{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":188471573,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"cloud-platform-deployment-manager","ownerLogin":"Wind-River","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2019-05-24T18:44:40.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/15164491?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":true},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1717173816.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"c5fc21176deedf487f0ca6196f9cd0ae8a0a7e1e","after":"809a848494d05d9384841133b26372378b4b8750","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-07T13:28:14.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"hugonicodemos","name":"Hugo Nicodemos","path":"/hugonicodemos","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1226763?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fix Incorrect Delta Indicators (#373)\n\nThe delta indicators \"+\" and \"-\" are shown in reverse for \"host\" and\r\n\"system\" instances.\r\nThis order of arguments provided to \"cmd.Diff\" function has been\r\ncorrected to fix the issue.\r\n\r\nTest Cases:\r\n1. PASS - Verify delta is accurately shown for \"host\" and \"system\" in\r\n Day-1 operation.\r\n2. PASS - Verify delta is accurately shown for \"host\" and \"system\" in\r\n Day-2 operation.\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fix Incorrect Delta Indicators (#373)"}},{"before":"16719ed32bfebe5be4e62a2cc800a077428f1e8a","after":"c5fc21176deedf487f0ca6196f9cd0ae8a0a7e1e","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-06T18:03:28.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Unit test cases for combining platform network reconciler into host reconciler for Day 1 operations\n\nTest plan:\n1. 'Make test' runs successfully\n2. Verify reconfiguration is blocked for all networks\n3. Verify fresh configuration is successful for networks other than oam/admin/mgmt\n4. Verify fresh configuration is bloced for oam/admin/mgmt networks\n5. Verify ipv6 addresspool spec with pxeboot network fails to reconcile\n6. Verify oam fails to reconcile if 'floating address' or 'gateway' in addresspool spec is missing\n7. Verify pxeboot fails to reconcile if 'floating address' or 'controller0 address' is missing\nin addresspool spec\n\nSigned-off-by: mmanthir ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Unit test cases for combining platform network reconciler into host r…"}},{"before":"338c85c19661fb4ac0f3fddc685dbe6446287834","after":"16719ed32bfebe5be4e62a2cc800a077428f1e8a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-06T17:48:03.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Support DeploymentScope Update When Generation equals ObservedGeneration\n\nThis commit fixes the bug where the user could not update\ndeploymentScope without updating the spec of resource kinds such as\nHosts, System, DataNetwork, PTPInterface and PTPInstance.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS - Deploy AIO-SX system successfully with existing Day-1\n configuration.\n2. PASS - Verify that Day-2 operations are successful on AIO-SX.\n3. PASS - Verify that deploymentScope of resource kinds such as Hosts,\n System, DataNetwork, PTPInterface and PTPInstance can be\n updated back and forth between \"bootstrap\" and \"principal\"\n without changin the spec.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Support DeploymentScope Update When Generation equals ObservedGeneration"}},{"before":"faf6783ecc28be7ace05f91802b2eb99a20839bf","after":"338c85c19661fb4ac0f3fddc685dbe6446287834","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-06T14:51:58.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":7,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Support Reconciliation of \"other\" Network Type and Remove \"infra\" Type\n\nThis commit enables the reconciliation of \"other\" network type by just\nreconciling the addresspool and ignoring network / network-addrpool\nreconciliation altogether.\nThe \"other\" network type is not supported by the StarlingX system, it is\nrather used in DM configurations to indicate only addresspool needs to\nbe reconciled and not network / network-addrpool entities.\n\nAlong with this, \"infra\" network type which is no longer valid is being\nremoved from list of supported network types in the webhook validation.\nThe \"infra\" network type was replaced by \"cluster-host\" network type.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS - Verify associatedAddressPools are reconciled when\n configuration of \"other\" PlatformNetwork is applied in Day-1\n and Day-2.\n2. PASS - Verify PlatformNetwork with \"infra\" type is rejected by the\n webhook.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Support Reconciliation of \"other\" Network Type and Remove \"infra\" Type"}},{"before":"ba7ff840930e6a8724327b3492040826bfd8539d","after":"53e16ce3f0ce472286d428d56063b2aa1084779f","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-06-06T14:14:36.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Support Reconciliation of \"other\" Network Type and Remove \"infra\" Type\n\nThis commit enables the reconciliation of \"other\" network type by just\nreconciling the addresspool and ignoring network / network-addrpool\nreconciliation altogether.\nThe \"other\" network type is not supported by the StarlingX system, it is\nrather used in DM configurations to indicate only addresspool needs to\nbe reconciled and not network / network-addrpool entities.\n\nAlong with this, \"infra\" network type which is no longer valid is being\nremoved from list of supported network types in the webhook validation.\nThe \"infra\" network type was replaced by \"cluster-host\" network type.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS - Verify associatedAddressPools are reconciled when\n configuration of \"other\" PlatformNetwork is applied in Day-1\n and Day-2.\n2. PASS - Verify PlatformNetwork with \"infra\" type is rejected by the\n webhook.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Support Reconciliation of \"other\" Network Type and Remove \"infra\" Type"}},{"before":"c3cdcb31efd9b314ace1ee27daf1cdbc209b87a0","after":"ba7ff840930e6a8724327b3492040826bfd8539d","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-06-06T13:59:08.