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A JavaScript library to access a remote database of CSS filters to change HTML elements to any hex color code.


  1. Install the dependency

    • NPM: npm install hex-to-css-filter-library
    • Yarn: yarn add hex-to-css-filter-library
  2. Add the dependency into your file

    import HexToCssFilterLibrary from 'hex-to-css-filter-library'
  3. Create an account with

  4. Generate a new API key on your Settings page

  5. Use your API key to fetch a CSS filter or query the database

    const filter = await new HexToCssFilterLibrary(apiKey).fetchFilter('#42dead')


Hex Color Input

Hex color codes can be passed in with 3 or 6 digits, case insensitive, and hash insensitive.

For example, all of these are valid and accepted representations:

  • 333
  • #333
  • 333333
  • #333333


// This is hardcoded but it's standard to set this as an environment variable
// Your key should be kept secret and not committed or made public
const apiKey = '...'
const hexToCssFilterLibrary = new HexToCssFilterLibrary(apiKey)

const options = {...}
const hexToCssFilterLibrary = new HexToCssFilterLibrary(apiKey, options)
Parameter Type Description
apiKey String generated by


Starting with 2.0.0, this package relies on Node 18's experimental fetch API instead of node-fetch. This makes the package work in the browser and Node.

For Node usage, if not on 18 or not wanting to rely on an experimental feature, feel free to import node-fetch or another dependency and pass in the relevant options.

import fetch, { FormData, Headers, Request } from 'node-fetch'

const options = {
  formDataClass: FormData,
  headersClass: Headers,
  requestClass: Request,
  fetchFunction: fetch,
const hexToCssFilterLibrary = new HexToCssFilterLibrary(apiKey, options)
Name Type Default Description
apiUrl String URL for the API
apiEndpoint String /v1/query query endpoint for the API
dbOwner String blakegearin owner of the database on
dbName String hex-to-css-filter-db.sqlite3 name of the database on
formDataClass Class FormData of Web API or Node class used to form the body of the request to the database
headersClass Class Headers of Web API or Node class used to form the headers of the request to the database
requestClass Class Request of Web API or Node class used to form the request to the database
fetchFunction Function fetch of Web API or Node function used to execute the request to the database

Fetch Filter

const filter = await hexToCssFilterLibrary.fetchFilter('#42dead')
// invert(66%) sepia(56%) saturate(416%) hue-rotate(110deg) brightness(98%) contrast(100%)

const options = {
  filterPrefix: true,
  preBlacken: true
const filter = await hexToCssFilterLibrary.fetchFilter('#42dead', options)
// filter: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(66%) sepia(56%) saturate(416%) hue-rotate(110deg) brightness(98%) contrast(100%)
Parameter Type Description
hexColor String see Hex Color Input


Name Type Default Description
filterPrefix Boolean false flag for filter: inclusion
preBlacken Boolean false flag for brightness(0) saturate(1) inclusion

Fetch Color Record

const colorRecord = await hexToCssFilterLibrary.fetchColorRecord('#42dead')
// {
//   id: 4382381,
//   invert: 66,
//   sepia: 56,
//   saturate: 416,
//   'hue-rotate': 110,
//   brightness: 98,
//   contrast: 100,
//   loss: 0.2578769732
// }

const options = { raw: true }
const rawColorRecord = await hexToCssFilterLibrary.fetchColorRecord('#42dead', options)
// [
//   [
//     { Name: 'id', Type: 4, Value: '4382381' },
//     { Name: 'invert', Type: 4, Value: '66' },
//     { Name: 'sepia', Type: 4, Value: '56' },
//     { Name: 'saturate', Type: 4, Value: '416' },
//     { Name: 'hue-rotate', Type: 4, Value: '110' },
//     { Name: 'brightness', Type: 4, Value: '98' },
//     { Name: 'contrast', Type: 4, Value: '100' },
//     { Name: 'loss', Type: 5, Value: '0.2578769732' }
//   ]
// ]
Parameter Type Description
hexColor String see Hex Color Input


Name Type Default Description
raw Boolean false flag for getting the raw response from the API

Query DB

const sql = 'SELECT COUNT() FROM color'
const response = await hexToCssFilterLibrary.queryDb(sql)
// [ [ { Name: 'COUNT()', Type: 4, Value: '16777216' } ] ]

const options = { getFirstValue: true }
const response = await hexToCssFilterLibrary.queryDb(sql, options)
// 16777216
Parameter Type Description
sql String query to run


Name Type Default Description
getFirstValue Boolean false flag for getting the value of the first record in the response


  • A filter isn't working/accurate, what's going on?

    • The filters in the database assume a starting color of black (#000000). If your HTML element isn't black, you'll need to use the preBlacken option.
  • What if I'm not using JavaScript?

    • has Python and Go libraries which can also be used to access the database.
  • What if I don't want to rely on your database?

About Problem Domain

The current leading method to convert a hex color to a CSS filter is through trial & error with loss minimization.

Instead of spending your own time & resources doing this, you can use this library to lookup already calculated low loss values. Currently all colors have less than 1% loss.

I don't have plans to process lower values due to diminishing returns. If you are interested in doing this though, please get in touch and I can share my code.


There are 16,777,216 RGB hex colors. This is equal to 2563, with 256 values for red, green, and blue.

Field Type Description
id INTEGER primary key, represents the hex color
sepia INTEGER percentage value for the sepia filter function
saturate INTEGER percentage value for the saturate filter function
hue-rotate INTEGER degree value for the hue-rotate filter function
brightness INTEGER percentage value for the brightness filter function
contrast INTEGER percentage value for the contrast filter function
loss REAL percentage value of the filter's loss (lower is better)

For reference: SQLite datatypes

Loss Statistics

Average Max Min 0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6% 0.7% 0.8% 0.9% Total
0.40267 0.99999 0 8 1,233,492 2,944,170 3,259,251 2,388,299 1,716,667 1,323,179 1,106,540 987,981 920,722 896,907 16,777,216
pie showData
  "0% loss" : 8
  "0.0% loss" : 1233492
  "0.1% loss" : 2944170
  "0.2% loss" : 3259251
  "0.3% loss" : 2388299
  "0.4% loss" : 1716667
  "0.5% loss" : 1323179
  "0.6% loss" : 1106540
  "0.7% loss" : 987981
  "0.8% loss" : 920722
  "0.9% loss" : 896907