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馃捇 Using the CLI

The CLI is the easiest way to get started with Miniflare. It lets you start a local HTTP server that serves requests using your worker.

If you'd like to try out a zero-configuration Workers development experience, take a look at the Wrangler 2 prerelease. It includes a local development mode powered by Miniflare.


Miniflare is installed using npm:

$ npm install -g miniflare # either globally...
$ npm install -D miniflare # ...or as a dev dependency

You can also install and invoke the CLI using npx:

$ npx miniflare

Miniflare requires at least Node.js 16.13.0, as it makes extensive use of recently added web standards. You should use the latest Node.js version if possible, as Cloudflare Workers use a very up-to-date version of V8. Consider using a Node.js version manager such as or


If worker.js contains the following worker script:

filename: worker.js
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
  event.respondWith(new Response("Hello Miniflare!"));

...running the following command will start a local HTTP server listening on port 8787 that responds with Hello Miniflare! to all requests:

$ miniflare worker.js
[mf:inf] Worker reloaded! (97B)
[mf:inf] Listening on :8787
[mf:inf] -

Note that the uncompressed size of the worker, 97B, is logged. Cloudflare requires all workers are under 1MiB once compressed. Miniflare will warn you when your uncompressed size exceeds 1MiB.

If you're building your worker beforehand (with esbuild, Webpack, etc), make sure you pass the path of your built output to Miniflare, not your input source code. See 馃洜 Builds for more details.

If your script is defined in a wrangler.toml or package.json file, or you're using Wrangler's "webpack" or "rust" worker types, you don't need to pass a script as a command line argument: Miniflare will infer it automatically.

Watching and Debugging

Add --watch/-w and --debug/-d flags to reload the worker whenever worker.js changes and log debug information (including processed options) respectively:

$ miniflare worker.js --watch --debug
[mf:dbg] Options:
[mf:dbg] - Script Path: worker.js
[mf:dbg] Enabled Compatibility Flags: <none>
[mf:dbg] Reloading worker.js...
[mf:inf] Worker reloaded! (97B)
[mf:dbg] Watching .env, package.json, worker.js, wrangler.toml...
[mf:inf] Listening on :8787
[mf:inf] -

Configuration Autoloading

Note that .env, package.json and wrangler.toml files are also being watched. These files are always loaded automatically and configure your worker's environment in addition to the CLI flags. See the Wrangler Configuration reference below for more details, but as an example, with the following wrangler.toml file and worker.js files:

filename: wrangler.toml
KEY = "value"
filename: worker.js
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
  event.respondWith(new Response(KEY));

...the local HTTP server would respond with value to all requests. The Guide goes into more detail on configuring specific features. To load a different wrangler.toml file, use the --wrangler-config/-c flag:

$ miniflare worker.js --wrangler-config wrangler.other.toml

To change the directory these default files are resolved relative to, use the --root flag:

$ miniflare api/worker.js --root api
# Miniflare will look for api/.env, api/package.json and api/wrangler.toml

Script Requirement

The only required option is the script to run. This can either be passed as a command line argument as we've been doing so far, in a wrangler.toml file or in a package.json file. The command line argument takes priority, then the script in wrangler.toml, then the main or module field in package.json (depending on whether modules support is enabled):

filename: wrangler.toml
dir = "" # Defaults to "dist"
main = "./worker.js"
filename: package.json
  "main": "worker.js", // "service-worker" format
  "module": "worker.mjs" // "modules" format

Request#cf Object

For a more accurate development experience, Miniflare automatically fetches the cf object for incoming requests (containing IP and location data) from a trusted Cloudflare endpoint, caching it for 30 days. You can disable this behaviour, falling back to a default cf object, using the --no-cf-fetch flag:

$ miniflare worker.js --no-cf-fetch

HTTPS Server

By default, Miniflare starts an HTTP server. To start an HTTPS server instead, set the https option. To use an automatically generated self-signed certificate, use the --https flag. This certificate is cached and will be valid for 30 days. The certificate will be renewed if it expires in less than 2 days:

$ miniflare worker.js --https # Cache certificate in ./.mf/cert
$ miniflare worker.js --https ./cert_cache # Cache in ./cert_cache instead

To use an existing certificate instead, use the --https-key, --https-cert, --https-ca and --https-pfx flags to set the paths to it. If these are encrypted, use the --https-passphrase flag to set the passphrase:

$ miniflare worker.js --https-key ./key.pem --https-cert ./cert.pem

Opening the Browser

Add the --open/-O flag to automatically open your default browser to the worker, once the HTTP server has started:

$ miniflare worker.js --open # Opens http://localhost:8787
$ miniflare worker.js --open # Opens


Add the --repl flag to start an interactive REPL session. This behaves exactly like the Node.js REPL, except you have access to Workers Runtime APIs instead. Any other Miniflare flag can be used too, with .env, package.json and wrangler.toml files automatically loaded. Specifying a script is optional when --repl is enabled, but may be required if you're using Durable Objects. If you're using an ES module format worker, bindings will be accessible via the env global variable.

$ miniflare --repl --kv TEST_NAMESPACE
> await new HTMLRewriter().on("p", {
... element(e) {
..... e.setInnerContent("new");
..... }
... }).transform(new Response("<p>old</p>")).text()
> await env.TEST_NAMESPACE.put("key", "value")
> await env.TEST_NAMESPACE.get("key")

Update Checker

The CLI includes an automatic update checker that looks for new versions of Miniflare once a day. As Cloudflare are always improving and tweaking workers, you should aim to install these promptly for improved compatibility with the real Workers environment. You can disable this with the --no-update-check flag.



Usage: miniflare [script] [options]

Core Options:
 -h, --help              Show help                                     [boolean]
 -v, --version           Show version number                           [boolean]
 -c, --wrangler-config   Path to wrangler.toml                          [string]
     --wrangler-env      Environment in wrangler.toml to use            [string]
     --package           Path to package.json                           [string]
 -m, --modules           Enable modules                                [boolean]
     --modules-rule      Modules import rule                   [array:TYPE=GLOB]
     --compat-date       Opt into backwards-incompatible changes from   [string]
     --compat-flag       Control specific backwards-incompatible changes [array]
     --usage-model       Usage model (bundled by default)               [string]
 -u, --upstream          URL of upstream origin                         [string]
 -w, --watch             Watch files for changes                       [boolean]
 -d, --debug             Enable debug logging                          [boolean]
 -V, --verbose           Enable verbose logging                        [boolean]
     --(no-)update-check Enable update checker (enabled by default)    [boolean]
     --repl              Enable interactive REPL                       [boolean]
     --root              Path to resolve files relative to              [string]
     --mount             Mount additional named workers  [array:NAME=PATH[@ENV]]
     --name              Name of service                                [string]
     --route             Route to respond with this worker on            [array]
     --global-async-io   Allow async I/O outside handlers              [boolean]
     --global-timers     Allow setting timers outside handlers         [boolean]
     --global-random     Allow secure random generation outside        [boolean]
     --actual-time       Always return correct time from Date methods  [boolean]

HTTP Options:
 -H, --host              Host for HTTP(S) server to listen on           [string]
 -p, --port              Port for HTTP(S) server to listen on           [number]
 -O, --open              Automatically open browser to URL      [boolean/string]
     --https             Enable self-signed HTTPS (with         [boolean/string]
                         optional cert path)
     --https-key         Path to PEM SSL key                            [string]
     --https-cert        Path to PEM SSL cert chain                     [string]
     --https-ca          Path to SSL trusted CA certs                   [string]
     --https-pfx         Path to PFX/PKCS12 SSL key/cert chain          [string]
     --https-passphrase  Passphrase to decrypt SSL files                [string]
     --(no-)cf-fetch     Path for cached Request cf object from [boolean/string]
     --live-reload       Reload HTML pages whenever worker is reloaded [boolean]

Scheduler Options:
 -t, --cron              CRON expression for triggering scheduled events [array]

Build Options:
 -B, --build-command     Command to build project                       [string]
     --build-base-path   Working directory for build command            [string]
     --build-watch-path  Directory to watch for rebuilding on changes    [array]