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Support Network Creation with PoolUUID\n\nIt's not possible to create a network without PoolUUID as of now, hence,\nwe have to support creation of network with \"PoolUUID\" which would mean\nreversal of reconciliation order from \"network first\" approach to\n\"addresspool first\" approach.\n\nIt's important to note that UUID of first addresspool in the list of\n\"AssociatedAddressPools\" will be used during creation of network and\nthis will become the primary IP pool of the network.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS - Verify storage network and addresspools are created\n successfully as per the specs applied.\n2. PASS - Verify network of type \"other\" and associated addresspools are\n created successfully as per the specs applied.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Support Network Creation with PoolUUID"}},{"before":"dccad6bbf325bf734cdef4e547206a0eff2cbd4d","after":"faf6783ecc28be7ace05f91802b2eb99a20839bf","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-03T14:58:14.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"hugonicodemos","name":"Hugo Nicodemos","path":"/hugonicodemos","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1226763?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Enhancement to avoid instant fatal errors (#365)\n\nAIO-SX Subcloud DM failure during scale deployment while evaluating\r\nthe conditional check for get unreconciled status. This task is the\r\n1st task after the host reboot after unlock, it may be a timing issue\r\nas some of the system service not was started at that time. Adding an\r\nenhancement to avoid instant fatal errors using proper \"failed_when\"\r\nto replace \"ignore_errors: true\". So the \"retry\" in this task can be\r\nrespected.\r\n\r\nTest Cases:\r\n 1. PASS? Deploy 500 AIO-SX subclouds in parallel.\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Susendra Selvaraj ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Enhancement to avoid instant fatal errors (#365)"}},{"before":"729b43d22bf3dcf828d73e26f56225973b484b7b","after":"dccad6bbf325bf734cdef4e547206a0eff2cbd4d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-03T14:52:22.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"hugonicodemos","name":"Hugo Nicodemos","path":"/hugonicodemos","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1226763?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fix IPv6 static mode support (#369)\n\nThis commit updates the hasIPv6StaticAddresses in order to fix the\r\nipv6 static interface setup.\r\n\r\nTest Plan:\r\nPASS: Execute a Day1 operation creating a IPv6 static interface. Verify\r\nthe interface is created correctly.\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Enzo Candotti \r\nCo-authored-by: Enzo Candotti ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fix IPv6 static mode support (#369)"}},{"before":"7ee478c9b006e69145c975b6a40840ae35011c7c","after":"c3cdcb31efd9b314ace1ee27daf1cdbc209b87a0","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-06-03T14:49:24.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"hugonicodemos","name":"Hugo Nicodemos","path":"/hugonicodemos","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1226763?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update DM Config Examples per New PlatformNetwork / AddressPool Schemas (#368)\n\nHere we are updating DM example configurations as per new\r\nPlatformNetwork / AddressPool schemas.\r\n\r\nTest Cases:\r\n1. PASS - Verify the deployment is successful with PlatformNetwork and\r\n AddressPool configurations based on the examples.\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update DM Config Examples per New PlatformNetwork / AddressPool Schem…"}},{"before":"134dff10f125963f196f93d0ed6352e597f07d56","after":"729b43d22bf3dcf828d73e26f56225973b484b7b","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-31T16:45:33.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":4,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Revert \"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking\"\n\nThis reverts commit 656105520dc053b452164af0435d976c0f606d98.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Revert \"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking\""}},{"before":null,"after":"6a1192c7249d9820c22f236d5f52bfc528fb4990","ref":"refs/heads/revert-363-dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-05-31T16:43:36.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Revert \"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking\"\n\nThis reverts commit 656105520dc053b452164af0435d976c0f606d98.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Revert \"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking\""}},{"before":"a8d149788ba6aa6a5105eb2ede9646d7dc466485","after":"134dff10f125963f196f93d0ed6352e597f07d56","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T16:53:57.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":4,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Support Day-2 Workflows on AIO-SX\n\nThis commit enables all the Day-2 workflows on AIO-SX.\n\nThe host notification by the platformnetwork / addresspool reconcilers\nare also updated to use annotation based notification instead of setting\nvalue of reconciled to false on the active host instance.\nThis became possible due to introduction of new function called\n\"PlatformNetworkUpdateRequired\" in host controller which can separately\ndetect whether platformnetworks / addresspools are in sync and allow the\nreconciliation to happen.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS - Verify MGMT network is (re)configurable in Day-2 operations in\n AIO-SX.\n2. PASS - Verify OAM network is (re)configurable in Day-2 operation in\n AIO-SX.\n3. PASS - Verify ADMIN network is (re)configurable in Day-2 operation in\n AIO-SX.\n4. PASS - Verify networks other than MGMT / OAM / ADMIN are configurable\n in Day-2 operation in AIO-SX.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Support Day-2 Workflows on AIO-SX"}},{"before":"949a92742bb433fc5b706031c01ac163939d4245","after":"7ee478c9b006e69145c975b6a40840ae35011c7c","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T16:42:05.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Support Day-2 Workflows on AIO-SX\n\nThis commit enables all the Day-2 workflows on AIO-SX.\n\nThe host notification by the platformnetwork / addresspool reconcilers\nare also updated to use annotation based notification instead of setting\nvalue of reconciled to false on the active host instance.