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Datasources missing in the context when using subscriptions #1526

mrtnzlml opened this issue Aug 13, 2018 · 23 comments

Datasources missing in the context when using subscriptions #1526

mrtnzlml opened this issue Aug 13, 2018 · 23 comments


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Intended outcome: Context in the resolver functions will contain dataSources field when using subscriptions just like when calling with queries.

Actual outcome: Field dataSources is missing while using subscriptions in the context (in subscribe and resolve functions). The context contains everything except this one field.

How to reproduce the issue:

  1. set dataSources to the server
const server = new ApolloServer({
    schema: Schema,
    dataSources: () => createDataSources(),
	// ...
  1. dump content of the context:
subscribe: (parent, args, context) => {
    console.warn(context); // dataSources missing, every other field is there correctly

I think this is quite serious because otherwise, I cannot query my data sources at all while using subscriptions.

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Unfortunately, this is a known issue. Although we run SubscriptionServer as part of ApolloServer, the request pipeline is completely separate. That means features like persisted queries, data sources, and tracing don't currently work with subscriptions (or queries and mutations over the WebSocket transport).

There is work underway on a refactoring of the apollo-server-core request pipeline that will make it transport independent, and that will allow us to build the WebSocket transport on top of it. Until then, I'm afraid there isn't much we can do.

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Hi, did anyone come up with a solution to this?

I am currently adding my dataSources to both the dataSource and context methods, but this feels kind of icky...

const LanguagesAPI = require('./dataSources/LanguagesAPI')

const server = new ApolloServer({
  dataSources: () => {
    return: {
      LanguagesAPI: new LanguagesAPI(),
  context: ({req, connection}) => {
    if (connection) {
      return {
        dataSources: {
          LanguagesAPI: new LanguagesAPI(),
    return {
      // req context stuff

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any update on this?

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cuzzlor commented Mar 14, 2019

Any update? Can't use data sources as newing one up leaves it uninitialised..

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seandearnaley commented Mar 23, 2019

also just ran into this issue and curious about solutions/fixes (update 5/4/2019 will wait until apollo 3.0, plenty of workarounds for now, helpful to understand)

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enylin commented Mar 25, 2019

I use the method @BrockReece provided but then got the error:
"Please use the dataSources config option instead of putting dataSources on the context yourself."

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lorensr commented May 4, 2019

We can follow the 3.0 Roadmap, which includes "Unify diverging request pipelines":


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I guess it is related to #2561 as well.

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PatrickStrz commented Jun 18, 2019

I solved this by using @BrockReece's method but initializing DataSource classes manually:

const constructDataSourcesForSubscriptions = (context) => {
  const initializeDataSource = (dataSourceClass) => {
    const instance = new dataSourceClass()
    instance.initialize({ context, cache: undefined })
    return instance 

  const LanguagesAPI = initializeDataSource(LanguagesAPI)

  return {

const server = new ApolloServer({
  dataSources: () => {
    return: {
      LanguagesAPI: new LanguagesAPI(),
  context: ({req, connection}) => {
    if (connection) {
      return {
        dataSources: constructDataSourcesForSubscriptions(connection.context)
    return {
      // req context stuff

Hope this helps :)

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This is indeed on the near term roadmap! #1526 (comment)

@jbaxleyiii jbaxleyiii added the 🚧👷‍♀️👷‍♂️🚧 in triage Issue currently being triaged label Jul 8, 2019
@abernix abernix removed 🚧👷‍♀️👷‍♂️🚧 in triage Issue currently being triaged labels Jul 9, 2019
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@jbaxleyiii so why is this ticket closed? Is 3.0 out?

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Any update on this?

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any update on this?

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yazer79 commented Mar 16, 2020

It's 2020 now... Any update on this?

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IsmAbd commented May 14, 2020

Would be great if that could be solved somehow. Still have the same problem.

