READ_DATA = 0x00000001 + FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000080 + FILE_READ_EA = 0x00000008 + FILE_WRITE_DATA = 0x00000002 FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES = 0x00000100 + FILE_WRITE_EA = 0x00000010 + FILE_APPEND_DATA = 0x00000004 + FILE_EXECUTE = 0x00000020 + + FILE_GENERIC_READ = STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_READ_EA | SYNCHRONIZE + FILE_GENERIC_WRITE = STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE | FILE_WRITE_DATA | FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_WRITE_EA | FILE_APPEND_DATA | SYNCHRONIZE + FILE_GENERIC_EXECUTE = STANDARD_RIGHTS_EXECUTE | FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_EXECUTE | SYNCHRONIZE + + FILE_LIST_DIRECTORY = 0x00000001 + FILE_TRAVERSE = 0x00000020 FILE_SHARE_READ = 0x00000001 FILE_SHARE_WRITE = 0x00000002 @@ -140,6 +156,8 @@ const ( MAX_PATH = 260 MAX_LONG_PATH = 32768 + MAX_MODULE_NAME32 = 255 + MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH = 15 TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN = 0 @@ -215,6 +233,18 @@ const ( INHERIT_PARENT_AFFINITY = 0x00010000 ) +const ( + // attributes for ProcThreadAttributeList + PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PARENT_PROCESS = 0x00020000 + PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST = 0x00020002 + PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_AFFINITY = 0x00030003 + PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PREFERRED_NODE = 0x00020004 + PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_IDEAL_PROCESSOR = 0x00030005 + PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_MITIGATION_POLICY = 0x00020007 + PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_UMS_THREAD = 0x00030006 + PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_PROTECTION_LEVEL = 0x0002000b +) + const ( // flags for CreateToolhelp32Snapshot TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST = 0x01 @@ -226,6 +256,14 @@ const ( TH32CS_INHERIT = 0x80000000 ) +const ( + // flags for EnumProcessModulesEx + LIST_MODULES_32BIT = 0x01 + LIST_MODULES_64BIT = 0x02 + LIST_MODULES_ALL = 0x03 + LIST_MODULES_DEFAULT = 0x00 +) + const ( // filters for ReadDirectoryChangesW and FindFirstChangeNotificationW FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_FILE_NAME = 0x001 @@ -287,6 +325,23 @@ const ( PKCS12_NO_PERSIST_KEY = 0x00008000 PKCS12_INCLUDE_EXTENDED_PROPERTIES = 0x00000010 + /* Flags for CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey */ + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_CACHE_FLAG = 0x00000001 + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_USE_PROV_INFO_FLAG = 0x00000002 + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_COMPARE_KEY_FLAG = 0x00000004 + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_NO_HEALING = 0x00000008 + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_SILENT_FLAG = 0x00000040 + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_WINDOW_HANDLE_FLAG = 0x00000080 + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_NCRYPT_KEY_FLAGS_MASK = 0x00070000 + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_ALLOW_NCRYPT_KEY_FLAG = 0x00010000 + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_PREFER_NCRYPT_KEY_FLAG = 0x00020000 + CRYPT_ACQUIRE_ONLY_NCRYPT_KEY_FLAG = 0x00040000 + + /* pdwKeySpec for CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey */ + AT_KEYEXCHANGE = 1 + AT_SIGNATURE = 2 + CERT_NCRYPT_KEY_SPEC = 0xFFFFFFFF + /* Default usage match type is AND with value zero */ USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND = 0 USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_OR = 1 @@ -412,6 +467,89 @@ const ( CERT_TRUST_IS_CA_TRUSTED = 0x00004000 CERT_TRUST_IS_COMPLEX_CHAIN = 0x00010000 + /* Certificate Information Flags */ + CERT_INFO_VERSION_FLAG = 1 + CERT_INFO_SERIAL_NUMBER_FLAG = 2 + CERT_INFO_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM_FLAG = 3 + CERT_INFO_ISSUER_FLAG = 4 + CERT_INFO_NOT_BEFORE_FLAG = 5 + CERT_INFO_NOT_AFTER_FLAG = 6 + CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_FLAG = 7 + CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO_FLAG = 8 + CERT_INFO_ISSUER_UNIQUE_ID_FLAG = 9 + CERT_INFO_SUBJECT_UNIQUE_ID_FLAG = 10 + CERT_INFO_EXTENSION_FLAG = 11 + + /* dwFindType for CertFindCertificateInStore */ + CERT_COMPARE_MASK = 0xFFFF + CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT = 16 + CERT_COMPARE_ANY = 0 + CERT_COMPARE_SHA1_HASH = 1 + CERT_COMPARE_NAME = 2 + CERT_COMPARE_ATTR = 3 + CERT_COMPARE_MD5_HASH = 4 + CERT_COMPARE_PROPERTY = 5 + CERT_COMPARE_PUBLIC_KEY = 6 + CERT_COMPARE_HASH = CERT_COMPARE_SHA1_HASH + CERT_COMPARE_NAME_STR_A = 7 + CERT_COMPARE_NAME_STR_W = 8 + CERT_COMPARE_KEY_SPEC = 9 + CERT_COMPARE_ENHKEY_USAGE = 10 + CERT_COMPARE_CTL_USAGE = CERT_COMPARE_ENHKEY_USAGE + CERT_COMPARE_SUBJECT_CERT = 11 + CERT_COMPARE_ISSUER_OF = 12 + CERT_COMPARE_EXISTING = 13 + CERT_COMPARE_SIGNATURE_HASH = 14 + CERT_COMPARE_KEY_IDENTIFIER = 15 + CERT_COMPARE_CERT_ID = 16 + CERT_COMPARE_CROSS_CERT_DIST_POINTS = 17 + CERT_COMPARE_PUBKEY_MD5_HASH = 18 + CERT_COMPARE_SUBJECT_INFO_ACCESS = 19 + CERT_COMPARE_HASH_STR = 20 + CERT_COMPARE_HAS_PRIVATE_KEY = 21 + CERT_FIND_ANY = (CERT_COMPARE_ANY << CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT) + CERT_FIND_SHA1_HASH = (CERT_COMPARE_SHA1_HASH << CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT) + CERT_FIND_MD5_HASH = (CERT_COMPARE_MD5_HASH << CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT) + CERT_FIND_SIGNATURE_HASH = (CERT_COMPARE_SIGNATURE_HASH << CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT) + CERT_FIND_KEY_IDENTIFIER = (CERT_COMPARE_KEY_IDENTIFIER << CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT) + CERT_FIND_HASH = CERT_FIND_SHA1_HASH + CERT_FIND_PROPERTY = (CERT_COMPARE_PROPERTY << CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT) + CERT_FIND_PUBLIC_KEY = (CERT_COMPARE_PUBLIC_KEY << CERT_COMPARE_SHIFT) + CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_NAME = (CERT_COMPARE_NAME< 0 { _p0 = &buf[0] @@ -2453,6 +2773,14 @@ func ReadFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) ( return } +func ReadProcessMemory(process Handle, baseAddress uintptr, buffer *byte, size uintptr, numberOfBytesRead *uintptr) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procReadProcessMemory.Addr(), 5, uintptr(process), uintptr(baseAddress), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buffer)), uintptr(size), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(numberOfBytesRead)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func ReleaseMutex(mutex Handle) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procReleaseMutex.Addr(), 1, uintptr(mutex), 0, 0) if r1 == 0 { @@ -2486,6 +2814,14 @@ func ResumeThread(thread Handle) (ret uint32, err error) { return } +func SetCommTimeouts(handle Handle, timeouts *CommTimeouts) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetCommTimeouts.Addr(), 2, uintptr(handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeouts)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func setConsoleCursorPosition(console Handle, position uint32) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetConsoleCursorPosition.Addr(), 2, uintptr(console), uintptr(position), 0) if r1 == 0 { @@ -2623,6 +2959,14 @@ func SetInformationJobObject(job Handle, JobObjectInformationClass uint32, JobOb return } +func SetNamedPipeHandleState(pipe Handle, state *uint32, maxCollectionCount *uint32, collectDataTimeout *uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetNamedPipeHandleState.Addr(), 4, uintptr(pipe), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(state)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(maxCollectionCount)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(collectDataTimeout)), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func SetPriorityClass(process Handle, priorityClass uint32) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetPriorityClass.Addr(), 2, uintptr(process), uintptr(priorityClass), 0) if r1 == 0 { @@ -2683,6 +3027,15 @@ func SetVolumeMountPoint(volumeMountPoint *uint16, volumeName *uint16) (err erro return } +func SizeofResource(module Handle, resInfo Handle) (size uint32, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSizeofResource.Addr(), 2, uintptr(module), uintptr(resInfo), 0) + size = uint32(r0) + if size == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func SleepEx(milliseconds uint32, alertable bool) (ret uint32) { var _p0 uint32 if alertable { @@ -2741,6 +3094,14 @@ func UnmapViewOfFile(addr uintptr) (err error) { return } +func updateProcThreadAttribute(attrlist *ProcThreadAttributeList, flags uint32, attr uintptr, value unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr, prevvalue unsafe.Pointer, returnedsize *uintptr) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall9(procUpdateProcThreadAttribute.Addr(), 7, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(attrlist)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(attr), uintptr(value), uintptr(size), uintptr(prevvalue), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(returnedsize)), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func VirtualAlloc(address uintptr, size uintptr, alloctype uint32, protect uint32) (value uintptr, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procVirtualAlloc.Addr(), 4, uintptr(address), uintptr(size), uintptr(alloctype), uintptr(protect), 0, 0) value = uintptr(r0) @@ -2774,6 +3135,30 @@ func VirtualProtect(address uintptr, size uintptr, newprotect uint32, oldprotect return } +func VirtualProtectEx(process Handle, address uintptr, size uintptr, newProtect uint32, oldProtect *uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procVirtualProtectEx.Addr(), 5, uintptr(process), uintptr(address), uintptr(size), uintptr(newProtect), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oldProtect)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func VirtualQuery(address uintptr, buffer *MemoryBasicInformation, length uintptr) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procVirtualQuery.Addr(), 3, uintptr(address), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buffer)), uintptr(length)) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func VirtualQueryEx(process Handle, address uintptr, buffer *MemoryBasicInformation, length uintptr) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procVirtualQueryEx.Addr(), 4, uintptr(process), uintptr(address), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buffer)), uintptr(length), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func VirtualUnlock(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procVirtualUnlock.Addr(), 2, uintptr(addr), uintptr(length), 0) if r1 == 0 { @@ -2782,6 +3167,12 @@ func VirtualUnlock(addr uintptr, length uintptr) (err error) { return } +func WTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId() (sessionID uint32) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procWTSGetActiveConsoleSessionId.Addr(), 0, 0, 0, 0) + sessionID = uint32(r0) + return +} + func waitForMultipleObjects(count uint32, handles uintptr, waitAll bool, waitMilliseconds uint32) (event uint32, err error) { var _p0 uint32 if waitAll { @@ -2812,7 +3203,7 @@ func WriteConsole(console Handle, buf *uint16, towrite uint32, written *uint32, return } -func WriteFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) { +func writeFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) { var _p0 *byte if len(buf) > 0 { _p0 = &buf[0] @@ -2824,6 +3215,14 @@ func WriteFile(handle Handle, buf []byte, done *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) return } +func WriteProcessMemory(process Handle, baseAddress uintptr, buffer *byte, size uintptr, numberOfBytesWritten *uintptr) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procWriteProcessMemory.Addr(), 5, uintptr(process), uintptr(baseAddress), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buffer)), uintptr(size), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(numberOfBytesWritten)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func AcceptEx(ls Handle, as Handle, buf *byte, rxdatalen uint32, laddrlen uint32, raddrlen uint32, recvd *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall9(procAcceptEx.Addr(), 8, uintptr(ls), uintptr(as), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buf)), uintptr(rxdatalen), uintptr(laddrlen), uintptr(raddrlen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(recvd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(overlapped)), 0) if r1 == 0 { @@ -2869,72 +3268,247 @@ func NetUserGetInfo(serverName *uint16, userName *uint16, level uint32, buf **by return } -func rtlGetNtVersionNumbers(majorVersion *uint32, minorVersion *uint32, buildNumber *uint32) { - syscall.Syscall(procRtlGetNtVersionNumbers.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(majorVersion)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(minorVersion)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buildNumber))) +func NtCreateFile(handle *Handle, access uint32, oa *OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, iosb *IO_STATUS_BLOCK, allocationSize *int64, attributes uint32, share uint32, disposition uint32, options uint32, eabuffer uintptr, ealength uint32) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall12(procNtCreateFile.Addr(), 11, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(handle)), uintptr(access), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iosb)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(allocationSize)), uintptr(attributes), uintptr(share), uintptr(disposition), uintptr(options), uintptr(eabuffer), uintptr(ealength), 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) + } return } -func rtlGetVersion(info *OsVersionInfoEx) (ret error) { - r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procRtlGetVersion.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(info)), 0, 0) +func NtCreateNamedPipeFile(pipe *Handle, access uint32, oa *OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, iosb *IO_STATUS_BLOCK, share uint32, disposition uint32, options uint32, typ uint32, readMode uint32, completionMode uint32, maxInstances uint32, inboundQuota uint32, outputQuota uint32, timeout *int64) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall15(procNtCreateNamedPipeFile.Addr(), 14, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pipe)), uintptr(access), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(oa)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iosb)), uintptr(share), uintptr(disposition), uintptr(options), uintptr(typ), uintptr(readMode), uintptr(completionMode), uintptr(maxInstances), uintptr(inboundQuota), uintptr(outputQuota), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(timeout)), 0) if r0 != 0 { - ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) } return } -func clsidFromString(lpsz *uint16, pclsid *GUID) (ret error) { - r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procCLSIDFromString.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpsz)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pclsid)), 0) +func NtQueryInformationProcess(proc Handle, procInfoClass int32, procInfo unsafe.Pointer, procInfoLen uint32, retLen *uint32) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procNtQueryInformationProcess.Addr(), 5, uintptr(proc), uintptr(procInfoClass), uintptr(procInfo), uintptr(procInfoLen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(retLen)), 0) if r0 != 0 { - ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) } return } -func coCreateGuid(pguid *GUID) (ret error) { - r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procCoCreateGuid.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pguid)), 0, 0) +func NtQuerySystemInformation(sysInfoClass int32, sysInfo unsafe.Pointer, sysInfoLen uint32, retLen *uint32) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procNtQuerySystemInformation.Addr(), 4, uintptr(sysInfoClass), uintptr(sysInfo), uintptr(sysInfoLen), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(retLen)), 0, 0) if r0 != 0 { - ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) } return } -func CoTaskMemFree(address unsafe.Pointer) { - syscall.Syscall(procCoTaskMemFree.Addr(), 1, uintptr(address), 0, 0) +func NtSetInformationFile(handle Handle, iosb *IO_STATUS_BLOCK, inBuffer *byte, inBufferLen uint32, class uint32) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procNtSetInformationFile.Addr(), 5, uintptr(handle), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(iosb)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(inBuffer)), uintptr(inBufferLen), uintptr(class), 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) + } return } -func stringFromGUID2(rguid *GUID, lpsz *uint16, cchMax int32) (chars int32) { - r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procStringFromGUID2.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rguid)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpsz)), uintptr(cchMax)) - chars = int32(r0) +func NtSetInformationProcess(proc Handle, procInfoClass int32, procInfo unsafe.Pointer, procInfoLen uint32) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procNtSetInformationProcess.Addr(), 4, uintptr(proc), uintptr(procInfoClass), uintptr(procInfo), uintptr(procInfoLen), 0, 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) + } return } -func EnumProcesses(processIds []uint32, bytesReturned *uint32) (err error) { - var _p0 *uint32 - if len(processIds) > 0 { - _p0 = &processIds[0] - } - r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procEnumProcesses.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(processIds)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bytesReturned))) - if r1 == 0 { - err = errnoErr(e1) +func NtSetSystemInformation(sysInfoClass int32, sysInfo unsafe.Pointer, sysInfoLen uint32) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procNtSetSystemInformation.Addr(), 3, uintptr(sysInfoClass), uintptr(sysInfo), uintptr(sysInfoLen)) + if r0 != 0 { + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) } return } -func SubscribeServiceChangeNotifications(service Handle, eventType uint32, callback uintptr, callbackCtx uintptr, subscription *uintptr) (ret error) { - ret = procSubscribeServiceChangeNotifications.Find() - if ret != nil { - return - } - r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procSubscribeServiceChangeNotifications.Addr(), 5, uintptr(service), uintptr(eventType), uintptr(callback), uintptr(callbackCtx), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(subscription)), 0) +func RtlAddFunctionTable(functionTable *RUNTIME_FUNCTION, entryCount uint32, baseAddress uintptr) (ret bool) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procRtlAddFunctionTable.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(functionTable)), uintptr(entryCount), uintptr(baseAddress)) + ret = r0 != 0 + return +} + +func RtlDefaultNpAcl(acl **ACL) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procRtlDefaultNpAcl.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(acl)), 0, 0) if r0 != 0 { - ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) } return } -func UnsubscribeServiceChangeNotifications(subscription uintptr) (err error) { - err = procUnsubscribeServiceChangeNotifications.Find() +func RtlDeleteFunctionTable(functionTable *RUNTIME_FUNCTION) (ret bool) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procRtlDeleteFunctionTable.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(functionTable)), 0, 0) + ret = r0 != 0 + return +} + +func RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName(dosName *uint16, ntName *NTUnicodeString, ntFileNamePart *uint16, relativeName *RTL_RELATIVE_NAME) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procRtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U_WithStatus.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dosName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ntName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ntFileNamePart)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(relativeName)), 0, 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) + } + return +} + +func RtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName(dosName *uint16, ntName *NTUnicodeString, ntFileNamePart *uint16, relativeName *RTL_RELATIVE_NAME) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procRtlDosPathNameToRelativeNtPathName_U_WithStatus.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(dosName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ntName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(ntFileNamePart)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(relativeName)), 0, 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) + } + return +} + +func RtlGetCurrentPeb() (peb *PEB) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procRtlGetCurrentPeb.Addr(), 0, 0, 0, 0) + peb = (*PEB)(unsafe.Pointer(r0)) + return +} + +func rtlGetNtVersionNumbers(majorVersion *uint32, minorVersion *uint32, buildNumber *uint32) { + syscall.Syscall(procRtlGetNtVersionNumbers.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(majorVersion)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(minorVersion)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(buildNumber))) + return +} + +func rtlGetVersion(info *OsVersionInfoEx) (ntstatus error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procRtlGetVersion.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(info)), 0, 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ntstatus = NTStatus(r0) + } + return +} + +func RtlInitString(destinationString *NTString, sourceString *byte) { + syscall.Syscall(procRtlInitString.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(destinationString)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sourceString)), 0) + return +} + +func RtlInitUnicodeString(destinationString *NTUnicodeString, sourceString *uint16) { + syscall.Syscall(procRtlInitUnicodeString.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(destinationString)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(sourceString)), 0) + return +} + +func rtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb(ntstatus NTStatus) (ret syscall.Errno) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procRtlNtStatusToDosErrorNoTeb.Addr(), 1, uintptr(ntstatus), 0, 0) + ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + return +} + +func clsidFromString(lpsz *uint16, pclsid *GUID) (ret error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procCLSIDFromString.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpsz)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pclsid)), 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + } + return +} + +func coCreateGuid(pguid *GUID) (ret error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procCoCreateGuid.Addr(), 1, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pguid)), 0, 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + } + return +} + +func CoGetObject(name *uint16, bindOpts *BIND_OPTS3, guid *GUID, functionTable **uintptr) (ret error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procCoGetObject.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(name)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bindOpts)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(guid)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(functionTable)), 0, 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + } + return +} + +func CoInitializeEx(reserved uintptr, coInit uint32) (ret error) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procCoInitializeEx.Addr(), 2, uintptr(reserved), uintptr(coInit), 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + } + return +} + +func CoTaskMemFree(address unsafe.Pointer) { + syscall.Syscall(procCoTaskMemFree.Addr(), 1, uintptr(address), 0, 0) + return +} + +func CoUninitialize() { + syscall.Syscall(procCoUninitialize.Addr(), 0, 0, 0, 0) + return +} + +func stringFromGUID2(rguid *GUID, lpsz *uint16, cchMax int32) (chars int32) { + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procStringFromGUID2.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(rguid)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lpsz)), uintptr(cchMax)) + chars = int32(r0) + return +} + +func EnumProcessModules(process Handle, module *Handle, cb uint32, cbNeeded *uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procEnumProcessModules.Addr(), 4, uintptr(process), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(module)), uintptr(cb), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cbNeeded)), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func EnumProcessModulesEx(process Handle, module *Handle, cb uint32, cbNeeded *uint32, filterFlag uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procEnumProcessModulesEx.Addr(), 5, uintptr(process), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(module)), uintptr(cb), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cbNeeded)), uintptr(filterFlag), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func EnumProcesses(processIds []uint32, bytesReturned *uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *uint32 + if len(processIds) > 0 { + _p0 = &processIds[0] + } + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procEnumProcesses.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(_p0)), uintptr(len(processIds)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bytesReturned))) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func GetModuleBaseName(process Handle, module Handle, baseName *uint16, size uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetModuleBaseNameW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(process), uintptr(module), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(baseName)), uintptr(size), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func GetModuleFileNameEx(process Handle, module Handle, filename *uint16, size uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetModuleFileNameExW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(process), uintptr(module), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(filename)), uintptr(size), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func GetModuleInformation(process Handle, module Handle, modinfo *ModuleInfo, cb uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetModuleInformation.Addr(), 4, uintptr(process), uintptr(module), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(modinfo)), uintptr(cb), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SubscribeServiceChangeNotifications(service Handle, eventType uint32, callback uintptr, callbackCtx uintptr, subscription *uintptr) (ret error) { + ret = procSubscribeServiceChangeNotifications.Find() + if ret != nil { + return + } + r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall6(procSubscribeServiceChangeNotifications.Addr(), 5, uintptr(service), uintptr(eventType), uintptr(callback), uintptr(callbackCtx), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(subscription)), 0) + if r0 != 0 { + ret = syscall.Errno(r0) + } + return +} + +func UnsubscribeServiceChangeNotifications(subscription uintptr) (err error) { + err = procUnsubscribeServiceChangeNotifications.Find() if err != nil { return } @@ -2958,6 +3532,233 @@ func TranslateName(accName *uint16, accNameFormat uint32, desiredNameFormat uint return } +func SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiBuildDriverInfoList.Addr(), 3, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(driverType)) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiCallClassInstaller(installFunction DI_FUNCTION, deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiCallClassInstaller.Addr(), 3, uintptr(installFunction), uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData))) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiCancelDriverInfoSearch(deviceInfoSet DevInfo) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiCancelDriverInfoSearch.Addr(), 1, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiClassGuidsFromNameEx(className *uint16, classGuidList *GUID, classGuidListSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32, machineName *uint16, reserved uintptr) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiClassGuidsFromNameExW.Addr(), 6, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(className)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(classGuidList)), uintptr(classGuidListSize), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(requiredSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(machineName)), uintptr(reserved)) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiClassNameFromGuidEx(classGUID *GUID, className *uint16, classNameSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32, machineName *uint16, reserved uintptr) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiClassNameFromGuidExW.Addr(), 6, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(classGUID)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(className)), uintptr(classNameSize), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(requiredSize)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(machineName)), uintptr(reserved)) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiCreateDeviceInfoListEx(classGUID *GUID, hwndParent uintptr, machineName *uint16, reserved uintptr) (handle DevInfo, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiCreateDeviceInfoListExW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(classGUID)), uintptr(hwndParent), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(machineName)), uintptr(reserved), 0, 0) + handle = DevInfo(r0) + if handle == DevInfo(InvalidHandle) { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiCreateDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, DeviceName *uint16, classGUID *GUID, DeviceDescription *uint16, hwndParent uintptr, CreationFlags DICD, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall9(procSetupDiCreateDeviceInfoW.Addr(), 7, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(DeviceName)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(classGUID)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(DeviceDescription)), uintptr(hwndParent), uintptr(CreationFlags), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(deviceInfoSet DevInfo) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList.Addr(), 1, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList.Addr(), 3, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(driverType)) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiEnumDeviceInfo(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, memberIndex uint32, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiEnumDeviceInfo.Addr(), 3, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(memberIndex), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData))) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiEnumDriverInfo(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverType SPDIT, memberIndex uint32, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiEnumDriverInfoW.Addr(), 5, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(driverType), uintptr(memberIndex), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(driverInfoData)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiGetClassDevsEx(classGUID *GUID, Enumerator *uint16, hwndParent uintptr, Flags DIGCF, deviceInfoSet DevInfo, machineName *uint16, reserved uintptr) (handle DevInfo, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall9(procSetupDiGetClassDevsExW.Addr(), 7, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(classGUID)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(Enumerator)), uintptr(hwndParent), uintptr(Flags), uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(machineName)), uintptr(reserved), 0, 0) + handle = DevInfo(r0) + if handle == DevInfo(InvalidHandle) { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiGetClassInstallParams(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, classInstallParams *ClassInstallHeader, classInstallParamsSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiGetClassInstallParamsW.Addr(), 5, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(classInstallParams)), uintptr(classInstallParamsSize), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(requiredSize)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetail(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoSetDetailData *DevInfoListDetailData) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiGetDeviceInfoListDetailW.Addr(), 2, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoSetDetailData)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, deviceInstallParams *DevInstallParams) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiGetDeviceInstallParamsW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInstallParams))) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, instanceId *uint16, instanceIdSize uint32, instanceIdRequiredSize *uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdW.Addr(), 5, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(instanceId)), uintptr(instanceIdSize), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(instanceIdRequiredSize)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiGetDeviceProperty(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, propertyKey *DEVPROPKEY, propertyType *DEVPROPTYPE, propertyBuffer *byte, propertyBufferSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32, flags uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall9(procSetupDiGetDevicePropertyW.Addr(), 8, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(propertyKey)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(propertyType)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(propertyBuffer)), uintptr(propertyBufferSize), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(requiredSize)), uintptr(flags), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, property SPDRP, propertyRegDataType *uint32, propertyBuffer *byte, propertyBufferSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall9(procSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW.Addr(), 7, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(property), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(propertyRegDataType)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(propertyBuffer)), uintptr(propertyBufferSize), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(requiredSize)), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiGetDriverInfoDetail(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData, driverInfoDetailData *DrvInfoDetailData, driverInfoDetailDataSize uint32, requiredSize *uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiGetDriverInfoDetailW.Addr(), 6, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(driverInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(driverInfoDetailData)), uintptr(driverInfoDetailDataSize), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(requiredSize))) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiGetSelectedDevice(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiGetSelectedDevice.Addr(), 2, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiGetSelectedDriver(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiGetSelectedDriverW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(driverInfoData))) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiOpenDevRegKey(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, Scope DICS_FLAG, HwProfile uint32, KeyType DIREG, samDesired uint32) (key Handle, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiOpenDevRegKey.Addr(), 6, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(Scope), uintptr(HwProfile), uintptr(KeyType), uintptr(samDesired)) + key = Handle(r0) + if key == InvalidHandle { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiSetClassInstallParams(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, classInstallParams *ClassInstallHeader, classInstallParamsSize uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiSetClassInstallParamsW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(classInstallParams)), uintptr(classInstallParamsSize), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, deviceInstallParams *DevInstallParams) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiSetDeviceInstallParamsW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInstallParams))) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupDiSetDeviceRegistryProperty(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, property SPDRP, propertyBuffer *byte, propertyBufferSize uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procSetupDiSetDeviceRegistryPropertyW.Addr(), 5, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(property), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(propertyBuffer)), uintptr(propertyBufferSize), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiSetSelectedDevice(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiSetSelectedDevice.Addr(), 2, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func SetupDiSetSelectedDriver(deviceInfoSet DevInfo, deviceInfoData *DevInfoData, driverInfoData *DrvInfoData) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupDiSetSelectedDriverW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(deviceInfoSet), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(deviceInfoData)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(driverInfoData))) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func setupUninstallOEMInf(infFileName *uint16, flags SUOI, reserved uintptr) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procSetupUninstallOEMInfW.Addr(), 3, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(infFileName)), uintptr(flags), uintptr(reserved)) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func CommandLineToArgv(cmd *uint16, argc *int32) (argv *[8192]*[8192]uint16, err error) { r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procCommandLineToArgvW.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cmd)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(argc)), 0) argv = (*[8192]*[8192]uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(r0)) @@ -3043,6 +3844,58 @@ func GetUserProfileDirectory(t Token, dir *uint16, dirLen *uint32) (err error) { return } +func GetFileVersionInfoSize(filename string, zeroHandle *Handle) (bufSize uint32, err error) { + var _p0 *uint16 + _p0, err = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(filename) + if err != nil { + return + } + return _GetFileVersionInfoSize(_p0, zeroHandle) +} + +func _GetFileVersionInfoSize(filename *uint16, zeroHandle *Handle) (bufSize uint32, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall(procGetFileVersionInfoSizeW.Addr(), 2, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(filename)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(zeroHandle)), 0) + bufSize = uint32(r0) + if bufSize == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func GetFileVersionInfo(filename string, handle uint32, bufSize uint32, buffer unsafe.Pointer) (err error) { + var _p0 *uint16 + _p0, err = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(filename) + if err != nil { + return + } + return _GetFileVersionInfo(_p0, handle, bufSize, buffer) +} + +func _GetFileVersionInfo(filename *uint16, handle uint32, bufSize uint32, buffer unsafe.Pointer) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procGetFileVersionInfoW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(filename)), uintptr(handle), uintptr(bufSize), uintptr(buffer), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + +func VerQueryValue(block unsafe.Pointer, subBlock string, pointerToBufferPointer unsafe.Pointer, bufSize *uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 *uint16 + _p0, err = syscall.UTF16PtrFromString(subBlock) + if err != nil { + return + } + return _VerQueryValue(block, _p0, pointerToBufferPointer, bufSize) +} + +func _VerQueryValue(block unsafe.Pointer, subBlock *uint16, pointerToBufferPointer unsafe.Pointer, bufSize *uint32) (err error) { + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procVerQueryValueW.Addr(), 4, uintptr(block), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(subBlock)), uintptr(pointerToBufferPointer), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bufSize)), 0, 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func WinVerifyTrustEx(hwnd HWND, actionId *GUID, data *WinTrustData) (ret error) { r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procWinVerifyTrustEx.Addr(), 3, uintptr(hwnd), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(actionId)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data))) if r0 != 0 { @@ -3081,6 +3934,18 @@ func WSAEnumProtocols(protocols *int32, protocolBuffer *WSAProtocolInfo, bufferL return } +func WSAGetOverlappedResult(h Handle, o *Overlapped, bytes *uint32, wait bool, flags *uint32) (err error) { + var _p0 uint32 + if wait { + _p0 = 1 + } + r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procWSAGetOverlappedResult.Addr(), 5, uintptr(h), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(o)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(bytes)), uintptr(_p0), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(flags)), 0) + if r1 == 0 { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func WSAIoctl(s Handle, iocc uint32, inbuf *byte, cbif uint32, outbuf *byte, cbob uint32, cbbr *uint32, overlapped *Overlapped, completionRoutine uintptr) (err error) { r1, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall9(procWSAIoctl.Addr(), 9, uintptr(s), uintptr(iocc), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(inbuf)), uintptr(cbif), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(outbuf)), uintptr(cbob), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(cbbr)), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(overlapped)), uintptr(completionRoutine)) if r1 == socket_error { @@ -3121,6 +3986,15 @@ func WSASendTo(s Handle, bufs *WSABuf, bufcnt uint32, sent *uint32, flags uint32 return } +func WSASocket(af int32, typ int32, protocol int32, protoInfo *WSAProtocolInfo, group uint32, flags uint32) (handle Handle, err error) { + r0, _, e1 := syscall.Syscall6(procWSASocketW.Addr(), 6, uintptr(af), uintptr(typ), uintptr(protocol), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(protoInfo)), uintptr(group), uintptr(flags)) + handle = Handle(r0) + if handle == InvalidHandle { + err = errnoErr(e1) + } + return +} + func WSAStartup(verreq uint32, data *WSAData) (sockerr error) { r0, _, _ := syscall.Syscall(procWSAStartup.Addr(), 2, uintptr(verreq), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(data)), 0) if r0 != 0 { diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/AUTHORS b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/AUTHORS similarity index 74% rename from vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/AUTHORS rename to vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/AUTHORS index 15167cd7..2b00ddba 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/AUTHORS +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/AUTHORS @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # This source code refers to The Go Authors for copyright purposes. # The master list of authors is in the main Go distribution, -# visible at http://tip.golang.org/AUTHORS. +# visible at https://tip.golang.org/AUTHORS. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/CONTRIBUTORS b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/CONTRIBUTORS similarity index 70% rename from vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/CONTRIBUTORS rename to vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/CONTRIBUTORS index 1c4577e9..1fbd3e97 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/CONTRIBUTORS +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/CONTRIBUTORS @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@ # This source code was written by the Go contributors. # The master list of contributors is in the main Go distribution, -# visible at http://tip.golang.org/CONTRIBUTORS. +# visible at https://tip.golang.org/CONTRIBUTORS. diff --git a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/LICENSE b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/LICENSE similarity index 83% rename from vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/LICENSE rename to vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/LICENSE index 0f646931..49ea0f92 100644 --- a/vendor/github.com/golang/protobuf/LICENSE +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/LICENSE @@ -1,16 +1,16 @@ -Copyright 2010 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +Copyright (c) 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: - * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright + * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. - * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above + * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. - * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its + * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. @@ -25,4 +25,3 @@ DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. - diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/PATENTS b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/PATENTS new file mode 100644 index 00000000..73309904 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/PATENTS @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +Additional IP Rights Grant (Patents) + +"This implementation" means the copyrightable works distributed by +Google as part of the Go project. + +Google hereby grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, +no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) +patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, +transfer and otherwise run, modify and propagate the contents of this +implementation of Go, where such license applies only to those patent +claims, both currently owned or controlled by Google and acquired in +the future, licensable by Google that are necessarily infringed by this +implementation of Go. This grant does not include claims that would be +infringed only as a consequence of further modification of this +implementation. If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or +order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any +entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging +that this implementation of Go or any code incorporated within this +implementation of Go constitutes direct or contributory patent +infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any patent +rights granted to you under this License for this implementation of Go +shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext/decode.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext/decode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8fb1d9e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext/decode.go @@ -0,0 +1,773 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package prototext + +import ( + "fmt" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/set" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +// Unmarshal reads the given []byte into the given proto.Message. +// The provided message must be mutable (e.g., a non-nil pointer to a message). +func Unmarshal(b []byte, m proto.Message) error { + return UnmarshalOptions{}.Unmarshal(b, m) +} + +// UnmarshalOptions is a configurable textproto format unmarshaler. +type UnmarshalOptions struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + // AllowPartial accepts input for messages that will result in missing + // required fields. If AllowPartial is false (the default), Unmarshal will + // return error if there are any missing required fields. + AllowPartial bool + + // DiscardUnknown specifies whether to ignore unknown fields when parsing. + // An unknown field is any field whose field name or field number does not + // resolve to any known or extension field in the message. + // By default, unmarshal rejects unknown fields as an error. + DiscardUnknown bool + + // Resolver is used for looking up types when unmarshaling + // google.protobuf.Any messages or extension fields. + // If nil, this defaults to using protoregistry.GlobalTypes. + Resolver interface { + protoregistry.MessageTypeResolver + protoregistry.ExtensionTypeResolver + } +} + +// Unmarshal reads the given []byte and populates the given proto.Message +// using options in the UnmarshalOptions object. +// The provided message must be mutable (e.g., a non-nil pointer to a message). +func (o UnmarshalOptions) Unmarshal(b []byte, m proto.Message) error { + return o.unmarshal(b, m) +} + +// unmarshal is a centralized function that all unmarshal operations go through. +// For profiling purposes, avoid changing the name of this function or +// introducing other code paths for unmarshal that do not go through this. +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshal(b []byte, m proto.Message) error { + proto.Reset(m) + + if o.Resolver == nil { + o.Resolver = protoregistry.GlobalTypes + } + + dec := decoder{text.NewDecoder(b), o} + if err := dec.unmarshalMessage(m.ProtoReflect(), false); err != nil { + return err + } + if o.AllowPartial { + return nil + } + return proto.CheckInitialized(m) +} + +type decoder struct { + *text.Decoder + opts UnmarshalOptions +} + +// newError returns an error object with position info. +func (d decoder) newError(pos int, f string, x ...interface{}) error { + line, column := d.Position(pos) + head := fmt.Sprintf("(line %d:%d): ", line, column) + return errors.New(head+f, x...) +} + +// unexpectedTokenError returns a syntax error for the given unexpected token. +func (d decoder) unexpectedTokenError(tok text.Token) error { + return d.syntaxError(tok.Pos(), "unexpected token: %s", tok.RawString()) +} + +// syntaxError returns a syntax error for given position. +func (d decoder) syntaxError(pos int, f string, x ...interface{}) error { + line, column := d.Position(pos) + head := fmt.Sprintf("syntax error (line %d:%d): ", line, column) + return errors.New(head+f, x...) +} + +// unmarshalMessage unmarshals into the given protoreflect.Message. +func (d decoder) unmarshalMessage(m pref.Message, checkDelims bool) error { + messageDesc := m.Descriptor() + if !flags.ProtoLegacy && messageset.IsMessageSet(messageDesc) { + return errors.New("no support for proto1 MessageSets") + } + + if messageDesc.FullName() == genid.Any_message_fullname { + return d.unmarshalAny(m, checkDelims) + } + + if checkDelims { + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if tok.Kind() != text.MessageOpen { + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } + } + + var seenNums set.Ints + var seenOneofs set.Ints + fieldDescs := messageDesc.Fields() + + for { + // Read field name. + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + switch typ := tok.Kind(); typ { + case text.Name: + // Continue below. + case text.EOF: + if checkDelims { + return text.ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + return nil + default: + if checkDelims && typ == text.MessageClose { + return nil + } + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } + + // Resolve the field descriptor. + var name pref.Name + var fd pref.FieldDescriptor + var xt pref.ExtensionType + var xtErr error + var isFieldNumberName bool + + switch tok.NameKind() { + case text.IdentName: + name = pref.Name(tok.IdentName()) + fd = fieldDescs.ByTextName(string(name)) + + case text.TypeName: + // Handle extensions only. This code path is not for Any. + xt, xtErr = d.opts.Resolver.FindExtensionByName(pref.FullName(tok.TypeName())) + + case text.FieldNumber: + isFieldNumberName = true + num := pref.FieldNumber(tok.FieldNumber()) + if !num.IsValid() { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "invalid field number: %d", num) + } + fd = fieldDescs.ByNumber(num) + if fd == nil { + xt, xtErr = d.opts.Resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(messageDesc.FullName(), num) + } + } + + if xt != nil { + fd = xt.TypeDescriptor() + if !messageDesc.ExtensionRanges().Has(fd.Number()) || fd.ContainingMessage().FullName() != messageDesc.FullName() { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "message %v cannot be extended by %v", messageDesc.FullName(), fd.FullName()) + } + } else if xtErr != nil && xtErr != protoregistry.NotFound { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "unable to resolve [%s]: %v", tok.RawString(), xtErr) + } + if flags.ProtoLegacy { + if fd != nil && fd.IsWeak() && fd.Message().IsPlaceholder() { + fd = nil // reset since the weak reference is not linked in + } + } + + // Handle unknown fields. + if fd == nil { + if d.opts.DiscardUnknown || messageDesc.ReservedNames().Has(name) { + d.skipValue() + continue + } + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "unknown field: %v", tok.RawString()) + } + + // Handle fields identified by field number. + if isFieldNumberName { + // TODO: Add an option to permit parsing field numbers. + // + // This requires careful thought as the MarshalOptions.EmitUnknown + // option allows formatting unknown fields as the field number and the + // best-effort textual representation of the field value. In that case, + // it may not be possible to unmarshal the value from a parser that does + // have information about the unknown field. + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "cannot specify field by number: %v", tok.RawString()) + } + + switch { + case fd.IsList(): + kind := fd.Kind() + if kind != pref.MessageKind && kind != pref.GroupKind && !tok.HasSeparator() { + return d.syntaxError(tok.Pos(), "missing field separator :") + } + + list := m.Mutable(fd).List() + if err := d.unmarshalList(fd, list); err != nil { + return err + } + + case fd.IsMap(): + mmap := m.Mutable(fd).Map() + if err := d.unmarshalMap(fd, mmap); err != nil { + return err + } + + default: + kind := fd.Kind() + if kind != pref.MessageKind && kind != pref.GroupKind && !tok.HasSeparator() { + return d.syntaxError(tok.Pos(), "missing field separator :") + } + + // If field is a oneof, check if it has already been set. + if od := fd.ContainingOneof(); od != nil { + idx := uint64(od.Index()) + if seenOneofs.Has(idx) { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "error parsing %q, oneof %v is already set", tok.RawString(), od.FullName()) + } + seenOneofs.Set(idx) + } + + num := uint64(fd.Number()) + if seenNums.Has(num) { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "non-repeated field %q is repeated", tok.RawString()) + } + + if err := d.unmarshalSingular(fd, m); err != nil { + return err + } + seenNums.Set(num) + } + } + + return nil +} + +// unmarshalSingular unmarshals a non-repeated field value specified by the +// given FieldDescriptor. +func (d decoder) unmarshalSingular(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, m pref.Message) error { + var val pref.Value + var err error + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + val = m.NewField(fd) + err = d.unmarshalMessage(val.Message(), true) + default: + val, err = d.unmarshalScalar(fd) + } + if err == nil { + m.Set(fd, val) + } + return err +} + +// unmarshalScalar unmarshals a scalar/enum protoreflect.Value specified by the +// given FieldDescriptor. +func (d decoder) unmarshalScalar(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) (pref.Value, error) { + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return pref.Value{}, err + } + + if tok.Kind() != text.Scalar { + return pref.Value{}, d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } + + kind := fd.Kind() + switch kind { + case pref.BoolKind: + if b, ok := tok.Bool(); ok { + return pref.ValueOfBool(b), nil + } + + case pref.Int32Kind, pref.Sint32Kind, pref.Sfixed32Kind: + if n, ok := tok.Int32(); ok { + return pref.ValueOfInt32(n), nil + } + + case pref.Int64Kind, pref.Sint64Kind, pref.Sfixed64Kind: + if n, ok := tok.Int64(); ok { + return pref.ValueOfInt64(n), nil + } + + case pref.Uint32Kind, pref.Fixed32Kind: + if n, ok := tok.Uint32(); ok { + return pref.ValueOfUint32(n), nil + } + + case pref.Uint64Kind, pref.Fixed64Kind: + if n, ok := tok.Uint64(); ok { + return pref.ValueOfUint64(n), nil + } + + case pref.FloatKind: + if n, ok := tok.Float32(); ok { + return pref.ValueOfFloat32(n), nil + } + + case pref.DoubleKind: + if n, ok := tok.Float64(); ok { + return pref.ValueOfFloat64(n), nil + } + + case pref.StringKind: + if s, ok := tok.String(); ok { + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) && !utf8.ValidString(s) { + return pref.Value{}, d.newError(tok.Pos(), "contains invalid UTF-8") + } + return pref.ValueOfString(s), nil + } + + case pref.BytesKind: + if b, ok := tok.String(); ok { + return pref.ValueOfBytes([]byte(b)), nil + } + + case pref.EnumKind: + if lit, ok := tok.Enum(); ok { + // Lookup EnumNumber based on name. + if enumVal := fd.Enum().Values().ByName(pref.Name(lit)); enumVal != nil { + return pref.ValueOfEnum(enumVal.Number()), nil + } + } + if num, ok := tok.Int32(); ok { + return pref.ValueOfEnum(pref.EnumNumber(num)), nil + } + + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid scalar kind %v", kind)) + } + + return pref.Value{}, d.newError(tok.Pos(), "invalid value for %v type: %v", kind, tok.RawString()) +} + +// unmarshalList unmarshals into given protoreflect.List. A list value can +// either be in [] syntax or simply just a single scalar/message value. +func (d decoder) unmarshalList(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, list pref.List) error { + tok, err := d.Peek() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.ListOpen: + d.Read() + for { + tok, err := d.Peek() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.ListClose: + d.Read() + return nil + case text.MessageOpen: + pval := list.NewElement() + if err := d.unmarshalMessage(pval.Message(), true); err != nil { + return err + } + list.Append(pval) + default: + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } + } + + case text.MessageOpen: + pval := list.NewElement() + if err := d.unmarshalMessage(pval.Message(), true); err != nil { + return err + } + list.Append(pval) + return nil + } + + default: + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.ListOpen: + d.Read() + for { + tok, err := d.Peek() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.ListClose: + d.Read() + return nil + case text.Scalar: + pval, err := d.unmarshalScalar(fd) + if err != nil { + return err + } + list.Append(pval) + default: + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } + } + + case text.Scalar: + pval, err := d.unmarshalScalar(fd) + if err != nil { + return err + } + list.Append(pval) + return nil + } + } + + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) +} + +// unmarshalMap unmarshals into given protoreflect.Map. A map value is a +// textproto message containing {key: , value: }. +func (d decoder) unmarshalMap(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, mmap pref.Map) error { + // Determine ahead whether map entry is a scalar type or a message type in + // order to call the appropriate unmarshalMapValue func inside + // unmarshalMapEntry. + var unmarshalMapValue func() (pref.Value, error) + switch fd.MapValue().Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + unmarshalMapValue = func() (pref.Value, error) { + pval := mmap.NewValue() + if err := d.unmarshalMessage(pval.Message(), true); err != nil { + return pref.Value{}, err + } + return pval, nil + } + default: + unmarshalMapValue = func() (pref.Value, error) { + return d.unmarshalScalar(fd.MapValue()) + } + } + + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.MessageOpen: + return d.unmarshalMapEntry(fd, mmap, unmarshalMapValue) + + case text.ListOpen: + for { + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.ListClose: + return nil + case text.MessageOpen: + if err := d.unmarshalMapEntry(fd, mmap, unmarshalMapValue); err != nil { + return err + } + default: + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } + } + + default: + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } +} + +// unmarshalMap unmarshals into given protoreflect.Map. A map value is a +// textproto message containing {key: , value: }. +func (d decoder) unmarshalMapEntry(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, mmap pref.Map, unmarshalMapValue func() (pref.Value, error)) error { + var key pref.MapKey + var pval pref.Value +Loop: + for { + // Read field name. + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.Name: + if tok.NameKind() != text.IdentName { + if !d.opts.DiscardUnknown { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "unknown map entry field %q", tok.RawString()) + } + d.skipValue() + continue Loop + } + // Continue below. + case text.MessageClose: + break Loop + default: + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } + + switch name := pref.Name(tok.IdentName()); name { + case genid.MapEntry_Key_field_name: + if !tok.HasSeparator() { + return d.syntaxError(tok.Pos(), "missing field separator :") + } + if key.IsValid() { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "map entry %q cannot be repeated", name) + } + val, err := d.unmarshalScalar(fd.MapKey()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + key = val.MapKey() + + case genid.MapEntry_Value_field_name: + if kind := fd.MapValue().Kind(); (kind != pref.MessageKind) && (kind != pref.GroupKind) { + if !tok.HasSeparator() { + return d.syntaxError(tok.Pos(), "missing field separator :") + } + } + if pval.IsValid() { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "map entry %q cannot be repeated", name) + } + pval, err = unmarshalMapValue() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + default: + if !d.opts.DiscardUnknown { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "unknown map entry field %q", name) + } + d.skipValue() + } + } + + if !key.IsValid() { + key = fd.MapKey().Default().MapKey() + } + if !pval.IsValid() { + switch fd.MapValue().Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + // If value field is not set for message/group types, construct an + // empty one as default. + pval = mmap.NewValue() + default: + pval = fd.MapValue().Default() + } + } + mmap.Set(key, pval) + return nil +} + +// unmarshalAny unmarshals an Any textproto. It can either be in expanded form +// or non-expanded form. +func (d decoder) unmarshalAny(m pref.Message, checkDelims bool) error { + var typeURL string + var bValue []byte + var seenTypeUrl bool + var seenValue bool + var isExpanded bool + + if checkDelims { + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + + if tok.Kind() != text.MessageOpen { + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } + } + +Loop: + for { + // Read field name. Can only have 3 possible field names, i.e. type_url, + // value and type URL name inside []. + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + if typ := tok.Kind(); typ != text.Name { + if checkDelims { + if typ == text.MessageClose { + break Loop + } + } else if typ == text.EOF { + break Loop + } + return d.unexpectedTokenError(tok) + } + + switch tok.NameKind() { + case text.IdentName: + // Both type_url and value fields require field separator :. + if !tok.HasSeparator() { + return d.syntaxError(tok.Pos(), "missing field separator :") + } + + switch name := pref.Name(tok.IdentName()); name { + case genid.Any_TypeUrl_field_name: + if seenTypeUrl { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "duplicate %v field", genid.Any_TypeUrl_field_fullname) + } + if isExpanded { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "conflict with [%s] field", typeURL) + } + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + var ok bool + typeURL, ok = tok.String() + if !ok { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "invalid %v field value: %v", genid.Any_TypeUrl_field_fullname, tok.RawString()) + } + seenTypeUrl = true + + case genid.Any_Value_field_name: + if seenValue { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "duplicate %v field", genid.Any_Value_field_fullname) + } + if isExpanded { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "conflict with [%s] field", typeURL) + } + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + s, ok := tok.String() + if !ok { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "invalid %v field value: %v", genid.Any_Value_field_fullname, tok.RawString()) + } + bValue = []byte(s) + seenValue = true + + default: + if !d.opts.DiscardUnknown { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "invalid field name %q in %v message", tok.RawString(), genid.Any_message_fullname) + } + } + + case text.TypeName: + if isExpanded { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "cannot have more than one type") + } + if seenTypeUrl { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "conflict with type_url field") + } + typeURL = tok.TypeName() + var err error + bValue, err = d.unmarshalExpandedAny(typeURL, tok.Pos()) + if err != nil { + return err + } + isExpanded = true + + default: + if !d.opts.DiscardUnknown { + return d.newError(tok.Pos(), "invalid field name %q in %v message", tok.RawString(), genid.Any_message_fullname) + } + } + } + + fds := m.Descriptor().Fields() + if len(typeURL) > 0 { + m.Set(fds.ByNumber(genid.Any_TypeUrl_field_number), pref.ValueOfString(typeURL)) + } + if len(bValue) > 0 { + m.Set(fds.ByNumber(genid.Any_Value_field_number), pref.ValueOfBytes(bValue)) + } + return nil +} + +func (d decoder) unmarshalExpandedAny(typeURL string, pos int) ([]byte, error) { + mt, err := d.opts.Resolver.FindMessageByURL(typeURL) + if err != nil { + return nil, d.newError(pos, "unable to resolve message [%v]: %v", typeURL, err) + } + // Create new message for the embedded message type and unmarshal the value + // field into it. + m := mt.New() + if err := d.unmarshalMessage(m, true); err != nil { + return nil, err + } + // Serialize the embedded message and return the resulting bytes. + b, err := proto.MarshalOptions{ + AllowPartial: true, // Never check required fields inside an Any. + Deterministic: true, + }.Marshal(m.Interface()) + if err != nil { + return nil, d.newError(pos, "error in marshaling message into Any.value: %v", err) + } + return b, nil +} + +// skipValue makes the decoder parse a field value in order to advance the read +// to the next field. It relies on Read returning an error if the types are not +// in valid sequence. +func (d decoder) skipValue() error { + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + // Only need to continue reading for messages and lists. + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.MessageOpen: + return d.skipMessageValue() + + case text.ListOpen: + for { + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.ListClose: + return nil + case text.MessageOpen: + return d.skipMessageValue() + default: + // Skip items. This will not validate whether skipped values are + // of the same type or not, same behavior as C++ + // TextFormat::Parser::AllowUnknownField(true) version 3.8.0. + if err := d.skipValue(); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + } + return nil +} + +// skipMessageValue makes the decoder parse and skip over all fields in a +// message. It assumes that the previous read type is MessageOpen. +func (d decoder) skipMessageValue() error { + for { + tok, err := d.Read() + if err != nil { + return err + } + switch tok.Kind() { + case text.MessageClose: + return nil + case text.Name: + if err := d.skipValue(); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext/doc.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..162b4f98 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package prototext marshals and unmarshals protocol buffer messages as the +// textproto format. +package prototext diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext/encode.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext/encode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d5304dc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext/encode.go @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package prototext + +import ( + "fmt" + "strconv" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +const defaultIndent = " " + +// Format formats the message as a multiline string. +// This function is only intended for human consumption and ignores errors. +// Do not depend on the output being stable. It may change over time across +// different versions of the program. +func Format(m proto.Message) string { + return MarshalOptions{Multiline: true}.Format(m) +} + +// Marshal writes the given proto.Message in textproto format using default +// options. Do not depend on the output being stable. It may change over time +// across different versions of the program. +func Marshal(m proto.Message) ([]byte, error) { + return MarshalOptions{}.Marshal(m) +} + +// MarshalOptions is a configurable text format marshaler. +type MarshalOptions struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + // Multiline specifies whether the marshaler should format the output in + // indented-form with every textual element on a new line. + // If Indent is an empty string, then an arbitrary indent is chosen. + Multiline bool + + // Indent specifies the set of indentation characters to use in a multiline + // formatted output such that every entry is preceded by Indent and + // terminated by a newline. If non-empty, then Multiline is treated as true. + // Indent can only be composed of space or tab characters. + Indent string + + // EmitASCII specifies whether to format strings and bytes as ASCII only + // as opposed to using UTF-8 encoding when possible. + EmitASCII bool + + // allowInvalidUTF8 specifies whether to permit the encoding of strings + // with invalid UTF-8. This is unexported as it is intended to only + // be specified by the Format method. + allowInvalidUTF8 bool + + // AllowPartial allows messages that have missing required fields to marshal + // without returning an error. If AllowPartial is false (the default), + // Marshal will return error if there are any missing required fields. + AllowPartial bool + + // EmitUnknown specifies whether to emit unknown fields in the output. + // If specified, the unmarshaler may be unable to parse the output. + // The default is to exclude unknown fields. + EmitUnknown bool + + // Resolver is used for looking up types when expanding google.protobuf.Any + // messages. If nil, this defaults to using protoregistry.GlobalTypes. + Resolver interface { + protoregistry.ExtensionTypeResolver + protoregistry.MessageTypeResolver + } +} + +// Format formats the message as a string. +// This method is only intended for human consumption and ignores errors. +// Do not depend on the output being stable. It may change over time across +// different versions of the program. +func (o MarshalOptions) Format(m proto.Message) string { + if m == nil || !m.ProtoReflect().IsValid() { + return "" // invalid syntax, but okay since this is for debugging + } + o.allowInvalidUTF8 = true + o.AllowPartial = true + o.EmitUnknown = true + b, _ := o.Marshal(m) + return string(b) +} + +// Marshal writes the given proto.Message in textproto format using options in +// MarshalOptions object. Do not depend on the output being stable. It may +// change over time across different versions of the program. +func (o MarshalOptions) Marshal(m proto.Message) ([]byte, error) { + return o.marshal(m) +} + +// marshal is a centralized function that all marshal operations go through. +// For profiling purposes, avoid changing the name of this function or +// introducing other code paths for marshal that do not go through this. +func (o MarshalOptions) marshal(m proto.Message) ([]byte, error) { + var delims = [2]byte{'{', '}'} + + if o.Multiline && o.Indent == "" { + o.Indent = defaultIndent + } + if o.Resolver == nil { + o.Resolver = protoregistry.GlobalTypes + } + + internalEnc, err := text.NewEncoder(o.Indent, delims, o.EmitASCII) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + + // Treat nil message interface as an empty message, + // in which case there is nothing to output. + if m == nil { + return []byte{}, nil + } + + enc := encoder{internalEnc, o} + err = enc.marshalMessage(m.ProtoReflect(), false) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + out := enc.Bytes() + if len(o.Indent) > 0 && len(out) > 0 { + out = append(out, '\n') + } + if o.AllowPartial { + return out, nil + } + return out, proto.CheckInitialized(m) +} + +type encoder struct { + *text.Encoder + opts MarshalOptions +} + +// marshalMessage marshals the given protoreflect.Message. +func (e encoder) marshalMessage(m pref.Message, inclDelims bool) error { + messageDesc := m.Descriptor() + if !flags.ProtoLegacy && messageset.IsMessageSet(messageDesc) { + return errors.New("no support for proto1 MessageSets") + } + + if inclDelims { + e.StartMessage() + defer e.EndMessage() + } + + // Handle Any expansion. + if messageDesc.FullName() == genid.Any_message_fullname { + if e.marshalAny(m) { + return nil + } + // If unable to expand, continue on to marshal Any as a regular message. + } + + // Marshal fields. + var err error + order.RangeFields(m, order.IndexNameFieldOrder, func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + if err = e.marshalField(fd.TextName(), v, fd); err != nil { + return false + } + return true + }) + if err != nil { + return err + } + + // Marshal unknown fields. + if e.opts.EmitUnknown { + e.marshalUnknown(m.GetUnknown()) + } + + return nil +} + +// marshalField marshals the given field with protoreflect.Value. +func (e encoder) marshalField(name string, val pref.Value, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) error { + switch { + case fd.IsList(): + return e.marshalList(name, val.List(), fd) + case fd.IsMap(): + return e.marshalMap(name, val.Map(), fd) + default: + e.WriteName(name) + return e.marshalSingular(val, fd) + } +} + +// marshalSingular marshals the given non-repeated field value. This includes +// all scalar types, enums, messages, and groups. +func (e encoder) marshalSingular(val pref.Value, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) error { + kind := fd.Kind() + switch kind { + case pref.BoolKind: + e.WriteBool(val.Bool()) + + case pref.StringKind: + s := val.String() + if !e.opts.allowInvalidUTF8 && strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) && !utf8.ValidString(s) { + return errors.InvalidUTF8(string(fd.FullName())) + } + e.WriteString(s) + + case pref.Int32Kind, pref.Int64Kind, + pref.Sint32Kind, pref.Sint64Kind, + pref.Sfixed32Kind, pref.Sfixed64Kind: + e.WriteInt(val.Int()) + + case pref.Uint32Kind, pref.Uint64Kind, + pref.Fixed32Kind, pref.Fixed64Kind: + e.WriteUint(val.Uint()) + + case pref.FloatKind: + // Encoder.WriteFloat handles the special numbers NaN and infinites. + e.WriteFloat(val.Float(), 32) + + case pref.DoubleKind: + // Encoder.WriteFloat handles the special numbers NaN and infinites. + e.WriteFloat(val.Float(), 64) + + case pref.BytesKind: + e.WriteString(string(val.Bytes())) + + case pref.EnumKind: + num := val.Enum() + if desc := fd.Enum().Values().ByNumber(num); desc != nil { + e.WriteLiteral(string(desc.Name())) + } else { + // Use numeric value if there is no enum description. + e.WriteInt(int64(num)) + } + + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + return e.marshalMessage(val.Message(), true) + + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v has unknown kind: %v", fd.FullName(), kind)) + } + return nil +} + +// marshalList marshals the given protoreflect.List as multiple name-value fields. +func (e encoder) marshalList(name string, list pref.List, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) error { + size := list.Len() + for i := 0; i < size; i++ { + e.WriteName(name) + if err := e.marshalSingular(list.Get(i), fd); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +// marshalMap marshals the given protoreflect.Map as multiple name-value fields. +func (e encoder) marshalMap(name string, mmap pref.Map, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) error { + var err error + order.RangeEntries(mmap, order.GenericKeyOrder, func(key pref.MapKey, val pref.Value) bool { + e.WriteName(name) + e.StartMessage() + defer e.EndMessage() + + e.WriteName(string(genid.MapEntry_Key_field_name)) + err = e.marshalSingular(key.Value(), fd.MapKey()) + if err != nil { + return false + } + + e.WriteName(string(genid.MapEntry_Value_field_name)) + err = e.marshalSingular(val, fd.MapValue()) + if err != nil { + return false + } + return true + }) + return err +} + +// marshalUnknown parses the given []byte and marshals fields out. +// This function assumes proper encoding in the given []byte. +func (e encoder) marshalUnknown(b []byte) { + const dec = 10 + const hex = 16 + for len(b) > 0 { + num, wtype, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + e.WriteName(strconv.FormatInt(int64(num), dec)) + + switch wtype { + case protowire.VarintType: + var v uint64 + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + e.WriteUint(v) + case protowire.Fixed32Type: + var v uint32 + v, n = protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + e.WriteLiteral("0x" + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v), hex)) + case protowire.Fixed64Type: + var v uint64 + v, n = protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + e.WriteLiteral("0x" + strconv.FormatUint(v, hex)) + case protowire.BytesType: + var v []byte + v, n = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + e.WriteString(string(v)) + case protowire.StartGroupType: + e.StartMessage() + var v []byte + v, n = protowire.ConsumeGroup(num, b) + e.marshalUnknown(v) + e.EndMessage() + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("prototext: error parsing unknown field wire type: %v", wtype)) + } + + b = b[n:] + } +} + +// marshalAny marshals the given google.protobuf.Any message in expanded form. +// It returns true if it was able to marshal, else false. +func (e encoder) marshalAny(any pref.Message) bool { + // Construct the embedded message. + fds := any.Descriptor().Fields() + fdType := fds.ByNumber(genid.Any_TypeUrl_field_number) + typeURL := any.Get(fdType).String() + mt, err := e.opts.Resolver.FindMessageByURL(typeURL) + if err != nil { + return false + } + m := mt.New().Interface() + + // Unmarshal bytes into embedded message. + fdValue := fds.ByNumber(genid.Any_Value_field_number) + value := any.Get(fdValue) + err = proto.UnmarshalOptions{ + AllowPartial: true, + Resolver: e.opts.Resolver, + }.Unmarshal(value.Bytes(), m) + if err != nil { + return false + } + + // Get current encoder position. If marshaling fails, reset encoder output + // back to this position. + pos := e.Snapshot() + + // Field name is the proto field name enclosed in []. + e.WriteName("[" + typeURL + "]") + err = e.marshalMessage(m.ProtoReflect(), true) + if err != nil { + e.Reset(pos) + return false + } + return true +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire/wire.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire/wire.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a427f8b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire/wire.go @@ -0,0 +1,538 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package protowire parses and formats the raw wire encoding. +// See https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding. +// +// For marshaling and unmarshaling entire protobuf messages, +// use the "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" package instead. +package protowire + +import ( + "io" + "math" + "math/bits" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" +) + +// Number represents the field number. +type Number int32 + +const ( + MinValidNumber Number = 1 + FirstReservedNumber Number = 19000 + LastReservedNumber Number = 19999 + MaxValidNumber Number = 1<<29 - 1 +) + +// IsValid reports whether the field number is semantically valid. +// +// Note that while numbers within the reserved range are semantically invalid, +// they are syntactically valid in the wire format. +// Implementations may treat records with reserved field numbers as unknown. +func (n Number) IsValid() bool { + return MinValidNumber <= n && n < FirstReservedNumber || LastReservedNumber < n && n <= MaxValidNumber +} + +// Type represents the wire type. +type Type int8 + +const ( + VarintType Type = 0 + Fixed32Type Type = 5 + Fixed64Type Type = 1 + BytesType Type = 2 + StartGroupType Type = 3 + EndGroupType Type = 4 +) + +const ( + _ = -iota + errCodeTruncated + errCodeFieldNumber + errCodeOverflow + errCodeReserved + errCodeEndGroup +) + +var ( + errFieldNumber = errors.New("invalid field number") + errOverflow = errors.New("variable length integer overflow") + errReserved = errors.New("cannot parse reserved wire type") + errEndGroup = errors.New("mismatching end group marker") + errParse = errors.New("parse error") +) + +// ParseError converts an error code into an error value. +// This returns nil if n is a non-negative number. +func ParseError(n int) error { + if n >= 0 { + return nil + } + switch n { + case errCodeTruncated: + return io.ErrUnexpectedEOF + case errCodeFieldNumber: + return errFieldNumber + case errCodeOverflow: + return errOverflow + case errCodeReserved: + return errReserved + case errCodeEndGroup: + return errEndGroup + default: + return errParse + } +} + +// ConsumeField parses an entire field record (both tag and value) and returns +// the field number, the wire type, and the total length. +// This returns a negative length upon an error (see ParseError). +// +// The total length includes the tag header and the end group marker (if the +// field is a group). +func ConsumeField(b []byte) (Number, Type, int) { + num, typ, n := ConsumeTag(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, 0, n // forward error code + } + m := ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b[n:]) + if m < 0 { + return 0, 0, m // forward error code + } + return num, typ, n + m +} + +// ConsumeFieldValue parses a field value and returns its length. +// This assumes that the field Number and wire Type have already been parsed. +// This returns a negative length upon an error (see ParseError). +// +// When parsing a group, the length includes the end group marker and +// the end group is verified to match the starting field number. +func ConsumeFieldValue(num Number, typ Type, b []byte) (n int) { + switch typ { + case VarintType: + _, n = ConsumeVarint(b) + return n + case Fixed32Type: + _, n = ConsumeFixed32(b) + return n + case Fixed64Type: + _, n = ConsumeFixed64(b) + return n + case BytesType: + _, n = ConsumeBytes(b) + return n + case StartGroupType: + n0 := len(b) + for { + num2, typ2, n := ConsumeTag(b) + if n < 0 { + return n // forward error code + } + b = b[n:] + if typ2 == EndGroupType { + if num != num2 { + return errCodeEndGroup + } + return n0 - len(b) + } + + n = ConsumeFieldValue(num2, typ2, b) + if n < 0 { + return n // forward error code + } + b = b[n:] + } + case EndGroupType: + return errCodeEndGroup + default: + return errCodeReserved + } +} + +// AppendTag encodes num and typ as a varint-encoded tag and appends it to b. +func AppendTag(b []byte, num Number, typ Type) []byte { + return AppendVarint(b, EncodeTag(num, typ)) +} + +// ConsumeTag parses b as a varint-encoded tag, reporting its length. +// This returns a negative length upon an error (see ParseError). +func ConsumeTag(b []byte) (Number, Type, int) { + v, n := ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, 0, n // forward error code + } + num, typ := DecodeTag(v) + if num < MinValidNumber { + return 0, 0, errCodeFieldNumber + } + return num, typ, n +} + +func SizeTag(num Number) int { + return SizeVarint(EncodeTag(num, 0)) // wire type has no effect on size +} + +// AppendVarint appends v to b as a varint-encoded uint64. +func AppendVarint(b []byte, v uint64) []byte { + switch { + case v < 1<<7: + b = append(b, byte(v)) + case v < 1<<14: + b = append(b, + byte((v>>0)&0x7f|0x80), + byte(v>>7)) + case v < 1<<21: + b = append(b, + byte((v>>0)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), + byte(v>>14)) + case v < 1<<28: + b = append(b, + byte((v>>0)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), + byte(v>>21)) + case v < 1<<35: + b = append(b, + byte((v>>0)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), + byte(v>>28)) + case v < 1<<42: + b = append(b, + byte((v>>0)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), + byte(v>>35)) + case v < 1<<49: + b = append(b, + byte((v>>0)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80), + byte(v>>42)) + case v < 1<<56: + b = append(b, + byte((v>>0)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>42)&0x7f|0x80), + byte(v>>49)) + case v < 1<<63: + b = append(b, + byte((v>>0)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>42)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>49)&0x7f|0x80), + byte(v>>56)) + default: + b = append(b, + byte((v>>0)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>7)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>14)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>21)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>28)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>35)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>42)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>49)&0x7f|0x80), + byte((v>>56)&0x7f|0x80), + 1) + } + return b +} + +// ConsumeVarint parses b as a varint-encoded uint64, reporting its length. +// This returns a negative length upon an error (see ParseError). +func ConsumeVarint(b []byte) (v uint64, n int) { + var y uint64 + if len(b) <= 0 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + v = uint64(b[0]) + if v < 0x80 { + return v, 1 + } + v -= 0x80 + + if len(b) <= 1 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + y = uint64(b[1]) + v += y << 7 + if y < 0x80 { + return v, 2 + } + v -= 0x80 << 7 + + if len(b) <= 2 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + y = uint64(b[2]) + v += y << 14 + if y < 0x80 { + return v, 3 + } + v -= 0x80 << 14 + + if len(b) <= 3 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + y = uint64(b[3]) + v += y << 21 + if y < 0x80 { + return v, 4 + } + v -= 0x80 << 21 + + if len(b) <= 4 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + y = uint64(b[4]) + v += y << 28 + if y < 0x80 { + return v, 5 + } + v -= 0x80 << 28 + + if len(b) <= 5 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + y = uint64(b[5]) + v += y << 35 + if y < 0x80 { + return v, 6 + } + v -= 0x80 << 35 + + if len(b) <= 6 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + y = uint64(b[6]) + v += y << 42 + if y < 0x80 { + return v, 7 + } + v -= 0x80 << 42 + + if len(b) <= 7 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + y = uint64(b[7]) + v += y << 49 + if y < 0x80 { + return v, 8 + } + v -= 0x80 << 49 + + if len(b) <= 8 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + y = uint64(b[8]) + v += y << 56 + if y < 0x80 { + return v, 9 + } + v -= 0x80 << 56 + + if len(b) <= 9 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + y = uint64(b[9]) + v += y << 63 + if y < 2 { + return v, 10 + } + return 0, errCodeOverflow +} + +// SizeVarint returns the encoded size of a varint. +// The size is guaranteed to be within 1 and 10, inclusive. +func SizeVarint(v uint64) int { + // This computes 1 + (bits.Len64(v)-1)/7. + // 9/64 is a good enough approximation of 1/7 + return int(9*uint32(bits.Len64(v))+64) / 64 +} + +// AppendFixed32 appends v to b as a little-endian uint32. +func AppendFixed32(b []byte, v uint32) []byte { + return append(b, + byte(v>>0), + byte(v>>8), + byte(v>>16), + byte(v>>24)) +} + +// ConsumeFixed32 parses b as a little-endian uint32, reporting its length. +// This returns a negative length upon an error (see ParseError). +func ConsumeFixed32(b []byte) (v uint32, n int) { + if len(b) < 4 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + v = uint32(b[0])<<0 | uint32(b[1])<<8 | uint32(b[2])<<16 | uint32(b[3])<<24 + return v, 4 +} + +// SizeFixed32 returns the encoded size of a fixed32; which is always 4. +func SizeFixed32() int { + return 4 +} + +// AppendFixed64 appends v to b as a little-endian uint64. +func AppendFixed64(b []byte, v uint64) []byte { + return append(b, + byte(v>>0), + byte(v>>8), + byte(v>>16), + byte(v>>24), + byte(v>>32), + byte(v>>40), + byte(v>>48), + byte(v>>56)) +} + +// ConsumeFixed64 parses b as a little-endian uint64, reporting its length. +// This returns a negative length upon an error (see ParseError). +func ConsumeFixed64(b []byte) (v uint64, n int) { + if len(b) < 8 { + return 0, errCodeTruncated + } + v = uint64(b[0])<<0 | uint64(b[1])<<8 | uint64(b[2])<<16 | uint64(b[3])<<24 | uint64(b[4])<<32 | uint64(b[5])<<40 | uint64(b[6])<<48 | uint64(b[7])<<56 + return v, 8 +} + +// SizeFixed64 returns the encoded size of a fixed64; which is always 8. +func SizeFixed64() int { + return 8 +} + +// AppendBytes appends v to b as a length-prefixed bytes value. +func AppendBytes(b []byte, v []byte) []byte { + return append(AppendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))), v...) +} + +// ConsumeBytes parses b as a length-prefixed bytes value, reporting its length. +// This returns a negative length upon an error (see ParseError). +func ConsumeBytes(b []byte) (v []byte, n int) { + m, n := ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return nil, n // forward error code + } + if m > uint64(len(b[n:])) { + return nil, errCodeTruncated + } + return b[n:][:m], n + int(m) +} + +// SizeBytes returns the encoded size of a length-prefixed bytes value, +// given only the length. +func SizeBytes(n int) int { + return SizeVarint(uint64(n)) + n +} + +// AppendString appends v to b as a length-prefixed bytes value. +func AppendString(b []byte, v string) []byte { + return append(AppendVarint(b, uint64(len(v))), v...) +} + +// ConsumeString parses b as a length-prefixed bytes value, reporting its length. +// This returns a negative length upon an error (see ParseError). +func ConsumeString(b []byte) (v string, n int) { + bb, n := ConsumeBytes(b) + return string(bb), n +} + +// AppendGroup appends v to b as group value, with a trailing end group marker. +// The value v must not contain the end marker. +func AppendGroup(b []byte, num Number, v []byte) []byte { + return AppendVarint(append(b, v...), EncodeTag(num, EndGroupType)) +} + +// ConsumeGroup parses b as a group value until the trailing end group marker, +// and verifies that the end marker matches the provided num. The value v +// does not contain the end marker, while the length does contain the end marker. +// This returns a negative length upon an error (see ParseError). +func ConsumeGroup(num Number, b []byte) (v []byte, n int) { + n = ConsumeFieldValue(num, StartGroupType, b) + if n < 0 { + return nil, n // forward error code + } + b = b[:n] + + // Truncate off end group marker, but need to handle denormalized varints. + // Assuming end marker is never 0 (which is always the case since + // EndGroupType is non-zero), we can truncate all trailing bytes where the + // lower 7 bits are all zero (implying that the varint is denormalized). + for len(b) > 0 && b[len(b)-1]&0x7f == 0 { + b = b[:len(b)-1] + } + b = b[:len(b)-SizeTag(num)] + return b, n +} + +// SizeGroup returns the encoded size of a group, given only the length. +func SizeGroup(num Number, n int) int { + return n + SizeTag(num) +} + +// DecodeTag decodes the field Number and wire Type from its unified form. +// The Number is -1 if the decoded field number overflows int32. +// Other than overflow, this does not check for field number validity. +func DecodeTag(x uint64) (Number, Type) { + // NOTE: MessageSet allows for larger field numbers than normal. + if x>>3 > uint64(math.MaxInt32) { + return -1, 0 + } + return Number(x >> 3), Type(x & 7) +} + +// EncodeTag encodes the field Number and wire Type into its unified form. +func EncodeTag(num Number, typ Type) uint64 { + return uint64(num)<<3 | uint64(typ&7) +} + +// DecodeZigZag decodes a zig-zag-encoded uint64 as an int64. +// Input: {…, 5, 3, 1, 0, 2, 4, 6, …} +// Output: {…, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, …} +func DecodeZigZag(x uint64) int64 { + return int64(x>>1) ^ int64(x)<<63>>63 +} + +// EncodeZigZag encodes an int64 as a zig-zag-encoded uint64. +// Input: {…, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, …} +// Output: {…, 5, 3, 1, 0, 2, 4, 6, …} +func EncodeZigZag(x int64) uint64 { + return uint64(x<<1) ^ uint64(x>>63) +} + +// DecodeBool decodes a uint64 as a bool. +// Input: { 0, 1, 2, …} +// Output: {false, true, true, …} +func DecodeBool(x uint64) bool { + return x != 0 +} + +// EncodeBool encodes a bool as a uint64. +// Input: {false, true} +// Output: { 0, 1} +func EncodeBool(x bool) uint64 { + if x { + return 1 + } + return 0 +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt/stringer.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt/stringer.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..360c6332 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt/stringer.go @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package descfmt provides functionality to format descriptors. +package descfmt + +import ( + "fmt" + "io" + "reflect" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type list interface { + Len() int + pragma.DoNotImplement +} + +func FormatList(s fmt.State, r rune, vs list) { + io.WriteString(s, formatListOpt(vs, true, r == 'v' && (s.Flag('+') || s.Flag('#')))) +} +func formatListOpt(vs list, isRoot, allowMulti bool) string { + start, end := "[", "]" + if isRoot { + var name string + switch vs.(type) { + case pref.Names: + name = "Names" + case pref.FieldNumbers: + name = "FieldNumbers" + case pref.FieldRanges: + name = "FieldRanges" + case pref.EnumRanges: + name = "EnumRanges" + case pref.FileImports: + name = "FileImports" + case pref.Descriptor: + name = reflect.ValueOf(vs).MethodByName("Get").Type().Out(0).Name() + "s" + default: + name = reflect.ValueOf(vs).Elem().Type().Name() + } + start, end = name+"{", "}" + } + + var ss []string + switch vs := vs.(type) { + case pref.Names: + for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ { + ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprint(vs.Get(i))) + } + return start + joinStrings(ss, false) + end + case pref.FieldNumbers: + for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ { + ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprint(vs.Get(i))) + } + return start + joinStrings(ss, false) + end + case pref.FieldRanges: + for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ { + r := vs.Get(i) + if r[0]+1 == r[1] { + ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%d", r[0])) + } else { + ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", r[0], r[1])) // enum ranges are end exclusive + } + } + return start + joinStrings(ss, false) + end + case pref.EnumRanges: + for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ { + r := vs.Get(i) + if r[0] == r[1] { + ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%d", r[0])) + } else { + ss = append(ss, fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", r[0], int64(r[1])+1)) // enum ranges are end inclusive + } + } + return start + joinStrings(ss, false) + end + case pref.FileImports: + for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ { + var rs records + rs.Append(reflect.ValueOf(vs.Get(i)), "Path", "Package", "IsPublic", "IsWeak") + ss = append(ss, "{"+rs.Join()+"}") + } + return start + joinStrings(ss, allowMulti) + end + default: + _, isEnumValue := vs.(pref.EnumValueDescriptors) + for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ { + m := reflect.ValueOf(vs).MethodByName("Get") + v := m.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.ValueOf(i)})[0].Interface() + ss = append(ss, formatDescOpt(v.(pref.Descriptor), false, allowMulti && !isEnumValue)) + } + return start + joinStrings(ss, allowMulti && isEnumValue) + end + } +} + +// descriptorAccessors is a list of accessors to print for each descriptor. +// +// Do not print all accessors since some contain redundant information, +// while others are pointers that we do not want to follow since the descriptor +// is actually a cyclic graph. +// +// Using a list allows us to print the accessors in a sensible order. +var descriptorAccessors = map[reflect.Type][]string{ + reflect.TypeOf((*pref.FileDescriptor)(nil)).Elem(): {"Path", "Package", "Imports", "Messages", "Enums", "Extensions", "Services"}, + reflect.TypeOf((*pref.MessageDescriptor)(nil)).Elem(): {"IsMapEntry", "Fields", "Oneofs", "ReservedNames", "ReservedRanges", "RequiredNumbers", "ExtensionRanges", "Messages", "Enums", "Extensions"}, + reflect.TypeOf((*pref.FieldDescriptor)(nil)).Elem(): {"Number", "Cardinality", "Kind", "HasJSONName", "JSONName", "HasPresence", "IsExtension", "IsPacked", "IsWeak", "IsList", "IsMap", "MapKey", "MapValue", "HasDefault", "Default", "ContainingOneof", "ContainingMessage", "Message", "Enum"}, + reflect.TypeOf((*pref.OneofDescriptor)(nil)).Elem(): {"Fields"}, // not directly used; must keep in sync with formatDescOpt + reflect.TypeOf((*pref.EnumDescriptor)(nil)).Elem(): {"Values", "ReservedNames", "ReservedRanges"}, + reflect.TypeOf((*pref.EnumValueDescriptor)(nil)).Elem(): {"Number"}, + reflect.TypeOf((*pref.ServiceDescriptor)(nil)).Elem(): {"Methods"}, + reflect.TypeOf((*pref.MethodDescriptor)(nil)).Elem(): {"Input", "Output", "IsStreamingClient", "IsStreamingServer"}, +} + +func FormatDesc(s fmt.State, r rune, t pref.Descriptor) { + io.WriteString(s, formatDescOpt(t, true, r == 'v' && (s.Flag('+') || s.Flag('#')))) +} +func formatDescOpt(t pref.Descriptor, isRoot, allowMulti bool) string { + rv := reflect.ValueOf(t) + rt := rv.MethodByName("ProtoType").Type().In(0) + + start, end := "{", "}" + if isRoot { + start = rt.Name() + "{" + } + + _, isFile := t.(pref.FileDescriptor) + rs := records{allowMulti: allowMulti} + if t.IsPlaceholder() { + if isFile { + rs.Append(rv, "Path", "Package", "IsPlaceholder") + } else { + rs.Append(rv, "FullName", "IsPlaceholder") + } + } else { + switch { + case isFile: + rs.Append(rv, "Syntax") + case isRoot: + rs.Append(rv, "Syntax", "FullName") + default: + rs.Append(rv, "Name") + } + switch t := t.(type) { + case pref.FieldDescriptor: + for _, s := range descriptorAccessors[rt] { + switch s { + case "MapKey": + if k := t.MapKey(); k != nil { + rs.recs = append(rs.recs, [2]string{"MapKey", k.Kind().String()}) + } + case "MapValue": + if v := t.MapValue(); v != nil { + switch v.Kind() { + case pref.EnumKind: + rs.recs = append(rs.recs, [2]string{"MapValue", string(v.Enum().FullName())}) + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + rs.recs = append(rs.recs, [2]string{"MapValue", string(v.Message().FullName())}) + default: + rs.recs = append(rs.recs, [2]string{"MapValue", v.Kind().String()}) + } + } + case "ContainingOneof": + if od := t.ContainingOneof(); od != nil { + rs.recs = append(rs.recs, [2]string{"Oneof", string(od.Name())}) + } + case "ContainingMessage": + if t.IsExtension() { + rs.recs = append(rs.recs, [2]string{"Extendee", string(t.ContainingMessage().FullName())}) + } + case "Message": + if !t.IsMap() { + rs.Append(rv, s) + } + default: + rs.Append(rv, s) + } + } + case pref.OneofDescriptor: + var ss []string + fs := t.Fields() + for i := 0; i < fs.Len(); i++ { + ss = append(ss, string(fs.Get(i).Name())) + } + if len(ss) > 0 { + rs.recs = append(rs.recs, [2]string{"Fields", "[" + joinStrings(ss, false) + "]"}) + } + default: + rs.Append(rv, descriptorAccessors[rt]...) + } + if rv.MethodByName("GoType").IsValid() { + rs.Append(rv, "GoType") + } + } + return start + rs.Join() + end +} + +type records struct { + recs [][2]string + allowMulti bool +} + +func (rs *records) Append(v reflect.Value, accessors ...string) { + for _, a := range accessors { + var rv reflect.Value + if m := v.MethodByName(a); m.IsValid() { + rv = m.Call(nil)[0] + } + if v.Kind() == reflect.Struct && !rv.IsValid() { + rv = v.FieldByName(a) + } + if !rv.IsValid() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown accessor: %v.%s", v.Type(), a)) + } + if _, ok := rv.Interface().(pref.Value); ok { + rv = rv.MethodByName("Interface").Call(nil)[0] + if !rv.IsNil() { + rv = rv.Elem() + } + } + + // Ignore zero values. + var isZero bool + switch rv.Kind() { + case reflect.Interface, reflect.Slice: + isZero = rv.IsNil() + case reflect.Bool: + isZero = rv.Bool() == false + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + isZero = rv.Int() == 0 + case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: + isZero = rv.Uint() == 0 + case reflect.String: + isZero = rv.String() == "" + } + if n, ok := rv.Interface().(list); ok { + isZero = n.Len() == 0 + } + if isZero { + continue + } + + // Format the value. + var s string + v := rv.Interface() + switch v := v.(type) { + case list: + s = formatListOpt(v, false, rs.allowMulti) + case pref.FieldDescriptor, pref.OneofDescriptor, pref.EnumValueDescriptor, pref.MethodDescriptor: + s = string(v.(pref.Descriptor).Name()) + case pref.Descriptor: + s = string(v.FullName()) + case string: + s = strconv.Quote(v) + case []byte: + s = fmt.Sprintf("%q", v) + default: + s = fmt.Sprint(v) + } + rs.recs = append(rs.recs, [2]string{a, s}) + } +} + +func (rs *records) Join() string { + var ss []string + + // In single line mode, simply join all records with commas. + if !rs.allowMulti { + for _, r := range rs.recs { + ss = append(ss, r[0]+formatColon(0)+r[1]) + } + return joinStrings(ss, false) + } + + // In allowMulti line mode, align single line records for more readable output. + var maxLen int + flush := func(i int) { + for _, r := range rs.recs[len(ss):i] { + ss = append(ss, r[0]+formatColon(maxLen-len(r[0]))+r[1]) + } + maxLen = 0 + } + for i, r := range rs.recs { + if isMulti := strings.Contains(r[1], "\n"); isMulti { + flush(i) + ss = append(ss, r[0]+formatColon(0)+strings.Join(strings.Split(r[1], "\n"), "\n\t")) + } else if maxLen < len(r[0]) { + maxLen = len(r[0]) + } + } + flush(len(rs.recs)) + return joinStrings(ss, true) +} + +func formatColon(padding int) string { + // Deliberately introduce instability into the debug output to + // discourage users from performing string comparisons. + // This provides us flexibility to change the output in the future. + if detrand.Bool() { + return ":" + strings.Repeat(" ", 1+padding) // use non-breaking spaces (U+00a0) + } else { + return ":" + strings.Repeat(" ", 1+padding) // use regular spaces (U+0020) + } +} + +func joinStrings(ss []string, isMulti bool) string { + if len(ss) == 0 { + return "" + } + if isMulti { + return "\n\t" + strings.Join(ss, "\n\t") + "\n" + } + return strings.Join(ss, ", ") +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts/options.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts/options.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8401be8c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts/options.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package descopts contains the nil pointers to concrete descriptor options. +// +// This package exists as a form of reverse dependency injection so that certain +// packages (e.g., internal/filedesc and internal/filetype can avoid a direct +// dependency on the descriptor proto package). +package descopts + +import pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + +// These variables are set by the init function in descriptor.pb.go via logic +// in internal/filetype. In other words, so long as the descriptor proto package +// is linked in, these variables will be populated. +// +// Each variable is populated with a nil pointer to the options struct. +var ( + File pref.ProtoMessage + Enum pref.ProtoMessage + EnumValue pref.ProtoMessage + Message pref.ProtoMessage + Field pref.ProtoMessage + Oneof pref.ProtoMessage + ExtensionRange pref.ProtoMessage + Service pref.ProtoMessage + Method pref.ProtoMessage +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand/rand.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand/rand.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49c8676d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand/rand.go @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package detrand provides deterministically random functionality. +// +// The pseudo-randomness of these functions is seeded by the program binary +// itself and guarantees that the output does not change within a program, +// while ensuring that the output is unstable across different builds. +package detrand + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "hash/fnv" + "os" +) + +// Disable disables detrand such that all functions returns the zero value. +// This function is not concurrent-safe and must be called during program init. +func Disable() { + randSeed = 0 +} + +// Bool returns a deterministically random boolean. +func Bool() bool { + return randSeed%2 == 1 +} + +// Intn returns a deterministically random integer between 0 and n-1, inclusive. +func Intn(n int) int { + if n <= 0 { + panic("must be positive") + } + return int(randSeed % uint64(n)) +} + +// randSeed is a best-effort at an approximate hash of the Go binary. +var randSeed = binaryHash() + +func binaryHash() uint64 { + // Open the Go binary. + s, err := os.Executable() + if err != nil { + return 0 + } + f, err := os.Open(s) + if err != nil { + return 0 + } + defer f.Close() + + // Hash the size and several samples of the Go binary. + const numSamples = 8 + var buf [64]byte + h := fnv.New64() + fi, err := f.Stat() + if err != nil { + return 0 + } + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(buf[:8], uint64(fi.Size())) + h.Write(buf[:8]) + for i := int64(0); i < numSamples; i++ { + if _, err := f.ReadAt(buf[:], i*fi.Size()/numSamples); err != nil { + return 0 + } + h.Write(buf[:]) + } + return h.Sum64() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval/default.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval/default.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fdd9b13f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval/default.go @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package defval marshals and unmarshals textual forms of default values. +// +// This package handles both the form historically used in Go struct field tags +// and also the form used by google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.default_value +// since they differ in superficial ways. +package defval + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + + ptext "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text" + errors "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// Format is the serialization format used to represent the default value. +type Format int + +const ( + _ Format = iota + + // Descriptor uses the serialization format that protoc uses with the + // google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.default_value field. + Descriptor + + // GoTag uses the historical serialization format in Go struct field tags. + GoTag +) + +// Unmarshal deserializes the default string s according to the given kind k. +// When k is an enum, a list of enum value descriptors must be provided. +func Unmarshal(s string, k pref.Kind, evs pref.EnumValueDescriptors, f Format) (pref.Value, pref.EnumValueDescriptor, error) { + switch k { + case pref.BoolKind: + if f == GoTag { + switch s { + case "1": + return pref.ValueOfBool(true), nil, nil + case "0": + return pref.ValueOfBool(false), nil, nil + } + } else { + switch s { + case "true": + return pref.ValueOfBool(true), nil, nil + case "false": + return pref.ValueOfBool(false), nil, nil + } + } + case pref.EnumKind: + if f == GoTag { + // Go tags use the numeric form of the enum value. + if n, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32); err == nil { + if ev := evs.ByNumber(pref.EnumNumber(n)); ev != nil { + return pref.ValueOfEnum(ev.Number()), ev, nil + } + } + } else { + // Descriptor default_value use the enum identifier. + ev := evs.ByName(pref.Name(s)) + if ev != nil { + return pref.ValueOfEnum(ev.Number()), ev, nil + } + } + case pref.Int32Kind, pref.Sint32Kind, pref.Sfixed32Kind: + if v, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 32); err == nil { + return pref.ValueOfInt32(int32(v)), nil, nil + } + case pref.Int64Kind, pref.Sint64Kind, pref.Sfixed64Kind: + if v, err := strconv.ParseInt(s, 10, 64); err == nil { + return pref.ValueOfInt64(int64(v)), nil, nil + } + case pref.Uint32Kind, pref.Fixed32Kind: + if v, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 32); err == nil { + return pref.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v)), nil, nil + } + case pref.Uint64Kind, pref.Fixed64Kind: + if v, err := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64); err == nil { + return pref.ValueOfUint64(uint64(v)), nil, nil + } + case pref.FloatKind, pref.DoubleKind: + var v float64 + var err error + switch s { + case "-inf": + v = math.Inf(-1) + case "inf": + v = math.Inf(+1) + case "nan": + v = math.NaN() + default: + v, err = strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64) + } + if err == nil { + if k == pref.FloatKind { + return pref.ValueOfFloat32(float32(v)), nil, nil + } else { + return pref.ValueOfFloat64(float64(v)), nil, nil + } + } + case pref.StringKind: + // String values are already unescaped and can be used as is. + return pref.ValueOfString(s), nil, nil + case pref.BytesKind: + if b, ok := unmarshalBytes(s); ok { + return pref.ValueOfBytes(b), nil, nil + } + } + return pref.Value{}, nil, errors.New("could not parse value for %v: %q", k, s) +} + +// Marshal serializes v as the default string according to the given kind k. +// When specifying the Descriptor format for an enum kind, the associated +// enum value descriptor must be provided. +func Marshal(v pref.Value, ev pref.EnumValueDescriptor, k pref.Kind, f Format) (string, error) { + switch k { + case pref.BoolKind: + if f == GoTag { + if v.Bool() { + return "1", nil + } else { + return "0", nil + } + } else { + if v.Bool() { + return "true", nil + } else { + return "false", nil + } + } + case pref.EnumKind: + if f == GoTag { + return strconv.FormatInt(int64(v.Enum()), 10), nil + } else { + return string(ev.Name()), nil + } + case pref.Int32Kind, pref.Sint32Kind, pref.Sfixed32Kind, pref.Int64Kind, pref.Sint64Kind, pref.Sfixed64Kind: + return strconv.FormatInt(v.Int(), 10), nil + case pref.Uint32Kind, pref.Fixed32Kind, pref.Uint64Kind, pref.Fixed64Kind: + return strconv.FormatUint(v.Uint(), 10), nil + case pref.FloatKind, pref.DoubleKind: + f := v.Float() + switch { + case math.IsInf(f, -1): + return "-inf", nil + case math.IsInf(f, +1): + return "inf", nil + case math.IsNaN(f): + return "nan", nil + default: + if k == pref.FloatKind { + return strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'g', -1, 32), nil + } else { + return strconv.FormatFloat(f, 'g', -1, 64), nil + } + } + case pref.StringKind: + // String values are serialized as is without any escaping. + return v.String(), nil + case pref.BytesKind: + if s, ok := marshalBytes(v.Bytes()); ok { + return s, nil + } + } + return "", errors.New("could not format value for %v: %v", k, v) +} + +// unmarshalBytes deserializes bytes by applying C unescaping. +func unmarshalBytes(s string) ([]byte, bool) { + // Bytes values use the same escaping as the text format, + // however they lack the surrounding double quotes. + v, err := ptext.UnmarshalString(`"` + s + `"`) + if err != nil { + return nil, false + } + return []byte(v), true +} + +// marshalBytes serializes bytes by using C escaping. +// To match the exact output of protoc, this is identical to the +// CEscape function in strutil.cc of the protoc source code. +func marshalBytes(b []byte) (string, bool) { + var s []byte + for _, c := range b { + switch c { + case '\n': + s = append(s, `\n`...) + case '\r': + s = append(s, `\r`...) + case '\t': + s = append(s, `\t`...) + case '"': + s = append(s, `\"`...) + case '\'': + s = append(s, `\'`...) + case '\\': + s = append(s, `\\`...) + default: + if printableASCII := c >= 0x20 && c <= 0x7e; printableASCII { + s = append(s, c) + } else { + s = append(s, fmt.Sprintf(`\%03o`, c)...) + } + } + } + return string(s), true +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset/messageset.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset/messageset.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1866f3c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset/messageset.go @@ -0,0 +1,241 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package messageset encodes and decodes the obsolete MessageSet wire format. +package messageset + +import ( + "math" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// The MessageSet wire format is equivalent to a message defined as follows, +// where each Item defines an extension field with a field number of 'type_id' +// and content of 'message'. MessageSet extensions must be non-repeated message +// fields. +// +// message MessageSet { +// repeated group Item = 1 { +// required int32 type_id = 2; +// required string message = 3; +// } +// } +const ( + FieldItem = protowire.Number(1) + FieldTypeID = protowire.Number(2) + FieldMessage = protowire.Number(3) +) + +// ExtensionName is the field name for extensions of MessageSet. +// +// A valid MessageSet extension must be of the form: +// message MyMessage { +// extend proto2.bridge.MessageSet { +// optional MyMessage message_set_extension = 1234; +// } +// ... +// } +const ExtensionName = "message_set_extension" + +// IsMessageSet returns whether the message uses the MessageSet wire format. +func IsMessageSet(md pref.MessageDescriptor) bool { + xmd, ok := md.