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Migrating to the AWS SDK for Go V2
How to migrate to the AWS SDK for Go V2 from AWS SDK for Go V1.

Minimum Go Version

The {{% alias sdk-go %}} requires a minimum Go version of {{% alias min-go-version %}}. Migration from v1 to v2 The latest version of Go can be downloaded on the Downloads page. See the Release History for more information about each Go version release, and relevant information required for upgrading.


The {{% alias sdk-go %}} has been updated to take advantage of the Go modules which became the default development mode in Go 1.13. A number of packages provided by the SDK have been modularized and are independently versioned and released respectively. This change enables improved application dependency modeling, and enables the SDK to provide new features and functionality that follows the Go module versioning strategy.

The following list are some Go modules provided by the SDK:

Module Description The SDK core Shared Configuration Loading AWS Credential Providers {{% alias service=EC2 %}} Instance Metadata Service Client

The SDK's service clients and higher level utilities modules are nested under the following import paths:

Import Root Description Service Client Modules High-Level utilities for services, for example the {{% alias service=S3 %}} Transfer Manager

Configuration Loading

The [session]({{< apiref v1="aws/session" >}}) package and associated functionality are replaced with a simplified configuration system provided by the [config]({{< apiref "config" >}}) package. The config package is a separate Go module, and can be included in your applications dependencies by with go get.

go get

The [session.New]({{< apiref v1="aws/session#New" >}}), [session.NewSession]({{< apiref v1="aws/session#NewSession" >}}), [NewSessionWithOptions]({{< apiref v1="aws/session#NewSessionWithOptions" >}}), and [session.Must]({{< apiref v1="aws/session#Must" >}}) must be migrated to [config.LoadDefaultConfig]({{< apiref "config#LoadDefaultConfig" >}}).

The config package provides several helper functions that aid in overriding the shared configuration loading programmatically. These function names are prefixed with With followed by option that they override. Let's look at some examples of how to migrate usage of the session package.

For more information on loading shared configuration see [Configuring the {{% alias sdk-go %}}]({{% ref "configuring-sdk" %}}).


Migrating from NewSession to LoadDefaultConfig

The following example shows how usage of session.NewSession without additional argument parameters is migrated to config.LoadDefaultConfig.

// V1 using NewSession

import ""

// ...

sess, err := session.NewSession()
if err != nil {
	// handle error
// V2 using LoadDefaultConfig

import "context"
import ""

// ...

cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
	// handle error
Migrating from NewSession with aws.Config options

The example shows how to migrate overriding of aws.Config values during configuration loading. One or more config.With* helper functions can be provided to config.LoadDefaultConfig to override the loaded configuration values. In this example the AWS Region is overridden to us-west-2 using the [config.WithRegion]({{< apiref "config#WithRegion" >}}) helper function.

// V1

import ""
import ""

// ...

sess, err := session.NewSession(aws.Config{
	Region: aws.String("us-west-2")
if err != nil {
	// handle error
// V2

import "context"
import ""

// ...

cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(),
if err != nil {
	// handle error
Migrating from NewSessionWithOptions

This example shows how to migrate overriding values during configuration loading. Zero or more config.With* helper functions can be provided to config.LoadDefaultConfig to override the loaded configuration values. In this example we show how to override the target profile that is used when loading the AWS SDK shared configuration.

// V1

import ""
import ""

// ...

sess, err := session.NewSessionWithOptions(aws.Config{
	Profile: "my-application-profile"
if err != nil {
	// handle error
// V2

import "context"
import ""

// ...

cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(),
if err != nil {
	// handle error

Mocking and *iface

The *iface packages and interfaces therein (e.g. [s3iface.S3API]({{< apiref v1="service/s3/s3iface#S3API" >}})) have been removed. These interface definitions are not stable since they are broken every time a service adds a new operation.

Usage of *iface should be replaced by scoped caller-defined interfaces for the service operations being used:

// V1

import "io"

import ""
import ""

func GetObjectBytes(client s3iface.S3API, bucket, key string) ([]byte, error) {
    object, err := client.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput{
        Bucket: &bucket,
        Key:    &key,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer object.Body.Close()

    return io.ReadAll(object.Body)
// V2

import "context"
import "io"

import ""

type GetObjectAPIClient interface {
    GetObject(context.Context, *s3.GetObjectInput, ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.GetObjectOutput, error)

func GetObjectBytes(ctx context.Context, client GetObjectAPIClient, bucket, key string) ([]byte, error) {
    object, err := api.GetObject(ctx, &s3.GetObjectInput{
        Bucket: &bucket,
        Key:    &key,
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer object.Body.Close()

    return io.ReadAll(object.Body)

See the [testing guide]({{% ref "/docs/" %}}) for more information.

