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File metadata and controls

365 lines (296 loc) · 25 KB


Gather datasets for (self-)evaluation of the Computer Science Graduate program at Federal University of Santa Catrina (PPGCC/UFSC). Some datasets are specific to PPGCC (e.g., google calendar and internal spreadsheets).

Some preprocessing and metrics computation is done on the datasets already by this code, producing more .csv files for further analysis.

Google API authentication

Some datasets are extracted from Google Sheets and Google Calendar. While such sheets and calendars are public, API acesss still uses OAuth. Instead of granting access to human-owned account, you one should create a service account to perform server-to-server authentication.

You will need a API key and a cryptographic key for server-to-server OAuth authentication. Google calls this "Service accounts". See the instructions here. To put it shortly, go to the Google Cloud Console, create a new project, go into "Credentials" on the sidebar and choose Create credentials > Service account. Download the JSON file and store it as "service-account-key.json" in the directory where you will execute the scripts.

On first attempt to use, an error will likely occur stating that the access to the accessed API (calendar or sheets) is not enabled for the project you created before. The error message will include an URL where you should add said permissions to the project. This action has to be done only once.

Build & Test

The Makefile sets up a virtualenv with all required packages and runs tests. Simply type make to do this. To only set up the virtualenv with dependencies, issue a make env command

If you are on an obscure system without make & virtualenv3, read commands under test: in the Makefile and adapt accordingly.

Interactive shell & Typical usage

This repository targets computer scienntists. Therefore there is no pretty interfaces. Run the script to get an IPython shell with instructions on how to use the python code:

$ ./
Python 3.7.4 (default, Oct  4 2019, 06:57:26)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.9.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

--=[ ppgcc-metrics interactive shell ]=--
    (actually, just an IPython shell)

Use get_all() to ensure all datasets are available. Use the force=True parameter to force re-download and/or re-processing.
Available datasets:
  ds.CPC_CSV                        at data/cpc.csv                        [PENDING]
  ds.DOCENTES                       at data/docentes.csv
  ds.LINHAS                         at data/linhas.csv
  ds.PPGCC_CALENDAR                 at data/calendar.json                  [PENDING]
  ds.PPGCC_CALENDAR_CSV             at data/calendar.csv                   [PENDING]
  ds.SCHOLAR_CSV                    at data/scholar.csv                    [PENDING]
  ds.SCHOLAR_WORKS_CSV              at data/scholar-works.csv              [PENDING]
  ds.SCOPUS_QUERY                   at data/scopus.qry                     [PENDING]
  ds.SCOPUS_WORKS_CSV               at data/scopus-works.csv               [PENDING]
  ds.SECRETARIA_DISCENTES           at data/secretaria.csv                 [PENDING]
  ds.SUC_DISCENTES_PPGCC            at data/suc-dis-ppgcc.csv              [PENDING]
  de.AUG_DISCENTES                  at data/discentes-augmented.csv        [PENDING]
  de.BIBLIOMETRICS                  at data/bibliometrics-year.csv         [PENDING]
  de.BIBLIOMETRICS_AGGREGATE        at data/bibliometrics.csv              [PENDING]

There are pending datasets. Use their .download() method or the get_all() function.

In [1]: get_all()
Downloading data for cpc.csv...
Downloading data for docentes.csv...
Downloading data for linhas.csv...
Downloading data for calendar.json...
Downloading data for calendar.csv...
Downloading data for scholar.csv...
scholar.csv: Fetching
Fetched 674 documents and 2213 citations for a7XTMeIAAAAJ
scholar.csv: Sleeping 22 seconds

On a first execution, get_all() will throw an exception blaming the absence of scopus-works.csv. Follow the instructions given by the exception to obtain said file from the Scopus web interface. Scopus is quite defensive to automated requests.

Names comparison (

Names fail miserably as primary keys, nevertheless, they are the primary key in most of the data sources. Most of the time diferences between correferent names consists of dropping, adding or abbreviating middle names. Eventually there is a typo at longer last names.

When sources are moderatedly reliable (bibliometrics and Sucupira), typos are not forgiven when comparing names. When sources are unreliable (e.g., the unofficial Google Calendar). Typos are forgiven.

The edit operations allowed when comparing names are the following:

  1. All strings have accents removed before comparison
  2. All strings have duplicate blank spaces removed before comparison
  3. All strings are converted to upper case
  4. L. == L (as a word)
  5. L. == Luis (in first or middle names)
  6. Omission/addition of middle name (Jose L. Silva == José L. C. Silva)
  7. Omission/addition of middle name (Jose L. Silva == José L. C. Silva)
  8. Levenshtein distance of 1 for last names with 7 letters or more
  9. Levenshtein distance of 2 for last names with 7 letters or more
  10. Levenshtein distance of 1 for first and last names with more than 3 letters
  11. Levenshtein distance of 2 for first and last names with more than 3 letters

If a match is found using higher-precedence edit operations, lower-precedence edit operations are not applied. In most cases only up to the 7 first operations above are applied. When merging sets, ambiguity may prevent matches from being established. See the code for scenarios where this default is overidden with allow_ambiguos=True

Datasets metadata


Source: PPGCC scientific production reporting sheet, used for professor accredditaion & external (CAPES) evaluation. All fields but autores are downloaded as-is from the Google Sheets.

