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Delivering to PyPI

After you've built your wheels, you'll probably want to deliver them to PyPI.

Manual method

On your development machine, install pipx and do the following:

# Either download the SDist from your CI, or make it:
# Clear out your 'dist' folder.
rm -rf dist
# Make a source distribution
pipx run build --sdist

# 馃弮馃徎
# Go and download your wheel files from wherever you put them. e.g. your CI
# provider can be configured to store them for you. Put them all into the
# 'dist' folder.

# Upload using 'twine' (you may need to 'pip install twine')
pipx run twine upload dist/*

Automatic method

If you don't need much control over the release of a package, you can set up cibuildwheel to deliver the wheels straight to PyPI. You just need to bump the version and tag it.

Generic instructions

Make your SDist with the build tool, and your wheels with cibuildwheel. If you can make the files available as downloadable artifacts, this make testing before releases easier (depending on your CI provider's options). The "publish" job/step should collect the files, and then run twine upload <paths> (possibly via pipx); this should only happen on tags or "releases".

GitHub Actions

GitHub actions has pipx in all the runners as a supported package manager, as well as several useful actions. Alongside your existing job(s) that runs cibuildwheel to make wheels, you will probably want to build an SDist:

    name: Make SDist
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v3
        fetch-depth: 0  # Optional, use if you use setuptools_scm
        submodules: true  # Optional, use if you have submodules

    - name: Build SDist
      run: pipx run build --sdist

    - uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        path: dist/*.tar.gz

Then, you need to publish the artifacts that the previous jobs have built. This final job should run only on release or tag, depending on your preference. It gathers the artifacts from the sdist and wheel jobs and uploads them to PyPI.

This requires a PyPI upload token, stored in your GitHub repo's secrets as pypi_password.

    needs: [build_wheels, make_sdist]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: github.event_name == 'release' && github.event.action == 'published'
    - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
        name: artifact
        path: dist

    - uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@v1.5.0
        user: __token__
        password: ${{ secrets.pypi_password }}

You should use dependabot to keep the publish action up to date. In the above example, the same name (the default, "artifact" is used for all upload-artifact runs, so we can just download all of the in one step into a common directory.

See examples/github-deploy.yml for an example configuration that automatically upload wheels to PyPI. Also see for a complete guide.


See examples/travis-ci-deploy.yml for an example configuration.