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Monthly PRs metrics report - July 2023 #26582

github-actions bot opened this issue Aug 1, 2023 · 1 comment

Monthly PRs metrics report - July 2023 #26582

github-actions bot opened this issue Aug 1, 2023 · 1 comment


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github-actions bot commented Aug 1, 2023

Issue Metrics

Metric Value
Average time to first response 18:06:56.946309
Average time to close 3 days, 16:43:02.333333
Average time to answer None
Number of items that remain open 78
Number of items closed 78
Total number of items created 156
Title URL Time to first response Time to close Time to answer
(aws-timestream): (Add property for modifying Schema / Partition Key) #26577 22:48:49 None None
ECS Fargate Service: Alarm based rollback is not supported (cn-north-1) #26574 1 day, 11:30:09 None None
aws-lambda: rewrite handler name for provided.al2 #26573 1 day, 13:23:58 None None
RecordSet: determineFullyQualifiedDomainName incorrectly suffixes zone name when param is passed in #26572 2:43:38 None None
aws-cdk-lib: cross-stage references with PhysicalName.GENERATE_IF_NEEDED #26571 1 day, 17:00:18 None None
aws-cdk-lib: add RetainExceptOnCreate to RemovalPolicy enum #26570 1 day, 16:35:36 None None
aws-s3-deployment: Add ability to invalidate multiple CloudFront Distributions #26565 3:05:26 18:17:37 None
appsync: Log group for API is not created at deployment leading to "The specified log group does not exist" error when applying metric filter #26564 2 days, 22:31:51 None None
[AwsCustomResource]: (assumeRoleArn defined in non-opt-in region while assume in opt-in region cause permission issue) #26562 None None None
dynamodb : not creating correct GSI #26561 2 days, 22:51:32 2 days, 23:49:26 None
synth: Unresolved condition dependency using CfnCondition from another stack #26560 2 days, 22:56:25 None None
s3: can't enable bucket public access #26559 0:04:46 None None
codepipeline: Deploying cross-account and regions while reusing existing S3 bucket and KMS key. #26557 2 days, 23:33:58 None None
cdk depoy fail: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open #26556 2 days, 23:27:08 None None
(custom-resources): CustomResourceProvider should destroy log group when stack deleted #26553 3:57:15 None None
(aws-rfdk): CloudWatch Agent role to cdkv2 #26550 6:43:32 6:43:32 None
synthetics: cdk requires handler to end in .handler when synthetics do not #26540 None None None
aws_s3/aws_lambda/aws_iam: Cyclic reference when bucket and policy in stack A are referenced by role/lambda in stack B #26539 3 days, 19:59:15 None None
efs - ecs : Cannot re-mount an existing efs #26537 0:19:24 None None
ecr: enable enhanced image scanning #26536 0:53:14 None None
(AwsCustomResource): Created log groups are not being removed after stack is destroyed #26534 2:38:01 2:38:01 None
CfnThingGroup: Destroying stack fails #26533 3:11:34 None None
aws-stepfunctions-tasks: support revision id in StepFunctionsStartExecution #26532 4:39:32 None None
CLI: Add an option for not showing diffs for stacks with no changes #26526 19:11:41 None None
ECS CloudMap - ServiceConnect : after update, ECS doesn't support having both CLoudMap and ServiceConnect #26524 2:08:56 None None
(module name): (short issue description) #26521 6:07:59 6:07:59 None
core: Stack with many resources combined with aspects results in StackOverflowErrors #26517 7:13:13 None None
Monthly issue metrics report #26516 0:05:46 0:05:24 None
Monthly issue metrics report #26515 0:01:44 0:01:23 None
Monthly issue metrics report #26514 0:07:20 0:06:58 None
aws:ecs: fromSecretsManager causing cyclic dependency when secret creation is done in a separate stack #26511 9:38:37 None None
aws-stepfunctions-tasks.apigateway: cross-region RestAPI not supported #26509 9:45:04 None None
aws-lambda: VpcConfig is not configured for Lambda Function without specifying Vpc prop #26508 11:47:31 None None
aws-cdk-lib.TagManager: (is_taggable function stopped working in while migrating from 2.70.0 to 2.88.0) #26495 3:40:33 None None
No more separate v1 and v2 changelog. Let's use v2 changelog only named as and #26492 None None None
[Feature Request](Stack Dependencies): stack dependency should also be hornoured during "cdk destroy" #26491 1 day, 10:17:52 None None
aws-rds: Add grantConnect on DatabaseCluster #26489 None None None