Credentials & Credential Providers

The [aws/credentials]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials" >}}) package and associated credential providers have been relocated to the [credentials]({{< apiref "credentials" >}}) package location. The credentials package is a Go module that you retrieve by using go get.

go get

The {{% alias sdk-go %}} release updates the AWS Credential Providers to provide a consistent interface for retrieving AWS Credentials. Each provider implements the [aws.CredentialsProvider]({{< apiref "aws#CredentialsProvider" >}}) interface, which defines a Retrieve method that returns a (aws.Credentials, error). [aws.Credentials]({{< apiref "aws#Credentials" >}}) that is analogous to the AWS SDK for Go [credentials.Value]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials#Value" >}}) type.

You must wrap aws.CredentialsProvider objects with [aws.CredentialsCache]({{< apiref "aws#CredentialsCache" >}}) to allow credential caching to occur. You use [NewCredentialsCache]({{< apiref "aws#NewCredentialsCache" >}}) to construct a aws.CredentialsCache object. By default, credentials configured by config.LoadDefaultConfig are wrapped with aws.CredentialsCache.

The following table list the location changes of the AWS credential providers from AWS SDK for Go V1 to {{% alias sdk-go %}}.

Name V1 Import V2 Import
{{% alias service=EC2 %}} IAM Role Credentials
Endpoint Credentials
Process Credentials
{{% alias service=STSlong %}}

Static Credentials

Applications that use [credentials.NewStaticCredentials]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials#NewStaticCredentials" >}}) to construct static credential programmatically must use [credentials.NewStaticCredentialsProvider]({{< apiref "credentials#NewStaticCredentialsProvider" >}}).


// V1

import ""

// ...

appCreds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(accessKey, secretKey, sessionToken)
value, err := appCreds.Get()
if err != nil {
	// handle error
// V2

import "context"
import ""
import ""

// ...

appCreds := aws.NewCredentialsCache(credentials.NewStaticCredentialsProvider(accessKey, secretKey, sessionToken))
value, err := appCreds.Retrieve(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
	// handle error

{{% alias service=EC2 %}} IAM Role Credentials

You must migrate usage of [NewCredentials]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/ec2rolecreds#NewCredentials" >}}) and [NewCredentialsWithClient]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/ec2rolecreds#NewCredentialsWithClient" >}}) to use [New]({{< apiref "credentials/ec2rolecreds#New" >}}).

The ec2rolecreds package's ec2rolecreds.New takes functional options of [ec2rolecreds.Options]({{< apiref "credentials/ec2rolecreds#Options" >}}) as input, allowing you override the specific {{% alias service=EC2 %}} Instance Metadata Service client to use, or to override the credential expiry window.


// V1

import ""

// ...

appCreds := ec2rolecreds.NewCredentials(sess)
value, err := appCreds.Get()
if err != nil {
	// handle error
// V2

import "context"
import ""
import ""

// ...

// New returns an object of a type that satisfies the aws.CredentialProvider interface
appCreds := aws.NewCredentialsCache(ec2rolecreds.New())
value, err := appCreds.Retrieve(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
	// handle error

Endpoint Credentials

You must migrate usage of [NewCredentialsClient]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/endpointcreds#NewCredentialsClient" >}}) and [NewProviderClient]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/endpointcreds#NewProviderClient" >}}) to use [New]({{< apiref "credentials/endpointcreds#New" >}}).

The endpointcreds package's New function takes a string argument containing the URL of an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint to retrieve credentials from, and functional options of [endpointcreds.Options]({{< apiref "credentials/endpointcreds#Options" >}}) to mutate the credentials provider and override specific configuration settings.

Process Credentials

You must migrate usage of [NewCredentials]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/processcreds#NewCredentials" >}}), [NewCredentialsCommand]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/processcreds#NewCredentialsCommand" >}}), and [NewCredentialsTimeout]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/processcreds#NewCredentialsTimeout" >}}) to use [NewProvider]({{< apiref "credentials/processcreds#New" >}}) or [NewProviderCommand]({{< apiref "credentials/processcreds#NewProviderCommand" >}}).