\nThis became possible due to introduction of new function called\n\"PlatformNetworkUpdateRequired\" in host controller which can separately\ndetect whether platformnetworks / addresspools are in sync and allow the\nreconciliation to happen.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS - Verify MGMT network is (re)configurable in Day-2 operations in\n AIO-SX.\n2. PASS - Verify OAM network is (re)configurable in Day-2 operation in\n AIO-SX.\n3. PASS - Verify ADMIN network is (re)configurable in Day-2 operation in\n AIO-SX.\n4. PASS - Verify networks other than MGMT / OAM / ADMIN are configurable\n in Day-2 operation in AIO-SX.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Support Day-2 Workflows on AIO-SX"}},{"before":"023189bd5f18d611e1475eb6f65fc02e97442a5b","after":"949a92742bb433fc5b706031c01ac163939d4245","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T16:23:03.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update deployctl to export configuration for multiple ip (#359)\n\npools and host platform network\r\n\r\nTest plan:\r\n- 'Make tool' generates deployctl successfully\r\n- 'Make test' runs successfully\r\n- With \"--minimal-config\" generates platformnetworks / address pools belonging to \"storage\" network type only\r\n- Without \"--minimal-config\", it generates platformnetworks / address pools belonging to one of \"storage\r\n / admin / mgmt. / oam\" network types only\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: mmanthir ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update deployctl to export configuration for multiple ip (#359)"}},{"before":"8ae43224cd79ab52f1d1a79ea5f3a6cd431236ba","after":"023189bd5f18d611e1475eb6f65fc02e97442a5b","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-05-24T13:06:43.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"hugonicodemos","name":"Hugo Nicodemos","path":"/hugonicodemos","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1226763?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update deployctl to export configuration for multiple ip (#359)\n\npools and host platform network\r\n\r\nTest plan:\r\n- 'Make tool' generates deployctl successfully\r\n- 'Make test' runs successfully\r\n- With \"--minimal-config\" generates platformnetworks / address pools belonging to \"storage\" network type only\r\n- Without \"--minimal-config\", it generates platformnetworks / address pools belonging to one of \"storage\r\n / admin / mgmt. / oam\" network types only\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: mmanthir ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update deployctl to export configuration for multiple ip (#359)"}},{"before":"b78fd30d8ed6b9427eac8e33206f658e2ec37c8a","after":"a8d149788ba6aa6a5105eb2ede9646d7dc466485","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-23T14:41:44.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Delete other crt types except ssl_ca from CRD\n\nDM should no longer check any platform cert other than ssl_ca.\nRemove the other types of certs from CRD\n\nTest Plan:\n-PASS: Verify Day-2 operation on AIO-SX\n-PASS: DM upgrade with the deploy config with deprecated certificate types\n\nSigned-off-by: vineela-pachchipulusu ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Delete other crt types except ssl_ca from CRD"}},{"before":"9cbf49f8366b13c5a2698d098e467324ae11f92c","after":"8ae43224cd79ab52f1d1a79ea5f3a6cd431236ba","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-05-21T18:22:34.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Support Platform Network Reconciliation - Day-1 Workflows\n\nThis commit enables all of Day-1 workflows related to platform network\nreconciliation.\nApart from that, there are certain mechanisms built in to handle\nnotifying host controller whenever an instance of platform network\nresource and address pool resource is created or updated in a\nnon-blocking way while taking care of potential issues due to concurrent\noperations.\n\nTest Cases:\n 1. PASS - Verify successful unlock of AIO-SX in Day-1 without\n platformnetwork / addresspool instances.\n 2. PASS - Verify successful Day-2 operation on AIO-SX host without\n platformnetwork / addresspool instances.\n 3. PASS - Verify reconfiguration is blocked for all networks in Day-1.\n 4. PASS - Verify fresh configuration (even partial ie. single new stack)\n is successful for all networks other than oam / admin / mgmt.\n 5. PASS - Verify fresh configuration (even partial) is blocked for\n networks such as oam / admin / mgmt.\n 6. PASS - Verify IPv6 addresspool associated with pxeboot fails to\n reconcile without requeuing the request despite fresh configuration.\n 7. PASS - Verify oam fails to reconcile if either 'floatingAddress' or\n 'gateway' is missing from the addresspool spec on AIO-SX.\n 8. PASS - Verify mgmt / cluster-host / pxeboot fails to reconcile if any\n of 'floatingAddress', controller0Address' or 'controller1Address' are\n missing from the addresspool spec.\n 9. PASS - Verify addresspool resource instances can be deleted with no\n impact on the system.\n10. PASS - Verify platformnetwork resource instances can be deleted with\n no impact on the system.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Support Platform Network Reconciliation - Day-1 Workflows"}},{"before":"949b5c5f02d590850d9bf42a70c60a9eb692d039","after":"b78fd30d8ed6b9427eac8e33206f658e2ec37c8a","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-21T13:35:42.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fix Host Administrative / Operational / Availability Update in Day-2\n\nAfter introducing the \"restore-in-progress\" annotation a check on\nObservedGeneration v/s Generation and Reconciled status were added to\nallow the reconciliation.\nThis prevents Host reconciler from updating Administrative / Operational\n/ Availability status in Day-2 activity when VIM host strategties are\nused for locking and unlocking the system.\nThe check has been modified to include 'DeploymentScope == \"bootstrap\"'\nwith which Host controller is expected to update these statuses.\n\nTestCases:\n1. PASS: Apply a Day-2 configuration with Host resource that requires\n lock/unlock and verify that Administrative / Operational /\n Availability statuses are updated.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fix Host Administrative / Operational / Availability Update in Day-2"}},{"before":"7bc1dda682cb594ccaa46a747b7eb316052508df","after":"9cbf49f8366b13c5a2698d098e467324ae11f92c","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-05-10T07:13:05.