(logs): Configure subscription filter name on l2 #26485 2 days, 23:21:05 2 days, 23:20:48 None
(aws-batch-alpha): Construct Props RuntimePlatform #26484 2:45:03 None None
IAM: Cannot create Principal of ARN role in trust relationship #26482 1:05:04 1:05:04 None
(secretsmanager): RotationSchedule resource creation race causes some stack deployments to fail #26481 9:31:43 None None
aws-events: Enable schema discovery for Event Bus #26480 10:57:08 None None
lambda-nodejs: Bundling fails pnpm version >= 8.4.0 #26478 10:55:47 11:17:24 None
(aws-sso): Context Provider for SSO Instances. #26477 20:11:54 None None
EFS-ECS : Mounting an existing EFS to an ECS Task returns error Failed to resolve "fs-id" #26476 23:42:46 23:42:46 None
cdk pipelines: Pipeline in infinite loop / always mutates and deploys #26471 5:31:32 5:31:32 None
aws-stepfunctions-tasks: Default Retry policy for LambdaInvoke does not include "Lambda.ClientExecutionTimeoutException" #26470 2 days, 20:16:10 2 days, 20:15:47 None
aws-glue-alpha: Undefined behavior of Code.fromAsset API #26469 0:21:17 19:53:15 None
NodejsFunction: External dependecy bundling not working? #26464 1:53:47 1 day, 3:57:41 None
(NLB): NetworkLoadBalancer.fromLookup returning dummy NLBs #26463 7:13:02 7:14:19 None
(lambda): (CDK lambdas still using node16) #26461 4 days, 0:27:51 None None
(redshift): upgrading from older CDK version caused This table is already SORTKEY AUTO #26460 None None None
NodejsFunction: Inconsistent SDK behavior with and without runtime specification #26459 16:28:16 None None
aws-ecs: Incorrect Partition Names For Disabling ECS Alarms #26456 0:32:50 22:08:56 None
ec2: InitFile.fromAsset Construct conflict #26452 3:43:35 3:46:52 None
aws_lambda: Python 3.11 is added to aws_lambda module with aws-cdk-lib 2.88.0, but it is not supported yet, causing cdk-nag error #26451 0:47:33 None None
(cdk deploy): cdk deploy fails when shared assets are deployed to different accounts because Docker assets are not built locally for all targets #26446 7:14:36 None None
eks: ALB Controller fails to create due to lack of AddTag permissions #26442 15:50:31 None None
(stepfunctions): example for using statemachine versions and aliases with StateMachine construct #26441 15:52:22 16:11:00 None
(stepfunctions): Expose StateMachineRevisionId attribute from StateMachine L2 construct #26440 15:48:34 15:48:13 None
AutoScalingGroup Constructor: Overloaded Constructor / Different Props #26439 2:09:44 7 days, 6:54:29 None
aws-ecs-patterns: Add ApiGatewayLoadBalancedFargateService L3 construct #26435 1:29:32 None None
cdk deploy: fails with cryptic error if notices request times out #26431 9:57:03 None None
(custom-resources): Provider function is throwing "Error: return values from user-handlers must be JSON objects. got: "" #26429 11:14:19 None None
aws-neptune: no CDK for Neptune Serverless #26428 5:57:51 6 days, 2:13:19 None
(aws-iot): Support for Attaching iot policy to Thing Groups #26425 7:21:39 7:25:06 None
CfnEIPAssociation : Creates the association but returns an error #26423 4:25:27 4:25:27 None
(cli): cdk deploy specific-stack should not synthesize all stacks #26421 14:05:19 7 days, 19:17:01 None
aws cdk-import: Cannot import IAM Inline Policies using cdk-import feature #26420 None None None
cdk-cli: allow --no-previous-parameters to be configured in cdk.json alongside other config #26418 18:53:21 None None
aws-cdk: unmaintained transitive dependency with critical vulnerabilities #26417 0:13:44 1 day, 6:20:54 None
(SelfManagedKafkaEventSource): cannot update existing trigger #26416 19:14:38 None None
(build error): (npx lerna run build --scope=aws-cdk-lib is failed with heap out of memory) #26415 14:20:59 2 days, 12:10:46 None
Lambda: OTEL not working. Timeout when using adotInstrumentation #26414 22:16:10 None None
core: push SOCI index when publishing docker image assets #26413 19:56:20 None None
(Pipeline): The 'account' property must be a concrete value (action: 'StagingDeploy') #26409 1:48:10 8 days, 9:59:39 None
aws-lambda-event-sources': filters option not filtering items #26408 2 days, 0:47:36 None None
aws_rds: Add support for cluster engine aurora mysql 2_11_3 #26407 0:50:33 23:43:22 None
(cloudfront): Cannot set Origin Access Control on Object Lambda Access Point origin #26405 22:07:49 22:07:49 None
