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Welcome to the Workers Streams implementation.

The path here is dark and murky. Tread carefully.


There are a handful of terms that are used commonly throughout the streams implementation.

Internal streams vs. Standard streams

The original implementation of the streams API in Workers focused solely on providing a minimal level of functionality necessary for our own use cases. Specifically, things like reading data from the body of a request, or writing data out to a response. This initial implementation relies largely on internal kj-based I/O and is only superficially an implementation of the WHATWG Streams standard. We call this the Internal streams implementation.

The Standard streams are a new separate implementation that conforms to the WHATWG streams specification. It relies largely on JavaScript Promises to drive the I/O of the streams themselves. JavaScript functions provided by user code are used to provide both the source and destination of data flowing through the streams.

While both of these implementations are exposed using the same standard ReadableStream, WritableStream, and TransformStream APIs, they are two separate implementations that operate very differently from one another internally.


Every ReadableStream, WritableStream has an underlying controller that provides the actual underlying implementation of the stream itself.

Internal streams and Standard streams each have separate controller implementations.

A WritableStreamController provides the implementation for a WritableStream.

A ReadableStreamController provides the implementation for a ReadableStream.

The WritableStreamController for Internal streams is the WritableStreamInternalController class defined in internal.h.

The ReadableStreamController for Internal streams is the ReadableStreamInternalController class defined in internal.h.

The WritableStreamController for Standard streams is the WritableStreamJsController class defined in standard.h.

The ReadableStreamController for Standard streams is the ReadableStreamJsController class defined in standard.h.

The details on the behavior of each type of controller will be explained later.

Byte-oriented vs. Value-oriented

A Byte-oriented stream is only capable of working with byte data expressed in the form of JavaScript TypedArrays and ArrayBuffers. Arbitrary JavaScript values cannot be passed through Byte-oriented streams.

A Value-oriented stream can handle any JavaScript value, including undefined and null. TypedArrays and ArrayBuffers can be passed through Value-oriented streams but are not interpreted as byte sequences.

Internal streams are exclusively Byte-oriented.

Standard streams can be Byte-oriented or Value-oriented.

Note that the ReadableStream and WritableStream APIs do not provide any mechanism to determine through inspection what kind of data a stream provides.

BYOB vs. Default Readers

A Reader consumes the data from a ReadableStream. There are two kinds of Reader: BYOB Readers and Default Readers.

A BYOB Reader works only with Byte-oriented streams, and allows the calling code to pass in an arbitrarily sized destination buffer (in the form of a TypedArray) that the Byte-oriented ReadableStream will fill with byte data.

A Default Reader works with both Byte-oriented and Value-oriented streams. The ReadableStream will provide the data in whatever form it produces.

Anatomy of ReadableStream

Let's consider how a ReadableStream works. For now, we won't worry about how the ReadableStream is actually created.

const readableStream = getReadableSomehow();

Once we have the ReadableStream instance, we have to acquire a Reader that can consume it. Here, we acquire a Default Reader.

const reader = readableStream.getReader();

The Default Reader can consume data from both Byte-oriented and Value-oriented streams using the read() method:

const chunk = await;

console.log(chunk.value); // the data that was read.
console.log(chunk.done);  // true or false if the stream has completed.

User code calls read() repeatedly until the chunk.done is true indicating that the stream has been fully consumed.

The flow here is simple enough at the API level, but what is happening under the covers? That's where things get quite a bit more complex. It also varies depending on whether it is an *Internal stream or a Standard stream.

Let's start with the explanation of the Standard stream.

Data-flow in a Standard ReadableStream

A Standard ReadableStream maintains two internal queues:

  • A queue of available data
  • A queue of pending reads

When a Standard ReadableStream is created, there are four functions (what the spec calls "algorithms") that the controller uses:

  • The start algorithm -- A function invoked immediately when the ReadableStream is created, meant to initialize the ReadableStream.
  • The pull algorithm -- A function invoked to pull more data into the ReadableStream.
  • The cancel algorithm -- A function invoked when the ReadableStream has been explicitly canceled.
  • The size algorithm -- A function invoked to determine the size of a chunk of data as part of the backpressure mechanism.

