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File metadata and controls

234 lines (207 loc) · 9.89 KB


This is the place for refining ideas for new versions of OpenSLO spec. It's not supposed to be stable, this is a living document

Since the goal of the OpenSLO spec is to be compatible with Kubernetes, we should make a couple of fixes in the specification to reach that goal.

  1. Use<version> instead of openslo/<version>
  2. Remove displayName from the ObjectMeta
  3. Adhere to metadata.labels and metadata.annotations Kubernetes standards.

Rationale: Simplify syntax. Avoid being needlessly verbose without sacrificing flexibility and readability.

kind: DataSource
  name: string
  labels: object # optional
  description: string # optional up to 1050 characters
  <<dataSourceName>>: # e.g. cloudWatch, datadog, prometheus (arbitrary chosen, implementor decision)
  # fields used for creating a connection with particular datasource e.g. AccessKeys, SecretKeys, etc.
  # everything that is valid YAML can be put here

An example of the DataSource kind can be:

kind: DataSource
  name: string
    accessKeyID: accessKey
    secretAccessKey: secretAccessKey

Rationale: Make names more straightforward and aligned with others. Change field indicator to sli and indicatorRef to sliRef it tells which kind of object should be referred there.

kind: SLO
  name: string
  labels: object # optional
  description: string # optional up to 1050 characters
  service: string # name of the service to associate this SLO with, may refer (depends on implementation) to existing object Kind: Service
  sli: # see SLI below for details
  sliRef: string # name of the SLI, required if indicator is not given and you want to reference to existing SLI
    # exactly one item; one of possible: rolling or calendar–aligned time window
    ## rolling time window
    - duration: duration-shorthand # duration of the window eg 1d, 4w
      isRolling: true
    # or
    ## calendar–aligned time window
    - duration: duration-shorthand # duration of the window eg 1M, 1Q, 1Y
        startTime: 2020-01-21 12:30:00 # date with time in 24h format, format without time zone
        timeZone: America/New_York # name as in IANA Time Zone Database
      isRolling: false # if omitted assumed `false` if `calendar:` is present
  budgetingMethod: Occurrences | Timeslices | RatioTimeslices
  objectives: # see objectives below for details
  alertPolicies: # see alert policies below for details


Objectives are the thresholds for your SLOs. You can use objectives to define the tolerance levels for your metrics.

  - displayName: string # optional
    labels: object # optional
    op: lte | gte | lt | gt # conditional operator used to compare the SLI against the value. Only needed when using a thresholdMetric
    value: numeric # optional, value used to compare threshold metrics. Only needed when using a thresholdMetric
    target: numeric [0.0, 1.0) # budget target for given objective of the SLO, can't be used with targetPercent
    targetPercent: numeric [0.0, 100) # budget target for given objective of the SLO, can't be used with target
    timeSliceTarget: numeric (0.0, 1.0] # required only when budgetingMethod is set to TimeSlices
    timeSliceWindow: number | duration-shorthand # required only when budgetingMethod is set to TimeSlices or RatioTimeslices
    indicator: # required only when creating composite SLO, see SLI below for more details
    indicatorRef: string # required only when creating composite SLO, required if indicator is not given.
    compositeWeight: numeric (0.0, inf+] # optional, supported only when declaring multiple objectives, default value 1.

Rationale: Get rid of metricSource (reduce the level of indentation), and use the new syntax of DataSource directly.

