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File metadata and controls

231 lines (170 loc) · 12 KB

Implementation notes

This document explains some miscellaneous parts of the implementation of BAPCtools that did not fit in the Subcommand documentation.

Extensions of problem format


Submissions with more than one allowed verdict must contain the string @EXPECTED_RESULTS@: anywhere in their source to indicate which verdicts are allowed for this submission.

  • The final verdict of the submission must be in this list.
  • Each testcase must either be accepted or have a verdict in this list. (This is to prevent issues with lazy judging/changing verdict priorities where the first non-accepted testcase will be the final verdict.)

A submission with an @EXPECTED_RESULTS@: tag should not be placed in one of the four standard submission directories, because DOMjudge will ignore the tag in this case. Directory names like mixed/ or rejected/ are typically used in this case.

The @EXPECTED_RESULTS@: tag should be followed by a comma-separated list of verdicts from


Additionally, the following DOMjudge equivalents may be used:

  • CHECK-MANUALLY: this is not supported and will be ignored,
  • COMPILER-ERROR: this is not supported and will be ignored.

Matching is case-insensitive and extra white space is allowed. Examples:

  • # @expected_results@: accepted,time_limit_exceeded, no-output

Building and running in tmpfs

For efficiency, BAPCtools tries to minimize the number of disk writes. This means that it will do as many things as possible in RAM. In practice, tmpfs (temporary file system in RAM) is used for this.

  • On Linux, this is typically /tmp/bapctools_6dhash/, with one temporary directory per contest.
  • On Windows, this may be c:\temp\bapctools_6dhash\.

From here on, let ~tmp be the root temporary directory, e.g. /tmp/bapctools_6dhash/. ~tmp contains a directory structure that tries to mirror the directory structure of the problem archive itself. Each 'program' (submission/validator/generator/visualizer) gets its own directory, as do testcases and runs:

  • ~tmp/<contestname>/: Used for compiling the contest pdf and solution slides. See the section on building LaTeX.
  • ~tmp/<problemname>/: Contains tex files to build the problem pdf. See the section on building LaTeX.
  • ~tmp/<problemname>/{input,output}_validators/: contains the build artefacts for all validators.
  • ~tmp/<problemname>/submissions/<verdict>/<submission>/: contains the build artefacts for all submissions.
  • ~tmp/<problemname>/generators/<generator>/: contains the build artefacts for all generators.
  • ~tmp/<problemname>/data/(<group>/)*<testcase>/: is used to generated the testcase and store metadata about it.
  • ~tmp/<problemname>/data/(<group>/)*<testcase>.feedbackdir/: contains the result of the input/output format validators.
  • ~tmp/<problemname>/runs/<verdict>/<submission>/(<group>/)*<testcase>.out: the output of the submission on the testcase.
  • ~tmp/<problemname>/runs/<verdict>/<submission>/(<group>/)*<testcase>.feedbackdir: the output validator feedback when validating the corresponding .out.

Building programs

Each program (submission/validator/generator/visualizer) is build in its own directory (~tmp/problemname/submissions/accepted/submission/, from here on ~build). Compilation is only done if either the sources or the compile command changed.

  1. Detect the program language. Language detection rules are described in languages.yaml.
  2. Symlink all input files to ~build. This can be either the single submission file, or all files/directories directly contained in the submission.
  3. Find the build and run command for the current language.
  4. If ~build/meta_ is newer than the last modification to any source file and contains exactly the build command, the build is up to date and nothing needs to be done.
  5. Else, run the build command and update ~build/meta_ with this.
  6. For compiled languages, we now (usually) have a file ~build/run that is used as {binary} in the substitution of the run command. For interpreted languages, e.g. Python, the main file is given as {mainfile}.

Generating testcases

Testcases are generated inside ~tmp/<problemname>/data/(<group>/)*<testcase>/ (from now on ~testcase). Testcases are only re-generated when changes were made. This is done with the following steps:

  1. Check if the current data in ~testcase/meta_.yaml is up to date.
  2. Run the given generator with current working directory ~testcase/.
  3. For copied testcases, copy files to ~testcase/
  4. Write hardcoded files to~testcase/.
  5. Validate the generated ~testcase/<testcase>.in file.
  6. If ~testcase/<testcase>.ans was not generated and a solution was provided, run the solution with working directory ~testcase to generate ~testcase/<testcase>.ans.
    • For interactive problems, create an empty ~testcase/<testcase>.ans and run the given submission to create a ~testcase/<testcase>.interaction.
  7. Validate the generated ~testcase/<testcase>.ans file.
  8. If provided, run the visualizer with working directory ~testcase/.
  9. Copy generated files to the data/ directory. For changed files, --force is needed to overwrite them.
  10. Update the ~testcase/meta_.yaml file with the invocations of the generator, solution, and visualizer and hash of the .in file.

Building LaTeX files

BAPCtools comes with a set of latex classes/headers to automatically render problem, contest, and solution PDFs. These files are available in /latex/.

