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786 lines (659 loc) · 26.8 KB

Version 2.1-dev

The library has been tested using Agda 2.6.4,, and



  • Fix statement of Data.Vec.Properties.toList-replicate, where replicate was mistakenly applied to the level of the type A instead of the variable x of type A.

  • Module Data.List.Relation.Ternary.Appending.Setoid.Properties no longer exports the Setoid module under the alias S.

  • Remove unbound parameter from Data.List.Properties.length-alignWith, alignWith-map and map-alignWith.

Non-backwards compatible changes

  • The modules and morphisms in Algebra.Module.Morphism.Structures are now parametrized by raw bundles rather than lawful bundles, in line with other modules defining morphism structures.
  • The definitions in Algebra.Module.Morphism.Construct.Composition are now parametrized by raw bundles, and as such take a proof of transitivity.
  • The definitions in Algebra.Module.Morphism.Construct.Identity are now parametrized by raw bundles, and as such take a proof of reflexivity.
  • The module IO.Primitive was moved to IO.Primitive.Core.

Other major improvements

Minor improvements

  • The size of the dependency graph for many modules has been reduced. This may lead to speed ups for first-time loading of some modules.

  • The definition of the Pointwise relational combinator in Data.Product.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.NonDependent.Pointwise has been generalised to take heterogeneous arguments in REL.

  • The structures IsSemilattice and IsBoundedSemilattice in Algebra.Lattice.Structures have been redefined as aliases of IsCommutativeBand and IsIdempotentMonoid in Algebra.Structures.

Deprecated modules

  • Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Disjoint deprecated in favour of Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Slice.

  • The modules Function.Endomorphism.Propositional and Function.Endomorphism.Setoid that use the old Function hierarchy. Use Function.Endo.Propositional and Function.Endo.Setoid instead.

Deprecated names

  • In Algebra.Properties.Semiring.Mult:

    1×-identityʳ  ↦  ×-homo-1
  • In Algebra.Structures.IsGroup:

    _-_  ↦  _//_
  • In Algebra.Structures.Biased:

    IsRing*  ↦  Algebra.Structures.IsRing
    isRing*  ↦  Algebra.Structures.isRing
  • In Data.List.Base:

    scanr  ↦  Data.List.Scans.Base.scanr
    scanl  ↦  Data.List.Scans.Base.scanl
  • In Data.List.Properties:

    scanr-defn  ↦  Data.List.Scans.Properties.scanr-defn
    scanl-defn  ↦  Data.List.Scans.Properties.scanl-defn
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.All.Properties:

    map-compose  ↦  map-∘
  • In Data.Nat.Divisibility.Core:

    *-pres-∣  ↦  Data.Nat.Divisibility.*-pres-∣
  • In IO.Base:

    untilRight  ↦  untilInj₂

New modules

  • Pointwise lifting of algebraic structures IsX and bundles X from carrier set C to function space A → C:

  • Raw bundles for module-like algebraic structures:

  • Nagata's construction of the "idealization of a module":

  • The unique morphism from the initial, resp. terminal, algebra:

  • Pointwise and equality relations over indexed containers:

  • Refactoring of Data.List.Base.{scanr|scanl} and their properties:

  • Properties of List modulo Setoid equality (currently only the ([],++) monoid):

  • Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Slice replacing Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Propositional.Disjoint (*) and adding new functions:

    • ⊆-upper-bound-is-cospan generalising ⊆-disjoint-union-is-cospan from (*)
    • ⊆-upper-bound-cospan generalising ⊆-disjoint-union-cospan from (*)
  • Prime factorisation of natural numbers.

