From 9695fde58502ff072eb1d9486be3f12b0e66c052 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Timothy Crosley Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2021 22:36:28 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Regenerate the docs --- docs/configuration/ | 16 +++++++++------- isort/ | 3 ++- 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/configuration/ b/docs/configuration/ index 47f034433..05536cabe 100644 --- a/docs/configuration/ +++ b/docs/configuration/ @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ profiles]( ## Python Version -Tells isort to set the known standard library based on the specified Python version. Default is to assume any Python 3 version could be the target, and use a union of all stdlib modules across versions. If auto is specified, the version of the interpreter used to run isort (currently: 38) will be used. +Tells isort to set the known standard library based on the specified Python version. Default is to assume any Python 3 version could be the target, and use a union of all stdlib modules across versions. If auto is specified, the version of the interpreter used to run isort (currently: 39) will be used. **Type:** String **Default:** `py3` @@ -56,23 +56,26 @@ Extends --skip to add additional files that isort should skip over. If you want ## Skip Glob -Additional files that isort should skip over (extending --skip-glob). +Files that isort should skip over. **Type:** Frozenset **Default:** `frozenset()` **Python & Config File Name:** skip_glob **CLI Flags:** -- --extend-skip-glob +- --sg +- --skip-glob ## Extend Skip Glob -**No Description** +Additional files that isort should skip over (extending --skip-glob). **Type:** Frozenset **Default:** `frozenset()` **Python & Config File Name:** extend_skip_glob -**CLI Flags:** **Not Supported** +**CLI Flags:** + +- --extend-skip-glob ## Skip Gitignore @@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ Force isort to recognize a module as being a local folder. Generally, this is re Force isort to recognize a module as part of Python's standard library. **Type:** Frozenset -**Default:** `('_dummy_thread', '_thread', 'abc', 'aifc', 'argparse', 'array', 'ast', 'asynchat', 'asyncio', 'asyncore', 'atexit', 'audioop', 'base64', 'bdb', 'binascii', 'binhex', 'bisect', 'builtins', 'bz2', 'cProfile', 'calendar', 'cgi', 'cgitb', 'chunk', 'cmath', 'cmd', 'code', 'codecs', 'codeop', 'collections', 'colorsys', 'compileall', 'concurrent', 'configparser', 'contextlib', 'contextvars', 'copy', 'copyreg', 'crypt', 'csv', 'ctypes', 'curses', 'dataclasses', 'datetime', 'dbm', 'decimal', 'difflib', 'dis', 'distutils', 'doctest', 'dummy_threading', 'email', 'encodings', 'ensurepip', 'enum', 'errno', 'faulthandler', 'fcntl', 'filecmp', 'fileinput', 'fnmatch', 'formatter', 'fpectl', 'fractions', 'ftplib', 'functools', 'gc', 'getopt', 'getpass', 'gettext', 'glob', 'graphlib', 'grp', 'gzip', 'hashlib', 'heapq', 'hmac', 'html', 'http', 'imaplib', 'imghdr', 'imp', 'importlib', 'inspect', 'io', 'ipaddress', 'itertools', 'json', 'keyword', 'lib2to3', 'linecache', 'locale', 'logging', 'lzma', 'macpath', 'mailbox', 'mailcap', 'marshal', 'math', 'mimetypes', 'mmap', 'modulefinder', 'msilib', 'msvcrt', 'multiprocessing', 'netrc', 'nis', 'nntplib', 'ntpath', 'numbers', 'operator', 'optparse', 'os', 'ossaudiodev', 'parser', 'pathlib', 'pdb', 'pickle', 'pickletools', 'pipes', 'pkgutil', 'platform', 'plistlib', 'poplib', 'posix', 'posixpath', 'pprint', 'profile', 'pstats', 'pty', 'pwd', 'py_compile', 'pyclbr', 'pydoc', 'queue', 'quopri', 'random', 're', 'readline', 'reprlib', 'resource', 'rlcompleter', 'runpy', 'sched', 'secrets', 'select', 'selectors', 'shelve', 'shlex', 'shutil', 'signal', 'site', 'smtpd', 'smtplib', 'sndhdr', 'socket', 'socketserver', 'spwd', 'sqlite3', 'sre', 'sre_compile', 'sre_constants', 'sre_parse', 'ssl', 'stat', 