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This is an LDA Topic Model trained with a book descriptions dataset. The frontend allows entry of a book description to predict its topic.

We used the popular topic modeling technique LDA. If you want to learn more about it, visit

Following is a graph that shows log likelyhood score for models with different parameters. We chose 15 topics with a learning decay of 0.6 to maintain a healthy number of topics without sacrificing topic coherence.

Alt text

The dataset used in this project can be acquired from

Installation (may vary based on OS)

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Create a Python virtual environment and activate it
python3 -m venv newvenv
  1. cd to backend/services/model directory
  2. Install python dependencies: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  3. Train the model by running python
  4. Set BENTOML_CONFIG environment variable
// Windows:
set BENTOML_CONFIG=./config.yaml
// Linux or Unix:
export BENTOML_CONFIG=./config.yaml
  1. Start bentoML dev frontend to test post requests: bentoml serve
  2. Open http://localhost:3001 to see bentoML swagger UI.


  1. Change into the frontend folder in a different CLI and install node dependencies: npm install
  2. Start frontend using npm start
  3. Open http://localhost:3000 to see frontend simple webapp


  1. We need to provide the model with a book description. Let's choose description of a book that came out recently. For this demo, we will use the book Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin. The description is copied from here: Alt text
  2. Clicking Get Topics results in the following output: Alt text The book we used in the demo is labeled with the these genres: Fiction, Contemporary, Romance, Audiobook, Literary Fiction, Historical Fiction, Adult. Based on the output, topics 2, 10, 13 and 4 have the highest frequency. Looking at the words for these high frequency topics, we can infer that the model accurately predicts the topic of the book from it's description.

Demo Gif

Alt text