(interface{ IsMessageSet() bool }) + return ok && xmd.IsMessageSet() +} + +// IsMessageSetExtension reports this field properly extends a MessageSet. +func IsMessageSetExtension(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) bool { + switch { + case fd.Name() != ExtensionName: + return false + case !IsMessageSet(fd.ContainingMessage()): + return false + case fd.FullName().Parent() != fd.Message().FullName(): + return false + } + return true +} + +// SizeField returns the size of a MessageSet item field containing an extension +// with the given field number, not counting the contents of the message subfield. +func SizeField(num protowire.Number) int { + return 2*protowire.SizeTag(FieldItem) + protowire.SizeTag(FieldTypeID) + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(num)) +} + +// Unmarshal parses a MessageSet. +// +// It calls fn with the type ID and value of each item in the MessageSet. +// Unknown fields are discarded. +// +// If wantLen is true, the item values include the varint length prefix. +// This is ugly, but simplifies the fast-path decoder in internal/impl. +func Unmarshal(b []byte, wantLen bool, fn func(typeID protowire.Number, value []byte) error) error { + for len(b) > 0 { + num, wtyp, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + if n < 0 { + return protowire.ParseError(n) + } + b = b[n:] + if num != FieldItem || wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType { + n := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b) + if n < 0 { + return protowire.ParseError(n) + } + b = b[n:] + continue + } + typeID, value, n, err := ConsumeFieldValue(b, wantLen) + if err != nil { + return err + } + b = b[n:] + if typeID == 0 { + continue + } + if err := fn(typeID, value); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +// ConsumeFieldValue parses b as a MessageSet item field value until and including +// the trailing end group marker. It assumes the start group tag has already been parsed. +// It returns the contents of the type_id and message subfields and the total +// item length. +// +// If wantLen is true, the returned message value includes the length prefix. +func ConsumeFieldValue(b []byte, wantLen bool) (typeid protowire.Number, message []byte, n int, err error) { + ilen := len(b) + for { + num, wtyp, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, nil, 0, protowire.ParseError(n) + } + b = b[n:] + switch { + case num == FieldItem && wtyp == protowire.EndGroupType: + if wantLen && len(message) == 0 { + // The message field was missing, which should never happen. + // Be prepared for this case anyway. + message = protowire.AppendVarint(message, 0) + } + return typeid, message, ilen - len(b), nil + case num == FieldTypeID && wtyp == protowire.VarintType: + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, nil, 0, protowire.ParseError(n) + } + b = b[n:] + if v < 1 || v > math.MaxInt32 { + return 0, nil, 0, errors.New("invalid type_id in message set") + } + typeid = protowire.Number(v) + case num == FieldMessage && wtyp == protowire.BytesType: + m, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, nil, 0, protowire.ParseError(n) + } + if message == nil { + if wantLen { + message = b[:n:n] + } else { + message = m[:len(m):len(m)] + } + } else { + // This case should never happen in practice, but handle it for + // correctness: The MessageSet item contains multiple message + // fields, which need to be merged. + // + // In the case where we're returning the length, this becomes + // quite inefficient since we need to strip the length off + // the existing data and reconstruct it with the combined length. + if wantLen { + _, nn := protowire.ConsumeVarint(message) + m0 := message[nn:] + message = nil + message = protowire.AppendVarint(message, uint64(len(m0)+len(m))) + message = append(message, m0...) + message = append(message, m...) + } else { + message = append(message, m...) + } + } + b = b[n:] + default: + // We have no place to put it, so we just ignore unknown fields. + n := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, nil, 0, protowire.ParseError(n) + } + b = b[n:] + } + } +} + +// AppendFieldStart appends the start of a MessageSet item field containing +// an extension with the given number. The caller must add the message +// subfield (including the tag). +func AppendFieldStart(b []byte, num protowire.Number) []byte { + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, FieldItem, protowire.StartGroupType) + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, FieldTypeID, protowire.VarintType) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(num)) + return b +} + +// AppendFieldEnd appends the trailing end group marker for a MessageSet item field. +func AppendFieldEnd(b []byte) []byte { + return protowire.AppendTag(b, FieldItem, protowire.EndGroupType) +} + +// SizeUnknown returns the size of an unknown fields section in MessageSet format. +// +// See AppendUnknown. +func SizeUnknown(unknown []byte) (size int) { + for len(unknown) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(unknown) + if n < 0 || typ != protowire.BytesType { + return 0 + } + unknown = unknown[n:] + _, n = protowire.ConsumeBytes(unknown) + if n < 0 { + return 0 + } + unknown = unknown[n:] + size += SizeField(num) + protowire.SizeTag(FieldMessage) + n + } + return size +} + +// AppendUnknown appends unknown fields to b in MessageSet format. +// +// For historic reasons, unresolved items in a MessageSet are stored in a +// message's unknown fields section in non-MessageSet format. That is, an +// unknown item with typeID T and value V appears in the unknown fields as +// a field with number T and value V. +// +// This function converts the unknown fields back into MessageSet form. +func AppendUnknown(b, unknown []byte) ([]byte, error) { + for len(unknown) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(unknown) + if n < 0 || typ != protowire.BytesType { + return nil, errors.New("invalid data in message set unknown fields") + } + unknown = unknown[n:] + _, n = protowire.ConsumeBytes(unknown) + if n < 0 { + return nil, errors.New("invalid data in message set unknown fields") + } + b = AppendFieldStart(b, num) + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, FieldMessage, protowire.BytesType) + b = append(b, unknown[:n]...) + b = AppendFieldEnd(b) + unknown = unknown[n:] + } + return b, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/tag/tag.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/tag/tag.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..38f1931c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/tag/tag.go @@ -0,0 +1,207 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package tag marshals and unmarshals the legacy struct tags as generated +// by historical versions of protoc-gen-go. +package tag + +import ( + "reflect" + "strconv" + "strings" + + defval "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval" + fdesc "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +var byteType = reflect.TypeOf(byte(0)) + +// Unmarshal decodes the tag into a prototype.Field. +// +// The goType is needed to determine the original protoreflect.Kind since the +// tag does not record sufficient information to determine that. +// The type is the underlying field type (e.g., a repeated field may be +// represented by []T, but the Go type passed in is just T). +// A list of enum value descriptors must be provided for enum fields. +// This does not populate the Enum or Message (except for weak message). +// +// This function is a best effort attempt; parsing errors are ignored. +func Unmarshal(tag string, goType reflect.Type, evs pref.EnumValueDescriptors) pref.FieldDescriptor { + f := new(fdesc.Field) + f.L0.ParentFile = fdesc.SurrogateProto2 + for len(tag) > 0 { + i := strings.IndexByte(tag, ',') + if i < 0 { + i = len(tag) + } + switch s := tag[:i]; { + case strings.HasPrefix(s, "name="): + f.L0.FullName = pref.FullName(s[len("name="):]) + case strings.Trim(s, "0123456789") == "": + n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 32) + f.L1.Number = pref.FieldNumber(n) + case s == "opt": + f.L1.Cardinality = pref.Optional + case s == "req": + f.L1.Cardinality = pref.Required + case s == "rep": + f.L1.Cardinality = pref.Repeated + case s == "varint": + switch goType.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + f.L1.Kind = pref.BoolKind + case reflect.Int32: + f.L1.Kind = pref.Int32Kind + case reflect.Int64: + f.L1.Kind = pref.Int64Kind + case reflect.Uint32: + f.L1.Kind = pref.Uint32Kind + case reflect.Uint64: + f.L1.Kind = pref.Uint64Kind + } + case s == "zigzag32": + if goType.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + f.L1.Kind = pref.Sint32Kind + } + case s == "zigzag64": + if goType.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + f.L1.Kind = pref.Sint64Kind + } + case s == "fixed32": + switch goType.Kind() { + case reflect.Int32: + f.L1.Kind = pref.Sfixed32Kind + case reflect.Uint32: + f.L1.Kind = pref.Fixed32Kind + case reflect.Float32: + f.L1.Kind = pref.FloatKind + } + case s == "fixed64": + switch goType.Kind() { + case reflect.Int64: + f.L1.Kind = pref.Sfixed64Kind + case reflect.Uint64: + f.L1.Kind = pref.Fixed64Kind + case reflect.Float64: + f.L1.Kind = pref.DoubleKind + } + case s == "bytes": + switch { + case goType.Kind() == reflect.String: + f.L1.Kind = pref.StringKind + case goType.Kind() == reflect.Slice && goType.Elem() == byteType: + f.L1.Kind = pref.BytesKind + default: + f.L1.Kind = pref.MessageKind + } + case s == "group": + f.L1.Kind = pref.GroupKind + case strings.HasPrefix(s, "enum="): + f.L1.Kind = pref.EnumKind + case strings.HasPrefix(s, "json="): + jsonName := s[len("json="):] + if jsonName != strs.JSONCamelCase(string(f.L0.FullName.Name())) { + f.L1.StringName.InitJSON(jsonName) + } + case s == "packed": + f.L1.HasPacked = true + f.L1.IsPacked = true + case strings.HasPrefix(s, "weak="): + f.L1.IsWeak = true + f.L1.Message = fdesc.PlaceholderMessage(pref.FullName(s[len("weak="):])) + case strings.HasPrefix(s, "def="): + // The default tag is special in that everything afterwards is the + // default regardless of the presence of commas. + s, i = tag[len("def="):], len(tag) + v, ev, _ := defval.Unmarshal(s, f.L1.Kind, evs, defval.GoTag) + f.L1.Default = fdesc.DefaultValue(v, ev) + case s == "proto3": + f.L0.ParentFile = fdesc.SurrogateProto3 + } + tag = strings.TrimPrefix(tag[i:], ",") + } + + // The generator uses the group message name instead of the field name. + // We obtain the real field name by lowercasing the group name. + if f.L1.Kind == pref.GroupKind { + f.L0.FullName = pref.FullName(strings.ToLower(string(f.L0.FullName))) + } + return f +} + +// Marshal encodes the protoreflect.FieldDescriptor as a tag. +// +// The enumName must be provided if the kind is an enum. +// Historically, the formulation of the enum "name" was the proto package +// dot-concatenated with the generated Go identifier for the enum type. +// Depending on the context on how Marshal is called, there are different ways +// through which that information is determined. As such it is the caller's +// responsibility to provide a function to obtain that information. +func Marshal(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, enumName string) string { + var tag []string + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind, pref.EnumKind, pref.Int32Kind, pref.Uint32Kind, pref.Int64Kind, pref.Uint64Kind: + tag = append(tag, "varint") + case pref.Sint32Kind: + tag = append(tag, "zigzag32") + case pref.Sint64Kind: + tag = append(tag, "zigzag64") + case pref.Sfixed32Kind, pref.Fixed32Kind, pref.FloatKind: + tag = append(tag, "fixed32") + case pref.Sfixed64Kind, pref.Fixed64Kind, pref.DoubleKind: + tag = append(tag, "fixed64") + case pref.StringKind, pref.BytesKind, pref.MessageKind: + tag = append(tag, "bytes") + case pref.GroupKind: + tag = append(tag, "group") + } + tag = append(tag, strconv.Itoa(int(fd.Number()))) + switch fd.Cardinality() { + case pref.Optional: + tag = append(tag, "opt") + case pref.Required: + tag = append(tag, "req") + case pref.Repeated: + tag = append(tag, "rep") + } + if fd.IsPacked() { + tag = append(tag, "packed") + } + name := string(fd.Name()) + if fd.Kind() == pref.GroupKind { + // The name of the FieldDescriptor for a group field is + // lowercased. To find the original capitalization, we + // look in the field's MessageType. + name = string(fd.Message().Name()) + } + tag = append(tag, "name="+name) + if jsonName := fd.JSONName(); jsonName != "" && jsonName != name && !fd.IsExtension() { + // NOTE: The jsonName != name condition is suspect, but it preserve + // the exact same semantics from the previous generator. + tag = append(tag, "json="+jsonName) + } + if fd.IsWeak() { + tag = append(tag, "weak="+string(fd.Message().FullName())) + } + // The previous implementation does not tag extension fields as proto3, + // even when the field is defined in a proto3 file. Match that behavior + // for consistency. + if fd.Syntax() == pref.Proto3 && !fd.IsExtension() { + tag = append(tag, "proto3") + } + if fd.Kind() == pref.EnumKind && enumName != "" { + tag = append(tag, "enum="+enumName) + } + if fd.ContainingOneof() != nil { + tag = append(tag, "oneof") + } + // This must appear last in the tag, since commas in strings aren't escaped. + if fd.HasDefault() { + def, _ := defval.Marshal(fd.Default(), fd.DefaultEnumValue(), fd.Kind(), defval.GoTag) + tag = append(tag, "def="+def) + } + return strings.Join(tag, ",") +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..eb10ea10 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode.go @@ -0,0 +1,665 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package text + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "io" + "regexp" + "strconv" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" +) + +// Decoder is a token-based textproto decoder. +type Decoder struct { + // lastCall is last method called, either readCall or peekCall. + // Initial value is readCall. + lastCall call + + // lastToken contains the last read token. + lastToken Token + + // lastErr contains the last read error. + lastErr error + + // openStack is a stack containing the byte characters for MessageOpen and + // ListOpen kinds. The top of stack represents the message or the list that + // the current token is nested in. An empty stack means the current token is + // at the top level message. The characters '{' and '<' both represent the + // MessageOpen kind. + openStack []byte + + // orig is used in reporting line and column. + orig []byte + // in contains the unconsumed input. + in []byte +} + +// NewDecoder returns a Decoder to read the given []byte. +func NewDecoder(b []byte) *Decoder { + return &Decoder{orig: b, in: b} +} + +// ErrUnexpectedEOF means that EOF was encountered in the middle of the input. +var ErrUnexpectedEOF = errors.New("%v", io.ErrUnexpectedEOF) + +// call specifies which Decoder method was invoked. +type call uint8 + +const ( + readCall call = iota + peekCall +) + +// Peek looks ahead and returns the next token and error without advancing a read. +func (d *Decoder) Peek() (Token, error) { + defer func() { d.lastCall = peekCall }() + if d.lastCall == readCall { + d.lastToken, d.lastErr = d.Read() + } + return d.lastToken, d.lastErr +} + +// Read returns the next token. +// It will return an error if there is no valid token. +func (d *Decoder) Read() (Token, error) { + defer func() { d.lastCall = readCall }() + if d.lastCall == peekCall { + return d.lastToken, d.lastErr + } + + tok, err := d.parseNext(d.lastToken.kind) + if err != nil { + return Token{}, err + } + + switch tok.kind { + case comma, semicolon: + tok, err = d.parseNext(tok.kind) + if err != nil { + return Token{}, err + } + } + d.lastToken = tok + return tok, nil +} + +const ( + mismatchedFmt = "mismatched close character %q" + unexpectedFmt = "unexpected character %q" +) + +// parseNext parses the next Token based on given last kind. +func (d *Decoder) parseNext(lastKind Kind) (Token, error) { + // Trim leading spaces. + d.consume(0) + isEOF := false + if len(d.in) == 0 { + isEOF = true + } + + switch lastKind { + case EOF: + return d.consumeToken(EOF, 0, 0), nil + + case bof: + // Start of top level message. Next token can be EOF or Name. + if isEOF { + return d.consumeToken(EOF, 0, 0), nil + } + return d.parseFieldName() + + case Name: + // Next token can be MessageOpen, ListOpen or Scalar. + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case '{', '<': + d.pushOpenStack(ch) + return d.consumeToken(MessageOpen, 1, 0), nil + case '[': + d.pushOpenStack(ch) + return d.consumeToken(ListOpen, 1, 0), nil + default: + return d.parseScalar() + } + + case Scalar: + openKind, closeCh := d.currentOpenKind() + switch openKind { + case bof: + // Top level message. + // Next token can be EOF, comma, semicolon or Name. + if isEOF { + return d.consumeToken(EOF, 0, 0), nil + } + switch d.in[0] { + case ',': + return d.consumeToken(comma, 1, 0), nil + case ';': + return d.consumeToken(semicolon, 1, 0), nil + default: + return d.parseFieldName() + } + + case MessageOpen: + // Next token can be MessageClose, comma, semicolon or Name. + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case closeCh: + d.popOpenStack() + return d.consumeToken(MessageClose, 1, 0), nil + case otherCloseChar[closeCh]: + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError(mismatchedFmt, ch) + case ',': + return d.consumeToken(comma, 1, 0), nil + case ';': + return d.consumeToken(semicolon, 1, 0), nil + default: + return d.parseFieldName() + } + + case ListOpen: + // Next token can be ListClose or comma. + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case ']': + d.popOpenStack() + return d.consumeToken(ListClose, 1, 0), nil + case ',': + return d.consumeToken(comma, 1, 0), nil + default: + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError(unexpectedFmt, ch) + } + } + + case MessageOpen: + // Next token can be MessageClose or Name. + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + _, closeCh := d.currentOpenKind() + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case closeCh: + d.popOpenStack() + return d.consumeToken(MessageClose, 1, 0), nil + case otherCloseChar[closeCh]: + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError(mismatchedFmt, ch) + default: + return d.parseFieldName() + } + + case MessageClose: + openKind, closeCh := d.currentOpenKind() + switch openKind { + case bof: + // Top level message. + // Next token can be EOF, comma, semicolon or Name. + if isEOF { + return d.consumeToken(EOF, 0, 0), nil + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case ',': + return d.consumeToken(comma, 1, 0), nil + case ';': + return d.consumeToken(semicolon, 1, 0), nil + default: + return d.parseFieldName() + } + + case MessageOpen: + // Next token can be MessageClose, comma, semicolon or Name. + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case closeCh: + d.popOpenStack() + return d.consumeToken(MessageClose, 1, 0), nil + case otherCloseChar[closeCh]: + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError(mismatchedFmt, ch) + case ',': + return d.consumeToken(comma, 1, 0), nil + case ';': + return d.consumeToken(semicolon, 1, 0), nil + default: + return d.parseFieldName() + } + + case ListOpen: + // Next token can be ListClose or comma + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case closeCh: + d.popOpenStack() + return d.consumeToken(ListClose, 1, 0), nil + case ',': + return d.consumeToken(comma, 1, 0), nil + default: + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError(unexpectedFmt, ch) + } + } + + case ListOpen: + // Next token can be ListClose, MessageStart or Scalar. + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case ']': + d.popOpenStack() + return d.consumeToken(ListClose, 1, 0), nil + case '{', '<': + d.pushOpenStack(ch) + return d.consumeToken(MessageOpen, 1, 0), nil + default: + return d.parseScalar() + } + + case ListClose: + openKind, closeCh := d.currentOpenKind() + switch openKind { + case bof: + // Top level message. + // Next token can be EOF, comma, semicolon or Name. + if isEOF { + return d.consumeToken(EOF, 0, 0), nil + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case ',': + return d.consumeToken(comma, 1, 0), nil + case ';': + return d.consumeToken(semicolon, 1, 0), nil + default: + return d.parseFieldName() + } + + case MessageOpen: + // Next token can be MessageClose, comma, semicolon or Name. + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case closeCh: + d.popOpenStack() + return d.consumeToken(MessageClose, 1, 0), nil + case otherCloseChar[closeCh]: + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError(mismatchedFmt, ch) + case ',': + return d.consumeToken(comma, 1, 0), nil + case ';': + return d.consumeToken(semicolon, 1, 0), nil + default: + return d.parseFieldName() + } + + default: + // It is not possible to have this case. Let it panic below. + } + + case comma, semicolon: + openKind, closeCh := d.currentOpenKind() + switch openKind { + case bof: + // Top level message. Next token can be EOF or Name. + if isEOF { + return d.consumeToken(EOF, 0, 0), nil + } + return d.parseFieldName() + + case MessageOpen: + // Next token can be MessageClose or Name. + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case closeCh: + d.popOpenStack() + return d.consumeToken(MessageClose, 1, 0), nil + case otherCloseChar[closeCh]: + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError(mismatchedFmt, ch) + default: + return d.parseFieldName() + } + + case ListOpen: + if lastKind == semicolon { + // It is not be possible to have this case as logic here + // should not have produced a semicolon Token when inside a + // list. Let it panic below. + break + } + // Next token can be MessageOpen or Scalar. + if isEOF { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch ch := d.in[0]; ch { + case '{', '<': + d.pushOpenStack(ch) + return d.consumeToken(MessageOpen, 1, 0), nil + default: + return d.parseScalar() + } + } + } + + line, column := d.Position(len(d.orig) - len(d.in)) + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Decoder.parseNext: bug at handling line %d:%d with lastKind=%v", line, column, lastKind)) +} + +var otherCloseChar = map[byte]byte{ + '}': '>', + '>': '}', +} + +// currentOpenKind indicates whether current position is inside a message, list +// or top-level message by returning MessageOpen, ListOpen or bof respectively. +// If the returned kind is either a MessageOpen or ListOpen, it also returns the +// corresponding closing character. +func (d *Decoder) currentOpenKind() (Kind, byte) { + if len(d.openStack) == 0 { + return bof, 0 + } + openCh := d.openStack[len(d.openStack)-1] + switch openCh { + case '{': + return MessageOpen, '}' + case '<': + return MessageOpen, '>' + case '[': + return ListOpen, ']' + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Decoder: openStack contains invalid byte %s", string(openCh))) +} + +func (d *Decoder) pushOpenStack(ch byte) { + d.openStack = append(d.openStack, ch) +} + +func (d *Decoder) popOpenStack() { + d.openStack = d.openStack[:len(d.openStack)-1] +} + +// parseFieldName parses field name and separator. +func (d *Decoder) parseFieldName() (tok Token, err error) { + defer func() { + if err == nil && d.tryConsumeChar(':') { + tok.attrs |= hasSeparator + } + }() + + // Extension or Any type URL. + if d.in[0] == '[' { + return d.parseTypeName() + } + + // Identifier. + if size := parseIdent(d.in, false); size > 0 { + return d.consumeToken(Name, size, uint8(IdentName)), nil + } + + // Field number. Identify if input is a valid number that is not negative + // and is decimal integer within 32-bit range. + if num := parseNumber(d.in); num.size > 0 { + if !num.neg && num.kind == numDec { + if _, err := strconv.ParseInt(string(d.in[:num.size]), 10, 32); err == nil { + return d.consumeToken(Name, num.size, uint8(FieldNumber)), nil + } + } + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError("invalid field number: %s", d.in[:num.size]) + } + + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError("invalid field name: %s", errRegexp.Find(d.in)) +} + +// parseTypeName parses Any type URL or extension field name. The name is +// enclosed in [ and ] characters. The C++ parser does not handle many legal URL +// strings. This implementation is more liberal and allows for the pattern +// ^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]+([./][-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)*`). Whitespaces and comments are allowed +// in between [ ], '.', '/' and the sub names. +func (d *Decoder) parseTypeName() (Token, error) { + startPos := len(d.orig) - len(d.in) + // Use alias s to advance first in order to use d.in for error handling. + // Caller already checks for [ as first character. + s := consume(d.in[1:], 0) + if len(s) == 0 { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + + var name []byte + for len(s) > 0 && isTypeNameChar(s[0]) { + name = append(name, s[0]) + s = s[1:] + } + s = consume(s, 0) + + var closed bool + for len(s) > 0 && !closed { + switch { + case s[0] == ']': + s = s[1:] + closed = true + + case s[0] == '/', s[0] == '.': + if len(name) > 0 && (name[len(name)-1] == '/' || name[len(name)-1] == '.') { + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError("invalid type URL/extension field name: %s", + d.orig[startPos:len(d.orig)-len(s)+1]) + } + name = append(name, s[0]) + s = s[1:] + s = consume(s, 0) + for len(s) > 0 && isTypeNameChar(s[0]) { + name = append(name, s[0]) + s = s[1:] + } + s = consume(s, 0) + + default: + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError( + "invalid type URL/extension field name: %s", d.orig[startPos:len(d.orig)-len(s)+1]) + } + } + + if !closed { + return Token{}, ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + + // First character cannot be '.'. Last character cannot be '.' or '/'. + size := len(name) + if size == 0 || name[0] == '.' || name[size-1] == '.' || name[size-1] == '/' { + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError("invalid type URL/extension field name: %s", + d.orig[startPos:len(d.orig)-len(s)]) + } + + d.in = s + endPos := len(d.orig) - len(d.in) + d.consume(0) + + return Token{ + kind: Name, + attrs: uint8(TypeName), + pos: startPos, + raw: d.orig[startPos:endPos], + str: string(name), + }, nil +} + +func isTypeNameChar(b byte) bool { + return (b == '-' || b == '_' || + ('0' <= b && b <= '9') || + ('a' <= b && b <= 'z') || + ('A' <= b && b <= 'Z')) +} + +func isWhiteSpace(b byte) bool { + switch b { + case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t': + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +// parseIdent parses an unquoted proto identifier and returns size. +// If allowNeg is true, it allows '-' to be the first character in the +// identifier. This is used when parsing literal values like -infinity, etc. +// Regular expression matches an identifier: `^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*` +func parseIdent(input []byte, allowNeg bool) int { + var size int + + s := input + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + + if allowNeg && s[0] == '-' { + s = s[1:] + size++ + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + } + + switch { + case s[0] == '_', + 'a' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'z', + 'A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z': + s = s[1:] + size++ + default: + return 0 + } + + for len(s) > 0 && (s[0] == '_' || + 'a' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'z' || + 'A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'Z' || + '0' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '9') { + s = s[1:] + size++ + } + + if len(s) > 0 && !isDelim(s[0]) { + return 0 + } + + return size +} + +// parseScalar parses for a string, literal or number value. +func (d *Decoder) parseScalar() (Token, error) { + if d.in[0] == '"' || d.in[0] == '\'' { + return d.parseStringValue() + } + + if tok, ok := d.parseLiteralValue(); ok { + return tok, nil + } + + if tok, ok := d.parseNumberValue(); ok { + return tok, nil + } + + return Token{}, d.newSyntaxError("invalid scalar value: %s", errRegexp.Find(d.in)) +} + +// parseLiteralValue parses a literal value. A literal value is used for +// bools, special floats and enums. This function simply identifies that the +// field value is a literal. +func (d *Decoder) parseLiteralValue() (Token, bool) { + size := parseIdent(d.in, true) + if size == 0 { + return Token{}, false + } + return d.consumeToken(Scalar, size, literalValue), true +} + +// consumeToken constructs a Token for given Kind from d.in and consumes given +// size-length from it. +func (d *Decoder) consumeToken(kind Kind, size int, attrs uint8) Token { + // Important to compute raw and pos before consuming. + tok := Token{ + kind: kind, + attrs: attrs, + pos: len(d.orig) - len(d.in), + raw: d.in[:size], + } + d.consume(size) + return tok +} + +// newSyntaxError returns a syntax error with line and column information for +// current position. +func (d *Decoder) newSyntaxError(f string, x ...interface{}) error { + e := errors.New(f, x...) + line, column := d.Position(len(d.orig) - len(d.in)) + return errors.New("syntax error (line %d:%d): %v", line, column, e) +} + +// Position returns line and column number of given index of the original input. +// It will panic if index is out of range. +func (d *Decoder) Position(idx int) (line int, column int) { + b := d.orig[:idx] + line = bytes.Count(b, []byte("\n")) + 1 + if i := bytes.LastIndexByte(b, '\n'); i >= 0 { + b = b[i+1:] + } + column = utf8.RuneCount(b) + 1 // ignore multi-rune characters + return line, column +} + +func (d *Decoder) tryConsumeChar(c byte) bool { + if len(d.in) > 0 && d.in[0] == c { + d.consume(1) + return true + } + return false +} + +// consume consumes n bytes of input and any subsequent whitespace or comments. +func (d *Decoder) consume(n int) { + d.in = consume(d.in, n) + return +} + +// consume consumes n bytes of input and any subsequent whitespace or comments. +func consume(b []byte, n int) []byte { + b = b[n:] + for len(b) > 0 { + switch b[0] { + case ' ', '\n', '\r', '\t': + b = b[1:] + case '#': + if i := bytes.IndexByte(b, '\n'); i >= 0 { + b = b[i+len("\n"):] + } else { + b = nil + } + default: + return b + } + } + return b +} + +// Any sequence that looks like a non-delimiter (for error reporting). +var errRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^([-+._a-zA-Z0-9\/]+|.)`) + +// isDelim returns true if given byte is a delimiter character. +func isDelim(c byte) bool { + return !(c == '-' || c == '+' || c == '.' || c == '_' || + ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || + ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') || + ('0' <= c && c <= '9')) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode_number.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode_number.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f2d90b78 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode_number.go @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package text + +// parseNumberValue parses a number from the input and returns a Token object. +func (d *Decoder) parseNumberValue() (Token, bool) { + in := d.in + num := parseNumber(in) + if num.size == 0 { + return Token{}, false + } + numAttrs := num.kind + if num.neg { + numAttrs |= isNegative + } + strSize := num.size + last := num.size - 1 + if num.kind == numFloat && (d.in[last] == 'f' || d.in[last] == 'F') { + strSize = last + } + tok := Token{ + kind: Scalar, + attrs: numberValue, + pos: len(d.orig) - len(d.in), + raw: d.in[:num.size], + str: string(d.in[:strSize]), + numAttrs: numAttrs, + } + d.consume(num.size) + return tok, true +} + +const ( + numDec uint8 = (1 << iota) / 2 + numHex + numOct + numFloat +) + +// number is the result of parsing out a valid number from parseNumber. It +// contains data for doing float or integer conversion via the strconv package +// in conjunction with the input bytes. +type number struct { + kind uint8 + neg bool + size int +} + +// parseNumber constructs a number object from given input. It allows for the +// following patterns: +// integer: ^-?([1-9][0-9]*|0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+|0[0-7]*) +// float: ^-?((0|[1-9][0-9]*)?([.][0-9]*)?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[fF]?) +// It also returns the number of parsed bytes for the given number, 0 if it is +// not a number. +func parseNumber(input []byte) number { + kind := numDec + var size int + var neg bool + + s := input + if len(s) == 0 { + return number{} + } + + // Optional - + if s[0] == '-' { + neg = true + s = s[1:] + size++ + if len(s) == 0 { + return number{} + } + } + + // C++ allows for whitespace and comments in between the negative sign and + // the rest of the number. This logic currently does not but is consistent + // with v1. + + switch { + case s[0] == '0': + if len(s) > 1 { + switch { + case s[1] == 'x' || s[1] == 'X': + // Parse as hex number. + kind = numHex + n := 2 + s = s[2:] + for len(s) > 0 && (('0' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '9') || + ('a' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'f') || + ('A' <= s[0] && s[0] <= 'F')) { + s = s[1:] + n++ + } + if n == 2 { + return number{} + } + size += n + + case '0' <= s[1] && s[1] <= '7': + // Parse as octal number. + kind = numOct + n := 2 + s = s[2:] + for len(s) > 0 && '0' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '7' { + s = s[1:] + n++ + } + size += n + } + + if kind&(numHex|numOct) > 0 { + if len(s) > 0 && !isDelim(s[0]) { + return number{} + } + return number{kind: kind, neg: neg, size: size} + } + } + s = s[1:] + size++ + + case '1' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '9': + n := 1 + s = s[1:] + for len(s) > 0 && '0' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '9' { + s = s[1:] + n++ + } + size += n + + case s[0] == '.': + // Set kind to numFloat to signify the intent to parse as float. And + // that it needs to have other digits after '.'. + kind = numFloat + + default: + return number{} + } + + // . followed by 0 or more digits. + if len(s) > 0 && s[0] == '.' { + n := 1 + s = s[1:] + // If decimal point was before any digits, it should be followed by + // other digits. + if len(s) == 0 && kind == numFloat { + return number{} + } + for len(s) > 0 && '0' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '9' { + s = s[1:] + n++ + } + size += n + kind = numFloat + } + + // e or E followed by an optional - or + and 1 or more digits. + if len(s) >= 2 && (s[0] == 'e' || s[0] == 'E') { + kind = numFloat + s = s[1:] + n := 1 + if s[0] == '+' || s[0] == '-' { + s = s[1:] + n++ + if len(s) == 0 { + return number{} + } + } + for len(s) > 0 && '0' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '9' { + s = s[1:] + n++ + } + size += n + } + + // Optional suffix f or F for floats. + if len(s) > 0 && (s[0] == 'f' || s[0] == 'F') { + kind = numFloat + s = s[1:] + size++ + } + + // Check that next byte is a delimiter or it is at the end. + if len(s) > 0 && !isDelim(s[0]) { + return number{} + } + + return number{kind: kind, neg: neg, size: size} +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode_string.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode_string.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d4d34902 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode_string.go @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package text + +import ( + "bytes" + "strconv" + "strings" + "unicode" + "unicode/utf16" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" +) + +// parseStringValue parses string field token. +// This differs from parseString since the text format allows +// multiple back-to-back string literals where they are semantically treated +// as a single large string with all values concatenated. +// +// E.g., `"foo" "bar" "baz"` => "foobarbaz" +func (d *Decoder) parseStringValue() (Token, error) { + // Note that the ending quote is sufficient to unambiguously mark the end + // of a string. Thus, the text grammar does not require intervening + // whitespace or control characters in-between strings. + // Thus, the following is valid: + // `"foo"'bar'"baz"` => "foobarbaz" + in0 := d.in + var ss []string + for len(d.in) > 0 && (d.in[0] == '"' || d.in[0] == '\'') { + s, err := d.parseString() + if err != nil { + return Token{}, err + } + ss = append(ss, s) + } + // d.in already points to the end of the value at this point. + return Token{ + kind: Scalar, + attrs: stringValue, + pos: len(d.orig) - len(in0), + raw: in0[:len(in0)-len(d.in)], + str: strings.Join(ss, ""), + }, nil +} + +// parseString parses a string value enclosed in " or '. +func (d *Decoder) parseString() (string, error) { + in := d.in + if len(in) == 0 { + return "", ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + quote := in[0] + in = in[1:] + i := indexNeedEscapeInBytes(in) + in, out := in[i:], in[:i:i] // set cap to prevent mutations + for len(in) > 0 { + switch r, n := utf8.DecodeRune(in); { + case r == utf8.RuneError && n == 1: + return "", d.newSyntaxError("invalid UTF-8 detected") + case r == 0 || r == '\n': + return "", d.newSyntaxError("invalid character %q in string", r) + case r == rune(quote): + in = in[1:] + d.consume(len(d.in) - len(in)) + return string(out), nil + case r == '\\': + if len(in) < 2 { + return "", ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + switch r := in[1]; r { + case '"', '\'', '\\', '?': + in, out = in[2:], append(out, r) + case 'a': + in, out = in[2:], append(out, '\a') + case 'b': + in, out = in[2:], append(out, '\b') + case 'n': + in, out = in[2:], append(out, '\n') + case 'r': + in, out = in[2:], append(out, '\r') + case 't': + in, out = in[2:], append(out, '\t') + case 'v': + in, out = in[2:], append(out, '\v') + case 'f': + in, out = in[2:], append(out, '\f') + case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7': + // One, two, or three octal characters. + n := len(in[1:]) - len(bytes.TrimLeft(in[1:], "01234567")) + if n > 3 { + n = 3 + } + v, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(in[1:1+n]), 8, 8) + if err != nil { + return "", d.newSyntaxError("invalid octal escape code %q in string", in[:1+n]) + } + in, out = in[1+n:], append(out, byte(v)) + case 'x': + // One or two hexadecimal characters. + n := len(in[2:]) - len(bytes.TrimLeft(in[2:], "0123456789abcdefABCDEF")) + if n > 2 { + n = 2 + } + v, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(in[2:2+n]), 16, 8) + if err != nil { + return "", d.newSyntaxError("invalid hex escape code %q in string", in[:2+n]) + } + in, out = in[2+n:], append(out, byte(v)) + case 'u', 'U': + // Four or eight hexadecimal characters + n := 6 + if r == 'U' { + n = 10 + } + if len(in) < n { + return "", ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + v, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(in[2:n]), 16, 32) + if utf8.MaxRune < v || err != nil { + return "", d.newSyntaxError("invalid Unicode escape code %q in string", in[:n]) + } + in = in[n:] + + r := rune(v) + if utf16.IsSurrogate(r) { + if len(in) < 6 { + return "", ErrUnexpectedEOF + } + v, err := strconv.ParseUint(string(in[2:6]), 16, 16) + r = utf16.DecodeRune(r, rune(v)) + if in[0] != '\\' || in[1] != 'u' || r == unicode.ReplacementChar || err != nil { + return "", d.newSyntaxError("invalid Unicode escape code %q in string", in[:6]) + } + in = in[6:] + } + out = append(out, string(r)...) + default: + return "", d.newSyntaxError("invalid escape code %q in string", in[:2]) + } + default: + i := indexNeedEscapeInBytes(in[n:]) + in, out = in[n+i:], append(out, in[:n+i]...) + } + } + return "", ErrUnexpectedEOF +} + +// indexNeedEscapeInString returns the index of the character that needs +// escaping. If no characters need escaping, this returns the input length. +func indexNeedEscapeInBytes(b []byte) int { return indexNeedEscapeInString(strs.UnsafeString(b)) } + +// UnmarshalString returns an unescaped string given a textproto string value. +// String value needs to contain single or double quotes. This is only used by +// internal/encoding/defval package for unmarshaling bytes. +func UnmarshalString(s string) (string, error) { + d := NewDecoder([]byte(s)) + return d.parseString() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode_token.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode_token.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..83d2b0d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/decode_token.go @@ -0,0 +1,373 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package text + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "math" + "strconv" + "strings" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" +) + +// Kind represents a token kind expressible in the textproto format. +type Kind uint8 + +// Kind values. +const ( + Invalid Kind = iota + EOF + Name // Name indicates the field name. + Scalar // Scalar are scalar values, e.g. "string", 47, ENUM_LITERAL, true. + MessageOpen + MessageClose + ListOpen + ListClose + + // comma and semi-colon are only for parsing in between values and should not be exposed. + comma + semicolon + + // bof indicates beginning of file, which is the default token + // kind at the beginning of parsing. + bof = Invalid +) + +func (t Kind) String() string { + switch t { + case Invalid: + return "" + case EOF: + return "eof" + case Scalar: + return "scalar" + case Name: + return "name" + case MessageOpen: + return "{" + case MessageClose: + return "}" + case ListOpen: + return "[" + case ListClose: + return "]" + case comma: + return "," + case semicolon: + return ";" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("", uint8(t)) + } +} + +// NameKind represents different types of field names. +type NameKind uint8 + +// NameKind values. +const ( + IdentName NameKind = iota + 1 + TypeName + FieldNumber +) + +func (t NameKind) String() string { + switch t { + case IdentName: + return "IdentName" + case TypeName: + return "TypeName" + case FieldNumber: + return "FieldNumber" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("", uint8(t)) + } +} + +// Bit mask in Token.attrs to indicate if a Name token is followed by the +// separator char ':'. The field name separator char is optional for message +// field or repeated message field, but required for all other types. Decoder +// simply indicates whether a Name token is followed by separator or not. It is +// up to the prototext package to validate. +const hasSeparator = 1 << 7 + +// Scalar value types. +const ( + numberValue = iota + 1 + stringValue + literalValue +) + +// Bit mask in Token.numAttrs to indicate that the number is a negative. +const isNegative = 1 << 7 + +// Token provides a parsed token kind and value. Values are provided by the +// different accessor methods. +type Token struct { + // Kind of the Token object. + kind Kind + // attrs contains metadata for the following Kinds: + // Name: hasSeparator bit and one of NameKind. + // Scalar: one of numberValue, stringValue, literalValue. + attrs uint8 + // numAttrs contains metadata for numberValue: + // - highest bit is whether negative or positive. + // - lower bits indicate one of numDec, numHex, numOct, numFloat. + numAttrs uint8 + // pos provides the position of the token in the original input. + pos int + // raw bytes of the serialized token. + // This is a subslice into the original input. + raw []byte + // str contains parsed string for the following: + // - stringValue of Scalar kind + // - numberValue of Scalar kind + // - TypeName of Name kind + str string +} + +// Kind returns the token kind. +func (t Token) Kind() Kind { + return t.kind +} + +// RawString returns the read value in string. +func (t Token) RawString() string { + return string(t.raw) +} + +// Pos returns the token position from the input. +func (t Token) Pos() int { + return t.pos +} + +// NameKind returns IdentName, TypeName or FieldNumber. +// It panics if type is not Name. +func (t Token) NameKind() NameKind { + if t.kind == Name { + return NameKind(t.attrs &^ hasSeparator) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Token is not a Name type: %s", t.kind)) +} + +// HasSeparator returns true if the field name is followed by the separator char +// ':', else false. It panics if type is not Name. +func (t Token) HasSeparator() bool { + if t.kind == Name { + return t.attrs&hasSeparator != 0 + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Token is not a Name type: %s", t.kind)) +} + +// IdentName returns the value for IdentName type. +func (t Token) IdentName() string { + if t.kind == Name && t.attrs&uint8(IdentName) != 0 { + return string(t.raw) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Token is not an IdentName: %s:%s", t.kind, NameKind(t.attrs&^hasSeparator))) +} + +// TypeName returns the value for TypeName type. +func (t Token) TypeName() string { + if t.kind == Name && t.attrs&uint8(TypeName) != 0 { + return t.str + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Token is not a TypeName: %s:%s", t.kind, NameKind(t.attrs&^hasSeparator))) +} + +// FieldNumber returns the value for FieldNumber type. It returns a +// non-negative int32 value. Caller will still need to validate for the correct +// field number range. +func (t Token) FieldNumber() int32 { + if t.kind != Name || t.attrs&uint8(FieldNumber) == 0 { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("Token is not a FieldNumber: %s:%s", t.kind, NameKind(t.attrs&^hasSeparator))) + } + // Following should not return an error as it had already been called right + // before this Token was constructed. + num, _ := strconv.ParseInt(string(t.raw), 10, 32) + return int32(num) +} + +// String returns the string value for a Scalar type. +func (t Token) String() (string, bool) { + if t.kind != Scalar || t.attrs != stringValue { + return "", false + } + return t.str, true +} + +// Enum returns the literal value for a Scalar type for use as enum literals. +func (t Token) Enum() (string, bool) { + if t.kind != Scalar || t.attrs != literalValue || (len(t.raw) > 0 && t.raw[0] == '-') { + return "", false + } + return string(t.raw), true +} + +// Bool returns the bool value for a Scalar type. +func (t Token) Bool() (bool, bool) { + if t.kind != Scalar { + return false, false + } + switch t.attrs { + case literalValue: + if b, ok := boolLits[string(t.raw)]; ok { + return b, true + } + case numberValue: + // Unsigned integer representation of 0 or 1 is permitted: 00, 0x0, 01, + // 0x1, etc. + n, err := strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 64) + if err == nil { + switch n { + case 0: + return false, true + case 1: + return true, true + } + } + } + return false, false +} + +// These exact boolean literals are the ones supported in C++. +var boolLits = map[string]bool{ + "t": true, + "true": true, + "True": true, + "f": false, + "false": false, + "False": false, +} + +// Uint64 returns the uint64 value for a Scalar type. +func (t Token) Uint64() (uint64, bool) { + if t.kind != Scalar || t.attrs != numberValue || + t.numAttrs&isNegative > 0 || t.numAttrs&numFloat > 0 { + return 0, false + } + n, err := strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 64) + if err != nil { + return 0, false + } + return n, true +} + +// Uint32 returns the uint32 value for a Scalar type. +func (t Token) Uint32() (uint32, bool) { + if t.kind != Scalar || t.attrs != numberValue || + t.numAttrs&isNegative > 0 || t.numAttrs&numFloat > 0 { + return 0, false + } + n, err := strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 32) + if err != nil { + return 0, false + } + return uint32(n), true +} + +// Int64 returns the int64 value for a Scalar type. +func (t Token) Int64() (int64, bool) { + if t.kind != Scalar || t.attrs != numberValue || t.numAttrs&numFloat > 0 { + return 0, false + } + if n, err := strconv.ParseInt(t.str, 0, 64); err == nil { + return n, true + } + // C++ accepts large positive hex numbers as negative values. + // This feature is here for proto1 backwards compatibility purposes. + if flags.ProtoLegacy && (t.numAttrs == numHex) { + if n, err := strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 64); err == nil { + return int64(n), true + } + } + return 0, false +} + +// Int32 returns the int32 value for a Scalar type. +func (t Token) Int32() (int32, bool) { + if t.kind != Scalar || t.attrs != numberValue || t.numAttrs&numFloat > 0 { + return 0, false + } + if n, err := strconv.ParseInt(t.str, 0, 32); err == nil { + return int32(n), true + } + // C++ accepts large positive hex numbers as negative values. + // This feature is here for proto1 backwards compatibility purposes. + if flags.ProtoLegacy && (t.numAttrs == numHex) { + if n, err := strconv.ParseUint(t.str, 0, 32); err == nil { + return int32(n), true + } + } + return 0, false +} + +// Float64 returns the float64 value for a Scalar type. +func (t Token) Float64() (float64, bool) { + if t.kind != Scalar { + return 0, false + } + switch t.attrs { + case literalValue: + if f, ok := floatLits[strings.ToLower(string(t.raw))]; ok { + return f, true + } + case numberValue: + n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(t.str, 64) + if err == nil { + return n, true + } + nerr := err.(*strconv.NumError) + if nerr.Err == strconv.ErrRange { + return n, true + } + } + return 0, false +} + +// Float32 returns the float32 value for a Scalar type. +func (t Token) Float32() (float32, bool) { + if t.kind != Scalar { + return 0, false + } + switch t.attrs { + case literalValue: + if f, ok := floatLits[strings.ToLower(string(t.raw))]; ok { + return float32(f), true + } + case numberValue: + n, err := strconv.ParseFloat(t.str, 64) + if err == nil { + // Overflows are treated as (-)infinity. + return float32(n), true + } + nerr := err.(*strconv.NumError) + if nerr.Err == strconv.ErrRange { + return float32(n), true + } + } + return 0, false +} + +// These are the supported float literals which C++ permits case-insensitive +// variants of these. +var floatLits = map[string]float64{ + "nan": math.NaN(), + "inf": math.Inf(1), + "infinity": math.Inf(1), + "-inf": math.Inf(-1), + "-infinity": math.Inf(-1), +} + +// TokenEquals returns true if given Tokens are equal, else false. +func TokenEquals(x, y Token) bool { + return x.kind == y.kind && + x.attrs == y.attrs && + x.numAttrs == y.numAttrs && + x.pos == y.pos && + bytes.Equal(x.raw, y.raw) && + x.str == y.str +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/doc.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0ce8d6fb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package text implements the text format for protocol buffers. +// This package has no semantic understanding for protocol buffers and is only +// a parser and composer for the format. +// +// There is no formal specification for the protobuf text format, as such the +// C++ implementation (see google::protobuf::TextFormat) is the reference +// implementation of the text format. +// +// This package is neither a superset nor a subset of the C++ implementation. +// This implementation permits a more liberal grammar in some cases to be +// backwards compatible with the historical Go implementation. +// Future parsings unique to Go should not be added. +// Some grammars allowed by the C++ implementation are deliberately +// not implemented here because they are considered a bug by the protobuf team +// and should not be replicated. +// +// The Go implementation should implement a sufficient amount of the C++ +// grammar such that the default text serialization by C++ can be parsed by Go. +// However, just because the C++ parser accepts some input does not mean that +// the Go implementation should as well. +// +// The text format is almost a superset of JSON except: +// * message keys are not quoted strings, but identifiers +// * the top-level value must be a message without the delimiters +package text diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/encode.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/encode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa66bdd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text/encode.go @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package text + +import ( + "math" + "math/bits" + "strconv" + "strings" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" +) + +// encType represents an encoding type. +type encType uint8 + +const ( + _ encType = (1 << iota) / 2 + name + scalar + messageOpen + messageClose +) + +// Encoder provides methods to write out textproto constructs and values. The user is +// responsible for producing valid sequences of constructs and values. +type Encoder struct { + encoderState + + indent string + delims [2]byte + outputASCII bool +} + +type encoderState struct { + lastType encType + indents []byte + out []byte +} + +// NewEncoder returns an Encoder. +// +// If indent is a non-empty string, it causes every entry in a List or Message +// to be preceded by the indent and trailed by a newline. +// +// If delims is not the zero value, it controls the delimiter characters used +// for messages (e.g., "{}" vs "<>"). +// +// If outputASCII is true, strings will be serialized in such a way that +// multi-byte UTF-8 sequences are escaped. This property ensures that the +// overall output is ASCII (as opposed to UTF-8). +func NewEncoder(indent string, delims [2]byte, outputASCII bool) (*Encoder, error) { + e := &Encoder{} + if len(indent) > 0 { + if strings.Trim(indent, " \t") != "" { + return nil, errors.New("indent may only be composed of space and tab characters") + } + e.indent = indent + } + switch delims { + case [2]byte{0, 0}: + e.delims = [2]byte{'{', '}'} + case [2]byte{'{', '}'}, [2]byte{'<', '>'}: + e.delims = delims + default: + return nil, errors.New("delimiters may only be \"{}\" or \"<>\"") + } + e.outputASCII = outputASCII + + return e, nil +} + +// Bytes returns the content of the written bytes. +func (e *Encoder) Bytes() []byte { + return e.out +} + +// StartMessage writes out the '{' or '<' symbol. +func (e *Encoder) StartMessage() { + e.prepareNext(messageOpen) + e.out = append(e.out, e.delims[0]) +} + +// EndMessage writes out the '}' or '>' symbol. +func (e *Encoder) EndMessage() { + e.prepareNext(messageClose) + e.out = append(e.out, e.delims[1]) +} + +// WriteName writes out the field name and the separator ':'. +func (e *Encoder) WriteName(s string) { + e.prepareNext(name) + e.out = append(e.out, s...) + e.out = append(e.out, ':') +} + +// WriteBool writes out the given boolean value. +func (e *Encoder) WriteBool(b bool) { + if b { + e.WriteLiteral("true") + } else { + e.WriteLiteral("false") + } +} + +// WriteString writes out the given string value. +func (e *Encoder) WriteString(s string) { + e.prepareNext(scalar) + e.out = appendString(e.out, s, e.outputASCII) +} + +func appendString(out []byte, in string, outputASCII bool) []byte { + out = append(out, '"') + i := indexNeedEscapeInString(in) + in, out = in[i:], append(out, in[:i]...) + for len(in) > 0 { + switch r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(in); { + case r == utf8.RuneError && n == 1: + // We do not report invalid UTF-8 because strings in the text format + // are used to represent both the proto string and bytes type. + r = rune(in[0]) + fallthrough + case r < ' ' || r == '"' || r == '\\' || r == 0x7f: + out = append(out, '\\') + switch r { + case '"', '\\': + out = append(out, byte(r)) + case '\n': + out = append(out, 'n') + case '\r': + out = append(out, 'r') + case '\t': + out = append(out, 't') + default: + out = append(out, 'x') + out = append(out, "00"[1+(bits.Len32(uint32(r))-1)/4:]...) + out = strconv.AppendUint(out, uint64(r), 16) + } + in = in[n:] + case r >= utf8.RuneSelf && (outputASCII || r <= 0x009f): + out = append(out, '\\') + if r <= math.MaxUint16 { + out = append(out, 'u') + out = append(out, "0000"[1+(bits.Len32(uint32(r))-1)/4:]...) + out = strconv.AppendUint(out, uint64(r), 16) + } else { + out = append(out, 'U') + out = append(out, "00000000"[1+(bits.Len32(uint32(r))-1)/4:]...) + out = strconv.AppendUint(out, uint64(r), 16) + } + in = in[n:] + default: + i := indexNeedEscapeInString(in[n:]) + in, out = in[n+i:], append(out, in[:n+i]...) + } + } + out = append(out, '"') + return out +} + +// indexNeedEscapeInString returns the index of the character that needs +// escaping. If no characters need escaping, this returns the input length. +func indexNeedEscapeInString(s string) int { + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + if c := s[i]; c < ' ' || c == '"' || c == '\'' || c == '\\' || c >= 0x7f { + return i + } + } + return len(s) +} + +// WriteFloat writes out the given float value for given bitSize. +func (e *Encoder) WriteFloat(n float64, bitSize int) { + e.prepareNext(scalar) + e.out = appendFloat(e.out, n, bitSize) +} + +func appendFloat(out []byte, n float64, bitSize int) []byte { + switch { + case math.IsNaN(n): + return append(out, "nan"...) + case math.IsInf(n, +1): + return append(out, "inf"...) + case math.IsInf(n, -1): + return append(out, "-inf"...) + default: + return strconv.AppendFloat(out, n, 'g', -1, bitSize) + } +} + +// WriteInt writes out the given signed integer value. +func (e *Encoder) WriteInt(n int64) { + e.prepareNext(scalar) + e.out = append(e.out, strconv.FormatInt(n, 10)...) +} + +// WriteUint writes out the given unsigned integer value. +func (e *Encoder) WriteUint(n uint64) { + e.prepareNext(scalar) + e.out = append(e.out, strconv.FormatUint(n, 10)...) +} + +// WriteLiteral writes out the given string as a literal value without quotes. +// This is used for writing enum literal strings. +func (e *Encoder) WriteLiteral(s string) { + e.prepareNext(scalar) + e.out = append(e.out, s...) +} + +// prepareNext adds possible space and indentation for the next value based +// on last encType and indent option. It also updates e.lastType to next. +func (e *Encoder) prepareNext(next encType) { + defer func() { + e.lastType = next + }() + + // Single line. + if len(e.indent) == 0 { + // Add space after each field before the next one. + if e.lastType&(scalar|messageClose) != 0 && next == name { + e.out = append(e.out, ' ') + // Add a random extra space to make output unstable. + if detrand.Bool() { + e.out = append(e.out, ' ') + } + } + return + } + + // Multi-line. + switch { + case e.lastType == name: + e.out = append(e.out, ' ') + // Add a random extra space after name: to make output unstable. + if detrand.Bool() { + e.out = append(e.out, ' ') + } + + case e.lastType == messageOpen && next != messageClose: + e.indents = append(e.indents, e.indent...) + e.out = append(e.out, '\n') + e.out = append(e.out, e.indents...) + + case e.lastType&(scalar|messageClose) != 0: + if next == messageClose { + e.indents = e.indents[:len(e.indents)-len(e.indent)] + } + e.out = append(e.out, '\n') + e.out = append(e.out, e.indents...) + } +} + +// Snapshot returns the current snapshot for use in Reset. +func (e *Encoder) Snapshot() encoderState { + return e.encoderState +} + +// Reset resets the Encoder to the given encoderState from a Snapshot. +func (e *Encoder) Reset(es encoderState) { + e.encoderState = es +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors/errors.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors/errors.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..20c17b35 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors/errors.go @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package errors implements functions to manipulate errors. +package errors + +import ( + "errors" + "fmt" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand" +) + +// Error is a sentinel matching all errors produced by this package. +var Error = errors.New("protobuf error") + +// New formats a string according to the format specifier and arguments and +// returns an error that has a "proto" prefix. +func New(f string, x ...interface{}) error { + return &prefixError{s: format(f, x...)} +} + +type prefixError struct{ s string } + +var prefix = func() string { + // Deliberately introduce instability into the error message string to + // discourage users from performing error string comparisons. + if detrand.Bool() { + return "proto: " // use non-breaking spaces (U+00a0) + } else { + return "proto: " // use regular spaces (U+0020) + } +}() + +func (e *prefixError) Error() string { + return prefix + e.s +} + +func (e *prefixError) Unwrap() error { + return Error +} + +// Wrap returns an error that has a "proto" prefix, the formatted string described +// by the format specifier and arguments, and a suffix of err. The error wraps err. +func Wrap(err error, f string, x ...interface{}) error { + return &wrapError{ + s: format(f, x...), + err: err, + } +} + +type wrapError struct { + s string + err error +} + +func (e *wrapError) Error() string { + return format("%v%v: %v", prefix, e.s, e.err) +} + +func (e *wrapError) Unwrap() error { + return e.err +} + +func (e *wrapError) Is(target error) bool { + return target == Error +} + +func format(f string, x ...interface{}) string { + // avoid "proto: " prefix when chaining + for i := 0; i < len(x); i++ { + switch e := x[i].(type) { + case *prefixError: + x[i] = e.s + case *wrapError: + x[i] = format("%v: %v", e.s, e.err) + } + } + return fmt.Sprintf(f, x...) +} + +func InvalidUTF8(name string) error { + return New("field %v contains invalid UTF-8", name) +} + +func RequiredNotSet(name string) error { + return New("required field %v not set", name) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors/is_go112.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors/is_go112.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f90e909b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors/is_go112.go @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !go1.13 + +package errors + +import "reflect" + +// Is is a copy of Go 1.13's errors.Is for use with older Go versions. +func Is(err, target error) bool { + if target == nil { + return err == target + } + + isComparable := reflect.TypeOf(target).Comparable() + for { + if isComparable && err == target { + return true + } + if x, ok := err.(interface{ Is(error) bool }); ok && x.Is(target) { + return true + } + if err = unwrap(err); err == nil { + return false + } + } +} + +func unwrap(err error) error { + u, ok := err.(interface { + Unwrap() error + }) + if !ok { + return nil + } + return u.Unwrap() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors/is_go113.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors/is_go113.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dc05f419 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors/is_go113.go @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build go1.13 + +package errors + +import "errors" + +// Is is errors.Is. +func Is(err, target error) bool { return errors.Is(err, target) } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/build.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/build.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b293b694 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/build.go @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package filedesc provides functionality for constructing descriptors. +// +// The types in this package implement interfaces in the protoreflect package +// related to protobuf descripriptors. +package filedesc + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + preg "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +// Builder construct a protoreflect.FileDescriptor from the raw descriptor. +type Builder struct { + // GoPackagePath is the Go package path that is invoking this builder. + GoPackagePath string + + // RawDescriptor is the wire-encoded bytes of FileDescriptorProto + // and must be populated. + RawDescriptor []byte + + // NumEnums is the total number of enums declared in the file. + NumEnums int32 + // NumMessages is the total number of messages declared in the file. + // It includes the implicit message declarations for map entries. + NumMessages int32 + // NumExtensions is the total number of extensions declared in the file. + NumExtensions int32 + // NumServices is the total number of services declared in the file. + NumServices int32 + + // TypeResolver resolves extension field types for descriptor options. + // If nil, it uses protoregistry.GlobalTypes. + TypeResolver interface { + preg.ExtensionTypeResolver + } + + // FileRegistry is use to lookup file, enum, and message dependencies. + // Once constructed, the file descriptor is registered here. + // If nil, it uses protoregistry.GlobalFiles. + FileRegistry interface { + FindFileByPath(string) (protoreflect.FileDescriptor, error) + FindDescriptorByName(pref.FullName) (pref.Descriptor, error) + RegisterFile(pref.FileDescriptor) error + } +} + +// resolverByIndex is an interface Builder.FileRegistry may implement. +// If so, it permits looking up an enum or message dependency based on the +// sub-list and element index into filetype.Builder.DependencyIndexes. +type resolverByIndex interface { + FindEnumByIndex(int32, int32, []Enum, []Message) pref.EnumDescriptor + FindMessageByIndex(int32, int32, []Enum, []Message) pref.MessageDescriptor +} + +// Indexes of each sub-list in filetype.Builder.DependencyIndexes. +const ( + listFieldDeps int32 = iota + listExtTargets + listExtDeps + listMethInDeps + listMethOutDeps +) + +// Out is the output of the Builder. +type Out struct { + File pref.FileDescriptor + + // Enums is all enum descriptors in "flattened ordering". + Enums []Enum + // Messages is all message descriptors in "flattened ordering". + // It includes the implicit message declarations for map entries. + Messages []Message + // Extensions is all extension descriptors in "flattened ordering". + Extensions []Extension + // Service is all service descriptors in "flattened ordering". + Services []Service +} + +// Build constructs a FileDescriptor given the parameters set in Builder. +// It assumes that the inputs are well-formed and panics if any inconsistencies +// are encountered. +// +// If NumEnums+NumMessages+NumExtensions+NumServices is zero, +// then Build automatically derives them from the raw descriptor. +func (db Builder) Build() (out Out) { + // Populate the counts if uninitialized. + if db.NumEnums+db.NumMessages+db.NumExtensions+db.NumServices == 0 { + db.unmarshalCounts(db.RawDescriptor, true) + } + + // Initialize resolvers and registries if unpopulated. + if db.TypeResolver == nil { + db.TypeResolver = preg.GlobalTypes + } + if db.FileRegistry == nil { + db.FileRegistry = preg.GlobalFiles + } + + fd := newRawFile(db) + out.File = fd + out.Enums = fd.allEnums + out.Messages = fd.allMessages + out.Extensions = fd.allExtensions + out.Services = fd.allServices + + if err := db.FileRegistry.RegisterFile(fd); err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return out +} + +// unmarshalCounts counts the number of enum, message, extension, and service +// declarations in the raw message, which is either a FileDescriptorProto +// or a MessageDescriptorProto depending on whether isFile is set. +func (db *Builder) unmarshalCounts(b []byte, isFile bool) { + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + if isFile { + switch num { + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number: + db.NumEnums++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_MessageType_field_number: + db.unmarshalCounts(v, false) + db.NumMessages++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Extension_field_number: + db.NumExtensions++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Service_field_number: + db.NumServices++ + } + } else { + switch num { + case genid.DescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number: + db.NumEnums++ + case genid.DescriptorProto_NestedType_field_number: + db.unmarshalCounts(v, false) + db.NumMessages++ + case genid.DescriptorProto_Extension_field_number: + db.NumExtensions++ + } + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..98ab142a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc.go @@ -0,0 +1,631 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package filedesc + +import ( + "bytes" + "fmt" + "sync" + "sync/atomic" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +// The types in this file may have a suffix: +// • L0: Contains fields common to all descriptors (except File) and +// must be initialized up front. +// • L1: Contains fields specific to a descriptor and +// must be initialized up front. +// • L2: Contains fields that are lazily initialized when constructing +// from the raw file descriptor. When constructing as a literal, the L2 +// fields must be initialized up front. +// +// The types are exported so that packages like reflect/protodesc can +// directly construct descriptors. + +type ( + File struct { + fileRaw + L1 FileL1 + + once uint32 // atomically set if L2 is valid + mu sync.Mutex // protects L2 + L2 *FileL2 + } + FileL1 struct { + Syntax pref.Syntax + Path string + Package pref.FullName + + Enums Enums + Messages Messages + Extensions Extensions + Services Services + } + FileL2 struct { + Options func() pref.ProtoMessage + Imports FileImports + Locations SourceLocations + } +) + +func (fd *File) ParentFile() pref.FileDescriptor { return fd } +func (fd *File) Parent() pref.Descriptor { return nil } +func (fd *File) Index() int { return 0 } +func (fd *File) Syntax() pref.Syntax { return fd.L1.Syntax } +func (fd *File) Name() pref.Name { return fd.L1.Package.Name() } +func (fd *File) FullName() pref.FullName { return fd.L1.Package } +func (fd *File) IsPlaceholder() bool { return false } +func (fd *File) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := fd.lazyInit().Options; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.File +} +func (fd *File) Path() string { return fd.L1.Path } +func (fd *File) Package() pref.FullName { return fd.L1.Package } +func (fd *File) Imports() pref.FileImports { return &fd.lazyInit().Imports } +func (fd *File) Enums() pref.EnumDescriptors { return &fd.L1.Enums } +func (fd *File) Messages() pref.MessageDescriptors { return &fd.L1.Messages } +func (fd *File) Extensions() pref.ExtensionDescriptors { return &fd.L1.Extensions } +func (fd *File) Services() pref.ServiceDescriptors { return &fd.L1.Services } +func (fd *File) SourceLocations() pref.SourceLocations { return &fd.lazyInit().Locations } +func (fd *File) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, fd) } +func (fd *File) ProtoType(pref.FileDescriptor) {} +func (fd *File) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} + +func (fd *File) lazyInit() *FileL2 { + if atomic.LoadUint32(&fd.once) == 0 { + fd.lazyInitOnce() + } + return fd.L2 +} + +func (fd *File) lazyInitOnce() { + fd.mu.Lock() + if fd.L2 == nil { + fd.lazyRawInit() // recursively initializes all L2 structures + } + atomic.StoreUint32(&fd.once, 1) + fd.mu.Unlock() +} + +// GoPackagePath is a pseudo-internal API for determining the Go package path +// that this file descriptor is declared in. +// +// WARNING: This method is exempt from the compatibility promise and may be +// removed in the future without warning. +func (fd *File) GoPackagePath() string { + return fd.builder.GoPackagePath +} + +type ( + Enum struct { + Base + L1 EnumL1 + L2 *EnumL2 // protected by fileDesc.once + } + EnumL1 struct { + eagerValues bool // controls whether EnumL2.Values is already populated + } + EnumL2 struct { + Options func() pref.ProtoMessage + Values EnumValues + ReservedNames Names + ReservedRanges EnumRanges + } + + EnumValue struct { + Base + L1 EnumValueL1 + } + EnumValueL1 struct { + Options func() pref.ProtoMessage + Number pref.EnumNumber + } +) + +func (ed *Enum) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := ed.lazyInit().Options; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.Enum +} +func (ed *Enum) Values() pref.EnumValueDescriptors { + if ed.L1.eagerValues { + return &ed.L2.Values + } + return &ed.lazyInit().Values +} +func (ed *Enum) ReservedNames() pref.Names { return &ed.lazyInit().ReservedNames } +func (ed *Enum) ReservedRanges() pref.EnumRanges { return &ed.lazyInit().ReservedRanges } +func (ed *Enum) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, ed) } +func (ed *Enum) ProtoType(pref.EnumDescriptor) {} +func (ed *Enum) lazyInit() *EnumL2 { + ed.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit() // implicitly initializes L2 + return ed.L2 +} + +func (ed *EnumValue) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := ed.L1.Options; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.EnumValue +} +func (ed *EnumValue) Number() pref.EnumNumber { return ed.L1.Number } +func (ed *EnumValue) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, ed) } +func (ed *EnumValue) ProtoType(pref.EnumValueDescriptor) {} + +type ( + Message struct { + Base + L1 MessageL1 + L2 *MessageL2 // protected by fileDesc.once + } + MessageL1 struct { + Enums Enums + Messages Messages + Extensions Extensions + IsMapEntry bool // promoted from google.protobuf.MessageOptions + IsMessageSet bool // promoted from google.protobuf.MessageOptions + } + MessageL2 struct { + Options func() pref.ProtoMessage + Fields Fields + Oneofs Oneofs + ReservedNames Names + ReservedRanges FieldRanges + RequiredNumbers FieldNumbers // must be consistent with Fields.Cardinality + ExtensionRanges FieldRanges + ExtensionRangeOptions []func() pref.ProtoMessage // must be same length as ExtensionRanges + } + + Field struct { + Base + L1 FieldL1 + } + FieldL1 struct { + Options func() pref.ProtoMessage + Number pref.FieldNumber + Cardinality pref.Cardinality // must be consistent with Message.RequiredNumbers + Kind pref.Kind + StringName stringName + IsProto3Optional bool // promoted from google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto + IsWeak bool // promoted from google.protobuf.FieldOptions + HasPacked bool // promoted from google.protobuf.FieldOptions + IsPacked bool // promoted from google.protobuf.FieldOptions + HasEnforceUTF8 bool // promoted from google.protobuf.FieldOptions + EnforceUTF8 bool // promoted from google.protobuf.FieldOptions + Default defaultValue + ContainingOneof pref.OneofDescriptor // must be consistent with Message.Oneofs.Fields + Enum pref.EnumDescriptor + Message pref.MessageDescriptor + } + + Oneof struct { + Base + L1 OneofL1 + } + OneofL1 struct { + Options func() pref.ProtoMessage + Fields OneofFields // must be consistent with Message.Fields.ContainingOneof + } +) + +func (md *Message) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := md.lazyInit().Options; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.Message +} +func (md *Message) IsMapEntry() bool { return md.L1.IsMapEntry } +func (md *Message) Fields() pref.FieldDescriptors { return &md.lazyInit().Fields } +func (md *Message) Oneofs() pref.OneofDescriptors { return &md.lazyInit().Oneofs } +func (md *Message) ReservedNames() pref.Names { return &md.lazyInit().ReservedNames } +func (md *Message) ReservedRanges() pref.FieldRanges { return &md.lazyInit().ReservedRanges } +func (md *Message) RequiredNumbers() pref.FieldNumbers { return &md.lazyInit().RequiredNumbers } +func (md *Message) ExtensionRanges() pref.FieldRanges { return &md.lazyInit().ExtensionRanges } +func (md *Message) ExtensionRangeOptions(i int) pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := md.lazyInit().ExtensionRangeOptions[i]; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.ExtensionRange +} +func (md *Message) Enums() pref.EnumDescriptors { return &md.L1.Enums } +func (md *Message) Messages() pref.MessageDescriptors { return &md.L1.Messages } +func (md *Message) Extensions() pref.ExtensionDescriptors { return &md.L1.Extensions } +func (md *Message) ProtoType(pref.MessageDescriptor) {} +func (md *Message) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, md) } +func (md *Message) lazyInit() *MessageL2 { + md.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit() // implicitly initializes L2 + return md.L2 +} + +// IsMessageSet is a pseudo-internal API for checking whether a message +// should serialize in the proto1 message format. +// +// WARNING: This method is exempt from the compatibility promise and may be +// removed in the future without warning. +func (md *Message) IsMessageSet() bool { + return md.L1.IsMessageSet +} + +func (fd *Field) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := fd.L1.Options; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.Field +} +func (fd *Field) Number() pref.FieldNumber { return fd.L1.Number } +func (fd *Field) Cardinality() pref.Cardinality { return fd.L1.Cardinality } +func (fd *Field) Kind() pref.Kind { return fd.L1.Kind } +func (fd *Field) HasJSONName() bool { return fd.L1.StringName.hasJSON } +func (fd *Field) JSONName() string { return fd.L1.StringName.getJSON(fd) } +func (fd *Field) TextName() string { return fd.L1.StringName.getText(fd) } +func (fd *Field) HasPresence() bool { + return fd.L1.Cardinality != pref.Repeated && (fd.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax == pref.Proto2 || fd.L1.Message != nil || fd.L1.ContainingOneof != nil) +} +func (fd *Field) HasOptionalKeyword() bool { + return (fd.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax == pref.Proto2 && fd.L1.Cardinality == pref.Optional && fd.L1.ContainingOneof == nil) || fd.L1.IsProto3Optional +} +func (fd *Field) IsPacked() bool { + if !fd.L1.HasPacked && fd.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax != pref.Proto2 && fd.L1.Cardinality == pref.Repeated { + switch fd.L1.Kind { + case pref.StringKind, pref.BytesKind, pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + default: + return true + } + } + return fd.L1.IsPacked +} +func (fd *Field) IsExtension() bool { return false } +func (fd *Field) IsWeak() bool { return fd.L1.IsWeak } +func (fd *Field) IsList() bool { return fd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated && !fd.IsMap() } +func (fd *Field) IsMap() bool { return fd.Message() != nil && fd.Message().IsMapEntry() } +func (fd *Field) MapKey() pref.FieldDescriptor { + if !fd.IsMap() { + return nil + } + return fd.Message().Fields().ByNumber(genid.MapEntry_Key_field_number) +} +func (fd *Field) MapValue() pref.FieldDescriptor { + if !fd.IsMap() { + return nil + } + return fd.Message().Fields().ByNumber(genid.MapEntry_Value_field_number) +} +func (fd *Field) HasDefault() bool { return fd.L1.Default.has } +func (fd *Field) Default() pref.Value { return fd.L1.Default.get(fd) } +func (fd *Field) DefaultEnumValue() pref.EnumValueDescriptor { return fd.L1.Default.enum } +func (fd *Field) ContainingOneof() pref.OneofDescriptor { return fd.L1.ContainingOneof } +func (fd *Field) ContainingMessage() pref.MessageDescriptor { + return fd.L0.Parent.(pref.MessageDescriptor) +} +func (fd *Field) Enum() pref.EnumDescriptor { + return fd.L1.Enum +} +func (fd *Field) Message() pref.MessageDescriptor { + if fd.L1.IsWeak { + if d, _ := protoregistry.GlobalFiles.FindDescriptorByName(fd.L1.Message.FullName()); d != nil { + return d.(pref.MessageDescriptor) + } + } + return fd.L1.Message +} +func (fd *Field) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, fd) } +func (fd *Field) ProtoType(pref.FieldDescriptor) {} + +// EnforceUTF8 is a pseudo-internal API to determine whether to enforce UTF-8 +// validation for the string field. This exists for Google-internal use only +// since proto3 did not enforce UTF-8 validity prior to the open-source release. +// If this method does not exist, the default is to enforce valid UTF-8. +// +// WARNING: This method is exempt from the compatibility promise and may be +// removed in the future without warning. +func (fd *Field) EnforceUTF8() bool { + if fd.L1.HasEnforceUTF8 { + return fd.L1.EnforceUTF8 + } + return fd.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax == pref.Proto3 +} + +func (od *Oneof) IsSynthetic() bool { + return od.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax == pref.Proto3 && len(od.L1.Fields.List) == 1 && od.L1.Fields.List[0].HasOptionalKeyword() +} +func (od *Oneof) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := od.L1.Options; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.Oneof +} +func (od *Oneof) Fields() pref.FieldDescriptors { return &od.L1.Fields } +func (od *Oneof) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, od) } +func (od *Oneof) ProtoType(pref.OneofDescriptor) {} + +type ( + Extension struct { + Base + L1 ExtensionL1 + L2 *ExtensionL2 // protected by fileDesc.once + } + ExtensionL1 struct { + Number pref.FieldNumber + Extendee pref.MessageDescriptor + Cardinality pref.Cardinality + Kind pref.Kind + } + ExtensionL2 struct { + Options func() pref.ProtoMessage + StringName stringName + IsProto3Optional bool // promoted from google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto + IsPacked bool // promoted from google.protobuf.FieldOptions + Default defaultValue + Enum pref.EnumDescriptor + Message pref.MessageDescriptor + } +) + +func (xd *Extension) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := xd.lazyInit().Options; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.Field +} +func (xd *Extension) Number() pref.FieldNumber { return xd.L1.Number } +func (xd *Extension) Cardinality() pref.Cardinality { return xd.L1.Cardinality } +func (xd *Extension) Kind() pref.Kind { return xd.L1.Kind } +func (xd *Extension) HasJSONName() bool { return xd.lazyInit().StringName.hasJSON } +func (xd *Extension) JSONName() string { return xd.lazyInit().StringName.getJSON(xd) } +func (xd *Extension) TextName() string { return xd.lazyInit().StringName.getText(xd) } +func (xd *Extension) HasPresence() bool { return xd.L1.Cardinality != pref.Repeated } +func (xd *Extension) HasOptionalKeyword() bool { + return (xd.L0.ParentFile.L1.Syntax == pref.Proto2 && xd.L1.Cardinality == pref.Optional) || xd.lazyInit().IsProto3Optional +} +func (xd *Extension) IsPacked() bool { return xd.lazyInit().IsPacked } +func (xd *Extension) IsExtension() bool { return true } +func (xd *Extension) IsWeak() bool { return false } +func (xd *Extension) IsList() bool { return xd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated } +func (xd *Extension) IsMap() bool { return false } +func (xd *Extension) MapKey() pref.FieldDescriptor { return nil } +func (xd *Extension) MapValue() pref.FieldDescriptor { return nil } +func (xd *Extension) HasDefault() bool { return xd.lazyInit().Default.has } +func (xd *Extension) Default() pref.Value { return xd.lazyInit().Default.get(xd) } +func (xd *Extension) DefaultEnumValue() pref.EnumValueDescriptor { return xd.lazyInit().Default.enum } +func (xd *Extension) ContainingOneof() pref.OneofDescriptor { return nil } +func (xd *Extension) ContainingMessage() pref.MessageDescriptor { return xd.L1.Extendee } +func (xd *Extension) Enum() pref.EnumDescriptor { return xd.lazyInit().Enum } +func (xd *Extension) Message() pref.MessageDescriptor { return xd.lazyInit().Message } +func (xd *Extension) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, xd) } +func (xd *Extension) ProtoType(pref.FieldDescriptor) {} +func (xd *Extension) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (xd *Extension) lazyInit() *ExtensionL2 { + xd.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit() // implicitly initializes L2 + return xd.L2 +} + +type ( + Service struct { + Base + L1 ServiceL1 + L2 *ServiceL2 // protected by fileDesc.once + } + ServiceL1 struct{} + ServiceL2 struct { + Options func() pref.ProtoMessage + Methods Methods + } + + Method struct { + Base + L1 MethodL1 + } + MethodL1 struct { + Options func() pref.ProtoMessage + Input pref.MessageDescriptor + Output pref.MessageDescriptor + IsStreamingClient bool + IsStreamingServer bool + } +) + +func (sd *Service) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := sd.lazyInit().Options; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.Service +} +func (sd *Service) Methods() pref.MethodDescriptors { return &sd.lazyInit().Methods } +func (sd *Service) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, sd) } +func (sd *Service) ProtoType(pref.ServiceDescriptor) {} +func (sd *Service) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (sd *Service) lazyInit() *ServiceL2 { + sd.L0.ParentFile.lazyInit() // implicitly initializes L2 + return sd.L2 +} + +func (md *Method) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { + if f := md.L1.Options; f != nil { + return f() + } + return descopts.Method +} +func (md *Method) Input() pref.MessageDescriptor { return md.L1.Input } +func (md *Method) Output() pref.MessageDescriptor { return md.L1.Output } +func (md *Method) IsStreamingClient() bool { return md.L1.IsStreamingClient } +func (md *Method) IsStreamingServer() bool { return md.L1.IsStreamingServer } +func (md *Method) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatDesc(s, r, md) } +func (md *Method) ProtoType(pref.MethodDescriptor) {} +func (md *Method) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} + +// Surrogate files are can be used to create standalone descriptors +// where the syntax is only information derived from the parent file. +var ( + SurrogateProto2 = &File{L1: FileL1{Syntax: pref.Proto2}, L2: &FileL2{}} + SurrogateProto3 = &File{L1: FileL1{Syntax: pref.Proto3}, L2: &FileL2{}} +) + +type ( + Base struct { + L0 BaseL0 + } + BaseL0 struct { + FullName pref.FullName // must be populated + ParentFile *File // must be populated + Parent pref.Descriptor + Index int + } +) + +func (d *Base) Name() pref.Name { return d.L0.FullName.Name() } +func (d *Base) FullName() pref.FullName { return d.L0.FullName } +func (d *Base) ParentFile() pref.FileDescriptor { + if d.L0.ParentFile == SurrogateProto2 || d.L0.ParentFile == SurrogateProto3 { + return nil // surrogate files are not real parents + } + return d.L0.ParentFile +} +func (d *Base) Parent() pref.Descriptor { return d.L0.Parent } +func (d *Base) Index() int { return d.L0.Index } +func (d *Base) Syntax() pref.Syntax { return d.L0.ParentFile.Syntax() } +func (d *Base) IsPlaceholder() bool { return false } +func (d *Base) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} + +type stringName struct { + hasJSON bool + once sync.Once + nameJSON string + nameText string +} + +// InitJSON initializes the name. It is exported for use by other internal packages. +func (s *stringName) InitJSON(name string) { + s.hasJSON = true + s.nameJSON = name +} + +func (s *stringName) lazyInit(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) *stringName { + s.once.Do(func() { + if fd.IsExtension() { + // For extensions, JSON and text are formatted the same way. + var name string + if messageset.IsMessageSetExtension(fd) { + name = string("[" + fd.FullName().Parent() + "]") + } else { + name = string("[" + fd.FullName() + "]") + } + s.nameJSON = name + s.nameText = name + } else { + // Format the JSON name. + if !s.hasJSON { + s.nameJSON = strs.JSONCamelCase(string(fd.Name())) + } + + // Format the text name. + s.nameText = string(fd.Name()) + if fd.Kind() == pref.GroupKind { + s.nameText = string(fd.Message().Name()) + } + } + }) + return s +} + +func (s *stringName) getJSON(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) string { return s.lazyInit(fd).nameJSON } +func (s *stringName) getText(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) string { return s.lazyInit(fd).nameText } + +func DefaultValue(v pref.Value, ev pref.EnumValueDescriptor) defaultValue { + dv := defaultValue{has: v.IsValid(), val: v, enum: ev} + if b, ok := v.Interface().([]byte); ok { + // Store a copy of the default bytes, so that we can detect + // accidental mutations of the original value. + dv.bytes = append([]byte(nil), b...) + } + return dv +} + +func unmarshalDefault(b []byte, k pref.Kind, pf *File, ed pref.EnumDescriptor) defaultValue { + var evs pref.EnumValueDescriptors + if k == pref.EnumKind { + // If the enum is declared within the same file, be careful not to + // blindly call the Values method, lest we bind ourselves in a deadlock. + if e, ok := ed.(*Enum); ok && e.L0.ParentFile == pf { + evs = &e.L2.Values + } else { + evs = ed.Values() + } + + // If we are unable to resolve the enum dependency, use a placeholder + // enum value since we will not be able to parse the default value. + if ed.IsPlaceholder() && pref.Name(b).IsValid() { + v := pref.ValueOfEnum(0) + ev := PlaceholderEnumValue(ed.FullName().Parent().Append(pref.Name(b))) + return DefaultValue(v, ev) + } + } + + v, ev, err := defval.Unmarshal(string(b), k, evs, defval.Descriptor) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + return DefaultValue(v, ev) +} + +type defaultValue struct { + has bool + val pref.Value + enum pref.EnumValueDescriptor + bytes []byte +} + +func (dv *defaultValue) get(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) pref.Value { + // Return the zero value as the default if unpopulated. + if !dv.has { + if fd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated { + return pref.Value{} + } + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + return pref.ValueOfBool(false) + case pref.Int32Kind, pref.Sint32Kind, pref.Sfixed32Kind: + return pref.ValueOfInt32(0) + case pref.Int64Kind, pref.Sint64Kind, pref.Sfixed64Kind: + return pref.ValueOfInt64(0) + case pref.Uint32Kind, pref.Fixed32Kind: + return pref.ValueOfUint32(0) + case pref.Uint64Kind, pref.Fixed64Kind: + return pref.ValueOfUint64(0) + case pref.FloatKind: + return pref.ValueOfFloat32(0) + case pref.DoubleKind: + return pref.ValueOfFloat64(0) + case pref.StringKind: + return pref.ValueOfString("") + case pref.BytesKind: + return pref.ValueOfBytes(nil) + case pref.EnumKind: + if evs := fd.Enum().Values(); evs.Len() > 0 { + return pref.ValueOfEnum(evs.Get(0).Number()) + } + return pref.ValueOfEnum(0) + } + } + + if len(dv.bytes) > 0 && !bytes.Equal(dv.bytes, dv.val.Bytes()) { + // TODO: Avoid panic if we're running with the race detector + // and instead spawn a goroutine that periodically resets + // this value back to the original to induce a race. + panic(fmt.Sprintf("detected mutation on the default bytes for %v", fd.FullName())) + } + return dv.val +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_init.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_init.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66e1fee5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_init.go @@ -0,0 +1,471 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package filedesc + +import ( + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// fileRaw is a data struct used when initializing a file descriptor from +// a raw FileDescriptorProto. +type fileRaw struct { + builder Builder + allEnums []Enum + allMessages []Message + allExtensions []Extension + allServices []Service +} + +func newRawFile(db Builder) *File { + fd := &File{fileRaw: fileRaw{builder: db}} + fd.initDecls(db.NumEnums, db.NumMessages, db.NumExtensions, db.NumServices) + fd.unmarshalSeed(db.RawDescriptor) + + // Extended message targets are eagerly resolved since registration + // needs this information at program init time. + for i := range fd.allExtensions { + xd := &fd.allExtensions[i] + xd.L1.Extendee = fd.resolveMessageDependency(xd.L1.Extendee, listExtTargets, int32(i)) + } + + fd.checkDecls() + return fd +} + +// initDecls pre-allocates slices for the exact number of enums, messages +// (including map entries), extensions, and services declared in the proto file. +// This is done to avoid regrowing the slice, which would change the address +// for any previously seen declaration. +// +// The alloc methods "allocates" slices by pulling from the capacity. +func (fd *File) initDecls(numEnums, numMessages, numExtensions, numServices int32) { + fd.allEnums = make([]Enum, 0, numEnums) + fd.allMessages = make([]Message, 0, numMessages) + fd.allExtensions = make([]Extension, 0, numExtensions) + fd.allServices = make([]Service, 0, numServices) +} + +func (fd *File) allocEnums(n int) []Enum { + total := len(fd.allEnums) + es := fd.allEnums[total : total+n] + fd.allEnums = fd.allEnums[:total+n] + return es +} +func (fd *File) allocMessages(n int) []Message { + total := len(fd.allMessages) + ms := fd.allMessages[total : total+n] + fd.allMessages = fd.allMessages[:total+n] + return ms +} +func (fd *File) allocExtensions(n int) []Extension { + total := len(fd.allExtensions) + xs := fd.allExtensions[total : total+n] + fd.allExtensions = fd.allExtensions[:total+n] + return xs +} +func (fd *File) allocServices(n int) []Service { + total := len(fd.allServices) + xs := fd.allServices[total : total+n] + fd.allServices = fd.allServices[:total+n] + return xs +} + +// checkDecls performs a sanity check that the expected number of expected +// declarations matches the number that were found in the descriptor proto. +func (fd *File) checkDecls() { + switch { + case len(fd.allEnums) != cap(fd.allEnums): + case len(fd.allMessages) != cap(fd.allMessages): + case len(fd.allExtensions) != cap(fd.allExtensions): + case len(fd.allServices) != cap(fd.allServices): + default: + return + } + panic("mismatching cardinality") +} + +func (fd *File) unmarshalSeed(b []byte) { + sb := getBuilder() + defer putBuilder(sb) + + var prevField pref.FieldNumber + var numEnums, numMessages, numExtensions, numServices int + var posEnums, posMessages, posExtensions, posServices int + b0 := b + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Syntax_field_number: + switch string(v) { + case "proto2": + fd.L1.Syntax = pref.Proto2 + case "proto3": + fd.L1.Syntax = pref.Proto3 + default: + panic("invalid syntax") + } + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Name_field_number: + fd.L1.Path = sb.MakeString(v) + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Package_field_number: + fd.L1.Package = pref.FullName(sb.MakeString(v)) + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number: + if prevField != genid.FileDescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number { + if numEnums > 0 { + panic("non-contiguous repeated field") + } + posEnums = len(b0) - len(b) - n - m + } + numEnums++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_MessageType_field_number: + if prevField != genid.FileDescriptorProto_MessageType_field_number { + if numMessages > 0 { + panic("non-contiguous repeated field") + } + posMessages = len(b0) - len(b) - n - m + } + numMessages++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Extension_field_number: + if prevField != genid.FileDescriptorProto_Extension_field_number { + if numExtensions > 0 { + panic("non-contiguous repeated field") + } + posExtensions = len(b0) - len(b) - n - m + } + numExtensions++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Service_field_number: + if prevField != genid.FileDescriptorProto_Service_field_number { + if numServices > 0 { + panic("non-contiguous repeated field") + } + posServices = len(b0) - len(b) - n - m + } + numServices++ + } + prevField = num + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + prevField = -1 // ignore known field numbers of unknown wire type + } + } + + // If syntax is missing, it is assumed to be proto2. + if fd.L1.Syntax == 0 { + fd.L1.Syntax = pref.Proto2 + } + + // Must allocate all declarations before parsing each descriptor type + // to ensure we handled all descriptors in "flattened ordering". + if numEnums > 0 { + fd.L1.Enums.List = fd.allocEnums(numEnums) + } + if numMessages > 0 { + fd.L1.Messages.List = fd.allocMessages(numMessages) + } + if numExtensions > 0 { + fd.L1.Extensions.List = fd.allocExtensions(numExtensions) + } + if numServices > 0 { + fd.L1.Services.List = fd.allocServices(numServices) + } + + if numEnums > 0 { + b := b0[posEnums:] + for i := range fd.L1.Enums.List { + _, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b[n:]) + fd.L1.Enums.List[i].unmarshalSeed(v, sb, fd, fd, i) + b = b[n+m:] + } + } + if numMessages > 0 { + b := b0[posMessages:] + for i := range fd.L1.Messages.List { + _, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b[n:]) + fd.L1.Messages.List[i].unmarshalSeed(v, sb, fd, fd, i) + b = b[n+m:] + } + } + if numExtensions > 0 { + b := b0[posExtensions:] + for i := range fd.L1.Extensions.List { + _, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b[n:]) + fd.L1.Extensions.List[i].unmarshalSeed(v, sb, fd, fd, i) + b = b[n+m:] + } + } + if numServices > 0 { + b := b0[posServices:] + for i := range fd.L1.Services.List { + _, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b[n:]) + fd.L1.Services.List[i].unmarshalSeed(v, sb, fd, fd, i) + b = b[n+m:] + } + } +} + +func (ed *Enum) unmarshalSeed(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder, pf *File, pd pref.Descriptor, i int) { + ed.L0.ParentFile = pf + ed.L0.Parent = pd + ed.L0.Index = i + + var numValues int + for b := b; len(b) > 0; { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.EnumDescriptorProto_Name_field_number: + ed.L0.FullName = appendFullName(sb, pd.FullName(), v) + case genid.EnumDescriptorProto_Value_field_number: + numValues++ + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + + // Only construct enum value descriptors for top-level enums since + // they are needed for registration. + if pd != pf { + return + } + ed.L1.eagerValues = true + ed.L2 = new(EnumL2) + ed.L2.Values.List = make([]EnumValue, numValues) + for i := 0; len(b) > 0; { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.EnumDescriptorProto_Value_field_number: + ed.L2.Values.List[i].unmarshalFull(v, sb, pf, ed, i) + i++ + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } +} + +func (md *Message) unmarshalSeed(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder, pf *File, pd pref.Descriptor, i int) { + md.L0.ParentFile = pf + md.L0.Parent = pd + md.L0.Index = i + + var prevField pref.FieldNumber + var numEnums, numMessages, numExtensions int + var posEnums, posMessages, posExtensions int + b0 := b + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.DescriptorProto_Name_field_number: + md.L0.FullName = appendFullName(sb, pd.FullName(), v) + case genid.DescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number: + if prevField != genid.DescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number { + if numEnums > 0 { + panic("non-contiguous repeated field") + } + posEnums = len(b0) - len(b) - n - m + } + numEnums++ + case genid.DescriptorProto_NestedType_field_number: + if prevField != genid.DescriptorProto_NestedType_field_number { + if numMessages > 0 { + panic("non-contiguous repeated field") + } + posMessages = len(b0) - len(b) - n - m + } + numMessages++ + case genid.DescriptorProto_Extension_field_number: + if prevField != genid.DescriptorProto_Extension_field_number { + if numExtensions > 0 { + panic("non-contiguous repeated field") + } + posExtensions = len(b0) - len(b) - n - m + } + numExtensions++ + case genid.DescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + md.unmarshalSeedOptions(v) + } + prevField = num + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + prevField = -1 // ignore known field numbers of unknown wire type + } + } + + // Must allocate all declarations before parsing each descriptor type + // to ensure we handled all descriptors in "flattened ordering". + if numEnums > 0 { + md.L1.Enums.List = pf.allocEnums(numEnums) + } + if numMessages > 0 { + md.L1.Messages.List = pf.allocMessages(numMessages) + } + if numExtensions > 0 { + md.L1.Extensions.List = pf.allocExtensions(numExtensions) + } + + if numEnums > 0 { + b := b0[posEnums:] + for i := range md.L1.Enums.List { + _, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b[n:]) + md.L1.Enums.List[i].unmarshalSeed(v, sb, pf, md, i) + b = b[n+m:] + } + } + if numMessages > 0 { + b := b0[posMessages:] + for i := range md.L1.Messages.List { + _, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b[n:]) + md.L1.Messages.List[i].unmarshalSeed(v, sb, pf, md, i) + b = b[n+m:] + } + } + if numExtensions > 0 { + b := b0[posExtensions:] + for i := range md.L1.Extensions.List { + _, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b[n:]) + md.L1.Extensions.List[i].unmarshalSeed(v, sb, pf, md, i) + b = b[n+m:] + } + } +} + +func (md *Message) unmarshalSeedOptions(b []byte) { + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.MessageOptions_MapEntry_field_number: + md.L1.IsMapEntry = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + case genid.MessageOptions_MessageSetWireFormat_field_number: + md.L1.IsMessageSet = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } +} + +func (xd *Extension) unmarshalSeed(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder, pf *File, pd pref.Descriptor, i int) { + xd.L0.ParentFile = pf + xd.L0.Parent = pd + xd.L0.Index = i + + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Number_field_number: + xd.L1.Number = pref.FieldNumber(v) + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Label_field_number: + xd.L1.Cardinality = pref.Cardinality(v) + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Type_field_number: + xd.L1.Kind = pref.Kind(v) + } + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Name_field_number: + xd.L0.FullName = appendFullName(sb, pd.FullName(), v) + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Extendee_field_number: + xd.L1.Extendee = PlaceholderMessage(makeFullName(sb, v)) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } +} + +func (sd *Service) unmarshalSeed(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder, pf *File, pd pref.Descriptor, i int) { + sd.L0.ParentFile = pf + sd.L0.Parent = pd + sd.L0.Index = i + + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.ServiceDescriptorProto_Name_field_number: + sd.L0.FullName = appendFullName(sb, pd.FullName(), v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } +} + +var nameBuilderPool = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { return new(strs.Builder) }, +} + +func getBuilder() *strs.Builder { + return nameBuilderPool.Get().(*strs.Builder) +} +func putBuilder(b *strs.Builder) { + nameBuilderPool.Put(b) +} + +// makeFullName converts b to a protoreflect.FullName, +// where b must start with a leading dot. +func makeFullName(sb *strs.Builder, b []byte) pref.FullName { + if len(b) == 0 || b[0] != '.' { + panic("name reference must be fully qualified") + } + return pref.FullName(sb.MakeString(b[1:])) +} + +func appendFullName(sb *strs.Builder, prefix pref.FullName, suffix []byte) pref.FullName { + return sb.AppendFullName(prefix, pref.Name(strs.UnsafeString(suffix))) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_lazy.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_lazy.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..198451e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_lazy.go @@ -0,0 +1,704 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package filedesc + +import ( + "reflect" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +func (fd *File) lazyRawInit() { + fd.unmarshalFull(fd.builder.RawDescriptor) + fd.resolveMessages() + fd.resolveExtensions() + fd.resolveServices() +} + +func (file *File) resolveMessages() { + var depIdx int32 + for i := range file.allMessages { + md := &file.allMessages[i] + + // Resolve message field dependencies. + for j := range md.L2.Fields.List { + fd := &md.L2.Fields.List[j] + + // Weak fields are resolved upon actual use. + if fd.L1.IsWeak { + continue + } + + // Resolve message field dependency. + switch fd.L1.Kind { + case pref.EnumKind: + fd.L1.Enum = file.resolveEnumDependency(fd.L1.Enum, listFieldDeps, depIdx) + depIdx++ + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + fd.L1.Message = file.resolveMessageDependency(fd.L1.Message, listFieldDeps, depIdx) + depIdx++ + } + + // Default is resolved here since it depends on Enum being resolved. + if v := fd.L1.Default.val; v.IsValid() { + fd.L1.Default = unmarshalDefault(v.Bytes(), fd.L1.Kind, file, fd.L1.Enum) + } + } + } +} + +func (file *File) resolveExtensions() { + var depIdx int32 + for i := range file.allExtensions { + xd := &file.allExtensions[i] + + // Resolve extension field dependency. + switch xd.L1.Kind { + case pref.EnumKind: + xd.L2.Enum = file.resolveEnumDependency(xd.L2.Enum, listExtDeps, depIdx) + depIdx++ + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + xd.L2.Message = file.resolveMessageDependency(xd.L2.Message, listExtDeps, depIdx) + depIdx++ + } + + // Default is resolved here since it depends on Enum being resolved. + if v := xd.L2.Default.val; v.IsValid() { + xd.L2.Default = unmarshalDefault(v.Bytes(), xd.L1.Kind, file, xd.L2.Enum) + } + } +} + +func (file *File) resolveServices() { + var depIdx int32 + for i := range file.allServices { + sd := &file.allServices[i] + + // Resolve method dependencies. + for j := range sd.L2.Methods.List { + md := &sd.L2.Methods.List[j] + md.L1.Input = file.resolveMessageDependency(md.L1.Input, listMethInDeps, depIdx) + md.L1.Output = file.resolveMessageDependency(md.L1.Output, listMethOutDeps, depIdx) + depIdx++ + } + } +} + +func (file *File) resolveEnumDependency(ed pref.EnumDescriptor, i, j int32) pref.EnumDescriptor { + r := file.builder.FileRegistry + if r, ok := r.(resolverByIndex); ok { + if ed2 := r.FindEnumByIndex(i, j, file.allEnums, file.allMessages); ed2 != nil { + return ed2 + } + } + for i := range file.allEnums { + if ed2 := &file.allEnums[i]; ed2.L0.FullName == ed.FullName() { + return ed2 + } + } + if d, _ := r.FindDescriptorByName(ed.FullName()); d != nil { + return d.(pref.EnumDescriptor) + } + return ed +} + +func (file *File) resolveMessageDependency(md pref.MessageDescriptor, i, j int32) pref.MessageDescriptor { + r := file.builder.FileRegistry + if r, ok := r.(resolverByIndex); ok { + if md2 := r.FindMessageByIndex(i, j, file.allEnums, file.allMessages); md2 != nil { + return md2 + } + } + for i := range file.allMessages { + if md2 := &file.allMessages[i]; md2.L0.FullName == md.FullName() { + return md2 + } + } + if d, _ := r.FindDescriptorByName(md.FullName()); d != nil { + return d.(pref.MessageDescriptor) + } + return md +} + +func (fd *File) unmarshalFull(b []byte) { + sb := getBuilder() + defer putBuilder(sb) + + var enumIdx, messageIdx, extensionIdx, serviceIdx int + var rawOptions []byte + fd.L2 = new(FileL2) + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_PublicDependency_field_number: + fd.L2.Imports[v].IsPublic = true + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_WeakDependency_field_number: + fd.L2.Imports[v].IsWeak = true + } + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Dependency_field_number: + path := sb.MakeString(v) + imp, _ := fd.builder.FileRegistry.FindFileByPath(path) + if imp == nil { + imp = PlaceholderFile(path) + } + fd.L2.Imports = append(fd.L2.Imports, pref.FileImport{FileDescriptor: imp}) + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number: + fd.L1.Enums.List[enumIdx].unmarshalFull(v, sb) + enumIdx++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_MessageType_field_number: + fd.L1.Messages.List[messageIdx].unmarshalFull(v, sb) + messageIdx++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Extension_field_number: + fd.L1.Extensions.List[extensionIdx].unmarshalFull(v, sb) + extensionIdx++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Service_field_number: + fd.L1.Services.List[serviceIdx].unmarshalFull(v, sb) + serviceIdx++ + case genid.FileDescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + fd.L2.Options = fd.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.File, rawOptions) +} + +func (ed *Enum) unmarshalFull(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder) { + var rawValues [][]byte + var rawOptions []byte + if !ed.L1.eagerValues { + ed.L2 = new(EnumL2) + } + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.EnumDescriptorProto_Value_field_number: + rawValues = append(rawValues, v) + case genid.EnumDescriptorProto_ReservedName_field_number: + ed.L2.ReservedNames.List = append(ed.L2.ReservedNames.List, pref.Name(sb.MakeString(v))) + case genid.EnumDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_field_number: + ed.L2.ReservedRanges.List = append(ed.L2.ReservedRanges.List, unmarshalEnumReservedRange(v)) + case genid.EnumDescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + if !ed.L1.eagerValues && len(rawValues) > 0 { + ed.L2.Values.List = make([]EnumValue, len(rawValues)) + for i, b := range rawValues { + ed.L2.Values.List[i].unmarshalFull(b, sb, ed.L0.ParentFile, ed, i) + } + } + ed.L2.Options = ed.L0.ParentFile.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.Enum, rawOptions) +} + +func unmarshalEnumReservedRange(b []byte) (r [2]pref.EnumNumber) { + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_Start_field_number: + r[0] = pref.EnumNumber(v) + case genid.EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_End_field_number: + r[1] = pref.EnumNumber(v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + return r +} + +func (vd *EnumValue) unmarshalFull(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder, pf *File, pd pref.Descriptor, i int) { + vd.L0.ParentFile = pf + vd.L0.Parent = pd + vd.L0.Index = i + + var rawOptions []byte + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.EnumValueDescriptorProto_Number_field_number: + vd.L1.Number = pref.EnumNumber(v) + } + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.EnumValueDescriptorProto_Name_field_number: + // NOTE: Enum values are in the same scope as the enum parent. + vd.L0.FullName = appendFullName(sb, pd.Parent().FullName(), v) + case genid.EnumValueDescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + vd.L1.Options = pf.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.EnumValue, rawOptions) +} + +func (md *Message) unmarshalFull(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder) { + var rawFields, rawOneofs [][]byte + var enumIdx, messageIdx, extensionIdx int + var rawOptions []byte + md.L2 = new(MessageL2) + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.DescriptorProto_Field_field_number: + rawFields = append(rawFields, v) + case genid.DescriptorProto_OneofDecl_field_number: + rawOneofs = append(rawOneofs, v) + case genid.DescriptorProto_ReservedName_field_number: + md.L2.ReservedNames.List = append(md.L2.ReservedNames.List, pref.Name(sb.MakeString(v))) + case genid.DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_field_number: + md.L2.ReservedRanges.List = append(md.L2.ReservedRanges.List, unmarshalMessageReservedRange(v)) + case genid.DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_field_number: + r, rawOptions := unmarshalMessageExtensionRange(v) + opts := md.L0.ParentFile.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.ExtensionRange, rawOptions) + md.L2.ExtensionRanges.List = append(md.L2.ExtensionRanges.List, r) + md.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions = append(md.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions, opts) + case genid.DescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number: + md.L1.Enums.List[enumIdx].unmarshalFull(v, sb) + enumIdx++ + case genid.DescriptorProto_NestedType_field_number: + md.L1.Messages.List[messageIdx].unmarshalFull(v, sb) + messageIdx++ + case genid.DescriptorProto_Extension_field_number: + md.L1.Extensions.List[extensionIdx].unmarshalFull(v, sb) + extensionIdx++ + case genid.DescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + md.unmarshalOptions(v) + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + if len(rawFields) > 0 || len(rawOneofs) > 0 { + md.L2.Fields.List = make([]Field, len(rawFields)) + md.L2.Oneofs.List = make([]Oneof, len(rawOneofs)) + for i, b := range rawFields { + fd := &md.L2.Fields.List[i] + fd.unmarshalFull(b, sb, md.L0.ParentFile, md, i) + if fd.L1.Cardinality == pref.Required { + md.L2.RequiredNumbers.List = append(md.L2.RequiredNumbers.List, fd.L1.Number) + } + } + for i, b := range rawOneofs { + od := &md.L2.Oneofs.List[i] + od.unmarshalFull(b, sb, md.L0.ParentFile, md, i) + } + } + md.L2.Options = md.L0.ParentFile.