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759 lines (492 loc) · 33.5 KB

File metadata and controls

759 lines (492 loc) · 33.5 KB

Upgrade to 2.12

Deprecated non-zero based positional parameter keys

The usage of one-based and other non-zero-based keys when binding positional parameters is deprecated.

It is recommended to not use any array keys so that the value of the parameter array complies with the list<> type constraint.

// This is valid (implicit zero-based parameter indexes)
$conn->fetchNumeric('SELECT ?, ?', [1, 2]);

// This is invalid (one-based parameter indexes)
$conn->fetchNumeric('SELECT ?, ?', [1 => 1, 2 => 2]);

// This is invalid (arbitrary parameter indexes)
$conn->fetchNumeric('SELECT ?, ?', [-31 => 1, 5 => 2]);

// This is invalid (non-sequential parameter indexes)
$conn->fetchNumeric('SELECT ?, ?', [0 => 1, 3 => 2]);

Deprecated skipping prepared statement parameters

Some underlying drivers currently allow skipping prepared statement parameters. For instance:

$conn->fetchOne('SELECT ?');

This behavior should not be relied upon and may change in future versions.

Deprecated colon prefix for prepared statement parameters

The usage of the colon prefix when binding named parameters is deprecated.

$sql  = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = :name OR username = :username';
$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);

// The usage of the leading colon is deprecated
$stmt->bindValue(':name', $name);

// Only the parameter name should be passed
$stmt->bindValue('username', $username);


PDO signature changes with php 8

In php 8.0, the method signatures of two PDO classes which are extended by DBAL have changed. This affects the following classes:

  • Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOConnection
  • Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOStatement

Code that extends either of the classes needs to be adjusted in order to function properly on php 8. The updated method signatures are:

  • PDOConnection::query(?string $query = null, ?int $fetchMode = null, mixed ...$fetchModeArgs)
  • PDOStatement::setFetchMode($mode, ...$args)
  • PDOStatement::fetchAll($mode = null, ...$args)

Upgrade to 2.11

Deprecated Abstraction\Result

The usage of the Doctrine\DBAL\Abstraction\Result interface is deprecated. In DBAL 3.0, the statement result at the wrapper level will be represented by the Doctrine\DBAL\Result class.

Deprecated the functionality of dropping client connections when dropping a database

The corresponding getDisallowDatabaseConnectionsSQL() and getCloseActiveDatabaseConnectionsSQL methods of the PostgreSqlPlatform class have been deprecated.

Deprecated Synchronizer package

The Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Synchronizer\SchemaSynchronizer interface and all its implementations are deprecated.

Deprecated usage of wrapper-level components as implementations of driver-level interfaces

The usage of the wrapper Connection and Statement classes as implementations of the Driver\Connection and Driver\Statement interfaces is deprecated.

Deprecations in the wrapper Connection class

  1. The executeUpdate() method has been deprecated in favor of executeStatement().
  2. The query() method has been deprecated in favor of executeQuery().
  3. The exec() method has been deprecated in favor of executeStatement().

Note that PrimaryReplicaConnection::query() ensures connection to the primary instance while executeQuery() doesn't.

Depending on the desired behavior:

  • If the statement doesn't have to be executed on the primary instance, use executeQuery().
  • If the statement has to be executed on the primary instance and yields rows (e.g. SELECT), prepend executeQuery() with ensureConnectedToPrimary().
  • Otherwise, use executeStatement().

PDO-related classes outside of the PDO namespace are deprecated

The following PDO-related classes outside of the PDO namespace have been deprecated in favor of their counterparts in the PDO namespace:

  • PDOMySql\DriverPDO\MySQL\Driver
  • PDOOracle\DriverPDO\OCI\Driver
  • PDOPgSql\DriverPDO\PgSQL\Driver
  • PDOSqlite\DriverPDO\SQLite\Driver
  • PDOSqlsrv\DriverPDO\SQLSrv\Driver
  • PDOSqlsrv\ConnectionPDO\SQLSrv\Connection
  • PDOSqlsrv\StatementPDO\SQLSrv\Statement

Deprecations in driver-level exception handling

  1. The ExceptionConverterDriver interface and the usage of the convertException() method on the Driver objects are deprecated.
  2. The driverException() and driverExceptionDuringQuery() factory methods of the DBALException class are deprecated.
  3. Relying on the wrapper layer handling non-driver exceptions is deprecated.

