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QA Report #60

code423n4 opened this issue Feb 16, 2022 · 4 comments

QA Report #60

code423n4 opened this issue Feb 16, 2022 · 4 comments
bug Something isn't working QA (Quality Assurance) Assets are not at risk. State handling, function incorrect as to spec, issues with clarity, syntax


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QA Report

Table of Contents:


  • @audit tags

The code is annotated at multiple places with //@audit comments to pinpoint the issues. Please, pay attention to them for more details.

File: CollectNFT.sol

constructor(address hub)

29:     constructor(address hub) {
30:         HUB = hub; //@audit 0 check
31:     }

Missing Address(0) check on hub

address hub should be address(0) checked.
This type of address(0) check is already done in the solution (even for hub), see in ModuleBase.sol:

File: ModuleBase.sol
23:     constructor(address hub) {
24:         if (hub == address(0)) revert Errors.InitParamsInvalid(); //@audit-ok address(0) check on hub
25:         HUB = hub;
26:         emit Events.ModuleBaseConstructed(hub, block.timestamp);
27:     }

I suggest doing the same as in ModuleBase.sol.

function initialize()

34:     function initialize(
35:         uint256 profileId,
36:         uint256 pubId,
37:         string calldata name,
38:         string calldata symbol
39:     ) external override { //@audit no access controls / can be frontrun
40:         if (_initialized) revert Errors.Initialized();
41:         _initialized = true;
42:         _profileId = profileId;
43:         _pubId = pubId;
44:         super._initialize(name, symbol);
45:         emit Events.CollectNFTInitialized(profileId, pubId, block.timestamp);
46:     }

initialize can be called by everyone and front-run

The initialize function is missing access controls, allowing any user to initialize the contract. By front-running the contract deployers to initialize the contract, the incorrect parameters may be supplied, leaving the contract needing to be redeployed.

I recommend adding some type of access control (onlyHub? onlyGov?) to initialize().

File: FollowNFT.sol

constructor(address hub)

48:     constructor(address hub) {
49:         HUB = hub;  //@audit 0 check
50:     }

Missing Address(0) check on hub

See Missing Address(0) check on hub for a similar explanation

function initialize()

53:     function initialize(
54:         uint256 profileId,
55:         string calldata name,
56:         string calldata symbol
57:     ) external override { //@audit no access controls / can be frontrun
58:         if (_initialized) revert Errors.Initialized();
59:         _initialized = true;
60:         _profileId = profileId;
61:         super._initialize(name, symbol);
62:         emit Events.FollowNFTInitialized(profileId, block.timestamp);
63:     }

initialize can be called by everyone and front-run

See initialize can be called by everyone and front-run for a similar explanation

File: LensHub.sol

constructor(address followNFTImpl, address collectNFTImpl)

57:     constructor(address followNFTImpl, address collectNFTImpl) {
58:         FOLLOW_NFT_IMPL = followNFTImpl; //@audit 0 check
59:         COLLECT_NFT_IMPL = collectNFTImpl; //@audit 0 check
60:     }

Missing Address(0) check on followNFTImpl

Missing Address(0) check on collectNFTImpl

See Missing Address(0) check on hub for a similar explanation

function initialize()

63:     function initialize(
64:         string calldata name,
65:         string calldata symbol,
66:         address newGovernance
67:     ) external override initializer { //@audit no access controls / can be frontrun
68:         super._initialize(name, symbol);
69:         _setState(DataTypes.ProtocolState.Paused);
70:         _setGovernance(newGovernance);
71:     }

initialize can be called by everyone and front-run

See initialize can be called by everyone and front-run for a similar explanation

File: ERC721Enumerable.sol

function _addTokenToAllTokensEnumeration(uint256 tokenId)

File: ERC721Enumerable.sol
124:     function _addTokenToAllTokensEnumeration(uint256 tokenId) private {
125:         _allTokensIndex[tokenId] = _allTokens.length; //@audit check for existence
126:         _allTokens.push(tokenId);
127:     }

_allTokensIndex[tokenId] should be checked for existence

This issue was already submitted as a medium issue. Mentioning it in the QA-Report still felt valuable. To avoid pushing multiple times a tokenId in the array and breaking the logic, _allTokensIndex[tokenId] should be checked for existence.

function _removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration(address from, uint256 tokenId)

Missing pop()

The comments say that a swap & pop should happen in this function.