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josedache commented May 16, 2020

I solved this by using @PatrickStrz method with some little tweak to have each Datasource instance to have the full context, Same way apollo server initializes its Datasources

const pubSub = new PubSub();

 * Generate dataSources for both transport protocol
function dataSources() {
  return {
    userService: new UserService(),
    ministryService: new MinistryService(),
    mailService: new MailService(),

 * Authenticate  subscribers on initial connect
 * @param {*} connectionParams 
async function onWebsocketConnect(connectionParams) {
  const authUser = await authProvider.getAuthenticatedUser({
  if (authUser) {
    return { authUser, pubSub, dataSources: dataSources() };
  throw new Error("Invalid Credentials");

 * Initialize subscribtion datasources
 * @param {Context} context 
function initializeSubscriptionDataSources(context) {
  const dataSources = context.dataSources;
  if (dataSources) {
    for (const instance in dataSources) {
      dataSources[instance].initialize({ context, cache: undefined });

 * Constructs the context for transport (http and ws-subscription) protocols
async function context({ req, connection }) {
  if (connection) {
    const subscriptionContext = connection.context;
    return subscriptionContext;

  const authUser = await authProvider.getAuthenticatedUser({ req });
  return { authUser, pubSub };

 * Merges other files schema and resolvers to a whole
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
  typeDefs: [rootTypeDefs, userTypeDefs, ministryTypeDefs, mailTypeDefs],
  resolvers: [rootResolvers, userResolvers, ministryResolvers, mailResolvers],

 * GraphQL server config
const graphQLServer = new ApolloServer({
  subscriptions: {
    onConnect: onWebsocketConnect,

Hope this helps :)

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IsmAbd commented May 16, 2020

@josedache Awesome, works like a charm! Thank you!

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Glad to help @IsmAbd

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MikaStark commented Mar 9, 2021

It's quite an old issue now but I want to share with you my solution :)

It's very simple and looks like the previous solutions. I rename my createContext function into createBaseContext and add the data sources initialization into a new createContext function. No code duplication and easy to maintain/update

import { PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client'
import { PubSub } from 'apollo-server'
import { Request, Response } from 'express'
import { ExecutionParams } from 'subscriptions-transport-ws'
import { Auth } from './auth'
import { createDataSources, DataSources } from './data-sources'
import { getUserId } from './utils'

const prisma = new PrismaClient()
const pubSub = new PubSub()

export interface ExpressContext {
  req: Request
  res: Response
  connection?: ExecutionParams

// You can put whatever you like into this (as you can see I personnally use prisma, pubSub and an homemade Auth API)
export interface BaseContext extends ExpressContext {
  prisma: PrismaClient
  pubSub: PubSub
  auth: Auth

export type Context = BaseContext & { dataSources: DataSources }

export function createBaseContext(context: ExpressContext): BaseContext {
  const userId = getUserId(context)
  return {
    // You can put whatever you like into this
    auth: new Auth(userId),

export function createContext(context: ExpressContext): Context {
  const base = createBaseContext(context) as Context
  if (context.connection) {
    base.dataSources = createDataSources()
  return base

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spencerwilson commented Apr 9, 2021

Just want to note/summarize that

  • @BrockReece's example wouldn't ever call initialize on the DataSource instances, which might be problematic for some classes of DataSource.
  • @PatrickStrz's and @josedache's examples do call initialize, but with an undefined cache property, which is problematic (more following)
  • @MikaStark's example doesn't contain the code for their createDataSources function, so unsure whether it calls initialize methods with a cache.

My impression is that the cache property on DataSourceConfig is the way multiple DataSource instances are intended to share state. For example, the one Apollo-supported DataSource, RESTDataSource, uses the cache as the backing store for its HTTP request/response cache (it namespaces its entries with the prefix httpcache:). When initialized with cache: undefined, RESTDataSource instances will all use instance-specific InMemoryLRUCaches. Since you typically instantiate new instances for every GraphQL operation, that means multiple operations don't share a cache. That might not be what you want.

I suspect most people will instead want to explicitly pass a cache to the Apollo Server config (which the framework then initializes query + mutation datasources with), and also pass that same object to the manual initialize DataSource calls done for subscriptions. Then every operation the server handles, including subscriptions, uses the same cache.