To customize the style, you can provide your own modified copy of any of the header files in <contestdirectory>/ and they will be used instead of the BACPtools provided files. For example, you can provide your own <contestdirectory>/contest.tex as replacement entrypoint for building contest PDFs. You can either manually include problems there, or use \input{./contest-problems.tex} to include the automatically generated content. This will instantiate the contest-problem.tex template once for each problem in the contest. This template itself can also be modified if desired.

See also the docs on using multiple languages here.

Problem statement pdfs

Per-problem pdf

The per-problem pdfs are created inside <tmpdir>/<problemname>/latex/<language>:

  • ~tmp/<problemname>/latex/<language>/samples.tex: a generated table containing the sample cases.
  • ~tmp/<problemname>/latex/<language>/problem.tex: a wrapper to compile the problem statement and samples into a pdf.

The statement is compiled using:

export TEXINPUTS=.;./solve_stats;./solve_stats/activity;~bapctools/latex;
latexmk -cd -g -usepretex="\newcommand\lang{<language>}" -pdf -pdflatex='pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error %O %P' [-pvc -view=none] [-e $max_repeat=1] ~tmpdir/<problemname>/latex/<language>/problem.tex

The -pvc option is only passed to latexmk when --watch is passed to BAPCtools. The -e $max_repeat=1 option is only passed to latexmk when -1 is passed to BAPCtools. The \lang macro can be used in any place to obtain the used language

The following placeholders are automatically substituted in the problem.tex:


Full contest pdf

After creating the samples.tex for each problem, the contest pdf is created in ~tmpdir/<contestname> like this:

  • ~tmp/<contestname>/latex/<language>/contest_data.tex: a filled in copy of contest_data.tex containing the name, subtitle, year, and authors of the contest.
  • ~tmp/<contestname>/latex/<language>/contest-problems.tex: filled in copies of contest-problem.tex containing the files to include for each problem.

The statement is compiled using:

export TEXINPUTS=.;./solve_stats;./solve_stats/activity;~bapctools/latex;
latexmk -cd -g -usepretex="\newcommand\lang{<language>}" -pdf -pdflatex='pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -halt-on-error %O %P' [-pvc -view=none] [-e $max_repeat=1] ~tmpdir/<contestname>/latex/<language>/contest[-web].tex

The \lang macro can be used in any place to obtain the used language

The following placeholders are automatically substituted in the contest_data.tex:

<any entry in the contest.yaml>

Solution slides

Solutions are rendered in a similar way to the contest pdf. It uses the problem_statement/solution.tex files as inputs. The main difference is that you can provide additional files in <contestdirectory>/:

  • solutions_header.xy.tex: slides prepended to the first problem, for the current language.
  • solutions_footer.xy.tex: slides appended after the last problem, for the current language.

The following placeholders are automatically substituted in the solution.tex:


Solve stats

There is some special support for handling solve stats: post-contest data on how often each problem was solved. To use this, create the following directory layout in your contest directory.

  • <contest>/solve_stats/problem_stats.tex: Contains one line for each problem label:

    \newcommand{\solvestatsA}{\printsolvestats{<number submissions>}{<number accepted>}{<number unknown>}}

    When this file is present, each problem_statement/solution.tex may use \solvestats to print a line like:

    Statistics: 15 submissions, 3 accepted, 8 unknown
  • <contest>/solve_stats/language_stats.pdf: a plot of the language distribution of all submissions. This may be included directly by the solution_header.tex or solution_footer.tex. (BAPCtools doesn't do anything special here.)

  • <contest>/solve_stats/activity/<label>.pdf: One file per problem, containing a plot of the submissions over time. These will automatically be included on the solution slides for each problem when available.

All the files in the <contest>/solve_stats directory can be generated using bt solve_stats. More details here.

Constraints checking

For constraints checking, BAPCtools passes the flag --constraints_file <file_path> to input, answer, and output validators. After validation is done, the validator will write a file to the given path containing the minimum and maximum values seen for all numbers read in the input or output. Each line in the output file will look like:

<string name> <string name> <bool reached minimum> <bool reached maximum> <minimum allowed> <maximum allowed> <minimum seen> <maximum seen>

For example, the code v.read_integer("a", 1, 1000) on line 7 could generate the line:

a a 0 0 999 999 1 1000

The two zeros indicate that the minimum and maximum value were not reached (i.e. boolean false). The 999 999 indicate that a was read, and the smallest and largest value of a we encountered was 999. The final 1 1000 indicate the valid range of a.

BAPCtools will accumulate these values over all testcases, and print a warning when the minimum or maximum value of a read statement was never reached.

This system works for any validator that accepts the --constraints_file flag. This is determined by searching all sources for the string constraints_file. Validators based on headers/validation.h accept this flag.

The following regexes are used to extract bounds from the problem statement:

  • {\\(\w+)}{(.*)}: \newcommand{\maxa}{1000}
  • ([0-9-e,.^]+)\s*(?:\\leq|\\geq|\\le|\\ge|<|>|=)\s*(\w*): 0 \leq a
  • (\w*)\s*(?:\\leq|\\geq|\\le|\\ge|<|>|=)\s*([0-9-e,.^]+): a < 10^9