138:         // To prevent a gap in from's tokens array, we store the last token in the index of the token to delete, and
139:         // then delete the last slot (swap and pop).

However, this isn't the case:

152:         // This also deletes the contents at the last position of the array
153:         delete _ownedTokensIndex[tokenId];
154:         delete _ownedTokens[from][lastTokenIndex];

I suggest either correcting the comment or doing like in _removeTokenFromAllTokensEnumeration():

177:         // This also deletes the contents at the last position of the array
178:         delete _allTokensIndex[tokenId];
179:         _allTokens.pop();

File: ERC721Time.sol

function _checkOnERC721Received() private

Wrong comment

436:      * @dev Internal function to invoke {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received} on a target address.

should be

436:      * @dev Private function to invoke {IERC721Receiver-onERC721Received} on a target address.

This would follow the practice from other places like ERC721Enumerable at L110, L121, L130 and L158:

110:      * @dev Private function to add a token to this extension's ownership-tracking data structures.
121:      * @dev Private function to add a token to this extension's token tracking data structures.
130:      * @dev Private function to remove a token from this extension's ownership-tracking data structures. Note that
158:      * @dev Private function to remove a token from this extension's token tracking data structures.

File: LimitedFeeCollectModule.sol

function initializePublicationCollectModule()

50:     /**
51:      * @notice This collect module levies a fee on collects and supports referrals. Thus, we need to decode data.
52:      * //@audit missing @param profileId and @param pubId
53:      * @param data The arbitrary data parameter, decoded into:
54:      *      uint256 collectLimit: The maximum amount of collects.
55:      *      uint256 amount: The currency total amount to levy.
56:      *      address currency: The currency address, must be internally whitelisted.
57:      *      address recipient: The custom recipient address to direct earnings to.
58:      *      uint16 referralFee: The referral fee to set.
59:      * 
60:      * @return An abi encoded bytes parameter, which is the same as the passed data parameter.
61:      */
62:     function initializePublicationCollectModule(
63:         uint256 profileId,
64:         uint256 pubId,
65:         bytes calldata data
66:     ) external override onlyHub returns (bytes memory) {

Missing comment: @param profileId

Missing comment: @param pubId

File: LimitedTimedFeeCollectModule.sol

function initializePublicationCollectModule()

55:     /**
56:      * @notice This collect module levies a fee on collects and supports referrals. Thus, we need to decode data.
57:      * //@audit missing @param profileId and @param pubId
58:      * @param data The arbitrary data parameter, decoded into:
59:      *      uint256 collectLimit: The maximum amount of collects.
60:      *      uint256 amount: The currency total amount to levy.
61:      *      address currency: The currency address, must be internally whitelisted.
62:      *      address recipient: The custom recipient address to direct earnings to.
63:      *      uint16 referralFee: The referral fee to set.
64:      *
65:      * @return An abi encoded bytes parameter, containing (in order): collectLimit, amount, currency, recipient, referral fee & end timestamp.
66:      */
67:     function initializePublicationCollectModule(
68:         uint256 profileId,
69:         uint256 pubId,
70:         bytes calldata data
71:     ) external override onlyHub returns (bytes memory) {

Missing comment: @param profileId

Missing comment: @param pubId

File: TimedFeeCollectModule.sol

function initializePublicationCollectModule()

55:     /**
56:      * @notice This collect module levies a fee on collects and supports referrals. Thus, we need to decode data.
57:      * //@audit missing @param profileId and @param pubId
58:      * @param data The arbitrary data parameter, decoded into: 
59:      *      uint256 amount: The currency total amount to levy.
60:      *      address currency: The currency address, must be internally whitelisted.
61:      *      address recipient: The custom recipient address to direct earnings to.
62:      *      uint16 referralFee: The referral fee to set.
63:      *
64:      * @return An abi encoded bytes parameter, containing (in order): amount, currency, recipient, referral fee & end timestamp.
65:      */
66:     function initializePublicationCollectModule(
67:         uint256 profileId,
68:         uint256 pubId,
69:         bytes calldata data
70:     ) external override onlyHub returns (bytes memory) {

