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merge: #10017
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10017: Reusable build docker action r=npepinpe a=npepinpe

## Description

This PR aggregates the steps required to build the Docker image into a reusable action called `build-docker`. The action can build and push the Docker image, as well as package the artifacts for it if need be.

Further iterations may want to split packaging out into its own action.

Its usage is as:

- uses: ./.github/actions/build-docker
    repository: localhost:5000/camunda/zeebe
    version: current-test
    push: true
    package: true

The action will set up Docker & Buildx, Java, and Maven. If `package` is true, it will also setup `Go` in order to build `zbctl`.

When `push` is true, the image is pushed to the given repository, with the tag being made of the `repository` and `version`. In the above, this would be equivalent to `docker push localhost:5000/camunda/zeebe:current-test`. If `push` is false, then the image is built and loaded into the local Docker registry only.

If `package` is true, then `zbctl` is compiled, and all the modules are built and installed to the local maven repository. Additionally, the distribution TAR ball is built. If it's false, then the distribution TAR ball is expected to already be present under `dist/target/camunda-zeebe-<VERSION>-tar.gz`.

If the `version` is omitted, it will be read from the Maven project.

## Related issues

related to #10013 (as a follow up)

Co-authored-by: Nicolas Pepin-Perreault <>
  • Loading branch information
zeebe-bors-camunda[bot] and npepinpe committed Aug 9, 2022
2 parents 80dc320 + e76b855 commit 77f9f1d
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Showing 4 changed files with 127 additions and 72 deletions.
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions .github/actions/build-docker/action.yml
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@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# This action expects the code to have been checked out beforehand, e.g. via actions/checkout@v3
# It will set up Java and maven as dependencies. If requested to package Zeebe, it will also set up
# Go, build zbctl, then build the Zeebe distribution.
# If no version is given, the version is set to the Maven project version.

name: Build Docker Image
description: Builds the Zeebe Docker image

description: 'The image repository, e.g. camunda/zeebe'
default: 'camunda/zeebe'
required: true
description: 'The image version, e.g. SNAPSHOT, 8.1.0'
required: false
description: 'If true, will package Zeebe, otherwise uses the tar-ball under dist/target'
default: 'false'
required: false
description: 'If true, will push the image'
required: false
default: 'false'

description: "Fully qualified image name available in your local Docker daemon"
value: ${{ steps.get-image.outputs.result }}
description: "The ISO 8601 date at which the image was created"
value: ${{ steps.get-date.outputs.result }}
description: "The semantic version of the packaged artifact"
value: ${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}

