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File metadata and controls

183 lines (131 loc) · 8.63 KB

It is rather easy to write plugins in order to extend the capabilities of expect. Anyway, expect will prevent from adding the same feature several times, so plugin writers must carefully choose the name of the features. Remember that features are case-insensitive, so you cannot add an equal feature, neither can you add an Equal one.


The core.lua file itself is a plugin containing the core features. You can use it as an example to see how a plugin should be written.


Your plugin should return a function taking expect as a single parameter. The function will add the features (assertions) to expect. You can add diffent kinds of features:

  • properties, using expect.addProperty(name[, fun]), will add a feature callable as a property; you may do assertions in it, but remember that it is an error to terminate a statement with a property in LUA, so it is better to either do nothing (chainable word) or set a control data property;
  • methods, using expect.addMethod(name[, fun]), will add a feature callable as a method, which may take some parameters;
  • mixed, using expect.addChainableMethod(name[, fun[, fun]]), will add a feature callable both as a method (first provided callback) and as a property (second callback); both calls can have an action, but beware that the action executed for the property usage is also executed when the feature is called as a method.

If you don’t provide callbacks when using these functions, a no-op one will be used.

local FailureMessage = require('expect.FailureMessage')

return function(expect)
  -- Add a no-op property (chaining word)

  -- Add a property setting a flag on control data
  expect.addProperty('fluffy', function(controlData)
    controlData.fluffy = true

  -- Add a method with a size parameter
  expect.addMethod('longerThan', function(controlData, size)
    controlData:checkType("string") -- Only applies to strings
    if controlData.fluffy then -- See if this flag was previously set
      size = size * 2
    local params = { -- Prepare parameters for failure messages
      size = size
    controlData:assert(controlData.actual:len() > size, FailureMessage('expected {#} to be longer than {size}', params),
      FailureMessage('expected {#} to not be longer than {size}', params))

  -- Add a mixed feature
  expect.addChainableMethod('theAnswerToLifeUniverseAndEverything', function(controlData)
    controlData:assert(controlData.actual == 42, FailureMessage('expected {#} to be 42'),
      FailureMessage('expected {#} to not be 42'))
  end, function(controlData)
    controlData.answer = 42

All this may be used this way:

expect("a long string")



The first parameter provided to a feature function is a ControlData object. This object can contain any data needed for the assertion. The object is shallow-copied between each chained feature. If you add your own property to this object, be careful to choose the name in order to prevent conflicts with other plugins.

To create a ControlData object, simply call ControlData(data) where data is either a table or a ControlData object which will be shallow-copied. But you probably do not need to directly create a ControlData object, this kind of object is usually created through the Expect object.

Not counting plugin additions, the ControlData object contains the following properties and functions:


This is the actual object being tested. Usually, this is the one provided to the expect function as first parameter, but this can be modified by a feature.


This property is set to true if the user called the not feature earlier in the assertion. It can be either nil or false otherwise.

checkType(expected[, checkNegation])

You may call this function to ensure that actual object is of appropriate type. If checkNegation is true, then the check will be inverted if the assertion is negated. The function does not return any value but fails if the type is not of expected type.


This function can be used to ensure that the actual object is callable, i.e. either a function or a table with a metatable defining a __call function. If checkNegation is true, then the check will be inverted if the assertion is negated. The function does not return any value but fails if the actual object is not callable.

assert(expr, positiveMsg[, negativeMsg[, level]])

Call this function to process your assertion. If a negativeMsg is provided (not nil), then the function will check if the assertion is negated and invert its behavior accordingly. Otherwise, the function fails if expr is false.

  • positiveMsg is the message to display (FailureMessage) if expr is false and the assertion is not inverted;
  • negativeMsg is the message to display (FailureMessage) if expr is true and the assertion is inverted;
  • level is a the level of functions to be ignored when throwing the error in order to show the real source of the error; you usually should not need to set it.

fail(message[, level])

This function make the assertion fail immediately, displaying the provided message (FailureMessage). The level parameter is the level of functions to be ignored when throwing the error in order to show the real source of the error; you usually should not need to set it.


The Expect object is the one created by the expect() function and all consecutive features called. This object does not contain any accessible data by itself, but it creates the ControlData object used when calling the features, and it redirects every property request to the appropriate feature.

An Expect object can be created by calling Expect(data), where data is given to ControlData constructor.


A FailureMessage object is used to provide a message composed of a pattern and parameters. The message will only be constructed before being used, which prevent loosing time creating an unneeded string. Parameters may be formatted, depending on the pattern, in order to be clearly readable by the end-user.

To create a FailureMessage object, call FailureMessage(pattern, parameters) where pattern is the pattern and parameters is a table containing the parameters: keys are the parameter names and values are the values to show to end user. If a parameter is referenced in the pattern but is not in the parameters table it will not be considered empty but nil (displayed as (nil)).

The pattern is a string containing placeholders for the parameters in the format {name} where name is the name of the parameter. This name should only be made of letters, bad things may happen otherwise.

You do not need to provide actual to the parameters, it will be automatically added and can be displayed in the message using the placeholder {#}.

If you want to add content without formatting, you can add use the format {!name} for the placeholder. The parameter name will then be displayed using a simple tostring and no complex formatting.

Your pattern must not contain opening curly brace { except to indicate the start of a placeholder. If you need to display an opening curly brace, add an empty placeholder {}.


This function is used internally to set the value of actual. You usually do not need to call it yourself.


This function is used internally to create the displayed message from the pattern and the parameters. This function is called when calling tostring(msg) with a FailureMessage object.


Objects of type DiffTable are containing an initial table and a diffs array to identify differences with another table. To create a DiffTable, simply call DiffTable(initial, diffs), but you usually should not need to create such object as it is created automatically when comparing tables.

A DiffTable object can be directly provided as a FailureMessage parameter and will be displayed with the differences highlighted.


This function can be called on any object in order to check if this object is a DiffTable object. The result is true if it is the case, false otherwise., item2)

This function compares the two provided items. If they are tables, they will be deep compared. The result of the comparison is a boolean (true if objects are same) and either a copy of each object or a DiffTable instead of each object if it makes sense.