The processcreds package's NewProvider function takes a string argument that is the command to be executed in the host environment's shell, and functional options of [Options]({{< apiref "credentials/processcreds#Options" >}}) to mutate the credentials provider and override specific configuration settings.

NewProviderCommand takes an implementation of the [NewCommandBuilder]({{< apiref "credentials/processcreds#NewCommandBuilder" >}}) interface that defines more complex process commands that might take one or more command-line arguments, or have certain execution environment requirements. [DefaultNewCommandBuilder]({{< apiref "credentials/processcreds#DefaultNewCommandBuilder" >}}) implements this interface, and defines a command builder for a process that requires multiple command-line arguments.


// V1

import ""

// ...

appCreds := processcreds.NewCredentials("/path/to/command")
value, err := appCreds.Get()
if err != nil {
	// handle error
// V2

import "context"
import ""
import ""

// ...

appCreds := aws.NewCredentialsCache(processcreds.NewProvider("/path/to/command"))
value, err := appCreds.Retrieve(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
	// handle error

{{% alias service=STSlong %}} Credentials


You must migrate usage of [NewCredentials]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/stscreds#NewCredentials" >}}), and [NewCredentialsWithClient]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/stscreds#NewCredentialsWithClient" >}}) to use [NewAssumeRoleProvider]({{< apiref "credentials/stscreds#NewAssumeRoleProvider" >}}).

The stscreds package's NewAssumeRoleProvider function must be called with a [sts.Client]({{< apiref "service/sts#Client" >}}), and the {{% alias service=IAMlong %}} Role ARN to be assumed from the provided sts.Client's configured credentials. You can also provide a set of functional options of [AssumeRoleOptions]({{< apiref "credentials/stscreds#AssumeRoleOptions" >}}) to modify other optional settings of the provider.

// V1

import ""

// ...

appCreds := stscreds.NewCredentials(sess, "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/demo")
value, err := appCreds.Get()
if err != nil {
	// handle error
// V2

import "context"
import ""
import ""

// ...

client := sts.NewFromConfig(cfg)

appCreds := stscreds.NewAssumeRoleProvider(client, "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/demo")
value, err := appCreds.Retrieve(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
	// handle error


You must migrate usage of [NewWebIdentityCredentials]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/stscreds#NewWebIdentityCredentials" >}}), [NewWebIdentityRoleProvider]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/stscreds#NewWebIdentityRoleProvider" >}}), and [NewWebIdentityRoleProviderWithToken]({{< apiref v1="aws/credentials/stscreds#NewWebIdentityRoleProviderWithToken" >}}) to use [NewWebIdentityRoleProvider]({{< apiref "credentials/stscreds#NewWebIdentityRoleProvider" >}}).

The stscreds package's NewWebIdentityRoleProvider function must be called with a [sts.Client]({{< apiref "service/sts#Client" >}}), and the {{% alias service=IAMlong %}} Role ARN to be assumed using the provided sts.Client's configured credentials, and an implementation of a [IdentityTokenRetriever]({{< apiref "credentials/stscreds#IdentityTokenRetriever" >}}) for providing the OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect ID token. [IdentityTokenFile]({{< apiref "credentials/stscreds#IdentityTokenFile" >}}) is an IdentityTokenRetriever that can be used to provide the web identity token from a file located on the application's host file-system. You can also provide a set of functional options of [WebIdentityRoleOptions]({{< apiref "credentials/stscreds#WebIdentityRoleOptions" >}}) to modify other optional settings for the provider.

// V1

import ""

// ...

appCreds := stscreds.NewWebIdentityRoleProvider(sess, "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/demo", "sessionName", "/path/to/token")
value, err := appCreds.Get()
if err != nil {
	// handle error
// V2

import "context"
import ""
import ""
import ""

// ...

client := sts.NewFromConfig(cfg)

appCreds := aws.NewCredentialsCache(stscreds.NewWebIdentityRoleProvider(
		func(o *stscreds.WebIdentityRoleOptions) {
			o.RoleSessionName = "sessionName"
value, err := appCreds.Retrieve(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
	// handle error

Service Clients

{{% alias sdk-go %}} provides service client modules nested under the import path. Each service client is contained in a Go package using each service's unique identifier. The following table provides some examples of service import paths in the {{% alias sdk-go %}}.

