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File metadata and controls

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Rails Template with Action Cable

Based on Jumpstart
Note: Requires Rails 6.0.0.rc2 or higher

Changes to Jumpstart

  • Users changed to Accounts | User changed to Account
  • Account registration is disabled, use Account.create!() or the admin portal
  • Announcements removed
  • Omniauth removed
  • Sitemap removed
  • Mini_magick removed
  • Notifications removed (throwing errors in Jumpstart)

Getting Started


You'll need the following installed to run the template successfully:

  • Ruby 2.5 or higher
  • Bundler - gem install bundler
  • Rails 6.0.0.rc2 or higher - gem install rails or gem install rails --pre
    if using rbenv, run rbenv rehash after installing rails
  • Yarn - brew install yarn or Install Yarn
  • Foreman (optional) - gem install foreman - helps run all your processes in development

Creating a new app

rails new myapp -d postgresql -m

Or if you have downloaded this repo, you can reference template.rb locally:

rails new myapp -d postgresql -m ~/path/to/template.rb

To run your app, use foreman start.

This will run via foreman start -f as configured by the .foreman file and will launch the development processes rails server, sidekiq, and webpack-dev-server processes. You can also run them in separate terminals manually if you prefer.

A separate Procfile is generated for deploying to production.

Creating the first admin account

rails c
Account.create!(first_name: 'John', last_name: 'Doe', email: '', password: 'password', admin: true)

Cleaning up

rails db:drop
spring stop
cd ..
rm -rf myapp