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230 lines (132 loc) · 8.24 KB

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230 lines (132 loc) · 8.24 KB


0.9.0 - 2023-11-26

💥 Breaking changes

  • Minimum PHP version is now 8.1
  • PDOProviderConfiguration no longer has getters, its properties are public readonly
  • RoundingMode from brick/math is now an enum, so:
    • all methods accepting an int rounding mode now accept a RoundingMode instance instead
    • this should be transparent to your application, as you'll be using the same constants such as RoundingMode::UP

0.8.1 - 2023-09-23

👌 Improvement

Currency now implements JsonSerializable (#79).

Thanks @joelvh!

0.8.0 - 2023-01-16

💥 Breaking changes

  • Minimum PHP version is now 8.0
  • Due to Croatia's adoption of the Euro on January 1st, 2023:
    • the HRK currency (Kuna) has been removed from the ISO currency provider
    • the HR country (Croatia) is now mapped to EUR (Euro)
  • PDOProviderConfiguration now has a proper constructor, and its properties are no longer public
  • PDOProviderConfiguration now throws exceptions in the constructor when configuration is invalid
  • All documented union types are now strongly typed:
    • If you have a custom ExchangeRateProvider implementation, you will need to update your getExchangeRate() method signature
    • If you were passing Stringable objects to of() or any of the methods internally calling of(), and have strict_types enabled, you will need to explicitly cast these objects to string first

0.7.1 - 2023-01-16

👌 Improvements

  • Compatibility with brick/math version 0.11

0.7.0 - 2022-10-06

💥 Breaking changes

  • JSON extension is now required for PHP 7.4 (always available with PHP >= 8.0)
  • AbstractMoney is now officially sealed, extending it yourself is not supported

New features

  • Money and RationalMoney now implement JsonSerializable

0.6.0 - 2022-08-02

💥 Breaking changes

  • Minimum PHP version is now 7.4
  • AbstractMoney::getAmount() now has a return type
  • CurrencyConverter's constructor does not accept a default $context anymore
  • CurrencyConverter::convert() now requires the $context previously accepted by the constructor as third parameter
  • Money::allocateWithRemainder() now refuses to allocate a portion of the amount that cannot be spread over all ratios, and instead adds that amount to the remainder (#55)
  • Money::splitWithRemainder() now behaves like allocateWithRemainder()

New ISO currencies

  • SLE (Leone) in Sierra Leone (SL)

👌 Improvements

  • Compatibility with brick/math version 0.10

0.5.2 - 2021-04-03

New methods

  • Money::allocateWithRemainder()
  • Money::splitWithRemainder()

These methods perform like their allocate() and split() counterparts, but append the remainder at the end of the returned array instead of spreading it over the first monies.

Thanks @NCatalani!

0.5.1 - 2021-02-10

👌 Improvement

BaseCurrencyProvider now always returns a BigNumber for convenience (#37). This is useful if you're using BaseCurrencyProvider on its own, not just in CurrencyConverter.

Thanks @rdarcy1!

0.5.0 - 2020-08-19

👌 Improvements

  • compatibility with brick/math version 0.9

⚠️ Caution

When using brick/math version 0.9, the Money factory methods such as of() and ofMinor() now accept decimal numbers in the form .123 and 123., and do not throw an exception anymore in this case.

0.4.5 - 2020-05-31

🐛 Bug fix

MoneyBag::getAmount(), add() and subtract() would throw an exception when using a custom currency (#25).

0.4.4 - 2020-01-23

New method

AbstractMoney::isAmountAndCurrencyEqualTo() compares a money to another. (#17)

This method is different from isEqualTo() in 2 aspects:

  • it only accepts another money, not a raw number;
  • it returns false if the money is in another currency, instead of throwing an exception.

0.4.3 - 2020-01-09

🛠 Improvements

  • MoneyBag::getAmount() now accepts an ISO numeric currency code as well

New methods

  • CurrencyConverter::convertToRational() converts to a RationalMoney (#22)

0.4.2 - 2019-07-04

Performance improvement when calling Money::formatTo() many times for the same locale.

0.4.1 - 2018-10-17

Added support for brick/math version 0.8.

0.4.0 - 2018-10-09

Breaking Changes

  • Deprecated method BigRational::toMoney() has been removed, use BigRational::to() instead;
  • BigRational::__toString() now always outputs the amount in non-simplified rational form.

New methods

  • BigRational::simplified() returns a copy of the money with the amount simplified.

0.3.4 - 2018-09-12

ISO currency list update.

0.3.3 - 2018-08-22

ISO currency list update.

0.3.2 - 2018-08-20

Money::formatTo() can now format the amount as a whole number:

formatTo(string $locale, bool $allowWholeNumber = false) : string

By default, formatTo() always outputs all the fraction digits:

Money::of('23.5', 'USD')->formatTo('en_US'); // $23.50
Money::of(23, 'USD')->formatTo('en_US'); // $23.00

But can now be allowed to return the whole number by passing true as a second argument:

Money::of('23.5', 'USD')->formatTo('en_US', true); // $23.50
Money::of(23, 'USD')->formatTo('en_US', true); // $23

Note that this version now requires brick/math version 0.7.3. This is not a BC break. If you've locked your composer.json to an earlier version, you will just not be able to install brick/money version 0.3.2.

0.3.1 - 2018-08-04

ISO currency list update.

0.3.0 - 2018-07-26

New methods:

  • CurrencyConversionException::getSourceCurrencyCode()
  • CurrencyConversionException::getTargetCurrencyCode()

This allows to programmatically get the failing currency pair when an exchange rate is not available.

Breaking change:

  • CurrencyConversionException constructor signature changed

Although this is technically a breaking change and requires a version bump, your code is unlikely to be affected, unless you're creating CurrencyConversionException instances manually (you shouldn't).

0.2.4 - 2018-01-10

ISO currency list update.

0.2.3 - 2017-12-01

Bug fix: Money::allocate() incorrectly allocated negative monies.

0.2.2 - 2017-11-20

Money::formatTo() now always respects the scale of the Money.

0.2.1 - 2017-11-05

New method: CustomContext::getScale()

0.2.0 - 2017-10-02

  • Minimum requirement is now PHP 7.1
  • BigRational::toMoney() has been deprecated; use to() instead. This is the result of a factorization of a common feature in Money and RationalMoney.

0.1.1 - 2017-12-08

Backports from 0.2.x:

  • New method: CustomContext::getScale()
  • Money::formatTo() now always respects the scale of the Money
  • Bug fix: Money::allocate() incorrectly allocated negative monies

0.1.0 - 2017-10-02

First beta release!