Service Name V1 Import Path V2 Import Path
{{% alias service=S3 %}}
{{% alias service=DDBlong %}}
{{% alias service=CWLlong %}}

Each service client package is an independently versioned Go module. To add the service client as a dependency of your application, use the go get command with the service's import path. For example, to add the {{% alias service=S3 %}} client to your dependencies use

go get

Client Construction

You can construct clients in the {{% alias sdk-go %}} using either the New or NewFromConfig constructor functions in the client's package. When migrating from the AWS SDK for Go we recommend that you use the NewFromConfig variant, which will return a new service client using values from an aws.Config. The aws.Config value will have been created while loading the SDK shared configuration using config.LoadDefaultConfig. For details on creating service clients see [Using AWS Services]({{% ref "making-requests" %}}).

Example 1
// V1

import ""
import ""

// ...

sess, err := session.NewSession()
if err != nil {
	// handle error

client := s3.New(sess)
// V2

import "context"
import ""
import ""

// ...

cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
	// handle error

client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)
Example 2: Overriding Client Settings
// V1

import ""
import ""
import ""

// ...

sess, err := session.NewSession()
if err != nil {
	// handle error

client := s3.New(sess, &aws.Config{
	Region: aws.String("us-west-2"),
// V2

import "context"
import ""
import ""

// ...

cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
	// handle error

client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg, func(o *s3.Options) {
	o.Region = "us-west-2"


The [endpoints]({{< apiref v1="aws/endpoints" >}}) package no longer exists in the {{% alias sdk-go %}}. Each service client now embeds its required AWS endpoint metadata within the client package. This reduces the overall binary size of compiled applications by no longer including endpoint metadata for services not used by your application.

Additionally, each service now exposes its own interface for endpoint resolution in EndpointResolverV2. Each API takes a unique set of parameters for a service EndpointParameters, the values of which are sourced by the SDK from various locations when an operation is invoked.

By default, service clients use their configured AWS Region to resolve the service endpoint for the target Region. If your application requires a custom endpoint, you can specify custom behavior on EndpointResolverV2 field on the aws.Config structure. If your application implements a custom [endpoints.Resolver]({{< apiref v1="aws/endpoints#Resolver" >}}) you must migrate it to conform to this new per-service interface.

For more information on endpoints and implementing a custom resolver, see [Configuring Client Endpoints]({{% ref "/docs/configuring-sdk/" %}}).


The {{% alias sdk-go %}} supports more advanced authentication behavior, which enables the use of newer AWS service features such as codecatalyst and S3 Express One Zone. Additionally, this behavior can be customized on a per-client basis.

Invoking API Operations

The number of service client operation methods have been reduced significantly. The <OperationName>Request, <OperationName>WithContext, and <OperationName> methods have all been consolidated into single operation method, <OperationName>.


The following example shows how calls to the {{% alias service=s3 %}} PutObject operation would be migrated from AWS SDK for Go to {{% alias sdk-go %}}.

// V1

import "context"
import ""

// ...

client := s3.New(sess)

// Pattern 1
output, err := client.PutObject(&s3.PutObjectInput{
	// input parameters

// Pattern 2
output, err := client.PutObjectWithContext(context.TODO(), &s3.PutObjectInput{
	// input parameters

// Pattern 3
req, output := client.PutObjectRequest(context.TODO(), &s3.PutObjectInput{
	// input parameters
err := req.Send()
// V2

import "context"
import ""

// ...

client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)

output, err := client.PutObject(context.TODO(), &s3.PutObjectInput{
	// input parameters

Service Data Types

The top-level input and output types of an operation are found in the service client package. The input and output type for a given operation follow the pattern of <OperationName>Input and <OperationName>Output, where OperationName is the name of the operation you are invoking. For example the input and output shape for the {{% alias service=S3 %}} PutObject operation are [PutObjectInput]({{< apiref "service/s3#PutObjectInput" >}}) and [PutObjectOutput]({{< apiref "service/s3#PutObjectOutput" >}}) respectively.

All other service data types, other than input and output types, have been migrated to the types package located under the service client package import path hierarchy. For example, the [s3.AccessControlPolicy]({{< apiref v1="service/s3#AccessControlPolicy" >}}) type is now located at [types.AccessControlPolicy]({{< apiref "service/s3/types#AccessControlPolicy" >}}).