When the ReadableStream is created, the start algorithm is invoked immediately. Once that function completes, the ReadableStream will determine whether or not it should call the pull algorithm to start the flow of data into the stream. The determination of whether to call the pull algorithm or not is based entirely on the "highwater mark" of the stream. The highwater mark is the maximum amount of data (calculated using the size algorithm) that should be held by the queue of available data at any given time. If the current queue size is less than the highwater mark, the pull algorithm will be called.

The pull algorithm pushes data into the ReadableStream (and yes, the irony of that statement is not lost).

  • If there are no pending reads when the pull algorithm pushes data in, or if the queue already contains data, then the new data into the stream is added to the queue.
  • If there is at least one pending read when the data is pushed into the stream the pending read is immediately fulfilled with that data. If that pending read does not consume all of the data, the excess is pushed into the queue.

For the most part, there should not be pending reads and data pending in the queue at the same time but there is a bit of temporary overlap allowed in here. Specifically, assuming we have multiple pending reads stacked up, and the controller enqueues more data than what the first pending read can handle, on the initial enqueue, the first pending read is fulfilled and the remaining data is pushed into the queue. After, the remaining pending reads are drained, consuming as much of the queued data as possible. Once drained, there should be no further pending reads even if data remains in the queue.

        | pull algorithm | <------------------------------------------+
        +----------------+                                            |
                |                                                     |
                ⊽                                                     |
        +---------------+                                             |
        | enqueue(data) |                                             |
        +---------------+                                             |
                |                                                     |
                ⊽                                                     |
      +--------------------+       +-------------------+              |
      | has a pending read | ----> | has data in queue |              |
      +--------------------+  yes  +-------------------+              |
                |                     |      no|                      |
              no|                     |        ⊽                      |
                ⊽                     |  +----------------------+     |
       +-------------------+    yes   |  | fulfill pending read |     |
       | add data to queue | <--------+  +----------------------+     |
       +-------------------+                    |                     |
                       |                        |                     |
                       |                        ⊽                     |
                       |    +-----------------------------+     no    |
                       +--> | is queue at highwater mark? | -----------
                                      yes |

When the method is called:

  • If there is data already in the queue that can fulfill the read, the read is fulfilled immediately from the queue. If removing that data from the queue lowers the current queue size below the highwater mark, the stream will call the pull algorithm to pull more data into the queue.

  • If there is no data in the queue that can fulfill the read, the read request is added to the pending read queue, and the queue size is below the highwater mark (which can be 0), the stream will call the pull algorithm to pull more data into the queue.

    | |
   +-----------------+       +------------------+       +---------------------+
   | queue has data? | ----> | add pending read | ----> | call pull algorithm |
   +-----------------+  no   +------------------+       +---------------------+
       yes |
    | fulfill read |

It is important to understand that with a Standard stream, the stream implementation can continually push data into the internal queue even if there are no active readers and even if backpressure has already been indicated. This data will continue to build up in the internal queue, held in memory until it is read.

It is also important to note that it is easily possible to push more data into the queue than a current attached reader can handle. Any excess data is held in the queue until subsequent reads consume it.

Another important detail is that it is possible for code to use the controller to enqueue data outside the lifetime of a pull() algorithm's promise. Specifically, once a reference to the controller is obtained, user code can interact with the controller any time it wishes completely independent of any of the underlying source algorithms.

What about tees?

The ReadableStream API has a method tee() that will split the flow of data from the ReadableStream into two separate ReadableStream instances.

