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  API Client for Node.js: Lite Version

To see the API Documentation, please consult to:


  • TypeScript supported
  • V2 API Support
  • Typecasting, if you're that kind of person (No, we don't offer the models just yet. They'll release v3 API quite soon.)

Table of Contents



$ npm i -s @chez14/mal-api-lite
# OR
$ yarn add @chez14/mal-api-lite

Consuming the API

Before using this package, please make sure that you have the client_secret and client_id key. To obtain the key, you need to register to the API page of your MyAnimeList account.

After that, you can create an instance for the API Client, providing either (clientId and clientSecret) OR (accessToken or refreshToken).

import { MALClient } from '@chez14/mal-api-lite'

const mal = new MALClient({
    // Both of the field should be filled if you want to generate authenticate link
    clientId: "client-id here",
    clientSecret: "client-secret here",
    // or if you have the tokens, you can ignore the client settings and
    // add either:
    accessToken: "accessToken here",
    // or provide refreshToken, the accessToken will be fetched 
    // automatically
    refreshToken: "refreshToken here"

To start authentication, you need to generate the authentication link:

const {url, codeChallenge} = malClient.getOAuthURL();
// NOTE: you need to save the `codeChallenge` to session storage for next step.

Then redirect the user to the url, let the user authenticate, then the MAL will redirect back to your redirect_url field, carrying the authorization code code.

To get the access token for the resources, you need to "convert" the authorization code code first by:

const { access_token, refresh_token, expires_in } = mal.getTokensFromAuthCode(authCode, codeChallenge);

💡 Tip: You will need to save the acess_token and especially refresh_token.

The token will be automatically added to the class. You're now ready to go! Just a quick note from our fellas:

It's better if you always double-check by yourself the behaviour of all API functions you want to use. There're several imprecisions and typos in the documentation. — ZeroCrystal @ MAL API forum

Get Animes from Winter 2020

let animes = await mal.get("anime/season/2020/winter", {
    sort: "anime_score",
    limit: 4,
    fields: [
// Will results:
// [
//  ...
//   {
//     node: {
//       id: 36862,
//       title: 'Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei',
//       main_picture: [Object],
//       start_date: '2020-01-17',
//       end_date: '2020-01-17',
//       mean: 8.72,
//       rank: 39
//     }
//   },
//   ...
// ]

Get Anime Info

let animeInfo = await malClient.get("anime/36862", {
    fields: [
// Will result as:
// {
//   id: 36862,
//   title: 'Made in Abyss Movie 3: Fukaki Tamashii no Reimei',
//   main_picture: {
//     medium: '',
//     large: ''
//   },
//   start_date: '2020-01-17',
//   end_date: '2020-01-17',
//   mean: 8.72,
//   rank: 39
// }


Constructor Options

Name & Type Required Default Descriptions
clientId: string yes, for OAuth related stuff. undefined Self explanatory.
clientSecret: string yes, for OAuth related stuff. undefined Self explanatory.
accessToken: string yes, to use API undefined Self explanatory.
refreshToken: string yes, to use API undefined Self explanatory.
gotOptions: GotOptions no (see it yourself) Add your options for the Got. Things like proxy, and etcs.
gotOAuthOptions: GotOptions no (see it yourself) Same like above, but for OAuth related stuffs.
autoRefreshAccessToken: boolean no false We're able to request update for your access token when it got 401ed on "GET". We'll use refreshToken to request update automatically. This way, you'll be guaranteed to be able to access all API with ease.

⚠ WARN: You'll need to save the refrehsToken afterwards. Old refresh token will be revoked once used to refresh the accessToken.



Signature: get<T = any>(resource: string, param?: PaginatableRequest): Promise<T>

Parameter fields will accept either string or array string. If array is given, it will be converted automatically to string, by gluing them with comma.


Signature patch<T = any>(resource: string, param?: BaseRequest): Promise<T>

🤖 Note: The documentation states that some function uses PATCH while the cUrl sample states PUT and they obediently accept both method as a valid one. Irredeemable, right? Well as ... stated: you need to recheck the documentation again.


Signature: put<T = any>(resource: string, param?: BaseRequest): Promise<T>

🤖 Note: The documentation states that some function uses PATCH while the cUrl sample states PUT and they obediently accept both method as a valid one. Irredeemable, right? Well as ... stated: you need to recheck the documentation again.


Signature: delete<T = any>(resource: string, param?: BaseRequest): Promise<T>


Signature: post<T = any>(resource: string, param?: BaseRequest): Promise<T>

While there's no endpoint currently used this method, but it's weird when you implement get and many others but post. It's just a habit of mine, don't mind me.


Signature:getOAuthURL( redirectUri?: string, codeChallenge?: string, state?: string ):{ url, codeChallenge, state? }

We support OAuth URL generation, this function will automatically generate the codeChallenge variable and you can receive it on the return result. To override, you can add something to the codeChallenge parameter itself.

As stated by the documentation, redirectUrl can be left blank IF you have single RedirectUrl on the app page.

Also, just for the records, state will be left alone, even if it is undefined. We'll just send them back on the return function to help you. You can left them alone if you don't want to.


Signature: resolveAuthCode(authCode: string, codeVerifier: string, redirectUri?: string): Promise<any>

This function will resolve your Authorization Code to access_token and refresh_token.


Signature: resolveRefreshToken(refreshToken?: string): Promise<any>

Refresh given refreshToken (from constructor by default). Will return new access_token and refresh_token.


How to convert MAL URL to ID?
Do it by yourself with substring, or with the fancy myanimelist-url-to-id NPM Package.

How can this be an FAQ when you wrote it before the package released?
In this case, "FAQ" stands for "Fully Anticipated Questions".


MIT. Yesh, it's free.