Enumeration Values

The SDK now provides a typed experience for all API enumeration fields. Rather than using a string literal value copied from the service API reference documentation, you can now use one of the concrete types found in the service client's types package. For example, you can provide the {{% alias service=S3 %}} PutObjectInput operation with an ACL to be applied on an object. In the AWS SDK for Go V1, this parameter was a *string type. In the {{& alias sdk-go %}} this parameter is now a [types.ObjectCannedACL]({{< apiref "service/s3/types#ObjectCannedACL" >}}). The types package provides generated constants for the valid enumeration values that can be assigned to this field. For example [types.ObjectCannedACLPrivate]({{< apiref "service/s3/types#ObjectCannedACLPrivate" >}}) is the constant for the "private" canned ACL value. This value can be used in place of managing string constants within your application.

Pointer Parameters

The AWS SDK for Go v1 required pointer references to be passed for all input parameters to service operations. The {{% alias sdk-go %}} has simplified the experience with most services by removing the need to pass input values as pointers where possible. This change means that many service clients operations no longer require your application to pass pointer references for the following types: uint8, uint16, uint32, int8, int16, int32, float32, float64, bool. Similarly, slice and map element types have been updated accordingly to reflect whether their elements must be passed as pointer references.

The [aws]({{< apiref "aws" >}}) package contains helper functions for creating pointers for the Go built-in types, these helpers should be used to more easily handle creating pointer types for these Go types. Similarly, helper methods are provided for safely de-referencing pointer values for these types. For example, the [aws.String]({{< apiref "aws#String" >}}) function converts from string*string. Inversely, the [aws.ToString]({{< apiref "aws#ToString" >}}) converts from *stringstring. When upgrading your application from AWS SDK for Go V1 to {{% alias sdk-go %}}, you must migrate usage of the helpers for converting from the pointer types to the non-pointer variants. For example, [aws.StringValue]({{< apiref v1="aws#StringValue" >}}) must be updated to aws.ToString.

Errors Types

The {{% alias sdk-go %}} takes full advantage of the error wrapping functionality introduced in Go 1.13. Services that model error responses have generated types available in their client's types package that can be used to test whether a client operation error was caused by one of these types. For example {{% alias service=S3 %}} GetObject operation can return a NoSuchKey error if attempting to retrieve an object key that doesn't exist. You can use errors.As to test whether the returned operation error is a [types.NoSuchKey]({{< apiref "service/s3/types#NoSuchKey" >}}) error. In the event a service does not model a specific type for an error, you can utilize the [smithy.APIError]({{< apiref smithy="#APIError" >}}) interface type for inspecting the returned error code and message from the service. This functionality replaces [awserr.Error]({{< apiref v1="aws/awserr#Error" >}}) and the other [awserr]({{< apiref v1="aws/awserr" >}}) functionality from the AWS SDK for Go V1. For more details information on handling errors see [Handling Errors]({{< ref "handling-errors" >}}).


// V1

import ""
import ""

// ...

client := s3.New(sess)

output, err := s3.GetObject(&s3.GetObjectInput{
	// input parameters
if err != nil {
	if awsErr, ok := err.(awserr.Error); ok {
		if awsErr.Code() == "NoSuchKey" {
			// handle NoSuchKey
		} else {
			// handle other codes
	// handle a error
// V2

import "context"
import ""
import ""
import ""

// ...

client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)

output, err := s3.GetObject(context.TODO(), &s3.GetObjectInput{
	// input parameters
if err != nil {
	var nsk *types.NoSuchKey
	if errors.As(err, &nsk) {
		// handle NoSuchKey error
	var apiErr smithy.APIError
	if errors.As(err, &apiErr) {
		code := apiErr.ErrorCode()
		message := apiErr.ErrorMessage()
		// handle error code
	// handle error


Service operation paginators are no longer invoked as methods on the service client. To use a paginator for an operation you must construct a paginator for an operation using one of the paginator constructor methods. For example, to use paginate over the {{% alias service=S3 %}} ListObjectsV2 operation you must construct its paginator using the [s3.NewListObjectsV2Paginator]({{< apiref "service/s3#NewListObjectsV2Paginator" >}}). This constructor returns a [ListObjectsV2Paginator]({{< apiref "service/s3#ListObjectsV2Paginator" >}}) which provides the methods HasMorePages, and NextPage for determining whether there are more pages to retrieve and invoking the operation to retrieve the next page respectively. More details on using the SDK paginators can be found at []({{< ref "" >}}).