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.Message, rawOptions) +} + +func (md *Message) unmarshalOptions(b []byte) { + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.MessageOptions_MapEntry_field_number: + md.L1.IsMapEntry = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + case genid.MessageOptions_MessageSetWireFormat_field_number: + md.L1.IsMessageSet = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } +} + +func unmarshalMessageReservedRange(b []byte) (r [2]pref.FieldNumber) { + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Start_field_number: + r[0] = pref.FieldNumber(v) + case genid.DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_End_field_number: + r[1] = pref.FieldNumber(v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + return r +} + +func unmarshalMessageExtensionRange(b []byte) (r [2]pref.FieldNumber, rawOptions []byte) { + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_Start_field_number: + r[0] = pref.FieldNumber(v) + case genid.DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_End_field_number: + r[1] = pref.FieldNumber(v) + } + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_Options_field_number: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + return r, rawOptions +} + +func (fd *Field) unmarshalFull(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder, pf *File, pd pref.Descriptor, i int) { + fd.L0.ParentFile = pf + fd.L0.Parent = pd + fd.L0.Index = i + + var rawTypeName []byte + var rawOptions []byte + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Number_field_number: + fd.L1.Number = pref.FieldNumber(v) + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Label_field_number: + fd.L1.Cardinality = pref.Cardinality(v) + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Type_field_number: + fd.L1.Kind = pref.Kind(v) + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_OneofIndex_field_number: + // In Message.unmarshalFull, we allocate slices for both + // the field and oneof descriptors before unmarshaling either + // of them. This ensures pointers to slice elements are stable. + od := &pd.(*Message).L2.Oneofs.List[v] + od.L1.Fields.List = append(od.L1.Fields.List, fd) + if fd.L1.ContainingOneof != nil { + panic("oneof type already set") + } + fd.L1.ContainingOneof = od + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Proto3Optional_field_number: + fd.L1.IsProto3Optional = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + } + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Name_field_number: + fd.L0.FullName = appendFullName(sb, pd.FullName(), v) + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_JsonName_field_number: + fd.L1.StringName.InitJSON(sb.MakeString(v)) + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_DefaultValue_field_number: + fd.L1.Default.val = pref.ValueOfBytes(v) // temporarily store as bytes; later resolved in resolveMessages + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_TypeName_field_number: + rawTypeName = v + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + fd.unmarshalOptions(v) + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + if rawTypeName != nil { + name := makeFullName(sb, rawTypeName) + switch fd.L1.Kind { + case pref.EnumKind: + fd.L1.Enum = PlaceholderEnum(name) + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + fd.L1.Message = PlaceholderMessage(name) + } + } + fd.L1.Options = pf.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.Field, rawOptions) +} + +func (fd *Field) unmarshalOptions(b []byte) { + const FieldOptions_EnforceUTF8 = 13 + + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FieldOptions_Packed_field_number: + fd.L1.HasPacked = true + fd.L1.IsPacked = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + case genid.FieldOptions_Weak_field_number: + fd.L1.IsWeak = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + case FieldOptions_EnforceUTF8: + fd.L1.HasEnforceUTF8 = true + fd.L1.EnforceUTF8 = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } +} + +func (od *Oneof) unmarshalFull(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder, pf *File, pd pref.Descriptor, i int) { + od.L0.ParentFile = pf + od.L0.Parent = pd + od.L0.Index = i + + var rawOptions []byte + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.OneofDescriptorProto_Name_field_number: + od.L0.FullName = appendFullName(sb, pd.FullName(), v) + case genid.OneofDescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + od.L1.Options = pf.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.Oneof, rawOptions) +} + +func (xd *Extension) unmarshalFull(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder) { + var rawTypeName []byte + var rawOptions []byte + xd.L2 = new(ExtensionL2) + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Proto3Optional_field_number: + xd.L2.IsProto3Optional = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + } + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_JsonName_field_number: + xd.L2.StringName.InitJSON(sb.MakeString(v)) + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_DefaultValue_field_number: + xd.L2.Default.val = pref.ValueOfBytes(v) // temporarily store as bytes; later resolved in resolveExtensions + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_TypeName_field_number: + rawTypeName = v + case genid.FieldDescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + xd.unmarshalOptions(v) + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + if rawTypeName != nil { + name := makeFullName(sb, rawTypeName) + switch xd.L1.Kind { + case pref.EnumKind: + xd.L2.Enum = PlaceholderEnum(name) + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + xd.L2.Message = PlaceholderMessage(name) + } + } + xd.L2.Options = xd.L0.ParentFile.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.Field, rawOptions) +} + +func (xd *Extension) unmarshalOptions(b []byte) { + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.FieldOptions_Packed_field_number: + xd.L2.IsPacked = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } +} + +func (sd *Service) unmarshalFull(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder) { + var rawMethods [][]byte + var rawOptions []byte + sd.L2 = new(ServiceL2) + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.ServiceDescriptorProto_Method_field_number: + rawMethods = append(rawMethods, v) + case genid.ServiceDescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + if len(rawMethods) > 0 { + sd.L2.Methods.List = make([]Method, len(rawMethods)) + for i, b := range rawMethods { + sd.L2.Methods.List[i].unmarshalFull(b, sb, sd.L0.ParentFile, sd, i) + } + } + sd.L2.Options = sd.L0.ParentFile.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.Service, rawOptions) +} + +func (md *Method) unmarshalFull(b []byte, sb *strs.Builder, pf *File, pd pref.Descriptor, i int) { + md.L0.ParentFile = pf + md.L0.Parent = pd + md.L0.Index = i + + var rawOptions []byte + for len(b) > 0 { + num, typ, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + b = b[n:] + switch typ { + case protowire.VarintType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.MethodDescriptorProto_ClientStreaming_field_number: + md.L1.IsStreamingClient = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + case genid.MethodDescriptorProto_ServerStreaming_field_number: + md.L1.IsStreamingServer = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + } + case protowire.BytesType: + v, m := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + b = b[m:] + switch num { + case genid.MethodDescriptorProto_Name_field_number: + md.L0.FullName = appendFullName(sb, pd.FullName(), v) + case genid.MethodDescriptorProto_InputType_field_number: + md.L1.Input = PlaceholderMessage(makeFullName(sb, v)) + case genid.MethodDescriptorProto_OutputType_field_number: + md.L1.Output = PlaceholderMessage(makeFullName(sb, v)) + case genid.MethodDescriptorProto_Options_field_number: + rawOptions = appendOptions(rawOptions, v) + } + default: + m := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, typ, b) + b = b[m:] + } + } + md.L1.Options = pf.builder.optionsUnmarshaler(&descopts.Method, rawOptions) +} + +// appendOptions appends src to dst, where the returned slice is never nil. +// This is necessary to distinguish between empty and unpopulated options. +func appendOptions(dst, src []byte) []byte { + if dst == nil { + dst = []byte{} + } + return append(dst, src...) +} + +// optionsUnmarshaler constructs a lazy unmarshal function for an options message. +// +// The type of message to unmarshal to is passed as a pointer since the +// vars in descopts may not yet be populated at the time this function is called. +func (db *Builder) optionsUnmarshaler(p *pref.ProtoMessage, b []byte) func() pref.ProtoMessage { + if b == nil { + return nil + } + var opts pref.ProtoMessage + var once sync.Once + return func() pref.ProtoMessage { + once.Do(func() { + if *p == nil { + panic("Descriptor.Options called without importing the descriptor package") + } + opts = reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(*p).Elem()).Interface().(pref.ProtoMessage) + if err := (proto.UnmarshalOptions{ + AllowPartial: true, + Resolver: db.TypeResolver, + }).Unmarshal(b, opts); err != nil { + panic(err) + } + }) + return opts + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_list.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_list.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..aa294fff --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_list.go @@ -0,0 +1,450 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package filedesc + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "sort" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type FileImports []pref.FileImport + +func (p *FileImports) Len() int { return len(*p) } +func (p *FileImports) Get(i int) pref.FileImport { return (*p)[i] } +func (p *FileImports) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) } +func (p *FileImports) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} + +type Names struct { + List []pref.Name + once sync.Once + has map[pref.Name]int // protected by once +} + +func (p *Names) Len() int { return len(p.List) } +func (p *Names) Get(i int) pref.Name { return p.List[i] } +func (p *Names) Has(s pref.Name) bool { return p.lazyInit().has[s] > 0 } +func (p *Names) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) } +func (p *Names) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *Names) lazyInit() *Names { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.has = make(map[pref.Name]int, len(p.List)) + for _, s := range p.List { + p.has[s] = p.has[s] + 1 + } + } + }) + return p +} + +// CheckValid reports any errors with the set of names with an error message +// that completes the sentence: "ranges is invalid because it has ..." +func (p *Names) CheckValid() error { + for s, n := range p.lazyInit().has { + switch { + case n > 1: + return errors.New("duplicate name: %q", s) + case false && !s.IsValid(): + // NOTE: The C++ implementation does not validate the identifier. + // See https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues/6335. + return errors.New("invalid name: %q", s) + } + } + return nil +} + +type EnumRanges struct { + List [][2]pref.EnumNumber // start inclusive; end inclusive + once sync.Once + sorted [][2]pref.EnumNumber // protected by once +} + +func (p *EnumRanges) Len() int { return len(p.List) } +func (p *EnumRanges) Get(i int) [2]pref.EnumNumber { return p.List[i] } +func (p *EnumRanges) Has(n pref.EnumNumber) bool { + for ls := p.lazyInit().sorted; len(ls) > 0; { + i := len(ls) / 2 + switch r := enumRange(ls[i]); { + case n < r.Start(): + ls = ls[:i] // search lower + case n > r.End(): + ls = ls[i+1:] // search upper + default: + return true + } + } + return false +} +func (p *EnumRanges) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) } +func (p *EnumRanges) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *EnumRanges) lazyInit() *EnumRanges { + p.once.Do(func() { + p.sorted = append(p.sorted, p.List...) + sort.Slice(p.sorted, func(i, j int) bool { + return p.sorted[i][0] < p.sorted[j][0] + }) + }) + return p +} + +// CheckValid reports any errors with the set of names with an error message +// that completes the sentence: "ranges is invalid because it has ..." +func (p *EnumRanges) CheckValid() error { + var rp enumRange + for i, r := range p.lazyInit().sorted { + r := enumRange(r) + switch { + case !(r.Start() <= r.End()): + return errors.New("invalid range: %v", r) + case !(rp.End() < r.Start()) && i > 0: + return errors.New("overlapping ranges: %v with %v", rp, r) + } + rp = r + } + return nil +} + +type enumRange [2]protoreflect.EnumNumber + +func (r enumRange) Start() protoreflect.EnumNumber { return r[0] } // inclusive +func (r enumRange) End() protoreflect.EnumNumber { return r[1] } // inclusive +func (r enumRange) String() string { + if r.Start() == r.End() { + return fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.Start()) + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%d to %d", r.Start(), r.End()) +} + +type FieldRanges struct { + List [][2]pref.FieldNumber // start inclusive; end exclusive + once sync.Once + sorted [][2]pref.FieldNumber // protected by once +} + +func (p *FieldRanges) Len() int { return len(p.List) } +func (p *FieldRanges) Get(i int) [2]pref.FieldNumber { return p.List[i] } +func (p *FieldRanges) Has(n pref.FieldNumber) bool { + for ls := p.lazyInit().sorted; len(ls) > 0; { + i := len(ls) / 2 + switch r := fieldRange(ls[i]); { + case n < r.Start(): + ls = ls[:i] // search lower + case n > r.End(): + ls = ls[i+1:] // search upper + default: + return true + } + } + return false +} +func (p *FieldRanges) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) } +func (p *FieldRanges) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *FieldRanges) lazyInit() *FieldRanges { + p.once.Do(func() { + p.sorted = append(p.sorted, p.List...) + sort.Slice(p.sorted, func(i, j int) bool { + return p.sorted[i][0] < p.sorted[j][0] + }) + }) + return p +} + +// CheckValid reports any errors with the set of ranges with an error message +// that completes the sentence: "ranges is invalid because it has ..." +func (p *FieldRanges) CheckValid(isMessageSet bool) error { + var rp fieldRange + for i, r := range p.lazyInit().sorted { + r := fieldRange(r) + switch { + case !isValidFieldNumber(r.Start(), isMessageSet): + return errors.New("invalid field number: %d", r.Start()) + case !isValidFieldNumber(r.End(), isMessageSet): + return errors.New("invalid field number: %d", r.End()) + case !(r.Start() <= r.End()): + return errors.New("invalid range: %v", r) + case !(rp.End() < r.Start()) && i > 0: + return errors.New("overlapping ranges: %v with %v", rp, r) + } + rp = r + } + return nil +} + +// isValidFieldNumber reports whether the field number is valid. +// Unlike the FieldNumber.IsValid method, it allows ranges that cover the +// reserved number range. +func isValidFieldNumber(n protoreflect.FieldNumber, isMessageSet bool) bool { + return protowire.MinValidNumber <= n && (n <= protowire.MaxValidNumber || isMessageSet) +} + +// CheckOverlap reports an error if p and q overlap. +func (p *FieldRanges) CheckOverlap(q *FieldRanges) error { + rps := p.lazyInit().sorted + rqs := q.lazyInit().sorted + for pi, qi := 0, 0; pi < len(rps) && qi < len(rqs); { + rp := fieldRange(rps[pi]) + rq := fieldRange(rqs[qi]) + if !(rp.End() < rq.Start() || rq.End() < rp.Start()) { + return errors.New("overlapping ranges: %v with %v", rp, rq) + } + if rp.Start() < rq.Start() { + pi++ + } else { + qi++ + } + } + return nil +} + +type fieldRange [2]protoreflect.FieldNumber + +func (r fieldRange) Start() protoreflect.FieldNumber { return r[0] } // inclusive +func (r fieldRange) End() protoreflect.FieldNumber { return r[1] - 1 } // inclusive +func (r fieldRange) String() string { + if r.Start() == r.End() { + return fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.Start()) + } + return fmt.Sprintf("%d to %d", r.Start(), r.End()) +} + +type FieldNumbers struct { + List []pref.FieldNumber + once sync.Once + has map[pref.FieldNumber]struct{} // protected by once +} + +func (p *FieldNumbers) Len() int { return len(p.List) } +func (p *FieldNumbers) Get(i int) pref.FieldNumber { return p.List[i] } +func (p *FieldNumbers) Has(n pref.FieldNumber) bool { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.has = make(map[pref.FieldNumber]struct{}, len(p.List)) + for _, n := range p.List { + p.has[n] = struct{}{} + } + } + }) + _, ok := p.has[n] + return ok +} +func (p *FieldNumbers) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) } +func (p *FieldNumbers) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} + +type OneofFields struct { + List []pref.FieldDescriptor + once sync.Once + byName map[pref.Name]pref.FieldDescriptor // protected by once + byJSON map[string]pref.FieldDescriptor // protected by once + byText map[string]pref.FieldDescriptor // protected by once + byNum map[pref.FieldNumber]pref.FieldDescriptor // protected by once +} + +func (p *OneofFields) Len() int { return len(p.List) } +func (p *OneofFields) Get(i int) pref.FieldDescriptor { return p.List[i] } +func (p *OneofFields) ByName(s pref.Name) pref.FieldDescriptor { return p.lazyInit().byName[s] } +func (p *OneofFields) ByJSONName(s string) pref.FieldDescriptor { return p.lazyInit().byJSON[s] } +func (p *OneofFields) ByTextName(s string) pref.FieldDescriptor { return p.lazyInit().byText[s] } +func (p *OneofFields) ByNumber(n pref.FieldNumber) pref.FieldDescriptor { return p.lazyInit().byNum[n] } +func (p *OneofFields) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) } +func (p *OneofFields) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} + +func (p *OneofFields) lazyInit() *OneofFields { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.byName = make(map[pref.Name]pref.FieldDescriptor, len(p.List)) + p.byJSON = make(map[string]pref.FieldDescriptor, len(p.List)) + p.byText = make(map[string]pref.FieldDescriptor, len(p.List)) + p.byNum = make(map[pref.FieldNumber]pref.FieldDescriptor, len(p.List)) + for _, f := range p.List { + // Field names and numbers are guaranteed to be unique. + p.byName[f.Name()] = f + p.byJSON[f.JSONName()] = f + p.byText[f.TextName()] = f + p.byNum[f.Number()] = f + } + } + }) + return p +} + +type SourceLocations struct { + // List is a list of SourceLocations. + // The SourceLocation.Next field does not need to be populated + // as it will be lazily populated upon first need. + List []pref.SourceLocation + + // File is the parent file descriptor that these locations are relative to. + // If non-nil, ByDescriptor verifies that the provided descriptor + // is a child of this file descriptor. + File pref.FileDescriptor + + once sync.Once + byPath map[pathKey]int +} + +func (p *SourceLocations) Len() int { return len(p.List) } +func (p *SourceLocations) Get(i int) pref.SourceLocation { return p.lazyInit().List[i] } +func (p *SourceLocations) byKey(k pathKey) pref.SourceLocation { + if i, ok := p.lazyInit().byPath[k]; ok { + return p.List[i] + } + return pref.SourceLocation{} +} +func (p *SourceLocations) ByPath(path pref.SourcePath) pref.SourceLocation { + return p.byKey(newPathKey(path)) +} +func (p *SourceLocations) ByDescriptor(desc pref.Descriptor) pref.SourceLocation { + if p.File != nil && desc != nil && p.File != desc.ParentFile() { + return pref.SourceLocation{} // mismatching parent files + } + var pathArr [16]int32 + path := pathArr[:0] + for { + switch desc.(type) { + case pref.FileDescriptor: + // Reverse the path since it was constructed in reverse. + for i, j := 0, len(path)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { + path[i], path[j] = path[j], path[i] + } + return p.byKey(newPathKey(path)) + case pref.MessageDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(desc.Index())) + desc = desc.Parent() + switch desc.(type) { + case pref.FileDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.FileDescriptorProto_MessageType_field_number)) + case pref.MessageDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.DescriptorProto_NestedType_field_number)) + default: + return pref.SourceLocation{} + } + case pref.FieldDescriptor: + isExtension := desc.(pref.FieldDescriptor).IsExtension() + path = append(path, int32(desc.Index())) + desc = desc.Parent() + if isExtension { + switch desc.(type) { + case pref.FileDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.FileDescriptorProto_Extension_field_number)) + case pref.MessageDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.DescriptorProto_Extension_field_number)) + default: + return pref.SourceLocation{} + } + } else { + switch desc.(type) { + case pref.MessageDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.DescriptorProto_Field_field_number)) + default: + return pref.SourceLocation{} + } + } + case pref.OneofDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(desc.Index())) + desc = desc.Parent() + switch desc.(type) { + case pref.MessageDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.DescriptorProto_OneofDecl_field_number)) + default: + return pref.SourceLocation{} + } + case pref.EnumDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(desc.Index())) + desc = desc.Parent() + switch desc.(type) { + case pref.FileDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.FileDescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number)) + case pref.MessageDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.DescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number)) + default: + return pref.SourceLocation{} + } + case pref.EnumValueDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(desc.Index())) + desc = desc.Parent() + switch desc.(type) { + case pref.EnumDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.EnumDescriptorProto_Value_field_number)) + default: + return pref.SourceLocation{} + } + case pref.ServiceDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(desc.Index())) + desc = desc.Parent() + switch desc.(type) { + case pref.FileDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.FileDescriptorProto_Service_field_number)) + default: + return pref.SourceLocation{} + } + case pref.MethodDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(desc.Index())) + desc = desc.Parent() + switch desc.(type) { + case pref.ServiceDescriptor: + path = append(path, int32(genid.ServiceDescriptorProto_Method_field_number)) + default: + return pref.SourceLocation{} + } + default: + return pref.SourceLocation{} + } + } +} +func (p *SourceLocations) lazyInit() *SourceLocations { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + // Collect all the indexes for a given path. + pathIdxs := make(map[pathKey][]int, len(p.List)) + for i, l := range p.List { + k := newPathKey(l.Path) + pathIdxs[k] = append(pathIdxs[k], i) + } + + // Update the next index for all locations. + p.byPath = make(map[pathKey]int, len(p.List)) + for k, idxs := range pathIdxs { + for i := 0; i < len(idxs)-1; i++ { + p.List[idxs[i]].Next = idxs[i+1] + } + p.List[idxs[len(idxs)-1]].Next = 0 + p.byPath[k] = idxs[0] // record the first location for this path + } + } + }) + return p +} +func (p *SourceLocations) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} + +// pathKey is a comparable representation of protoreflect.SourcePath. +type pathKey struct { + arr [16]uint8 // first n-1 path segments; last element is the length + str string // used if the path does not fit in arr +} + +func newPathKey(p pref.SourcePath) (k pathKey) { + if len(p) < len(k.arr) { + for i, ps := range p { + if ps < 0 || math.MaxUint8 <= ps { + return pathKey{str: p.String()} + } + k.arr[i] = uint8(ps) + } + k.arr[len(k.arr)-1] = uint8(len(p)) + return k + } + return pathKey{str: p.String()} +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_list_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_list_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..30db19fd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/desc_list_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-types. DO NOT EDIT. + +package filedesc + +import ( + "fmt" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type Enums struct { + List []Enum + once sync.Once + byName map[protoreflect.Name]*Enum // protected by once +} + +func (p *Enums) Len() int { + return len(p.List) +} +func (p *Enums) Get(i int) protoreflect.EnumDescriptor { + return &p.List[i] +} +func (p *Enums) ByName(s protoreflect.Name) protoreflect.EnumDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byName[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Enums) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { + descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) +} +func (p *Enums) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *Enums) lazyInit() *Enums { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.byName = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*Enum, len(p.List)) + for i := range p.List { + d := &p.List[i] + if _, ok := p.byName[d.Name()]; !ok { + p.byName[d.Name()] = d + } + } + } + }) + return p +} + +type EnumValues struct { + List []EnumValue + once sync.Once + byName map[protoreflect.Name]*EnumValue // protected by once + byNum map[protoreflect.EnumNumber]*EnumValue // protected by once +} + +func (p *EnumValues) Len() int { + return len(p.List) +} +func (p *EnumValues) Get(i int) protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor { + return &p.List[i] +} +func (p *EnumValues) ByName(s protoreflect.Name) protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byName[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *EnumValues) ByNumber(n protoreflect.EnumNumber) protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byNum[n]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *EnumValues) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { + descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) +} +func (p *EnumValues) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *EnumValues) lazyInit() *EnumValues { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.byName = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*EnumValue, len(p.List)) + p.byNum = make(map[protoreflect.EnumNumber]*EnumValue, len(p.List)) + for i := range p.List { + d := &p.List[i] + if _, ok := p.byName[d.Name()]; !ok { + p.byName[d.Name()] = d + } + if _, ok := p.byNum[d.Number()]; !ok { + p.byNum[d.Number()] = d + } + } + } + }) + return p +} + +type Messages struct { + List []Message + once sync.Once + byName map[protoreflect.Name]*Message // protected by once +} + +func (p *Messages) Len() int { + return len(p.List) +} +func (p *Messages) Get(i int) protoreflect.MessageDescriptor { + return &p.List[i] +} +func (p *Messages) ByName(s protoreflect.Name) protoreflect.MessageDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byName[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Messages) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { + descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) +} +func (p *Messages) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *Messages) lazyInit() *Messages { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.byName = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*Message, len(p.List)) + for i := range p.List { + d := &p.List[i] + if _, ok := p.byName[d.Name()]; !ok { + p.byName[d.Name()] = d + } + } + } + }) + return p +} + +type Fields struct { + List []Field + once sync.Once + byName map[protoreflect.Name]*Field // protected by once + byJSON map[string]*Field // protected by once + byText map[string]*Field // protected by once + byNum map[protoreflect.FieldNumber]*Field // protected by once +} + +func (p *Fields) Len() int { + return len(p.List) +} +func (p *Fields) Get(i int) protoreflect.FieldDescriptor { + return &p.List[i] +} +func (p *Fields) ByName(s protoreflect.Name) protoreflect.FieldDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byName[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Fields) ByJSONName(s string) protoreflect.FieldDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byJSON[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Fields) ByTextName(s string) protoreflect.FieldDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byText[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Fields) ByNumber(n protoreflect.FieldNumber) protoreflect.FieldDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byNum[n]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Fields) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { + descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) +} +func (p *Fields) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *Fields) lazyInit() *Fields { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.byName = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*Field, len(p.List)) + p.byJSON = make(map[string]*Field, len(p.List)) + p.byText = make(map[string]*Field, len(p.List)) + p.byNum = make(map[protoreflect.FieldNumber]*Field, len(p.List)) + for i := range p.List { + d := &p.List[i] + if _, ok := p.byName[d.Name()]; !ok { + p.byName[d.Name()] = d + } + if _, ok := p.byJSON[d.JSONName()]; !ok { + p.byJSON[d.JSONName()] = d + } + if _, ok := p.byText[d.TextName()]; !ok { + p.byText[d.TextName()] = d + } + if _, ok := p.byNum[d.Number()]; !ok { + p.byNum[d.Number()] = d + } + } + } + }) + return p +} + +type Oneofs struct { + List []Oneof + once sync.Once + byName map[protoreflect.Name]*Oneof // protected by once +} + +func (p *Oneofs) Len() int { + return len(p.List) +} +func (p *Oneofs) Get(i int) protoreflect.OneofDescriptor { + return &p.List[i] +} +func (p *Oneofs) ByName(s protoreflect.Name) protoreflect.OneofDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byName[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Oneofs) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { + descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) +} +func (p *Oneofs) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *Oneofs) lazyInit() *Oneofs { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.byName = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*Oneof, len(p.List)) + for i := range p.List { + d := &p.List[i] + if _, ok := p.byName[d.Name()]; !ok { + p.byName[d.Name()] = d + } + } + } + }) + return p +} + +type Extensions struct { + List []Extension + once sync.Once + byName map[protoreflect.Name]*Extension // protected by once +} + +func (p *Extensions) Len() int { + return len(p.List) +} +func (p *Extensions) Get(i int) protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor { + return &p.List[i] +} +func (p *Extensions) ByName(s protoreflect.Name) protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byName[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Extensions) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { + descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) +} +func (p *Extensions) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *Extensions) lazyInit() *Extensions { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.byName = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*Extension, len(p.List)) + for i := range p.List { + d := &p.List[i] + if _, ok := p.byName[d.Name()]; !ok { + p.byName[d.Name()] = d + } + } + } + }) + return p +} + +type Services struct { + List []Service + once sync.Once + byName map[protoreflect.Name]*Service // protected by once +} + +func (p *Services) Len() int { + return len(p.List) +} +func (p *Services) Get(i int) protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor { + return &p.List[i] +} +func (p *Services) ByName(s protoreflect.Name) protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byName[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Services) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { + descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) +} +func (p *Services) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *Services) lazyInit() *Services { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.byName = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*Service, len(p.List)) + for i := range p.List { + d := &p.List[i] + if _, ok := p.byName[d.Name()]; !ok { + p.byName[d.Name()] = d + } + } + } + }) + return p +} + +type Methods struct { + List []Method + once sync.Once + byName map[protoreflect.Name]*Method // protected by once +} + +func (p *Methods) Len() int { + return len(p.List) +} +func (p *Methods) Get(i int) protoreflect.MethodDescriptor { + return &p.List[i] +} +func (p *Methods) ByName(s protoreflect.Name) protoreflect.MethodDescriptor { + if d := p.lazyInit().byName[s]; d != nil { + return d + } + return nil +} +func (p *Methods) Format(s fmt.State, r rune) { + descfmt.FormatList(s, r, p) +} +func (p *Methods) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) {} +func (p *Methods) lazyInit() *Methods { + p.once.Do(func() { + if len(p.List) > 0 { + p.byName = make(map[protoreflect.Name]*Method, len(p.List)) + for i := range p.List { + d := &p.List[i] + if _, ok := p.byName[d.Name()]; !ok { + p.byName[d.Name()] = d + } + } + } + }) + return p +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/placeholder.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/placeholder.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dbf2c605 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc/placeholder.go @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package filedesc + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +var ( + emptyNames = new(Names) + emptyEnumRanges = new(EnumRanges) + emptyFieldRanges = new(FieldRanges) + emptyFieldNumbers = new(FieldNumbers) + emptySourceLocations = new(SourceLocations) + + emptyFiles = new(FileImports) + emptyMessages = new(Messages) + emptyFields = new(Fields) + emptyOneofs = new(Oneofs) + emptyEnums = new(Enums) + emptyEnumValues = new(EnumValues) + emptyExtensions = new(Extensions) + emptyServices = new(Services) +) + +// PlaceholderFile is a placeholder, representing only the file path. +type PlaceholderFile string + +func (f PlaceholderFile) ParentFile() pref.FileDescriptor { return f } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Parent() pref.Descriptor { return nil } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Index() int { return 0 } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Syntax() pref.Syntax { return 0 } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Name() pref.Name { return "" } +func (f PlaceholderFile) FullName() pref.FullName { return "" } +func (f PlaceholderFile) IsPlaceholder() bool { return true } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { return descopts.File } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Path() string { return string(f) } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Package() pref.FullName { return "" } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Imports() pref.FileImports { return emptyFiles } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Messages() pref.MessageDescriptors { return emptyMessages } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Enums() pref.EnumDescriptors { return emptyEnums } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Extensions() pref.ExtensionDescriptors { return emptyExtensions } +func (f PlaceholderFile) Services() pref.ServiceDescriptors { return emptyServices } +func (f PlaceholderFile) SourceLocations() pref.SourceLocations { return emptySourceLocations } +func (f PlaceholderFile) ProtoType(pref.FileDescriptor) { return } +func (f PlaceholderFile) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) { return } + +// PlaceholderEnum is a placeholder, representing only the full name. +type PlaceholderEnum pref.FullName + +func (e PlaceholderEnum) ParentFile() pref.FileDescriptor { return nil } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) Parent() pref.Descriptor { return nil } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) Index() int { return 0 } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) Syntax() pref.Syntax { return 0 } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) Name() pref.Name { return pref.FullName(e).Name() } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) FullName() pref.FullName { return pref.FullName(e) } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) IsPlaceholder() bool { return true } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { return descopts.Enum } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) Values() pref.EnumValueDescriptors { return emptyEnumValues } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) ReservedNames() pref.Names { return emptyNames } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) ReservedRanges() pref.EnumRanges { return emptyEnumRanges } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) ProtoType(pref.EnumDescriptor) { return } +func (e PlaceholderEnum) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) { return } + +// PlaceholderEnumValue is a placeholder, representing only the full name. +type PlaceholderEnumValue pref.FullName + +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) ParentFile() pref.FileDescriptor { return nil } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) Parent() pref.Descriptor { return nil } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) Index() int { return 0 } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) Syntax() pref.Syntax { return 0 } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) Name() pref.Name { return pref.FullName(e).Name() } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) FullName() pref.FullName { return pref.FullName(e) } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) IsPlaceholder() bool { return true } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { return descopts.EnumValue } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) Number() pref.EnumNumber { return 0 } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) ProtoType(pref.EnumValueDescriptor) { return } +func (e PlaceholderEnumValue) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) { return } + +// PlaceholderMessage is a placeholder, representing only the full name. +type PlaceholderMessage pref.FullName + +func (m PlaceholderMessage) ParentFile() pref.FileDescriptor { return nil } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Parent() pref.Descriptor { return nil } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Index() int { return 0 } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Syntax() pref.Syntax { return 0 } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Name() pref.Name { return pref.FullName(m).Name() } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) FullName() pref.FullName { return pref.FullName(m) } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) IsPlaceholder() bool { return true } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { return descopts.Message } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) IsMapEntry() bool { return false } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Fields() pref.FieldDescriptors { return emptyFields } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Oneofs() pref.OneofDescriptors { return emptyOneofs } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) ReservedNames() pref.Names { return emptyNames } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) ReservedRanges() pref.FieldRanges { return emptyFieldRanges } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) RequiredNumbers() pref.FieldNumbers { return emptyFieldNumbers } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) ExtensionRanges() pref.FieldRanges { return emptyFieldRanges } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) ExtensionRangeOptions(int) pref.ProtoMessage { panic("index out of range") } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Messages() pref.MessageDescriptors { return emptyMessages } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Enums() pref.EnumDescriptors { return emptyEnums } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) Extensions() pref.ExtensionDescriptors { return emptyExtensions } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) ProtoType(pref.MessageDescriptor) { return } +func (m PlaceholderMessage) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) { return } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype/build.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype/build.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0a0dd35d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype/build.go @@ -0,0 +1,297 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package filetype provides functionality for wrapping descriptors +// with Go type information. +package filetype + +import ( + "reflect" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts" + fdesc "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc" + pimpl "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + preg "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +// Builder constructs type descriptors from a raw file descriptor +// and associated Go types for each enum and message declaration. +// +// +// Flattened Ordering +// +// The protobuf type system represents declarations as a tree. Certain nodes in +// the tree require us to either associate it with a concrete Go type or to +// resolve a dependency, which is information that must be provided separately +// since it cannot be derived from the file descriptor alone. +// +// However, representing a tree as Go literals is difficult to simply do in a +// space and time efficient way. Thus, we store them as a flattened list of +// objects where the serialization order from the tree-based form is important. +// +// The "flattened ordering" is defined as a tree traversal of all enum, message, +// extension, and service declarations using the following algorithm: +// +// def VisitFileDecls(fd): +// for e in fd.Enums: yield e +// for m in fd.Messages: yield m +// for x in fd.Extensions: yield x +// for s in fd.Services: yield s +// for m in fd.Messages: yield from VisitMessageDecls(m) +// +// def VisitMessageDecls(md): +// for e in md.Enums: yield e +// for m in md.Messages: yield m +// for x in md.Extensions: yield x +// for m in md.Messages: yield from VisitMessageDecls(m) +// +// The traversal starts at the root file descriptor and yields each direct +// declaration within each node before traversing into sub-declarations +// that children themselves may have. +type Builder struct { + // File is the underlying file descriptor builder. + File fdesc.Builder + + // GoTypes is a unique set of the Go types for all declarations and + // dependencies. Each type is represented as a zero value of the Go type. + // + // Declarations are Go types generated for enums and messages directly + // declared (not publicly imported) in the proto source file. + // Messages for map entries are accounted for, but represented by nil. + // Enum declarations in "flattened ordering" come first, followed by + // message declarations in "flattened ordering". + // + // Dependencies are Go types for enums or messages referenced by + // message fields (excluding weak fields), for parent extended messages of + // extension fields, for enums or messages referenced by extension fields, + // and for input and output messages referenced by service methods. + // Dependencies must come after declarations, but the ordering of + // dependencies themselves is unspecified. + GoTypes []interface{} + + // DependencyIndexes is an ordered list of indexes into GoTypes for the + // dependencies of messages, extensions, or services. + // + // There are 5 sub-lists in "flattened ordering" concatenated back-to-back: + // 0. Message field dependencies: list of the enum or message type + // referred to by every message field. + // 1. Extension field targets: list of the extended parent message of + // every extension. + // 2. Extension field dependencies: list of the enum or message type + // referred to by every extension field. + // 3. Service method inputs: list of the input message type + // referred to by every service method. + // 4. Service method outputs: list of the output message type + // referred to by every service method. + // + // The offset into DependencyIndexes for the start of each sub-list + // is appended to the end in reverse order. + DependencyIndexes []int32 + + // EnumInfos is a list of enum infos in "flattened ordering". + EnumInfos []pimpl.EnumInfo + + // MessageInfos is a list of message infos in "flattened ordering". + // If provided, the GoType and PBType for each element is populated. + // + // Requirement: len(MessageInfos) == len(Build.Messages) + MessageInfos []pimpl.MessageInfo + + // ExtensionInfos is a list of extension infos in "flattened ordering". + // Each element is initialized and registered with the protoregistry package. + // + // Requirement: len(LegacyExtensions) == len(Build.Extensions) + ExtensionInfos []pimpl.ExtensionInfo + + // TypeRegistry is the registry to register each type descriptor. + // If nil, it uses protoregistry.GlobalTypes. + TypeRegistry interface { + RegisterMessage(pref.MessageType) error + RegisterEnum(pref.EnumType) error + RegisterExtension(pref.ExtensionType) error + } +} + +// Out is the output of the builder. +type Out struct { + File pref.FileDescriptor +} + +func (tb Builder) Build() (out Out) { + // Replace the resolver with one that resolves dependencies by index, + // which is faster and more reliable than relying on the global registry. + if tb.File.FileRegistry == nil { + tb.File.FileRegistry = preg.GlobalFiles + } + tb.File.FileRegistry = &resolverByIndex{ + goTypes: tb.GoTypes, + depIdxs: tb.DependencyIndexes, + fileRegistry: tb.File.FileRegistry, + } + + // Initialize registry if unpopulated. + if tb.TypeRegistry == nil { + tb.TypeRegistry = preg.GlobalTypes + } + + fbOut := tb.File.Build() + out.File = fbOut.File + + // Process enums. + enumGoTypes := tb.GoTypes[:len(fbOut.Enums)] + if len(tb.EnumInfos) != len(fbOut.Enums) { + panic("mismatching enum lengths") + } + if len(fbOut.Enums) > 0 { + for i := range fbOut.Enums { + tb.EnumInfos[i] = pimpl.EnumInfo{ + GoReflectType: reflect.TypeOf(enumGoTypes[i]), + Desc: &fbOut.Enums[i], + } + // Register enum types. + if err := tb.TypeRegistry.RegisterEnum(&tb.EnumInfos[i]); err != nil { + panic(err) + } + } + } + + // Process messages. + messageGoTypes := tb.GoTypes[len(fbOut.Enums):][:len(fbOut.Messages)] + if len(tb.MessageInfos) != len(fbOut.Messages) { + panic("mismatching message lengths") + } + if len(fbOut.Messages) > 0 { + for i := range fbOut.Messages { + if messageGoTypes[i] == nil { + continue // skip map entry + } + + tb.MessageInfos[i].GoReflectType = reflect.TypeOf(messageGoTypes[i]) + tb.MessageInfos[i].Desc = &fbOut.Messages[i] + + // Register message types. + if err := tb.TypeRegistry.RegisterMessage(&tb.MessageInfos[i]); err != nil { + panic(err) + } + } + + // As a special-case for descriptor.proto, + // locally register concrete message type for the options. + if out.File.Path() == "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" && out.File.Package() == "google.protobuf" { + for i := range fbOut.Messages { + switch fbOut.Messages[i].Name() { + case "FileOptions": + descopts.File = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage) + case "EnumOptions": + descopts.Enum = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage) + case "EnumValueOptions": + descopts.EnumValue = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage) + case "MessageOptions": + descopts.Message = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage) + case "FieldOptions": + descopts.Field = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage) + case "OneofOptions": + descopts.Oneof = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage) + case "ExtensionRangeOptions": + descopts.ExtensionRange = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage) + case "ServiceOptions": + descopts.Service = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage) + case "MethodOptions": + descopts.Method = messageGoTypes[i].(pref.ProtoMessage) + } + } + } + } + + // Process extensions. + if len(tb.ExtensionInfos) != len(fbOut.Extensions) { + panic("mismatching extension lengths") + } + var depIdx int32 + for i := range fbOut.Extensions { + // For enum and message kinds, determine the referent Go type so + // that we can construct their constructors. + const listExtDeps = 2 + var goType reflect.Type + switch fbOut.Extensions[i].L1.Kind { + case pref.EnumKind: + j := depIdxs.Get(tb.DependencyIndexes, listExtDeps, depIdx) + goType = reflect.TypeOf(tb.GoTypes[j]) + depIdx++ + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + j := depIdxs.Get(tb.DependencyIndexes, listExtDeps, depIdx) + goType = reflect.TypeOf(tb.GoTypes[j]) + depIdx++ + default: + goType = goTypeForPBKind[fbOut.Extensions[i].L1.Kind] + } + if fbOut.Extensions[i].IsList() { + goType = reflect.SliceOf(goType) + } + + pimpl.InitExtensionInfo(&tb.ExtensionInfos[i], &fbOut.Extensions[i], goType) + + // Register extension types. + if err := tb.TypeRegistry.RegisterExtension(&tb.ExtensionInfos[i]); err != nil { + panic(err) + } + } + + return out +} + +var goTypeForPBKind = map[pref.Kind]reflect.Type{ + pref.BoolKind: reflect.TypeOf(bool(false)), + pref.Int32Kind: reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)), + pref.Sint32Kind: reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)), + pref.Sfixed32Kind: reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)), + pref.Int64Kind: reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)), + pref.Sint64Kind: reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)), + pref.Sfixed64Kind: reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)), + pref.Uint32Kind: reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0)), + pref.Fixed32Kind: reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0)), + pref.Uint64Kind: reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)), + pref.Fixed64Kind: reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)), + pref.FloatKind: reflect.TypeOf(float32(0)), + pref.DoubleKind: reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)), + pref.StringKind: reflect.TypeOf(string("")), + pref.BytesKind: reflect.TypeOf([]byte(nil)), +} + +type depIdxs []int32 + +// Get retrieves the jth element of the ith sub-list. +func (x depIdxs) Get(i, j int32) int32 { + return x[x[int32(len(x))-i-1]+j] +} + +type ( + resolverByIndex struct { + goTypes []interface{} + depIdxs depIdxs + fileRegistry + } + fileRegistry interface { + FindFileByPath(string) (pref.FileDescriptor, error) + FindDescriptorByName(pref.FullName) (pref.Descriptor, error) + RegisterFile(pref.FileDescriptor) error + } +) + +func (r *resolverByIndex) FindEnumByIndex(i, j int32, es []fdesc.Enum, ms []fdesc.Message) pref.EnumDescriptor { + if depIdx := int(r.depIdxs.Get(i, j)); int(depIdx) < len(es)+len(ms) { + return &es[depIdx] + } else { + return pimpl.Export{}.EnumDescriptorOf(r.goTypes[depIdx]) + } +} + +func (r *resolverByIndex) FindMessageByIndex(i, j int32, es []fdesc.Enum, ms []fdesc.Message) pref.MessageDescriptor { + if depIdx := int(r.depIdxs.Get(i, j)); depIdx < len(es)+len(ms) { + return &ms[depIdx-len(es)] + } else { + return pimpl.Export{}.MessageDescriptorOf(r.goTypes[depIdx]) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags/flags.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags/flags.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..58372dd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags/flags.go @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package flags provides a set of flags controlled by build tags. +package flags + +// ProtoLegacy specifies whether to enable support for legacy functionality +// such as MessageSets, weak fields, and various other obscure behavior +// that is necessary to maintain backwards compatibility with proto1 or +// the pre-release variants of proto2 and proto3. +// +// This is disabled by default unless built with the "protolegacy" tag. +// +// WARNING: The compatibility agreement covers nothing provided by this flag. +// As such, functionality may suddenly be removed or changed at our discretion. +const ProtoLegacy = protoLegacy + +// LazyUnmarshalExtensions specifies whether to lazily unmarshal extensions. +// +// Lazy extension unmarshaling validates the contents of message-valued +// extension fields at unmarshal time, but defers creating the message +// structure until the extension is first accessed. +const LazyUnmarshalExtensions = ProtoLegacy diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags/proto_legacy_disable.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags/proto_legacy_disable.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a72995f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags/proto_legacy_disable.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !protolegacy + +package flags + +const protoLegacy = false diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags/proto_legacy_enable.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags/proto_legacy_enable.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..772e2f0e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags/proto_legacy_enable.go @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build protolegacy + +package flags + +const protoLegacy = true diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/any_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/any_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e6f7d47a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/any_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_any_proto = "google/protobuf/any.proto" + +// Names for google.protobuf.Any. +const ( + Any_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Any" + Any_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Any" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Any. +const ( + Any_TypeUrl_field_name protoreflect.Name = "type_url" + Any_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + Any_TypeUrl_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Any.type_url" + Any_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Any.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Any. +const ( + Any_TypeUrl_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Any_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/api_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/api_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df8f9185 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/api_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_api_proto = "google/protobuf/api.proto" + +// Names for google.protobuf.Api. +const ( + Api_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Api" + Api_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Api" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Api. +const ( + Api_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + Api_Methods_field_name protoreflect.Name = "methods" + Api_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + Api_Version_field_name protoreflect.Name = "version" + Api_SourceContext_field_name protoreflect.Name = "source_context" + Api_Mixins_field_name protoreflect.Name = "mixins" + Api_Syntax_field_name protoreflect.Name = "syntax" + + Api_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Api.name" + Api_Methods_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Api.methods" + Api_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Api.options" + Api_Version_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Api.version" + Api_SourceContext_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Api.source_context" + Api_Mixins_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Api.mixins" + Api_Syntax_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Api.syntax" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Api. +const ( + Api_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Api_Methods_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + Api_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + Api_Version_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + Api_SourceContext_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + Api_Mixins_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 + Api_Syntax_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 7 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Method. +const ( + Method_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Method" + Method_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Method" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Method. +const ( + Method_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + Method_RequestTypeUrl_field_name protoreflect.Name = "request_type_url" + Method_RequestStreaming_field_name protoreflect.Name = "request_streaming" + Method_ResponseTypeUrl_field_name protoreflect.Name = "response_type_url" + Method_ResponseStreaming_field_name protoreflect.Name = "response_streaming" + Method_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + Method_Syntax_field_name protoreflect.Name = "syntax" + + Method_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Method.name" + Method_RequestTypeUrl_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Method.request_type_url" + Method_RequestStreaming_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Method.request_streaming" + Method_ResponseTypeUrl_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Method.response_type_url" + Method_ResponseStreaming_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Method.response_streaming" + Method_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Method.options" + Method_Syntax_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Method.syntax" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Method. +const ( + Method_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Method_RequestTypeUrl_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + Method_RequestStreaming_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + Method_ResponseTypeUrl_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + Method_ResponseStreaming_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + Method_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 + Method_Syntax_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 7 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Mixin. +const ( + Mixin_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Mixin" + Mixin_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Mixin" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Mixin. +const ( + Mixin_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + Mixin_Root_field_name protoreflect.Name = "root" + + Mixin_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Mixin.name" + Mixin_Root_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Mixin.root" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Mixin. +const ( + Mixin_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Mixin_Root_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/descriptor_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/descriptor_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3cdf1c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/descriptor_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,829 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_descriptor_proto = "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto" + +// Names for google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet. +const ( + FileDescriptorSet_message_name protoreflect.Name = "FileDescriptorSet" + FileDescriptorSet_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet. +const ( + FileDescriptorSet_File_field_name protoreflect.Name = "file" + + FileDescriptorSet_File_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet.file" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.FileDescriptorSet. +const ( + FileDescriptorSet_File_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto. +const ( + FileDescriptorProto_message_name protoreflect.Name = "FileDescriptorProto" + FileDescriptorProto_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto. +const ( + FileDescriptorProto_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + FileDescriptorProto_Package_field_name protoreflect.Name = "package" + FileDescriptorProto_Dependency_field_name protoreflect.Name = "dependency" + FileDescriptorProto_PublicDependency_field_name protoreflect.Name = "public_dependency" + FileDescriptorProto_WeakDependency_field_name protoreflect.Name = "weak_dependency" + FileDescriptorProto_MessageType_field_name protoreflect.Name = "message_type" + FileDescriptorProto_EnumType_field_name protoreflect.Name = "enum_type" + FileDescriptorProto_Service_field_name protoreflect.Name = "service" + FileDescriptorProto_Extension_field_name protoreflect.Name = "extension" + FileDescriptorProto_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + FileDescriptorProto_SourceCodeInfo_field_name protoreflect.Name = "source_code_info" + FileDescriptorProto_Syntax_field_name protoreflect.Name = "syntax" + + FileDescriptorProto_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.name" + FileDescriptorProto_Package_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.package" + FileDescriptorProto_Dependency_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.dependency" + FileDescriptorProto_PublicDependency_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.public_dependency" + FileDescriptorProto_WeakDependency_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.weak_dependency" + FileDescriptorProto_MessageType_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.message_type" + FileDescriptorProto_EnumType_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.enum_type" + FileDescriptorProto_Service_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.service" + FileDescriptorProto_Extension_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.extension" + FileDescriptorProto_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.options" + FileDescriptorProto_SourceCodeInfo_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.source_code_info" + FileDescriptorProto_Syntax_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto.syntax" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto. +const ( + FileDescriptorProto_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + FileDescriptorProto_Package_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + FileDescriptorProto_Dependency_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + FileDescriptorProto_PublicDependency_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 10 + FileDescriptorProto_WeakDependency_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 11 + FileDescriptorProto_MessageType_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + FileDescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + FileDescriptorProto_Service_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 + FileDescriptorProto_Extension_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 7 + FileDescriptorProto_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 8 + FileDescriptorProto_SourceCodeInfo_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 9 + FileDescriptorProto_Syntax_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 12 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.DescriptorProto. +const ( + DescriptorProto_message_name protoreflect.Name = "DescriptorProto" + DescriptorProto_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.DescriptorProto. +const ( + DescriptorProto_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + DescriptorProto_Field_field_name protoreflect.Name = "field" + DescriptorProto_Extension_field_name protoreflect.Name = "extension" + DescriptorProto_NestedType_field_name protoreflect.Name = "nested_type" + DescriptorProto_EnumType_field_name protoreflect.Name = "enum_type" + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_field_name protoreflect.Name = "extension_range" + DescriptorProto_OneofDecl_field_name protoreflect.Name = "oneof_decl" + DescriptorProto_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_field_name protoreflect.Name = "reserved_range" + DescriptorProto_ReservedName_field_name protoreflect.Name = "reserved_name" + + DescriptorProto_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.name" + DescriptorProto_Field_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.field" + DescriptorProto_Extension_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.extension" + DescriptorProto_NestedType_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.nested_type" + DescriptorProto_EnumType_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.enum_type" + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.extension_range" + DescriptorProto_OneofDecl_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.oneof_decl" + DescriptorProto_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.options" + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.reserved_range" + DescriptorProto_ReservedName_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.reserved_name" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.DescriptorProto. +const ( + DescriptorProto_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + DescriptorProto_Field_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + DescriptorProto_Extension_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 + DescriptorProto_NestedType_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + DescriptorProto_EnumType_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + DescriptorProto_OneofDecl_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 8 + DescriptorProto_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 7 + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 9 + DescriptorProto_ReservedName_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 10 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange. +const ( + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_message_name protoreflect.Name = "ExtensionRange" + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange. +const ( + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_Start_field_name protoreflect.Name = "start" + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_End_field_name protoreflect.Name = "end" + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_Start_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange.start" + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_End_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange.end" + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange.options" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange. +const ( + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_Start_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_End_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + DescriptorProto_ExtensionRange_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange. +const ( + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_message_name protoreflect.Name = "ReservedRange" + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange. +const ( + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Start_field_name protoreflect.Name = "start" + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_End_field_name protoreflect.Name = "end" + + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Start_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange.start" + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_End_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange.end" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.DescriptorProto.ReservedRange. +const ( + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_Start_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + DescriptorProto_ReservedRange_End_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions. +const ( + ExtensionRangeOptions_message_name protoreflect.Name = "ExtensionRangeOptions" + ExtensionRangeOptions_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions. +const ( + ExtensionRangeOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_name protoreflect.Name = "uninterpreted_option" + + ExtensionRangeOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions.uninterpreted_option" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions. +const ( + ExtensionRangeOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 999 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto. +const ( + FieldDescriptorProto_message_name protoreflect.Name = "FieldDescriptorProto" + FieldDescriptorProto_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto. +const ( + FieldDescriptorProto_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + FieldDescriptorProto_Number_field_name protoreflect.Name = "number" + FieldDescriptorProto_Label_field_name protoreflect.Name = "label" + FieldDescriptorProto_Type_field_name protoreflect.Name = "type" + FieldDescriptorProto_TypeName_field_name protoreflect.Name = "type_name" + FieldDescriptorProto_Extendee_field_name protoreflect.Name = "extendee" + FieldDescriptorProto_DefaultValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "default_value" + FieldDescriptorProto_OneofIndex_field_name protoreflect.Name = "oneof_index" + FieldDescriptorProto_JsonName_field_name protoreflect.Name = "json_name" + FieldDescriptorProto_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + FieldDescriptorProto_Proto3Optional_field_name protoreflect.Name = "proto3_optional" + + FieldDescriptorProto_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.name" + FieldDescriptorProto_Number_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.number" + FieldDescriptorProto_Label_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.label" + FieldDescriptorProto_Type_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.type" + FieldDescriptorProto_TypeName_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.type_name" + FieldDescriptorProto_Extendee_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.extendee" + FieldDescriptorProto_DefaultValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.default_value" + FieldDescriptorProto_OneofIndex_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.oneof_index" + FieldDescriptorProto_JsonName_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.json_name" + FieldDescriptorProto_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.options" + FieldDescriptorProto_Proto3Optional_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.proto3_optional" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto. +const ( + FieldDescriptorProto_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + FieldDescriptorProto_Number_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + FieldDescriptorProto_Label_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + FieldDescriptorProto_Type_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + FieldDescriptorProto_TypeName_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 + FieldDescriptorProto_Extendee_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + FieldDescriptorProto_DefaultValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 7 + FieldDescriptorProto_OneofIndex_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 9 + FieldDescriptorProto_JsonName_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 10 + FieldDescriptorProto_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 8 + FieldDescriptorProto_Proto3Optional_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 17 +) + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Type. +const ( + FieldDescriptorProto_Type_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Type" + FieldDescriptorProto_Type_enum_name = "Type" +) + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label. +const ( + FieldDescriptorProto_Label_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto.Label" + FieldDescriptorProto_Label_enum_name = "Label" +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto. +const ( + OneofDescriptorProto_message_name protoreflect.Name = "OneofDescriptorProto" + OneofDescriptorProto_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto. +const ( + OneofDescriptorProto_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + OneofDescriptorProto_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + + OneofDescriptorProto_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto.name" + OneofDescriptorProto_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto.options" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto. +const ( + OneofDescriptorProto_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + OneofDescriptorProto_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto. +const ( + EnumDescriptorProto_message_name protoreflect.Name = "EnumDescriptorProto" + EnumDescriptorProto_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto. +const ( + EnumDescriptorProto_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + EnumDescriptorProto_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + EnumDescriptorProto_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + EnumDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_field_name protoreflect.Name = "reserved_range" + EnumDescriptorProto_ReservedName_field_name protoreflect.Name = "reserved_name" + + EnumDescriptorProto_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.name" + EnumDescriptorProto_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.value" + EnumDescriptorProto_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.options" + EnumDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.reserved_range" + EnumDescriptorProto_ReservedName_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.reserved_name" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto. +const ( + EnumDescriptorProto_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + EnumDescriptorProto_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + EnumDescriptorProto_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + EnumDescriptorProto_ReservedRange_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + EnumDescriptorProto_ReservedName_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange. +const ( + EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_message_name protoreflect.Name = "EnumReservedRange" + EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange. +const ( + EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_Start_field_name protoreflect.Name = "start" + EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_End_field_name protoreflect.Name = "end" + + EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_Start_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange.start" + EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_End_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange.end" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto.EnumReservedRange. +const ( + EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_Start_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + EnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange_End_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto. +const ( + EnumValueDescriptorProto_message_name protoreflect.Name = "EnumValueDescriptorProto" + EnumValueDescriptorProto_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto. +const ( + EnumValueDescriptorProto_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + EnumValueDescriptorProto_Number_field_name protoreflect.Name = "number" + EnumValueDescriptorProto_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + + EnumValueDescriptorProto_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto.name" + EnumValueDescriptorProto_Number_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto.number" + EnumValueDescriptorProto_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto.options" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto. +const ( + EnumValueDescriptorProto_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + EnumValueDescriptorProto_Number_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + EnumValueDescriptorProto_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto. +const ( + ServiceDescriptorProto_message_name protoreflect.Name = "ServiceDescriptorProto" + ServiceDescriptorProto_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto. +const ( + ServiceDescriptorProto_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + ServiceDescriptorProto_Method_field_name protoreflect.Name = "method" + ServiceDescriptorProto_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + + ServiceDescriptorProto_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto.name" + ServiceDescriptorProto_Method_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto.method" + ServiceDescriptorProto_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto.options" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto. +const ( + ServiceDescriptorProto_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + ServiceDescriptorProto_Method_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + ServiceDescriptorProto_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto. +const ( + MethodDescriptorProto_message_name protoreflect.Name = "MethodDescriptorProto" + MethodDescriptorProto_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto. +const ( + MethodDescriptorProto_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + MethodDescriptorProto_InputType_field_name protoreflect.Name = "input_type" + MethodDescriptorProto_OutputType_field_name protoreflect.Name = "output_type" + MethodDescriptorProto_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + MethodDescriptorProto_ClientStreaming_field_name protoreflect.Name = "client_streaming" + MethodDescriptorProto_ServerStreaming_field_name protoreflect.Name = "server_streaming" + + MethodDescriptorProto_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.name" + MethodDescriptorProto_InputType_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.input_type" + MethodDescriptorProto_OutputType_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.output_type" + MethodDescriptorProto_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.options" + MethodDescriptorProto_ClientStreaming_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.client_streaming" + MethodDescriptorProto_ServerStreaming_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto.server_streaming" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto. +const ( + MethodDescriptorProto_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + MethodDescriptorProto_InputType_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + MethodDescriptorProto_OutputType_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + MethodDescriptorProto_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + MethodDescriptorProto_ClientStreaming_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + MethodDescriptorProto_ServerStreaming_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.FileOptions. +const ( + FileOptions_message_name protoreflect.Name = "FileOptions" + FileOptions_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.FileOptions. +const ( + FileOptions_JavaPackage_field_name protoreflect.Name = "java_package" + FileOptions_JavaOuterClassname_field_name protoreflect.Name = "java_outer_classname" + FileOptions_JavaMultipleFiles_field_name protoreflect.Name = "java_multiple_files" + FileOptions_JavaGenerateEqualsAndHash_field_name protoreflect.Name = "java_generate_equals_and_hash" + FileOptions_JavaStringCheckUtf8_field_name protoreflect.Name = "java_string_check_utf8" + FileOptions_OptimizeFor_field_name protoreflect.Name = "optimize_for" + FileOptions_GoPackage_field_name protoreflect.Name = "go_package" + FileOptions_CcGenericServices_field_name protoreflect.Name = "cc_generic_services" + FileOptions_JavaGenericServices_field_name protoreflect.Name = "java_generic_services" + FileOptions_PyGenericServices_field_name protoreflect.Name = "py_generic_services" + FileOptions_PhpGenericServices_field_name protoreflect.Name = "php_generic_services" + FileOptions_Deprecated_field_name protoreflect.Name = "deprecated" + FileOptions_CcEnableArenas_field_name protoreflect.Name = "cc_enable_arenas" + FileOptions_ObjcClassPrefix_field_name protoreflect.Name = "objc_class_prefix" + FileOptions_CsharpNamespace_field_name protoreflect.Name = "csharp_namespace" + FileOptions_SwiftPrefix_field_name protoreflect.Name = "swift_prefix" + FileOptions_PhpClassPrefix_field_name protoreflect.Name = "php_class_prefix" + FileOptions_PhpNamespace_field_name protoreflect.Name = "php_namespace" + FileOptions_PhpMetadataNamespace_field_name protoreflect.Name = "php_metadata_namespace" + FileOptions_RubyPackage_field_name protoreflect.Name = "ruby_package" + FileOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_name protoreflect.Name = "uninterpreted_option" + + FileOptions_JavaPackage_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_package" + FileOptions_JavaOuterClassname_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_outer_classname" + FileOptions_JavaMultipleFiles_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_multiple_files" + FileOptions_JavaGenerateEqualsAndHash_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_generate_equals_and_hash" + FileOptions_JavaStringCheckUtf8_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_string_check_utf8" + FileOptions_OptimizeFor_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.optimize_for" + FileOptions_GoPackage_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.go_package" + FileOptions_CcGenericServices_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.cc_generic_services" + FileOptions_JavaGenericServices_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.java_generic_services" + FileOptions_PyGenericServices_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.py_generic_services" + FileOptions_PhpGenericServices_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.php_generic_services" + FileOptions_Deprecated_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.deprecated" + FileOptions_CcEnableArenas_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.cc_enable_arenas" + FileOptions_ObjcClassPrefix_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.objc_class_prefix" + FileOptions_CsharpNamespace_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.csharp_namespace" + FileOptions_SwiftPrefix_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.swift_prefix" + FileOptions_PhpClassPrefix_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.php_class_prefix" + FileOptions_PhpNamespace_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.php_namespace" + FileOptions_PhpMetadataNamespace_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.php_metadata_namespace" + FileOptions_RubyPackage_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.ruby_package" + FileOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.uninterpreted_option" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.FileOptions. +const ( + FileOptions_JavaPackage_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + FileOptions_JavaOuterClassname_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 8 + FileOptions_JavaMultipleFiles_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 10 + FileOptions_JavaGenerateEqualsAndHash_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 20 + FileOptions_JavaStringCheckUtf8_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 27 + FileOptions_OptimizeFor_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 9 + FileOptions_GoPackage_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 11 + FileOptions_CcGenericServices_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 16 + FileOptions_JavaGenericServices_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 17 + FileOptions_PyGenericServices_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 18 + FileOptions_PhpGenericServices_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 42 + FileOptions_Deprecated_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 23 + FileOptions_CcEnableArenas_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 31 + FileOptions_ObjcClassPrefix_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 36 + FileOptions_CsharpNamespace_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 37 + FileOptions_SwiftPrefix_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 39 + FileOptions_PhpClassPrefix_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 40 + FileOptions_PhpNamespace_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 41 + FileOptions_PhpMetadataNamespace_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 44 + FileOptions_RubyPackage_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 45 + FileOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 999 +) + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.FileOptions.OptimizeMode. +const ( + FileOptions_OptimizeMode_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.FileOptions.OptimizeMode" + FileOptions_OptimizeMode_enum_name = "OptimizeMode" +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.MessageOptions. +const ( + MessageOptions_message_name protoreflect.Name = "MessageOptions" + MessageOptions_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MessageOptions" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.MessageOptions. +const ( + MessageOptions_MessageSetWireFormat_field_name protoreflect.Name = "message_set_wire_format" + MessageOptions_NoStandardDescriptorAccessor_field_name protoreflect.Name = "no_standard_descriptor_accessor" + MessageOptions_Deprecated_field_name protoreflect.Name = "deprecated" + MessageOptions_MapEntry_field_name protoreflect.Name = "map_entry" + MessageOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_name protoreflect.Name = "uninterpreted_option" + + MessageOptions_MessageSetWireFormat_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MessageOptions.message_set_wire_format" + MessageOptions_NoStandardDescriptorAccessor_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MessageOptions.no_standard_descriptor_accessor" + MessageOptions_Deprecated_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MessageOptions.deprecated" + MessageOptions_MapEntry_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MessageOptions.map_entry" + MessageOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MessageOptions.uninterpreted_option" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.MessageOptions. +const ( + MessageOptions_MessageSetWireFormat_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + MessageOptions_NoStandardDescriptorAccessor_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + MessageOptions_Deprecated_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + MessageOptions_MapEntry_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 7 + MessageOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 999 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.FieldOptions. +const ( + FieldOptions_message_name protoreflect.Name = "FieldOptions" + FieldOptions_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.FieldOptions. +const ( + FieldOptions_Ctype_field_name protoreflect.Name = "ctype" + FieldOptions_Packed_field_name protoreflect.Name = "packed" + FieldOptions_Jstype_field_name protoreflect.Name = "jstype" + FieldOptions_Lazy_field_name protoreflect.Name = "lazy" + FieldOptions_Deprecated_field_name protoreflect.Name = "deprecated" + FieldOptions_Weak_field_name protoreflect.Name = "weak" + FieldOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_name protoreflect.Name = "uninterpreted_option" + + FieldOptions_Ctype_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions.ctype" + FieldOptions_Packed_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions.packed" + FieldOptions_Jstype_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions.jstype" + FieldOptions_Lazy_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions.lazy" + FieldOptions_Deprecated_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions.deprecated" + FieldOptions_Weak_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions.weak" + FieldOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions.uninterpreted_option" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.FieldOptions. +const ( + FieldOptions_Ctype_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + FieldOptions_Packed_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + FieldOptions_Jstype_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 + FieldOptions_Lazy_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + FieldOptions_Deprecated_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + FieldOptions_Weak_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 10 + FieldOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 999 +) + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.FieldOptions.CType. +const ( + FieldOptions_CType_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions.CType" + FieldOptions_CType_enum_name = "CType" +) + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.FieldOptions.JSType. +const ( + FieldOptions_JSType_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.FieldOptions.JSType" + FieldOptions_JSType_enum_name = "JSType" +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.OneofOptions. +const ( + OneofOptions_message_name protoreflect.Name = "OneofOptions" + OneofOptions_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.OneofOptions" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.OneofOptions. +const ( + OneofOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_name protoreflect.Name = "uninterpreted_option" + + OneofOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.OneofOptions.uninterpreted_option" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.OneofOptions. +const ( + OneofOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 999 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.EnumOptions. +const ( + EnumOptions_message_name protoreflect.Name = "EnumOptions" + EnumOptions_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumOptions" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.EnumOptions. +const ( + EnumOptions_AllowAlias_field_name protoreflect.Name = "allow_alias" + EnumOptions_Deprecated_field_name protoreflect.Name = "deprecated" + EnumOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_name protoreflect.Name = "uninterpreted_option" + + EnumOptions_AllowAlias_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumOptions.allow_alias" + EnumOptions_Deprecated_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumOptions.deprecated" + EnumOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumOptions.uninterpreted_option" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.EnumOptions. +const ( + EnumOptions_AllowAlias_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + EnumOptions_Deprecated_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + EnumOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 999 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions. +const ( + EnumValueOptions_message_name protoreflect.Name = "EnumValueOptions" + EnumValueOptions_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions. +const ( + EnumValueOptions_Deprecated_field_name protoreflect.Name = "deprecated" + EnumValueOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_name protoreflect.Name = "uninterpreted_option" + + EnumValueOptions_Deprecated_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions.deprecated" + EnumValueOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions.uninterpreted_option" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions. +const ( + EnumValueOptions_Deprecated_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + EnumValueOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 999 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.ServiceOptions. +const ( + ServiceOptions_message_name protoreflect.Name = "ServiceOptions" + ServiceOptions_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ServiceOptions" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.ServiceOptions. +const ( + ServiceOptions_Deprecated_field_name protoreflect.Name = "deprecated" + ServiceOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_name protoreflect.Name = "uninterpreted_option" + + ServiceOptions_Deprecated_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ServiceOptions.deprecated" + ServiceOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ServiceOptions.uninterpreted_option" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.ServiceOptions. +const ( + ServiceOptions_Deprecated_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 33 + ServiceOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 999 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.MethodOptions. +const ( + MethodOptions_message_name protoreflect.Name = "MethodOptions" + MethodOptions_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodOptions" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.MethodOptions. +const ( + MethodOptions_Deprecated_field_name protoreflect.Name = "deprecated" + MethodOptions_IdempotencyLevel_field_name protoreflect.Name = "idempotency_level" + MethodOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_name protoreflect.Name = "uninterpreted_option" + + MethodOptions_Deprecated_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodOptions.deprecated" + MethodOptions_IdempotencyLevel_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodOptions.idempotency_level" + MethodOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.MethodOptions.uninterpreted_option" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.MethodOptions. +const ( + MethodOptions_Deprecated_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 33 + MethodOptions_IdempotencyLevel_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 34 + MethodOptions_UninterpretedOption_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 999 +) + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.MethodOptions.IdempotencyLevel. +const ( + MethodOptions_IdempotencyLevel_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.MethodOptions.IdempotencyLevel" + MethodOptions_IdempotencyLevel_enum_name = "IdempotencyLevel" +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption. +const ( + UninterpretedOption_message_name protoreflect.Name = "UninterpretedOption" + UninterpretedOption_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption. +const ( + UninterpretedOption_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + UninterpretedOption_IdentifierValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "identifier_value" + UninterpretedOption_PositiveIntValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "positive_int_value" + UninterpretedOption_NegativeIntValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "negative_int_value" + UninterpretedOption_DoubleValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "double_value" + UninterpretedOption_StringValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "string_value" + UninterpretedOption_AggregateValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "aggregate_value" + + UninterpretedOption_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.name" + UninterpretedOption_IdentifierValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.identifier_value" + UninterpretedOption_PositiveIntValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.positive_int_value" + UninterpretedOption_NegativeIntValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.negative_int_value" + UninterpretedOption_DoubleValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.double_value" + UninterpretedOption_StringValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.string_value" + UninterpretedOption_AggregateValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.aggregate_value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption. +const ( + UninterpretedOption_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + UninterpretedOption_IdentifierValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + UninterpretedOption_PositiveIntValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + UninterpretedOption_NegativeIntValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + UninterpretedOption_DoubleValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 + UninterpretedOption_StringValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 7 + UninterpretedOption_AggregateValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 8 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart. +const ( + UninterpretedOption_NamePart_message_name protoreflect.Name = "NamePart" + UninterpretedOption_NamePart_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart. +const ( + UninterpretedOption_NamePart_NamePart_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name_part" + UninterpretedOption_NamePart_IsExtension_field_name protoreflect.Name = "is_extension" + + UninterpretedOption_NamePart_NamePart_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart.name_part" + UninterpretedOption_NamePart_IsExtension_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart.is_extension" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.UninterpretedOption.NamePart. +const ( + UninterpretedOption_NamePart_NamePart_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + UninterpretedOption_NamePart_IsExtension_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo. +const ( + SourceCodeInfo_message_name protoreflect.Name = "SourceCodeInfo" + SourceCodeInfo_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo. +const ( + SourceCodeInfo_Location_field_name protoreflect.Name = "location" + + SourceCodeInfo_Location_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.location" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo. +const ( + SourceCodeInfo_Location_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location. +const ( + SourceCodeInfo_Location_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Location" + SourceCodeInfo_Location_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location. +const ( + SourceCodeInfo_Location_Path_field_name protoreflect.Name = "path" + SourceCodeInfo_Location_Span_field_name protoreflect.Name = "span" + SourceCodeInfo_Location_LeadingComments_field_name protoreflect.Name = "leading_comments" + SourceCodeInfo_Location_TrailingComments_field_name protoreflect.Name = "trailing_comments" + SourceCodeInfo_Location_LeadingDetachedComments_field_name protoreflect.Name = "leading_detached_comments" + + SourceCodeInfo_Location_Path_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.path" + SourceCodeInfo_Location_Span_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.span" + SourceCodeInfo_Location_LeadingComments_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.leading_comments" + SourceCodeInfo_Location_TrailingComments_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.trailing_comments" + SourceCodeInfo_Location_LeadingDetachedComments_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.leading_detached_comments" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location. +const ( + SourceCodeInfo_Location_Path_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + SourceCodeInfo_Location_Span_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + SourceCodeInfo_Location_LeadingComments_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + SourceCodeInfo_Location_TrailingComments_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + SourceCodeInfo_Location_LeadingDetachedComments_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo. +const ( + GeneratedCodeInfo_message_name protoreflect.Name = "GeneratedCodeInfo" + GeneratedCodeInfo_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo. +const ( + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_field_name protoreflect.Name = "annotation" + + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.annotation" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo. +const ( + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation. +const ( + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Annotation" + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation. +const ( + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_Path_field_name protoreflect.Name = "path" + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_SourceFile_field_name protoreflect.Name = "source_file" + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_Begin_field_name protoreflect.Name = "begin" + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_End_field_name protoreflect.Name = "end" + + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_Path_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation.path" + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_SourceFile_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation.source_file" + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_Begin_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation.begin" + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_End_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation.end" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.GeneratedCodeInfo.Annotation. +const ( + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_Path_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_SourceFile_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_Begin_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + GeneratedCodeInfo_Annotation_End_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/doc.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..45ccd012 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package genid contains constants for declarations in descriptor.proto +// and the well-known types. +package genid + +import protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + +const GoogleProtobuf_package protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf" diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/duration_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/duration_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b070ef4f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/duration_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_duration_proto = "google/protobuf/duration.proto" + +// Names for google.protobuf.Duration. +const ( + Duration_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Duration" + Duration_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Duration" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Duration. +const ( + Duration_Seconds_field_name protoreflect.Name = "seconds" + Duration_Nanos_field_name protoreflect.Name = "nanos" + + Duration_Seconds_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Duration.seconds" + Duration_Nanos_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Duration.nanos" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Duration. +const ( + Duration_Seconds_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Duration_Nanos_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/empty_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/empty_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..762abb34 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/empty_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_empty_proto = "google/protobuf/empty.proto" + +// Names for google.protobuf.Empty. +const ( + Empty_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Empty" + Empty_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Empty" +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/field_mask_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/field_mask_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..70bed453 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/field_mask_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_field_mask_proto = "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto" + +// Names for google.protobuf.FieldMask. +const ( + FieldMask_message_name protoreflect.Name = "FieldMask" + FieldMask_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldMask" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.FieldMask. +const ( + FieldMask_Paths_field_name protoreflect.Name = "paths" + + FieldMask_Paths_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FieldMask.paths" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.FieldMask. +const ( + FieldMask_Paths_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/goname.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/goname.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..693d2e9e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/goname.go @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package genid + +// Go names of implementation-specific struct fields in generated messages. +const ( + State_goname = "state" + + SizeCache_goname = "sizeCache" + SizeCacheA_goname = "XXX_sizecache" + + WeakFields_goname = "weakFields" + WeakFieldsA_goname = "XXX_weak" + + UnknownFields_goname = "unknownFields" + UnknownFieldsA_goname = "XXX_unrecognized" + + ExtensionFields_goname = "extensionFields" + ExtensionFieldsA_goname = "XXX_InternalExtensions" + ExtensionFieldsB_goname = "XXX_extensions" + + WeakFieldPrefix_goname = "XXX_weak_" +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/map_entry.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/map_entry.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f9ea02f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/map_entry.go @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package genid + +import protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + +// Generic field names and numbers for synthetic map entry messages. +const ( + MapEntry_Key_field_name protoreflect.Name = "key" + MapEntry_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + MapEntry_Key_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + MapEntry_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/source_context_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/source_context_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3e99ae16 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/source_context_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_source_context_proto = "google/protobuf/source_context.proto" + +// Names for google.protobuf.SourceContext. +const ( + SourceContext_message_name protoreflect.Name = "SourceContext" + SourceContext_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceContext" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.SourceContext. +const ( + SourceContext_FileName_field_name protoreflect.Name = "file_name" + + SourceContext_FileName_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.SourceContext.file_name" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.SourceContext. +const ( + SourceContext_FileName_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/struct_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/struct_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1a38944b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/struct_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_struct_proto = "google/protobuf/struct.proto" + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.NullValue. +const ( + NullValue_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.NullValue" + NullValue_enum_name = "NullValue" +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Struct. +const ( + Struct_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Struct" + Struct_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Struct" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Struct. +const ( + Struct_Fields_field_name protoreflect.Name = "fields" + + Struct_Fields_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Struct.fields" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Struct. +const ( + Struct_Fields_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Struct.FieldsEntry. +const ( + Struct_FieldsEntry_message_name protoreflect.Name = "FieldsEntry" + Struct_FieldsEntry_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Struct.FieldsEntry" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Struct.FieldsEntry. +const ( + Struct_FieldsEntry_Key_field_name protoreflect.Name = "key" + Struct_FieldsEntry_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + Struct_FieldsEntry_Key_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Struct.FieldsEntry.key" + Struct_FieldsEntry_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Struct.FieldsEntry.