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Release process


Serverless Framework relies on semantic commit messages which allows to streamline the release process (versioning and changelog generation is automated)

See proposed Commit Message Guidelines

In PR's as coming from forks (community contributions) while its welcome, we do not require to follow semantic commit messages. Yet, such PR is expected to be squash merged by project member with a single semantic commit message.

PR's comming from branches have commit messages validated with commmitlint

Release flow

Releases are triggered manually by preparing a release PRs

Regular minor releases

Contain new features, enhancements and non-critical bug fixes. Issued every two weeks

Preparation steps:

  1. Create the release branch (should derive from current master state)

  2. Bump version ranges of all dependencies to latest supported versions (e.g. if latest version of a dependency is 2.3.5 and range in a package.json is ^2.2.4 then it should be updated to ^2.3.5)
    Note: Unfortunately there seems no reliable utility to automate that (there's a request at npm-check-updates)
    If you handle installation of dependencies through npm-cross-link then --bump-deps option will bump version ranges as expected

  3. Commit eventual dependency version updates with following commit message:
    chore: Bump dependencies

  4. Run npm run prepare-release command.
    It'll automatically bump version in package.json to expected one (by inspecting changes since previous release) and will generate new changelog entry.

  5. Improve generated changelog entry in

    • Ensure to remove evenutal items that were already published with patch releases
    • Improve formatting and messages if applicable
    • Ensure that updated follows prettier formatting
  6. Commit package.json and changes with following commit message: chore: Release
    Note: For automation purpose it is important that it's the last commit in the PR

  7. Push branch upstream and create a PR.
    Release PR's are automatically detected in CI by fact of version in package.json file being changed in last commit. In context of that build, existence of new version changelog entry (in is validated.

  8. After PR is accepted by CI and one of the reviewers, merge it via "Rebase and merge" option

Further actions are automated in CI context:

  1. master CI build detects that release PR was merged (by fact that it covers change of version field in package.json file). Having that (after successufl tests pass) version tag is created and pushed to the repository.
  2. Tag CI build publishes new version to npm, also it retrieves release notes from and publishes them to GitHub.

Fast releases

Usually about important bug-fixes or features that we wish to release immediately.

Contrary to regular releases, they derive from release-fast-track branch (not master).

release-fast-track branch is automatically updated to point released version right after it's published, that means that if release is held from master, the release-fast-track history is rewritten.

For that reason community PR's in all cases should be based against master. If we want to fast release a patch as proposed by a community. After it is merged into master, we need to cherry-pick it into a branch that derives from release-fast-track and prepare a release on top of that.

Preparation steps:

  1. Ensure that PR which contains a fix intended to be immediately published, derives from release-fast-track branch and is based against it.

  2. Run npm run prepare-release command in context pf a PR branch It'll automatically bump version in package.json to expected one (by inspecting changes since previous release) and will generate new changelog entry.

  3. Improve generated changelog entry in

    • Improve formatting and messages if applicable
    • If any updates were applied ensure that updated follows prettier formatting
  4. Commit package.json and changes with following commit message: chore: Release
    Note: For automation purpose it is important that it's the last commit in the PR

  5. After PR is accepted by CI and one of the reviewers, merge it via "Rebase and merge" option

Further actions are automated in CI context:

  1. release-fast-track CI build detects that release PR was merged (by fact that it covers change of version field in package.json file). Having that (after successful tests pass) version tag is created and pushed to the repository.
  2. Tag CI build, publishes new version to npm, also it retrieves release notes from and publishes them to GitHub.

Updating release notes for already published versions

Improvements to release notes can be done at anytime to any already published version:

  1. Update with desired changes (ensure they'd also end in master)
  2. Push updated release notes to GitHub by running:
    npx github-release-from-cc-changelog <version>