Let's look at an example of how to migrate from a AWS SDK for Go paginator to the {{% alias sdk-go %}} equivalent.


// V1

import "fmt"
import ""

// ...

client := s3.New(sess)

params := &s3.ListObjectsV2Input{
	// input parameters

totalObjects := 0
err := client.ListObjectsV2Pages(params, func(output *s3.ListObjectsV2Output, lastPage bool) bool {
	totalObjects += len(output.Contents)
	return !lastPage
if err != nil {
	// handle error
fmt.Println("total objects:", totalObjects)
// V2

import "context"
import "fmt"
import ""

// ...

client := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg)

params := &s3.ListObjectsV2Input{
	// input parameters

totalObjects := 0
paginator := s3.NewListObjectsV2Paginator(client, params)
for paginator.HasMorePages() {
	output, err := paginator.NextPage(context.TODO())
	if err != nil {
		// handle error
	totalObjects += len(output.Contents)
fmt.Println("total objects:", totalObjects)


Service operation waiters are no longer invoked as methods on the service client. To use a waiter you first construct the desired waiter type, and then invoke the wait method. For example, to wait for a {{% alias service=S3 %}} Bucket to exist, you must construct a BucketExists waiter. Use the [s3.NewBucketExistsWaiter]({{< apiref "service/s3#NewBucketExistsWaiter" >}}) constructor to create a [s3.BucketExistsWaiter]({{< apiref "service/s3#BucketExistsWaiter" >}}). The s3.BucketExistsWaiter provides a Wait method which can be used to wait for a bucket to become available.

Presigned Requests

The V1 SDK technically supported presigning any AWS SDK operation, however, this does not accurately represent what is actually supported at the service level (and in reality most AWS service operations do not support presigning).

{{% alias sdk-go %}} resolves this by exposing specific PresignClient implementations in service packages with specific APIs for supported presignable operations.

Note: If a service is missing presigning support for an operation that you were successfully using in SDK v1, please let us know by filing an issue on GitHub.

Uses of [Presign]({{< apiref v1="aws/request#Request.Presign" >}}) and [PresignRequest]({{< apiref v1="aws/request#Request.PresignRequest" >}}) must be converted to use service-specific presigning clients.

The following example shows how to migrate presigning of an S3 GetObject request:

// V1

import (


func main() {
	sess := session.Must(session.NewSessionWithOptions(session.Options{
		SharedConfigState: session.SharedConfigEnable,

	svc := s3.New(sess)
	req, _ := svc.GetObjectRequest(&s3.GetObjectInput{
		Bucket: aws.String("bucket"),
		Key:    aws.String("key"),

	// pattern 1
	url1, err := req.Presign(20 * time.Minute)
	if err != nil {

	// pattern 2
	url2, header, err := req.PresignRequest(20 * time.Minute)
	if err != nil {
	fmt.Println(url2, header)
// V2

import (


func main() {
	cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.Background())
	if err != nil {

	svc := s3.NewPresignClient(s3.NewFromConfig(cfg))
	req, err := svc.PresignGetObject(context.Background(), &s3.GetObjectInput{
		Bucket: aws.String("bucket"),
		Key:    aws.String("key"),
	}, func(o *s3.PresignOptions) {
		o.Expires = 20 * time.Minute
	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println(req.Method, req.URL, req.SignedHeader)

Request customization

The monolithic [request.Request]({{< apiref v1="aws/request#Request" >}}) API has been re-compartmentalized.

Operation input/output

The opaque Request fields Params and Data, which hold the operation input and output structures respectively, are now accessible within specific middleware phases as input/output:

Request handlers which reference Request.Params and Request.Data must be migrated to middleware.

migrating Params

// V1

import (

func withPutObjectDefaultACL(acl string) request.Option {
    return func(r *request.Request) {
        in, ok := r.Params.(*s3.PutObjectInput)
        if !ok {

        if in.ACL == nil {
            in.ACL = aws.String(acl)
        r.Params = in

func main() {
    sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())

