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Performance Testing Bot

GitHub App

Performance Testing Bot

GitHub App

Using the PerformanceTestingBot app

The PerformanceTestingBot app performs throughput and stress tests on a specified endpoint. Just specify a verified endpoint and a branch and the performanceBotTest will report statistics on every pull request.

Recommended usage

You should run this on one instance of your application to understand your scaling thresholds in production. You can also use the stress test feature to get an understanding of your scaling implementation for your production cluster. Use throughput tests to make sure that your apps performance remains consistent.

Types of tests

Stress Test:

Will test the limits of your deployed application, (up to 700 Transactions/Queries per second).

Threshold test:

Will hit your endpoint at a specified threshold for a given amount of time (up to 15 minutes).

How it runs

Run Conditions

You can specify a test to run

  1. If a merge and base branch is specified (i.e. develop -> master)
  2. Every PR if no merged / base branch is specified

Run Trigger/Events

  1. On a created pull request the PerformanceTestingBot will run the specified tests and comment the result back in the open pull request
  2. If commented @performancetestingbot in a pull request that matches a run condition
    Example screenshot

Example output:



In order to prevent malicious attacks against other sites, you will need to verify ownership of your domain. It's a simple process that involves exposing a temporary GET endpoint.

  1. Upon installation to a repository, a github issue will be created in the repository with a unique id.
  2. Create a GET endpoint with that responds 200 with that unique id as the response
  3. Add the endpoint to your .performanceTestingBot file in the verification_url field

On your next triggered run the domain of your API will be verified.


The Schema for your .performanceTestingBot needs to conform the following schema linked below.



Example configuration

Future Features


Endurance testing

Acceptance Criteria

Variable inputs

Support / Feature requests


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Performance Testing Bot is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.

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