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Support Platform Network Reconciliation - Day-1 Workflows\n\nThis commit enables all of Day-1 workflows related to platform network\nreconciliation.\nApart from that, there are certain mechanisms built in to handle\nnotifying host controller whenever an instance of platform network\nresource and address pool resource is created or updated in a\nnon-blocking way while taking care of potential issues due to concurrent\noperations.\n\nTest Cases:\n 1. PASS - Verify successful unlock of AIO-SX in Day-1 without\n platformnetwork / addresspool instances.\n 2. PASS - Verify successful Day-2 operation on AIO-SX host without\n platformnetwork / addresspool instances.\n 3. PASS - Verify reconfiguration is blocked for all networks in Day-1.\n 4. PASS - Verify fresh configuration (even partial ie. single new stack)\n is successful for all networks other than oam / admin / mgmt.\n 5. PASS - Verify fresh configuration (even partial) is blocked for\n networks such as oam / admin / mgmt.\n 6. PASS - Verify IPv6 addresspool associated with pxeboot fails to\n reconcile without requeuing the request despite fresh configuration.\n 7. PASS - Verify oam fails to reconcile if either 'floatingAddress' or\n 'gateway' is missing from the addresspool spec on AIO-SX.\n 8. PASS - Verify mgmt / cluster-host / pxeboot fails to reconcile if any\n of 'floatingAddress', controller0Address' or 'controller1Address' are\n missing from the addresspool spec.\n 9. PASS - Verify addresspool resource instances can be deleted with no\n impact on the system.\n10. PASS - Verify platformnetwork resource instances can be deleted with\n no impact on the system.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Support Platform Network Reconciliation - Day-1 Workflows"}},{"before":"ed58ae53e8c4c40edae546c0f1dadcc0012e322c","after":"7bc1dda682cb594ccaa46a747b7eb316052508df","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T14:20:14.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Support Platform Network Reconciliation - Day-1 Workflows\n\nThis commit enables all of Day-1 workflows related to platform network\nreconciliation.\nApart from that, there are certain mechanisms built in to handle\nnotifying host controller whenever an instance of platform network\nresource and address pool resource is created or updated in a\nnon-blocking way while taking care of potential issues due to concurrent\noperations.\n\nTest Cases:\n 1. PASS - Verify successful unlock of AIO-SX in Day-1 without\n platformnetwork / addresspool instances.\n 2. PASS - Verify successful Day-2 operation on AIO-SX host without\n platformnetwork / addresspool instances.\n 3. PASS - Verify reconfiguration is blocked for all networks in Day-1.\n 4. PASS - Verify fresh configuration (even partial ie. single new stack)\n is successful for all networks other than oam / admin / mgmt.\n 5. PASS - Verify fresh configuration (even partial) is blocked for\n networks such as oam / admin / mgmt.\n 6. PASS - Verify IPv6 addresspool associated with pxeboot fails to\n reconcile without requeuing the request despite fresh configuration.\n 7. PASS - Verify oam fails to reconcile if either 'floatingAddress' or\n 'gateway' is missing from the addresspool spec on AIO-SX.\n 8. PASS - Verify mgmt / cluster-host / pxeboot fails to reconcile if any\n of 'floatingAddress', controller0Address' or 'controller1Address' are\n missing from the addresspool spec.\n 9. PASS - Verify addresspool resource instances can be deleted with no\n impact on the system.\n10. PASS - Verify platformnetwork resource instances can be deleted with\n no impact on the system.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Support Platform Network Reconciliation - Day-1 Workflows"}},{"before":"08e7d4d25bcb7cafba9dd72663434bcca75d703d","after":"949b5c5f02d590850d9bf42a70c60a9eb692d039","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-07T13:10:11.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":3,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Adds back route reconciliation on disabled host\n\nThis commit adds back the route reconciliation logic which was removed\nin PR #316, ensures static routes available before the completion of\nthe initial unlock.\n\nTest plan:\n1. Deploy a DC with AIOSX subcloud.\n2. Reconfig the subcloud with an additional route, verifies the route\ncreation will not trigger the system config update strategy.\n\nSigned-off-by: Yuxing Jiang ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Adds back route reconciliation on disabled host"}},{"before":"420cd9e8e6b3d4ca7bc5d52ec6ad61c47b4a65b0","after":"ed58ae53e8c4c40edae546c0f1dadcc0012e322c","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-04-30T09:56:56.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking\n\nIn this commit we are mainly covering following to support dual-stack\nnetwork reconciliation workflows:\n\n1. Update of PlatformNetwork CRD\n Here, we are removing all the address pool related parameters from\n the PlatformNetwork CRD and adding two new parameters:\n\n a. associatedAddressPools - List of AddressPool object names to\n associate the platform network.\n\n b. ipAllocationType - This can be enumeration of (\"static\",\n \"dynamic\"). It used to be part of AddressPool AllocationInfo.\n\n and renaming \"type\" to \"networkType\" so that it's clear what \"type\"\n we are talking about.\n\n Apart from this, we are also removing attributes such as\n `StrategyRequired` and `PoolUUID` from PlatformNetworkStatus since\n it's no longer valid to have them.\n\n2. Creation of New AddressPool CRD\n A new CRD has been created to define address pool objects rather than\n having them under one single banner of PlatformNetwork CRD.\n This would not only align DM PlatformNetwork and AddressPool CRDs\n with StarlingX models but also support dual-stack configurations and\n could potentially support shared network design.\n\n Note: This CRD doesn't support `deploymentScope` attribute, it would\n be derived from PlatformNetwork objects to avoid ending up with\n partially reconfigured setups.\n\n3. Creation of New AddressPool Reconciler\n The reconciler for AddressPool has been created such that it can\n accept the AddressPool objects and set controller-0's (hardcorded)\n InSync/Reconciled status to false so that host controller can take it\n forward.