KV Options:
 -k, --kv                KV namespace to bind                            [array]
     --kv-persist        Persist KV data (to optional path)     [boolean/string]

R2 Options:
 -r, --r2                R2 bucket to bind                               [array]
     --r2-persist        Persist R2 data (to optional path)     [boolean/string]

Durable Objects Options:
 -o, --do                Durable Object to bind       [array:NAME=CLASS[@MOUNT]]
     --do-persist        Persist Durable Object data (to        [boolean/string]
                         optional path)
     --(no-)do-alarms    Enable Durable Object alarms (enabled by      [boolean]

Cache Options:
     --(no-)cache        Enable default/named caches (enabled by       [boolean]
     --cache-persist     Persist cached data (to optional path) [boolean/string]

Sites Options:
 -s, --site              Path to serve Workers Site files from          [string]
     --site-include      Glob pattern of site files to serve             [array]
     --site-exclude      Glob pattern of site files not to serve         [array]

Bindings Options:
 -e, --env               Path to .env file                              [string]
 -b, --binding           Binds variable/secret to environment  [array:KEY=VALUE]
     --global            Binds variable/secret to global scope [array:KEY=VALUE]
     --wasm              WASM module to bind                   [array:NAME=PATH]
     --text-blob         Text blob to bind                     [array:NAME=PATH]
     --data-blob         Data blob to bind                     [array:NAME=PATH]
 -S, --service           Mounted service to bind        [array:NAME=MOUNT[@ENV]]

Wrangler Configuration

Miniflare uses the default Wrangler configuration keys for most of its features. For Miniflare specific options, the keys are in the special [miniflare] section.

filename: wrangler.toml
name = "worker"                    # --name

compatibility_date = "2021-11-12"  # --compat-date
compatibility_flags = [            # --compat-flag

kv_namespaces = [                  # --kv
  { binding = "TEST_NAMESPACE", id = "", preview_id = "" }

r2_buckets = [                     # --r2
  { binding = "BUCKET", bucket_name = "" }

bindings = [                       # --do
  { name = "OBJECT", class_name = "Object" }

[vars]                             # --binding
KEY = "value"

bucket = "./public"                # --site
include = ["upload_dir"]           # --site-include
exclude = ["ignore_dir"]           # --site-exclude

crons = ["30 * * * *"]             # --cron

command = "npm run build"          # --build-command
cwd = "build_cwd"                  # --build-base-path
watch_dir = "build_watch_dir"      # --build-watch-path
format = "modules"                 # --modules
dir = "worker"
main = "./index.mjs"               # [script]
[[build.upload.rules]]             # --modules-rule
type = "ESModule"
globs = ["**/*.js"]

[wasm_modules]                     # --wasm
MODULE = "module.wasm"
[text_blobs]                       # --text-blob
TEXT = "text.txt"
[data_blobs]                       # --data-blob
DATA = "data.bin"

host = ""                 # --host
port = 1337                        # --port
upstream = "" # --upstream
watch = true                       # --watch
live_reload = true                 # --live-reload
env_path = ".env.test"             # --env
kv_persist = true                  # --kv-persist
r2_persist = true                  # --r2-persist
cache_persist = "./cache"          # --cache-persist
cache = false                      # --no-cache
durable_objects_persist = true     # --do-persist
durable_objects_alarms = false     # --no-do-alarms
update_check = false               # --no-update-check
cf_fetch = "./cf.json"             # --cf-fetch ./cf.json
cf_fetch = false                   # --no-cf-fetch
https = true                       # --https
https = "./cert_cache"             # --https ./cert_cache
actual_time = true                 # --actual-time
global_async_io = true             # --global-async-io
global_timers = true               # --global-timers
global_random = true               # --global-random
key = "./key.pem"                  # --https-key
cert = "./cert.pem"                # --https-cert
ca = "./ca.pem"                    # --https-ca
pfx = "./pfx.pfx"                  # --https-pfx
passphrase = "pfx passphrase"      # --https-passphrase
[miniflare.globals]                # --global
KEY = "value"
[miniflare.mounts]                 # --mount
api = "./api"