DBALException factory method deprecations

  1. DBALException::invalidPlatformType() is deprecated as unused as of v2.7.0.
  2. DBALException::invalidPdoInstance() as passing a PDO instance via configuration is deprecated.

Deprecated AbstractPlatform methods.

  1. fixSchemaElementName().
  2. getSQLResultCasing().
  3. prefersSequences().
  4. supportsForeignKeyOnUpdate().

ServerInfoAwareConnection::requiresQueryForServerVersion() is deprecated.

The ServerInfoAwareConnection::requiresQueryForServerVersion() method has been deprecated as an implementation detail which is the same for almost all supported drivers.

Connection and Statement constructors are marked internal

  1. Driver connection objects can be only created by the corresponding drivers.
  2. Wrapper connection objects can be only created by the driver manager.
  3. The driver and wrapper connection objects can be only created by the corresponding connection objects.

Additionally, the SQLSrv\LastInsertId class has been marked internal.

The PingableConnection interface is deprecated

The wrapper connection will automatically handle the lost connection if the driver supports reporting it.

DriverException::getErrorCode() is deprecated

The DriverException::getErrorCode() is deprecated as redundant and inconsistently supported by drivers. Use ::getCode() or ::getSQLState() instead.

Non-interface driver methods have been marked internal

The non-interface methods of driver-level classes have been marked internal:

  • OCI8Connection::getExecuteMode()
  • OCI8Statement::convertPositionalToNamedPlaceholders()

Deprecated DBALException

The Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException class has been deprecated in favor of Doctrine\DBAL\Exception.

Inconsistently and ambiguously named driver-level classes are deprecated

The following classes under the Driver namespace have been deprecated in favor of their consistently named counterparts:

  • DriverExceptionException
  • AbstractDriverExceptionAbstractException
  • IBMDB2\DB2DriverIBMDB2\Driver
  • IBMDB2\DB2ConnectionIBMDB2\Connection
  • IBMDB2\DB2StatementIBMDB2\Statement
  • Mysqli\MysqliConnectionMysqli\Connection
  • Mysqli\MysqliStatementMysqli\Statement
  • OCI8\OCI8ConnectionOCI8\Connection
  • OCI8\OCI8StatementOCI8\Statement
  • SQLSrv\SQLSrvConnectionSQLSrv\Connection
  • SQLSrv\SQLSrvStatementSQLSrv\Statement
  • PDOConnectionPDO\Connection
  • PDOStatementPDO\Statement

All driver-specific exception classes have been deprecated:

  • IBMDB2\DB2Exception
  • Mysqli\MysqliException
  • OCI8\OCI8Exception
  • PDOException
  • SQLSrv\SQLSrvException

A driver-level exception should be only identified as a subtype of Driver\Exception. Internal driver-level exception implementations may use Driver\AbstractException as the base class. Driver-specific exception handling has to be implemented either in the driver or based on the type of the Driver implementation.

The Driver\AbstractException class has been marked internal.

Connection::getParams() has been marked internal

Consumers of the Connection class should not rely on connection parameters stored in the connection object. If needed, they should be obtained from a different source, e.g. application configuration.

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Driver::getDatabase()

  • The usage of Doctrine\DBAL\Driver::getDatabase() is deprecated. Please use Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::getDatabase() instead.
  • The behavior of the SQLite connection returning the database file path as the database is deprecated and shouldn't be relied upon.

Deprecated Portability\Connection::PORTABILITY_{PLATFORM} constants

The platform-specific portability mode flags are meant to be used only by the portability layer internally to optimize the user-provided mode for the current database platform.

Deprecated MasterSlaveConnection use PrimaryReadReplicaConnection

The Doctrine\DBAL\Connections\MasterSlaveConnection class is renamed to Doctrine\DBAL\Connections\PrimaryReadReplicaConnection. In addition its configuration parameters master, slaves and keepSlave are renamed to primary, replica and keepReplica.