'statistics', 'string', 'stringprep', 'struct', 'subprocess', 'sunau', 'symbol', 'symtable', 'sys', 'sysconfig', 'syslog', 'tabnanny', 'tarfile', 'telnetlib', 'tempfile', 'termios', 'test', 'textwrap', 'threading', 'time', 'timeit', 'tkinter', 'token', 'tokenize', 'trace', 'traceback', 'tracemalloc', 'tty', 'turtle', 'turtledemo', 'types', 'typing', 'unicodedata', 'unittest', 'urllib', 'uu', 'uuid', 'venv', 'warnings', 'wave', 'weakref', 'webbrowser', 'winreg', 'winsound', 'wsgiref', 'xdrlib', 'xml', 'xmlrpc', 'zipapp', 'zipfile', 'zipimport', 'zlib', 'zoneinfo')` +**Default:** `('_ast', '_dummy_thread', '_thread', 'abc', 'aifc', 'argparse', 'array', 'ast', 'asynchat', 'asyncio', 'asyncore', 'atexit', 'audioop', 'base64', 'bdb', 'binascii', 'binhex', 'bisect', 'builtins', 'bz2', 'cProfile', 'calendar', 'cgi', 'cgitb', 'chunk', 'cmath', 'cmd', 'code', 'codecs', 'codeop', 'collections', 'colorsys', 'compileall', 'concurrent', 'configparser', 'contextlib', 'contextvars', 'copy', 'copyreg', 'crypt', 'csv', 'ctypes', 'curses', 'dataclasses', 'datetime', 'dbm', 'decimal', 'difflib', 'dis', 'distutils', 'doctest', 'dummy_threading', 'email', 'encodings', 'ensurepip', 'enum', 'errno', 'faulthandler', 'fcntl', 'filecmp', 'fileinput', 'fnmatch', 'formatter', 'fpectl', 'fractions', 'ftplib', 'functools', 'gc', 'getopt', 'getpass', 'gettext', 'glob', 'graphlib', 'grp', 'gzip', 'hashlib', 'heapq', 'hmac', 'html', 'http', 'imaplib', 'imghdr', 'imp', 'importlib', 'inspect', 'io', 'ipaddress', 'itertools', 'json', 'keyword', 'lib2to3', 'linecache', 'locale', 'logging', 'lzma', 'macpath', 'mailbox', 'mailcap', 'marshal', 'math', 'mimetypes', 'mmap', 'modulefinder', 'msilib', 'msvcrt', 'multiprocessing', 'netrc', 'nis', 'nntplib', 'ntpath', 'numbers', 'operator', 'optparse', 'os', 'ossaudiodev', 'parser', 'pathlib', 'pdb', 'pickle', 'pickletools', 'pipes', 'pkgutil', 'platform', 'plistlib', 'poplib', 'posix', 'posixpath', 'pprint', 'profile', 'pstats', 'pty', 'pwd', 'py_compile', 'pyclbr', 'pydoc', 'queue', 'quopri', 'random', 're', 'readline', 'reprlib', 'resource', 'rlcompleter', 'runpy', 'sched', 'secrets', 'select', 'selectors', 'shelve', 'shlex', 'shutil', 'signal', 'site', 'smtpd', 'smtplib', 'sndhdr', 'socket', 'socketserver', 'spwd', 'sqlite3', 'sre', 'sre_compile', 'sre_constants', 'sre_parse', 'ssl', 'stat', 'statistics', 'string', 'stringprep', 'struct', 'subprocess', 'sunau', 'symbol', 'symtable', 'sys', 'sysconfig', 'syslog', 'tabnanny', 'tarfile', 'telnetlib', 'tempfile', 'termios', 'test', 'textwrap', 'threading', 'time', 'timeit', 'tkinter', 'token', 'tokenize', 'trace', 'traceback', 'tracemalloc', 'tty', 'turtle', 'turtledemo', 'types', 'typing', 'unicodedata', 'unittest', 'urllib', 'uu', 'uuid', 'venv', 'warnings', 'wave', 'weakref', 'webbrowser', 'winreg', 'winsound', 'wsgiref', 'xdrlib', 'xml', 'xmlrpc', 'zipapp', 'zipfile', 'zipimport', 'zlib', 'zoneinfo')` **Python & Config File Name:** known_standard_library **CLI Flags:** @@ -796,7 +799,6 @@ Tells isort to honor noqa comments to enforce skipping those comments. Add an explicitly defined source path (modules within src paths have their imports automatically categorized as first_party). Glob expansion (`*` and `**`) is supported for this option. - **Type:** Tuple **Default:** `()` **Python & Config File Name:** src_paths diff --git a/isort/ b/isort/ index 3a1e45df9..dd938ed4b 100644 --- a/isort/ +++ b/isort/ @@ -778,7 +778,8 @@ def _build_arg_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: dest="src_paths", action="append", help="Add an explicitly defined source path " - "(modules within src paths have their imports automatically categorized as first_party).", + "(modules within src paths have their imports automatically categorized as first_party)." + " Glob expansion (`*` and `**`) is supported for this option.", ) section_group.add_argument( "-b",