kind: SLI
  name: string
  labels: object # optional
  description: string # optional up to 1050 characters
  thresholdMetric: # either thresholdMetric or ratioMetric must be provided
    # either dataSourceRef or <<dataSourceName>> must be provided
    dataSourceRef: string # refer to already defined DataSource object
    <<dataSourceName>>: # inline whole DataSource e.g. cloudWatch, datadog, prometheus (arbitrary chosen, implementor decision)
  # fields used for creating a connection with particular datasource e.g. AccessKeys, SecretKeys, etc.
  # everything that is valid YAML can be put here
      # arbitrary chosen fields for every DataSource type to make it comfortable to use
      # anything that is valid YAML can be put here.
  ratioMetric: # either thresholdMetric or ratioMetric must be provided
      true | false # true if the metric is a monotonically increasing counter,
      # or false, if it is a single number that can arbitrarily go up or down
      # ignored when using "raw"
    good: # the numerator, either "good" or "bad" must be provided if "total" is used
      # either dataSourceRef or <<dataSourceName>> must be provided
      dataSourceRef: string # refer to already defined DataSource object
      <<dataSourceName>>: # inline whole DataSource e.g. cloudWatch, datadog, prometheus (arbitrary chosen, implementor decision)
   # fields used for creating a connection with particular datasource e.g. AccessKeys, SecretKeys, etc.
   # everything that is valid YAML can be put here
        # arbitrary chosen fields for every DataSource type to make it comfortable to use
        # anything that is valid YAML can be put here.
    bad: # the numerator, either "good" or "bad" must be provided if "total" is used
      # either dataSourceRef or <<dataSourceName>> must be provided
      dataSourceRef: string # refer to already defined DataSource object
      <<dataSourceName>>: # inline whole DataSource e.g. cloudWatch, datadog, prometheus (arbitrary chosen, implementor decision)
   # fields used for creating a connection with particular datasource e.g. AccessKeys, SecretKeys, etc.
   # everything that is valid YAML can be put here
        # arbitrary chosen fields for every DataSource type to make it comfortable to use
        # anything that is valid YAML can be put here
    total: # the denominator used with either "good" or "bad", either this or "raw" must be used
      # either dataSourceRef or <<dataSourceName>> must be provided
      dataSourceRef: string # refer to already defined DataSource object
      <<dataSourceName>>: # inline whole DataSource e.g. cloudWatch, datadog, prometheus (arbitrary chosen, implementor decision)
   # fields used for creating a connection with particular datasource e.g. AccessKeys, SecretKeys, etc.
   # everything that is valid YAML can be put here
        # arbitrary chosen fields for every DataSource type to make it comfortable to use
        # anything that is valid YAML can be put here

      success | failure # required with "raw", indicates how the stored ratio was calculated:
      #  success – good/total
      #  failure – bad/total
    raw: # the precomputed ratio stored as a metric, can't be used together with good/bad/total
      # either dataSourceRef or <<dataSourceName>> must be provided
      dataSourceRef: string # refer to already defined DataSource object
      <<dataSourceName>>:# inline whole DataSource e.g. cloudWatch, datadog, prometheus (arbitrary chosen, implementor decision)
        # fields used for creating a connection with particular datasource e.g. AccessKeys, SecretKeys, etc.
        # everything that is valid YAML can be put here
        # arbitrary chosen fields for every DataSource type to make it comfortable to use
        # anything that is valid YAML can be put here

An example of an SLO where SLI is inlined:

kind: SLO
  name: foo-slo
  service: foo
      name: foo-error
        counter: true
          dataSourceRef: datadog-datasource
            query: sum:trace.http.request.hits.by_http_status{http.status_code:200}.as_count()
          dataSourceRef: datadog-datasource
            query: sum:trace.http.request.hits.by_http_status{*}.as_count()
    - displayName: Foo Total Errors
      target: 0.98

An example of ratioMetric:

  counter: true
    dataSourceRef: prometheus-datasource
      query: sum(localhost_server_requests{code=~"2xx|3xx",host="*",instance=""})
    dataSourceRef: prometheus-datasource
      query: localhost_server_requests{code="total",host="*",instance=""}

An example of thresholdMetric:

  dataSourceRef: redshift-datasource
    region: eu-central-1
    clusterId: metrics-cluster
    databaseName: metrics-db
    query: SELECT value, timestamp FROM metrics WHERE timestamp BETWEEN :date_from AND :date_to

An example thresholdMetric that does not reference a defined DataSource (it has DataSource inlined):

    accessKeyID: accessKey
    secretAccessKey: secretAccessKey
    region: eu-central-1
    clusterId: metrics-cluster
    databaseName: metrics-db
    query: SELECT value, timestamp FROM metrics WHERE timestamp BETWEEN :date_from AND :date_to