$connection = DriverManager::getConnection(
    'wrapperClass' => 'Doctrine\DBAL\Connections\MasterSlaveConnection',
    'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
    'master' => array('user' => '', 'password' => '', 'host' => '', 'dbname' => ''),
    'slaves' => array(
        array('user' => 'replica1', 'password', 'host' => '', 'dbname' => ''),
        array('user' => 'replica2', 'password', 'host' => '', 'dbname' => ''),
    'keepSlave' => true,


$connection = DriverManager::getConnection(array(
    'wrapperClass' => 'Doctrine\DBAL\Connections\PrimaryReadReplicaConnection',
    'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
    'primary' => array('user' => '', 'password' => '', 'host' => '', 'dbname' => ''),
    'replica' => array(
        array('user' => 'replica1', 'password', 'host' => '', 'dbname' => ''),
        array('user' => 'replica2', 'password', 'host' => '', 'dbname' => ''),
    'keepReplica' => true,

Deprecated ArrayStatement and ResultCacheStatement classes.

The ArrayStatement and ResultCacheStatement classes are deprecated. In a future major release they will be renamed and marked internal as implementation details of the caching layer.

Deprecated ResultStatement interface

  1. The ResultStatement interface is deprecated. Use the Driver\Result and Abstraction\Result interfaces instead.
  2. ResultStatement::closeCursor() is deprecated in favor of Result::free().

Deprecated FetchMode and the corresponding methods

  1. The FetchMode class and the setFetchMode() method of the Connection and Statement interfaces are deprecated.
  2. The Statement::fetch() method is deprecated in favor of Result::fetchNumeric(), ::fetchAssociative() and ::fetchOne().
  3. The Statement::fetchAll() method is deprecated in favor of Result::fetchAllNumeric(), ::fetchAllAssociative() and ::fetchFirstColumn().
  4. The Statement::fetchColumn() method is deprecated in favor of Result::fetchOne().
  5. The Connection::fetchArray() and fetchAssoc() method are deprecated in favor of fetchNumeric() and fetchAssociative() respectively.
  6. The StatementIterator class and the usage of a Statement object as Traversable is deprecated in favor of Result::iterateNumeric(), ::iterateAssociative() and ::iterateColumn().
  7. Fetching data in mixed mode (FetchMode::MIXED) is deprecated.

Deprecated Connection::project()

The Connection::project() method is deprecated. Implement data transformation outside of DBAL.

Deprecated Statement::errorCode() and errorInfo()

The Statement::errorCode() and errorInfo() methods are deprecated. The error information is available via exceptions.

Deprecated EchoSQLLogger

The EchoSQLLogger class is deprecated. Implement your logger with the desired logic.

Deprecated database platforms:

  1. PostgreSQL 9.3 and older
  2. MariaDB 10.0 and older
  3. SQL Server 2008 and older
  4. SQL Anywhere 12 and older
  5. Drizzle
  6. Azure SQL Database

Deprecated database drivers:

  1. PDO-based IBM DB2 driver
  2. Drizzle MySQL driver

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Sharding package

The sharding functionality in DBAL has been effectively unmaintained for a long time.

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Version class

The usage of the Doctrine\DBAL\Version class is deprecated as internal implementation detail. Please refrain from checking the DBAL version at runtime.

Deprecated ExpressionBuilder methods

The usage of the andX() and orX() methods of the ExpressionBuilder class has been deprecated. Use and() and or() instead.

Deprecated CompositeExpression methods

  • The usage of the add() and addMultiple() methods of the CompositeExpression class has been deprecated. Use with() instead, which returns a new instance. In the future, the add*() methods will be removed and the class will be effectively immutable.
  • The usage of the CompositeExpression constructor has been deprecated. Use the and() / or() factory methods.

Deprecated calling QueryBuilder methods with an array argument

Calling the select(), addSelect(), groupBy() and addGroupBy() methods with an array argument is deprecated.