\n\n Note: The implementation will be updated later to notify active\n host controller instead of hardcoded controller-0 and use\n Generation/ObservedGeneration to determine if at all host\n controller has to be notified.\n\n4. Update of PlatformNetwork Reconciler\n The current PlatformNetwork reconciler has been cut down for the most\n part to just include the behaviour of notifying the host controller\n if there are any changes to PlatformNetwork resources.\n Just as in AddressPool reconciler the PlatformNetwork reconciler will\n also be revisited later.\n\n5. Creation of New PlatformNetwork Sub-Reconciler\n A sub-reconciler is created under host reconciler to handle all of\n platform network reconciliation workflows.\n In current commit the sub-reconciler just sets Reconciled/InSync\n statuses of all AddressPool/PlatformNetwork objects to true.\n It will be updated to handle all of Day-1 and Day-2 workflows of\n platform network reconciliation.\n\n6. AddressPool Webhook Validations\n Validations have been updated for AddressPool object and unit test\n cases have been written to cover all the scenarios (~96% coverage).\n\n7. Update of go.mod and go.sum to Enable Usage of Dual-Stack API(s)\n Gophercloud is already having changes related to new API(s) which\n needs to be leveraged to support dual-stack workflows.\n Hence, go.mod and go.sum have been updated to enable usage of new\n API(s).\n\n8. Update of Deployment Manager Playbook\n DM playbook has been updated to check reconciliation status of\n address pool objects as well.\n This would fail the play if reconciliation of any of the address\n pools are unsuccessful.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS: Verify build is executed successfully.\n2. PASS: Verify CRDs generated as expected.\n3. PASS: Verify PlatformNetwork & AddressPool objects with new spec can be\n applied successfully.\n4. PASS: Verify InSync/Reconciled status of PlatformNetwork & AddressPool\n objects are true in AIO-SX.\n5. PASS: Verify all the unit test cases are executed successfully.\n6. PASS: Deploy system without this change and upgrade DM with this\n change.\n7. PASS: Build new deployctl and generate deployment configurations with\n / without \"--minimal-config\" option successfully.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking"}},{"before":"badccff3bcceded10468185f1cfc1bc84d62802e","after":"08e7d4d25bcb7cafba9dd72663434bcca75d703d","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-29T19:44:24.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"sselvara1","name":null,"path":"/sselvara1","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/124687812?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Reboot issue when insync is false (#352)\n\n* Reboot issue when insync is false\r\n\r\n- Added annotation restore in progress\r\n- insync, reconcile status and deployment scope\r\nare captured in annotation\r\n- Updated status in platform network contorller\r\n\r\nTest plan:\r\n- Install helm based DM with platform network in config file\r\n- Helm based DM should be running\r\n- Check all the crds, insync and reconciled should be true\r\n- Set garbage values to annoatation deployment-manager/restore-in-\r\nprogress, reconcilation should not trigger\r\n- Verify Generation == ObservedGeneration\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: mmanthir \r\n\r\n* Reboot issue when insync is false\r\n\r\n- Added annotation restore in progress\r\n- insync, reconcile status and deployment scope\r\nare captured in annotation\r\n- Updated status in platform network contorller\r\n\r\nTest plan:\r\n- Install helm based DM with platform network in config file\r\n- Helm based DM should be running\r\n- Check all the crds, insync and reconciled should be true\r\n- Set garbage values to annoatation deployment-manager/restore-in-\r\nprogress, reconcilation should not trigger\r\n- Verify Generation == ObservedGeneration\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: mmanthir \r\n\r\n* Restore DM Objects without Reconciliation During Upgrade\r\n\r\n- Added annotation RestoreInProgress\r\n- Implemented to restore dm objects without reconcilataion on platform\r\nnetwork, ptp instance controller, ptp interface controller, data\r\nnetwork, system and host controllers.\r\n\r\nTest plan:\r\n- Install helm based DM with platform network in config file\r\n- Helm based DM should be running\r\n- Check all the crds, insync and reconciled should be true\r\n- Set garbage values to annotation deployment-manager/restore-in-\r\nprogress, reconcilation should not trigger\r\n- Verify Generation == ObservedGeneration\r\n- During restore whatever be the status/spec, no reconciliation is expected\r\n- After restore it should always attempt to reconcile (\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: mmanthir \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: mmanthir ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Reboot issue when insync is false (#352)"}},{"before":"ca440ee430ef5736982724d93572c78a1f9924b6","after":"420cd9e8e6b3d4ca7bc5d52ec6ad61c47b4a65b0","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-04-29T05:30:38.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking\n\nIn this commit we are mainly covering following to support dual-stack\nnetwork reconciliation workflows:\n\n1. Update of PlatformNetwork CRD\n Here, we are removing all the address pool related parameters from\n the PlatformNetwork CRD and adding two new parameters:\n\n a. associatedAddressPools - List of AddressPool object names to\n associate the platform network.\n\n b. ipAllocationType - This can be enumeration of (\"static\",\n \"dynamic\"). It used to be part of AddressPool AllocationInfo.\n\n and renaming \"type\" to \"networkType\" so that it's clear what \"type\"\n we are talking about.\n\n Apart from this, we are also removing attributes such as\n `StrategyRequired` and `PoolUUID` from PlatformNetworkStatus since\n it's no longer valid to have them.\n\n2. Creation of New AddressPool CRD\n A new CRD has been created to define address pool objects rather than\n having them under one single banner of PlatformNetwork CRD.\n This would not only align DM PlatformNetwork and AddressPool CRDs\n with StarlingX models but also support dual-stack configurations and\n could potentially support shared network design.\n\n Note: This CRD doesn't support `deploymentScope` attribute, it would\n be derived from PlatformNetwork objects to avoid ending up with\n partially reconfigured setups.