What happens here is that ownership of the underlying controller of the original ReadableStream is passed off to something called the Tee Adapter. The adapter maintains a collection of Tee Branches. Each branch is a separate ReadableStream maintaining its own queue of available data and pending reads. When the pull algorithm pushes data into the the underlying controller, the adapter pushes that data to the internal queues of each of the attached branches. From there, reading from the branch streams is the same as reading from a regular ReadableStream -- that is, when read() is called, if there is data in the internal queue, the read is fulfilled immediately, otherwise the branch will tell the adapter that it needs data to be provided to fulfill the pending read.

   | pull algorithm |
           ⊽          ..........................................................
   +---------------+  .   +---------------------+      +-------------------+
   | enqueue(data) | ---> | push data to branch | ---> | has pending read? |
   +---------------+  .   +---------------------+      +-------------------+
               |      .                                no |    yes |
               |      .       +-------------------+       |  +--------------+
               |      .       | add data to queue | <-----+  | fulfill read |
               |      .       +-------------------+          +--------------+
               |      ............................................................
               |      .   +---------------------+      +-------------------+
               +--------> | push data to branch | ---> | has pending read? |
                      .   +---------------------+      +-------------------+
                      .                                no |    yes |
                      .       +-------------------+       |  +--------------+
                      .       | add data to queue | <-----+  | fulfill read |
                      .       +-------------------+          +--------------+

Data-flow in an Internal ReadableStream

For Internal streams the implementation is quite different and it is important to understand some of the characteristics of Standard streams first.

First, a Standard stream maintains a queue of pending reads. At any given time there can be any number of pending reads in the queue -- specifically, calling code can keep calling read() over and over. An Internal stream, however, only allows for a single pending read at a time.

const readable = new ReadableStream(); // This is always a standard stream
const reader = readable.getReader();;;  // A second read() works! And is just queued as a pending read.

const readable = request.body;  // This is always an internal stream
const reader = readable.getReader();;;  // Fails with an error!

An Internal stream is backed by an object called a ReadableStreamSource, which is a kj heap object that is a thin wrapper around the kj::AsyncInputStream API. Calling read() on an Internal stream leads directly to a tryRead() on the ReadableStreamSource, which returns a kj::Promise for a chunk of data from the underlying stream. Only a single read is permitted to be in flight at any given time, and the promise will be pending until the minimum amount of data asked for is requested. In an Internal stream, there is no concept of a pull algorithm. There is also no concept of an internal data queue.

    | |
  +-------------------+      +-----------------------------------+
  | has pending read? | ---> | tryRead() on ReadableStreamSource |
  +-------------------+  no  +-----------------------------------+
        yes |
        | error |

Unlike a Standard stream, data only flows through an Internal stream only if there is an active reader, and each read will never exceed a maximum number of bytes specified in the read call.

Anatomy of a WritableStream

Data flow of a Standard WritableStream

A Standard WritableStream maintains a queue of pending writes and uses a handful of functions (again, called "algorithms") to implement the flow of data:

  • The start algorithm is invoked with the WritableStream is created to prepare the stream to receive data.
  • The write algorithm is called for every chunk of data written to the stream.
  • The abort algorithm is called when the stream is abruptly terminated.
  • The close algorithm is called after the last chunk of data has been written.
  • The size algorithm is called for every chunk to help calculate the highwater mark.
const writable = getWritableSomehow();
const writer = writable.getWriter();

await writer.write("chunk of data");
await writer.write("another chunk of data");

The write algorithm is asynchronous. For every write(data) called on the Writer, the write algorithm is invoked. When the write algorithm completes, the writer.write() promise will be resolved. The write promise is the primary mechanism for backpressure in the WritableStream. A highwater mark is calculated but it is up to the code using the Writer to check it. If the highwater mark is less than or equal to zero, then it should not call write. If the write algorithm is overloaded, then it should not resolve the write algorithm promise until it is ready to handle more data. However, a write algorithm should always expect to be called no matter what the highwater mark value is.

Backpressure on the writer is signaled in two ways:

  • Using the writer.desiredSize property, which communicates the amount of data that may be written before the internal queue is full.
  • Using the writer.ready property, which returns a promise that will be resolved when backpressure is cleared. The writer.ready promise is replaced with a new promise every time backpressure is signaled on the stream.

Data flow of an Internal WritableStream

An Internal WritableStream is backed by a kj heap object called a WritableStreamSink, which is a thin layer on top of the kj::AsyncOutputStream API. Every time write() is called on the writer(), that is passed down to the write() API on the underlying WritableStreamSink. The details from there are dependent on the specific implementation of the WritableStreamSink.