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Struct.FieldsEntry. +const ( + Struct_FieldsEntry_Key_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Struct_FieldsEntry_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Value. +const ( + Value_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Value" + Value_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Value" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Value. +const ( + Value_NullValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "null_value" + Value_NumberValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "number_value" + Value_StringValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "string_value" + Value_BoolValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "bool_value" + Value_StructValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "struct_value" + Value_ListValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "list_value" + + Value_NullValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Value.null_value" + Value_NumberValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Value.number_value" + Value_StringValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Value.string_value" + Value_BoolValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Value.bool_value" + Value_StructValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Value.struct_value" + Value_ListValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Value.list_value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Value. +const ( + Value_NullValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Value_NumberValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + Value_StringValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + Value_BoolValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + Value_StructValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + Value_ListValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 +) + +// Oneof names for google.protobuf.Value. +const ( + Value_Kind_oneof_name protoreflect.Name = "kind" + + Value_Kind_oneof_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Value.kind" +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.ListValue. +const ( + ListValue_message_name protoreflect.Name = "ListValue" + ListValue_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ListValue" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.ListValue. +const ( + ListValue_Values_field_name protoreflect.Name = "values" + + ListValue_Values_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.ListValue.values" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.ListValue. +const ( + ListValue_Values_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/timestamp_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/timestamp_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f5cd5634 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/timestamp_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_timestamp_proto = "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto" + +// Names for google.protobuf.Timestamp. +const ( + Timestamp_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Timestamp" + Timestamp_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Timestamp" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Timestamp. +const ( + Timestamp_Seconds_field_name protoreflect.Name = "seconds" + Timestamp_Nanos_field_name protoreflect.Name = "nanos" + + Timestamp_Seconds_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Timestamp.seconds" + Timestamp_Nanos_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Timestamp.nanos" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Timestamp. +const ( + Timestamp_Seconds_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Timestamp_Nanos_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/type_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/type_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3bc71013 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/type_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_type_proto = "google/protobuf/type.proto" + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.Syntax. +const ( + Syntax_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.Syntax" + Syntax_enum_name = "Syntax" +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Type. +const ( + Type_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Type" + Type_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Type" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Type. +const ( + Type_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + Type_Fields_field_name protoreflect.Name = "fields" + Type_Oneofs_field_name protoreflect.Name = "oneofs" + Type_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + Type_SourceContext_field_name protoreflect.Name = "source_context" + Type_Syntax_field_name protoreflect.Name = "syntax" + + Type_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Type.name" + Type_Fields_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Type.fields" + Type_Oneofs_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Type.oneofs" + Type_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Type.options" + Type_SourceContext_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Type.source_context" + Type_Syntax_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Type.syntax" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Type. +const ( + Type_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Type_Fields_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + Type_Oneofs_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + Type_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + Type_SourceContext_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 + Type_Syntax_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Field. +const ( + Field_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Field" + Field_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Field. +const ( + Field_Kind_field_name protoreflect.Name = "kind" + Field_Cardinality_field_name protoreflect.Name = "cardinality" + Field_Number_field_name protoreflect.Name = "number" + Field_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + Field_TypeUrl_field_name protoreflect.Name = "type_url" + Field_OneofIndex_field_name protoreflect.Name = "oneof_index" + Field_Packed_field_name protoreflect.Name = "packed" + Field_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + Field_JsonName_field_name protoreflect.Name = "json_name" + Field_DefaultValue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "default_value" + + Field_Kind_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.kind" + Field_Cardinality_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.cardinality" + Field_Number_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.number" + Field_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.name" + Field_TypeUrl_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.type_url" + Field_OneofIndex_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.oneof_index" + Field_Packed_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.packed" + Field_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.options" + Field_JsonName_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.json_name" + Field_DefaultValue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Field.default_value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Field. +const ( + Field_Kind_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Field_Cardinality_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + Field_Number_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + Field_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + Field_TypeUrl_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 6 + Field_OneofIndex_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 7 + Field_Packed_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 8 + Field_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 9 + Field_JsonName_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 10 + Field_DefaultValue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 11 +) + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.Field.Kind. +const ( + Field_Kind_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.Field.Kind" + Field_Kind_enum_name = "Kind" +) + +// Full and short names for google.protobuf.Field.Cardinality. +const ( + Field_Cardinality_enum_fullname = "google.protobuf.Field.Cardinality" + Field_Cardinality_enum_name = "Cardinality" +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Enum. +const ( + Enum_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Enum" + Enum_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Enum" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Enum. +const ( + Enum_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + Enum_Enumvalue_field_name protoreflect.Name = "enumvalue" + Enum_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + Enum_SourceContext_field_name protoreflect.Name = "source_context" + Enum_Syntax_field_name protoreflect.Name = "syntax" + + Enum_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Enum.name" + Enum_Enumvalue_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Enum.enumvalue" + Enum_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Enum.options" + Enum_SourceContext_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Enum.source_context" + Enum_Syntax_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Enum.syntax" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Enum. +const ( + Enum_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Enum_Enumvalue_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + Enum_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 + Enum_SourceContext_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 4 + Enum_Syntax_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 5 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.EnumValue. +const ( + EnumValue_message_name protoreflect.Name = "EnumValue" + EnumValue_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValue" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.EnumValue. +const ( + EnumValue_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + EnumValue_Number_field_name protoreflect.Name = "number" + EnumValue_Options_field_name protoreflect.Name = "options" + + EnumValue_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValue.name" + EnumValue_Number_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValue.number" + EnumValue_Options_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.EnumValue.options" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.EnumValue. +const ( + EnumValue_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + EnumValue_Number_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 + EnumValue_Options_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 3 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Option. +const ( + Option_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Option" + Option_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Option" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Option. +const ( + Option_Name_field_name protoreflect.Name = "name" + Option_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + Option_Name_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Option.name" + Option_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Option.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Option. +const ( + Option_Name_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 + Option_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 2 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/wrappers.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/wrappers.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..429384b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/wrappers.go @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package genid + +import protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + +// Generic field name and number for messages in wrappers.proto. +const ( + WrapperValue_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + WrapperValue_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/wrappers_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/wrappers_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..72527d2a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid/wrappers_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package genid + +import ( + protoreflect "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +const File_google_protobuf_wrappers_proto = "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto" + +// Names for google.protobuf.DoubleValue. +const ( + DoubleValue_message_name protoreflect.Name = "DoubleValue" + DoubleValue_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DoubleValue" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.DoubleValue. +const ( + DoubleValue_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + DoubleValue_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.DoubleValue.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.DoubleValue. +const ( + DoubleValue_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.FloatValue. +const ( + FloatValue_message_name protoreflect.Name = "FloatValue" + FloatValue_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FloatValue" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.FloatValue. +const ( + FloatValue_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + FloatValue_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.FloatValue.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.FloatValue. +const ( + FloatValue_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Int64Value. +const ( + Int64Value_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Int64Value" + Int64Value_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Int64Value" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Int64Value. +const ( + Int64Value_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + Int64Value_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Int64Value.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Int64Value. +const ( + Int64Value_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.UInt64Value. +const ( + UInt64Value_message_name protoreflect.Name = "UInt64Value" + UInt64Value_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UInt64Value" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.UInt64Value. +const ( + UInt64Value_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + UInt64Value_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UInt64Value.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.UInt64Value. +const ( + UInt64Value_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.Int32Value. +const ( + Int32Value_message_name protoreflect.Name = "Int32Value" + Int32Value_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Int32Value" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.Int32Value. +const ( + Int32Value_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + Int32Value_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.Int32Value.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.Int32Value. +const ( + Int32Value_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.UInt32Value. +const ( + UInt32Value_message_name protoreflect.Name = "UInt32Value" + UInt32Value_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UInt32Value" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.UInt32Value. +const ( + UInt32Value_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + UInt32Value_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.UInt32Value.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.UInt32Value. +const ( + UInt32Value_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.BoolValue. +const ( + BoolValue_message_name protoreflect.Name = "BoolValue" + BoolValue_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.BoolValue" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.BoolValue. +const ( + BoolValue_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + BoolValue_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.BoolValue.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.BoolValue. +const ( + BoolValue_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.StringValue. +const ( + StringValue_message_name protoreflect.Name = "StringValue" + StringValue_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.StringValue" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.StringValue. +const ( + StringValue_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + StringValue_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.StringValue.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.StringValue. +const ( + StringValue_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) + +// Names for google.protobuf.BytesValue. +const ( + BytesValue_message_name protoreflect.Name = "BytesValue" + BytesValue_message_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.BytesValue" +) + +// Field names for google.protobuf.BytesValue. +const ( + BytesValue_Value_field_name protoreflect.Name = "value" + + BytesValue_Value_field_fullname protoreflect.FullName = "google.protobuf.BytesValue.value" +) + +// Field numbers for google.protobuf.BytesValue. +const ( + BytesValue_Value_field_number protoreflect.FieldNumber = 1 +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/api_export.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/api_export.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..abee5f30 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/api_export.go @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strconv" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// Export is a zero-length named type that exists only to export a set of +// functions that we do not want to appear in godoc. +type Export struct{} + +// NewError formats a string according to the format specifier and arguments and +// returns an error that has a "proto" prefix. +func (Export) NewError(f string, x ...interface{}) error { + return errors.New(f, x...) +} + +// enum is any enum type generated by protoc-gen-go +// and must be a named int32 type. +type enum = interface{} + +// EnumOf returns the protoreflect.Enum interface over e. +// It returns nil if e is nil. +func (Export) EnumOf(e enum) pref.Enum { + switch e := e.(type) { + case nil: + return nil + case pref.Enum: + return e + default: + return legacyWrapEnum(reflect.ValueOf(e)) + } +} + +// EnumDescriptorOf returns the protoreflect.EnumDescriptor for e. +// It returns nil if e is nil. +func (Export) EnumDescriptorOf(e enum) pref.EnumDescriptor { + switch e := e.(type) { + case nil: + return nil + case pref.Enum: + return e.Descriptor() + default: + return LegacyLoadEnumDesc(reflect.TypeOf(e)) + } +} + +// EnumTypeOf returns the protoreflect.EnumType for e. +// It returns nil if e is nil. +func (Export) EnumTypeOf(e enum) pref.EnumType { + switch e := e.(type) { + case nil: + return nil + case pref.Enum: + return e.Type() + default: + return legacyLoadEnumType(reflect.TypeOf(e)) + } +} + +// EnumStringOf returns the enum value as a string, either as the name if +// the number is resolvable, or the number formatted as a string. +func (Export) EnumStringOf(ed pref.EnumDescriptor, n pref.EnumNumber) string { + ev := ed.Values().ByNumber(n) + if ev != nil { + return string(ev.Name()) + } + return strconv.Itoa(int(n)) +} + +// message is any message type generated by protoc-gen-go +// and must be a pointer to a named struct type. +type message = interface{} + +// legacyMessageWrapper wraps a v2 message as a v1 message. +type legacyMessageWrapper struct{ m pref.ProtoMessage } + +func (m legacyMessageWrapper) Reset() { proto.Reset(m.m) } +func (m legacyMessageWrapper) String() string { return Export{}.MessageStringOf(m.m) } +func (m legacyMessageWrapper) ProtoMessage() {} + +// ProtoMessageV1Of converts either a v1 or v2 message to a v1 message. +// It returns nil if m is nil. +func (Export) ProtoMessageV1Of(m message) piface.MessageV1 { + switch mv := m.(type) { + case nil: + return nil + case piface.MessageV1: + return mv + case unwrapper: + return Export{}.ProtoMessageV1Of(mv.protoUnwrap()) + case pref.ProtoMessage: + return legacyMessageWrapper{mv} + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("message %T is neither a v1 or v2 Message", m)) + } +} + +func (Export) protoMessageV2Of(m message) pref.ProtoMessage { + switch mv := m.(type) { + case nil: + return nil + case pref.ProtoMessage: + return mv + case legacyMessageWrapper: + return mv.m + case piface.MessageV1: + return nil + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("message %T is neither a v1 or v2 Message", m)) + } +} + +// ProtoMessageV2Of converts either a v1 or v2 message to a v2 message. +// It returns nil if m is nil. +func (Export) ProtoMessageV2Of(m message) pref.ProtoMessage { + if m == nil { + return nil + } + if mv := (Export{}).protoMessageV2Of(m); mv != nil { + return mv + } + return legacyWrapMessage(reflect.ValueOf(m)).Interface() +} + +// MessageOf returns the protoreflect.Message interface over m. +// It returns nil if m is nil. +func (Export) MessageOf(m message) pref.Message { + if m == nil { + return nil + } + if mv := (Export{}).protoMessageV2Of(m); mv != nil { + return mv.ProtoReflect() + } + return legacyWrapMessage(reflect.ValueOf(m)) +} + +// MessageDescriptorOf returns the protoreflect.MessageDescriptor for m. +// It returns nil if m is nil. +func (Export) MessageDescriptorOf(m message) pref.MessageDescriptor { + if m == nil { + return nil + } + if mv := (Export{}).protoMessageV2Of(m); mv != nil { + return mv.ProtoReflect().Descriptor() + } + return LegacyLoadMessageDesc(reflect.TypeOf(m)) +} + +// MessageTypeOf returns the protoreflect.MessageType for m. +// It returns nil if m is nil. +func (Export) MessageTypeOf(m message) pref.MessageType { + if m == nil { + return nil + } + if mv := (Export{}).protoMessageV2Of(m); mv != nil { + return mv.ProtoReflect().Type() + } + return legacyLoadMessageType(reflect.TypeOf(m), "") +} + +// MessageStringOf returns the message value as a string, +// which is the message serialized in the protobuf text format. +func (Export) MessageStringOf(m pref.ProtoMessage) string { + return prototext.MarshalOptions{Multiline: false}.Format(m) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/checkinit.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/checkinit.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b82341e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/checkinit.go @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +func (mi *MessageInfo) checkInitialized(in piface.CheckInitializedInput) (piface.CheckInitializedOutput, error) { + var p pointer + if ms, ok := in.Message.(*messageState); ok { + p = ms.pointer() + } else { + p = in.Message.(*messageReflectWrapper).pointer() + } + return piface.CheckInitializedOutput{}, mi.checkInitializedPointer(p) +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) checkInitializedPointer(p pointer) error { + mi.init() + if !mi.needsInitCheck { + return nil + } + if p.IsNil() { + for _, f := range mi.orderedCoderFields { + if f.isRequired { + return errors.RequiredNotSet(string(mi.Desc.Fields().ByNumber(f.num).FullName())) + } + } + return nil + } + if mi.extensionOffset.IsValid() { + e := p.Apply(mi.extensionOffset).Extensions() + if err := mi.isInitExtensions(e); err != nil { + return err + } + } + for _, f := range mi.orderedCoderFields { + if !f.isRequired && f.funcs.isInit == nil { + continue + } + fptr := p.Apply(f.offset) + if f.isPointer && fptr.Elem().IsNil() { + if f.isRequired { + return errors.RequiredNotSet(string(mi.Desc.Fields().ByNumber(f.num).FullName())) + } + continue + } + if f.funcs.isInit == nil { + continue + } + if err := f.funcs.isInit(fptr, f); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) isInitExtensions(ext *map[int32]ExtensionField) error { + if ext == nil { + return nil + } + for _, x := range *ext { + ei := getExtensionFieldInfo(x.Type()) + if ei.funcs.isInit == nil { + continue + } + v := x.Value() + if !v.IsValid() { + continue + } + if err := ei.funcs.isInit(v); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +var ( + needsInitCheckMu sync.Mutex + needsInitCheckMap sync.Map +) + +// needsInitCheck reports whether a message needs to be checked for partial initialization. +// +// It returns true if the message transitively includes any required or extension fields. +func needsInitCheck(md pref.MessageDescriptor) bool { + if v, ok := needsInitCheckMap.Load(md); ok { + if has, ok := v.(bool); ok { + return has + } + } + needsInitCheckMu.Lock() + defer needsInitCheckMu.Unlock() + return needsInitCheckLocked(md) +} + +func needsInitCheckLocked(md pref.MessageDescriptor) (has bool) { + if v, ok := needsInitCheckMap.Load(md); ok { + // If has is true, we've previously determined that this message + // needs init checks. + // + // If has is false, we've previously determined that it can never + // be uninitialized. + // + // If has is not a bool, we've just encountered a cycle in the + // message graph. In this case, it is safe to return false: If + // the message does have required fields, we'll detect them later + // in the graph traversal. + has, ok := v.(bool) + return ok && has + } + needsInitCheckMap.Store(md, struct{}{}) // avoid cycles while descending into this message + defer func() { + needsInitCheckMap.Store(md, has) + }() + if md.RequiredNumbers().Len() > 0 { + return true + } + if md.ExtensionRanges().Len() > 0 { + return true + } + for i := 0; i < md.Fields().Len(); i++ { + fd := md.Fields().Get(i) + // Map keys are never messages, so just consider the map value. + if fd.IsMap() { + fd = fd.MapValue() + } + fmd := fd.Message() + if fmd != nil && needsInitCheckLocked(fmd) { + return true + } + } + return false +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_extension.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_extension.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..08d35170 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_extension.go @@ -0,0 +1,223 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "sync" + "sync/atomic" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type extensionFieldInfo struct { + wiretag uint64 + tagsize int + unmarshalNeedsValue bool + funcs valueCoderFuncs + validation validationInfo +} + +var legacyExtensionFieldInfoCache sync.Map // map[protoreflect.ExtensionType]*extensionFieldInfo + +func getExtensionFieldInfo(xt pref.ExtensionType) *extensionFieldInfo { + if xi, ok := xt.(*ExtensionInfo); ok { + xi.lazyInit() + return xi.info + } + return legacyLoadExtensionFieldInfo(xt) +} + +// legacyLoadExtensionFieldInfo dynamically loads a *ExtensionInfo for xt. +func legacyLoadExtensionFieldInfo(xt pref.ExtensionType) *extensionFieldInfo { + if xi, ok := legacyExtensionFieldInfoCache.Load(xt); ok { + return xi.(*extensionFieldInfo) + } + e := makeExtensionFieldInfo(xt.TypeDescriptor()) + if e, ok := legacyMessageTypeCache.LoadOrStore(xt, e); ok { + return e.(*extensionFieldInfo) + } + return e +} + +func makeExtensionFieldInfo(xd pref.ExtensionDescriptor) *extensionFieldInfo { + var wiretag uint64 + if !xd.IsPacked() { + wiretag = protowire.EncodeTag(xd.Number(), wireTypes[xd.Kind()]) + } else { + wiretag = protowire.EncodeTag(xd.Number(), protowire.BytesType) + } + e := &extensionFieldInfo{ + wiretag: wiretag, + tagsize: protowire.SizeVarint(wiretag), + funcs: encoderFuncsForValue(xd), + } + // Does the unmarshal function need a value passed to it? + // This is true for composite types, where we pass in a message, list, or map to fill in, + // and for enums, where we pass in a prototype value to specify the concrete enum type. + switch xd.Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind, pref.EnumKind: + e.unmarshalNeedsValue = true + default: + if xd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated { + e.unmarshalNeedsValue = true + } + } + return e +} + +type lazyExtensionValue struct { + atomicOnce uint32 // atomically set if value is valid + mu sync.Mutex + xi *extensionFieldInfo + value pref.Value + b []byte + fn func() pref.Value +} + +type ExtensionField struct { + typ pref.ExtensionType + + // value is either the value of GetValue, + // or a *lazyExtensionValue that then returns the value of GetValue. + value pref.Value + lazy *lazyExtensionValue +} + +func (f *ExtensionField) appendLazyBytes(xt pref.ExtensionType, xi *extensionFieldInfo, num protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, b []byte) { + if f.lazy == nil { + f.lazy = &lazyExtensionValue{xi: xi} + } + f.typ = xt + f.lazy.xi = xi + f.lazy.b = protowire.AppendTag(f.lazy.b, num, wtyp) + f.lazy.b = append(f.lazy.b, b...) +} + +func (f *ExtensionField) canLazy(xt pref.ExtensionType) bool { + if f.typ == nil { + return true + } + if f.typ == xt && f.lazy != nil && atomic.LoadUint32(&f.lazy.atomicOnce) == 0 { + return true + } + return false +} + +func (f *ExtensionField) lazyInit() { + f.lazy.mu.Lock() + defer f.lazy.mu.Unlock() + if atomic.LoadUint32(&f.lazy.atomicOnce) == 1 { + return + } + if f.lazy.xi != nil { + b := f.lazy.b + val := f.typ.New() + for len(b) > 0 { + var tag uint64 + if b[0] < 0x80 { + tag = uint64(b[0]) + b = b[1:] + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + tag = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + b = b[2:] + } else { + var n int + tag, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + panic(errors.New("bad tag in lazy extension decoding")) + } + b = b[n:] + } + num := protowire.Number(tag >> 3) + wtyp := protowire.Type(tag & 7) + var out unmarshalOutput + var err error + val, out, err = f.lazy.xi.funcs.unmarshal(b, val, num, wtyp, lazyUnmarshalOptions) + if err != nil { + panic(errors.New("decode failure in lazy extension decoding: %v", err)) + } + b = b[out.n:] + } + f.lazy.value = val + } else { + f.lazy.value = f.lazy.fn() + } + f.lazy.xi = nil + f.lazy.fn = nil + f.lazy.b = nil + atomic.StoreUint32(&f.lazy.atomicOnce, 1) +} + +// Set sets the type and value of the extension field. +// This must not be called concurrently. +func (f *ExtensionField) Set(t pref.ExtensionType, v pref.Value) { + f.typ = t + f.value = v + f.lazy = nil +} + +// SetLazy sets the type and a value that is to be lazily evaluated upon first use. +// This must not be called concurrently. +func (f *ExtensionField) SetLazy(t pref.ExtensionType, fn func() pref.Value) { + f.typ = t + f.lazy = &lazyExtensionValue{fn: fn} +} + +// Value returns the value of the extension field. +// This may be called concurrently. +func (f *ExtensionField) Value() pref.Value { + if f.lazy != nil { + if atomic.LoadUint32(&f.lazy.atomicOnce) == 0 { + f.lazyInit() + } + return f.lazy.value + } + return f.value +} + +// Type returns the type of the extension field. +// This may be called concurrently. +func (f ExtensionField) Type() pref.ExtensionType { + return f.typ +} + +// IsSet returns whether the extension field is set. +// This may be called concurrently. +func (f ExtensionField) IsSet() bool { + return f.typ != nil +} + +// IsLazy reports whether a field is lazily encoded. +// It is exported for testing. +func IsLazy(m pref.Message, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) bool { + var mi *MessageInfo + var p pointer + switch m := m.(type) { + case *messageState: + mi = m.messageInfo() + p = m.pointer() + case *messageReflectWrapper: + mi = m.messageInfo() + p = m.pointer() + default: + return false + } + xd, ok := fd.(pref.ExtensionTypeDescriptor) + if !ok { + return false + } + xt := xd.Type() + ext := mi.extensionMap(p) + if ext == nil { + return false + } + f, ok := (*ext)[int32(fd.Number())] + if !ok { + return false + } + return f.typ == xt && f.lazy != nil && atomic.LoadUint32(&f.lazy.atomicOnce) == 0 +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_field.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_field.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cb4b482d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_field.go @@ -0,0 +1,830 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + preg "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +type errInvalidUTF8 struct{} + +func (errInvalidUTF8) Error() string { return "string field contains invalid UTF-8" } +func (errInvalidUTF8) InvalidUTF8() bool { return true } +func (errInvalidUTF8) Unwrap() error { return errors.Error } + +// initOneofFieldCoders initializes the fast-path functions for the fields in a oneof. +// +// For size, marshal, and isInit operations, functions are set only on the first field +// in the oneof. The functions are called when the oneof is non-nil, and will dispatch +// to the appropriate field-specific function as necessary. +// +// The unmarshal function is set on each field individually as usual. +func (mi *MessageInfo) initOneofFieldCoders(od pref.OneofDescriptor, si structInfo) { + fs := si.oneofsByName[od.Name()] + ft := fs.Type + oneofFields := make(map[reflect.Type]*coderFieldInfo) + needIsInit := false + fields := od.Fields() + for i, lim := 0, fields.Len(); i < lim; i++ { + fd := od.Fields().Get(i) + num := fd.Number() + // Make a copy of the original coderFieldInfo for use in unmarshaling. + // + // oneofFields[oneofType].funcs.marshal is the field-specific marshal function. + // + // mi.coderFields[num].marshal is set on only the first field in the oneof, + // and dispatches to the field-specific marshaler in oneofFields. + cf := *mi.coderFields[num] + ot := si.oneofWrappersByNumber[num] + cf.ft = ot.Field(0).Type + cf.mi, cf.funcs = fieldCoder(fd, cf.ft) + oneofFields[ot] = &cf + if cf.funcs.isInit != nil { + needIsInit = true + } + mi.coderFields[num].funcs.unmarshal = func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) { + var vw reflect.Value // pointer to wrapper type + vi := p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem() // oneof field value of interface kind + if !vi.IsNil() && !vi.Elem().IsNil() && vi.Elem().Elem().Type() == ot { + vw = vi.Elem() + } else { + vw = reflect.New(ot) + } + out, err := cf.funcs.unmarshal(b, pointerOfValue(vw).Apply(zeroOffset), wtyp, &cf, opts) + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + vi.Set(vw) + return out, nil + } + } + getInfo := func(p pointer) (pointer, *coderFieldInfo) { + v := p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem() + if v.IsNil() { + return pointer{}, nil + } + v = v.Elem() // interface -> *struct + if v.IsNil() { + return pointer{}, nil + } + return pointerOfValue(v).Apply(zeroOffset), oneofFields[v.Elem().Type()] + } + first := mi.coderFields[od.Fields().Get(0).Number()] + first.funcs.size = func(p pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + p, info := getInfo(p) + if info == nil || info.funcs.size == nil { + return 0 + } + return info.funcs.size(p, info, opts) + } + first.funcs.marshal = func(b []byte, p pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + p, info := getInfo(p) + if info == nil || info.funcs.marshal == nil { + return b, nil + } + return info.funcs.marshal(b, p, info, opts) + } + first.funcs.merge = func(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, opts mergeOptions) { + srcp, srcinfo := getInfo(src) + if srcinfo == nil || srcinfo.funcs.merge == nil { + return + } + dstp, dstinfo := getInfo(dst) + if dstinfo != srcinfo { + dst.AsValueOf(ft).Elem().Set(reflect.New(src.AsValueOf(ft).Elem().Elem().Elem().Type())) + dstp = pointerOfValue(dst.AsValueOf(ft).Elem().Elem()).Apply(zeroOffset) + } + srcinfo.funcs.merge(dstp, srcp, srcinfo, opts) + } + if needIsInit { + first.funcs.isInit = func(p pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo) error { + p, info := getInfo(p) + if info == nil || info.funcs.isInit == nil { + return nil + } + return info.funcs.isInit(p, info) + } + } +} + +func makeWeakMessageFieldCoder(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) pointerCoderFuncs { + var once sync.Once + var messageType pref.MessageType + lazyInit := func() { + once.Do(func() { + messageName := fd.Message().FullName() + messageType, _ = preg.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(messageName) + }) + } + + return pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + m, ok := p.WeakFields().get(f.num) + if !ok { + return 0 + } + lazyInit() + if messageType == nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("weak message %v is not linked in", fd.Message().FullName())) + } + return sizeMessage(m, f.tagsize, opts) + }, + marshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + m, ok := p.WeakFields().get(f.num) + if !ok { + return b, nil + } + lazyInit() + if messageType == nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("weak message %v is not linked in", fd.Message().FullName())) + } + return appendMessage(b, m, f.wiretag, opts) + }, + unmarshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) { + fs := p.WeakFields() + m, ok := fs.get(f.num) + if !ok { + lazyInit() + if messageType == nil { + return unmarshalOutput{}, errUnknown + } + m = messageType.New().Interface() + fs.set(f.num, m) + } + return consumeMessage(b, m, wtyp, opts) + }, + isInit: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + m, ok := p.WeakFields().get(f.num) + if !ok { + return nil + } + return proto.CheckInitialized(m) + }, + merge: func(dst, src pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts mergeOptions) { + sm, ok := src.WeakFields().get(f.num) + if !ok { + return + } + dm, ok := dst.WeakFields().get(f.num) + if !ok { + lazyInit() + if messageType == nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("weak message %v is not linked in", fd.Message().FullName())) + } + dm = messageType.New().Interface() + dst.WeakFields().set(f.num, dm) + } + opts.Merge(dm, sm) + }, + } +} + +func makeMessageFieldCoder(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) pointerCoderFuncs { + if mi := getMessageInfo(ft); mi != nil { + funcs := pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeMessageInfo, + marshal: appendMessageInfo, + unmarshal: consumeMessageInfo, + merge: mergeMessage, + } + if needsInitCheck(mi.Desc) { + funcs.isInit = isInitMessageInfo + } + return funcs + } else { + return pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + m := asMessage(p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem()) + return sizeMessage(m, f.tagsize, opts) + }, + marshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + m := asMessage(p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem()) + return appendMessage(b, m, f.wiretag, opts) + }, + unmarshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) { + mp := p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem() + if mp.IsNil() { + mp.Set(reflect.New(ft.Elem())) + } + return consumeMessage(b, asMessage(mp), wtyp, opts) + }, + isInit: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + m := asMessage(p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem()) + return proto.CheckInitialized(m) + }, + merge: mergeMessage, + } + } +} + +func sizeMessageInfo(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + return protowire.SizeBytes(f.mi.sizePointer(p.Elem(), opts)) + f.tagsize +} + +func appendMessageInfo(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(f.mi.sizePointer(p.Elem(), opts))) + return f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(b, p.Elem(), opts) +} + +func consumeMessageInfo(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if p.Elem().IsNil() { + p.SetPointer(pointerOfValue(reflect.New(f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem()))) + } + o, err := f.mi.unmarshalPointer(v, p.Elem(), 0, opts) + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + out.n = n + out.initialized = o.initialized + return out, nil +} + +func isInitMessageInfo(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + return f.mi.checkInitializedPointer(p.Elem()) +} + +func sizeMessage(m proto.Message, tagsize int, _ marshalOptions) int { + return protowire.SizeBytes(proto.Size(m)) + tagsize +} + +func appendMessage(b []byte, m proto.Message, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(proto.Size(m))) + return opts.Options().MarshalAppend(b, m) +} + +func consumeMessage(b []byte, m proto.Message, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + o, err := opts.Options().UnmarshalState(piface.UnmarshalInput{ + Buf: v, + Message: m.ProtoReflect(), + }) + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + out.n = n + out.initialized = o.Flags&piface.UnmarshalInitialized != 0 + return out, nil +} + +func sizeMessageValue(v pref.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + m := v.Message().Interface() + return sizeMessage(m, tagsize, opts) +} + +func appendMessageValue(b []byte, v pref.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + m := v.Message().Interface() + return appendMessage(b, m, wiretag, opts) +} + +func consumeMessageValue(b []byte, v pref.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (pref.Value, unmarshalOutput, error) { + m := v.Message().Interface() + out, err := consumeMessage(b, m, wtyp, opts) + return v, out, err +} + +func isInitMessageValue(v pref.Value) error { + m := v.Message().Interface() + return proto.CheckInitialized(m) +} + +var coderMessageValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeMessageValue, + marshal: appendMessageValue, + unmarshal: consumeMessageValue, + isInit: isInitMessageValue, + merge: mergeMessageValue, +} + +func sizeGroupValue(v pref.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + m := v.Message().Interface() + return sizeGroup(m, tagsize, opts) +} + +func appendGroupValue(b []byte, v pref.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + m := v.Message().Interface() + return appendGroup(b, m, wiretag, opts) +} + +func consumeGroupValue(b []byte, v pref.Value, num protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (pref.Value, unmarshalOutput, error) { + m := v.Message().Interface() + out, err := consumeGroup(b, m, num, wtyp, opts) + return v, out, err +} + +var coderGroupValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeGroupValue, + marshal: appendGroupValue, + unmarshal: consumeGroupValue, + isInit: isInitMessageValue, + merge: mergeMessageValue, +} + +func makeGroupFieldCoder(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) pointerCoderFuncs { + num := fd.Number() + if mi := getMessageInfo(ft); mi != nil { + funcs := pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeGroupType, + marshal: appendGroupType, + unmarshal: consumeGroupType, + merge: mergeMessage, + } + if needsInitCheck(mi.Desc) { + funcs.isInit = isInitMessageInfo + } + return funcs + } else { + return pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + m := asMessage(p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem()) + return sizeGroup(m, f.tagsize, opts) + }, + marshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + m := asMessage(p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem()) + return appendGroup(b, m, f.wiretag, opts) + }, + unmarshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) { + mp := p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem() + if mp.IsNil() { + mp.Set(reflect.New(ft.Elem())) + } + return consumeGroup(b, asMessage(mp), num, wtyp, opts) + }, + isInit: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + m := asMessage(p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem()) + return proto.CheckInitialized(m) + }, + merge: mergeMessage, + } + } +} + +func sizeGroupType(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + return 2*f.tagsize + f.mi.sizePointer(p.Elem(), opts) +} + +func appendGroupType(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) // start group + b, err := f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(b, p.Elem(), opts) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag+1) // end group + return b, err +} + +func consumeGroupType(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType { + return out, errUnknown + } + if p.Elem().IsNil() { + p.SetPointer(pointerOfValue(reflect.New(f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem()))) + } + return f.mi.unmarshalPointer(b, p.Elem(), f.num, opts) +} + +func sizeGroup(m proto.Message, tagsize int, _ marshalOptions) int { + return 2*tagsize + proto.Size(m) +} + +func appendGroup(b []byte, m proto.Message, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) // start group + b, err := opts.Options().MarshalAppend(b, m) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag+1) // end group + return b, err +} + +func consumeGroup(b []byte, m proto.Message, num protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType { + return out, errUnknown + } + b, n := protowire.ConsumeGroup(num, b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + o, err := opts.Options().UnmarshalState(piface.UnmarshalInput{ + Buf: b, + Message: m.ProtoReflect(), + }) + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + out.n = n + out.initialized = o.Flags&piface.UnmarshalInitialized != 0 + return out, nil +} + +func makeMessageSliceFieldCoder(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) pointerCoderFuncs { + if mi := getMessageInfo(ft); mi != nil { + funcs := pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeMessageSliceInfo, + marshal: appendMessageSliceInfo, + unmarshal: consumeMessageSliceInfo, + merge: mergeMessageSlice, + } + if needsInitCheck(mi.Desc) { + funcs.isInit = isInitMessageSliceInfo + } + return funcs + } + return pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + return sizeMessageSlice(p, ft, f.tagsize, opts) + }, + marshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + return appendMessageSlice(b, p, f.wiretag, ft, opts) + }, + unmarshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) { + return consumeMessageSlice(b, p, ft, wtyp, opts) + }, + isInit: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + return isInitMessageSlice(p, ft) + }, + merge: mergeMessageSlice, + } +} + +func sizeMessageSliceInfo(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + s := p.PointerSlice() + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeBytes(f.mi.sizePointer(v, opts)) + f.tagsize + } + return n +} + +func appendMessageSliceInfo(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := p.PointerSlice() + var err error + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + siz := f.mi.sizePointer(v, opts) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(siz)) + b, err = f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(b, v, opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + return b, nil +} + +func consumeMessageSliceInfo(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + m := reflect.New(f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem()).Interface() + mp := pointerOfIface(m) + o, err := f.mi.unmarshalPointer(v, mp, 0, opts) + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + p.AppendPointerSlice(mp) + out.n = n + out.initialized = o.initialized + return out, nil +} + +func isInitMessageSliceInfo(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + s := p.PointerSlice() + for _, v := range s { + if err := f.mi.checkInitializedPointer(v); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +func sizeMessageSlice(p pointer, goType reflect.Type, tagsize int, _ marshalOptions) int { + s := p.PointerSlice() + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + m := asMessage(v.AsValueOf(goType.Elem())) + n += protowire.SizeBytes(proto.Size(m)) + tagsize + } + return n +} + +func appendMessageSlice(b []byte, p pointer, wiretag uint64, goType reflect.Type, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := p.PointerSlice() + var err error + for _, v := range s { + m := asMessage(v.AsValueOf(goType.Elem())) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + siz := proto.Size(m) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(siz)) + b, err = opts.Options().MarshalAppend(b, m) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + return b, nil +} + +func consumeMessageSlice(b []byte, p pointer, goType reflect.Type, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + mp := reflect.New(goType.Elem()) + o, err := opts.Options().UnmarshalState(piface.UnmarshalInput{ + Buf: v, + Message: asMessage(mp).ProtoReflect(), + }) + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + p.AppendPointerSlice(pointerOfValue(mp)) + out.n = n + out.initialized = o.Flags&piface.UnmarshalInitialized != 0 + return out, nil +} + +func isInitMessageSlice(p pointer, goType reflect.Type) error { + s := p.PointerSlice() + for _, v := range s { + m := asMessage(v.AsValueOf(goType.Elem())) + if err := proto.CheckInitialized(m); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +// Slices of messages + +func sizeMessageSliceValue(listv pref.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + list := listv.List() + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + m := list.Get(i).Message().Interface() + n += protowire.SizeBytes(proto.Size(m)) + tagsize + } + return n +} + +func appendMessageSliceValue(b []byte, listv pref.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + mopts := opts.Options() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + m := list.Get(i).Message().Interface() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + siz := proto.Size(m) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(siz)) + var err error + b, err = mopts.MarshalAppend(b, m) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + return b, nil +} + +func consumeMessageSliceValue(b []byte, listv pref.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ pref.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return pref.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return pref.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + m := list.NewElement() + o, err := opts.Options().UnmarshalState(piface.UnmarshalInput{ + Buf: v, + Message: m.Message(), + }) + if err != nil { + return pref.Value{}, out, err + } + list.Append(m) + out.n = n + out.initialized = o.Flags&piface.UnmarshalInitialized != 0 + return listv, out, nil +} + +func isInitMessageSliceValue(listv pref.Value) error { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + m := list.Get(i).Message().Interface() + if err := proto.CheckInitialized(m); err != nil { + return err + } + } + return nil +} + +var coderMessageSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeMessageSliceValue, + marshal: appendMessageSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeMessageSliceValue, + isInit: isInitMessageSliceValue, + merge: mergeMessageListValue, +} + +func sizeGroupSliceValue(listv pref.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + list := listv.List() + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + m := list.Get(i).Message().Interface() + n += 2*tagsize + proto.Size(m) + } + return n +} + +func appendGroupSliceValue(b []byte, listv pref.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + mopts := opts.Options() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + m := list.Get(i).Message().Interface() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) // start group + var err error + b, err = mopts.MarshalAppend(b, m) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag+1) // end group + } + return b, nil +} + +func consumeGroupSliceValue(b []byte, listv pref.Value, num protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ pref.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType { + return pref.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + b, n := protowire.ConsumeGroup(num, b) + if n < 0 { + return pref.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + m := list.NewElement() + o, err := opts.Options().UnmarshalState(piface.UnmarshalInput{ + Buf: b, + Message: m.Message(), + }) + if err != nil { + return pref.Value{}, out, err + } + list.Append(m) + out.n = n + out.initialized = o.Flags&piface.UnmarshalInitialized != 0 + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderGroupSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeGroupSliceValue, + marshal: appendGroupSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeGroupSliceValue, + isInit: isInitMessageSliceValue, + merge: mergeMessageListValue, +} + +func makeGroupSliceFieldCoder(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) pointerCoderFuncs { + num := fd.Number() + if mi := getMessageInfo(ft); mi != nil { + funcs := pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeGroupSliceInfo, + marshal: appendGroupSliceInfo, + unmarshal: consumeGroupSliceInfo, + merge: mergeMessageSlice, + } + if needsInitCheck(mi.Desc) { + funcs.isInit = isInitMessageSliceInfo + } + return funcs + } + return pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + return sizeGroupSlice(p, ft, f.tagsize, opts) + }, + marshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + return appendGroupSlice(b, p, f.wiretag, ft, opts) + }, + unmarshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) { + return consumeGroupSlice(b, p, num, wtyp, ft, opts) + }, + isInit: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + return isInitMessageSlice(p, ft) + }, + merge: mergeMessageSlice, + } +} + +func sizeGroupSlice(p pointer, messageType reflect.Type, tagsize int, _ marshalOptions) int { + s := p.PointerSlice() + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + m := asMessage(v.AsValueOf(messageType.Elem())) + n += 2*tagsize + proto.Size(m) + } + return n +} + +func appendGroupSlice(b []byte, p pointer, wiretag uint64, messageType reflect.Type, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := p.PointerSlice() + var err error + for _, v := range s { + m := asMessage(v.AsValueOf(messageType.Elem())) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) // start group + b, err = opts.Options().MarshalAppend(b, m) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag+1) // end group + } + return b, nil +} + +func consumeGroupSlice(b []byte, p pointer, num protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, goType reflect.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType { + return out, errUnknown + } + b, n := protowire.ConsumeGroup(num, b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + mp := reflect.New(goType.Elem()) + o, err := opts.Options().UnmarshalState(piface.UnmarshalInput{ + Buf: b, + Message: asMessage(mp).ProtoReflect(), + }) + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + p.AppendPointerSlice(pointerOfValue(mp)) + out.n = n + out.initialized = o.Flags&piface.UnmarshalInitialized != 0 + return out, nil +} + +func sizeGroupSliceInfo(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + s := p.PointerSlice() + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += 2*f.tagsize + f.mi.sizePointer(v, opts) + } + return n +} + +func appendGroupSliceInfo(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := p.PointerSlice() + var err error + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) // start group + b, err = f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(b, v, opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag+1) // end group + } + return b, nil +} + +func consumeGroupSliceInfo(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) { + if wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType { + return unmarshalOutput{}, errUnknown + } + m := reflect.New(f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem()).Interface() + mp := pointerOfIface(m) + out, err := f.mi.unmarshalPointer(b, mp, f.num, opts) + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + p.AppendPointerSlice(mp) + return out, nil +} + +func asMessage(v reflect.Value) pref.ProtoMessage { + if m, ok := v.Interface().(pref.ProtoMessage); ok { + return m + } + return legacyWrapMessage(v).Interface() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1a509b63 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,5637 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-types. DO NOT EDIT. + +package impl + +import ( + "math" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// sizeBool returns the size of wire encoding a bool pointer as a Bool. +func sizeBool(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Bool() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) +} + +// appendBool wire encodes a bool pointer as a Bool. +func appendBool(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Bool() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBool wire decodes a bool pointer as a Bool. +func consumeBool(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Bool() = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderBool = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBool, + marshal: appendBool, + unmarshal: consumeBool, + merge: mergeBool, +} + +// sizeBoolNoZero returns the size of wire encoding a bool pointer as a Bool. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeBoolNoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Bool() + if v == false { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) +} + +// appendBoolNoZero wire encodes a bool pointer as a Bool. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendBoolNoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Bool() + if v == false { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v)) + return b, nil +} + +var coderBoolNoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBoolNoZero, + marshal: appendBoolNoZero, + unmarshal: consumeBool, + merge: mergeBoolNoZero, +} + +// sizeBoolPtr returns the size of wire encoding a *bool pointer as a Bool. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeBoolPtr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := **p.BoolPtr() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) +} + +// appendBoolPtr wire encodes a *bool pointer as a Bool. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendBoolPtr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.BoolPtr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBoolPtr wire decodes a *bool pointer as a Bool. +func consumeBoolPtr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.BoolPtr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(bool) + } + **vp = protowire.DecodeBool(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderBoolPtr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBoolPtr, + marshal: appendBoolPtr, + unmarshal: consumeBoolPtr, + merge: mergeBoolPtr, +} + +// sizeBoolSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []bool pointer as a repeated Bool. +func sizeBoolSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.BoolSlice() + for _, v := range s { + size += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) + } + return size +} + +// appendBoolSlice encodes a []bool pointer as a repeated Bool. +func appendBoolSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.BoolSlice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBoolSlice wire decodes a []bool pointer as a repeated Bool. +func consumeBoolSlice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.BoolSlice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, protowire.DecodeBool(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, protowire.DecodeBool(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderBoolSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBoolSlice, + marshal: appendBoolSlice, + unmarshal: consumeBoolSlice, + merge: mergeBoolSlice, +} + +// sizeBoolPackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []bool pointer as a packed repeated Bool. +func sizeBoolPackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.BoolSlice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendBoolPackedSlice encodes a []bool pointer as a packed repeated Bool. +func appendBoolPackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.BoolSlice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v)) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderBoolPackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBoolPackedSlice, + marshal: appendBoolPackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeBoolSlice, + merge: mergeBoolSlice, +} + +// sizeBoolValue returns the size of wire encoding a bool value as a Bool. +func sizeBoolValue(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v.Bool())) +} + +// appendBoolValue encodes a bool value as a Bool. +func appendBoolValue(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v.Bool())) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBoolValue decodes a bool value as a Bool. +func consumeBoolValue(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderBoolValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBoolValue, + marshal: appendBoolValue, + unmarshal: consumeBoolValue, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeBoolSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []bool value as a repeated Bool. +func sizeBoolSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v.Bool())) + } + return size +} + +// appendBoolSliceValue encodes a []bool value as a repeated Bool. +func appendBoolSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v.Bool())) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBoolSliceValue wire decodes a []bool value as a repeated Bool. +func consumeBoolSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderBoolSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBoolSliceValue, + marshal: appendBoolSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeBoolSliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeBoolPackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []bool value as a packed repeated Bool. +func sizeBoolPackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, llen; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v.Bool())) + } + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendBoolPackedSliceValue encodes a []bool value as a packed repeated Bool. +func appendBoolPackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v.Bool())) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v.Bool())) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderBoolPackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBoolPackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendBoolPackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeBoolSliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeEnumValue returns the size of wire encoding a value as a Enum. +func sizeEnumValue(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Enum())) +} + +// appendEnumValue encodes a value as a Enum. +func appendEnumValue(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v.Enum())) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeEnumValue decodes a value as a Enum. +func consumeEnumValue(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(protoreflect.EnumNumber(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderEnumValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeEnumValue, + marshal: appendEnumValue, + unmarshal: consumeEnumValue, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeEnumSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a [] value as a repeated Enum. +func sizeEnumSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Enum())) + } + return size +} + +// appendEnumSliceValue encodes a [] value as a repeated Enum. +func appendEnumSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v.Enum())) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeEnumSliceValue wire decodes a [] value as a repeated Enum. +func consumeEnumSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(protoreflect.EnumNumber(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(protoreflect.EnumNumber(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderEnumSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeEnumSliceValue, + marshal: appendEnumSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeEnumSliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeEnumPackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a [] value as a packed repeated Enum. +func sizeEnumPackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, llen; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Enum())) + } + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendEnumPackedSliceValue encodes a [] value as a packed repeated Enum. +func appendEnumPackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Enum())) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v.Enum())) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderEnumPackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeEnumPackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendEnumPackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeEnumSliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeInt32 returns the size of wire encoding a int32 pointer as a Int32. +func sizeInt32(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int32() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +// appendInt32 wire encodes a int32 pointer as a Int32. +func appendInt32(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt32 wire decodes a int32 pointer as a Int32. +func consumeInt32(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Int32() = int32(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderInt32 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt32, + marshal: appendInt32, + unmarshal: consumeInt32, + merge: mergeInt32, +} + +// sizeInt32NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a int32 pointer as a Int32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeInt32NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int32() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +// appendInt32NoZero wire encodes a int32 pointer as a Int32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendInt32NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int32() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +var coderInt32NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt32NoZero, + marshal: appendInt32NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeInt32, + merge: mergeInt32NoZero, +} + +// sizeInt32Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *int32 pointer as a Int32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeInt32Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := **p.Int32Ptr() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +// appendInt32Ptr wire encodes a *int32 pointer as a Int32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendInt32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Int32Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt32Ptr wire decodes a *int32 pointer as a Int32. +func consumeInt32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Int32Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(int32) + } + **vp = int32(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderInt32Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt32Ptr, + marshal: appendInt32Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeInt32Ptr, + merge: mergeInt32Ptr, +} + +// sizeInt32Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 pointer as a repeated Int32. +func sizeInt32Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + for _, v := range s { + size += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + } + return size +} + +// appendInt32Slice encodes a []int32 pointer as a repeated Int32. +func appendInt32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt32Slice wire decodes a []int32 pointer as a repeated Int32. +func consumeInt32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Int32Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, int32(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, int32(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderInt32Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt32Slice, + marshal: appendInt32Slice, + unmarshal: consumeInt32Slice, + merge: mergeInt32Slice, +} + +// sizeInt32PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 pointer as a packed repeated Int32. +func sizeInt32PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendInt32PackedSlice encodes a []int32 pointer as a packed repeated Int32. +func appendInt32PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderInt32PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt32PackedSlice, + marshal: appendInt32PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeInt32Slice, + merge: mergeInt32Slice, +} + +// sizeInt32Value returns the size of wire encoding a int32 value as a Int32. +func sizeInt32Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(int32(v.Int()))) +} + +// appendInt32Value encodes a int32 value as a Int32. +func appendInt32Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(int32(v.Int()))) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt32Value decodes a int32 value as a Int32. +func consumeInt32Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderInt32Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt32Value, + marshal: appendInt32Value, + unmarshal: consumeInt32Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeInt32SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 value as a repeated Int32. +func sizeInt32SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(int32(v.Int()))) + } + return size +} + +// appendInt32SliceValue encodes a []int32 value as a repeated Int32. +func appendInt32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(int32(v.Int()))) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt32SliceValue wire decodes a []int32 value as a repeated Int32. +func consumeInt32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderInt32SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt32SliceValue, + marshal: appendInt32SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeInt32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeInt32PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 value as a packed repeated Int32. +func sizeInt32PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, llen; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(int32(v.Int()))) + } + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendInt32PackedSliceValue encodes a []int32 value as a packed repeated Int32. +func appendInt32PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(int32(v.Int()))) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(int32(v.Int()))) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderInt32PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt32PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendInt32PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeInt32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeSint32 returns the size of wire encoding a int32 pointer as a Sint32. +func sizeSint32(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int32() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) +} + +// appendSint32 wire encodes a int32 pointer as a Sint32. +func appendSint32(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint32 wire decodes a int32 pointer as a Sint32. +func consumeSint32(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Int32() = int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v & math.MaxUint32)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSint32 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint32, + marshal: appendSint32, + unmarshal: consumeSint32, + merge: mergeInt32, +} + +// sizeSint32NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a int32 pointer as a Sint32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeSint32NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int32() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) +} + +// appendSint32NoZero wire encodes a int32 pointer as a Sint32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendSint32NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int32() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) + return b, nil +} + +var coderSint32NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint32NoZero, + marshal: appendSint32NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeSint32, + merge: mergeInt32NoZero, +} + +// sizeSint32Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *int32 pointer as a Sint32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeSint32Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := **p.Int32Ptr() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) +} + +// appendSint32Ptr wire encodes a *int32 pointer as a Sint32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendSint32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Int32Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint32Ptr wire decodes a *int32 pointer as a Sint32. +func consumeSint32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Int32Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(int32) + } + **vp = int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v & math.MaxUint32)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSint32Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint32Ptr, + marshal: appendSint32Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeSint32Ptr, + merge: mergeInt32Ptr, +} + +// sizeSint32Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 pointer as a repeated Sint32. +func sizeSint32Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + for _, v := range s { + size += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) + } + return size +} + +// appendSint32Slice encodes a []int32 pointer as a repeated Sint32. +func appendSint32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint32Slice wire decodes a []int32 pointer as a repeated Sint32. +func consumeSint32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Int32Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v&math.MaxUint32))) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v&math.MaxUint32))) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSint32Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint32Slice, + marshal: appendSint32Slice, + unmarshal: consumeSint32Slice, + merge: mergeInt32Slice, +} + +// sizeSint32PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 pointer as a packed repeated Sint32. +func sizeSint32PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendSint32PackedSlice encodes a []int32 pointer as a packed repeated Sint32. +func appendSint32PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(v))) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderSint32PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint32PackedSlice, + marshal: appendSint32PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeSint32Slice, + merge: mergeInt32Slice, +} + +// sizeSint32Value returns the size of wire encoding a int32 value as a Sint32. +func sizeSint32Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(int32(v.Int())))) +} + +// appendSint32Value encodes a int32 value as a Sint32. +func appendSint32Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(int32(v.Int())))) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint32Value decodes a int32 value as a Sint32. +func consumeSint32Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v & math.MaxUint32))), out, nil +} + +var coderSint32Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint32Value, + marshal: appendSint32Value, + unmarshal: consumeSint32Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeSint32SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 value as a repeated Sint32. +func sizeSint32SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(int32(v.Int())))) + } + return size +} + +// appendSint32SliceValue encodes a []int32 value as a repeated Sint32. +func appendSint32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(int32(v.Int())))) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint32SliceValue wire decodes a []int32 value as a repeated Sint32. +func consumeSint32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v & math.MaxUint32)))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v & math.MaxUint32)))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderSint32SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint32SliceValue, + marshal: appendSint32SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeSint32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeSint32PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 value as a packed repeated Sint32. +func sizeSint32PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, llen; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(int32(v.Int())))) + } + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendSint32PackedSliceValue encodes a []int32 value as a packed repeated Sint32. +func appendSint32PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(int32(v.Int())))) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(int32(v.Int())))) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderSint32PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint32PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendSint32PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeSint32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeUint32 returns the size of wire encoding a uint32 pointer as a Uint32. +func sizeUint32(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Uint32() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +// appendUint32 wire encodes a uint32 pointer as a Uint32. +func appendUint32(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Uint32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint32 wire decodes a uint32 pointer as a Uint32. +func consumeUint32(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Uint32() = uint32(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderUint32 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint32, + marshal: appendUint32, + unmarshal: consumeUint32, + merge: mergeUint32, +} + +// sizeUint32NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a uint32 pointer as a Uint32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeUint32NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Uint32() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +// appendUint32NoZero wire encodes a uint32 pointer as a Uint32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendUint32NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Uint32() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +var coderUint32NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint32NoZero, + marshal: appendUint32NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeUint32, + merge: mergeUint32NoZero, +} + +// sizeUint32Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *uint32 pointer as a Uint32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeUint32Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := **p.Uint32Ptr() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +// appendUint32Ptr wire encodes a *uint32 pointer as a Uint32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendUint32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Uint32Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint32Ptr wire decodes a *uint32 pointer as a Uint32. +func consumeUint32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Uint32Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(uint32) + } + **vp = uint32(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderUint32Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint32Ptr, + marshal: appendUint32Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeUint32Ptr, + merge: mergeUint32Ptr, +} + +// sizeUint32Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []uint32 pointer as a repeated Uint32. +func sizeUint32Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Uint32Slice() + for _, v := range s { + size += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + } + return size +} + +// appendUint32Slice encodes a []uint32 pointer as a repeated Uint32. +func appendUint32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Uint32Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint32Slice wire decodes a []uint32 pointer as a repeated Uint32. +func consumeUint32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Uint32Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, uint32(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, uint32(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderUint32Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint32Slice, + marshal: appendUint32Slice, + unmarshal: consumeUint32Slice, + merge: mergeUint32Slice, +} + +// sizeUint32PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []uint32 pointer as a packed repeated Uint32. +func sizeUint32PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Uint32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendUint32PackedSlice encodes a []uint32 pointer as a packed repeated Uint32. +func appendUint32PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Uint32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderUint32PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint32PackedSlice, + marshal: appendUint32PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeUint32Slice, + merge: mergeUint32Slice, +} + +// sizeUint32Value returns the size of wire encoding a uint32 value as a Uint32. +func sizeUint32Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(uint32(v.Uint()))) +} + +// appendUint32Value encodes a uint32 value as a Uint32. +func appendUint32Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(uint32(v.Uint()))) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint32Value decodes a uint32 value as a Uint32. +func consumeUint32Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderUint32Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint32Value, + marshal: appendUint32Value, + unmarshal: consumeUint32Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeUint32SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []uint32 value as a repeated Uint32. +func sizeUint32SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(uint32(v.Uint()))) + } + return size +} + +// appendUint32SliceValue encodes a []uint32 value as a repeated Uint32. +func appendUint32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(uint32(v.Uint()))) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint32SliceValue wire decodes a []uint32 value as a repeated Uint32. +func consumeUint32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderUint32SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint32SliceValue, + marshal: appendUint32SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeUint32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeUint32PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []uint32 value as a packed repeated Uint32. +func sizeUint32PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, llen; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(uint32(v.Uint()))) + } + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendUint32PackedSliceValue encodes a []uint32 value as a packed repeated Uint32. +func appendUint32PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(uint32(v.Uint()))) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(uint32(v.Uint()))) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderUint32PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint32PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendUint32PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeUint32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeInt64 returns the size of wire encoding a int64 pointer as a Int64. +func sizeInt64(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int64() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +// appendInt64 wire encodes a int64 pointer as a Int64. +func appendInt64(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt64 wire decodes a int64 pointer as a Int64. +func consumeInt64(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Int64() = int64(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderInt64 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt64, + marshal: appendInt64, + unmarshal: consumeInt64, + merge: mergeInt64, +} + +// sizeInt64NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a int64 pointer as a Int64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeInt64NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int64() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +// appendInt64NoZero wire encodes a int64 pointer as a Int64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendInt64NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int64() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +var coderInt64NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt64NoZero, + marshal: appendInt64NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeInt64, + merge: mergeInt64NoZero, +} + +// sizeInt64Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *int64 pointer as a Int64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeInt64Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := **p.Int64Ptr() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +// appendInt64Ptr wire encodes a *int64 pointer as a Int64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendInt64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Int64Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt64Ptr wire decodes a *int64 pointer as a Int64. +func consumeInt64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Int64Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(int64) + } + **vp = int64(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderInt64Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt64Ptr, + marshal: appendInt64Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeInt64Ptr, + merge: mergeInt64Ptr, +} + +// sizeInt64Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 pointer as a repeated Int64. +func sizeInt64Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + for _, v := range s { + size += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + } + return size +} + +// appendInt64Slice encodes a []int64 pointer as a repeated Int64. +func appendInt64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt64Slice wire decodes a []int64 pointer as a repeated Int64. +func consumeInt64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Int64Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, int64(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, int64(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderInt64Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt64Slice, + marshal: appendInt64Slice, + unmarshal: consumeInt64Slice, + merge: mergeInt64Slice, +} + +// sizeInt64PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 pointer as a packed repeated Int64. +func sizeInt64PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendInt64PackedSlice encodes a []int64 pointer as a packed repeated Int64. +func appendInt64PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderInt64PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt64PackedSlice, + marshal: appendInt64PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeInt64Slice, + merge: mergeInt64Slice, +} + +// sizeInt64Value returns the size of wire encoding a int64 value as a Int64. +func sizeInt64Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Int())) +} + +// appendInt64Value encodes a int64 value as a Int64. +func appendInt64Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v.Int())) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt64Value decodes a int64 value as a Int64. +func consumeInt64Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderInt64Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt64Value, + marshal: appendInt64Value, + unmarshal: consumeInt64Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeInt64SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 value as a repeated Int64. +func sizeInt64SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Int())) + } + return size +} + +// appendInt64SliceValue encodes a []int64 value as a repeated Int64. +func appendInt64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v.Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeInt64SliceValue wire decodes a []int64 value as a repeated Int64. +func consumeInt64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderInt64SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt64SliceValue, + marshal: appendInt64SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeInt64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeInt64PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 value as a packed repeated Int64. +func sizeInt64PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, llen; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Int())) + } + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendInt64PackedSliceValue encodes a []int64 value as a packed repeated Int64. +func appendInt64PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Int())) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v.Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderInt64PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeInt64PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendInt64PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeInt64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeSint64 returns the size of wire encoding a int64 pointer as a Sint64. +func sizeSint64(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int64() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) +} + +// appendSint64 wire encodes a int64 pointer as a Sint64. +func appendSint64(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint64 wire decodes a int64 pointer as a Sint64. +func consumeSint64(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Int64() = protowire.DecodeZigZag(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSint64 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint64, + marshal: appendSint64, + unmarshal: consumeSint64, + merge: mergeInt64, +} + +// sizeSint64NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a int64 pointer as a Sint64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeSint64NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int64() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) +} + +// appendSint64NoZero wire encodes a int64 pointer as a Sint64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendSint64NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int64() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) + return b, nil +} + +var coderSint64NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint64NoZero, + marshal: appendSint64NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeSint64, + merge: mergeInt64NoZero, +} + +// sizeSint64Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *int64 pointer as a Sint64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeSint64Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := **p.Int64Ptr() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) +} + +// appendSint64Ptr wire encodes a *int64 pointer as a Sint64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendSint64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Int64Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint64Ptr wire decodes a *int64 pointer as a Sint64. +func consumeSint64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Int64Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(int64) + } + **vp = protowire.DecodeZigZag(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSint64Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint64Ptr, + marshal: appendSint64Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeSint64Ptr, + merge: mergeInt64Ptr, +} + +// sizeSint64Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 pointer as a repeated Sint64. +func sizeSint64Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + for _, v := range s { + size += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) + } + return size +} + +// appendSint64Slice encodes a []int64 pointer as a repeated Sint64. +func appendSint64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint64Slice wire decodes a []int64 pointer as a repeated Sint64. +func consumeSint64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Int64Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, protowire.DecodeZigZag(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, protowire.DecodeZigZag(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSint64Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint64Slice, + marshal: appendSint64Slice, + unmarshal: consumeSint64Slice, + merge: mergeInt64Slice, +} + +// sizeSint64PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 pointer as a packed repeated Sint64. +func sizeSint64PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendSint64PackedSlice encodes a []int64 pointer as a packed repeated Sint64. +func appendSint64PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderSint64PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint64PackedSlice, + marshal: appendSint64PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeSint64Slice, + merge: mergeInt64Slice, +} + +// sizeSint64Value returns the size of wire encoding a int64 value as a Sint64. +func sizeSint64Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v.Int())) +} + +// appendSint64Value encodes a int64 value as a Sint64. +func appendSint64Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v.Int())) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint64Value decodes a int64 value as a Sint64. +func consumeSint64Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderSint64Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint64Value, + marshal: appendSint64Value, + unmarshal: consumeSint64Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeSint64SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 value as a repeated Sint64. +func sizeSint64SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v.Int())) + } + return size +} + +// appendSint64SliceValue encodes a []int64 value as a repeated Sint64. +func appendSint64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v.Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSint64SliceValue wire decodes a []int64 value as a repeated Sint64. +func consumeSint64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderSint64SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint64SliceValue, + marshal: appendSint64SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeSint64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeSint64PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 value as a packed repeated Sint64. +func sizeSint64PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, llen; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v.Int())) + } + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendSint64PackedSliceValue encodes a []int64 value as a packed repeated Sint64. +func appendSint64PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v.Int())) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v.Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderSint64PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSint64PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendSint64PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeSint64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeUint64 returns the size of wire encoding a uint64 pointer as a Uint64. +func sizeUint64(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Uint64() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v) +} + +// appendUint64 wire encodes a uint64 pointer as a Uint64. +func appendUint64(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Uint64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint64 wire decodes a uint64 pointer as a Uint64. +func consumeUint64(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Uint64() = v + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderUint64 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint64, + marshal: appendUint64, + unmarshal: consumeUint64, + merge: mergeUint64, +} + +// sizeUint64NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a uint64 pointer as a Uint64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeUint64NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Uint64() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v) +} + +// appendUint64NoZero wire encodes a uint64 pointer as a Uint64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendUint64NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Uint64() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +var coderUint64NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint64NoZero, + marshal: appendUint64NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeUint64, + merge: mergeUint64NoZero, +} + +// sizeUint64Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *uint64 pointer as a Uint64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeUint64Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := **p.Uint64Ptr() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v) +} + +// appendUint64Ptr wire encodes a *uint64 pointer as a Uint64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendUint64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Uint64Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint64Ptr wire decodes a *uint64 pointer as a Uint64. +func consumeUint64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Uint64Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(uint64) + } + **vp = v + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderUint64Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint64Ptr, + marshal: appendUint64Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeUint64Ptr, + merge: mergeUint64Ptr, +} + +// sizeUint64Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []uint64 pointer as a repeated Uint64. +func sizeUint64Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Uint64Slice() + for _, v := range s { + size += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v) + } + return size +} + +// appendUint64Slice encodes a []uint64 pointer as a repeated Uint64. +func appendUint64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Uint64Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint64Slice wire decodes a []uint64 pointer as a repeated Uint64. +func consumeUint64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Uint64Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, v) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderUint64Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint64Slice, + marshal: appendUint64Slice, + unmarshal: consumeUint64Slice, + merge: mergeUint64Slice, +} + +// sizeUint64PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []uint64 pointer as a packed repeated Uint64. +func sizeUint64PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Uint64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(v) + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendUint64PackedSlice encodes a []uint64 pointer as a packed repeated Uint64. +func appendUint64PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Uint64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := 0 + for _, v := range s { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(v) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderUint64PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint64PackedSlice, + marshal: appendUint64PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeUint64Slice, + merge: mergeUint64Slice, +} + +// sizeUint64Value returns the size of wire encoding a uint64 value as a Uint64. +func sizeUint64Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v.Uint()) +} + +// appendUint64Value encodes a uint64 value as a Uint64. +func appendUint64Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v.Uint()) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint64Value decodes a uint64 value as a Uint64. +func consumeUint64Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v), out, nil +} + +var coderUint64Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint64Value, + marshal: appendUint64Value, + unmarshal: consumeUint64Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeUint64SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []uint64 value as a repeated Uint64. +func sizeUint64SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(v.Uint()) + } + return size +} + +// appendUint64SliceValue encodes a []uint64 value as a repeated Uint64. +func appendUint64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v.Uint()) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeUint64SliceValue wire decodes a []uint64 value as a repeated Uint64. +func consumeUint64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + var v uint64 + var n int + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + v = uint64(b[0]) + n = 1 + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + v = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + n = 2 + } else { + v, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + } + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v)) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderUint64SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint64SliceValue, + marshal: appendUint64SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeUint64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeUint64PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []uint64 value as a packed repeated Uint64. +func sizeUint64PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for i, llen := 0, llen; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(v.Uint()) + } + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendUint64PackedSliceValue encodes a []uint64 value as a packed repeated Uint64. +func appendUint64PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + n += protowire.SizeVarint(v.Uint()) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v.Uint()) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderUint64PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeUint64PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendUint64PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeUint64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeSfixed32 returns the size of wire encoding a int32 pointer as a Sfixed32. +func sizeSfixed32(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendSfixed32 wire encodes a int32 pointer as a Sfixed32. +func appendSfixed32(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed32 wire decodes a int32 pointer as a Sfixed32. +func consumeSfixed32(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Int32() = int32(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed32 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed32, + marshal: appendSfixed32, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed32, + merge: mergeInt32, +} + +// sizeSfixed32NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a int32 pointer as a Sfixed32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeSfixed32NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int32() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendSfixed32NoZero wire encodes a int32 pointer as a Sfixed32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendSfixed32NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int32() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v)) + return b, nil +} + +var coderSfixed32NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed32NoZero, + marshal: appendSfixed32NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed32, + merge: mergeInt32NoZero, +} + +// sizeSfixed32Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *int32 pointer as a Sfixed32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeSfixed32Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendSfixed32Ptr wire encodes a *int32 pointer as a Sfixed32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendSfixed32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Int32Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed32Ptr wire decodes a *int32 pointer as a Sfixed32. +func consumeSfixed32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Int32Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(int32) + } + **vp = int32(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed32Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed32Ptr, + marshal: appendSfixed32Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed32Ptr, + merge: mergeInt32Ptr, +} + +// sizeSfixed32Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 pointer as a repeated Sfixed32. +func sizeSfixed32Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + size = len(s) * (f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32()) + return size +} + +// appendSfixed32Slice encodes a []int32 pointer as a repeated Sfixed32. +func appendSfixed32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed32Slice wire decodes a []int32 pointer as a repeated Sfixed32. +func consumeSfixed32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Int32Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, int32(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, int32(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed32Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed32Slice, + marshal: appendSfixed32Slice, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed32Slice, + merge: mergeInt32Slice, +} + +// sizeSfixed32PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 pointer as a packed repeated Sfixed32. +func sizeSfixed32PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed32() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendSfixed32PackedSlice encodes a []int32 pointer as a packed repeated Sfixed32. +func appendSfixed32PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderSfixed32PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed32PackedSlice, + marshal: appendSfixed32PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed32Slice, + merge: mergeInt32Slice, +} + +// sizeSfixed32Value returns the size of wire encoding a int32 value as a Sfixed32. +func sizeSfixed32Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendSfixed32Value encodes a int32 value as a Sfixed32. +func appendSfixed32Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v.Int())) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed32Value decodes a int32 value as a Sfixed32. +func consumeSfixed32Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed32Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed32Value, + marshal: appendSfixed32Value, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed32Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeSfixed32SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 value as a repeated Sfixed32. +func sizeSfixed32SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + size = list.Len() * (tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32()) + return size +} + +// appendSfixed32SliceValue encodes a []int32 value as a repeated Sfixed32. +func appendSfixed32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v.Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed32SliceValue wire decodes a []int32 value as a repeated Sfixed32. +func consumeSfixed32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed32SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed32SliceValue, + marshal: appendSfixed32SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeSfixed32PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int32 value as a packed repeated Sfixed32. +func sizeSfixed32PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed32() + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendSfixed32PackedSliceValue encodes a []int32 value as a packed repeated Sfixed32. +func appendSfixed32PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v.Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderSfixed32PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed32PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendSfixed32PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeFixed32 returns the size of wire encoding a uint32 pointer as a Fixed32. +func sizeFixed32(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendFixed32 wire encodes a uint32 pointer as a Fixed32. +func appendFixed32(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Uint32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed32 wire decodes a uint32 pointer as a Fixed32. +func consumeFixed32(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Uint32() = v + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderFixed32 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed32, + marshal: appendFixed32, + unmarshal: consumeFixed32, + merge: mergeUint32, +} + +// sizeFixed32NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a uint32 pointer as a Fixed32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeFixed32NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Uint32() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendFixed32NoZero wire encodes a uint32 pointer as a Fixed32. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendFixed32NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Uint32() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +var coderFixed32NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed32NoZero, + marshal: appendFixed32NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeFixed32, + merge: mergeUint32NoZero, +} + +// sizeFixed32Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *uint32 pointer as a Fixed32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeFixed32Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendFixed32Ptr wire encodes a *uint32 pointer as a Fixed32. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendFixed32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Uint32Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed32Ptr wire decodes a *uint32 pointer as a Fixed32. +func consumeFixed32Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Uint32Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(uint32) + } + **vp = v + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderFixed32Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed32Ptr, + marshal: appendFixed32Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeFixed32Ptr, + merge: mergeUint32Ptr, +} + +// sizeFixed32Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []uint32 pointer as a repeated Fixed32. +func sizeFixed32Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Uint32Slice() + size = len(s) * (f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32()) + return size +} + +// appendFixed32Slice encodes a []uint32 pointer as a repeated Fixed32. +func appendFixed32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Uint32Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed32Slice wire decodes a []uint32 pointer as a repeated Fixed32. +func consumeFixed32Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Uint32Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, v) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderFixed32Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed32Slice, + marshal: appendFixed32Slice, + unmarshal: consumeFixed32Slice, + merge: mergeUint32Slice, +} + +// sizeFixed32PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []uint32 pointer as a packed repeated Fixed32. +func sizeFixed32PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Uint32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed32() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendFixed32PackedSlice encodes a []uint32 pointer as a packed repeated Fixed32. +func appendFixed32PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Uint32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, v) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderFixed32PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed32PackedSlice, + marshal: appendFixed32PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeFixed32Slice, + merge: mergeUint32Slice, +} + +// sizeFixed32Value returns the size of wire encoding a uint32 value as a Fixed32. +func sizeFixed32Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendFixed32Value encodes a uint32 value as a Fixed32. +func appendFixed32Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v.Uint())) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed32Value decodes a uint32 value as a Fixed32. +func consumeFixed32Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderFixed32Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed32Value, + marshal: appendFixed32Value, + unmarshal: consumeFixed32Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeFixed32SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []uint32 value as a repeated Fixed32. +func sizeFixed32SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + size = list.Len() * (tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32()) + return size +} + +// appendFixed32SliceValue encodes a []uint32 value as a repeated Fixed32. +func appendFixed32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v.Uint())) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed32SliceValue wire decodes a []uint32 value as a repeated Fixed32. +func consumeFixed32SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderFixed32SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed32SliceValue, + marshal: appendFixed32SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeFixed32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeFixed32PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []uint32 value as a packed repeated Fixed32. +func sizeFixed32PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed32() + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendFixed32PackedSliceValue encodes a []uint32 value as a packed repeated Fixed32. +func appendFixed32PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v.Uint())) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderFixed32PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed32PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendFixed32PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeFixed32SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeFloat returns the size of wire encoding a float32 pointer as a Float. +func sizeFloat(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendFloat wire encodes a float32 pointer as a Float. +func appendFloat(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Float32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFloat wire decodes a float32 pointer as a Float. +func consumeFloat(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Float32() = math.Float32frombits(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderFloat = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFloat, + marshal: appendFloat, + unmarshal: consumeFloat, + merge: mergeFloat32, +} + +// sizeFloatNoZero returns the size of wire encoding a float32 pointer as a Float. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeFloatNoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Float32() + if v == 0 && !math.Signbit(float64(v)) { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendFloatNoZero wire encodes a float32 pointer as a Float. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendFloatNoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Float32() + if v == 0 && !math.Signbit(float64(v)) { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)) + return b, nil +} + +var coderFloatNoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFloatNoZero, + marshal: appendFloatNoZero, + unmarshal: consumeFloat, + merge: mergeFloat32NoZero, +} + +// sizeFloatPtr returns the size of wire encoding a *float32 pointer as a Float. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeFloatPtr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendFloatPtr wire encodes a *float32 pointer as a Float. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendFloatPtr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Float32Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFloatPtr wire decodes a *float32 pointer as a Float. +func consumeFloatPtr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Float32Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(float32) + } + **vp = math.Float32frombits(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderFloatPtr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFloatPtr, + marshal: appendFloatPtr, + unmarshal: consumeFloatPtr, + merge: mergeFloat32Ptr, +} + +// sizeFloatSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []float32 pointer as a repeated Float. +func sizeFloatSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Float32Slice() + size = len(s) * (f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32()) + return size +} + +// appendFloatSlice encodes a []float32 pointer as a repeated Float. +func appendFloatSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Float32Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFloatSlice wire decodes a []float32 pointer as a repeated Float. +func consumeFloatSlice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Float32Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, math.Float32frombits(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, math.Float32frombits(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderFloatSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFloatSlice, + marshal: appendFloatSlice, + unmarshal: consumeFloatSlice, + merge: mergeFloat32Slice, +} + +// sizeFloatPackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []float32 pointer as a packed repeated Float. +func sizeFloatPackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Float32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed32() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendFloatPackedSlice encodes a []float32 pointer as a packed repeated Float. +func appendFloatPackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Float32Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderFloatPackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFloatPackedSlice, + marshal: appendFloatPackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeFloatSlice, + merge: mergeFloat32Slice, +} + +// sizeFloatValue returns the size of wire encoding a float32 value as a Float. +func sizeFloatValue(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32() +} + +// appendFloatValue encodes a float32 value as a Float. +func appendFloatValue(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(float32(v.Float()))) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFloatValue decodes a float32 value as a Float. +func consumeFloatValue(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits(uint32(v))), out, nil +} + +var coderFloatValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFloatValue, + marshal: appendFloatValue, + unmarshal: consumeFloatValue, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeFloatSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []float32 value as a repeated Float. +func sizeFloatSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + size = list.Len() * (tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed32()) + return size +} + +// appendFloatSliceValue encodes a []float32 value as a repeated Float. +func appendFloatSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(float32(v.Float()))) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFloatSliceValue wire decodes a []float32 value as a repeated Float. +func consumeFloatSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits(uint32(v)))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits(uint32(v)))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderFloatSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFloatSliceValue, + marshal: appendFloatSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeFloatSliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeFloatPackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []float32 value as a packed repeated Float. +func sizeFloatPackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed32() + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendFloatPackedSliceValue encodes a []float32 value as a packed repeated Float. +func appendFloatPackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed32() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(float32(v.Float()))) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderFloatPackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFloatPackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendFloatPackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeFloatSliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeSfixed64 returns the size of wire encoding a int64 pointer as a Sfixed64. +func sizeSfixed64(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendSfixed64 wire encodes a int64 pointer as a Sfixed64. +func appendSfixed64(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed64 wire decodes a int64 pointer as a Sfixed64. +func consumeSfixed64(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Int64() = int64(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed64 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed64, + marshal: appendSfixed64, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed64, + merge: mergeInt64, +} + +// sizeSfixed64NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a int64 pointer as a Sfixed64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeSfixed64NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Int64() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendSfixed64NoZero wire encodes a int64 pointer as a Sfixed64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendSfixed64NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Int64() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +var coderSfixed64NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed64NoZero, + marshal: appendSfixed64NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed64, + merge: mergeInt64NoZero, +} + +// sizeSfixed64Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *int64 pointer as a Sfixed64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeSfixed64Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendSfixed64Ptr wire encodes a *int64 pointer as a Sfixed64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendSfixed64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Int64Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed64Ptr wire decodes a *int64 pointer as a Sfixed64. +func consumeSfixed64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Int64Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(int64) + } + **vp = int64(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed64Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed64Ptr, + marshal: appendSfixed64Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed64Ptr, + merge: mergeInt64Ptr, +} + +// sizeSfixed64Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 pointer as a repeated Sfixed64. +func sizeSfixed64Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + size = len(s) * (f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64()) + return size +} + +// appendSfixed64Slice encodes a []int64 pointer as a repeated Sfixed64. +func appendSfixed64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, uint64(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed64Slice wire decodes a []int64 pointer as a repeated Sfixed64. +func consumeSfixed64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Int64Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, int64(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, int64(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed64Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed64Slice, + marshal: appendSfixed64Slice, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed64Slice, + merge: mergeInt64Slice, +} + +// sizeSfixed64PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 pointer as a packed repeated Sfixed64. +func sizeSfixed64PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed64() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendSfixed64PackedSlice encodes a []int64 pointer as a packed repeated Sfixed64. +func appendSfixed64PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Int64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, uint64(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderSfixed64PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed64PackedSlice, + marshal: appendSfixed64PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed64Slice, + merge: mergeInt64Slice, +} + +// sizeSfixed64Value returns the size of wire encoding a int64 value as a Sfixed64. +func sizeSfixed64Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendSfixed64Value encodes a int64 value as a Sfixed64. +func appendSfixed64Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, uint64(v.Int())) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed64Value decodes a int64 value as a Sfixed64. +func consumeSfixed64Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed64Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed64Value, + marshal: appendSfixed64Value, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed64Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeSfixed64SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 value as a repeated Sfixed64. +func sizeSfixed64SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + size = list.Len() * (tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64()) + return size +} + +// appendSfixed64SliceValue encodes a []int64 value as a repeated Sfixed64. +func appendSfixed64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, uint64(v.Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeSfixed64SliceValue wire decodes a []int64 value as a repeated Sfixed64. +func consumeSfixed64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderSfixed64SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed64SliceValue, + marshal: appendSfixed64SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeSfixed64PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []int64 value as a packed repeated Sfixed64. +func sizeSfixed64PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed64() + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendSfixed64PackedSliceValue encodes a []int64 value as a packed repeated Sfixed64. +func appendSfixed64PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, uint64(v.Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderSfixed64PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeSfixed64PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendSfixed64PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeSfixed64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeFixed64 returns the size of wire encoding a uint64 pointer as a Fixed64. +func sizeFixed64(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendFixed64 wire encodes a uint64 pointer as a Fixed64. +func appendFixed64(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Uint64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed64 wire decodes a uint64 pointer as a Fixed64. +func consumeFixed64(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Uint64() = v + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderFixed64 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed64, + marshal: appendFixed64, + unmarshal: consumeFixed64, + merge: mergeUint64, +} + +// sizeFixed64NoZero returns the size of wire encoding a uint64 pointer as a Fixed64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeFixed64NoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Uint64() + if v == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendFixed64NoZero wire encodes a uint64 pointer as a Fixed64. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendFixed64NoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Uint64() + if v == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +var coderFixed64NoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed64NoZero, + marshal: appendFixed64NoZero, + unmarshal: consumeFixed64, + merge: mergeUint64NoZero, +} + +// sizeFixed64Ptr returns the size of wire encoding a *uint64 pointer as a Fixed64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeFixed64Ptr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendFixed64Ptr wire encodes a *uint64 pointer as a Fixed64. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendFixed64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Uint64Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed64Ptr wire decodes a *uint64 pointer as a Fixed64. +func consumeFixed64Ptr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Uint64Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(uint64) + } + **vp = v + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderFixed64Ptr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed64Ptr, + marshal: appendFixed64Ptr, + unmarshal: consumeFixed64Ptr, + merge: mergeUint64Ptr, +} + +// sizeFixed64Slice returns the size of wire encoding a []uint64 pointer as a repeated Fixed64. +func sizeFixed64Slice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Uint64Slice() + size = len(s) * (f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64()) + return size +} + +// appendFixed64Slice encodes a []uint64 pointer as a repeated Fixed64. +func appendFixed64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Uint64Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed64Slice wire decodes a []uint64 pointer as a repeated Fixed64. +func consumeFixed64Slice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Uint64Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, v) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderFixed64Slice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed64Slice, + marshal: appendFixed64Slice, + unmarshal: consumeFixed64Slice, + merge: mergeUint64Slice, +} + +// sizeFixed64PackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []uint64 pointer as a packed repeated Fixed64. +func sizeFixed64PackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Uint64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed64() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendFixed64PackedSlice encodes a []uint64 pointer as a packed repeated Fixed64. +func appendFixed64PackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Uint64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderFixed64PackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed64PackedSlice, + marshal: appendFixed64PackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeFixed64Slice, + merge: mergeUint64Slice, +} + +// sizeFixed64Value returns the size of wire encoding a uint64 value as a Fixed64. +func sizeFixed64Value(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendFixed64Value encodes a uint64 value as a Fixed64. +func appendFixed64Value(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v.Uint()) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed64Value decodes a uint64 value as a Fixed64. +func consumeFixed64Value(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v), out, nil +} + +var coderFixed64Value = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed64Value, + marshal: appendFixed64Value, + unmarshal: consumeFixed64Value, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeFixed64SliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []uint64 value as a repeated Fixed64. +func sizeFixed64SliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + size = list.Len() * (tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64()) + return size +} + +// appendFixed64SliceValue encodes a []uint64 value as a repeated Fixed64. +func appendFixed64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v.Uint()) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeFixed64SliceValue wire decodes a []uint64 value as a repeated Fixed64. +func consumeFixed64SliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v)) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderFixed64SliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed64SliceValue, + marshal: appendFixed64SliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeFixed64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeFixed64PackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []uint64 value as a packed repeated Fixed64. +func sizeFixed64PackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed64() + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendFixed64PackedSliceValue encodes a []uint64 value as a packed repeated Fixed64. +func appendFixed64PackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v.Uint()) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderFixed64PackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeFixed64PackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendFixed64PackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeFixed64SliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeDouble returns the size of wire encoding a float64 pointer as a Double. +func sizeDouble(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendDouble wire encodes a float64 pointer as a Double. +func appendDouble(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Float64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeDouble wire decodes a float64 pointer as a Double. +func consumeDouble(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Float64() = math.Float64frombits(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderDouble = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeDouble, + marshal: appendDouble, + unmarshal: consumeDouble, + merge: mergeFloat64, +} + +// sizeDoubleNoZero returns the size of wire encoding a float64 pointer as a Double. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeDoubleNoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Float64() + if v == 0 && !math.Signbit(float64(v)) { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendDoubleNoZero wire encodes a float64 pointer as a Double. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendDoubleNoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Float64() + if v == 0 && !math.Signbit(float64(v)) { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)) + return b, nil +} + +var coderDoubleNoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeDoubleNoZero, + marshal: appendDoubleNoZero, + unmarshal: consumeDouble, + merge: mergeFloat64NoZero, +} + +// sizeDoublePtr returns the size of wire encoding a *float64 pointer as a Double. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeDoublePtr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendDoublePtr wire encodes a *float64 pointer as a Double. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendDoublePtr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.Float64Ptr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeDoublePtr wire decodes a *float64 pointer as a Double. +func consumeDoublePtr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.Float64Ptr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(float64) + } + **vp = math.Float64frombits(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderDoublePtr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeDoublePtr, + marshal: appendDoublePtr, + unmarshal: consumeDoublePtr, + merge: mergeFloat64Ptr, +} + +// sizeDoubleSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []float64 pointer as a repeated Double. +func sizeDoubleSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Float64Slice() + size = len(s) * (f.tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64()) + return size +} + +// appendDoubleSlice encodes a []float64 pointer as a repeated Double. +func appendDoubleSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Float64Slice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeDoubleSlice wire decodes a []float64 pointer as a repeated Double. +func consumeDoubleSlice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.Float64Slice() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + s := *sp + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + s = append(s, math.Float64frombits(v)) + b = b[n:] + } + *sp = s + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, math.Float64frombits(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderDoubleSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeDoubleSlice, + marshal: appendDoubleSlice, + unmarshal: consumeDoubleSlice, + merge: mergeFloat64Slice, +} + +// sizeDoublePackedSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []float64 pointer as a packed repeated Double. +func sizeDoublePackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.Float64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed64() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendDoublePackedSlice encodes a []float64 pointer as a packed repeated Double. +func appendDoublePackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.Float64Slice() + if len(s) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := len(s) * protowire.SizeFixed64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v)) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderDoublePackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeDoublePackedSlice, + marshal: appendDoublePackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeDoubleSlice, + merge: mergeFloat64Slice, +} + +// sizeDoubleValue returns the size of wire encoding a float64 value as a Double. +func sizeDoubleValue(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64() +} + +// appendDoubleValue encodes a float64 value as a Double. +func appendDoubleValue(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v.Float())) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeDoubleValue decodes a float64 value as a Double. +func consumeDoubleValue(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderDoubleValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeDoubleValue, + marshal: appendDoubleValue, + unmarshal: consumeDoubleValue, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeDoubleSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []float64 value as a repeated Double. +func sizeDoubleSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + size = list.Len() * (tagsize + protowire.SizeFixed64()) + return size +} + +// appendDoubleSliceValue encodes a []float64 value as a repeated Double. +func appendDoubleSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v.Float())) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeDoubleSliceValue wire decodes a []float64 value as a repeated Double. +func consumeDoubleSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v))) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderDoubleSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeDoubleSliceValue, + marshal: appendDoubleSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeDoubleSliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeDoublePackedSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []float64 value as a packed repeated Double. +func sizeDoublePackedSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed64() + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +// appendDoublePackedSliceValue encodes a []float64 value as a packed repeated Double. +func appendDoublePackedSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + llen := list.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + n := llen * protowire.SizeFixed64() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v.Float())) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderDoublePackedSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeDoublePackedSliceValue, + marshal: appendDoublePackedSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeDoubleSliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeString returns the size of wire encoding a string pointer as a String. +func sizeString(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.String() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v)) +} + +// appendString wire encodes a string pointer as a String. +func appendString(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.String() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeString wire decodes a string pointer as a String. +func consumeString(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.String() = string(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderString = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeString, + marshal: appendString, + unmarshal: consumeString, + merge: mergeString, +} + +// appendStringValidateUTF8 wire encodes a string pointer as a String. +func appendStringValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.String() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v) + if !utf8.ValidString(v) { + return b, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeStringValidateUTF8 wire decodes a string pointer as a String. +func consumeStringValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return out, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + *p.String() = string(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderStringValidateUTF8 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeString, + marshal: appendStringValidateUTF8, + unmarshal: consumeStringValidateUTF8, + merge: mergeString, +} + +// sizeStringNoZero returns the size of wire encoding a string pointer as a String. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeStringNoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.String() + if len(v) == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v)) +} + +// appendStringNoZero wire encodes a string pointer as a String. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendStringNoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.String() + if len(v) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +var coderStringNoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeStringNoZero, + marshal: appendStringNoZero, + unmarshal: consumeString, + merge: mergeStringNoZero, +} + +// appendStringNoZeroValidateUTF8 wire encodes a string pointer as a String. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendStringNoZeroValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.String() + if len(v) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v) + if !utf8.ValidString(v) { + return b, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderStringNoZeroValidateUTF8 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeStringNoZero, + marshal: appendStringNoZeroValidateUTF8, + unmarshal: consumeStringValidateUTF8, + merge: mergeStringNoZero, +} + +// sizeStringPtr returns the size of wire encoding a *string pointer as a String. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func sizeStringPtr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := **p.StringPtr() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v)) +} + +// appendStringPtr wire encodes a *string pointer as a String. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendStringPtr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.StringPtr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeStringPtr wire decodes a *string pointer as a String. +func consumeStringPtr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + vp := p.StringPtr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(string) + } + **vp = string(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderStringPtr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeStringPtr, + marshal: appendStringPtr, + unmarshal: consumeStringPtr, + merge: mergeStringPtr, +} + +// appendStringPtrValidateUTF8 wire encodes a *string pointer as a String. +// It panics if the pointer is nil. +func appendStringPtrValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := **p.StringPtr() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v) + if !utf8.ValidString(v) { + return b, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeStringPtrValidateUTF8 wire decodes a *string pointer as a String. +func consumeStringPtrValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return out, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + vp := p.StringPtr() + if *vp == nil { + *vp = new(string) + } + **vp = string(v) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderStringPtrValidateUTF8 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeStringPtr, + marshal: appendStringPtrValidateUTF8, + unmarshal: consumeStringPtrValidateUTF8, + merge: mergeStringPtr, +} + +// sizeStringSlice returns the size of wire encoding a []string pointer as a repeated String. +func sizeStringSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.StringSlice() + for _, v := range s { + size += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v)) + } + return size +} + +// appendStringSlice encodes a []string pointer as a repeated String. +func appendStringSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.StringSlice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeStringSlice wire decodes a []string pointer as a repeated String. +func consumeStringSlice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.StringSlice() + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, string(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderStringSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeStringSlice, + marshal: appendStringSlice, + unmarshal: consumeStringSlice, + merge: mergeStringSlice, +} + +// appendStringSliceValidateUTF8 encodes a []string pointer as a repeated String. +func appendStringSliceValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.StringSlice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v) + if !utf8.ValidString(v) { + return b, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeStringSliceValidateUTF8 wire decodes a []string pointer as a repeated String. +func consumeStringSliceValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return out, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + sp := p.StringSlice() + *sp = append(*sp, string(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderStringSliceValidateUTF8 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeStringSlice, + marshal: appendStringSliceValidateUTF8, + unmarshal: consumeStringSliceValidateUTF8, + merge: mergeStringSlice, +} + +// sizeStringValue returns the size of wire encoding a string value as a String. +func sizeStringValue(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v.String())) +} + +// appendStringValue encodes a string value as a String. +func appendStringValue(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v.String()) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeStringValue decodes a string value as a String. +func consumeStringValue(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfString(string(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderStringValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeStringValue, + marshal: appendStringValue, + unmarshal: consumeStringValue, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// appendStringValueValidateUTF8 encodes a string value as a String. +func appendStringValueValidateUTF8(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v.String()) + if !utf8.ValidString(v.String()) { + return b, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeStringValueValidateUTF8 decodes a string value as a String. +func consumeStringValueValidateUTF8(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfString(string(v)), out, nil +} + +var coderStringValueValidateUTF8 = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeStringValue, + marshal: appendStringValueValidateUTF8, + unmarshal: consumeStringValueValidateUTF8, + merge: mergeScalarValue, +} + +// sizeStringSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a []string value as a repeated String. +func sizeStringSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v.String())) + } + return size +} + +// appendStringSliceValue encodes a []string value as a repeated String. +func appendStringSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v.String()) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeStringSliceValue wire decodes a []string value as a repeated String. +func consumeStringSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfString(string(v))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderStringSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeStringSliceValue, + marshal: appendStringSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeStringSliceValue, + merge: mergeListValue, +} + +// sizeBytes returns the size of wire encoding a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +func sizeBytes(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Bytes() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v)) +} + +// appendBytes wire encodes a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +func appendBytes(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Bytes() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBytes wire decodes a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +func consumeBytes(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Bytes() = append(emptyBuf[:], v...) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderBytes = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBytes, + marshal: appendBytes, + unmarshal: consumeBytes, + merge: mergeBytes, +} + +// appendBytesValidateUTF8 wire encodes a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +func appendBytesValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Bytes() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v) + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return b, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBytesValidateUTF8 wire decodes a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +func consumeBytesValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return out, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + *p.Bytes() = append(emptyBuf[:], v...) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderBytesValidateUTF8 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBytes, + marshal: appendBytesValidateUTF8, + unmarshal: consumeBytesValidateUTF8, + merge: mergeBytes, +} + +// sizeBytesNoZero returns the size of wire encoding a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func sizeBytesNoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := *p.Bytes() + if len(v) == 0 { + return 0 + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v)) +} + +// appendBytesNoZero wire encodes a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendBytesNoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Bytes() + if len(v) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBytesNoZero wire decodes a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +// The zero value is not decoded. +func consumeBytesNoZero(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *p.Bytes() = append(([]byte)(nil), v...) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderBytesNoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBytesNoZero, + marshal: appendBytesNoZero, + unmarshal: consumeBytesNoZero, + merge: mergeBytesNoZero, +} + +// appendBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8 wire encodes a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +// The zero value is not encoded. +func appendBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := *p.Bytes() + if len(v) == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v) + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return b, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8 wire decodes a []byte pointer as a Bytes. +func consumeBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return out, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + *p.Bytes() = append(([]byte)(nil), v...) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBytesNoZero, + marshal: appendBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8, + unmarshal: consumeBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8, + merge: mergeBytesNoZero, +} + +// sizeBytesSlice returns the size of wire encoding a [][]byte pointer as a repeated Bytes. +func sizeBytesSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := *p.BytesSlice() + for _, v := range s { + size += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v)) + } + return size +} + +// appendBytesSlice encodes a [][]byte pointer as a repeated Bytes. +func appendBytesSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.BytesSlice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBytesSlice wire decodes a [][]byte pointer as a repeated Bytes. +func consumeBytesSlice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + sp := p.BytesSlice() + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + *sp = append(*sp, append(emptyBuf[:], v...)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderBytesSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBytesSlice, + marshal: appendBytesSlice, + unmarshal: consumeBytesSlice, + merge: mergeBytesSlice, +} + +// appendBytesSliceValidateUTF8 encodes a [][]byte pointer as a repeated Bytes. +func appendBytesSliceValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := *p.BytesSlice() + for _, v := range s { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v) + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return b, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBytesSliceValidateUTF8 wire decodes a [][]byte pointer as a repeated Bytes. +func consumeBytesSliceValidateUTF8(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return out, errInvalidUTF8{} + } + sp := p.BytesSlice() + *sp = append(*sp, append(emptyBuf[:], v...)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +var coderBytesSliceValidateUTF8 = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBytesSlice, + marshal: appendBytesSliceValidateUTF8, + unmarshal: consumeBytesSliceValidateUTF8, + merge: mergeBytesSlice, +} + +// sizeBytesValue returns the size of wire encoding a []byte value as a Bytes. +func sizeBytesValue(v protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int { + return tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v.Bytes())) +} + +// appendBytesValue encodes a []byte value as a Bytes. +func appendBytesValue(b []byte, v protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v.Bytes()) + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBytesValue decodes a []byte value as a Bytes. +func consumeBytesValue(b []byte, _ protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + out.n = n + return protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(append(emptyBuf[:], v...)), out, nil +} + +var coderBytesValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBytesValue, + marshal: appendBytesValue, + unmarshal: consumeBytesValue, + merge: mergeBytesValue, +} + +// sizeBytesSliceValue returns the size of wire encoding a [][]byte value as a repeated Bytes. +func sizeBytesSliceValue(listv protoreflect.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + size += tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(len(v.Bytes())) + } + return size +} + +// appendBytesSliceValue encodes a [][]byte value as a repeated Bytes. +func appendBytesSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + list := listv.List() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + v := list.Get(i) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v.Bytes()) + } + return b, nil +} + +// consumeBytesSliceValue wire decodes a [][]byte value as a repeated Bytes. +func consumeBytesSliceValue(b []byte, listv protoreflect.Value, _ protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (_ protoreflect.Value, out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + list := listv.List() + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return protoreflect.Value{}, out, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(append(emptyBuf[:], v...))) + out.n = n + return listv, out, nil +} + +var coderBytesSliceValue = valueCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeBytesSliceValue, + marshal: appendBytesSliceValue, + unmarshal: consumeBytesSliceValue, + merge: mergeBytesListValue, +} + +// We append to an empty array rather than a nil []byte to get non-nil zero-length byte slices. +var emptyBuf [0]byte + +var wireTypes = map[protoreflect.Kind]protowire.Type{ + protoreflect.BoolKind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.EnumKind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Int32Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Sint32Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Uint32Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Int64Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Sint64Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Uint64Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind: protowire.Fixed32Type, + protoreflect.Fixed32Kind: protowire.Fixed32Type, + protoreflect.FloatKind: protowire.Fixed32Type, + protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind: protowire.Fixed64Type, + protoreflect.Fixed64Kind: protowire.Fixed64Type, + protoreflect.DoubleKind: protowire.Fixed64Type, + protoreflect.StringKind: protowire.BytesType, + protoreflect.BytesKind: protowire.BytesType, + protoreflect.MessageKind: protowire.BytesType, + protoreflect.GroupKind: protowire.StartGroupType, +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_map.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_map.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c1245fef --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_map.go @@ -0,0 +1,388 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "reflect" + "sort" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type mapInfo struct { + goType reflect.Type + keyWiretag uint64 + valWiretag uint64 + keyFuncs valueCoderFuncs + valFuncs valueCoderFuncs + keyZero pref.Value + keyKind pref.Kind + conv *mapConverter +} + +func encoderFuncsForMap(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) (valueMessage *MessageInfo, funcs pointerCoderFuncs) { + // TODO: Consider generating specialized map coders. + keyField := fd.MapKey() + valField := fd.MapValue() + keyWiretag := protowire.EncodeTag(1, wireTypes[keyField.Kind()]) + valWiretag := protowire.EncodeTag(2, wireTypes[valField.Kind()]) + keyFuncs := encoderFuncsForValue(keyField) + valFuncs := encoderFuncsForValue(valField) + conv := newMapConverter(ft, fd) + + mapi := &mapInfo{ + goType: ft, + keyWiretag: keyWiretag, + valWiretag: valWiretag, + keyFuncs: keyFuncs, + valFuncs: valFuncs, + keyZero: keyField.Default(), + keyKind: keyField.Kind(), + conv: conv, + } + if valField.Kind() == pref.MessageKind { + valueMessage = getMessageInfo(ft.Elem()) + } + + funcs = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + return sizeMap(p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem(), mapi, f, opts) + }, + marshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + return appendMap(b, p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem(), mapi, f, opts) + }, + unmarshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) { + mp := p.AsValueOf(ft) + if mp.Elem().IsNil() { + mp.Elem().Set(reflect.MakeMap(mapi.goType)) + } + if f.mi == nil { + return consumeMap(b, mp.Elem(), wtyp, mapi, f, opts) + } else { + return consumeMapOfMessage(b, mp.Elem(), wtyp, mapi, f, opts) + } + }, + } + switch valField.Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind: + funcs.merge = mergeMapOfMessage + case pref.BytesKind: + funcs.merge = mergeMapOfBytes + default: + funcs.merge = mergeMap + } + if valFuncs.isInit != nil { + funcs.isInit = func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + return isInitMap(p.AsValueOf(ft).Elem(), mapi, f) + } + } + return valueMessage, funcs +} + +const ( + mapKeyTagSize = 1 // field 1, tag size 1. + mapValTagSize = 1 // field 2, tag size 2. +) + +func sizeMap(mapv reflect.Value, mapi *mapInfo, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + if mapv.Len() == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + iter := mapRange(mapv) + for iter.Next() { + key := mapi.conv.keyConv.PBValueOf(iter.Key()).MapKey() + keySize := mapi.keyFuncs.size(key.Value(), mapKeyTagSize, opts) + var valSize int + value := mapi.conv.valConv.PBValueOf(iter.Value()) + if f.mi == nil { + valSize = mapi.valFuncs.size(value, mapValTagSize, opts) + } else { + p := pointerOfValue(iter.Value()) + valSize += mapValTagSize + valSize += protowire.SizeBytes(f.mi.sizePointer(p, opts)) + } + n += f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(keySize+valSize) + } + return n +} + +func consumeMap(b []byte, mapv reflect.Value, wtyp protowire.Type, mapi *mapInfo, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + var ( + key = mapi.keyZero + val = mapi.conv.valConv.New() + ) + for len(b) > 0 { + num, wtyp, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if num > protowire.MaxValidNumber { + return out, errDecode + } + b = b[n:] + err := errUnknown + switch num { + case genid.MapEntry_Key_field_number: + var v pref.Value + var o unmarshalOutput + v, o, err = mapi.keyFuncs.unmarshal(b, key, num, wtyp, opts) + if err != nil { + break + } + key = v + n = o.n + case genid.MapEntry_Value_field_number: + var v pref.Value + var o unmarshalOutput + v, o, err = mapi.valFuncs.unmarshal(b, val, num, wtyp, opts) + if err != nil { + break + } + val = v + n = o.n + } + if err == errUnknown { + n = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + } else if err != nil { + return out, err + } + b = b[n:] + } + mapv.SetMapIndex(mapi.conv.keyConv.GoValueOf(key), mapi.conv.valConv.GoValueOf(val)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +func consumeMapOfMessage(b []byte, mapv reflect.Value, wtyp protowire.Type, mapi *mapInfo, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, errUnknown + } + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + var ( + key = mapi.keyZero + val = reflect.New(f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem()) + ) + for len(b) > 0 { + num, wtyp, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if num > protowire.MaxValidNumber { + return out, errDecode + } + b = b[n:] + err := errUnknown + switch num { + case 1: + var v pref.Value + var o unmarshalOutput + v, o, err = mapi.keyFuncs.unmarshal(b, key, num, wtyp, opts) + if err != nil { + break + } + key = v + n = o.n + case 2: + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + break + } + var v []byte + v, n = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + var o unmarshalOutput + o, err = f.mi.unmarshalPointer(v, pointerOfValue(val), 0, opts) + if o.initialized { + // Consider this map item initialized so long as we see + // an initialized value. + out.initialized = true + } + } + if err == errUnknown { + n = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + } else if err != nil { + return out, err + } + b = b[n:] + } + mapv.SetMapIndex(mapi.conv.keyConv.GoValueOf(key), val) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +func appendMapItem(b []byte, keyrv, valrv reflect.Value, mapi *mapInfo, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + if f.mi == nil { + key := mapi.conv.keyConv.PBValueOf(keyrv).MapKey() + val := mapi.conv.valConv.PBValueOf(valrv) + size := 0 + size += mapi.keyFuncs.size(key.Value(), mapKeyTagSize, opts) + size += mapi.valFuncs.size(val, mapValTagSize, opts) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(size)) + b, err := mapi.keyFuncs.marshal(b, key.Value(), mapi.keyWiretag, opts) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + return mapi.valFuncs.marshal(b, val, mapi.valWiretag, opts) + } else { + key := mapi.conv.keyConv.PBValueOf(keyrv).MapKey() + val := pointerOfValue(valrv) + valSize := f.mi.sizePointer(val, opts) + size := 0 + size += mapi.keyFuncs.size(key.Value(), mapKeyTagSize, opts) + size += mapValTagSize + protowire.SizeBytes(valSize) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(size)) + b, err := mapi.keyFuncs.marshal(b, key.Value(), mapi.keyWiretag, opts) + if err != nil { + return nil, err + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, mapi.valWiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(valSize)) + return f.mi.marshalAppendPointer(b, val, opts) + } +} + +func appendMap(b []byte, mapv reflect.Value, mapi *mapInfo, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + if mapv.Len() == 0 { + return b, nil + } + if opts.Deterministic() { + return appendMapDeterministic(b, mapv, mapi, f, opts) + } + iter := mapRange(mapv) + for iter.Next() { + var err error + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b, err = appendMapItem(b, iter.Key(), iter.Value(), mapi, f, opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + return b, nil +} + +func appendMapDeterministic(b []byte, mapv reflect.Value, mapi *mapInfo, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + keys := mapv.MapKeys() + sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool { + switch keys[i].Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + return !keys[i].Bool() && keys[j].Bool() + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + return keys[i].Int() < keys[j].Int() + case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: + return keys[i].Uint() < keys[j].Uint() + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + return keys[i].Float() < keys[j].Float() + case reflect.String: + return keys[i].String() < keys[j].String() + default: + panic("invalid kind: " + keys[i].Kind().String()) + } + }) + for _, key := range keys { + var err error + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b, err = appendMapItem(b, key, mapv.MapIndex(key), mapi, f, opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + return b, nil +} + +func isInitMap(mapv reflect.Value, mapi *mapInfo, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + if mi := f.mi; mi != nil { + mi.init() + if !mi.needsInitCheck { + return nil + } + iter := mapRange(mapv) + for iter.Next() { + val := pointerOfValue(iter.Value()) + if err := mi.checkInitializedPointer(val); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } else { + iter := mapRange(mapv) + for iter.Next() { + val := mapi.conv.valConv.PBValueOf(iter.Value()) + if err := mapi.valFuncs.isInit(val); err != nil { + return err + } + } + } + return nil +} + +func mergeMap(dst, src pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts mergeOptions) { + dstm := dst.AsValueOf(f.ft).Elem() + srcm := src.AsValueOf(f.ft).Elem() + if srcm.Len() == 0 { + return + } + if dstm.IsNil() { + dstm.Set(reflect.MakeMap(f.ft)) + } + iter := mapRange(srcm) + for iter.Next() { + dstm.SetMapIndex(iter.Key(), iter.Value()) + } +} + +func mergeMapOfBytes(dst, src pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts mergeOptions) { + dstm := dst.AsValueOf(f.ft).Elem() + srcm := src.AsValueOf(f.ft).Elem() + if srcm.Len() == 0 { + return + } + if dstm.IsNil() { + dstm.Set(reflect.MakeMap(f.ft)) + } + iter := mapRange(srcm) + for iter.Next() { + dstm.SetMapIndex(iter.Key(), reflect.ValueOf(append(emptyBuf[:], iter.Value().Bytes()...))) + } +} + +func mergeMapOfMessage(dst, src pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts mergeOptions) { + dstm := dst.AsValueOf(f.ft).Elem() + srcm := src.AsValueOf(f.ft).Elem() + if srcm.Len() == 0 { + return + } + if dstm.IsNil() { + dstm.Set(reflect.MakeMap(f.ft)) + } + iter := mapRange(srcm) + for iter.Next() { + val := reflect.New(f.ft.Elem().Elem()) + if f.mi != nil { + f.mi.mergePointer(pointerOfValue(val), pointerOfValue(iter.Value()), opts) + } else { + opts.Merge(asMessage(val), asMessage(iter.Value())) + } + dstm.SetMapIndex(iter.Key(), val) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_map_go111.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_map_go111.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2706bb67 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_map_go111.go @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !go1.12 + +package impl + +import "reflect" + +type mapIter struct { + v reflect.Value + keys []reflect.Value +} + +// mapRange provides a less-efficient equivalent to +// the Go 1.12 reflect.Value.MapRange method. +func mapRange(v reflect.Value) *mapIter { + return &mapIter{v: v} +} + +func (i *mapIter) Next() bool { + if i.keys == nil { + i.keys = i.v.MapKeys() + } else { + i.keys = i.keys[1:] + } + return len(i.keys) > 0 +} + +func (i *mapIter) Key() reflect.Value { + return i.keys[0] +} + +func (i *mapIter) Value() reflect.Value { + return i.v.MapIndex(i.keys[0]) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_map_go112.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_map_go112.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1533ef60 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_map_go112.go @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build go1.12 + +package impl + +import "reflect" + +func mapRange(v reflect.Value) *reflect.MapIter { return v.MapRange() } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_message.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_message.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd40527f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_message.go @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "sort" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// coderMessageInfo contains per-message information used by the fast-path functions. +// This is a different type from MessageInfo to keep MessageInfo as general-purpose as +// possible. +type coderMessageInfo struct { + methods piface.Methods + + orderedCoderFields []*coderFieldInfo + denseCoderFields []*coderFieldInfo + coderFields map[protowire.Number]*coderFieldInfo + sizecacheOffset offset + unknownOffset offset + unknownPtrKind bool + extensionOffset offset + needsInitCheck bool + isMessageSet bool + numRequiredFields uint8 +} + +type coderFieldInfo struct { + funcs pointerCoderFuncs // fast-path per-field functions + mi *MessageInfo // field's message + ft reflect.Type + validation validationInfo // information used by message validation + num pref.FieldNumber // field number + offset offset // struct field offset + wiretag uint64 // field tag (number + wire type) + tagsize int // size of the varint-encoded tag + isPointer bool // true if IsNil may be called on the struct field + isRequired bool // true if field is required +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) makeCoderMethods(t reflect.Type, si structInfo) { + mi.sizecacheOffset = invalidOffset + mi.unknownOffset = invalidOffset + mi.extensionOffset = invalidOffset + + if si.sizecacheOffset.IsValid() && si.sizecacheType == sizecacheType { + mi.sizecacheOffset = si.sizecacheOffset + } + if si.unknownOffset.IsValid() && (si.unknownType == unknownFieldsAType || si.unknownType == unknownFieldsBType) { + mi.unknownOffset = si.unknownOffset + mi.unknownPtrKind = si.unknownType.Kind() == reflect.Ptr + } + if si.extensionOffset.IsValid() && si.extensionType == extensionFieldsType { + mi.extensionOffset = si.extensionOffset + } + + mi.coderFields = make(map[protowire.Number]*coderFieldInfo) + fields := mi.Desc.Fields() + preallocFields := make([]coderFieldInfo, fields.Len()) + for i := 0; i < fields.Len(); i++ { + fd := fields.Get(i) + + fs := si.fieldsByNumber[fd.Number()] + isOneof := fd.ContainingOneof() != nil && !fd.ContainingOneof().IsSynthetic() + if isOneof { + fs = si.oneofsByName[fd.ContainingOneof().Name()] + } + ft := fs.Type + var wiretag uint64 + if !fd.IsPacked() { + wiretag = protowire.EncodeTag(fd.Number(), wireTypes[fd.Kind()]) + } else { + wiretag = protowire.EncodeTag(fd.Number(), protowire.BytesType) + } + var fieldOffset offset + var funcs pointerCoderFuncs + var childMessage *MessageInfo + switch { + case ft == nil: + // This never occurs for generated message types. + // It implies that a hand-crafted type has missing Go fields + // for specific protobuf message fields. + funcs = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int { + return 0 + }, + marshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + return nil, nil + }, + unmarshal: func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) { + panic("missing Go struct field for " + string(fd.FullName())) + }, + isInit: func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error { + panic("missing Go struct field for " + string(fd.FullName())) + }, + merge: func(dst, src pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts mergeOptions) { + panic("missing Go struct field for " + string(fd.FullName())) + }, + } + case isOneof: + fieldOffset = offsetOf(fs, mi.Exporter) + case fd.IsWeak(): + fieldOffset = si.weakOffset + funcs = makeWeakMessageFieldCoder(fd) + default: + fieldOffset = offsetOf(fs, mi.Exporter) + childMessage, funcs = fieldCoder(fd, ft) + } + cf := &preallocFields[i] + *cf = coderFieldInfo{ + num: fd.Number(), + offset: fieldOffset, + wiretag: wiretag, + ft: ft, + tagsize: protowire.SizeVarint(wiretag), + funcs: funcs, + mi: childMessage, + validation: newFieldValidationInfo(mi, si, fd, ft), + isPointer: fd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated || fd.HasPresence(), + isRequired: fd.Cardinality() == pref.Required, + } + mi.orderedCoderFields = append(mi.orderedCoderFields, cf) + mi.coderFields[cf.num] = cf + } + for i, oneofs := 0, mi.Desc.Oneofs(); i < oneofs.Len(); i++ { + if od := oneofs.Get(i); !od.IsSynthetic() { + mi.initOneofFieldCoders(od, si) + } + } + if messageset.IsMessageSet(mi.Desc) { + if !mi.extensionOffset.IsValid() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: MessageSet with no extensions field", mi.Desc.FullName())) + } + if !mi.unknownOffset.IsValid() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: MessageSet with no unknown field", mi.Desc.FullName())) + } + mi.isMessageSet = true + } + sort.Slice(mi.orderedCoderFields, func(i, j int) bool { + return mi.orderedCoderFields[i].num < mi.orderedCoderFields[j].num + }) + + var maxDense pref.FieldNumber + for _, cf := range mi.orderedCoderFields { + if cf.num >= 16 && cf.num >= 2*maxDense { + break + } + maxDense = cf.num + } + mi.denseCoderFields = make([]*coderFieldInfo, maxDense+1) + for _, cf := range mi.orderedCoderFields { + if int(cf.num) >= len(mi.denseCoderFields) { + break + } + mi.denseCoderFields[cf.num] = cf + } + + // To preserve compatibility with historic wire output, marshal oneofs last. + if mi.Desc.Oneofs().Len() > 0 { + sort.Slice(mi.orderedCoderFields, func(i, j int) bool { + fi := fields.ByNumber(mi.orderedCoderFields[i].num) + fj := fields.ByNumber(mi.orderedCoderFields[j].num) + return order.LegacyFieldOrder(fi, fj) + }) + } + + mi.needsInitCheck = needsInitCheck(mi.Desc) + if mi.methods.Marshal == nil && mi.methods.Size == nil { + mi.methods.Flags |= piface.SupportMarshalDeterministic + mi.methods.Marshal = mi.marshal + mi.methods.Size = mi.size + } + if mi.methods.Unmarshal == nil { + mi.methods.Flags |= piface.SupportUnmarshalDiscardUnknown + mi.methods.Unmarshal = mi.unmarshal + } + if mi.methods.CheckInitialized == nil { + mi.methods.CheckInitialized = mi.checkInitialized + } + if mi.methods.Merge == nil { + mi.methods.Merge = mi.merge + } +} + +// getUnknownBytes returns a *[]byte for the unknown fields. +// It is the caller's responsibility to check whether the pointer is nil. +// This function is specially designed to be inlineable. +func (mi *MessageInfo) getUnknownBytes(p pointer) *[]byte { + if mi.unknownPtrKind { + return *p.Apply(mi.unknownOffset).BytesPtr() + } else { + return p.Apply(mi.unknownOffset).Bytes() + } +} + +// mutableUnknownBytes returns a *[]byte for the unknown fields. +// The returned pointer is guaranteed to not be nil. +func (mi *MessageInfo) mutableUnknownBytes(p pointer) *[]byte { + if mi.unknownPtrKind { + bp := p.Apply(mi.unknownOffset).BytesPtr() + if *bp == nil { + *bp = new([]byte) + } + return *bp + } else { + return p.Apply(mi.unknownOffset).Bytes() + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_messageset.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_messageset.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b7a23faf --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_messageset.go @@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "sort" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" +) + +func sizeMessageSet(mi *MessageInfo, p pointer, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + if !flags.ProtoLegacy { + return 0 + } + + ext := *p.Apply(mi.extensionOffset).Extensions() + for _, x := range ext { + xi := getExtensionFieldInfo(x.Type()) + if xi.funcs.size == nil { + continue + } + num, _ := protowire.DecodeTag(xi.wiretag) + size += messageset.SizeField(num) + size += xi.funcs.size(x.Value(), protowire.SizeTag(messageset.FieldMessage), opts) + } + + if u := mi.getUnknownBytes(p); u != nil { + size += messageset.SizeUnknown(*u) + } + + return size +} + +func marshalMessageSet(mi *MessageInfo, b []byte, p pointer, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + if !flags.ProtoLegacy { + return b, errors.New("no support for message_set_wire_format") + } + + ext := *p.Apply(mi.extensionOffset).Extensions() + switch len(ext) { + case 0: + case 1: + // Fast-path for one extension: Don't bother sorting the keys. + for _, x := range ext { + var err error + b, err = marshalMessageSetField(mi, b, x, opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + default: + // Sort the keys to provide a deterministic encoding. + // Not sure this is required, but the old code does it. + keys := make([]int, 0, len(ext)) + for k := range ext { + keys = append(keys, int(k)) + } + sort.Ints(keys) + for _, k := range keys { + var err error + b, err = marshalMessageSetField(mi, b, ext[int32(k)], opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + } + + if u := mi.getUnknownBytes(p); u != nil { + var err error + b, err = messageset.AppendUnknown(b, *u) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + + return b, nil +} + +func marshalMessageSetField(mi *MessageInfo, b []byte, x ExtensionField, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + xi := getExtensionFieldInfo(x.Type()) + num, _ := protowire.DecodeTag(xi.wiretag) + b = messageset.AppendFieldStart(b, num) + b, err := xi.funcs.marshal(b, x.Value(), protowire.EncodeTag(messageset.FieldMessage, protowire.BytesType), opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + b = messageset.AppendFieldEnd(b) + return b, nil +} + +func unmarshalMessageSet(mi *MessageInfo, b []byte, p pointer, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if !flags.ProtoLegacy { + return out, errors.New("no support for message_set_wire_format") + } + + ep := p.Apply(mi.extensionOffset).Extensions() + if *ep == nil { + *ep = make(map[int32]ExtensionField) + } + ext := *ep + initialized := true + err = messageset.Unmarshal(b, true, func(num protowire.Number, v []byte) error { + o, err := mi.unmarshalExtension(v, num, protowire.BytesType, ext, opts) + if err == errUnknown { + u := mi.mutableUnknownBytes(p) + *u = protowire.AppendTag(*u, num, protowire.BytesType) + *u = append(*u, v...) + return nil + } + if !o.initialized { + initialized = false + } + return err + }) + out.n = len(b) + out.initialized = initialized + return out, err +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_reflect.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_reflect.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..90705e3a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_reflect.go @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build purego appengine + +package impl + +import ( + "reflect" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" +) + +func sizeEnum(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, _ marshalOptions) (size int) { + v := p.v.Elem().Int() + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v)) +} + +func appendEnum(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + v := p.v.Elem().Int() + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v)) + return b, nil +} + +func consumeEnum(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, _ unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + p.v.Elem().SetInt(int64(v)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +func mergeEnum(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + dst.v.Elem().Set(src.v.Elem()) +} + +var coderEnum = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeEnum, + marshal: appendEnum, + unmarshal: consumeEnum, + merge: mergeEnum, +} + +func sizeEnumNoZero(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + if p.v.Elem().Int() == 0 { + return 0 + } + return sizeEnum(p, f, opts) +} + +func appendEnumNoZero(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + if p.v.Elem().Int() == 0 { + return b, nil + } + return appendEnum(b, p, f, opts) +} + +func mergeEnumNoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + if src.v.Elem().Int() != 0 { + dst.v.Elem().Set(src.v.Elem()) + } +} + +var coderEnumNoZero = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeEnumNoZero, + marshal: appendEnumNoZero, + unmarshal: consumeEnum, + merge: mergeEnumNoZero, +} + +func sizeEnumPtr(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + return sizeEnum(pointer{p.v.Elem()}, f, opts) +} + +func appendEnumPtr(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + return appendEnum(b, pointer{p.v.Elem()}, f, opts) +} + +func consumeEnumPtr(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + if p.v.Elem().IsNil() { + p.v.Elem().Set(reflect.New(p.v.Elem().Type().Elem())) + } + return consumeEnum(b, pointer{p.v.Elem()}, wtyp, f, opts) +} + +func mergeEnumPtr(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + if !src.v.Elem().IsNil() { + v := reflect.New(dst.v.Type().Elem().Elem()) + v.Elem().Set(src.v.Elem().Elem()) + dst.v.Elem().Set(v) + } +} + +var coderEnumPtr = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeEnumPtr, + marshal: appendEnumPtr, + unmarshal: consumeEnumPtr, + merge: mergeEnumPtr, +} + +func sizeEnumSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := p.v.Elem() + for i, llen := 0, s.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + size += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(s.Index(i).Int())) + f.tagsize + } + return size +} + +func appendEnumSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := p.v.Elem() + for i, llen := 0, s.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(s.Index(i).Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +func consumeEnumSlice(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + s := p.v.Elem() + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + b, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + for len(b) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + rv := reflect.New(s.Type().Elem()).Elem() + rv.SetInt(int64(v)) + s.Set(reflect.Append(s, rv)) + b = b[n:] + } + out.n = n + return out, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return out, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + rv := reflect.New(s.Type().Elem()).Elem() + rv.SetInt(int64(v)) + s.Set(reflect.Append(s, rv)) + out.n = n + return out, nil +} + +func mergeEnumSlice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + dst.v.Elem().Set(reflect.AppendSlice(dst.v.Elem(), src.v.Elem())) +} + +var coderEnumSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeEnumSlice, + marshal: appendEnumSlice, + unmarshal: consumeEnumSlice, + merge: mergeEnumSlice, +} + +func sizeEnumPackedSlice(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + s := p.v.Elem() + llen := s.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return 0 + } + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(s.Index(i).Int())) + } + return f.tagsize + protowire.SizeBytes(n) +} + +func appendEnumPackedSlice(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + s := p.v.Elem() + llen := s.Len() + if llen == 0 { + return b, nil + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, f.wiretag) + n := 0 + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + n += protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(s.Index(i).Int())) + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(n)) + for i := 0; i < llen; i++ { + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(s.Index(i).Int())) + } + return b, nil +} + +var coderEnumPackedSlice = pointerCoderFuncs{ + size: sizeEnumPackedSlice, + marshal: appendEnumPackedSlice, + unmarshal: consumeEnumSlice, + merge: mergeEnumSlice, +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_tables.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_tables.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e8997123 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_tables.go @@ -0,0 +1,557 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// pointerCoderFuncs is a set of pointer encoding functions. +type pointerCoderFuncs struct { + mi *MessageInfo + size func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) int + marshal func(b []byte, p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) + unmarshal func(b []byte, p pointer, wtyp protowire.Type, f *coderFieldInfo, opts unmarshalOptions) (unmarshalOutput, error) + isInit func(p pointer, f *coderFieldInfo) error + merge func(dst, src pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts mergeOptions) +} + +// valueCoderFuncs is a set of protoreflect.Value encoding functions. +type valueCoderFuncs struct { + size func(v pref.Value, tagsize int, opts marshalOptions) int + marshal func(b []byte, v pref.Value, wiretag uint64, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) + unmarshal func(b []byte, v pref.Value, num protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (pref.Value, unmarshalOutput, error) + isInit func(v pref.Value) error + merge func(dst, src pref.Value, opts mergeOptions) pref.Value +} + +// fieldCoder returns pointer functions for a field, used for operating on +// struct fields. +func fieldCoder(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) (*MessageInfo, pointerCoderFuncs) { + switch { + case fd.IsMap(): + return encoderFuncsForMap(fd, ft) + case fd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated && !fd.IsPacked(): + // Repeated fields (not packed). + if ft.Kind() != reflect.Slice { + break + } + ft := ft.Elem() + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Bool { + return nil, coderBoolSlice + } + case pref.EnumKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderEnumSlice + } + case pref.Int32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderInt32Slice + } + case pref.Sint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSint32Slice + } + case pref.Uint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderUint32Slice + } + case pref.Int64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderInt64Slice + } + case pref.Sint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSint64Slice + } + case pref.Uint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderUint64Slice + } + case pref.Sfixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSfixed32Slice + } + case pref.Fixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderFixed32Slice + } + case pref.FloatKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float32 { + return nil, coderFloatSlice + } + case pref.Sfixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSfixed64Slice + } + case pref.Fixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderFixed64Slice + } + case pref.DoubleKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { + return nil, coderDoubleSlice + } + case pref.StringKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String && strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + return nil, coderStringSliceValidateUTF8 + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String { + return nil, coderStringSlice + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 && strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + return nil, coderBytesSliceValidateUTF8 + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return nil, coderBytesSlice + } + case pref.BytesKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String { + return nil, coderStringSlice + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return nil, coderBytesSlice + } + case pref.MessageKind: + return getMessageInfo(ft), makeMessageSliceFieldCoder(fd, ft) + case pref.GroupKind: + return getMessageInfo(ft), makeGroupSliceFieldCoder(fd, ft) + } + case fd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated && fd.IsPacked(): + // Packed repeated fields. + // + // Only repeated fields of primitive numeric types + // (Varint, Fixed32, or Fixed64 wire type) can be packed. + if ft.Kind() != reflect.Slice { + break + } + ft := ft.Elem() + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Bool { + return nil, coderBoolPackedSlice + } + case pref.EnumKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderEnumPackedSlice + } + case pref.Int32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderInt32PackedSlice + } + case pref.Sint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSint32PackedSlice + } + case pref.Uint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderUint32PackedSlice + } + case pref.Int64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderInt64PackedSlice + } + case pref.Sint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSint64PackedSlice + } + case pref.Uint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderUint64PackedSlice + } + case pref.Sfixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSfixed32PackedSlice + } + case pref.Fixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderFixed32PackedSlice + } + case pref.FloatKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float32 { + return nil, coderFloatPackedSlice + } + case pref.Sfixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSfixed64PackedSlice + } + case pref.Fixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderFixed64PackedSlice + } + case pref.DoubleKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { + return nil, coderDoublePackedSlice + } + } + case fd.Kind() == pref.MessageKind: + return getMessageInfo(ft), makeMessageFieldCoder(fd, ft) + case fd.Kind() == pref.GroupKind: + return getMessageInfo(ft), makeGroupFieldCoder(fd, ft) + case fd.Syntax() == pref.Proto3 && fd.ContainingOneof() == nil: + // Populated oneof fields always encode even if set to the zero value, + // which normally are not encoded in proto3. + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Bool { + return nil, coderBoolNoZero + } + case pref.EnumKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderEnumNoZero + } + case pref.Int32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderInt32NoZero + } + case pref.Sint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSint32NoZero + } + case pref.Uint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderUint32NoZero + } + case pref.Int64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderInt64NoZero + } + case pref.Sint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSint64NoZero + } + case pref.Uint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderUint64NoZero + } + case pref.Sfixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSfixed32NoZero + } + case pref.Fixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderFixed32NoZero + } + case pref.FloatKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float32 { + return nil, coderFloatNoZero + } + case pref.Sfixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSfixed64NoZero + } + case pref.Fixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderFixed64NoZero + } + case pref.DoubleKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { + return nil, coderDoubleNoZero + } + case pref.StringKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String && strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + return nil, coderStringNoZeroValidateUTF8 + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String { + return nil, coderStringNoZero + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 && strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + return nil, coderBytesNoZeroValidateUTF8 + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return nil, coderBytesNoZero + } + case pref.BytesKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String { + return nil, coderStringNoZero + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return nil, coderBytesNoZero + } + } + case ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr: + ft := ft.Elem() + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Bool { + return nil, coderBoolPtr + } + case pref.EnumKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderEnumPtr + } + case pref.Int32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderInt32Ptr + } + case pref.Sint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSint32Ptr + } + case pref.Uint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderUint32Ptr + } + case pref.Int64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderInt64Ptr + } + case pref.Sint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSint64Ptr + } + case pref.Uint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderUint64Ptr + } + case pref.Sfixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSfixed32Ptr + } + case pref.Fixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderFixed32Ptr + } + case pref.FloatKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float32 { + return nil, coderFloatPtr + } + case pref.Sfixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSfixed64Ptr + } + case pref.Fixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderFixed64Ptr + } + case pref.DoubleKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { + return nil, coderDoublePtr + } + case pref.StringKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String && strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + return nil, coderStringPtrValidateUTF8 + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String { + return nil, coderStringPtr + } + case pref.BytesKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String { + return nil, coderStringPtr + } + } + default: + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Bool { + return nil, coderBool + } + case pref.EnumKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderEnum + } + case pref.Int32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderInt32 + } + case pref.Sint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSint32 + } + case pref.Uint32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderUint32 + } + case pref.Int64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderInt64 + } + case pref.Sint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSint64 + } + case pref.Uint64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderUint64 + } + case pref.Sfixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return nil, coderSfixed32 + } + case pref.Fixed32Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return nil, coderFixed32 + } + case pref.FloatKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float32 { + return nil, coderFloat + } + case pref.Sfixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return nil, coderSfixed64 + } + case pref.Fixed64Kind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return nil, coderFixed64 + } + case pref.DoubleKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { + return nil, coderDouble + } + case pref.StringKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String && strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + return nil, coderStringValidateUTF8 + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String { + return nil, coderString + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 && strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + return nil, coderBytesValidateUTF8 + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return nil, coderBytes + } + case pref.BytesKind: + if ft.Kind() == reflect.String { + return nil, coderString + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 { + return nil, coderBytes + } + } + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: no encoder for %v %v %v/%v", fd.FullName(), fd.Cardinality(), fd.Kind(), ft)) +} + +// encoderFuncsForValue returns value functions for a field, used for +// extension values and map encoding. +func encoderFuncsForValue(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) valueCoderFuncs { + switch { + case fd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated && !fd.IsPacked(): + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + return coderBoolSliceValue + case pref.EnumKind: + return coderEnumSliceValue + case pref.Int32Kind: + return coderInt32SliceValue + case pref.Sint32Kind: + return coderSint32SliceValue + case pref.Uint32Kind: + return coderUint32SliceValue + case pref.Int64Kind: + return coderInt64SliceValue + case pref.Sint64Kind: + return coderSint64SliceValue + case pref.Uint64Kind: + return coderUint64SliceValue + case pref.Sfixed32Kind: + return coderSfixed32SliceValue + case pref.Fixed32Kind: + return coderFixed32SliceValue + case pref.FloatKind: + return coderFloatSliceValue + case pref.Sfixed64Kind: + return coderSfixed64SliceValue + case pref.Fixed64Kind: + return coderFixed64SliceValue + case pref.DoubleKind: + return coderDoubleSliceValue + case pref.StringKind: + // We don't have a UTF-8 validating coder for repeated string fields. + // Value coders are used for extensions and maps. + // Extensions are never proto3, and maps never contain lists. + return coderStringSliceValue + case pref.BytesKind: + return coderBytesSliceValue + case pref.MessageKind: + return coderMessageSliceValue + case pref.GroupKind: + return coderGroupSliceValue + } + case fd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated && fd.IsPacked(): + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + return coderBoolPackedSliceValue + case pref.EnumKind: + return coderEnumPackedSliceValue + case pref.Int32Kind: + return coderInt32PackedSliceValue + case pref.Sint32Kind: + return coderSint32PackedSliceValue + case pref.Uint32Kind: + return coderUint32PackedSliceValue + case pref.Int64Kind: + return coderInt64PackedSliceValue + case pref.Sint64Kind: + return coderSint64PackedSliceValue + case pref.Uint64Kind: + return coderUint64PackedSliceValue + case pref.Sfixed32Kind: + return coderSfixed32PackedSliceValue + case pref.Fixed32Kind: + return coderFixed32PackedSliceValue + case pref.FloatKind: + return coderFloatPackedSliceValue + case pref.Sfixed64Kind: + return coderSfixed64PackedSliceValue + case pref.Fixed64Kind: + return coderFixed64PackedSliceValue + case pref.DoubleKind: + return coderDoublePackedSliceValue + } + default: + switch fd.Kind() { + default: + case pref.BoolKind: + return coderBoolValue + case pref.EnumKind: + return coderEnumValue + case pref.Int32Kind: + return coderInt32Value + case pref.Sint32Kind: + return coderSint32Value + case pref.Uint32Kind: + return coderUint32Value + case pref.Int64Kind: + return coderInt64Value + case pref.Sint64Kind: + return coderSint64Value + case pref.Uint64Kind: + return coderUint64Value + case pref.Sfixed32Kind: + return coderSfixed32Value + case pref.Fixed32Kind: + return coderFixed32Value + case pref.FloatKind: + return coderFloatValue + case pref.Sfixed64Kind: + return coderSfixed64Value + case pref.Fixed64Kind: + return coderFixed64Value + case pref.DoubleKind: + return coderDoubleValue + case pref.StringKind: + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + return coderStringValueValidateUTF8 + } + return coderStringValue + case pref.BytesKind: + return coderBytesValue + case pref.MessageKind: + return coderMessageValue + case pref.GroupKind: + return coderGroupValue + } + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid field: no encoder for %v %v %v", fd.FullName(), fd.Cardinality(), fd.Kind())) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_unsafe.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_unsafe.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e118af1e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/codec_unsafe.go @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !purego,!appengine + +package impl + +// When using unsafe pointers, we can just treat enum values as int32s. + +var ( + coderEnumNoZero = coderInt32NoZero + coderEnum = coderInt32 + coderEnumPtr = coderInt32Ptr + coderEnumSlice = coderInt32Slice + coderEnumPackedSlice = coderInt32PackedSlice +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/convert.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/convert.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..acd61bb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/convert.go @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// unwrapper unwraps the value to the underlying value. +// This is implemented by List and Map. +type unwrapper interface { + protoUnwrap() interface{} +} + +// A Converter coverts to/from Go reflect.Value types and protobuf protoreflect.Value types. +type Converter interface { + // PBValueOf converts a reflect.Value to a protoreflect.Value. + PBValueOf(reflect.Value) pref.Value + + // GoValueOf converts a protoreflect.Value to a reflect.Value. + GoValueOf(pref.Value) reflect.Value + + // IsValidPB returns whether a protoreflect.Value is compatible with this type. + IsValidPB(pref.Value) bool + + // IsValidGo returns whether a reflect.Value is compatible with this type. + IsValidGo(reflect.Value) bool + + // New returns a new field value. + // For scalars, it returns the default value of the field. + // For composite types, it returns a new mutable value. + New() pref.Value + + // Zero returns a new field value. + // For scalars, it returns the default value of the field. + // For composite types, it returns an immutable, empty value. + Zero() pref.Value +} + +// NewConverter matches a Go type with a protobuf field and returns a Converter +// that converts between the two. Enums must be a named int32 kind that +// implements protoreflect.Enum, and messages must be pointer to a named +// struct type that implements protoreflect.ProtoMessage. +// +// This matcher deliberately supports a wider range of Go types than what +// protoc-gen-go historically generated to be able to automatically wrap some +// v1 messages generated by other forks of protoc-gen-go. +func NewConverter(t reflect.Type, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) Converter { + switch { + case fd.IsList(): + return newListConverter(t, fd) + case fd.IsMap(): + return newMapConverter(t, fd) + default: + return newSingularConverter(t, fd) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v", t, fd.FullName())) +} + +var ( + boolType = reflect.TypeOf(bool(false)) + int32Type = reflect.TypeOf(int32(0)) + int64Type = reflect.TypeOf(int64(0)) + uint32Type = reflect.TypeOf(uint32(0)) + uint64Type = reflect.TypeOf(uint64(0)) + float32Type = reflect.TypeOf(float32(0)) + float64Type = reflect.TypeOf(float64(0)) + stringType = reflect.TypeOf(string("")) + bytesType = reflect.TypeOf([]byte(nil)) + byteType = reflect.TypeOf(byte(0)) +) + +var ( + boolZero = pref.ValueOfBool(false) + int32Zero = pref.ValueOfInt32(0) + int64Zero = pref.ValueOfInt64(0) + uint32Zero = pref.ValueOfUint32(0) + uint64Zero = pref.ValueOfUint64(0) + float32Zero = pref.ValueOfFloat32(0) + float64Zero = pref.ValueOfFloat64(0) + stringZero = pref.ValueOfString("") + bytesZero = pref.ValueOfBytes(nil) +) + +func newSingularConverter(t reflect.Type, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) Converter { + defVal := func(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, zero pref.Value) pref.Value { + if fd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated { + // Default isn't defined for repeated fields. + return zero + } + return fd.Default() + } + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + if t.Kind() == reflect.Bool { + return &boolConverter{t, defVal(fd, boolZero)} + } + case pref.Int32Kind, pref.Sint32Kind, pref.Sfixed32Kind: + if t.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return &int32Converter{t, defVal(fd, int32Zero)} + } + case pref.Int64Kind, pref.Sint64Kind, pref.Sfixed64Kind: + if t.Kind() == reflect.Int64 { + return &int64Converter{t, defVal(fd, int64Zero)} + } + case pref.Uint32Kind, pref.Fixed32Kind: + if t.Kind() == reflect.Uint32 { + return &uint32Converter{t, defVal(fd, uint32Zero)} + } + case pref.Uint64Kind, pref.Fixed64Kind: + if t.Kind() == reflect.Uint64 { + return &uint64Converter{t, defVal(fd, uint64Zero)} + } + case pref.FloatKind: + if t.Kind() == reflect.Float32 { + return &float32Converter{t, defVal(fd, float32Zero)} + } + case pref.DoubleKind: + if t.Kind() == reflect.Float64 { + return &float64Converter{t, defVal(fd, float64Zero)} + } + case pref.StringKind: + if t.Kind() == reflect.String || (t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem() == byteType) { + return &stringConverter{t, defVal(fd, stringZero)} + } + case pref.BytesKind: + if t.Kind() == reflect.String || (t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem() == byteType) { + return &bytesConverter{t, defVal(fd, bytesZero)} + } + case pref.EnumKind: + // Handle enums, which must be a named int32 type. + if t.Kind() == reflect.Int32 { + return newEnumConverter(t, fd) + } + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + return newMessageConverter(t) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v", t, fd.FullName())) +} + +type boolConverter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func (c *boolConverter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfBool(v.Bool()) +} +func (c *boolConverter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return reflect.ValueOf(v.Bool()).Convert(c.goType) +} +func (c *boolConverter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().(bool) + return ok +} +func (c *boolConverter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} +func (c *boolConverter) New() pref.Value { return c.def } +func (c *boolConverter) Zero() pref.Value { return c.def } + +type int32Converter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func (c *int32Converter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfInt32(int32(v.Int())) +} +func (c *int32Converter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return reflect.ValueOf(int32(v.Int())).Convert(c.goType) +} +func (c *int32Converter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().(int32) + return ok +} +func (c *int32Converter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} +func (c *int32Converter) New() pref.Value { return c.def } +func (c *int32Converter) Zero() pref.Value { return c.def } + +type int64Converter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func (c *int64Converter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfInt64(int64(v.Int())) +} +func (c *int64Converter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return reflect.ValueOf(int64(v.Int())).Convert(c.goType) +} +func (c *int64Converter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().(int64) + return ok +} +func (c *int64Converter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} +func (c *int64Converter) New() pref.Value { return c.def } +func (c *int64Converter) Zero() pref.Value { return c.def } + +type uint32Converter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func (c *uint32Converter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v.Uint())) +} +func (c *uint32Converter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return reflect.ValueOf(uint32(v.Uint())).Convert(c.goType) +} +func (c *uint32Converter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().(uint32) + return ok +} +func (c *uint32Converter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} +func (c *uint32Converter) New() pref.Value { return c.def } +func (c *uint32Converter) Zero() pref.Value { return c.def } + +type uint64Converter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func (c *uint64Converter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfUint64(uint64(v.Uint())) +} +func (c *uint64Converter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return reflect.ValueOf(uint64(v.Uint())).Convert(c.goType) +} +func (c *uint64Converter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().(uint64) + return ok +} +func (c *uint64Converter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} +func (c *uint64Converter) New() pref.Value { return c.def } +func (c *uint64Converter) Zero() pref.Value { return c.def } + +type float32Converter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func (c *float32Converter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfFloat32(float32(v.Float())) +} +func (c *float32Converter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return reflect.ValueOf(float32(v.Float())).Convert(c.goType) +} +func (c *float32Converter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().(float32) + return ok +} +func (c *float32Converter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} +func (c *float32Converter) New() pref.Value { return c.def } +func (c *float32Converter) Zero() pref.Value { return c.def } + +type float64Converter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func (c *float64Converter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfFloat64(float64(v.Float())) +} +func (c *float64Converter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return reflect.ValueOf(float64(v.Float())).Convert(c.goType) +} +func (c *float64Converter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().(float64) + return ok +} +func (c *float64Converter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} +func (c *float64Converter) New() pref.Value { return c.def } +func (c *float64Converter) Zero() pref.Value { return c.def } + +type stringConverter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func (c *stringConverter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfString(v.Convert(stringType).String()) +} +func (c *stringConverter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + // pref.Value.String never panics, so we go through an interface + // conversion here to check the type. + s := v.Interface().(string) + if c.goType.Kind() == reflect.Slice && s == "" { + return reflect.Zero(c.goType) // ensure empty string is []byte(nil) + } + return reflect.ValueOf(s).Convert(c.goType) +} +func (c *stringConverter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().(string) + return ok +} +func (c *stringConverter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} +func (c *stringConverter) New() pref.Value { return c.def } +func (c *stringConverter) Zero() pref.Value { return c.def } + +type bytesConverter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func (c *bytesConverter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + if c.goType.Kind() == reflect.String && v.Len() == 0 { + return pref.ValueOfBytes(nil) // ensure empty string is []byte(nil) + } + return pref.ValueOfBytes(v.Convert(bytesType).Bytes()) +} +func (c *bytesConverter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return reflect.ValueOf(v.Bytes()).Convert(c.goType) +} +func (c *bytesConverter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().([]byte) + return ok +} +func (c *bytesConverter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} +func (c *bytesConverter) New() pref.Value { return c.def } +func (c *bytesConverter) Zero() pref.Value { return c.def } + +type enumConverter struct { + goType reflect.Type + def pref.Value +} + +func newEnumConverter(goType reflect.Type, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) Converter { + var def pref.Value + if fd.Cardinality() == pref.Repeated { + def = pref.ValueOfEnum(fd.Enum().Values().Get(0).Number()) + } else { + def = fd.Default() + } + return &enumConverter{goType, def} +} + +func (c *enumConverter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfEnum(pref.EnumNumber(v.Int())) +} + +func (c *enumConverter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return reflect.ValueOf(v.Enum()).Convert(c.goType) +} + +func (c *enumConverter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + _, ok := v.Interface().(pref.EnumNumber) + return ok +} + +func (c *enumConverter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} + +func (c *enumConverter) New() pref.Value { + return c.def +} + +func (c *enumConverter) Zero() pref.Value { + return c.def +} + +type messageConverter struct { + goType reflect.Type +} + +func newMessageConverter(goType reflect.Type) Converter { + return &messageConverter{goType} +} + +func (c *messageConverter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + if c.isNonPointer() { + if v.CanAddr() { + v = v.Addr() // T => *T + } else { + v = reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(v.Type())) + } + } + if m, ok := v.Interface().(pref.ProtoMessage); ok { + return pref.ValueOfMessage(m.ProtoReflect()) + } + return pref.ValueOfMessage(legacyWrapMessage(v)) +} + +func (c *messageConverter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + m := v.Message() + var rv reflect.Value + if u, ok := m.(unwrapper); ok { + rv = reflect.ValueOf(u.protoUnwrap()) + } else { + rv = reflect.ValueOf(m.Interface()) + } + if c.isNonPointer() { + if rv.Type() != reflect.PtrTo(c.goType) { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", rv.Type(), reflect.PtrTo(c.goType))) + } + if !rv.IsNil() { + rv = rv.Elem() // *T => T + } else { + rv = reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem()) + } + } + if rv.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", rv.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return rv +} + +func (c *messageConverter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + m := v.Message() + var rv reflect.Value + if u, ok := m.(unwrapper); ok { + rv = reflect.ValueOf(u.protoUnwrap()) + } else { + rv = reflect.ValueOf(m.Interface()) + } + if c.isNonPointer() { + return rv.Type() == reflect.PtrTo(c.goType) + } + return rv.Type() == c.goType +} + +func (c *messageConverter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} + +func (c *messageConverter) New() pref.Value { + if c.isNonPointer() { + return c.PBValueOf(reflect.New(c.goType).Elem()) + } + return c.PBValueOf(reflect.New(c.goType.Elem())) +} + +func (c *messageConverter) Zero() pref.Value { + return c.PBValueOf(reflect.Zero(c.goType)) +} + +// isNonPointer reports whether the type is a non-pointer type. +// This never occurs for generated message types. +func (c *messageConverter) isNonPointer() bool { + return c.goType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/convert_list.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/convert_list.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6fccab52 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/convert_list.go @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +func newListConverter(t reflect.Type, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) Converter { + switch { + case t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Slice: + return &listPtrConverter{t, newSingularConverter(t.Elem().Elem(), fd)} + case t.Kind() == reflect.Slice: + return &listConverter{t, newSingularConverter(t.Elem(), fd)} + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v", t, fd.FullName())) +} + +type listConverter struct { + goType reflect.Type // []T + c Converter +} + +func (c *listConverter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + pv := reflect.New(c.goType) + pv.Elem().Set(v) + return pref.ValueOfList(&listReflect{pv, c.c}) +} + +func (c *listConverter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + rv := v.List().(*listReflect).v + if rv.IsNil() { + return reflect.Zero(c.goType) + } + return rv.Elem() +} + +func (c *listConverter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + list, ok := v.Interface().(*listReflect) + if !ok { + return false + } + return list.v.Type().Elem() == c.goType +} + +func (c *listConverter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} + +func (c *listConverter) New() pref.Value { + return pref.ValueOfList(&listReflect{reflect.New(c.goType), c.c}) +} + +func (c *listConverter) Zero() pref.Value { + return pref.ValueOfList(&listReflect{reflect.Zero(reflect.PtrTo(c.goType)), c.c}) +} + +type listPtrConverter struct { + goType reflect.Type // *[]T + c Converter +} + +func (c *listPtrConverter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfList(&listReflect{v, c.c}) +} + +func (c *listPtrConverter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return v.List().(*listReflect).v +} + +func (c *listPtrConverter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + list, ok := v.Interface().(*listReflect) + if !ok { + return false + } + return list.v.Type() == c.goType +} + +func (c *listPtrConverter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} + +func (c *listPtrConverter) New() pref.Value { + return c.PBValueOf(reflect.New(c.goType.Elem())) +} + +func (c *listPtrConverter) Zero() pref.Value { + return c.PBValueOf(reflect.Zero(c.goType)) +} + +type listReflect struct { + v reflect.Value // *[]T + conv Converter +} + +func (ls *listReflect) Len() int { + if ls.v.IsNil() { + return 0 + } + return ls.v.Elem().Len() +} +func (ls *listReflect) Get(i int) pref.Value { + return ls.conv.PBValueOf(ls.v.Elem().Index(i)) +} +func (ls *listReflect) Set(i int, v pref.Value) { + ls.v.Elem().Index(i).Set(ls.conv.GoValueOf(v)) +} +func (ls *listReflect) Append(v pref.Value) { + ls.v.Elem().Set(reflect.Append(ls.v.Elem(), ls.conv.GoValueOf(v))) +} +func (ls *listReflect) AppendMutable() pref.Value { + if _, ok := ls.conv.(*messageConverter); !ok { + panic("invalid AppendMutable on list with non-message type") + } + v := ls.NewElement() + ls.Append(v) + return v +} +func (ls *listReflect) Truncate(i int) { + ls.v.Elem().Set(ls.v.Elem().Slice(0, i)) +} +func (ls *listReflect) NewElement() pref.Value { + return ls.conv.New() +} +func (ls *listReflect) IsValid() bool { + return !ls.v.IsNil() +} +func (ls *listReflect) protoUnwrap() interface{} { + return ls.v.Interface() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/convert_map.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/convert_map.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..de06b259 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/convert_map.go @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type mapConverter struct { + goType reflect.Type // map[K]V + keyConv, valConv Converter +} + +func newMapConverter(t reflect.Type, fd pref.FieldDescriptor) *mapConverter { + if t.Kind() != reflect.Map { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid Go type %v for field %v", t, fd.FullName())) + } + return &mapConverter{ + goType: t, + keyConv: newSingularConverter(t.Key(), fd.MapKey()), + valConv: newSingularConverter(t.Elem(), fd.MapValue()), + } +} + +func (c *mapConverter) PBValueOf(v reflect.Value) pref.Value { + if v.Type() != c.goType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", v.Type(), c.goType)) + } + return pref.ValueOfMap(&mapReflect{v, c.keyConv, c.valConv}) +} + +func (c *mapConverter) GoValueOf(v pref.Value) reflect.Value { + return v.Map().(*mapReflect).v +} + +func (c *mapConverter) IsValidPB(v pref.Value) bool { + mapv, ok := v.Interface().(*mapReflect) + if !ok { + return false + } + return mapv.v.Type() == c.goType +} + +func (c *mapConverter) IsValidGo(v reflect.Value) bool { + return v.IsValid() && v.Type() == c.goType +} + +func (c *mapConverter) New() pref.Value { + return c.PBValueOf(reflect.MakeMap(c.goType)) +} + +func (c *mapConverter) Zero() pref.Value { + return c.PBValueOf(reflect.Zero(c.goType)) +} + +type mapReflect struct { + v reflect.Value // map[K]V + keyConv Converter + valConv Converter +} + +func (ms *mapReflect) Len() int { + return ms.v.Len() +} +func (ms *mapReflect) Has(k pref.MapKey) bool { + rk := ms.keyConv.GoValueOf(k.Value()) + rv := ms.v.MapIndex(rk) + return rv.IsValid() +} +func (ms *mapReflect) Get(k pref.MapKey) pref.Value { + rk := ms.keyConv.GoValueOf(k.Value()) + rv := ms.v.MapIndex(rk) + if !rv.IsValid() { + return pref.Value{} + } + return ms.valConv.PBValueOf(rv) +} +func (ms *mapReflect) Set(k pref.MapKey, v pref.Value) { + rk := ms.keyConv.GoValueOf(k.Value()) + rv := ms.valConv.GoValueOf(v) + ms.v.SetMapIndex(rk, rv) +} +func (ms *mapReflect) Clear(k pref.MapKey) { + rk := ms.keyConv.GoValueOf(k.Value()) + ms.v.SetMapIndex(rk, reflect.Value{}) +} +func (ms *mapReflect) Mutable(k pref.MapKey) pref.Value { + if _, ok := ms.valConv.(*messageConverter); !ok { + panic("invalid Mutable on map with non-message value type") + } + v := ms.Get(k) + if !v.IsValid() { + v = ms.NewValue() + ms.Set(k, v) + } + return v +} +func (ms *mapReflect) Range(f func(pref.MapKey, pref.Value) bool) { + iter := mapRange(ms.v) + for iter.Next() { + k := ms.keyConv.PBValueOf(iter.Key()).MapKey() + v := ms.valConv.PBValueOf(iter.Value()) + if !f(k, v) { + return + } + } +} +func (ms *mapReflect) NewValue() pref.Value { + return ms.valConv.New() +} +func (ms *mapReflect) IsValid() bool { + return !ms.v.IsNil() +} +func (ms *mapReflect) protoUnwrap() interface{} { + return ms.v.Interface() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/decode.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/decode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..949dc49a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/decode.go @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "math/bits" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + preg "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +var errDecode = errors.New("cannot parse invalid wire-format data") + +type unmarshalOptions struct { + flags protoiface.UnmarshalInputFlags + resolver interface { + FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) + FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) + } +} + +func (o unmarshalOptions) Options() proto.UnmarshalOptions { + return proto.UnmarshalOptions{ + Merge: true, + AllowPartial: true, + DiscardUnknown: o.DiscardUnknown(), + Resolver: o.resolver, + } +} + +func (o unmarshalOptions) DiscardUnknown() bool { return o.flags&piface.UnmarshalDiscardUnknown != 0 } + +func (o unmarshalOptions) IsDefault() bool { + return o.flags == 0 && o.resolver == preg.GlobalTypes +} + +var lazyUnmarshalOptions = unmarshalOptions{ + resolver: preg.GlobalTypes, +} + +type unmarshalOutput struct { + n int // number of bytes consumed + initialized bool +} + +// unmarshal is protoreflect.Methods.Unmarshal. +func (mi *MessageInfo) unmarshal(in piface.UnmarshalInput) (piface.UnmarshalOutput, error) { + var p pointer + if ms, ok := in.Message.(*messageState); ok { + p = ms.pointer() + } else { + p = in.Message.(*messageReflectWrapper).pointer() + } + out, err := mi.unmarshalPointer(in.Buf, p, 0, unmarshalOptions{ + flags: in.Flags, + resolver: in.Resolver, + }) + var flags piface.UnmarshalOutputFlags + if out.initialized { + flags |= piface.UnmarshalInitialized + } + return piface.UnmarshalOutput{ + Flags: flags, + }, err +} + +// errUnknown is returned during unmarshaling to indicate a parse error that +// should result in a field being placed in the unknown fields section (for example, +// when the wire type doesn't match) as opposed to the entire unmarshal operation +// failing (for example, when a field extends past the available input). +// +// This is a sentinel error which should never be visible to the user. +var errUnknown = errors.New("unknown") + +func (mi *MessageInfo) unmarshalPointer(b []byte, p pointer, groupTag protowire.Number, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + mi.init() + if flags.ProtoLegacy && mi.isMessageSet { + return unmarshalMessageSet(mi, b, p, opts) + } + initialized := true + var requiredMask uint64 + var exts *map[int32]ExtensionField + start := len(b) + for len(b) > 0 { + // Parse the tag (field number and wire type). + var tag uint64 + if b[0] < 0x80 { + tag = uint64(b[0]) + b = b[1:] + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + tag = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + b = b[2:] + } else { + var n int + tag, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + b = b[n:] + } + var num protowire.Number + if n := tag >> 3; n < uint64(protowire.MinValidNumber) || n > uint64(protowire.MaxValidNumber) { + return out, errDecode + } else { + num = protowire.Number(n) + } + wtyp := protowire.Type(tag & 7) + + if wtyp == protowire.EndGroupType { + if num != groupTag { + return out, errDecode + } + groupTag = 0 + break + } + + var f *coderFieldInfo + if int(num) < len(mi.denseCoderFields) { + f = mi.denseCoderFields[num] + } else { + f = mi.coderFields[num] + } + var n int + err := errUnknown + switch { + case f != nil: + if f.funcs.unmarshal == nil { + break + } + var o unmarshalOutput + o, err = f.funcs.unmarshal(b, p.Apply(f.offset), wtyp, f, opts) + n = o.n + if err != nil { + break + } + requiredMask |= f.validation.requiredBit + if f.funcs.isInit != nil && !o.initialized { + initialized = false + } + default: + // Possible extension. + if exts == nil && mi.extensionOffset.IsValid() { + exts = p.Apply(mi.extensionOffset).Extensions() + if *exts == nil { + *exts = make(map[int32]ExtensionField) + } + } + if exts == nil { + break + } + var o unmarshalOutput + o, err = mi.unmarshalExtension(b, num, wtyp, *exts, opts) + if err != nil { + break + } + n = o.n + if !o.initialized { + initialized = false + } + } + if err != nil { + if err != errUnknown { + return out, err + } + n = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b) + if n < 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if !opts.DiscardUnknown() && mi.unknownOffset.IsValid() { + u := mi.mutableUnknownBytes(p) + *u = protowire.AppendTag(*u, num, wtyp) + *u = append(*u, b[:n]...) + } + } + b = b[n:] + } + if groupTag != 0 { + return out, errDecode + } + if mi.numRequiredFields > 0 && bits.OnesCount64(requiredMask) != int(mi.numRequiredFields) { + initialized = false + } + if initialized { + out.initialized = true + } + out.n = start - len(b) + return out, nil +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) unmarshalExtension(b []byte, num protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, exts map[int32]ExtensionField, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, err error) { + x := exts[int32(num)] + xt := x.Type() + if xt == nil { + var err error + xt, err = opts.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(mi.Desc.FullName(), num) + if err != nil { + if err == preg.NotFound { + return out, errUnknown + } + return out, errors.New("%v: unable to resolve extension %v: %v", mi.Desc.FullName(), num, err) + } + } + xi := getExtensionFieldInfo(xt) + if xi.funcs.unmarshal == nil { + return out, errUnknown + } + if flags.LazyUnmarshalExtensions { + if opts.IsDefault() && x.canLazy(xt) { + out, valid := skipExtension(b, xi, num, wtyp, opts) + switch valid { + case ValidationValid: + if out.initialized { + x.appendLazyBytes(xt, xi, num, wtyp, b[:out.n]) + exts[int32(num)] = x + return out, nil + } + case ValidationInvalid: + return out, errDecode + case ValidationUnknown: + } + } + } + ival := x.Value() + if !ival.IsValid() && xi.unmarshalNeedsValue { + // Create a new message, list, or map value to fill in. + // For enums, create a prototype value to let the unmarshal func know the + // concrete type. + ival = xt.New() + } + v, out, err := xi.funcs.unmarshal(b, ival, num, wtyp, opts) + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + if xi.funcs.isInit == nil { + out.initialized = true + } + x.Set(xt, v) + exts[int32(num)] = x + return out, nil +} + +func skipExtension(b []byte, xi *extensionFieldInfo, num protowire.Number, wtyp protowire.Type, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, _ ValidationStatus) { + if xi.validation.mi == nil { + return out, ValidationUnknown + } + xi.validation.mi.init() + switch xi.validation.typ { + case validationTypeMessage: + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return out, ValidationUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, ValidationUnknown + } + out, st := xi.validation.mi.validate(v, 0, opts) + out.n = n + return out, st + case validationTypeGroup: + if wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType { + return out, ValidationUnknown + } + out, st := xi.validation.mi.validate(b, num, opts) + return out, st + default: + return out, ValidationUnknown + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/encode.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/encode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..845c67d6 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/encode.go @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "math" + "sort" + "sync/atomic" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + proto "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +type marshalOptions struct { + flags piface.MarshalInputFlags +} + +func (o marshalOptions) Options() proto.MarshalOptions { + return proto.MarshalOptions{ + AllowPartial: true, + Deterministic: o.Deterministic(), + UseCachedSize: o.UseCachedSize(), + } +} + +func (o marshalOptions) Deterministic() bool { return o.flags&piface.MarshalDeterministic != 0 } +func (o marshalOptions) UseCachedSize() bool { return o.flags&piface.MarshalUseCachedSize != 0 } + +// size is protoreflect.Methods.Size. +func (mi *MessageInfo) size(in piface.SizeInput) piface.SizeOutput { + var p pointer + if ms, ok := in.Message.(*messageState); ok { + p = ms.pointer() + } else { + p = in.Message.(*messageReflectWrapper).pointer() + } + size := mi.sizePointer(p, marshalOptions{ + flags: in.Flags, + }) + return piface.SizeOutput{Size: size} +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) sizePointer(p pointer, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + mi.init() + if p.IsNil() { + return 0 + } + if opts.UseCachedSize() && mi.sizecacheOffset.IsValid() { + if size := atomic.LoadInt32(p.Apply(mi.sizecacheOffset).Int32()); size >= 0 { + return int(size) + } + } + return mi.sizePointerSlow(p, opts) +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) sizePointerSlow(p pointer, opts marshalOptions) (size int) { + if flags.ProtoLegacy && mi.isMessageSet { + size = sizeMessageSet(mi, p, opts) + if mi.sizecacheOffset.IsValid() { + atomic.StoreInt32(p.Apply(mi.sizecacheOffset).Int32(), int32(size)) + } + return size + } + if mi.extensionOffset.IsValid() { + e := p.Apply(mi.extensionOffset).Extensions() + size += mi.sizeExtensions(e, opts) + } + for _, f := range mi.orderedCoderFields { + if f.funcs.size == nil { + continue + } + fptr := p.Apply(f.offset) + if f.isPointer && fptr.Elem().IsNil() { + continue + } + size += f.funcs.size(fptr, f, opts) + } + if mi.unknownOffset.IsValid() { + if u := mi.getUnknownBytes(p); u != nil { + size += len(*u) + } + } + if mi.sizecacheOffset.IsValid() { + if size > math.MaxInt32 { + // The size is too large for the int32 sizecache field. + // We will need to recompute the size when encoding; + // unfortunately expensive, but better than invalid output. + atomic.StoreInt32(p.Apply(mi.sizecacheOffset).Int32(), -1) + } else { + atomic.StoreInt32(p.Apply(mi.sizecacheOffset).Int32(), int32(size)) + } + } + return size +} + +// marshal is protoreflect.Methods.Marshal. +func (mi *MessageInfo) marshal(in piface.MarshalInput) (out piface.MarshalOutput, err error) { + var p pointer + if ms, ok := in.Message.