Column name Meaning
Prof 1 PPGCC
Prof 2 PPGCC
Prof 3 PPGCC
Prof 4 PPGCC
Tipo Periódico or Evento
autores extracted from Artigo, same syntax
Link (DOI) HTTP links, which may not be DOIs
Alunos M PPGCC
Alunos D PPGCC
Posdocs PPGCC
Candidato a Lista 4N?
Trabalho Premiado?
N Profs. (AUTO)
Pontos (AUTO)

docentes.csv and linhas.csv

Manually inserted table of professors, including some who already left

Column Meaning
docente Full name of the professor
scopus_id Author-ID on Scopus
scholar_id user query param on Scholar
linha Main research line

A professor may be bound to more than one research line. The linhas.csv file lists those associations.

Column Meaning
docente Full name, as in docentes.csv
linha Name of the research line

Both files originate from PPGCC site. docentes.csv also includes additional information from the same source as cpc.csv.

calendar.json and calendar.csv

The JSON file is a dump of all events in the Google Calendar of the program. This calendar includes all defenses, including qualification exams and SADs. The dump is obtained using Google APIs.

The calendar.csv file contains data extracted from the event summaries and descriptions, as per the following table:

Column Meaning
tipo DFM, DFD, EQM, EQD or SAD. Note: DF* means final defense
discente Full name of the student, as appears in the JSON
orientador Adivisor full name, as appears in the JSON
coorientador Coadvisor full name, if present
data_ymd YYYY-MM-DD date in which the event occured

scholar.csv and scholar-works.csv

Data extracted from the Google Scholar profiles of professors listed in docentes.csv. The main csv file contains metrics reported by scholar:

Column Meaning
docente Name of the Professor
scholar_id user query parameter
documents Number of indexed documents by Scholar. Note this may include monographs and duplicates in Scholars own database
citations Total number of citations received. This is the sum of the number of citations for all documents authored. If some paper cites two documents authored by this professor, two citations are counted
docs-citing Total number of documents which cite this author. This appears to count only once in the case above. This metric is located in a table of the profile, at the top-right corner and may not be updated as frequently.
docs-citing-5 Same as docs-citing, but restricted to a 5-year sliding window
h-index H-index of the professor. This may be updated less frequently than individual citation counts of the documents.
h5-index H-index of the professor for documents published in the last 5 years. This may be updated less frequently than individual citation counts of the documents.

scholar-works.csv contains a deduplicated list of all documents authored by at least one of the crawled professors. Deduplication removes stop-words and subtitles from titles, and does a general cleanup (remove accents, duplicate spaces, convert to upper case) before comparing titles for equality. The author list is compared using tolerant naming comparison (

scopus.qry and scopus-works.csv

Scopus is quite defensive against automated requests. To avoid a fragile and unpredictable crawler, the python code generates a scopus.qry file with a query to be executed on the Scopus web interface. Check all result items and select Export. In the dialog that will appear, select CSV as the format and check all fields in the Citation and Bibliographical information columns. Save the resulting CSV file as data/scopus-works.csv

The fields are defined by Scopus and are not modified by the python code.

Note that some configurations of Mozilla Firefox may refuse to download the CSV.

suc-dis-* and suc-dis-ppgcc.csv

These CSVs are pre-cleaned up version from those made available by CAPES for 2017-2020 and 2013-2016. The cleanup consists of:

  • Fixing encoding (ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8)
  • Unifying column names to the schema described in the 2017-2020 dataset (non-conformant headers in the 2017 dataset are renamed)
  • Compressing the CSVs using LZMA during the download
  • simplifying NÃO SE APLICA to NA

See the PDF documentation for the 2017-2020 dataset.

All csv.xz files are filterd and merged into a suc-disc-ppgcc.csv file that contains only data pertaining to PPGCC. Every year, Sucupira lists all enrolled students again. Such duplications are removed so that only the most recent status for a student at a given level (DOUTORADO or MESTRADO) remains. Deduplication is done using sucupira-specific IDs in the CSVs


This is extracted from the mandatory activities Google Sheet into an analysis-friendly CSV file. Many fields receive the exact same name of their Sucupira counterparts.

