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bug: CFN Resources go unchecked #1636

m3newc opened this issue Mar 19, 2024 · 1 comment

bug: CFN Resources go unchecked #1636

m3newc opened this issue Mar 19, 2024 · 1 comment
bug Something isn't working


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m3newc commented Mar 19, 2024

What is the problem?

Some internal CDK Features use CfnResource instead of the normal L1 Constructs.
(see as an example).

This causes some type checks in CDK Nag to fail, and resources go unchecked.

Reproduction Steps

from aws_cdk import Aspects, Stack
from aws_cdk import aws_lambda, aws_s3, aws_s3_notifications;
from cdk_nag import AwsSolutionsChecks, NagSuppressions, NIST80053R5Checks
from constructs import Construct

class TestStack(Stack):
    def __init__(self, scope: Construct, construct_id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
        super().__init__(scope, construct_id, **kwargs)
        # L2 Case
        L2_lambda = aws_lambda.Function(
            self, "L2Lambda", environment = {'Something': "oof"},
            code = aws_lambda.InlineCode('oof'),
            handler = 'handler',
            runtime = aws_lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_9

        # Check for CDk Custom Resource Built-ins, such as that for S3 Bucket Notifications
        bucket = aws_s3.Bucket.from_bucket_name(self, "ImportedBucket", "hello-bucket");
        bucket.add_event_notification(aws_s3.EventType.OBJECT_CREATED_PUT, aws_s3_notifications.LambdaDestination(L2_lambda));
        aspects = Aspects.of(self);

