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Web framework for hobbyist and freelance bartenders 馃嵏

Table of Contents


UI Development

These instructions assume you're in the /bartop-ui directory.

UI Development with Storybook

The UI has a Storybook for quickly designing & developing components. If you just want to make some visual changes, this is the fastest & easiest way.

  1. Install the dependencies - npm install
  2. Run the storybook - npm run storybook
  3. View the storybook at localhost:9001

Integrated UI Development

In order to develop for the UI with auth & data, you need to establish an Auth0 tenant and run the API. Read below for instructions to setup this full system.

Install the dependencies

npm install

UI Deployment

The UI is continuously deployed at the following URLs: -> pushes to dev deploy here -> pushes to prod deploy here (but currently redirecting to this repo)

When a PR is made against these branches, Netlify will deploy a preview that can be used for testing & validating the bug fix or feature.

Environment Variables

The UI is configured using a .env file. Use the .env.example file as a template to create a local version.

  1. The Auth0 environment variables require that you create an Auth0 tenant. Once created, add the supplied AUTH0_DOMAIN and AUTH0_CLIENT_ID.
  2. Add two rules to your tenant:
    1. The first rule should add the user's loginsCount to idToken:
    function(user, context, callback) {
      var namespace = 'https://yournamespace';
      context.idToken[namespace + '/loginsCount'] = context.stats.loginsCount;
      callback(null, user, context);
    1. The second should add the user's name to idToken:
    function (user, context, callback) {
      var namespace = 'https://yournamespace';
      context.idToken[namespace + '/name'] = user.user_metadata && || undefined;
      callback(null, user, context);
    1. Set your AUTH0_CLAIM_NAMESPACE environment variable to the namespace you chose in your rules
  3. BarTop uses the JWT Tokens provided by Auth0 to secure our API. In order to do this, we need to tell Auth0 who the audience of our accessToken is. Set the AUTH0_BARTOP_API_AUDIENCE accordingly.
  4. For local development, set your REACT_APP_URL to http://localhost:3000
  5. For local development, set your REACT_APP_API_URL to http://localhost:3001. CRA automatically proxies requests to whichever port you specify in the proxy field of your package.json, so make sure they match.

Running the UI

  1. Make sure you have all your environment variables set.

  2. Run the API

  3. Run the UI with npm start

  4. Visit http://localhost:3000 to view the UI

    SIDENOTE BarTop is using Create React App as the starter for our UI. If you run into problems, please check out their User Guide or reach out with questions


  1. Execute the UI unit tests with npm test
  2. Optionally, you can run the tests in watch mode with npm run watch-test. This is nice when you're working on specific tests and want it to run on changes.
  3. When making visual changes, it can help to view the storybook to play with components in an isolated environment.


API Development

These instructions assume you're in the /bartop-api directory

Install the dependencies

npm install

Environment Variables

The API is configured using a .env file. Use the .env.example file as a template to create a local version. Every variable listed in the .env.example is required to run the API server.

Start the Database

BarTop API uses RethinkDB for its persistence layer. Running the API locally requires a local of installation of RethinkDB. Once installed, start a local instance of the database: npm run database

The default database, named test, is reserved for running the integration tests. Using this as your development database will have pretty unfortunate consequences, so you will want to create a new one. To create a new database use the RethinkDB dashboard (while the database is running). Click on + Add Database and enter your desired development database name. Make sure the name of this database matches the BARTOP_DB_NAME variable in your .env file. This dashboard is also useful for exploring your data.

Run the server locally

First, make sure the database is running. Then, start the API server: npm start The API will be available for requests at http://localhost:3001 (if you set BARTOP_API_PORT to 3001 in your .env file, which is recommended). Requests to the API in development do not need to be authorized. For testing and production, the API requires authentication/authorization using JSON Web Tokens.

Note Starting the API in development mode will automatically configure the database to assist with client development. The first time the server is started with a fresh database, it will create the following tables:

  • users
  • drinks
  • menus
  • sessions
  • orders

and will seed the drinks table with sample drink objects.

Explore the v1 REST API

The REST API is available under the route /api/v1. Use a tool like Postman to test different endpoints. Documentation coming soon...

Explore the GraphQL API

The GraphQL API is available under the single endpoint /api/graphql. The recommended way to explore this API is using the GraphIQL tool, available by visiting the above route in a browser. Here, there is an environment to test queries alongside a panel with documentation. If desired, the GraphQL API can also be explored using a tool like Postman.

Test the API

The API test suite currently consists of mostly integration tests and some unit tests.

The integration tests are used to test actual functionality of the API server by making requests and verifying responses with as little mocking as possible.

The unit tests are used to test individual modules, especially behavior that is very difficult to produce in the integration tests (like RethinkDB post-write errors) but still needs to be accounted for.

To run the full test suite: npm run test
To run the integration tests: npm run integration-tests
To run the unit tests: npm run unit-tests

To run the integration tests, you must be running a local instance of RethinkDB. See this section for more information.

Testing with CI

Travis CI will automatically run all tests when a branch is pushed.