Upgrade to 2.10

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Event\ConnectionEventArgs methods

The usage of the getDriver(), getDatabasePlatform() and getSchemaManager() methods of the ConnectionEventArgs class has been deprecated. Obtain the underlying connection via getConnection() and call the corresponding methods on the connection instance.

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Event\SchemaColumnDefinitionEventArgs methods

The usage of the getDatabasePlatform() method of the SchemaColumnDefinitionEventArgs class has been deprecated. Obtain the underlying connection via getConnection() and call the corresponding method on the connection instance.

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Connection methods

The usage of the getHost(), getPort(), getUsername() and getPassword() methods of the Connection class has been deprecated as they leak implementation details.

Deprecated array of statements in addSql() of SchemaEventArgs-based classes.

Passing multiple SQL statements as an array to SchemaAlterTableAddColumnEventArgs::addSql() and the same method in other SchemaEventArgs-based classes is deprecated. Pass each statement as an individual argument instead.

Deprecated calling AbstractSchemaManager::tablesExist() with a string argument.

Instead of passing a string, pass a one-element array.

Deprecated calling OracleSchemaManager::createDatabase() without an argument or by passing NULL.

In order to create a database, always pass the database name.

Deprecated unused schema manager methods.

The following methods have been deprecated as unused:

  • AbstractSchemaManager::_getPortableFunctionsList(),
  • AbstractSchemaManager::_getPortableFunctionDefinition(),
  • OracleSchemaManager::_getPortableFunctionDefinition(),
  • SqliteSchemaManager::_getPortableTableIndexDefinition().

Deprecations in Doctrine\DBAL\Driver

  • The usage of NULL to indicate empty $username or $password when calling connect() is deprecated. Use an empty string instead.

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms::_getAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL()

Method Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms::_getAlterTableIndexForeignKeySQL() has been deprecated as no longer used.

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8\OCI8Statement::$_PARAM

Property Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\OCI8\OCI8Statement::$_PARAM has been deprecated as not used.

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Driver::getName()

Relying on the name of the driver is discouraged. For referencing the driver, use its class name.

Deprecated usage of user-provided PDO instance

The usage of user-provided PDO instance is deprecated. The known use cases are:

  1. Persistent PDO connections. DBAL 3.0 will supported establishing persistent connections, therefore, providing a pre-created persistent PDO connection will be no longer needed.
  2. Sharing PDO instance between DBAL and legacy components. In order to share a PDO instance, initialize the connection in DBAL and access it using Connection::getWrappedConnection()->getWrappedConnection().

MINOR BC BREAK: Default values are no longer handled as SQL expressions

They are converted to SQL literals (e.g. escaped). Clients must now specify default values in their initial form, not in the form of an SQL literal (e.g. escaped).





Deprecated Type::* constants

The constants for built-in types have been moved from Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type to a separate class Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types.

Some of the constants were renamed in the process:


Deprecated SQLSrvStatement::LAST_INSERT_ID_SQL constant

The Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\SQLSrv\SQLSrvStatement::LAST_INSERT_ID_SQL constant has been deprecated and will be made private in 3.0.

Deprecated SQLParserUtils constants

The constants in Doctrine\DBAL\SQLParserUtils have been deprecated and will be made private in 3.0.

Deprecated LoggerChain::addLogger method

The Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\LoggerChain::addLogger method has been deprecated. Inject list of loggers via constructor instead.

Upgrade to 2.9

Deprecated Statement::fetchColumn() with an invalid index

Calls to Statement::fetchColumn() with an invalid column index currently return NULL. In the future, such calls will result in a exception.

Deprecated Configuration::getFilterSchemaAssetsExpression(), ::setFilterSchemaAssetsExpression() and AbstractSchemaManager::getFilterSchemaAssetsExpression().

Regular expression-based filters are hard to extend by combining together. Instead, you may use callback-based filers via ::getSchemaAssetsFilter() and ::getSchemaAssetsFilter(). Callbacks can use regular expressions internally.

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::getDefaultLength()

This method was never used by DBAL internally. It is now deprecated and will be removed in DBAL 3.0.

Deprecated Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type::__toString()

Relying on string representation is discouraged and will be removed in DBAL 3.0.