import os, aws_cdk;
app = aws_cdk.App()
env = aws_cdk.Environment();
TestStack(app, "TestStack", env = env, synthesizer=aws_cdk.DefaultStackSynthesizer(generate_bootstrap_version_rule=False));
 "Resources": {
  "L2LambdaServiceRole1E9E5A2E": {
   "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
   "Properties": {
    "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
     "Statement": [
       "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
     "Version": "2012-10-17"
    "ManagedPolicyArns": [
      "Fn::Join": [
         "Ref": "AWS::Partition"
  "L2LambdaC3DD76DF": {
   "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
   "Properties": {
    "Code": {
     "ZipFile": "oof"
    "Environment": {
     "Variables": {
      "Something": "oof"
    "Handler": "handler",
    "Role": {
     "Fn::GetAtt": [
    "Runtime": "python3.9"
   "DependsOn": [
  "ImportedBucketNotifications9C01C2F8": {
   "Type": "Custom::S3BucketNotifications",
   "Properties": {
    "ServiceToken": {
     "Fn::GetAtt": [
    "BucketName": "hello-bucket",
    "NotificationConfiguration": {
     "LambdaFunctionConfigurations": [
       "Events": [
       "LambdaFunctionArn": {
        "Fn::GetAtt": [
    "Managed": false
   "DependsOn": [
  "ImportedBucketAllowBucketNotificationsToTestStackL2LambdaDE99D47484A7D298": {
   "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Permission",
   "Properties": {
    "Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
    "FunctionName": {
     "Fn::GetAtt": [
    "Principal": "",
    "SourceAccount": {
     "Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
    "SourceArn": {
     "Fn::Join": [
        "Ref": "AWS::Partition"
  "BucketNotificationsHandler050a0587b7544547bf325f094a3db834RoleB6FB88EC": {
   "Type": "AWS::IAM::Role",
   "Properties": {
    "AssumeRolePolicyDocument": {
     "Statement": [
       "Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Principal": {
        "Service": ""
     "Version": "2012-10-17"
    "ManagedPolicyArns": [
      "Fn::Join": [
         "Ref": "AWS::Partition"
  "BucketNotificationsHandler050a0587b7544547bf325f094a3db834RoleDefaultPolicy2CF63D36": {
   "Type": "AWS::IAM::Policy",
   "Properties": {
    "PolicyDocument": {
     "Statement": [
       "Action": [
       "Effect": "Allow",
       "Resource": "*"
     "Version": "2012-10-17"
    "PolicyName": "BucketNotificationsHandler050a0587b7544547bf325f094a3db834RoleDefaultPolicy2CF63D36",
    "Roles": [
      "Ref": "BucketNotificationsHandler050a0587b7544547bf325f094a3db834RoleB6FB88EC"
  "BucketNotificationsHandler050a0587b7544547bf325f094a3db8347ECC3691": {
   "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
   "Properties": {
    "Description": "AWS CloudFormation handler for \"Custom::S3BucketNotifications\" resources (@aws-cdk/aws-s3)",
    "Code": {
     "ZipFile": "import boto3  # type: ignore\nimport json\nimport logging\nimport urllib.request\n\ns3 = boto3.client(\"s3\")\n\nEVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION = 'EventBridgeConfiguration'\n\nCONFIGURATION_TYPES = [\"TopicConfigurations\", \"QueueConfigurations\", \"LambdaFunctionConfigurations\"]\n\ndef handler(event: dict, context):\n  response_status = \"SUCCESS\"\n  error_message = \"\"\n  try:\n    props = event[\"ResourceProperties\"]\n    bucket = props[\"BucketName\"]\n    notification_configuration = props[\"NotificationConfiguration\"]\n    request_type = event[\"RequestType\"]\n    managed = props.get('Managed', 'true').lower() == 'true'\n    stack_id = event['StackId']\n\n    if managed:\n      config = handle_managed(request_type, notification_configuration)\n    else:\n      config = handle_unmanaged(bucket, stack_id, request_type, notification_configuration)\n\n    put_bucket_notification_configuration(bucket, config)\n  except Exception as e:\n    logging.exception(\"Failed to put bucket notification configuration\")\n    response_status = \"FAILED\"\n    error_message = f\"Error: {str(e)}. \"\n  finally:\n    submit_response(event, context, response_status, error_message)\n\ndef handle_managed(request_type, notification_configuration):\n  if request_type == 'Delete':\n    return {}\n  return notification_configuration\n\ndef handle_unmanaged(bucket, stack_id, request_type, notification_configuration):\n  external_notifications = find_external_notifications(bucket, stack_id)\n\n  if request_type == 'Delete':\n    return external_notifications\n\n  def with_id(notification):\n    notification['Id'] = f\"{stack_id}-{hash(json.dumps(notification, sort_keys=True))}\"\n    return notification\n\n  notifications = {}\n  for t in CONFIGURATION_TYPES:\n    external = external_notifications.get(t, [])\n    incoming = [with_id(n) for n in notification_configuration.get(t, [])]\n    notifications[t] = external + incoming\n\n  if EVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION in notification_configuration:\n    notifications[EVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION] = notification_configuration[EVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION]\n  elif EVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION in external_notifications:\n    notifications[EVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION] = external_notifications[EVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION]\n\n  return notifications\n\ndef find_external_notifications(bucket, stack_id):\n  existing_notifications = get_bucket_notification_configuration(bucket)\n  external_notifications = {}\n  for t in CONFIGURATION_TYPES:\n    external_notifications[t] = [n for n in existing_notifications.get(t, []) if not n['Id'].startswith(f\"{stack_id}-\")]\n\n  if EVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION in existing_notifications:\n    external_notifications[EVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION] = existing_notifications[EVENTBRIDGE_CONFIGURATION]\n\n  return external_notifications\n\ndef get_bucket_notification_configuration(bucket):\n  return s3.get_bucket_notification_configuration(Bucket=bucket)\n\ndef put_bucket_notification_configuration(bucket, notification_configuration):\n  s3.put_bucket_notification_configuration(Bucket=bucket, NotificationConfiguration=notification_configuration)\n\ndef submit_response(event: dict, context, response_status: str, error_message: str):\n  response_body = json.dumps(\n    {\n      \"Status\": response_status,\n      \"Reason\": f\"{error_message}See the details in CloudWatch Log Stream: {context.log_stream_name}\",\n      \"PhysicalResourceId\": event.get(\"PhysicalResourceId\") or event[\"LogicalResourceId\"],\n      \"StackId\": event[\"StackId\"],\n      \"RequestId\": event[\"RequestId\"],\n      \"LogicalResourceId\": event[\"LogicalResourceId\"],\n      \"NoEcho\": False,\n    }\n  ).encode(\"utf-8\")\n  headers = {\"content-type\": \"\", \"content-length\": str(len(response_body))}\n  try:\n    req = urllib.request.Request(url=event[\"ResponseURL\"], headers=headers, data=response_body, method=\"PUT\")\n    with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:\n      print(\"utf-8\"))\n    print(\"Status code: \" + response.reason)\n  except Exception as e:\n      print(\"send(..) failed executing request.urlopen(..): \" + str(e))\n"
    "Handler": "index.handler",
    "Role": {
     "Fn::GetAtt": [
    "Runtime": "python3.9",
    "Timeout": 300
   "DependsOn": [

What did you expect to happen?