For reference, the default is (src) a new InMemoryLRUCache() from apollo-server-caching.

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glasser commented Apr 9, 2021

Just worth noting that the subscriptions integration in Apollo Server has always been incredibly superficial, and we are planning to remove it in Apollo Server 3 (replacing it with instructions on how to use a more maintained subscriptions package alongside Apollo Server). We do hope to have a more deeply integrated subscriptions implementation at some point but the current version promises more than it delivers, as this and many other issues indicate.

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tubbo commented Nov 10, 2021

This didn't work for me at all. I got the following error when attempting to instantiate data sources into the subscription context:

ERROR    [2021-11-10 12:45:54 PM]: this.findManyByIds is not a function
    TypeError: this.findManyByIds is not a function
        at Users.getUsers (/Users/tscott/Code/lobby/api/src/http/graphql/data-sources/users.ts:13:30)
        at /Users/tscott/Code/lobby/api/src/http/graphql/resolvers/message/message.ts:14:44
        at (<anonymous>)

I have no idea why this would happen.

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johannesklevll commented Aug 19, 2022

For future visitors, here's an example implementation using Apollo Server 3 (apollo-server-express 3.9), WebSocketServer from 'ws', and useServer from 'graphql-ws', including authorization.

import { InMemoryLRUCache } from 'apollo-server-caching';
import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-express';
import { ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer } from 'apollo-server-core';
import express from 'express';
import http from 'http';
import { WebSocketServer } from 'ws';
import { useServer } from 'graphql-ws/lib/use/ws';
import { getUser, connectToDatabase } from './utils';
import schema from './setup';

const makeContext = async ({ req, database }) => {
    return {
      database, // used to set up dataSources, required to be in context
      user: getUser(req.headers, database), // checks for Authorization on req.headers and fetches user from database

const makeWScontext = async ({ connectionParams, database, dataSources: dataSourceFn }) => {
  const cache = new InMemoryLRUCache();
  const dataSources = dataSourceFn(); // pass in as function, then call to receive objects
  for (const dataSource in dataSources)
    dataSources[dataSource].initialize({ context, cache });
  const user = getUser(context.connectionParams); // this uses the connectionParams sent from frontend to look for Authorization Bearer token
    return {
      dataSources, // unlike query context, we need to manually add dataSources to WebSocket context

const makeServer = async () => {
  const database = await connectToDatabase(); // for example mongo instance
  const dataSources = () => ({
    posts: new Posts(...), // ... could refer to database.collection('posts') if using mongo
    users: new Users(...),

  const app = express();
  const httpServer = http.createServer(app);

  const wsPath = '/graphql';
  const wsServer = new WebSocketServer({
    server: httpServer,
    path: wsPath,

  const serverCleanup = useServer(
      context: (context) => {
        return makeWScontext({
          dataSources, // pass dataSources function to custom WebSocket context function, which must call dataSource.initialize({ context, cache }) manually. supply cache here if you want it to be shared across sockets

  const server = new ApolloServer({
    csrfPrevention: true,
    dataSources, // Pass dataSources function to new ApolloServer, and it will call dataSource.initialize({ context, cache }) on all, and add to context automatically
    context: async ({ req }) =>
      await makeContext({
    plugins: [
      ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer({ httpServer }),
        async serverWillStart() {
          return {
            async drainServer() {
              await serverCleanup.dispose();

  await server.start();

    cors: {
      origin: '*', // <- allow request from all domains
      methods: 'POST,GET,OPTIONS',
      allowedHeaders: 'Content-Type, Authorization',

  httpServer.listen({ port: PORT }, () => {
    const hostUrl = process.env.API_HOST || 'http://localhost:4000';
    const wsUrl = hostUrl.replace('http', 'ws');
      `🚀 Queries and mutations ready at ${hostUrl}${server.graphqlPath}`
    console.log(`🚀 Subscriptions ready at ${wsUrl}${wsPath}`);

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