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Getting Started

You need to install these :

To download the repo use :

    git clone


You are going to need the following libraries :

  • gi
  • pandas
  • PyPDF2
  • tabula
  • reportlab


  1. Go the official site of PyGObject and download the latest version of msys2 (x86_64 for 64 bit machines and i686 for 32bit machines).

  2. Run the setup, go to the installed location and open the msys2.exe executable. Note that there are three applications in the installed directory :

    • msys2.exe
    • mingw64.exe
    • mingw32.exe Make sure that you open msys2.exe.
  3. In the MSYS2 shell, execute the following.

        pacman -Syuu

    Close the shell once you are asked to. Reopen MSYS2. Repeatedly run the following command until it says there are no further updates. You might have to restart your shell again.

        pacman -Syuu

    Now that msys2 is fully up-to-date, we will install the dependencies.

  4. Run the following steps in sequence on the mingw64 shell (if 64bit machine):

        pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-python3-reportlab

    After installation, make sure that reportlab is properly installed by typing these commands.

        $ python
        >>> import reportlab
        >>> # If no error occurs, then success ! Else try again
        >>> exit()

    Now we need to install pip for installing other dependencies. Run the following command:

        pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-python-pip

    Ensure pip is properly installed by checking it's version.

        pip --version

    Now install pandas libaray by typing the following command:

        pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-python3-pandas

    Again ensure that pandas is properly installed by importing in a python shell.

    Install tabula-py and PyPDF2 library by typing the following command:

        pip3 install tabula-py PyPDF2

    Instal PyGObject and Gtk3 using the following commands:

        pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gtk3 mingw-w64-x86_64-python3-gobject

    Ensure that all the libraries are properly installed.

  5. You can now either install git on the MSYS2 shell or simply download the zip of this repo and move it inside <path to installed directory>\home\<username>\ (for example C:\\msys64\\home\\Pranjal Gupta\\).

    Move to the repository directory

        cd OFFLINE-ERP-master

    and run the file


    To resolve any error, follow this doc. If the error still persists, please file an issue on the issue page.