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Joe Rozner edited this page Sep 28, 2020 · 1 revision

What environments are supported?

Any environment that has support for PTYs (pseudo-terminals) that Go has support for. This includes Linux, BSD, MacOS etc.

Does aterm work on Windows?

It should work using WSL but is likely not going to be supported in a standard Windows Powershell/Command Prompt shell due to the lack of PTY support in Windows.

Is there a way to play back a recording without the ASHIRT server?

The recordings are asciinema compliant files. Any asciinema player or related tools should be able to process these files and interact with them. Currently aterm does not implement any extensions to the specification but the specification specifically mentions that extensions are supported. Tooling is supposed to ignore commands it does not understand. This should ensure that these files remain usable with all existing tooling if aterm does choose to implement extensions in the future.

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