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React Notion X


Robust TypeScript client for the unofficial Notion API.

NPM Build Status Prettier Code Formatting


npm install notion-client

This package is compatible with server-side V8 contexts such as Node.js, Deno, and Cloudflare Workers.


import { NotionAPI } from 'notion-client'

// you can optionally pass an authToken to access private notion resources
const api = new NotionAPI()

// fetch a page's content, including all async blocks, collection queries, and signed urls
const page = await api.getPage('067dd719-a912-471e-a9a3-ac10710e7fdf')

// fetch the data for a specific collection instance
const collectionId = '2d8aec23-8281-4a94-9090-caaf823dd21a'
const collectionViewId = 'ab639a5a-853e-45e1-9ef7-133b486c0acf'
const collectionData = await api.getCollectionData(

Fetch a database's content

You can pass a database ID to the getPage method. The response is an object which contains several important properties:

  • block
  • collection
  • collection_view

The value of the block property maps the id of each block object present in the database to its corresponding properties like type, parent id, created time, last edited by, and more.

  block: {
    'cc368b47-772a-4a1a-a36e-1f52c507d20d': { role: 'reader', value: [Object] },
    '97dbe6d5-aea3-4e03-b571-91810cf975d4': { role: 'reader', value: [Object] },
    '08d5ba1e-03d2-4d4a-add7-a414f297ff8a': { role: 'reader', value: [Object] },
    '7aad4627-c4af-4314-960e-1465e76cc6bd': { role: 'reader', value: [Object] },
    '7be73360-19b9-4b77-a518-70acd610d492': { role: 'reader', value: [Object] },
    'af961803-cd0c-470e-bd27-1d025baa2f95': { role: 'reader', value: [Object] },
    // ...

The map of blocks is arranged as followed:

  • The first id is of the collection view
  • The second is of the parent page that contains the database in question
  • The next ids are of all the children pages inside the database
  • After that comes all the children blocks of each page.

Please note that a block object can take many types: header, text, list, media, and almost any block supported by Notion. It can also be a page or a collection view.

Example of a block object of type text:

  role: 'reader',
  value: {
    id: '0377e1a4-dc3d-4daf-99dd-f54f986d932e',
    version: 1,
    type: 'text',
    properties: { title: [Array] },
    format: { copied_from_pointer: [Object] },
    created_time: 1655961814278,
    last_edited_time: 1655961814278,
    parent_id: '08d5ba1e-03d2-4d4a-add7-a414f297ff8a',
    parent_table: 'block',
    alive: true,
    copied_from: '526d2008-0d0b-46f8-9de1-7411a85bff7b',
    created_by_table: 'notion_user',
    created_by_id: '55b29a2b-a8fe-4a11-9f9d-ada341bd922b',
    last_edited_by_table: 'notion_user',
    last_edited_by_id: '55b29a2b-a8fe-4a11-9f9d-ada341bd922b',
    space_id: '6b70425f-211e-4318-80c6-5d093df8f7eb'

Example of a block object of type page:

  role: 'reader',
  value: {
    id: 'af961803-cd0c-470e-bd27-1d025baa2f95',
    version: 31,
    type: 'page',
    properties: { '==~K': [Array], 'BN]P': [Array], title: [Array] },
    content: [
    created_time: 1655962200000,
    last_edited_time: 1655979420000,
    parent_id: '175482e5-870d-4da8-980c-ead469427316',
    parent_table: 'collection',
    alive: true,
    created_by_table: 'notion_user',
    created_by_id: '55b29a2b-a8fe-4a11-9f9d-ada341bd922b',
    last_edited_by_table: 'notion_user',
    last_edited_by_id: '55b29a2b-a8fe-4a11-9f9d-ada341bd922b',
    space_id: '6b70425f-211e-4318-80c6-5d093df8f7eb'

Example of a block object of type collection_view:

  role: 'reader',
  value: {
    id: 'cc368b47-772a-4a1a-a36e-1f52c507d20d',
    version: 5,
    type: 'collection_view',
    view_ids: [
    collection_id: '175482e5-870d-4da8-980c-ead469427316',
    format: { collection_pointer: [Object], copied_from_pointer: [Object] },
    created_time: 1655961814276,
    last_edited_time: 1656075900000,
    parent_id: '97dbe6d5-aea3-4e03-b571-91810cf975d4',
    parent_table: 'block',
    alive: true,
    copied_from: '3e3073e9-7aee-481c-b831-765e112ec7b5',
    created_by_table: 'notion_user',
    created_by_id: '55b29a2b-a8fe-4a11-9f9d-ada341bd922b',
    last_edited_by_table: 'notion_user',
    last_edited_by_id: '55b29a2b-a8fe-4a11-9f9d-ada341bd922b',
    space_id: '6b70425f-211e-4318-80c6-5d093df8f7eb'


See the full docs.


MIT © Travis Fischer

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