Deprecated NULL value of $offset in LIMIT queries

The NULL value of the $offset argument in AbstractPlatform::(do)?ModifyLimitQuery() methods is deprecated. If explicitly used in the method call, the absence of the offset should be indicated with a 0.

Deprecated dbal:import CLI command

The dbal:import CLI command has been deprecated since it only works with PDO-based drivers by relying on a non-documented behavior of the extension, and it's impossible to make it work with other drivers. Please use other database client applications for import, e.g.:

  • For MySQL and MariaDB: mysql [dbname] < data.sql.
  • For PostgreSQL: psql [dbname] < data.sql.
  • For SQLite: sqlite3 /path/to/file.db < data.sql.

Upgrade to 2.8

Deprecated usage of DB-generated UUIDs

The format of DB-generated UUIDs is inconsistent across supported platforms and therefore is not portable. Some of the platforms produce UUIDv1, some produce UUIDv4, some produce the values which are not even UUID.

Unless UUIDs are used in stored procedures which DBAL doesn't support, there's no real benefit of DB-generated UUIDs comparing to the application-generated ones.

Use a PHP library (e.g. ramsey/uuid) to generate UUIDs on the application side.

Deprecated usage of binary fields whose length exceeds the platform maximum

  • The usage of binary fields whose length exceeds the maximum field size on a given platform is deprecated. Use binary fields of a size which fits all target platforms, or use blob explicitly instead.

Removed dependency on doctrine/common

The dependency on doctrine/common package has been removed. DBAL now depends on doctrine/cache and doctrine/event-manager instead. If you are using any other component from doctrine/common package, you will have to add an explicit dependency to your composer.json.

Corrected exception thrown by Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLAnywhere16Platform::getAdvancedIndexOptionsSQL()

This method now throws SPL UnexpectedValueException instead of accidentally throwing Doctrine\Common\Proxy\Exception\UnexpectedValueException.

Upgrade to 2.7

Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform::DATE_INTERVAL_UNIT_* constants deprecated

Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform::DATE_INTERVAL_UNIT_* constants were moved into Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\DateIntervalUnit class without the DATE_INTERVAL_UNIT_ prefix.

Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform::TRIM_* constants deprecated

Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\AbstractPlatform::TRIM_* constants were moved into Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\TrimMode class without the TRIM_ prefix.

Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::TRANSACTION_* constants deprecated

Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::TRANSACTION_* were moved into Doctrine\DBAL\TransactionIsolationLevel class without the TRANSACTION_ prefix.

DEPRECATION: direct usage of the PDO APIs in the DBAL API

  1. When calling Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement methods, instead of PDO::PARAM_* constants, Doctrine\DBAL\ParameterType constants should be used.
  2. When calling Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement methods, instead of PDO::FETCH_* constants, Doctrine\DBAL\FetchMode constants should be used.
  3. When configuring Doctrine\DBAL\Portability\Connection, instead of PDO::CASE_* constants, Doctrine\DBAL\ColumnCase constants should be used.
  4. Usage of PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT in Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement::bindValue() is deprecated.
  5. Usage of PDO::FETCH_FUNC in Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement::fetch() is deprecated.
  6. Calls to \PDOStatement methods on a \Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOStatement instance (e.g. fetchObject()) are deprecated.

Upgrade to 2.6

MINOR BC BREAK: fetch() and fetchAll() method signatures in Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement

  1. Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement::fetch() now has 3 arguments instead of 1, respecting PDO::fetch() signature.




Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement::fetch($fetchMode, $cursorOrientation, $cursorOffset);
  1. Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement::fetchAll() now has 3 arguments instead of 1, respecting PDO::fetchAll() signature.




Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\ResultStatement::fetch($fetchMode, $fetchArgument, $ctorArgs);

MINOR BC BREAK: URL-style DSN with percentage sign in password

URL-style DSNs (e.g. mysql://foo@bar:localhost/db) are now assumed to be percent-encoded in order to allow certain special characters in usernames, paswords and database names. If you are using a URL-style DSN and have a username, password or database name containing a percentage sign, you need to update your DSN. If your password is, say, foo%foo, it should be encoded as foo%25foo.

