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79 lines (57 loc) · 2.86 KB

File metadata and controls

79 lines (57 loc) · 2.86 KB

HMDA Platform Public API

This repo is for the front end public api that lives here:


Have homebrew and ruby installed

Recommended to use rbenv and ruby-build from homebrew, and specify the ruby version in .ruby-version

brew install rbenv ruby-build
ruby-build $RUBY_VERSION $HOME/.rbenv/versions/$RUBY_VERSION

Install bundler

gem install bundler

Running locally

You can either do this locally, or with Vagrant:

# either run this to run locally
bundle install
bundle exec middleman server

# OR run this to run with vagrant
vagrant up

You can now see the docs at http://localhost:4567. Whoa! That was fast!


bundle exec middleman build --clean

Docker/Deploy steps:

Deployment overview:

  1. Docker Build
  2. Deploy to Dev
  3. Deploy to Prod

Docker Build

  1. Build the included Dockerfile: docker build -t=hmdaapidocs .
  2. Run the container: docker run -i hmdaapidocs /bin/bash
  3. Find the container ID: docker container ls | grep hmdaapidocs | awk '{split($0,a," "); print a[1]}'
  4. Copy the build folder from the docker container to the build directory for your local machine: docker cp <containerID>:./app/build/. ./build

Deploy to Dev:

  1. Deploy the ./build folder to the Dev site by pushing it's contents to the gh-pages branch : ./ --push-only
  2. You can check the deployment status on the Actions tab in GitHub.
  3. Visit the Dev site and verify the updates are correct.

Deploy to Prod:

  1. Open the hmda-platform repo
  2. Checkout gh-pages branch: git checkout gh-pages
    • Branch ONLY contains the build output from docker
  3. Create a new branch and label it with gh-pages and what changes are being made: (i.e git checkout -b gh-pages-added-file-proxy-api)
  4. Copy the contents from hmda-platform-api-docs ./build into your newly created branch: cp -r ../hmda-platform-api-docs/build/* ./
  5. Add changes, commit them and then push the new branch: git add --all && git commit -m "Change description" && git push
  6. Create a pull request to merge new branch into the gh-pages branch
  7. Have the respective people review the changes
  8. Merge the approved pull request
  9. Visit the hmda-platform Actions page to check the deployment status
    • Deploy action is triggered by any push or mergee into the gh-pages branch
  10. Verify new content was added to the Prod api docs


Slate - API Docs Generator