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Terraform code to create the necessary resources to run the dmarc-import application in the COOL DNS account.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.0
aws ~> 4.9


Name Version
aws ~> 4.9
aws.dnsprovisionaccount ~> 4.9
aws.organizationsreadonly ~> 4.9
terraform n/a


Name Source Version
dmarc_import n/a


Name Type
aws_iam_policy.elasticsearchreadonly_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.elasticsearchreadwrite_policy resource
aws_iam_policy.provisiondmarcimport resource
aws_iam_role.elasticsearchreadonly_role resource
aws_iam_role.elasticsearchreadwrite_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.elasticsearchreadonly_policy_attachment resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.elasticsearchreadwrite_policy_attachment resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.provisiondmarcimport resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_caller_identity.dns data source
aws_iam_policy_document.assume_role_doc data source
aws_iam_policy_document.elasticsearchreadonly_assume_role_doc data source
aws_iam_policy_document.elasticsearchreadonly_doc data source
aws_iam_policy_document.elasticsearchreadwrite_doc data source
aws_iam_policy_document.provisiondmarcimport data source data source
terraform_remote_state.dns data source
terraform_remote_state.master data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_region The AWS region to deploy into (e.g. us-east-1). string "us-east-1" no
cognito_authenticated_role_name The name of the IAM role that grants authenticated access to the Elasticsearch database. string "dmarc-import-authenticated" no
cognito_identity_pool_name The name of the Cognito identity pool to use for access to the Elasticsearch database. string "dmarc-import" no
cognito_user_pool_client_name The name of the Cognito user pool client to use for access to the Elasticsearch database. string "dmarc-import" no
cognito_user_pool_domain The domain to use for the Cognito endpoint. For custom domains, this is the fully-qualified domain name, such as "". For Amazon Cognito prefix domains, this is the prefix alone, such as "auth". string "dmarc-import" no
cognito_user_pool_name The name of the Cognito user pool to use for access to the Elasticsearch database. string "dmarc-import" no
cognito_usernames A map whose keys are the usernames of each Cognito user and whose values are a map containing supported user attributes. The only currently-supported attribute is "email" (string). Example: { "firstname1.lastname1" = { "email" = "" }, "firstname2.lastname2" = { "email" = "" } } map(object({ email = string })) {} no
cyhy_account_id The ID of the CyHy account. string n/a yes
elasticsearch_domain_name The domain name of the Elasticsearch instance. string "dmarc-import-elasticsearch" no
elasticsearch_index The Elasticsearch index to which to write DMARC aggregate report data. string "dmarc_aggregate_reports" no
elasticsearch_type The Elasticsearch type corresponding to a DMARC aggregate report. string "report" no
elasticsearchreadonly_role_description The description to associate with the IAM role (and policy) that allows sufficient permissions to read (but not write) to the dmarc-import Elasticsearch database. string "Allows sufficient permissions to read (but not write) to the dmarc-import Elasticsearch database." no
elasticsearchreadonly_role_name The name to assign the IAM role (and policy) that allows sufficient permissions to read (but not write) the to dmarc-import Elasticsearch database. string "ElasticsearchReadOnly" no
elasticsearchreadwrite_role_description The description to associate with the IAM role (and policy) that allows sufficient permissions to read and write to the dmarc-import Elasticsearch database. string "Allows sufficient permissions to read and write to the dmarc-import Elasticsearch database." no
elasticsearchreadwrite_role_name The name to assign the IAM role (and policy) that allows sufficient permissions to read and write the to dmarc-import Elasticsearch database. string "ElasticsearchReadWrite" no
emails A list of the email addresses at which DMARC aggregate reports are being received. list(string) [ "" ] no
lambda_function_name The name of the dmarc-import Lambda function. string "dmarc-import" no
lambda_function_zip_file The location of the zip file for the Lambda function. string "../dmarc-import-lambda/" no
opensearch_service_role_for_auth_name The name of the IAM role that gives Amazon OpenSearch Service permissions to configure the Amazon Cognito user and identity pools and use them for OpenSearch Dashboards/Kibana authentication. string "opensearch-service-cognito-access" no
permanent_bucket_name The name of the S3 bucket where the DMARC aggregate report emails are stored permanently. string "cool-dmarc-import-permanent" no
provisiondmarcimport_policy_description The description to associate with the IAM policy that allows sufficient permissions to provision the dmarc-import infrastructure. string "Allows sufficient permissions to provision the dmarc-import infrastructure." no
provisiondmarcimport_policy_name The name to assign the IAM policy that allows sufficient permissions to provision the dmarc-import infrastructure. string "ProvisionDmarcImport" no
queue_name The name of the SQS queue where events will be sent as DMARC aggregate reports are received. string "cool-dmarc-import-queue" no
rule_set_name The name of the SES rule set that processes DMARC aggregate reports. string "dmarc-import-rules" no
tags Tags to apply to all AWS resources created. map(string) {} no
temporary_bucket_name The name of the S3 bucket where the DMARC aggregate report emails are stored temporarily (until processed). string "cool-dmarc-import-temporary" no


Name Description
elasticsearchreadonly_role IAM role that allows sufficient permissions to read (but not write) to the dmarc-import Elasticsearch database.
elasticsearchreadwrite_role IAM role that allows sufficient permissions to read and write to the dmarc-import Elasticsearch database.
provisiondmarcimport_policy IAM policy that allows sufficient permissions to provision the dmarc-import infrastructure.


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