diff --git a/scripts/build-controller-release.sh b/scripts/build-controller-release.sh index a31a3afe..7bae24b7 100755 --- a/scripts/build-controller-release.sh +++ b/scripts/build-controller-release.sh @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ controller-gen rbac:roleName=$K8S_RBAC_ROLE_NAME paths=./... output:rbac:artifac # for the user to specify if they want the role to be ClusterRole or Role by specifying installation scope # in the helm values.yaml. We do this by having a custom helm template named _controller-role-kind-patch.yaml # which utilizes the template langauge and adding the auto generated rules to that template. -tail -n +8 $helm_output_dir/templates/role.yaml >> $helm_output_dir/templates/_controller-role-kind-patch.yaml +tail -n +7 $helm_output_dir/templates/role.yaml >> $helm_output_dir/templates/_controller-role-kind-patch.yaml # We have some other standard Role files for a reader and writer role, so here we rename # the `_controller-role-kind-patch.yaml ` file to `cluster-role-controller.yaml`