\n\n3. Creation of New AddressPool Reconciler\n The reconciler for AddressPool has been created such that it can\n accept the AddressPool objects and set controller-0's (hardcorded)\n InSync/Reconciled status to false so that host controller can take it\n forward.\n\n Note: The implementation will be updated later to notify active\n host controller instead of hardcoded controller-0 and use\n Generation/ObservedGeneration to determine if at all host\n controller has to be notified.\n\n4. Update of PlatformNetwork Reconciler\n The current PlatformNetwork reconciler has been cut down for the most\n part to just include the behaviour of notifying the host controller\n if there are any changes to PlatformNetwork resources.\n Just as in AddressPool reconciler the PlatformNetwork reconciler will\n also be revisited later.\n\n5. Creation of New PlatformNetwork Sub-Reconciler\n A sub-reconciler is created under host reconciler to handle all of\n platform network reconciliation workflows.\n In current commit the sub-reconciler just sets Reconciled/InSync\n statuses of all AddressPool/PlatformNetwork objects to true.\n It will be updated to handle all of Day-1 and Day-2 workflows of\n platform network reconciliation.\n\n6. AddressPool Webhook Validations\n Validations have been updated for AddressPool object and unit test\n cases have been written to cover all the scenarios (~96% coverage).\n\n7. Update of go.mod and go.sum to Enable Usage of Dual-Stack API(s)\n Gophercloud is already having changes related to new API(s) which\n needs to be leveraged to support dual-stack workflows.\n Hence, go.mod and go.sum have been updated to enable usage of new\n API(s).\n\n8. Update of Deployment Manager Playbook\n DM playbook has been updated to check reconciliation status of\n address pool objects as well.\n This would fail the play if reconciliation of any of the address\n pools are unsuccessful.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS: Verify build is executed successfully.\n2. PASS: Verify CRDs generated as expected.\n3. PASS: Verify PlatformNetwork & AddressPool objects with new spec can be\n applied successfully.\n4. PASS: Verify InSync/Reconciled status of PlatformNetwork & AddressPool\n objects are true in AIO-SX.\n5. PASS: Verify all the unit test cases are executed successfully.\n6. PASS: Deploy system without this change and upgrade DM with this\n change.\n7. PASS: Build new deployctl and generate deployment configurations with\n / without \"--minimal-config\" option successfully.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking"}},{"before":"4d668f134c39338a98230881baad90efb51d50ee","after":"badccff3bcceded10468185f1cfc1bc84d62802e","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-26T13:35:27.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Disable cache with golangci \n\nBelow errors were seen with setup-go@v4 in golangci Lint:\r\nError: /usr/bin/tar: ../../../go/pkg/mod/sigs.k8s.io/yaml@v1.3.0/yaml_\r\ntest.go: Cannot open: File exists\r\n/usr/bin/tar: ../../../go/pkg/mod/sigs.k8s.io/yaml@v1.3.0/LICENSE:\r\nCannot open: File exists\r\n\r\nDisabling Cache with golangci solves the problem and makes\r\nsure that we are in a reecent setup-go as well.\r\n\r\nCache can be enabled once the resultant issue is fixed in\r\ngolangci lint action repo.\r\nIssue that is to be tracked:\r\ngolangci/golangci-lint-action#135","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Disable cache with golangci"}},{"before":"c3667923aeb77a28a63cb37e55a244255e7007c2","after":"ca440ee430ef5736982724d93572c78a1f9924b6","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-04-24T08:46:57.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking\n\nIn this commit we are mainly covering following to support dual-stack\nnetwork reconciliation workflows:\n\n1. Update of PlatformNetwork CRD\n Here, we are removing all the address pool related parameters from\n the PlatformNetwork CRD and adding two new parameters:\n\n a. associatedAddressPools - List of AddressPool object names to\n associate the platform network.\n\n b. ipAllocationType - This can be enumeration of (\"static\",\n \"dynamic\"). It used to be part of AddressPool AllocationInfo.\n\n and renaming \"type\" to \"networkType\" so that it's clear what \"type\"\n we are talking about.\n\n Apart from this, we are also removing attributes such as\n `StrategyRequired` and `PoolUUID` from PlatformNetworkStatus since\n it's no longer valid to have them.\n\n2. Creation of New AddressPool CRD\n A new CRD has been created to define address pool objects rather than\n having them under one single banner of PlatformNetwork CRD.\n This would not only align DM PlatformNetwork and AddressPool CRDs\n with StarlingX models but also support dual-stack configurations and\n could potentially support shared network design.\n\n Note: This CRD doesn't support `deploymentScope` attribute, it would\n be derived from PlatformNetwork objects to avoid ending up with\n partially reconfigured setups.\n\n3. Creation of New AddressPool Reconciler\n The reconciler for AddressPool has been created such that it can\n accept the AddressPool objects and set controller-0's (hardcorded)\n InSync/Reconciled status to false so that host controller can take it\n forward.\n\n Note: The implementation will be updated later to notify active\n host controller instead of hardcoded controller-0 and use\n Generation/ObservedGeneration to determine if at all host\n controller has to be notified.\n\n4. Update of PlatformNetwork Reconciler\n The current PlatformNetwork reconciler has been cut down for the most\n part to just include the behaviour of notifying the host controller\n if there are any changes to PlatformNetwork resources.\n Just as in AddressPool reconciler the PlatformNetwork reconciler will\n also be revisited later.\n\n5. Creation of New PlatformNetwork Sub-Reconciler\n A sub-reconciler is created under host reconciler to handle all of\n platform network reconciliation workflows.\n In current commit the sub-reconciler just sets Reconciled/InSync\n statuses of all AddressPool/PlatformNetwork objects to true.\n It will be updated to handle all of Day-1 and Day-2 workflows of\n platform network reconciliation.\n\n6. AddressPool Webhook Validations\n Validations have been updated for AddressPool object and unit test\n cases have been written to cover all the scenarios (~96% coverage).