    // ...
// V2

import (

    smithyhttp ""

type withPutObjectDefaultACL struct {
    acl types.ObjectCannedACL

// implements middleware.InitializeMiddleware, which runs BEFORE a request has
// been serialized and can act on the operation input
var _ middleware.InitializeMiddleware = (*withPutObjectDefaultACL)(nil)

func (*withPutObjectDefaultACL) ID() string {
    return "withPutObjectDefaultACL"

func (m *withPutObjectDefaultACL) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) (
    out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error,
) {
    input, ok := in.Parameters.(*s3.PutObjectInput)
    if !ok {
        return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in)

    if len(input.ACL) == 0 {
        input.ACL = m.acl
    in.Parameters = input
    return next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in)

// create a helper function to simplify instrumentation of our middleware
func WithPutObjectDefaultACL(acl types.ObjectCannedACL) func (*s3.Options) {
    return func(o *s3.Options) {
        o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func (s *middleware.Stack) error {
            return s.Initialize.Add(&withPutObjectDefaultACL{acl: acl}, middleware.After)

func main() {
    cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        // ...

    svc := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg, WithPutObjectDefaultACL(types.ObjectCannedACLBucketOwnerFullControl))
    // ...

migrating Data

// V1

import (

func readPutObjectOutput(r *request.Request) {
        output, ok := r.Data.(*s3.PutObjectOutput)
        if !ok {

        // ...

func main() {
    sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())

    svc := s3.New(sess)
    // ...
// V2

import (

    smithyhttp ""

type readPutObjectOutput struct{}

var _ middleware.DeserializeMiddleware = (*readPutObjectOutput)(nil)

func (*readPutObjectOutput) ID() string {
    return "readPutObjectOutput"

func (*readPutObjectOutput) HandleDeserialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.DeserializeInput, next middleware.DeserializeHandler) (
    out middleware.DeserializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error,
) {
    out, metadata, err = next.HandleDeserialize(ctx, in)
    if err != nil {
        // ...

    output, ok := in.Parameters.(*s3.PutObjectOutput)
    if !ok {
        return out, metadata, err

    // inspect output...

    return out, metadata, err

func WithReadPutObjectOutput(o *s3.Options) {
    o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func (s *middleware.Stack) error {
        return s.Initialize.Add(&withReadPutObjectOutput{}, middleware.Before)

func main() {
    cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        // ...

    svc := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg, WithReadPutObjectOutput)
    // ...

HTTP request/response

The HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse fields from Request are now exposed in specific middleware phases. Since middleware is transport-agnostic, you must perform a type assertion on the middleware input or output to reveal the underlying HTTP request or response.

Request handlers which reference Request.HTTPRequest and Request.HTTPResponse must be migrated to middleware.

migrating HTTPRequest

// V1

import (

func withHeader(header, val string) request.Option {
    return func(r *request.Request) {
        request.HTTPRequest.Header.Set(header, val)

func main() {
    sess := session.Must(session.NewSession())
    sess.Handlers.Build.PushBack(withHeader("x-user-header", "..."))

    svc := s3.New(sess)
    // ...
// V2

import (

    smithyhttp ""

type withHeader struct {
    header, val string

// implements middleware.BuildMiddleware, which runs AFTER a request has been
// serialized and can operate on the transport request
var _ middleware.BuildMiddleware = (*withHeader)(nil)

func (*withHeader) ID() string {
    return "withHeader"

func (m *withHeader) HandleBuild(ctx context.Context, in middleware.BuildInput, next middleware.BuildHandler) (
    out middleware.BuildOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error,
) {
    req, ok := in.Request.(*smithyhttp.Request)
    if !ok {
        return out, metadata, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized transport type %T", in.Request)

    req.Header.Set(m.header, m.val)
    return next.HandleBuild(ctx, in)

func WithHeader(header, val string) func (*s3.Options) {
    return func(o *s3.Options) {
        o.APIOptions = append(o.APIOptions, func (s *middleware.Stack) error {
            return s.Build.Add(&withHeader{
                header: header,
                val: val,
            }, middleware.After)

func main() {
    cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.Background())
    if err != nil {
        // ...

    svc := s3.NewFromConfig(cfg, WithHeader("x-user-header", "..."))
    // ...

Handler phases

SDK v2 middleware phases are the successor to v1 handler phases.

The following table provides a rough mapping of v1 handler phases to their equivalent location within the V2 middleware stack:

v1 handler name v2 middleware phase
Validate Initialize
Build Serialize
Sign Finalize
Send n/a (1)
ValidateResponse Deserialize
Unmarshal Deserialize
UnmarshalMetadata Deserialize
UnmarshalError Deserialize
Retry Finalize, after "Retry" middleware (2)
AfterRetry Finalize, before "Retry" middleware, post-next.HandleFinalize() (2,3)
CompleteAttempt Finalize, end of step
Complete Initialize, start of step, post-next.HandleInitialize() (3)

(1) The Send phase in v1 is effectively the wrapped HTTP client round-trip in v2. This behavior is controlled by the HTTPClient field on client options.

