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Branching strategy

We use the git flow way of working with one addition:

  • production branch has been added. Once the version on the master has been previewed and OK'ed, it can be merged to the production branch which is used for internal acceptance testing. This way content editors can easily preview their changes on master (as set by GitHub pages) without (unintentionally) affecting an acceptance test.


GitHub Pages support the static site generator Jekyll. Jekyll supports Markdown, Liquid, HTML and CSS to create a complete static website. By using the Liquid templating language, content can be stored in Markdown.

How to test GitHub Pages locally

To build Jekyll, you could install Jekyll locally or probably the easier route: use a Docker image. To use a Docker image you should have Docker engine installed, see how to install Docker enginge.

starefossen/github-pages is a small Alpine Docker image for running GitHub Pages / Jekyll projects locally. You only need to mount the pages in a volume under /usr/src/app like this:

docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -p "4000:4000" starefossen/github-pages

Note: for Windows users we advise Powershell or another shell that supports $PWD, for cmd you can replace $PWD with %cd%.

The Jekyll page will be available on http://localhost:4000.

To test locally with htmlproofer (to test validity of html-code):

bundle exec htmlproofer ./_site --checks-to-ignore=LinkCheck


Note: rather than rely on a third party CDN or dependencies that are not part of this repository we choose to include all assets and dependencies. Please go to the vendor licenses directory for the vendor licenses.