(*messageState); ok { + p = ms.pointer() + } else { + p = in.Message.(*messageReflectWrapper).pointer() + } + b, err := mi.marshalAppendPointer(in.Buf, p, marshalOptions{ + flags: in.Flags, + }) + return piface.MarshalOutput{Buf: b}, err +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) marshalAppendPointer(b []byte, p pointer, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + mi.init() + if p.IsNil() { + return b, nil + } + if flags.ProtoLegacy && mi.isMessageSet { + return marshalMessageSet(mi, b, p, opts) + } + var err error + // The old marshaler encodes extensions at beginning. + if mi.extensionOffset.IsValid() { + e := p.Apply(mi.extensionOffset).Extensions() + // TODO: Special handling for MessageSet? + b, err = mi.appendExtensions(b, e, opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + for _, f := range mi.orderedCoderFields { + if f.funcs.marshal == nil { + continue + } + fptr := p.Apply(f.offset) + if f.isPointer && fptr.Elem().IsNil() { + continue + } + b, err = f.funcs.marshal(b, fptr, f, opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + if mi.unknownOffset.IsValid() && !mi.isMessageSet { + if u := mi.getUnknownBytes(p); u != nil { + b = append(b, (*u)...) + } + } + return b, nil +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) sizeExtensions(ext *map[int32]ExtensionField, opts marshalOptions) (n int) { + if ext == nil { + return 0 + } + for _, x := range *ext { + xi := getExtensionFieldInfo(x.Type()) + if xi.funcs.size == nil { + continue + } + n += xi.funcs.size(x.Value(), xi.tagsize, opts) + } + return n +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) appendExtensions(b []byte, ext *map[int32]ExtensionField, opts marshalOptions) ([]byte, error) { + if ext == nil { + return b, nil + } + + switch len(*ext) { + case 0: + return b, nil + case 1: + // Fast-path for one extension: Don't bother sorting the keys. + var err error + for _, x := range *ext { + xi := getExtensionFieldInfo(x.Type()) + b, err = xi.funcs.marshal(b, x.Value(), xi.wiretag, opts) + } + return b, err + default: + // Sort the keys to provide a deterministic encoding. + // Not sure this is required, but the old code does it. + keys := make([]int, 0, len(*ext)) + for k := range *ext { + keys = append(keys, int(k)) + } + sort.Ints(keys) + var err error + for _, k := range keys { + x := (*ext)[int32(k)] + xi := getExtensionFieldInfo(x.Type()) + b, err = xi.funcs.marshal(b, x.Value(), xi.wiretag, opts) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + return b, nil + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/enum.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/enum.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8c1eab4b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/enum.go @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "reflect" + + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type EnumInfo struct { + GoReflectType reflect.Type // int32 kind + Desc pref.EnumDescriptor +} + +func (t *EnumInfo) New(n pref.EnumNumber) pref.Enum { + return reflect.ValueOf(n).Convert(t.GoReflectType).Interface().(pref.Enum) +} +func (t *EnumInfo) Descriptor() pref.EnumDescriptor { return t.Desc } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/extension.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/extension.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e904fd99 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/extension.go @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "reflect" + "sync" + "sync/atomic" + + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// ExtensionInfo implements ExtensionType. +// +// This type contains a number of exported fields for legacy compatibility. +// The only non-deprecated use of this type is through the methods of the +// ExtensionType interface. +type ExtensionInfo struct { + // An ExtensionInfo may exist in several stages of initialization. + // + // extensionInfoUninitialized: Some or all of the legacy exported + // fields may be set, but none of the unexported fields have been + // initialized. This is the starting state for an ExtensionInfo + // in legacy generated code. + // + // extensionInfoDescInit: The desc field is set, but other unexported fields + // may not be initialized. Legacy exported fields may or may not be set. + // This is the starting state for an ExtensionInfo in newly generated code. + // + // extensionInfoFullInit: The ExtensionInfo is fully initialized. + // This state is only entered after lazy initialization is complete. + init uint32 + mu sync.Mutex + + goType reflect.Type + desc extensionTypeDescriptor + conv Converter + info *extensionFieldInfo // for fast-path method implementations + + // ExtendedType is a typed nil-pointer to the parent message type that + // is being extended. It is possible for this to be unpopulated in v2 + // since the message may no longer implement the MessageV1 interface. + // + // Deprecated: Use the ExtendedType method instead. + ExtendedType piface.MessageV1 + + // ExtensionType is the zero value of the extension type. + // + // For historical reasons, reflect.TypeOf(ExtensionType) and the + // type returned by InterfaceOf may not be identical. + // + // Deprecated: Use InterfaceOf(xt.Zero()) instead. + ExtensionType interface{} + + // Field is the field number of the extension. + // + // Deprecated: Use the Descriptor().Number method instead. + Field int32 + + // Name is the fully qualified name of extension. + // + // Deprecated: Use the Descriptor().FullName method instead. + Name string + + // Tag is the protobuf struct tag used in the v1 API. + // + // Deprecated: Do not use. + Tag string + + // Filename is the proto filename in which the extension is defined. + // + // Deprecated: Use Descriptor().ParentFile().Path() instead. + Filename string +} + +// Stages of initialization: See the ExtensionInfo.init field. +const ( + extensionInfoUninitialized = 0 + extensionInfoDescInit = 1 + extensionInfoFullInit = 2 +) + +func InitExtensionInfo(xi *ExtensionInfo, xd pref.ExtensionDescriptor, goType reflect.Type) { + xi.goType = goType + xi.desc = extensionTypeDescriptor{xd, xi} + xi.init = extensionInfoDescInit +} + +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) New() pref.Value { + return xi.lazyInit().New() +} +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) Zero() pref.Value { + return xi.lazyInit().Zero() +} +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) ValueOf(v interface{}) pref.Value { + return xi.lazyInit().PBValueOf(reflect.ValueOf(v)) +} +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) InterfaceOf(v pref.Value) interface{} { + return xi.lazyInit().GoValueOf(v).Interface() +} +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) IsValidValue(v pref.Value) bool { + return xi.lazyInit().IsValidPB(v) +} +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) IsValidInterface(v interface{}) bool { + return xi.lazyInit().IsValidGo(reflect.ValueOf(v)) +} +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) TypeDescriptor() pref.ExtensionTypeDescriptor { + if atomic.LoadUint32(&xi.init) < extensionInfoDescInit { + xi.lazyInitSlow() + } + return &xi.desc +} + +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) lazyInit() Converter { + if atomic.LoadUint32(&xi.init) < extensionInfoFullInit { + xi.lazyInitSlow() + } + return xi.conv +} + +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) lazyInitSlow() { + xi.mu.Lock() + defer xi.mu.Unlock() + + if xi.init == extensionInfoFullInit { + return + } + defer atomic.StoreUint32(&xi.init, extensionInfoFullInit) + + if xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor == nil { + xi.initFromLegacy() + } + if !xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor.IsPlaceholder() { + if xi.ExtensionType == nil { + xi.initToLegacy() + } + xi.conv = NewConverter(xi.goType, xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor) + xi.info = makeExtensionFieldInfo(xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor) + xi.info.validation = newValidationInfo(xi.desc.ExtensionDescriptor, xi.goType) + } +} + +type extensionTypeDescriptor struct { + pref.ExtensionDescriptor + xi *ExtensionInfo +} + +func (xtd *extensionTypeDescriptor) Type() pref.ExtensionType { + return xtd.xi +} +func (xtd *extensionTypeDescriptor) Descriptor() pref.ExtensionDescriptor { + return xtd.ExtensionDescriptor +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_enum.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_enum.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f7d7ffb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_enum.go @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strings" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// legacyEnumName returns the name of enums used in legacy code. +// It is neither the protobuf full name nor the qualified Go name, +// but rather an odd hybrid of both. +func legacyEnumName(ed pref.EnumDescriptor) string { + var protoPkg string + enumName := string(ed.FullName()) + if fd := ed.ParentFile(); fd != nil { + protoPkg = string(fd.Package()) + enumName = strings.TrimPrefix(enumName, protoPkg+".") + } + if protoPkg == "" { + return strs.GoCamelCase(enumName) + } + return protoPkg + "." + strs.GoCamelCase(enumName) +} + +// legacyWrapEnum wraps v as a protoreflect.Enum, +// where v must be a int32 kind and not implement the v2 API already. +func legacyWrapEnum(v reflect.Value) pref.Enum { + et := legacyLoadEnumType(v.Type()) + return et.New(pref.EnumNumber(v.Int())) +} + +var legacyEnumTypeCache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]protoreflect.EnumType + +// legacyLoadEnumType dynamically loads a protoreflect.EnumType for t, +// where t must be an int32 kind and not implement the v2 API already. +func legacyLoadEnumType(t reflect.Type) pref.EnumType { + // Fast-path: check if a EnumType is cached for this concrete type. + if et, ok := legacyEnumTypeCache.Load(t); ok { + return et.(pref.EnumType) + } + + // Slow-path: derive enum descriptor and initialize EnumType. + var et pref.EnumType + ed := LegacyLoadEnumDesc(t) + et = &legacyEnumType{ + desc: ed, + goType: t, + } + if et, ok := legacyEnumTypeCache.LoadOrStore(t, et); ok { + return et.(pref.EnumType) + } + return et +} + +type legacyEnumType struct { + desc pref.EnumDescriptor + goType reflect.Type + m sync.Map // map[protoreflect.EnumNumber]proto.Enum +} + +func (t *legacyEnumType) New(n pref.EnumNumber) pref.Enum { + if e, ok := t.m.Load(n); ok { + return e.(pref.Enum) + } + e := &legacyEnumWrapper{num: n, pbTyp: t, goTyp: t.goType} + t.m.Store(n, e) + return e +} +func (t *legacyEnumType) Descriptor() pref.EnumDescriptor { + return t.desc +} + +type legacyEnumWrapper struct { + num pref.EnumNumber + pbTyp pref.EnumType + goTyp reflect.Type +} + +func (e *legacyEnumWrapper) Descriptor() pref.EnumDescriptor { + return e.pbTyp.Descriptor() +} +func (e *legacyEnumWrapper) Type() pref.EnumType { + return e.pbTyp +} +func (e *legacyEnumWrapper) Number() pref.EnumNumber { + return e.num +} +func (e *legacyEnumWrapper) ProtoReflect() pref.Enum { + return e +} +func (e *legacyEnumWrapper) protoUnwrap() interface{} { + v := reflect.New(e.goTyp).Elem() + v.SetInt(int64(e.num)) + return v.Interface() +} + +var ( + _ pref.Enum = (*legacyEnumWrapper)(nil) + _ unwrapper = (*legacyEnumWrapper)(nil) +) + +var legacyEnumDescCache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]protoreflect.EnumDescriptor + +// LegacyLoadEnumDesc returns an EnumDescriptor derived from the Go type, +// which must be an int32 kind and not implement the v2 API already. +// +// This is exported for testing purposes. +func LegacyLoadEnumDesc(t reflect.Type) pref.EnumDescriptor { + // Fast-path: check if an EnumDescriptor is cached for this concrete type. + if ed, ok := legacyEnumDescCache.Load(t); ok { + return ed.(pref.EnumDescriptor) + } + + // Slow-path: initialize EnumDescriptor from the raw descriptor. + ev := reflect.Zero(t).Interface() + if _, ok := ev.(pref.Enum); ok { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v already implements proto.Enum", t)) + } + edV1, ok := ev.(enumV1) + if !ok { + return aberrantLoadEnumDesc(t) + } + b, idxs := edV1.EnumDescriptor() + + var ed pref.EnumDescriptor + if len(idxs) == 1 { + ed = legacyLoadFileDesc(b).Enums().Get(idxs[0]) + } else { + md := legacyLoadFileDesc(b).Messages().Get(idxs[0]) + for _, i := range idxs[1 : len(idxs)-1] { + md = md.Messages().Get(i) + } + ed = md.Enums().Get(idxs[len(idxs)-1]) + } + if ed, ok := legacyEnumDescCache.LoadOrStore(t, ed); ok { + return ed.(protoreflect.EnumDescriptor) + } + return ed +} + +var aberrantEnumDescCache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]protoreflect.EnumDescriptor + +// aberrantLoadEnumDesc returns an EnumDescriptor derived from the Go type, +// which must not implement protoreflect.Enum or enumV1. +// +// If the type does not implement enumV1, then there is no reliable +// way to derive the original protobuf type information. +// We are unable to use the global enum registry since it is +// unfortunately keyed by the protobuf full name, which we also do not know. +// Thus, this produces some bogus enum descriptor based on the Go type name. +func aberrantLoadEnumDesc(t reflect.Type) pref.EnumDescriptor { + // Fast-path: check if an EnumDescriptor is cached for this concrete type. + if ed, ok := aberrantEnumDescCache.Load(t); ok { + return ed.(pref.EnumDescriptor) + } + + // Slow-path: construct a bogus, but unique EnumDescriptor. + ed := &filedesc.Enum{L2: new(filedesc.EnumL2)} + ed.L0.FullName = AberrantDeriveFullName(t) // e.g., github_com.user.repo.MyEnum + ed.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto3 + ed.L2.Values.List = append(ed.L2.Values.List, filedesc.EnumValue{}) + + // TODO: Use the presence of a UnmarshalJSON method to determine proto2? + + vd := &ed.L2.Values.List[0] + vd.L0.FullName = ed.L0.FullName + "_UNKNOWN" // e.g., github_com.user.repo.MyEnum_UNKNOWN + vd.L0.ParentFile = ed.L0.ParentFile + vd.L0.Parent = ed + + // TODO: We could use the String method to obtain some enum value names by + // starting at 0 and print the enum until it produces invalid identifiers. + // An exhaustive query is clearly impractical, but can be best-effort. + + if ed, ok := aberrantEnumDescCache.LoadOrStore(t, ed); ok { + return ed.(pref.EnumDescriptor) + } + return ed +} + +// AberrantDeriveFullName derives a fully qualified protobuf name for the given Go type +// The provided name is not guaranteed to be stable nor universally unique. +// It should be sufficiently unique within a program. +// +// This is exported for testing purposes. +func AberrantDeriveFullName(t reflect.Type) pref.FullName { + sanitize := func(r rune) rune { + switch { + case r == '/': + return '.' + case 'a' <= r && r <= 'z', 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z', '0' <= r && r <= '9': + return r + default: + return '_' + } + } + prefix := strings.Map(sanitize, t.PkgPath()) + suffix := strings.Map(sanitize, t.Name()) + if suffix == "" { + suffix = fmt.Sprintf("UnknownX%X", reflect.ValueOf(t).Pointer()) + } + + ss := append(strings.Split(prefix, "."), suffix) + for i, s := range ss { + if s == "" || ('0' <= s[0] && s[0] <= '9') { + ss[i] = "x" + s + } + } + return pref.FullName(strings.Join(ss, ".")) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_export.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_export.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3fb0b57 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_export.go @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "encoding/binary" + "encoding/json" + "hash/crc32" + "math" + "reflect" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// These functions exist to support exported APIs in generated protobufs. +// While these are deprecated, they cannot be removed for compatibility reasons. + +// LegacyEnumName returns the name of enums used in legacy code. +func (Export) LegacyEnumName(ed pref.EnumDescriptor) string { + return legacyEnumName(ed) +} + +// LegacyMessageTypeOf returns the protoreflect.MessageType for m, +// with name used as the message name if necessary. +func (Export) LegacyMessageTypeOf(m piface.MessageV1, name pref.FullName) pref.MessageType { + if mv := (Export{}).protoMessageV2Of(m); mv != nil { + return mv.ProtoReflect().Type() + } + return legacyLoadMessageType(reflect.TypeOf(m), name) +} + +// UnmarshalJSONEnum unmarshals an enum from a JSON-encoded input. +// The input can either be a string representing the enum value by name, +// or a number representing the enum number itself. +func (Export) UnmarshalJSONEnum(ed pref.EnumDescriptor, b []byte) (pref.EnumNumber, error) { + if b[0] == '"' { + var name pref.Name + if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &name); err != nil { + return 0, errors.New("invalid input for enum %v: %s", ed.FullName(), b) + } + ev := ed.Values().ByName(name) + if ev == nil { + return 0, errors.New("invalid value for enum %v: %s", ed.FullName(), name) + } + return ev.Number(), nil + } else { + var num pref.EnumNumber + if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &num); err != nil { + return 0, errors.New("invalid input for enum %v: %s", ed.FullName(), b) + } + return num, nil + } +} + +// CompressGZIP compresses the input as a GZIP-encoded file. +// The current implementation does no compression. +func (Export) CompressGZIP(in []byte) (out []byte) { + // RFC 1952, section 2.3.1. + var gzipHeader = [10]byte{0x1f, 0x8b, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xff} + + // RFC 1951, section 3.2.4. + var blockHeader [5]byte + const maxBlockSize = math.MaxUint16 + numBlocks := 1 + len(in)/maxBlockSize + + // RFC 1952, section 2.3.1. + var gzipFooter [8]byte + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(gzipFooter[0:4], crc32.ChecksumIEEE(in)) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(gzipFooter[4:8], uint32(len(in))) + + // Encode the input without compression using raw DEFLATE blocks. + out = make([]byte, 0, len(gzipHeader)+len(blockHeader)*numBlocks+len(in)+len(gzipFooter)) + out = append(out, gzipHeader[:]...) + for blockHeader[0] == 0 { + blockSize := maxBlockSize + if blockSize > len(in) { + blockHeader[0] = 0x01 // final bit per RFC 1951, section 3.2.3. + blockSize = len(in) + } + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(blockHeader[1:3], uint16(blockSize)^0x0000) + binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(blockHeader[3:5], uint16(blockSize)^0xffff) + out = append(out, blockHeader[:]...) + out = append(out, in[:blockSize]...) + in = in[blockSize:] + } + out = append(out, gzipFooter[:]...) + return out +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_extension.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_extension.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49e72316 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_extension.go @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "reflect" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + ptag "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/tag" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + preg "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) initToLegacy() { + xd := xi.desc + var parent piface.MessageV1 + messageName := xd.ContainingMessage().FullName() + if mt, _ := preg.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(messageName); mt != nil { + // Create a new parent message and unwrap it if possible. + mv := mt.New().Interface() + t := reflect.TypeOf(mv) + if mv, ok := mv.(unwrapper); ok { + t = reflect.TypeOf(mv.protoUnwrap()) + } + + // Check whether the message implements the legacy v1 Message interface. + mz := reflect.Zero(t).Interface() + if mz, ok := mz.(piface.MessageV1); ok { + parent = mz + } + } + + // Determine the v1 extension type, which is unfortunately not the same as + // the v2 ExtensionType.GoType. + extType := xi.goType + switch extType.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String: + extType = reflect.PtrTo(extType) // T -> *T for singular scalar fields + } + + // Reconstruct the legacy enum full name. + var enumName string + if xd.Kind() == pref.EnumKind { + enumName = legacyEnumName(xd.Enum()) + } + + // Derive the proto file that the extension was declared within. + var filename string + if fd := xd.ParentFile(); fd != nil { + filename = fd.Path() + } + + // For MessageSet extensions, the name used is the parent message. + name := xd.FullName() + if messageset.IsMessageSetExtension(xd) { + name = name.Parent() + } + + xi.ExtendedType = parent + xi.ExtensionType = reflect.Zero(extType).Interface() + xi.Field = int32(xd.Number()) + xi.Name = string(name) + xi.Tag = ptag.Marshal(xd, enumName) + xi.Filename = filename +} + +// initFromLegacy initializes an ExtensionInfo from +// the contents of the deprecated exported fields of the type. +func (xi *ExtensionInfo) initFromLegacy() { + // The v1 API returns "type incomplete" descriptors where only the + // field number is specified. In such a case, use a placeholder. + if xi.ExtendedType == nil || xi.ExtensionType == nil { + xd := placeholderExtension{ + name: pref.FullName(xi.Name), + number: pref.FieldNumber(xi.Field), + } + xi.desc = extensionTypeDescriptor{xd, xi} + return + } + + // Resolve enum or message dependencies. + var ed pref.EnumDescriptor + var md pref.MessageDescriptor + t := reflect.TypeOf(xi.ExtensionType) + isOptional := t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct + isRepeated := t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 + if isOptional || isRepeated { + t = t.Elem() + } + switch v := reflect.Zero(t).Interface().(type) { + case pref.Enum: + ed = v.Descriptor() + case enumV1: + ed = LegacyLoadEnumDesc(t) + case pref.ProtoMessage: + md = v.ProtoReflect().Descriptor() + case messageV1: + md = LegacyLoadMessageDesc(t) + } + + // Derive basic field information from the struct tag. + var evs pref.EnumValueDescriptors + if ed != nil { + evs = ed.Values() + } + fd := ptag.Unmarshal(xi.Tag, t, evs).(*filedesc.Field) + + // Construct a v2 ExtensionType. + xd := &filedesc.Extension{L2: new(filedesc.ExtensionL2)} + xd.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto2 + xd.L0.FullName = pref.FullName(xi.Name) + xd.L1.Number = pref.FieldNumber(xi.Field) + xd.L1.Cardinality = fd.L1.Cardinality + xd.L1.Kind = fd.L1.Kind + xd.L2.IsPacked = fd.L1.IsPacked + xd.L2.Default = fd.L1.Default + xd.L1.Extendee = Export{}.MessageDescriptorOf(xi.ExtendedType) + xd.L2.Enum = ed + xd.L2.Message = md + + // Derive real extension field name for MessageSets. + if messageset.IsMessageSet(xd.L1.Extendee) && md.FullName() == xd.L0.FullName { + xd.L0.FullName = xd.L0.FullName.Append(messageset.ExtensionName) + } + + tt := reflect.TypeOf(xi.ExtensionType) + if isOptional { + tt = tt.Elem() + } + xi.goType = tt + xi.desc = extensionTypeDescriptor{xd, xi} +} + +type placeholderExtension struct { + name pref.FullName + number pref.FieldNumber +} + +func (x placeholderExtension) ParentFile() pref.FileDescriptor { return nil } +func (x placeholderExtension) Parent() pref.Descriptor { return nil } +func (x placeholderExtension) Index() int { return 0 } +func (x placeholderExtension) Syntax() pref.Syntax { return 0 } +func (x placeholderExtension) Name() pref.Name { return x.name.Name() } +func (x placeholderExtension) FullName() pref.FullName { return x.name } +func (x placeholderExtension) IsPlaceholder() bool { return true } +func (x placeholderExtension) Options() pref.ProtoMessage { return descopts.Field } +func (x placeholderExtension) Number() pref.FieldNumber { return x.number } +func (x placeholderExtension) Cardinality() pref.Cardinality { return 0 } +func (x placeholderExtension) Kind() pref.Kind { return 0 } +func (x placeholderExtension) HasJSONName() bool { return false } +func (x placeholderExtension) JSONName() string { return "[" + string(x.name) + "]" } +func (x placeholderExtension) TextName() string { return "[" + string(x.name) + "]" } +func (x placeholderExtension) HasPresence() bool { return false } +func (x placeholderExtension) HasOptionalKeyword() bool { return false } +func (x placeholderExtension) IsExtension() bool { return true } +func (x placeholderExtension) IsWeak() bool { return false } +func (x placeholderExtension) IsPacked() bool { return false } +func (x placeholderExtension) IsList() bool { return false } +func (x placeholderExtension) IsMap() bool { return false } +func (x placeholderExtension) MapKey() pref.FieldDescriptor { return nil } +func (x placeholderExtension) MapValue() pref.FieldDescriptor { return nil } +func (x placeholderExtension) HasDefault() bool { return false } +func (x placeholderExtension) Default() pref.Value { return pref.Value{} } +func (x placeholderExtension) DefaultEnumValue() pref.EnumValueDescriptor { return nil } +func (x placeholderExtension) ContainingOneof() pref.OneofDescriptor { return nil } +func (x placeholderExtension) ContainingMessage() pref.MessageDescriptor { return nil } +func (x placeholderExtension) Enum() pref.EnumDescriptor { return nil } +func (x placeholderExtension) Message() pref.MessageDescriptor { return nil } +func (x placeholderExtension) ProtoType(pref.FieldDescriptor) { return } +func (x placeholderExtension) ProtoInternal(pragma.DoNotImplement) { return } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_file.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_file.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ab09108 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_file.go @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "bytes" + "compress/gzip" + "io/ioutil" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +// Every enum and message type generated by protoc-gen-go since commit 2fc053c5 +// on February 25th, 2016 has had a method to get the raw descriptor. +// Types that were not generated by protoc-gen-go or were generated prior +// to that version are not supported. +// +// The []byte returned is the encoded form of a FileDescriptorProto message +// compressed using GZIP. The []int is the path from the top-level file +// to the specific message or enum declaration. +type ( + enumV1 interface { + EnumDescriptor() ([]byte, []int) + } + messageV1 interface { + Descriptor() ([]byte, []int) + } +) + +var legacyFileDescCache sync.Map // map[*byte]protoreflect.FileDescriptor + +// legacyLoadFileDesc unmarshals b as a compressed FileDescriptorProto message. +// +// This assumes that b is immutable and that b does not refer to part of a +// concatenated series of GZIP files (which would require shenanigans that +// rely on the concatenation properties of both protobufs and GZIP). +// File descriptors generated by protoc-gen-go do not rely on that property. +func legacyLoadFileDesc(b []byte) protoreflect.FileDescriptor { + // Fast-path: check whether we already have a cached file descriptor. + if fd, ok := legacyFileDescCache.Load(&b[0]); ok { + return fd.(protoreflect.FileDescriptor) + } + + // Slow-path: decompress and unmarshal the file descriptor proto. + zr, err := gzip.NewReader(bytes.NewReader(b)) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + b2, err := ioutil.ReadAll(zr) + if err != nil { + panic(err) + } + + fd := filedesc.Builder{ + RawDescriptor: b2, + FileRegistry: resolverOnly{protoregistry.GlobalFiles}, // do not register back to global registry + }.Build().File + if fd, ok := legacyFileDescCache.LoadOrStore(&b[0], fd); ok { + return fd.(protoreflect.FileDescriptor) + } + return fd +} + +type resolverOnly struct { + reg *protoregistry.Files +} + +func (r resolverOnly) FindFileByPath(path string) (protoreflect.FileDescriptor, error) { + return r.reg.FindFileByPath(path) +} +func (r resolverOnly) FindDescriptorByName(name protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.Descriptor, error) { + return r.reg.FindDescriptorByName(name) +} +func (resolverOnly) RegisterFile(protoreflect.FileDescriptor) error { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_message.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_message.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3759b010 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/legacy_message.go @@ -0,0 +1,558 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strings" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts" + ptag "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/tag" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// legacyWrapMessage wraps v as a protoreflect.Message, +// where v must be a *struct kind and not implement the v2 API already. +func legacyWrapMessage(v reflect.Value) pref.Message { + t := v.Type() + if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return aberrantMessage{v: v} + } + mt := legacyLoadMessageInfo(t, "") + return mt.MessageOf(v.Interface()) +} + +// legacyLoadMessageType dynamically loads a protoreflect.Type for t, +// where t must be not implement the v2 API already. +// The provided name is used if it cannot be determined from the message. +func legacyLoadMessageType(t reflect.Type, name pref.FullName) protoreflect.MessageType { + if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return aberrantMessageType{t} + } + return legacyLoadMessageInfo(t, name) +} + +var legacyMessageTypeCache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]*MessageInfo + +// legacyLoadMessageInfo dynamically loads a *MessageInfo for t, +// where t must be a *struct kind and not implement the v2 API already. +// The provided name is used if it cannot be determined from the message. +func legacyLoadMessageInfo(t reflect.Type, name pref.FullName) *MessageInfo { + // Fast-path: check if a MessageInfo is cached for this concrete type. + if mt, ok := legacyMessageTypeCache.Load(t); ok { + return mt.(*MessageInfo) + } + + // Slow-path: derive message descriptor and initialize MessageInfo. + mi := &MessageInfo{ + Desc: legacyLoadMessageDesc(t, name), + GoReflectType: t, + } + + var hasMarshal, hasUnmarshal bool + v := reflect.Zero(t).Interface() + if _, hasMarshal = v.(legacyMarshaler); hasMarshal { + mi.methods.Marshal = legacyMarshal + + // We have no way to tell whether the type's Marshal method + // supports deterministic serialization or not, but this + // preserves the v1 implementation's behavior of always + // calling Marshal methods when present. + mi.methods.Flags |= piface.SupportMarshalDeterministic + } + if _, hasUnmarshal = v.(legacyUnmarshaler); hasUnmarshal { + mi.methods.Unmarshal = legacyUnmarshal + } + if _, hasMerge := v.(legacyMerger); hasMerge || (hasMarshal && hasUnmarshal) { + mi.methods.Merge = legacyMerge + } + + if mi, ok := legacyMessageTypeCache.LoadOrStore(t, mi); ok { + return mi.(*MessageInfo) + } + return mi +} + +var legacyMessageDescCache sync.Map // map[reflect.Type]protoreflect.MessageDescriptor + +// LegacyLoadMessageDesc returns an MessageDescriptor derived from the Go type, +// which should be a *struct kind and must not implement the v2 API already. +// +// This is exported for testing purposes. +func LegacyLoadMessageDesc(t reflect.Type) pref.MessageDescriptor { + return legacyLoadMessageDesc(t, "") +} +func legacyLoadMessageDesc(t reflect.Type, name pref.FullName) pref.MessageDescriptor { + // Fast-path: check if a MessageDescriptor is cached for this concrete type. + if mi, ok := legacyMessageDescCache.Load(t); ok { + return mi.(pref.MessageDescriptor) + } + + // Slow-path: initialize MessageDescriptor from the raw descriptor. + mv := reflect.Zero(t).Interface() + if _, ok := mv.(pref.ProtoMessage); ok { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v already implements proto.Message", t)) + } + mdV1, ok := mv.(messageV1) + if !ok { + return aberrantLoadMessageDesc(t, name) + } + + // If this is a dynamic message type where there isn't a 1-1 mapping between + // Go and protobuf types, calling the Descriptor method on the zero value of + // the message type isn't likely to work. If it panics, swallow the panic and + // continue as if the Descriptor method wasn't present. + b, idxs := func() ([]byte, []int) { + defer func() { + recover() + }() + return mdV1.Descriptor() + }() + if b == nil { + return aberrantLoadMessageDesc(t, name) + } + + // If the Go type has no fields, then this might be a proto3 empty message + // from before the size cache was added. If there are any fields, check to + // see that at least one of them looks like something we generated. + if t.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct { + if nfield := t.Elem().NumField(); nfield > 0 { + hasProtoField := false + for i := 0; i < nfield; i++ { + f := t.Elem().Field(i) + if f.Tag.Get("protobuf") != "" || f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof") != "" || strings.HasPrefix(f.Name, "XXX_") { + hasProtoField = true + break + } + } + if !hasProtoField { + return aberrantLoadMessageDesc(t, name) + } + } + } + + md := legacyLoadFileDesc(b).Messages().Get(idxs[0]) + for _, i := range idxs[1:] { + md = md.Messages().Get(i) + } + if name != "" && md.FullName() != name { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("mismatching message name: got %v, want %v", md.FullName(), name)) + } + if md, ok := legacyMessageDescCache.LoadOrStore(t, md); ok { + return md.(protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) + } + return md +} + +var ( + aberrantMessageDescLock sync.Mutex + aberrantMessageDescCache map[reflect.Type]protoreflect.MessageDescriptor +) + +// aberrantLoadMessageDesc returns an MessageDescriptor derived from the Go type, +// which must not implement protoreflect.ProtoMessage or messageV1. +// +// This is a best-effort derivation of the message descriptor using the protobuf +// tags on the struct fields. +func aberrantLoadMessageDesc(t reflect.Type, name pref.FullName) pref.MessageDescriptor { + aberrantMessageDescLock.Lock() + defer aberrantMessageDescLock.Unlock() + if aberrantMessageDescCache == nil { + aberrantMessageDescCache = make(map[reflect.Type]protoreflect.MessageDescriptor) + } + return aberrantLoadMessageDescReentrant(t, name) +} +func aberrantLoadMessageDescReentrant(t reflect.Type, name pref.FullName) pref.MessageDescriptor { + // Fast-path: check if an MessageDescriptor is cached for this concrete type. + if md, ok := aberrantMessageDescCache[t]; ok { + return md + } + + // Slow-path: construct a descriptor from the Go struct type (best-effort). + // Cache the MessageDescriptor early on so that we can resolve internal + // cyclic references. + md := &filedesc.Message{L2: new(filedesc.MessageL2)} + md.L0.FullName = aberrantDeriveMessageName(t, name) + md.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto2 + aberrantMessageDescCache[t] = md + + if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { + return md + } + + // Try to determine if the message is using proto3 by checking scalars. + for i := 0; i < t.Elem().NumField(); i++ { + f := t.Elem().Field(i) + if tag := f.Tag.Get("protobuf"); tag != "" { + switch f.Type.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64, reflect.String: + md.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto3 + } + for _, s := range strings.Split(tag, ",") { + if s == "proto3" { + md.L0.ParentFile = filedesc.SurrogateProto3 + } + } + } + } + + // Obtain a list of oneof wrapper types. + var oneofWrappers []reflect.Type + for _, method := range []string{"XXX_OneofFuncs", "XXX_OneofWrappers"} { + if fn, ok := t.MethodByName(method); ok { + for _, v := range fn.Func.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.Zero(fn.Type.In(0))}) { + if vs, ok := v.Interface().([]interface{}); ok { + for _, v := range vs { + oneofWrappers = append(oneofWrappers, reflect.TypeOf(v)) + } + } + } + } + } + + // Obtain a list of the extension ranges. + if fn, ok := t.MethodByName("ExtensionRangeArray"); ok { + vs := fn.Func.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.Zero(fn.Type.In(0))})[0] + for i := 0; i < vs.Len(); i++ { + v := vs.Index(i) + md.L2.ExtensionRanges.List = append(md.L2.ExtensionRanges.List, [2]pref.FieldNumber{ + pref.FieldNumber(v.FieldByName("Start").Int()), + pref.FieldNumber(v.FieldByName("End").Int() + 1), + }) + md.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions = append(md.L2.ExtensionRangeOptions, nil) + } + } + + // Derive the message fields by inspecting the struct fields. + for i := 0; i < t.Elem().NumField(); i++ { + f := t.Elem().Field(i) + if tag := f.Tag.Get("protobuf"); tag != "" { + tagKey := f.Tag.Get("protobuf_key") + tagVal := f.Tag.Get("protobuf_val") + aberrantAppendField(md, f.Type, tag, tagKey, tagVal) + } + if tag := f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof"); tag != "" { + n := len(md.L2.Oneofs.List) + md.L2.Oneofs.List = append(md.L2.Oneofs.List, filedesc.Oneof{}) + od := &md.L2.Oneofs.List[n] + od.L0.FullName = md.FullName().Append(pref.Name(tag)) + od.L0.ParentFile = md.L0.ParentFile + od.L0.Parent = md + od.L0.Index = n + + for _, t := range oneofWrappers { + if t.Implements(f.Type) { + f := t.Elem().Field(0) + if tag := f.Tag.Get("protobuf"); tag != "" { + aberrantAppendField(md, f.Type, tag, "", "") + fd := &md.L2.Fields.List[len(md.L2.Fields.List)-1] + fd.L1.ContainingOneof = od + od.L1.Fields.List = append(od.L1.Fields.List, fd) + } + } + } + } + } + + return md +} + +func aberrantDeriveMessageName(t reflect.Type, name pref.FullName) pref.FullName { + if name.IsValid() { + return name + } + func() { + defer func() { recover() }() // swallow possible nil panics + if m, ok := reflect.Zero(t).Interface().(interface{ XXX_MessageName() string }); ok { + name = pref.FullName(m.XXX_MessageName()) + } + }() + if name.IsValid() { + return name + } + if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + t = t.Elem() + } + return AberrantDeriveFullName(t) +} + +func aberrantAppendField(md *filedesc.Message, goType reflect.Type, tag, tagKey, tagVal string) { + t := goType + isOptional := t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct + isRepeated := t.Kind() == reflect.Slice && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 + if isOptional || isRepeated { + t = t.Elem() + } + fd := ptag.Unmarshal(tag, t, placeholderEnumValues{}).(*filedesc.Field) + + // Append field descriptor to the message. + n := len(md.L2.Fields.List) + md.L2.Fields.List = append(md.L2.Fields.List, *fd) + fd = &md.L2.Fields.List[n] + fd.L0.FullName = md.FullName().Append(fd.Name()) + fd.L0.ParentFile = md.L0.ParentFile + fd.L0.Parent = md + fd.L0.Index = n + + if fd.L1.IsWeak || fd.L1.HasPacked { + fd.L1.Options = func() pref.ProtoMessage { + opts := descopts.Field.ProtoReflect().New() + if fd.L1.IsWeak { + opts.Set(opts.Descriptor().Fields().ByName("weak"), protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true)) + } + if fd.L1.HasPacked { + opts.Set(opts.Descriptor().Fields().ByName("packed"), protoreflect.ValueOfBool(fd.L1.IsPacked)) + } + return opts.Interface() + } + } + + // Populate Enum and Message. + if fd.Enum() == nil && fd.Kind() == pref.EnumKind { + switch v := reflect.Zero(t).Interface().(type) { + case pref.Enum: + fd.L1.Enum = v.Descriptor() + default: + fd.L1.Enum = LegacyLoadEnumDesc(t) + } + } + if fd.Message() == nil && (fd.Kind() == pref.MessageKind || fd.Kind() == pref.GroupKind) { + switch v := reflect.Zero(t).Interface().(type) { + case pref.ProtoMessage: + fd.L1.Message = v.ProtoReflect().Descriptor() + case messageV1: + fd.L1.Message = LegacyLoadMessageDesc(t) + default: + if t.Kind() == reflect.Map { + n := len(md.L1.Messages.List) + md.L1.Messages.List = append(md.L1.Messages.List, filedesc.Message{L2: new(filedesc.MessageL2)}) + md2 := &md.L1.Messages.List[n] + md2.L0.FullName = md.FullName().Append(pref.Name(strs.MapEntryName(string(fd.Name())))) + md2.L0.ParentFile = md.L0.ParentFile + md2.L0.Parent = md + md2.L0.Index = n + + md2.L1.IsMapEntry = true + md2.L2.Options = func() pref.ProtoMessage { + opts := descopts.Message.ProtoReflect().New() + opts.Set(opts.Descriptor().Fields().ByName("map_entry"), protoreflect.ValueOfBool(true)) + return opts.Interface() + } + + aberrantAppendField(md2, t.Key(), tagKey, "", "") + aberrantAppendField(md2, t.Elem(), tagVal, "", "") + + fd.L1.Message = md2 + break + } + fd.L1.Message = aberrantLoadMessageDescReentrant(t, "") + } + } +} + +type placeholderEnumValues struct { + protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptors +} + +func (placeholderEnumValues) ByNumber(n pref.EnumNumber) pref.EnumValueDescriptor { + return filedesc.PlaceholderEnumValue(pref.FullName(fmt.Sprintf("UNKNOWN_%d", n))) +} + +// legacyMarshaler is the proto.Marshaler interface superseded by protoiface.Methoder. +type legacyMarshaler interface { + Marshal() ([]byte, error) +} + +// legacyUnmarshaler is the proto.Unmarshaler interface superseded by protoiface.Methoder. +type legacyUnmarshaler interface { + Unmarshal([]byte) error +} + +// legacyMerger is the proto.Merger interface superseded by protoiface.Methoder. +type legacyMerger interface { + Merge(protoiface.MessageV1) +} + +var aberrantProtoMethods = &piface.Methods{ + Marshal: legacyMarshal, + Unmarshal: legacyUnmarshal, + Merge: legacyMerge, + + // We have no way to tell whether the type's Marshal method + // supports deterministic serialization or not, but this + // preserves the v1 implementation's behavior of always + // calling Marshal methods when present. + Flags: piface.SupportMarshalDeterministic, +} + +func legacyMarshal(in piface.MarshalInput) (piface.MarshalOutput, error) { + v := in.Message.(unwrapper).protoUnwrap() + marshaler, ok := v.(legacyMarshaler) + if !ok { + return piface.MarshalOutput{}, errors.New("%T does not implement Marshal", v) + } + out, err := marshaler.Marshal() + if in.Buf != nil { + out = append(in.Buf, out...) + } + return piface.MarshalOutput{ + Buf: out, + }, err +} + +func legacyUnmarshal(in piface.UnmarshalInput) (piface.UnmarshalOutput, error) { + v := in.Message.(unwrapper).protoUnwrap() + unmarshaler, ok := v.(legacyUnmarshaler) + if !ok { + return piface.UnmarshalOutput{}, errors.New("%T does not implement Unmarshal", v) + } + return piface.UnmarshalOutput{}, unmarshaler.Unmarshal(in.Buf) +} + +func legacyMerge(in piface.MergeInput) piface.MergeOutput { + // Check whether this supports the legacy merger. + dstv := in.Destination.(unwrapper).protoUnwrap() + merger, ok := dstv.(legacyMerger) + if ok { + merger.Merge(Export{}.ProtoMessageV1Of(in.Source)) + return piface.MergeOutput{Flags: piface.MergeComplete} + } + + // If legacy merger is unavailable, implement merge in terms of + // a marshal and unmarshal operation. + srcv := in.Source.(unwrapper).protoUnwrap() + marshaler, ok := srcv.(legacyMarshaler) + if !ok { + return piface.MergeOutput{} + } + dstv = in.Destination.(unwrapper).protoUnwrap() + unmarshaler, ok := dstv.(legacyUnmarshaler) + if !ok { + return piface.MergeOutput{} + } + b, err := marshaler.Marshal() + if err != nil { + return piface.MergeOutput{} + } + err = unmarshaler.Unmarshal(b) + if err != nil { + return piface.MergeOutput{} + } + return piface.MergeOutput{Flags: piface.MergeComplete} +} + +// aberrantMessageType implements MessageType for all types other than pointer-to-struct. +type aberrantMessageType struct { + t reflect.Type +} + +func (mt aberrantMessageType) New() pref.Message { + if mt.t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + return aberrantMessage{reflect.New(mt.t.Elem())} + } + return aberrantMessage{reflect.Zero(mt.t)} +} +func (mt aberrantMessageType) Zero() pref.Message { + return aberrantMessage{reflect.Zero(mt.t)} +} +func (mt aberrantMessageType) GoType() reflect.Type { + return mt.t +} +func (mt aberrantMessageType) Descriptor() pref.MessageDescriptor { + return LegacyLoadMessageDesc(mt.t) +} + +// aberrantMessage implements Message for all types other than pointer-to-struct. +// +// When the underlying type implements legacyMarshaler or legacyUnmarshaler, +// the aberrant Message can be marshaled or unmarshaled. Otherwise, there is +// not much that can be done with values of this type. +type aberrantMessage struct { + v reflect.Value +} + +// Reset implements the v1 proto.Message.Reset method. +func (m aberrantMessage) Reset() { + if mr, ok := m.v.Interface().(interface{ Reset() }); ok { + mr.Reset() + return + } + if m.v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !m.v.IsNil() { + m.v.Elem().Set(reflect.Zero(m.v.Type().Elem())) + } +} + +func (m aberrantMessage) ProtoReflect() pref.Message { + return m +} + +func (m aberrantMessage) Descriptor() pref.MessageDescriptor { + return LegacyLoadMessageDesc(m.v.Type()) +} +func (m aberrantMessage) Type() pref.MessageType { + return aberrantMessageType{m.v.Type()} +} +func (m aberrantMessage) New() pref.Message { + if m.v.Type().Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + return aberrantMessage{reflect.New(m.v.Type().Elem())} + } + return aberrantMessage{reflect.Zero(m.v.Type())} +} +func (m aberrantMessage) Interface() pref.ProtoMessage { + return m +} +func (m aberrantMessage) Range(f func(pref.FieldDescriptor, pref.Value) bool) { + return +} +func (m aberrantMessage) Has(pref.FieldDescriptor) bool { + return false +} +func (m aberrantMessage) Clear(pref.FieldDescriptor) { + panic("invalid Message.Clear on " + string(m.Descriptor().FullName())) +} +func (m aberrantMessage) Get(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) pref.Value { + if fd.Default().IsValid() { + return fd.Default() + } + panic("invalid Message.Get on " + string(m.Descriptor().FullName())) +} +func (m aberrantMessage) Set(pref.FieldDescriptor, pref.Value) { + panic("invalid Message.Set on " + string(m.Descriptor().FullName())) +} +func (m aberrantMessage) Mutable(pref.FieldDescriptor) pref.Value { + panic("invalid Message.Mutable on " + string(m.Descriptor().FullName())) +} +func (m aberrantMessage) NewField(pref.FieldDescriptor) pref.Value { + panic("invalid Message.NewField on " + string(m.Descriptor().FullName())) +} +func (m aberrantMessage) WhichOneof(pref.OneofDescriptor) pref.FieldDescriptor { + panic("invalid Message.WhichOneof descriptor on " + string(m.Descriptor().FullName())) +} +func (m aberrantMessage) GetUnknown() pref.RawFields { + return nil +} +func (m aberrantMessage) SetUnknown(pref.RawFields) { + // SetUnknown discards its input on messages which don't support unknown field storage. +} +func (m aberrantMessage) IsValid() bool { + if m.v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + return !m.v.IsNil() + } + return false +} +func (m aberrantMessage) ProtoMethods() *piface.Methods { + return aberrantProtoMethods +} +func (m aberrantMessage) protoUnwrap() interface{} { + return m.v.Interface() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/merge.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/merge.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c65bbc04 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/merge.go @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/proto" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +type mergeOptions struct{} + +func (o mergeOptions) Merge(dst, src proto.Message) { + proto.Merge(dst, src) +} + +// merge is protoreflect.Methods.Merge. +func (mi *MessageInfo) merge(in piface.MergeInput) piface.MergeOutput { + dp, ok := mi.getPointer(in.Destination) + if !ok { + return piface.MergeOutput{} + } + sp, ok := mi.getPointer(in.Source) + if !ok { + return piface.MergeOutput{} + } + mi.mergePointer(dp, sp, mergeOptions{}) + return piface.MergeOutput{Flags: piface.MergeComplete} +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) mergePointer(dst, src pointer, opts mergeOptions) { + mi.init() + if dst.IsNil() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid value: merging into nil message")) + } + if src.IsNil() { + return + } + for _, f := range mi.orderedCoderFields { + if f.funcs.merge == nil { + continue + } + sfptr := src.Apply(f.offset) + if f.isPointer && sfptr.Elem().IsNil() { + continue + } + f.funcs.merge(dst.Apply(f.offset), sfptr, f, opts) + } + if mi.extensionOffset.IsValid() { + sext := src.Apply(mi.extensionOffset).Extensions() + dext := dst.Apply(mi.extensionOffset).Extensions() + if *dext == nil { + *dext = make(map[int32]ExtensionField) + } + for num, sx := range *sext { + xt := sx.Type() + xi := getExtensionFieldInfo(xt) + if xi.funcs.merge == nil { + continue + } + dx := (*dext)[num] + var dv pref.Value + if dx.Type() == sx.Type() { + dv = dx.Value() + } + if !dv.IsValid() && xi.unmarshalNeedsValue { + dv = xt.New() + } + dv = xi.funcs.merge(dv, sx.Value(), opts) + dx.Set(sx.Type(), dv) + (*dext)[num] = dx + } + } + if mi.unknownOffset.IsValid() { + su := mi.getUnknownBytes(src) + if su != nil && len(*su) > 0 { + du := mi.mutableUnknownBytes(dst) + *du = append(*du, *su...) + } + } +} + +func mergeScalarValue(dst, src pref.Value, opts mergeOptions) pref.Value { + return src +} + +func mergeBytesValue(dst, src pref.Value, opts mergeOptions) pref.Value { + return pref.ValueOfBytes(append(emptyBuf[:], src.Bytes()...)) +} + +func mergeListValue(dst, src pref.Value, opts mergeOptions) pref.Value { + dstl := dst.List() + srcl := src.List() + for i, llen := 0, srcl.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + dstl.Append(srcl.Get(i)) + } + return dst +} + +func mergeBytesListValue(dst, src pref.Value, opts mergeOptions) pref.Value { + dstl := dst.List() + srcl := src.List() + for i, llen := 0, srcl.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + sb := srcl.Get(i).Bytes() + db := append(emptyBuf[:], sb...) + dstl.Append(pref.ValueOfBytes(db)) + } + return dst +} + +func mergeMessageListValue(dst, src pref.Value, opts mergeOptions) pref.Value { + dstl := dst.List() + srcl := src.List() + for i, llen := 0, srcl.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + sm := srcl.Get(i).Message() + dm := proto.Clone(sm.Interface()).ProtoReflect() + dstl.Append(pref.ValueOfMessage(dm)) + } + return dst +} + +func mergeMessageValue(dst, src pref.Value, opts mergeOptions) pref.Value { + opts.Merge(dst.Message().Interface(), src.Message().Interface()) + return dst +} + +func mergeMessage(dst, src pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts mergeOptions) { + if f.mi != nil { + if dst.Elem().IsNil() { + dst.SetPointer(pointerOfValue(reflect.New(f.mi.GoReflectType.Elem()))) + } + f.mi.mergePointer(dst.Elem(), src.Elem(), opts) + } else { + dm := dst.AsValueOf(f.ft).Elem() + sm := src.AsValueOf(f.ft).Elem() + if dm.IsNil() { + dm.Set(reflect.New(f.ft.Elem())) + } + opts.Merge(asMessage(dm), asMessage(sm)) + } +} + +func mergeMessageSlice(dst, src pointer, f *coderFieldInfo, opts mergeOptions) { + for _, sp := range src.PointerSlice() { + dm := reflect.New(f.ft.Elem().Elem()) + if f.mi != nil { + f.mi.mergePointer(pointerOfValue(dm), sp, opts) + } else { + opts.Merge(asMessage(dm), asMessage(sp.AsValueOf(f.ft.Elem().Elem()))) + } + dst.AppendPointerSlice(pointerOfValue(dm)) + } +} + +func mergeBytes(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + *dst.Bytes() = append(emptyBuf[:], *src.Bytes()...) +} + +func mergeBytesNoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + v := *src.Bytes() + if len(v) > 0 { + *dst.Bytes() = append(emptyBuf[:], v...) + } +} + +func mergeBytesSlice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + ds := dst.BytesSlice() + for _, v := range *src.BytesSlice() { + *ds = append(*ds, append(emptyBuf[:], v...)) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/merge_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/merge_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8816c274 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/merge_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-types. DO NOT EDIT. + +package impl + +import () + +func mergeBool(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + *dst.Bool() = *src.Bool() +} + +func mergeBoolNoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + v := *src.Bool() + if v != false { + *dst.Bool() = v + } +} + +func mergeBoolPtr(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + p := *src.BoolPtr() + if p != nil { + v := *p + *dst.BoolPtr() = &v + } +} + +func mergeBoolSlice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + ds := dst.BoolSlice() + ss := src.BoolSlice() + *ds = append(*ds, *ss...) +} + +func mergeInt32(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + *dst.Int32() = *src.Int32() +} + +func mergeInt32NoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + v := *src.Int32() + if v != 0 { + *dst.Int32() = v + } +} + +func mergeInt32Ptr(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + p := *src.Int32Ptr() + if p != nil { + v := *p + *dst.Int32Ptr() = &v + } +} + +func mergeInt32Slice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + ds := dst.Int32Slice() + ss := src.Int32Slice() + *ds = append(*ds, *ss...) +} + +func mergeUint32(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + *dst.Uint32() = *src.Uint32() +} + +func mergeUint32NoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + v := *src.Uint32() + if v != 0 { + *dst.Uint32() = v + } +} + +func mergeUint32Ptr(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + p := *src.Uint32Ptr() + if p != nil { + v := *p + *dst.Uint32Ptr() = &v + } +} + +func mergeUint32Slice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + ds := dst.Uint32Slice() + ss := src.Uint32Slice() + *ds = append(*ds, *ss...) +} + +func mergeInt64(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + *dst.Int64() = *src.Int64() +} + +func mergeInt64NoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + v := *src.Int64() + if v != 0 { + *dst.Int64() = v + } +} + +func mergeInt64Ptr(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + p := *src.Int64Ptr() + if p != nil { + v := *p + *dst.Int64Ptr() = &v + } +} + +func mergeInt64Slice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + ds := dst.Int64Slice() + ss := src.Int64Slice() + *ds = append(*ds, *ss...) +} + +func mergeUint64(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + *dst.Uint64() = *src.Uint64() +} + +func mergeUint64NoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + v := *src.Uint64() + if v != 0 { + *dst.Uint64() = v + } +} + +func mergeUint64Ptr(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + p := *src.Uint64Ptr() + if p != nil { + v := *p + *dst.Uint64Ptr() = &v + } +} + +func mergeUint64Slice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + ds := dst.Uint64Slice() + ss := src.Uint64Slice() + *ds = append(*ds, *ss...) +} + +func mergeFloat32(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + *dst.Float32() = *src.Float32() +} + +func mergeFloat32NoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + v := *src.Float32() + if v != 0 { + *dst.Float32() = v + } +} + +func mergeFloat32Ptr(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + p := *src.Float32Ptr() + if p != nil { + v := *p + *dst.Float32Ptr() = &v + } +} + +func mergeFloat32Slice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + ds := dst.Float32Slice() + ss := src.Float32Slice() + *ds = append(*ds, *ss...) +} + +func mergeFloat64(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + *dst.Float64() = *src.Float64() +} + +func mergeFloat64NoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + v := *src.Float64() + if v != 0 { + *dst.Float64() = v + } +} + +func mergeFloat64Ptr(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + p := *src.Float64Ptr() + if p != nil { + v := *p + *dst.Float64Ptr() = &v + } +} + +func mergeFloat64Slice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + ds := dst.Float64Slice() + ss := src.Float64Slice() + *ds = append(*ds, *ss...) +} + +func mergeString(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + *dst.String() = *src.String() +} + +func mergeStringNoZero(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + v := *src.String() + if v != "" { + *dst.String() = v + } +} + +func mergeStringPtr(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + p := *src.StringPtr() + if p != nil { + v := *p + *dst.StringPtr() = &v + } +} + +func mergeStringSlice(dst, src pointer, _ *coderFieldInfo, _ mergeOptions) { + ds := dst.StringSlice() + ss := src.StringSlice() + *ds = append(*ds, *ss...) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a104e28e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message.go @@ -0,0 +1,276 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "strconv" + "strings" + "sync" + "sync/atomic" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + preg "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +// MessageInfo provides protobuf related functionality for a given Go type +// that represents a message. A given instance of MessageInfo is tied to +// exactly one Go type, which must be a pointer to a struct type. +// +// The exported fields must be populated before any methods are called +// and cannot be mutated after set. +type MessageInfo struct { + // GoReflectType is the underlying message Go type and must be populated. + GoReflectType reflect.Type // pointer to struct + + // Desc is the underlying message descriptor type and must be populated. + Desc pref.MessageDescriptor + + // Exporter must be provided in a purego environment in order to provide + // access to unexported fields. + Exporter exporter + + // OneofWrappers is list of pointers to oneof wrapper struct types. + OneofWrappers []interface{} + + initMu sync.Mutex // protects all unexported fields + initDone uint32 + + reflectMessageInfo // for reflection implementation + coderMessageInfo // for fast-path method implementations +} + +// exporter is a function that returns a reference to the ith field of v, +// where v is a pointer to a struct. It returns nil if it does not support +// exporting the requested field (e.g., already exported). +type exporter func(v interface{}, i int) interface{} + +// getMessageInfo returns the MessageInfo for any message type that +// is generated by our implementation of protoc-gen-go (for v2 and on). +// If it is unable to obtain a MessageInfo, it returns nil. +func getMessageInfo(mt reflect.Type) *MessageInfo { + m, ok := reflect.Zero(mt).Interface().(pref.ProtoMessage) + if !ok { + return nil + } + mr, ok := m.ProtoReflect().(interface{ ProtoMessageInfo() *MessageInfo }) + if !ok { + return nil + } + return mr.ProtoMessageInfo() +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) init() { + // This function is called in the hot path. Inline the sync.Once logic, + // since allocating a closure for Once.Do is expensive. + // Keep init small to ensure that it can be inlined. + if atomic.LoadUint32(&mi.initDone) == 0 { + mi.initOnce() + } +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) initOnce() { + mi.initMu.Lock() + defer mi.initMu.Unlock() + if mi.initDone == 1 { + return + } + + t := mi.GoReflectType + if t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("got %v, want *struct kind", t)) + } + t = t.Elem() + + si := mi.makeStructInfo(t) + mi.makeReflectFuncs(t, si) + mi.makeCoderMethods(t, si) + + atomic.StoreUint32(&mi.initDone, 1) +} + +// getPointer returns the pointer for a message, which should be of +// the type of the MessageInfo. If the message is of a different type, +// it returns ok==false. +func (mi *MessageInfo) getPointer(m pref.Message) (p pointer, ok bool) { + switch m := m.(type) { + case *messageState: + return m.pointer(), m.messageInfo() == mi + case *messageReflectWrapper: + return m.pointer(), m.messageInfo() == mi + } + return pointer{}, false +} + +type ( + SizeCache = int32 + WeakFields = map[int32]protoreflect.ProtoMessage + UnknownFields = unknownFieldsA // TODO: switch to unknownFieldsB + unknownFieldsA = []byte + unknownFieldsB = *[]byte + ExtensionFields = map[int32]ExtensionField +) + +var ( + sizecacheType = reflect.TypeOf(SizeCache(0)) + weakFieldsType = reflect.TypeOf(WeakFields(nil)) + unknownFieldsAType = reflect.TypeOf(unknownFieldsA(nil)) + unknownFieldsBType = reflect.TypeOf(unknownFieldsB(nil)) + extensionFieldsType = reflect.TypeOf(ExtensionFields(nil)) +) + +type structInfo struct { + sizecacheOffset offset + sizecacheType reflect.Type + weakOffset offset + weakType reflect.Type + unknownOffset offset + unknownType reflect.Type + extensionOffset offset + extensionType reflect.Type + + fieldsByNumber map[pref.FieldNumber]reflect.StructField + oneofsByName map[pref.Name]reflect.StructField + oneofWrappersByType map[reflect.Type]pref.FieldNumber + oneofWrappersByNumber map[pref.FieldNumber]reflect.Type +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) makeStructInfo(t reflect.Type) structInfo { + si := structInfo{ + sizecacheOffset: invalidOffset, + weakOffset: invalidOffset, + unknownOffset: invalidOffset, + extensionOffset: invalidOffset, + + fieldsByNumber: map[pref.FieldNumber]reflect.StructField{}, + oneofsByName: map[pref.Name]reflect.StructField{}, + oneofWrappersByType: map[reflect.Type]pref.FieldNumber{}, + oneofWrappersByNumber: map[pref.FieldNumber]reflect.Type{}, + } + +fieldLoop: + for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ { + switch f := t.Field(i); f.Name { + case genid.SizeCache_goname, genid.SizeCacheA_goname: + if f.Type == sizecacheType { + si.sizecacheOffset = offsetOf(f, mi.Exporter) + si.sizecacheType = f.Type + } + case genid.WeakFields_goname, genid.WeakFieldsA_goname: + if f.Type == weakFieldsType { + si.weakOffset = offsetOf(f, mi.Exporter) + si.weakType = f.Type + } + case genid.UnknownFields_goname, genid.UnknownFieldsA_goname: + if f.Type == unknownFieldsAType || f.Type == unknownFieldsBType { + si.unknownOffset = offsetOf(f, mi.Exporter) + si.unknownType = f.Type + } + case genid.ExtensionFields_goname, genid.ExtensionFieldsA_goname, genid.ExtensionFieldsB_goname: + if f.Type == extensionFieldsType { + si.extensionOffset = offsetOf(f, mi.Exporter) + si.extensionType = f.Type + } + default: + for _, s := range strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",") { + if len(s) > 0 && strings.Trim(s, "0123456789") == "" { + n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64) + si.fieldsByNumber[pref.FieldNumber(n)] = f + continue fieldLoop + } + } + if s := f.Tag.Get("protobuf_oneof"); len(s) > 0 { + si.oneofsByName[pref.Name(s)] = f + continue fieldLoop + } + } + } + + // Derive a mapping of oneof wrappers to fields. + oneofWrappers := mi.OneofWrappers + for _, method := range []string{"XXX_OneofFuncs", "XXX_OneofWrappers"} { + if fn, ok := reflect.PtrTo(t).MethodByName(method); ok { + for _, v := range fn.Func.Call([]reflect.Value{reflect.Zero(fn.Type.In(0))}) { + if vs, ok := v.Interface().([]interface{}); ok { + oneofWrappers = vs + } + } + } + } + for _, v := range oneofWrappers { + tf := reflect.TypeOf(v).Elem() + f := tf.Field(0) + for _, s := range strings.Split(f.Tag.Get("protobuf"), ",") { + if len(s) > 0 && strings.Trim(s, "0123456789") == "" { + n, _ := strconv.ParseUint(s, 10, 64) + si.oneofWrappersByType[tf] = pref.FieldNumber(n) + si.oneofWrappersByNumber[pref.FieldNumber(n)] = tf + break + } + } + } + + return si +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) New() protoreflect.Message { + return mi.MessageOf(reflect.New(mi.GoReflectType.Elem()).Interface()) +} +func (mi *MessageInfo) Zero() protoreflect.Message { + return mi.MessageOf(reflect.Zero(mi.GoReflectType).Interface()) +} +func (mi *MessageInfo) Descriptor() protoreflect.MessageDescriptor { + return mi.Desc +} +func (mi *MessageInfo) Enum(i int) protoreflect.EnumType { + mi.init() + fd := mi.Desc.Fields().Get(i) + return Export{}.EnumTypeOf(mi.fieldTypes[fd.Number()]) +} +func (mi *MessageInfo) Message(i int) protoreflect.MessageType { + mi.init() + fd := mi.Desc.Fields().Get(i) + switch { + case fd.IsWeak(): + mt, _ := preg.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(fd.Message().FullName()) + return mt + case fd.IsMap(): + return mapEntryType{fd.Message(), mi.fieldTypes[fd.Number()]} + default: + return Export{}.MessageTypeOf(mi.fieldTypes[fd.Number()]) + } +} + +type mapEntryType struct { + desc protoreflect.MessageDescriptor + valType interface{} // zero value of enum or message type +} + +func (mt mapEntryType) New() protoreflect.Message { + return nil +} +func (mt mapEntryType) Zero() protoreflect.Message { + return nil +} +func (mt mapEntryType) Descriptor() protoreflect.MessageDescriptor { + return mt.desc +} +func (mt mapEntryType) Enum(i int) protoreflect.EnumType { + fd := mt.desc.Fields().Get(i) + if fd.Enum() == nil { + return nil + } + return Export{}.EnumTypeOf(mt.valType) +} +func (mt mapEntryType) Message(i int) protoreflect.MessageType { + fd := mt.desc.Fields().Get(i) + if fd.Message() == nil { + return nil + } + return Export{}.MessageTypeOf(mt.valType) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message_reflect.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message_reflect.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9488b726 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message_reflect.go @@ -0,0 +1,465 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type reflectMessageInfo struct { + fields map[pref.FieldNumber]*fieldInfo + oneofs map[pref.Name]*oneofInfo + + // fieldTypes contains the zero value of an enum or message field. + // For lists, it contains the element type. + // For maps, it contains the entry value type. + fieldTypes map[pref.FieldNumber]interface{} + + // denseFields is a subset of fields where: + // 0 < fieldDesc.Number() < len(denseFields) + // It provides faster access to the fieldInfo, but may be incomplete. + denseFields []*fieldInfo + + // rangeInfos is a list of all fields (not belonging to a oneof) and oneofs. + rangeInfos []interface{} // either *fieldInfo or *oneofInfo + + getUnknown func(pointer) pref.RawFields + setUnknown func(pointer, pref.RawFields) + extensionMap func(pointer) *extensionMap + + nilMessage atomicNilMessage +} + +// makeReflectFuncs generates the set of functions to support reflection. +func (mi *MessageInfo) makeReflectFuncs(t reflect.Type, si structInfo) { + mi.makeKnownFieldsFunc(si) + mi.makeUnknownFieldsFunc(t, si) + mi.makeExtensionFieldsFunc(t, si) + mi.makeFieldTypes(si) +} + +// makeKnownFieldsFunc generates functions for operations that can be performed +// on each protobuf message field. It takes in a reflect.Type representing the +// Go struct and matches message fields with struct fields. +// +// This code assumes that the struct is well-formed and panics if there are +// any discrepancies. +func (mi *MessageInfo) makeKnownFieldsFunc(si structInfo) { + mi.fields = map[pref.FieldNumber]*fieldInfo{} + md := mi.Desc + fds := md.Fields() + for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); i++ { + fd := fds.Get(i) + fs := si.fieldsByNumber[fd.Number()] + isOneof := fd.ContainingOneof() != nil && !fd.ContainingOneof().IsSynthetic() + if isOneof { + fs = si.oneofsByName[fd.ContainingOneof().Name()] + } + var fi fieldInfo + switch { + case fs.Type == nil: + fi = fieldInfoForMissing(fd) // never occurs for officially generated message types + case isOneof: + fi = fieldInfoForOneof(fd, fs, mi.Exporter, si.oneofWrappersByNumber[fd.Number()]) + case fd.IsMap(): + fi = fieldInfoForMap(fd, fs, mi.Exporter) + case fd.IsList(): + fi = fieldInfoForList(fd, fs, mi.Exporter) + case fd.IsWeak(): + fi = fieldInfoForWeakMessage(fd, si.weakOffset) + case fd.Message() != nil: + fi = fieldInfoForMessage(fd, fs, mi.Exporter) + default: + fi = fieldInfoForScalar(fd, fs, mi.Exporter) + } + mi.fields[fd.Number()] = &fi + } + + mi.oneofs = map[pref.Name]*oneofInfo{} + for i := 0; i < md.Oneofs().Len(); i++ { + od := md.Oneofs().Get(i) + mi.oneofs[od.Name()] = makeOneofInfo(od, si, mi.Exporter) + } + + mi.denseFields = make([]*fieldInfo, fds.Len()*2) + for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); i++ { + if fd := fds.Get(i); int(fd.Number()) < len(mi.denseFields) { + mi.denseFields[fd.Number()] = mi.fields[fd.Number()] + } + } + + for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); { + fd := fds.Get(i) + if od := fd.ContainingOneof(); od != nil && !od.IsSynthetic() { + mi.rangeInfos = append(mi.rangeInfos, mi.oneofs[od.Name()]) + i += od.Fields().Len() + } else { + mi.rangeInfos = append(mi.rangeInfos, mi.fields[fd.Number()]) + i++ + } + } + + // Introduce instability to iteration order, but keep it deterministic. + if len(mi.rangeInfos) > 1 && detrand.Bool() { + i := detrand.Intn(len(mi.rangeInfos) - 1) + mi.rangeInfos[i], mi.rangeInfos[i+1] = mi.rangeInfos[i+1], mi.rangeInfos[i] + } +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) makeUnknownFieldsFunc(t reflect.Type, si structInfo) { + switch { + case si.unknownOffset.IsValid() && si.unknownType == unknownFieldsAType: + // Handle as []byte. + mi.getUnknown = func(p pointer) pref.RawFields { + if p.IsNil() { + return nil + } + return *p.Apply(mi.unknownOffset).Bytes() + } + mi.setUnknown = func(p pointer, b pref.RawFields) { + if p.IsNil() { + panic("invalid SetUnknown on nil Message") + } + *p.Apply(mi.unknownOffset).Bytes() = b + } + case si.unknownOffset.IsValid() && si.unknownType == unknownFieldsBType: + // Handle as *[]byte. + mi.getUnknown = func(p pointer) pref.RawFields { + if p.IsNil() { + return nil + } + bp := p.Apply(mi.unknownOffset).BytesPtr() + if *bp == nil { + return nil + } + return **bp + } + mi.setUnknown = func(p pointer, b pref.RawFields) { + if p.IsNil() { + panic("invalid SetUnknown on nil Message") + } + bp := p.Apply(mi.unknownOffset).BytesPtr() + if *bp == nil { + *bp = new([]byte) + } + **bp = b + } + default: + mi.getUnknown = func(pointer) pref.RawFields { + return nil + } + mi.setUnknown = func(p pointer, _ pref.RawFields) { + if p.IsNil() { + panic("invalid SetUnknown on nil Message") + } + } + } +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) makeExtensionFieldsFunc(t reflect.Type, si structInfo) { + if si.extensionOffset.IsValid() { + mi.extensionMap = func(p pointer) *extensionMap { + if p.IsNil() { + return (*extensionMap)(nil) + } + v := p.Apply(si.extensionOffset).AsValueOf(extensionFieldsType) + return (*extensionMap)(v.Interface().(*map[int32]ExtensionField)) + } + } else { + mi.extensionMap = func(pointer) *extensionMap { + return (*extensionMap)(nil) + } + } +} +func (mi *MessageInfo) makeFieldTypes(si structInfo) { + md := mi.Desc + fds := md.Fields() + for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); i++ { + var ft reflect.Type + fd := fds.Get(i) + fs := si.fieldsByNumber[fd.Number()] + isOneof := fd.ContainingOneof() != nil && !fd.ContainingOneof().IsSynthetic() + if isOneof { + fs = si.oneofsByName[fd.ContainingOneof().Name()] + } + var isMessage bool + switch { + case fs.Type == nil: + continue // never occurs for officially generated message types + case isOneof: + if fd.Enum() != nil || fd.Message() != nil { + ft = si.oneofWrappersByNumber[fd.Number()].Field(0).Type + } + case fd.IsMap(): + if fd.MapValue().Enum() != nil || fd.MapValue().Message() != nil { + ft = fs.Type.Elem() + } + isMessage = fd.MapValue().Message() != nil + case fd.IsList(): + if fd.Enum() != nil || fd.Message() != nil { + ft = fs.Type.Elem() + } + isMessage = fd.Message() != nil + case fd.Enum() != nil: + ft = fs.Type + if fd.HasPresence() && ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + ft = ft.Elem() + } + case fd.Message() != nil: + ft = fs.Type + if fd.IsWeak() { + ft = nil + } + isMessage = true + } + if isMessage && ft != nil && ft.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + ft = reflect.PtrTo(ft) // never occurs for officially generated message types + } + if ft != nil { + if mi.fieldTypes == nil { + mi.fieldTypes = make(map[pref.FieldNumber]interface{}) + } + mi.fieldTypes[fd.Number()] = reflect.Zero(ft).Interface() + } + } +} + +type extensionMap map[int32]ExtensionField + +func (m *extensionMap) Range(f func(pref.FieldDescriptor, pref.Value) bool) { + if m != nil { + for _, x := range *m { + xd := x.Type().TypeDescriptor() + v := x.Value() + if xd.IsList() && v.List().Len() == 0 { + continue + } + if !f(xd, v) { + return + } + } + } +} +func (m *extensionMap) Has(xt pref.ExtensionType) (ok bool) { + if m == nil { + return false + } + xd := xt.TypeDescriptor() + x, ok := (*m)[int32(xd.Number())] + if !ok { + return false + } + switch { + case xd.IsList(): + return x.Value().List().Len() > 0 + case xd.IsMap(): + return x.Value().Map().Len() > 0 + case xd.Message() != nil: + return x.Value().Message().IsValid() + } + return true +} +func (m *extensionMap) Clear(xt pref.ExtensionType) { + delete(*m, int32(xt.TypeDescriptor().Number())) +} +func (m *extensionMap) Get(xt pref.ExtensionType) pref.Value { + xd := xt.TypeDescriptor() + if m != nil { + if x, ok := (*m)[int32(xd.Number())]; ok { + return x.Value() + } + } + return xt.Zero() +} +func (m *extensionMap) Set(xt pref.ExtensionType, v pref.Value) { + xd := xt.TypeDescriptor() + isValid := true + switch { + case !xt.IsValidValue(v): + isValid = false + case xd.IsList(): + isValid = v.List().IsValid() + case xd.IsMap(): + isValid = v.Map().IsValid() + case xd.Message() != nil: + isValid = v.Message().IsValid() + } + if !isValid { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v: assigning invalid value", xt.TypeDescriptor().FullName())) + } + + if *m == nil { + *m = make(map[int32]ExtensionField) + } + var x ExtensionField + x.Set(xt, v) + (*m)[int32(xd.Number())] = x +} +func (m *extensionMap) Mutable(xt pref.ExtensionType) pref.Value { + xd := xt.TypeDescriptor() + if xd.Kind() != pref.MessageKind && xd.Kind() != pref.GroupKind && !xd.IsList() && !xd.IsMap() { + panic("invalid Mutable on field with non-composite type") + } + if x, ok := (*m)[int32(xd.Number())]; ok { + return x.Value() + } + v := xt.New() + m.Set(xt, v) + return v +} + +// MessageState is a data structure that is nested as the first field in a +// concrete message. It provides a way to implement the ProtoReflect method +// in an allocation-free way without needing to have a shadow Go type generated +// for every message type. This technique only works using unsafe. +// +// +// Example generated code: +// +// type M struct { +// state protoimpl.MessageState +// +// Field1 int32 +// Field2 string +// Field3 *BarMessage +// ... +// } +// +// func (m *M) ProtoReflect() protoreflect.Message { +// mi := &file_fizz_buzz_proto_msgInfos[5] +// if protoimpl.UnsafeEnabled && m != nil { +// ms := protoimpl.X.MessageStateOf(Pointer(m)) +// if ms.LoadMessageInfo() == nil { +// ms.StoreMessageInfo(mi) +// } +// return ms +// } +// return mi.MessageOf(m) +// } +// +// The MessageState type holds a *MessageInfo, which must be atomically set to +// the message info associated with a given message instance. +// By unsafely converting a *M into a *MessageState, the MessageState object +// has access to all the information needed to implement protobuf reflection. +// It has access to the message info as its first field, and a pointer to the +// MessageState is identical to a pointer to the concrete message value. +// +// +// Requirements: +// • The type M must implement protoreflect.ProtoMessage. +// • The address of m must not be nil. +// • The address of m and the address of m.state must be equal, +// even though they are different Go types. +type MessageState struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + pragma.DoNotCompare + pragma.DoNotCopy + + atomicMessageInfo *MessageInfo +} + +type messageState MessageState + +var ( + _ pref.Message = (*messageState)(nil) + _ unwrapper = (*messageState)(nil) +) + +// messageDataType is a tuple of a pointer to the message data and +// a pointer to the message type. It is a generalized way of providing a +// reflective view over a message instance. The disadvantage of this approach +// is the need to allocate this tuple of 16B. +type messageDataType struct { + p pointer + mi *MessageInfo +} + +type ( + messageReflectWrapper messageDataType + messageIfaceWrapper messageDataType +) + +var ( + _ pref.Message = (*messageReflectWrapper)(nil) + _ unwrapper = (*messageReflectWrapper)(nil) + _ pref.ProtoMessage = (*messageIfaceWrapper)(nil) + _ unwrapper = (*messageIfaceWrapper)(nil) +) + +// MessageOf returns a reflective view over a message. The input must be a +// pointer to a named Go struct. If the provided type has a ProtoReflect method, +// it must be implemented by calling this method. +func (mi *MessageInfo) MessageOf(m interface{}) pref.Message { + if reflect.TypeOf(m) != mi.GoReflectType { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("type mismatch: got %T, want %v", m, mi.GoReflectType)) + } + p := pointerOfIface(m) + if p.IsNil() { + return mi.nilMessage.Init(mi) + } + return &messageReflectWrapper{p, mi} +} + +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) pointer() pointer { return m.p } +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) messageInfo() *MessageInfo { return m.mi } + +// Reset implements the v1 proto.Message.Reset method. +func (m *messageIfaceWrapper) Reset() { + if mr, ok := m.protoUnwrap().(interface{ Reset() }); ok { + mr.Reset() + return + } + rv := reflect.ValueOf(m.protoUnwrap()) + if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && !rv.IsNil() { + rv.Elem().Set(reflect.Zero(rv.Type().Elem())) + } +} +func (m *messageIfaceWrapper) ProtoReflect() pref.Message { + return (*messageReflectWrapper)(m) +} +func (m *messageIfaceWrapper) protoUnwrap() interface{} { + return m.p.AsIfaceOf(m.mi.GoReflectType.Elem()) +} + +// checkField verifies that the provided field descriptor is valid. +// Exactly one of the returned values is populated. +func (mi *MessageInfo) checkField(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) (*fieldInfo, pref.ExtensionType) { + var fi *fieldInfo + if n := fd.Number(); 0 < n && int(n) < len(mi.denseFields) { + fi = mi.denseFields[n] + } else { + fi = mi.fields[n] + } + if fi != nil { + if fi.fieldDesc != fd { + if got, want := fd.FullName(), fi.fieldDesc.FullName(); got != want { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("mismatching field: got %v, want %v", got, want)) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("mismatching field: %v", fd.FullName())) + } + return fi, nil + } + + if fd.IsExtension() { + if got, want := fd.ContainingMessage().FullName(), mi.Desc.FullName(); got != want { + // TODO: Should this be exact containing message descriptor match? + panic(fmt.Sprintf("extension %v has mismatching containing message: got %v, want %v", fd.FullName(), got, want)) + } + if !mi.Desc.ExtensionRanges().Has(fd.Number()) { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("extension %v extends %v outside the extension range", fd.FullName(), mi.Desc.FullName())) + } + xtd, ok := fd.(pref.ExtensionTypeDescriptor) + if !ok { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("extension %v does not implement protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptor", fd.FullName())) + } + return nil, xtd.Type() + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v is invalid", fd.FullName())) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message_reflect_field.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message_reflect_field.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..343cf872 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message_reflect_field.go @@ -0,0 +1,543 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "reflect" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + preg "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +type fieldInfo struct { + fieldDesc pref.FieldDescriptor + + // These fields are used for protobuf reflection support. + has func(pointer) bool + clear func(pointer) + get func(pointer) pref.Value + set func(pointer, pref.Value) + mutable func(pointer) pref.Value + newMessage func() pref.Message + newField func() pref.Value +} + +func fieldInfoForMissing(fd pref.FieldDescriptor) fieldInfo { + // This never occurs for generated message types. + // It implies that a hand-crafted type has missing Go fields + // for specific protobuf message fields. + return fieldInfo{ + fieldDesc: fd, + has: func(p pointer) bool { + return false + }, + clear: func(p pointer) { + panic("missing Go struct field for " + string(fd.FullName())) + }, + get: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + return fd.Default() + }, + set: func(p pointer, v pref.Value) { + panic("missing Go struct field for " + string(fd.FullName())) + }, + mutable: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + panic("missing Go struct field for " + string(fd.FullName())) + }, + newMessage: func() pref.Message { + panic("missing Go struct field for " + string(fd.FullName())) + }, + newField: func() pref.Value { + if v := fd.Default(); v.IsValid() { + return v + } + panic("missing Go struct field for " + string(fd.FullName())) + }, + } +} + +func fieldInfoForOneof(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, fs reflect.StructField, x exporter, ot reflect.Type) fieldInfo { + ft := fs.Type + if ft.Kind() != reflect.Interface { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want interface kind", fd.FullName(), ft)) + } + if ot.Kind() != reflect.Struct { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want struct kind", fd.FullName(), ot)) + } + if !reflect.PtrTo(ot).Implements(ft) { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: %v does not implement %v", fd.FullName(), ot, ft)) + } + conv := NewConverter(ot.Field(0).Type, fd) + isMessage := fd.Message() != nil + + // TODO: Implement unsafe fast path? + fieldOffset := offsetOf(fs, x) + return fieldInfo{ + // NOTE: The logic below intentionally assumes that oneof fields are + // well-formatted. That is, the oneof interface never contains a + // typed nil pointer to one of the wrapper structs. + + fieldDesc: fd, + has: func(p pointer) bool { + if p.IsNil() { + return false + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if rv.IsNil() || rv.Elem().Type().Elem() != ot || rv.Elem().IsNil() { + return false + } + return true + }, + clear: func(p pointer) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if rv.IsNil() || rv.Elem().Type().Elem() != ot { + // NOTE: We intentionally don't check for rv.Elem().IsNil() + // so that (*OneofWrapperType)(nil) gets cleared to nil. + return + } + rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rv.Type())) + }, + get: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + if p.IsNil() { + return conv.Zero() + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if rv.IsNil() || rv.Elem().Type().Elem() != ot || rv.Elem().IsNil() { + return conv.Zero() + } + rv = rv.Elem().Elem().Field(0) + return conv.PBValueOf(rv) + }, + set: func(p pointer, v pref.Value) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if rv.IsNil() || rv.Elem().Type().Elem() != ot || rv.Elem().IsNil() { + rv.Set(reflect.New(ot)) + } + rv = rv.Elem().Elem().Field(0) + rv.Set(conv.GoValueOf(v)) + }, + mutable: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + if !isMessage { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v with invalid Mutable call on field with non-composite type", fd.FullName())) + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if rv.IsNil() || rv.Elem().Type().Elem() != ot || rv.Elem().IsNil() { + rv.Set(reflect.New(ot)) + } + rv = rv.Elem().Elem().Field(0) + if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && rv.IsNil() { + rv.Set(conv.GoValueOf(pref.ValueOfMessage(conv.New().Message()))) + } + return conv.PBValueOf(rv) + }, + newMessage: func() pref.Message { + return conv.New().Message() + }, + newField: func() pref.Value { + return conv.New() + }, + } +} + +func fieldInfoForMap(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, fs reflect.StructField, x exporter) fieldInfo { + ft := fs.Type + if ft.Kind() != reflect.Map { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want map kind", fd.FullName(), ft)) + } + conv := NewConverter(ft, fd) + + // TODO: Implement unsafe fast path? + fieldOffset := offsetOf(fs, x) + return fieldInfo{ + fieldDesc: fd, + has: func(p pointer) bool { + if p.IsNil() { + return false + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + return rv.Len() > 0 + }, + clear: func(p pointer) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rv.Type())) + }, + get: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + if p.IsNil() { + return conv.Zero() + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if rv.Len() == 0 { + return conv.Zero() + } + return conv.PBValueOf(rv) + }, + set: func(p pointer, v pref.Value) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + pv := conv.GoValueOf(v) + if pv.IsNil() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("map field %v cannot be set with read-only value", fd.FullName())) + } + rv.Set(pv) + }, + mutable: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + v := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if v.IsNil() { + v.Set(reflect.MakeMap(fs.Type)) + } + return conv.PBValueOf(v) + }, + newField: func() pref.Value { + return conv.New() + }, + } +} + +func fieldInfoForList(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, fs reflect.StructField, x exporter) fieldInfo { + ft := fs.Type + if ft.Kind() != reflect.Slice { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: got %v, want slice kind", fd.FullName(), ft)) + } + conv := NewConverter(reflect.PtrTo(ft), fd) + + // TODO: Implement unsafe fast path? + fieldOffset := offsetOf(fs, x) + return fieldInfo{ + fieldDesc: fd, + has: func(p pointer) bool { + if p.IsNil() { + return false + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + return rv.Len() > 0 + }, + clear: func(p pointer) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rv.Type())) + }, + get: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + if p.IsNil() { + return conv.Zero() + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type) + if rv.Elem().Len() == 0 { + return conv.Zero() + } + return conv.PBValueOf(rv) + }, + set: func(p pointer, v pref.Value) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + pv := conv.GoValueOf(v) + if pv.IsNil() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("list field %v cannot be set with read-only value", fd.FullName())) + } + rv.Set(pv.Elem()) + }, + mutable: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + v := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type) + return conv.PBValueOf(v) + }, + newField: func() pref.Value { + return conv.New() + }, + } +} + +var ( + nilBytes = reflect.ValueOf([]byte(nil)) + emptyBytes = reflect.ValueOf([]byte{}) +) + +func fieldInfoForScalar(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, fs reflect.StructField, x exporter) fieldInfo { + ft := fs.Type + nullable := fd.HasPresence() + isBytes := ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice && ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Uint8 + if nullable { + if ft.Kind() != reflect.Ptr && ft.Kind() != reflect.Slice { + // This never occurs for generated message types. + // Despite the protobuf type system specifying presence, + // the Go field type cannot represent it. + nullable = false + } + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + ft = ft.Elem() + } + } + conv := NewConverter(ft, fd) + + // TODO: Implement unsafe fast path? + fieldOffset := offsetOf(fs, x) + return fieldInfo{ + fieldDesc: fd, + has: func(p pointer) bool { + if p.IsNil() { + return false + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if nullable { + return !rv.IsNil() + } + switch rv.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + return rv.Bool() + case reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + return rv.Int() != 0 + case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64: + return rv.Uint() != 0 + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + return rv.Float() != 0 || math.Signbit(rv.Float()) + case reflect.String, reflect.Slice: + return rv.Len() > 0 + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid type: %v", fd.FullName(), rv.Type())) // should never happen + } + }, + clear: func(p pointer) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rv.Type())) + }, + get: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + if p.IsNil() { + return conv.Zero() + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if nullable { + if rv.IsNil() { + return conv.Zero() + } + if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + rv = rv.Elem() + } + } + return conv.PBValueOf(rv) + }, + set: func(p pointer, v pref.Value) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if nullable && rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { + if rv.IsNil() { + rv.Set(reflect.New(ft)) + } + rv = rv.Elem() + } + rv.Set(conv.GoValueOf(v)) + if isBytes && rv.Len() == 0 { + if nullable { + rv.Set(emptyBytes) // preserve presence + } else { + rv.Set(nilBytes) // do not preserve presence + } + } + }, + newField: func() pref.Value { + return conv.New() + }, + } +} + +func fieldInfoForWeakMessage(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, weakOffset offset) fieldInfo { + if !flags.ProtoLegacy { + panic("no support for proto1 weak fields") + } + + var once sync.Once + var messageType pref.MessageType + lazyInit := func() { + once.Do(func() { + messageName := fd.Message().FullName() + messageType, _ = preg.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(messageName) + if messageType == nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("weak message %v for field %v is not linked in", messageName, fd.FullName())) + } + }) + } + + num := fd.Number() + return fieldInfo{ + fieldDesc: fd, + has: func(p pointer) bool { + if p.IsNil() { + return false + } + _, ok := p.Apply(weakOffset).WeakFields().get(num) + return ok + }, + clear: func(p pointer) { + p.Apply(weakOffset).WeakFields().clear(num) + }, + get: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + lazyInit() + if p.IsNil() { + return pref.ValueOfMessage(messageType.Zero()) + } + m, ok := p.Apply(weakOffset).WeakFields().get(num) + if !ok { + return pref.ValueOfMessage(messageType.Zero()) + } + return pref.ValueOfMessage(m.ProtoReflect()) + }, + set: func(p pointer, v pref.Value) { + lazyInit() + m := v.Message() + if m.Descriptor() != messageType.Descriptor() { + if got, want := m.Descriptor().FullName(), messageType.Descriptor().FullName(); got != want { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v has mismatching message descriptor: got %v, want %v", fd.FullName(), got, want)) + } + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v has mismatching message descriptor: %v", fd.FullName(), m.Descriptor().FullName())) + } + p.Apply(weakOffset).WeakFields().set(num, m.Interface()) + }, + mutable: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + lazyInit() + fs := p.Apply(weakOffset).WeakFields() + m, ok := fs.get(num) + if !ok { + m = messageType.New().Interface() + fs.set(num, m) + } + return pref.ValueOfMessage(m.ProtoReflect()) + }, + newMessage: func() pref.Message { + lazyInit() + return messageType.New() + }, + newField: func() pref.Value { + lazyInit() + return pref.ValueOfMessage(messageType.New()) + }, + } +} + +func fieldInfoForMessage(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, fs reflect.StructField, x exporter) fieldInfo { + ft := fs.Type + conv := NewConverter(ft, fd) + + // TODO: Implement unsafe fast path? + fieldOffset := offsetOf(fs, x) + return fieldInfo{ + fieldDesc: fd, + has: func(p pointer) bool { + if p.IsNil() { + return false + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if fs.Type.Kind() != reflect.Ptr { + return !isZero(rv) + } + return !rv.IsNil() + }, + clear: func(p pointer) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + rv.Set(reflect.Zero(rv.Type())) + }, + get: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + if p.IsNil() { + return conv.Zero() + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + return conv.PBValueOf(rv) + }, + set: func(p pointer, v pref.Value) { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + rv.Set(conv.GoValueOf(v)) + if fs.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && rv.IsNil() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("field %v has invalid nil pointer", fd.FullName())) + } + }, + mutable: func(p pointer) pref.Value { + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if fs.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && rv.IsNil() { + rv.Set(conv.GoValueOf(conv.New())) + } + return conv.PBValueOf(rv) + }, + newMessage: func() pref.Message { + return conv.New().Message() + }, + newField: func() pref.Value { + return conv.New() + }, + } +} + +type oneofInfo struct { + oneofDesc pref.OneofDescriptor + which func(pointer) pref.FieldNumber +} + +func makeOneofInfo(od pref.OneofDescriptor, si structInfo, x exporter) *oneofInfo { + oi := &oneofInfo{oneofDesc: od} + if od.IsSynthetic() { + fs := si.fieldsByNumber[od.Fields().Get(0).Number()] + fieldOffset := offsetOf(fs, x) + oi.which = func(p pointer) pref.FieldNumber { + if p.IsNil() { + return 0 + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if rv.IsNil() { // valid on either *T or []byte + return 0 + } + return od.Fields().Get(0).Number() + } + } else { + fs := si.oneofsByName[od.Name()] + fieldOffset := offsetOf(fs, x) + oi.which = func(p pointer) pref.FieldNumber { + if p.IsNil() { + return 0 + } + rv := p.Apply(fieldOffset).AsValueOf(fs.Type).Elem() + if rv.IsNil() { + return 0 + } + rv = rv.Elem() + if rv.IsNil() { + return 0 + } + return si.oneofWrappersByType[rv.Type().Elem()] + } + } + return oi +} + +// isZero is identical to reflect.Value.IsZero. +// TODO: Remove this when Go1.13 is the minimally supported Go version. +func isZero(v reflect.Value) bool { + switch v.Kind() { + case reflect.Bool: + return !v.Bool() + case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64: + return v.Int() == 0 + case reflect.Uint, reflect.Uint8, reflect.Uint16, reflect.Uint32, reflect.Uint64, reflect.Uintptr: + return v.Uint() == 0 + case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64: + return math.Float64bits(v.Float()) == 0 + case reflect.Complex64, reflect.Complex128: + c := v.Complex() + return math.Float64bits(real(c)) == 0 && math.Float64bits(imag(c)) == 0 + case reflect.Array: + for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ { + if !isZero(v.Index(i)) { + return false + } + } + return true + case reflect.Chan, reflect.Func, reflect.Interface, reflect.Map, reflect.Ptr, reflect.Slice, reflect.UnsafePointer: + return v.IsNil() + case reflect.String: + return v.Len() == 0 + case reflect.Struct: + for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ { + if !isZero(v.Field(i)) { + return false + } + } + return true + default: + panic(&reflect.ValueError{"reflect.Value.IsZero", v.Kind()}) + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message_reflect_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message_reflect_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..741d6e5b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/message_reflect_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-types. DO NOT EDIT. + +package impl + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +func (m *messageState) Descriptor() protoreflect.MessageDescriptor { + return m.messageInfo().Desc +} +func (m *messageState) Type() protoreflect.MessageType { + return m.messageInfo() +} +func (m *messageState) New() protoreflect.Message { + return m.messageInfo().New() +} +func (m *messageState) Interface() protoreflect.ProtoMessage { + return m.protoUnwrap().(protoreflect.ProtoMessage) +} +func (m *messageState) protoUnwrap() interface{} { + return m.pointer().AsIfaceOf(m.messageInfo().GoReflectType.Elem()) +} +func (m *messageState) ProtoMethods() *protoiface.Methods { + m.messageInfo().init() + return &m.messageInfo().methods +} + +// ProtoMessageInfo is a pseudo-internal API for allowing the v1 code +// to be able to retrieve a v2 MessageInfo struct. +// +// WARNING: This method is exempt from the compatibility promise and +// may be removed in the future without warning. +func (m *messageState) ProtoMessageInfo() *MessageInfo { + return m.messageInfo() +} + +func (m *messageState) Range(f func(protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value) bool) { + m.messageInfo().init() + for _, ri := range m.messageInfo().rangeInfos { + switch ri := ri.(type) { + case *fieldInfo: + if ri.has(m.pointer()) { + if !f(ri.fieldDesc, ri.get(m.pointer())) { + return + } + } + case *oneofInfo: + if n := ri.which(m.pointer()); n > 0 { + fi := m.messageInfo().fields[n] + if !f(fi.fieldDesc, fi.get(m.pointer())) { + return + } + } + } + } + m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Range(f) +} +func (m *messageState) Has(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) bool { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + return fi.has(m.pointer()) + } else { + return m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Has(xt) + } +} +func (m *messageState) Clear(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + fi.clear(m.pointer()) + } else { + m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Clear(xt) + } +} +func (m *messageState) Get(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) protoreflect.Value { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + return fi.get(m.pointer()) + } else { + return m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Get(xt) + } +} +func (m *messageState) Set(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + fi.set(m.pointer(), v) + } else { + m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Set(xt, v) + } +} +func (m *messageState) Mutable(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) protoreflect.Value { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + return fi.mutable(m.pointer()) + } else { + return m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Mutable(xt) + } +} +func (m *messageState) NewField(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) protoreflect.Value { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + return fi.newField() + } else { + return xt.New() + } +} +func (m *messageState) WhichOneof(od protoreflect.OneofDescriptor) protoreflect.FieldDescriptor { + m.messageInfo().init() + if oi := m.messageInfo().oneofs[od.Name()]; oi != nil && oi.oneofDesc == od { + return od.Fields().ByNumber(oi.which(m.pointer())) + } + panic("invalid oneof descriptor " + string(od.FullName()) + " for message " + string(m.Descriptor().FullName())) +} +func (m *messageState) GetUnknown() protoreflect.RawFields { + m.messageInfo().init() + return m.messageInfo().getUnknown(m.pointer()) +} +func (m *messageState) SetUnknown(b protoreflect.RawFields) { + m.messageInfo().init() + m.messageInfo().setUnknown(m.pointer(), b) +} +func (m *messageState) IsValid() bool { + return !m.pointer().IsNil() +} + +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) Descriptor() protoreflect.MessageDescriptor { + return m.messageInfo().Desc +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) Type() protoreflect.MessageType { + return m.messageInfo() +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) New() protoreflect.Message { + return m.messageInfo().New() +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) Interface() protoreflect.ProtoMessage { + if m, ok := m.protoUnwrap().(protoreflect.ProtoMessage); ok { + return m + } + return (*messageIfaceWrapper)(m) +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) protoUnwrap() interface{} { + return m.pointer().AsIfaceOf(m.messageInfo().GoReflectType.Elem()) +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) ProtoMethods() *protoiface.Methods { + m.messageInfo().init() + return &m.messageInfo().methods +} + +// ProtoMessageInfo is a pseudo-internal API for allowing the v1 code +// to be able to retrieve a v2 MessageInfo struct. +// +// WARNING: This method is exempt from the compatibility promise and +// may be removed in the future without warning. +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) ProtoMessageInfo() *MessageInfo { + return m.messageInfo() +} + +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) Range(f func(protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, protoreflect.Value) bool) { + m.messageInfo().init() + for _, ri := range m.messageInfo().rangeInfos { + switch ri := ri.(type) { + case *fieldInfo: + if ri.has(m.pointer()) { + if !f(ri.fieldDesc, ri.get(m.pointer())) { + return + } + } + case *oneofInfo: + if n := ri.which(m.pointer()); n > 0 { + fi := m.messageInfo().fields[n] + if !f(fi.fieldDesc, fi.get(m.pointer())) { + return + } + } + } + } + m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Range(f) +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) Has(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) bool { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + return fi.has(m.pointer()) + } else { + return m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Has(xt) + } +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) Clear(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + fi.clear(m.pointer()) + } else { + m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Clear(xt) + } +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) Get(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) protoreflect.Value { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + return fi.get(m.pointer()) + } else { + return m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Get(xt) + } +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) Set(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + fi.set(m.pointer(), v) + } else { + m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Set(xt, v) + } +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) Mutable(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) protoreflect.Value { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + return fi.mutable(m.pointer()) + } else { + return m.messageInfo().extensionMap(m.pointer()).Mutable(xt) + } +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) NewField(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) protoreflect.Value { + m.messageInfo().init() + if fi, xt := m.messageInfo().checkField(fd); fi != nil { + return fi.newField() + } else { + return xt.New() + } +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) WhichOneof(od protoreflect.OneofDescriptor) protoreflect.FieldDescriptor { + m.messageInfo().init() + if oi := m.messageInfo().oneofs[od.Name()]; oi != nil && oi.oneofDesc == od { + return od.Fields().ByNumber(oi.which(m.pointer())) + } + panic("invalid oneof descriptor " + string(od.FullName()) + " for message " + string(m.Descriptor().FullName())) +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) GetUnknown() protoreflect.RawFields { + m.messageInfo().init() + return m.messageInfo().getUnknown(m.pointer()) +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) SetUnknown(b protoreflect.RawFields) { + m.messageInfo().init() + m.messageInfo().setUnknown(m.pointer(), b) +} +func (m *messageReflectWrapper) IsValid() bool { + return !m.pointer().IsNil() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/pointer_reflect.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/pointer_reflect.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9e3ed821 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/pointer_reflect.go @@ -0,0 +1,178 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build purego appengine + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "reflect" + "sync" +) + +const UnsafeEnabled = false + +// Pointer is an opaque pointer type. +type Pointer interface{} + +// offset represents the offset to a struct field, accessible from a pointer. +// The offset is the field index into a struct. +type offset struct { + index int + export exporter +} + +// offsetOf returns a field offset for the struct field. +func offsetOf(f reflect.StructField, x exporter) offset { + if len(f.Index) != 1 { + panic("embedded structs are not supported") + } + if f.PkgPath == "" { + return offset{index: f.Index[0]} // field is already exported + } + if x == nil { + panic("exporter must be provided for unexported field") + } + return offset{index: f.Index[0], export: x} +} + +// IsValid reports whether the offset is valid. +func (f offset) IsValid() bool { return f.index >= 0 } + +// invalidOffset is an invalid field offset. +var invalidOffset = offset{index: -1} + +// zeroOffset is a noop when calling pointer.Apply. +var zeroOffset = offset{index: 0} + +// pointer is an abstract representation of a pointer to a struct or field. +type pointer struct{ v reflect.Value } + +// pointerOf returns p as a pointer. +func pointerOf(p Pointer) pointer { + return pointerOfIface(p) +} + +// pointerOfValue returns v as a pointer. +func pointerOfValue(v reflect.Value) pointer { + return pointer{v: v} +} + +// pointerOfIface returns the pointer portion of an interface. +func pointerOfIface(v interface{}) pointer { + return pointer{v: reflect.ValueOf(v)} +} + +// IsNil reports whether the pointer is nil. +func (p pointer) IsNil() bool { + return p.v.IsNil() +} + +// Apply adds an offset to the pointer to derive a new pointer +// to a specified field. The current pointer must be pointing at a struct. +func (p pointer) Apply(f offset) pointer { + if f.export != nil { + if v := reflect.ValueOf(f.export(p.v.Interface(), f.index)); v.IsValid() { + return pointer{v: v} + } + } + return pointer{v: p.v.Elem().Field(f.index).Addr()} +} + +// AsValueOf treats p as a pointer to an object of type t and returns the value. +// It is equivalent to reflect.ValueOf(p.AsIfaceOf(t)) +func (p pointer) AsValueOf(t reflect.Type) reflect.Value { + if got := p.v.Type().Elem(); got != t { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: got %v, want %v", got, t)) + } + return p.v +} + +// AsIfaceOf treats p as a pointer to an object of type t and returns the value. +// It is equivalent to p.AsValueOf(t).Interface() +func (p pointer) AsIfaceOf(t reflect.Type) interface{} { + return p.AsValueOf(t).Interface() +} + +func (p pointer) Bool() *bool { return p.v.Interface().(*bool) } +func (p pointer) BoolPtr() **bool { return p.v.Interface().(**bool) } +func (p pointer) BoolSlice() *[]bool { return p.v.Interface().(*[]bool) } +func (p pointer) Int32() *int32 { return p.v.Interface().(*int32) } +func (p pointer) Int32Ptr() **int32 { return p.v.Interface().(**int32) } +func (p pointer) Int32Slice() *[]int32 { return p.v.Interface().(*[]int32) } +func (p pointer) Int64() *int64 { return p.v.Interface().(*int64) } +func (p pointer) Int64Ptr() **int64 { return p.v.Interface().(**int64) } +func (p pointer) Int64Slice() *[]int64 { return p.v.Interface().(*[]int64) } +func (p pointer) Uint32() *uint32 { return p.v.Interface().(*uint32) } +func (p pointer) Uint32Ptr() **uint32 { return p.v.Interface().(**uint32) } +func (p pointer) Uint32Slice() *[]uint32 { return p.v.Interface().(*[]uint32) } +func (p pointer) Uint64() *uint64 { return p.v.Interface().(*uint64) } +func (p pointer) Uint64Ptr() **uint64 { return p.v.Interface().(**uint64) } +func (p pointer) Uint64Slice() *[]uint64 { return p.v.Interface().(*[]uint64) } +func (p pointer) Float32() *float32 { return p.v.Interface().(*float32) } +func (p pointer) Float32Ptr() **float32 { return p.v.Interface().(**float32) } +func (p pointer) Float32Slice() *[]float32 { return p.v.Interface().(*[]float32) } +func (p pointer) Float64() *float64 { return p.v.Interface().(*float64) } +func (p pointer) Float64Ptr() **float64 { return p.v.Interface().(**float64) } +func (p pointer) Float64Slice() *[]float64 { return p.v.Interface().(*[]float64) } +func (p pointer) String() *string { return p.v.Interface().(*string) } +func (p pointer) StringPtr() **string { return p.v.Interface().(**string) } +func (p pointer) StringSlice() *[]string { return p.v.Interface().(*[]string) } +func (p pointer) Bytes() *[]byte { return p.v.Interface().(*[]byte) } +func (p pointer) BytesPtr() **[]byte { return p.v.Interface().(**[]byte) } +func (p pointer) BytesSlice() *[][]byte { return p.v.Interface().(*[][]byte) } +func (p pointer) WeakFields() *weakFields { return (*weakFields)(p.v.Interface().(*WeakFields)) } +func (p pointer) Extensions() *map[int32]ExtensionField { + return p.v.Interface().(*map[int32]ExtensionField) +} + +func (p pointer) Elem() pointer { + return pointer{v: p.v.Elem()} +} + +// PointerSlice copies []*T from p as a new []pointer. +// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_unsafe.go. +func (p pointer) PointerSlice() []pointer { + // TODO: reconsider this + if p.v.IsNil() { + return nil + } + n := p.v.Elem().Len() + s := make([]pointer, n) + for i := 0; i < n; i++ { + s[i] = pointer{v: p.v.Elem().Index(i)} + } + return s +} + +// AppendPointerSlice appends v to p, which must be a []*T. +func (p pointer) AppendPointerSlice(v pointer) { + sp := p.v.Elem() + sp.Set(reflect.Append(sp, v.v)) +} + +// SetPointer sets *p to v. +func (p pointer) SetPointer(v pointer) { + p.v.Elem().Set(v.v) +} + +func (Export) MessageStateOf(p Pointer) *messageState { panic("not supported") } +func (ms *messageState) pointer() pointer { panic("not supported") } +func (ms *messageState) messageInfo() *MessageInfo { panic("not supported") } +func (ms *messageState) LoadMessageInfo() *MessageInfo { panic("not supported") } +func (ms *messageState) StoreMessageInfo(mi *MessageInfo) { panic("not supported") } + +type atomicNilMessage struct { + once sync.Once + m messageReflectWrapper +} + +func (m *atomicNilMessage) Init(mi *MessageInfo) *messageReflectWrapper { + m.once.Do(func() { + m.m.p = pointerOfIface(reflect.Zero(mi.GoReflectType).Interface()) + m.m.mi = mi + }) + return &m.m +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/pointer_unsafe.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/pointer_unsafe.