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* @property {import("regexpp/ast").CapturingGroup} group + * @property {CapturingGroup} group * @property {number} number Note: Starts at 1. */ function forEachCapturingGroup(pattern, callback) { @@ -205,6 +215,32 @@ function testPatterns(Prism) { } } + /** + * Returns whether the given node either is or is a child of what is effectively a Kleene star. + * + * @param {import("regexpp/ast").Node} node + * @returns {boolean} + */ + function underAStar(node) { + if (node.type === "Quantifier" && node.max > 10) { + return true; + } else if (node.parent) { + return underAStar(node.parent); + } else { + return false; + } + } + + /** + * @param {Iterable} iter + * @returns {T | undefined} + * @template T + */ + function firstOf(iter) { + const [first] = iter; + return first; + } + it('- should not match the empty string', function () { forEachPattern(({ pattern, tokenPath }) => { @@ -338,4 +374,134 @@ function testPatterns(Prism) { }); }); + it('- should not cause exponential backtracking', function () { + forEachPattern(({ pattern, ast, tokenPath }) => { + const patternStr = String(pattern); + if (safeRegexes.has(patternStr)) { + // we know that the pattern won't cause exp backtracking because we checked before + return; + } + + const parser = JS.Parser.fromAst(ast); + /** + * Parses the given element and creates its NFA. + * + * @param {import("refa").JS.ParsableElement} element + * @returns {NFA} + */ + function toNFA(element) { + const { expression, maxCharacter } = parser.parseElement(element, { + backreferences: "resolve", + lookarounds: "disable", + }); + return NFA.fromRegex(expression, { maxCharacter }); + } + + /** + * Checks whether the alternatives of the given node are disjoint. If the alternatives are not disjoint + * and the give node is a descendant of an effective Kleene star, then an error will be thrown. + * + * @param {CapturingGroup | Group | LookaroundAssertion} node + * @returns {void} + */ + function checkDisjointAlternatives(node) { + if (!underAStar(node) || node.alternatives.length < 2) { + return; + } + + const alternatives = node.alternatives; + + const total = toNFA(alternatives[0]); + total.withoutEmptyWord(); + for (let i = 1, l = alternatives.length; i < l; i++) { + const a = alternatives[i]; + const current = toNFA(a); + current.withoutEmptyWord(); + + if (!total.isDisjointWith(current)) { + assert.fail(`${tokenPath}: The alternative \`${a.raw}\` is not disjoint with at least one previous alternative.` + + ` This will cause exponential backtracking.` + + `\n\nTo fix this issue, you have to rewrite the ${node.type} \`${node.raw}\`.` + + ` The goal is that all of its alternatives are disjoint.` + + ` This means that if a (sub-)string is matched by the ${node.type}, then only one of its alternatives can match the (sub-)string.` + + `\n\nExample: \`(?:[ab]|\\w|::)+\`` + + `\nThe alternatives of the group are not disjoint because the string "a" can be matched by both \`[ab]\` and \`\\w\`.` + + ` In this example, the pattern can easily be fixed because the \`[ab]\` is a subset of the \`\\w\`, so its enough to remove the \`[ab]\` alternative to get \`(?:\\w|::)+\` as the fixed pattern.` + + `\nIn the real world, patterns can be a lot harder to fix.` + + ` If you are trying to make the tests pass for a pull request but can\'t fix the issue yourself, then make the pull request (or commit) anyway.` + + ` A maintainer will help you.` + + `\n\nFull pattern:\n${pattern}`); + } else if (i !== l - 1) { + total.union(current); + } + } + } + + visitRegExpAST(ast.pattern, { + onCapturingGroupLeave: checkDisjointAlternatives, + onGroupLeave: checkDisjointAlternatives, + onAssertionLeave(node) { + if (node.kind === "lookahead" || node.kind === "lookbehind") { + checkDisjointAlternatives(node); + } + }, + + onQuantifierLeave(node) { + if (node.max < 10) { + return; // not a star + } + if (node.element.type !== "CapturingGroup" && node.element.type !== "Group") { + return; // not a group + } + + // The idea here is the following: + // + // We have found a part `A*` of the regex (`A` is assumed to not accept the empty word). Let `I` be + // the intersection of `A` and `A{2,}`. If `I` is not empty, then there exists a non-empty word `w` + // that is accepted by both `A` and `A{2,}`. That means that there exists some `m>1` for which `w` + // is accepted by `A{m}`. + // This means that there are at least two ways `A*` can accept `w`. It can be accepted as `A` or as + // `A{m}`. Hence there are at least 2^n ways for `A*` to accept the word `w{n}`. This is the main + // requirement for exponential backtracking. + // + // This is actually only a crude approximation for the real analysis that would have to be done. We + // would actually have to check the intersection `A{p}` and `A{p+1,}` for all p>0. However, in most + // cases, the approximation is good enough. + + const nfa = toNFA(node.element); + nfa.withoutEmptyWord(); + const twoStar = nfa.copy(); + twoStar.quantify(2, Infinity); + + if (!nfa.isDisjointWith(twoStar)) { + const word = Words.pickMostReadableWord(firstOf(nfa.intersectionWordSets(twoStar))); + const example = Words.fromUnicodeToString(word); + assert.fail(`${tokenPath}: The quantifier \`${node.raw}\` ambiguous for all words ${JSON.stringify(example)}.repeat(n) for any n>1.` + + ` This will cause exponential backtracking.` + + `\n\nTo fix this issue, you have to rewrite the element (let's call it E) of the quantifier.` + + ` The goal is modify E such that it is disjoint with repetitions of itself.` + + ` This means that if a (sub-)string is matched by E, then it must not be possible for E{2}, E{3}, E{4}, etc. to match that (sub-)string.` + + `\n\nExample 1: \`(?:\\w+|::)+\`` + + `\nThe problem lies in \`\\w+\` because \`\\w+\` and \`(?:\\w+){2}\` are not disjoint as the string "aa" is fully matched by both.` + + ` In this example, the pattern can easily be fixed by changing \`\\w+\` to \`\\w\`.` + + `\nExample 2: \`(?:\\w|Foo)+\`` + + `\nThe problem lies in \`\\w\` and \`Foo\` because the string "Foo" can be matched as either repeating \`\\w\` 3 times or by using the \`Foo\` alternative once.` + + ` In this example, the pattern can easily be fixed because the \`Foo\` alternative is redundant can can be removed.` + + `\nExample 3: \`(?:\\.\\w+(?:<.*?>)?)+\`` + + `\nThe problem lies in \`<.*?>\`. The string ".a<>.a<>" can be matched as either \`\\. \\w < . . . . >\` or \`\\. \\w < > \\. \\w < >\`.` + + ` When it comes to exponential backtracking, it doesn't matter whether a quantifier is greedy or lazy.` + + ` This means that the lazy \`.*?\` can jump over \`>\`.` + + ` In this example, the pattern can easily be fixed because we just have to prevent \`.*?\` jumping over \`>\`.` + + ` This can done by replacing \`<.*?>\` with \`<[^\\r\\n>]*>\`.` + + `\n\nIn the real world, patterns can be a lot harder to fix.` + + ` If you are trying to make this test pass for a pull request but can\'t fix the issue yourself, then make the pull request (or commit) anyway, a maintainer will help you.` + + `\n\nFull pattern:\n${pattern}`); + } + }, + }); + + safeRegexes.add(patternStr); + }); + }); + }