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Runtime.UnhandledPromiseRejection, Error: called start() with surprising state invoking serverWillStart #5065

dep opened this issue Mar 26, 2021 · 17 comments


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dep commented Mar 26, 2021

This is a very strange behavior indeed. We just started seeing this in our GQL stack this morning. I've reset out development environment to our stable branch to ensure that this is not related to a recent code change we have made, but the problem persists. I have been unable to find the source of this issue, and has left me quite befuddled.

    "errorType": "Runtime.UnhandledPromiseRejection",
    "errorMessage": "Error: called start() with surprising state invoking serverWillStart",
    "reason": {
        "errorType": "Error",
        "errorMessage": "called start() with surprising state invoking serverWillStart",
        "stack": [
            "Error: called start() with surprising state invoking serverWillStart",
            "    at ApolloServer.<anonymous> (/var/task/node_modules/apollo-server-core/dist/ApolloServer.js:230:23)",
            "    at (<anonymous>)",
            "    at /var/task/node_modules/apollo-server-core/dist/ApolloServer.js:8:71",
            "    at new Promise (<anonymous>)",
            "    at __awaiter (/var/task/node_modules/apollo-server-core/dist/ApolloServer.js:4:12)",
            "    at ApolloServer._start (/var/task/node_modules/apollo-server-core/dist/ApolloServer.js:226:16)",
            "    at ApolloServer.<anonymous> (/var/task/node_modules/apollo-server-core/dist/ApolloServer.js:280:22)",
            "    at (<anonymous>)",
            "    at /var/task/node_modules/apollo-server-core/dist/ApolloServer.js:8:71",
            "    at new Promise (<anonymous>)"
    "promise": {},
    "stack": [
        "Runtime.UnhandledPromiseRejection: Error: called start() with surprising state invoking serverWillStart",
        "    at process.on (/var/runtime/index.js:37:15)",
        "    at process.emit (events.js:203:15)",
        "    at process.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:448:20)",
        "    at emitPromiseRejectionWarnings (internal/process/promises.js:140:18)",
        "    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:69:34)"
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glasser commented Mar 26, 2021

I assume you've upgraded to the newly release v2.22.0, which changes how startup works?

Can you share what your code that sets up your ApolloServer looks like, including:

  • Exactly which package you're importing ApolloServer from
  • What exact version of each package starting with apollo-server you're using?

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glasser commented Mar 26, 2021

For debugging:

  • This means _start got called with state serverWillStart
  • This could be from an explicit start call but that's unlikely since that requires the user to change their own code
  • The calls in ensureStarting and ensureStarted shouldn't happen from that state
  • It could be from the listen call if we're using apollo-server, though it's unclear what would cause start to begin before you call listen
  • It could be from a willStart call though they don't exist any more

One concern would be that this is a bug I've introduced that shows up if you are using v2.22 of apollo-server-core along with older versions of, say, apollo-server or apollo-server-express. I may not have thought carefully enough about those interactions. If that's the case, the easy fix should be to upgrade those packages too, though I should try to make sure that this problem doesn't occur.

The reason this is an UnhandledPromiseRejection is likely that you are calling an async function (like server.listen() if you're using apollo-server) without awaiting it or using .catch (which I've unfortunately realized recently is what our docs encourage).

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glasser commented Mar 26, 2021

(If your deployment doesn't involve checking in a package-lock.json then it's quite likely that you'll end up installing the latest version of transitive dependencies like apollo-server-core even if your direct dependencies haven't changed.)

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dep commented Mar 26, 2021

Thanks for the replies. I did an update of apollo-server from 2.21.0 to 2.22.1 and this seems to have fixed it! 👍🏻 I'll definitely look in to using package-lock.json in the future, too.

@dep dep closed this as completed Mar 26, 2021
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glasser commented Mar 26, 2021

Can you share what your code looks like? I'm still not positive I understand how the issue occurred.

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glasser commented Mar 29, 2021

I believe that apollo-server-core v2.22.2 is now more fully compatible with pre-v2.22 versions of integrations packages like apollo-server, apollo-server-lambda (especially), apollo-server-express, etc.

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dep commented Mar 31, 2021


Can you share what your code looks like? I'm still not positive I understand how the issue occurred.