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ecf23a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/pointer_unsafe.go @@ -0,0 +1,174 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !purego,!appengine + +package impl + +import ( + "reflect" + "sync/atomic" + "unsafe" +) + +const UnsafeEnabled = true + +// Pointer is an opaque pointer type. +type Pointer unsafe.Pointer + +// offset represents the offset to a struct field, accessible from a pointer. +// The offset is the byte offset to the field from the start of the struct. +type offset uintptr + +// offsetOf returns a field offset for the struct field. +func offsetOf(f reflect.StructField, x exporter) offset { + return offset(f.Offset) +} + +// IsValid reports whether the offset is valid. +func (f offset) IsValid() bool { return f != invalidOffset } + +// invalidOffset is an invalid field offset. +var invalidOffset = ^offset(0) + +// zeroOffset is a noop when calling pointer.Apply. +var zeroOffset = offset(0) + +// pointer is a pointer to a message struct or field. +type pointer struct{ p unsafe.Pointer } + +// pointerOf returns p as a pointer. +func pointerOf(p Pointer) pointer { + return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(p)} +} + +// pointerOfValue returns v as a pointer. +func pointerOfValue(v reflect.Value) pointer { + return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(v.Pointer())} +} + +// pointerOfIface returns the pointer portion of an interface. +func pointerOfIface(v interface{}) pointer { + type ifaceHeader struct { + Type unsafe.Pointer + Data unsafe.Pointer + } + return pointer{p: (*ifaceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)).Data} +} + +// IsNil reports whether the pointer is nil. +func (p pointer) IsNil() bool { + return p.p == nil +} + +// Apply adds an offset to the pointer to derive a new pointer +// to a specified field. The pointer must be valid and pointing at a struct. +func (p pointer) Apply(f offset) pointer { + if p.IsNil() { + panic("invalid nil pointer") + } + return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p.p) + uintptr(f))} +} + +// AsValueOf treats p as a pointer to an object of type t and returns the value. +// It is equivalent to reflect.ValueOf(p.AsIfaceOf(t)) +func (p pointer) AsValueOf(t reflect.Type) reflect.Value { + return reflect.NewAt(t, p.p) +} + +// AsIfaceOf treats p as a pointer to an object of type t and returns the value. +// It is equivalent to p.AsValueOf(t).Interface() +func (p pointer) AsIfaceOf(t reflect.Type) interface{} { + // TODO: Use tricky unsafe magic to directly create ifaceHeader. + return p.AsValueOf(t).Interface() +} + +func (p pointer) Bool() *bool { return (*bool)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) BoolPtr() **bool { return (**bool)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) BoolSlice() *[]bool { return (*[]bool)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Int32() *int32 { return (*int32)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Int32Ptr() **int32 { return (**int32)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Int32Slice() *[]int32 { return (*[]int32)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Int64() *int64 { return (*int64)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Int64Ptr() **int64 { return (**int64)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Int64Slice() *[]int64 { return (*[]int64)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Uint32() *uint32 { return (*uint32)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Uint32Ptr() **uint32 { return (**uint32)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Uint32Slice() *[]uint32 { return (*[]uint32)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Uint64() *uint64 { return (*uint64)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Uint64Ptr() **uint64 { return (**uint64)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Uint64Slice() *[]uint64 { return (*[]uint64)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Float32() *float32 { return (*float32)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Float32Ptr() **float32 { return (**float32)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Float32Slice() *[]float32 { return (*[]float32)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Float64() *float64 { return (*float64)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Float64Ptr() **float64 { return (**float64)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Float64Slice() *[]float64 { return (*[]float64)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) String() *string { return (*string)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) StringPtr() **string { return (**string)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) StringSlice() *[]string { return (*[]string)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Bytes() *[]byte { return (*[]byte)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) BytesPtr() **[]byte { return (**[]byte)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) BytesSlice() *[][]byte { return (*[][]byte)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) WeakFields() *weakFields { return (*weakFields)(p.p) } +func (p pointer) Extensions() *map[int32]ExtensionField { return (*map[int32]ExtensionField)(p.p) } + +func (p pointer) Elem() pointer { + return pointer{p: *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p)} +} + +// PointerSlice loads []*T from p as a []pointer. +// The value returned is aliased with the original slice. +// This behavior differs from the implementation in pointer_reflect.go. +func (p pointer) PointerSlice() []pointer { + // Super-tricky - p should point to a []*T where T is a + // message type. We load it as []pointer. + return *(*[]pointer)(p.p) +} + +// AppendPointerSlice appends v to p, which must be a []*T. +func (p pointer) AppendPointerSlice(v pointer) { + *(*[]pointer)(p.p) = append(*(*[]pointer)(p.p), v) +} + +// SetPointer sets *p to v. +func (p pointer) SetPointer(v pointer) { + *(*unsafe.Pointer)(p.p) = (unsafe.Pointer)(v.p) +} + +// Static check that MessageState does not exceed the size of a pointer. +const _ = uint(unsafe.Sizeof(unsafe.Pointer(nil)) - unsafe.Sizeof(MessageState{})) + +func (Export) MessageStateOf(p Pointer) *messageState { + // Super-tricky - see documentation on MessageState. + return (*messageState)(unsafe.Pointer(p)) +} +func (ms *messageState) pointer() pointer { + // Super-tricky - see documentation on MessageState. + return pointer{p: unsafe.Pointer(ms)} +} +func (ms *messageState) messageInfo() *MessageInfo { + mi := ms.LoadMessageInfo() + if mi == nil { + panic("invalid nil message info; this suggests memory corruption due to a race or shallow copy on the message struct") + } + return mi +} +func (ms *messageState) LoadMessageInfo() *MessageInfo { + return (*MessageInfo)(atomic.LoadPointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&ms.atomicMessageInfo)))) +} +func (ms *messageState) StoreMessageInfo(mi *MessageInfo) { + atomic.StorePointer((*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&ms.atomicMessageInfo)), unsafe.Pointer(mi)) +} + +type atomicNilMessage struct{ p unsafe.Pointer } // p is a *messageReflectWrapper + +func (m *atomicNilMessage) Init(mi *MessageInfo) *messageReflectWrapper { + if p := atomic.LoadPointer(&m.p); p != nil { + return (*messageReflectWrapper)(p) + } + w := &messageReflectWrapper{mi: mi} + atomic.CompareAndSwapPointer(&m.p, nil, (unsafe.Pointer)(w)) + return (*messageReflectWrapper)(atomic.LoadPointer(&m.p)) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/validate.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/validate.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..08cfb605 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/validate.go @@ -0,0 +1,576 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" + "math/bits" + "reflect" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + preg "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" + piface "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// ValidationStatus is the result of validating the wire-format encoding of a message. +type ValidationStatus int + +const ( + // ValidationUnknown indicates that unmarshaling the message might succeed or fail. + // The validator was unable to render a judgement. + // + // The only causes of this status are an aberrant message type appearing somewhere + // in the message or a failure in the extension resolver. + ValidationUnknown ValidationStatus = iota + 1 + + // ValidationInvalid indicates that unmarshaling the message will fail. + ValidationInvalid + + // ValidationValid indicates that unmarshaling the message will succeed. + ValidationValid +) + +func (v ValidationStatus) String() string { + switch v { + case ValidationUnknown: + return "ValidationUnknown" + case ValidationInvalid: + return "ValidationInvalid" + case ValidationValid: + return "ValidationValid" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("ValidationStatus(%d)", int(v)) + } +} + +// Validate determines whether the contents of the buffer are a valid wire encoding +// of the message type. +// +// This function is exposed for testing. +func Validate(mt pref.MessageType, in piface.UnmarshalInput) (out piface.UnmarshalOutput, _ ValidationStatus) { + mi, ok := mt.(*MessageInfo) + if !ok { + return out, ValidationUnknown + } + if in.Resolver == nil { + in.Resolver = preg.GlobalTypes + } + o, st := mi.validate(in.Buf, 0, unmarshalOptions{ + flags: in.Flags, + resolver: in.Resolver, + }) + if o.initialized { + out.Flags |= piface.UnmarshalInitialized + } + return out, st +} + +type validationInfo struct { + mi *MessageInfo + typ validationType + keyType, valType validationType + + // For non-required fields, requiredBit is 0. + // + // For required fields, requiredBit's nth bit is set, where n is a + // unique index in the range [0, MessageInfo.numRequiredFields). + // + // If there are more than 64 required fields, requiredBit is 0. + requiredBit uint64 +} + +type validationType uint8 + +const ( + validationTypeOther validationType = iota + validationTypeMessage + validationTypeGroup + validationTypeMap + validationTypeRepeatedVarint + validationTypeRepeatedFixed32 + validationTypeRepeatedFixed64 + validationTypeVarint + validationTypeFixed32 + validationTypeFixed64 + validationTypeBytes + validationTypeUTF8String + validationTypeMessageSetItem +) + +func newFieldValidationInfo(mi *MessageInfo, si structInfo, fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) validationInfo { + var vi validationInfo + switch { + case fd.ContainingOneof() != nil && !fd.ContainingOneof().IsSynthetic(): + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind: + vi.typ = validationTypeMessage + if ot, ok := si.oneofWrappersByNumber[fd.Number()]; ok { + vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ot.Field(0).Type) + } + case pref.GroupKind: + vi.typ = validationTypeGroup + if ot, ok := si.oneofWrappersByNumber[fd.Number()]; ok { + vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ot.Field(0).Type) + } + case pref.StringKind: + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + vi.typ = validationTypeUTF8String + } + } + default: + vi = newValidationInfo(fd, ft) + } + if fd.Cardinality() == pref.Required { + // Avoid overflow. The required field check is done with a 64-bit mask, with + // any message containing more than 64 required fields always reported as + // potentially uninitialized, so it is not important to get a precise count + // of the required fields past 64. + if mi.numRequiredFields < math.MaxUint8 { + mi.numRequiredFields++ + vi.requiredBit = 1 << (mi.numRequiredFields - 1) + } + } + return vi +} + +func newValidationInfo(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, ft reflect.Type) validationInfo { + var vi validationInfo + switch { + case fd.IsList(): + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind: + vi.typ = validationTypeMessage + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft.Elem()) + } + case pref.GroupKind: + vi.typ = validationTypeGroup + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Slice { + vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft.Elem()) + } + case pref.StringKind: + vi.typ = validationTypeBytes + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + vi.typ = validationTypeUTF8String + } + default: + switch wireTypes[fd.Kind()] { + case protowire.VarintType: + vi.typ = validationTypeRepeatedVarint + case protowire.Fixed32Type: + vi.typ = validationTypeRepeatedFixed32 + case protowire.Fixed64Type: + vi.typ = validationTypeRepeatedFixed64 + } + } + case fd.IsMap(): + vi.typ = validationTypeMap + switch fd.MapKey().Kind() { + case pref.StringKind: + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + vi.keyType = validationTypeUTF8String + } + } + switch fd.MapValue().Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind: + vi.valType = validationTypeMessage + if ft.Kind() == reflect.Map { + vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft.Elem()) + } + case pref.StringKind: + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + vi.valType = validationTypeUTF8String + } + } + default: + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.MessageKind: + vi.typ = validationTypeMessage + if !fd.IsWeak() { + vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft) + } + case pref.GroupKind: + vi.typ = validationTypeGroup + vi.mi = getMessageInfo(ft) + case pref.StringKind: + vi.typ = validationTypeBytes + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) { + vi.typ = validationTypeUTF8String + } + default: + switch wireTypes[fd.Kind()] { + case protowire.VarintType: + vi.typ = validationTypeVarint + case protowire.Fixed32Type: + vi.typ = validationTypeFixed32 + case protowire.Fixed64Type: + vi.typ = validationTypeFixed64 + case protowire.BytesType: + vi.typ = validationTypeBytes + } + } + } + return vi +} + +func (mi *MessageInfo) validate(b []byte, groupTag protowire.Number, opts unmarshalOptions) (out unmarshalOutput, result ValidationStatus) { + mi.init() + type validationState struct { + typ validationType + keyType, valType validationType + endGroup protowire.Number + mi *MessageInfo + tail []byte + requiredMask uint64 + } + + // Pre-allocate some slots to avoid repeated slice reallocation. + states := make([]validationState, 0, 16) + states = append(states, validationState{ + typ: validationTypeMessage, + mi: mi, + }) + if groupTag > 0 { + states[0].typ = validationTypeGroup + states[0].endGroup = groupTag + } + initialized := true + start := len(b) +State: + for len(states) > 0 { + st := &states[len(states)-1] + for len(b) > 0 { + // Parse the tag (field number and wire type). + var tag uint64 + if b[0] < 0x80 { + tag = uint64(b[0]) + b = b[1:] + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + tag = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + b = b[2:] + } else { + var n int + tag, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + b = b[n:] + } + var num protowire.Number + if n := tag >> 3; n < uint64(protowire.MinValidNumber) || n > uint64(protowire.MaxValidNumber) { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } else { + num = protowire.Number(n) + } + wtyp := protowire.Type(tag & 7) + + if wtyp == protowire.EndGroupType { + if st.endGroup == num { + goto PopState + } + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + var vi validationInfo + switch { + case st.typ == validationTypeMap: + switch num { + case genid.MapEntry_Key_field_number: + vi.typ = st.keyType + case genid.MapEntry_Value_field_number: + vi.typ = st.valType + vi.mi = st.mi + vi.requiredBit = 1 + } + case flags.ProtoLegacy && st.mi.isMessageSet: + switch num { + case messageset.FieldItem: + vi.typ = validationTypeMessageSetItem + } + default: + var f *coderFieldInfo + if int(num) < len(st.mi.denseCoderFields) { + f = st.mi.denseCoderFields[num] + } else { + f = st.mi.coderFields[num] + } + if f != nil { + vi = f.validation + if vi.typ == validationTypeMessage && vi.mi == nil { + // Probable weak field. + // + // TODO: Consider storing the results of this lookup somewhere + // rather than recomputing it on every validation. + fd := st.mi.Desc.Fields().ByNumber(num) + if fd == nil || !fd.IsWeak() { + break + } + messageName := fd.Message().FullName() + messageType, err := preg.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(messageName) + switch err { + case nil: + vi.mi, _ = messageType.(*MessageInfo) + case preg.NotFound: + vi.typ = validationTypeBytes + default: + return out, ValidationUnknown + } + } + break + } + // Possible extension field. + // + // TODO: We should return ValidationUnknown when: + // 1. The resolver is not frozen. (More extensions may be added to it.) + // 2. The resolver returns preg.NotFound. + // In this case, a type added to the resolver in the future could cause + // unmarshaling to begin failing. Supporting this requires some way to + // determine if the resolver is frozen. + xt, err := opts.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(st.mi.Desc.FullName(), num) + if err != nil && err != preg.NotFound { + return out, ValidationUnknown + } + if err == nil { + vi = getExtensionFieldInfo(xt).validation + } + } + if vi.requiredBit != 0 { + // Check that the field has a compatible wire type. + // We only need to consider non-repeated field types, + // since repeated fields (and maps) can never be required. + ok := false + switch vi.typ { + case validationTypeVarint: + ok = wtyp == protowire.VarintType + case validationTypeFixed32: + ok = wtyp == protowire.Fixed32Type + case validationTypeFixed64: + ok = wtyp == protowire.Fixed64Type + case validationTypeBytes, validationTypeUTF8String, validationTypeMessage: + ok = wtyp == protowire.BytesType + case validationTypeGroup: + ok = wtyp == protowire.StartGroupType + } + if ok { + st.requiredMask |= vi.requiredBit + } + } + + switch wtyp { + case protowire.VarintType: + if len(b) >= 10 { + switch { + case b[0] < 0x80: + b = b[1:] + case b[1] < 0x80: + b = b[2:] + case b[2] < 0x80: + b = b[3:] + case b[3] < 0x80: + b = b[4:] + case b[4] < 0x80: + b = b[5:] + case b[5] < 0x80: + b = b[6:] + case b[6] < 0x80: + b = b[7:] + case b[7] < 0x80: + b = b[8:] + case b[8] < 0x80: + b = b[9:] + case b[9] < 0x80 && b[9] < 2: + b = b[10:] + default: + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + } else { + switch { + case len(b) > 0 && b[0] < 0x80: + b = b[1:] + case len(b) > 1 && b[1] < 0x80: + b = b[2:] + case len(b) > 2 && b[2] < 0x80: + b = b[3:] + case len(b) > 3 && b[3] < 0x80: + b = b[4:] + case len(b) > 4 && b[4] < 0x80: + b = b[5:] + case len(b) > 5 && b[5] < 0x80: + b = b[6:] + case len(b) > 6 && b[6] < 0x80: + b = b[7:] + case len(b) > 7 && b[7] < 0x80: + b = b[8:] + case len(b) > 8 && b[8] < 0x80: + b = b[9:] + case len(b) > 9 && b[9] < 2: + b = b[10:] + default: + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + } + continue State + case protowire.BytesType: + var size uint64 + if len(b) >= 1 && b[0] < 0x80 { + size = uint64(b[0]) + b = b[1:] + } else if len(b) >= 2 && b[1] < 128 { + size = uint64(b[0]&0x7f) + uint64(b[1])<<7 + b = b[2:] + } else { + var n int + size, n = protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + b = b[n:] + } + if size > uint64(len(b)) { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + v := b[:size] + b = b[size:] + switch vi.typ { + case validationTypeMessage: + if vi.mi == nil { + return out, ValidationUnknown + } + vi.mi.init() + fallthrough + case validationTypeMap: + if vi.mi != nil { + vi.mi.init() + } + states = append(states, validationState{ + typ: vi.typ, + keyType: vi.keyType, + valType: vi.valType, + mi: vi.mi, + tail: b, + }) + b = v + continue State + case validationTypeRepeatedVarint: + // Packed field. + for len(v) > 0 { + _, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(v) + if n < 0 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + v = v[n:] + } + case validationTypeRepeatedFixed32: + // Packed field. + if len(v)%4 != 0 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + case validationTypeRepeatedFixed64: + // Packed field. + if len(v)%8 != 0 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + case validationTypeUTF8String: + if !utf8.Valid(v) { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + } + case protowire.Fixed32Type: + if len(b) < 4 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + b = b[4:] + case protowire.Fixed64Type: + if len(b) < 8 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + b = b[8:] + case protowire.StartGroupType: + switch { + case vi.typ == validationTypeGroup: + if vi.mi == nil { + return out, ValidationUnknown + } + vi.mi.init() + states = append(states, validationState{ + typ: validationTypeGroup, + mi: vi.mi, + endGroup: num, + }) + continue State + case flags.ProtoLegacy && vi.typ == validationTypeMessageSetItem: + typeid, v, n, err := messageset.ConsumeFieldValue(b, false) + if err != nil { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + xt, err := opts.resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(st.mi.Desc.FullName(), typeid) + switch { + case err == preg.NotFound: + b = b[n:] + case err != nil: + return out, ValidationUnknown + default: + xvi := getExtensionFieldInfo(xt).validation + if xvi.mi != nil { + xvi.mi.init() + } + states = append(states, validationState{ + typ: xvi.typ, + mi: xvi.mi, + tail: b[n:], + }) + b = v + continue State + } + default: + n := protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b) + if n < 0 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + b = b[n:] + } + default: + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + } + if st.endGroup != 0 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + if len(b) != 0 { + return out, ValidationInvalid + } + b = st.tail + PopState: + numRequiredFields := 0 + switch st.typ { + case validationTypeMessage, validationTypeGroup: + numRequiredFields = int(st.mi.numRequiredFields) + case validationTypeMap: + // If this is a map field with a message value that contains + // required fields, require that the value be present. + if st.mi != nil && st.mi.numRequiredFields > 0 { + numRequiredFields = 1 + } + } + // If there are more than 64 required fields, this check will + // always fail and we will report that the message is potentially + // uninitialized. + if numRequiredFields > 0 && bits.OnesCount64(st.requiredMask) != numRequiredFields { + initialized = false + } + states = states[:len(states)-1] + } + out.n = start - len(b) + if initialized { + out.initialized = true + } + return out, ValidationValid +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/weak.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/weak.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..009cbefd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl/weak.go @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package impl + +import ( + "fmt" + + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +// weakFields adds methods to the exported WeakFields type for internal use. +// +// The exported type is an alias to an unnamed type, so methods can't be +// defined directly on it. +type weakFields WeakFields + +func (w weakFields) get(num pref.FieldNumber) (pref.ProtoMessage, bool) { + m, ok := w[int32(num)] + return m, ok +} + +func (w *weakFields) set(num pref.FieldNumber, m pref.ProtoMessage) { + if *w == nil { + *w = make(weakFields) + } + (*w)[int32(num)] = m +} + +func (w *weakFields) clear(num pref.FieldNumber) { + delete(*w, int32(num)) +} + +func (Export) HasWeak(w WeakFields, num pref.FieldNumber) bool { + _, ok := w[int32(num)] + return ok +} + +func (Export) ClearWeak(w *WeakFields, num pref.FieldNumber) { + delete(*w, int32(num)) +} + +func (Export) GetWeak(w WeakFields, num pref.FieldNumber, name pref.FullName) pref.ProtoMessage { + if m, ok := w[int32(num)]; ok { + return m + } + mt, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(name) + if mt == nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("message %v for weak field is not linked in", name)) + } + return mt.Zero().Interface() +} + +func (Export) SetWeak(w *WeakFields, num pref.FieldNumber, name pref.FullName, m pref.ProtoMessage) { + if m != nil { + mt, _ := protoregistry.GlobalTypes.FindMessageByName(name) + if mt == nil { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("message %v for weak field is not linked in", name)) + } + if mt != m.ProtoReflect().Type() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid message type for weak field: got %T, want %T", m, mt.Zero().Interface())) + } + } + if m == nil || !m.ProtoReflect().IsValid() { + delete(*w, int32(num)) + return + } + if *w == nil { + *w = make(weakFields) + } + (*w)[int32(num)] = m +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order/order.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order/order.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2a24953f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order/order.go @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package order + +import ( + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// FieldOrder specifies the ordering to visit message fields. +// It is a function that reports whether x is ordered before y. +type FieldOrder func(x, y pref.FieldDescriptor) bool + +var ( + // AnyFieldOrder specifies no specific field ordering. + AnyFieldOrder FieldOrder = nil + + // LegacyFieldOrder sorts fields in the same ordering as emitted by + // wire serialization in the github.com/golang/protobuf implementation. + LegacyFieldOrder FieldOrder = func(x, y pref.FieldDescriptor) bool { + ox, oy := x.ContainingOneof(), y.ContainingOneof() + inOneof := func(od pref.OneofDescriptor) bool { + return od != nil && !od.IsSynthetic() + } + + // Extension fields sort before non-extension fields. + if x.IsExtension() != y.IsExtension() { + return x.IsExtension() && !y.IsExtension() + } + // Fields not within a oneof sort before those within a oneof. + if inOneof(ox) != inOneof(oy) { + return !inOneof(ox) && inOneof(oy) + } + // Fields in disjoint oneof sets are sorted by declaration index. + if ox != nil && oy != nil && ox != oy { + return ox.Index() < oy.Index() + } + // Fields sorted by field number. + return x.Number() < y.Number() + } + + // NumberFieldOrder sorts fields by their field number. + NumberFieldOrder FieldOrder = func(x, y pref.FieldDescriptor) bool { + return x.Number() < y.Number() + } + + // IndexNameFieldOrder sorts non-extension fields before extension fields. + // Non-extensions are sorted according to their declaration index. + // Extensions are sorted according to their full name. + IndexNameFieldOrder FieldOrder = func(x, y pref.FieldDescriptor) bool { + // Non-extension fields sort before extension fields. + if x.IsExtension() != y.IsExtension() { + return !x.IsExtension() && y.IsExtension() + } + // Extensions sorted by fullname. + if x.IsExtension() && y.IsExtension() { + return x.FullName() < y.FullName() + } + // Non-extensions sorted by declaration index. + return x.Index() < y.Index() + } +) + +// KeyOrder specifies the ordering to visit map entries. +// It is a function that reports whether x is ordered before y. +type KeyOrder func(x, y pref.MapKey) bool + +var ( + // AnyKeyOrder specifies no specific key ordering. + AnyKeyOrder KeyOrder = nil + + // GenericKeyOrder sorts false before true, numeric keys in ascending order, + // and strings in lexicographical ordering according to UTF-8 codepoints. + GenericKeyOrder KeyOrder = func(x, y pref.MapKey) bool { + switch x.Interface().(type) { + case bool: + return !x.Bool() && y.Bool() + case int32, int64: + return x.Int() < y.Int() + case uint32, uint64: + return x.Uint() < y.Uint() + case string: + return x.String() < y.String() + default: + panic("invalid map key type") + } + } +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order/range.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order/range.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c8090e0c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order/range.go @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package order provides ordered access to messages and maps. +package order + +import ( + "sort" + "sync" + + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type messageField struct { + fd pref.FieldDescriptor + v pref.Value +} + +var messageFieldPool = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { return new([]messageField) }, +} + +type ( + // FieldRnger is an interface for visiting all fields in a message. + // The protoreflect.Message type implements this interface. + FieldRanger interface{ Range(VisitField) } + // VisitField is called everytime a message field is visited. + VisitField = func(pref.FieldDescriptor, pref.Value) bool +) + +// RangeFields iterates over the fields of fs according to the specified order. +func RangeFields(fs FieldRanger, less FieldOrder, fn VisitField) { + if less == nil { + fs.Range(fn) + return + } + + // Obtain a pre-allocated scratch buffer. + p := messageFieldPool.Get().(*[]messageField) + fields := (*p)[:0] + defer func() { + if cap(fields) < 1024 { + *p = fields + messageFieldPool.Put(p) + } + }() + + // Collect all fields in the message and sort them. + fs.Range(func(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, v pref.Value) bool { + fields = append(fields, messageField{fd, v}) + return true + }) + sort.Slice(fields, func(i, j int) bool { + return less(fields[i].fd, fields[j].fd) + }) + + // Visit the fields in the specified ordering. + for _, f := range fields { + if !fn(f.fd, f.v) { + return + } + } +} + +type mapEntry struct { + k pref.MapKey + v pref.Value +} + +var mapEntryPool = sync.Pool{ + New: func() interface{} { return new([]mapEntry) }, +} + +type ( + // EntryRanger is an interface for visiting all fields in a message. + // The protoreflect.Map type implements this interface. + EntryRanger interface{ Range(VisitEntry) } + // VisitEntry is called everytime a map entry is visited. + VisitEntry = func(pref.MapKey, pref.Value) bool +) + +// RangeEntries iterates over the entries of es according to the specified order. +func RangeEntries(es EntryRanger, less KeyOrder, fn VisitEntry) { + if less == nil { + es.Range(fn) + return + } + + // Obtain a pre-allocated scratch buffer. + p := mapEntryPool.Get().(*[]mapEntry) + entries := (*p)[:0] + defer func() { + if cap(entries) < 1024 { + *p = entries + mapEntryPool.Put(p) + } + }() + + // Collect all entries in the map and sort them. + es.Range(func(k pref.MapKey, v pref.Value) bool { + entries = append(entries, mapEntry{k, v}) + return true + }) + sort.Slice(entries, func(i, j int) bool { + return less(entries[i].k, entries[j].k) + }) + + // Visit the entries in the specified ordering. + for _, e := range entries { + if !fn(e.k, e.v) { + return + } + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma/pragma.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma/pragma.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49dc4fcd --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma/pragma.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package pragma provides types that can be embedded into a struct to +// statically enforce or prevent certain language properties. +package pragma + +import "sync" + +// NoUnkeyedLiterals can be embedded in a struct to prevent unkeyed literals. +type NoUnkeyedLiterals struct{} + +// DoNotImplement can be embedded in an interface to prevent trivial +// implementations of the interface. +// +// This is useful to prevent unauthorized implementations of an interface +// so that it can be extended in the future for any protobuf language changes. +type DoNotImplement interface{ ProtoInternal(DoNotImplement) } + +// DoNotCompare can be embedded in a struct to prevent comparability. +type DoNotCompare [0]func() + +// DoNotCopy can be embedded in a struct to help prevent shallow copies. +// This does not rely on a Go language feature, but rather a special case +// within the vet checker. +// +// See https://golang.org/issues/8005. +type DoNotCopy [0]sync.Mutex diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/set/ints.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/set/ints.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d3d7f89a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/set/ints.go @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package set provides simple set data structures for uint64s. +package set + +import "math/bits" + +// int64s represents a set of integers within the range of 0..63. +type int64s uint64 + +func (bs *int64s) Len() int { + return bits.OnesCount64(uint64(*bs)) +} +func (bs *int64s) Has(n uint64) bool { + return uint64(*bs)&(uint64(1)< 0 +} +func (bs *int64s) Set(n uint64) { + *(*uint64)(bs) |= uint64(1) << n +} +func (bs *int64s) Clear(n uint64) { + *(*uint64)(bs) &^= uint64(1) << n +} + +// Ints represents a set of integers within the range of 0..math.MaxUint64. +type Ints struct { + lo int64s + hi map[uint64]struct{} +} + +func (bs *Ints) Len() int { + return bs.lo.Len() + len(bs.hi) +} +func (bs *Ints) Has(n uint64) bool { + if n < 64 { + return bs.lo.Has(n) + } + _, ok := bs.hi[n] + return ok +} +func (bs *Ints) Set(n uint64) { + if n < 64 { + bs.lo.Set(n) + return + } + if bs.hi == nil { + bs.hi = make(map[uint64]struct{}) + } + bs.hi[n] = struct{}{} +} +func (bs *Ints) Clear(n uint64) { + if n < 64 { + bs.lo.Clear(n) + return + } + delete(bs.hi, n) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs/strings.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs/strings.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0b74e765 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs/strings.go @@ -0,0 +1,196 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package strs provides string manipulation functionality specific to protobuf. +package strs + +import ( + "go/token" + "strings" + "unicode" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// EnforceUTF8 reports whether to enforce strict UTF-8 validation. +func EnforceUTF8(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) bool { + if flags.ProtoLegacy { + if fd, ok := fd.(interface{ EnforceUTF8() bool }); ok { + return fd.EnforceUTF8() + } + } + return fd.Syntax() == protoreflect.Proto3 +} + +// GoCamelCase camel-cases a protobuf name for use as a Go identifier. +// +// If there is an interior underscore followed by a lower case letter, +// drop the underscore and convert the letter to upper case. +func GoCamelCase(s string) string { + // Invariant: if the next letter is lower case, it must be converted + // to upper case. + // That is, we process a word at a time, where words are marked by _ or + // upper case letter. Digits are treated as words. + var b []byte + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { + c := s[i] + switch { + case c == '.' && i+1 < len(s) && isASCIILower(s[i+1]): + // Skip over '.' in ".{{lowercase}}". + case c == '.': + b = append(b, '_') // convert '.' to '_' + case c == '_' && (i == 0 || s[i-1] == '.'): + // Convert initial '_' to ensure we start with a capital letter. + // Do the same for '_' after '.' to match historic behavior. + b = append(b, 'X') // convert '_' to 'X' + case c == '_' && i+1 < len(s) && isASCIILower(s[i+1]): + // Skip over '_' in "_{{lowercase}}". + case isASCIIDigit(c): + b = append(b, c) + default: + // Assume we have a letter now - if not, it's a bogus identifier. + // The next word is a sequence of characters that must start upper case. + if isASCIILower(c) { + c -= 'a' - 'A' // convert lowercase to uppercase + } + b = append(b, c) + + // Accept lower case sequence that follows. + for ; i+1 < len(s) && isASCIILower(s[i+1]); i++ { + b = append(b, s[i+1]) + } + } + } + return string(b) +} + +// GoSanitized converts a string to a valid Go identifier. +func GoSanitized(s string) string { + // Sanitize the input to the set of valid characters, + // which must be '_' or be in the Unicode L or N categories. + s = strings.Map(func(r rune) rune { + if unicode.IsLetter(r) || unicode.IsDigit(r) { + return r + } + return '_' + }, s) + + // Prepend '_' in the event of a Go keyword conflict or if + // the identifier is invalid (does not start in the Unicode L category). + r, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s) + if token.Lookup(s).IsKeyword() || !unicode.IsLetter(r) { + return "_" + s + } + return s +} + +// JSONCamelCase converts a snake_case identifier to a camelCase identifier, +// according to the protobuf JSON specification. +func JSONCamelCase(s string) string { + var b []byte + var wasUnderscore bool + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { // proto identifiers are always ASCII + c := s[i] + if c != '_' { + if wasUnderscore && isASCIILower(c) { + c -= 'a' - 'A' // convert to uppercase + } + b = append(b, c) + } + wasUnderscore = c == '_' + } + return string(b) +} + +// JSONSnakeCase converts a camelCase identifier to a snake_case identifier, +// according to the protobuf JSON specification. +func JSONSnakeCase(s string) string { + var b []byte + for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { // proto identifiers are always ASCII + c := s[i] + if isASCIIUpper(c) { + b = append(b, '_') + c += 'a' - 'A' // convert to lowercase + } + b = append(b, c) + } + return string(b) +} + +// MapEntryName derives the name of the map entry message given the field name. +// See protoc v3.8.0: src/google/protobuf/descriptor.cc:254-276,6057 +func MapEntryName(s string) string { + var b []byte + upperNext := true + for _, c := range s { + switch { + case c == '_': + upperNext = true + case upperNext: + b = append(b, byte(unicode.ToUpper(c))) + upperNext = false + default: + b = append(b, byte(c)) + } + } + b = append(b, "Entry"...) + return string(b) +} + +// EnumValueName derives the camel-cased enum value name. +// See protoc v3.8.0: src/google/protobuf/descriptor.cc:297-313 +func EnumValueName(s string) string { + var b []byte + upperNext := true + for _, c := range s { + switch { + case c == '_': + upperNext = true + case upperNext: + b = append(b, byte(unicode.ToUpper(c))) + upperNext = false + default: + b = append(b, byte(unicode.ToLower(c))) + upperNext = false + } + } + return string(b) +} + +// TrimEnumPrefix trims the enum name prefix from an enum value name, +// where the prefix is all lowercase without underscores. +// See protoc v3.8.0: src/google/protobuf/descriptor.cc:330-375 +func TrimEnumPrefix(s, prefix string) string { + s0 := s // original input + for len(s) > 0 && len(prefix) > 0 { + if s[0] == '_' { + s = s[1:] + continue + } + if unicode.ToLower(rune(s[0])) != rune(prefix[0]) { + return s0 // no prefix match + } + s, prefix = s[1:], prefix[1:] + } + if len(prefix) > 0 { + return s0 // no prefix match + } + s = strings.TrimLeft(s, "_") + if len(s) == 0 { + return s0 // avoid returning empty string + } + return s +} + +func isASCIILower(c byte) bool { + return 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' +} +func isASCIIUpper(c byte) bool { + return 'A' <= c && c <= 'Z' +} +func isASCIIDigit(c byte) bool { + return '0' <= c && c <= '9' +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs/strings_pure.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs/strings_pure.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..85e074c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs/strings_pure.go @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build purego appengine + +package strs + +import pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + +func UnsafeString(b []byte) string { + return string(b) +} + +func UnsafeBytes(s string) []byte { + return []byte(s) +} + +type Builder struct{} + +func (*Builder) AppendFullName(prefix pref.FullName, name pref.Name) pref.FullName { + return prefix.Append(name) +} + +func (*Builder) MakeString(b []byte) string { + return string(b) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs/strings_unsafe.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs/strings_unsafe.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2160c701 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs/strings_unsafe.go @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !purego,!appengine + +package strs + +import ( + "unsafe" + + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +type ( + stringHeader struct { + Data unsafe.Pointer + Len int + } + sliceHeader struct { + Data unsafe.Pointer + Len int + Cap int + } +) + +// UnsafeString returns an unsafe string reference of b. +// The caller must treat the input slice as immutable. +// +// WARNING: Use carefully. The returned result must not leak to the end user +// unless the input slice is provably immutable. +func UnsafeString(b []byte) (s string) { + src := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) + dst := (*stringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) + dst.Data = src.Data + dst.Len = src.Len + return s +} + +// UnsafeBytes returns an unsafe bytes slice reference of s. +// The caller must treat returned slice as immutable. +// +// WARNING: Use carefully. The returned result must not leak to the end user. +func UnsafeBytes(s string) (b []byte) { + src := (*stringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&s)) + dst := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)) + dst.Data = src.Data + dst.Len = src.Len + dst.Cap = src.Len + return b +} + +// Builder builds a set of strings with shared lifetime. +// This differs from strings.Builder, which is for building a single string. +type Builder struct { + buf []byte +} + +// AppendFullName is equivalent to protoreflect.FullName.Append, +// but optimized for large batches where each name has a shared lifetime. +func (sb *Builder) AppendFullName(prefix pref.FullName, name pref.Name) pref.FullName { + n := len(prefix) + len(".") + len(name) + if len(prefix) == 0 { + n -= len(".") + } + sb.grow(n) + sb.buf = append(sb.buf, prefix...) + sb.buf = append(sb.buf, '.') + sb.buf = append(sb.buf, name...) + return pref.FullName(sb.last(n)) +} + +// MakeString is equivalent to string(b), but optimized for large batches +// with a shared lifetime. +func (sb *Builder) MakeString(b []byte) string { + sb.grow(len(b)) + sb.buf = append(sb.buf, b...) + return sb.last(len(b)) +} + +func (sb *Builder) grow(n int) { + if cap(sb.buf)-len(sb.buf) >= n { + return + } + + // Unlike strings.Builder, we do not need to copy over the contents + // of the old buffer since our builder provides no API for + // retrieving previously created strings. + sb.buf = make([]byte, 2*(cap(sb.buf)+n)) +} + +func (sb *Builder) last(n int) string { + return UnsafeString(sb.buf[len(sb.buf)-n:]) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/version/version.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/version/version.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5879131d --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/version/version.go @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package version records versioning information about this module. +package version + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" +) + +// These constants determine the current version of this module. +// +// +// For our release process, we enforce the following rules: +// * Tagged releases use a tag that is identical to String. +// * Tagged releases never reference a commit where the String +// contains "devel". +// * The set of all commits in this repository where String +// does not contain "devel" must have a unique String. +// +// +// Steps for tagging a new release: +// 1. Create a new CL. +// +// 2. Update Minor, Patch, and/or PreRelease as necessary. +// PreRelease must not contain the string "devel". +// +// 3. Since the last released minor version, have there been any changes to +// generator that relies on new functionality in the runtime? +// If yes, then increment RequiredGenerated. +// +// 4. Since the last released minor version, have there been any changes to +// the runtime that removes support for old .pb.go source code? +// If yes, then increment SupportMinimum. +// +// 5. Send out the CL for review and submit it. +// Note that the next CL in step 8 must be submitted after this CL +// without any other CLs in-between. +// +// 6. Tag a new version, where the tag is is the current String. +// +// 7. Write release notes for all notable changes +// between this release and the last release. +// +// 8. Create a new CL. +// +// 9. Update PreRelease to include the string "devel". +// For example: "" -> "devel" or "rc.1" -> "rc.1.devel" +// +// 10. Send out the CL for review and submit it. +const ( + Major = 1 + Minor = 26 + Patch = 0 + PreRelease = "" +) + +// String formats the version string for this module in semver format. +// +// Examples: +// v1.20.1 +// v1.21.0-rc.1 +func String() string { + v := fmt.Sprintf("v%d.%d.%d", Major, Minor, Patch) + if PreRelease != "" { + v += "-" + PreRelease + + // TODO: Add metadata about the commit or build hash. + // See https://golang.org/issue/29814 + // See https://golang.org/issue/33533 + var metadata string + if strings.Contains(PreRelease, "devel") && metadata != "" { + v += "+" + metadata + } + } + return v +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/checkinit.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/checkinit.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3e9a6a2f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/checkinit.go @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// CheckInitialized returns an error if any required fields in m are not set. +func CheckInitialized(m Message) error { + // Treat a nil message interface as an "untyped" empty message, + // which we assume to have no required fields. + if m == nil { + return nil + } + + return checkInitialized(m.ProtoReflect()) +} + +// CheckInitialized returns an error if any required fields in m are not set. +func checkInitialized(m protoreflect.Message) error { + if methods := protoMethods(m); methods != nil && methods.CheckInitialized != nil { + _, err := methods.CheckInitialized(protoiface.CheckInitializedInput{ + Message: m, + }) + return err + } + return checkInitializedSlow(m) +} + +func checkInitializedSlow(m protoreflect.Message) error { + md := m.Descriptor() + fds := md.Fields() + for i, nums := 0, md.RequiredNumbers(); i < nums.Len(); i++ { + fd := fds.ByNumber(nums.Get(i)) + if !m.Has(fd) { + return errors.RequiredNotSet(string(fd.FullName())) + } + } + var err error + m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + switch { + case fd.IsList(): + if fd.Message() == nil { + return true + } + for i, list := 0, v.List(); i < list.Len() && err == nil; i++ { + err = checkInitialized(list.Get(i).Message()) + } + case fd.IsMap(): + if fd.MapValue().Message() == nil { + return true + } + v.Map().Range(func(key protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + err = checkInitialized(v.Message()) + return err == nil + }) + default: + if fd.Message() == nil { + return true + } + err = checkInitialized(v.Message()) + } + return err == nil + }) + return err +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/decode.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/decode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..49f9b8c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/decode.go @@ -0,0 +1,278 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// UnmarshalOptions configures the unmarshaler. +// +// Example usage: +// err := UnmarshalOptions{DiscardUnknown: true}.Unmarshal(b, m) +type UnmarshalOptions struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + // Merge merges the input into the destination message. + // The default behavior is to always reset the message before unmarshaling, + // unless Merge is specified. + Merge bool + + // AllowPartial accepts input for messages that will result in missing + // required fields. If AllowPartial is false (the default), Unmarshal will + // return an error if there are any missing required fields. + AllowPartial bool + + // If DiscardUnknown is set, unknown fields are ignored. + DiscardUnknown bool + + // Resolver is used for looking up types when unmarshaling extension fields. + // If nil, this defaults to using protoregistry.GlobalTypes. + Resolver interface { + FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) + FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) + } +} + +// Unmarshal parses the wire-format message in b and places the result in m. +// The provided message must be mutable (e.g., a non-nil pointer to a message). +func Unmarshal(b []byte, m Message) error { + _, err := UnmarshalOptions{}.unmarshal(b, m.ProtoReflect()) + return err +} + +// Unmarshal parses the wire-format message in b and places the result in m. +// The provided message must be mutable (e.g., a non-nil pointer to a message). +func (o UnmarshalOptions) Unmarshal(b []byte, m Message) error { + _, err := o.unmarshal(b, m.ProtoReflect()) + return err +} + +// UnmarshalState parses a wire-format message and places the result in m. +// +// This method permits fine-grained control over the unmarshaler. +// Most users should use Unmarshal instead. +func (o UnmarshalOptions) UnmarshalState(in protoiface.UnmarshalInput) (protoiface.UnmarshalOutput, error) { + return o.unmarshal(in.Buf, in.Message) +} + +// unmarshal is a centralized function that all unmarshal operations go through. +// For profiling purposes, avoid changing the name of this function or +// introducing other code paths for unmarshal that do not go through this. +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshal(b []byte, m protoreflect.Message) (out protoiface.UnmarshalOutput, err error) { + if o.Resolver == nil { + o.Resolver = protoregistry.GlobalTypes + } + if !o.Merge { + Reset(m.Interface()) + } + allowPartial := o.AllowPartial + o.Merge = true + o.AllowPartial = true + methods := protoMethods(m) + if methods != nil && methods.Unmarshal != nil && + !(o.DiscardUnknown && methods.Flags&protoiface.SupportUnmarshalDiscardUnknown == 0) { + in := protoiface.UnmarshalInput{ + Message: m, + Buf: b, + Resolver: o.Resolver, + } + if o.DiscardUnknown { + in.Flags |= protoiface.UnmarshalDiscardUnknown + } + out, err = methods.Unmarshal(in) + } else { + err = o.unmarshalMessageSlow(b, m) + } + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + if allowPartial || (out.Flags&protoiface.UnmarshalInitialized != 0) { + return out, nil + } + return out, checkInitialized(m) +} + +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshalMessage(b []byte, m protoreflect.Message) error { + _, err := o.unmarshal(b, m) + return err +} + +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshalMessageSlow(b []byte, m protoreflect.Message) error { + md := m.Descriptor() + if messageset.IsMessageSet(md) { + return o.unmarshalMessageSet(b, m) + } + fields := md.Fields() + for len(b) > 0 { + // Parse the tag (field number and wire type). + num, wtyp, tagLen := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + if tagLen < 0 { + return errDecode + } + if num > protowire.MaxValidNumber { + return errDecode + } + + // Find the field descriptor for this field number. + fd := fields.ByNumber(num) + if fd == nil && md.ExtensionRanges().Has(num) { + extType, err := o.Resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(md.FullName(), num) + if err != nil && err != protoregistry.NotFound { + return errors.New("%v: unable to resolve extension %v: %v", md.FullName(), num, err) + } + if extType != nil { + fd = extType.TypeDescriptor() + } + } + var err error + if fd == nil { + err = errUnknown + } else if flags.ProtoLegacy { + if fd.IsWeak() && fd.Message().IsPlaceholder() { + err = errUnknown // weak referent is not linked in + } + } + + // Parse the field value. + var valLen int + switch { + case err != nil: + case fd.IsList(): + valLen, err = o.unmarshalList(b[tagLen:], wtyp, m.Mutable(fd).List(), fd) + case fd.IsMap(): + valLen, err = o.unmarshalMap(b[tagLen:], wtyp, m.Mutable(fd).Map(), fd) + default: + valLen, err = o.unmarshalSingular(b[tagLen:], wtyp, m, fd) + } + if err != nil { + if err != errUnknown { + return err + } + valLen = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b[tagLen:]) + if valLen < 0 { + return errDecode + } + if !o.DiscardUnknown { + m.SetUnknown(append(m.GetUnknown(), b[:tagLen+valLen]...)) + } + } + b = b[tagLen+valLen:] + } + return nil +} + +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshalSingular(b []byte, wtyp protowire.Type, m protoreflect.Message, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (n int, err error) { + v, n, err := o.unmarshalScalar(b, wtyp, fd) + if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + switch fd.Kind() { + case protoreflect.GroupKind, protoreflect.MessageKind: + m2 := m.Mutable(fd).Message() + if err := o.unmarshalMessage(v.Bytes(), m2); err != nil { + return n, err + } + default: + // Non-message scalars replace the previous value. + m.Set(fd, v) + } + return n, nil +} + +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshalMap(b []byte, wtyp protowire.Type, mapv protoreflect.Map, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (n int, err error) { + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + b, n = protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + var ( + keyField = fd.MapKey() + valField = fd.MapValue() + key protoreflect.Value + val protoreflect.Value + haveKey bool + haveVal bool + ) + switch valField.Kind() { + case protoreflect.GroupKind, protoreflect.MessageKind: + val = mapv.NewValue() + } + // Map entries are represented as a two-element message with fields + // containing the key and value. + for len(b) > 0 { + num, wtyp, n := protowire.ConsumeTag(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + if num > protowire.MaxValidNumber { + return 0, errDecode + } + b = b[n:] + err = errUnknown + switch num { + case genid.MapEntry_Key_field_number: + key, n, err = o.unmarshalScalar(b, wtyp, keyField) + if err != nil { + break + } + haveKey = true + case genid.MapEntry_Value_field_number: + var v protoreflect.Value + v, n, err = o.unmarshalScalar(b, wtyp, valField) + if err != nil { + break + } + switch valField.Kind() { + case protoreflect.GroupKind, protoreflect.MessageKind: + if err := o.unmarshalMessage(v.Bytes(), val.Message()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + default: + val = v + } + haveVal = true + } + if err == errUnknown { + n = protowire.ConsumeFieldValue(num, wtyp, b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + } else if err != nil { + return 0, err + } + b = b[n:] + } + // Every map entry should have entries for key and value, but this is not strictly required. + if !haveKey { + key = keyField.Default() + } + if !haveVal { + switch valField.Kind() { + case protoreflect.GroupKind, protoreflect.MessageKind: + default: + val = valField.Default() + } + } + mapv.Set(key.MapKey(), val) + return n, nil +} + +// errUnknown is used internally to indicate fields which should be added +// to the unknown field set of a message. It is never returned from an exported +// function. +var errUnknown = errors.New("BUG: internal error (unknown)") + +var errDecode = errors.New("cannot parse invalid wire-format data") diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/decode_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/decode_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..301eeb20 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/decode_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,603 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-types. DO NOT EDIT. + +package proto + +import ( + "math" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// unmarshalScalar decodes a value of the given kind. +// +// Message values are decoded into a []byte which aliases the input data. +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshalScalar(b []byte, wtyp protowire.Type, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (val protoreflect.Value, n int, err error) { + switch fd.Kind() { + case protoreflect.BoolKind: + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.EnumKind: + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(protoreflect.EnumNumber(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.Int32Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.Sint32Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v & math.MaxUint32))), n, nil + case protoreflect.Uint32Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.Int64Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.Sint64Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.Uint64Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v), n, nil + case protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.Fixed32Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.FloatKind: + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits(uint32(v))), n, nil + case protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.Fixed64Kind: + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v), n, nil + case protoreflect.DoubleKind: + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.StringKind: + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) && !utf8.Valid(v) { + return protoreflect.Value{}, 0, errors.InvalidUTF8(string(fd.FullName())) + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfString(string(v)), n, nil + case protoreflect.BytesKind: + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(append(emptyBuf[:], v...)), n, nil + case protoreflect.MessageKind: + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(v), n, nil + case protoreflect.GroupKind: + if wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType { + return val, 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeGroup(fd.Number(), b) + if n < 0 { + return val, 0, errDecode + } + return protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(v), n, nil + default: + return val, 0, errUnknown + } +} + +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshalList(b []byte, wtyp protowire.Type, list protoreflect.List, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) (n int, err error) { + switch fd.Kind() { + case protoreflect.BoolKind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfBool(protowire.DecodeBool(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.EnumKind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(protoreflect.EnumNumber(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfEnum(protoreflect.EnumNumber(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Int32Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Sint32Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v & math.MaxUint32)))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v & math.MaxUint32)))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Uint32Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Int64Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Sint64Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(protowire.DecodeZigZag(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Uint64Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v)) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.VarintType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeVarint(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v)) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt32(int32(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Fixed32Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint32(uint32(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.FloatKind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits(uint32(v)))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed32Type { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed32(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat32(math.Float32frombits(uint32(v)))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfInt64(int64(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.Fixed64Kind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v)) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfUint64(v)) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.DoubleKind: + if wtyp == protowire.BytesType { + buf, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + for len(buf) > 0 { + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(buf) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + buf = buf[n:] + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v))) + } + return n, nil + } + if wtyp != protowire.Fixed64Type { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeFixed64(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfFloat64(math.Float64frombits(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.StringKind: + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) && !utf8.Valid(v) { + return 0, errors.InvalidUTF8(string(fd.FullName())) + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfString(string(v))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.BytesKind: + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + list.Append(protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(append(emptyBuf[:], v...))) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.MessageKind: + if wtyp != protowire.BytesType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeBytes(b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + m := list.NewElement() + if err := o.unmarshalMessage(v, m.Message()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + list.Append(m) + return n, nil + case protoreflect.GroupKind: + if wtyp != protowire.StartGroupType { + return 0, errUnknown + } + v, n := protowire.ConsumeGroup(fd.Number(), b) + if n < 0 { + return 0, errDecode + } + m := list.NewElement() + if err := o.unmarshalMessage(v, m.Message()); err != nil { + return 0, err + } + list.Append(m) + return n, nil + default: + return 0, errUnknown + } +} + +// We append to an empty array rather than a nil []byte to get non-nil zero-length byte slices. +var emptyBuf [0]byte diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/doc.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/doc.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c52d8c4a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/doc.go @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package proto provides functions operating on protocol buffer messages. +// +// For documentation on protocol buffers in general, see: +// +// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers +// +// For a tutorial on using protocol buffers with Go, see: +// +// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/gotutorial +// +// For a guide to generated Go protocol buffer code, see: +// +// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/go-generated +// +// +// Binary serialization +// +// This package contains functions to convert to and from the wire format, +// an efficient binary serialization of protocol buffers. +// +// • Size reports the size of a message in the wire format. +// +// • Marshal converts a message to the wire format. +// The MarshalOptions type provides more control over wire marshaling. +// +// • Unmarshal converts a message from the wire format. +// The UnmarshalOptions type provides more control over wire unmarshaling. +// +// +// Basic message operations +// +// • Clone makes a deep copy of a message. +// +// • Merge merges the content of a message into another. +// +// • Equal compares two messages. For more control over comparisons +// and detailed reporting of differences, see package +// "google.golang.org/protobuf/testing/protocmp". +// +// • Reset clears the content of a message. +// +// • CheckInitialized reports whether all required fields in a message are set. +// +// +// Optional scalar constructors +// +// The API for some generated messages represents optional scalar fields +// as pointers to a value. For example, an optional string field has the +// Go type *string. +// +// • Bool, Int32, Int64, Uint32, Uint64, Float32, Float64, and String +// take a value and return a pointer to a new instance of it, +// to simplify construction of optional field values. +// +// Generated enum types usually have an Enum method which performs the +// same operation. +// +// Optional scalar fields are only supported in proto2. +// +// +// Extension accessors +// +// • HasExtension, GetExtension, SetExtension, and ClearExtension +// access extension field values in a protocol buffer message. +// +// Extension fields are only supported in proto2. +// +// +// Related packages +// +// • Package "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protojson" converts messages to +// and from JSON. +// +// • Package "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext" converts messages to +// and from the text format. +// +// • Package "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" provides a +// reflection interface for protocol buffer data types. +// +// • Package "google.golang.org/protobuf/testing/protocmp" provides features +// to compare protocol buffer messages with the "github.com/google/go-cmp/cmp" +// package. +// +// • Package "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/dynamicpb" provides a dynamic +// message type, suitable for working with messages where the protocol buffer +// type is only known at runtime. +// +// This module contains additional packages for more specialized use cases. +// Consult the individual package documentation for details. +package proto diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/encode.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/encode.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d18239c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/encode.go @@ -0,0 +1,319 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// MarshalOptions configures the marshaler. +// +// Example usage: +// b, err := MarshalOptions{Deterministic: true}.Marshal(m) +type MarshalOptions struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + // AllowPartial allows messages that have missing required fields to marshal + // without returning an error. If AllowPartial is false (the default), + // Marshal will return an error if there are any missing required fields. + AllowPartial bool + + // Deterministic controls whether the same message will always be + // serialized to the same bytes within the same binary. + // + // Setting this option guarantees that repeated serialization of + // the same message will return the same bytes, and that different + // processes of the same binary (which may be executing on different + // machines) will serialize equal messages to the same bytes. + // It has no effect on the resulting size of the encoded message compared + // to a non-deterministic marshal. + // + // Note that the deterministic serialization is NOT canonical across + // languages. It is not guaranteed to remain stable over time. It is + // unstable across different builds with schema changes due to unknown + // fields. Users who need canonical serialization (e.g., persistent + // storage in a canonical form, fingerprinting, etc.) must define + // their own canonicalization specification and implement their own + // serializer rather than relying on this API. + // + // If deterministic serialization is requested, map entries will be + // sorted by keys in lexographical order. This is an implementation + // detail and subject to change. + Deterministic bool + + // UseCachedSize indicates that the result of a previous Size call + // may be reused. + // + // Setting this option asserts that: + // + // 1. Size has previously been called on this message with identical + // options (except for UseCachedSize itself). + // + // 2. The message and all its submessages have not changed in any + // way since the Size call. + // + // If either of these invariants is violated, + // the results are undefined and may include panics or corrupted output. + // + // Implementations MAY take this option into account to provide + // better performance, but there is no guarantee that they will do so. + // There is absolutely no guarantee that Size followed by Marshal with + // UseCachedSize set will perform equivalently to Marshal alone. + UseCachedSize bool +} + +// Marshal returns the wire-format encoding of m. +func Marshal(m Message) ([]byte, error) { + // Treat nil message interface as an empty message; nothing to output. + if m == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + out, err := MarshalOptions{}.marshal(nil, m.ProtoReflect()) + if len(out.Buf) == 0 && err == nil { + out.Buf = emptyBytesForMessage(m) + } + return out.Buf, err +} + +// Marshal returns the wire-format encoding of m. +func (o MarshalOptions) Marshal(m Message) ([]byte, error) { + // Treat nil message interface as an empty message; nothing to output. + if m == nil { + return nil, nil + } + + out, err := o.marshal(nil, m.ProtoReflect()) + if len(out.Buf) == 0 && err == nil { + out.Buf = emptyBytesForMessage(m) + } + return out.Buf, err +} + +// emptyBytesForMessage returns a nil buffer if and only if m is invalid, +// otherwise it returns a non-nil empty buffer. +// +// This is to assist the edge-case where user-code does the following: +// m1.OptionalBytes, _ = proto.Marshal(m2) +// where they expect the proto2 "optional_bytes" field to be populated +// if any only if m2 is a valid message. +func emptyBytesForMessage(m Message) []byte { + if m == nil || !m.ProtoReflect().IsValid() { + return nil + } + return emptyBuf[:] +} + +// MarshalAppend appends the wire-format encoding of m to b, +// returning the result. +func (o MarshalOptions) MarshalAppend(b []byte, m Message) ([]byte, error) { + // Treat nil message interface as an empty message; nothing to append. + if m == nil { + return b, nil + } + + out, err := o.marshal(b, m.ProtoReflect()) + return out.Buf, err +} + +// MarshalState returns the wire-format encoding of a message. +// +// This method permits fine-grained control over the marshaler. +// Most users should use Marshal instead. +func (o MarshalOptions) MarshalState(in protoiface.MarshalInput) (protoiface.MarshalOutput, error) { + return o.marshal(in.Buf, in.Message) +} + +// marshal is a centralized function that all marshal operations go through. +// For profiling purposes, avoid changing the name of this function or +// introducing other code paths for marshal that do not go through this. +func (o MarshalOptions) marshal(b []byte, m protoreflect.Message) (out protoiface.MarshalOutput, err error) { + allowPartial := o.AllowPartial + o.AllowPartial = true + if methods := protoMethods(m); methods != nil && methods.Marshal != nil && + !(o.Deterministic && methods.Flags&protoiface.SupportMarshalDeterministic == 0) { + in := protoiface.MarshalInput{ + Message: m, + Buf: b, + } + if o.Deterministic { + in.Flags |= protoiface.MarshalDeterministic + } + if o.UseCachedSize { + in.Flags |= protoiface.MarshalUseCachedSize + } + if methods.Size != nil { + sout := methods.Size(protoiface.SizeInput{ + Message: m, + Flags: in.Flags, + }) + if cap(b) < len(b)+sout.Size { + in.Buf = make([]byte, len(b), growcap(cap(b), len(b)+sout.Size)) + copy(in.Buf, b) + } + in.Flags |= protoiface.MarshalUseCachedSize + } + out, err = methods.Marshal(in) + } else { + out.Buf, err = o.marshalMessageSlow(b, m) + } + if err != nil { + return out, err + } + if allowPartial { + return out, nil + } + return out, checkInitialized(m) +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) marshalMessage(b []byte, m protoreflect.Message) ([]byte, error) { + out, err := o.marshal(b, m) + return out.Buf, err +} + +// growcap scales up the capacity of a slice. +// +// Given a slice with a current capacity of oldcap and a desired +// capacity of wantcap, growcap returns a new capacity >= wantcap. +// +// The algorithm is mostly identical to the one used by append as of Go 1.14. +func growcap(oldcap, wantcap int) (newcap int) { + if wantcap > oldcap*2 { + newcap = wantcap + } else if oldcap < 1024 { + // The Go 1.14 runtime takes this case when len(s) < 1024, + // not when cap(s) < 1024. The difference doesn't seem + // significant here. + newcap = oldcap * 2 + } else { + newcap = oldcap + for 0 < newcap && newcap < wantcap { + newcap += newcap / 4 + } + if newcap <= 0 { + newcap = wantcap + } + } + return newcap +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) marshalMessageSlow(b []byte, m protoreflect.Message) ([]byte, error) { + if messageset.IsMessageSet(m.Descriptor()) { + return o.marshalMessageSet(b, m) + } + fieldOrder := order.AnyFieldOrder + if o.Deterministic { + // TODO: This should use a more natural ordering like NumberFieldOrder, + // but doing so breaks golden tests that make invalid assumption about + // output stability of this implementation. + fieldOrder = order.LegacyFieldOrder + } + var err error + order.RangeFields(m, fieldOrder, func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + b, err = o.marshalField(b, fd, v) + return err == nil + }) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + b = append(b, m.GetUnknown()...) + return b, nil +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) marshalField(b []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, value protoreflect.Value) ([]byte, error) { + switch { + case fd.IsList(): + return o.marshalList(b, fd, value.List()) + case fd.IsMap(): + return o.marshalMap(b, fd, value.Map()) + default: + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, fd.Number(), wireTypes[fd.Kind()]) + return o.marshalSingular(b, fd, value) + } +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) marshalList(b []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, list protoreflect.List) ([]byte, error) { + if fd.IsPacked() && list.Len() > 0 { + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, fd.Number(), protowire.BytesType) + b, pos := appendSpeculativeLength(b) + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + var err error + b, err = o.marshalSingular(b, fd, list.Get(i)) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + b = finishSpeculativeLength(b, pos) + return b, nil + } + + kind := fd.Kind() + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + var err error + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, fd.Number(), wireTypes[kind]) + b, err = o.marshalSingular(b, fd, list.Get(i)) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + } + return b, nil +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) marshalMap(b []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, mapv protoreflect.Map) ([]byte, error) { + keyf := fd.MapKey() + valf := fd.MapValue() + keyOrder := order.AnyKeyOrder + if o.Deterministic { + keyOrder = order.GenericKeyOrder + } + var err error + order.RangeEntries(mapv, keyOrder, func(key protoreflect.MapKey, value protoreflect.Value) bool { + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, fd.Number(), protowire.BytesType) + var pos int + b, pos = appendSpeculativeLength(b) + + b, err = o.marshalField(b, keyf, key.Value()) + if err != nil { + return false + } + b, err = o.marshalField(b, valf, value) + if err != nil { + return false + } + b = finishSpeculativeLength(b, pos) + return true + }) + return b, err +} + +// When encoding length-prefixed fields, we speculatively set aside some number of bytes +// for the length, encode the data, and then encode the length (shifting the data if necessary +// to make room). +const speculativeLength = 1 + +func appendSpeculativeLength(b []byte) ([]byte, int) { + pos := len(b) + b = append(b, "\x00\x00\x00\x00"[:speculativeLength]...) + return b, pos +} + +func finishSpeculativeLength(b []byte, pos int) []byte { + mlen := len(b) - pos - speculativeLength + msiz := protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(mlen)) + if msiz != speculativeLength { + for i := 0; i < msiz-speculativeLength; i++ { + b = append(b, 0) + } + copy(b[pos+msiz:], b[pos+speculativeLength:]) + b = b[:pos+msiz+mlen] + } + protowire.AppendVarint(b[:pos], uint64(mlen)) + return b +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/encode_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/encode_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..185dacfb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/encode_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-types. DO NOT EDIT. + +package proto + +import ( + "math" + "unicode/utf8" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +var wireTypes = map[protoreflect.Kind]protowire.Type{ + protoreflect.BoolKind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.EnumKind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Int32Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Sint32Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Uint32Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Int64Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Sint64Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Uint64Kind: protowire.VarintType, + protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind: protowire.Fixed32Type, + protoreflect.Fixed32Kind: protowire.Fixed32Type, + protoreflect.FloatKind: protowire.Fixed32Type, + protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind: protowire.Fixed64Type, + protoreflect.Fixed64Kind: protowire.Fixed64Type, + protoreflect.DoubleKind: protowire.Fixed64Type, + protoreflect.StringKind: protowire.BytesType, + protoreflect.BytesKind: protowire.BytesType, + protoreflect.MessageKind: protowire.BytesType, + protoreflect.GroupKind: protowire.StartGroupType, +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) marshalSingular(b []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) ([]byte, error) { + switch fd.Kind() { + case protoreflect.BoolKind: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeBool(v.Bool())) + case protoreflect.EnumKind: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v.Enum())) + case protoreflect.Int32Kind: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(int32(v.Int()))) + case protoreflect.Sint32Kind: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(int32(v.Int())))) + case protoreflect.Uint32Kind: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(uint32(v.Uint()))) + case protoreflect.Int64Kind: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(v.Int())) + case protoreflect.Sint64Kind: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeZigZag(v.Int())) + case protoreflect.Uint64Kind: + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, v.Uint()) + case protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind: + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v.Int())) + case protoreflect.Fixed32Kind: + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, uint32(v.Uint())) + case protoreflect.FloatKind: + b = protowire.AppendFixed32(b, math.Float32bits(float32(v.Float()))) + case protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind: + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, uint64(v.Int())) + case protoreflect.Fixed64Kind: + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, v.Uint()) + case protoreflect.DoubleKind: + b = protowire.AppendFixed64(b, math.Float64bits(v.Float())) + case protoreflect.StringKind: + if strs.EnforceUTF8(fd) && !utf8.ValidString(v.String()) { + return b, errors.InvalidUTF8(string(fd.FullName())) + } + b = protowire.AppendString(b, v.String()) + case protoreflect.BytesKind: + b = protowire.AppendBytes(b, v.Bytes()) + case protoreflect.MessageKind: + var pos int + var err error + b, pos = appendSpeculativeLength(b) + b, err = o.marshalMessage(b, v.Message()) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + b = finishSpeculativeLength(b, pos) + case protoreflect.GroupKind: + var err error + b, err = o.marshalMessage(b, v.Message()) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, protowire.EncodeTag(fd.Number(), protowire.EndGroupType)) + default: + return b, errors.New("invalid kind %v", fd.Kind()) + } + return b, nil +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/equal.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/equal.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4dba2b96 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/equal.go @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "bytes" + "math" + "reflect" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + pref "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// Equal reports whether two messages are equal. +// If two messages marshal to the same bytes under deterministic serialization, +// then Equal is guaranteed to report true. +// +// Two messages are equal if they belong to the same message descriptor, +// have the same set of populated known and extension field values, +// and the same set of unknown fields values. If either of the top-level +// messages are invalid, then Equal reports true only if both are invalid. +// +// Scalar values are compared with the equivalent of the == operator in Go, +// except bytes values which are compared using bytes.Equal and +// floating point values which specially treat NaNs as equal. +// Message values are compared by recursively calling Equal. +// Lists are equal if each element value is also equal. +// Maps are equal if they have the same set of keys, where the pair of values +// for each key is also equal. +func Equal(x, y Message) bool { + if x == nil || y == nil { + return x == nil && y == nil + } + mx := x.ProtoReflect() + my := y.ProtoReflect() + if mx.IsValid() != my.IsValid() { + return false + } + return equalMessage(mx, my) +} + +// equalMessage compares two messages. +func equalMessage(mx, my pref.Message) bool { + if mx.Descriptor() != my.Descriptor() { + return false + } + + nx := 0 + equal := true + mx.Range(func(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, vx pref.Value) bool { + nx++ + vy := my.Get(fd) + equal = my.Has(fd) && equalField(fd, vx, vy) + return equal + }) + if !equal { + return false + } + ny := 0 + my.Range(func(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, vx pref.Value) bool { + ny++ + return true + }) + if nx != ny { + return false + } + + return equalUnknown(mx.GetUnknown(), my.GetUnknown()) +} + +// equalField compares two fields. +func equalField(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, x, y pref.Value) bool { + switch { + case fd.IsList(): + return equalList(fd, x.List(), y.List()) + case fd.IsMap(): + return equalMap(fd, x.Map(), y.Map()) + default: + return equalValue(fd, x, y) + } +} + +// equalMap compares two maps. +func equalMap(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, x, y pref.Map) bool { + if x.Len() != y.Len() { + return false + } + equal := true + x.Range(func(k pref.MapKey, vx pref.Value) bool { + vy := y.Get(k) + equal = y.Has(k) && equalValue(fd.MapValue(), vx, vy) + return equal + }) + return equal +} + +// equalList compares two lists. +func equalList(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, x, y pref.List) bool { + if x.Len() != y.Len() { + return false + } + for i := x.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if !equalValue(fd, x.Get(i), y.Get(i)) { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// equalValue compares two singular values. +func equalValue(fd pref.FieldDescriptor, x, y pref.Value) bool { + switch fd.Kind() { + case pref.BoolKind: + return x.Bool() == y.Bool() + case pref.EnumKind: + return x.Enum() == y.Enum() + case pref.Int32Kind, pref.Sint32Kind, + pref.Int64Kind, pref.Sint64Kind, + pref.Sfixed32Kind, pref.Sfixed64Kind: + return x.Int() == y.Int() + case pref.Uint32Kind, pref.Uint64Kind, + pref.Fixed32Kind, pref.Fixed64Kind: + return x.Uint() == y.Uint() + case pref.FloatKind, pref.DoubleKind: + fx := x.Float() + fy := y.Float() + if math.IsNaN(fx) || math.IsNaN(fy) { + return math.IsNaN(fx) && math.IsNaN(fy) + } + return fx == fy + case pref.StringKind: + return x.String() == y.String() + case pref.BytesKind: + return bytes.Equal(x.Bytes(), y.Bytes()) + case pref.MessageKind, pref.GroupKind: + return equalMessage(x.Message(), y.Message()) + default: + return x.Interface() == y.Interface() + } +} + +// equalUnknown compares unknown fields by direct comparison on the raw bytes +// of each individual field number. +func equalUnknown(x, y pref.RawFields) bool { + if len(x) != len(y) { + return false + } + if bytes.Equal([]byte(x), []byte(y)) { + return true + } + + mx := make(map[pref.FieldNumber]pref.RawFields) + my := make(map[pref.FieldNumber]pref.RawFields) + for len(x) > 0 { + fnum, _, n := protowire.ConsumeField(x) + mx[fnum] = append(mx[fnum], x[:n]...) + x = x[n:] + } + for len(y) > 0 { + fnum, _, n := protowire.ConsumeField(y) + my[fnum] = append(my[fnum], y[:n]...) + y = y[n:] + } + return reflect.DeepEqual(mx, my) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/extension.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/extension.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f293cda --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/extension.go @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// HasExtension reports whether an extension field is populated. +// It returns false if m is invalid or if xt does not extend m. +func HasExtension(m Message, xt protoreflect.ExtensionType) bool { + // Treat nil message interface as an empty message; no populated fields. + if m == nil { + return false + } + + // As a special-case, we reports invalid or mismatching descriptors + // as always not being populated (since they aren't). + if xt == nil || m.ProtoReflect().Descriptor() != xt.TypeDescriptor().ContainingMessage() { + return false + } + + return m.ProtoReflect().Has(xt.TypeDescriptor()) +} + +// ClearExtension clears an extension field such that subsequent +// HasExtension calls return false. +// It panics if m is invalid or if xt does not extend m. +func ClearExtension(m Message, xt protoreflect.ExtensionType) { + m.ProtoReflect().Clear(xt.TypeDescriptor()) +} + +// GetExtension retrieves the value for an extension field. +// If the field is unpopulated, it returns the default value for +// scalars and an immutable, empty value for lists or messages. +// It panics if xt does not extend m. +func GetExtension(m Message, xt protoreflect.ExtensionType) interface{} { + // Treat nil message interface as an empty message; return the default. + if m == nil { + return xt.InterfaceOf(xt.Zero()) + } + + return xt.InterfaceOf(m.ProtoReflect().Get(xt.TypeDescriptor())) +} + +// SetExtension stores the value of an extension field. +// It panics if m is invalid, xt does not extend m, or if type of v +// is invalid for the specified extension field. +func SetExtension(m Message, xt protoreflect.ExtensionType, v interface{}) { + xd := xt.TypeDescriptor() + pv := xt.ValueOf(v) + + // Specially treat an invalid list, map, or message as clear. + isValid := true + switch { + case xd.IsList(): + isValid = pv.List().IsValid() + case xd.IsMap(): + isValid = pv.Map().IsValid() + case xd.Message() != nil: + isValid = pv.Message().IsValid() + } + if !isValid { + m.ProtoReflect().Clear(xd) + return + } + + m.ProtoReflect().Set(xd, pv) +} + +// RangeExtensions iterates over every populated extension field in m in an +// undefined order, calling f for each extension type and value encountered. +// It returns immediately if f returns false. +// While iterating, mutating operations may only be performed +// on the current extension field. +func RangeExtensions(m Message, f func(protoreflect.ExtensionType, interface{}) bool) { + // Treat nil message interface as an empty message; nothing to range over. + if m == nil { + return + } + + m.ProtoReflect().Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + if fd.IsExtension() { + xt := fd.(protoreflect.ExtensionTypeDescriptor).Type() + vi := xt.InterfaceOf(v) + return f(xt, vi) + } + return true + }) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/merge.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/merge.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d761ab33 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/merge.go @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "fmt" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// Merge merges src into dst, which must be a message with the same descriptor. +// +// Populated scalar fields in src are copied to dst, while populated +// singular messages in src are merged into dst by recursively calling Merge. +// The elements of every list field in src is appended to the corresponded +// list fields in dst. The entries of every map field in src is copied into +// the corresponding map field in dst, possibly replacing existing entries. +// The unknown fields of src are appended to the unknown fields of dst. +// +// It is semantically equivalent to unmarshaling the encoded form of src +// into dst with the UnmarshalOptions.Merge option specified. +func Merge(dst, src Message) { + // TODO: Should nil src be treated as semantically equivalent to a + // untyped, read-only, empty message? What about a nil dst? + + dstMsg, srcMsg := dst.ProtoReflect(), src.ProtoReflect() + if dstMsg.Descriptor() != srcMsg.Descriptor() { + if got, want := dstMsg.Descriptor().FullName(), srcMsg.Descriptor().FullName(); got != want { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("descriptor mismatch: %v != %v", got, want)) + } + panic("descriptor mismatch") + } + mergeOptions{}.mergeMessage(dstMsg, srcMsg) +} + +// Clone returns a deep copy of m. +// If the top-level message is invalid, it returns an invalid message as well. +func Clone(m Message) Message { + // NOTE: Most usages of Clone assume the following properties: + // t := reflect.TypeOf(m) + // t == reflect.TypeOf(m.ProtoReflect().New().Interface()) + // t == reflect.TypeOf(m.ProtoReflect().Type().Zero().Interface()) + // + // Embedding protobuf messages breaks this since the parent type will have + // a forwarded ProtoReflect method, but the Interface method will return + // the underlying embedded message type. + if m == nil { + return nil + } + src := m.ProtoReflect() + if !src.IsValid() { + return src.Type().Zero().Interface() + } + dst := src.New() + mergeOptions{}.mergeMessage(dst, src) + return dst.Interface() +} + +// mergeOptions provides a namespace for merge functions, and can be +// exported in the future if we add user-visible merge options. +type mergeOptions struct{} + +func (o mergeOptions) mergeMessage(dst, src protoreflect.Message) { + methods := protoMethods(dst) + if methods != nil && methods.Merge != nil { + in := protoiface.MergeInput{ + Destination: dst, + Source: src, + } + out := methods.Merge(in) + if out.Flags&protoiface.MergeComplete != 0 { + return + } + } + + if !dst.IsValid() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot merge into invalid %v message", dst.Descriptor().FullName())) + } + + src.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + switch { + case fd.IsList(): + o.mergeList(dst.Mutable(fd).List(), v.List(), fd) + case fd.IsMap(): + o.mergeMap(dst.Mutable(fd).Map(), v.Map(), fd.MapValue()) + case fd.Message() != nil: + o.mergeMessage(dst.Mutable(fd).Message(), v.Message()) + case fd.Kind() == protoreflect.BytesKind: + dst.Set(fd, o.cloneBytes(v)) + default: + dst.Set(fd, v) + } + return true + }) + + if len(src.GetUnknown()) > 0 { + dst.SetUnknown(append(dst.GetUnknown(), src.GetUnknown()...)) + } +} + +func (o mergeOptions) mergeList(dst, src protoreflect.List, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) { + // Merge semantics appends to the end of the existing list. + for i, n := 0, src.Len(); i < n; i++ { + switch v := src.Get(i); { + case fd.Message() != nil: + dstv := dst.NewElement() + o.mergeMessage(dstv.Message(), v.Message()) + dst.Append(dstv) + case fd.Kind() == protoreflect.BytesKind: + dst.Append(o.cloneBytes(v)) + default: + dst.Append(v) + } + } +} + +func (o mergeOptions) mergeMap(dst, src protoreflect.Map, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor) { + // Merge semantics replaces, rather than merges into existing entries. + src.Range(func(k protoreflect.MapKey, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + switch { + case fd.Message() != nil: + dstv := dst.NewValue() + o.mergeMessage(dstv.Message(), v.Message()) + dst.Set(k, dstv) + case fd.Kind() == protoreflect.BytesKind: + dst.Set(k, o.cloneBytes(v)) + default: + dst.Set(k, v) + } + return true + }) +} + +func (o mergeOptions) cloneBytes(v protoreflect.Value) protoreflect.Value { + return protoreflect.ValueOfBytes(append([]byte{}, v.Bytes()...)) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/messageset.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/messageset.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..312d5d45 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/messageset.go @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry" +) + +func (o MarshalOptions) sizeMessageSet(m protoreflect.Message) (size int) { + m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + size += messageset.SizeField(fd.Number()) + size += protowire.SizeTag(messageset.FieldMessage) + size += protowire.SizeBytes(o.size(v.Message())) + return true + }) + size += messageset.SizeUnknown(m.GetUnknown()) + return size +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) marshalMessageSet(b []byte, m protoreflect.Message) ([]byte, error) { + if !flags.ProtoLegacy { + return b, errors.New("no support for message_set_wire_format") + } + fieldOrder := order.AnyFieldOrder + if o.Deterministic { + fieldOrder = order.NumberFieldOrder + } + var err error + order.RangeFields(m, fieldOrder, func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + b, err = o.marshalMessageSetField(b, fd, v) + return err == nil + }) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + return messageset.AppendUnknown(b, m.GetUnknown()) +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) marshalMessageSetField(b []byte, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, value protoreflect.Value) ([]byte, error) { + b = messageset.AppendFieldStart(b, fd.Number()) + b = protowire.AppendTag(b, messageset.FieldMessage, protowire.BytesType) + b = protowire.AppendVarint(b, uint64(o.Size(value.Message().Interface()))) + b, err := o.marshalMessage(b, value.Message()) + if err != nil { + return b, err + } + b = messageset.AppendFieldEnd(b) + return b, nil +} + +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshalMessageSet(b []byte, m protoreflect.Message) error { + if !flags.ProtoLegacy { + return errors.New("no support for message_set_wire_format") + } + return messageset.Unmarshal(b, false, func(num protowire.Number, v []byte) error { + err := o.unmarshalMessageSetField(m, num, v) + if err == errUnknown { + unknown := m.GetUnknown() + unknown = protowire.AppendTag(unknown, num, protowire.BytesType) + unknown = protowire.AppendBytes(unknown, v) + m.SetUnknown(unknown) + return nil + } + return err + }) +} + +func (o UnmarshalOptions) unmarshalMessageSetField(m protoreflect.Message, num protowire.Number, v []byte) error { + md := m.Descriptor() + if !md.ExtensionRanges().Has(num) { + return errUnknown + } + xt, err := o.Resolver.FindExtensionByNumber(md.FullName(), num) + if err == protoregistry.NotFound { + return errUnknown + } + if err != nil { + return errors.New("%v: unable to resolve extension %v: %v", md.FullName(), num, err) + } + xd := xt.TypeDescriptor() + if err := o.unmarshalMessage(v, m.Mutable(xd).Message()); err != nil { + return err + } + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/proto.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/proto.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f0d183b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/proto.go @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// Message is the top-level interface that all messages must implement. +// It provides access to a reflective view of a message. +// Any implementation of this interface may be used with all functions in the +// protobuf module that accept a Message, except where otherwise specified. +// +// This is the v2 interface definition for protobuf messages. +// The v1 interface definition is "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto".Message. +// +// To convert a v1 message to a v2 message, +// use "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto".MessageV2. +// To convert a v2 message to a v1 message, +// use "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto".MessageV1. +type Message = protoreflect.ProtoMessage + +// Error matches all errors produced by packages in the protobuf module. +// +// That is, errors.Is(err, Error) reports whether an error is produced +// by this module. +var Error error + +func init() { + Error = errors.Error +} + +// MessageName returns the full name of m. +// If m is nil, it returns an empty string. +func MessageName(m Message) protoreflect.FullName { + if m == nil { + return "" + } + return m.ProtoReflect().Descriptor().FullName() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/proto_methods.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/proto_methods.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d8dd604f --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/proto_methods.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// The protoreflect build tag disables use of fast-path methods. +// +build !protoreflect + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +const hasProtoMethods = true + +func protoMethods(m protoreflect.Message) *protoiface.Methods { + return m.ProtoMethods() +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/proto_reflect.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/proto_reflect.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b103d432 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/proto_reflect.go @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// The protoreflect build tag disables use of fast-path methods. +// +build protoreflect + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +const hasProtoMethods = false + +func protoMethods(m protoreflect.Message) *protoiface.Methods { + return nil +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/reset.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/reset.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3d7f8943 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/reset.go @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "fmt" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// Reset clears every field in the message. +// The resulting message shares no observable memory with its previous state +// other than the memory for the message itself. +func Reset(m Message) { + if mr, ok := m.(interface{ Reset() }); ok && hasProtoMethods { + mr.Reset() + return + } + resetMessage(m.ProtoReflect()) +} + +func resetMessage(m protoreflect.Message) { + if !m.IsValid() { + panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot reset invalid %v message", m.Descriptor().FullName())) + } + + // Clear all known fields. + fds := m.Descriptor().Fields() + for i := 0; i < fds.Len(); i++ { + m.Clear(fds.Get(i)) + } + + // Clear extension fields. + m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, _ protoreflect.Value) bool { + m.Clear(fd) + return true + }) + + // Clear unknown fields. + m.SetUnknown(nil) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/size.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/size.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..554b9c6c --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/size.go @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface" +) + +// Size returns the size in bytes of the wire-format encoding of m. +func Size(m Message) int { + return MarshalOptions{}.Size(m) +} + +// Size returns the size in bytes of the wire-format encoding of m. +func (o MarshalOptions) Size(m Message) int { + // Treat a nil message interface as an empty message; nothing to output. + if m == nil { + return 0 + } + + return o.size(m.ProtoReflect()) +} + +// size is a centralized function that all size operations go through. +// For profiling purposes, avoid changing the name of this function or +// introducing other code paths for size that do not go through this. +func (o MarshalOptions) size(m protoreflect.Message) (size int) { + methods := protoMethods(m) + if methods != nil && methods.Size != nil { + out := methods.Size(protoiface.SizeInput{ + Message: m, + }) + return out.Size + } + if methods != nil && methods.Marshal != nil { + // This is not efficient, but we don't have any choice. + // This case is mainly used for legacy types with a Marshal method. + out, _ := methods.Marshal(protoiface.MarshalInput{ + Message: m, + }) + return len(out.Buf) + } + return o.sizeMessageSlow(m) +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) sizeMessageSlow(m protoreflect.Message) (size int) { + if messageset.IsMessageSet(m.Descriptor()) { + return o.sizeMessageSet(m) + } + m.Range(func(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, v protoreflect.Value) bool { + size += o.sizeField(fd, v) + return true + }) + size += len(m.GetUnknown()) + return size +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) sizeField(fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, value protoreflect.Value) (size int) { + num := fd.Number() + switch { + case fd.IsList(): + return o.sizeList(num, fd, value.List()) + case fd.IsMap(): + return o.sizeMap(num, fd, value.Map()) + default: + return protowire.SizeTag(num) + o.sizeSingular(num, fd.Kind(), value) + } +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) sizeList(num protowire.Number, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, list protoreflect.List) (size int) { + if fd.IsPacked() && list.Len() > 0 { + content := 0 + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + content += o.sizeSingular(num, fd.Kind(), list.Get(i)) + } + return protowire.SizeTag(num) + protowire.SizeBytes(content) + } + + for i, llen := 0, list.Len(); i < llen; i++ { + size += protowire.SizeTag(num) + o.sizeSingular(num, fd.Kind(), list.Get(i)) + } + return size +} + +func (o MarshalOptions) sizeMap(num protowire.Number, fd protoreflect.FieldDescriptor, mapv protoreflect.Map) (size int) { + mapv.Range(func(key protoreflect.MapKey, value protoreflect.Value) bool { + size += protowire.SizeTag(num) + size += protowire.SizeBytes(o.sizeField(fd.MapKey(), key.Value()) + o.sizeField(fd.MapValue(), value)) + return true + }) + return size +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/size_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/size_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3cf61a82 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/size_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-types. DO NOT EDIT. + +package proto + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +func (o MarshalOptions) sizeSingular(num protowire.Number, kind protoreflect.Kind, v protoreflect.Value) int { + switch kind { + case protoreflect.BoolKind: + return protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeBool(v.Bool())) + case protoreflect.EnumKind: + return protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Enum())) + case protoreflect.Int32Kind: + return protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(int32(v.Int()))) + case protoreflect.Sint32Kind: + return protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(int64(int32(v.Int())))) + case protoreflect.Uint32Kind: + return protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(uint32(v.Uint()))) + case protoreflect.Int64Kind: + return protowire.SizeVarint(uint64(v.Int())) + case protoreflect.Sint64Kind: + return protowire.SizeVarint(protowire.EncodeZigZag(v.Int())) + case protoreflect.Uint64Kind: + return protowire.SizeVarint(v.Uint()) + case protoreflect.Sfixed32Kind: + return protowire.SizeFixed32() + case protoreflect.Fixed32Kind: + return protowire.SizeFixed32() + case protoreflect.FloatKind: + return protowire.SizeFixed32() + case protoreflect.Sfixed64Kind: + return protowire.SizeFixed64() + case protoreflect.Fixed64Kind: + return protowire.SizeFixed64() + case protoreflect.DoubleKind: + return protowire.SizeFixed64() + case protoreflect.StringKind: + return protowire.SizeBytes(len(v.String())) + case protoreflect.BytesKind: + return protowire.SizeBytes(len(v.Bytes())) + case protoreflect.MessageKind: + return protowire.SizeBytes(o.size(v.Message())) + case protoreflect.GroupKind: + return protowire.SizeGroup(num, o.size(v.Message())) + default: + return 0 + } +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/wrappers.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/wrappers.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..653b12c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/proto/wrappers.go @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package proto + +// Bool stores v in a new bool value and returns a pointer to it. +func Bool(v bool) *bool { return &v } + +// Int32 stores v in a new int32 value and returns a pointer to it. +func Int32(v int32) *int32 { return &v } + +// Int64 stores v in a new int64 value and returns a pointer to it. +func Int64(v int64) *int64 { return &v } + +// Float32 stores v in a new float32 value and returns a pointer to it. +func Float32(v float32) *float32 { return &v } + +// Float64 stores v in a new float64 value and returns a pointer to it. +func Float64(v float64) *float64 { return &v } + +// Uint32 stores v in a new uint32 value and returns a pointer to it. +func Uint32(v uint32) *uint32 { return &v } + +// Uint64 stores v in a new uint64 value and returns a pointer to it. +func Uint64(v uint64) *uint64 { return &v } + +// String stores v in a new string value and returns a pointer to it. +func String(v string) *string { return &v } diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/methods.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/methods.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6be5d16e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/methods.go @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package protoreflect + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" +) + +// The following types are used by the fast-path Message.ProtoMethods method. +// +// To avoid polluting the public protoreflect API with types used only by +// low-level implementations, the canonical definitions of these types are +// in the runtime/protoiface package. The definitions here and in protoiface +// must be kept in sync. +type ( + methods = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Flags supportFlags + Size func(sizeInput) sizeOutput + Marshal func(marshalInput) (marshalOutput, error) + Unmarshal func(unmarshalInput) (unmarshalOutput, error) + Merge func(mergeInput) mergeOutput + CheckInitialized func(checkInitializedInput) (checkInitializedOutput, error) + } + supportFlags = uint64 + sizeInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Message Message + Flags uint8 + } + sizeOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Size int + } + marshalInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Message Message + Buf []byte + Flags uint8 + } + marshalOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Buf []byte + } + unmarshalInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Message Message + Buf []byte + Flags uint8 + Resolver interface { + FindExtensionByName(field FullName) (ExtensionType, error) + FindExtensionByNumber(message FullName, field FieldNumber) (ExtensionType, error) + } + } + unmarshalOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Flags uint8 + } + mergeInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Source Message + Destination Message + } + mergeOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Flags uint8 + } + checkInitializedInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + Message Message + } + checkInitializedOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + } +) diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/proto.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/proto.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dd85915b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/proto.go @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package protoreflect provides interfaces to dynamically manipulate messages. +// +// This package includes type descriptors which describe the structure of types +// defined in proto source files and value interfaces which provide the +// ability to examine and manipulate the contents of messages. +// +// +// Protocol Buffer Descriptors +// +// Protobuf descriptors (e.g., EnumDescriptor or MessageDescriptor) +// are immutable objects that represent protobuf type information. +// They are wrappers around the messages declared in descriptor.proto. +// Protobuf descriptors alone lack any information regarding Go types. +// +// Enums and messages generated by this module implement Enum and ProtoMessage, +// where the Descriptor and ProtoReflect.Descriptor accessors respectively +// return the protobuf descriptor for the values. +// +// The protobuf descriptor interfaces are not meant to be implemented by +// user code since they might need to be extended in the future to support +// additions to the protobuf language. +// The "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protodesc" package converts between +// google.protobuf.DescriptorProto messages and protobuf descriptors. +// +// +// Go Type Descriptors +// +// A type descriptor (e.g., EnumType or MessageType) is a constructor for +// a concrete Go type that represents the associated protobuf descriptor. +// There is commonly a one-to-one relationship between protobuf descriptors and +// Go type descriptors, but it can potentially be a one-to-many relationship. +// +// Enums and messages generated by this module implement Enum and ProtoMessage, +// where the Type and ProtoReflect.Type accessors respectively +// return the protobuf descriptor for the values. +// +// The "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/dynamicpb" package can be used to +// create Go type descriptors from protobuf descriptors. +// +// +// Value Interfaces +// +// The Enum and Message interfaces provide a reflective view over an +// enum or message instance. For enums, it provides the ability to retrieve +// the enum value number for any concrete enum type. For messages, it provides +// the ability to access or manipulate fields of the message. +// +// To convert a proto.Message to a protoreflect.Message, use the +// former's ProtoReflect method. Since the ProtoReflect method is new to the +// v2 message interface, it may not be present on older message implementations. +// The "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto".MessageReflect function can be used +// to obtain a reflective view on older messages. +// +// +// Relationships +// +// The following diagrams demonstrate the relationships between +// various types declared in this package. +// +// +// ┌───────────────────────────────────┐ +// V │ +// ┌────────────── New(n) ─────────────┐ │ +// │ │ │ +// │ ┌──── Descriptor() ──┐ │ ┌── Number() ──┐ │ +// │ │ V V │ V │ +// ╔════════════╗ ╔════════════════╗ ╔════════╗ ╔════════════╗ +// ║ EnumType ║ ║ EnumDescriptor ║ ║ Enum ║ ║ EnumNumber ║ +// ╚════════════╝ ╚════════════════╝ ╚════════╝ ╚════════════╝ +// Λ Λ │ │ +// │ └─── Descriptor() ──┘ │ +// │ │ +// └────────────────── Type() ───────┘ +// +// • An EnumType describes a concrete Go enum type. +// It has an EnumDescriptor and can construct an Enum instance. +// +// • An EnumDescriptor describes an abstract protobuf enum type. +// +// • An Enum is a concrete enum instance. Generated enums implement Enum. +// +// +// ┌──────────────── New() ─────────────────┐ +// │ │ +// │ ┌─── Descriptor() ─────┐ │ ┌── Interface() ───┐ +// │ │ V V │ V +// ╔═════════════╗ ╔═══════════════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔══════════════╗ +// ║ MessageType ║ ║ MessageDescriptor ║ ║ Message ║ ║ ProtoMessage ║ +// ╚═════════════╝ ╚═══════════════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚══════════════╝ +// Λ Λ │ │ Λ │ +// │ └──── Descriptor() ────┘ │ └─ ProtoReflect() ─┘ +// │ │ +// └─────────────────── Type() ─────────┘ +// +// • A MessageType describes a concrete Go message type. +// It has a MessageDescriptor and can construct a Message instance. +// +// • A MessageDescriptor describes an abstract protobuf message type. +// +// • A Message is a concrete message instance. Generated messages implement +// ProtoMessage, which can convert to/from a Message. +// +// +// ┌── TypeDescriptor() ──┐ ┌───── Descriptor() ─────┐ +// │ V │ V +// ╔═══════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════════╗ ╔═════════════════════╗ +// ║ ExtensionType ║ ║ ExtensionTypeDescriptor ║ ║ ExtensionDescriptor ║ +// ╚═══════════════╝ ╚═════════════════════════╝ ╚═════════════════════╝ +// Λ │ │ Λ │ Λ +// └─────── Type() ───────┘ │ └─── may implement ────┘ │ +// │ │ +// └────── implements ────────┘ +// +// • An ExtensionType describes a concrete Go implementation of an extension. +// It has an ExtensionTypeDescriptor and can convert to/from +// abstract Values and Go values. +// +// • An ExtensionTypeDescriptor is an ExtensionDescriptor +// which also has an ExtensionType. +// +// • An ExtensionDescriptor describes an abstract protobuf extension field and +// may not always be an ExtensionTypeDescriptor. +package protoreflect + +import ( + "fmt" + "strings" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" +) + +type doNotImplement pragma.DoNotImplement + +// ProtoMessage is the top-level interface that all proto messages implement. +// This is declared in the protoreflect package to avoid a cyclic dependency; +// use the proto.Message type instead, which aliases this type. +type ProtoMessage interface{ ProtoReflect() Message } + +// Syntax is the language version of the proto file. +type Syntax syntax + +type syntax int8 // keep exact type opaque as the int type may change + +const ( + Proto2 Syntax = 2 + Proto3 Syntax = 3 +) + +// IsValid reports whether the syntax is valid. +func (s Syntax) IsValid() bool { + switch s { + case Proto2, Proto3: + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +// String returns s as a proto source identifier (e.g., "proto2"). +func (s Syntax) String() string { + switch s { + case Proto2: + return "proto2" + case Proto3: + return "proto3" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("", s) + } +} + +// GoString returns s as a Go source identifier (e.g., "Proto2"). +func (s Syntax) GoString() string { + switch s { + case Proto2: + return "Proto2" + case Proto3: + return "Proto3" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("Syntax(%d)", s) + } +} + +// Cardinality determines whether a field is optional, required, or repeated. +type Cardinality cardinality + +type cardinality int8 // keep exact type opaque as the int type may change + +// Constants as defined by the google.protobuf.Cardinality enumeration. +const ( + Optional Cardinality = 1 // appears zero or one times + Required Cardinality = 2 // appears exactly one time; invalid with Proto3 + Repeated Cardinality = 3 // appears zero or more times +) + +// IsValid reports whether the cardinality is valid. +func (c Cardinality) IsValid() bool { + switch c { + case Optional, Required, Repeated: + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +// String returns c as a proto source identifier (e.g., "optional"). +func (c Cardinality) String() string { + switch c { + case Optional: + return "optional" + case Required: + return "required" + case Repeated: + return "repeated" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("", c) + } +} + +// GoString returns c as a Go source identifier (e.g., "Optional"). +func (c Cardinality) GoString() string { + switch c { + case Optional: + return "Optional" + case Required: + return "Required" + case Repeated: + return "Repeated" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("Cardinality(%d)", c) + } +} + +// Kind indicates the basic proto kind of a field. +type Kind kind + +type kind int8 // keep exact type opaque as the int type may change + +// Constants as defined by the google.protobuf.Field.Kind enumeration. +const ( + BoolKind Kind = 8 + EnumKind Kind = 14 + Int32Kind Kind = 5 + Sint32Kind Kind = 17 + Uint32Kind Kind = 13 + Int64Kind Kind = 3 + Sint64Kind Kind = 18 + Uint64Kind Kind = 4 + Sfixed32Kind Kind = 15 + Fixed32Kind Kind = 7 + FloatKind Kind = 2 + Sfixed64Kind Kind = 16 + Fixed64Kind Kind = 6 + DoubleKind Kind = 1 + StringKind Kind = 9 + BytesKind Kind = 12 + MessageKind Kind = 11 + GroupKind Kind = 10 +) + +// IsValid reports whether the kind is valid. +func (k Kind) IsValid() bool { + switch k { + case BoolKind, EnumKind, + Int32Kind, Sint32Kind, Uint32Kind, + Int64Kind, Sint64Kind, Uint64Kind, + Sfixed32Kind, Fixed32Kind, FloatKind, + Sfixed64Kind, Fixed64Kind, DoubleKind, + StringKind, BytesKind, MessageKind, GroupKind: + return true + default: + return false + } +} + +// String returns k as a proto source identifier (e.g., "bool"). +func (k Kind) String() string { + switch k { + case BoolKind: + return "bool" + case EnumKind: + return "enum" + case Int32Kind: + return "int32" + case Sint32Kind: + return "sint32" + case Uint32Kind: + return "uint32" + case Int64Kind: + return "int64" + case Sint64Kind: + return "sint64" + case Uint64Kind: + return "uint64" + case Sfixed32Kind: + return "sfixed32" + case Fixed32Kind: + return "fixed32" + case FloatKind: + return "float" + case Sfixed64Kind: + return "sfixed64" + case Fixed64Kind: + return "fixed64" + case DoubleKind: + return "double" + case StringKind: + return "string" + case BytesKind: + return "bytes" + case MessageKind: + return "message" + case GroupKind: + return "group" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("", k) + } +} + +// GoString returns k as a Go source identifier (e.g., "BoolKind"). +func (k Kind) GoString() string { + switch k { + case BoolKind: + return "BoolKind" + case EnumKind: + return "EnumKind" + case Int32Kind: + return "Int32Kind" + case Sint32Kind: + return "Sint32Kind" + case Uint32Kind: + return "Uint32Kind" + case Int64Kind: + return "Int64Kind" + case Sint64Kind: + return "Sint64Kind" + case Uint64Kind: + return "Uint64Kind" + case Sfixed32Kind: + return "Sfixed32Kind" + case Fixed32Kind: + return "Fixed32Kind" + case FloatKind: + return "FloatKind" + case Sfixed64Kind: + return "Sfixed64Kind" + case Fixed64Kind: + return "Fixed64Kind" + case DoubleKind: + return "DoubleKind" + case StringKind: + return "StringKind" + case BytesKind: + return "BytesKind" + case MessageKind: + return "MessageKind" + case GroupKind: + return "GroupKind" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("Kind(%d)", k) + } +} + +// FieldNumber is the field number in a message. +type FieldNumber = protowire.Number + +// FieldNumbers represent a list of field numbers. +type FieldNumbers interface { + // Len reports the number of fields in the list. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith field number. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) FieldNumber + // Has reports whether n is within the list of fields. + Has(n FieldNumber) bool + + doNotImplement +} + +// FieldRanges represent a list of field number ranges. +type FieldRanges interface { + // Len reports the number of ranges in the list. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith range. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) [2]FieldNumber // start inclusive; end exclusive + // Has reports whether n is within any of the ranges. + Has(n FieldNumber) bool + + doNotImplement +} + +// EnumNumber is the numeric value for an enum. +type EnumNumber int32 + +// EnumRanges represent a list of enum number ranges. +type EnumRanges interface { + // Len reports the number of ranges in the list. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith range. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) [2]EnumNumber // start inclusive; end inclusive + // Has reports whether n is within any of the ranges. + Has(n EnumNumber) bool + + doNotImplement +} + +// Name is the short name for a proto declaration. This is not the name +// as used in Go source code, which might not be identical to the proto name. +type Name string // e.g., "Kind" + +// IsValid reports whether s is a syntactically valid name. +// An empty name is invalid. +func (s Name) IsValid() bool { + return consumeIdent(string(s)) == len(s) +} + +// Names represent a list of names. +type Names interface { + // Len reports the number of names in the list. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith name. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) Name + // Has reports whether s matches any names in the list. + Has(s Name) bool + + doNotImplement +} + +// FullName is a qualified name that uniquely identifies a proto declaration. +// A qualified name is the concatenation of the proto package along with the +// fully-declared name (i.e., name of parent preceding the name of the child), +// with a '.' delimiter placed between each Name. +// +// This should not have any leading or trailing dots. +type FullName string // e.g., "google.protobuf.Field.Kind" + +// IsValid reports whether s is a syntactically valid full name. +// An empty full name is invalid. +func (s FullName) IsValid() bool { + i := consumeIdent(string(s)) + if i < 0 { + return false + } + for len(s) > i { + if s[i] != '.' { + return false + } + i++ + n := consumeIdent(string(s[i:])) + if n < 0 { + return false + } + i += n + } + return true +} + +func consumeIdent(s string) (i int) { + if len(s) == 0 || !isLetter(s[i]) { + return -1 + } + i++ + for len(s) > i && isLetterDigit(s[i]) { + i++ + } + return i +} +func isLetter(c byte) bool { + return c == '_' || ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') || ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') +} +func isLetterDigit(c byte) bool { + return isLetter(c) || ('0' <= c && c <= '9') +} + +// Name returns the short name, which is the last identifier segment. +// A single segment FullName is the Name itself. +func (n FullName) Name() Name { + if i := strings.LastIndexByte(string(n), '.'); i >= 0 { + return Name(n[i+1:]) + } + return Name(n) +} + +// Parent returns the full name with the trailing identifier removed. +// A single segment FullName has no parent. +func (n FullName) Parent() FullName { + if i := strings.LastIndexByte(string(n), '.'); i >= 0 { + return n[:i] + } + return "" +} + +// Append returns the qualified name appended with the provided short name. +// +// Invariant: n == n.Parent().Append(n.Name()) // assuming n is valid +func (n FullName) Append(s Name) FullName { + if n == "" { + return FullName(s) + } + return n + "." + FullName(s) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/source.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/source.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..121ba3a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/source.go @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package protoreflect + +import ( + "strconv" +) + +// SourceLocations is a list of source locations. +type SourceLocations interface { + // Len reports the number of source locations in the proto file. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith SourceLocation. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(int) SourceLocation + + // ByPath returns the SourceLocation for the given path, + // returning the first location if multiple exist for the same path. + // If multiple locations exist for the same path, + // then SourceLocation.Next index can be used to identify the + // index of the next SourceLocation. + // If no location exists for this path, it returns the zero value. + ByPath(path SourcePath) SourceLocation + + // ByDescriptor returns the SourceLocation for the given descriptor, + // returning the first location if multiple exist for the same path. + // If no location exists for this descriptor, it returns the zero value. + ByDescriptor(desc Descriptor) SourceLocation + + doNotImplement +} + +// SourceLocation describes a source location and +// corresponds with the google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location message. +type SourceLocation struct { + // Path is the path to the declaration from the root file descriptor. + // The contents of this slice must not be mutated. + Path SourcePath + + // StartLine and StartColumn are the zero-indexed starting location + // in the source file for the declaration. + StartLine, StartColumn int + // EndLine and EndColumn are the zero-indexed ending location + // in the source file for the declaration. + // In the descriptor.proto, the end line may be omitted if it is identical + // to the start line. Here, it is always populated. + EndLine, EndColumn int + + // LeadingDetachedComments are the leading detached comments + // for the declaration. The contents of this slice must not be mutated. + LeadingDetachedComments []string + // LeadingComments is the leading attached comment for the declaration. + LeadingComments string + // TrailingComments is the trailing attached comment for the declaration. + TrailingComments string + + // Next is an index into SourceLocations for the next source location that + // has the same Path. It is zero if there is no next location. + Next int +} + +// SourcePath identifies part of a file descriptor for a source location. +// The SourcePath is a sequence of either field numbers or indexes into +// a repeated field that form a path starting from the root file descriptor. +// +// See google.protobuf.SourceCodeInfo.Location.path. +type SourcePath []int32 + +// Equal reports whether p1 equals p2. +func (p1 SourcePath) Equal(p2 SourcePath) bool { + if len(p1) != len(p2) { + return false + } + for i := range p1 { + if p1[i] != p2[i] { + return false + } + } + return true +} + +// String formats the path in a humanly readable manner. +// The output is guaranteed to be deterministic, +// making it suitable for use as a key into a Go map. +// It is not guaranteed to be stable as the exact output could change +// in a future version of this module. +// +// Example output: +// .message_type[6].nested_type[15].field[3] +func (p SourcePath) String() string { + b := p.appendFileDescriptorProto(nil) + for _, i := range p { + b = append(b, '.') + b = strconv.AppendInt(b, int64(i), 10) + } + return string(b) +} + +type appendFunc func(*SourcePath, []byte) []byte + +func (p *SourcePath) appendSingularField(b []byte, name string, f appendFunc) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + b = append(b, '.') + b = append(b, name...) + *p = (*p)[1:] + if f != nil { + b = f(p, b) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendRepeatedField(b []byte, name string, f appendFunc) []byte { + b = p.appendSingularField(b, name, nil) + if len(*p) == 0 || (*p)[0] < 0 { + return b + } + b = append(b, '[') + b = strconv.AppendUint(b, uint64((*p)[0]), 10) + b = append(b, ']') + *p = (*p)[1:] + if f != nil { + b = f(p, b) + } + return b +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/source_gen.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/source_gen.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b03c1223 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/source_gen.go @@ -0,0 +1,461 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Code generated by generate-protos. DO NOT EDIT. + +package protoreflect + +func (p *SourcePath) appendFileDescriptorProto(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "package", nil) + case 3: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "dependency", nil) + case 10: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "public_dependency", nil) + case 11: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "weak_dependency", nil) + case 4: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "message_type", (*SourcePath).appendDescriptorProto) + case 5: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "enum_type", (*SourcePath).appendEnumDescriptorProto) + case 6: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "service", (*SourcePath).appendServiceDescriptorProto) + case 7: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "extension", (*SourcePath).appendFieldDescriptorProto) + case 8: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", (*SourcePath).appendFileOptions) + case 9: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "source_code_info", (*SourcePath).appendSourceCodeInfo) + case 12: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "syntax", nil) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendDescriptorProto(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "field", (*SourcePath).appendFieldDescriptorProto) + case 6: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "extension", (*SourcePath).appendFieldDescriptorProto) + case 3: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "nested_type", (*SourcePath).appendDescriptorProto) + case 4: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "enum_type", (*SourcePath).appendEnumDescriptorProto) + case 5: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "extension_range", (*SourcePath).appendDescriptorProto_ExtensionRange) + case 8: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "oneof_decl", (*SourcePath).appendOneofDescriptorProto) + case 7: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", (*SourcePath).appendMessageOptions) + case 9: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "reserved_range", (*SourcePath).appendDescriptorProto_ReservedRange) + case 10: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "reserved_name", nil) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendEnumDescriptorProto(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "value", (*SourcePath).appendEnumValueDescriptorProto) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", (*SourcePath).appendEnumOptions) + case 4: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "reserved_range", (*SourcePath).appendEnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange) + case 5: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "reserved_name", nil) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendServiceDescriptorProto(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "method", (*SourcePath).appendMethodDescriptorProto) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", (*SourcePath).appendServiceOptions) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendFieldDescriptorProto(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", nil) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "number", nil) + case 4: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "label", nil) + case 5: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "type", nil) + case 6: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "type_name", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "extendee", nil) + case 7: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "default_value", nil) + case 9: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "oneof_index", nil) + case 10: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "json_name", nil) + case 8: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", (*SourcePath).appendFieldOptions) + case 17: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "proto3_optional", nil) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendFileOptions(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_package", nil) + case 8: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_outer_classname", nil) + case 10: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_multiple_files", nil) + case 20: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_generate_equals_and_hash", nil) + case 27: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_string_check_utf8", nil) + case 9: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "optimize_for", nil) + case 11: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "go_package", nil) + case 16: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "cc_generic_services", nil) + case 17: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "java_generic_services", nil) + case 18: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "py_generic_services", nil) + case 42: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "php_generic_services", nil) + case 23: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", nil) + case 31: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "cc_enable_arenas", nil) + case 36: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "objc_class_prefix", nil) + case 37: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "csharp_namespace", nil) + case 39: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "swift_prefix", nil) + case 40: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "php_class_prefix", nil) + case 41: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "php_namespace", nil) + case 44: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "php_metadata_namespace", nil) + case 45: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "ruby_package", nil) + case 999: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendSourceCodeInfo(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "location", (*SourcePath).appendSourceCodeInfo_Location) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendDescriptorProto_ExtensionRange(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "start", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "end", nil) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", (*SourcePath).appendExtensionRangeOptions) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendOneofDescriptorProto(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", (*SourcePath).appendOneofOptions) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendMessageOptions(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "message_set_wire_format", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "no_standard_descriptor_accessor", nil) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", nil) + case 7: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "map_entry", nil) + case 999: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendDescriptorProto_ReservedRange(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "start", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "end", nil) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendEnumValueDescriptorProto(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "number", nil) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", (*SourcePath).appendEnumValueOptions) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendEnumOptions(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "allow_alias", nil) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", nil) + case 999: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendEnumDescriptorProto_EnumReservedRange(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "start", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "end", nil) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendMethodDescriptorProto(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "name", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "input_type", nil) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "output_type", nil) + case 4: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "options", (*SourcePath).appendMethodOptions) + case 5: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "client_streaming", nil) + case 6: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "server_streaming", nil) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendServiceOptions(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 33: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", nil) + case 999: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendFieldOptions(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "ctype", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "packed", nil) + case 6: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "jstype", nil) + case 5: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "lazy", nil) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", nil) + case 10: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "weak", nil) + case 999: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendUninterpretedOption(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 2: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "name", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption_NamePart) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "identifier_value", nil) + case 4: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "positive_int_value", nil) + case 5: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "negative_int_value", nil) + case 6: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "double_value", nil) + case 7: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "string_value", nil) + case 8: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "aggregate_value", nil) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendSourceCodeInfo_Location(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "path", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "span", nil) + case 3: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "leading_comments", nil) + case 4: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "trailing_comments", nil) + case 6: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "leading_detached_comments", nil) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendExtensionRangeOptions(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 999: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendOneofOptions(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 999: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendEnumValueOptions(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", nil) + case 999: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendMethodOptions(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 33: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "deprecated", nil) + case 34: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "idempotency_level", nil) + case 999: + b = p.appendRepeatedField(b, "uninterpreted_option", (*SourcePath).appendUninterpretedOption) + } + return b +} + +func (p *SourcePath) appendUninterpretedOption_NamePart(b []byte) []byte { + if len(*p) == 0 { + return b + } + switch (*p)[0] { + case 1: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "name_part", nil) + case 2: + b = p.appendSingularField(b, "is_extension", nil) + } + return b +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/type.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/type.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8e53c44a --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/type.go @@ -0,0 +1,665 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package protoreflect + +// Descriptor provides a set of accessors that are common to every descriptor. +// Each descriptor type wraps the equivalent google.protobuf.XXXDescriptorProto, +// but provides efficient lookup and immutability. +// +// Each descriptor is comparable. Equality implies that the two types are +// exactly identical. However, it is possible for the same semantically +// identical proto type to be represented by multiple type descriptors. +// +// For example, suppose we have t1 and t2 which are both MessageDescriptors. +// If t1 == t2, then the types are definitely equal and all accessors return +// the same information. However, if t1 != t2, then it is still possible that +// they still represent the same proto type (e.g., t1.FullName == t2.FullName). +// This can occur if a descriptor type is created dynamically, or multiple +// versions of the same proto type are accidentally linked into the Go binary. +type Descriptor interface { + // ParentFile returns the parent file descriptor that this descriptor + // is declared within. The parent file for the file descriptor is itself. + // + // Support for this functionality is optional and may return nil. + ParentFile() FileDescriptor + + // Parent returns the parent containing this descriptor declaration. + // The following shows the mapping from child type to possible parent types: + // + // ╔═════════════════════╤═══════════════════════════════════╗ + // ║ Child type │ Possible parent types ║ + // ╠═════════════════════╪═══════════════════════════════════╣ + // ║ FileDescriptor │ nil ║ + // ║ MessageDescriptor │ FileDescriptor, MessageDescriptor ║ + // ║ FieldDescriptor │ FileDescriptor, MessageDescriptor ║ + // ║ OneofDescriptor │ MessageDescriptor ║ + // ║ EnumDescriptor │ FileDescriptor, MessageDescriptor ║ + // ║ EnumValueDescriptor │ EnumDescriptor ║ + // ║ ServiceDescriptor │ FileDescriptor ║ + // ║ MethodDescriptor │ ServiceDescriptor ║ + // ╚═════════════════════╧═══════════════════════════════════╝ + // + // Support for this functionality is optional and may return nil. + Parent() Descriptor + + // Index returns the index of this descriptor within its parent. + // It returns 0 if the descriptor does not have a parent or if the parent + // is unknown. + Index() int + + // Syntax is the protobuf syntax. + Syntax() Syntax // e.g., Proto2 or Proto3 + + // Name is the short name of the declaration (i.e., FullName.Name). + Name() Name // e.g., "Any" + + // FullName is the fully-qualified name of the declaration. + // + // The FullName is a concatenation of the full name of the type that this + // type is declared within and the declaration name. For example, + // field "foo_field" in message "proto.package.MyMessage" is + // uniquely identified as "proto.package.MyMessage.foo_field". + // Enum values are an exception to the rule (see EnumValueDescriptor). + FullName() FullName // e.g., "google.protobuf.Any" + + // IsPlaceholder reports whether type information is missing since a + // dependency is not resolved, in which case only name information is known. + // + // Placeholder types may only be returned by the following accessors + // as a result of unresolved dependencies or weak imports: + // + // ╔═══════════════════════════════════╤═════════════════════╗ + // ║ Accessor │ Descriptor ║ + // ╠═══════════════════════════════════╪═════════════════════╣ + // ║ FileImports.FileDescriptor │ FileDescriptor ║ + // ║ FieldDescriptor.Enum │ EnumDescriptor ║ + // ║ FieldDescriptor.Message │ MessageDescriptor ║ + // ║ FieldDescriptor.DefaultEnumValue │ EnumValueDescriptor ║ + // ║ FieldDescriptor.ContainingMessage │ MessageDescriptor ║ + // ║ MethodDescriptor.Input │ MessageDescriptor ║ + // ║ MethodDescriptor.Output │ MessageDescriptor ║ + // ╚═══════════════════════════════════╧═════════════════════╝ + // + // If true, only Name and FullName are valid. + // For FileDescriptor, the Path is also valid. + IsPlaceholder() bool + + // Options returns the descriptor options. The caller must not modify + // the returned value. + // + // To avoid a dependency cycle, this function returns a proto.Message value. + // The proto message type returned for each descriptor type is as follows: + // ╔═════════════════════╤══════════════════════════════════════════╗ + // ║ Go type │ Protobuf message type ║ + // ╠═════════════════════╪══════════════════════════════════════════╣ + // ║ FileDescriptor │ google.protobuf.FileOptions ║ + // ║ EnumDescriptor │ google.protobuf.EnumOptions ║ + // ║ EnumValueDescriptor │ google.protobuf.EnumValueOptions ║ + // ║ MessageDescriptor │ google.protobuf.MessageOptions ║ + // ║ FieldDescriptor │ google.protobuf.FieldOptions ║ + // ║ OneofDescriptor │ google.protobuf.OneofOptions ║ + // ║ ServiceDescriptor │ google.protobuf.ServiceOptions ║ + // ║ MethodDescriptor │ google.protobuf.MethodOptions ║ + // ╚═════════════════════╧══════════════════════════════════════════╝ + // + // This method returns a typed nil-pointer if no options are present. + // The caller must import the descriptorpb package to use this. + Options() ProtoMessage + + doNotImplement +} + +// FileDescriptor describes the types in a complete proto file and +// corresponds with the google.protobuf.FileDescriptorProto message. +// +// Top-level declarations: +// EnumDescriptor, MessageDescriptor, FieldDescriptor, and/or ServiceDescriptor. +type FileDescriptor interface { + Descriptor // Descriptor.FullName is identical to Package + + // Path returns the file name, relative to the source tree root. + Path() string // e.g., "path/to/file.proto" + // Package returns the protobuf package namespace. + Package() FullName // e.g., "google.protobuf" + + // Imports is a list of imported proto files. + Imports() FileImports + + // Enums is a list of the top-level enum declarations. + Enums() EnumDescriptors + // Messages is a list of the top-level message declarations. + Messages() MessageDescriptors + // Extensions is a list of the top-level extension declarations. + Extensions() ExtensionDescriptors + // Services is a list of the top-level service declarations. + Services() ServiceDescriptors + + // SourceLocations is a list of source locations. + SourceLocations() SourceLocations + + isFileDescriptor +} +type isFileDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(FileDescriptor) } + +// FileImports is a list of file imports. +type FileImports interface { + // Len reports the number of files imported by this proto file. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith FileImport. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) FileImport + + doNotImplement +} + +// FileImport is the declaration for a proto file import. +type FileImport struct { + // FileDescriptor is the file type for the given import. + // It is a placeholder descriptor if IsWeak is set or if a dependency has + // not been regenerated to implement the new reflection APIs. + FileDescriptor + + // IsPublic reports whether this is a public import, which causes this file + // to alias declarations within the imported file. The intended use cases + // for this feature is the ability to move proto files without breaking + // existing dependencies. + // + // The current file and the imported file must be within proto package. + IsPublic bool + + // IsWeak reports whether this is a weak import, which does not impose + // a direct dependency on the target file. + // + // Weak imports are a legacy proto1 feature. Equivalent behavior is + // achieved using proto2 extension fields or proto3 Any messages. + IsWeak bool +} + +// MessageDescriptor describes a message and +// corresponds with the google.protobuf.DescriptorProto message. +// +// Nested declarations: +// FieldDescriptor, OneofDescriptor, FieldDescriptor, EnumDescriptor, +// and/or MessageDescriptor. +type MessageDescriptor interface { + Descriptor + + // IsMapEntry indicates that this is an auto-generated message type to + // represent the entry type for a map field. + // + // Map entry messages have only two fields: + // • a "key" field with a field number of 1 + // • a "value" field with a field number of 2 + // The key and value types are determined by these two fields. + // + // If IsMapEntry is true, it implies that FieldDescriptor.IsMap is true + // for some field with this message type. + IsMapEntry() bool + + // Fields is a list of nested field declarations. + Fields() FieldDescriptors + // Oneofs is a list of nested oneof declarations. + Oneofs() OneofDescriptors + + // ReservedNames is a list of reserved field names. + ReservedNames() Names + // ReservedRanges is a list of reserved ranges of field numbers. + ReservedRanges() FieldRanges + // RequiredNumbers is a list of required field numbers. + // In Proto3, it is always an empty list. + RequiredNumbers() FieldNumbers + // ExtensionRanges is the field ranges used for extension fields. + // In Proto3, it is always an empty ranges. + ExtensionRanges() FieldRanges + // ExtensionRangeOptions returns the ith extension range options. + // + // To avoid a dependency cycle, this method returns a proto.Message value, + // which always contains a google.protobuf.ExtensionRangeOptions message. + // This method returns a typed nil-pointer if no options are present. + // The caller must import the descriptorpb package to use this. + ExtensionRangeOptions(i int) ProtoMessage + + // Enums is a list of nested enum declarations. + Enums() EnumDescriptors + // Messages is a list of nested message declarations. + Messages() MessageDescriptors + // Extensions is a list of nested extension declarations. + Extensions() ExtensionDescriptors + + isMessageDescriptor +} +type isMessageDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(MessageDescriptor) } + +// MessageType encapsulates a MessageDescriptor with a concrete Go implementation. +// It is recommended that implementations of this interface also implement the +// MessageFieldTypes interface. +type MessageType interface { + // New returns a newly allocated empty message. + // It may return nil for synthetic messages representing a map entry. + New() Message + + // Zero returns an empty, read-only message. + // It may return nil for synthetic messages representing a map entry. + Zero() Message + + // Descriptor returns the message descriptor. + // + // Invariant: t.Descriptor() == t.New().Descriptor() + Descriptor() MessageDescriptor +} + +// MessageFieldTypes extends a MessageType by providing type information +// regarding enums and messages referenced by the message fields. +type MessageFieldTypes interface { + MessageType + + // Enum returns the EnumType for the ith field in Descriptor.Fields. + // It returns nil if the ith field is not an enum kind. + // It panics if out of bounds. + // + // Invariant: mt.Enum(i).Descriptor() == mt.Descriptor().Fields(i).Enum() + Enum(i int) EnumType + + // Message returns the MessageType for the ith field in Descriptor.Fields. + // It returns nil if the ith field is not a message or group kind. + // It panics if out of bounds. + // + // Invariant: mt.Message(i).Descriptor() == mt.Descriptor().Fields(i).Message() + Message(i int) MessageType +} + +// MessageDescriptors is a list of message declarations. +type MessageDescriptors interface { + // Len reports the number of messages. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith MessageDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) MessageDescriptor + // ByName returns the MessageDescriptor for a message named s. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByName(s Name) MessageDescriptor + + doNotImplement +} + +// FieldDescriptor describes a field within a message and +// corresponds with the google.protobuf.FieldDescriptorProto message. +// +// It is used for both normal fields defined within the parent message +// (e.g., MessageDescriptor.Fields) and fields that extend some remote message +// (e.g., FileDescriptor.Extensions or MessageDescriptor.Extensions). +type FieldDescriptor interface { + Descriptor + + // Number reports the unique number for this field. + Number() FieldNumber + // Cardinality reports the cardinality for this field. + Cardinality() Cardinality + // Kind reports the basic kind for this field. + Kind() Kind + + // HasJSONName reports whether this field has an explicitly set JSON name. + HasJSONName() bool + + // JSONName reports the name used for JSON serialization. + // It is usually the camel-cased form of the field name. + // Extension fields are represented by the full name surrounded by brackets. + JSONName() string + + // TextName reports the name used for text serialization. + // It is usually the name of the field, except that groups use the name + // of the inlined message, and extension fields are represented by the + // full name surrounded by brackets. + TextName() string + + // HasPresence reports whether the field distinguishes between unpopulated + // and default values. + HasPresence() bool + + // IsExtension reports whether this is an extension field. If false, + // then Parent and ContainingMessage refer to the same message. + // Otherwise, ContainingMessage and Parent likely differ. + IsExtension() bool + + // HasOptionalKeyword reports whether the "optional" keyword was explicitly + // specified in the source .proto file. + HasOptionalKeyword() bool + + // IsWeak reports whether this is a weak field, which does not impose a + // direct dependency on the target type. + // If true, then Message returns a placeholder type. + IsWeak() bool + + // IsPacked reports whether repeated primitive numeric kinds should be + // serialized using a packed encoding. + // If true, then it implies Cardinality is Repeated. + IsPacked() bool + + // IsList reports whether this field represents a list, + // where the value type for the associated field is a List. + // It is equivalent to checking whether Cardinality is Repeated and + // that IsMap reports false. + IsList() bool + + // IsMap reports whether this field represents a map, + // where the value type for the associated field is a Map. + // It is equivalent to checking whether Cardinality is Repeated, + // that the Kind is MessageKind, and that Message.IsMapEntry reports true. + IsMap() bool + + // MapKey returns the field descriptor for the key in the map entry. + // It returns nil if IsMap reports false. + MapKey() FieldDescriptor + + // MapValue returns the field descriptor for the value in the map entry. + // It returns nil if IsMap reports false. + MapValue() FieldDescriptor + + // HasDefault reports whether this field has a default value. + HasDefault() bool + + // Default returns the default value for scalar fields. + // For proto2, it is the default value as specified in the proto file, + // or the zero value if unspecified. + // For proto3, it is always the zero value of the scalar. + // The Value type is determined by the Kind. + Default() Value + + // DefaultEnumValue returns the enum value descriptor for the default value + // of an enum field, and is nil for any other kind of field. + DefaultEnumValue() EnumValueDescriptor + + // ContainingOneof is the containing oneof that this field belongs to, + // and is nil if this field is not part of a oneof. + ContainingOneof() OneofDescriptor + + // ContainingMessage is the containing message that this field belongs to. + // For extension fields, this may not necessarily be the parent message + // that the field is declared within. + ContainingMessage() MessageDescriptor + + // Enum is the enum descriptor if Kind is EnumKind. + // It returns nil for any other Kind. + Enum() EnumDescriptor + + // Message is the message descriptor if Kind is + // MessageKind or GroupKind. It returns nil for any other Kind. + Message() MessageDescriptor + + isFieldDescriptor +} +type isFieldDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(FieldDescriptor) } + +// FieldDescriptors is a list of field declarations. +type FieldDescriptors interface { + // Len reports the number of fields. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith FieldDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) FieldDescriptor + // ByName returns the FieldDescriptor for a field named s. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByName(s Name) FieldDescriptor + // ByJSONName returns the FieldDescriptor for a field with s as the JSON name. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByJSONName(s string) FieldDescriptor + // ByTextName returns the FieldDescriptor for a field with s as the text name. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByTextName(s string) FieldDescriptor + // ByNumber returns the FieldDescriptor for a field numbered n. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByNumber(n FieldNumber) FieldDescriptor + + doNotImplement +} + +// OneofDescriptor describes a oneof field set within a given message and +// corresponds with the google.protobuf.OneofDescriptorProto message. +type OneofDescriptor interface { + Descriptor + + // IsSynthetic reports whether this is a synthetic oneof created to support + // proto3 optional semantics. If true, Fields contains exactly one field + // with HasOptionalKeyword specified. + IsSynthetic() bool + + // Fields is a list of fields belonging to this oneof. + Fields() FieldDescriptors + + isOneofDescriptor +} +type isOneofDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(OneofDescriptor) } + +// OneofDescriptors is a list of oneof declarations. +type OneofDescriptors interface { + // Len reports the number of oneof fields. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith OneofDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) OneofDescriptor + // ByName returns the OneofDescriptor for a oneof named s. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByName(s Name) OneofDescriptor + + doNotImplement +} + +// ExtensionDescriptor is an alias of FieldDescriptor for documentation. +type ExtensionDescriptor = FieldDescriptor + +// ExtensionTypeDescriptor is an ExtensionDescriptor with an associated ExtensionType. +type ExtensionTypeDescriptor interface { + ExtensionDescriptor + + // Type returns the associated ExtensionType. + Type() ExtensionType + + // Descriptor returns the plain ExtensionDescriptor without the + // associated ExtensionType. + Descriptor() ExtensionDescriptor +} + +// ExtensionDescriptors is a list of field declarations. +type ExtensionDescriptors interface { + // Len reports the number of fields. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith ExtensionDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) ExtensionDescriptor + // ByName returns the ExtensionDescriptor for a field named s. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByName(s Name) ExtensionDescriptor + + doNotImplement +} + +// ExtensionType encapsulates an ExtensionDescriptor with a concrete +// Go implementation. The nested field descriptor must be for a extension field. +// +// While a normal field is a member of the parent message that it is declared +// within (see Descriptor.Parent), an extension field is a member of some other +// target message (see ExtensionDescriptor.Extendee) and may have no +// relationship with the parent. However, the full name of an extension field is +// relative to the parent that it is declared within. +// +// For example: +// syntax = "proto2"; +// package example; +// message FooMessage { +// extensions 100 to max; +// } +// message BarMessage { +// extends FooMessage { optional BarMessage bar_field = 100; } +// } +// +// Field "bar_field" is an extension of FooMessage, but its full name is +// "example.BarMessage.bar_field" instead of "example.FooMessage.bar_field". +type ExtensionType interface { + // New returns a new value for the field. + // For scalars, this returns the default value in native Go form. + New() Value + + // Zero returns a new value for the field. + // For scalars, this returns the default value in native Go form. + // For composite types, this returns an empty, read-only message, list, or map. + Zero() Value + + // TypeDescriptor returns the extension type descriptor. + TypeDescriptor() ExtensionTypeDescriptor + + // ValueOf wraps the input and returns it as a Value. + // ValueOf panics if the input value is invalid or not the appropriate type. + // + // ValueOf is more extensive than protoreflect.ValueOf for a given field's + // value as it has more type information available. + ValueOf(interface{}) Value + + // InterfaceOf completely unwraps the Value to the underlying Go type. + // InterfaceOf panics if the input is nil or does not represent the + // appropriate underlying Go type. For composite types, it panics if the + // value is not mutable. + // + // InterfaceOf is able to unwrap the Value further than Value.Interface + // as it has more type information available. + InterfaceOf(Value) interface{} + + // IsValidValue reports whether the Value is valid to assign to the field. + IsValidValue(Value) bool + + // IsValidInterface reports whether the input is valid to assign to the field. + IsValidInterface(interface{}) bool +} + +// EnumDescriptor describes an enum and +// corresponds with the google.protobuf.EnumDescriptorProto message. +// +// Nested declarations: +// EnumValueDescriptor. +type EnumDescriptor interface { + Descriptor + + // Values is a list of nested enum value declarations. + Values() EnumValueDescriptors + + // ReservedNames is a list of reserved enum names. + ReservedNames() Names + // ReservedRanges is a list of reserved ranges of enum numbers. + ReservedRanges() EnumRanges + + isEnumDescriptor +} +type isEnumDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(EnumDescriptor) } + +// EnumType encapsulates an EnumDescriptor with a concrete Go implementation. +type EnumType interface { + // New returns an instance of this enum type with its value set to n. + New(n EnumNumber) Enum + + // Descriptor returns the enum descriptor. + // + // Invariant: t.Descriptor() == t.New(0).Descriptor() + Descriptor() EnumDescriptor +} + +// EnumDescriptors is a list of enum declarations. +type EnumDescriptors interface { + // Len reports the number of enum types. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith EnumDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) EnumDescriptor + // ByName returns the EnumDescriptor for an enum named s. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByName(s Name) EnumDescriptor + + doNotImplement +} + +// EnumValueDescriptor describes an enum value and +// corresponds with the google.protobuf.EnumValueDescriptorProto message. +// +// All other proto declarations are in the namespace of the parent. +// However, enum values do not follow this rule and are within the namespace +// of the parent's parent (i.e., they are a sibling of the containing enum). +// Thus, a value named "FOO_VALUE" declared within an enum uniquely identified +// as "proto.package.MyEnum" has a full name of "proto.package.FOO_VALUE". +type EnumValueDescriptor interface { + Descriptor + + // Number returns the enum value as an integer. + Number() EnumNumber + + isEnumValueDescriptor +} +type isEnumValueDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(EnumValueDescriptor) } + +// EnumValueDescriptors is a list of enum value declarations. +type EnumValueDescriptors interface { + // Len reports the number of enum values. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith EnumValueDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) EnumValueDescriptor + // ByName returns the EnumValueDescriptor for the enum value named s. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByName(s Name) EnumValueDescriptor + // ByNumber returns the EnumValueDescriptor for the enum value numbered n. + // If multiple have the same number, the first one defined is returned + // It returns nil if not found. + ByNumber(n EnumNumber) EnumValueDescriptor + + doNotImplement +} + +// ServiceDescriptor describes a service and +// corresponds with the google.protobuf.ServiceDescriptorProto message. +// +// Nested declarations: MethodDescriptor. +type ServiceDescriptor interface { + Descriptor + + // Methods is a list of nested message declarations. + Methods() MethodDescriptors + + isServiceDescriptor +} +type isServiceDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(ServiceDescriptor) } + +// ServiceDescriptors is a list of service declarations. +type ServiceDescriptors interface { + // Len reports the number of services. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith ServiceDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) ServiceDescriptor + // ByName returns the ServiceDescriptor for a service named s. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByName(s Name) ServiceDescriptor + + doNotImplement +} + +// MethodDescriptor describes a method and +// corresponds with the google.protobuf.MethodDescriptorProto message. +type MethodDescriptor interface { + Descriptor + + // Input is the input message descriptor. + Input() MessageDescriptor + // Output is the output message descriptor. + Output() MessageDescriptor + // IsStreamingClient reports whether the client streams multiple messages. + IsStreamingClient() bool + // IsStreamingServer reports whether the server streams multiple messages. + IsStreamingServer() bool + + isMethodDescriptor +} +type isMethodDescriptor interface{ ProtoType(MethodDescriptor) } + +// MethodDescriptors is a list of method declarations. +type MethodDescriptors interface { + // Len reports the number of methods. + Len() int + // Get returns the ith MethodDescriptor. It panics if out of bounds. + Get(i int) MethodDescriptor + // ByName returns the MethodDescriptor for a service method named s. + // It returns nil if not found. + ByName(s Name) MethodDescriptor + + doNotImplement +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f3198107 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value.go @@ -0,0 +1,285 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package protoreflect + +import "google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire" + +// Enum is a reflection interface for a concrete enum value, +// which provides type information and a getter for the enum number. +// Enum does not provide a mutable API since enums are commonly backed by +// Go constants, which are not addressable. +type Enum interface { + // Descriptor returns enum descriptor, which contains only the protobuf + // type information for the enum. + Descriptor() EnumDescriptor + + // Type returns the enum type, which encapsulates both Go and protobuf + // type information. If the Go type information is not needed, + // it is recommended that the enum descriptor be used instead. + Type() EnumType + + // Number returns the enum value as an integer. + Number() EnumNumber +} + +// Message is a reflective interface for a concrete message value, +// encapsulating both type and value information for the message. +// +// Accessor/mutators for individual fields are keyed by FieldDescriptor. +// For non-extension fields, the descriptor must exactly match the +// field known by the parent message. +// For extension fields, the descriptor must implement ExtensionTypeDescriptor, +// extend the parent message (i.e., have the same message FullName), and +// be within the parent's extension range. +// +// Each field Value can be a scalar or a composite type (Message, List, or Map). +// See Value for the Go types associated with a FieldDescriptor. +// Providing a Value that is invalid or of an incorrect type panics. +type Message interface { + // Descriptor returns message descriptor, which contains only the protobuf + // type information for the message. + Descriptor() MessageDescriptor + + // Type returns the message type, which encapsulates both Go and protobuf + // type information. If the Go type information is not needed, + // it is recommended that the message descriptor be used instead. + Type() MessageType + + // New returns a newly allocated and mutable empty message. + New() Message + + // Interface unwraps the message reflection interface and + // returns the underlying ProtoMessage interface. + Interface() ProtoMessage + + // Range iterates over every populated field in an undefined order, + // calling f for each field descriptor and value encountered. + // Range returns immediately if f returns false. + // While iterating, mutating operations may only be performed + // on the current field descriptor. + Range(f func(FieldDescriptor, Value) bool) + + // Has reports whether a field is populated. + // + // Some fields have the property of nullability where it is possible to + // distinguish between the default value of a field and whether the field + // was explicitly populated with the default value. Singular message fields, + // member fields of a oneof, and proto2 scalar fields are nullable. Such + // fields are populated only if explicitly set. + // + // In other cases (aside from the nullable cases above), + // a proto3 scalar field is populated if it contains a non-zero value, and + // a repeated field is populated if it is non-empty. + Has(FieldDescriptor) bool + + // Clear clears the field such that a subsequent Has call reports false. + // + // Clearing an extension field clears both the extension type and value + // associated with the given field number. + // + // Clear is a mutating operation and unsafe for concurrent use. + Clear(FieldDescriptor) + + // Get retrieves the value for a field. + // + // For unpopulated scalars, it returns the default value, where + // the default value of a bytes scalar is guaranteed to be a copy. + // For unpopulated composite types, it returns an empty, read-only view + // of the value; to obtain a mutable reference, use Mutable. + Get(FieldDescriptor) Value + + // Set stores the value for a field. + // + // For a field belonging to a oneof, it implicitly clears any other field + // that may be currently set within the same oneof. + // For extension fields, it implicitly stores the provided ExtensionType. + // When setting a composite type, it is unspecified whether the stored value + // aliases the source's memory in any way. If the composite value is an + // empty, read-only value, then it panics. + // + // Set is a mutating operation and unsafe for concurrent use. + Set(FieldDescriptor, Value) + + // Mutable returns a mutable reference to a composite type. + // + // If the field is unpopulated, it may allocate a composite value. + // For a field belonging to a oneof, it implicitly clears any other field + // that may be currently set within the same oneof. + // For extension fields, it implicitly stores the provided ExtensionType + // if not already stored. + // It panics if the field does not contain a composite type. + // + // Mutable is a mutating operation and unsafe for concurrent use. + Mutable(FieldDescriptor) Value + + // NewField returns a new value that is assignable to the field + // for the given descriptor. For scalars, this returns the default value. + // For lists, maps, and messages, this returns a new, empty, mutable value. + NewField(FieldDescriptor) Value + + // WhichOneof reports which field within the oneof is populated, + // returning nil if none are populated. + // It panics if the oneof descriptor does not belong to this message. + WhichOneof(OneofDescriptor) FieldDescriptor + + // GetUnknown retrieves the entire list of unknown fields. + // The caller may only mutate the contents of the RawFields + // if the mutated bytes are stored back into the message with SetUnknown. + GetUnknown() RawFields + + // SetUnknown stores an entire list of unknown fields. + // The raw fields must be syntactically valid according to the wire format. + // An implementation may panic if this is not the case. + // Once stored, the caller must not mutate the content of the RawFields. + // An empty RawFields may be passed to clear the fields. + // + // SetUnknown is a mutating operation and unsafe for concurrent use. + SetUnknown(RawFields) + + // IsValid reports whether the message is valid. + // + // An invalid message is an empty, read-only value. + // + // An invalid message often corresponds to a nil pointer of the concrete + // message type, but the details are implementation dependent. + // Validity is not part of the protobuf data model, and may not + // be preserved in marshaling or other operations. + IsValid() bool + + // ProtoMethods returns optional fast-path implementions of various operations. + // This method may return nil. + // + // The returned methods type is identical to + // "google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface".Methods. + // Consult the protoiface package documentation for details. + ProtoMethods() *methods +} + +// RawFields is the raw bytes for an ordered sequence of fields. +// Each field contains both the tag (representing field number and wire type), +// and also the wire data itself. +type RawFields []byte + +// IsValid reports whether b is syntactically correct wire format. +func (b RawFields) IsValid() bool { + for len(b) > 0 { + _, _, n := protowire.ConsumeField(b) + if n < 0 { + return false + } + b = b[n:] + } + return true +} + +// List is a zero-indexed, ordered list. +// The element Value type is determined by FieldDescriptor.Kind. +// Providing a Value that is invalid or of an incorrect type panics. +type List interface { + // Len reports the number of entries in the List. + // Get, Set, and Truncate panic with out of bound indexes. + Len() int + + // Get retrieves the value at the given index. + // It never returns an invalid value. + Get(int) Value + + // Set stores a value for the given index. + // When setting a composite type, it is unspecified whether the set + // value aliases the source's memory in any way. + // + // Set is a mutating operation and unsafe for concurrent use. + Set(int, Value) + + // Append appends the provided value to the end of the list. + // When appending a composite type, it is unspecified whether the appended + // value aliases the source's memory in any way. + // + // Append is a mutating operation and unsafe for concurrent use. + Append(Value) + + // AppendMutable appends a new, empty, mutable message value to the end + // of the list and returns it. + // It panics if the list does not contain a message type. + AppendMutable() Value + + // Truncate truncates the list to a smaller length. + // + // Truncate is a mutating operation and unsafe for concurrent use. + Truncate(int) + + // NewElement returns a new value for a list element. + // For enums, this returns the first enum value. + // For other scalars, this returns the zero value. + // For messages, this returns a new, empty, mutable value. + NewElement() Value + + // IsValid reports whether the list is valid. + // + // An invalid list is an empty, read-only value. + // + // Validity is not part of the protobuf data model, and may not + // be preserved in marshaling or other operations. + IsValid() bool +} + +// Map is an unordered, associative map. +// The entry MapKey type is determined by FieldDescriptor.MapKey.Kind. +// The entry Value type is determined by FieldDescriptor.MapValue.Kind. +// Providing a MapKey or Value that is invalid or of an incorrect type panics. +type Map interface { + // Len reports the number of elements in the map. + Len() int + + // Range iterates over every map entry in an undefined order, + // calling f for each key and value encountered. + // Range calls f Len times unless f returns false, which stops iteration. + // While iterating, mutating operations may only be performed + // on the current map key. + Range(f func(MapKey, Value) bool) + + // Has reports whether an entry with the given key is in the map. + Has(MapKey) bool + + // Clear clears the entry associated with they given key. + // The operation does nothing if there is no entry associated with the key. + // + // Clear is a mutating operation and unsafe for concurrent use. + Clear(MapKey) + + // Get retrieves the value for an entry with the given key. + // It returns an invalid value for non-existent entries. + Get(MapKey) Value + + // Set stores the value for an entry with the given key. + // It panics when given a key or value that is invalid or the wrong type. + // When setting a composite type, it is unspecified whether the set + // value aliases the source's memory in any way. + // + // Set is a mutating operation and unsafe for concurrent use. + Set(MapKey, Value) + + // Mutable retrieves a mutable reference to the entry for the given key. + // If no entry exists for the key, it creates a new, empty, mutable value + // and stores it as the entry for the key. + // It panics if the map value is not a message. + Mutable(MapKey) Value + + // NewValue returns a new value assignable as a map value. + // For enums, this returns the first enum value. + // For other scalars, this returns the zero value. + // For messages, this returns a new, empty, mutable value. + NewValue() Value + + // IsValid reports whether the map is valid. + // + // An invalid map is an empty, read-only value. + // + // An invalid message often corresponds to a nil Go map value, + // but the details are implementation dependent. + // Validity is not part of the protobuf data model, and may not + // be preserved in marshaling or other operations. + IsValid() bool +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value_pure.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value_pure.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..918e685e --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value_pure.go @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build purego appengine + +package protoreflect + +import "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + +type valueType int + +const ( + nilType valueType = iota + boolType + int32Type + int64Type + uint32Type + uint64Type + float32Type + float64Type + stringType + bytesType + enumType + ifaceType +) + +// value is a union where only one type can be represented at a time. +// This uses a distinct field for each type. This is type safe in Go, but +// occupies more memory than necessary (72B). +type value struct { + pragma.DoNotCompare // 0B + + typ valueType // 8B + num uint64 // 8B + str string // 16B + bin []byte // 24B + iface interface{} // 16B +} + +func valueOfString(v string) Value { + return Value{typ: stringType, str: v} +} +func valueOfBytes(v []byte) Value { + return Value{typ: bytesType, bin: v} +} +func valueOfIface(v interface{}) Value { + return Value{typ: ifaceType, iface: v} +} + +func (v Value) getString() string { + return v.str +} +func (v Value) getBytes() []byte { + return v.bin +} +func (v Value) getIface() interface{} { + return v.iface +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value_union.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value_union.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5a341472 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value_union.go @@ -0,0 +1,411 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package protoreflect + +import ( + "fmt" + "math" +) + +// Value is a union where only one Go type may be set at a time. +// The Value is used to represent all possible values a field may take. +// The following shows which Go type is used to represent each proto Kind: +// +// ╔════════════╤═════════════════════════════════════╗ +// ║ Go type │ Protobuf kind ║ +// ╠════════════╪═════════════════════════════════════╣ +// ║ bool │ BoolKind ║ +// ║ int32 │ Int32Kind, Sint32Kind, Sfixed32Kind ║ +// ║ int64 │ Int64Kind, Sint64Kind, Sfixed64Kind ║ +// ║ uint32 │ Uint32Kind, Fixed32Kind ║ +// ║ uint64 │ Uint64Kind, Fixed64Kind ║ +// ║ float32 │ FloatKind ║ +// ║ float64 │ DoubleKind ║ +// ║ string │ StringKind ║ +// ║ []byte │ BytesKind ║ +// ║ EnumNumber │ EnumKind ║ +// ║ Message │ MessageKind, GroupKind ║ +// ╚════════════╧═════════════════════════════════════╝ +// +// Multiple protobuf Kinds may be represented by a single Go type if the type +// can losslessly represent the information for the proto kind. For example, +// Int64Kind, Sint64Kind, and Sfixed64Kind are all represented by int64, +// but use different integer encoding methods. +// +// The List or Map types are used if the field cardinality is repeated. +// A field is a List if FieldDescriptor.IsList reports true. +// A field is a Map if FieldDescriptor.IsMap reports true. +// +// Converting to/from a Value and a concrete Go value panics on type mismatch. +// For example, ValueOf("hello").Int() panics because this attempts to +// retrieve an int64 from a string. +type Value value + +// The protoreflect API uses a custom Value union type instead of interface{} +// to keep the future open for performance optimizations. Using an interface{} +// always incurs an allocation for primitives (e.g., int64) since it needs to +// be boxed on the heap (as interfaces can only contain pointers natively). +// Instead, we represent the Value union as a flat struct that internally keeps +// track of which type is set. Using unsafe, the Value union can be reduced +// down to 24B, which is identical in size to a slice. +// +// The latest compiler (Go1.11) currently suffers from some limitations: +// • With inlining, the compiler should be able to statically prove that +// only one of these switch cases are taken and inline one specific case. +// See https://golang.org/issue/22310. + +// ValueOf returns a Value initialized with the concrete value stored in v. +// This panics if the type does not match one of the allowed types in the +// Value union. +func ValueOf(v interface{}) Value { + switch v := v.(type) { + case nil: + return Value{} + case bool: + return ValueOfBool(v) + case int32: + return ValueOfInt32(v) + case int64: + return ValueOfInt64(v) + case uint32: + return ValueOfUint32(v) + case uint64: + return ValueOfUint64(v) + case float32: + return ValueOfFloat32(v) + case float64: + return ValueOfFloat64(v) + case string: + return ValueOfString(v) + case []byte: + return ValueOfBytes(v) + case EnumNumber: + return ValueOfEnum(v) + case Message, List, Map: + return valueOfIface(v) + case ProtoMessage: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid proto.Message(%T) type, expected a protoreflect.Message type", v)) + default: + panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid type: %T", v)) + } +} + +// ValueOfBool returns a new boolean value. +func ValueOfBool(v bool) Value { + if v { + return Value{typ: boolType, num: 1} + } else { + return Value{typ: boolType, num: 0} + } +} + +// ValueOfInt32 returns a new int32 value. +func ValueOfInt32(v int32) Value { + return Value{typ: int32Type, num: uint64(v)} +} + +// ValueOfInt64 returns a new int64 value. +func ValueOfInt64(v int64) Value { + return Value{typ: int64Type, num: uint64(v)} +} + +// ValueOfUint32 returns a new uint32 value. +func ValueOfUint32(v uint32) Value { + return Value{typ: uint32Type, num: uint64(v)} +} + +// ValueOfUint64 returns a new uint64 value. +func ValueOfUint64(v uint64) Value { + return Value{typ: uint64Type, num: v} +} + +// ValueOfFloat32 returns a new float32 value. +func ValueOfFloat32(v float32) Value { + return Value{typ: float32Type, num: uint64(math.Float64bits(float64(v)))} +} + +// ValueOfFloat64 returns a new float64 value. +func ValueOfFloat64(v float64) Value { + return Value{typ: float64Type, num: uint64(math.Float64bits(float64(v)))} +} + +// ValueOfString returns a new string value. +func ValueOfString(v string) Value { + return valueOfString(v) +} + +// ValueOfBytes returns a new bytes value. +func ValueOfBytes(v []byte) Value { + return valueOfBytes(v[:len(v):len(v)]) +} + +// ValueOfEnum returns a new enum value. +func ValueOfEnum(v EnumNumber) Value { + return Value{typ: enumType, num: uint64(v)} +} + +// ValueOfMessage returns a new Message value. +func ValueOfMessage(v Message) Value { + return valueOfIface(v) +} + +// ValueOfList returns a new List value. +func ValueOfList(v List) Value { + return valueOfIface(v) +} + +// ValueOfMap returns a new Map value. +func ValueOfMap(v Map) Value { + return valueOfIface(v) +} + +// IsValid reports whether v is populated with a value. +func (v Value) IsValid() bool { + return v.typ != nilType +} + +// Interface returns v as an interface{}. +// +// Invariant: v == ValueOf(v).Interface() +func (v Value) Interface() interface{} { + switch v.typ { + case nilType: + return nil + case boolType: + return v.Bool() + case int32Type: + return int32(v.Int()) + case int64Type: + return int64(v.Int()) + case uint32Type: + return uint32(v.Uint()) + case uint64Type: + return uint64(v.Uint()) + case float32Type: + return float32(v.Float()) + case float64Type: + return float64(v.Float()) + case stringType: + return v.String() + case bytesType: + return v.Bytes() + case enumType: + return v.Enum() + default: + return v.getIface() + } +} + +func (v Value) typeName() string { + switch v.typ { + case nilType: + return "nil" + case boolType: + return "bool" + case int32Type: + return "int32" + case int64Type: + return "int64" + case uint32Type: + return "uint32" + case uint64Type: + return "uint64" + case float32Type: + return "float32" + case float64Type: + return "float64" + case stringType: + return "string" + case bytesType: + return "bytes" + case enumType: + return "enum" + default: + switch v := v.getIface().(type) { + case Message: + return "message" + case List: + return "list" + case Map: + return "map" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("", v) + } + } +} + +func (v Value) panicMessage(what string) string { + return fmt.Sprintf("type mismatch: cannot convert %v to %s", v.typeName(), what) +} + +// Bool returns v as a bool and panics if the type is not a bool. +func (v Value) Bool() bool { + switch v.typ { + case boolType: + return v.num > 0 + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("bool")) + } +} + +// Int returns v as a int64 and panics if the type is not a int32 or int64. +func (v Value) Int() int64 { + switch v.typ { + case int32Type, int64Type: + return int64(v.num) + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("int")) + } +} + +// Uint returns v as a uint64 and panics if the type is not a uint32 or uint64. +func (v Value) Uint() uint64 { + switch v.typ { + case uint32Type, uint64Type: + return uint64(v.num) + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("uint")) + } +} + +// Float returns v as a float64 and panics if the type is not a float32 or float64. +func (v Value) Float() float64 { + switch v.typ { + case float32Type, float64Type: + return math.Float64frombits(uint64(v.num)) + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("float")) + } +} + +// String returns v as a string. Since this method implements fmt.Stringer, +// this returns the formatted string value for any non-string type. +func (v Value) String() string { + switch v.typ { + case stringType: + return v.getString() + default: + return fmt.Sprint(v.Interface()) + } +} + +// Bytes returns v as a []byte and panics if the type is not a []byte. +func (v Value) Bytes() []byte { + switch v.typ { + case bytesType: + return v.getBytes() + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("bytes")) + } +} + +// Enum returns v as a EnumNumber and panics if the type is not a EnumNumber. +func (v Value) Enum() EnumNumber { + switch v.typ { + case enumType: + return EnumNumber(v.num) + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("enum")) + } +} + +// Message returns v as a Message and panics if the type is not a Message. +func (v Value) Message() Message { + switch vi := v.getIface().(type) { + case Message: + return vi + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("message")) + } +} + +// List returns v as a List and panics if the type is not a List. +func (v Value) List() List { + switch vi := v.getIface().(type) { + case List: + return vi + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("list")) + } +} + +// Map returns v as a Map and panics if the type is not a Map. +func (v Value) Map() Map { + switch vi := v.getIface().(type) { + case Map: + return vi + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("map")) + } +} + +// MapKey returns v as a MapKey and panics for invalid MapKey types. +func (v Value) MapKey() MapKey { + switch v.typ { + case boolType, int32Type, int64Type, uint32Type, uint64Type, stringType: + return MapKey(v) + default: + panic(v.panicMessage("map key")) + } +} + +// MapKey is used to index maps, where the Go type of the MapKey must match +// the specified key Kind (see MessageDescriptor.IsMapEntry). +// The following shows what Go type is used to represent each proto Kind: +// +// ╔═════════╤═════════════════════════════════════╗ +// ║ Go type │ Protobuf kind ║ +// ╠═════════╪═════════════════════════════════════╣ +// ║ bool │ BoolKind ║ +// ║ int32 │ Int32Kind, Sint32Kind, Sfixed32Kind ║ +// ║ int64 │ Int64Kind, Sint64Kind, Sfixed64Kind ║ +// ║ uint32 │ Uint32Kind, Fixed32Kind ║ +// ║ uint64 │ Uint64Kind, Fixed64Kind ║ +// ║ string │ StringKind ║ +// ╚═════════╧═════════════════════════════════════╝ +// +// A MapKey is constructed and accessed through a Value: +// k := ValueOf("hash").MapKey() // convert string to MapKey +// s := k.String() // convert MapKey to string +// +// The MapKey is a strict subset of valid types used in Value; +// converting a Value to a MapKey with an invalid type panics. +type MapKey value + +// IsValid reports whether k is populated with a value. +func (k MapKey) IsValid() bool { + return Value(k).IsValid() +} + +// Interface returns k as an interface{}. +func (k MapKey) Interface() interface{} { + return Value(k).Interface() +} + +// Bool returns k as a bool and panics if the type is not a bool. +func (k MapKey) Bool() bool { + return Value(k).Bool() +} + +// Int returns k as a int64 and panics if the type is not a int32 or int64. +func (k MapKey) Int() int64 { + return Value(k).Int() +} + +// Uint returns k as a uint64 and panics if the type is not a uint32 or uint64. +func (k MapKey) Uint() uint64 { + return Value(k).Uint() +} + +// String returns k as a string. Since this method implements fmt.Stringer, +// this returns the formatted string value for any non-string type. +func (k MapKey) String() string { + return Value(k).String() +} + +// Value returns k as a Value. +func (k MapKey) Value() Value { + return Value(k) +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value_unsafe.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value_unsafe.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c45debdc --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect/value_unsafe.go @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// +build !purego,!appengine + +package protoreflect + +import ( + "unsafe" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" +) + +type ( + stringHeader struct { + Data unsafe.Pointer + Len int + } + sliceHeader struct { + Data unsafe.Pointer + Len int + Cap int + } + ifaceHeader struct { + Type unsafe.Pointer + Data unsafe.Pointer + } +) + +var ( + nilType = typeOf(nil) + boolType = typeOf(*new(bool)) + int32Type = typeOf(*new(int32)) + int64Type = typeOf(*new(int64)) + uint32Type = typeOf(*new(uint32)) + uint64Type = typeOf(*new(uint64)) + float32Type = typeOf(*new(float32)) + float64Type = typeOf(*new(float64)) + stringType = typeOf(*new(string)) + bytesType = typeOf(*new([]byte)) + enumType = typeOf(*new(EnumNumber)) +) + +// typeOf returns a pointer to the Go type information. +// The pointer is comparable and equal if and only if the types are identical. +func typeOf(t interface{}) unsafe.Pointer { + return (*ifaceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&t)).Type +} + +// value is a union where only one type can be represented at a time. +// The struct is 24B large on 64-bit systems and requires the minimum storage +// necessary to represent each possible type. +// +// The Go GC needs to be able to scan variables containing pointers. +// As such, pointers and non-pointers cannot be intermixed. +type value struct { + pragma.DoNotCompare // 0B + + // typ stores the type of the value as a pointer to the Go type. + typ unsafe.Pointer // 8B + + // ptr stores the data pointer for a String, Bytes, or interface value. + ptr unsafe.Pointer // 8B + + // num stores a Bool, Int32, Int64, Uint32, Uint64, Float32, Float64, or + // Enum value as a raw uint64. + // + // It is also used to store the length of a String or Bytes value; + // the capacity is ignored. + num uint64 // 8B +} + +func valueOfString(v string) Value { + p := (*stringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)) + return Value{typ: stringType, ptr: p.Data, num: uint64(len(v))} +} +func valueOfBytes(v []byte) Value { + p := (*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)) + return Value{typ: bytesType, ptr: p.Data, num: uint64(len(v))} +} +func valueOfIface(v interface{}) Value { + p := (*ifaceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&v)) + return Value{typ: p.Type, ptr: p.Data} +} + +func (v Value) getString() (x string) { + *(*stringHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) = stringHeader{Data: v.ptr, Len: int(v.num)} + return x +} +func (v Value) getBytes() (x []byte) { + *(*sliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) = sliceHeader{Data: v.ptr, Len: int(v.num), Cap: int(v.num)} + return x +} +func (v Value) getIface() (x interface{}) { + *(*ifaceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&x)) = ifaceHeader{Type: v.typ, Data: v.ptr} + return x +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry/registry.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry/registry.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..66dcbcd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry/registry.go @@ -0,0 +1,869 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package protoregistry provides data structures to register and lookup +// protobuf descriptor types. +// +// The Files registry contains file descriptors and provides the ability +// to iterate over the files or lookup a specific descriptor within the files. +// Files only contains protobuf descriptors and has no understanding of Go +// type information that may be associated with each descriptor. +// +// The Types registry contains descriptor types for which there is a known +// Go type associated with that descriptor. It provides the ability to iterate +// over the registered types or lookup a type by name. +package protoregistry + +import ( + "fmt" + "os" + "strings" + "sync" + + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// conflictPolicy configures the policy for handling registration conflicts. +// +// It can be over-written at compile time with a linker-initialized variable: +// go build -ldflags "-X google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry.conflictPolicy=warn" +// +// It can be over-written at program execution with an environment variable: +// GOLANG_PROTOBUF_REGISTRATION_CONFLICT=warn ./main +// +// Neither of the above are covered by the compatibility promise and +// may be removed in a future release of this module. +var conflictPolicy = "panic" // "panic" | "warn" | "ignore" + +// ignoreConflict reports whether to ignore a registration conflict +// given the descriptor being registered and the error. +// It is a variable so that the behavior is easily overridden in another file. +var ignoreConflict = func(d protoreflect.Descriptor, err error) bool { + const env = "GOLANG_PROTOBUF_REGISTRATION_CONFLICT" + const faq = "https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/reference/go/faq#namespace-conflict" + policy := conflictPolicy + if v := os.Getenv(env); v != "" { + policy = v + } + switch policy { + case "panic": + panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v\nSee %v\n", err, faq)) + case "warn": + fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARNING: %v\nSee %v\n\n", err, faq) + return true + case "ignore": + return true + default: + panic("invalid " + env + " value: " + os.Getenv(env)) + } +} + +var globalMutex sync.RWMutex + +// GlobalFiles is a global registry of file descriptors. +var GlobalFiles *Files = new(Files) + +// GlobalTypes is the registry used by default for type lookups +// unless a local registry is provided by the user. +var GlobalTypes *Types = new(Types) + +// NotFound is a sentinel error value to indicate that the type was not found. +// +// Since registry lookup can happen in the critical performance path, resolvers +// must return this exact error value, not an error wrapping it. +var NotFound = errors.New("not found") + +// Files is a registry for looking up or iterating over files and the +// descriptors contained within them. +// The Find and Range methods are safe for concurrent use. +type Files struct { + // The map of descsByName contains: + // EnumDescriptor + // EnumValueDescriptor + // MessageDescriptor + // ExtensionDescriptor + // ServiceDescriptor + // *packageDescriptor + // + // Note that files are stored as a slice, since a package may contain + // multiple files. Only top-level declarations are registered. + // Note that enum values are in the top-level since that are in the same + // scope as the parent enum. + descsByName map[protoreflect.FullName]interface{} + filesByPath map[string]protoreflect.FileDescriptor +} + +type packageDescriptor struct { + files []protoreflect.FileDescriptor +} + +// RegisterFile registers the provided file descriptor. +// +// If any descriptor within the file conflicts with the descriptor of any +// previously registered file (e.g., two enums with the same full name), +// then the file is not registered and an error is returned. +// +// It is permitted for multiple files to have the same file path. +func (r *Files) RegisterFile(file protoreflect.FileDescriptor) error { + if r == GlobalFiles { + globalMutex.Lock() + defer globalMutex.Unlock() + } + if r.descsByName == nil { + r.descsByName = map[protoreflect.FullName]interface{}{ + "": &packageDescriptor{}, + } + r.filesByPath = make(map[string]protoreflect.FileDescriptor) + } + path := file.Path() + if prev := r.filesByPath[path]; prev != nil { + r.checkGenProtoConflict(path) + err := errors.New("file %q is already registered", file.Path()) + err = amendErrorWithCaller(err, prev, file) + if r == GlobalFiles && ignoreConflict(file, err) { + err = nil + } + return err + } + + for name := file.Package(); name != ""; name = name.Parent() { + switch prev := r.descsByName[name]; prev.(type) { + case nil, *packageDescriptor: + default: + err := errors.New("file %q has a package name conflict over %v", file.Path(), name) + err = amendErrorWithCaller(err, prev, file) + if r == GlobalFiles && ignoreConflict(file, err) { + err = nil + } + return err + } + } + var err error + var hasConflict bool + rangeTopLevelDescriptors(file, func(d protoreflect.Descriptor) { + if prev := r.descsByName[d.FullName()]; prev != nil { + hasConflict = true + err = errors.New("file %q has a name conflict over %v", file.Path(), d.FullName()) + err = amendErrorWithCaller(err, prev, file) + if r == GlobalFiles && ignoreConflict(d, err) { + err = nil + } + } + }) + if hasConflict { + return err + } + + for name := file.Package(); name != ""; name = name.Parent() { + if r.descsByName[name] == nil { + r.descsByName[name] = &packageDescriptor{} + } + } + p := r.descsByName[file.Package()].(*packageDescriptor) + p.files = append(p.files, file) + rangeTopLevelDescriptors(file, func(d protoreflect.Descriptor) { + r.descsByName[d.FullName()] = d + }) + r.filesByPath[path] = file + return nil +} + +// Several well-known types were hosted in the google.golang.org/genproto module +// but were later moved to this module. To avoid a weak dependency on the +// genproto module (and its relatively large set of transitive dependencies), +// we rely on a registration conflict to determine whether the genproto version +// is too old (i.e., does not contain aliases to the new type declarations). +func (r *Files) checkGenProtoConflict(path string) { + if r != GlobalFiles { + return + } + var prevPath string + const prevModule = "google.golang.org/genproto" + const prevVersion = "cb27e3aa (May 26th, 2020)" + switch path { + case "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto": + prevPath = prevModule + "/protobuf/field_mask" + case "google/protobuf/api.proto": + prevPath = prevModule + "/protobuf/api" + case "google/protobuf/type.proto": + prevPath = prevModule + "/protobuf/ptype" + case "google/protobuf/source_context.proto": + prevPath = prevModule + "/protobuf/source_context" + default: + return + } + pkgName := strings.TrimSuffix(strings.TrimPrefix(path, "google/protobuf/"), ".proto") + pkgName = strings.Replace(pkgName, "_", "", -1) + "pb" // e.g., "field_mask" => "fieldmaskpb" + currPath := "google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/" + pkgName + panic(fmt.Sprintf(""+ + "duplicate registration of %q\n"+ + "\n"+ + "The generated definition for this file has moved:\n"+ + "\tfrom: %q\n"+ + "\tto: %q\n"+ + "A dependency on the %q module must\n"+ + "be at version %v or higher.\n"+ + "\n"+ + "Upgrade the dependency by running:\n"+ + "\tgo get -u %v\n", + path, prevPath, currPath, prevModule, prevVersion, prevPath)) +} + +// FindDescriptorByName looks up a descriptor by the full name. +// +// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. +func (r *Files) FindDescriptorByName(name protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.Descriptor, error) { + if r == nil { + return nil, NotFound + } + if r == GlobalFiles { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + prefix := name + suffix := nameSuffix("") + for prefix != "" { + if d, ok := r.descsByName[prefix]; ok { + switch d := d.(type) { + case protoreflect.EnumDescriptor: + if d.FullName() == name { + return d, nil + } + case protoreflect.EnumValueDescriptor: + if d.FullName() == name { + return d, nil + } + case protoreflect.MessageDescriptor: + if d.FullName() == name { + return d, nil + } + if d := findDescriptorInMessage(d, suffix); d != nil && d.FullName() == name { + return d, nil + } + case protoreflect.ExtensionDescriptor: + if d.FullName() == name { + return d, nil + } + case protoreflect.ServiceDescriptor: + if d.FullName() == name { + return d, nil + } + if d := d.Methods().ByName(suffix.Pop()); d != nil && d.FullName() == name { + return d, nil + } + } + return nil, NotFound + } + prefix = prefix.Parent() + suffix = nameSuffix(name[len(prefix)+len("."):]) + } + return nil, NotFound +} + +func findDescriptorInMessage(md protoreflect.MessageDescriptor, suffix nameSuffix) protoreflect.Descriptor { + name := suffix.Pop() + if suffix == "" { + if ed := md.Enums().ByName(name); ed != nil { + return ed + } + for i := md.Enums().Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + if vd := md.Enums().Get(i).Values().ByName(name); vd != nil { + return vd + } + } + if xd := md.Extensions().ByName(name); xd != nil { + return xd + } + if fd := md.Fields().ByName(name); fd != nil { + return fd + } + if od := md.Oneofs().ByName(name); od != nil { + return od + } + } + if md := md.Messages().ByName(name); md != nil { + if suffix == "" { + return md + } + return findDescriptorInMessage(md, suffix) + } + return nil +} + +type nameSuffix string + +func (s *nameSuffix) Pop() (name protoreflect.Name) { + if i := strings.IndexByte(string(*s), '.'); i >= 0 { + name, *s = protoreflect.Name((*s)[:i]), (*s)[i+1:] + } else { + name, *s = protoreflect.Name((*s)), "" + } + return name +} + +// FindFileByPath looks up a file by the path. +// +// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. +func (r *Files) FindFileByPath(path string) (protoreflect.FileDescriptor, error) { + if r == nil { + return nil, NotFound + } + if r == GlobalFiles { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + if fd, ok := r.filesByPath[path]; ok { + return fd, nil + } + return nil, NotFound +} + +// NumFiles reports the number of registered files. +func (r *Files) NumFiles() int { + if r == nil { + return 0 + } + if r == GlobalFiles { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + return len(r.filesByPath) +} + +// RangeFiles iterates over all registered files while f returns true. +// The iteration order is undefined. +func (r *Files) RangeFiles(f func(protoreflect.FileDescriptor) bool) { + if r == nil { + return + } + if r == GlobalFiles { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + for _, file := range r.filesByPath { + if !f(file) { + return + } + } +} + +// NumFilesByPackage reports the number of registered files in a proto package. +func (r *Files) NumFilesByPackage(name protoreflect.FullName) int { + if r == nil { + return 0 + } + if r == GlobalFiles { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + p, ok := r.descsByName[name].(*packageDescriptor) + if !ok { + return 0 + } + return len(p.files) +} + +// RangeFilesByPackage iterates over all registered files in a given proto package +// while f returns true. The iteration order is undefined. +func (r *Files) RangeFilesByPackage(name protoreflect.FullName, f func(protoreflect.FileDescriptor) bool) { + if r == nil { + return + } + if r == GlobalFiles { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + p, ok := r.descsByName[name].(*packageDescriptor) + if !ok { + return + } + for _, file := range p.files { + if !f(file) { + return + } + } +} + +// rangeTopLevelDescriptors iterates over all top-level descriptors in a file +// which will be directly entered into the registry. +func rangeTopLevelDescriptors(fd protoreflect.FileDescriptor, f func(protoreflect.Descriptor)) { + eds := fd.Enums() + for i := eds.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + f(eds.Get(i)) + vds := eds.Get(i).Values() + for i := vds.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + f(vds.Get(i)) + } + } + mds := fd.Messages() + for i := mds.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + f(mds.Get(i)) + } + xds := fd.Extensions() + for i := xds.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + f(xds.Get(i)) + } + sds := fd.Services() + for i := sds.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- { + f(sds.Get(i)) + } +} + +// MessageTypeResolver is an interface for looking up messages. +// +// A compliant implementation must deterministically return the same type +// if no error is encountered. +// +// The Types type implements this interface. +type MessageTypeResolver interface { + // FindMessageByName looks up a message by its full name. + // E.g., "google.protobuf.Any" + // + // This return (nil, NotFound) if not found. + FindMessageByName(message protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) + + // FindMessageByURL looks up a message by a URL identifier. + // See documentation on google.protobuf.Any.type_url for the URL format. + // + // This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. + FindMessageByURL(url string) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) +} + +// ExtensionTypeResolver is an interface for looking up extensions. +// +// A compliant implementation must deterministically return the same type +// if no error is encountered. +// +// The Types type implements this interface. +type ExtensionTypeResolver interface { + // FindExtensionByName looks up a extension field by the field's full name. + // Note that this is the full name of the field as determined by + // where the extension is declared and is unrelated to the full name of the + // message being extended. + // + // This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. + FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) + + // FindExtensionByNumber looks up a extension field by the field number + // within some parent message, identified by full name. + // + // This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. + FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) +} + +var ( + _ MessageTypeResolver = (*Types)(nil) + _ ExtensionTypeResolver = (*Types)(nil) +) + +// Types is a registry for looking up or iterating over descriptor types. +// The Find and Range methods are safe for concurrent use. +type Types struct { + typesByName typesByName + extensionsByMessage extensionsByMessage + + numEnums int + numMessages int + numExtensions int +} + +type ( + typesByName map[protoreflect.FullName]interface{} + extensionsByMessage map[protoreflect.FullName]extensionsByNumber + extensionsByNumber map[protoreflect.FieldNumber]protoreflect.ExtensionType +) + +// RegisterMessage registers the provided message type. +// +// If a naming conflict occurs, the type is not registered and an error is returned. +func (r *Types) RegisterMessage(mt protoreflect.MessageType) error { + // Under rare circumstances getting the descriptor might recursively + // examine the registry, so fetch it before locking. + md := mt.Descriptor() + + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.Lock() + defer globalMutex.Unlock() + } + + if err := r.register("message", md, mt); err != nil { + return err + } + r.numMessages++ + return nil +} + +// RegisterEnum registers the provided enum type. +// +// If a naming conflict occurs, the type is not registered and an error is returned. +func (r *Types) RegisterEnum(et protoreflect.EnumType) error { + // Under rare circumstances getting the descriptor might recursively + // examine the registry, so fetch it before locking. + ed := et.Descriptor() + + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.Lock() + defer globalMutex.Unlock() + } + + if err := r.register("enum", ed, et); err != nil { + return err + } + r.numEnums++ + return nil +} + +// RegisterExtension registers the provided extension type. +// +// If a naming conflict occurs, the type is not registered and an error is returned. +func (r *Types) RegisterExtension(xt protoreflect.ExtensionType) error { + // Under rare circumstances getting the descriptor might recursively + // examine the registry, so fetch it before locking. + // + // A known case where this can happen: Fetching the TypeDescriptor for a + // legacy ExtensionDesc can consult the global registry. + xd := xt.TypeDescriptor() + + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.Lock() + defer globalMutex.Unlock() + } + + field := xd.Number() + message := xd.ContainingMessage().FullName() + if prev := r.extensionsByMessage[message][field]; prev != nil { + err := errors.New("extension number %d is already registered on message %v", field, message) + err = amendErrorWithCaller(err, prev, xt) + if !(r == GlobalTypes && ignoreConflict(xd, err)) { + return err + } + } + + if err := r.register("extension", xd, xt); err != nil { + return err + } + if r.extensionsByMessage == nil { + r.extensionsByMessage = make(extensionsByMessage) + } + if r.extensionsByMessage[message] == nil { + r.extensionsByMessage[message] = make(extensionsByNumber) + } + r.extensionsByMessage[message][field] = xt + r.numExtensions++ + return nil +} + +func (r *Types) register(kind string, desc protoreflect.Descriptor, typ interface{}) error { + name := desc.FullName() + prev := r.typesByName[name] + if prev != nil { + err := errors.New("%v %v is already registered", kind, name) + err = amendErrorWithCaller(err, prev, typ) + if !(r == GlobalTypes && ignoreConflict(desc, err)) { + return err + } + } + if r.typesByName == nil { + r.typesByName = make(typesByName) + } + r.typesByName[name] = typ + return nil +} + +// FindEnumByName looks up an enum by its full name. +// E.g., "google.protobuf.Field.Kind". +// +// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. +func (r *Types) FindEnumByName(enum protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.EnumType, error) { + if r == nil { + return nil, NotFound + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + if v := r.typesByName[enum]; v != nil { + if et, _ := v.(protoreflect.EnumType); et != nil { + return et, nil + } + return nil, errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want enum", typeName(v)) + } + return nil, NotFound +} + +// FindMessageByName looks up a message by its full name, +// e.g. "google.protobuf.Any". +// +// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. +func (r *Types) FindMessageByName(message protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) { + if r == nil { + return nil, NotFound + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + if v := r.typesByName[message]; v != nil { + if mt, _ := v.(protoreflect.MessageType); mt != nil { + return mt, nil + } + return nil, errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want message", typeName(v)) + } + return nil, NotFound +} + +// FindMessageByURL looks up a message by a URL identifier. +// See documentation on google.protobuf.Any.type_url for the URL format. +// +// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. +func (r *Types) FindMessageByURL(url string) (protoreflect.MessageType, error) { + // This function is similar to FindMessageByName but + // truncates anything before and including '/' in the URL. + if r == nil { + return nil, NotFound + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + message := protoreflect.FullName(url) + if i := strings.LastIndexByte(url, '/'); i >= 0 { + message = message[i+len("/"):] + } + + if v := r.typesByName[message]; v != nil { + if mt, _ := v.(protoreflect.MessageType); mt != nil { + return mt, nil + } + return nil, errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want message", typeName(v)) + } + return nil, NotFound +} + +// FindExtensionByName looks up a extension field by the field's full name. +// Note that this is the full name of the field as determined by +// where the extension is declared and is unrelated to the full name of the +// message being extended. +// +// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. +func (r *Types) FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) { + if r == nil { + return nil, NotFound + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + if v := r.typesByName[field]; v != nil { + if xt, _ := v.(protoreflect.ExtensionType); xt != nil { + return xt, nil + } + + // MessageSet extensions are special in that the name of the extension + // is the name of the message type used to extend the MessageSet. + // This naming scheme is used by text and JSON serialization. + // + // This feature is protected by the ProtoLegacy flag since MessageSets + // are a proto1 feature that is long deprecated. + if flags.ProtoLegacy { + if _, ok := v.(protoreflect.MessageType); ok { + field := field.Append(messageset.ExtensionName) + if v := r.typesByName[field]; v != nil { + if xt, _ := v.(protoreflect.ExtensionType); xt != nil { + if messageset.IsMessageSetExtension(xt.TypeDescriptor()) { + return xt, nil + } + } + } + } + } + + return nil, errors.New("found wrong type: got %v, want extension", typeName(v)) + } + return nil, NotFound +} + +// FindExtensionByNumber looks up a extension field by the field number +// within some parent message, identified by full name. +// +// This returns (nil, NotFound) if not found. +func (r *Types) FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) { + if r == nil { + return nil, NotFound + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + if xt, ok := r.extensionsByMessage[message][field]; ok { + return xt, nil + } + return nil, NotFound +} + +// NumEnums reports the number of registered enums. +func (r *Types) NumEnums() int { + if r == nil { + return 0 + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + return r.numEnums +} + +// RangeEnums iterates over all registered enums while f returns true. +// Iteration order is undefined. +func (r *Types) RangeEnums(f func(protoreflect.EnumType) bool) { + if r == nil { + return + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + for _, typ := range r.typesByName { + if et, ok := typ.(protoreflect.EnumType); ok { + if !f(et) { + return + } + } + } +} + +// NumMessages reports the number of registered messages. +func (r *Types) NumMessages() int { + if r == nil { + return 0 + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + return r.numMessages +} + +// RangeMessages iterates over all registered messages while f returns true. +// Iteration order is undefined. +func (r *Types) RangeMessages(f func(protoreflect.MessageType) bool) { + if r == nil { + return + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + for _, typ := range r.typesByName { + if mt, ok := typ.(protoreflect.MessageType); ok { + if !f(mt) { + return + } + } + } +} + +// NumExtensions reports the number of registered extensions. +func (r *Types) NumExtensions() int { + if r == nil { + return 0 + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + return r.numExtensions +} + +// RangeExtensions iterates over all registered extensions while f returns true. +// Iteration order is undefined. +func (r *Types) RangeExtensions(f func(protoreflect.ExtensionType) bool) { + if r == nil { + return + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + for _, typ := range r.typesByName { + if xt, ok := typ.(protoreflect.ExtensionType); ok { + if !f(xt) { + return + } + } + } +} + +// NumExtensionsByMessage reports the number of registered extensions for +// a given message type. +func (r *Types) NumExtensionsByMessage(message protoreflect.FullName) int { + if r == nil { + return 0 + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + return len(r.extensionsByMessage[message]) +} + +// RangeExtensionsByMessage iterates over all registered extensions filtered +// by a given message type while f returns true. Iteration order is undefined. +func (r *Types) RangeExtensionsByMessage(message protoreflect.FullName, f func(protoreflect.ExtensionType) bool) { + if r == nil { + return + } + if r == GlobalTypes { + globalMutex.RLock() + defer globalMutex.RUnlock() + } + for _, xt := range r.extensionsByMessage[message] { + if !f(xt) { + return + } + } +} + +func typeName(t interface{}) string { + switch t.(type) { + case protoreflect.EnumType: + return "enum" + case protoreflect.MessageType: + return "message" + case protoreflect.ExtensionType: + return "extension" + default: + return fmt.Sprintf("%T", t) + } +} + +func amendErrorWithCaller(err error, prev, curr interface{}) error { + prevPkg := goPackage(prev) + currPkg := goPackage(curr) + if prevPkg == "" || currPkg == "" || prevPkg == currPkg { + return err + } + return errors.New("%s\n\tpreviously from: %q\n\tcurrently from: %q", err, prevPkg, currPkg) +} + +func goPackage(v interface{}) string { + switch d := v.(type) { + case protoreflect.EnumType: + v = d.Descriptor() + case protoreflect.MessageType: + v = d.Descriptor() + case protoreflect.ExtensionType: + v = d.TypeDescriptor() + } + if d, ok := v.(protoreflect.Descriptor); ok { + v = d.ParentFile() + } + if d, ok := v.(interface{ GoPackagePath() string }); ok { + return d.GoPackagePath() + } + return "" +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface/legacy.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface/legacy.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c5872767 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface/legacy.go @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package protoiface + +type MessageV1 interface { + Reset() + String() string + ProtoMessage() +} + +type ExtensionRangeV1 struct { + Start, End int32 // both inclusive +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface/methods.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface/methods.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..32c04f67 --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface/methods.go @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package protoiface contains types referenced or implemented by messages. +// +// WARNING: This package should only be imported by message implementations. +// The functionality found in this package should be accessed through +// higher-level abstractions provided by the proto package. +package protoiface + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect" +) + +// Methods is a set of optional fast-path implementations of various operations. +type Methods = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + // Flags indicate support for optional features. + Flags SupportFlags + + // Size returns the size in bytes of the wire-format encoding of a message. + // Marshal must be provided if a custom Size is provided. + Size func(SizeInput) SizeOutput + + // Marshal formats a message in the wire-format encoding to the provided buffer. + // Size should be provided if a custom Marshal is provided. + // It must not return an error for a partial message. + Marshal func(MarshalInput) (MarshalOutput, error) + + // Unmarshal parses the wire-format encoding and merges the result into a message. + // It must not reset the target message or return an error for a partial message. + Unmarshal func(UnmarshalInput) (UnmarshalOutput, error) + + // Merge merges the contents of a source message into a destination message. + Merge func(MergeInput) MergeOutput + + // CheckInitialized returns an error if any required fields in the message are not set. + CheckInitialized func(CheckInitializedInput) (CheckInitializedOutput, error) +} + +// SupportFlags indicate support for optional features. +type SupportFlags = uint64 + +const ( + // SupportMarshalDeterministic reports whether MarshalOptions.Deterministic is supported. + SupportMarshalDeterministic SupportFlags = 1 << iota + + // SupportUnmarshalDiscardUnknown reports whether UnmarshalOptions.DiscardUnknown is supported. + SupportUnmarshalDiscardUnknown +) + +// SizeInput is input to the Size method. +type SizeInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + Message protoreflect.Message + Flags MarshalInputFlags +} + +// SizeOutput is output from the Size method. +type SizeOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + Size int +} + +// MarshalInput is input to the Marshal method. +type MarshalInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + Message protoreflect.Message + Buf []byte // output is appended to this buffer + Flags MarshalInputFlags +} + +// MarshalOutput is output from the Marshal method. +type MarshalOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + Buf []byte // contains marshaled message +} + +// MarshalInputFlags configure the marshaler. +// Most flags correspond to fields in proto.MarshalOptions. +type MarshalInputFlags = uint8 + +const ( + MarshalDeterministic MarshalInputFlags = 1 << iota + MarshalUseCachedSize +) + +// UnmarshalInput is input to the Unmarshal method. +type UnmarshalInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + Message protoreflect.Message + Buf []byte // input buffer + Flags UnmarshalInputFlags + Resolver interface { + FindExtensionByName(field protoreflect.FullName) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) + FindExtensionByNumber(message protoreflect.FullName, field protoreflect.FieldNumber) (protoreflect.ExtensionType, error) + } +} + +// UnmarshalOutput is output from the Unmarshal method. +type UnmarshalOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + Flags UnmarshalOutputFlags +} + +// UnmarshalInputFlags configure the unmarshaler. +// Most flags correspond to fields in proto.UnmarshalOptions. +type UnmarshalInputFlags = uint8 + +const ( + UnmarshalDiscardUnknown UnmarshalInputFlags = 1 << iota +) + +// UnmarshalOutputFlags are output from the Unmarshal method. +type UnmarshalOutputFlags = uint8 + +const ( + // UnmarshalInitialized may be set on return if all required fields are known to be set. + // If unset, then it does not necessarily indicate that the message is uninitialized, + // only that its status could not be confirmed. + UnmarshalInitialized UnmarshalOutputFlags = 1 << iota +) + +// MergeInput is input to the Merge method. +type MergeInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + Source protoreflect.Message + Destination protoreflect.Message +} + +// MergeOutput is output from the Merge method. +type MergeOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + Flags MergeOutputFlags +} + +// MergeOutputFlags are output from the Merge method. +type MergeOutputFlags = uint8 + +const ( + // MergeComplete reports whether the merge was performed. + // If unset, the merger must have made no changes to the destination. + MergeComplete MergeOutputFlags = 1 << iota +) + +// CheckInitializedInput is input to the CheckInitialized method. +type CheckInitializedInput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals + + Message protoreflect.Message +} + +// CheckInitializedOutput is output from the CheckInitialized method. +type CheckInitializedOutput = struct { + pragma.NoUnkeyedLiterals +} diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl/impl.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl/impl.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4a1ab7fb --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl/impl.go @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +// Package protoimpl contains the default implementation for messages +// generated by protoc-gen-go. +// +// WARNING: This package should only ever be imported by generated messages. +// The compatibility agreement covers nothing except for functionality needed +// to keep existing generated messages operational. Breakages that occur due +// to unauthorized usages of this package are not the author's responsibility. +package protoimpl + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype" + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl" +) + +// UnsafeEnabled specifies whether package unsafe can be used. +const UnsafeEnabled = impl.UnsafeEnabled + +type ( + // Types used by generated code in init functions. + DescBuilder = filedesc.Builder + TypeBuilder = filetype.Builder + + // Types used by generated code to implement EnumType, MessageType, and ExtensionType. + EnumInfo = impl.EnumInfo + MessageInfo = impl.MessageInfo + ExtensionInfo = impl.ExtensionInfo + + // Types embedded in generated messages. + MessageState = impl.MessageState + SizeCache = impl.SizeCache + WeakFields = impl.WeakFields + UnknownFields = impl.UnknownFields + ExtensionFields = impl.ExtensionFields + ExtensionFieldV1 = impl.ExtensionField + + Pointer = impl.Pointer +) + +var X impl.Export diff --git a/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl/version.go b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl/version.go new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ff094e1b --- /dev/null +++ b/vendor/google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl/version.go @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. +// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style +// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. + +package protoimpl + +import ( + "google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/version" +) + +const ( + // MaxVersion is the maximum supported version for generated .pb.go files. + // It is always the current version of the module. + MaxVersion = version.Minor + + // GenVersion is the runtime version required by generated .pb.go files. + // This is incremented when generated code relies on new functionality + // in the runtime. + GenVersion = 20 + + // MinVersion is the minimum supported version for generated .pb.go files. + // This is incremented when the runtime drops support for old code. + MinVersion = 0 +) + +// EnforceVersion is used by code generated by protoc-gen-go +// to statically enforce minimum and maximum versions of this package. +// A compilation failure implies either that: +// * the runtime package is too old and needs to be updated OR +// * the generated code is too old and needs to be regenerated. +// +// The runtime package can be upgraded by running: +// go get google.golang.org/protobuf +// +// The generated code can be regenerated by running: +// protoc --go_out=${PROTOC_GEN_GO_ARGS} ${PROTO_FILES} +// +// Example usage by generated code: +// const ( +// // Verify that this generated code is sufficiently up-to-date. +// _ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(genVersion - protoimpl.MinVersion) +// // Verify that runtime/protoimpl is sufficiently up-to-date. +// _ = protoimpl.EnforceVersion(protoimpl.MaxVersion - genVersion) +// ) +// +// The genVersion is the current minor version used to generated the code. +// This compile-time check relies on negative integer overflow of a uint +// being a compilation failure (guaranteed by the Go specification). +type EnforceVersion uint + +// This enforces the following invariant: +// MinVersion ≤ GenVersion ≤ MaxVersion +const ( + _ = EnforceVersion(GenVersion - MinVersion) + _ = EnforceVersion(MaxVersion - GenVersion) +) diff --git a/vendor/modules.txt b/vendor/modules.txt index 01e50e97..d096e3a9 100644 --- a/vendor/modules.txt +++ b/vendor/modules.txt @@ -1,21 +1,47 @@ -# github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.5.1 -## explicit; go 1.12 +# github.com/Microsoft/go-winio v0.5.2 +## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/Microsoft/go-winio github.com/Microsoft/go-winio/pkg/guid -# github.com/golang/protobuf v1.3.5 -## explicit; go 1.9 -github.com/golang/protobuf/proto # github.com/opencontainers/go-digest v1.0.0 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/opencontainers/go-digest # github.com/sirupsen/logrus v1.8.1 ## explicit; go 1.13 github.com/sirupsen/logrus -# golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20201207232520-09787c993a3a +# github.com/stretchr/testify v1.3.0 +## explicit +# golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20210220032951-036812b2e83c ## explicit golang.org/x/sync/errgroup -# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20210124154548-22da62e12c0c -## explicit; go 1.12 +# golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20220405210540-1e041c57c461 +## explicit; go 1.17 golang.org/x/sys/internal/unsafeheader golang.org/x/sys/unix golang.org/x/sys/windows +# google.golang.org/protobuf v1.26.0 +## explicit; go 1.9 +google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/prototext +google.golang.org/protobuf/encoding/protowire +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descfmt +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/descopts +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/detrand +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/defval +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/messageset +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/tag +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/encoding/text +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/errors +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filedesc +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/filetype +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/flags +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/genid +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/impl +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/order +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/pragma +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/set +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/strs +google.golang.org/protobuf/internal/version +google.golang.org/protobuf/proto +google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoreflect +google.golang.org/protobuf/reflect/protoregistry +google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoiface +google.golang.org/protobuf/runtime/protoimpl