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File metadata and controls

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Image classification as a service

I have a folder where I put all my cambridge holidays pictures... I would love to sort by topics my pictures of my holidays in Cambridge.


In fact, these pictures are a groundtruth for computer vision algorithms from University of Washington

Here is the expected result of the classification :


Oh dear god ! My computer analysed my pictures and recognized on its own all the churches of my cambridge holidays pictures and put them in the same folder :



With this command line, I am now able to sort my pictures by topics as above

python3.5 --out_path ./example/sorted ./example/cambridge


The installation procedure has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04.


This code needs python3 and TensorFlow to work.

  • Install python3 :
sudo apt-get install python3
  • Install TensorFlow :

    You need to first install pip3 plugin for managing the modules.

sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev

Then, install Tensorflow :

sudo pip3 install --upgrade <link>

Choose your link on tensorflow documentation.

Because of some difficulties to install TensorFlow with cuda and cudnn libraries, I used :
sudo pip3 install --upgrade

Get the code

Once you have fill the requirements, you need to clone the repository :

git clone
cd image-classifier-service

Create an alias

The goal of creating an alias is to not care about the location of the repository but used it anywhere.

chmod +x ./

You could now use classify_path to call the script. Easier and faster.

Now have fun and classify your folder !

Usage :

  • Mainly use :

     classify_path --out_path ./sorted ./path_to_classify/

    where :

    • ./sorted is the destination path
    • ./path_to_classify/ is the path where images are located
  • Help :

     classify_path -h

How does it work ?


  • Label image with deep learning
  • Create folder corresponding to the Label
  • Copy the image into the right path


  • Check if the code is working on Ubuntu 16
  • Update installation part of the documentation
  • Upgrade the code with the new tensorflow API : Op BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization is deprecated. It will cease to work in GraphDef version 9. Use tf.nn.batch_normalization()
  • Try with GPU tensorflow
  • Add png format use case (png decoder)
  • Parallelize image recognition (check with openMP ?)
  • Build a dockerfile to transform the script as a service
  • Learn how to generate the model with my own data
  • Create a responsive interface website (hosting the service) for no-computer-friendly people who want to sort their holiday pictures
  • Keep playing with Tensorflow
  • Star the github repository
  • Talk about this service to attract developers to contribute
  • Revise this todo list

Contributions has been created by Loic MESSAL (Student at the French National School of Geomatics).
24 March 2016