I can try to share the relevant bits:


  "name": "foobar",
  "main": "graphql.js",
  "license": "ISC",
  "directories": {
    "test": "src"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@cloudvox/eslint-config": "13.1.10",
    "@cloudvox/mocha-config": "13.4.9",
    "chai": "4.3.0",
    "depcheck": "1.4.0",
    "enzyme": "3.11.0",
    "enzyme-adapter-react-16": "1.15.5",
    "eslint": "7.21.0",
    "eslint-config-airbnb": "18.2.0",
    "eslint-import-resolver-typescript": "2.3.0",
    "eslint-plugin-import": "2.22.1",
    "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "6.4.1",
    "eslint-plugin-mocha": "8.0.0",
    "eslint-plugin-mocha-no-only": "1.1.1",
    "eslint-plugin-react": "7.20.6",
    "jsdom": "16.4.0",
    "mocha": "8.2.1",
    "react": "16.14.0",
    "react-dom": "16.13.1",
    "sinon": "9.2.1",
    "sinon-chai": "3.5.0",
    "source-map-support": "0.5.19",
    "ts-node": "9.0.0",
    "typescript": "4.2.2"
  "dependencies": {
    "apollo-datasource": "0.7.2",
    "apollo-datasource-rest": "0.9.7",
    "apollo-server": "2.21.0",
    "apollo-server-lambda": "2.21.0",
    "apollo-server-testing": "2.19.0",
    "aws-sdk": "2.787.0",
    "bcryptjs": "2.4.3",
    "casual-browserify": "1.5.19",
    "graphql": "15.5.0",
    "graphql-parse-resolve-info": "4.11.0",
    "graphql-tag": "2.11.0",
    "graphql-tools": "7.0.4",
    "ioredis": "^4.17.3",
    "lodash": "4.17.21",
    "middy": "0.36.0",
    "mysql2": "2.2.5",
    "rollbar": "2.21.0",
    "sequelize": "6.5.0"

graphql.js (aka., our Lambda function, and apologies for the stuff you don't care about)

const { ApolloServer } = require('apollo-server-lambda');
const Rollbar = require('rollbar');
const middy = require('middy');
const { cors } = require('middy/middlewares');
const { get } = require('./utils/redis.account');
const { verifiedAccessKeys } = require('./utils/verify.access.keys');
const { loadAccountAccessData } = require('./utils/accountAccess.helpers');
const { schema } = require('./schema');
const { createStore } = require('./datasources');
const { fixtures } = require('./fixtures/fixtures');
/** Domains */
const { AccountInformation } = require('./domains/accountInformation');
const { AudioFiles } = require('./domains/audioFiles');
const { AvailableNumbers } = require('./domains/availableNumbers');
const { Billing } = require('./domains/billing');
const { BroadcastGroups } = require('./domains/broadcastGroups');
const { CallDistributors } = require('./domains/callDistributors');
const { CallFlowSets } = require('./domains/callFlows');
const { Clicks } = require('./domains/clicks');
const { FindMe } = require('./domains/findMe');
const { IVR } = require('./domains/ivr');
const { LeadFlow } = require('./domains/leadFlow');
const { Locations } = require('./domains/locations');
const { PhoneDirectories } = require('./domains/phoneDirectories');
const { PhoneNumbers } = require('./domains/phoneNumbers');
const { PostCallActions } = require('./domains/postCallActions');
const { PreCallActions } = require('./domains/preCallActions');
const { RegisteredNumbers } = require('./domains/registeredNumbers');
const { ReportingGroups } = require('./domains/reportingGroups');
const { Routes } = require('./domains/routes');
const { Schedules } = require('./domains/schedules');
const { ScheduleRouters } = require('./domains/scheduleRouters');
const { StoreLocators } = require('./domains/storeLocators');
const { Survos } = require('./domains/survos');
const { Tags } = require('./domains/tags');
const { UserProfile } = require('./domains/userProfile');
const { VirtualReceptionists } = require('./domains/virtualReceptionists');
const { VoicemailGreetings } = require('./domains/voicemailGreetings');

const rollbar = new Rollbar({
    accessToken: process.env.ROLLBAR_TOKEN,
    captureUncaught: true,
    captureUnhandledRejections: true,

const getHashedCookie = cookie => cookie.split('AUTHTOKEN=')[1];

