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Cloudflare: cloudflare_argo_tunnel
Provides the ability to manage Cloudflare Argo Tunnels.


Argo Tunnel exposes applications running on your local web server on any network with an internet connection without manually adding DNS records or configuring a firewall or router.

Example Usage

resource "cloudflare_argo_tunnel" "example" {
  account_id = "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"
  name       = "my-tunnel"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • account_id - (Required) The Cloudflare account ID that you wish to manage the Argo Tunnel on.
  • name - (Required) A user-friendly name chosen when the tunnel is created. Cannot be empty.
  • secret - (Required) 32 or more bytes, encoded as a base64 string. The Create Argo Tunnel endpoint sets this as the tunnel's password. Anyone wishing to run the tunnel needs this password.

Attributes Reference

The following additional attributes are exported:

  • cname - Usable CNAME for accessing the Argo Tunnel.
  • tunnel_token - Token used by a connector to authenticate and run the tunnel.


Argo Tunnels can be imported a composite ID of the account ID and tunnel UUID.

-> Note: The tunnel secret cannot be imported due to it not being available outside of the creation API calls. It is recommended that you re-create if you don't have the secret saved securely before importing.

$ terraform import cloudflare_argo_tunnel.example d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e/fd2455cb-5fcc-4c13-8738-8d8d2605237f


  • d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e is the account ID
  • fd2455cb-5fcc-4c13-8738-8d8d2605237f is the Argo Tunnel UUID