The resultant CFN Output had two AWS Lambda Functions, neither are in a VPC, have a DLQ, etc. I expected those to both be flagged for the Lambda CDK Nag Checks

What actually happened?

[Error at /TestStack/L2Lambda/ServiceRole/Resource] AwsSolutions-IAM4[Policy::arn:<AWS::Partition>:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole]: The IAM user, role, or group uses AWS managed policies.

[Error at /TestStack/L2Lambda/Resource] AwsSolutions-L1: The non-container Lambda function is not configured to use the latest runtime version.
[Error at /TestStack/L2Lambda/Resource] NIST.800.53.R5-LambdaConcurrency: The Lambda function is not configured with function-level concurrent execution limits - (Control IDs: AU-12(3), AU-14a, AU-14b, CA-7, CA-7b, PM-14a.1, PM-14b, PM-31, SC-6).

[Error at /TestStack/L2Lambda/Resource] NIST.800.53.R5-LambdaDLQ: The Lambda function is not configured with a dead-letter configuration - (Control IDs: AU-12(3), AU-14a, AU-14b, CA-2(2), CA-7, CA-7b, PM-14a.1, PM-14b, PM-31, SC-36(1)(a), SI-2a).

[Error at /TestStack/L2Lambda/Resource] NIST.800.53.R5-LambdaInsideVPC: The Lambda function is not VPC enabled - (Control IDs: AC-2(6), AC-3, AC-3(7), AC-4(21), AC-6, AC-17b, AC-17(1), AC-17(1), AC-17(4)(a), AC-17(9), AC-17(10), MP-2, SC-7a, SC-7b, SC-7c, SC-7(2), SC-7(3), SC-7(9)(a), SC-7(11), SC-7(12), SC-7(16), SC-7(20), SC-7(21), SC-7(24)(b), SC-25).

[Error at /TestStack/BucketNotificationsHandler050a0587b7544547bf325f094a3db834/Role/Resource] AwsSolutions-IAM4[Policy::arn:<AWS::Partition>:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole]: The IAM user, role, or group uses AWS managed policies.

[Error at /TestStack/BucketNotificationsHandler050a0587b7544547bf325f094a3db834/Role/DefaultPolicy/Resource] AwsSolutions-IAM5[Resource::*]: The IAM entity contains wildcard permissions and does not have a cdk-nag rule suppression with evidence for those permission.

[Error at /TestStack/BucketNotificationsHandler050a0587b7544547bf325f094a3db834/Role/DefaultPolicy/Resource] NIST.800.53.R5-IAMNoInlinePolicy: The IAM Group, User, or Role contains an inline policy - (Control IDs: AC-2i.2, AC-2(1), AC-2(6), AC-3, AC-3(3)(a), AC-3(3)(b)(1), AC-3(3)(b)(2), AC-3(3)(b)(3), AC-3(3)(b)(4), AC-3(3)(b)(5), AC-3(3)(c), AC-3(3), AC-3(4)(a), AC-3(4)(b), AC-3(4)(c), AC-3(4)(d), AC-3(4)(e), AC-3(4), AC-3(7), AC-3(8), AC-3(12)(a), AC-3(13), AC-3(15)(a), AC-3(15)(b), AC-4(28), AC-6, AC-6(3), AC-24, CM-5(1)(a), CM-6a, CM-9b, MP-2, SC-23(3)).

cdk-nag version




Other information

This appears to be caused just by the type check being done on the L1 construct (for Lambda:

if (node instanceof CfnFunction) {

We had a separate aspect (Python3) created, and were able to use node.cfn_resource_type == "AWS::Lambda::Function" as our type check.

@m3newc m3newc added bug Something isn't working needs-triage This issue or PR still needs to be triaged. labels Mar 19, 2024
@dontirun dontirun removed the needs-triage This issue or PR still needs to be triaged. label Apr 12, 2024
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Thanks for bringing this issue to attention!

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bug Something isn't working
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