Internal vs. Standard TransformStreams

A TransformStream is a connected set consisting of a ReadableStream and a WritableStream.

Whatever data is written to the WritableStream (the "writable" side) can be read back out on the ReadableStream (the "readable" side), potentially transformed into some other value.

Internal TransformStream

The original implementation of the TransformStream API acts as a simple "identity transform" -- that is, the data written to the writable side is passed through, unmodified, to the readable side (that is, it is essentially just a simple pipe). It is implemented by creating a single underlying class that implements both the ReadableStreamSource and WritableStreamSink APIs and passing that single shared instance to both the ReadableStream and WritableStream as the controller.

Unfortunately, this initial implementation is not compliant with the standard specification. In order to properly conform to the standard, a compatibility flag is introduced to change the behavior of the new TransformStream() constructor, and the old implementation of the Internal TransformStream has been moved to a new IdentityTransformStream class. When the compatibility flag is disabled, new TransformStream() is an alias for new IdentityTransformStream().

const { readable, writable } = new IdentityTransformStream();
const enc = new TextEncoder();

const writer = writable.getWriter();
const reader = readable.getReader();

// The write promise will not resolve until read() is called!
await Promise.all([

The IdentityTransformStream acts as a simple state machine that permits only a single write or single read at a time.

Initially, the state is idle.

If a write() occurs and:

  • The state is idle, the state becomes write pending, the written data is held, and a pending write promise is returned.
  • If the state is read pending, the read promise is fulfilled with the data and the state returns to idle, and an immediately fulfilled write promise is returned.

If a read() occurs and:

  • The state is idle, the state becomes read pending, and a pending read promise is returned.
  • The state is write pending, the read is immediately fulfilled with the pending write data.

This model permits only a single in flight read or write at a time. A write() promise will not be fulfilled until there is a corresponding read(). A read() promise will not be fulfilled until there is a corresponding write().

Importantly, the old Internal TransformStream implementation only supports byte-data in the form of ArrayBuffer or TypedArray instances.

Standard TransformStream

A Standard TransformStream is a lot more complicated but also a lot more powerful.

The TransformStream uses a number of algorithms:

  • A start algorithm that is invoked when the TransformStream is created to initialize the transformation.
  • A transform algorithm that receives a chunk of data, performs some operation to modify it, then enqueues the result for reading.
  • A flush algorithm that completes the transformation process.

On the writable side of the TransformStream, every call to write() passes the data into the transform algorithm, which in turn enqueues the modified data in the readable side.

The two sides operate exactly the same as any other Standard ReadableStream and WritableStream, allowing for multiple concurrently pending reads and writes, and maintaining internal queues with backpressure. A read promise is not blocked if there is data pending in the queue, and writes promises is not blocked on reads unless backpressure signals that the internal queue is full.

Any JavaScript value can be written to, and read from, a Standard TransformStream.

const { writable, readable } = new TransformStream({
  transform(chunk, controller) {

const writer = writable.getWriter();
const reader = readable.getReader();

// The write promise does not wait for a read.
await writer.write('hello');

await;  // Outputs 'HELLO!'

Lots of Moving Parts

The streams implementation is complicated. This much should be painfully obvious so far. Not only is the Streams Standard quite complicated, we're balancing two different implementations of that specification that have different capabilities, there are two different kinds of streams (Byte-oriented and Value-oriented), two different memory heaps (JavaScript and kj), two different async models (JavaScript promises and kj promises), and a constraint that says we can't break backwards compatibility without have feature flags in place to switch between old and new functionality.

The Streams standard is defined in terms of JavaScript promises. Specifically, the read() and write() operations return JavaScript promises -- the read() promise fulfilled when data is available to be read, and the write() promise fulfilled when the data written has been handled by whatever underlying sink is meant to handle it.

For Internal streams, these are driven by the ReadableStreamSource and WritableStreamSink APIs, both of which exist in the kj heap space, and both of which are built on top of the kj asynchronous i/o and kj::Promise model. Importantly, the flow of data through an Internal stream is always byte-oriented and will, most often, be handled outside of the JavaScript isolate lock (in other words, writes and reads are actually fulfilled when there is no JavaScript running).