(2) Any middleware after the "Retry" middleware in the Finalize step will be part of the retry loop.

(3) The middleware "stack" at operation time is built into a repeatedly-decorated handler function. Each handler is responsible for calling the next one in the chain. This implicitly means that a middleware step can also take action AFTER its next step has been called.

For example, for the Initialize step, which is at the top of the stack, this means Initialize middlewares that take action after calling the next handler effectively operate at the end of the request:

// V2

import (


type onComplete struct{}

var _ middleware.InitializeMiddleware = (*onComplete)(nil)

func (*onComplete) ID() string {
    return "onComplete"

func (*onComplete) HandleInitialize(ctx context.Context, in middleware.InitializeInput, next middleware.InitializeHandler) (
    out middleware.InitializeOutput, metadata middleware.Metadata, err error,
) {
    out, metadata, err = next.HandleInitialize(ctx, in)

    // the entire operation was invoked above - the deserialized response is
    // available opaquely in out.Result, run post-op actions here...

    return out, metadata, err


{{% alias service=EC2 %}} Instance Metadata Service

The {{% alias sdk-go %}} provides an {{% alias service=EC2 %}} Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) client that you can use to query the local IMDS when executing your application on an {{% alias service=EC2 %}} instance. The IMDS client is a separate Go module that can be added to your application by using

go get

The client constructor and method operations have been updated to match the design of the other SDK service clients.


// V1

import ""

// ...

client := ec2metadata.New(sess)

region, err := client.Region()
if err != nil {
	// handle error
// V2

import "context"
import ""

// ...

client := imds.NewFromConfig(cfg)

region, err := client.GetRegion(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
	// handle error

{{% alias service=S3 %}} Transfer Manager

The {{% alias service=S3 %}} transfer manager is available for managing uploads and downloads of objects concurrently. This package is located in a Go module outside the service client import path. This module can be retrieved by using go get

[s3.NewUploader]({{< apiref v1="service/s3/s3manager#NewUploader" >}}) and [s3.NewUploaderWithClient]({{< apiref v1="service/s3/s3manager#NewUploaderWithClient" >}}) have been replaced with the constructor method [manager.NewUploader]({{< apiref "feature/s3/manager#" >}}) for creating an Upload manager client.

[s3.NewDownloader]({{< apiref v1="service/s3/s3manager#NewDownloader" >}}) and [s3.NewDownloaderWithClient]({{< apiref v1="service/s3/s3manager#NewDownloaderWithClient" >}}) have been replaced with a single constructor method [manager.NewDownloader]({{< apiref "feature/s3/manager#NewDownloader" >}}) for creating a Download manager client.

{{% alias service=CFlong %}} Signing Utilities

The {{% alias sdk-go %}} provides {{% alias service=CFlong %}} signing utilities in a Go module outside the service client import path. This module can be retrieved by using go get.

go get

{{% alias service=S3 %}} Encryption Client

Starting in {{% alias sdk-go %}}, the Amazon S3 encryption client is a separate module under AWS Crypto Tools. The latest version of the S3 encryption client for Go, 3.x, is now available at This module can be retrieved by using go get:

go get

The separate EncryptionClient ([v1]({{< apiref v1="service/s3/s3crypto#EncryptionClient" >}}), [v2]({{< apiref v1="service/s3/s3crypto#EncryptionClientV2" >}})) and DecryptionClient ([v1]({{< apiref v1="service/s3/s3crypto#DecryptionClient" >}}), [v2]({{< apiref v1="service/s3/s3crypto#DecryptionClientV2" >}})) APIs have been replaced with a single client, S3EncryptionClientV3, that exposes both encrypt and decrypt functionality.

Like other service clients in {{% alias sdk-go %}}, the operation APIs have been condensed:

  • The GetObject, GetObjectRequest, and GetObjectWithContext decryption APIs are replaced by GetObject.
  • The PutObject, PutObjectRequest, and PutObjectWithContext encryption APIs are replaced by PutObject.

To learn how to migrate to the 3.x major version of the encryption client, see this guide.