Upgrade to 2.5.1

MINOR BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table

When adding indexes to Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table via addIndex() or addUniqueIndex(), duplicate indexes are not silently ignored/dropped anymore (based on semantics, not naming!). Duplicate indexes are considered indexes that pass isFullfilledBy() or overrules() in Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Index. This is required to make the index renaming feature introduced in 2.5.0 work properly and avoid issues in the ORM schema tool / DBAL schema manager which pretends users from updating their schemas and migrate to DBAL 2.5.*. Additionally it offers more flexibility in declaring indexes for the user and potentially fixes related issues in the ORM. With this change, the responsibility to decide which index is a "duplicate" is completely deferred to the user. Please also note that adding foreign key constraints to a table via addForeignKeyConstraint(), addUnnamedForeignKeyConstraint() or addNamedForeignKeyConstraint() now first checks if an appropriate index is already present and avoids adding an additional auto-generated one eventually.

Upgrade to 2.5

BC BREAK: time type resets date fields to UNIX epoch

When mapping time type field to PHP's DateTime instance all unused date fields are reset to UNIX epoch (i.e. 1970-01-01). This might break any logic which relies on comparing DateTime instances with date fields set to the current date.

Use ! format prefix (see for parsing time strings to prevent having different date fields when comparing user input and DateTime instances as mapped by Doctrine.

BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table

The methods addIndex() and addUniqueIndex() in Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table have an additional, optional parameter. If you override these methods, you should add this new parameter to the declaration of your overridden methods.

BC BREAK: Doctrine\DBAL\Connection

The visibility of the property $_platform in Doctrine\DBAL\Connection was changed from protected to private. If you have subclassed Doctrine\DBAL\Connection in your application and accessed $_platform directly, you have to change the code portions to use getDatabasePlatform() instead to retrieve the underlying database platform. The reason for this change is the new automatic platform version detection feature, which lazily evaluates the appropriate platform class to use for the underlying database server version at runtime. Please also note, that calling getDatabasePlatform() now needs to establish a connection in order to evaluate the appropriate platform class if Doctrine\DBAL\Connection is not already connected. Under the following circumstances, it is not possible anymore to retrieve the platform instance from the connection object without having to do a real connect:

  1. Doctrine\DBAL\Connection was instantiated without the platform connection parameter.
  2. Doctrine\DBAL\Connection was instantiated without the serverVersion connection parameter.
  3. The underlying driver is "version aware" and can provide different platform instances for different versions.
  4. The underlying driver connection is "version aware" and can provide the database server version without having to query for it.

If one of the above conditions is NOT met, there is no need for Doctrine\DBAL\Connection to do a connect when calling getDatabasePlatform().

datetime Type uses date_create() as fallback

Before 2.5 the DateTime type always required a specific format, defined in $platform->getDateTimeFormatString(), which could cause quite some troubles on platforms that had various microtime precision formats. Starting with 2.5 whenever the parsing of a date fails with the predefined platform format, the date_create() function will be used to parse the date.

This could cause some troubles when your date format is weird and not parsed correctly by date_create, however since databases are rather strict on dates there should be no problem.

Support for pdo_ibm driver removed

The pdo_ibm driver is buggy and does not work well with Doctrine. Therefore it will no longer be supported and has been removed from the Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager drivers map. It is highly encouraged to to use ibm_db2 driver instead if you want to connect to an IBM DB2 database as it is much more stable and secure.

If for some reason you have to utilize the pdo_ibm driver you can still use the driverClass connection parameter to explicitly specify the Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDOIbm\Driver class. However be aware that you are doing this at your own risk and it will not be guaranteed that Doctrine will work as expected.

Upgrade to 2.4


If you have custom classes that implement the constraint interface, you have to implement an additional method getQuotedColumns now. This method is used to build proper constraint SQL for columns that need to be quoted, like keywords reserved by the specific platform used. The method has to return the same values as getColumns only that those column names that need quotation have to be returned quoted for the given platform.

Upgrade to 2.3

Oracle Session Init now sets Numeric Character

Before 2.3 the Oracle Session Init did not care about the numeric character of the Session. This could lead to problems on non english locale systems that required a comma as a floating point seperator in Oracle. Since 2.3, using the Oracle Session Init on connection start the client session will be altered to set the numeric character to ".,":


See DBAL-345 for more details.