(cdk bootstrap --trust): (faild to rebootrap with another trusted account: not authorized to perform API: iam:UpdateAssumeRolePolicyDocument) #26399 1 day, 12:32:16 8 days, 18:18:25 None
@aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha: Custom resource unable to find AWS SDK v3 #26397 8:58:52 9:48:27 None
aws-chatbot: make ISlackChannelConfiguration define addNotificationTopic(ITopic) #26391 4:53:30 5:50:01 None
ec2: InvalidPermission.NotFound: The specified rule does not exist in this security group when creating RestrictDefaultSecurityGroupCustomResource #26390 1 day, 7:43:18 None None
opensearch: High Level Constructs For OpenSearchOffPeakWindowOptions and Software Update Options Feature #26388 3:05:42 10 days, 8:08:14 None
(@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs): ERR_PNPM_RECURSIVE_EXEC_FIRST_FAIL  Cannot read properties of undefined #26381 1 day, 17:33:36 None None
cli-lib-alpha: unable to bundle NodejsFunction #26376 15:37:21 None None
lambda : Error deploying docker lambda function #26372 1:54:32 None None
ec2: flowLogName property in FlowLog construct does not work #26370 2:16:18 None None
aws-cdk-lib/aws-rds: please add AuroraPostgresEngineVersion 15.3 / 15_3 #26363 5:26:50 3 days, 0:05:17 None
integ-tests-alpha: assertions provider function is not working #26359 8:00:02 4 days, 13:50:39 None
lambda-go-alpha: CDK Stages don't work properly on their own #26358 9:18:38 None None
How to create CustomResources in a loop? #26357 0:29:11 9:57:18 None
appsync: error destructuring within function signature in JS resolver runtime (TypeScript) #26355 2:26:40 3:23:37 None
aws-eks: Support AL2_ARM_64_GPU NodeGroupAmiType #26354 5:27:33 None None
aws_lambda_nodejs: Adding bundling.nodeModules fails with "Error: EACCES: permission denied" #26352 7:35:23 7 days, 12:17:08 None
(aws-iot-actions-alpha): (IotRepublishMqttAction does not allow 'role' in props) #26351 1:47:23 1:58:45 None
core: Order difference in Tags property is highlighted in cdk deploy --method=prepare-change-set #26350 8:26:26 None None
aws-lambda-event-sources: add filters to kafka event sources #26348 6:44:32 1 day, 3:15:43 None
aws-lambda-python-alpha: Bundling - AssetHashType.OUTPUT failing cdk destroy #26345 12:00:50 None None
cdk-assets: allow publish to local directory #26342 12:15:57 7 days, 19:13:49 None
aws-cdk-lib/triggers: Confusing/missing explanation on trigger failures #26341 13:22:56 7 days, 13:07:11 None
core: Custom::CrossRegionExportWriter fails with InvalidResourceId: UnknownError #26340 8:46:46 7 days, 4:50:22 None
aws-batch-alpha: Parameter Store secrets not supported in new version #26339 0:39:41 5 days, 11:03:21 None
aws-stepfunctions-tasks: Tag Batch Jobs #26336 2:33:10 12 days, 19:32:56 None
aws_ecs: Fargate service not created because NetworkConfiguration is not null with External deployment controller #26335 0:09:44 1 day, 21:01:00 None
lambda: allow bundling of lambda layer #26332 0:08:46 None None
apigatewayv2: stateMachineArn does not fit schema for Operation: StepFunctions-StartSyncExecution #26328 6:35:36 None None
(ecs): The current Windows ECS optimized ssm params format is incorrect #26327 7:11:00 14:02:29 None
‼️ NOTICE (custom-resources): various custom resources may fail to deploy / destroy #26325 2:05:44 None None
CLI: Error Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'XXX' in YYY occurs during cdk diff and deploy #26323 1:19:34 1:41:05 None
aws-cdk: bootstrapping fails due to permissions boundary name not matching the IAM conventions #26320 2:12:57 9 days, 21:04:55 None
(aws-cdk-lib): Build fails due to "string-width"@"^4.2.3" package #26319 2:06:43 2:33:05 None
aws-cloudformation: CfnStackSet requires bootstrap in all regions and cannot find assets on different regions #26310 2:04:28 22:46:02 None
ECS Fargate Service: service not created because of alarm based rollback #26307 0:20:56 1 day, 18:23:07 None
aws-ec2: Missing CfnKeyPair #26306 1:29:39 7 days, 4:26:26 None
aws-ec2: ec2.AmazonLinux2Kernel is not an enum in Python #26305 0:43:34 None None
aws-servicecatalog: ProductStack fails with assetBucket that requires encryption #26302 0:05:28 1 day, 5:37:06 None
lambda: jsonschema import fails with lambda using aws-cdk 2.87.0 #26300 8:21:34 None None
(aws_cognito): (The static method cognito.UserPool.from_user_pool_arn does not work inside a Custom Construct) #26299 4:45:45 4:45:45 None