Missing comment: @param profileId

Missing comment: @param pubId

File: ApprovalFollowModule.sol

function initializeFollowModule()

49:      * @notice This follow module works on custom profile owner approvals.
50:      * //@audit missing @param profileId
51:      * @param data The arbitrary data parameter, decoded into:
52:      *      address[] addresses: The array of addresses to approve initially.
53:      *
54:      * @return An abi encoded bytes parameter, which is the same as the passed data parameter.
55:      */
56:     function initializeFollowModule(uint256 profileId, bytes calldata data)

Missing comment: @param profileId

function isApproved()

098:     /**
099:      * @notice Returns whether the given address is approved for the profile owned by a given address.
100:      *
101:      * @param profileOwner The profile owner of the profile to query the approval with.
102:      * @param profileId The token ID of the profile to query approval with.
103:      * @param toCheck The address to query approval for.
104:      *
105:      * @return //@audit incomplete @return definition
106:      */
107:     function isApproved(
108:         address profileOwner,
109:         uint256 profileId,
110:         address toCheck
111:     ) external view returns (bool) {

Incomplete @return definition (no description)

function isApprovedArray()

115:     /**
116:      * @notice Returns whether the given addresses are approved for the profile owned by a given address.
117:      *
118:      * @param profileOwner The profile owner of the profile to query the approvals with.
119:      * @param profileId The token ID of the profile to query approvals with.
120:      * @param toCheck The address array to query approvals for. //@audit missing @return bool[]
121:      */ 
122:     function isApprovedArray(
123:         address profileOwner,
124:         uint256 profileId,
125:         address[] calldata toCheck
126:     ) external view returns (bool[] memory) {

Missing comment: @return bool[]

File: FeeFollowModule.sol

function initializeFollowModule()

42:     /**
43:      * @notice This follow module levies a fee on follows.
44:      *
45:      * @param data The arbitrary data parameter, decoded into: //@audit missing @param profileId
46:      *      address currency: The currency address, must be internally whitelisted.
47:      *      uint256 amount: The currency total amount to levy.
48:      *      address recipient: The custom recipient address to direct earnings to.
49:      *
50:      * @return An abi encoded bytes parameter, which is the same as the passed data parameter.
51:      */
52:     function initializeFollowModule(uint256 profileId, bytes calldata data)
53:         external
54:         override
55:         onlyHub
56:         returns (bytes memory)

Missing comment: @param profileId

File: IFollowModule.sol

function initializeFollowModule()

12:     /**
13:      * @notice Initializes a follow module for a given Lens profile. This can only be called by the hub contract.
14:      *
15:      * @param profileId The token ID of the profile to initialize this follow module for.
16:      * @param data Arbitrary data passed by the profile creator. //@audit missing @return bytes
17:      */
18:     function initializeFollowModule(uint256 profileId, bytes calldata data)
19:         external
20:         returns (bytes memory);

Missing comment: @return bytes

It should be: @return An abi encoded bytes parameter, which is the same as the passed data parameter..

File: IFollowNFT.sol

function getPowerByBlockNumber()

56:     /**
57:      * @notice Returns the governance power for a given user at a specified block number.
58:      *
59:      * @param user The user to query governance power for.
60:      * @param blockNumber The block number to query the user's governance power at. //@audit missing @return uint256
61:      */
62:     function getPowerByBlockNumber(address user, uint256 blockNumber) external returns (uint256);

Missing comment: @return uint256

function getDelegatedSupplyByBlockNumber()

64:     /**
65:      * @notice Returns the total delegated supply at a specified block number. This is the sum of all
66:      * current available voting power at a given block.
67:      *
68:      * @param blockNumber The block number to query the delegated supply at. //@audit missing @return uint256
69:      */
70:     function getDelegatedSupplyByBlockNumber(uint256 blockNumber) external returns (uint256);

Missing comment: @return uint256

File: ILensHub.sol

function getProfile()

449:     /**
450:      * @notice Returns the full profile struct associated with a given profile token ID.
451:      *
452:      * @param profileId The token ID of the profile to query. //@audit missing @return 
453:      */
454:     function getProfile(uint256 profileId) external view returns (DataTypes.ProfileStruct memory);