  • Data.Vec.Functional.Relation.Binary.Permutation, defining:

    _↭_ : IRel (Vector A) _
  • Data.Vec.Functional.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Properties of the above:

    ↭-refl      : Reflexive (Vector A) _↭_
    ↭-reflexive : xs ≡ ys  xs ↭ ys
    ↭-sym       : Symmetric (Vector A) _↭_
    ↭-trans     : Transitive (Vector A) _↭_
    isIndexedEquivalence : {A : Set a}  IsIndexedEquivalence (Vector A) _↭_
    indexedSetoid        : {A : Set a}  IndexedSetoid ℕ a _
  • The modules Function.Endo.Propositional and Function.Endo.Setoid are new but are actually proper ports of Function.Endomorphism.Propositional and Function.Endomorphism.Setoid.

  • Function.Relation.Binary.Equality

    setoid : Setoid a₁ a₂  Setoid b₁ b₂  Setoid _ _

    and a convenient infix version

    _⇨_ = setoid
  • Consequences of 'infinite descent' for (accessible elements of) well-founded relations:

  • Symmetric interior of a binary relation

  • Properties of Setoids with decidable equality relation:

  • Systematise the use of Recomputable A = .A → A:


    with Recomputable exported publicly from Relation.Nullary.

  • New IO primitives to handle buffering

  • System.Random bindings:

  • Show modules:

  • Decidability for the subset relation on lists:

    Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.DecSetoid (_⊆?_)
  • Decidability for the disjoint relation on lists:

    Data.List.Relation.Binary.Disjoint.DecSetoid (disjoint?)

Additions to existing modules

  • In Algebra.Bundles

    record SuccessorSet c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))
    record CommutativeBand c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))
    record IdempotentMonoid c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))

    and additional manifest fields for sub-bundles arising from these in:

  • In Algebra.Bundles.Raw

    record RawSuccessorSet c ℓ : Set (suc (c ⊔ ℓ))
  • Exporting more Raw substructures from Algebra.Bundles.Ring:

    rawNearSemiring   : RawNearSemiring _ _
    rawRingWithoutOne : RawRingWithoutOne _ _
    +-rawGroup        : RawGroup _ _
  • In Algebra.Construct.Terminal:

    rawNearSemiring : RawNearSemiring c ℓ
    nearSemiring    : NearSemiring c ℓ
  • In Algebra.Module.Bundles, raw bundles are re-exported and the bundles expose their raw counterparts.

  • In Algebra.Module.Construct.DirectProduct:

    rawLeftSemimodule  : RawLeftSemimodule R m ℓm  RawLeftSemimodule m′ ℓm′  RawLeftSemimodule R (m ⊔ m′) (ℓm ⊔ ℓm′)
    rawLeftModule      : RawLeftModule R m ℓm  RawLeftModule m′ ℓm′  RawLeftModule R (m ⊔ m′) (ℓm ⊔ ℓm′)
    rawRightSemimodule : RawRightSemimodule R m ℓm  RawRightSemimodule m′ ℓm′  RawRightSemimodule R (m ⊔ m′) (ℓm ⊔ ℓm′)
    rawRightModule     : RawRightModule R m ℓm  RawRightModule m′ ℓm′  RawRightModule R (m ⊔ m′) (ℓm ⊔ ℓm′)
    rawBisemimodule    : RawBisemimodule R m ℓm  RawBisemimodule m′ ℓm′  RawBisemimodule R (m ⊔ m′) (ℓm ⊔ ℓm′)
    rawBimodule        : RawBimodule R m ℓm  RawBimodule m′ ℓm′  RawBimodule R (m ⊔ m′) (ℓm ⊔ ℓm′)
    rawSemimodule      : RawSemimodule R m ℓm  RawSemimodule m′ ℓm′  RawSemimodule R (m ⊔ m′) (ℓm ⊔ ℓm′)
    rawModule          : RawModule R m ℓm  RawModule m′ ℓm′  RawModule R (m ⊔ m′) (ℓm ⊔ ℓm′)
  • In Algebra.Module.Construct.TensorUnit:

    rawLeftSemimodule  : RawLeftSemimodule _ c ℓ
    rawLeftModule      : RawLeftModule _ c ℓ
    rawRightSemimodule : RawRightSemimodule _ c ℓ
    rawRightModule     : RawRightModule _ c ℓ
    rawBisemimodule    : RawBisemimodule _ _ c ℓ
    rawBimodule        : RawBimodule _ _ c ℓ
    rawSemimodule      : RawSemimodule _ c ℓ
    rawModule          : RawModule _ c ℓ
  • In Algebra.Module.Construct.Zero:

    rawLeftSemimodule  : RawLeftSemimodule R c ℓ
    rawLeftModule      : RawLeftModule R c ℓ
    rawRightSemimodule : RawRightSemimodule R c ℓ
    rawRightModule     : RawRightModule R c ℓ
    rawBisemimodule    : RawBisemimodule R c ℓ
    rawBimodule        : RawBimodule R c ℓ
    rawSemimodule      : RawSemimodule R c ℓ
    rawModule          : RawModule R c ℓ
  • In Algebra.Morphism.Structures:

    module SuccessorSetMorphisms (N₁ : RawSuccessorSet a ℓ₁) (N₂ : RawSuccessorSet b ℓ₂) where
      record IsSuccessorSetHomomorphism (⟦_⟧ : N₁.Carrier  N₂.Carrier) : Set _
      record IsSuccessorSetMonomorphism (⟦_⟧ : N₁.Carrier  N₂.Carrier) : Set _
      record IsSuccessorSetIsomorphism  (⟦_⟧ : N₁.Carrier   N₂.Carrier) : Set _
    IsSemigroupHomomorphism : (A  B)  Set _
    IsSemigroupMonomorphism : (A  B)  Set _
    IsSemigroupIsomorphism : (A  B)  Set _
  • In Algebra.Properties.AbelianGroup:

    ⁻¹-anti-homo‿- : (x - y) ⁻¹ ≈ y - x
  • In Algebra.Properties.Group:

    isQuasigroup    : IsQuasigroup _∙_ _\\_ _//_
    quasigroup      : Quasigroup _ _
    isLoop          : IsLoop _∙_ _\\_ _//_ ε
    loop            : Loop _ _
    \\-leftDividesˡ  : LeftDividesˡ _∙_ _\\_
    \\-leftDividesʳ  : LeftDividesʳ _∙_ _\\_
    \\-leftDivides   : LeftDivides _∙_ _\\_
    //-rightDividesˡ : RightDividesˡ _∙_ _//_
    //-rightDividesʳ : RightDividesʳ _∙_ _//_
    //-rightDivides  : RightDivides _∙_ _//_
    ⁻¹-selfInverse  : SelfInverse _⁻¹
    x∙y⁻¹≈ε⇒x≈y     :  x y  (x ∙ y ⁻¹) ≈ ε  x ≈ y
    x≈y⇒x∙y⁻¹≈ε     :  {x y}  x ≈ y  (x ∙ y ⁻¹) ≈ ε
    \\≗flip-//⇒comm : ( x y  x \\ y ≈ y // x)  Commutative _∙_
    comm⇒\\≗flip-// : Commutative _∙_   x y  x \\ y ≈ y // x
    ⁻¹-anti-homo-// : (x // y) ⁻¹ ≈ y // x
    ⁻¹-anti-homo-\\ : (x \\ y) ⁻¹ ≈ y \\ x
  • In Algebra.Properties.Loop:

    identityˡ-unique : x ∙ y ≈ y  x ≈ ε
    identityʳ-unique : x ∙ y ≈ x  y ≈ ε
    identity-unique  : Identity x _∙_  x ≈ ε
  • In Algebra.Properties.Monoid.Mult:

    ×-homo-0 :  x  0 × x ≈ 0#
    ×-homo-1 :  x  1 × x ≈ x
  • In Algebra.Properties.Semiring.Mult:

    ×-homo-0#     :  x  0 × x ≈ 0# * x
    ×-homo-1#     :  x  1 × x ≈ 1# * x
    idem-×-homo-* : (_*_ IdempotentOn x)  (m × x) * (n × x) ≈ (m ℕ.* n) × x
  • In Algebra.Structures

    record IsSuccessorSet (suc# : Op₁ A) (zero# : A) : Set _
    record IsCommutativeBand (∙ : Op₂ A) : Set _
    record IsIdempotentMonoid (∙ : Op₂ A) (ε : A) : Set _

    and additional manifest fields for substructures arising from these in:

  • In Algebra.Structures.IsGroup:

    infixl 6 _//_
    _//_ : Op₂ A
    x // y = x ∙ (y ⁻¹)
    infixr 6 _\\_
    _\\_ : Op₂ A
    x \\ y = (x ⁻¹) ∙ y
  • In Algebra.Structures.IsCancellativeCommutativeSemiring add the extra property as an exposed definition:

      *-cancelʳ-nonZero : AlmostRightCancellative 0# *
  • In Data.Container.Indexed.Core:

    Subtrees o c = (r : Response c)  X (next c r)
  • In Data.Empty:

    ⊥-elim-irr  : .⊥  Whatever
  • In Data.Fin.Properties:

    nonZeroIndex : Fin n  ℕ.NonZero n
  • In Data.Float.Base:

    _≤_ : Rel Float _
  • In Data.Integer.Divisibility: introduce divides as an explicit pattern synonym

    pattern divides k eq = Data.Nat.Divisibility.divides k eq
  • In Data.Integer.Properties:

    ◃-nonZero : .{{_ : ℕ.NonZero n}}  NonZero (s ◃ n)
    sign-*    : .{{NonZero (i * j)}}  sign (i * j) ≡ sign i Sign.* sign j
    i*j≢0     : .{{_ : NonZero i}} .{{_ : NonZero j}}  NonZero (i * j)
  • In Data.List.Base redefine inits and tails in terms of:

    tail∘inits : List A  List (List A)
    tail∘tails : List A  List (List A)
  • In Data.List.Membership.Propositional.Properties.Core:

    find∘∃∈-Any : (p :λ x  x ∈ xs × P x)  find (∃∈-Any p) ≡ p
    ∃∈-Any∘find : (p : Any P xs)  ∃∈-Any (find p) ≡ p
  • In Data.List.Membership.Setoid.Properties:

    reverse⁺ : x ∈ xs  x ∈ reverse xs
    reverse⁻ : x ∈ reverse xs  x ∈ xs
  • In Data.List.NonEmpty.Base:

    inits : List A  List⁺ (List A)
    tails : List A  List⁺ (List A)
  • In Data.List.NonEmpty.Properties:

    toList-inits : toList ∘ List⁺.inits ≗ List.inits
    toList-tails : toList ∘ List⁺.tails ≗ List.tails
  • In Data.List.Properties:

    length-catMaybes       : length (catMaybes xs) ≤ length xs
    applyUpTo-∷ʳ           : applyUpTo f n ∷ʳ f n ≡ applyUpTo f (suc n)
    applyDownFrom-∷ʳ       : applyDownFrom (f ∘ suc) n ∷ʳ f 0 ≡ applyDownFrom f (suc n)
    upTo-∷ʳ                : upTo n ∷ʳ n ≡ upTo (suc n)
    downFrom-∷ʳ            : applyDownFrom suc n ∷ʳ 0 ≡ downFrom (suc n)
    reverse-selfInverse    : SelfInverse {A = List A} _≡_ reverse
    reverse-applyUpTo      : reverse (applyUpTo f n) ≡ applyDownFrom f n
    reverse-upTo           : reverse (upTo n) ≡ downFrom n
    reverse-applyDownFrom  : reverse (applyDownFrom f n) ≡ applyUpTo f n
    reverse-downFrom       : reverse (downFrom n) ≡ upTo n
    mapMaybe-map           : mapMaybe f ∘ map g ≗ mapMaybe (f ∘ g)
    map-mapMaybe           : map g ∘ mapMaybe f ≗ mapMaybe ( g ∘ f)
    align-map              : align (map f xs) (map g ys) ≡ map (map f g) (align xs ys)
    zip-map                : zip (map f xs) (map g ys) ≡ map (map f g) (zip xs ys)
    unzipWith-map          : unzipWith f ∘ map g ≗ unzipWith (f ∘ g)
    map-unzipWith          : map (map g) (map h) ∘ unzipWith f ≗ unzipWith (map g h ∘ f)
    unzip-map              : unzip ∘ map (map f g) ≗ map (map f) (map g) ∘ unzip
    splitAt-map            : splitAt n ∘ map f ≗ map (map f) (map f) ∘ splitAt n
    uncons-map             : uncons ∘ map f ≗ map (map f (map f)) ∘ uncons
    last-map               : last ∘ map f ≗ map f ∘ last
    tail-map               : tail ∘ map f ≗ map (map f) ∘ tail
    mapMaybe-cong          : f ≗ g  mapMaybe f ≗ mapMaybe g
    zipWith-cong           : ( a b  f a b ≡ g a b)   as  zipWith f as ≗ zipWith g as
    unzipWith-cong         : f ≗ g  unzipWith f ≗ unzipWith g
    foldl-cong             : ( x y  f x y ≡ g x y)   x  foldl f x ≗ foldl g x
    alignWith-flip         : alignWith f xs ys ≡ alignWith (f ∘ swap) ys xs
    alignWith-comm         : f ∘ swap ≗ f  alignWith f xs ys ≡ alignWith f ys xs
    align-flip             : align xs ys ≡ map swap (align ys xs)
    zip-flip               : zip xs ys ≡ map swap (zip ys xs)
    unzipWith-swap         : unzipWith (swap ∘ f) ≗ swap ∘ unzipWith f
    unzip-swap             : unzip ∘ map swap ≗ swap ∘ unzip
    take-take              : take n (take m xs) ≡ take (n ⊓ m) xs
    take-drop              : take n (drop m xs) ≡ drop m (take (m + n) xs)
    zip-unzip              : uncurry′ zip ∘ unzip ≗ id
    unzipWith-zipWith      : f ∘ uncurry′ g ≗ id 
                             length xs ≡ length ys 
                             unzipWith f (zipWith g xs ys) ≡ (xs , ys)
    unzip-zip              : length xs ≡ length ys  unzip (zip xs ys) ≡ (xs , ys)
    mapMaybe-++            : mapMaybe f (xs ++ ys) ≡ mapMaybe f xs ++ mapMaybe f ys
    unzipWith-++           : unzipWith f (xs ++ ys) ≡
                             zip _++_ _++_ (unzipWith f xs) (unzipWith f ys)
    catMaybes-concatMap    : catMaybes ≗ concatMap fromMaybe
    catMaybes-++           : catMaybes (xs ++ ys) ≡ catMaybes xs ++ catMaybes ys
    map-catMaybes          : map f ∘ catMaybes ≗ catMaybes ∘ map ( f)
    Any-catMaybes⁺         : Any (M.Any P) xs  Any P (catMaybes xs)
    mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₁ : mapMaybe isInj₁ (map inj₁ xs) ≡ xs
    mapMaybeIsInj₁∘mapInj₂ : mapMaybe isInj₁ (map inj₂ xs) ≡ []
    mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₂ : mapMaybe isInj₂ (map inj₂ xs) ≡ xs
    mapMaybeIsInj₂∘mapInj₁ : mapMaybe isInj₂ (map inj₁ xs) ≡ []
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Pointwise.Base:

    unzip : Pointwise (R ; S) ⇒ (Pointwise R ; Pointwise S)
  • In Data.Maybe.Relation.Binary.Pointwise:

    pointwise⊆any : Pointwise R (just x) ⊆ Any (R x)
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Setoid:

    ⊆-upper-bound :  {xs ys zs} (τ : xs ⊆ zs) (σ : ys ⊆ zs)  UpperBound τ σ
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Sublist.Setoid.Properties:

    ⊆-trans-idˡ   : (trans-reflˡ :  {x y} (p : x ≈ y)  trans ≈-refl p ≡ p) 
                    (pxs : xs ⊆ ys)  ⊆-trans ⊆-refl pxs ≡ pxs
    ⊆-trans-idʳ   : (trans-reflʳ :  {x y} (p : x ≈ y)  trans p ≈-refl ≡ p) 
                    (pxs : xs ⊆ ys)  ⊆-trans pxs ⊆-refl ≡ pxs
    ⊆-trans-assoc : (≈-assoc :  {w x y z} (p : w ≈ x) (q : x ≈ y) (r : y ≈ z) 
                               trans p (trans q r) ≡ trans (trans p q) r) 
                    (ps : as ⊆ bs) (qs : bs ⊆ cs) (rs : cs ⊆ ds) 
                    ⊆-trans ps (⊆-trans qs rs) ≡ ⊆-trans (⊆-trans ps qs) rs
  • In Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Setoid.Properties:

    map⁺ : f Preserves _≈_ ⟶ _≈′_  as ⊆ bs  map f as ⊆′ map f bs
    reverse-selfAdjoint : as ⊆ reverse bs  reverse as ⊆ bs
    reverse⁺            : as ⊆ bs  reverse as ⊆ reverse bs
    reverse⁻            : reverse as ⊆ reverse bs  as ⊆ bs
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.All:

    universal-U : Universal (All U)
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.All.Properties:

    All-catMaybes⁺ : All (Maybe.All P) xs  All P (catMaybes xs)
    Any-catMaybes⁺ : All (Maybe.Any P) xs  All P (catMaybes xs)
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.AllPairs.Properties:

    catMaybes⁺ : AllPairs (Pointwise R) xs  AllPairs R (catMaybes xs)
    tabulate⁺-< : (i < j  R (f i) (f j))  AllPairs R (tabulate f)
  • In Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any.Properties:

    map-cong : (f g : P ⋐ Q)  ( {x} (p : P x)  f p ≡ g p) 
               (p : Any P xs) f p ≡ g p
  • In Data.List.Relation.Ternary.Appending.Setoid.Properties:

    through→ : ∃[ xs ] Pointwise _≈_ as xs × Appending xs bs cs 
               ∃[ ys ] Appending as bs ys × Pointwise _≈_ ys cs
    through← : ∃[ ys ] Appending as bs ys × Pointwise _≈_ ys cs 
               ∃[ xs ] Pointwise _≈_ as xs × Appending xs bs cs
    assoc→   : ∃[ xs ] Appending as bs xs × Appending xs cs ds 
               ∃[ ys ] Appending bs cs ys × Appending as ys ds
  • In Data.List.Relation.Ternary.Appending.Properties:

    through→ : (R ⇒ (S ; T))  ((U ; V) ⇒ (W ; T)) 
                   ∃[ xs ] Pointwise U as xs × Appending V R xs bs cs 
                           ∃[ ys ] Appending W S as bs ys × Pointwise T ys cs
    through← : ((R ; S) ⇒ T)  ((U ; S) ⇒ (V ; W)) 
                   ∃[ ys ] Appending U R as bs ys × Pointwise S ys cs 
                           ∃[ xs ] Pointwise V as xs × Appending W T xs bs cs
    assoc→ :   (R ⇒ (S ; T))  ((U ; V) ⇒ (W ; T))  ((Y ; V) ⇒ X) 
                       ∃[ xs ] Appending Y U as bs xs × Appending V R xs cs ds 
                           ∃[ ys ] Appending W S bs cs ys × Appending X T as ys ds
    assoc← :   ((S ; T) ⇒ R)  ((W ; T) ⇒ (U ; V))  (X ⇒ (Y ; V)) 
               ∃[ ys ] Appending W S bs cs ys × Appending X T as ys ds 
                           ∃[ xs ] Appending Y U as bs xs × Appending V R xs cs ds
  • In Data.Nat.Divisibility:

    quotient≢0       : m ∣ n  .{{NonZero n}}  NonZero quotient
    m∣n⇒n≡quotient*m : m ∣ n  n ≡ quotient * m
    m∣n⇒n≡m*quotient : m ∣ n  n ≡ m * quotient
    quotient-∣       : m ∣ n  quotient ∣ n
    quotient>1       : m ∣ n  m < n  1 < quotient
    quotient-<       : m ∣ n  .{{NonTrivial m}}  .{{NonZero n}}  quotient < n
    n/m≡quotient     : m ∣ n  .{{_ : NonZero m}}  n / m ≡ quotient
    m/n≡0⇒m<n    : .{{_ : NonZero n}}  m / n ≡ 0  m < n
    m/n≢0⇒n≤m    : .{{_ : NonZero n}}  m / n ≢ 0  n ≤ m
    nonZeroDivisor : DivMod dividend divisor  NonZero divisor
  • Added new proofs in Data.Nat.Properties:

    m≤n+o⇒m∸n≤o :  m n {o}  m ≤ n + o  m ∸ n ≤ o
    m<n+o⇒m∸n<o :  m n {o}  .{{NonZero o}}  m < n + o  m ∸ n < o
    pred-cancel-≤ : pred m ≤ pred n  (m ≡ 1 × n ≡ 0) ⊎ m ≤ n
    pred-cancel-< : pred m < pred n  m < n
    pred-injective : .{{NonZero m}}  .{{NonZero n}}  pred m ≡ pred n  m ≡ n
    pred-cancel-≡ : pred m ≡ pred n  ((m ≡ 0 × n ≡ 1) ⊎ (m ≡ 1 × n ≡ 0)) ⊎ m ≡ n
  • Added new proofs to Data.Nat.Primality:

    rough∧square>⇒prime : .{{NonTrivial n}}  m Rough n  m * m > n  Prime n
    productOfPrimes≢0 : All Prime as  NonZero (product as)
    productOfPrimes≥1 : All Prime as  product as ≥ 1
  • Added new proofs to Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Propositional.Properties:

    product-↭   : product Preserves _↭_ ⟶ _≡_
    catMaybes-↭ : xs ↭ ys  catMaybes xs ↭ catMaybes ys
    mapMaybe-↭  : xs ↭ ys  mapMaybe f xs ↭ mapMaybe f ys
  • Added new proofs to Data.List.Relation.Binary.Permutation.Setoid.Properties.Maybe:

    catMaybes-↭ : xs ↭ ys  catMaybes xs ↭ catMaybes ys
    mapMaybe-↭  : xs ↭ ys  mapMaybe f xs ↭ mapMaybe f ys
  • Added some very-dependent map and zipWith to Data.Product.

    map-Σ : {B : A  Set b} {P : A  Set p} {Q : {x : A}  P x  B x  Set q} 
     (f : (x : A)  B x)  ( {x}  (y : P x)  Q y (f x)) 
     ((x , y) : Σ A P)  Σ (B x) (Q y)
    map-Σ′ : {B : A  Set b} {P : Set p} {Q : P  Set q} 
      (f : (x : A)  B x)  ((x : P)  Q x)  ((x , y) : A × P)  B x × Q y
    zipWith : {P : A  Set p} {Q : B  Set q} {R : C  Set r} {S : (x : C)  R x  Set s}
      (_∙_ : A  B  C)  (_∘_ :  {x y}  P x  Q y  R (x ∙ y)) 
      (_*_ : (x : C)  (y : R x)  S x y) 
      ((a , p) : Σ A P)  ((b , q) : Σ B Q) 
          S (a ∙ b) (p ∘ q)
  • In Data.Rational.Properties:

    1≢0 : 1ℚ ≢ 0ℚ
    #⇒invertible : p ≢ q  Invertible 1ℚ _*_ (p - q)
    invertible⇒# : Invertible 1ℚ _*_ (p - q)  p ≢ q
    isHeytingCommutativeRing : IsHeytingCommutativeRing _≡_ _≢_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0ℚ 1ℚ
    isHeytingField           : IsHeytingField _≡_ _≢_ _+_ _*_ -_ 0ℚ 1ℚ
    heytingCommutativeRing   : HeytingCommutativeRing 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
    heytingField             : HeytingField 0ℓ 0ℓ 0ℓ
  • Added new functions in Data.String.Base:

    map     : (Char  Char)  String  String
    between : String  String  String  String
  • Re-exported new types and functions in IO:

    BufferMode : Set
    noBuffering : BufferMode
    lineBuffering : BufferMode
    blockBuffering : Maybe ℕ  BufferMode
    Handle : Set
    stdin : Handle
    stdout : Handle
    stderr : Handle
    hSetBuffering : Handle  BufferMode  IO ⊤
    hGetBuffering : Handle  IO BufferMode
    hFlush : Handle  IO ⊤
  • Added new functions in IO.Base:

    whenInj₂ : E ⊎ A  (A  IO ⊤)  IO ⊤
    forever : IO ⊤  IO ⊤
  • In IO.Primitive.Core:

    _>>_ : IO A  IO B  IO B
  • In Data.Word.Base:

    _≤_ : Rel Word64 zero
  • Added new definition in Relation.Binary.Construct.Closure.Transitive

    transitive⁻ : Transitive _∼_  TransClosure _∼_ ⇒ _∼_
  • Added new definition in Relation.Unary

    Stable : Pred A ℓ → Set _
  • In Function.Bundles, added _⟶ₛ_ as a synonym for Func that can be used infix.

  • Added new proofs in Relation.Binary.Construct.Composition:

    transitive⇒≈;≈⊆≈ : Transitive ≈  (≈ ; ≈) ⇒ ≈
  • Added new definitions in Relation.Binary.Definitions

    Stable _∼_ = ∀ x y → Nullary.Stable (x ∼ y)
    Empty  _∼_ = ∀ {x y} → ¬ (x ∼ y)
  • Added new proofs in Relation.Binary.Properties.Setoid:

    ≉-irrefl : Irreflexive _≈_ _≉_
    ≈;≈⇒≈ : _≈_ ; _≈_ ⇒ _≈_
    ≈⇒≈;≈ : _≈_ ⇒ _≈_ ; _≈_
  • Added new definitions in Relation.Nullary

    Recomputable    : Set _
    WeaklyDecidable : Set _
  • Added new proof in Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core:

    recompute-constant : (a? : Dec A) (p q : A)  recompute a? p ≡ recompute a? q
  • Added new proof in Relation.Nullary.Decidable:

    ⌊⌋-map′ : (a? : Dec A)  ⌊ map′ t f a? ⌋ ≡ ⌊ a? ⌋
  • Added new definitions in Relation.Nullary.Negation.Core:

    contradiction-irr : .A  ¬ A  Whatever
  • Added new definitions in Relation.Nullary.Reflects:

    recompute          : Reflects A b  Recomputable A
    recompute-constant : (r : Reflects A b) (p q : A)  recompute r p ≡ recompute r q
  • Added new definitions in Relation.Unary

    Stable          : Pred A ℓ → Set _
    WeaklyDecidable : Pred A ℓ → Set _
  • Enhancements to Tactic.Cong - see README.Tactic.Cong for details.

    • Provide a marker function, ⌞_⌟, for user-guided anti-unification.
    • Improved support for equalities between terms with instance arguments, such as terms that contain _/_ or _%_.