(aws-apigatewayv2): Validation of apiMappingKey in ApiMappingProps is too strict #26298 19:00:52 8 days, 8:13:45 None
appsync: Unable have 2 or more API Keys (GraphqlApi construct) #26296 2 days, 3:04:20 None None
(neptune-alpha): Unable to set custom retention period for multiple CloudWatch log exports #26295 2 days, 13:24:41 None None
aws_elasticache: setting logDeliveryConfigurations in clusterMode: "Disabled" fails #26294 2 days, 15:13:42 None None
eks: Unable to create fargate clusters #26289 1:59:33 1:59:33 None
aws_s3: python CfnBucket.EventBridgeConfigurationProperty ignored #26282 2:19:15 8:36:50 None
aws-s3: RemovalPolicy.RETAIN not functioning properly in CDK v2 #26276 6:28:07 1 day, 7:22:40 None
ec2: latestAmazonLinux2022() does not return available parameters #26274 18 days, 12:35:20 18 days, 12:35:01 None
(aws-ec2): VPC construct - make Internet Gateway creation fully controllable #26270 1:01:43 5 days, 19:32:10 None
(aws_cdk.aws_lakeformation.CfnTagAssociation): failing to deploy: NotStabilized #26262 2:17:44 11 days, 21:48:12 None
(aws_cdk.aws_lakeformation.CfnTagAssociation.ResourceProperty): cannot define catalog #26261 2:51:08 7 days, 5:13:00 None
cloudwatch: allow configuring period on SingleValueWidget #26259 3:42:12 1 day, 6:22:10 None
Tags: should error for duplicate tag keys #26253 12:27:39 None None
aws_apigateway: Method responses from default method options set on RestApi not passed to Methods #26252 22:46:23 1 day, 12:11:04 None
aws_rds (Return all instance identifiers) #26249 2:13:53 2:13:53 None
(apigateway): Imported RestAPIs do not have access to its methods due to casting #26247 None None None
redshift: add properties, and ability to set secret name, for DatabaseSecret and User to be valid Redshift airflow/connections/conn_id #26245 0:53:49 7 days, 3:27:41 None
s3: websiteRoutingRule doesn't allow empty keyPrefixEquals #26242 0:02:41 12 days, 1:01:20 None
(route53): Support grantDelegation on imported PublicHostedZone #26240 7:46:08 None None
(aws-apprunner-alpha): serviceName property being ignored #26237 0:06:57 2 days, 7:35:22 None
(CodeDeploy): (I want to make it easy to integrate CodeDeploy and Chatbot (I want to support CodeDeploy in aws_codestarnotifications.INotificationRuleSource).) #26235 11:56:48 None None
(aws-ecs): Give Cluster a grant method for the task protection API #26233 17:56:38 None None
(aws-ecs): Give Cluster a method that provides task ARNs #26232 17:32:27 None None
container-definition.d.ts: ContainerDefinitionOptions.user is unclear that this is a user string and not limited to user name #26230 19:35:27 19:35:09 None
EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint: new connection method #26226 1 day, 4:06:29 None None
(cli-lib): cannot load the default bootstrap template #26224 1:13:09 3:17:21 None
ec2: InitCommand.argvCommand dedupes its args, causing the wrong command to be generated) #26221 1 day, 7:12:21 None None
Cloudwatch: Add CDK support for 'Persistent Time Range' feature already present on CW Dashboards UI #26216 1 day, 13:42:41 None None
(aws-autoscaling/aws-applicationautoscaling): StepScalingPolicy supports at most 40 steps #26215 1 day, 15:56:10 21 days, 18:41:16 None
Lambda timeouts on updating the CDK #26214 6:01:21 7 days, 6:05:15 None
Should GlobalSupressions suppress CA1806 instead? #26213 1 day, 21:04:20 None None
(aws-iam): IAM endpoint incorrect in us-iso-west-1 #26209 4:07:14 None None
MediaPackage: speke 2 configuration error #26207 0:11:16 None None
cloudwatch: support dashboard variables #26200 6:36:48 8 days, 13:00:44 None
(custom-resources): enable custom environmentEncryption for the provider lambda functions #26197 10:22:20 9 days, 6:25:55 None
lambda: Creating a LambdaFunction with DockerImageFunction, DockerImageAsset & DockerImageFunctionProps #26195 1 day, 9:33:43 None None
(aws-cloudfront): cdk-nag and Lambda@EDGE issues - AwsSolutions-IAM4 rule #26194 1:26:58 8 days, 20:54:39 None
This report was generated with the Issue Metrics Action
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github-actions bot commented Sep 4, 2023


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@evgenyka evgenyka changed the title Monthly issue metrics report Monthly PRs metrics report - July 2023 Sep 28, 2023
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