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Lisk Service Gateway

The Gateway service provides the API, which all users of Lisk Service can access and use. Its main purpose is to proxy the API requests from users to other services provided by Lisk Service. This provides the users with a central point of data access that never disrupts or breaks the existing application compatibility.

Note that this installation instruction is required only for development activities. For a regular Lisk Service user, the official documentation is sufficient to run an instance. The global readme file present in the root directory describes how to run all the microservices simultaneously.



Please refer to the README in the project root directory.


Clone the Lisk Service Repository:

git clone # clone repository
cd lisk-service/services/gateway # move into gateway microservice directory
npm ci # install required Node.js dependencies


To configure the different microservices, there are a number of environment variables the user can define in order to customize the configurations.

A list of the most commonly used environment variables is presented below:

  • SERVICE_BROKER: URL of the microservice message broker (NATS or Redis).
  • JSON_RPC_STRICT_MODE: Makes JSON-RPC require a valid JSON-RPC 2.0 envelope.
  • ENABLE_HTTP_API: Enables particular HTTP APIs listed by a comma.
  • ENABLE_WS_API: Enables particular JSON-RPC APIs listed by a comma.

The variables listed above can be overridden globally by using global variables.

export ENABLE_HTTP_API="http-status,http-version3"


# Run local instance with HTTP API only
ENABLE_HTTP_API="http-status,http-version3" \
node app.js
# Run a local instance with the RPC API in a strict mode and using HTTP
ENABLE_HTTP_API="http-status,http-version3" \
ENABLE_WS_API="blockchain,rpc-v3" \
node app.js



cd lisk-service/services/gateway # navigate into the root directory of the gateway microservice
npm start # start the microservice with running nodes locally

Use the framework/bin/moleculer_client.js and framework/bin/moleculer_subscribe.js clients to test particular service endpoints.

If you want to run a production variant of the service use Docker or PM2. In the event whereby the process fails, it will be automatically recovered.


Press Ctrl+C in the terminal to stop the process.



Copyright 2016-2023 Lisk Foundation

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.