Missing comment: @return DataTypes.ProfileStruct

File: Events.sol

event ProfileCreated()

116:     /**
117:      * @dev Emitted when a profile is created.
118:      *
119:      * @param profileId The newly created profile's token ID.
120:      * @param creator The profile creator, who created the token with the given profile ID.
121:      * @param to The address receiving the profile with the given profile ID.
122:      * @param handle The handle set for the profile.
123:      * @param imageURI The image uri set for the profile.
124:      * @param followModule The profile's newly set follow module. This CAN be the zero address.
125:      * @param followModuleReturnData The data returned from the follow module's initialization. This is abi encoded
126:      * and totally depends on the follow module chosen. //@audit missing @param followNFTURI
127:      * @param timestamp The current block timestamp.
128:      */
129:     event ProfileCreated(
130:         uint256 indexed profileId,
131:         address indexed creator,
132:         address indexed to,
133:         string handle,
134:         string imageURI,
135:         address followModule,
136:         bytes followModuleReturnData,
137:         string followNFTURI,
138:         uint256 timestamp
139:     );

Missing comment: @param followNFTURI

File: InteractionLogic.sol

function follow()

28:     /**
29:      * @notice Follows the given profiles, executing the necessary logic and module calls before minting the follow
30:      * NFT(s) to the follower.
31:      *
32:      * @param follower The address executing the follow.
33:      * @param profileIds The array of profile token IDs to follow.
34:      * @param followModuleDatas The array of follow module data parameters to pass to each profile's follow module.
35:      * @param followNFTImpl The address of the follow NFT implementation, which has to be passed because it's an immutable in the hub.
36:      * @param _profileById A pointer to the storage mapping of profile structs by profile ID. //@audit missing @param _profileIdByHandleHash
37:      */
38:     function follow(
39:         address follower,
40:         uint256[] calldata profileIds,
41:         bytes[] calldata followModuleDatas,
42:         address followNFTImpl,
43:         mapping(uint256 => DataTypes.ProfileStruct) storage _profileById,
44:         mapping(bytes32 => uint256) storage _profileIdByHandleHash
45:     ) external {

Missing comment: @param _profileIdByHandleHash

@code423n4 code423n4 added QA (Quality Assurance) Assets are not at risk. State handling, function incorrect as to spec, issues with clarity, syntax bug Something isn't working labels Feb 16, 2022
code423n4 added a commit that referenced this issue Feb 16, 2022
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Zer0dot commented Mar 24, 2022

Again another great report from Dravee!

To the judge-- it's possible I may have previously denied the validity of the zero address checks, note that I now believe there's virtually no reason not to implement them, so they are valid.

However, the init frontrun issue is invalid because collect & follow NFTs are initialized in the same transaction as their cloning from the hub.

The ERC721Enumerable changes I'm not 100% sure on, this is basically CC'd from OpenZeppelin, I'll have to ask for clarity on that @miguelmtzinf @donosonaumczuk @tabshaikh if you guys want to weigh in.

Everything's updated here: lens-protocol/core#80

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I'm not following Dravee on the ERC721Enumerable stuff.

_allTokensIndex[tokenId] should be checked for existence to avoid pushing multiple times a tokenId in the array

This is not necessary, as _addTokenToAllTokensEnumeration is called only from _beforeTokenTransfer when from == address(0), basically only on mints. So the token won't exist before.

_removeTokenFromOwnerEnumeration missing pop()

Both _ownedTokensIndex and _ownedTokens are mappings, so they are just deleting the value with the delete. In the other function OpenZeppelin devs calls the pop() over _allTokens but because that is an array and they are not only deleting the value but also decreasing the length.

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Zer0dot commented Mar 28, 2022

Nicely done @donosonaumczuk thanks for the input! We won't change anything in the ERC721 implementations forked from OZ.

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Awesome writeup, most of these are completely valid. I think the issue outlined in #53 and mentioned here does not point to an issue that may occur. Additionally, the frontrun issue is really only applicable to non-proxy setups which do not initialize and deploy in the same transaction. Fortunately, proxies do this safely.

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bug Something isn't working QA (Quality Assurance) Assets are not at risk. State handling, function incorrect as to spec, issues with clarity, syntax
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4 participants