\n\n7. Update of go.mod and go.sum to Enable Usage of Dual-Stack API(s)\n Gophercloud is already having changes related to new API(s) which\n needs to be leveraged to support dual-stack workflows.\n Hence, go.mod and go.sum have been updated to enable usage of new\n API(s).\n\n8. Update of Deployment Manager Playbook\n DM playbook has been updated to check reconciliation status of\n address pool objects as well.\n This would fail the play if reconciliation of any of the address\n pools are unsuccessful.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS: Verify build is executed successfully.\n2. PASS: Verify CRDs generated as expected.\n3. PASS: Verify PlatformNetwork & AddressPool objects with new spec can be\n applied successfully.\n4. PASS: Verify InSync/Reconciled status of PlatformNetwork & AddressPool\n objects are true in AIO-SX.\n5. PASS: Verify all the unit test cases are executed successfully.\n6. PASS: Deploy system without this change and upgrade DM with this\n change.\n7. PASS: Build new deployctl and generate deployment configurations with\n / without \"--minimal-config\" option successfully.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking"}},{"before":"edf15152f1b4a89c0d40536fbb91aa01b7a4d753","after":"c3667923aeb77a28a63cb37e55a244255e7007c2","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-04-23T14:47:45.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":3,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking\n\nIn this commit we are mainly covering following to support dual-stack\nnetwork reconciliation workflows:\n\n1. Update of PlatformNetwork CRD\n Here, we are removing all the address pool related parameters from\n the PlatformNetwork CRD and adding two new parameters:\n\n a. associatedAddressPools - List of AddressPool object names to\n associate the platform network.\n\n b. ipAllocationType - This can be enumeration of (\"static\",\n \"dynamic\"). It used to be part of AddressPool AllocationInfo.\n\n and renaming \"type\" to \"networkType\" so that it's clear what \"type\"\n we are talking about.\n\n Apart from this, we are also removing attributes such as\n `StrategyRequired` and `PoolUUID` from PlatformNetworkStatus since\n it's no longer valid to have them.\n\n2. Creation of New AddressPool CRD\n A new CRD has been created to define address pool objects rather than\n having them under one single banner of PlatformNetwork CRD.\n This would not only align DM PlatformNetwork and AddressPool CRDs\n with StarlingX models but also support dual-stack configurations and\n could potentially support shared network design.\n\n Note: This CRD doesn't support `deploymentScope` attribute, it would\n be derived from PlatformNetwork objects to avoid ending up with\n partially reconfigured setups.\n\n3. Creation of New AddressPool Reconciler\n The reconciler for AddressPool has been created such that it can\n accept the AddressPool objects and set controller-0's (hardcorded)\n InSync/Reconciled status to false so that host controller can take it\n forward.\n\n Note: The implementation will be updated later to notify active\n host controller instead of hardcoded controller-0 and use\n Generation/ObservedGeneration to determine if at all host\n controller has to be notified.\n\n4. Update of PlatformNetwork Reconciler\n The current PlatformNetwork reconciler has been cut down for the most\n part to just include the behaviour of notifying the host controller\n if there are any changes to PlatformNetwork resources.\n Just as in AddressPool reconciler the PlatformNetwork reconciler will\n also be revisited later.\n\n5. Creation of New PlatformNetwork Sub-Reconciler\n A sub-reconciler is created under host reconciler to handle all of\n platform network reconciliation workflows.\n In current commit the sub-reconciler just sets Reconciled/InSync\n statuses of all AddressPool/PlatformNetwork objects to true.\n It will be updated to handle all of Day-1 and Day-2 workflows of\n platform network reconciliation.\n\n6. AddressPool Webhook Validations\n Validations have been updated for AddressPool object and unit test\n cases have been written to cover all the scenarios (~96% coverage).\n\n7. Update of go.mod and go.sum to Enable Usage of Dual-Stack API(s)\n Gophercloud is already having changes related to new API(s) which\n needs to be leveraged to support dual-stack workflows.\n Hence, go.mod and go.sum have been updated to enable usage of new\n API(s).\n\n8. Update of Deployment Manager Playbook\n DM playbook has been updated to check reconciliation status of\n address pool objects as well.\n This would fail the play if reconciliation of any of the address\n pools are unsuccessful.\n\nTest Cases:\n1. PASS: Verify build is executed successfully.\n2. PASS: Verify CRDs generated as expected.\n3. PASS: Verify PlatformNetwork & AddressPool objects with new spec can be\n applied successfully.\n4. PASS: Verify InSync/Reconciled status of PlatformNetwork & AddressPool\n objects are true in AIO-SX.\n5. PASS: Verify all the unit test cases are executed successfully.\n6. PASS: Deploy system without this change and upgrade DM with this\n change.\n7. PASS: Build new deployctl and generate deployment configurations with\n / without \"--minimal-config\" option successfully.\n\nSigned-off-by: Sriram Narasimhan ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update CRD(s) To Support Dual-stack Networking"}},{"before":"b644006603f5dcf5745bc63bcf72d519c1a0fb7b","after":"4d668f134c39338a98230881baad90efb51d50ee","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-23T13:10:19.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"yjian118","name":"Yuxing Jiang","path":"/yjian118","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/43456284?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Change DM helm-install to system app upload/apply\n\nThis commit changes the deployment-manager install from helm install to\nsystem application upload/apply at deploy-time.\n\nChanges reconfig flag to deployment-manager apply status.\nChange helm-install to system app upload/apply.\nRemove helmv2 and helmv3 as they are no longer not supported.\nDelete deployment-manager pods as during only reconfig\nnot fresh-install\n\nPASS: \"build-pkgs --clean\" is successfull.\nPASS: \"build-image\" is successfull.\nPASS: Installed the iso generated with \"build-image\".\nPASS: Build the complete set-up using dc-librvrt\n 2 SCs and 3 SBC.\nPASS: \"deployment-manager\" app is applied using\n \"system application-list\"\nPASS: platform-deployment-manager and dm-monitor\n pod are running.