// eslint-disable-next-line require-await
const createHandler = async () => {
    const store = await createStore();

    // Set up data sources (Organic, database)
    const dataSources = () => ({
        accountInformationDB: new AccountInformation.Database({ store }),
        audioFilesAPI: new AudioFiles.API(),
        availableNumbersAPI: new AvailableNumbers.API(),
        billingDB: new Billing.Database({ store }),
        broadcastGroupsDB: new BroadcastGroups.Database({ store }),
        callFlowsDB: new CallFlowSets.Database({ store }),
        callDistributorsDB: new CallDistributors.Database({ store }),
        clicksDB: new Clicks.Database({ store }),
        findMeDB: new FindMe.Database({ store }),
        ivrDB: new IVR.Database({ store }),
        leadFlowDB: new LeadFlow.Database({ store }),
        locationsDB: new Locations.Database({ store }),
        phoneDirectoriesDB: new PhoneDirectories.Database({ store }),
        phoneNumbersAPI: new PhoneNumbers.API(),
        phoneNumbersCRBN: new PhoneNumbers.CRBN(),
        phoneNumbersDB: new PhoneNumbers.Database({ store }),
        postCallActionsDB: new PostCallActions.Database({ store }),
        preCallActionsDB: new PreCallActions.Database({ store }),
        registeredNumbersAPI: new RegisteredNumbers.API(),
        registeredNumbersDB: new RegisteredNumbers.Database({ store }),
        reportingGroupsDB: new ReportingGroups.Database({ store }),
        routesAPI: new Routes.API(),
        routesDB: new Routes.Database({ store }),
        scheduleRoutersDB: new ScheduleRouters.Database({ store }),
        schedulesDB: new Schedules.Database({ store }),
        storeLocatorsDB: new StoreLocators.Database({ store }),
        survosDB: new Survos.Database({ store }),
        tagsDB: new Tags.Database({ store }),
        userProfileDB: new UserProfile.Database({ store }),
        virtualReceptionistsDB: new VirtualReceptionists.Database({ store }),
        voicemailGreetingsDB: new VoicemailGreetings.Database({ store }),

    const server = new ApolloServer({
        mocks: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'local' && fixtures, // Comment out to use localhost datasources
        context: async req => {
            const COOKIE =
                req.event.headers.Cookie ||
                req.event.headers['X-Cookie'] ||

            const API_KEYS =
                (req.event.headers['X-Access-Key'] && req.event.headers['X-Secret-Key']) ||
                (req.event.headers['x-access-key'] && req.event.headers['x-secret-key']);

            /* GQL can be authenticated by either a cookie or with API keys */
            if (req.event.headers && (COOKIE || API_KEYS)) {
                /* If a cookie is on the request header, we authenticate using
                 * the cookie and the redis cache. Otherwise, we
                 * authenticate using an access/secret key pair */
                const userDataItems = COOKIE ? await get(
                ) : await verifiedAccessKeys(req);

                if (userDataItems === null) {
                    throw Error('Session Authentication could not be found.');

                /* Currently COOKIE users get more information off the Redis cache.
                 * Will be reconciled with:
                 * */
                if (COOKIE) {
                    const { accountAccessIds, subAccountAccessIds } = await loadAccountAccessData(userDataItems, store);

                    return {
                        accessLevelId: userDataItems.accessLevelId,
                        accountId: userDataItems.accountId,
                        cookie: COOKIE,
                        csrId: userDataItems.csrId,
                        event: req.event,
                        packageId: userDataItems.packageId,
                        userId: userDataItems.userId,

                return {
                    event: req.event,
                    accountId: userDataItems.accountId,
                    access_key: userDataItems.accessKey,
                    secret_key: userDataItems.secretKey,

            /* If nothing is passed, and we're on localhost,
             * just set the DT Developer ID for convenience */
            if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'local') {
                return {
                    userId: 1,
                    accountId: 1,

            throw Error('GraphQL Authentication Failed');
        formatError: error => {
            if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'local') {
                    `[GraphQL.error (${process.env.NODE_ENV})] ${error.message}`,

            return error;
        playground: (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'prod') ? {
            settings: {
                'schema.polling.enable': false,
        } : false,

    return Promise.resolve(server.createHandler());

exports.graphqlHandler = middy((event, context, callback) => {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
    context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
    createHandler().then(handler => handler(event, context, callback));

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glasser commented Mar 31, 2021

@dep-dt Ah, you didn't mention in the first message that you're using Lambda. Yeah, combining apollo-server-core v2.22.0 or v2.22.1 with older apollo-server-lambda was definitely 100% unusable. v2.22.2 should fix this (as should upgrading apollo-server-lambda).

