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Batch-loading objects for GraphQL::Dataloader

Sources are what {{ "GraphQL::Dataloader" | api_doc }} uses to fetch data from external services.

Source Concepts

Sources are classes that inherit from GraphQL::Dataloader::Source. A Source must implement def fetch(keys) to return a list of objects, one for each of the given keys. A source may implement def initialize(...) to accept other batching parameters.

Sources will receive two kinds of inputs from GraphQL::Dataloader:

  • keys, which correspond to objects requested by the application.

    Keys are passed to def fetch(keys), which must return an object (or nil) for each of keys, in the same order as keys.

    Under the hood, each Source instance maintains a key => object cache.

  • batch parameters, which are the basis of batched groups. For example, if you're loading records from different database tables, the table name would be a batch parameter.

    Batch parameters are given to dataloader.with(source_class, *batch_parameters), and the default is no batch parameters. When you define a source, you should add the batch parameters to def initialize(...) and store them in instance variables.

    (dataloader.with(source_class, *batch_parameters) returns an instance of source_class with the given batch parameters -- but it might be an instance which was cached by dataloader.)

    Additionally, batch parameters are used to de-duplicate Source initializations during a query run. .with(...) calls that have the same batch parameters will use the same Source instance under the hood. To customize how Sources are de-duplicated, see {{ "GraphQL::Dataloader::Source.batch_key_for" | api_doc }}.

Example: Loading Strings from Redis by Key

The simplest source might fetch values based on their keys. For example:

# app/graphql/sources/redis_string.rb
class Sources::RedisString < GraphQL::Dataloader::Source
  def fetch(keys)
    # Redis's `mget` will return a value for each key with a `nil` for any not-found key.

This loader could be used in GraphQL like this:

some_string = dataloader.with(Sources::RedisString).load("some_key")

Calls to .load(key) will be batched, and when GraphQL::Dataloader can't go any further, it will dispatch a call to def fetch(keys) above.

Example: Loading ActiveRecord Objects by ID

To fetch ActiveRecord objects by ID, the source should also accept the model class as a batching parameter. For example:

# app/graphql/sources/active_record_object.rb
class Sources::ActiveRecordObject < GraphQL::Dataloader::Source
  def initialize(model_class)
    @model_class = model_class

  def fetch(ids)
    records = @model_class.where(id: ids)
    # return a list with `nil` for any ID that wasn't found { |id| records.find { |r| == id.to_i } }

This source could be used for any model_class, for example:

author = dataloader.with(Sources::ActiveRecordObject, ::User).load(1)
post = dataloader.with(Sources::ActiveRecordObject, ::Post).load(1)

Example: Batched Calculations

Besides fetching objects, Sources can return values from batched calculations. For example, a system could batch up checks for who a user follows:

# for a given user, batch checks to see whether this user follows another user.
# (The default `user.followings.where(followed_user_id: followed).exists?` would cause N+1 queries.)
class Sources::UserFollowingExists < GraphQL::Dataloader::Source
  def initialize(user)
    @user = user

  def fetch(handles)
    # Prepare a `SELECT id FROM users WHERE handle IN(...)` statement
    user_ids = ::User.where(handle: handles).select(:id)
    # And use it to filter this user's followings:
    followings = @user.followings.where(followed_user_id: user_ids)
    # Now, for followings that _actually_ hit a user, get the handles for those users:
    followed_users = ::User.where(id:
    # Finally, return a result set, with one entry (true or false) for each of the given `handles` { |h| !!followed_users.find { |u| u.handle == h }}

It could be used like this:

is_following = dataloader.with(Sources::UserFollowingExists, context[:viewer]).load(handle)

After all requests were batched, #fetch will return a Boolean result to is_following.

Example: Loading in a background thread

Inside Source#fetch(keys), you can call dataloader.yield to return control to the Dataloader. This way, it will proceed loading other Sources (if there are any), then return the source that yielded.

A simple example, spinning up a new Thread:

def fetch(keys)
  # spin up some work in a background thread
  thread = {
  # return control to the dataloader
  # at this point,
  # the dataloader has tried everything else and come back to this source,
  # so block if necessary:

For a more robust asynchronous task primitive, check out Concurrent::Future.

Ruby 3.0 added built-in support for yielding Fibers that make I/O calls -- hopefully a future GraphQL-Ruby version will work with that!