Column Meaning
NM_DISCENTE see Sucupira
DT_MATRICULA_DISCENTE see Sucupira and discentes-augmented.csv
DT_SITUACAO_DISCENTE current date, in Sucupira format. See discentes-augmented.csv
NM_COORIENTADOR coadvisor name
PRORROG_1 OK if 1st prorrogation aproved
PRORROG_2 OK if 1st prorrogation aproved
SEM_TRANCAMENTOS Number of semeters with locked enrollment
DT_TERMINO deadline for scheduling a defense in Sucupira format
ST_PROF_LING_1 OK if done
ST_PROF_LING_2 OK or "não se aplica"
ST_SAD OK or deadline in YYYY/semester
ST_QUALIFICACAO OK or deadline in YYYY/semester
NUM_SEMINARIOS Number of seminars attended


This CSV is a merge of secretaria.csv and suc-dis-ppgcc.csv, with some additional fields computed from calendar.json and cpc.csv. All columns of secretaria.csv and suc-dis-ppgcc.csv remain (some may be empty) with their original meanings. The columns below are computed only for this file.

Column Meaning
DT_MATRICULA_ISO same meaning as the sources but in YYYY-MM-DD format
DT_SITUACAO_ISO same meaning as the sources but in YYYY-MM-DD format
N_CONF Number conference papers (co-)authored by the student in the years where he was enrolled under the given level. Only the year is considered, so publication in march counts for a student enrolled in august.
N_PER Same as N_CONF but for journal articles
PTS_CONF For each publication in N_CONF, sum a value between 0 and 1 according to SICLAP assigned at cpc.csv. The weights are the same used by CAPES and for the professors accreditation in PPGCC
PTS_PER Same as PTS_CONF, but for journal articles
PTS_CONF_IR Same as PTS_CONF, but only considers SICLAP levesls within "índice restrito"
PTS_PER_IR Same as PTS_PER, but only considers SICLAP levesls within "índice restrito"
ST_REQ_PUB Whether the student achieved his mandatory publication requirements. This considers the rules defined for the level and enrollment semester. Publications found in the calendar event of the student's master defense (if is a PhD student) are disconsidered. Only articles in N_CONF are considered, articles knowingly from before his enrollment are not considered.

capg-cnpj.csv and capg-cnpj-details.csv

The first CSV is built by ds.DiscentesCAPGCNPJ extracting CPF number of students mentioned in CAPG report PDFs, dropped in data/capg_pdfs. The name and CPF of each student is joined with the socio.csv.gz file obtained with socios-brasil dataset. The publicly avaiable version does not include CPFs, so you must clone the repo and download all data from RFB's site using ./ --no_censorship. Since doing this takes a lot of time, capg-cnpj.csv is under version control, without CPFs.

The capg-cnpj-details.csv file joins the first with all data from empresa.csv.gz which can be downloaded from the public releases. In addition, the fiscal regime CNAE and the secondary activity CNAEs (cnae-secundaria.csv.gz) of each joined CNPJ are inspected to determine if the company has some relation with computer science or research. The following classes are considered related:

Prefix IBGE description
77.3 Aluguel de máquinas e equipamentos sem operador

All output CSVs retain the layout of socio.csv.gz, adding only two columns:

Column Meaning
cpf Full, unmasked CPF (never put this under version control!)
discente Full student (aligned with other datasets when possible)

bibliometrics.csv and bibliometrics-year.csv

Some citation-related metrics collected from scholar-works.csv and scopus-works.csv. bibliometrics.csv contains these metrics for all professors and for each indivudual line. Each metric appears once for each source.

H, H5 and impact factor are computed from the current number of citations of each document. This may differ from metrics published by scholar since the preiodicity in which the metrics are computed may vary. However, this approache allows for computation of the metrics for arbitrary groups of professors.

When computing the metrics for a line, all professores which are listed under the research line are considered. As a side effect, a single professor may contribute to the metrics of more than one line. Any authorship position is considered when selecting the documents for the professors in a group. Co-authored documents are counted only once, no matter how many professors of the current group sign it.

Column Meaning
group Group of professors (all or a research line) considered for the metrics
base_year Year of reference for the metric
source Source: scopus or scholar
h H-index
h5 H5-index: considers documents published in the 5 years preceding base_year, but does not include it
documents Total number of documents in all time
citations Sum of citations of all unique documents
impact Given the N documents published in the two years preceding base_year (but excluding it), this is the sum of their citation counts divided by N

The file bibliometrics-year.csv contains a breakdown fo the same above metrics (excluding impact) for each year where there is a document for the given group and source. For h and h5 this breakdown shows all papers published in the given year whose number of citations is greater or equal to h (or h5). For documents it shows the number of unique published documents and citations shows the number of citations that those documents have today (when the data was fetched).