using: composite
# Creating a context is required when installing buildx on self-hosted runners
- name: Create context
shell: bash
run: |
docker context create zeebe-context
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v2
# to be able to push to local registry, which we use in our tests, we need to use host network
driver-opts: network=host
endpoint: zeebe-context
install: true
# We need maven and Java (indirectly) to get properties from the project
- uses: actions/setup-java@v3.4.1
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '17'
- uses: stCarolas/setup-maven@v4.4
maven-version: 3.8.5
- if: ${{ inputs.package == 'true' }}
uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version-file: 'clients/go/go.mod'
cache: true
cache-dependency-path: 'clients/go/go.sum'
- if: ${{ inputs.package == 'true' }}
name: Build Go
shell: bash
run: ./
working-directory: clients/go/cmd/zbctl
- if: ${{ inputs.package == 'true' }}
name: Package Zeebe
shell: bash
run: mvn -B -DskipTests -DskipChecks package -T1C
- name: Set semantic version from Maven project
id: get-version
shell: bash
run: echo ::set-output name=result::$(mvn -q -Dexec.executable=echo -Dexec.args='${project.version}' --non-recursive exec:exec)
- name: Set image build label from ISO 8601 DATE
id: get-date
shell: bash
run: echo "::set-output name=result::$(date --iso-8601=seconds)"
- name: Set image name from params or project version
id: get-image
shell: bash
run: echo "::set-output name=result::${{ inputs.repository }}:${{ inputs.version || steps.get-version.outputs.result }}"
- name: Build Docker image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
context: .
tags: ${{ steps.get-image.outputs.result }}
load: ${{ inputs.push != 'true' }}
push: ${{ inputs.push }}
no-cache: true
build-args: |
DISTBALL=dist/target/camunda-zeebe-${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}.tar.gz
DATE=${{ steps.get-date.outputs.result }}
REVISION=${{ github.sha }}
VERSION=${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}
target: app
39 changes: 8 additions & 31 deletions .github/workflows/code-quality.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,38 +95,15 @@ jobs:
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v2
sarif_file: ./hadolint.sarif
- uses: actions/setup-java@v3.4.1
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '17'
- uses: stCarolas/setup-maven@v4.4
maven-version: 3.8.5
- name: Package Zeebe
run: mvn -B -DskipTests -DskipChecks package -T1C
- name: Set project version
run: echo ::set-output name=result::$(mvn -q -Dexec.executable=echo -Dexec.args='${project.version}' --non-recursive exec:exec)
id: get-version
- name: Get build timestamp
id: get-date
run: echo "::set-output name=result::$(date --iso-8601=seconds)"
- name: Build Docker image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
- uses: ./.github/actions/build-docker
id: build-docker
context: .
# give it a fake registry to make sure we don't accidentally push it
tags: localhost:5000/camunda/zeebe:${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}
load: true
no-cache: true
build-args: |
DISTBALL=dist/target/camunda-zeebe-${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}.tar.gz
DATE=${{ steps.get-date.outputs.result }}
REVISION=${{ github.sha }}
VERSION=${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}
target: app
# give it a fake name to ensure we never try pushing it
repository: localhost:5000/camunda/zeebe
package: true
- name: Verify Docker image
DATE: ${{ steps.get-date.outputs.result }}
DATE: ${{ }}
REVISION: ${{ github.sha }}
VERSION: ${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}
run: ${PWD}/docker/test/ 'localhost:5000/camunda/zeebe:${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}'
VERSION: ${{ }}
run: ${PWD}/docker/test/ '${{ }}'
36 changes: 5 additions & 31 deletions .github/workflows/deploy.yml
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Expand Up @@ -64,44 +64,18 @@ jobs:
secrets: |
secret/data/products/zeebe/ci/zeebe REGISTRY_HUB_DOCKER_COM_USR;
secret/data/products/zeebe/ci/zeebe REGISTRY_HUB_DOCKER_COM_PSW;
- uses: actions/setup-java@v3.4.1
distribution: 'temurin'
java-version: '17'
- uses: actions/setup-go@v3
go-version-file: 'clients/go/go.mod'
cache: true
cache-dependency-path: 'clients/go/go.sum'
- name: Build Go
run: ./
working-directory: clients/go/cmd/zbctl
- name: Package Zeebe
run: mvn -B -DskipTests -DskipChecks package -T1C
- name: Set project version
run: echo ::set-output name=result::$(mvn -q -Dexec.executable=echo -Dexec.args='${project.version}' --non-recursive exec:exec)
id: get-version
- name: Get build timestamp
id: get-date
run: echo "::set-output name=result::$(date --iso-8601=seconds)"
- name: Login to DockerHub
uses: docker/login-action@v2
username: ${{ steps.secrets.outputs.REGISTRY_HUB_DOCKER_COM_USR }}
password: ${{ steps.secrets.outputs.REGISTRY_HUB_DOCKER_COM_PSW }}
- name: Build and push Docker image
uses: docker/build-push-action@v3
- uses: ./.github/actions/build-docker
id: build-docker
context: .
tags: camunda/zeebe:SNAPSHOT
repository: camunda/zeebe
version: SNAPSHOT
package: true
push: true
no-cache: true
build-args: |
DISTBALL=dist/target/camunda-zeebe-${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}.tar.gz
DATE=${{ steps.get-date.outputs.result }}
REVISION=${{ github.sha }}
VERSION=${{ steps.get-version.outputs.result }}
target: app

name: Send slack notification on build failure
Expand Down
22 changes: 12 additions & 10 deletions .github/workflows/test.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,12 @@ jobs:
maven-version: 3.8.5
- uses: ./.github/actions/use-ci-nexus-cache
- run: mvn -B -DskipChecks -DskipTests install
- run: docker build --build-arg DISTBALL=dist/target/camunda-zeebe-*.tar.gz --build-arg APP_ENV=dev -t "${ZEEBE_TEST_DOCKER_IMAGE}" .
- run: docker push "${ZEEBE_TEST_DOCKER_IMAGE}"
- uses: ./.github/actions/build-docker
repository: localhost:5000/camunda/zeebe
version: current-test
push: true
package: true
- name: Prepare Testcontainers Cloud agent
if: env.TC_CLOUD_TOKEN != ''
run: |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +80,6 @@ jobs:
maven-version: 3.8.5
- uses: ./.github/actions/use-ci-nexus-cache
- run: mvn -B -DskipChecks -DskipTests install
- run: docker build --build-arg DISTBALL=dist/target/camunda-zeebe-*.tar.gz --build-arg APP_ENV=dev -t camunda/zeebe:current-test .
- run: >
mvn -B --no-snapshot-updates
-D skipUTs -D skipChecks -D failsafe.rerunFailingTestsCount=3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,10 +251,6 @@ jobs:
go-version-file: 'clients/go/go.mod'
cache: true
cache-dependency-path: 'clients/go/go.sum'
- uses: actions/setup-java@v3.4.1
java-version: '17'
distribution: 'temurin'
- name: Check gocompat
run: |
curl -sL | tar xzvf - gocompat_linux_amd64
Expand All @@ -263,8 +261,12 @@ jobs:
./gocompat_linux_amd64 compare --go1compat ${EXCLUDE} ./...
working-directory: clients/go/
- run: mvn -B -DskipChecks -DskipTests install
- run: docker build --build-arg DISTBALL=dist/target/camunda-zeebe-*.tar.gz --build-arg APP_ENV=dev -t camunda/zeebe:current-test .
- uses: ./.github/actions/build-docker
id: build-docker
repository: camunda/zeebe
version: current-test
package: true
- run: go test -mod=vendor -v ./...
working-directory: clients/go
Expand Down

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