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cubically-lua [variant]

A Cubically interpreter written in Lua. This is a variant of Cubically.


Import cubically.lua, tables.lua, and cube.lua into your project, then run this line of code:


Cubically will be defined in the global table. Using the interpreter is easy:

local interpreter =[options]) -- Create a new instance of the interpreter
interpreter:exec(program) -- Execute a program on the interpreter

The interpreter's state is preserved between calls, so you can run programs in sections:

-- Initialize the interpreter
local interpreter ={experimental = true})

-- Execute the program

-- Show debugging information. Experimental mode must be activated for the debug info command used below.
print("Final state")
interpreter:exec("#") -- You can put any program here. This is an experimental command to show debugging info.


  • size - The size of the cube (default is 3 for 3x3)


  • {...} - Explicit code block
  • ? - Executes next command/block only if any argument evaluates to true or if there are no arguments. Also creates a block containing this command and the next command/block.
  • ! - Executes next command/block only if code was just skipped due to a condition failing. If arguments are supplied and none of them evaluate to truthy, the next command/block will be skipped.


  • Print notepad only if notepad is truthy: ?6"6
  • Execute code only if notepad is truthy or input is truthy, otherwise execute different code: ?67{...}!{...}
  • Execute code only if notepad is truthy and input is truthy, otherwise execute different code if side 0 is truthy: ?6?7{...}!0{...}
  • Execute code only if notepad is truthy, otherwise execute different code if input is truthy and side 0 is truthy, otherwise execute different code: ?6{...}!7?0{...}!{...}


  • ?{...}!{...} will execute the first code block, but not the second.
  • !{...} by itself will not execute the code block, regardless of the arguments supplied to ! (if any).
  • {...} by itself will execute the code block.
  • ?6!{...} is equivalent to ?6{}!{...}. If notepad is truthy, then !{...} is evaluated and the block is skipped, but if notepad is falsy, then {...} is evaluated and the block is executed.
  • !?6{...} is equivalent to !6{...}.

Notes on code blocks

  • {"6"7:7} is a code block
  • ?6& is a code block
  • +510 is a code block
  • The code blocks in +41?6{-3"7}!{-4"6}("6-1)6 are:
    • +41
    • ?6{-3"7}
      • ?6
      • {-3"7}
        • -3
        • "7
    • !
    • {-4"6}
      • -4
      • "6
    • (
    • "6
    • -1
    • )6


The notepad's value was changed from an integer type to a floating point type.


Cube manipulation

Command Description Default index Default n
R Rotates the index'th layer from the right face n times 0
L Rotates the index'th layer from the left face n times 0
U Rotates the index'th layer from the top face n times 0
D Rotates the index'th layer from the bottom face n times 0
F Rotates the index'th layer from the front face n times 0
B Rotates the index'th layer from the back face n times 0

n is defaulted to 0 for each of these commands. You may use ' as an alias for 3 to rotate counter-clockwise.


Command Description Default index Default n
: Sets the notepad to n 0
+ Sets the notepad to the index plus n Notepad 1
- Sets the notepad to the index minus n Notepad 1
* Sets the notepad to the index times n Notepad 2
/ Sets the notepad to the index divided by n Notepad 2
% Sets the notepad to the index (mod n) Notepad
Sets the notepad to the index raised to n Notepad 2
Sets the notepad to the index'th root of n 2 Notepad
l Sets the notepad to the index'th logarithm of n 10 Notepad
~ Sets the notepad to n times -index 1 Notepad
Sets the notepad to the sine of n degrees Notepad
ċ Sets the notepad to the cosine of n degrees Notepad
Sets the notepad to the sine⁻¹ of n Notepad
Ċ Sets the notepad to the cosine⁻¹ of n Notepad

Binary arithmetic

Command Description Default index Default n
& Sets the notepad to n (binary) AND the index Notepad
| Sets the notepad to n (binary) OR the index Notepad
^ Sets the notepad to n (binary) XOR the index Notepad Performs binary NOT
« Sets the notepad to the index left shifted n times Notepad 1
» Sets the notepad to the index right shifted n times Notepad 1

Boolean logic

Command Description Default index Default n
> Sets the notepad to 1 if the index > n, otherwise 0 Notepad
< Sets the notepad to 1 if the index < n otherwise 0 Notepad
= Sets the notepad to 1 if the index == n otherwise 0 Notepad
¬ Sets the notepad to (logical) NOT n Notepad


Command Description Default index Default n
_ Input the next character's ASCII value to face 7, or -1 if at end of input stream
$ Input the next number to face 7, or leave the input unchanged if there is no number value to take as input
@ Output the character with ASCII value floor(n) Notepad
" Output the number n Notepad


Unchanged from normal Cubically


Unchanged from normal Cubically


Command Description Default index Default n
Sets the cube to a new cube with size n 3
ƒ Sets the value of squares on the face specified by the index to n The original value
𝔸 Set the accumulator at the given index to n 0 Current value + 1, or 0 if not set
` Prints debugging information

Constant arguments vs. face-valued arguments

  • Use double-struck digits to pass constant arguments from faces to commands.
    • These arguments will be equal to the digit used as the argument.
    • If an index is specified, it is concatenated to the end of the digit. For example, 𝟚₇ will pass 27 to the command.
  • ' is an alias of 𝟛
  • ½ represents 1 / i, where i is the given index, or 2 if no index is given
  • Use normal digits to pass face-valued arguments to commands.
    • These arguments, by default, pass the sum of every square on the given face to the command
    • If an index is specified, it passes the square on the given face at the given index to the command
  • 𝕒 will pass the accumulator value at the given index (or index 0) to the command

Indexed commands and indexed arguments

  • You can specify an index when loading a command or argument
    • Use superscript numbers to select the index from the value of the given face.
    • Use subscript numbers to select the index from the given constant value. Unlike constant arguments, ₂₇ will select index 27.
  • An index assigned to a command modifies the command
    • For example, assigning the index 1 to the command R will rotate the layer 1 in from the right side counterclockwise from the right
  • An index assigned to an argument modifies the argument
    • With face-valued arguments, it specifies which index on the face to take the value from instead of summing the face
    • With constant arguments, it does nothing (feel free to suggest ideas!)

Code page

_0 _1 _2 _3 _4 _5 _6 _7 _8 _9 _A _B _C _D _E _F
0_ \n
2_ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
3_ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?
4_ @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O
5_ P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _
6_ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o
7_ p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
8_ ċ Ċ
9_ ¹ ² ³ ¬ « »
A_ 𝟘 𝟙 𝟚 𝟛 𝟜 𝟝 𝟞 𝟟 𝟠 𝟡 ƒ
B_ ½ π φ 𝑒
C_ ρ
D_ 𝐷 𝑈 𝐿

All characters are accessible through \yx, where yx is the hexidecimal value of the character. For example, \A3 would be equivalent to 𝟛.

Face-valued argument indexes



Set top face to 1


Print the cube