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dep commented Mar 31, 2021

Thanks! Apologies for omitting that (very important) detail originally. Appreciate the help

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Hi also got this problem using apollo-server-micro insider a nextjs fullstack app, I solved it by just storing the server.start() function in a constant like this const startServer = server.start() and then using it inside the default export of the cors function

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glasser commented Nov 20, 2021

@AlvaroAquijeDiaz I have an open PR to upgrade the nextjs examples to use Apollo Server 3 (using apollo-server-express instead of the less featureful apollo-server-micro); they have not merged it yet for some reason. vercel/next.js#30082

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@glasser I think that may be because apollo-server-express doesn't have the createHandler method, that's needed for serverless and nextjs stuff I guess.

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glasser commented Nov 20, 2021

@AlvaroAquijeDiaz It's really just a slightly different name (getMiddleware). I really encourage you to use the version of the examples written by the Apollo Server team rather than the unmerged ones which are not.

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statusunknown418 commented Nov 20, 2021

@AlvaroAquijeDiaz It's really just a slightly different name (getMiddleware). I really encourage you to use the version of the examples written by the Apollo Server team rather than the unmerged ones which are not.

Seems nice, so the way you set it up with nextjs and the handler stuff is as your PR shows? I really want to give it a try, because I don't get why all the tutorials just use apollo-server-micro instead of the express one

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statusunknown418 commented Nov 22, 2021

hey @glasser (or anyone who knows about this issue) I'm facing an issue while using apollo-server-express on nextjs, my server starts and then it throws:

event - compiled client successfully in 88 ms (374 modules) wait - compiling /api/graphql (server only)... event - compiled successfully in 84 ms (418 modules) 🚀 Server ready error - TypeError: resolver is not a function wait - compiling /_error... error - TypeError: resolver is not a function event - compiled successfully in 66 ms (418 modules) 🚀 Server ready error - TypeError: resolver is not a function error - TypeError: resolver is not a function

this is my code:

const main = async (typeDefs: DocumentNode, resolvers: any) => {
  const app = express();

  const server = new ApolloServer({

  await server.start();

  server.applyMiddleware({ path: '/graphql', app });

  console.log(`🚀 Server ready`);

const typeDefs = gql`
  type User {
    _id: ID!
    name: String!
    email: String

  type Query {
    hello: String

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello: () => 'Hello world!',

export default main(typeDefs, resolvers);

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statusunknown418 commented Nov 22, 2021

hey @glasser (or anyone who knows about this issue) I'm facing an issue while using apollo-server-express on nextjs, my server starts and then it throws:

event - compiled client successfully in 88 ms (374 modules) wait - compiling /api/graphql (server only)... event - compiled successfully in 84 ms (418 modules) 🚀 Server ready error - TypeError: resolver is not a function wait - compiling /_error... error - TypeError: resolver is not a function event - compiled successfully in 66 ms (418 modules) 🚀 Server ready error - TypeError: resolver is not a function error - TypeError: resolver is not a function

this is my code:

const main = async (typeDefs: DocumentNode, resolvers: any) => {
  const app = express();

  const server = new ApolloServer({

  await server.start();

  server.applyMiddleware({ path: '/graphql', app });

  console.log(`🚀 Server ready`);

const typeDefs = gql`
  type User {
    _id: ID!
    name: String!
    email: String

  type Query {
    hello: String

const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello: () => 'Hello world!',

export default main(typeDefs, resolvers);


I found the error was the way I was exporting the function, but now I'm getting a new error
API resolved without sending a response for /api/graphql, this may result in stalled requests.

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glasser commented Dec 1, 2021

I don't think you're actually connecting your express app to your next server? But I'm not a next expert.

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