\nPASS: Deploy AIOSX w/o DM pre-installed in bootstrap\nPASS: Deploy AIOSX subcloud w/o DM pre-installed in bootstrap,\n verify the deployment playbook with task\n “Wait until unlock task triggered” not skipped.\nPASS: Reconfig AIOSX subcloud, update the cpus or enlarge an interface’s MTU,\n verify the DM was not re-installed, and the reconfiguration succeeded.\nPASS: On the AIOSX subcloud from applied to uploaded(by manual application removal),\n update the configuration again, verify the DM is applied\n and the reconfiguration completed.\nPASS: Upload this playbook, and a helm chart & overrides from a pre-version\n to the system controller, verify deploy a subcloud w/o\n DM installed during bootstrap.\nPASS: Upload this playbook, and a helm chart & overrides from a pre-version\n to the system controller, on the AIOSX subcloud,\n update the cpus or enlarge an interface’s MTU,\n verify the DM was not re-installed, and the reconfiguration succeeded.\n\nSigned-off-by: sharang bhardwaj ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Change DM helm-install to system app upload/apply"}},{"before":"edf15152f1b4a89c0d40536fbb91aa01b7a4d753","after":"b644006603f5dcf5745bc63bcf72d519c1a0fb7b","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-04-17T13:59:06.000Z","pushType":"pr_merge","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"hugonicodemos","name":"Hugo Nicodemos","path":"/hugonicodemos","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/1226763?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update golang to 1.22.2 && update region name on non-DC system (#349)\n\n* fix: Dockerfile.builder to reduce vulnerabilities\r\n\r\nThe following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-DEBIAN11-GLIBC-5927133\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-DEBIAN11-GLIBC-5927133\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-DEBIAN11-GLIBC-5927133\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-DEBIAN11-GLIBC-5927133\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-DEBIAN11-NGHTTP2-5953384\r\n\r\n* Update golang to 1.22.2\r\n\r\nThis commit updates the CI pipleline and docker files to use golang 1.22.2.\r\n\r\nTo support golang 1.22.2, this commit updates the controller-gen to\r\nv0.14.0, which result CRD and chart changes.\r\n\r\nThis commit also removes the dependency of golangci-lint:\r\n1. The golangci-lint is already configured in the github action pipeline, not\r\nnessary to maintain it in the make file.\r\n2. After updating the golang to 1.21+, the golangci-lint can run w/o problem\r\nwith the latest version. However, it is not friendly to the makefile, OOMkilled\r\nby memery leak. I cannot find out a proper way to fix it. We can update the\r\ndeveloper's document to help install the golangci-lint locally and run it\r\nperfectly without the OOMkill issue.\r\n\r\nTest-plan:\r\nPassed: make builder-run\r\nPassed: deployed aiosx with new built image.\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Yuxing Jiang \r\n\r\n* Update developer's doc\r\n\r\nThis commit updates the developer's doc regarding the update of the\r\nGo version. It also adds instructions to install and use golangci-lint\r\nin case need to debug it locally.\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Yuxing Jiang \r\n\r\n* fix: Dockerfile to reduce vulnerabilities\r\n\r\nThe following vulnerabilities are fixed with an upgrade:\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-UBUNTU2004-UTILLINUX-6508371\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-UBUNTU2004-UTILLINUX-6508371\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-UBUNTU2004-UTILLINUX-6508371\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-UBUNTU2004-UTILLINUX-6508371\r\n- https://snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-UBUNTU2004-UTILLINUX-6508371\r\n\r\n* Update region name on non system controllers\r\n\r\nThis commit allows the check and update region name in the system endpoint of\r\nthe deployment configuration on both subcloud and non-dc system(distributed\r\ncloud role doesn't exists in /etc/platform/platform.conf), supports UUID based\r\nregion name in non-DC system.\r\n\r\nTest plan:\r\n1. Passed - verified the region name not updated in system controller.\r\n2. Passed - verified the region name updated in subcloud.\r\n3. Passed - verified the region name updated in AIOSX non-DC controller.\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Yuxing Jiang \r\n\r\n* Update decription in hostprofile types\r\n\r\nThis commit updates the description in hostprofile_types.go to showcase the\r\nformat issue auto-generated by the update of\r\ncontroller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.14.0.\r\n\r\nFurther formatting maybe required to fix all the format issues in the\r\ndescription, but I'm not planning to do it now as verified not functional\r\nimpacting and I would prefer to keep the text width of the comments in the go\r\nfile for readability.\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Yuxing Jiang \r\n\r\n---------\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Yuxing Jiang \r\nCo-authored-by: snyk-bot ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update golang to 1.22.2 && update region name on non-DC system (#349)"}},{"before":"f228088eb16790cbd19fa2ed427fa1b2f572bacf","after":"edf15152f1b4a89c0d40536fbb91aa01b7a4d753","ref":"refs/heads/dev/dual-stack-networking","pushedAt":"2024-04-08T13:23:02.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"sriram-gn","name":"Sriram Narasimhan","path":"/sriram-gn","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/139129461?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Enable multinetting for VLAN and Bond interfaces (#341)\n\nThis commit enables multi-netting configuration for VLAN and Bond\r\nnetwork types as well. Previously, only the Ethernet type was\r\nchecking the configuration.\r\n\r\nTest Plan\r\n[Day 1]\r\n- Add admin multi-netting configuration: no changes should be applied.\r\n[Day 2]\r\n- Add admin multi-netting configuration for the 3 types (Ethernet,\r\n VLAN, Bond). The configuration should be applied w/o lock/unlock.\r\n\r\nSigned-off-by: Hugo Brito ","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Enable multinetting for VLAN and Bond interfaces (#341)"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAEX0GPSQA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity · Wind-River/cloud-platform-deployment-manager"}