Doctrine\DBAL\Connection and Doctrine\DBAL\Statement

The query related methods including but not limited to executeQuery, exec, query, and executeUpdate now wrap the driver exceptions such as PDOException with DBALException to add more debugging information such as the executed SQL statement, and any bound parameters.

If you want to retrieve the driver specific exception, you can retrieve it by calling the getPrevious() method on DBALException.


catch(\PDOException $ex) {
    // ...


catch(\Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException $ex) {
    $pdoException = $ex->getPrevious();
    // ...

Doctrine\DBAL\Connection#setCharsetSQL() removed

This method only worked on MySQL and it is considered unsafe on MySQL to use SET NAMES UTF-8 instead of setting the charset directly on connection already. Replace this behavior with the connection charset option:


$conn = DriverManager::getConnection(array(..));


$conn = DriverManager::getConnection(array('charset' => 'UTF8', ..));

Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table#renameColumn() removed

Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Table#renameColumn() was removed, because it drops and recreates the column instead. There is no fix available, because a schema diff cannot reliably detect if a column was renamed or one column was created and another one dropped.

You should use explicit SQL ALTER TABLE statements to change columns names.

Schema Filter paths

The Filter Schema assets expression is not wrapped in () anymore for the regexp automatically.





Creating MySQL Tables now defaults to UTF-8

If you are creating a new MySQL Table through the Doctrine API, charset/collate are now set to 'utf8'/'utf8_unicode_ci' by default. Previously the MySQL server defaults were used.

Upgrade to 2.2

Doctrine\DBAL\Connection#insert and Doctrine\DBAL\Connection#update

Both methods now accept an optional last parameter $types with binding types of the values passed. This can potentially break child classes that have overwritten one of these methods.


Doctrine\DBAL\Connection#executeQuery() got a new last parameter "QueryCacheProfile $qcp"

Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\Statement split

The Driver statement was split into a ResultStatement and the normal statement extending from it. This separates the configuration and the retrieval API from a statement.

MsSql Platform/SchemaManager renamed

The MsSqlPlatform was renamed to SQLServerPlatform, the MsSqlSchemaManager was renamed to SQLServerSchemaManager.

Cleanup SQLServer Platform version mess

DBAL 2.1 and before were actually only compatible to SQL Server 2008, not earlier versions. Still other parts of the platform did use old features instead of newly introduced datatypes in SQL Server 2005. Starting with DBAL 2.2 you can pick the Doctrine abstraction exactly matching your SQL Server version.

The PDO SqlSrv driver now uses the new SQLServer2008Platform as default platform. This platform uses new features of SQL Server as of version 2008. This also includes a switch in the used fields for "text" and "blob" field types to:

"text" => "VARCHAR(MAX)"
"blob" => "VARBINARY(MAX)"

Additionally SQLServerPlatform in DBAL 2.1 and before used "DATE", "TIME" and "DATETIME2" for dates. This types are only available since version 2008 and the introduction of an explicit SQLServer 2008 platform makes this dependency explicit.

An SQLServer2005Platform was also introduced to differentiate the features between versions 2003, earlier and 2005.

With this change the SQLServerPlatform now throws an exception for using limit queries with an offset, since SQLServer 2003 and lower do not support this feature.

To use the old SQL Server Platform, because you are using SQL Server 2003 and below use the following configuration code:

use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServerPlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServer2005Platform;

// You are using SQL Server 2003 or earlier
$conn = DriverManager::getConnection(array(
    'driver' => 'pdo_sqlsrv',
    'platform' => new SQLServerPlatform()
    // .. additional parameters

// You are using SQL Server 2005
$conn = DriverManager::getConnection(array(
    'driver' => 'pdo_sqlsrv',
    'platform' => new SQLServer2005Platform()
    // .. additional parameters

// You are using SQL Server 2008
$conn = DriverManager::getConnection(array(
    'driver' => 'pdo_sqlsrv',
    // 2008 is default platform
    // .. additional parameters