For Standard streams, the entire flow of data always occurs within the JavaScript isolate lock, and the entire flow is defined in terms of JavaScript promises. All data is held within the JavaScript heap.

When using these different types of streams together, things become complicated pretty quicky.


"Piping" is setting up the flow of data from a ReadableStream to a WritableStream.

How this is accomplished depends entirely on what kind of readable or writable we're working with. In our implementation, we allow the destination writable to determine how exactly the pipe should be implemented.

         | readable.pipeTo(writable) |
   | writableController.tryPipeFrom(readable) |
           +-----------------------+       +-----------------------+
           | is internal writable? | ----> | is internal readable? |
           +-----------------------+  yes  +-----------------------+
                       |                      no |         yes |
                    no |                         |             |
                       ⊽                    +----+     +---------------+
           +-----------------------+        |          | kj-to-kj pipe |
           | is internal readable? |        |          |      loop     |
           +-----------------------+        |          +---------------+
            no  |           yes |           |
                |               |           |
                ⊽               |           |
         +---------------+      |           ⊽
         | JS-to-JS pipe |      |   +---------------+
         |      loop     |      |   | JS-to-kj pipe |
         +---------------+      |   |     loop      |
                                ⊽   +---------------+
                        | kj-to-JS pipe |
                        |     loop      |

Piping data from an Internal ReadableStream to an Internal WritableStream (kj-to-kj pipe loop)

This is an easy case. Here, kj implements optimized mechanisms for piping data from a kj::AsyncInputStream to a kj::AsyncOutputStream. The flow of data is driven outside of the JavaScript isolate lock and entirely by the kj event loop. The data flow is highly optimized and does not require any JavaScript to be run to drive things forward.

Piping data between Internal and Standard streams

When piping data from either an Internal Readable to a Standard Writable, or from a Standard Readable to an Internal Writable, the implementation is necessarily not as optimized. First, the entire data flow has to occur within the JavaScript isolate lock. Second, we have to rely on bridging JavaScript and kj Promises. Third, we have to limit the type of data handled to byte data (Standard streams, remember, can be either Byte-oriented or Value-oriented and we can't know for sure because the streams API provides no way of inspecting it).

JavaScript-to-JavaScript pipe loop

When piping data from a Standard Readable to a Standard Writable, every read and every write is a JavaScript promise. Driving the pipe is essentially a process of chaining the JavaScript promises together.

An overly-simplified equivalent JavaScript implementation would look something like:

async function pipe(reader, writer) {
  for await (const chunk of reader) {
    await writer.write(chunk);

The entire pipe process is implemented within the JavaScript isolate lock and using v8 promises entirely.

JavaScript-to-kj pipe loop

When piping data from a Standard Readable to an Internal Writable the flow becomes a bit more complicated because of the need to depend on kj async i/o. Reads are based on the JavaScript promise, but then writes require dropping out to the kj promises and allowing the kj event loop to advance to complete the write.

kj-to-JavaScript pipe loop

Similarly, piping from an Internal Readable to a Standard Writable requires bridging the kj event loop to the JavaScript promises. Reads are based on async kj i/o and writes occur as a JavaScript flow.

new Response(standardReadable)

Passing a Standard ReadableStream off to APIs like new Response() is fairly complicated because:

  • The new Response() API (and others like it) were implemented originally with only Internal streams in mind -- and therefore implement everything in terms of the kj async i/o mechanisms and kj::Promises.
  • We have to continue supporting both Internal and Standard streams with these APIs without introducing any non-backwards compatible changes when using Internal streams.

To make it work, Standard ReadableStreams include the ability to be consumed via the internal ReadableStreamSource API (the same underlying API that Internal streams use). When the pumpTo() method on the ReadableStreamSource acquired from a Standard stream is called, an isolate lock will be acquired and a promise loop will be kicked off. In each iteration of the loop we first perform a read followed by a write if the read does not end the stream. The promise loop ends either when all of the data has been consumed or the stream errors, whichever comes first.